HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-09-27, Page 44
*Rpm"" 1.1,10 11, 71:1 I'll I Zi 1 1 1: 1
IN VI t� 'r,
A *it*" 1"orws-'swk
wlta,14*0; but 10#140
-U!"ON & -SON
A t".=
lbe riij $o'clety had
Myth Agrwultu Buim &eo,
A Aim 4#y tor their fall fWr on Tacs-
d0tyl, the tbow 9peoing tho 'previous 0
#Ay. #M Tbail A good gro%yd Tile Plytb
atiow n�yer ft M ty al
MCI: �ntry list in Nw
Will, horse _9*0*-Qt4.d some splendid IF!.IIL Force
..A 'Splendid List of Values on. Cottle,
horwN*h *44 to lio st;
V 4"f pinvvere good.. 4rhe, poul-
s*'4XhjbIt,W", $MAIL The Inside de-
ight, �,xespt the ladies' ITOR''fal imp tho Tvw�76d
Work upiwnj vqhkh there %vas
opic. have, b
Mill Yarn, $1.65 Dress Silks _64
Applet wero. g e
It ;tot v _p
04 S ply &B puro wool yarn, even Black Taffeta Silks ery aingrous. and of
well scoured and twisted yam for
Yard wide spocial per A 410pigy of.Britjoh Columbia -lit
yard .......... $1.50 ftJ4 thiro wem few Plates
aux, in white or grev at..pOr UrOd by Mr. Frank Metcalf, cop 'Of an
................................... Black Duchesse Silk 70 Inches =Iart Fruit. Inspector, was an ob- ..machixit, by which is Wai0tain0d
"Bouner worth" and "Kitchener 4 PIV wide. Regular $2,00 for ...... .... je-Vt of jutemt. C1414s, were good but tho Prusonan. docbini; of, might?
i. Beli ObIbIts, ot,roots were scanty. The
Angering white or grey. ins tindthe rildsoes autocracy. Tuo
quality stper pound .................... $ 13lyt
9,50 Black and all colop Bilk POPI
yard wide worth SE.00 per yard.... $1.50 41004 wrovided good music a
thtl�"OWTOes.;Illyafterpoop were quite
19.B" Rive" 4 Ili Angering block Teutons 'deny themselmo. they,
1 44 #44*,9414�—The procession of prize
V $4A) North Star Batting o track was a feature crifices, because they aro
or white at per po d ...................
make Pat.
of W he results of the
Full one pound Batting our beat quality , r 0*00P. T trained or 'forced to do co, --but
TwmJ Dress Goods we" As. follows theV, do it.
and opens up beautifully for coin-
forters at per pound ......................... 40ce JFr�e for, all, trot or Pace
- ------- --- ---
_01ter 1 2 2 2
it Y weigIlL I per yard. WW -n, fr; Co
The i;�i6 "fit
*W. Naylot 3 3 3 3
Grey Flannel
pace must- wak-o--Viegt- sacdfice&,j
Grey Blinkets 27 to,28 inches wide bought 2, years ago and Barney W1140 4. �-*Ioaee the
I trt:mendous efforts in order to
a splendid old fashioned quality. heAvY soft Antjlit� jqa6� X Claynor 2 2 4091
and beautiful for shirts, middvs, dresses or
Very large double sire grey union will
IV 3 freedom, but
Starlight Mason defeat the enernies of 04
blankets soft clean stock and neatly
underwear. Light and dark grey. For -10444-,OV�,n .4n, entertainment was A
hT pod Blue border, will sell
13 ten days 86111119 worth 50c at per yard VP givelk -1)�, - "gro.1d McGee, comedian, and because they are free peoplesit is
w a. jW.23 or per vair ....... ..... $6050 the
other tq:W 'flze list is as tot -
P left., largely to the individual to Pai
Underwear Oil
Silk Fleece Hose �`-,uoaws. ssq� what or how rn�ui:h self-denial
Ladies' and children's underwear in combin-
jitpose-r4rood mare. having leach will practice.
For women, seamless, very soft and nice)v ation and 2 piece "Zenith" and "Penmans" ralse(r, joat� �jo 1918, foal by her side, an(
finished. Sizes 6j to 10 at per pair 35C make Rees,F0,prjs;, Naltland Bell. Foal, horse
So if freedom is to prevail
and .............. ............. . ................... 50e. or tnorp, R9 -Ferris; Maitland Bell. tee
TeW 79 6 geldings, Elliott Tay -
Mens Underwear . A of m4r individuaU must mak4 VolUn tarjr
AfirleLlIttl[taj�-�.rV.od inme
URFIZ41 In 19J8, foal by thE
Y a—rd- Wide Mintz Heavy spring needle wool underwear her'eisvid",� sacrifices which in t1w aggregate
Fast colors In good quality Paisley patterns, beautifullly made and splendid uality 0 ',nell-, ros.;'Robt. Solinston; W. McGill. wfll be greater than the forced
for dresses, Ulmonas, or comforters, sizes 38 to 42 shirts and drawers 191
orse, or mare, Robt. Wightman,
25co worth 512.25 at per garment ........... R.5 4. T3 sacrifices of the enemies of free.
splendid choice worth 311c at per yard Two 'year old gelding or
iiiliF, *-T'Grieves. Team of mares or be]
gelding$,, Jo.s. 0olclough, R. G. Nlc00%,v- doM.
Heavy . Draft—Brood mare having 01
raised foal In 1 8, foal by her side,
t Coats W. T; Grieves;91. and W, Grey; NK be
3-1cGIII, Foal, horse or mare, Jas. Mo-
jUrieves.-Two year old
gridinj or fllj�y. J. iind W. Grey. One van I
nd car 0 a gelaing or ilily, W. T. Grieve.
1'eam of ma" Idings, Robt. Watt, sli
mc=X)uncan Best four Volt; th,
caled In 1918, sired by any registered
leav! drau ha
ght horse, J. and W. Gray;
Ellis. fill
Coating Heavy Drau lit CIY re
de -,-Brood mare
having raised 9oal in foal by tier at
side, J. and W. Grey; John Scott. Foal,
Larger selection than horse or mar
e, L and W. Grey; Frank
we have I'amblyn, Two year old gelding or
ever sbowu 0 filly, 'J. lmd W. Grey. One year old
before. gelding or 1111y J and W Grey.
Judg� of hea�y horses—j, McDairmid.
