HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-09-20, Page 6M
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. Z 0 - '' --"-. , .. - , , . I � - I.,- .. - I ... I �, -- I- ill. "I, . 11MA UVIM111140H KrAn i """"'
_ 110-011-01 I_! . 1�11.0111�111� iii -11-1111, I—, I.. � 1.11MM I I . ... I I ppoll." 11 � ______2.
, " - I .1 �q 1i:111::1!.4=. . ""-."""`�_"__,�,�_ . � I - Ii1II_1_., � ,,, �", I'll'', I - -11.1. ..r--- ____�
. � __ I 2�w? 1 90"19 5
I 0, "'t'� I
I . 1. _1 I � - 05-111111101 111 �, I �� I 9, 0 vivowtin not to know'U'At Mro. ITC('104140 lfbe sult of me lr,�,iN64) -a�, lmd - *90
11 I .... RJ � had to I .
� " �, ,T& her ,itivalabg s.9 lot* bmAuse, hi3nia, on, big fage, "d Ito, .livas :IN, SlPtS AWD BACIC.
Five ha beeia tryip; to tc,ib�j bery,cif bi�,. bron-ReAthan ever. whf6I , 010 bad .
�,_ I . fort, condnH dwwastairs, " � rougl4esAifid Ills �ani and to ly MW TO GO TO SEM
, I - her Uo es off rs ront
. L reil me about your lravelt�, Isogel." spenied Positively to exhale tlio odor of Womeiff, ifire, the gmt t s ere I
� V . ) -Didn't I in my letter, -411 " The fields Ja which he notiv lived from wi3k; IgW6 and aching backs OvIing to
I � 1. - BIG "TREMAINE "Letters!" excialmea Mrs. Treirrialm.'suarlse to stiuel. �Sbe thought that, the Volitinual, stooping, bending,and Wt-
: � . -.1 . I � "I By HARM VAN,VORST el -0 I tvaxit tO bear your voice. I Vio'eut like Esau, he w45 F4111fas the birth- iu,j, scinci.oxary to perform their house-
�, . to Pacts When I Was first married, voLL right of agentleinan of leisure for ruere, W d duties. .
, I I hno%%, and I call see the (lower marhets pottage. She could not ofivilprstand wily Weincla. should not despair even if they
. jcn�vn,ytf 1914, By 44mr, I&Gi 0 C-) ity(w. --big bouquett3 of heliotrope with a rich trially and a gentleman, st�loluld an troublicO with severe pains in the Side
-_ vvijite paper round them. All Paris bug-, work. like (L-13borcr in t4e fiell1l. It or back, anot: not able to attend.to these
I - - � - -_ I FJ MM 0 Rai I ,,',,_ gests flowers to me." 1 %%as pat, y for tier to be angry ecd to do to ak-os the
I 11 I I I I , I Ill ",""I'll I 11 With Illyn. duties, u4 all th7 11.
it, I - - I sobei tit ougb I of the travelers who) and site inade no effort to mittgate tier ,back strong an " ell Z,6wa Is to 5tuntL-
-14. � I SYNQPSIS OF PRECEDING CIIA,Pl V144 wi Ili prole. The rooin had much ,i had returned front so inuch more eult- teplings. , late the kidneys with Doan'15 1�idney
. .1 -1 . I truclion. but it ratied tu lilease Isobel frig % oyages. and wondered what Ills I ..Check, mother," tie said and regaFd- Pills. �oleyymyi, F -E-1
I I John Tremaine. after con ubsence I fib failed lo%elinlii vi,as gonv. and Trii narratl%es would lip. and what his ed tile board with satisfaction. site hin. John Simmons, C
i i . . I of 15 Years from lled.lau&%. a pretty Maine, fit these rr-no%ations. had dealt inother1knew of themlI I played an excellent, game. and he did wyyit�efff: ol feel it my duty to recommena
I little Virginia to"n. rtturils to lift- I
V I � I arreestr4l home. fie finds, Lite e- � Is.ibel Ills first blovil She aum%vired Mrs. Treivialne's ques- not often get the advantage. Then tie Doolia's Kidney Pills to any One having
.; � I I'll*, viindov%s %%ti opery, and shr lions and asked her nothing, tier own tooted up at Iter and found that she weak kidneys. an they have been of great
� .- � tate, to a dilapidat6d condiltun, vitth � coul'i See the luxuriant holle)buckle thoughts clinging around one Idea; %%its steadily regarding bluk. help to me.
I , I little sigus 6 . He then ii y kidileve wals so bad
I . , f Lift, I Viries Vit,%ernifir Lilt- %t-randd, Through these delightful meetings were now to: -No Trenialne." she said slovi Some time ago iti
I Ily "has I W severe p�Lins I n ,u *. si des sad back
I I to Limit. utivro lit, calls on Mr. breahh %%ery %imble- ki.-sLis of the oahs end, and she would not be tible to come'ever before worked fit the fields 'like a
I : ,qvilynol Lorasitt, a lay.yPr, volho I and of tile umnov.ty hiNvyis. 4 Tilt- pene- to Riverside any more. As they talked common nigh-li and it was impossible lior me to stuna
. recognizes the returned vviuderer trotting perfunie ut tile honev%uti tbe suit set. and Bob fetched up tier I Re bat bach a little from Ui board, t. I then got so bad I had to go
� . - ,
I and expresses surpritiv that a I ame hv%vetl) to her; it ul%%a)s ritatle horse to the -door. The sound of tile placed his hands to Ills poicktets, his
I e Btrt!�
. to andWaStILL-t AVLlyf0rav""el" I
. 1. scapegrace should cary to bee bis 1hq,r think lit I'li%erside. in tile window, scythes viere distant at the bottom or elimposure untruffled, tie baid tran_ sent foisome Doll -i Kidney pills, and
I . �, old - friti I in It %%orh table, Ili) tilt- pill- of white flit, noovin fleld. The girl leaned 0% er quilly : I took just about, o -o bu�,, and was able
I . , ,
I � Tremaine asks Lea% Itt to recount livien %%fill v%hich slit, had seen Mrs. impulsively and took 'Mrs.. Tremaine's I "if the triggers only loved to work as tort up and do vity own work."
