HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-09-27, Page 1,_ .1 . - 7',- w , -
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11 � ; I - W.q - . I .- . —_ -_ - I . . I . . I 11 . It, .-, , , , , ,
1, – 11 - - � . I 1. I . .. , � 1,17 I . I .:ill I I I � - � 1. I I I —, �.- ,., oyoloon*on000 � I . . . . I I
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"I � . . % , � ii, - . . I I .. .. � t I - .. 1, , ", " " , , """ " --..;;;'1"1;I.;,1 ' 11-1_11-, .- -.---.-;.,;1O1 t1�1_;;-;;';;., , . .
11 _111. "I . . ... �. I . , . Mom",. ONTARIO. C ADA, FRIDAY'i UPTOMR47t.19.18 � -f ft%v- a 4 - . .
. . . I Al I . I P111111 to X"tai ... . , " it
I ____ .1-111, 111--, -11- .111.1.1-1-1 16 �, .11 . . 11.00011 a . MO N %W III AS
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1, � . , I III, 50r,"i 11 — I
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I - I
. Take. 1,100, Prisoners. �, cand lans-04,11-A001 041 On- Hindenburg Une. Drive -10, Auk 88gun Py the Alli, ' -on Sit, Quent"
I .1 1kQ -0
� I I I . � I .,. ''I ''I -1i - . NO British -French
. � . - . - . ,�l . ,,. . I in
I 11 ,,. I I Orlp Right * . I
. - �
I I . I.. - FOP S LE �OR TO LOST, - �' I I ....
. � !111511��11111 , , .
. .1-111-1 I— ---1. 7--;_1__1 I -1 1----- I , � ii has boon secured it) t,kk.. If.. ,,., ,,Or L
� : .i - 1. � ��,___. 'I'll
I : 2 : lolipj�,06--,"'""'-,�; �5401., ii . I $A - o"wip: for Sklitt oil "Puebeir TOWN TOPICS *. le
� . . - I . . I .�_r � I I 1`0 s Met � III soft cholip, for a ellu tell: _____,,_,,,i,,,,i,, (it tile 0, (L I. an't c.,111" 11letlitillo PEOPLE WE KNOW
1, � I ; � rl., � I I . . o sale, xv..14 PAXER Cor Ing itivixt mouth. I
1 � I I � . " - Vii, - .
.. .�, I ton 4 q Ito St. 2 I Col. Strang, of Rlyersicti,t, (',at.. visited
. I __ -11, � , ".. 1, r - 'Hury Picliford Coming, Bell Telephone cul.,% '%"%% Office his brother, [)I,. Strart,g. during the,
. ]VI RLING), BANK $AL9-Collago For switile, ,lie.p. nucti, The Mudel The,ore 4nnouncet$ for ArtilAugenteatt, tl,i%.. I,._,,
, 4 , ,� � . 'z I . .. . - I F!"fern ,cOnvelifewice:I, oil Neuirate st, WedueSda)- and Thuri�day, ,%IaPY Pick- for tile . lease by fill, B. -Ii _,ollletod week, I
, I'll " �,,%;�,�,, ", I . , I I O"ON-ner,0,�ut.0t t6i��- Apply ;O IN11111 CHAR. ford "' I' IIIII.111(k CO. Nir. And .Mrs. If. Q Moulpitit. of pow -
I , . J;Efti T I)jt;, Elgin Ave. in "Rebecca Of SilaujINlook Farm," to Vh
I . , __ - .1 1.� "'blF CANADA % . �� - -_ 2 A This it,, ,,,aid to be her gr�atest achieve- of thQ $to"" ift(JAIIIIIII9. ,I,, I,- talut rl
, I , u, ; - ow - . . Mcp ,ij,hich v,III it,. assail. visited NIr. and N11's. T. T. Leckie
� M r-.II%rrtp.j into a during the week.
f .. ,� I" ... �, � " " I . � Olt S&V,StX,WceM�oId, I)Igb r,.i,-.& Ff Inent, private office foi. tile 111,111ag,-t- with rest
i' �� l, I ,- '..... , ;1 1. I .1
,". '!'�,lhr. . 1, I � I �
... - ... .
, F Apply to ROUT, DVAES. it. li, XU_ I 6, .
. ! . r " . . . 00dericb, Ol' phone 10 r 1, Duligann"Il. Petty Loses III,% .Son for the op,r,jj..,"� ll,.tliud. F1,1le (fy, of Ayr, is vkIting ,
I , or ; ,��,��t� , ."� L' 1, . I - Ifteet e , room 5 I I'd. 1). Cassa
, I Tile O.,)IIIpathy of all his fellow olcul front portion tit the I'artill.-Il will. be - 'cis
, I _
r 1, :1 �1: ,,, I I ,$I om :�',,,,-�JjB.. . , I . It, sAI.E-Twelity,rive acre far,,,. (luoul. IIPII (It tile county Council board, as . her mother. Nfrs. Burrollys. N ten bt. .
. '. I, I., , ,,--, r� ,� �, ec it, F' W4rna house, one spoil barn. ian(, B, rionowd anti tilt, poI,,, N%,,Itillg roo", who has been vor Itiorl'..
, ! o
I �� I ��� , _au, ealwain . good shape. Will - tel - cijaiig, t,k_ place jan. Wp
�. 4i �
�_ I I I . -[,is "ell 0,- Of busts of friends Is with e0larlited. Tht
. ;, � . . . , I .�� ,_ ,, , s e sold oil ea,,l Nlr' and Nics. Rdy numball retlirwile-I
1, " , ". . ; .at�n p. j3." flee%e G. C� petty, of Hensall. I tile 1, ,
I '� , , . -1V 1, APP%rto'CHAS. NAS, Sbitippa, s *
1, I : 1, I 1 , ,', "".1 , I.t.', . I or OS GUNDRY, AuCtIoner, I 11 I last week from holidays. vithirilk %W"
I ,
� , "
,� �, � loss of his.son in 111Ljon Killed lit liell.ja_ .
.", I . l-, .. � , . . I . . I '!�nz� :;� __— , , __ _..._____ __ _ _ _ __ _I------ ---- ------ _ _ .. . � - .1 � I-----.- - - !P9R_t__iXl __ffik1_xiJI1on_arAfL_fUn1oji.. - _ - - #
',"- �, 1.111.-- .. . ___ .1 . ..... . . _.____.____ I I � - _. I - 11 .. _.
. 11 I
I I '. 1, .1. " , 1. 1. I � , - W-" - speud jadiciously, ; .... vuttig AND LOT VOR SAL&—on I'lle. I.Awie,fi to Tell tile Tole Nlrs. Herbert Callild" 11 11111eive word Nirs. Awuy� Sr., and film, Charle"It Amy,
I I., 1,��. ": �, . W�Pessful mim cameron .. AneWred brick one and on Friday last I of Fxleter. spent last week - ,vit'i Nt-.
� I � . , I hill 1wr br,ithor- nalaw.
� I I . I h% Count,y Clerk- Holman was one of the Sergi. Charles
, I .. I 9p,botair etery b us* with traire roof. All I
, (., � , " �., ,V I who .ern convetilitnote. 3 62 rooin, a bath Au.,111) (11optiell, had and Mrs. J. J. Calwell, Bayfleld voad.
Of. , I � I 11 j coand hall uip atatro. Nrlor dininatrootti Ift
. �, . Y %.Ilse T .
; , '' I " I "I "tilix' " "i ly"'and waste nothing. Judges of the baby allow in connection been hilled lit a0l.01 :11."llig St 27th. 4
� .1
. " * 11 - � , 1, . L " '. i; � k tchen and hall dO �od base- v%ith thP Exeter fall ft,ir. There were Sergi. Caulphell t,%..rIt , . 'a'A With the
�. . !!, I � , Wn stadril it6o jit I, JI. Preston Strang is spending a Va-
. .�,-� I , '. i : � , � I .
� I I . . . .
, . , : , p tN%'IiI1tY-tVVO b0les. In the clontippAltion training In
1. , ... I "I" , � Went- 49004fit'11,111110 94rilit" Which could be 1161st Battallou mid v,1111ti cation nt home here m looks as it
. ,.z �:;_,�_�_'_ -, , - - I __ - - . � .. .- . - � - I - - __ , I Jmdfoz�afitalblf"O remsetaiiii,iIiiii few choice - � R114 -land [wel-I'l t\\,I 1.1"'Inotions. Ife,
11 I ", � * I .. 11 ; "I I fr1t trew the best orlsoll for a trarden. Apply "arflOn Elliott Is one of the director lite In lite Queen CJty agreed with him.
