HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-09-13, Page 31�.1911111
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� I - "s"PA" , Di,strict Gleanings I : iam-MARKM, - I
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, -"Wow I I E-:11 . -
141-aww'11v - �fw '. I I � 1`-1 I' I I original
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1. � 4� 1 �4; -� --*_t�11,00141$ " the I year has, Estella Cooke, relict of the late PLO. -, - - - ,�______ � 1. 11 , 11 I 1, �
i . Luckaow's tax rate for Jantes Xelly, Nyho %vas lost in the war TORONTO KAMM. I I i
I LAXk%-L1VX1R 1"MLSO, been fixed at 3-5 141118. ab9ut two years ago, and six monthb TORONTO, Sept, 10.-I'llie Board and
" I �
I �
� � � -.1 . Walkerton's tax rate thir, year is 37 later reported killed, has died at the Of Trade 'QuOtWOUS 1QV ytlit"OrdAq � �
" ' �
� 1% 111111115; ulehelliil 141 01.0 saine, I were @A follows.-
! ,=ace of her parents. Ill and 'Mrs.
" rOmwipation, is 040,01' 019 M,90 prq� Messrs. NeN.jivau and Go, produce Cooke, 6th concession (A East "Anttollia Wboat tin Store Fort Williams I
� . T" , ,, � u Not Including Tax). 00lu
It tronbllca the h. mau race jor atible ve gone Out of Wawartush. She leaves two little child- No. I uorthvrn� $3.24%.
1 . t I -1 .. - . . of a Merchants of ulyth. Ila
to, and to tho qtateot, 'Pause MA" business. I Ii. .
v aim ailmenta. , If the bowels VeAse to - rell. No. 2 northern, URW .
.. vj,ork O.Opeily, all t4Q othpi; orga,us The Y. L. P. A. of Clinton had receipts Mr. John Holloway, a weil_kllo\vM No. a northeya. 13.17%. 1 NUN
I No. 4 wheat. $2.11%.
bwri Of about $5'�)5 at the ljovy celebration resident of the town plot, Winghaill. American Corn (Track Toronto go
, po 4ejrxu&d. Ork qu the, oil Labor Wy. passed away on Monday of last week lit N 3 yellow. milill dirlou. tionaluat
I Milburn's Uxa-Liver Fills v 0. I
I I . . gently and natum�,v. and wiU Lieut. J. Knox Mair of the t6ist 04- ,bis 84th year. He had a Large circle of No. A Yellow. kiln dried. nolotinal.
boweu ntarlo Oats 0ow crop). According "
I p � cum the wqrst,msea of constipatipA. tallon. only son of MiL and Mrs. Jam,04 friends anti leaves a WWI). The fun- 0 IF,�ITU Outside). , Beware of
Mair, of Clinton, has bek!A 4,11led 14 eral took place from tile residence of No. a wh to T . to 780. r
I , ., Mrs. Winslow McKay Jordan Braach,I, 7 . 'r I �
his son-in-law, Mr. 0 11 Cleg- No. a white. 7 o to 77o 1 � Imitallon
�� , NS., writes: "I haviii li;;a dek for & action. B. A., Wing- horn. I. Sinlwo Ontario Wheat (R4L$I*. In Star*. Meet. ,
� quinber of years with sielc hpAxche and Miss Pearl McPherson., real). � Sold
4 constipation, X tr.4 all . dA of dQc ham, has been,, appointed he4d Of the A quiet wedding. was soleutai4ed at No.- 2 -whirter. per cap lot, $2.31. �
6 mie( fa classical department 4i . on the
I .1iclue,butuouedi m4 any o6d of tile Seaforth the 13.1yth Methodist parsona*e on We -. No 8 winter. per car lot. 12.37. 1
. I tried Milburn's Lax* -Liver M No: 9 spring. $2.24.
I . Collegiate. nesday of last week, when .Nlr. Wesley No' 3 spring. $2.22. 1 & I
��, after usin four vials I am Oom- ly man- Searle, a prosperous young farmer of peas (Accordin? to Freight@ Outsldo)4� I Merl% of
� Mr. N. A. Willoughby, former -_
I � .3 10 y cured. � would heartily FW10M' ager of the seaforth News. wat3 wound, Morris, and Mibs Elmila Patto,r8o", or No. 2. "amilia.
� men them to alk sufferers from that ed In action Aug. 27th. lie enlisted in the same toWnship, %%ere united Ili vied- Barley (Now Crop), According to Freight@ .1 N
P them Oct hand A the May, 016, in the 161st. lock, Rev. R. J. McCormick performing Outside). I the
disease. I kee M Iting. $1.03 to U.05. minard's
. time." Suc=hcat (According to Freights Out.