"I � .. the story of his crime of 115 yeafs Tremaine's hands busied. hand. - I do, mother, there vo. ould not be as Voyan a Hidnev Pills are 50C. a box at
L" � I .
� . I ., I ago, which Leavitt does as folloi As she stood there, three or four *,.Nlu-4t )-oil really go? J�n't there much poverty In Virghnia. Don't d all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of
I I . "You bad been taken Into the Red- Is- . - ,
�� negroes calne froin tilt- baeh of the some nalracte that could keep You 9" tress 'Yourself; it's only a sort of pas- nee by The T. Milburn Co. Limited,
I ". ' I i lands National Bank that summer house with scythes over their should- Mrs. Trentaine kept her eyes upon often for the land that makes me go out Toronto, Ont. rk a " N111,00
i I . I sad were sent by tile president, ers, lyndolentl)-. every gesture marked her work.
I and got near to It. I am proud of my Leal', appears on the wrapper -
i Mr. 'Malvern, to Richmond to caah 1)), tire slov%nebs ill their rare, Life) be- "Ito �uu believe in miracles?" site fu -prows; they are as straight as tq,ey
. 1 4 cheeli for $10,010110 and to retell tile
� , I gan tot cut tile high, floovering grahs ashed. eat% be. There Is a bit of Adam In us -
,I . . money in notes back to thti bank -They never worked long without still;- "Yet,," said Isiabel,ardently. all, you know, and a man wants to ffet
. �-
1, .. rned from Ing, anti presentl� to unison, fit the suft She meant %vtyat title isaid. and [lilt' dovirn to the very sell itself to feel how Lost With All Hands.
. 11 Richmond. You run away with tile voices she loved, th�) began to sing: friend knevv, it. tier f0th, tier altItude much It belongs to him.,' HALIFAX, N.S., sept. 10.-Sani
j I � 11 stolen yiIg brok
keL. ... 1. - tiedges has els,
.. ___4______'____'_-_ __ - _qnd. yoq _. _. e your � Uai 44-ftipt,, hartif Iii -4*f eAp"taifii toiwurd'--ttfn;-a-"fltn -Ntpi -,Tffllflilwu�- j0dr -Ifer - k1fig 'but 6f imed anoth" Ylct1111�
� i � ? -age N% check without replying.
; i�ic;ffiers heart." Goine agaill no) lilt" . . " mental clout ,bleh hall tit it some- The Bell of Burgeo wait in the big
� 4 1 Trenvaine admits that the story "Hard tifneh," site said to lwy-seir "I thIlig ula-tyllne, v%ere charinlil" and "You are going North tomorrow?" tropical storm which SWept the coast
I , I'! �� was one generally believed by his .) -acItive
, , � - - gi,il,. from hiverside. vel fitly to the less a-survil he asked, as she did not answer. And on Friday
, ,� suppose thv) h;,%. night. None of the crew of
. jl I � follow -townsmen. but tells Leavitt They say fie is w, terribly rivIi I" %voillian Ill NVIII(orn years fir disappoilit- she said with evident reluctance. to toll the tale.
' I .
" '! " ? , that lie has returned to Redlands "[)one brung holne bar'Is all' bar']� o6nent (if eNer-rectirring sildoess, hall " "No. Julia writes that It It, not con- five men survived I the vessel,
� . Searchers found part 0
� . . a rich man, and wishes to find his golli her illainni) had told her. %%;fill I created a vartain hopelessness. %caient for tier to receive me just at enough to identify her, but that was
"I" I , e I I I
�. family. NN-fdrivilig e3em bill she rould not fe , Nit,,. Trem; hie folded hi -1, work, touli,- prwistiont. I slit obliEcd to put off my all.
.1_"__-_ ,
� �J , -, � -_ Tilt family fortunes are at a low . idifferent as she I,%as by nature an,l ed lip, and sniffed. ',if,- saw herure her going."
I �, � . . eb,b. Ills brother David had died, o�'ducal,lon to, Inaterial things, that bar- I tile I-atitiful fave of tire girl. Isobel's They played for a few montents In i Cotton Splinters to Strike.
