HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-09-13, Page 6j,- r
, " "
_ 'I'll
. �1_111`
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1 1 1 It
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loo! I I I t to I I - =-,-.::.,.,:'_ 4*4NIIiis" It!
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No I"g4kii 0 1 1 1 No,
I.I. 'IF rlill-I'll'o- 'o It ::::..lo,,..1.:11::Z
I . . . _�
7_ - ,
. T" GODF4=030. Is TAR,
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I Ploolookii-iol"
. .... ... ____�,_
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I �, -1 I I I I ---_- 1,111. In, ''n,1!:11li�n
... . . � . � _ �� � I
. . __ ,,. _____,
W ,
1 -a
-_ -_ -_ _--,
a hand ploVo a pair -if splendid horses
"SIMT-0, it's tho ly#n "s -
' , 'fit 'or
the IM!")"W
-- pkkkir=t�hn: lliilll!�i�:!::;;;:ii� 11
I !Ilil��i�!1111!11
P�,�, , a"E im
IrS gF
I 51 Z91 I 11:5] 9 Off-, S, H I 11
that .'%,,I,tfl ILAII tIOUght I" 'Allel"A"'Olsidl
� --fiettin"", e314" filtimul,, just
. I W1111 "; . .. . .. .. .
1XIM � . �
[it, hiumvif firtiloor tht 114"Ju,gh into
run -out to t1;AR0.4 bit (AbViO19 10P
1, r I I �
#"V- 1% 17 0401 1 1
O, lot if$., failutot, fitiolds,
Ih,;,a",;,r.1.1, ,tit,- " III, �#,arri oli,filch had been
IllatAter , unbe)WQNvas he k4plOned.
Not filic 5%4'. at all, -at Ili
flovull I lift the 64(mle,011 her?"
. I
I ,
%. K.WPI
lilt, I-attle %%Ili, dt,.till), fit- had turned
.� �
. , (J
IIJIl.I, to Ili.11IN thulgs. but lie had
-No," f,ald 511�s Afg�iklyern. her
19. 6Ad %Vtt
. 11
, I,,%_Iau?thuuz float Is,,I to -) d4)
stand it', ill CW1
it,, ,arth lie '.%d., thull,1119 Qf
It,r,,.),it itir dr)
the kit�hen, feteb. tier rouqd to) the
front door." .
L .
till, ,,, It, t.l.,y,,,I
ill, "%No fLirni �
She could Flot" al,lA.4 this man of hiti.
Many an otheMitle, beautiful and tit,
L .
I (f;p;pVJd 1914, fly L014r, 9n0m 0 C--)
Airea,J) in 111, 11111-111 tke "'In"'"t'd a
ala. ,Aer, but Ill tile IdItchelf, maullnY rf,,- t
w-tiy6r face IsSadly Warred by UnsightlY
, i
, I -
oloolvi llnqwlt�, arld it PI'As-A hill' to
ceiNked tier with Joy. pimples,
Glor) hatlelWah, Miss Isobel I ItAla
blotchesta flesh worms and varl-
blood �!Laskes-
, "
tillot, tilal %%I",t hLls'l he'.o If '14"Ildid old
home I" ,
. IL
I � L I
Ill. %%.,rt - %% ri I!,'
Ilia , . " I 11 I �01. '11 [a I , ia ) s ,,tI I ,is 1.1 be again
boy's collie
Mapy a cheek and brow cast in the
'Its vol onvill. A AD (Ills Illiffit
- I soii ". OF PR13CEDLNG C1111'"i"1111., 111, 1.1"I'l,
prop.-rt,i, brought
It .O.-Iiiii,i iii.,dern .
old MtuumY, you must be aw-1
musuld 'of beauty have been sadly de-
r A I
. I
I JQJW Tremajile, after all alft4en" -
tr.lum-rs and a 'fiIIII-f (-,at.
t le and r ... at and tit- ,jal-f,, ,1,,-,k Iliad
1,,,.I, 1,, it, Allot perr,i 1,) III, hunal.
,south Africa 1
I,J'ell ,aILI ,,r ILuO Ili �
fill glad." faced,
61ad ! %%'fly. bets JLst ackbhually
.,heir attractiveness lost and their
rendered uuhappy for Ye= -
. I I
. of 15 �Tam trolin Retvankilb a pretty
little Virginia town, rctu;1fts to hiii,
%%,r*, .11"1111vt sl,,,I, An lit, All, L Ir,_II1
brI,%%ii - III-l"t'
it I'a.1
that if,- 1141%cr tIIIII'!,_j ,11)t1ilug that he
avNuie to be President of the United
floney", slip botelitilly,
Get rid of these umightly and obnoxi-
I k; . L
I . anostrol home. lie Ruds the eb-
If,. Nods I—
kill., ally ft 1, III % .1, I 1. 11. ,,,_, �%,, tit,-
,hot ril-L 1--d%, ill,' bult.-I floor lit. Illterelst:
lo this to I ,v ti -til. !Ierp, at
�takteh. bald
you'sde glovine to st,* a gra%te hig mail."
OUS akin troublea by using Burdock Blood
ii.k., .
late in a dilcliplAtUlted condition, v,olth
I'llnuillis: to, bi 11"11,1'.1, I All 11, ti..'111"J."
.`o%.,III,I I'll."oe .
I bobel patted het cbeelL .-& -sir$.
k le A, , I ,
� little jilgaii; Of lift-. Ite then gistes
ourl,j. Joho %%,.s '1111,11all.allo, 4_1111,0
,sp, frit.
III-IIIIIIIIJ: full olti,,log, II., plo,o,oeil ,ut,,
'I'realakine-at hume? I'll go in,"
Mrs. Katherine Iffeury, Fort Sydney, I
� I
I 1 I r.,,,, �
.11 .
ta. tolkliku. vitlero tie cal ills on Mr.
Ills, bio,_Ir %;ill, oillautt, giLl'i
I l''.1 I"
it,, I 1. It \ if gills" .,-,I ; eill) lit,
.\l,uIJuy Nvaii, 111,1king biscuits; slip con-
Out., wIrites; "Two years ago my face,
I �
. :, f3m, UIR Le'llit III, a Lawyer. who
t -
Nil" ,ko'kild to.. t�� N% I I., .. �\ .1 ft .-Io
"Lo, ,all -It I fill,, allot
tulued tier work of cutting out the
so covs: wed with pimples was -
� -,
. t I ,
W,cagiff(Zes tile. returned v,alaiderer
,� 1'. I liall'.
Ilpluhl�lllv, 11". . q...'43 1�1�
h."I'l ,olu'.
.... I ,,, ,,).jl, Ill fill ,111 -vi,law, .,r tit(.
duugh in little rounds.
shamed to go out. I Atrittil several rem e-
� L
: 1
t, I , I
4ti(I gxpresses surpristo that a
. - his
. care. to bet
`he cro-d t" Ill I" if 11"'litalh .4 ,,,I'll_ �,,,I,l
., -.111,111, \.Ili" III, tile ,.tiA.-,- ,,,I,. .or lite Kra)
I"'.1,11'. It'llk .It it,
-i w.an its."
She's'lionie. You 6
1 Isobel lingered, for knew tile
dies, but ithey were of no use. At last a
friend advL Wd we to try Burdock Blood
I � �
"' '.
�,, " r .