'D 44 1 Carrhifie—SIDgle, horse In harness, 11.
MeEwi and 2nd.
n I is
Grad 71
cILM1111h cow having ralsed
at which there was not a large repre- to supervise the selling'of stock in the calf m 1918. or with calf, positive proof Howrie. Pair Langshans, Mrs. Howrie. ROOTS wurzels, yellow intermediate, Jas. Jack -
I equi son. One pumpkin, John Somers; J. J.
THE FARMERS' DAILY red, R. Harrison Ist and 2nd. Two
sentation of farmers, owing, no doubt. Farmers' Publishing Co. He had had 4 Pair Andalusians, Mrs. flowric. Pair Collection (of garden produce, Jas.
year old belts Scott, Ist and 2nd. Jackson.
reshings In the neighborhood, Mr. 16 replies and six of these stated that Plymouth Rocks, barred, Jas. Jackson,
to th I Inp vi Mason. One squash. Jas.
r4jf-er, R. Harrison, Ist Jackson; J. .1. \Jason. Half bushel early Peck of red onions, Jas. Jackson; Robt.
$11r. Kernighan Tells Colborne Farmers' tternighan said was only another evi- the writer was selling ist and 2nd. Pair Black Breasted Red potatoes, named. J. Denholm. Half
his farm. I 2nd. One year old steer, R. Har- Taylor. Peek of vellnv%, onions, Jas.
Club of Progress Made Towards Its He fe Game. Ist and 2nd. Jack
donee o riso J. Scott. r calf, R. Harrison Jackson: Lonzo �mith. Peek white
f the apathy of the farmers Tile too great independence of the an( R, Judge—Geo. Bentley, bushel late potatops, named. Ja- -
Establishment about their own affairs. Apparently farmer and the strength of other or- Ist and 2nd, Steer calf J Barr son. Six field varrots, Cecil Cartwright;
leld bqans, Robt. Taylor. Three cit -
J. j. Mason. Three
they were quite willing to have the ganizations, but most of all the edu- liarrison. Fat steer. any ))re'ed, J. &rr" DAIRY AND PROVISIONS Jas. Jackson. Six garden carrots, Cecil rons, Jas. Dodds
a meeting of the - John Barr. Six Swede
Last Thursday night town people do their business for them. cation In the schools, In literature and Fat cow or heifer, any breed, J. Barr; Crock of butter, 10 pounds, Jas. Jack- Cartwright, atermelons, J. J. Nlason;,LonzAi Smith.
j, qcott, Three stock steers not shown son. Ten lb,. buttel in one lb prints, turnips, Jas. Jackson; Albert Gower. w
Colborne Township Farmers' Club was Referring to one Of the avowed aims the pres%. Mr. Kernighan nlamed for
other number, R. Harrison. Best Rur,41 Richmond. Five lbs. b tier in Six turnips, any other kind, John Som -
i The ideal "I lln�, (Concluded on page n)
held at Benmiller to hear a report from of. the United Farmers, to endeavor to the exodus from the farm. nimal any breett, sweepstakes, R. Har- one lb prints, Russel Richmond. Two.ers; John Barr. Six beets, table use,
Mr. J. N. Kern Ix
Ighan oil the progress of Suppress personal, local, sectional or held out was always %nat of financial arlson, Ist and 2nd'. Herd, two 46ers 2 lb. loaveq home made bread, Mrs.lWm. Gunninghadi; John -3 S 40 49116 fi3 rr C3k X -L X AL.
The press of today was not de- ano two fernale§ Ft Har ison. Poplestone; Mrs. N. Cuming. Extracted I sugar beet mangold,, j, and F. Laidla
thet movement for -the establish nt of class Interests,.Mr. Kernighan said the gain. r w'
: Bolus the The Killd You Paye Always Bought
a daily paper by the United Par honey, 10 lb�., Miss NI: Ament; Alfred 1J. and W. Grp�. Six mangold wur7elf
Tgrs of Farmers' Publishing Co. was establish- voted to further the interests of -the
Kernighan farmer but to further a party r iSHEEP Carr. Honey in comb, 5 one 1b. see- -long Ja%. Jackson, Six mangold algnAt-
4fttarlo. On the invitation of th pres- ed for that purpow. Air ather I mangold
ident Mr. Lamb, a number of the said he had travelled and mixed among than an ideal, or for personal gain. Leicester—Aged ram, C. Wightman. tions, Miss M. Ametit, Alfred Carr. Dis- i zels,' globe, Jas. Jackson. Six of
play of bees and their products, Miss
members of the Goderich Board of the farmers of Canada a great deal and Again the papersf had to live on adver- Ram lamb, G. Wightman. Pair aged
918, 0. M. Ament: Alfred Carr. Three lbs,
Trade attended the meeting, and a very he found Canada vvry disunited, and Using and their Policy was dominated ewes having raised lamb in I maple syrup Russel Richmond, Ccoil
interesting meeting wall held. class and local prejudicics were fanned by that. The proposed farmers' paper Wightman. Pair shearling ewes, C. Gardner. Collection'of canned or pre -
Mr. Kernighan gave an account of by politiolans for thelt own purposes, was to furnish something that would be Wightman. Pair ewe AMbS, C. WI
4gh . t- served fruit not less than 4 kinds,
Mrs. Poplestone; Russel RIchmond.1
the success of the co-operative coin- and the duty devolved on the farmer to devoted to the Interests of the farmer man.
Shropqh1red6wo—Aged ram, Jag.
y which the farmers had organized remedy that condition, to form a rural and would have no competitor. The Grape juice
first idea was to start with a weekly Brigham. Shearlin rat Win. Ross. P,, home-made, Alice Gilles -
o, and which he said publio opinion and to vorce it. le. Six in tea biscuits. Mrs. N.
three yem ag es- The town people were not as familW and grow, but It was found the demand Ram lamb, �Wrn. fioss�,�as. Brigham.
was Making very markra progress uming; J. Pollard. Six h9me-made
r Pair aged ewes having raised lamb in b lNew Fall ho"twear
uns, J. Pollard; Mrs. N. Cuming, Two
VW14117 the past two months. with rural problems as the farmer. was for a dally paper. The farmers 1918, Jas. Brigham, Win. Ross. Pair les, apple and pumpkin, 3. Pollard.