1�j .1 � his mother was living oil the home , flatilre mis .so deell tint] riell that Olit- levice. and then John said : LONDON, Sept. 10. -The Arnali
I rels 4,r oi �%imid int-im %ery mueh to,
, , estate, which was soon to be sold livi, d1stingiiished friend, or that aw- %%iflihitanding tilt- difference betv%eon "This Is your home, )on know." And mated Association of Cotton SPill-
,5.; �
, i
�t . . at auction. Tremalne. goes out to thing i-ot,141 %,irt.-li Ih, rudeness of a their agos. Mrs. 'I'l-ellolline Was able to fie kne%% as he said so riat she did not ners, with a membership of 20,000,
i', , I Ingly
: � , . '' �111 . the old home. where If(, is to% (.111111ge %%Ill(.Il apparellth h'id out re-All.'It hVr 411) ('11111111.111 241,01111d, .111.1 to, ri-P4 it ijouip. has decided to strike on SlItUrday
�' . 1, . received by Ills old "Manimy," find ,
� 1i . silltell In alaking .Nit*- VIN. 1101110. r,l-i ,it On -I Iwr a satisf)jng emlipanjun. -otighly enjoyed tile carry next for the abolition of the rota,
� �� � . I He thut
, 6 , -If all air - .ell lit her II,011,iii It \\'',fill Olur"Ings its lie went ou! to his labor, system.
, '� � 11 meets his mother, "tie greets Iflin hurne had tiot vreal,d , oil ]I,,,- I Sh. look
0 ., . __ I I It . without affection. Sit(,, howe\er - should devide tier h, rvillikill. '. 'r His flitlell to lea\e Isubel.-typar- and for ,I fortnight li da -y lie plow- Indirectly the strike viill aff-e-CT
I I � to phtIct, as ".41 11,
Y, � I l ,I
'I, 1 r I invites him to .stay lit Ili,; paterno . % I her fire ,,slit- had heard stories of I)I its 1111."'11--iIN ill Iti Virginla. 1.4o- pit tire, fiel4is. Then cip imily rif Italian 300,000 operatives in the Lalllc�t,i
__ t_- home rather than gO to a hotel, It
�r I , John Treinainv: Joist \\hill t1Iini_,,, stiol,ii-sl1w]. anot Lua\itt, U44A roltAll ho-ti-yeland,i laborers fie hall engaged In the North cotton indubtry.
"I J --,o.--.--. �__ ___ - __ is �I, grttat 4i,aDfirp front hf-4 aetiNe Were Kilt- emilli wit ha\e '1111to slieli f1h, lwI.,\.-lI hotist.. id] wolit together \\pre brought if) ll -y a freight train; he __
�" I I . ,, life Ili South Afriva to tilt, quiet but tile impression that Ihv� made up -o; III inak- lift- emironnient tliat %%us Iler hall fountl Ili Ilichinond a vionilietent J,'erocioli., Dogs t'svd.
" - '�_4'lio � Virginia. horne. where everything tier minif hall \arivil. E\..r� it r.\ 11re" -t Iwr ,illo-1. face gaNe tio nian fo uNersep theni, and lie laid out At Briti,h Ileadquart-ri- S(,I)r. 10.
, � 11)" \1
.;; �, I -run, the is , II. 1'.Nidellco 1,
,'I �'. I L reminds hini of Julia Cani( flaille flail been 1114-11th'[wd it \\;_ it - I r Ill, (lepth or ht -r reelings. with his overseer his scheirre for model -The latest l3oclit. dodi;e 1, lo tise
I�L I I " girl to ,.\front tit, \\as engaged, but r(ollolell 1,� lll�sf.-[,.N� �;Ilw \\�is thillhillL ill herself "HoW 1 fruit and vegetable gartlens to he eat-- ferocious do,ii with sellilics all,] Pu -
ti ,who later- married Ills bruther lind \,\flit y,.,Fl n..", b-, -.1"il 11 , I , I., � ,\\'sit 111i'l 10-1-1 hall illary-Jed it wonian ried out bv, his Italian workinent trols. A captur,'d 01 -del Pa)s 111bute
� � ; I David. 111.4hp.: , 'I'llet". '\',%as it shad"\% Ill'oll it., Ill- 1-1),V If-.\\ I %\I'll that she were Mrs. Tremaine had Ito
� F I 11'remalne antiounces lo I,ea\Ilt intention that to the taciturnity of British Iuis011i
- I Ish, cotild ii -A d,11nil,l) ,.i� ill,[ \\I,.,t ill &i-i�hh,r John and Isobel should novet. For site ers, especially thoso of 1,ondoll gi-
. I 1 I that lip I lit emis it, Ill y off flit, . . , .
� . I 1) �, slit, fillagill''I tills "'t'.11d ")If to I "' I , 'if:, 11111t., right " Ali- sili'L "Keep had a[) Intuition that there would be ments who admit(el.11y I ive I fit clev-
. - � mortgages my Itker',,icle, his Jimo-I . !\ . I I III)d it ,,, lo-autl- donger there' erest and most u%abl%'V alliiil%V16.
� 'I `"� estate, and furthermore that lit, In- dal, filit th"I". \\f I'.. 11111.11tall"lls If,- r it I . '�,_-_ I
ill Ila\,. ift'll'. thrr'. N\a, if., .111".vt 11 '11�r it I I - -
, I :.,,, I � 1:1. I's" allil � ct Illl\, lo -Nor hevii I lit spite or' her hant antagialism, she __ . __
,,, �', Lends In make It it Ila) frig property. frill rmt ;,\N,,y rriolul h4illio. ti,11 ,.\#.I.\ aloit. it) grasp If rilr ro� I I \\ I C' kluli�it impossible no)t in be irilluen
*I "d
1� Trorlifyine becorn", arli\p fit tit.- line kilt -N\ It-, had twai brok,ii hisl "It I., so ens', to httlie," ,vtol J,ohvl, hy her son's -Aarni and Ills attilac ti
1, .