A-eaw"ace ,
. I ,ifold trJends. Vol,
,and (un-. at
Ili a k%dN nll.r \%''111,1 ll.\.f I' I hill' ""'�
I., I— I If,,- Trv_
,,fit r,w,-, \Nhich ,,-[,,I'
111.411I.. i,rl,,,., ,t) rr.on tit.. .\[d\, ru e-
But she
negrebs bi) well that she underst(lood
Bitters, ot a bottle, and the time
it I
i I ., . I
" r
I . TmilO.Wile asks Leavitt to'recoullt
. , - t5A
-0), i',l,il. It.,\\ "'old -11 'I') it. lk,)\%
Itil-I flops, Illot-s
fail' sat a All'i .,II a i,aN oi,ro, A\olently
there 'Nvas 8011lethluo wrong. ,Nfacrllll)-
w use I could see a Ad rence.
lemilot two when I had used
I t I L. ,�::,,
I �� � ..
. .
, 4 of his tirtme of Years
, he olorl
L I r L follovAtilli
"o, %vilisleft'llAtavitt d0*4 all
. ,
vollid Iml I],, It"' at
,\,11 lots f-liarm �ik, agal-t hill'
\\altliiw r.,,. if.., 1,ar, ill I- let ,1-,\s 11,
11 ,I,,. piri s I,o ,,,s mil.: front au elak,tic
lifted her eyes suddenly, to -Isobel. ,
"What fo' de Lawd gin litep two sons
* more, and
them the triples were con
X fetely gone,
I . .
L 1, I., .1 . 1408 till tie
JfA#4.'bkfAtn , Is
Sit,- called Illfu \\.. .lit, 1.1allied 1-1111 till
liecli to) tit' 1-1--
.Nihisy, If bhe was Only gwine to toy;
I can hig y recommend B. .B.09
: i!! 1 .�.
. " �.. ,
, ; ., I I ,
,�. I . r
I . ,
1 40�V
.� Wils mkINNI, 01 that summer
I 4, - _
, 04� �Vf4 b L, %ldpnt,
vorke it y the pre
L,1.1). ,,,,,, I,..,.,I. ,,.,I it. I io.ai I
silo \\,I, I"OR1119 Ill ,,,I,
,,It lit'r arm, :sIl,
an alitil"l-Itatl\v
Illall \.\lilt 11,11, \%hlp Ill .
olle 2"
'A'Al do
Price, $1.00 a bottle. Put up by The
T. Milburn Co.. Limited, Toronto, Oat -
� L' .
1. I ,. . I
. ,
I L r � " .
JR -
r, � , - chumad tit cash
r" i1i " , "
11,1, 111glit
hun it,., t_uit ,or if,,- ,tivriw-1 , I,r
I kvhat Toll mean?"
-',he don' twer a mite for Marse
� . I �, '_ �
I ,�,�"' "
I � I I
� � �
�. .� - at eck to 410I, anti to fetch tile
f,foecting. hill k,li I. .... IIIII It'll I ol-Ifig 11,1-
I...I 'I'ma 111'. I'ar, III,. VoIll
\..If , , \11.1 fill.,*., (..,Ill.. it ra(lwr lardy
.1litku, an' he Is so kine and liki .
--- - -_ -_ - - -_ ,
11 _,i �,,,,�
., 'I - I - ,
',\ ') I , " , i
MQ key to notes ack to tilt, book
You , from
,,-If Ill lout till -vet 'Iti"ll"ll, I
little., then �4,1,,-d
I1h,a,,. a, ,h.. twill hach ties- mare.
*'You must be wrong, Nfastrimy " "I'lle
Japs Iftke ImRort"t Town.
. , ,,,,
_� I .1
�, I 1_*�_
ttere. no w returned
, AiI__aAkV4y �V_Tth'iflijk�
,lilt,,, , -.A.I r.,,. a
. � _IAII�li. L
. J,ft�
llrrilnaln�, vV,jtft ill- 11"tttl, '141re
. , i_ AiNon _LoW. - - -door-, _�444@--ffiflt --,.--.--..
K4 t_ 3104 the
____._, ___-.___.__, -
I3HANGHAJ, Sept. 10. -Japanese
, rr"i I.
ii ��,_%
T, "�
0,11.01m nioney. atit you broke your
. to rA, 1, I 1,
\\,,,.,, ,1.,,., \1:.I\,lll -m.- hark "'
41andir. g.1,41wed at hi lit At, did
therp was disloyalty in hearing any-
filing about tile family outside of Mrs.
fo rees have . occupied the town of
-11-11 -,____'__
L I . lmother!S healiv,
I if, hall .14-%%j, if. Ititil"I'l III It,,-
11 -It hil't"ll 1'. (Ill \� lost shl- aski-d.
'I'll., ON n-nided ,nittinlidjugly
Tretuaint's P.reSeliCe.
Khabarovsk, Siberia, according to ad-
��� J." ��_
.� I R 11 .
I Ill t'i-il
Tremailifte ad its that tile story
was one getter lly believed by [its
, ril
oeighborho-d 1,-1 III %I I ,,�lk. -d fill, all\
un.., and -11, ��. "I'l'I'll."I
alld 1-1-i"41 out agaill In a (.feat- voice :
I .. . ,,, I Nsi those burs?
A "Sho'," bald the cut ored woulan
irk "Did-
vooily, going on %,%fill her -( .
vices received here from Vladivostok.
. Khabarovsk is the seat of the gen -
, � fellow-towitsm if, but tells Leavitt , Is"I".1 1,11, A ... II.A 1'. I r.,tll..I, \\ 11 I " Is, )'Iu I 11, I boh, two lit' h I Government of Amur and capital
I ]� _-,,,�I�,� I 'I.", .1'.., [I,.! Ilk, I.- 'L.11-1." 11, I ralse 'ell) OVI? Mars,! era
, . ,
. f. , .�, %, . that lie has eturned to Redlands be hoill'. [I,\[ \-.I, TI., L . pine iree." of the Littoral or Maritime Province.
'�'_ I � 41i"K - - - a r n and Nvishes to find his rl;t r'. .,iIsi I, I I 1 I '' Iiiallit W11,1101 III- 1-1-111, ah,ot tile John %%us straight as a It is situated at the junction of the
� , �' i .1"1111 ,..I.l I., 111111'. -If "I
� ,ell ma ' 11,illilto .,r Ili, 1.1,,\\ and A-ime ri-r\\ard. jo be continued)
I � �� �A fam \\Ili li,.I too -I- I , ;o"I'l if A Ili* .
. .11 '. I , iiotl I 'lly - tit, hail -1k. -I-1-1114, 1 - - , Amur and UsAuri rivers, and is on
I 11'' The'fa fly fortunes are at a low oAs Ii. sl_�,.. III. ,IA..,A,..,.., ,,,\.,It\ �\,, it.. %,,,, i-t. ro-it fill the Usburt branch of the Trans-
, �� �' t, rbir, lI_.N.f_I 11,11 III. i,,,.l 1,rl if if
\\.,, .,It\ �41. %,I ,1,11- M''11 It,, '11.411iii d Siberian Railway.
. ebb. HI brother Dalkist half di011, r"Ils'-d rol Ill, III-' 1111', 111.1 'I" 1-� "'Ill � �
� . " his mot er was living on tile hOII1P "d III,- r.wl It'll Ilo.l. it, , p. I I 1, f''. ,,fill r.,I,Io-,ld �\Ill A a lit., I
, �! estate, which was soon if) be sold t1le ktI.1 I! ..I ..Ild �11. fill, !...It, I I Germans Lose Warship.
� 7 - -_ at a tlon. Trensialne goes out to 111l'i't `N, fill. I -I, I. -T- If, 11--f. It, 1. 1111- , "I \1 \Ial- 1 Frightfulness lb Still Part of AMSTERDAM.
