HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-09-13, Page 8'A TOE GOIDER 3R -1 Wm"" -O RNE. "s T "Phone -86 Godedch Board of Trade SINGER STORE 1�- 'Phone 86 THE COLOO ORE, ORDERS TJkXEN FOR Montreal Gth September 1918 Dear Mr Bovollon: Hemstitching, Agordian Pleat- Make your preparations for the C001111019 cold weather. Winter ing, Eattroidering, Scalloping e boughi,MUCk M9r I cannot tell you how much pleasure it would afford trie to be I goods that are in stock can b . e cheAply than the prelient in Goilerich on the 12th 8epteuiber on the occasion of the and Covered Buttons new goods that are arriving. We are offering specials in early fall twelfth anniversary of the turning of tile first sod of the Guelph and Shetland Yarn. goods. (;odorlch line but I now find that our President and 801110 of the Directors are leaving for their annual trip to the Pacific coast on The new Meri;erized Cotton, tile mttl of this mouth. . At tile same true there are sorne Import- I for fancy sweaters, ooks of Little Darling Hose ant inatters it, connection with the labor situation Which will make it impossible fur Luc to attend. Instruction and dIes Every womai) knows what Little Darling 116se are. T6y know that it 11owever it I.s iny intention to tnake a quiet. visit to Gooderich in NOTIONS is the only colored hose on the market that is feliable. Until the colored lines tile %cry near future. Youni faithfully, o are cleared we will offer them at reduced prices. We are clearing these colors S4 on veds, hair nets, bar- 6k,oKoF firlil" retts, haliffins, sewing needles as they cannot be bought now. and fr,91U 6 to 7Y2 49C a pair. Vice Mesidont. and pins. Little Darling Hose from 4 to 6 at 39C We regret to make this announcement but the above letter ex- Nee plains our position itireference to C. P. R. Day in GQderich. REV. CANON G. C. HILL. W. S. BOWDEN, MISS S. NOBLE Flannelettes Chairman of Publicity Com. Industrial Secretary. For Saturday and Monday we will be showing several lines of Plannelette �4 36 in. wide at the old prices of a yegf just a few pieces to sell. to 15C -�n 30C, on these days only. Red Cross . ... ...... . TOWN TOPICS olored flannelette at 22c, 24c, former pa.�tor of caro- church, PEOPLE WE KNOW Societies will be wise to take advantage of the above prices, The new price is prelielied to a large rongregatiou Inlit -page i) liere lie v%as it %ti-Itor i i c a yard higher on these goods. Itv%. A. L. 1.. 4;1arhv is attending the I the ll,)Ilit. of \It- and Mrs. A. Young, s6io,i ILI Ing tit 5 o'clock, when Rev. J, E. Ford Men's Sbirtings in black and blue at loc a yard less than wholesale near I lon- �lijjv, is atieniling tile unitetl lit toat-Hage their daughter, -MiRs in.l \lrs. \ar(­- \\pro (or c,000i,,rct-. Ada, tit %Jr. Robert w. cralgie, bon of price. 1111"ll at[ending NI 'raigie, Montreal street. The cere- White Cottons have advanced from tron s Golden Gate 'i I— � u I"1111,114A this Mrs. 4. Se to 15c a yatd. Take advantage Strii:t kirke'lA N\odlfilloz. Niiss I%irke %\its: Nil— N,-rnia J,,Iltl t-- inoto- vvas perforined in front of a bank a rorn,.�r tploi--r Ili ,A -�. Ni-. I, anit lit -r rr-ot, a \Isit In of flovvers anti the britle v,as given of the old values offered by us at the present time. Inan\ llll� l;evti4,jj %sish her!1 Arn'.141 1..rt this \\t,pj, fill' lt\\a\ h) her father. ',he \,,a� married A special 36 in. white underwear cotton at 35C a yard. CARLOW t)� d.1%, of m-dolp'l toll's. J-1"o.,qlt.. I-, hil't. H JP-,,tti,.n tlit,r,-. ill iler tra\eiiing suit or navy blue Young, or Nilp, took a n 11)" ).,,,jig I, p.