J , _.., I.- - --� ___ - — to MHARRY LYTTLEon the Drecutteo. (if the fail-. halt been s+ir\IIIgII,lII I-rance for six NIr. anti Mrs. it. L. Harle and chilti,
: � _ I- �.��I� j:','LC"j i ,., _ _1 _ . - --- months, HuNil, I . , -ind son of \Ir. of stratfort.d. %vert. III t,)\Nn tills weeti.
I 1-1-; �_;-_�,�, , . I . I __ O SAIX-RoluMalad lot of' WollieStreet. Men for Siberian 1,111t and NIrs. Gjarl", 111111-1)ell. of East tile Airlle,t� tit .\fr. and mrs. Walter
, �
, . AA� I .. � I I pulse 00 08 4eveu 11`00w,. good cement Wawano.,h.
I . � lar electric IttilifiL aciod ,pring well. lot . 1,11111.� 110% hills Nartol.
. .. , . -Xitij \ I I st, N I Ii., Nit-hol-on returnoil it)
. cons sofact �er of 46a acre mostly under tile following men tire required \N,. 0. Nfvl,:\\aII. N.1"'ll �;t, has 1110\ed TR-ronto flit Wednesda% or fill,, %vtich
� .. ... truitrit trial
, I I I , A r% 03AW cot choice I les. pears and grapes, For rot- the
. � , I I ---- , ,; ��. I E � I Word has, been received front Ottawa, .
,�":":�%��, I �,�'% . . I I J SLA one hundred to Albert .,,I \11', holleacitly, Brock
mI 4. , , , V"" terins and par c la�s apply to N,N, Siberlau Unit.
" I � 'R horse transport drivers. Category A'2, qt *
� . . .
. 11 1. '� ,�.' � : olfe St. . f
4 ", ., has
'I'l 11 . , , . I t . IlI(,\4i(I 1'. ,,,,I,, .,I, arit.t. sp,in,ling till, suninier if,' hzir
, .",,: r, ., � __ � - -
� ': " �,. , , jus
, � - -.-- .. ,,00h.,
; ;1� ,,�.��' " -fer, ' hoole. I,iillotletii St.
I � - . E four fart s, four saddlems, four wheel I _
"; . �,. Trafalgar St.. it
. 11 1, �__._ ... � . I - IZOUL;lk. FOR SALIAL-Ited orick, with all el's. fifteen 4akers and eight butcher - 11�11 (I - \ tit I to Nevvgate ,a
I . I I
I j" convectience& Apply to W, A, (,IHS. SO St. Adant Hitrc.,\N, (; 1, R.. has movek I
I , . � - r. I 1. - - AN, Traratitur at. _ Category "A" or "11.11 Nirs. J. I- "I'llompti,on. little daughter
, � __"` - l AMD. Cawral tt I -r JOILNIKINON culd .\Jr.. Frost, tit sioiiaorth� spent tilt,
0*�k",-, _'l(-_'V5,0t'3L-M. 0-m- plifitiami - - mana-M. � - --.-- - � � ___ --7 - to Ms"ll" St- -1,41 PlIalvill from INelson IIEV. E. 111PI1,111"
.. �
� - , , ,,,,, �, -;, - _.
, 'I _..,; . . An'L Gen'll, Mumm AUCTION SILES p,Ij.,tI( - th
R, z r I ,. JONES, ConteNt III Darning St. it) Leader ,.r III, .hdin,tou ii.\Ijuh - i,atiit \%i,ek-end v�ith tilt fortner's Illo -
, .- . 1 Broel, SI .1.11-1, Stewart front
I _'�i*,V,it', . ,I"' � '� 1 N "Fic
�"., , .�i�. iii� ''., �;.. , "PAID UP, $15,000,000 - LEARINO ALICTIO.N ,;\[.E ()w., FA 'I'rafalgar st 1i - I -,ii Sound. Mr. Pen -
I; � The regular monthly Meeting of the llart�, %\1114-11 jwulii,ii if,ii, seriv, ,Or special FT. \11- J. Andre"s. Nowgiate St.
', r � ... I I I — ,, 11 NI Goderich branch of tile Women's I nington winilli 1,-- Ili Trafaltrar St. semlr III \11"11' Sh'ert Metliodist" Nlary IIIckrord N,%Ill lilt at tile \10del
- .?, . , I .... ,,,::Ilr,", " I ,' . . . "titute vvill be held at tile home of tin- N11's, heYfl(IIIN, 1:.4inkria road. to ( I I . -hurt It. I"'derwh. ..IT Njjjila�, 'Iet. t1th. Theatre in how, gritate-Al aclile\111trij.
�� - AS . I 'L, I ESERVE MD. - $13.5W.OW C STOCK AND 151PLENIENTS, ., N Is. I k I I
'; � 11 �,,�,. 'r��!, ,V- � -1 _.
r , , L I., " " I I "" ' ' 110)(it-ii of 14uijn�tirook Ftinit" an
�# Or SnelgroNe,.Bruve St., on Thur4day, Oe- r'ort-Tid Out of 1111iiiiiies,ii by Luch or lit -Ili
I 1. ,I, !�`�- �, " , 11 - - MR. DANIEL VITRIADO
I . . . \Vf-IfIlet"kill) and TtMrsfla�, Oct. 2 find ;;
" 11 I I I , , I a . in. There Will Ile a It Is %\ ith \. I-% Illuch regret we mite —
, I At, � I � "
.�,��, , �. , ''iti 1 1, 11, Co AMONG THE CHURCHES
. ,- , 14 ," , �� � , . - - . 64 Will sell 4� Public alli-ti-Q, at Lot n, (,untest in darning a stocking b%. ovpr), it,,, 1,1111,
1.�,,: rr ..:ii� 1�, � 4, Colborn 'Townshlp (the Frank ,Naegle
1�.,� I on Me'llher. work to be done tit the Ineet- colllllill� flit, k\c'.1, Illat ,\It. .
�'q, I . I , ,�,,�,,,�, I , - , -ar'") - 'I'lleskIll) and Wedil'isday attending it
iOtl! ,., , . M. IA. 11111 A 'N't,'.111,11, gll�, lIr.I\,.r 'emil'o ill flipeting fir one of the collimitteti-i of th,
, ; ,,i-�; � Your savingsi. deposited with this Bank'eam current I NIONDAY, IF!"T3o Ing, ,'tubject, "Valuat of Warlil I Ilder- tier is retivill, I,.,,,, lillsiolt,;s ill) at'Voillit I.r,.Il.Ir.I[l.,II f.'r ill,- e'.111low Oi\all
,A '"'"'"T',"It lit oil" adverlising - - Hov. R. C.- NIeDernild %%,is lit Toront,-
� :, I ..0ij ,� , !� d_ '. I w, �, I � commencing at I ,,,t.,,,k ,,)lit time) I
, ,
,-'-,'.�,;".4",:,-�,,,�,,�.0t,es S are assured a 1 t -am tearyl Blavi, i'.-ictiel-olls. gelding clothing." - of till- ,var'll, 4 lielp. Ourilig Ili,, I J, Al"' I I s- "Fitm\aril Nlovenjent ill the prj..bi
�1 ".1": '11."', of .Interest. - Savings account depositor years old and Mare i G. C. 1. Notes 4
��.,V�_,;,,,� .. . , ,,,\,iar� old, supposed twenty-twir \,,.,I-, in business Ili (;o,It._ "A11111,111:11 \�111 I ... If,"" 111 till' "ill)- ti-rian church.
,�,,�� -��,, �-,_ � + �7�-� "' .. " . to be wittk real by I I t chill...11 -� - n."111 it I 1". WI-hivi,
'�, I I 11, . itiv. I bay Itare to - lia, earned a high
. rs o , Be i,\ 31 ,, suppcisecl to b Ito has been -rI, .... 11
� ;.f��,,�, ,.' i�,Sft'UrItY Md courteous 11treatment., W-itta roal y fettle 1 a lll*,t-(,Iass mechanic, �
. ,,ii��, 0 I I (" I '' putation �,, .1 sonil.,\ ;irl,
�, ,�: �r I "
I Iij
,, :��,K Miss Florence Smith, N,\. ricll Mr. Plh-'I, I Me rogret to Iearn five are to lose
11 - -
, �, I�;, _t, - 0 1:hitir, 1 aged Hors 0 t ng ah slubstitute for ,Nliss (,,Iitrort, a got, ii-;,�� I '
I . �. .
