HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-09-20, Page 3/ t
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, .. 'fror OW I)* , ,ill T I Orloinal I ' QUAfajff, TAI
, woo ill _S N�;A$ U I ,-N' to Capt, WORONTO, KPA"WM I .. I � I -ORJKG�
. , "" In ti r alted, Z .' ter -C14 li'l4r.
, , "I"' "' , r ( - r or. 01 1"QuaQu. Sun of . . I
IA 1111111104 "eentIMID NVal. J. ',�Illford I-ICAIL - - �
IC PIMIU6, r Nva I I a, = hu: TORONTO. Sept. 16. - The BQ*rd � -
I" =�7 k � , : r calutox Mr. I r" Willer, 4 of Trade Quotations ter *Satv NO , .
ll,ro�%,e , I.
I " J M v P=0�6� I S. the n)1;141r1rl4%NC1 tako Place t is rdV
�10= at� ag.ony fro ,L _ uyiwem 1191144d. %Afe of Mr. Cha . we I
I r , , C I -i
11 I t T,
llr7owil$ .
� M =x " , - ing was solemnized a hoa%'(In Store, Fan Willitimi,
. � �Iwp, Rullett, passed A,quiet weddl A. Mare as Vollow-G.-
1144=419h, .1 Weit lii�vera zvW :6bu' Tyner, of tAe BalK - of last week LIxeter on-Wy,a afternoon of last ottoba I The wearer of clothes tailored by us always
to away on Alouday evenl%, Not Includin
, , 9 Tax).
go4o relief"Until a friiii her ," V 00lu .
* rief illness. wecj� �jr, John ,,,,kan� Baird, daught- No- I IkOVUlern. Sa.4jit, bears With hitu tile staillp Of being Well dressed. Ottr
. If Grand Head. No. 2 northern, spititi. .
I 1 f4ol filibilrAla =jgyer Pilia. A at her bolao after a b , W I, It No. 3 northern, 43.171,�. '00001001 work has the fit, and finish and style.
I ,
� � I AWW Inth'two, vi4.'. and before LW Profound regret ,.N -4S felt at the pas- Vr O r , 0
1� . extitswo, Wed -4 much . lIvilef.. -1 . ay of Janet. only daughter of And N1r, John 401114$ SimS. OfLCrediton, No. 4 wheat. $2 , llk4. . .
� ,_ T f9Cm sing aw,
. � e , United In lingriage Vy Rev. J. W. Manitoba Oats (in Store, Fort William). 00
, -Pat'AUW-ou,t,Uluoedfourvi�g,tdthey. tile late James NicDQUald, on Aug. 25th -ere ..
� hATO 004UP10tely Oured ritte. hat was at her home On. the Oth concession oj Baird. No. a C,%%%. 86�,c � I I Armstrong's Tailoring Is Quality 'Tailoring. �
follirtep uiogtb- age, and I h4ve No. 3 C.W�. 82%c: 1
1 .4 I not bo.4 Nvawaoosh. � I The marrloge took Phtce in Detroll. 1, �XL- No. I teed. 83%c. . � WN
th I * , months Aug. 81st, of Ell,a K.. daughter, of Mr: re of
� - �, 0� sliot"t return since. T4e illness of severai . No. I feed, 80LIAe.
�. pra=0'4'c*u give WerajoActeneugh "t- After an Veston. of (juderich American Corn (Track. Torentiii). ... ...... I
7I . , 8rally, beloved wife of Mr. Abner Cos- -it Airs. 113wry N I ImItationfi I
Moot of 06 , 1. (.Iassed -,A%vay on to%N,II.9hW, .to �jr. Lorraine P. %'all, sun No. 3 Yellow. kiln -dried. nominal.
Vullery atilt Mhat ellis" of Nvinghan . N . 4 Yellow, kiln -dried, nominal. � I
, hPIP94ity ii burdened with , from Lie " Re J. Armstrong
. : ' Tuesday Of last Week, The funeral of 51r, and Mrs. Boston Vail, of - Ontario Oats JAccording to Freights Out. . sold
diseirdem of the, Stl "Ver and took place on Thursday afternoon. trolt. The marr1w %N -a.% soiettintra-d b.N McLean Block
, -Anach
� I I I , . , side).
. I betwel.a. - U you ard fliieiinj out of sorts, HeN. mr. Cane. , No. a white. now crop. 76c to 78c. . . South Side of Square
. have PAWO in the stomach, elaMcilllty The baims are published for tile inar- No 3 white. new crop, 750 to 17c. on the __ -
1� ister Qsi hili -oust gpolb, hjaidscW, ,rjage'of Elose kj. McCaughey. daughter A clulet but Pretty marriage %%a Sol- - & . .
1� Lac McCaugheV, and emnized lel.17 dist Ontario Wheat (Basis in store, Montreal) I - I - ��
0OUClItIllialle ,coatOcItOugue,w�terbrayll Of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. , In George Street .% u No. 2 winter. per car lot. $2.31. 1 Merits ot .- I - I
� e "' son church, Peterboro. oil Tuesday, Aug. N g: 3 Winter, per ear lot. $2,27. I �. .___,_;�_____ _ - ,
. � tq-j you should take st 16W doies of Mil. ,Mr. Chas. D. Shanahan. of flullett, *-.111, when Pmelik, daughter of '% .. atilt N 2 spring. S --.2c, 0 groun-d ConsMei%xily -Ttr_M19 41"t -Of I Mothers Val __ _�
I burn a 14wa-Uver Pills. You will be of Mr. and Airs. John Shanahan, sr. . T1 No. 3 spring, $2.:s2. . that position. Further south they who kit tie Thh 011-51others,
. �3 � � OUT, illed how quickly they will fix you Mr. Andrew Taylor has purchased Mrs. J, 6. HoweY. of Lucknow becanie P is (According to Freights Outside). Minarg 5 took by storm Hill No. 169. north of OW how suddenly croup may
the bride of Mr. Gordon NVilliani (lard- �e a. 2. nominal. seize their children and how necessary
. �. tfie Queen's hotel property and con- ner son of Mr. and Mrs. it. Gardner, Barley (According tqf Freights Outside). Cellos-sur-Aftme. prompt action is in
. UP611�11V'Ills. Laxa-Uver Pills age 25c. a tents Ili Wingham, from Mrs. J. E. applying relief, al -
1 ' Matting, new crop. si.04 to I The Germans came back repeated- ways keep at hand a supply .