-Ijilinr it r,,\\ (1a)s -,erge, black hat, ajj4J \vhlte fi,�-, fur. the London exhibillon ttll� REWILLE1111 in Ili.. \%,,,tera Fail,. girrof the gro"Ill. Ilev ilit-ev, little miss 144S , go, is Nisit- llllylfit, Taylor. -,f Allburn, R, flov'er Ladies"Winter Underwear 4441119 19 911011,111): UDihhi!d W Ull� \1 r I V if (311el girl, \\its Alressv(t in \00te crt-pe-tie- it, rio% t,railio- on 'rnpttli) ;1[rd "Ir'. til-. Hont, HI'liannia mrhood and the titruill lids tni-n-'d 1111w anti (-�trrjv(l a basket (if flovi,ers. v,o to I fit,. NI,tur.-r-1 1)a� -, 111-1 j ­\Ni, Ien(lel�sohn's Wedding Mart -11 vvilit, Make. ready for the coming cold days by buying your winter Underwear' :I , I It 1111144 and st \[r old Mr- 11.4 ( pla\eft lo� Jill- bridt." sitvr, \it's '%IC_ T'he present prices are low to what they will be later in the season. lkti,ss Redmond, of Cheslo:i, hl� lit Tlwol ; Glinton. Arli.l. fill' wodding lirl'-akfast Dow ummi tit tier duties at S. S. 's, HIP 11111)113' J'oU[)I,r1 loft on fill- c. P. R. We have a full range of ladies' and children's underwear in the 'different CAAborne. rrmn III,, \i,ini qualities as well as combinatians. Alld I'— Nir'. T11,111, \It-, Kli.,e T�e'. traill rind Ill-, 11oneyllwon \%ill Include 'we are pleased tit rri­rl Illat NI r I'll """ I I)tla%%a. I� \l'itill-- Ilor Itoot1tvr -,Ill a trip tiovoi t-liv st 1,im-ronev. *%Ir. and Will Clayton has I fl,"In hl� I. -t �i fill,- .\Illllltl,.Il Ladies' all wool hosiery in plain and ribbed.' sirvere Illness. it ri,--to Nirs. t;ritlwiv \,Ill io,ilw til-il, howe Ili These stockings'cotue in blacli and white and are mbiderately ,t*ry . of C111cagit. ltrovi,\i1ir, this living tit,, groom', hend- priced. irl" .111\-i . lit'ing 1.11pngrd in tllf� rail- IRAr­.. Mr. Melliernild, (if Kii--\ elturoti, Ir"t \\,-ek if, Nll� ..11.11 \Ir- \\ 9,aderich. will preavil In Ill" A, -1 da— \I,ItIII9 tit"' Ihv 11.1*111,1" and flllklrter�, lit The new prices are tuluch in advance of the lines we are offering. Chttirich TIOXI, �:'Iahbllfh at :1 v\a� inail er0re. Tft� gift It) Boys' heavy ribbed stockings in pure wooll'at very low prices. Mr, \\11. Lho ldam-t \\:,, it 1­ol� polarl Virig and The carpenter- are tons) tit 1\11.4 il,.rll ll,ld .1 'v. L'In in 1�4t.:Lll \1 \WLirig iL; "')\"r g" �t lt'"10�r NUIlly Invest your ruouey in winter clothing. llri!�her's new house anit tire ,.,)iin,l if 11" ,,, - inji itorp te,,tioionN it) the iiarniner is heart] parit, and tali, 1"t 111.1 loo'.11 1'. !,it, tho populal'iIN 1,f tll,� \\.fill v\ill \%,-k fr(on Ito Illi -'ed In �iwial and Illosival LA41tws have been revel%vil froll, I est,Glen, Dmid Beall anti llar\e� Fish, -r. Ill.,. Foritill .111d li"ddal"I ;0". 11- 111,. 'Aling oll the steatiler in Go-fifrifIl. \\Ilor, hei. sweet t(rilling of their stife arrj\rJkl in �jjgl 'JIld U... ll-t.d �\mlndrd fr.o, Ili]-, king't.-Il will \oivp �,) ofto'll 1"'111111111tod t., flip sll(.- Fall and. Winter Dress Materials �00 We are -showing a wonderful range of cloths for dresses and suits in all The inawy frien(is (or .