The Goderich Star, 1918-09-20, Page 4el;\ *43 DIMMICH STAR H. Burnice, Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs. 011, UARY p us from soon to kep getting his goat James Howard, town ; w1r. and Mrs. 1). Sproul. town ; Mr. and'airs. Robt. Turn - time and the socks, \\or.� \vry Ishould as they call it, This blooming war will be on four AV%a or &Ujz--=SON & iDijN WILLIAM-19Y.--Survivias her boAwd by only about a month. Mrs. Illobert Years 00 ', Y. Who MmdaN would have thought that it would last so long. LjL!j Williams, formerly MIss Martha Jilao W0.111 Mm Beatty you can take It for Manufacturing Co, ; wreath from the Martin, Passed awav In Loadoin on Mon- granted that we are all very thankful C '. 0. F., and A wriath from Mrs. Town - shend and farnily. The Dominion Tire day last, and the remains were brought to Toll slid the Women's Institute and ?You 0 eel satisfied that we hold al�car tin IOU A4 ea, our heart& And I will Go., with whom Mr. Townshend was engaged. accompanied their expression to Goderteb for burial, IntVrialent lak- Ing place In Maitland cemetery, the eel naive f come to a close. wishing Extraordi-nary Values funeral being held frout the residence you all the very best of health and happl- out in order that oursoldiers of the deceased's don. Robert Williams. bess. men in France and I* is this knowledge St. L)avid's Street. ou Weduebday after- am Our Immense stock of all pure wool Dress Goods and Suiting* Is lation. The services were coUducted by Capt. Fox, of the Salvation Army. Mro. Yours very- truly fast assuming very ordinary proportions, we urge early selections ai Williams is Survived by two brothers BERT J. MacL&AkN and steels our determination to ft8ht and tier dou, Robert, and daughter. Water and Light then prices which are of 2 years ago quotation. Nettle. Dear Mrs. Beattie,—The socks so war we clearly to the real peace find DUH ERTY —Clinton News Record kindly seat by., the women -9 Institute All Wool Serges Grey Flannels The funeral took place on ftnqay at- ternoon, Sept. 8th, from the home of 'Mr. of Goderkh arrived 1-0 good condition on the 14th Instant. I have dl9tributed With vvIry best "rft I remain, Yours very and Mrs. W. G. Smyth. of Mrs. bm. sad is *0ow" to an, iiat ~8 fir wto". this ofieks to men belonging to different 42 Inches wide, old dye, old quality, twautiful, 27 inches wide heavy Superior wool prey George Doherty, of Wndsor. formerly units of this division. Pleam ,kecpt "d 00111NMY to the Womens Institute tour grateful thaffiks ter their kindly cHk'S, BLACK even weave &u4 heavy weight, Navys, black worth 12.50 at per Yard ............................ $1.5u flannel fight or dark (not " wove) but a splen- of Clinton. The deccasect lady and her daughter, Miss Daisy, had but recently *6 hifulne,-Qs. F'rench Berge and Gabardeen Buttlogs and Dress did quality bought 2 seasons ago and offered now taken up t4eir abode at Windsor, go - We te6l tb&t our own dear people goods 48 to 54 Inches wide. Pure wool old stock at price almost of flannelette. Worth 5W. at Ing from Stratford. where they had Oro not likekilig In their efforts to do at per yard ................... $2.00 $2.30 and $3.00 per yard .................................................... Aft lived since leaving Clinton some years 411 th, thOr Via%V& ter CAII-Adalft 111ghting of the 501h battallout for their kind-' ago. Mrs. Doherty's death was most oilers and it \vas now in it 4'. 4 AIW% Penman's Cashmere Hose unqXpected. she having been III but a �ICOUPle of days. She . Is survived by Stitcher and can now re -sole your 0:1 one son and one daughter, L. E. Doher- For L&nts and Mdren I so For Over 30 Years Seamless perfect goods and splendid quality. Stze 8j to 10 worth 11.25 4 $1.00 ty. of Stratford, and Miss Daisy, who SEE OVR WINDOWS per pair .......................................................... ......................... is a teacheK on the Collegiate staff at of Rib Cashmere and Wool How perfect goods and Splendid quality. Size Windsor. The funeral on Sunday after - 6 to 10 at price of 2 seasons ago. Per pair ......... ................... 