. vial at all dWere or guliled 4�Eect on re- Swartz. in traAster Mrs. Swartz takes Norwood, Ont. � Buckwheat (According to F:i.Utli Out. UnImont ly In strong force all of Dr.
pr I .... slicing this front Thomas' Eclectrio oil because exper-
I 0 _kce by Thi T. Milburn Co., Mr. Taylor"s property on Shuter street. On Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, after a serious do). . and fought stubbornly, but with no lenve hod taught tile '
Linlited, Toronto, Ont. I I lauckwheat-No 81inall. In that there Is no
. I I ; Mr. John J�IcMllian, who recently illness of two weeks, Mrs, Hugh La- Rye (Accorill ruct Freights Outside). - other result, than to increase their bettor preparation to be had for the
� �
. .
tiosed U6 flour and feled business in mout. ot'Brussels, passed away at her ..No. 2, nominn? .... ... ... ....... .... .W"NSIVIP INI' SALINICA. extremely heavy losses. While these treatment of this aliment. And they
. Blyth, has accepted a luoratt,%e position tionie aged 62 years, It months anti 21, Manitoba Flour (Toronto).
. I OSTEOPATn New crop, $11.35, � I .- actions seem to be only details when art, %vibo, for its various list.
___ -----------I-- __ _ - - with a produce company in [Aegina da!,b. She was born lit Urey tuv%nship Ont r1a Flour (Pr!mpt Shipment)_ - 2jid�rlttrl postil ,,j compared with the recent larger oper- it it ,.aluabio "It IdIL ,s render
-1111. GEOR . LEDA , osteopatli, Sask., and leaves this month for' thai atilt was the eldest daughter of the - ---- - ---
T HE LEMANN lilo.,S in % m-ls. run, ed .d ,
. I GE War quality, bags, Montreal; 4oft_ W 'h ations, their significance apilieatt _ , _
-1 -&-,F seectalls; In women's and c1lildrell-8
diseasi E. Adute -chronic and nervous dis- Plae4e. . We Andrew Arnett. She is survived 9 0 85, in bags. Toronto. By Cite Allie,. clearly from the valiant efforts made Germany
. Order% tial ' dearne a eye. ear, nose by het, husband and six suits and three Ififeed (Car Lots, Delivered, Montreal Pay
and par Mr. and .Mrs. Richard 41. Seldon. Exe- I Freights. Bacis Included). LONDON, Sept. 17 -The cupturt, to stop them. %hilst
mat. Adenoldss 6moved without ter, announce the engagement of tt'ieir taughters. Bran -For ton, $34.,:-3. 1 Further advances by the French I I'll liddelphia Record;
the knife. Consultation free. Owes alad -tit, passed of the llrA and second line Bulgarian if (;ernian) lh t,� routillue to e3dst
I - residence, Nelson and st, Andrew's Streets daughter, Bella Jean, to Nil'. Frank Mr. Adam Glousher, of Bl� Shorts --Per ton, $41.40. on the high ground west and south !
� .
. __ back of -TelliPtiranc 1 43 - Halt, North street. 6ambert Newrnan,- Kingst-on, Mit., Lhe 3"ay oil Ttwrt4aX, SePt. 51,11, after an Hay (Track, Toronto). I
' Mo. 1. per ton, $19 -to $20. 1 . Tog0pla'd ill.qn.g..0L ten-laill!. �dL"Lau_�ijf_ rQ1 ... thil-Chemila-ten-Dainea. will wake i �IW 'nut-(_ 1!aA the x-,LWAL, .hujchez,�L_ .. .. ,..
Office hours 9 tq i2 a. Ili., t to 6 P. in. of some moriffis. lie was horn* pro- hili 'fihtlt %%Ill give her home Idea or
Mondays, Thursdays and Saturday$. marriage to take place the la�t \\eel, illness Mixed. per ton, $17 to $18. 1 the Dotran-Vardar tront Szm,Ia),IW,IS the German positions there very
Evenings 4Y appointment. in Septembei�. tit-WaterloLo Oct. 1849 arrid \%hon four Straw (Track, Toronto). carious. ithe high cost of living.
I . Mrs. John Dauneey died at her home \,,ars of age, moved with his parents ear lots. per ton, $9 to $9.50. announced b,N . A J 11all'oni, tile ,',) - - __ . - I.. . _. � -1 - � � - 1. I � - I.- - -
. Exeter oil Monday (if laht week fol- t�, a bush farin near Zurich atilt as lie Farmers, Market. eign SOVI'VtU0. tit it lo-evilon to tile
-,---------- --- in �lri,\v up underwent all the pri\atiolls Fall wheat -No. 2, $2.19 per bushel I I
I HARLES GARROW, Barrister, Solicitor, lowing V iftess of about three Nuar, . Spring wheat -No. 2, $2.14 pex bulifted ('I Pe it delegaiHon lilst ni,,bt ijt� , e -_
. ,ij al nose wh I
C ,,,,,,, Ill harcls-hips incident to pitineer life, G ke tract mark dog on it"
Etc. Corner Nurt.. btreet and SIpare, during which tinie sho \\;tl it i4 eat -No. 3. $2.10 per bushel, I f I, I red to this, uhich ,rj\oI\e,j it,,. -
. GoderICII, Ont. sufferer. She was 71i .Nears, (9 itimiths \\lten 20 years of age lie ran a stage Barley -Malting, $1.08 to $1.10 per
\% .- � lo-tw"n Exeter anti Clinton. Later tit, bushel. I taking (it 800 pri:4,)n, - i,i,j 1�t.l gi,t,,.
