HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-09-20, Page 5m iiiii, lir I—,
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0 RICH 44
Z #23000"100
TWO "0181TES rftR SOL
" 1-M.M. 'Tp� M I LLAP Ere'S N Perrino
HAV V TMED TH Ths Men in the TreAch.
4f MA-po "4% it own* itut * cloves
wtftb wextrust go Qzt es—wh
mul" -usm"tor. "' are will.they 01110ves 0
AubA"RMR? $at lnk,,P
Tho g9.41 0 ;Awac � "toot b ewmmw P wo,=Mcr" 41 il I Store Hours: 8 It.m. to 6 p.m.. Saturday IQ p.m.
4"l "a hl;ve you will
A*U* "aft gat"t a 447, to: 104 04" "Ver MOW tho pleasure h Swan
-Iffiftnuab .1 12;Z! of a palect $have. T. e
Militapy ch Next Week
UNION'SANK oF cANApk The Two Leading Events in Godepi
WAD 000�
G00rAUCH 'BRANCH, The Goderich Industrial and
Pon Display of Fall and Winter Fashions
TOWN TOPICS and C. At. Robertson, and 'Miss Church
replied appropriately. SOLVES THE PROBLEM. at the Scotch Store
(Continued —from page 1) Centre Huron S. S. Convenflon
The Sunday, School Association of Dry In'k Tablets con. Every department is brimful of the newest Fall and Winter
unatteptled anti the bride was marrled Centre Huron holds its annual conven- merchandise that has been our Rood I`Qrtime to secure notwit-hsUlltding
In her travelling 'suit of navy blue. tion at G!IqeirF�!�IL-qliP,t.�-B-,.,�4A�qF�k 4X)l tairred jlft,thJsL1WgAZjVs�
short honeymoon, after urn. In 1914 the first con- 40. unsettled state of the markets.
Leh they take vention was held In North Street Metho- of'the "Swan" Military
up their residence at Peterboro. dist church, Goderich. In 1918 the No outs,lor Irritation Pen and water fretin
At the Harbor vonventidn comes to twolerich ajK4in The New Coate Ape Really Lovely
and will as I semble on Tuesday, ()c t. Stropped In a jft his bottle will mabe
The steamer ifillitand Star discharged tat, in Knox church, There will be
110,000 bushels of %\lle."Lat the Western aft afternoon and an evening session, Blades last a lifetime sufficieut ink for 1,,,o All who have already seen our new coats are charmed with there
Canada Flour Mills oetevaV,r on M011- to which the public are invited. Re- Blade edge always keen and f0ur-page letters. elaborate display, which gives plenty Of variety, as all styles are here In
day and the -samp (Jay tit,- ('denmount 1'. A. Halpenny, the new general the season's -most favoured fabrics Including Stilt% Fur Fabrics in Plush,
unloaded 120AW bushel, of wheat at Lary for Ontario, will be present a0d sharp
the ('-oderieh FletatOr and Tr ... It Co.'s will give addresses at both sessiuns. Beby Lamb and Ponytex Velour, Kerseys, Tweed, Chinchillas and
elevator. Both eargoel, were from Cirl- No trouble to clean
cago Former Goderleh Boy 111ahes High Scope $3,00 Blanket cluths. Priced from
The tug Endress, southbound to De- The following from the, Ottawa
troit, was in Port Wedrivsday and journal refers 0 ALL ]FOR $5.00
Thursday, on account of the wind, , to a son r \Jr. jottn ,. complete With ink tith-
Dickson, formerly of town : -The INCLUDING TWELVE BLADES, $15,00 to $65,00
Mr. Geo. Porter will Receive Contri- NNeekly spoon competition of the head- STROP, AND LEATHER CASE lots and pocket clip.