\irs �idA ri,,- rri,ii,i, .r tih­. NI(- lo, Klh-01 rolliviled 1" rp" wld eld, olont 'or bp pleased to lknow Itint 11.4\.. fit.. 11 ... .... illitilillih 4,toi,io ari,,r Thp ar­qll All— is,t popillm, illid Itisrilly It the newest shades. Serges are best because' they are the mosk pleutiful therefore better after tier st-vere fall , f-\ In tholl. ;Ali\,- t� Ili \I,itlil.4 A ylolil�, Inall. Itild tIli- Still, It. dailghier, \\islios Nil-. and Cr�,dgW n"Wh jo� thelcheapest, VVe are showing serges in navy, black, brown, grey aud bur - Mrs. *17. Forbes, of Toronf,-, \\Il-, hil, G11111111,1111,11 11 1,01111iNslill, 'j" ill Iho li;i,t Nt�tt_ it, o,irr, ... i Jilt.. V1. a 4 Mr, 11obt. Vhlvr. gandy, in many prices. EverN, cloth is all wool, bpen-vi,itinAr tier brolh, r. Ili, A, The 1F.Aallnelimir Caln Jill ill 11 tert last N\(.eh for Enkhrl, 1�. \I,kt II. -I, "ch W,Ilter ;old Nii.'s El"w like, Ilia, N11,11_ flits Joined fit,, -�Il 111— 4111 Frldll� 114111 la't tin jl)l'-,[*Tlllll lie- Silk in poplius duchess aud taffeta in the best shades at moberate prices. .f ;,,,. pillaholl rvpr,�vlltilla t1los., intorest"d \4\\ Ife 1, n neldo,\\ kr If of Miss Hilda King. in Itie tivtolovr P\angolistiv vainpaign Mr. and Mrs. Allan M If ... 11 \­ry in f,�\Nnslllll. Make The Colborne Store Your Business Centre. NVAlindstoek last week atlondin-,r ill,- fill, ]lots returned front �N"jlt I,, Inotors to attend tile 'J'a) I. At,'- ( orner Patriot SovIvt\- \\Ill crM All Mrs. Wilson's father. the firlin,! Mich., oftol. strending tv\o no.t.tioL, Ill Wingliani, N\Ilere flip eNall- Buying At Home Means A Greatet Goderich �,V I \ I" \\Ith her brothor, loVin. Ii. Stpep. gi,listit, 1,mrt\ ary no\\, \vi)rking. The 34r. Foreman. hold thell, m_ .11 Ing itt thO \,.,, Tarolli-, Rod floille of Mrs. T M. 1,0111�1,111 oll \\,..A[- I.,lihilit 1.1pilt. 1% 11. or ­i'oron- imro, rl-nsi,tl (if the nev. Mr. .11ohnstull IsIll_ An , \.)ne Ill.. \\opk-end \\ith Mrs. G and his \%Ifo, Mr. S\\artzbikugh, ill,. al 'l. mid flkloll� borove Iva\ing for -if -119 lliod Miss Oitzo'll- the !Atr­� Wni III1\11's bef.'ri. Goderioll (Itliolzati"ll re - M -1 I.N11. ldmii,t. The Nlr� ,r.. if Hamilton, Ila., j­rl living v\vll atistled vvith thp gell- Ill top it Illoeling or Ili,, ;irt.pr spending Lvvo priii chaniet,.r of fill, inpolings And the J v He" COLBORNE 110 ti,,� I niti-ii P:,iriouA, StAripty 4.11 1 of condlictilli; theill. Nil,. Ra fill. or as. Greenvay, MISS CAMERON ffi """' nili, \\lilt her son, J, is Ki \V44JI)PS11;i�. SV(.I. 11"th- lit %fill road. .� .1 .;[oil gR,.t- a ringing goiliel nies-. D. and A. Corsets THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY Standard Patterns Is Al N11-. 110-11 .\it Imitation I," ex- saizp. m-ripturai ond clear, fir tin aq tillid'-d to all Ille iadie" of the Ileigh- Mr. and Mrs. J-'. L. Creighton, (if vvhirh t1w congrigall(m li-t'llpil V1 anmunces that Tues- Ell hit, Il- .."it att.-Illitill. lea to borhood The Soviet� ', lia.1 t�\o I)tqroit, and Nir, I)livet Kirk, of Toro \,in, g, . Iff appeal. for ho[p. flrAt file ill(, Pris'lilers to, ;ir,- \l"iting at tile lionle of their sting ilonion�lratod hi�; ability I, In" do,,u,4 Sept. 17th, and of War Ftind, It, \00ch $100 \\a�. von- 11;10111t�, \Jr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk, his lj�ljq of 111p p%ptlillu,, ljl,olir�l 111,;, 1141 iributeff, imil front tile (If Ititingannon. led ill,, krlrp rfluir and tho v"11.41. 1'eagne. to \\Illch Atoo \\as gi\o1j. No\\. Miss Scott.' organist of North 1,t. \\ill, Illitrkell allilil�. Mi", flitz"ll is lit) \vab R highly-PAtpenied member, \\a� �� z,iti,,ii imt h� t1w supreme earnest pur-1 All inothers (-at) pill aN%ay anxie�ty following days she will ffil 1.4 the little It) preliare for the stildler \Iethollist church, returned last week avvionplished inusician, as \\Pli as a l0velY klic1ling larlip, Hnil tile Malik, 1,1:11 11- nion anti the devntion of regarding thoir stiffering children when boys' christinas socks, -it as tto get to front a five weeks' trip through tile, Ghristian \voi*er, anomor the N,,ull Chapte A4 f [if, 0aught"I., "r.the 1-.111pilY III I., flip work in liand. His they haNe Nhothpr' (iravi-s' Worin Ex- .... ... -this the front r -al Chrh4nias. Eelich Inelli- canadian Nit'est. peoplo. A ni,-vtinor (or tio, organizing preserdj*-�Il heq \\lilt H j)"I \111.