� 4, �, 7j 11, I I (111vil N1 lie 4 3;)I; ;I I , "Id In roai to put,"' to"ll,111, mao. find while v\ti Ill... ' I'll-, pa,l, Mr "lilt Mrs. Frank sauji4h.r, troll
-1111 � e- 0I' lite 0 C. 1, staff during Septembur, Ill -r, lti-� .1 11 11.1 -1111 --ti
� I . I . re Ii ckri , 1. ..\%Il �Iaro 8 years olo , , [ail It-\ 11, is not contemplatitIA, 1,1\v rll�wg,- ..I 11,- .. I \ 1, .., t' It" " 1 fi,444ch. Mr. '-kitindotiq hottionling alii
�, , I .. 11 1� ;1 1paNes rot' College imill Mis.-i CW'ton, of ceasilIg to I- .1 'itizen we killiverf-Iii re :1 \t *-� I ,*'� iii"I'lat0it will' NIr Knight in TorontIt
.,,,, , �, � I , �:"�.,�..�."-,t,l'bltl�':4CCounts may be opened by two or more persons, 'all"POse"A t - 0 wl,111\11,11 IJY Holiest John. I � \ � tljll� -, I. i I, -
1, ,
, , 3- , . �
_�. �,� . ,��"'�,'�, r'
. .
"'1%," -
. � ..... 1, - r�", . , - , _ I"ii", , ,4,1�,'.,: � .1 I I i-egistere ' Pollet "KII, Bull 13 months IJst(j%N'1AI, %\ill take her vvork for tile "lit Ili, izl\lllg ,III business. Nir, 'Ilt - "I""11111" 11" 'I III,' loa%,is tljdll� 6.1. 1"Orooto
, -
old, I fresh Con' " \.,,,I- �,hl I Cou . 'it . "- 'Ind Bibb' (.I,i,- it .1 -, "It.cl, Ii:p\%..rtII
.., ""! I 3 years Month of October, fly tile end of "I I 11 ,
'.,�, , C I, V HIIIIIIIIII..., 111, Ile \%It RVi'lill Ili,
:..�, � "I - - old sulipose(I to III, "I ",Ill. I .0W' 4 years it is pxpeetod 114,11 0
".�, 'i"O' privilege of wiffidxtawal by any one of* the number. I I, 1911, 41 X Wohwk. All Will Yollng, of Saskatoon, wa.
: �,����', �, .,�J, ,"",�'Y' 11 NI r
, ', ,�, � ,, ,�t�,..,�,_� . old supposecl to Ili. ill :*iill, I Co\ii s ,�,ears Nliss Clifford vvill be �Ilje III'" 4't'll irtor Sept. 30th, bill \\ill welcorne.
�, . ,� r -'I ,
I j , , lilt all I Id "''Ilti. . or a. f.i%v flays the past �,%Oiieh
� ", ,,�,! �:T'-!�,�- In timn f
I . I � '1.-,.;,1, 0111 Supposed it) h.. rI -11jr. I Co\% 5 itlars to reslinie tier work. Nliss jallnet (it)\,- at is. I%%..o_- 11'..'I chlin-11, 1',fil"I'll..: It..\
,��!�,'�r;:,;',. "n,� , ,Goderiteh 8ranch, G. WILLIAMS, Mai3ager. , . old supposed to I), , ,:ill. I Co." () .111 his %N,aN back frollk a voln'-fition o:
I ,,i. Iii. I . N,pal,, 1-11lot1k. who�las been teliching at (,,oIjI_ Suncla� v%,11illil 11celfal at kno% (Ailir, I \\ 11 I..'1111.1i, it. It Ni., It Il,,,f,,;,,,I,,r, ,
?` , . � - old suppose,A to h, ,In valt', � flood Steers \Nater. but whose home Is at Seaforth, N I r. ,�, ,�\ 1, _ -iollil'i \ -opt ,,,'it, I I I Illsill'all(I"i ollih lit N., \N Yo r 1, Nit-
, i , 11 �1 . 1�211 I
� . .,�- r I ' . ,___ -,
, -'1111, j , 2 y *� .
[it ; , � — ! Ce
11 ."", , I ,t1%.e,oIcI, IT ye.11*11,1w.�Ippr� an(I Heirers, I . T. Eg.iller, *who Is at llrl'�,i I It I'll",) ourig ropresents Ille Nlutuaj Ijfe (11
' : I :,�i,�, �': , I 4 1 ", I So"t ilil" �O"Ptehlber 27th, 7 Nisiling Ill Im\ , 111 : ';""""fit Canada.
r� , J-�14 1 --(. I _,-1 I I - t ( I � I - -, w I I I I I -, I'\ I,— .if 11) 'I
� - ,4 ,�l �,","O.", � I ' , , I I C ll� has consented ) I\ " ,.,It .... I if 11 , I, "I'm .�,,Iltl, jwvn�-Il- . I
4 . (."-"�,��' t:�.*I, I., �,,�',-',�,[ 111,51assey I , I'llider, I Hav Baric,
� , , �r _' ALD a tor - I I e" charg'. ''r I,'-- orilitan at Kilo,-, clilli'vil 1119 �,.I\I ,11 .1 I'' ill . '-�jI.js.ItII ,,-It ,(.1 . .
�.: , - '-, .�� I j llc�o Mick Ill""," t Chilthain Wagon, I NOTICE 'It' Silod-o TwO and after tilt , 1'.1,
1, �T, . �. r �,j:� , * . � �-., � - t'�, I, Ill )i,-Ills� P ph - \ih;illc.� ill : 11, leff f-t t1wir Immi, ill Hrovi,,viii.
.), .11 �. - 111� ,
, . , , . Deei:jng Hay Riij,, I ,"t S1010,. I ,Nlaqsey- - \\ill be, a short - e"IIIII I I
, , , i� Hart
,., ,� - - We ASSU t'm.11 PIK" I """�`Ill 11111 .". I '111"i- s"Miro it,-,, ol,gall till I 1 ith'.4 1; liz litirkman and (hu-,fitot ,
I., _
'11 , .'131440 I rance Co. of Canada "" Is t%VO-I'0%\ -11111,-r I N,.x,.Ii I)pjll, I \Iwal [,,.,,]III .\If,. Egener desir,,, 1,. "Il".111, (I S 1�, ill If We'llws,li- (Or this \%-,(,k after sp,m!
','�`,�lw � J, - , . . ", 1, i Take notice that under the Dorn. ; Ink, t\%(t lito'
,� 'V, . - I I I Wagon, I I -*,,h, 11 I t I - TA t t it 4 - it I ) I I 1 4, I , r 1.1 I
.. �1 , ,I i I I I , ; ,'.ri�t� - — __�_ ___ __ set Harro%N � ,1,,:,It ,2,rIIrroOA,PIoW lt,\ I! I I. qohwt r..rIot1I`:i, III.-thrr, .\If-,. J. 'NI4.11.11-0111
". � ,I --------- I LIgh jll�j I-ou, oth I, at,' inion Prohibitory regulation . 1111,11.... ,titll\.,l -I, \ I \ III— 11 Iho
�, ,-�,;"_ _,4_�, ,�:,�� 'u , , ., 111--l't Ill, I-11,or (In Friday e\ening :, \1�11,111,14, \\Ill
__;1._, : , ." I
��,�,� o, "�.'..:.- �, , " ticles. a of last
�,-,,, I'll, I!-, ,,, jff �,�� . There are really only four reasons why A man does not carry TERINIS 1) ra 4'I I I', - \Ir Egerfor's ahilit\ ;I, it,, (11101tir St,
. �
"r ' . -All ,':III, ,it' $W antl under, cash: December, any liquor found, in 9hy () I. , 11 4' VNIIII rilpfil rerog � nition it, I
1"',i��,,--,:,��Z�%`., � � t ove g:1111 I I'l".-li\111111 '.11111,11. NItI\,-rI"o.