butions I quarters Rille Association lield on Sat- -
In t1le Catholic Army Hut campaign rday afternoon, Sept. lith, was tit- Come In and take one on trial. -
the canvassers are vailing upon only tended by 38 ineinbei�s of tile Associa-
Catholic people. A number of people li'ion, and some ext-ellent sllo()ti?g re- You'll never return it. This Razor is supplied to merican The New Furs Showing of Skirts
A Special
who are riot Catholics sulted. Lt. J. S. Dickson, of tile staff of
nave expressed tile chief inspector of artillery stores, Troops by their Government The New Fi�i, just opeue(l III,
a desire it) donate. to this worthy cause It Is a shaving wonder. Mill noveltN is Separate skirts .0 "lo"O popular than for many
x1and the committee haS arranged with carried off tile honors of tile (Jay will, tile "I ' ''Ote Of tile uV\V stylt'13 V%Ith cape it seamon. 'Lt
Mr. George Porter to the score of 100 out of a possible 105." We are showing a very saliart
butions. Anyone receive. contri- Mr,. Dickson ils at present oil a visit out effects tit the 1pa(l il 11 tile popular priced ra-lige of Taffet it `;ilk arid Silk Poplin Skirts
desiring t,) make Furs of tile sell,
donation may ito su at West, visiting his daughter, Miss jen- JAMES A. CAMPBELL, Phm. B. Children's Furs it ill file I west styles from
book store. Nlp. porter's me, who is teaching 6lhool at Saalka- speciality
toon, and his daughter, Irene, wilo I., DRUGGIST
Going Overseas as Nurse teaching " school at Vieforia, B. C. The New 'Blouses
On Monday evening a liot-lal evening Pie- C. Grainger Dies of Wofunds in 'Phone 90 CWC11X31:M3EtX403EK, 4M1VwM_ The New Handbags Tho Now 11101180s 11,10 more chic than ever in the
was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Field Station
Fred Wilson, Hincks t.. ti-lp occasion .1 former Colborne, boy has made it saYs is given with strict aveurac�, for It Special showing of New Handbags in the most kl"`Inti0"t Of styles in rich Goorgettes in
being a send-off to Miss 4,ora Church ' the supreme sacrifice in the person of its r"llows 11 branclips off sahalilln ArIIIN attractive styles Inariv of thoi riev% folder style styles J`() suit Itll tastes at nnodorato prices.
%%ork; 3, to ji,,ist In nlv,-ting ill,- re- being shown front
a former member or the Eureka Bible Pte. Cecil Grainger, son of Mr. and Mrs. "If you would send tile a wonianiquire'l rf-pairs it) 'SMvIltion Arm,%. pro- up
class and of the choir Of Vict(;'Ha street Beal. Grainger, of Ogema, Sask, He with 10 or more thousand dollers 1, t -i nwet tho The New Gloves
Methodist church, who is going over- died of gunshot wounds in the al)- uligtil be. able to do something for youldelliarld., 1'r fit,- sakati"ll A1.111% lot -iii
seas as a nurse. Miss Churvh has sue- domen at 47th clearing station, France. ill ilding the attachmints for tit Kayser ChItIlloisette (;�Ove.; Kayser Chain-
cesRfullY completed her course in De- Deceased enlisted with the 152nd Ba . t- 1, e air-owork Donations roir this \\,.rk .\\ill h..
R%e foy arrey hur providet] silo N'ratp,ruiiN dud \\I' ()'sette ('love" are tile "lost Hatisfilotory wash-
- overseas talion on May 20th r -nor w"ftt Overseas hilde it good character and was farly f1d.-Fil Illat ail 1. ing fabric (,love to be
troit and expects to 10 1 Blankets and Comforters
IM;:, I would in
rwilds ,f 11w A1,11IN \\ill Special showing of union and all violol Illankotg had it) white, black,
about Sept. 25th. 'Mrs. Wilson is presi- on Sept. 24th, if�4f,. Fle was Wounded gw"j looking with (lark hair its I all, joill in 11t.11,ing ,,Is Li,.o -orn the leading Cana(hau N -ftl, 111111,91tic all sizes [)or pair $1.2f).