I ,�' I the d borne. where Ill, lb lookill9l) tioL.11d, 1-1 hoi-, 1. I, ,.I" A .d . I 1'.."ll I 11 \\,.- -11", t!I.I 1111, �%,J, IS�,Il Sept. I O. -One of a
k - , I in I- I - III-ol, 1. Ilat'It sh" \\ as squadron of German warships cruis-
.. $,�; '. , . . e *Aed by hl� Ott] "Mallinly", and .1 r I"'I ,I ,r .,,, ,, ,it o l ,\ k -ho ,If- ,I 11, . German Theory. Ing off the coast of the island of
11:1 ; � . f'ne 1, his lnothpr,'who gree ,11 1,-i, I I- . .�. ,.,-�). \\.I, 011,11"'I 1.), I --
I i. � ,. � !�-iii-= Me, is hioll ,,.I ,,, III,,, I hl� I, ,.:I,,, ,, 11 " 1,111, I 1. ", I— . ,?,.I 11, A s.:!I\iI1g Ill,, �\IIVP Ameland Friday evening, ran on a
I .
I -r-,. hn"t affeettiffl, F44+ -i tMNV-�Xttr� -fo, ,-,fit ,i,,";� � � ip wa
I.. _1_. I t �:, , , I 1\114,Is hin, it) stay in lits paternai I It.-.IoII.t I IfI ,, rl A [ ,.%, 1. � 11.1,1..I, ,I%1I1 I-riffilill \%hlt,. ttiptti. Safety of Ships lCarry4nig Repatriated mine or was torpedoed. The sh a
11, �. .1 I -- I Prisoners Will Not Be Guaranteed seen suddenly to heel over and dis-
I , , �.. �: , - . I_ t lit, ,.,lt,lll,. I,, 1:,, ,,,,, . Lt.,l,fl,i, i,r.,\\ it I ,,I,:, clo,f,ir-'d ,11 -mit
. � ,11.1 I . iorne rather thau 91) to) :4 hutel It.. ,,,,, I. 1,
. k�4� n
� I - , ",
I -
V 0
la'a to
"It""" I
,. I—. � �I� �- AOTP I'll .. 1: - Lorgi. ,.� \\VI -e
.1 I . froul 1114 actl%v . � 1'. I r. I - ,.I :III,] 11, I appear.
.. :, �('� � -�,' 4 " � " �! " Is a great change i,lo,it rrl-ii, o, " e by Berlin -in Fran�e tile Defeat.
� "r . , ,
I . !11 I f11,1 _ 1. -�, it. e �'Ip ,\\ .t.-I..'I ill. I'l, I.I., \\,I I 'I
1� � � �`! % � .,: life I n South Arrica is) till, .1mel .k,ri. I .. ..ri,l. lit -Ill, 1, 11 li"(1.1" 'l'.l'II' I I', ", e,d Teut,onic Armies Are Showing
I I I., T*I -Ili 1, .it I., I''I'l ,,, [I All It -y Baker lit France. I
', '.I . ''. irg
, I.. . � I home. v%hery ,\rr,Nthing '.111.1, lit- -.�I.I'J'.n. �I \\(� ,111 Secrestast
, . 1, N," ,� .1, 11 ), I rg I It ALI Desperation by- Destroying Dii
I , %,'. ,_,�,',-, � "
, -1_1 % " _1-; ,k�, � ,�, � ,6� 'i - reminds hm, 'or Julla J."I'l'.J."Il. ill" 1,11"'I I'' . lilt[ III �N,i, -Ioilol� WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 U -The War,
� - - ," - o ", ri , \, ,. �' ;,\., 'I" � i� I I' I. lilt*- 4.1'.., I�.J,1'I.\,I.l, I'l tricts Occupied by Them. Department announces the arrival of
� L li .!, � l '' Is' is, \ I
% � Ia
I �,, ��I" /_,,,g�, ',I
I I .1 � girl if,) \%foltil 11.1 \\as vyoxag,d, hilt \1,1\. -Ill 11'.. .,ill\ lo.cl \\III,
� . ,1� I .il, � ., ,,,��,.� , .1
11: ;, � ,.,� . I:. .;..' ;Ii!,
, 1,�,-�v`,,,Z, V , - I, I'll',
,' ,,�, .. t; i't, 4I �� ,`�`�,�- N%Ilfl late" married lots I't".01'.1, �, II... ol" .,-!%: .... .. It,- I'll-'ek,-.1 Ill, lo-\ , \ , ;I I . Secretary Baker in France, ki,�com-
; - ,',�,� " - , 4,,W4�'.' ii , DaN Ill. ,,-I, , (1-oll 111, 11�0 . I I'lo.1''I".r fl, - I 1, -1 ',,\,I\ ,�,111. .kild tit.. � LONDON, Sept. 10. -The British panted by an official party, including
1. ,:;�, � ( - I . , -;I I I \ Foreign
, �i,.',�? .. Tresinalne sinnotilwerk t'. L,a%flt \. I I k\,Il! 11 , ,,,,.I,i III I, \\. 11 I, \\ - � I .., '011d \�.,r' 11, Office announces that the -etavy iu
, , 'it S John D. Ryan, assistant sees
"i ��,:,-,.� , � i:, 7,1,�: that It.- Intends to I,.I:i off ill , - I I fl� o'!I It 11,1-1, 11-1 \, -1, I,J"\� Ill ,old. _-.1 i III-., io-,,,il'-�l �1�::;lil to r livall. Austro-Hungarian Government ha
"" , , ,I, t'l'. charge of aircraft.
11, I ,-� ,�1�1 mortgagelo, on likel--l-'. his l'"'Ill. 'l,,Ill ,11,11111� ill- '11,11 d''ll't I...iii,�'. 1 Hill I , J+W 111.111 1-Ak,11 aw promised that the vessel used for the . __ -
1�:�','.! . f,,j�,
0.�i,� , � !" �;i��,,- � nd -r III, .\IlIg LCIVI: A repatriation of British prisoners of
. I., ,. � . it -state. and furtfivr-tilon. that If,, In III, 1fsII'II,,tI If-, ot"k, ,Ill N Mll" I III. 11:111 \ 11 Ill, Lt I
., I ,., I �;f� � .., - 1 I I ri, Sugar Refinery Burtned.
J,:-��,-,_ ,- !� . tennis ill luittok' It 3 l4a)4 1111.1 1'r,)pOrt.� I'll III." ]I, I ItWIl I. N'.%\ I .,If I, , I A , 'I , I ,,, I,- I war under the Ber'ne agreement
I � ", , , ,,,
,,'*`n�,� 1� `-I -_ -I . I'll In -�-.Ilth N.A.., ,.,Ill.. .,till 1, should not be attacked by their naval HAVANA, Sept. 10, --The Aracha-
, . I I, w if, I I I, ,, r I ,,, I I � I � I. I f I'silis \\i:li I I ". I ,,-I.- !
\ 11-1 h,r rj-�ii,-', it, k
�!.-,�,.�� it:,, I �".,--,.� I I All, li"d I., ?"'Illisit tllnmel�, � ......
., ,� �, 4:11 1,14TI-JA AN CIANTINI [.:I' I I"o. 1". it I ,Ili, I. I 1.,,ir, Ill . I. I I ,I, forces, but that the German Govern- vala Sugar Refinery at Cardenas_was
,, ", . (,�:,! � I \\ A— nient refused to be governed by th44- destroyed by fire Saturday. ,rise lk,J.
i �'i 11 .,,,Iltl,, ;,I,- 1,111il I., till j-t r,.\, �-.or- I I... I ,1.,%\Il Ill,. 1.,I -s. I,J,.jI,,�JJJIIJj A I 'is
fi�_ 4 - Till, three voeek, III'(\\-'-' I I wit to f". 'll't"-g.o.ded "I'll I �Itl I t same promise, despite repeated re- J13 estimated to exceed $3'000,000.