� 1,I)portulle. at' terininator tt� ghe relief. its effects be prepared to show Ell her I., asi,ed for 25 cents towards these (;e(l,. 1)1(t, of Sault 14e. Marie, colurnillee flit. tf�,- t''\\Il \\n, held on propriate gift. a pill, \%.lit, a inapie i,.ar itil,,,. I!,, callipaign to seciirp a are sure and lasting. I:-11, front otherl; . rs c vvill he and Mrs, Itenly, of Minripapolls, foriner Mlinday I:Isf, aud orl"Intzellipill� begoll set Ili pearls, on a goIrl'bar. After fill, g at for flip a, "A In", \% well rerepi\ed. His old CQ 1,imil,ir uplift i,, being flarined. the now ideas in .\if iniishod \\ork begin flip first fe. tivities at the house Mr. roshlent-s of Goderich, are visitin ti; , r� 11 ism,allte'l Illis vot.h. p r, -a]\ ill welcome him- and tile rpsitionce of the foriner's niece. sllllda� ill j:ottagp prayer I)avis left for a inotor tri IlleptiligN - \� Ill I— ll,,141 I., I-I.-scill on varlous ll)ntario eentres, the ride mll I` -,ll,,\\ tit, career vvith interest. Ila Mrs. MeNally, Bruce St. Thursda,. S,pt. 19til. (.f Aivilit-li Able travelling in a tailored suit of na\� fALL and WINTER it RA 111 IIIELD A. A. Johnston, of Sarniti, vva, Ili I '' W9 Mr. and \Ir,. liv,). E. firoonslaile Illot- ft,\\ days this week ikild took not'pe \\I I Ili- -,-i\rn. \N,oll lips, 1,A). blue French serge, with taupe flat and It \�olild ho p,.ssible -to believe in' I" so 14� 1.1,:I: 'I' Ini,ptings or tile shoes Jo inatch. The Star unites \\fill it,,, 1,1.,:Ik MILLINERY 00 ol"Id to I'lindoll this anti attPlidt'd his danghter, Olive, to schnol at Belle- A" ell' I)p jolaiga- hosts of friends fit \vishing couneilt.,r the Hun and the Ell the Woiterti fair. ville. His, sistor, NII'S. Marshall, who aling 1.11til-I'llps vvill alsii Turk !f ill,, I lirk irld a friend on'earth I, very 0 is Ell -eturned iated until the beginning of flip earn- and 'Mrs. Davis e happiness tit t;il\-- tit,, iiernian's place—St. L 11 (111 %Jr. anti \It-,. K. Motness, v\Jjo litive has spent tire sumnley hore, I paign, ill,- 0r.'t to he hehi in Victoria MR-1111EIFIN aBeBomemensess Ems SEEMAN M spent flip. greater part of the sitlillner with Itint to Isarnia. here, returned Io their home in Londi-ii \it-. anti Mrs F. P. Elrener inotored St. church (tit Wednesday. 18th, AMONG THE CHURCHES . 11 IN iurmov"I'l the foreign field at Gorea, will take In e rotiatoes. new, per bush... I to 1 760 WI e church servI4. the bridal party drove have charge of the a rvices In Victoria Vill ind will handle both lines m Miss Olive Tichbourne spent the wee), place in the PUsbyterlan church her Elides ............... ............ 10 00 to 12 00' end at her home In Goderich. next WednesdaV evening. to the residence of the groorn's parents, St. Methodist church next Sunday rnorn- -_ i mi-hert, the vveddinZ breakfast was wrv- Ing and evening. Sunday School $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FARM NACRINERY aid � 12 ill) Mojtlda� tit Goderich fri in I)etroit via Watprloo Mrs. Davis-Sturilly Interpst Bible Class at 3 o'clock. Epworth GODERICH MAPMETS. visited her relatives, the Cooks, last Cadet Rol) 1AIrI,-,tA41, (If the tlo$al Ali, and tire visiting at the hoine of An e\ent (if touch local \\as Special meeting, will be i,,ndlictod week- IN Force, Toronto, lient a rem.