dent of The Eureka Bible class and the in the right shoulder at Virny RidK(� 'ail' and 6 feet tall it is a numbor on, a\dil ;IIIII fy Mills and inarked rlkttul
on April 9th, 1917, and was in liospjtlil rarol the roads are first-class art otto at prices front $6,50 per plUr III)WILT,
members prpspnted an address to their all,, it,-(' oi)lmi-tonity
departing fellow membPr who is going In England until March, 1918. when hi- to, sfl-�\\ flivir v(inil.lelle". pl-.Iise- Is Com -
to serve the wounded qoldlers. The returned to France to the "Ill go to town in live minutes from \%(jt,tli\ forters batting an(] (fowl). A splendid showing Perrin's Kid Gloves
, and music. At a memorial serviee held in the
evening was spent in game, firing line. I live 16 miles from lake huroon." of Comforters tluit are ,,, u,ucl, it) Ljoluall(l
Short speeches were made by Rev. Mr. Methodist- church, ng 5 11 Provincial County Roads Rll%iriess 4:11111111eq 1'errin's Kid (.11ovos are two well known to nee I
Ogenia on A . 2 t thesa cool nights ill J)attlug alul real (]own in any recommondittiorl : our Fall stock i Most
Ford, Rev. 'Mr. Osterhout, (,,. M. Elliott R large audlenc,- gathered Nlo`Ssr-. lioberlson an.1 \1mr it-(- pul-
to express 01unty Clerk Holman tilts hall ,fill- vhaiu�4 tit,- flusilli-o' ('r neat imuslin and sattill from $2.95 complete a,lj sizes It, Lt,
their admiration for the dead soldier, 11( Mr. Walter
'ation from W. G. McLean, deputy Hern ana expeo,l t,1 rr,,Ill up. it, groy, lylack, white
ho was vvell known and highly rp- luillist'T (if the Provincial I)ppartm#,nt Itiresent tan(l till 1�ingsl(lu sti.ep, if, per patir $2.00.
VICTORIA OPERA HOU spected. I . ,r pill�li(. Highways that, in accordance Mr. 11(,rn', pr,,st,ut slijuil ,
SE Evangelme C~011 NOVI flit, request of the county conne next month.
Mr, Horn flits n"t �pt de-
" 111, "tinning Virough Exeter, ctin- 111i'lf"I \\hat h ill do,
THURSDAY and FRIDAY It) Preparation for the evangelistio-Tr:;: 'and Wingharn front ill,, soutll it, 'Phone and Mail Orders a Specialt
meetings to be held next month uni( t 'lliln , L"' is Illat hN \Nhich Mr. Y.
weekly Prayer ineetings, are In tit-- n,.rl-h boundaries of tile. county, .1. \V. "nutij aul his oll, 1. H., \\llo
Sept. 2 CD & 27 and weekly being heitl ind lilf, Huron road from the soutti- lIaNp been ill J�i�lrtlwrslljp
,.cottage PraYerrueetiDgs in i
the various wards. This week,s union 11�o is ft)tf, the town to the past and
business for (.1up
praYer meeting was held in Victorij, of e county, are made di"ohe partnership, Mr. 1.
church on Wednesday e citing, incril county Roads. Nvhich mean., that omitinuing mo husift,,.z.'
, It;,,- 'Phone 56 SCOTC
TRE MURLEss nAYERS the basement being, well lille(v Ito- 1;,,vernment, contribut 60 pfT rent lidiiy intell(Is 9(ollg to) Tor4into. MILLAR'S H STORF, 'Phone 56
Mr. Ford, chairman of the central' Rpv' J"f ill" I-Ost of construeti" and . main - -Jlis� 1,10 -Nd and Son, wholes�;ilp and
I com- tf-minee instead of the lot) per (,ell- ""L" fl'llit lo"ITIMIFIt.1, are gtoing o it of til
WITH mittee of the evangelistic camPaign. owler I -
gave an address. nne fl),- gi-Il for roads under the tit-, retail end (,f Ill.-ir husiness and in-
cottage prayer I . 4 no]
K. J. Francis meet was held oil Thursday evening , Ystem. Action to secure it Ili mrj\#- rr(ou tilpir prf-l-ill 1�411 I
A,ND and izillee more wil be. h tho-, r, -ads as Provineial rcialls ou Ah'e�-t sirvot it, \\fiat \\;I, rmuiprl' rii( "'Julp
eld tonigilf. .,iiuroh mas filled 6,1' It- charf,-r. N\tili
tll�`n ill p0-trJunCtion with the aft -t invotinp ind 11,. mil I,, out.
Next week's union prayer join- a ]-,ast floliple (of slion, -if the distrif IIII chal".1 h, it
pf the wolnen and girls of ato oklglll� M,Tllall Ne a rerywill i..nglilud "Ild it 1.�
meetin onlino-d. the first 011 through to Lon
'Irene Murless-ioneS be held in the Baptist church. A mass r�-unfivs and the road,.; will 1,, flionth,- Till's building '6011 be tlior- ladi", "T\I'll a sumptuous difoll-'r (11.1 11�-Il 11-i'llolo.