�:,�, , , I and .\11". Trefilairl.., kil'iIIII4 "ofto \! ..I .llf� I- ,?III ,,I* It'''Jil, 1. I\ - : . -
. ", ", i P�," rl,.a IH-MlIT 1 1 1 111,-- ,! -I. "Alf III, 111,11'', \\ Ill' presentutions In Berlin and Constan-
�� � , : .'. �* . . �-,A!, I passed quichl). She s:1\\ ll' -f ,,I'll 111.4- 11�1,1 All, f"I I ,I I'- --H ,"I !. :11 I I I . '.,,,I,I toll Iifll I"'.1, 'I'-pi"A o\or tinople. There appears to be no CURING SKIN TROUBLES
11.11.,,�' q�,,'. - ter ,or w\ vrsitie. and 1w H v' I'll, \\I,-\ -f* A \'?,� r,i!"\\ ".1111. . I I
� , I%_ 'r'l ' 1, I I o - - * ,I \"I,: I!..! I'lirt th" doubt that the Turkish Government -_ I
I . I �,, trills: hitst I'' III, oli'll'..1, Ili 111, .1 ... it ,,�I, it \ ,,I\,,- I ',III, 1o,'"d I
I- t:.m, . V!, " I`;.l,,,.;:-! III 1.1, , -,11.1 If,, -I! 1, ,ttl,l Ad-l"ll 'I IHP- wm willing to execute an agreement ' and \\ I-
_- , his pers,ollalih 11,441 h', �.61.- I".1; "111,11'. I 11, '1111)� \\I'' If I ,t- I So, Inally 11"opl... holli nwll
,:_�1",", ff%ll, 2i day-; ' " 1.-.- I'.1i ,,, "Ill. ,If \11% Tr'.11i'lill". ,
� io� , � c vel,� v\ ft, . I.e -.:Ill,, I 't'l , I., - -I, from skill 11-olItAll". ,'It'll 3�
�i '�,�6'1' I i %!,; IIP hall ll-;� � III, I:, ..ill ,,f Ill. 'Ilti, 1'.4111, 1, '' as speedily as possible, but the influ 11 A 1, it, si
lli�,il "". 'I I .\\ 'It ence of Germany is being used to ob- A hlott-ho" 1.11111.1", And Irrit'l-
� �'�,, "; "', �!, ,\l's", I t,,,,\, I, ,..\, 111, I,- -.11 'ti"Illi.-II al"I If I'' I 11, It"
,� , � " ?. to tile tt)\N it, hilt I-\ vr� -I , . - I .1 lol 1110I.- '""ll In -, -,
", ., .. , . " fill', 11, lll� 11,1,11"I . It.. f. -II It'.. ,-III. 1-1 .... I t1i'd 'It" to''l, 1111it struct it. This is partly owing to the A, I;at R \\,),.Il ,)r a(l\w., I, no, -
";,;� , . ,,, 11 of hill). II'Nrl) Illor-IIIIIIA ft,, \\.is Alf, I. t I II. -Il \\1111 \0-11 1.1� flollo.l. 11".il.'t .'\,-I-\ i I. -I, ,i,.Ij\ I,!, ,!, .1, '' it n t
!J;�,�;1,:, - " 1� . !) o'ellich Ilk,- it faritif.r. i'll.1 Ill. \No Alf ' . , III, II(IIII I"' 'or 'I desire to perpetuate all causes of ill- ,al.\. it is a k.-reat nii,hik, f',w ,11i'll
" : d - 11' -I I'll"" '' It'll'- 11" 1111"''111"' 11'" I"""' feeling between Turkey and Great ,A, "I , , and tlifl-p vo,ith had volilplox-
1�',il' , " bed ill III, �Istall llmlr�, I"I"111A I I- \%or -I 11, of I -1 ''I hl� A I . fl'urt
� �,�. I fl,- Ill fit.. I''Indi., ,,I' III, 1.1o\\ "I"' zlll- Britain and partly owing to the ap- ill I !",
'10. 1� , 'I \-.11111'er and NhI
I � ".., - 1�,� I smother's nmm ... I'lit: blit ,11, %\ I, I \\,,, I Ip- \ LI, t �.iiwar thellisolNes \\till ;&:I',,a,)
�:�,�,'�t,, - - , ". "I ,
li,I� '.,4, '_ I i, light slo-oper ,irld \\oII,I,-I till\ t � - 1,11's \N.A, �-il ,�! 1w, 11,ro". I], It'll -\\' 'I prehension of the effect upon the ,,jut olents. tifteu tlwy i -mild not ,III
� , r, , . 11 I \ " I , )I--, I oill fill, il..k\ [mull " q THs, - i 'g,
,� �1�� � �, , Acould \\,Arh its lie (lift ,oil fill- f,\\ 1111111's, I ., ;I\\ filih .1, I', All h. 11.4\ III And A I.. . ImIch ... I Iwr 111ar", ,11-� k. A I loo Turkish public opinion of reports anything \\orse, for Ills' , I - A I
,-1 , A ],tit I liml liv\i'l. �1 ... kcil \\fill loill III I No- '1�. - -f,,s (if Lit(, [I'01 -111110-d SIMI all -I Llil'it*
,. I 1. �� , � : ,�� rest thal lit- Ali\(, himself I \1 1'. hills Ill...1'allth : I which would be brought by repatri the pill
� . %� k,��,.!'� ;: . I lie Intended (it rclialill, the h -ill". �111-1 hilsill.." 11"Ill'. gl"., I "I'll.ink ..If \.,I,N IIIIII.b." ated Turkish prisoners. vondili,-n actuall� het -0111P., \NOVS(I. Till.-
,: :� �. . , l� it I iks ) . A semi-official despatch states that M hen thorl, at-(, pilliples or I
I . i". reNof it. lklread� Ih, voli'l-'s of III., "it I, J1,41 -d I- l."Il,,\,. that a I A - gl;,tir,-I tfli-r hor .is itchina ri,li,
� .� ,. '
. . _,,�,� �` � I h-. -t. from. If— ,i\ -f- -,I-, ,-f ,4 I1tI*\ A. I I., It A-- I Illd � 11, , )w I'oll
1, :l : . - l, s \ry there to I- �,11, I the enemy is destroying everywhere tions, -,r an irritating or
tt �, I i � ,, pnitit -o'l ,�IW ,,Lt li'T 11_01'�-L! \\('It. t Lw ttill),Lr bel,acle solution may hPli)
,", _. � . - - -- also spritr nf' rnri-spirfely reftirtsit.h1tw, s1I,I,, ill lit, 1.I� h.1fort, Ill- 1.4 .Is�lll. .L\\,I�. ,
I ,'�_��_:'_"` " . , , sa-if to 111111".1f In the Iftest V461191-11ke Watiller. .4 sio"
, r,
.. , 1,��!, J�,, ��,�'i' �� , ji'veryth Ilia sugg"AfA ft, 111111 111111ro\ ,If ., IIIII.- flank ill 111, ,,\\u III,\\ 11, )lilt , -111,11'.1. ,-�, I-l''the I
�� ,-,', '.,�.,,*,','�,'��, : . ft),, nuin " When lie has not time to burn down to Hila,N the irriLation, but I,f colli's,
, ':11-. �� , 1,11. 111� 111il, \\,r.. ,..,III \01oll I 11,111d..'11 - Illal'i houses, he removes the furniture and that Allies not cure ft)(, tr,,uhl,. �kin I
, . " , - 11.1. ment, reui.\atkon She \�a� liftl -I' ho 'i'lo'd III" I".1. '410 'I'll, If..\\ 111.411 I kk\o1II,I he I�A\tl talo�n -111 illiIIIII.I. I".11- �
� 'n�l�,,':%�,:� , . and, In ..,)It,, ,or hpr,,,-Ir. iwe.itini Intel' 11111, fit-, pap, p a
,_ ,�� ` I f�,tlll,t makes a great bonfire of it. He blows comillaillts A. I'VOO' n
:;�-��,l.e', , � ,,,`l.'.' -dor. " llr[, fill. ,I Lit'.11,11 111.11fl, if It., 1:1.1 - �
,� , I ;I, � . � e', " I Cil !'Zilit"' Slit' hall f."I'llsed tit a"volit \\,Ill -.,I fill 1`111,111'.1, oI ill) the most Important builoings and , Iltilln Llf th" litood anti \%ill wII',I,t !1111
" . '', . .1 too li,r \%�t,hjw_- di,li? -11 j, not \\ hat -I -111-1 10I
, - .