I ... � , � ."" '�, " I adequate lite assurance. r that amot;r;. .q mo"ih,' credit Will be o"' 1 ' "I". John \hircht-ion flas twer, ,%pen(I
,:.�;'_ ��_
.� , , .�,,;� . �,�'_' . given oil furni,tilior approve(I johit notes. place, that hits been manufactured flit- 1;11\ ,�I' Ih-froit, whero 11 I, h'.141, it ,�.11,1,011 Ili.\ 1. t , I"..I.I.-Il. ..r \Ili -
I � .0. - "I � , ,� low .4 rp\% 4ia), it, If)\%,, IIII., Past vvet,I
. ,*4,;��Vli*v � "'�J" (1), He has never given the matter serious thought. A dismunt (Or ,� 1,,-I,
,_ W", '' 4 �'J � -Ill. per annum at- since April Ist, 1918, it, liable to be -0 r-,limio-rative position, and till \"I't'.11, \\Ili li,o, O h,or,ii - 4 111, ,Iir,\ let's
_ -
,NifpFi� I I" ., ;_,�, : (2) He cannot afford It.
, ,� � �. . 'I, � �, , lowed rot' ea,)� ,,,, ,remt aniount,. 1\11'". I'll I,.:� and vie are Arlad tit soil tirm it, Illocl
lt.�,,, ;i,:1;,;,1,;N!_� ,,,, r I . I ill
I. I � . I I � -Ili he I I,; "id
� 1, 11, 1, , , VIO, I �,",' (V3 He cannot get It. I Everything ad%.-Itj�e,j confiscated, and the owner heavily . .11,1. In to%Vtl " if . botter lipalth thall %%nvo lit, left lien -
f, i. 1 . I � ,��, " , hlii�t bP disposed I iian� rl,,.
, E . � i�� . ... . . or. \ :Io t.d.h:01 , 1, I 6111, (I III.- ,\,'IIIII9
� � "I I It ,%, - � Hd does not care enough what becomes of his family after DANIEL PITBI kl-o fined. \'ill, Ill-, (-pportunity o,f lillial'to.14 itill \1 I Fill' flip past �var lilt has het-li on,
i., . �
1:� , ,, � to make a real effort on their behalf while he is heiie. propi'letol. TIM,;. ot'ttinny t Knox church. M.-Il'.1,11till N\111 r''Ildlict ,I Irlal
I. �tz_"Tl, "' " O.- ALICtioncer. IlloYe4l at (IIA 1,4-ndon A,,�Itjtii ill r1l,anr,
,.,4' , ", � . lnbllr�
, - k
- , � ;! . �. I,. � ,,;., ..,g -your reason I? Cousl4or ',it- d4i6funy, tbbil cenjult' us - ____ The Board of Trade 'III.[ "th.-I r 111k fall'.11 11'.1"'r'. I - [Or it'[' V()tta91i,, anti is at prowit
-t__ TWs applies to liquor. cider, and ('11 S""'I" a It,"Mil.-I'litl �;.TNJ feir Dri\r Sis
I ,-;1, L, , . ; ,., , . .- — -_ -_ - home-made wine of any kind, pro-
�.. , �,�, ", V �_ I ,� I. , wf`�gardlng our many plans of. policies. I D31INISTIt I, I t ilt,� 'SIDE.'\CE it a f,,rtnight's %fication,
.., , . . �zx[,E M' HE . ,:f ,Tilt
, : "' �! L ' A 1111, 11\111-o-plectrile commiltoo ,)r if,., 11 r% 1. Ill N*,.,tlI St. NI..II,o,Ij,t
.. ,, j; 'i 1.- -
,� I .",.! , � -, �: ,, , ,�, I Pf"'Ell IN . Hill SEHOLD I'VRNITI RE vided it contains more than two and I , , -_ -----
� � , , ; AND FURN1�1fliNi;:i, Allard ,I
", , , , � , "��
'4�, ,), _ , � � " , . . � - G, S 11 lit �, Title ne,t Cross
, . � " '. . H - R. LON one-half per cent. of proof'spirits. I I It,, indtl f Trade, In co-operatioll \NIIII ,.1,111.1, \\Ill ,.. ,.,,u.IIIt.tI.,I fl,.\t 11 I 7rn depaill,nont flit
, " , ",
, � I 1�� I : 1,:. , , " , . -_
4 I -'I , �'_ - I if li, s1rial secretary ha\ii preliar,,I I .... rimi- .,,I, I ,.%. oinlizz, b� it,,. lla,t,,'r t -en IT10%('d fl -In tilt, tea r6 ,,ii (Ili th. .
.;�., _� -, �;�"_'J:__ -4 I , C i 10H."N KELLY, HURON COUNTY TEMPERANCE ALLIANCE till v\Ij,m,ti\e report on the suhj,.,t ,,r it. \ 11" , fill.;--dge. Nit if*, Stin,lav (IIII Apiarit (e) T)r. (1,aIjr.%N,., 1,e-. Norli
...."',", ",". " I-L � DiStPlet Agent. .d.1nistrwi,,, ,%J I ,ell by vublir auction at DR. A. Ow. liff,wilff.
I �.' v, , " ,4'.
'�11�11 .1 I "I �" .. 1,
i, ,,-, :,�, �,-!_ I Ithe Preml� ,,I street. Goderivli.,,on 1111f*111 pollw- .41 11 .Street. To",Iti)s and Saturda)s frotf
��,.',:!' I -,?'�,`,,:�,�' Al,��,m Olt , r President Secretary eharg"'I the various municipmows r,-rl �,ih I. , I ri-v ill,ic ii.sion. "11.,v\ ill 2 14) 5 Weloch.
�V I,— �� ��. r'
. .. . I . .1 V, � - S \ r[ it 1, \)'. Ocl oBER hil
rr , tl� V�. . , � r 11,111, i . - " , � r . I
. . �,o� � com,lof �I, lit i K at I o'clu(.k sharp: I it I
111 IN A. T. COOPER. li�dr" Eloctric Power, SrIo\% ing rah- ill .... I - Ill lito rh'
;�4,,��,],��-4' " 000c"20"00110111MOM11111:11" . The. � PlI\%,-" ;,It(] Including tables ,)r I,,,,.,,- �.,,l (_,jj� I,!;,, I,rjj�ej.,
� . '.��,,r,,�'�-,, ", ""**"""a**"*&" 015mr, rflahie frame re-Idence West or I . - - wAkftD Mr. \%Iu. Da�bison, tit,- Neterah roun
, . i',�-,',-,��,;j""�,, ,the skating iink I.,opel,ty fill \N,qst sti,eet I"ti"o, Or, which vv"pres.ent,.ij at III 11,11% Ill! � , �
I � .; Godectich. Ilw lItItim. I" I Ot SE HELP WANTED-Hoo.ip rully 4 \ f Ili WIT IN" V,411 Ito Ifelli Lilt' ty clerk ot Porth, relefil,utell 111% 85tj
- i" ,,,,�N'T',ti.,14i , \karin and very H \ --i'll "d aI3 p. Ill ''it v%I
,... ,, (flit )fill:lary runiac e)qljtprpd. will). electrical appliancel. illi.r. .Nil.. litillue, ellainlHo ot, Ill,
" ; . - e.,;, , "". "i"t-S, rl'arne �table, Blued �4t tl,,-,. and tile seepetar\, lll;i,l,. .,.I- Ili- \-11-1,111`11 ilitol..." K\,"ll'"" \Till Soaforth, "'hO %vill 64� 147 In lictotwer I
'I", �,t- ��,Z',-,'!., - -Usrx IRMO _W1:E_VM __D . 5 Rs ,.,, ,,, lw41 ,I,. N, I % I Ill I., pres.-Ill'-d "Illit � III 1, I, A I)r,jjhpr
"' -j;�,�'�', . IT .Well built, hal a �1-11 Apply to Ili""t'll"' 'Of ill(' C0111)(11 ()It Monda\ ,-\..rl. ,mid. :�"- I it flirthday ,Ili Thurwla�, Sept. f,.,tll. if,
. , ,1-,f L "� ,4, 1 bathroctin. ,i,,,tj,)t, flit Itf. W HONVELL, St. Villvent 'If Mr. \10-x lidNid,iion, it
%,;#,,:i�1`,. , � .A -lm WME3113 . the lot I- a nill jItj8I,ter_3j,j,e. 7,11T, propel -I — t-1,
, .0Z ."i"',",�!, 'k , . :. . ,ty . , ""
.11, ' "Ll"N"i I can be ni,lw,tett at ajj� tolle by IA,,,,,,,, in COnhOction \%it' Ihe r'.I.,.rj I.i. 11'...1 ,.,.[,N 1,4.1",
,7.'.,y�-e / applying WAINTED-Three urinwritslied rooirls .