Mr. Hernighan denied that the farm- In his own school section, No. 4, eigh- must have the news and they must shoarling 6%ves, Jas; Bri am. Pair ewe
Eunch for workingman, cold, eight ar-
ers' organization interfered with the teen houses which were there when he haVe It In the form they could trust., Iambs. Win. Ross; Jas. MrIlgham. This season we are in a position to
Mrs. N. Cuming.
meat excluded,
town, though he said If the farmers was a boy had disappeared. What was This paper was to be owned and con- Any other kind—Aged ram, H. J. and tG`,0-1;s;r bread, J. Pollard; Mrs. Pople- quote you last season's. prices on
found that they could do their own the cause of rural 'depopulation? And trolled by the farmers ana the more H, C. Trewartfia. Shearling ram. H. J. stone. Tomato catsup, I qttart, Mrs
and 11. G. Trevvartha Ra Popk-ston�: Jas. Jackson. Pickles, on� our new lines of Fall and Winter
business more cheaply than the to%,vn the condition was getting wotse. farmers became interested In it the lamb fl. J.
veople did It for them they would pro- Mr. Kernighan said fie had sent cir- more successful It would become. and 11. G Trawartb;. Par Aged ewes xed, Jar. Jackson: Mrs. Pople- i Footwear.
having raised'lailill in 1018, It. J. and quart mi*
cular letters to *10 fa,mers, #skipg them The obJections to the estab stone, Pickles, one quart any other
b#bly do it. The meeting 'that nIgf lishment Ii. G. Trewartha. Pair phearilug ewes,
Mrs. Poplpstoiie; Alice Gillespie. ew
j and H. G, Trewartha. Four lbs. home-made hard soap, R. 0.
of such a paper were that It was too H Pair e kfild.' See our n lines of Black, Grey
big an undertaking, that the farmer I' V7
r t
ambs, f. J. and H. 0. Trewartha. I Wni. Cunningh in. Cana-'
McGowan. It and Chocolate Kid, high cut styles,
...... I Jill I 111, 1 laoked business ability, and that th sheep, ewe or wether, Jas Brigham, Ist
high or low heels at popular prices.
than war cake, J. Pollard.
farmer was himself apathetic. and 2nd. Judges—Mrs. Sloan and Mrs. -J. T, El-'
The paper would not be managed by J-19— N. Cuming. Ils.
IT a farmer, Mr. Kernighan said. They PIGS GRAIN
would be foolish If It were. But tile Timmorth—Brood sow having litter- One bushel of Red Fall Wheat, Wm. Neolin Soles
objection of the apathy of the farmer ed in 1919 or yith flig, W, T. Grieves, McGowan. one, bushel Spring Wheat,
ar Wag the Most Adt'Ifts. -is the farmer Boar littered' 6, 19 & W.- T. Grieves. R. 41, McGowan; R. H. 9.hoftfeed. One
We have installed- a zew Landis
0. Interested? 1. can't say but we are Sovv littered In j918 - W, T. Grieves. bushel Six Rowed Barley. R. H. Short-
SojIng to And out." . Poauv - teed: Win. McGowan. one bushel Stitcher and can now re -sole your
Pair JurkeySj iiiDy large variety, Jas. wbite Oats, long, Russel Richtnond, R '
Chief among those from Goderich Jiw�!,-in Pair ROW dUOKS, jas. Jack- G. McGowan. One bushel White 0ats:j hoots with Neolin Soles.
who responded to the Ifivitation to st1n: \\,. Gunning, am.
short Wm McGowan: R., H. Shortreed.
Pair Wyan-
speak were President 'L. Parsons, VICO dnttes, ilvpe. Alta. Howrie. Pair Leg- One bushel small peas, Robt Taylor*
President C. L. Moore, Rev. A. L. G. hornN vvhite, single comb, J. and F. R. H. Shorti,ced, Half bashef thl`)Oti;�
Clarke and Geo. Porter of the Boaro Laidla\N: ii. Laildlaw. Pair Legborns. seed Robt. Taylor: R. H. Shortrl�ed.
Shirman, The Shoe'Man.
of Trade, brown. -zingle 00 1 o le; J. Half' bushel red clover seed, Robt,
Jackso I), I e 0 other Wightman; Robt. Taylor. Six best
Mr. Parsons opened by bringing the SICE OVR WINDOWS
varlet Jas. son 11 d. r aFe corn. ant] F. Laldlaw;
greetings of the Goderich Board of , 0 Ist . in stalks Ensill
Orpin )n,. ard tier; . un J. and W. Grey.
Trade and telling something Of what ham. ai Jae ackson Judge—J. Potter.
It was trying to do. Mr. Parsons ro- Cunni Ir lick panis , rg:
ferred to the changed conditions from
the days within his memory when
farmers' wagons In lar numbers used conducleA for its sole nhieel-
to bring their grain to the mill here, the advaneemew 6f the 011189 Interests
and expressed his regret that Rev, of the members. r6g&rdje$S of the needs
CAnon Hill wag not with the party, as of the country The far[DWS
be would have been able to tell some- very existence &pended on the win -
thing of the work of tile Grain Grow- Ding of the war, 011th Was the"matter
ers' Association In the West. to.
e of supreme Impottarlee at the present
Itti. Moore f.la #h I
cl-urnStalices Of time, Mr. Clark- t0ld Of Inc helle"Its 40
his own leaving the farm a con- The farmers of good rosift, referring to
Arasted tile tountry man's 11 with the largely inciftiled.V4100-14 Of f&M8
that of the town man. much to tile along the Torontb-1146111t(ift 111811WAY
ildvantage In many ways of the life on and on the roadg leading to
Detroit, the
thq farm, and advised the farmers to pregnee and prosDerttj of the large
mike the life on the farm attractive oentre with Its temobt highw&,YS
L to their sons by giving them am interest branching out, Makin# tht tArillis Iftiftr-
11) It SO At to keep them Oil the farm. ly worth soverd' fteff Whit thVY
The retired farmer eoming to town would otherwise be rattA it.
Ailitially would have been much happier Mr. Porter exilreNkd tho belief that
ftfilialfift (in the tArm. prolonging his the farmer had Vj�jttkP4 t0b MOMY 0013-
Ja a 6011ja Irre from tile finan- venlence.q. it there wei* to rur*l fflikil
tIA worries whilth towk lite (whore delh,pry hp to tom
or. 0"It Of "t flay"a Ilild—the uni. a,%
b6o*% A, U04041inklift WkIlf" fi*fh you have to pay even for the water teher, Nir. Per JiW'116 had to am- The frtlftdt
"Oftoft 04im'.404 to *to*" *6 hit all 0144wo W buttll""W1 $Ibll drink) ehillillea. bition to tire jitid [We lolthe* toulftoy. 41%l ttat. tioAt,,of ttlik!