�-.'_:'!;,�f �',�,_,, the plalvr froto hini for her k)\\Il, %It,, 3ohn -111"ki'd It.,\Nn In 0w 'wo'llal. I
'r1-,,,--1 _", I� pillages everything, removing agi- tit (lie blood is thorollgilIN I -
�, , , '' . � 11-111. 1'. 1,111 \\Ilat pp.'Ill, tIllilk Nou -it that lit- \\'Illinois I'll! \ -
I , i, "". � , V, �1�1� had no right tit sliii III 11,111 thAt 'I" ill" 1"I'l, t1l' 11"Alitilig:11.., 11.1oz,ill I;., 'I 9 .I. " If-' lilil�I, . cultural machinery and destroying It is -,11 kno\N
I , , . , ,
�� �� " � " �, - � ,�; �o �i , � � � tl���, Would 111,1. lo If -toe it 11111olichod, hilt I't.olli Illoth.'r alld ,,.it II'l.-Il"'I. .11,1 ' 10 kol T , ho z'11T, 1).4-1119 W) Illo, \\;if, _ everything else which he has not time PiIN I';'\(' ('11-TIP11 thp hest sroli� Ili I
'' , I It, ,.,�Ill "I 'I I
.1, k,� �,,_ 1!,�:, � isolue Alf tilt, chalifores \\rrl- all lioguit,h r"1110-11111ITC11 h`\\ .rt,n if, Ill, lo -art 4 to remove. Nevertheless, our ad- niztw fill"I's III -11 Ili-'
,, ',,� "', i� I, ; I, [R� ,,;Ali ,�,.,,,,Al I I ;Iftilrtllwoll \\totll(j ha\t. b""ll .411 �.,:`, t'll'."t
,, ,�11,�, . ,.� l ".4, t to tier, fill- slit, vol-ould ralflel* lift,ov seon Afriva It.-, ,., li..al, lig,jll first " Is fl,w to, th I
'' ,,, , - Invid"Ilt 11,441 he not It"ell I.I.- vanee into the forest of CoucY was hlellli�il ��- 'I his
-, '
� , , ., , . �� I- .2,� Riverside fall inin ruln lh.in Iv,-itto a 11131 I110110 lllll�i('. I 'I?a,I,(""1hI. - tiles" I)ill�`i "'dike it:", "i"ll Illoso" I a 1 Id
, � �:�. * slip so rapid that the enemy had to aban
��:;. , . f,� � moderniied. i.i.mrorlabit, h,,11-- Sit,- lie I-miLintwil ! "t,laheril. fit,. .,,,I,,,, IlMol-ed It\ fit-' thought th3t. if s of war ma- that this nevv blood attacks the iltill"I'l-
� , �:,. -� , � fl. , '1� .11'.1, I kill.\\ .or Ills linst site \Notiiii I1.,\,.ti. (,a ,,,, don very large quantitie
I �, - . entintetit and
_ , " A ammu
-, � ,"', "; ,,� � I was full Alf s it, deep in (1111,1oll, t".3-ol Ila.] dop, An,, ill,- 11, nition tie., that.givp rist, Lt) shin trouhiv, mid
� �;, , ,, t�, ,I., t1ill, �jg:till. terial and importai t
, , .11 .\[)it tilt, s1gIII As,
I'll, 1.11 -I\ . -perses thein: So that lit'. WIlliall .
, .
" 1, , ,�: I , hel- Inature as \\as .110m. to (,hr\o itw. all,] ,I�ang, . --n-Igh ho I Ills is
, ", l I dit haeli to) his onn-I soint, depots.
" ., 11 -hilt I \%as 11101 . -o-livI hrmw -ure ft',
, � - � `��,, H e It t -41 tier tit, llwslt"41�. It,, vim- :11.111f. had 11"I'ved I I lie .
,�� I , alip\ on or- Pink Ilills If skin disordors
;tl,.,,'�.'.�. .� I I! . ia\o 'Ift"ll Ilmilgill that lit, must Ne a .or Ills a(lail's \%Itll vN olkit-11. The sight of such devastati ithin the systeni--thv only slirt, \\t:111
I - . sultilli thine., mk-] NVI I'#- I I ill sal-ti(.111al. dered by the leaders of the German W !I.
,,, :'�?, 1, -�;; i, I'L': vr about olk, .. Tli 1114.1 he"ll mit, -irl . �
. , I `�
Jk � I � I - Ire , � . . I I
I ... ,�.:, .. � �,*:, 4'. . � , �,� I laid Ills plall, hentre Ill.,-, and 'III- It,- Iliall -If IIIIIIS11.411) di roellnu. 11,1, I \\I.''Ill he \\oIlIrl ha\,� IjI,A,t_f, I,, ask to, army kindles in our soldiers a de- it simuid lie added that for. lookfflutiti�
; �� � 15 , _," b . Pink Pills have h benencial effeet 1woll
,,111- ,", t:f tented. set ;%lift rilso,"Nold. tion-,"' "'it I "I, .1,1111i \\alled a Ill'olivill 31141 fli� In.)l unish such crimes.
� '' , ;, ; - 111-1 III - ' III- I, a di,tililgiushed tit- Ili' \\it,.: I,A1I Ill, rat -t that Io. ,I)oIll,l tertialmation to p They increase tile
. . , �4, - -, . .1
, .- � 11� �L_!'_. � ,:, suffering, will ('41141, iminnurt tile general health.