.., �, ,��-:-��Z�', . 11 \\'-IC,%III.. lit Ill"'..
r . ,"V ,�,, I to 11r, 1,Il,. � * - �
,� 1;�, ,-, 1--. . small flat In town rot, t\vo P,oI,f,'.` and \\tire highly compillij, It(,d -in tile '11, I.,II,i\\Iflg , . Frolt and P .
. 11�" � .1'4:7, TERNS� Ion tier vent. of purchase money Address . I;, Illf I.I.,91.1111 &II\en It -kip sholiver (let. Ist
1. - 1, BOX -00, STAR OFFICE. A `\1 it v%a, pr- ,I \ I, J- I., '11"."I \1,-It,,,,Il,t ..I,llf,. :Ill H"1111"(11ber that the Attivivi,k Chapter
"N A ��;V�il* GODERIC11 PLANING MILLS Ao be Iavl Ilont report. Tile rvp(�l
, " ,`,�7. �,, " ,,, �w . at little or sale. balance I 30 ----- -_ .- p,ir1 in connection vN,ijjI fit., \k.,I,k fill, 'll''It".1.1 ,%, ..... I 1, I;
I . L . _,":. � ;-;�,;,; .
I'll" ' L clays: of. 11 Illefei'llid, terrils TIT ANTED-Catitnet- makers and I I I). lk E., vvIII bo at tilt, qpIlern
., - ei'. "' V��; ay be ar- - ..f 1:1,1 %\....; . '. i
., ��:,�-:A,�,;.1111,,� . I ranged.
;o- 1� I , I . W it""ll"'I". v,mimittee was fornied fill. jilid Ill -0,, ...""'I'.1: ,it [I,,, 111o"If"d 't"lillot ,O11111. )II'MI911 t --a r000ls on I'll,silqy. Oct I
. , , � �,j,��,Zjz,',
IV ,,'r,,,,,,,,,,, 1 At the ,aule little atilt place, Steady Work, antt highest wifg,�. .Nl'- \\ill Ile heard of the nlattor I;if,-t,. NO, ,,., _
� all the Ply to THE VALLEY CITY ',Z',Tl.-,,; co" t�t. III revi-j\o
11, i 1, ��,, �
"',y%l, , content�. I � parlor, clinIngrooM, LTD. Dundas, out.
. � �
�- 1. i-l"'I -�.,!�', �: q�l ..
1� I - a,,��I,I,ttiut or ��M�78 7
3;�� �r� 11�1., 11�4. bedroom kitthen lurnikilings, ln(,Iudfiig _ 9,11--r3l meeting (If t1w Ij,,jIr.I 1, ,.jjII,.,I , ,_I lt,�lldalwv , ,\I! \ I L�!jl , I i 1',,IitriIiisIj,,rj,ii Olt callne.
, 1, __
I— ' ,,�4JII , �. rugs, fallwt-. I -Ture�. roatiogally and %%lat. MgngogBEloggiNgoiffloe(MgBfMOBRBORWMREUbMlJb*t]EMPN 'I'l, I 'I , I., � .1 Ill fl-lill., c-infiell l,wkI,.-, etv., Itir the hits
11 � - ----- --
it, g�',
, , ,-,.. � � � � nut tal)j_. I ha;;( - r,,' wIxt Wednesda�. 'j -"I ,I' I ".1,( 16.11. 4 "'.1"t'l,"
.1�6, . I 'THREE CARS OF Al CEMENT e - I fIll,'I, "I'll" ro"'I'S ti%III be open all da -
.1111,1111.1.1,11 . I .", -1, I,-.. \%., , "'I I
�Pl�t� ,I_- P;�� �
;,,-1,4. 1 . I . ped stals, Oak hall rack ol
, .L'��, _',.'�,�'__ � .
I , , "I 1- _!�, . .
I - _�, �;��V,�' with laill-i-` I'll"I'tir, t.� exten.ilon tables, din- M W Uvolre Huron Sunday School 4 onspilljoll Ih, \I,,- I Ii f4i.ilim.in : ", I I Ili -1 ill , '41),I if Or.-Iler'lliii, r..'J".1l'o is ti,-I),ill rot
I 'N I :, I—- � - - ____._
�1; i 'k,; :�; I �` � (" L � 5� -,' a �'. t!� - ingi ,ell,il dishe' , China, glassware, cut. M GIRILS WANTED W I'll,, prograin r4.r fill. j-..jj\,Ijt I..o I, "'I" \h- I'llil
. I III1,11" III ": .1''... I". t 11.11 r�
� ,,,,� gx ,,�';.:;,�',g%,I`��,jii� ery ,ld,board, �Ilver set, corn- M I I,- I i, .411,1 iih,�?'I,ili,01. -.I --,"\Ii, Hirk-
,tl�,� tuy , fillroti kitchen range, I M APPLY AT ll.,\\ isimed. It calls till. 1\�,, --I,.[), I " I'll` Ili ill HIP 1119 Fair, (,all and se.
I' t�lr _O,I't,�,,� parato "h [if," * I I � V10611-1 r.tthz, ,.f �',Ill SljjI,. ,)%+.r
I ", �,,,�,l,,,,', � ", . 1-1 1. I o ii; Thril, ,
.. :��,'�:,",_ coal lwati-r, kitchen tables ,tvashing ma- OR 01 it Knox church or] Tu'. -,.I,,\, I , , , I "IrW-111-1 N,V.I"rI,r,I (.1.0111fliff, \V I
,�;, ,",'"*f,��"' � ONFCAR H Be Ce SHINGLES ['oil �,I.I,, -l''.11.1,
; �' " 1Z.- -cliftle. tub,, holler. garden' tools GODERICH KNITTING Co. , -'Vt. J,J. , ...
��'�,�i,-,,'t,i�,��;..'����4��:� , , 2 lawn IN fc! it I :,:0 p. M. find 11, Ili 1, 11, %\ 111, 11�, P�,,. �11 - \),,[..!I ,.11.1 \!I,- -�,,Iil I
. " "; I ,I , , 111111 III \NI
,,�,�,,,,,- �0;,,ZA�V- . , in""""' �- """plete Irgil bell.i, mattresses @@ I.- Nil r" I, I . 1,; ,!' , 011,1, Nfl-,�
' " ", .;, , A . .
- ��,,;,,"� i1i, +
I ,,,�,,�",��,il��',+,',,",�.--i , and ,firmir.. .', oak awl Walnut dresser'; and 60 EAST STREET lQ I hinetwon at I; o,j.I_,k. Ii, I_ r,,Ij, , 4
1. ,, l' 'I",,, . , � .. wash�talld,. I, volliplete �\..,l 1-111i'll '11.1 Nil— 1.411I.: '111, . —_ —
,Y!��,4�4:��,,�i�� , I 1, N11- \11
,,, - I -111 'Z I toilet sets, I large N f1h, ,hort speoit-Ij.., ,.11 ,I.I..1.1''I t,,� no"Off,
I , ,!il , , � " bureati. ;I qnanjit� -0 .sealers, I large wal- %tEERBOBGBMMEMMMlMgMMMEWMEBBM,E 144 I , .1, '.
.1, �, .11 �1114 ,,,,, .. nut \i,,,,,,,.,h,,, I ,P\\hIg machine, cal,Its, --- - _-, - - -, REiffl,43 'Ili tile, Progritill t1l..r., .11'.., ill k,n ,,,,,I \ii- Nijill.ill. \,,,Ilu ,�l:.(1I.M 041110NI') -
,--_VZ;, ,,11 ONE CAR 54 Be Ce SHINGLES In sa�,1101d, 'In Qej,l- -.101h, 191s
I 1"�, I T� "I'l.', tj'110; 1"'� ,,,,,,,,, 'If \J!" 1.1 .dk� .I- Ill— � -l", \11'. .1 4;r"A * to -%I', dod ,%It's. Vin. 0itloon( , a 4oll
',_,� ,,,, _1-11 1. blanker,, ,twer,, pjjjo\%�, rill,talus t., rf-ports of - .k,i.,_. ,,,I,,,,, .,I � . -
I I "i;e� � "" '�rrl _ I . . luf6leum aliffizall I . - _it,( I
.�.', ,"� �, M,Fiei.*F*� ,,,, " I _
I �� "';, ',,�,I`�;,'.� � . I
� �!',.'� 'r�� �:' i , IJW.I)
I , . ," �,K! , ' and inank �,tlwr %alliable articiezi. go * drses by 11(iN. ,1,. N, 11.11.,.,, I . I- "I , ..(, I. ,ft'l " I., 11"ll: IO 1,111a.111: 4'od 10H.'NSTON - In Holy lillo�t Ho.-II)ltal, ("Ach
1, ;"�%,� - E%;1l�IIii?jw ritii,t be .,;old. IN I
1 1 � Ir , ,,�,,i, r,, fill ;i_II 59 . pw lwial spi-rntary: 1), if,,% it "I" If--,- �""%' ""' WIf fi"r .1 If 'forhout 1)1'111 Nld,;�t,.. Sept. 1-,. WIN, Chariiiii net)
".. �1 ' * "..,III -1-1 - -tl,i I I 'I I ... I'l."I ...... 1, .1 ill i,oll of the lat., Hillit!