" I h It.`. 25'
d tall 't lift 401 big tot
Ativ. Mt. Clake mid the platform of it he . re toutift- asitholq cigar..
b"OlUtIOU U-0 94 Ad- lite he would bit )AVO "Joyed
Alftbltl 00, "Oftililly the elAUM Wier health
*wo, At so. Qb1ottive, to
*bItIt vilt others both Out tm, 01m6t* teora
*11POW Ofi6blil, 100L toWn and ot t 1hoMbft ot, libb V*fto
AS *"4LA
t J,
wo6iml. �r tit" Atittr"% but Wd M Ore. Glob *04 -so , Ko" M!
td, tot, tho Ifttoft -it W, ftft- b0fl$4 a 11001:1109 tow wlth��
'Im hffia%� __1 -
N I ........ iiiffti '406H It Wr lit to jh6, jong
i�_ law
1 11
-�, ff
V. ts " U "j"
A, Currie, J. V, -Breen.
Roadsters—Two year old gelding or
ert, u .. � — I., .
Aged bun, J. Barr.
Aberdeen Angus—Milch cow having
and to what extent you vvi.0 save. =jgW ziaHonal force.
filly, N. Sanderson,; A. Gower.
rrHE measure of yow love of it is for youP each of
" .11 1
1 i
Roadsters—Single driver, J. H. Gal -
brith; Levi L t ; H. Speiran. Lady
JL freedom is your willingness to us, evezyone of us to say
dri%er, L. Lott;1hos. Al. Durnin. Team
Of mares Or geldings, J. J. Fryfogle;
Published under the authority of tho
ter of Finance of Canada.
deny yourself so tJiat the stTength how much patriotic endeavor, how
for loyal
rhos. M. Durnin. Sweepstakes, mare or
Bull calf; Alex. McEwjug, I and 2.
Aberdeen Angto-Bull over one yeari
of the nation War effort will be much sacrifice we will make
g,�Iding any class, Snel .1 Bros.
Judge—W. J. Dickson.
increased. by.saving our rnoney, by doing
age considered, Alex. MeEwing,
This self-denial must take the without so that each day will
and two females, Ali.
Plushes, etc.
Ptire Bred Durhams--Mllch cow hav-
ing raisbd. calf In 191.8, or with calf,
form of money�-savinjf ---t1&ft. we a surplus to add to our own
po.�itiv,e proof required, R. Harrison:
Each person Imows in what way and thenation's istrength. No
Ii. l,aidlaw; J. Barr. Two year old
he or'she may matter how small the surplus it is
Prices range from
heirer, J, Soot" D. Laidlaw. One year
idd heifer, R. 111irrison; J. Barr. Heifer
The national need says you important because each saving is
$12, $159 $209,
ealf, J. Barr, R., Harrison.
Durhams—bun over one year and
twb, J, BaM Bull ca f, J. Barr.
+k- f .1 1 Par
must save, but free Canada leaves an effort xnade, and many small
it to you to say by what means individual efforts make the
MeEwi and 2nd.
n I is
Grad 71
cILM1111h cow having ralsed
at which there was not a large repre- to supervise the selling'of stock in the calf m 1918. or with calf, positive proof Howrie. Pair Langshans, Mrs. Howrie. ROOTS wurzels, yellow intermediate, Jas. Jack -
I equi son. One pumpkin, John Somers; J. J.
THE FARMERS' DAILY red, R. Harrison Ist and 2nd. Two
sentation of farmers, owing, no doubt. Farmers' Publishing Co. He had had 4 Pair Andalusians, Mrs. flowric. Pair Collection (of garden produce, Jas.
year old belts Scott, Ist and 2nd. Jackson.
reshings In the neighborhood, Mr. 16 replies and six of these stated that Plymouth Rocks, barred, Jas. Jackson,
to th I Inp vi Mason. One squash. Jas.
r4jf-er, R. Harrison, Ist Jackson; J. .1. \Jason. Half bushel early Peck of red onions, Jas. Jackson; Robt.
$11r. Kernighan Tells Colborne Farmers' tternighan said was only another evi- the writer was selling ist and 2nd. Pair Black Breasted Red potatoes, named. J. Denholm. Half
his farm. I 2nd. One year old steer, R. Har- Taylor. Peek of vellnv%, onions, Jas.
Club of Progress Made Towards Its He fe Game. Ist and 2nd. Jack
donee o riso J. Scott. r calf, R. Harrison Jackson: Lonzo �mith. Peek white
f the apathy of the farmers Tile too great independence of the an( R, Judge—Geo. Bentley, bushel late potatops, named. Ja- -
Establishment about their own affairs. Apparently farmer and the strength of other or- Ist and 2nd, Steer calf J Barr son. Six field varrots, Cecil Cartwright;
leld bqans, Robt. Taylor. Three cit -
J. j. Mason. Three
they were quite willing to have the ganizations, but most of all the edu- liarrison. Fat steer. any ))re'ed, J. &rr" DAIRY AND PROVISIONS Jas. Jackson. Six garden carrots, Cecil rons, Jas. Dodds
a meeting of the - John Barr. Six Swede
Last Thursday night town people do their business for them. cation In the schools, In literature and Fat cow or heifer, any breed, J. Barr; Crock of butter, 10 pounds, Jas. Jack- Cartwright, atermelons, J. J. Nlason;,LonzAi Smith.
j, qcott, Three stock steers not shown son. Ten lb,. buttel in one lb prints, turnips, Jas. Jackson; Albert Gower. w
Colborne Township Farmers' Club was Referring to one Of the avowed aims the pres%. Mr. Kernighan nlamed for
other number, R. Harrison. Best Rur,41 Richmond. Five lbs. b tier in Six turnips, any other kind, John Som -
i The ideal "I lln�, (Concluded on page n)
held at Benmiller to hear a report from of. the United Farmers, to endeavor to the exodus from the farm. nimal any breett, sweepstakes, R. Har- one lb prints, Russel Richmond. Two.ers; John Barr. Six beets, table use,
Mr. J. N. Kern Ix
Ighan oil the progress of Suppress personal, local, sectional or held out was always %nat of financial arlson, Ist and 2nd'. Herd, two 46ers 2 lb. loaveq home made bread, Mrs.lWm. Gunninghadi; John -3 S 40 49116 fi3 rr C3k X -L X AL.