I I, "_,", , :. . s, , 4 1 Airs. Tremaino \\its f.A,- I-, vh'�,I' A 91111 III"""' " . ill;,\.. 11;10 to t,il III.,, \\fit, III. \\;,, all.1 ,They know no fatigue in pursuing. lite anti energy nud eurt, (II-a s
1, , ,:;." ,., ,
1'� 4,, � "Nial\'.1,11 ifid 11 -It I'l, III,, all� ,IIIi \01'.1,11 h0 vfinw ri'llill and \\11A Ills ['01)11- The destruction of towns and vil- "'Pile
10 , ,%voman not Ili underAtRoll IIIAI I— 11.1-1 i( that arise from impuro blood. �
�. I �',��;"_'��I'r'�"::' "I' �� �j,?,;, , .41il 4 t'. omw, had 1\..I,t him fr,m la,ges within the zone of the recent You van get thesp pills 0II-Quigh illl�'
I 1. � - .11 \\:is fit I _
, 11 , �,,',, I' � purpose fit voliat he dift Mall that P\ -'n tiolls, hilt \\lilt 11 I \\- ' tl;:� 1 t;:t I; er s I
�� , �,! ��,-,,,', �-�, ''I , I. I � it �I, Tiring himself. As fill' tite lalter op ations has been o complete us
, 1� "', ; .-,,,,�, - '. ,.� Ills apparent Indifforenov \%-its Ili reaht:i point: I ]I;,\" 11, \,-I, Itil,gottell If i I 1. I J , I \\,.Illeu, -nedivine dealer or it� mail at ")O (Tlts
I -1, ,�,,,,'-,, � . Ili \Nas fill) oluo, of 1,all.,l r,,r\\,i,i ,.,,.I, it,, ilesk all I, I \ I tlw� holl kno%\11 nothmL ahmil to offer little basis for comparisons. a box or six bilm's for .12,50 ft -iii Till-
, � .:':, . � � . I f- only frall6nes.. SI him, oxcepting that he \\ns a iroml South of the Somme, and between the
. I
, . � I I "I , I, 'I.: '2!1 I If a woluall not Its h1mvy that 111611gh Ill- ,it HW. - Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,
1, I , ,� I "I I - I I I � �, %vas it strong mail an(I life 1--t-T, 011-1 'N.,ti nm,l wil Ill obstaelo, taho an Is)N er, it aen"I'folls rrielld alld tlowouithl� Aisne and the Oise the work of de Unt.
t�,, been uniformly thor-
" I "..� " ,, r ' ' III "tit'"N'"I" ["I \vt"lt- - - - -
I 'I, �'i , � , 1,;,'; . � molition has
t" .14 . . , � , that although nothing vokild ,[aN Ill, illiporlaill plav, lit �ollr mind, John.' he likt
,� 1, ,,*'. ,: f`��, , progre". she had onl) III mP,I,, to said. 1VIII"IIIII-T, 111"!I ,.Ill� s, -t'\,, to- Ito thig the Ifl.,Nv dropor inlo tilt, ough. Settlements. big and small,
I i , .� J", �,�,,. ". jt.,�,,- move tier hand, to ,laigw-sl. alni -or)- streiniii ,i man*A detertutnathm'.' andleni'lli, ;,till tilt' dirl spurted Alf,. If -v have been reduced to ghostly ruins, London -Sept. 6-11A.
I .11 I � � . ", . ...I �; . I'loal, III#, girl'� Ni-ive had ,oundoll the fragments of walls assuming most
. 11 I 11 I ,: ,�,�. ", ,,.�� ithing v\ould be her-. that v\vry Ism, if,, u\eremin-s mie hi, I, a0r,lss tilt' owa-h,\\ ! It WAs "a-th0l' I'lld fantastic a Brussels -Sept. 17-18.
-61. , . , , , �, I I ,.� 'rite I, is , all pes; the roots of many
! V I in the tihort, spave Alf linte tlw� \\vre tit,- Arliniver r.or it. -,nsviousnes Zurich -Sept. 18-19.
� �,:.�. - ,�'- " I "I -facts, is IIIII, ,if the ill to" linivrod A101)"t 1-�* :4 �01111`A 9111. houses, bereft of tiles and slates. look Seaforth-Sept. 19-20
- � - -1 that shl, "f oliervolillug all olls
21, �'� �j , Ir ". together vach Ila), she fouls
i � � I
�� , " ,
I r , � "j,
. "��",
, " , ... " Ar,,�, .�. grew to underidand him better find that most imig"I'lilill'a thing, In a luall's 110 \\;A, 11.,vol if, I-milmansling and to) like skeletons of huge beasts whose
I �, ,. �, ' �.,'L l, : � Blyth -Sept. '23-24.
1 . �:,� : , ' ' mastery. The tout'll (If alltfllwit� ft""' backs have been broken. Ripley -Sept 24-25.
! !��! � ' -
I 1. r 'r�o I � ,�, .,be no lorther found him incomprehen- A, it ree I,.' "Let Noyon offers the only contrast to Goderich-Sept. 25-27.
, �, , . '. I
,. .1 . , , I L' . sible. She found, too. that Islip V\as ',If v%asn't it \er� brilliant Ilieve ,if It N%:Iulzin ,\\k1S first unpleasant.
_ 11 , "i'.11, , . I : 4) AD
I I , ,�,,
I 1,
� . Ali, r ; � - "I Aearning about other countries, and tit- a(1\1pe, 111(.1lier, �oti Nvill sa�, ju,ltl a re- (I v, I the ones !" Therr, had been ,in the devastation that is characteristi Bayfleld-Oct. 1-2.
1 �,
. ,��',!��', ,�I' �� ,1:� L ' ' " � . 11
,� _ ;�,_ ,,, Imperious ii -it, lit tier Nniet.. of other towns. Montilldier was
,�.. , ; though lit his narratiloes Jolla ,only all- mark or two from an Important class Dungannon -Oct. 3-4.
( , �, ,� t , �'�, , . �:� , 'A a - thtl loliss Malvern had riddoll 4t,ofil, ill hill Noyon was &I- Fordwich--Oct. 5.
�, l", - Nague per,,,oloahly as "lt subordinate sit the litnt \Own razed to the ground.
- _''t.6': � , I peared In somt Mrs. Treinaitiv guodby -jilt] .Slit. ha(I llf)p�� luosst US � but Is
I—, , _ -chap I knew" ,fit"- began tit bear of his v,vung ehap need ft it." �
I _�_4,1.,.� i,,,- � . e completely ruined, Wingham-Oct. 8-9.
: 11��',. .
,,,, � , . �.', - pit to) inept Mr. .iohn weinaine, ,or \\ III,,,,
I iI" " "". " r , it, saw J()Illl sinoked. "I never saw -_ ----I-
� .1:1 '. �,�;''L . life. She litiartied of the F.a4 film still erect. The Wallis of most Of its
. - -
1111 �" " ,-L�',`r ,, '', . ., �L , , L places whose \er�N names hall alway4 awain. arnt, the first thing I shall (14) every one %lons talking. Slit- hall first houses ettil support only partially JAM SHORTAGE IN BRITAIN
I :,L,"!;` "" � be tit thank heard or his viquing thrmigh fit.[. 41\\Ln collapsed roofs. From a distance
: ''ir '�;.` L I -chairmed her. kino sit#- listened entranced when I see film now will
11 , ] � ��, .- , , ,!�.. " , , L 1,11.1allully, v\11" had Itild her, as llmnpe� Only about one otince of Jam per
.,I r �';'-:'J '��'.-- :1), 1 .4 as she sat with tier work. film I call at least do that !" they appear to require only repair,
-1 I 1'w. , : . � I week is available to the civil popula-
.1 - �,,% . -� -, - 1. halt told \Ir. Lea�itf, lif oolainm� ':"'(If"," but close Inspection shows that the
.4, . .. . . I � He looked at his property through the It wau a curious moment. The mothe
le �;L I 'L �f�:"''. ;'' ..' " "" ffalri lie nf tile thief h4ened. After this Inter- Joy- - I Germans made good their boast that tion or Great Britain at the present
", I ;�L "'. �;��,.:, 11 I" . eyes of it practical man (if a The III)SIerious toll ()( lit.l. bpI(A\pd Canadian housewives should
:� ' _ r � " � � ,, -, L' . , , �,,` : saw a fortune'ln thip land. anti tie vo,as viev,, v,hIch lit, remembered with ton- they would destroy the town in Its time,
L 1 � ��''� ' ' I ' " -oine back rist .I\- rich
11 �....11 � ,�L:,;""" � "'.., determined to realize It. one tiny, M roll. derness, the �oung min had gone to friend had I I - - I entirety. make all the Jam they possibly can to
� 1-: I "'. � i ., ;' .. 1. I "high-haudod aod turrible proud. like I facilitate conservation of butter, which
I ", ..' .�, ' .:.� . �, ,r Trematne at luncheon entertained ti,vo Richmond and Coolly stolen $10,0M. lie -einatines." she had heard witi -
: ,,' ', ..'�'L ',"L r�. all the Ti A will be the more needed oversell be
, L -y ,�� i,;: � ..':: L _'� strallp. men whon talked with John could scarcely hatoe told tier an incident -( -rself RE
I ., , . , " �, ., '' 1, kfl� C -STS interest. Pi -fit .\Irs. Tremaine Ili RTLINQ IN TROUBLE. cause of the Jam shortage there.