,*, .0 - � It 11 -i -fill) ,11"'I'll ')(It be sold at time or Ill I All.411) j"bostion, r' I I. 1,
.1 ,,: . GODERICH PLANING MILLS ' I 1* J.,r .NlIlhu,,,,, ur)(, li\ \11,, 1; I III, O [I, T;iui4ton rou
,, I 1, ' ' ,w "" re"t. % #1 . '. . '111"..1lif, d I., *1. "' I Nfl'-I' flit- J.vrT..jIIl� I I 1) ,oderich. outarto. Burial a
� 1, 1 11 1 sa Wanted * ,if .�varortfl. A 11, \� -I].:, k", 1, [I." _ lallilla. Ontario,
.4 � I CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS J.1IIf11I1\F1:;I;.1 I T. IJ'NDRY 04 �,.Imof Fire, 11111. I 11111 IT,,, Ill',
� ,1 r, I � \011,11,1-rial"I. Aurtlo�eer. 111 ,f 11111g." I- 1, 1, 1, ", I 111.1u," [,%...I 1111141, 11, WNFII -Ili Goderleh. n Thii:,srljj�. ,
; ,., , so Any quantitv of Air I, -, * ......... , . 19th. lots. C41thorttle Will ,ipp,
� I I . fl. , I it" progra n 1, .1 I I, I N\ I I I I " "Ill :. ,;�" ", "t y u (low or th.
., , 8 r — W I . - __ - - - I ___ I
4,.�, � " JAMES BUCHANAN, -Manager I. I IPON 1\1 V Ill' fAR.Nf STOCK A,ND M .I tho irionventinii .N, (,,II.,,.j1.,jj \\,Ii I_ lat" Th"1114" '"ell. ho Il"I''81-Md year.
k, _,; � '! "�,, , A 1, I \1111 1- \IV. NI -. Pears and Plums * 1,ker) lit flip ,.\,,Iilllg fj,.,.jlII 'i
r ;:_:; �", inaaaaaam0000macam000G00000ccoaaa 3 __ � go I _- 11 1, ' TI I 0 %I A Ill f;0dorwri, oil sil$)Elay, Sel)t
� , � 000,00am""CH011111000 to 41 4`1110, 191A. IfenrN, chaj,I&A Ihoina-.
I), ,,, 1', — __ \111. (.H\Iil.f:s N'()RBI ffl 'A i III-PP(I that ,)fir vifi/,o, %\Ill .111, ,,it ,!,,, NIII)OWI) Ill Ila " I, riday,
11� I" , I v , ,,\ oning s,,ii,,.,i..rI Ill l,triz.. jiiIjj,t,, , , I ,,;I ,. .,41 pit ..Pill
" �Ii go I , 111, 10114, Jaloo. MI'":"!`i'1(
, ',�,i!`., M RAILWAY TIME TABLE "Ik�["�;-Il hk Plibli, a(wilon at Part Lot I.% W at the Canning Factor% "Gr, Il' a ,'air W! year-
, I I I 1--ild V.a�t, -h--jivardtoyi oil N . " Ri%e a iJ.-I, iji,(I,Il.),*, \i,,I._fj,. ,,, "
�,,-,I,tj - IN . -
�,,� r' go * 1 Ille 1". S A4.(,I.4Ij-,I1, A — . - —
P, 19 To Keep the Home (I I 0. iP'. R. I I F-11 N N. (fC.TO13ER 8 50 BRING IN WHAT YOJT EI A\ E 44 . ,A." —
, :1 wil'.11IR at I o'clock * , �7;�, � � I
�� 1. . . % Goderich-Lea,V6 6.20a.m. 1 30 p.m. 1.111, ,.."�;;Il *".11,11 ;r or twent% �. I :,:.� � ,, I
i.11 ED ,�,,�'.
_ll , M a&ffiUtoq7 Arrive 11.35 a.m. 8 go p.m. y -rive acres, The Nev, Children's ShrIler �"'
Ill 31" Fires Burning : 111:111, barn. Will be soh, 11 Huron Cianning and Eviiporafin� �* ,
I . I M ;roronto- 11 11.05 a.m. " "' " "" I h"11'e a on *i I I
11, 6 111 6.30 p.m. ,-A',% Thi, Iasi DUNGANNON"S
I � 11'1111� lil,l) thP 1`0116wIng artlefesi ,of I'V9111,"' iifinL ..? III, -
I �Ij 11-. EM 5.10 P.M. V y e
� ,,,� V-, 111 Let. the children jyjay with Torelito-Leave 8.10 a.m. I ir'-fivial pll,po .O',are, 0 ., ars old, I I Co. fH1(;hJIdren*,, ,\,,I ,4,,j.I,-IN r,,r Ill, ,_Ill,,%
. , i,\k dut, V, ,,it i. e .Tali. 15till, I Co milking
. �0. 50 Hamilton- " 8.10 a.m. 4 10 P.M. 'ItI., I" ,aki, In Api'll. I three-twid Helfer , ,
, 11 � � . 19 mat0hes ; 89 * I r 11 1. 1:,,I,t Ili 11 I. ..... [if li,ill,,:.
, , ` IN ffl GOderI0hi;_-,Arrive 12.65 p.m. 9:r,5 P.M. la t I % �1!1111lr Ifeirril". 2 Yearill-K Mtek-rlil, 11 1, .11I` "Ill",;t I 'it IlwII\, '�i-ph-lld.,f Ill. I
, " �,, . - W All trains arriveandleave UnlonStation I ..) ,I, ,,IV' 1:81ve, '. - -___z
I" , 11 Start the fire with coal-ofl; . . I - 1189 81101''i'll', IIlIr,!io,! I,— ,I,-., ,)r
I ,� ill . I , I"k Pigs nearly rat, 70 Hen,% DISSOLUTIoN OF Now Hapnees Shop,
89 ,I �pi Ing C I FUJ,j�x F� I j � I I t I ,
, 4, N Burn trash in the back yard on w GO T. R. I ,,o,,t,,h(,e(yj9, I rubber -tire top
� Iter. Buffalo Holblitil, OTICE OF DISSOLUTIO.N ow- pkii�N�B. ovcuji�jng tll-- I)--\\ 'holl. I pw. 1,4-d
�: � ,,, 10 a windy day; . Goderkeh ;,I'll) IN % I the conj.ii(I,I,j I,,,,, .,r riijjlj,�,Io, ,11.1
� 111 -Leave 5.50 a.m. 2.30 p.m. t Ilain %\avon Wlth'ubox and .shelving, 1 N SHIP.
,� 0 IV Toronto - Arrive 10.50 a.m. I by tile ,Count\ (,.,Ijn(,Il ?I 1'.\i, \\--k- Call at McCLURE'S oil Fair Da�
( �� ,, "� FR Let soot accumulate In 7.20 p.m. ,0 It,,I,t,,r Sri Ing.4. Spr rig sear, Neck- I
, �� 11Y a the IN foronto-Leave 6.50 a. In. 12.45 ji.im, �-ikp aod I)oub"lotrees, A Doering 111,10wer _____ .