' and 9 days of age. I Oats -Old, 92c to 93c per bushel; new,: as the prelod- to a;- i:-:p,)rtiL.it ( ,.n- -
� . CHAS. SEAGER ( iii,-\od to near Aubtlru %\here lic %\ork- 87c to 88c per bpushel. I si%o. - ijil. . , tj
Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Wenovvael, Evelyn, daughtur or ',It, ,o fill. I number (it years atilt inarried ftr�o� .;, � ", It I, "1!,! , it, - I
aild Couveyalicei, Buckwheat- N om lost. I I
. 0 lice : court tiouse, Goderich. atilt Mrs. R. 11. liolink-,, f�,rnwrl "\ --t' \11 ' lary jalle Forgus0n, A voill)[o (if hYe-Aecording to sample. $1.m. W, I 10h, th,� li'l!Is" ;I I (; ...... 1� ,I .1110 I . ,
� I Winghain, \\as United ill marriag' t" \,..'�l`,*'j.tev lie moved tit Bl.yth anti in HUY-Timothy. $20 to $22 per ton; mix. %, ,.lilt kt�. .i,, -I - I ,, ..' _,.,.111,, 1- .. 41,
�R. C. HAY$ 'Phone '88. .Mr. Rlissell M01ill, Mde't ")It -if Nil-, 1!lo� IlloNed it) 'A rahil ill litilletl ,kftt,,. so slid clover, $18 to $19 per ton. � p:t I I 11 I I I
. - I Barrister, Soliel r, Notary Public Etc. and .NIri,,. W. K. Mv(;ill, -if Turont,,. I k\,. years ht,i went to ExoWr "lleve he WINNIPEG ' GIRAIN 1114ARKEV, I La 1�1� ! -- .., � .� -1 I �, , ''. I . �
1. - _. - 0111ce lition, 'o!o -41, at Burlington Beach. . �, . �
l , 6teril-ug Bloa Selit. 3t Winnipeg. Sept. 1G. -Business on 'he if , I. � . I , .
, , , Rrink , j�ain engagt,4 in farming \Nhich lit, ash markets continues to be of light ,� ; � . I I
6od i ich � - c ' I � i. 11 I
Rfal EStat,, L-olins, Insurance Nit. atilt MI's. IL I` lllll'Lle�, Wing- (njilitipil until returning tit 111\111 Ill volunie owing to the aniall offerings. . __ t___ 141, , I :
I I .__ _____ - ham. lint., ann-ouire 11w vnj.,a-_,.-nwn[ ,,r 1�,lj, \\11ere lie hall since rv,id-.d. Oats closed %c highor for October and F I ell � It rolc�. antl I,w -l, ,I '' - �. , - Q=;l
- 0NVEYAACj.',u ANU NOTARY ---,--- . % higher for December. Barley closed all I 11 I oe a t I f, �.:,!Y - I , 0, , M"'! lilt, *.' I I � , : �1_ - 11[i "
C ' 105 for October. jlo�-llions, I, ann,,t(,:,-,,,l Ill .kit ,�!!,, �j . �
UEORGE E'. MIEENSIAI)E, flayfleld, Con- Flax closod l0c higher for Otcober, 9c� SVHW�tl l-01111111inli,it IV',,c,I ('-j-, , "
%oyancilik; atilt AuLal. 3 . 1`1 for No %,eiulier. mild 514c lilgher for De- , � .1 "I .�.. - I .
� FALL FAIRS, PAY WELL l ceniher. %Vinnipeg inarkets: )"Ivrda� ll'WL, S.Ijo"I',� . . " ^ I ..U. or..
PROUDI--OOT, X1FA,ORA_N & C00 K E, I I'll,- lierve systelit i, tho goNt-I'lling Oats- Open. Close. 'Starlillit SlIrjl;,j\ allt.1 i'j:jlI,.,\ I --�, � _� I . . 11 . , -
Bal'rister,' SoliclLor,, Notaries Pub, I , Oct. .. sa 83 IA I, rk-ul I ". I I oil t h ", ,;� I I'lilil ., i I � I � - "I -
. .114de hod�, vwItrolling Dec. ..* � 80% ( I
lie, Etc. Prepare Now to Harvest and �-Iolll or ill(' NN . *.*.'.'.*.'.*:�,.:'1'.. so 'CC ill
I . Office -011 the Sopiaro. -2nd door from !Ilw livart, hing,, digosli,in and brain: 13al.le% . ...... ........... 105 105 V I ', It Itiov0d CO I`A;I I d. t','ji. I I - ,' 1,
Hanillton street, 6odench. 1", it I,, not slirpi-ising Ill'tt 11"t,\oIls 1.'IHX- ,:,tt:- objt".Il�*'s itrid V.#-, �111 g", ��� . � I
- '
Private rutias to loall at lo%N . est rates. . Store Root Crops. 1.1i'Ll1rhances should callsi, aclito flis- Oct . ...... ........... :IS21�L 39214 W:lon � k qivrlLl� 'S .1 ! 1,v 1. h �� ,[, (�l - "His Master's Voice" Records
W. PR0L'I)I-'00T, K. (;., ,, r-
. J. L. "LLORAN, It. J. D. COOKE. lro,,. 'I'lle lll�st sLag"s lit Iwrvml, de- No\ .. .. .............. :171 379 'rj,-, �o,noiijniq!,, r-)Ij,."�� I -H same price as 6elore the wor I
Best Mixtures and Afethods of Slaking ; bilil \ are ,noted by irrltabiht� and rest- Ile( . ...... .......... 36-,ij �369 ",�llollivj. S', Ill Ili— V!vr n- - =
- - 0a ts: 2 ( z
('ash pri "., No , . NV. 8 6;�: 1 1 �
loss, fil which Ow Nictillis �,olll it , o. �, 8 V,; � " � I., .-I', 1:1"l \ 1); -y 1.:" i'lo 1.