The press of today was not de- ano two fernale§ Ft Har ison. Poplestone; Mrs. N. Cuming. Extracted I sugar beet mangold,, j, and F. Laidla
thet movement for -the establish nt of class Interests,.Mr. Kernighan said the gain. r w'
: Bolus the The Killd You Paye Always Bought
a daily paper by the United Par honey, 10 lb�., Miss NI: Ament; Alfred 1J. and W. Grp�. Six mangold wur7elf
Tgrs of Farmers' Publishing Co. was establish- voted to further the interests of -the
Kernighan farmer but to further a party r iSHEEP Carr. Honey in comb, 5 one 1b. see- -long Ja%. Jackson, Six mangold algnAt-
4fttarlo. On the invitation of th pres- ed for that purpow. Air ather I mangold
ident Mr. Lamb, a number of the said he had travelled and mixed among than an ideal, or for personal gain. Leicester—Aged ram, C. Wightman. tions, Miss M. Ametit, Alfred Carr. Dis- i zels,' globe, Jas. Jackson. Six of
play of bees and their products, Miss
members of the Goderich Board of the farmers of Canada a great deal and Again the papersf had to live on adver- Ram lamb, G. Wightman. Pair aged
918, 0. M. Ament: Alfred Carr. Three lbs,
Trade attended the meeting, and a very he found Canada vvry disunited, and Using and their Policy was dominated ewes having raised lamb in I maple syrup Russel Richmond, Ccoil
interesting meeting wall held. class and local prejudicics were fanned by that. The proposed farmers' paper Wightman. Pair shearling ewes, C. Gardner. Collection'of canned or pre -
Mr. Kernighan gave an account of by politiolans for thelt own purposes, was to furnish something that would be Wightman. Pair ewe AMbS, C. WI
4gh . t- served fruit not less than 4 kinds,
Mrs. Poplestone; Russel RIchmond.1
the success of the co-operative coin- and the duty devolved on the farmer to devoted to the Interests of the farmer man.
Shropqh1red6wo—Aged ram, Jag.
y which the farmers had organized remedy that condition, to form a rural and would have no competitor. The Grape juice
first idea was to start with a weekly Brigham. Shearlin rat Win. Ross. P,, home-made, Alice Gilles -
o, and which he said publio opinion and to vorce it. le. Six in tea biscuits. Mrs. N.
three yem ag es- The town people were not as familW and grow, but It was found the demand Ram lamb, �Wrn. fioss�,�as. Brigham.
was Making very markra progress uming; J. Pollard. Six h9me-made
r Pair aged ewes having raised lamb in b lNew Fall ho"twear
uns, J. Pollard; Mrs. N. Cuming, Two
VW14117 the past two months. with rural problems as the farmer. was for a dally paper. The farmers 1918, Jas. Brigham, Win. Ross. Pair les, apple and pumpkin, 3. Pollard.
Mr. Hernighan denied that the farm- In his own school section, No. 4, eigh- must have the news and they must shoarling 6%ves, Jas; Bri am. Pair ewe
Eunch for workingman, cold, eight ar-
ers' organization interfered with the teen houses which were there when he haVe It In the form they could trust., Iambs. Win. Ross; Jas. MrIlgham. This season we are in a position to
Mrs. N. Cuming.
meat excluded,
town, though he said If the farmers was a boy had disappeared. What was This paper was to be owned and con- Any other kind—Aged ram, H. J. and tG`,0-1;s;r bread, J. Pollard; Mrs. Pople- quote you last season's. prices on
found that they could do their own the cause of rural 'depopulation? And trolled by the farmers ana the more H, C. Trewartfia. Shearling ram. H. J. stone. Tomato catsup, I qttart, Mrs
and 11. G. Trevvartha Ra Popk-ston�: Jas. Jackson. Pickles, on� our new lines of Fall and Winter
business more cheaply than the to%,vn the condition was getting wotse. farmers became interested In it the lamb fl. J.
veople did It for them they would pro- Mr. Kernighan said fie had sent cir- more successful It would become. and 11. G Trawartb;. Par Aged ewes xed, Jar. Jackson: Mrs. Pople- i Footwear.
having raised'lailill in 1018, It. J. and quart mi*
cular letters to *10 fa,mers, #skipg them The obJections to the estab stone, Pickles, one quart any other
b#bly do it. The meeting 'that nIgf lishment Ii. G. Trewartha. Pair phearilug ewes,
Mrs. Poplpstoiie; Alice Gillespie. ew
j and H. G, Trewartha. Four lbs. home-made hard soap, R. 0.
of such a paper were that It was too H Pair e kfild.' See our n lines of Black, Grey
big an undertaking, that the farmer I' V7
r t
ambs, f. J. and H. 0. Trewartha. I Wni. Cunningh in. Cana-'
McGowan. It and Chocolate Kid, high cut styles,
...... I Jill I 111, 1 laoked business ability, and that th sheep, ewe or wether, Jas Brigham, Ist
high or low heels at popular prices.
than war cake, J. Pollard.
farmer was himself apathetic. and 2nd. Judges—Mrs. Sloan and Mrs. -J. T, El-'
The paper would not be managed by J-19— N. Cuming. Ils.
IT a farmer, Mr. Kernighan said. They PIGS GRAIN
would be foolish If It were. But tile Timmorth—Brood sow having litter- One bushel of Red Fall Wheat, Wm. Neolin Soles
objection of the apathy of the farmer ed in 1919 or yith flig, W, T. Grieves, McGowan. one, bushel Spring Wheat,
ar Wag the Most Adt'Ifts. -is the farmer Boar littered' 6, 19 & W.- T. Grieves. R. 41, McGowan; R. H. 9.hoftfeed. One
We have installed- a zew Landis
0. Interested? 1. can't say but we are Sovv littered In j918 - W, T. Grieves. bushel Six Rowed Barley. R. H. Short-
SojIng to And out." . Poauv - teed: Win. McGowan. one bushel Stitcher and can now re -sole your
Pair JurkeySj iiiDy large variety, Jas. wbite Oats, long, Russel Richtnond, R '
Chief among those from Goderich Jiw�!,-in Pair ROW dUOKS, jas. Jack- G. McGowan. One bushel White 0ats:j hoots with Neolin Soles.
who responded to the Ifivitation to st1n: \\,. Gunning, am.
short Wm McGowan: R., H. Shortreed.