- days the Peter loolaeEwan, Sr, Mr. Efirener Ila.; the marriage of Miss Alma Franc- thl% Nveek-end in the S. A. Citattel h) 0 ti tside Sl arket Reports on page 3 ) A M La Be TAPE �Jif part week \\lilt lit, mother. Mrs, A. recehed the degree of Bachelor of Niusic from Potornac University, Wash- Sturdy, daughter ofl\lr, and Mvs. 11, F. Sturdy, Ghurch street, to Mr. Thomas Lieut. -Col. Rawling and Adjutant Rit- Londoii. Sunday serviceb "it 11 Wheat ............................... 2 03 to 2 07 9 McLeod Harry Chisholm returned to London Last Monday evening 11I Annie elite, of Flour, Gov'uieut standard ... 5 75 to 5 80 0 Miss Ada ll(mett, \-.Ili) Iful, spent tile irigto", 11. Matheson Drois, (one of our A.Nort.hy a. in. and 7 p. rn. Flour, per cwt., family ...... 5 75 to 5 25 (11 The Singer Sewing Machine m past sl\ weeks visiting friends tit Lon- which, as already mentioned, the bride to\\u couneiliors. \Nhich was celebrated Rev. J. E. NIeCauley, of Glarnmis, has Bran, per ton ................... 86 00 to 30 100 to if lion and Hatnillon, reitirrif1d It- he-r AUBURN in st. Georgo's church Wedripsklay -fur of accepted the call to become pas Shorts, per to . 41 00 to 42 00 Agent, bas taken ovei tlie 511 'home this .\eek. Rome of our citizen., are attending t tit 8 o'clock, by the rector, Sturdy hall _ Goderich Baptist church, and will the ............... Oats ...... ......................... . 0 70 to 0 7 5 Is a If Tile young people of ill(, villagr in- the London fair this week. inot,111\119 it, . . . L. (;. Glarke. Miss been \alued inpridwr of [lie choir and enter i?n his duticz-: the last Sunday in Barley .............................. 98 to 1 00 In agency of the N -tend holding a dance on Friday evening. Last' Atoveek Mrs, A. C. Jackson. of it it,(, rull choir v%pre In their places too October. Mr. W. Poyntz, of Toronto, \Nill occupy the pulpit next Sunday. Peas, per bushel ............... 2 00 to 2 10 Buckwheat 1 75 to 1 85 11 International Harvester t3th, In the town hatl_proeceds to b,1 doinated to tile Red Cross. 8 guest of her sister, itioderich, wa the Mrs. Paterson, of the village. assi�il in the serNive, lirganisl Buckle)- playing the wedding music In his usual A musical evening will be given in Victoria Street Methodist church Thurs- ...... ........ Ray ........ ..................... IQ Il to 12 oil Butter per lb—Dairy ......... 0 40 to 0 40 I I Among those who Rttpnded the West- Next week Mr. Denstoadt and Mr. acconitMAied tityle. The bride wore a day, September 19th, at 8:15 o'clock, tile Eggs, per dozen ............... 0 40 to 0 40 M Company ern Fair this week were Mr. and Mrs. 3 a "A. Sturgeon and Mr. Herb Sturgeon, johnston will take stock, Mr. Johnston having purchased the business froni enstnirne of white silk bpaded vNith pearls anti veil and Juliette cat) vvIth program consisting of vocal and instru- Cattle, medium butchers 10 00 to 11 00 Cattle. butchers 00 1% 00 mental music and selections b) the hoice ... 11 to 0 Misr i Mary Reid and Mr. Jas. Reid, Mr. Mr. Densteadt. handeau of pearb-4. and carried it hou- Goderich Orchestra. Admission 10 H098 live WOight ............... 19 00 to 19 00 am NwIlten stmt F. A. Edwards and Mr. Robt. Penliall. The public, ceremony of orgaining tinet of Loink and white asters and a book, The br ide cents- 0 H&Ms, per lb ..................... 