IN town . lool, v%ill ha
fn Connection with preparation iul(t file setiond imntinning ((I flip INI(I Ill"I'll0loul. a gfia�, front your Driter Suribior.N hilled It, I., 111.1\ Ill- 'I ;Ind
r the evangelistic campaign will ho I ' ' in, glas, (Iffir" ond glass lutlavvo v\ar lilt,, many wl surpri-, 'llid %\,,rk
held on Sunday afternoon in tile, S' Hanest Thalmlimalving Service,; Nloln. oul, 4 tho-st, NNAS the 4
room of North Street Trtinl.s Fun or Boo/,e g%\s wtil"ll emm. 4: lo 11, is 11"I %\it) "ll. CUT COARSr Fop plpFr. U�3r_
CONSPIRACY" fo Mpthodist chu,,il� The lonnual harvest thanksgiving p f- p 1: If I
fort I, nwv being held by-4he Sai,,-atlori Fri,My niglit of ih;� doath Ill iteti.,11 Continued ou page It
A POLICE An J[rresistible off k ill-lialch frolin Blyth fbile,l qp t, I Dri\vr 'flieo. Sunbur\. r,oniorl) .I, -
or Arilly in GanadaL, and the local rikembers VAtl %%a, a� follow, : t,,real rxrit,� ganist of Knox churelt, 'I';odorich. The
- DETECTIVE COMEDY Sixteen miles frnm Lake Hir.ron lives or tile Army are making an earnp,t "Will \% aronsool In town Salurday first nevvs came front jm\or 4;e,, Nhv-
DRAMA IN THREE ACTS a man who ants a wife z endea\or to have a record event, ope- \\lipr) lfw
RESERVED SEATS, . g;oo. a noval waYwof trying to I nI1\vs got around that a vilti- Fwarl %\ho was \%*lilt Dri\er Sonhur.\
Incidentally ViA s,'-wes will be held in the S. A. pie (of tru kR belonging to a lra%eler for inuch of, ill-,- How sinvp Wa \ Ill
he seems to be a patriolie !vitolol ,n Sunday, Sept. 22nd, at If a. niz"d at th,� 1% ll� IA. �lalj(ln Coderich, and this v%as so,a) cwtilrull�
Tickets on sale Monday morning, Sept. invetitor who thinks he has m. had h,yi
ornolhIrw Jand It) c0n-11tl0n with this "Wol. from i.11ipr of pollo., by a tplegrain from Mrs, Stint)
28rd, at Edward's Restaurant, of value to the nation f, in war
(,fr(,T,t a rursi %vpill be patsed for the fol WALKER'S STORE N
time and _ ("Bri,,n of i;ut.lpil. Tlie ov�nor t.r tile sim--- hor husband \,%ent o%ers,,,k- \\till
Portion needs capital to develop it. hoN\iniz purPoses : 1. To assist offleprs trornl�'s lidd told flip "bus" ul�lli to her little daught r has bepn h\ing I(
Of proceeds to be donated to The London (Eng.) Daily Dispatch pub- iro working in localftles that are hl'iD9 thpul t,, tll(- hotel, hill tile agent Bishop's Crossing, Que.. her (dd
Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E. EWS
ID lishes an extract from his letter, which, not -If supporting ; 2, to train officers r4u,vtl t., 1,,t then, out if Ili, poss'ps. -k 'unhury
_ M or 1, 1pft hore o\vr a %,-ar
'In Wt flip In heard tili.,; uAzo and for soru time v\as Ili Kiutl'and,
Si --I] a%ollor P
tl,- Jurill-I Into a car and v%as taken to vNi-f-p h'. had oppurtllllitiv� f'o, tl
ren�p ln,r,pvt(,r Milelipil
amp life. and for a few r1l"0111, Specials for Fair W
p-irts unkn,.%%ii. Lalp in Ille (Jay Li- IISV .,r his o\reptional m1mral A0111
,of Winghuyl in ( li'l eek
arri,.vd or) the �cne, ;list, A. T. Coi(pper., heon at tile front in I-rrinev. d,..oh
b-noperanep -per0ary -,l` (:Ilnlon, and W. in avll,-n took place on Split, 2nd \lr,,
COMING 1 COMING I Pollm,% ..r Glidprich. Thev oppiriett tile and \lr�. Suribnry, %Nrille Ili 4; ... Store Ner). I
trunk- iinol found them to be full of niad,, r,,,. tt,,.ru.,elNps a
b,,ttl( of As vpt thero� htl\e thp ri-pard or mariv friond-4 and, ii III, I only cougoleum Rug, 3X4 yds , 1114-00
3 B W 3 EXw1 111a6
been no arrp,ts in' r,.nn, tion \\ith it, work a. organist I
hot It lu "(pert -1 fh,-roee ill loo, ;I, it Krinx chureli, Mr."IS11101),iry ffi�;Jda�,� (MM-)th, 6()c per yard
',% 41 -il 1 100111 ";or whirh t\N-ok the sulo- %�ry high dogrve of ability, till Linoleum, $1 -00 per yard
fmsf ..\\rwr or the vargo lilt or f( -\%n. daY last tile, wwan at \\hich fw o -d h.