. AUCTIONEERING Bread With Flour of Various 1 i""I to N o. 3 ( , W_ 1,21,; t.\tr- N I fee 2 . �, ,. !. 1
HOMAS GUNDRY. Cereal Grains. 1- 'ppressetl I)). tljojj� jj,,l.\j",. 'I'liv No. I feed, bo:l,; No 2 Ive,j, 771,. wi 'Sept. 14. (lit, Svi ht,jil �,i i,i\ ill , ,) : 90 dQVDts for 10 -Inch, double -sided
I it. rlv� - N o, 3 A " W . 1115; NO. 4 C, W., -11 t I o"j-, ;i,:." :, : V, hen Al-litand,r I'akes K5 Railt!uli
. - T _' lolAter ru'quirr,; illinwdiati. altellhol, ,01,, ; rej,.4 �t ,d. U;i ; it . ed . 9 :1 , qlor;! I io'l ;I I Ill Pi ', . I Band to l' I.nl-e
. Live Stock and General Atit,tioncer, (Contribirted by Ontario Depsirtment of : 1'.,:, oothing. bilt "11iilihil, [r,.;(tIIj,,jIt \\.Ili 1, . 11 , k- I rall
I Haftlilton street, Goderich. , 'I a X � No. I N, W. (' . 4.112 i,j. tol stjll I ;'. I I., 'll"J."i , \ -o' .. Marlon 114F 18486
Agriculture, Toronto.) jill"\'Itit a Volilplvto IIr0aj,(loN\II The ICA(.'O GRAIN MARKET. "d Il1qIkZ�l-!:,:) I o'll'ons oil (1) I '. *. I'm G,inoa Pin kly Med,%l on tile C.kl I
Sales inade everywhere and all efforts - C171 I I I elt Het,ind Peerlr.
ade to give you sattillaction. - \wLint. hime\i,r, tict-41 not fli,1401, for Vt,ticnilo (1.72.-1 lc�-f hif,h), 11,l � , MCIParlet
I J. 1'. 731vkeil & ('o. repol t th'! follow- ,., , - 7 7 !'.,,,t ) ,,:I,l 'Alo,mi.:1 I -, �z , I I ()hf tio.� I I late to Grit Strong 40
rn f1siners' sale notes oll.,counted. 0 the general farmer who j - \ "it se\ vre Ilervolis di,ordel's Io (5,, , Up is, the Nto
ii 111"Y ')(� in, 'I 1-^,.'.o ill, ('111cago Buaid of Trade: Arthu; F ic,ld. j
I VETERINARY " d grain for seed, I , ,,,.,.,I h%. llylpi-o\ ing [Ilp (.1,11( lit,,, it(, t1rev. ': ��! ( J.�37 le"I ) T i I ." � [.,) '' � �); 1 , I 010 Frenchyl Arthu Fie d . t IW9
to the specialist in garden Ill)-- liloo'd. It is becallso [)I,. William, up��-i, High. Low. l.'Irse. Close. 1,,pre.,vill !).� f�,r Illo IU�,.,, iI.I;'1,t.l: �
T I,,.\\ 1.1,ql Corn -
i R. W. F. CLARK, V. 1.3., graduate or and truck crops, and Pat-- I """' Pills actu�'111�' 111"i"' ' q I't . . . I ", I .�,, l5t� 1531,J 1 .1 .-, �1. 154% T'"111"� lit"(' ljy lllt� (""."'\ 11.1 ill * I'w o Delightful [to I Seal Records
D Me Ontario Veterinary College, 'for- Il'i""'I [hat this lliedicillf. 11 ;is ('111. 0' I ox- 3e I. .. I 5314, 151 153 ',. 1621,, _401("l!"it fl-()Tlt. Mlli I ht' It'll ... l; i:l Ill Th" e Sung tit Enitioll, and Fteoch -
0 c - - "' ,
I 'V 749% � I I �% 4, it ild I Enrico Caruso 67294
ooto. I respectfully call the atteritt n or ticulariy to the live stock man tile , ,,.,.,, 'it nf-rvuns di�sovdvr,, Urtvl' ;ill (lilt- Nov . '' . 10 , 1 aO k,A 148 15014 ll�-vv lit-ld theill fill lllf,�I,14 11 Over
\ horse ownens to Illy approve(l nfethud of Fall ra'lr offers an opportunity. it 1,-r Iroatinent hall failed, Tlw nor\,,� Oats-' . If years. I Xhima ( anzone Giovanni Ma unelli 74517
operating oil horseg' teeth. A fresh sup- I S 71% 't I . 1:1 Our atl,ick li;i.-; b- it _ , ip 1, I, I .
tly t veterinary Inedicine always (In pays to advertise and the Fair is the I tlll�100 on tile ril--w blood makle h� thost. Sept- .. 71 �. 7, I 4, 7. 1 71 % -
and.00111ce and stables -Newgate street, I i . Oct. ..... 7 Ill I, -,27, 72 72% 72Y, '
Goderleh, Place where the people see the goods - Lilt, appetite hnpro\es, digo.,tiol) No,. .... 73 IN 737/a 731/, 7.33% 73% ,. Ilocc:,,Iftil; lh#- enomy Itow I ii� ),% � Hear them at anv "His Master's Vaiice" dealer
'. �,-:lter; 0,oplessness nil lmiyi,r troo- . , 11 .
i, Pork- plon-v(I and ldl throv or Ille Ineill1w.
- Produced, and seeing is believing. 11,1_ lilt, foriner lipme shaticreil \irtilii Sept . ... ..... ..... ..... N3�.00 A40.00 lit posilions are in oil[. li:lll,i,4 Wt. Vielrolas from $J4 up. on easy p^ymentpif desired.
INSURANCE Moreover, the papers report the win- mid life generally takes (oil a ellf-ol-I'lli Oct. . .. . '40.15 40.13 3�.40 39.40 40.40 jl�,%.., jalt,,ll ,q,,vVt. a I 11oll(Il. ,-d 11-4ga- . Ank lor free copy o' our b2o-paso Musical Kricyclo.