35C to 50C noon was attended by many old friends - - - - - - DI All& -familly-Im-and _ahau.L rAinlion. _anIj also from Goderich. The services were Flannelette conducted by the Rev. A. E. Jones and Light and Dark stripe 36 Inches %vide at per yard ................ 27c and 30c A latfin Extra flannelette Vic 20a the pallbearers were : W., J. E. and G. Doherty, W. G. Smyth, H. McMillan .7 quality white worth at per yard ........... and S. Kemp. The r -entalikji were in - 7 Floor -Rugs terred beside those of he, husband in the Clinton cemetery. Tapestry Rugs a large delayed shipment. at clearing price, heavy wove WATSON.-A startlingly sudden death was that of our well-known townsluall, pile and splendid quality, patterns are excellent and suitable for any Mr. E. R. Watson, which occured on room. -At these prices. Monday evening about 6 o'clock. Mr. Size 3x3 yards 5 14.00 Watson had held the Position" of Gov- sx3j yards $16.00 erument welghmaster at this port since 'ix4 yards 518.00 the death of the late *vlr. John Wynne and, was discharging his duties at the Western Canada Goat$ that. are Attraet,Ve Flour' Mills Go. when he was seized with in attack of para- lypis of Life heart. Mr. Watson was., a native of Goderich and had lived here -ail his life with the i?1"Ptlon or a few years spent in Detroit in his boyhood Over a hundred new handsome coats and was among our best known, citi- zens. Before taking in our new coat room up on second floor for the position of welghmaster Mr, Watson was an ex - pert decorator, the occupation which your inspection very stylish and moderate he followed fqr the -greater part of his life. He wAs a member of the Mason, and o4 the Workmen and in religion prices an Anglican. in the days of the Gode- rich Gun Club he was an active member and was very successful in the winning $159 $209. $25 and $30 of trophies for his marksmanship. Ile was 68 Years'Of age, a son of the late E. C. Watson, and is survived by five sisters and three brothers, Mrs. Sterl- g, of Montana ; Mrs. Lynne, of De- W. ACHESON & SON troit ; Mrs. Adams, of Detroit . Mrs. Reilley of New Yorn, Mrs. H, Rente., of B�halo. Charles and William Wat- son, of Detroit, and Victor Watson, of FLInt, Mich. Mrs. Watson, formerly MISS Annie Lowe, of London, a daught- er of the late T. G. Lowe, survives, with a family of two Sons and two daught- BURN SOFT COAL burning out, if kept comparatively blow themselves up they stay hot or ers, Ed., of Porter's Book Store; Harry, clean cold for tvventy-four hours. As they I overseas, with the 21st Howitzer bat - tery: and the Misses Edrleanne and 0 [in not at any time shut off your are all generally hot at getting tor- C. L Moon Tells How - Laura. The deceased's brothers, Char- i chimney draughts too closely, leaving pedoed they don't suffer much. Next Results , les and William, were here for the rooni eno tigh for the smoke and gas winter I am going to have one myself." funeral from Detroit and also his sis- "Phe Goderich Star, to pass tip the chininey. We trust Mr. Vanatter will never By care and experimenting you will have occasion to blow himself up in ter, Mrs. Rente, *front Buffalo, also Godcri* ont, ftryd that you can get along ven, ukely one of those wonderful suits ht, lalks Gentlemen : � "All Mrs. Harry McDonald, of Detroit, a niece, and Mrs. Win. Watson, Detroit. . . . . . . . .... Noting the discussion In regards to a nil keep your house %cry warin with about. Ile continues in his letter, a good clean grade of soft coal. the bar tenders, pool roorn sharks an of Mr. Geo. M. Savage, of Detroit, an old coal and the claim of so many 'parties In Goderich that they cannot bit rn soft Trustinq that the information given tin horn gamblers have got to get fl� friend, was here also. The funeral took place yesterday (Thursday) after - In this lefter %vIII be of benefit to you real job by the Ist of July or both the We "&I In their stoves nor furnaces. and enable ail to go through'the ,%in- National and