J_ I
. development (if ill#, farin and \%hill- Floillivr's hoarl. .Nit-., Tr'.111-4, 1'4'rhallt,," Ife Was su delightful to) look at-ooien
I .1 in tile fields ,'\Orking If,, flwvl� ISo- Illv smiled. \,. .: IF
rr 11 Illalle lilill hifiel, b.\%al-11 111111 to"ll'. said. "�mf nla� n' -\,.r 11;4%4. rvason ;,rid over again she rested tier, v�es upon �
� I , lip] Mal%ern, \Nit., takes III,,, fill' (In" think of It. ,nd \\Iwn .,it.. thought ,,r*to "11:1119" �-Illf' 1`1111L 'If \k -W. III%- hi", will) vleasure. She could speak of
I . I . . off the vvorkniell. him lit all. sit,. hl,mo,l him. iivr rather 1
I - afill Imilif-I., Ill.'- .."..nti'dIN different, him too no oue,, slip a\oilJ4I(I tilt, subjpt-I SALTS RR KIMS
,�� CHAPTFIl \'If. had no\or simk,ri of .1,,hn Tri -111:1111", , li)� .1-11. " '411'. 1 .... !,-III :11 her ,-�wn,,,Il�. eNen with Leavitt.
,, . Isobel V\ent tlIoltIArl1tflIIl� Ilmard th"j:111d a� dist'r-11-ol, \\11-; ,mv ,If 110, ,I g I* )lWil"l;l1l;:��,irl'' I
, . I I Ill- , I lw.,ild ... I ,rll()tlgll liel. tin(- .,enst). of lionor would
1� I li%vng rutilli, \\here sh" \kas al-clist"1114.0,111111'. sho had asked noilling l;'IIIII 1, � I fib I'll al:,Il h1IIA"!!ed. I tilt I permit, her t(� 11 I I
I too , Is'' , It' ' 1 ' [ to a Pat low meat if Kidney feel Us lead
_ Thl- ,Itji,It sevurjt� illm. If,- \Na,; a Mill ,Ili Me tilt, I iild ,ull i:l, s'lle ,,l)t Yptsop,,!P'!i�,,rp, I
,i� � to find tier friend. i ill I! - I \\.is Ini-It -1v,,\.- \ stranger, Slip was I I( a -Meat
� , of Riverside had been Invaded and at- '.4clitcho-oll, and mit I -f plalo !II .\II.,_:shi,l. ,,r,.,. .411\ ,,,,,,, ,\,,,' kn\, alill if,arlairmledge any !ryalty tit hini. Bill or Bladder bothers you
,� . ready she ,felt Life change In the at- T'n-inaltil-'s sori-no ]it(.. I )',III wure lol't voinu ;i\\;i \ - \,lit know ; there \\.-I, Manimyf!
. Chloe, who on ever)- forms uric acid.
:� . mosphere There vivas all unknown per-�, )'.�st"nllo, 11) ,licilhillm lif 111111, hol-Ithat I \\"tll(l not lo�t%.. �''11,:, liveasion planted herself before her mis . -
. � I son now fit the en%li-ounient find a Iliallinly hall ."Ili : N''ll \\Ill vollie III \I,il nw." said tre , qs and eulogized tier boy,
',I i - straffirolli- was life master. I -1:1111n, (to akshwilly \6a'ship ,ht hoy, I -
� ,Mr,. TI -t -111:111w. I .'%Irs, Troinaine, ctiriously etimigh, Most folks forget that the kidneys,
, '� In passing through flit, hall she Its(] Ifissy Is'lliel." .\fill this v,,d4 the line : Isi)hi-I h.oked ar,,IIIIII t1j, 1,_Ill, al- foil I that likes#. monologlips, eestatic, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged
.1, .4 . noticed on a chair if inan's still, of stiff ,)oft, IIIA rell with tilt, hartilier rtlad\ ,o chantred Iiig;11;) . eolored' by the negress' inia,gina- and need a flushing Occasionally, else we
".. Ce clothes, neatly brui find folded, and ,l,uIld.,. ,Ntom. Its she had Jilit pa'ssed 1 "It' \\ill not tit. flit, saillo." she said tk)n.-and lo\ing licart, ,.\,ere not dis- have backache and dull misery in thb
, I
, ,,, " '
� � 1 . . . . . I I by their still- missel hoots an their I thru(igh the kaeliell anti heard Man-liny '1414- 1 � - tastefill ill her. kidney region, severe headaches, rheu-
. 1� 11 I , 1* ;� I . farrow , Gliflie's wor(ls about tilt- i-pilit "'Ile I Mrs. Troillain" gently shool, her [lead. (To be continued) matic twinges, torpid liver, acid stointioll,
i 'Site srilell,"I ror the fIrst time In tills atIrsell, she Sri\\ that siIfll4.\\ here, In I "For )(lit," she snifl, i�,Illonll),,r, OIN, . - I sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder dis-
� �,,, �, 'o : - liou�e the (odor (if tobarvo, and through some heart, tht-re v%as it Lendernes f darling foil, Inalo, lnall� , 'ars 'tit JAPANESE 'ARE ACTIVE.
im. 'It is , * ) " orders.
"""" ,� I . ch IIgtIs v%ill be llf:autirtll." You simply must keep your kidney--
1�� �, �
. - .- I front, romn nsod as a ropt,,Itory fill, FAP fliteh, lit her imn tire - olf" � I _.