McKILLOP rvtL�,rl_'Al, FIRE INSURANCE - L-t rd -
Co. nings and through these the exhibi- illl""'L- Every stifforer fri.111 nerve Sept. . . . 2r,. 97 26.97 2G.85 26 95 A26.97 1-1:"n prisoners, nunioroa gung and . ped.til hatirtit over 9000 "His Master's Voice" Recogdo. �
- -_ Ir-thics, tit) matter It(,\\ slight, sholild Oct. .... 26.75 26.75 26-67 26.67 :6, 82 great quarilitles of othot will, ioalor-
Farm it Isolated Toi%n Property Insured. tor gets a large amount of advertis-
vaiu or pi-operty iii,ured oil to January, Ing free I,-- Ito little in giving Dr. Williams' Ribs- tals. Out, operation coniinije.A,"
$1 which would othorwise cost Sept. . . . H23.20 23.37
loiti, 3.048JI75.oll. -,onolly, Pink Pills a rair trial, ,lt)ti, 1,,,gailling .. . ; - �-' .9 -3 . - .2 .-Y.- - Berliner Gram -o -phone Co.
OFFF',ERS-3anies I Pregiden't, hitin a considerable amount of money, Ill,!,. ol(j_tilIIF Ilealth .11111fill.t. Oct. . -3 - 2. 6 . 30 23 32 23.60
oderich : J as. and �
r 0 EN ai�,, Vice -President, , LINIMED
Winning in close competitions under )�oj call get Dr. N'Villiains Pink Pill, PRESSURE IS MAINTAINED.
Beechwood: T. E. flays, See,-Treas., Sea- a competent judge adds dollars to Ijlj,.l1,,h any Ittyalp, in In'-diville, or h'.
forth. - � CATTLE MARKETS M Lenoir Street
. DIRECTORS -D. F. Nfer,regor, 'Searorth ; the value of stock shown and in- 111;ll I ,'it .50 cents it box or six 1),)xt,s r,jr French and British *ake Progress I
J. 0. Grieve. Winthrop ; Win. Wrin, Con- creases the market price of any corn -
stance ; I;eorge McCartney, Tuckersnilth ; ','-' *0 front ,rhe Dr. Willlain�,' Modicint, UNION STOCK YARDS. �
" John Ferris, Harlock ; John Bennewlse, modity as well as giving the exhibi- " - " ' ' Brottliville, (jilt, TORONTO, Sept. 17 -There Was orl Western F"ront. "His NastAr's Voice" Goderich Dealers 1:
. Maleolin I%IPE%%an 'ic BruceQeld. tor a standing not only in his own an exceptionally heavy rull of cattle I . I/
AGEY'rs-j. w. Yee. ooder 13 ; Sandy community but over a section of LONDON, Sept. 17. - British JAS. F. THOMPSON J. H. LAUDER I � .
Leitch, Clinton ; Writ.. miesney, Searortii ; Cereal Grains for Bread -making. at the Union Stock Yards yesterday, troops yesterday advanced their line . i
E. Hinchley, Searorth. country c6rrespondtng to the size aInd I - 6 _` -
Poh Holders van a their assessmeh, ffiflue,rice of th `-b - � hid, ; I., ('In this con'tinent and in Euro)e 6258 head all told, Q�.which a very In the neighborhood of Ploegsteert 0 .
. 11 o a w pr z s � large proportion were of medium to and Ypres. in Flanders, according to I.,
1. I . at R. If. (;utt's Store, Goderich , A. J. MOr - are won. The Fair is a good pla(,p ,we use wheat In much larger (Juan- "on It r or et
�� rish's Cl,)tlilj)g Store, clinton, or J, H. to coninion quality. For the choice lots, the official statement issued last even- 1 here are "o odl,,o! Y ' , "' I Ch Victrolas
ii Reid's, Ejyneld. make sales. Prospective buyers tities than any other grain. This Is I I or "His Mubter's V.G.c'j,,.cIA"rC01."&', o'n7but
�, �=_-=-.j_ -- -_-----------_ = see the good exhibits made and en- because th' of which there were few, prices held Ing by the British War Office. red de
11 , , , C, , , 8 , I e flour made from wheat good and steady with last week. The French troops, In their advance our authon -lets, "�
t - FOR GOOD RELUBLE quire about the breeding stock at contains the- constituents necessary 11, 1 1823l-210
� � home. Stockmen show at Fairs large- to form gluten. Rye contains a simi- ediurn and lower grade cattle, with toward the Chernin-des-Dames, have I Renjerribeir-'rhere or.? no otheral .
? ly to make sales rather than to wi�ki I;il- substance to a lesser extent, while the heavy run, sold front 25,c to 40c gained two-thirds of a mile on a two- . - I TEMMMM= I t
lower, and slow of sale at that. vrid-a-half-rinile front, to the north- ..--L "Anu �11 I 11 ;l � ip=-�, i �
I Shoo Repairing I I - -I." --p- -
ll. . T11 prizes although the latteli Is a factor the other grains do not have any of Tlier� was not a very heavy run (If li - - � /
V �, � in the Bates and they are not dis- this material. Gluten Is a tough, I east and east of Sancy, where they I I -1 I �
� SMITH k -RING appointed as evidenced by the grow- elastic, tenaclobs substance, cspable calves, 373 altogether. bUt the heavy , captured an additional 100 prl..tferg. ' __ ---.----, __ ______ ---.--- - . ___________________!__ ,
-On East Street Opposite Kngx Church ing interest in the Fall Fair. Show- of considerable expansion. Conse- class were slow of sale an*d lower. The sacrifices the Gernians are
. GIVE US A TRIAL Ing at the Fair, coupled with a jtidi- quently, when the gas liberated The run of sheep and larnbs was making to stay the slow and steady , .