state law gets them, and noon, the services being bonducted by have been requested z)y Mayor E. R. ler without suffering, I ani; it's real fun to see them try to get on Wigle to give our experience tit burn- Yours very trulv. the boats --a sailor you know is ex - Rev. A. L. G. Clarke, rector of St. George's church, Vil the members of Ing soft coal. G. L. MOORE. empt from everything -but making a Maitland Lodge, A. F. & A. M., attend - Being raised In a soft coal district. trip passing coal don't make a sailor where the people neNer thoughV of its- out of and these Ing in a body and conducting their ritual also. The Pall -bearers were Ing other than soft coat. kind only with- AT TRANSPORT WORK you, parasites thnk they can- fool Uncle Sam, but, tho gh Messrs. Geo. Porter, G. L. Parsons, E. -s being where an- in the last few yeai he is to soft and easy, he ha ev Y - i thraofte coal was used, we very hatur- A Huinoriatiq Letter from ?,fr. Frank R. WlgIe, F. F. Lawrence, James Yates and J. Platt. R ally drifted Into tho use of soft (%(,at Vanatter-4,an't Oool Uncle Sam body checked up long ago. I had o ly ' been from New York one day whe a �S. TOWNSHEND.-Without a moment's lost winter. and we found that by leav- detective stopped me and asked for my Ing the draughts open to the chlinnoy, Air. Frank Vanatter. bro6wr (if Mr. warning death's summons came on Sta papers, who I was, etc., when another we.were able to get very good results J. W. Vanatler, of the Goderich , r, w4ked up and said, 'I know that man, Thursday morning last t6 Mr. Arthur Edward Townshend, at Kitchener. Ttle in a hot air furnace and also in a has recently enlisted at the Buffalo Jake, he is all right.' Now I don't range. The draughts should always be office of the British and Canadian Be- family had moved from Goderich just ness. remember ever seeing him before but M cipen before the fire -door Is thrown cruiting Mission. and has been dis- he must have bad knowledge oi Seven weeks previously and Mr. Tow - n shend was engaged with the Dominion I h 19 t much me ��,ti . even for recoaling your fires, allowing patched to) Montreal. Ile is enlisted since last fall.' I am in the usual Tire Go. He w 8 on his way to work were the smoke to pass off rreely, and the In the Inland Waterways and Docks health, which means every Lime the lire should only be very Vght. -Do.not section of the Royal Engineers, as an and was in conversation with a friend havin food controller thinks of me he scratch- at empt to fill furnace or range with A. B. seaman, which Is a corps doing es his head." when a sudden attack of heart trouble terminated his life. Mr. Townshend night worki mfit coal as you would with hard coal, transport work by tug and barge in was only 44 years of age. He was born thank for when It once ignites It will burn the rivers and canals of the different thr*ugh to' the top very quickly, and war zones. f%cks are AI)preciated I in Godertch township and had resided in Goderioh I dist -you will have the danger of burning Mr. Vanatter lived in Goderloh for The Women's Institute send parcels ever since his marriage. To the bereaved widow and child[ren, them said t out your stove and filling it with ash, about five years and during that Lime of socks to the boys In France Or3 John, aged 12 years, and Dorothy, aged and b that you should prevent by keeping the attended the public school and do]- pairs to each parcel) and so far four 8, we extend sincere sympathy. Three Goder fire lower. You will s receive a legiate Institute here and w AM Al be re-tletters, acknowledging receipt of these I and one brother also survive, Sign great heat without a heavy bed of fire. membered by many In town. He has,parcels, haviF been received by Mrs, as follows : Mrs. John Eagleson, of 50th Your ash pan and grates should be first mode's papers and last winter was I E. Beatty, the president of the Insti- Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. ; Mrs. Andrew (Z) kept well cleaned of ash; ranges andlengaged Ill transport work on the At- Lute. One