preside so
A 11 peal for Grocery Day In Schools for ithly \%:)4 dral .... I in t-1,, " k I only Velvet Rug, 3X4 yds, S43-")
6ON RIAL991 Hospitar and purple. Many in to\%II "Ill u
pathizo \,,r\ intrel� vol'it \ir,,. u: r on1v Brussels R119, 3X31, yds., $270()
The ariveal for assistanep bury in Iho loss (of her hu�liiltpl
It- kl\andra \lar�or jiml Goneral lo real good Union Rugs $5,7.5, -97-7.5, $8 7.5, S9
The lost lol, hven H(1drps,,d to the flert-rof(-Kirlt 1,lbrary 'rables,
(,r Ow �,irlou, 401nol-; in The hi.nip (if Mr anti Mrs. Andro-)x funied oak, range' in price from
One t0t%rl b\ Ih pre,41,lent of it,,. ti,ispital M. Kirk, ,r
te boam too 15 to choose from
play in of a Orinning �%,Adinw at ii .... I) \%,4
p 1 12, f (118 n-tia-,, lilt,. i Kitchen Cabillet SIS.()o
Solid Year ')
daughl"I.. P'At"llp r1oll-r-1-1
Th'. and Manne llt,�pltal f(o .1ohr? lou'larl. !nd S'.11 ,f \fr-
25 ar,, niur, Ili ri-d r .1. 1.r 1 -:a -t h,.\ 1 only Chesterfield Suit $203.00
on \%intor, anif it tol� to,,.,) j st'a'1111,411. pa.t.,r "r hillipann'-da
v" `-Sk Il- 4-111an-, and ro nperatl,-n Mpth(Oi,t rhul'01, li,,d tli-, nuprio k $275.00
Ilk' 3
r it"' grej,"T'\ I.IN in tie Tl- hri,l.d pirf� t-n-alli i -j
Iq ... IrIN.'I h\ tio r,.r-n-. h,�,mliruil% d."",
Opoadway \(,or fan, in,l d,k tt,e or — Extra Special
pup'll U, ach brinor -,ow-ti,ing (If a at".1 %%Ill, I.Jlr.,.
pink dn'l
111p 'it flip \. th-, hrid. -ntr--d ill,- rmm, \,If'" Sele(t Comforters, prices.
h—pital or" kfl('h Illat — vann,,t tAh-, 1wr fail ,r%ioa Save
c(ial "I'd hIly A Coll1forter at
nt pprishable larneN ffw hridal rntr,fi. rT, price.
\-,old tie \\ - t,.\ Ilp- gr'f,�
Two Days It is unrwroq%ary to, mpt-ilion 114fPl'. \fiss N1 - Nrll,* ll-rn,r1 \11
Two Days 'orlioln, in ) lirr,,(ry Ir, 1, 1, Store No. 2
)I,!, [I 11tJl,riI, r
Monday and flalnl% 011-
11011111111111 and kmd!� toiro-, ii groco-r) da.\. an(i I Ail,; o, il� jo,1rv\iFou I r19 11 h"I t,, till, d -)r,; witil the best assortl1lent
Tuesday fl- 911-1, gi\en to Ifts, 1 -ink and %Nlot,- %�- .I p. it- — of chilla,
I I,- brid, I=
Tunday h-Tolrd I tru,t thi,; \%ill mj,,,t \%Ill, Frown %%;i� 4 \10jil, -r, I., Cllt (',klss, Pat Ware, Novelties, etc., there is no
Sept, Th;irA,,)& I in poar!- r),l I,.. -r, I I- I N ill 1)(. foll"d It) GO(Jeth-fil and prices in
Sept. Nour� %,-r\ troh. %-.r�atti r t., ...... Ill -111V ( a,cs half .)l ('311 will convInce Y()tl.