, ��,L', .: . about coal. ihe listened, realixing that which would have brought to h
I ,
, . '61, ' . '. ; � � 1, t , ,: � ,1� '' , the run-down property vARs beginning ruore tiktinct]) his wretehpd past. Ike� she hall rocei\pd no announcement. Slip . I I .
1, . -� ,� �L," "' L " t . to assume brilliant posisibilille-4. I heart rose In tier threat, her checks only knew that tilt, time hall coi for Speech pleased Neitimir Monarchists
r L
I .. �, L, 'L�l I
I 'L" :.,�,� �l, .". ''." . That efi-ANDIng. when ill" found them- flushed. she leaned forward with hands Mrs. Trernalne'is departure, art e\ent
L r,�, L' . , � I I', I - the 'hich they hall both talked about for it . or Reformers.
"I . 1_., I ��" "" r �';� �.'.' I selves once more alone slip waited \\ith clasped: it was on her lips to sa) -The at- ML4 IF MUNEYS
. ,,
". . '7 � , , " �: great curiosity to hear his new%. but vNurds that rang through hor ' long tillne. and \\hich Ili.%\ v,as near at COPENHAGEN. Sept. 10.
11 I � I ,�11 .17" , " John, John I tlow cultist you do We' haraf. tempt of the Imperial German Chan-
, �' I ...
I " LLL L �_ he told her nothing. lie was not cruol.
I r
''Ill L 1 , I I ,,, I . , Isobel had tile habit lit leaving tier icellor, Count von Ifertling. to ride OR BWDER BOTHM
i , L,.,, '"' 1, ::I 0 � ,,',.,r ;' but was fighting a battle denvanding GILIAPTER NT horse in the stables anti vkalking ill. two horses tillmullijitneouSlY In 'his
, v , _ I '. , I � tact as well as strength. . L
,�L -i ,�:_ i 11 , . 11 � r . , , bis fields de- through the kitchen it) file living -room House of Lords sifecke -
: , , I : � , .i I I �. , I Therdid not, this evening. play chess, One morning John found s,h rkifft�ly slip
, , , � I � �:, .f , I . toll, and only Bob lit tile stable, a and taking !AIr,_ Tremaine by surprise. pears. Judging.by press comipsonsts,
L .111, � , 1 1, � ,.,�, L :. but he Aook a chair at tile vVindow, set' -re \%akif lie Boh to hold her to have resulted in his f4l - WArW1M to Aush Xfdueys md ilintifial
W I �', I . �. - , through which what breeze there was curry brush In hand, remained to give Today tit( Unle. hard ift inits$ing addal-Splan"
�! ,., ,.,;� �,!`_, .. awn people, horse, Instead, a fall. weli--set-up Irish- between them. That -portion. Of the
� I ., , . IlAbIv to film, 'heavy vvitts the skineill of new" Of ill,%
I " I , ,� �, : � "De niforgers. doue gunt, toll strike, man In shirtslee,," slit fin a sitap press favoring real Prussian f1son- \ lbr 9#AnL
.ri;� I ': � L�11.11 :.�_.__ honeyl; it viras full molon, and in box,
I- .1 .'' � ' �� �, � tuckle. -sissir I luw cleaning a hrldle� tie sprang tilt as Iso- thise reform is dISAP001111ited find dill-
' "I " : I L':: N the warni summer night tile lamps had .\larse John: ), likey tit)
I " �� " . . ,� , � :1 ,line saw her )ou'se a ber)L hard rnarster." bpi rode to lisp 41(tor and put tit% haral gruntlAad by the Chainceller's ambig- I
;, L I , I not been. lit. and Mm. TrIpm.
I 11*1 .
� � �� "I � '' I , John laughed. in Ills while flannels to his forelock. ,Qu- threvo- berself from the Lords could Kkine and Bladder was.knead.r6itilt
"I I I . �.'. � . . � son plainly in tile white light. She could uous warning that
, , I'll, , vs,.a. anama, M acit say* ka note,oll -Authority.
, Ir, .4 impo.; avoid too far-reaching concessions by ftu I
.. " -41ble, she and p. ,Niall and indifferent, lie hpr horse easth M
I " L ' ' . , . ,, LLL , 11L I , , ; I study him. and It '-'tkrt1l ne\\ mars- ti good- tar this " from the
; ' ,,
J, , . , � �,; , , . thought, that a man such as Johrilwas an object of awis, and admiration to "Pre was it n . accepting reform measures now, and The kidneys
: I " ., � ; .., fastidious Bob. who thwight film something of a looking NAir Alf them. She hooked At arms blood wid, pa" it on to the bladder, wbmv
I , , , slitould not please the most the Coliflervative precis In up In Aff,
i ,.:,.,�." I � I : ,� :.-`X 11 '' - - __ god. this novel siAvelachl '� - rNanl 'over his appeal for Acceptance. it often rimains ,to Irritate and Ind
. �Vtlls I 1: fifs, \%tilt#
I I I -- their -rievances Bob?" v000rking ,Ili like I`,m- Avon ro, iert\ A I . ft� -4- causing a burtkifirs, Scalding sensation, or
� II'm I %
is[ I
ow A
� it
k- ,e�, ',.','k*_* _'n, �
I 11 III tt�_� �11
* - �
� , , I
" f, ,� . � . ".
, , � _1 � '. ;,
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Lawd, hiame John." drawled the
negro, who had no idea what the word
meant, 'Apy' ain't goot no grittillana4eiii,
It's cle hours an' tit, wages,"
" I pay them more than any man in
the diArlot.11 �
I,iflat's just it, Mam John." sni-I lite
negro keeniv. "Yo, 'tont. ollubt to, I"'IN
(letil let%%. Illen dey'd Isative sIn\.-I
John stilalleod ,.It tile sunilli'l. ti'll..
1, t . I -
ready tile -Inhh,, the (fear Add dirtN. dis-
orderly stable lovas as neat as a pin.
"Whii" v%here's litilb "' sho a -ked
"llatellin, pKil said ill Irishman
coolly as he if, __ _ -, .. .1
"Batchin' oggs,!" silo, repeated.
. __ ___
ItuThe agr1stillon A)euuKue' 5 -
ng calls Hertling "'the Prutsitan
monarch's 'tftlte dirs4bro."