�� 1. ". I ,10 - chimney ; , Ili,' P-1-1 cut. I Oliver Cultivator, I 10 -hoe NOTICE 1f; hereby giver, that III, pa,lopl.. alro. The NN';TI,rjeIj,� r,ollIllfl.... ,,,,,, .,\. anti gee Iiiii full now line of Single
" A, 111 and hip hereTOTOre subsisting bei�%.o ,I,. the am ned
I , I Unuers!ffned, a ,mir ii,al,rq,
- -in. 7.10 p.m., ,, Ifio A� fitlanht,it�, I sell as bakers and
�� ; 11 ii� '. 1111 get the stove too 431080 to t'he i Go'derich-Arrive 11.40 a 6-35 P -m- 114-41,1 111-111, I ,PI Illse Harrows I Hay Hakp. 3 1 flip j)r,,rjjI,,,,q ,q) ill,, ,,,,,.\,,,,,. and I)OUNO Harness, Whips, Rugs,
� I 'L
�. �. .1 0 80 � Mer, I Corn Planter, Saturday In vitnipall% N%IIjj ;j fi..flit,, It f,e I
" I � ER __ and 11.45 p.m I -t or finfrim-, I Fleury Plow No. ha,, fill, .In% J)poll
I " wood -work; In the [own of (lodprich . Ffalters Sweat Pads, Tie Ropes, an(l
�Z. 1.14" . Be careless abdut electric light LOST 0 - I __ ____ - I 4mall turnip Drill,211t. dissolved by mutual ron,tollf, be Of thP G, A. �4ovwl\. sIj,I _11I.- 111,
"L" IM �� ' ""Itel" said partnorshil rti miIntf; and lilt, it..? , \%,.I., Op.
, , , 0 ';;!,' a\ll t�])O'bts Prove ' '" I
" I _===-�_ 'I " I,', -" "� t ria' Owing to the a full assortment of Harness pifirtis .
. ..� 91 wiring. IN R FOUND -,% � -1 %A ClIttlog 1101, 1; Corn-cuttinir puld to Proudroot. kiltoran & (',,,,kp. Bar. . I . also
IT - I It Pulper lin roller bearings, 1 risters, at It I, ina,I, r,-rtl,-
, OUND-Retwee Carlow and puril'.f, light Niaiket - their o,ffl,-,, (;(,(I,.,,I, 1', '
- I@ F � claims against the VVIth, Tile f-oftimillo., liko nirre,,.1 f.,
�� ,il, - OR cided upon, %%tli(.Il :ir,
L I 0 _�
." 11 ffl \% F1700. ,I Hay Raft, I Grind a ... I all TRUNKS, SUITCASES, Etc.
" twip I 6plivel 0%. %Pt
" traveHer's sa . Paid parthpr4nlp are to
, . mPle bag,.,� 0wnj,Lwf,aII DuubIP Harness, be Preliented to i %%, ,., I furnish
, 11 �� 1 A th6figbtless neighbor may M havO sAme by roving Property and I il� "-t� Smirle liarne-4 I set Single Harness switne will be settle(l. . .,mI,h. b% " 11 ,Tit the s"Ifle 'If IrW st;ild,- artirl,ii, L. �
11 endanger your property. IN expenses. at MIA OFFICE. . "" And (:,)Ila[ 11 sets 41019,1I Bells, A Dalsy needed ill flip f�.jIIff,III,.f)I ,If Ille lloll We have the Quality.
.? i In I Will 4.olllif., � 41pilrh Mill 1 UR 1)8tPd fit (loderich thi.4k 7,th ,]aL% ,Or .,;ep.
I . ,qet% rY teniber, 191s, Offers froln Iliv %ii,aw-W, jll�tlfilj ,.r
I .1.� �&l a Protect Yourself by taking out flif , 1)3113 ChU111 N I. .1, 12 IfIlk Pans: 6 Butter
1, .� .,� - Fire Insurifinee policy vvith MILISIC I "),Lo'.k_, ft? CoW Chains. I Single -barrel 1. W ,Mllff Ociderich arlif (.IiIlj,.jj fit j1_1.f III rurn .r We have tile Quantity.
I a I Iff L riierliloader Win. about ten tons or Frood witness � H. j, D. Cook 1 " - N1 1 1 I' Isbing III., tiou,,, lla%.. 1_,rl r_.F,INI �Vo have the Price Just Right for the
, i� ill HISS GRACE SEAM% DUP11 Of I%lr. Jan Ila%. a qijanttly of Fodder Corn In stock, e anti grateriflIN ,4,-1,rj.,%%I(�.h2..,I. arl.1 (i
I ill Is . Hamblotulig, resumed her class .,,,,,I .I �tjantit3 ,nr Nithurpls, Turn (I Po- . nall ni, oliti 11);
It", w. q For rppared to receive .1 toe �. 1ps. See ' , 'I'li, o 11%11111111 .'I'll- I- � 4od ptr cusitomer.
" ['� "' RODEO* 411001S I VOTERS' I,jsT
I , Ill terms apply to ftf ,,)Its on the �joiin. t VfoIR4 and Shovels and numerous .N, I P. List set.s li;i%,. at,., to .o r_,.j%_j �
5 ill INSURASOK AOEM jR West Street. ?818 GRACE SEAGER. � ,,,,,,,,,, llrtirle�. I open Buggy. Wagons and --- fr,llii We Solicit your Patronago
, , .0 a , Inivienititits firactirally nfill" . VOTEIIS' LASTS. ,Ill,. sexeral riliz.-ij, ..f t,,%%Ij
I � 'I M Fift, Life, killiffiat Rod Health lasurancift, 60 --- Ei,er3thing I- ill he .,told, a'q .kfr. ,I.hb,,
� 0 ER SABEL R. SCOTT has fri%en Ali ,minF. __ - Thp Roeiet% v%Ill III. jzI,.I I., I ....... 1%,
10 I - TER%f';L on's 0 $10 and under, cash. THE MUNICIPALITY OF Wli,�T NVOINVAN08ft front Indhidil!jI� ,if' firw.jnj/..di,,rj_ fr, W. H. McCLURE
�;,: mossam Organist xorih i'treet lifetiodist churrh 1,,%pr that amount, 12 month.,,' credit IN THE WANT RON sym 1111101". nil ii-IIII'liftli-1.1fill'if.11
� ", I ICE Is hereby give if I Itavp wrong. L "Everything (cr tile fforf4el
� vi'lli NOT Yn (that" I PattlY V,ItIj if),- ,,%,,rk. it) .in% I,irl
1, = �.__ _ - � . - ----- Prepared rot, COnsel"V5110ey Examin bp jrl%en,,on rurnishing approved jol mitted Or dellver�d to the perRons men. of the rminl,, ,Iwj;jrI,,jI� ,,r III Ink I,, "der ,.r Ih- . --I V. I ?,.,I" ,nd 11111ii,l .
ations In if lie �01 tioned in st!ctlon R. of the ontailo Voters' pillows. ,,..Ijs-,.t',.,, 1,.%%,.I,. ,ji,i,h), 'j),. I
t, I ( � k 14170"I'll or r, per cent. allowe �
" 1, Volce, Piano and Organ. Iror ra-li ()IT rroidit amounts. � , lit �'�f , ,-,I dirii,hir ,if .j,,I,II,,,,.TI �.%,tllw_ n stund known as Roberts' Office,
11 For terms, etc. apply to filligs Sr,itt at I "A,, -,()Rn,;. 1,11149 Act, tile coploo r-Octimed by said -t ,,r ar)NjIl Ill, 11 -It, parl%
. THos. 011'NDRY, section to be transnotte(I ior deliver
"I ,0001 ' SijUafion Ntis. Vanatter-ii, dDr. WAtIfirloo, and Queb�f- f1r,,pF j,,t,,r. Atirtione, ed or effort utensils, Ili r., I 111,41 Dungannon
, 0� r_� Streets. _ - - or. the list, 11111111410 Pllrqtlant Ill �aid Act. 'vill Ile r)#.(,.I,.,i r,,r ff;,, c.-tor,.ri .4 I,. I ------____________�
, . __ __ — or all
,. , Persons appearing bv the ia�t revisecl As- proper care ,if ,hildr,�ri, irpt I 1�11 I 1'.