Is from Chas. MacArthur. Sararps, Of New Hamburg; Mrs. An furnaces to be kept cleaned out file- lantic between a 11. S. port and Eng- I which has been mislaid. and the three - drew Halliday, Bayfield road ; and Al- quently, so as to keep them from V land, and in a letter written at thatlothers are published below to show bert Townshend, Clinton. Funeral ser An up with soot, as there will natt time he makes humorous reference to that Stich parcels reach their destln�- "I tion - vices were held In Kitchener on Satur- al be more soot front son coal than his work. He said, made two trips all right and are very highly ap- day, conducted by Rev. Mr. McBain, ithere will frdm hard coal. This can across to England and aside from sleep- preciated by the boys. Methodist pastor, and Rev. Mr. Scott, be done by sweeping them down with Ing a little uneafty had- no unusual ex- Dear Mrs. Beattie, -Just a few lines Presbyterian, and the funer I was in a Tho the brushes made on purpose for clean- perience. The men who make It a to thank you. for the flne parcel of charge of the Fore5ter% Mr. Townshend and I Ing stoves And furnaces. and the flu" busines s the year around to man the sooks which I received yesterday. being a member of the C. 0. F. The Thurs can be kept clear by burning a wad of transports have a patented suit like a The parcel reached its in a good interment took place on Monday in mernh j japer, rolled up tightly, saturated with union suit of underwear, only it Is state at a critical time. It was raining two three time's with of hose in the like some of our old time Maitland cemetery, the funeral taking A r coat oil. or a week.,double a piece showers at Place from the residence of the do - dustri thereby preventing the flues front load- breast, so when they get torpedged bQme oind the mud Is horrible when ill ceand's sister, Mrs. Halliday. Rev. Mr. for tit Ing up heavy with -soot, and If the they blow this still full of wind and go rains. MeDermid conducted the services and engine properly built, there floating around the Ocean like a bottle; chimneys are So I Just opened your parcel and put A-kould be no dan r (I,* fire front Their and if thev are hot or cold Nvh-- th- a claim On one of fh I t, the pallbearers were Messrs. Jos. Wil- servic % I Irs. I went ar "Se . ce w Ile son, Wni. 'AlcCreath. R. Wilkens, David The . .... .. Pa ound and gave them Sproul, Wm. Waite and Robert Bell. at the : to all the Goderich boys I could find, In addition to the family, the following the en and a pal of mine that rame over to from out of town were here for the pair,, France with the original 47th Hatt., I funeral : Mr. John Lint, of Kitchener : shape him a Pali,. He is going to thank Mr. anti Mrq. Sara-ras, of Now Harn- leaks gave you for them. I also gave some of tlpq valve burg ; Mr, and 'Mrs. Tho,4, Bone Brus- S reinfo -7 boys your address so you may [fear se1q: Mrs. Robt. mith, Brusseis; Mr from some of them. John Smith. Brussels, Mr. and Mrs' the ha faii suit5 U,natrwoff I'm sure the Women's Institute are Gilbert the 1, Vint, Belfast; Mr. and Mrs doing a great deal more than their Taylor, St. Helena ; Mr. Cyril Campbell'. share In this war and It makes a fel- La' nes; 'Mrs. Chas. Alton. Lanes; Mrs. s. low bra" up when he knows that be Frank Elliott, Mitchell; Mr. and Mr. I Irs. has Stich a fot of cheerful giving so- T. Hardy, Clinton, and %fr. and N A. C cieties behind him. Neil, Clinton. The floral tributes in - I haven't got the least Idea when eluded sprays from the following in this war will be over, as You see more Kitchener : Mr. and Mrs. 011ie Buoh- of the news than we do, but you on rinan, 'Mrs. Trussler and family, Mrs. In t gamble Fritz is not coming through It. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Thoman, Mrs. All- Wre. fir. Albright. Mr. and Mrs, Dufenbeeker, Some of the boys have been hit but MISS Nichan and Trinity Methodist Sig - lucky for us So for. Sunday school, sprays from Mrs. Brock Yes we tire all longing to see it at and family, New Liskeard ; Mr. and an end . Won't that be a glorious day'i I Mrs Thorn— 1— o Mr and But it is coming sooner or later for 2 I'm afraid Heinle will have to go so me H. Burnice, Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs. p us from soon to kep getting his goat James Howard, town ; w1r. and Mrs. 1). Sproul. town ; Mr. and'airs. Robt. Turn - time and the socks, \\or.� \vry Ishould as they call it, This blooming war will be on four er. town-� Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison, front hand rivc, seam. The free Worm Exterminator. It is it standard Years 00 ', Y. Who MmdaN would have thought that it would last so long. town ; and Mr. and Mrs. Sararas. New Hamburg a tirescenLitrom the Jackson g a lot of wpt vveathfr and this W0.111 Mm Beatty you can take It for Manufacturing Co, ; wreath from the other thinffs indispensable to them. granted that we are all very thankful C '. 0. F., and A wriath from Mrs. Town - shend and farnily. The Dominion Tire Hundreds of millions of to Toll slid the Women's Institute and ?You 0 eel satisfied that we hold al�car tin IOU A4 ea, our heart& And I will Go., with whom Mr. Townshend was engaged. accompanied their expression dollars are of no use to the eel naive f come to a close. wishing of sympathy with a cheque. 'country if goods and services you all the very best of health and happl- out in order that oursoldiers can be secured only to the bess. men in France and I* is this knowledge extent�of eighty millions of am that brings to us after three years dollars. So we nwst do every- Yours very- truly Of bifter struggle a quiet confldence thing in our power to release BERT J. MacL&AkN and steels our determination to ft8ht both goods and labo'r for the Water and Light on until through the fading mists of purposes for which Canada Dear Mrs. Beattie,—The socks so war we clearly to the real peace find needs them. kindly seat by., the women -9 Institute conditions wo are strIvIn# for. ers 'present. I of Goderkh arrived 1-0 good condition on the 14th Instant. I have dl9tributed With vvIry best "rft I remain, Yours very WHETHER it be foed, bm. sad is *0ow" to an, iiat ~8 fir wto". this ofieks to men belonging to different pectfally, L19ITT. D. M. MACKAY. coal, wool, steel, leather, units of this division. Pleam ,kecpt "d 00111NMY to the Womens Institute tour grateful thaffiks ter their kindly cHk'S, BLACK Dear Mrs. rjeattlew-4 received the ever welcome by the Wotin- labor or transportation, the *6 hifulne,-Qs. parcel sent en's Institute of Goderilich on July 170f, result in all cases is the same. We te6l tb&t our own dear people I now take this opportunity of thank - Whoever competes' with the Oro not likekilig In their efforts to do Ing Ole members oil bellitialf of the bOY1 nation by freely satisfying his 411 th, thOr Via%V& ter CAII-Adalft 111ghting of the 501h battallout for their kind-' own desireg, selfishly appr6- oilers and it \vas now in it We have installed a new Laudis 4N when he said— The parcel jit-rived ahow I tie I condition. The arch over the fire door Protect the child from the ravages time and the socks, \\or.� \vry Ishould "Either the civilian popu- appreciated h ' \ the boys. NN*" Ithe front hand rivc, seam. The free Worm Exterminator. It is it standard lation mast gio short of many thiings to which it ij accustomed g a lot of wpt vveathfr and this in times of peace or our armies must gro, short of munitions and the boys had returned front a other thinffs indispensable to them. ng party all w4,t and Aerp real NOw the only way we can Hundreds of millions of merits on account, Lactuding $I,GW on possibly live up to that dollars are of no use to the who they vvere from and thpy; obligation is by going with- 'country if goods and services pare a list of all arrears of water rates out in order that oursoldiers can be secured only to the ich Women's Inrtitute. may have. For the money extent�of eighty millions of Arrears of water rates, as charged we waste is not money at dollars. So we nwst do every- 4187, PTE. 11. NPGRATT!"N, all—it is