I The Xreus ZeItUnt Attacks Avon
Hert-ling for m1himtsing the crown's
id erts and eXA996riliting thb _$Oclal-
is - fliervifeeks, and darkly wafts' him
I that monsinbles do not4rumble be-
cause they reslist "W, usnJustifted de-
mands of th�,�iiese. but because
I maelven be forced down
settin %; - -fin It at neck of
the b obli&g you to seek relief
"o or three times d the night.
The sufferer is in t drftd, the
water pasim sometitnese With a ftalding
sensation and is very "proftim; again,
there is difficulty in avoiding it.
Slas"r weaknesl% most folks call It,
bilmise, tMy "Wit control unialrdon.
While It to extrosiIimaly annoying and some.
All- ko-11, this is rewl. - .0
ii, . � " ,I' _ . r-.
I I <P�m �. I .1 You 41MOly py to Uw dirut store v"here trio, halit, i1stifilltaiting and -fell r * -11 orous lialrel of COMIDII the mad emplis alltiietits to overcome.
, � . . ,� I '. UtIllso .. I r rate, hung over the Ineadr,N%, 11h, :1 Ily- I to the dfLik
� �', I I I I I It _ _ v* m a quarter of skis ounce %%, el, ! U '1* I _-- of Got about four curkm of Jad Salts
goldery cirrtaln, Iflorp anal there WHEEN U IN I Tlikinolfir
I " Tbft will cost very little I _ li-h-0 pan-Germll, ftom your pharmacist aild hke a table.
I . � , r , I Of ? " 4r n Deutsche Zeltung
" �' . .. . r � "'Zia to fritimve.evilika hard deep forrow's On lite laid Pastimes ;� I 0 suftsce Would gi,00UM in & III&M of waft" before
I _, , I * � tilta Jus a allows lite torsietIA, "TAVILSON S -1' declares that equal _
� . . ;
4 ! I .) r '. . i*,*W 6aft from cat's toti, I Along the lower Me r I be an undis"Iffied suhlendor to the flisreakfitist, wntinuo this for two or thr"
I , "" I, . , , � � rth was rich and. brown, Indient- r
r I q A, Ow & _r cm- up ea r I U p)k 1p , afflin.1notamoistils, will� which would dq& TWs will neutralize the a6da in
I . . r I law Ot two nw,ethp ative fileart. It seemed , ! _ _1 r � Asudan
. 1 40 11 Allood *PPI Alsio ng the fertile e ill dynsi of thetrown. tile urliM so it no loaW In a source of
; I ,�, . , "Sow Me With re- _.. ger tAis noted ;nly Ger- "Itation to Qe Mad
i � p. _* Uplift OL t4w&r,
� , * I iiiialvig tom AWA Wbi" tke 46tv, 0) cry � wed I I will FL 1 A DO I , _&r and urimi7 or.
, wy.11 hht�ry liour lost seemed a shock- � F46 tar saill has been
I . Abw 401i�Z�, ims , ftsitiv tottria . 0 m&Uls, v6b IlettlIng's orpA
I *4 oft W , In SkItis- Cam wbidlik then ad normally again.
. 1) 1, � I . r6fli a" W ## "ll &t J* OW ng waste to fbill,alinbitious man. More- . �L *'V,-' , k� �� JSA ftk* is luespensive, harmlen,
I I I . -i" 1 ft ver, his time iiva�4 litnited. This sum- I _ , AO NRECT1(),NS ! �l tied with his A"illith. "d is iiiiiade from W acid of At
. I I 1, tout *Itk ,N4 - 111� 1% C,%PEFU10 k!"I'D 1, I ", ,1, , � � , �_
. . I I - 11�'
1". _ 0 r "14 At* - �to M 6"114 " of 11 or wily would he, 4111 and plough and � � - � ,L�l fitlkeg ItAtifilk Itflelf.-Dr. Thomas' 1=u1e*, combized with IIZZZI
I _-, � . , �, �4 r � K ,:�� ,,',�LC* T44 I �,"A I it Teg te
. I , � two *0 UkQow *% Allf, ChilItIlIlkillil inter ooly would lie till alld plow and ,�' ,'�^ " � I It . _stimonial of is . by t1lousionds of folks who are
- I 'it. -I I *W*1 *hiiii'l if fttellik"Ilt to turn to South Africa. L -1 3N E X .,ALI' IL `N pxleelrle Oil ties& no oall*6 1W ullbot? killsorden calawd by
";. ,,, o - I I � - I "They're a pack of Idle"." he L_ # A' ! it; powotI,6 athfit thlin ft*lf. Whoever
� � � os* A ",� I tries it toil toughs ov cold% fo utg or
L I I L In, it *fiii Is 4� AWN00, "All A* As. . Pool- -,-- \ .1 urlo wlA Irtfliflitidia, Jad Sallis is splen.
. L iIAI r c
� ��
4 A. . L , 'I.V1111110, olk I" .00i Avithott %.� ,,,1,11 sho-%v them I'm not dope dt on - A. - I 1 ."I4 i dM #W W3111ol", 414 Alillium fit* bad
I .1 prahis or bUrnst for
.� . � I -t . . . . 4 a to tif I'"y litggers. Do - Yo-clu"Ve 7AIf - eontUal"S -all ,%N 11 knoWli of NIN. whai"kiiii,
, " 'r ,.. a L4 100 kr1utft 4 h Ali,, , iliffilift tr , tor g 10
. dde Sharply � *�', . P1 rositis W the fiffibg OrL b
I . t ,to do my boy", & r , ' ,
. #11,,_*� , '-%ilt r* baillIffs � " - ' ' 6t to 1DON "alfild *
I , . i'- "'kii, 400cof skbL 90 '", t= , , ,L owe Ift baiv a t
I;�.,, .; . . '44 Aw will -ten you 7 that the medloinei proikkipq 11!�ejf likina III I N ,,,, ==11"A"M
. ", I ,� , ,A , . .11 Lo No � I "All"
4 � I w1fit"I � . ,!�1*1 . Man W hatifilk. S61d bi needs tfiveds no gUirantP-O. This shOli I"'% . ttu"m
I 1. �, r I= Aig www I � W"d.." gs to Dlo#&O "d Gtows toittrotwhem - 1111111111111111111111111! twoll,
, I L � I "I , I iwift, '",�ilflA lw� 11. � I , 11, . 11 Ir tio tua'"i�laltk find ubb 11strifte why this Oil 14 In getketAl Use I
I � _. I ., � -_ )a 1-11 � ,- I
, I t' . 1___1
� L r 'l I., y I wl, I I L
I , , I I 11 , I 11 rrr 11.4, . 11 �
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M 11 " - I
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= Mazd , " Latm_ P.
=- _." _M.r
,� . 1 1.
= 'E. I "I I 'j=_
= Tile Best le, do a
= - Ic Lamp Ma
== I. -.1-1 I'll, - -
__ ".. ... � 11 11 . I �-1111 - .11 - -1. -
= � M
= Sold Un4ior a �*qx
, , renteek, it the,V�, prove
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= dellOCtIVO yod clain irsellarn thelin. =
- . � I � . =
= We tiave the Solo Agency a
= 11 -
= =
= likkil bove Some very 091ge Ailesix"Is in M
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= = -
= Reading Lamps -
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111, =
= ElecIrlic Fixtures =
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= An Wectric Air Warmer ==
= I Is cold M -
= a good thing beside you on a -
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= Warming Pads =
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= Coffee Percolators � =
= =
= =
= Toasters, Etc. =
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= Robert Tait =
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= Electrician West Street =
- =
NIII 11 11 If I I I I llillililum[niflillminlimiumHlmlllllnlluumulmulm IM1.111mr.
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