�, � iil'l -T - - . the open door glancell flit-) tile little I tilt, black sheep. niory th'Ir it vlas inipus,ihii, for Istil.el to) put Rich Haul of Biloty Taken Ili active and clean, and the moment you
.� ," . riff-i'aff--vOlvit In a Stiollivrn home is hall been for )"Iffirs a faint recollection. Rill- of ill(' (Illestimis that 1,-w I f �un ache or pain in the kidney
, ,,,, q ti gion, get about four ounces of Jad
1. f,'� � considerable --and there she %it%\, a tallieland toodav It hall taken a distinel rt)l.11l.. ruind. She lonw,(i to 1:1,�,: I Siberian Town. I
,, . "-;1 I lit -al. the 1, it I
... � �, in the Nvindow, v%liti v%riting thingsl She remembered no\%- iliflte plainly Iliat : speak of flit, refit r alts from any good drug store here,
"i"��,:, " 'C �, ., rfrod so 1. I`:\vr.N time I TORIO, Sept. 17. -Japan's caval-
,-�L � '�? ' _"_ tly arranged upon it; It hall love I I of I ., a step soundeii withollt, .
�, �:, lk,.� �. .Z. Will u'll I (I Is I P [It olive seel 1 1 1 T 'I'll in the hall. slip : ry and an infantry battalion captared take a tablespoonful in a glass of water
1, ,�: I "I , � the oftlee of Ither-iiiiie's new tilaste Whery she "as A Iiiiii"i ling s'll I'lloh, ,I. i
'_ �� �c ; . I- , thooght to herself: ,,No I\ he %s-ili tile enenly naval base of Kbaba- before ",breakfast for a few days and
"; "', 1 4 . ) I '
I , � , �; .1', I Then slit- Opened tile door into the �l -, ,ill(, halt : vorne- I sliall see I if . I -ovsk on Sept. 7, according to official
I , . I Ing on it) her Nfaniitl)�'4 kirts. I 11 " litit fit) title, I your kidneys will then act fine. Tb is
�"'l L'�' I �,� sitting room and - saw there a trans- I ,orilrod sufficlent ff,vI;q",u front her disturbed their tranquil timir. I
�11 """. announcement yesterday iTporting famous salts is made from the acid of '
:.,- �; I - . She half loved the,blaek guardiall ill pier blaekberr If, r , to' go' she said : operations on the Ussurl river front , grapes and lemon inice., conihined with
1, . , � � I - formation Indeed, . . ""
;. 1. "Z � 'i I -,�s '41"Ill to, tier,, ,I%er,N t lay lintit You in Siberia, They took 17 gunboats,
'!I I � I
�L '. 1 , shabbiness of the old Jolliet, anti wns1by herile.Ir front the vines tin flit I
-�_,'.11�..-'��� L I !eg . 1 lithia, and is harmless to flush clogged
�1- , ,,,,� ; I ('I, '111 ]'If no' eoillo, %\ ill you four other vessels', a wireless station, I kidneys ailid stimulate them to normal
� - �, accustolned to tile ell. -Ill's witlokitlold "Ie down in tile havl� past fir , N .
spring.;. vi,here litIr Idle I�;1fI;h'halI motl , . .
� ,, �, ., N10th the roignalit lflvoliirip�s .ei . " I ,."(I'. I, ..".. It also neutralizes the acids
�.; �: .,`,i�:�-, to . Anil th,", -ohlifli-d, ,iniling, 1 120 guns, 'eight ammunition depot, I activ'tY-
, .,?1,; I tile Illosoned horsellair I I I I I
j��,,,�A . � frayed,chii(iish escripalles, slit, rolnernheretl Itilliking 401' If,,[' lilectillir \Nith flit, w(Irk- .seven magazines, one raunitfo n - in the urine so it no longer irritatek .
�,�,�, "i old arm,,. hu\\ those berries flat] tasted, 1picked Inall In Iliv flold, -1,01 ll,"\e all ex- I h6use, 70 horses, seven automalbia1r.le, 6m; ending bladder disorders.
,� - , , "", . She \%as rieemstorried it) the disorder. very fast anol pollen as hastily: she retraordinar� fimnr_alI_\\ol.k, IIAN ent' aterial.
"... , , , . . . t -bed wire and inuch other in Jed Salts is harmless; inexpensivief;
,_,;,�,, Anil mery object fit Ilip r,toni half mein- nielilbered ill(, I
",.:,�- � feel of tile silinnier Jay \01 "" I , bat I makes a delightful effervescent lithia-
( - I I The report proceeds: 1
, ,zo, , I. orles for her which slit, \\okilil not [use. RMI the exciting thrill or being natighty I.s. Tr.-Illaille rep' -:11--d' '111-pris"'I : "The iiiain strength of our cavalry
� "; �. �, � 1. M water drink which everybody should take
. ,�,
�� �,,,ZL I I . .';tit- halt watf-hed life inyrold .Iiere: she allot .0)n,,. I " now and then to keep their kidneys elt a,
:,� iT, . -Nlan-IIf-Qll-%\,II*k'! th, �,-(' mom, Nil - has entered Khabarovsk, on the Us-
: -,!` J,.- � I __ had grown to know and lo\e 'Mrs. T . - She refill-filliered, too, IIoN\ it big Illarilan'. fill is ;I charaviti.f.", thus avoiding serious complica�ions.