Pair Wyan-
speak were President 'L. Parsons, VICO dnttes, ilvpe. Alta. Howrie. Pair Leg- One bushel small peas, Robt Taylor*
President C. L. Moore, Rev. A. L. G. hornN vvhite, single comb, J. and F. R. H. Shorti,ced, Half bashef thl`)Oti;�
Clarke and Geo. Porter of the Boaro Laidla\N: ii. Laildlaw. Pair Legborns. seed Robt. Taylor: R. H. Shortrl�ed.
Shirman, The Shoe'Man.
of Trade, brown. -zingle 00 1 o le; J. Half' bushel red clover seed, Robt,
Jackso I), I e 0 other Wightman; Robt. Taylor. Six best
Mr. Parsons opened by bringing the SICE OVR WINDOWS
varlet Jas. son 11 d. r aFe corn. ant] F. Laldlaw;
greetings of the Goderich Board of , 0 Ist . in stalks Ensill
Orpin )n,. ard tier; . un J. and W. Grey.
Trade and telling something Of what ham. ai Jae ackson Judge—J. Potter.
It was trying to do. Mr. Parsons ro- Cunni Ir lick panis , rg:
ferred to the changed conditions from
the days within his memory when
farmers' wagons In lar numbers used conducleA for its sole nhieel-
to bring their grain to the mill here, the advaneemew 6f the 011189 Interests
and expressed his regret that Rev, of the members. r6g&rdje$S of the needs
CAnon Hill wag not with the party, as of the country The far[DWS
be would have been able to tell some- very existence &pended on the win -
thing of the work of tile Grain Grow- Ding of the war, 011th Was the"matter
ers' Association In the West. to.
e of supreme Impottarlee at the present
Itti. Moore f.la #h I
cl-urnStalices Of time, Mr. Clark- t0ld Of Inc helle"Its 40
his own leaving the farm a con- The farmers of good rosift, referring to
Arasted tile tountry man's 11 with the largely inciftiled.V4100-14 Of f&M8
that of the town man. much to tile along the Torontb-1146111t(ift 111811WAY
ildvantage In many ways of the life on and on the roadg leading to
Detroit, the
thq farm, and advised the farmers to pregnee and prosDerttj of the large
mike the life on the farm attractive oentre with Its temobt highw&,YS
L to their sons by giving them am interest branching out, Makin# tht tArillis Iftiftr-
11) It SO At to keep them Oil the farm. ly worth soverd' fteff Whit thVY
The retired farmer eoming to town would otherwise be rattA it.
Ailitially would have been much happier Mr. Porter exilreNkd tho belief that
ftfilialfift (in the tArm. prolonging his the farmer had Vj�jttkP4 t0b MOMY 0013-
Ja a 6011ja Irre from tile finan- venlence.q. it there wei* to rur*l fflikil
tIA worries whilth towk lite (whore delh,pry hp to tom
or. 0"It Of "t flay"a Ilild—the uni. a,%
b6o*% A, U04041inklift WkIlf" fi*fh you have to pay even for the water teher, Nir. Per JiW'116 had to am- The frtlftdt
"Oftoft 04im'.404 to *to*" *6 hit all 0144wo W buttll""W1 $Ibll drink) ehillillea. bition to tire jitid [We lolthe* toulftoy. 41%l ttat. tioAt,,of ttlik!
" I h It.`. 25'
d tall 't lift 401 big tot
Ativ. Mt. Clake mid the platform of it he . re toutift- asitholq cigar..
b"OlUtIOU U-0 94 Ad- lite he would bit )AVO "Joyed
Alftbltl 00, "Oftililly the elAUM Wier health
*wo, At so. Qb1ottive, to
*bItIt vilt others both Out tm, 01m6t* teora
*11POW Ofi6blil, 100L toWn and ot t 1hoMbft ot, libb V*fto
AS *"4LA
t J,
wo6iml. �r tit" Atittr"% but Wd M Ore. Glob *04 -so , Ko" M!
td, tot, tho Ifttoft -it W, ftft- b0fl$4 a 11001:1109 tow wlth��
'Im hffia%� __1 -
N I ........ iiiffti '406H It Wr lit to jh6, jong
i�_ law
1 11
-�, ff
iv,25, $30, S35
ert, u .. � — I., .
Aged bun, J. Barr.
Aberdeen Angus—Milch cow having
and to what extent you vvi.0 save. =jgW ziaHonal force.
raised calf In 1918 or with calf, Alex.
',\fcF -I�'2 �abd'3.` Tw 'yoaf 1YId
heifer, Alex. MeEwing, land2. One
year old heifer, Alex. Mckwing, I and
2. 11eifer calf, Alex. MoEvving, I and 2.
Published under the authority of tho
ter of Finance of Canada.
Bull calf; Alex. McEwjug, I and 2.
Aberdeen Angto-Bull over one yeari
age considered, Alex. MeEwing,
and two females, Ali.
MeEwi and 2nd.
n I is
Grad 71
cILM1111h cow having ralsed
at which there was not a large repre- to supervise the selling'of stock in the calf m 1918. or with calf, positive proof Howrie. Pair Langshans, Mrs. Howrie. ROOTS wurzels, yellow intermediate, Jas. Jack -
I equi son. One pumpkin, John Somers; J. J.
THE FARMERS' DAILY red, R. Harrison Ist and 2nd. Two
sentation of farmers, owing, no doubt. Farmers' Publishing Co. He had had 4 Pair Andalusians, Mrs. flowric. Pair Collection (of garden produce, Jas.
year old belts Scott, Ist and 2nd. Jackson.
reshings In the neighborhood, Mr. 16 replies and six of these stated that Plymouth Rocks, barred, Jas. Jackson,
to th I Inp vi Mason. One squash. Jas.
r4jf-er, R. Harrison, Ist Jackson; J. .1. \Jason. Half bushel early Peck of red onions, Jas. Jackson; Robt.
$11r. Kernighan Tells Colborne Farmers' tternighan said was only another evi- the writer was selling ist and 2nd. Pair Black Breasted Red potatoes, named. J. Denholm. Half
his farm. I 2nd. One year old steer, R. Har- Taylor. Peek of vellnv%, onions, Jas.