0 42 to 0 45 Nli%s Mary FinglaN as a rnissiodary to white prilvpr and room were unatt-nded After the Rev. J. H. Osterhout, the pastor, v%ill B&Con long clear ........ ...... 0 40 to 0 45 - . 11 IN iurmov"I'l the foreign field at Gorea, will take In e rotiatoes. new, per bush... I to 1 760 WI e church servI4. the bridal party drove have charge of the a rvices In Victoria Vill ind will handle both lines m Miss Olive Tichbourne spent the wee), place in the PUsbyterlan church her Elides ............... ............ 10 00 to 12 00' end at her home In Goderich. next WednesdaV evening. to the residence of the groorn's parents, St. Methodist church next Sunday rnorn- -_ i mi-hert, the vveddinZ breakfast was wrv- Ing and evening. Sunday School $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ FARM NACRINERY aid � 12 holiss Rose Potter, of Woodstock. The Rev. Mr. Conma a former pas- ed Church and house decorations ' Bible Class at 3 o'clock. Epworth a visited her relatives, the Cooks, last tor on the Auburn eircult. preached In Donnybrook last vA-Pre aste s anti the table was decor�ted r a Leag6e Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. SINGER SEWING VACHINES I week- *trinivemry services with mflax and sWeet peas. Among All welcome. M The W. M. Society will meet on Fri- Sabbath- The Rev. \Jr. Jories, of ('tin- t. . ton- will preach anniversary setvices in the ifitests were the groorn's parents. North Street Methodist church : fte%. A tair'thare of tht public Pat- day afternoon at Vie home of Mrs. James Clark, Loyal. WWstfleld church next Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. W. n. Davis. and Mrs. Harold Davis, or Mitchell, and Miss Doll- J. E. Ford Will conduct both services. Morning subject, 'Worldliness --why n 'm ronagewill be appreciated. Harry Chisholm returned to London Last Monday evening 11I Annie little of Toronto. Thic present from and how avoided;" evening subject, Tuesday to resume his studies. after 8filitirdy and tier sister-in-law, Mrs. the iAhoir of St. George's church, of "Christ and men." The subject for helping his falther Willi hiq harvest. Sturdy, were driving into the village which, as already mentioned, the bride discussion 'at the Sunday Club at 10 Harry Freeman wag down I(, ("Ile" 11 whren Mr. Redmond came along In his a. rn. is "Bill boards --their use, abuse last week and purchasied a ne"Angine. Auto. The horse tkas turned out of th 0 wa y and upset the buittilry and both of and disuse." Illarry h; preparing for n"t winter to but The ser% lees In Knox church on Sun - Arqt wood In his bush. the ladies were thrown out, neither was seriously hurt. 10 day will be conducted by the Rev. R. Oro Mr. larries Chisholm had a sit A, w bar,, r, ralsed today, along side of [its other One of our pastors went to Donny- brook last week. Liko the foolish vir- 0 .1 Ross, R. A., of Auburn. Mr. Me - &rnild will conduct services in Blyth Ind the Auburn charg-P in fulfillment COPY barn. He will now be able to get all irins in the parable, lie forgot to take by the Presbytery the straw Inside, Mr. 1'. Shielft. of a ;uMelent supply, of soline. with of an engagement A . I 'Ir Telford's nuirlit dnrin- Fall Term from Sept. 3ed in Shaw's Business Schools, Toronto. Free Catalogue on request. Write 'to W. H. Shaw,' President. Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Aubu doing the carpenter work. tile result that he staBed in the middi" `tvlol J — of the Westfield hill, about rit-dillnight, his absence'on mission work. raormany's losses since the begin- a d(%wnpour of rain failing at the same The following ladies from Knox On:seeount of the vmr tax and ning of the war are estimated to be lime. chumh attended the 1.1'resbyterial nriept- high price of package teas our GAW000 men. Well, not exactly men, Ing of the W. M. S. at Eirmontiville on perhapst, bul, 11jims.—ToNato blall and Tuesday last : Mesdannes Clifton, (:lie- Knipire. BRIEF TOWN TOPICS r1c. Dunlop. HigFinlion, llptlerrian. xt,- Bulk- Teas Dermid, N1. Macdonald, W. J. McNf - ar It will be (in everlasting pity If Le- ian, All Saftps In toodefl0l will be clot ed D. MeNeviln, Thompson. Tapp, Strae;,.,.. New FaH Footwe ky "flalm to pt out of 39 good Values nine and Trotz next Sutifty In Ordtor to meet the llvav- Mackay, Weir and Wilson. and the Mis- C, 01-11011kCrIt"S. request for the conservation 4es Dunlop, Fergution, Hume. Holman. This seaso we are in a position to irli ga-stimp. jqjif�,s, nohlim and Na)m,. The leip wall made by auto and a most enjoy- quote you Iasi season'll' Prices on Tile regular rviAtionthl\ u­eting of the Fop Fall V0. . . . . . . . . r our now buss of Fall and Winter \hnwel. liapier, 1. 11 ]1. F, will lie ahle_and profitable day was spent by 'We, have a full stock of Reciprocity held ill the jlury room of the Court We. have empliJeWly considered all. If Footwear. , . . 4 . 1 11 1 our vmntx In tho The subject for dimussion tit the A111116, I '. . at i 0.ni. Sr See our slow tints of Black. G now talialt iftas hiiijoir 4)(fir hosI)II'tt ls; baillN in noed of nki I .. ot y6witttiftirls h4ve, Men's Club at . North St. Methodist ray XFUN 81mrflo"By chillfroh laqt Sunday morning was "What and ChwAsite Kid, high cut StYlK 4- 1 1 glVellit Y0tl Ph6t*grXPlJA Of th0bi Ife1104Q. On not forcelf lhi-A whon aqkpd ean this club do to help the evangelistic L Ifislail, ' UY ttiilit itielves wil f"IVNI b"Ottif son, bV the Allmopri 4 hat -ter, 1 41. D. F_ ad Lione high or, low heels at popular Om. 00WIW464 whiloto tO 1 1139 41.1 tt'allt 111a)', NIptroinbeir NMI campaign in Goderich?" There hap- 640,3sm0kis a dhoslit tood and In r4tuth? whv 'not di V, 1%. pened to be present Mr. W. 1. Smith. At % as WeU As evety ifit""Ism of r*b theab obilgoAlone son ot thb late hir. A. Smith, of South MlAs Seelik orf;Wri and ehole leader Wti ItftntAtal MAijow Night. str"L He is now overseet of one of Neolin Soles 011, 11 of North $Ilrept Nlethodim chureh, wt gowns, Day 81108, ou"eft, Cfttreft. the departments ift Manhall Field's T*&Y 11i "ttirfled tro"I a trip to thilit wel" - girloat departmental stores In Chicago, We hive itstafled a now Laudis A104% Villud. vVith het filher. will ir"060 her -ed go intji*sllnSly hnd profitably t1losle 04" for the tall ter RvilitrAltill to . ail". CrooUet ft,6 till; M. Sme ad. Cottitillba SW&M Yam, XnlVAbA ;urid, StiteW mad can now re-sile your toncerrifirlig the IIIA6 Billy 1, ay cam- t*ay. lky Mat thg' bNA" "*r 0011 **4 Vt I o I I I to . r turt b or partleukkrq, N"o4, 19olibrWOr NeWliellil., TA- p&lgh lh thit-clity that it was at once 1110"Y-Uier I'll -I'll � 60h AwA Nealiu.SOft litilk 000at P4** TOW decided to ask blin to tall. to the con- Toll- ''ti. 4 Of gpillit* Nvhr Ill 1111164. gretrallon M tilight ou the same subleet. *"A 10 10",, ithl� be, did, lie WaS a Vvorker In U& -0*6 9W. Itt blid bten 91teAtlY Itilibiltmed =11-1tws Mth '"ust oult W0111100*6 um Sh "an, The Shoa%aa A0,11 Store 8001y 1315, "h" 4, 0 A, ikillillit winiftilot ft�� Iti. clifi&mth, )NOW a &M AttriblWd ffillith f bit 661fly to tht W*t 60 eftolow . . . . ......... T, 51 9 7� 4 It J Al. am,