" The" ( 11-� %HINO; At CTIO', SALE OF FARIOT Ressment Roll of tile to
I " , �Tof:k, IMPLENtENTS N.NI) Hot:SE- lie Prifitled in ViNte %,,,, .,%,f,l,),nl,r,l,,P,a,l,f,ty,,,,, also Ile %%,,IrfI,, %% rit. It, -
I nallonq or iiiiippip., ,,, l,r,,%
I �,, C - In I"I'l /IV
, '� . Organlat SL 060r**'s AIIIIII(An Churrh HOLIT FI,R.NITI RE, Including a number or ty at el ctiong for menill lie Logis. I , I , , 1: ". I "Ill; "I 0
1 0 Piano and Organ Instruotion p :iI11'1I;111 I
� I 11 froo(l Thtrolighbred liprittord Cattle, at Lot )alive A880mbly and at m -at Elections seerlittar%. %Ir 4; NJ f,,11 1f. I , ),I 1,11
,, 11 �. :I. I,akp Range, Ashfield. mile north of and tit BANK vir
;'. � or Tarawa hind. Five"plece Orchatr& Ili I rt Alberl. oil Thursday,%October 10. at tile itaid.,l!'.1,uli� firit 1posted up hint vi,hat N-, --iii, ,I,. r-, I . _ .. _
, , , rate PIIi Ito'— JIll"'li ,r`TEti L'%,,,1',. It My OMPP In 9 Nka,ii,il fifir, Ithe . I IN=--
� I , il Aight 18, Bettuil �� ,It,�_ -p- 1`01(m. 41,8011Y. At thly Or Adwrilift. 1019, and rArnarnit there AAy(jhe %%if., fla,l h- -yl j,r,-nf 11 Jill- Mrwillietil"am evzo I" VRAUS
r �, I . - Proprietilf. - Auctioneer. ror Inspection lost rill"tinu %�,.Ijhl h:ikv I....'11'N r, . .
. " I - - _____ And I hprpbs, rail upon all voters to take IIZP(I it[" foaiirril I wl,, iin4 ifTipw I it) .... .. f
, . 1.1-1111"'; Al CTION I'll -F OF A HOtISE. 'Tiltbadiallp prtireedinfiriI t,- hav,,i any errors
r � ..�,, 0. F. CARVY I � (I " I 1. ". fiiWl) I`( RNITURE, pIA;-;. or 0111131111814long enirrerled ,ii-rording to jaw. thp Stiviet%'. %%,,rk. III,' -14- ,if n- .
, , OVAL MATS AND rJOISURAVOIt A 0 ENT I I qTf)\"F:-A. ET(,. Dated thilt 7th day or lwlitember f9lif. Irl0elell or vt,i%\%;#r,I ehif,trrn ,iri f be Safety Depo i Boxes I
"It, , and we vvould advise sit )
,�, � ! . , MOdWellinkatoweltifintottlittupl.4 by %%. __ W A. W I L96N. Clark doe�et heirip Tii,,ry it, fr, -111,1 J,. -,I, .
i . "" 2 r, I MQd4rh Cion ven fence-. VIR GEORGE PIRSET - �
. I anyone W 2 41 near'06111fittifiganth arid Keys Will tell b) 1311blic auction. at his regidenre. - ----- tiltiered tit ,.Tie sittiog If I. %,,.,ff It is unwise to keep 1.
"i, ,� , 110 Can Ilse a , I& liff. furray 10 16ftrin goderich "I'llIP (411,41rut Vitt thr , `
,.� �, � . will __ o. A bargain F.4-1 -trpet, 'Goderich, on ""'i., "�
� I slo . "moll lor a quick -AIT 'Ill'ititv. oritifnewEri f?Ih eruelf) f,, antrwil, %%,-r-, r. I— I Bonds, Securitiell, Insurance
I . i Aill Ihp rontonts. contill4tin I(918 , I
10 ,� 'I, Of living rnorn, -.- flealt \%till. InVI.I.111IR ,,I),. fl.."I, if I I
:, --Om. bedroom and it Itilipla furniture " I Papers and other valuables .
' Soft Coal to lay in a Twolbrickbill"111"NrI60G.T. Ittatinn for dinourf ,
I . I . , nPiallhorhlfl fir F\-I,,r %%fit.$, %%., -
906 Or tftt Can be bounhe i ary rheati. I incisidina I good Dominion piano llrugtlpl� The Council bag struck the Tal partirolarIN trimirl. flow III v,111,11 it,,.
4 ,�L . rug- rancy tableq and chair,!, tartirp tial; in a house or office.
", I . ton or two'now as a FOR 1111.11,11.1 Rate for 1918, Taxes can 'pI,,,,j,Ie,j gillit% ;111,1 p_j i
7-41 I . I sidobtiard, extonstion tathip. set of 7 Oak now be defen,itint
" ;, % F01`81111le,iiiii-Frainedwellplifflon St- Genrii 411"Ing rhalm. 8 Collection or Limoges , hfna. paid at tiny time -2 per cent. off, ItIff Penalty. This, fit('. I'j i %%I)rk ill,. I 11 .
,� � CreWitt" 10 906d I*Pftlr , rfoihe�, outlery. dinfillifiroont wrilir 3 cowthrilp
.� ,. I %11 A aci garden hedr,ifin Iniltolf, mattrps3;e I Ito . Safety Deposit Box" it
I thatter qf tirecatition ' I'M" IVintilit-1111'. 9000 ;wrIth hoo.i. I q, Apringil inliet payable on or beff-fre October lat - I Society proilorutr% oarrif-Ok - M .
. , Rel. llpotq. trurtainq I , hoped Ilw rj,-N�, ---------- �
. � " � DWel"plill' bild 111"ItItilpith Shop in the -, bllnd.q, picture,;, per cent. off, It 14 %,Ii, -It, -r iAill h.
I nearl?,ifiripw 11,10frAlt 5tf?TWranjrP,,lI. "11,1,anl - -Ill% e vaults of this Bank
I I 1_1 � . UnX&nnOn (br Rate or refit. Hom,,i Oiler J, rpfrIT,,Pr3tor. tit how firpt I 't. P11% 111110 by NOVOmber sufflifilentlf, wr,�, f,,r ii -o ,,iiiiIN IF) ,I.., th may
I ___ . I I — 6p.lkltS � ft fArM property I and all IT: Itche'd ifterial it, tober. anif flip f,)ryy,.,[ poltIle ,,j,.-,IjII,, I I
". I I I I . __ __ Everything will Ile sold ilvithout regerve. Call .find p.qN �irid qave the dis- V011 take plaeo fitirincr ,00nt% (,.,iIo be rented at a moderate .
1 . , . a' ItIr 644,tel It; giving up nousqekee�pfnjr. cou n t. wep k I n Iler, Tit 1) I, r. %% ` I P n I ho I I r ,,, I r I, -., I �
11 t WA')'!ANOHU FIRK NHU H. T)"11444411. �
I � , W " OAXO'V. i;F.( . Ill SET. T. (111NDRY, All in arrearg J`,�r tatel; MUSt 0, 11operIntendrnt. %fr .1 .1 ji,el., ' If: I charge. – 0.
"..... fly fir
I 09,*Ottkobso4in thwit preVI.9p F Proprlpt,.r _ flier %%f.rkvrQ ar,,i -,([,,.et,.f I , I.. -_ - 1111^0 OPIPIC9.11,40141TR4,01OL
, NION, ift" E8,18 - - I tea rtI - - - __ � Anctionpor at once, otherwi,te ,fiStrewill; Wgrrantis " -_ � _ __ -
a " It _=
I , qmL,v ,
, .A% - ,
10 "%W ,
= ,.I., - I I
i I qftew I
a 4 4*0 t I
W, ,
q I",
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� I � I
- 1
1 1
91111O�T - - - .- -
0 - ,,, K tAv*ft*,k in-u'rP.4 t their - - - ===�:_:, M=- �Ilt N1119,; P.11ni Vrn-or. ,if I, A, ,,, I, I —_
I I— , 'Viki" *111111110011111W th __ must Jssue. OW vit,ho Ila,; hid -w%ertil yoartl' -xi-or,ii I
, it
.111'.11 , . 4 . III It farin or not. No ThPrP 14 %%ar-shortening work
11 �, III, I ii. , §00ii, - � 0 i 11 it., , wfio� tiliEldilit I 1 ,"!L %valt- WM 0,1111,1111111081111ILL, in flip viork in larir,, r,,,ntrI h i� I— - I
1 q -4 11 WUM 4A t;,, A. W. Strickland, Maniger,
"�,"-"""`,",O""w" ------ � --- L4 1 2*6 Tit for Colborne Ing for evory winilar that can he Paved. Goderich Branch. I
\ .. I I I . - . � � T I, TV C01100or. Pri.Ir'lla-ld -1; .i,.itr,-n f,,r i ,,,, I ,,,� , I,. I ----- ---- � '. - -_
I ,� 4 1� I ill" 11 . — — — __ , i,
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