11 nore than ordinarily heavy, 2742 at- advance of Gen. Mangin's force to- I I-
____ _,__ cious newspaper advertising policy, through the action of yeast seeks to I . - __1
11 - - M ------- which should never be neglected, is inake its way out of wheat ' flour together, and the inarket eased off ward the Cheiiiin-des-Danies are � ..
I I """"""' good business. The two go together dough the glute�_�pa.'Zfs, retaining front 50c to 75c front last Thursday.. viade evidont by the large number of i ffl, a G� I � n"r,is, .
; and work hand In hand, It pays to the gas and epiffes the dough to rise. Sheep held about steady. the enomy dead four I on the field
, There was a light run of hogs, 471 ol Saturday's and Stinday's opera- .11,
� I
; � rB F XM�l let others know of your good stock. When the bread is baked the gluten head, and the price held unchanged tionst, The number of prisoners, ,
!� Broom, . Bro5a I Use printers' Ink and show at the is "set" or coagulated, and this ac- at 1 9 1:,li fed and watered, 1 8 % c f.o.b. which increased during the day to \
. . Pall Fairl-Prof. Wade Toole, 0. A. counts for the light porous structure and 20c weighed off cars. niore than 3,500. also is very large f �
I GODERICH - I College, Guelph. (if wheat bread. When surrounded WINNIPEG I,IV'U STOCK- for the length of front attacked. -4- 1
i . by a proper crust the moisture is re- -1 _, !�$� �ii-i.
� A - .:,:�::: /
tained and the bread tuay be kept Winnqg, Sept. 16.-Ateceipts today at rhe dead are thickest around Laf- - .�;7:: :: .
� -The 1eadine ELint& on Harvesting Ftoi Crops for several days and still be an at- the Vniun Stock Yards were 4000 Catt,le, faUX Mill and east of Vauxaillon. �� 11 It - : :;:�
n .
. funeral DireGtors Root crops should be taken up be- tractive article of food. Rice, oats, 4" 1 cal%es, 339 hogs, 215 sheep and Is m be. where the enerny counter -attacked - � ', i:)- i - .;;; ..
� fore'the weather becomes too wet and Butcher steers. $0 to $14.75; heifers, $7 � ..... ...
..... �, corn and barley cannot be used alone to $10,50; cows. $., to $9.75; bulls. - � violently in a vain effort to regain , � - :,: - ,::. .:;.
: . .
� .,:), and Embalmers disagreeable in the fall if in any - :::i.!* .i
I to prepare bread of this type. They to $8;,Oxen $6 Lo,$12; stockers and feeZ the positions he lost Saturday. , . .
� 1 � - . Ao .i� ...
I 1�_ ',r. I I quantity. It is slow work at any f ers. s ,:,u t� $11, eal tcalves $6 to $12; Gen. Mangin's troops not only � N ..
-V I cannot be expanded by means n -.- V
I 1� ." Orders carefully attended to time and becomes much more so un- sheep and lambs. I10 o $17. maintained all their gains, but push- I & .:, :.: V
I �' ,� , der cQ)d damp conditions. Lift the yeast for their is no cohesion in the Hogs: Selects $19: heavies, $17 to $18: ed on front Vauxaillon and captured - - , ... N:. ...
., ? �
11 � at all hours --night. or day. niass. They may be used in making so_3.� $n to $16; stags, $8 to $10. lights, _r 0 :., t%::
, ��` 0 :1 J.
- - , .
1� . , roots ,*ith a digging fork and twist the plateau to the southeast, which -40 I 0 & W,
� I I 41 � biscults and cakes or quick breads, $IG to $17 ' .10 ::: K
. , , " off the tops, putting them in piles givPB then) a vantage ground of �::�.: .;
I i ..�, liviiiiiiiiiii 1 hich breaks easily dries out read- EAST BUFFALO [AVE STOC'3L & � :::::; � ..
t - , - ..:��:�. -
I �',,l ,_ ily, cannot be at Wansported and East Buffalo, Sept. 16- -Cattle -Re- 0 : :::: .
I . . and covering with the tops. If a w xf y great importance. Extending the 0 0 .; i;:1*i:::.
$ ,,�� . li'i , large area Is to be lifted, and one Is .11 w �ours ceipts, 661)0 Market slow and easier; field of battle to the south. the 0 - :::::::: ,:V
i ': It , I must be consumed within a fe ptirne steers. $17 to $17.50; shipping French alad made appreciable gains Is �. ��j�q,i p -
"I , . � _-, 6,��','�i"�'�
.,,,,,� expert with a sharp hoe, he can very
� ,'L% �,.10�1 ', 0
� , -CL �! "" "d �11" .. after being prepared. steets, 116.60 to $16 75; butchers. $14 to :
I ,� UBBIN �AATE .G,i"'�"3'�'& quickly remove the tops, but they by occupying Mennejean, faam, and �:::,.%,:j::*
I '. , -, ': On the other hand, there is corn- .-I6.25; yearlings. $13 to $16.25; heife ::;
I I , I., . ra, I ::::iii:.,.::
; , roots should be ploughed out, throw- difference in the ;10.60 to $13.75; cows, $5 to $12; bulls, I ,�:::::-:,
, .* ,
I'll c e r,,,, 1 $6.50 tj $11; stockers and feedets, $7 to ::ii -ii...,
.� I'll, � t A , �., � , If STAR will not keep quite as well. The parativelyL little * ,
'I'L -�'. WITH' composition of .the various ;.
��; . ,1;, Ing them as much as possible on the 0.bu; fresh co%s and springers. $65 to I - :: :1y'
. ' $1
1��11 �4iP�l . �.. grainR and, conslQquently, one will Any Way You Turn .;;,]:;: I
I � $145 ,
�' � �, top. Bins with slatted sides and furnish about as much digestibl(i rin- Calves -Receipts, 1400, Maiket stro, .: :ll.,
t ". ng. �::' ` i!
1, . '.