equipment, clothing, thing in our power to release shot and shell that are ur- both goods and labo'r for the Water and Light gently needed in France. purposes for which Canada By denying ourselves, there- needs them. day evenln�r of last %\eek, all the fore, we enable Canada to ers 'present. I procure to the ful-lest extent WHETHER it be foed, at Fair Board f -or water it g1t li e fair days. was granted :, rid tho the materials and labor which coal, wool, steel, leather, our new fines of Fall and Winter she and our Allies need for labor or transportation, the on th- h-ders power twose \%Pre rpre,roil to the successful prosecution of result in all cases is the same. and Chocolate Kid, high cut styl es, the war. Whoever competes' with the in pipe joints, :itid . �j in Mop What happens when we fail nation by freely satisfying his Neolin Soles to save? own desireg, selfishly appr6- oilers and it \vas now in it A pull on labor by the Govern- priates to his own use that ment in one direction and a which is so urgently required pull on labor by the people for our fighting men in in the opposite direction. France. For the sake of jwur country and the boys ."over there," spend 'caut"sly. TAink of what Lord Kitchener has- said, and ask yourself fir$t, "Is this sometbinff I really need or can I do witliout it?" Published under the authority of the Moister of Finance of Canada 16 " - If d"TheNational s1baekt, The r4m, menow JUvar W fine aroma of choice Havalits leaf, prope4,oireiil and maturA have was 3 for 25 for this cigar its lu&"Mp in Cluisda. -ANNEW"WIL', 0.06=6il. 4 d E The parcel jit-rived ahow I tie I condition. The arch over the fire door Protect the child from the ravages time and the socks, \\or.� \vry Ishould be repaired and made tol cover of worms by using Mother Graves' appreciated h ' \ the boys. NN*" Ithe front hand rivc, seam. The free Worm Exterminator. It is it standard up the line at tll,- time and use of tri-sodiurn in the boiler to keep remedy. and years of use have enhanc- g a lot of wpt vveathfr and this the scale off was recommended ed Its reputation. the boys had returned front a A letter from the Hydro -Electric ng party all w4,t and Aerp real Power Commission acknowledged pay- ful to get a pair (if ne\\ "Icks. merits on account, Lactuding $I,GW on ributed' theni around an( I,dd old construction accoum. who they vvere from and thpy; The collector was Instructed to pre - o write and express their thanks I pare a list of all arrears of water rates est wishes to thp niembers 4 the I up to July Ist, 1918, for an adjourne� ich Women's Inrtitute. on Monday. ed on h-ehalf of the bo�� (.f t ,"Impeting Arrears of water rates, as charged Battalion. Dr. Emmerson for his office up to July 4187, PTE. 11. NPGRATT!"N, Ist, 1918, were cancelled. Sig. Sertion, 50th Batt. Canadians, Franee. Water and Light regular meeting if ight commission was h,ld New-FAI Footwear day evenln�r of last %\eek, all the ers 'present. I equest from thp i;i- I This season. we are in a position to at Fair Board f -or water it g1t li e fair days. was granted :, rid tho quote you last season's prices on er \\as in,trkj(,je,j to in,t,ill me our new fines of Fall and Winter es., inspector's r#,Porl� Footwear. on th- h-ders power twose \%Pre rpre,roil to See our now lines of Black, Grey ginepr Iii lt;#\o th., I'll- and Chocolate Kid, high cut styl es, made. The hoilpr,, wor in iz(,( vii-Ith the oweptit.ij if , Ll g ,it' high or low heels,at popular prices. in pipe joints, :itid . �j in Mop in one boller %\as l-,akiniv reing pla I e had liw�jj 1,111 -N,-r Neolin Soles nd hole at the back end -r ,o,, (,f oilers and it \vas now in it We have installed a new Laudis Stitcher and can now re -sole your ASTOR 1A I lools with Neolin Soles. For L&nts and Mdren I so For Over 30 Years I iharman, The ShoerMan fre bears SEE OVR WINDOWS the of - If d"TheNational s1baekt, The r4m, menow JUvar W fine aroma of choice Havalits leaf, prope4,oireiil and maturA have was 3 for 25 for this cigar its lu&"Mp in Cluisda. -ANNEW"WIL', 0.06=6il. 4 d E