�`,,,.' "." ,, � �Iilp had fii -
". L.�� . " Illialge. and their friends 'Irtntellhafl ei)l1le �Ilulor, \\:alking a', tholl ILI surl branch of the Trans-Siberian I A well-known local druggr8t tylays he .
I � ,,.',',� 9 Joel Mrs, T"I'MaillP took her olit ,in ill(, Railway. Between Uyazenskaya and
�., 1.
i!',.��, and (Imeloped fit the ngrrit-abit, Intimati nol Rov her. mith Ills hall.l., Ill if,, pol'i'li flo'l-self Rill] \\aJ,+..JI tilt, girl Khabarovsk, 17 locomotives, 191 in overcoming kidney troubili while it is
��'*,',,� I sells lots of Jad Salta to folks Nvbo believe .
�:��",�� I
. , � �'.�,, of tile (lilt roloin. Mrs. Trey roof k I and his heoild bowed down, allil mount 141111 rid., ,A\%a.N in tile '11
,��;.`.�,�:, I * ')light, freight cars and four passenger cars I
.. I I , -ious of tire little chilli, All tile way bael, Jo N only trouble. '
�� W., . ",:,� _ il I kerved and often nnhapili�. hill(] ""i I p.::,\,%'es-,t;III iincons( . ltJINL ern. tilt, fill- were captured. Thirty-five prisoners, -_ _ .
, I
I L X tier heart with extraordinary friinkne,s tie had coinie tip it) the fence and leaned pressitan or the ni if sit" half 'lilt spot, including some Germans, were FALL PAIRS 1318 1
'I, : ,.!',,;� a
� I �,�
: ,; : to this younger woman sad Isobel Keen'ou It in tin n1tituilf, that even tire tiny was strung win, Isobel. He hall be- taken. These were in addition to the I
V""' ' ,;,, I L i
, , �.'� L � and thoughtful beyond ber.years, had:gIrl hall knu%\n ill be one of unhappi- conte to her alrently (he orelpant, tile, 150 prisoners, Including German of- . Seaforth-Sept. I9-20.
L .
11 I - �!
. ,�- ,�!I,t ,. �
;L �11,1, ,, I iinderstood Mrs. Tftmalne's loneftess ness. S,bo remembered that she had creator of that changoil room. Blyth -Sept. 23-2o. 1
� ,� I Mr4i ficers� captured on Sept. 6."
1 L� , �,';:.-�� I-, Z, and erriving for affection: hall listened tried to climb upnn the rails of tile John Trenwine hall Ilia a ,eal lipon Riplcy-Sept 2i-25. .
��; � ;, �'��:" I. A despatch from Olovannaya,
.'-,�� -,%:, , . to hii hero worship of Dinvitt: land had fence, unseen by him, close to Ills at "(11" Goderich-Sept. 25-27,
� ,;.. I ` Balk ay t I e i
,L ,`_ " do' River' She knew t"t in "I'll'Ir Ill Trans- alia a a tha the S b I--
" _ii'Z:, i . I gone discreetly Into the past with tile sobel halt always been a comforting ,create silell all impressioll. Iw Bayfleld-Oct. 1-2.
L:� 'L , I 1. "'list Jan GovernmWt at Orrisk. has declar- I
" �,� '. �,. . �L wornan who hold lost her husband tint] child. The only child of tier fattier, re- have a strong personality. Durigannon-Oct. 3-4.
" ,,.�',�:5, her son. . ' ed way- on Germany and has ordered
,, ;i, � �`, �'.,` , I . placing tier mother to the lonely man, I There Nvas no longer before her eyes the mobilization of the 1918 and Fordwich-Oct. 5.
,,- , -, 1. I heard it,
I ,. Of .104. Trpmalne she lint] .he hall learned when a baby that the ex(Iiiisfte pleture of the solitary 1919 classes. Wingliam-Oct. 8-9.
1 L I: I I
I 1�:. I . .
,�;.11 I � nothing, afid, In spite of tier Intimso,. wonirin must be comforters-ttial, It is Mrs. Treinalne In tile faded room. There
�� , ,-. I'.
� , "� 11 -orld.
1, ,, I , �, . she knew that there were ,citubjects part of their work In the m Down Vvas if master there. she I-ecAlled he,. German Sdy Arrested. Freedom from Asthma. Nfliny who
r �1�1 L � ould not flinch upon lit the back Paiii liurriedl�, she had frfpnd's worfis of a foi moment b - read these words know th- terrible
: -1 . , which tier friend v.
. I i , S e
. .� 'L
: . '. �.�, 4,: ii� -r. "For )*(lit all changes, v%ill lie PARIS, Sept. 17. - Herr Schrick,
,� 11 y1th lit . gone up to tile side Of somebody %vhom , fore:
, -,.;, . . . :1, As Isobel now stood oil the threshold she took to be crying and ill need (it I bealitifill." , drain upon health anti strenzillf, which
. � : r , .
.. . 1. . - . . I chief of the German espionage Bys- cornes in the train or asthmatic trouly-
�. ,,� !, �, � . i� of the living -room she sa%y that the comfort. Well, tills WaS tile first, an I Mrs. Tr6- tem in Switzerland, has been arrested
F, � �i. i . "I . room had been changed as though, by When John Tremaine.,-who, though inaine was \%rong: there could be noth- les. Many do not realize, however,
, ,., ; � I . sit Berne, according to a despatch to p 0
, I I i magic. This old parlor, which had wel- no&reryIng, undoubtedly was u nhappy. Ing beautiful in the loss of her friend the Petit Parisien. Documents giv- that ther, I., no- true rrinedy which
;,_._;,�;i��,,,,,`.'.! � __ � i . I will surely stop tills drain. Dr. J. D.