I I 9d 6. :: ,:!I. *j
11 . � �,,%5 trients as another. If, then, in a thne $1 10 slqs')- ! �
11 'M Slat and Toronto 040o.6 ...... �,, 25 bottom should be used for storage
" I � : 1'� Daily Matl aad Empiriii 5 25 where pdssible, as this gives the () f wheat shortage like the p Hogs-Recellpts 8800. Market stesi ::: :�: l'
I Montreal family Heralk"Aad roots a chance to sweat. If the stor- j heavy, $21.15 . llfi.36: mixed and Yorkers. ..:i*
, I � ,,�, " it we resent I You will f Ind WRIGLEY"'S.
�%'.,', ')
11 . ,..�,, W lil Star substitute some of the flour $21 to 121.25; fligil. $20,75 to $21; roughs, ::::
, 1� se U, *;;�i;j:� eat, etc., 118 to $18-50; .. $12 to $15.50. ,:::"
..� 41V ..... 2 65 age room temperature is above 40F. . **
. It. oatsy. barley, buckwh Sheep and ? nbs-Recenits, 4000. Mar- Specials 'at *`�
. . 11.1. . 1. cor , Everybody thinks of WR(GLEirS. '_
1, 0 wealcly .(To . p:...., 2 40 cover them with sand. Carrots should ,Stags
I ': bread, ive . '..
r, I ", :: Toronto Daily Star ...I�A'ttie: 30 not'be deeper than two feet In a bin, for wheat flour In making ket steady; lambs. $10 to $18.50, a few ! .. .. (I
�,J,i do not decrease Its nutritive vi .:
-.� 7k " Toronto Daily " 2-5 others inay be four feet. Where eel- ""'- $18 76- vearlint4s, 38 to $15. wethers, $13 26 .,:
4; �, "' " Torainto bady N i',A_ I . We do dilute the gluten and tbur to jll'?�; ewes. $6 to $12.50: mixed sheep. :
�,�,". 1. 6. , ,
.� .%, A 30 lar storage Is not'avallable use pits. hinit the power of expansion of the $12.75'to $13,25. , . �
,. � : " world.,41"'.." .-
� ;;;; � ..
�� , OWS ... ti,ow.. - I .. .1
�l,,, . .
,� ,'I .�:1,1�11- , .. " " Famer's "vocate .... ;44..."li 3 00 These should be three feet wide, two when chewing gum Is mentioned. . .
� 4 ,
i'�� I
, :�:
, , .. 3 25 or three feet high and of any length. Drowning at Toronto. I `
� A., III' � N dough and we il�iake the bread dark-
" London Vally AdyeiftisiA�l .
1; -,,',;� er, but we It ve retained the dealt-- McEwen 8 This is the result of Years Of 1.
. - 1� .. 4,1 5 00 Run the pits north and south where
;,%I "O' rs*.,�_.. 5 00 ,, 2�f, bread. Silkiness of TORONTO. Sept, 17 -To pick a 6-1
, " I , : I
I ,".N " Lessliss Dailyfree P ble featurtA - ;:
i � ", , * . of .. mostreal Weekly Mleasli,.,.... 2 90 possible, and have them on well- texture and whiteness of crumb wet-(- Bower and drown almost immediately - = effort to give mankind the
il World Wih, Ril"�4,4'.... 4 25 ounted pointis of,,excelience in the was the sad fate which befell Mrs. � :
,� . "' 1 " " - . . draine(L ground. Put a layer of straw c : I
- " " � on the ground and cover first with Red Rose Tea, blach and mixed I
I -1 " preiihytera'a a" W, 3 30 Hayden
�. I ,--A W so 44 straw 6 Inches deep then 6 inches ' of the old high patent flour, Arthur 0. Booth, of 91 benefits and enloyment of this � I
. I "`� I'h - .)read
. - - - I, �,_;, 2 90
1 , , ,, so .. tq-0.44N. earth, and as the frost gets harder hut under the present conditions ,)f street, at Rosebank on Saturday a.t 55c per 11). :
I � '! ,,� , . " satorlilay , .. 1. cover with fresh strawy manure. :
: , i ,�,,, a a againse .......... ;4%-. 5
. "I 11 McLea I N '_"N I
� , NFght (Tail")`,,..�'4 4 25 longer extraction of the wheat grain evening. 4-
1 "�, ', -'J'9 Have ventilators every 15 or 20 feet, and the introduction of substitntesi. Mrs, Booth and William McCuth- No. I lend Coffee, 10c. low-cost sweetmeat. I �
I I I .. r " 11 Rome jearnaf(Toranto) ......... it iR wrong for the consumer to place Pon were rowing on the river near
� 61 94 1. I In r__ as all irbots sweat In stora-e These
I 1, 1� Ty ow" 8 one rialinan . a high valuation on these points.- Rosebank, and the unfortunate we- koold t3eal Baking rowder, IlLrge �
, ", ,:, (Now York) ................... 3 25 may be ffiled with straw during cold
" , 1;,� �,' " 6. 94 F'rof R. Harcourt, 0. A. College, man bent over on one Bide to reach ting. 25c. 1
, ". I il�)�� ". " is no Satur4lay Events# Pea .... 3 25 Periods. ee from ('11elph. a flower. In doing so she capsized WRIGLEY"'S helps appetite and
I �, !, , 11 T16a Ladies' Howa joilaftal.... 3 30 All roots should be as fir the boat. McCutcheon succeeded In 9 barg good pure Sont) for 50c.
, � .: 11� Janaidlaft Subseflboml dirt as P69811ble when put In
,� %, � Uncludicif posbwe to r storage. We have a theory that art Priterpris- getting the body, but life was ex-
, ,, . i, J, .4 . The Cassidials Covatryme It Is often advisable to leave a few digestion-aflays thirst -renews
I . 0; I ling inan who could go to Russia atilt tinet before medical aid could Ile Popperg and Spices, at old
, , �,. %: (Weekly) ..................... 2 00 dayg in XmjLll piles so that at the _ - '
� � ��, 11 be tablish a String of free -lunch coun- procured. prWes. vigour.