23 and 24 t-oderieh Dkiriel Meeting th, Wc 11;i� v cral pie( es of furni
23 and 24 lift\, -,Il 1.-0 itore taken in cx-=
Tlt,, (Irian, tal di-fl-frt m-,fing r.f ttv. in Ihe dinin, d chal"RV Mid \1 ry 1(,w prices.
ritinreh. Pot it) IoTlk 4,1,1 \%lih background- We do picture fraint
in (Inlarin strept rh.urch, Clin (of v, da r \lr moff \fr- Floper"i'l left in ng neatly and promptly.
MODEL THEATRE, GODERIC" lon. on W�dn,`Qday, the foll(mmir from the -ti f,,r 1,,,ndon. Torrmlo, I= WC hAve ,everal used PhOtl0graphs for sa!
t('\vn boing in atlendonre RPv 3. F liamiltsm ind Iii-Irt,it 'Ill, hrbl, ' = , e taken
F ro. R,-% ind Nfrf; Ost(-rhitul. J if tra%f-lliniv -lilt v%o,% (,,f tlA\� �Nll - — in �xchange for other makes.
Nlilli;in. ato., M r. ot no I hat to T114tctl and olip wor,- black ro
Nlr- 1; M Filloill, Mr. rind \Irq cwn furc On floeir return thpy %vill i= Special I Only fleintzman & Co. Piano was
Andr-,\&P. NlrQ rpiid
MONDAY & TUESDAY, Sept 23 & 24 H Colborne. i� M. on the Arr(.,,rn'R farm on Ka.t wa formeriv $6(),) will sell for $ 1 2,5 if taken at once.
RotwirlAfir., Chni, Oinin and for P ri,
mpr,,,n, The huqinp,q meptina CAllholic Itirmy Huto; Campaign
hrld in lh,, mornintir. rip\, j.
An acti%e rrimpaigit (in behalf f,f it I Watch tl I- I Woek;N Sim-" New,;
rhairmAn of the (licitrict, proQl(finor, Rnil Catholic Army Huts 14 being rarrio' I ipov:.L�
Rev Mr (04tPrholit, qprrrtary Thp af- (in In Godprich cornmenring on ;P("' e�pry week
ADMISSION, 25C. CHIEDREN, 15C. teryt,,f-n wast Into %;p1rftijaJ tombpr t5lh and contInning tintil it,:.
and misRinnaryc I and addrpu- 23rd. It ill in conjunction with a I I,
ser %%Pre triven by RPN vV R Villf4em. minion witle appeal for AW).000 of
Af 4 lr%,.In. Clintra). which Ontario is expected in raise ?200, -
f, C;fP%%arl. r-turtie-T mt-4%i(-nr4ry At a rer�nt meeting jao;, KI(Iti %N The Furniture Man
hone, on firrimigh from rhinA; rind appointod chairman, J. A. Daltf.n trenl
RPV It F. .1onefi, of Clinton. The ini.- irer, and W A. Coulthurst, apereta Often the Cheapest laut Guroll Always the
ry Best
s'Anary AWOrtive Of tho %1�thodl-t Can%asperp havo, alon been apimintod
WAWIT FOR THE "NOW OPEN" sl(;N rlt.ir- . �n Cin-tria thlo -or I- ol.w(m. anti thg territory will be thornuatily Rpaidence Pbone 197. 9tore Phon,1 A9.
Jill ill"ll It- -flier -f Ili- l.,,rPd,aI,txIn , I a Freoa Auto Delivery. FLny (Ilgilanee. Not
111MEM 1. 614vill"If, ind ,f fto� It 0)(M, Th.- %f-liiv if.,, I� 0
own= dilstrict -clatmil operating Linder , P titominto d I with it filonch. but with a