1, I ,, 1.
;., . I �' � - 4 1 " ., t. . � t. - - - coined back Tremaino, was. flit, first finally turned and saw tile befty-stained 'and In tit c tranqforination of tile prop- Ing the details of a scheme to blow Kellogg's Asthma RProedY is if wonder-
.� �1, � thing that had been alleii by the new child with tier la,Ige eyes
�,,_ ;;; I ___ I - �. , -1. I __ 1. Y.,., fixed on him. erty which. with its rack and ruin, its up ammunition factories in the Neuf- ful C11'eck to this enervating ailment.
�"W, : , . . � master. Isobel was too frightened to speak and (11stinctlon and its charm. had laid its chatel district were found
"_, I 1.1� , ill It has a countless recom or relief to
,,, 1, . For lifni, too, It was filled with merno- had burst into excited tears. Site roi beauty close to the borders of her own Schrick's possession, the despatch Its credit. It is sold almost every-
� - � , .�� I � � I
, r . 0 1 . rips. but tile)' were not pieasant one8, rilembered how he had picked tier up. home, Tile Malverrig wer n rly as I I I where.
1� , . I - I e 03 adds.
I.. , *,,.,
. . L., J (.I * I -like Istibel's. Here lie hall made. love to wiped her month with his handkerchief, poor ats the Tremitines, had been. ,Their . . �
� � �, 411" . 0 1 1 1
: �, . t, Julia Qatucron: here lie covild recall hot MAsed tier aind delivere.d.ber over to her misfortunes had been a link between . 11
I , scenes with his brother. and days of frantic Manfully.
� j �, the women -Isobel could give Mrs. Tri __
� I . t I bitter loneliness. It(- [&all wanted to That Is all that slit, recalled of the oc- rnalne nothing but IONL. . 11
� I � : - I . I
� forget it all. . . . carillon, but she did rertmber that when Old Mr. Malvern, unsurcrissful I . , t
�t , 'i L L for I
I I , The shabby curtains had been re- she was put to bed on the following finally years. could do nothing to help I � . 9 1 , L
'' . . I .
! . ; , .
I �' I . .'' vvith great peacocks in the pattern, our- Nfarse John Troarmline has run away." have been too proud in have accepted "
, I . 1. �Iv � , �:�. ".. I rounlid by large-petoolled flowers. In Run away I The words went Into tile slightest QRSistance from him. "I OM, .
I '. , , . ' 411�y , I �
F V , I placed by cretonne of bright, soft hues, night tier Niammy told .'ter solemnly. his neighbor, and Mrs. Tremaine would _&a. 1 �,`i
� the c ter of the'+OO& *0 .
. 11. ; I �.#id a flue old tier confused. childish memories witili As Isobel rodii she saw in tile dis- I . i �
I 11 e I table covered with brocade and books, Ills loneliness and his despair, and from tance the tall form of the laborer going .
. q �111. -
, 11 flowers filled bowls atioll vases of foreign hemleforth whenever Nfle thought of leisurely home. . I
11 .� I . � , tier fatilpr ARS Ali I
I � ,,� I de.4ign. eVidt'litlY collected by a person film, be seemed to be running away like and would not ret(trn for several weeks. ... r. r -1
� !
1 I. , of taste. A shadow across her lifili. and for many, Site wrote him that night: "Daddy, I.P I . .
I �
.7 *I Ir -0i
i " -4 upon the floor, many years, that dark f1gure had held It, re R Ittatle at Rivytr� 4r''
.1 '�:'�� ' There were only inati, _ great changes a ta-kin " 1�
� �
I y � lands. I lit one corner was stacked a thought Of III", 418 some one who need- Jtl I
�, .' 40 Tremalfirt's widow and her gravid- I "'it,iii. V� .1
'�`�- - but they, too. had bilitsif willoveiii In far certain place in her mind a6d Me had -side Mrs. Tremaine Is going North to ,
. r � -t-,-'_ ,quantity ot savage -looking weapon,;. ed comfort. . 1, children. That 'Mysterious man, John 6 11 r "'i""otillit""""' i.if"" V
. �,:, :.' Over tile chimacyplece, however. still Gradually, of course. It &III faded, and Trernalne, has come home. He Is doing ,'a! I
I r t - - hung the stag"s head--Ahe had been told only the general outline remained, Even wonderful and dreadful things to River- 11 ,4, '. to
L_1'15.1'L IF
� ". that John Tremaine had shot It as a thoi little charrin there wala in this,ple- side. Everything Is changed," I 1, . o* ce-4..)
. I �� boy. once Mammy , had told her this ture from tile past,imas gone now, for John had wounded afresh lit,,; moth. I 0&.10111101' 0 ---
. � 6 I ------- - - what she had heard of the man and his er's pride. fie knew it th. I 1� I - Ili
1". 11
L, I
I � " I.
I il
....... rrrrrr I j r ' ,I
r , ..... .. r � r
, �, . r
,I :: � .1 . I I"
.. . ��, . -1� __ I. I I ` �_
11 r .
.. - I
�1 I .
� I ;,
VI , r ��
I . i ,
� .