. " 91 1. T6 Youth's Ciitupiudw�.. &,75 Wbefind lifting any adhering wl tl��'s could be- elected r7ar without Mrs, Booth was a widow, land is I
., �:,,: illi 1.
#I " Scottist Antericas ............... 4 00 removed. -A. H. MacLennan. DA . A., ,,pp...iIlrtnr,oljImbII8 Ohio sto te survived by three children -Flight I D)n t forget �ntir Vinegar for ,
�, '' 'I, 1^ . .. 11 Scientific Anstricas ............. 4 75 Ontario Vegetable ,,Speciftlist. Nome IN CANADA
, il 1 , , . �, " !." " .. 11 Cosmopolitan Magazine ...... 3 00 I ,j,,urnaI. ---. - Lieut. H. H. Bnoth. and the Mksses I Pickling Wo handlo lite, .
I , , ,
I . .�. , #' " 11 Nectirre, a Magazine 3 00 Helen and Madorie. I best, XXX. i -AftW
,� I , ,t� . o'di 6;;�" 1, TF . ,
, ", CONSTIPATED CHILDREN EP 31111119tt IN ALGO',11i P li
, I ; ��, 1 _1 r 9 0 " American Hems a , ' - - -.-- -_ I Sealed fight - ft%fV
.1. I I � . (Mathly) ..................... 4 50 FEIEDING 5,00,000 SoLDIERS I .\TPTI,g fight Weight T'noerwear, ' Kept right .0. *
I � '� ? , 'k Childhood consupation ran lip (jillet, I \jlz,oPjtdn 'Park is sitilillod tit ;in A -0lr The mew
, ,
, � � - I bought litiA N oar at old privem , ,
I I , . : To Rub9bribera In the United States I barilshed through the use of Ball% � hl,ld, -f 2,000 feet above the le\pl ,.f ,, 97
: , , � . , 60 cents addition to 101 above, to pay y 1ori,,r it) [tip %%ar" qw1l Mr 11 n "
I , Own Tablets. These Tablets arp a th- -a. Two hundred miles north 4 1 46
� , 11, � postage. mild but thorough laxativo which nex, I- I. r,,nl,, find 170 milpq 'W,,,t of jlll,,\� I Thwi ri. ,.h,irniin l -f If- I .11 , " I I j Firic line (if rnen'4 SoekA, :1 .& # Flavour
I , ".� 11 � Any combination of the above putill. filill to regulate the bowels. Fl\k.ef.j. 11 I,.., , L Highland I charming t-t l. l""'I'l li-rd. ,,l,IrF,,v tit F,,,., ;,i�', .it r for $ 1 00 I - I ,Ik
. nn" .1 I i 1),
I .� tions may be had -ith The Star, for the, stomach and In title wny rpllwto all ,11 rd- most comfortabli, aCeOT111111111,1 ' \ f4I .... 1111"" "I 11111i'"' I ...... 144 11 - . 1, C,,t? .,
", as �,I,e - I I %
I "I � . I � example: the minor Ills of little one!. Conr,,rn i, ,,, it reasonable ratefl. it is I,_jj I barON ,niali 1-l' I. ,it--,, It ...... � 1) no lmo of roon ,t 4tirTmwi 11 --- .,..C; 1, .�� Lasts . .
I , T6 Shir and Daily Mail ant! Empire. - - 35 23 Ing them Mrs. Eugene Couture, hnox ! ,firn, and gratlp. fires add ch --r- I,, 11"'l- 1`11 1--l- I- .,I-. I 'I .. --1 � 'N(wk4, 2 pair foi- _15c I .�_ -_ #*- . � 46V
� ' I - � I Tile IFOXOT Rcmd($2.65 Im $1.50) 1.15 BrIdITP, Qijo , \-.r1tr-q , sa 1)) *� It\% I, . - pleasurps. Xho -flighlan,l Intl" -ri I \.,Ii,,tl 'l, I - t , I , �, I . �. [,,I- L . !� �� �
�L ,� V I -_ lippri mar,lellowa in Ill. � I.-ralod by the (Iran(] Trinilt Hjui '"I"ll"' - --I'�' t' ' �, '' - ` -1-1 1',
I ,�, I Tabletst liaA#, 11 ,
-�, J, T6 Thm Papers ..................... o )y. Sho, N%a,; ron0ipal, : � - ind will close for Hit- Reli-n ,.It f0NI 'ill 'Itl[Tx , f "(9.."ll, - ! It 1. , I . �
I ,� � Realittances by Postal Note or Ex and fe'verish bill the TOW- soon r, -L[,, - I totter 30th, se make vniir ro,toma front . st 0 1. , , .li� -
, ,
11 ,( I i- ,,�irly an(l enjoy VIA I'mv rern,iininu I - J. J. REWEN ! ; I 11 I
I ,� 91111tan Order at our rIqk. Address lated her howelA and mlit-i-, her x-,-�11 �
I �lo Tile Tabletq are q 1 IC :1
..... ,-
. I .. VANATTER & NAFTEL, .old by rnedicino ,t,-ij ,,, - I1QfIdSOmelY Illusirat,-.1 de-erip I C:1 .a. 10 Ir CIO X -t X As. . 'Phone 46 South side Square I 6 L I'l,
I S I Prs or by nmil at 27) rrnk a box fr,00 11� - 111"I"ItUrP telling" Yoij all about it Bes" the The K;sd v u No Aloars Rfl,ZV I - - ,�
I I Publishers The Star, , "" "" i ( anada Foolil Roard IJ,en-e No w 7941 -
�", I I The Dr. Willhinve Mptilellir, (:,,., fir -A f .o� Illy Grand Trunk alrent or I. E Ilirsature ________1_-_-_ -_ -_ -1 � I
11 �, N Goderlob, Ont. vine, ont. H- 'FIMNO, D. P. A. Toronto. Orif j of 44X'l �. I . I - = .
I 11 . ). .
& A, ,� . A .
_�' I � .
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