Club of Progress Made Towards Its He fe Game. Ist and 2nd. Jack
donee o riso J. Scott. r calf, R. Harrison Jackson: Lonzo �mith. Peek white
f the apathy of the farmers Tile too great independence of the an( R, Judge—Geo. Bentley, bushel late potatops, named. Ja- -
Establishment about their own affairs. Apparently farmer and the strength of other or- Ist and 2nd, Steer calf J Barr son. Six field varrots, Cecil Cartwright;
leld bqans, Robt. Taylor. Three cit -
J. j. Mason. Three
they were quite willing to have the ganizations, but most of all the edu- liarrison. Fat steer. any ))re'ed, J. &rr" DAIRY AND PROVISIONS Jas. Jackson. Six garden carrots, Cecil rons, Jas. Dodds
a meeting of the - John Barr. Six Swede
Last Thursday night town people do their business for them. cation In the schools, In literature and Fat cow or heifer, any breed, J. Barr; Crock of butter, 10 pounds, Jas. Jack- Cartwright, atermelons, J. J. Nlason;,LonzAi Smith.
j, qcott, Three stock steers not shown son. Ten lb,. buttel in one lb prints, turnips, Jas. Jackson; Albert Gower. w
Colborne Township Farmers' Club was Referring to one Of the avowed aims the pres%. Mr. Kernighan nlamed for
other number, R. Harrison. Best Rur,41 Richmond. Five lbs. b tier in Six turnips, any other kind, John Som -
i The ideal "I lln�, (Concluded on page n)
held at Benmiller to hear a report from of. the United Farmers, to endeavor to the exodus from the farm. nimal any breett, sweepstakes, R. Har- one lb prints, Russel Richmond. Two.ers; John Barr. Six beets, table use,
Mr. J. N. Kern Ix
Ighan oil the progress of Suppress personal, local, sectional or held out was always %nat of financial arlson, Ist and 2nd'. Herd, two 46ers 2 lb. loaveq home made bread, Mrs.lWm. Gunninghadi; John -3 S 40 49116 fi3 rr C3k X -L X AL.
The press of today was not de- ano two fernale§ Ft Har ison. Poplestone; Mrs. N. Cuming. Extracted I sugar beet mangold,, j, and F. Laidla
thet movement for -the establish nt of class Interests,.Mr. Kernighan said the gain. r w'
: Bolus the The Killd You Paye Always Bought
a daily paper by the United Par honey, 10 lb�., Miss NI: Ament; Alfred 1J. and W. Grp�. Six mangold wur7elf
Tgrs of Farmers' Publishing Co. was establish- voted to further the interests of -the
Kernighan farmer but to further a party r iSHEEP Carr. Honey in comb, 5 one 1b. see- -long Ja%. Jackson, Six mangold algnAt-
4fttarlo. On the invitation of th pres- ed for that purpow. Air ather I mangold
ident Mr. Lamb, a number of the said he had travelled and mixed among than an ideal, or for personal gain. Leicester—Aged ram, C. Wightman. tions, Miss M. Ametit, Alfred Carr. Dis- i zels,' globe, Jas. Jackson. Six of
play of bees and their products, Miss
members of the Goderich Board of the farmers of Canada a great deal and Again the papersf had to live on adver- Ram lamb, G. Wightman. Pair aged
918, 0. M. Ament: Alfred Carr. Three lbs,
Trade attended the meeting, and a very he found Canada vvry disunited, and Using and their Policy was dominated ewes having raised lamb in I maple syrup Russel Richmond, Ccoil
interesting meeting wall held. class and local prejudicics were fanned by that. The proposed farmers' paper Wightman. Pair shearling ewes, C. Gardner. Collection'of canned or pre -
Mr. Kernighan gave an account of by politiolans for thelt own purposes, was to furnish something that would be Wightman. Pair ewe AMbS, C. WI
4gh . t- served fruit not less than 4 kinds,
Mrs. Poplestone; Russel RIchmond.1
the success of the co-operative coin- and the duty devolved on the farmer to devoted to the Interests of the farmer man.
Shropqh1red6wo—Aged ram, Jag.
y which the farmers had organized remedy that condition, to form a rural and would have no competitor. The Grape juice
first idea was to start with a weekly Brigham. Shearlin rat Win. Ross. P,, home-made, Alice Gilles -
o, and which he said publio opinion and to vorce it. le. Six in tea biscuits. Mrs. N.
three yem ag es- The town people were not as familW and grow, but It was found the demand Ram lamb, �Wrn. fioss�,�as. Brigham.
was Making very markra progress uming; J. Pollard. Six h9me-made
r Pair aged ewes having raised lamb in b lNew Fall ho"twear
uns, J. Pollard; Mrs. N. Cuming, Two
VW14117 the past two months. with rural problems as the farmer. was for a dally paper. The farmers 1918, Jas. Brigham, Win. Ross. Pair les, apple and pumpkin, 3. Pollard.
Mr. Hernighan denied that the farm- In his own school section, No. 4, eigh- must have the news and they must shoarling 6%ves, Jas; Bri am. Pair ewe
Eunch for workingman, cold, eight ar-
ers' organization interfered with the teen houses which were there when he haVe It In the form they could trust., Iambs. Win. Ross; Jas. MrIlgham. This season we are in a position to
Mrs. N. Cuming.
meat excluded,
town, though he said If the farmers was a boy had disappeared. What was This paper was to be owned and con- Any other kind—Aged ram, H. J. and tG`,0-1;s;r bread, J. Pollard; Mrs. Pople- quote you last season's. prices on
found that they could do their own the cause of rural 'depopulation? And trolled by the farmers ana the more H, C. Trewartfia. Shearling ram. H. J. stone. Tomato catsup, I qttart, Mrs
and 11. G. Trevvartha Ra Popk-ston�: Jas. Jackson. Pickles, on� our new lines of Fall and Winter
business more cheaply than the to%,vn the condition was getting wotse. farmers became interested In it the lamb fl. J.
veople did It for them they would pro- Mr. Kernighan said fie had sent cir- more successful It would become. and 11. G Trawartb;. Par Aged ewes xed, Jar. Jackson: Mrs. Pople- i Footwear.