I H g & as -1
unwelcome return into his mother's he sat before tier river the ellessiboard. '� a
lift, put hfr at eninity with him, His tie felt pill attitudes avid all atmospheres 1 V . a
record was a dark thing; fie had broken - I This part
keenly; and at present, although a he Of R fictter rcecived
Ills foother's heart. When Mrs. Tro- Was 40eupled In conquering the I rid, -
malne entered. as site did In a few his more subtle campaign was the win- . . . . . from Pte� J. R:SnIitIl of
moments, the girl turned to her with ning of his mother, On flit,; eqpprial I the "Prince" POP by a ftijend 'in C ttS wa,
flushed cheeks and strining eyes. li lie knp%x that he I)ad lost much - itistftwo-,the soldiers' need Of Zam-Bulc at
"O." she sald. find her voice. which grotind.
was on#* of tier great tiliarms. thrilling the front,p t T-6 - theirillii it is a necesigitY. Large
. .
-e(,I, "It I � T=!!�__ --_------------W"-M0". qu%atJUe#,,o(,Z*m-,Buk are bought fo the arMy and "
and foocullarly sv% trembled, � -
can"t by, true lliat you are going avoiray annoulow.im as. jr'p.�_.Aga V M &"It A llo- Ir
� � ,,.,I, I ,�. �, . ItoliplW rifflordift thoW tUt GVW Tell Ino it Is not trile 1 1 1 . . V , ",� 4 ii'll, . . 6 —P' 11.111eir canteens in
,111 . I I I � I$ from Virginia? " Irmi opliedi bUt t6 �Mftke sUte yOur -
) thAo "a ft a t0i "ll 111111rito W*6 Hovv c4di I evf.r lot yen go?" , . ", It'd]
1, ": I I I L , Soldier
3** 011W polm ' whielL Is X"M gently . 18-."t-11AV1109 ItO 90 Wft-hOlflt� Send hiM a feW
, � - � , % Mrs. Tremalne kissed tier 11 0 1 r"
, . � i , . �, -, ft" 46 ewd"01 authotitly. Who tAst "Aled with her grat,tous smile., an� ,- I
I.,— 11 . I �,.. � . .. . boxes -of-Zmu.&Buk1a your next p;'r�e!.
I I . 1. I I I I . "tt tut a quilrtlirr ai of 4 d= without comment on Ole altered robm 0 0 1 1 0 .
11 � � : , I I . WM fmli,0646 fta bo -9 I bilin - VIA is just what he needs for I
I lc �, I abilifliftfia sit lit, or any personal remark, made Isobel
11 ,P, $ Us *W frtim, the, drft I Inke hi usual place in the ifivindow, . ClIts
11, � I . . � , *11xim but tv and She h(Ts.elf took up tier sevving. 0 I" barW vvire -scrAtches, burns, blisterq, sore fe" I
. F� . I 11 49*lettt td r14 otie's fqft 6f st I t I g6ro. All deklets or Zam-Buk Co., Ct
I bArd or iffort com or Tranquitli. without rere.rring to hel. I � I I I 8
. � . , )'' l oivatll- 0 1 .. I , , �)J' 1 3 tot $I.Z. Toronto.
� � - 111111IT04 1111MVIr appl.y -A fto 4"* offif elveetted departure or to the changes .. & � ",
. L . ' 11 I 11 � I!- .
, .1 1 , ,I ,., � I ' . . 0*1110*6 taft is, 16&r, jAltig ftft Iiiiiii that had taken Place in her surround- . I . � P, ,� . .
I 1! 1. I . '. wm"Jift; U 2tillitAttlY 1*1WAd, Short, hi$9. Mrs. Tromalne occupied herself ') 11 I 1. . . I., I - -11 _ ... . I �
I � � , ,� Jr thill #01116 Oft fta be IftUd. out, witb ber livork leading back to tile six 11 .1 . 1, I .
I I 1�., I � "I — . I , ,,, % � ,
I I I � 1 _1:a,
I I . . . � � , I I uftud 0**1thftt,J*lM ftionthis eariltr-wheft Ab h$rd last geen . I I I � .
� �, , � 1*11ii4ft9tattlict *td asat,oft WWI, Word thief. girl% J011ftley abroad. I N �� �
I I �, A
I . 111,Z
I I I 1111" a 4111PAllid to IIIiiat fib' *,*I up tlkf!I�64_ her halfi&, 9,0d, con- I- ," :�,� � I , , t I .
� . . , , I. -Yf � I "t . n, .
�� .� �, � � M., I" I 11 �, ,� I ,
*. . 66ft *1th"t bu*16t or oft hT ber teellap. abe, delicately . ,,�,, 11
I , 9r.
.1 . " , ; tillowtilt
I- ; uftt "i iiiri�ivdlit �iftv or 111i ipw" t N
� I � ,, I y"t *1 he 0likr woman. Site tholight 1- � 1 , I I
I . . � i!. I � J. 14 1111,11iiii 611iiiiii Abe SAW 010 her telelidlill face the mark$ cleso to I viiii 1.11, I I , I—. - .". �
� 11 , I I Usutolowworaw 'I of ftent tors itud was too mueh of a I tisto, G ra and'Ok i 1. 'I' , .
I ... . 11 W '. . I . I . � I . � I 1 , � " , � � - I
I . 1. � � I 'I � ,"�,l !�!4 ." ., � ��, !_J -
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0 , � xvitum them.'
-1 I WQ "ayc thV SOle Ageiley
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Reading -Lamps . I
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Suitable for any ri)yfryf
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Warming Pads . .
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