having raised'lailill in 1018, It. J. and quart mi*
cular letters to *10 fa,mers, #skipg them The obJections to the estab stone, Pickles, one quart any other
b#bly do it. The meeting 'that nIgf lishment Ii. G. Trewartha. Pair phearilug ewes,
Mrs. Poplpstoiie; Alice Gillespie. ew
j and H. G, Trewartha. Four lbs. home-made hard soap, R. 0.
of such a paper were that It was too H Pair e kfild.' See our n lines of Black, Grey
big an undertaking, that the farmer I' V7
r t
ambs, f. J. and H. 0. Trewartha. I Wni. Cunningh in. Cana-'
McGowan. It and Chocolate Kid, high cut styles,
...... I Jill I 111, 1 laoked business ability, and that th sheep, ewe or wether, Jas Brigham, Ist
high or low heels at popular prices.
than war cake, J. Pollard.
farmer was himself apathetic. and 2nd. Judges—Mrs. Sloan and Mrs. -J. T, El-'
The paper would not be managed by J-19— N. Cuming. Ils.
IT a farmer, Mr. Kernighan said. They PIGS GRAIN
would be foolish If It were. But tile Timmorth—Brood sow having litter- One bushel of Red Fall Wheat, Wm. Neolin Soles
objection of the apathy of the farmer ed in 1919 or yith flig, W, T. Grieves, McGowan. one, bushel Spring Wheat,
ar Wag the Most Adt'Ifts. -is the farmer Boar littered' 6, 19 & W.- T. Grieves. R. 41, McGowan; R. H. 9.hoftfeed. One
We have installed- a zew Landis
0. Interested? 1. can't say but we are Sovv littered In j918 - W, T. Grieves. bushel Six Rowed Barley. R. H. Short-
SojIng to And out." . Poauv - teed: Win. McGowan. one bushel Stitcher and can now re -sole your
Pair JurkeySj iiiDy large variety, Jas. wbite Oats, long, Russel Richtnond, R '
Chief among those from Goderich Jiw�!,-in Pair ROW dUOKS, jas. Jack- G. McGowan. One bushel White 0ats:j hoots with Neolin Soles.
who responded to the Ifivitation to st1n: \\,. Gunning, am.
short Wm McGowan: R., H. Shortreed.
Pair Wyan-
speak were President 'L. Parsons, VICO dnttes, ilvpe. Alta. Howrie. Pair Leg- One bushel small peas, Robt Taylor*
President C. L. Moore, Rev. A. L. G. hornN vvhite, single comb, J. and F. R. H. Shorti,ced, Half bashef thl`)Oti;�
Clarke and Geo. Porter of the Boaro Laidla\N: ii. Laildlaw. Pair Legborns. seed Robt. Taylor: R. H. Shortrl�ed.
Shirman, The Shoe'Man.
of Trade, brown. -zingle 00 1 o le; J. Half' bushel red clover seed, Robt,
Jackso I), I e 0 other Wightman; Robt. Taylor. Six best
Mr. Parsons opened by bringing the SICE OVR WINDOWS
varlet Jas. son 11 d. r aFe corn. ant] F. Laldlaw;
greetings of the Goderich Board of , 0 Ist . in stalks Ensill
Orpin )n,. ard tier; . un J. and W. Grey.
Trade and telling something Of what ham. ai Jae ackson Judge—J. Potter.
It was trying to do. Mr. Parsons ro- Cunni Ir lick panis , rg:
ferred to the changed conditions from
the days within his memory when
farmers' wagons In lar numbers used conducleA for its sole nhieel-
to bring their grain to the mill here, the advaneemew 6f the 011189 Interests
and expressed his regret that Rev, of the members. r6g&rdje$S of the needs
CAnon Hill wag not with the party, as of the country The far[DWS
be would have been able to tell some- very existence &pended on the win -
thing of the work of tile Grain Grow- Ding of the war, 011th Was the"matter
ers' Association In the West. to.
e of supreme Impottarlee at the present
Itti. Moore f.la #h I
cl-urnStalices Of time, Mr. Clark- t0ld Of Inc helle"Its 40
his own leaving the farm a con- The farmers of good rosift, referring to
Arasted tile tountry man's 11 with the largely inciftiled.V4100-14 Of f&M8
that of the town man. much to tile along the Torontb-1146111t(ift 111811WAY
ildvantage In many ways of the life on and on the roadg leading to
Detroit, the
thq farm, and advised the farmers to pregnee and prosDerttj of the large
mike the life on the farm attractive oentre with Its temobt highw&,YS
L to their sons by giving them am interest branching out, Makin# tht tArillis Iftiftr-
11) It SO At to keep them Oil the farm. ly worth soverd' fteff Whit thVY
The retired farmer eoming to town would otherwise be rattA it.
Ailitially would have been much happier Mr. Porter exilreNkd tho belief that
ftfilialfift (in the tArm. prolonging his the farmer had Vj�jttkP4 t0b MOMY 0013-
Ja a 6011ja Irre from tile finan- venlence.q. it there wei* to rur*l fflikil
tIA worries whilth towk lite (whore delh,pry hp to tom
or. 0"It Of "t flay"a Ilild—the uni. a,%
b6o*% A, U04041inklift WkIlf" fi*fh you have to pay even for the water teher, Nir. Per JiW'116 had to am- The frtlftdt
"Oftoft 04im'.404 to *to*" *6 hit all 0144wo W buttll""W1 $Ibll drink) ehillillea. bition to tire jitid [We lolthe* toulftoy. 41%l ttat. tioAt,,of ttlik!
" I h It.`. 25'
d tall 't lift 401 big tot
Ativ. Mt. Clake mid the platform of it he . re toutift- asitholq cigar..
b"OlUtIOU U-0 94 Ad- lite he would bit )AVO "Joyed
Alftbltl 00, "Oftililly the elAUM Wier health
*wo, At so. Qb1ottive, to
*bItIt vilt others both Out tm, 01m6t* teora
*11POW Ofi6blil, 100L toWn and ot t 1hoMbft ot, libb V*fto
AS *"4LA
t J,
wo6iml. �r tit" Atittr"% but Wd M Ore. Glob *04 -so , Ko" M!
td, tot, tho Ifttoft -it W, ftft- b0fl$4 a 11001:1109 tow wlth��
'Im hffia%� __1 -
N I ........ iiiffti '406H It Wr lit to jh6, jong
i�_ law
1 11
-�, ff