' Milburn!a Laxa-Liver ,Pills are 25c. Rev. James Foote, B. A., Was inducted the ceremony. - 11
side). di t
as pastor of Caven Presbyterian church, Ethel M. Davidson, wife of Mr. Donald Buckwheat, nominal. I'd omwmmm -
& vial, Sold by All druggists and dealers Seaforth, on Wednesday, Aug. 28th, and MeMurchie, of Collin"ood, a former Rye (According to Freights Outside). UnIont ,N
vir mailed direct on receipt of by
too preached his initial sermon Sept. ist- well-known Wingham young lady, pas- Np. 2. notitainal. to
The T. Milbura Co., LinAtWo f0t Manitoba Flour (Toronto). an(
Out. � Beatrice A. Carter widow of the late sod a%%ay'on Sunday, Sept. ist, the re- War quality (old crop), S11.U.1
. Mayor W. H. Orcii��, of Oakville. and m#jns being brought to NVIrighani for Ontario Flour (in Bags, Prompt Ship.
OSTEOPATH - aunt of Mr. j. Walton McKibben, of Interml8lit. The deceased was the ment). BACK TO FAMAS LINE y1" I
Wi0i5ham, passed a by at Oakville Sept. 'daughter of Mr. anti Mrs. John I)avid- War quality. $10.85 Montreal. $10.85
I— ...... � - 4ra. - , w _ - - __, � � - - . sont' (jr--mlighiull. . � .1 . I I - 7*10"I"i - -Old cir-Ge. - - ... ., � � - . - _.. - - - . I - - - � I . _. . it
nR. OEORGE HEILEMANN. Osteo;ata Milifeed (Car Lots. Delivered. Montreal -
JL�l specialist in women's and children's Flora May White, beloved wife of Mr. Pte. W. Curl, who -went Into the big Freights, EL&Qs Included).
diseases. Acute, chronic and nervous d1s, S rviaguire, foreman of the fight with the 33rd battalion and vvaL, Bran. per ton. $35.40. British Have Taken Strong Ger-
:rders, partial dearness. eye, ear, 0 formerly Shorts. per ton, $41.40.
nd throat. Adenoids remoxed withno'u"t ;kIngham Thiles office, 'died on Sun- wounded, returning to Clinton in th'e' Hay (Track. Toronto). man Positions.
the knife. Consultation tree. Oince and day, Sept. lst, at Canipbellford, In her spring. left last week to enlist with the No. 1. per ton. $13 to $19. mixed. per
restdence, Nelson anti 6t. AqdreW'S Stre9ts 47th year. . Canadian Siberian Expeditionary Force. ton, $14 to 127. Teutons Dirl"in From Old Allied
back of Temperance Hall, ',North Street.
Office hours 9 to 12 a. ni. I to 6 p. m. Mrs. JaIlles Castle, fortilerly Mary Ann Erskine A. Evans, elnest son of Ur. and Straw (Track. ,Toronto).
" Car lots, per ton, 9810 to $9. TIrenches on tile High Ground
Mondays, Thursdays Ana Saturdays. Farmers' Market. Overlooking Gouzeaucomrt� in.
Evenings by appointment. Jey, (laughter of tile late John Joy, of Mrs..J. S. Evans, Is another Clinton bo�
- Clinton; and daughter-in-law of Mr. S. to enlist, signing up %%'till a tank bat- Fall wheat -No. 2. $3.17
Castle Clinton, died Ili ontario, Cal., talion. No. 2 spring, $2.12 per bushel. eluding Gotizeancourt Wood-
� No. 3 goose, $2.08 per bushel.
-- Aug. i8th. Eafq Splifford, of Blyth. hall four front Oats (old). 92c to 93c per bushel. Firosh Enemy Divisions Iltliake
CHARLE,Q3 OARROW. Barrister, Solicitor,
Etc. Corti Novi,, .Lreet and Square, A percentage of Ill(, proceeds of Kin- teeth knocked out and his lip badl) cut Rye -According to sample, nominal. Their Appearatsice and Resistance
Goderich. out. er cardine's i,ali,,r I)ay celebration goes at BelgraNe on Labor Day by a base- Barley -Malting, nominal.
- it) tile Prisoners or War Fund, and ball bat, which sIll)ped out of the hands Hay -Timothy, ;20 to $22 per ton; mIX- to Haig's Advance is Stiffealing.
HAS.SEAUER I -other, Austin, who %%as at hat ad and clover, $18 to $19 per ton.
I War rister Solicitor, '.Notary Pybltc - , -aised , the of his bi LONDON, Sept. 10. - The British
C ,$57.15 was I bN tagging for
and �ui y-alwol br(,ad fund. . Dr. Stewart, of 1XI ngtia Ili, was on tlo� CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. In an advance over a four-tialle front
11" ground and fixed hini up tempurw-ii-y J. P. Bickell & Ca. report the f0II0W- bwweA�n fliv Havrincourt Wood anti
orulll : Court lfouse�, Godat,401. Pte. Ifugh Russell, all Trish home boy, awt whon he arri%ed hotoo it ,,%a; Ing prIce4 on the Chicaffo-Board of Trade!
C. HAYS 'Plione 88. v,jot \\as slIt,11 ,11ocked Sept, 14th, 1916 prev. Peziere have capi ured all the German
I round lIeCVSSuXy tU put sUIII0 StItChOl Open. Higa.,J�ow. Cl me. Clone. positions oil Ilw high ground between
R. and Itllm;t Ills spoeoll, Ila, at last regained ill tile lift. Corn- thesc (\%o points and won Itivir old
Barrister, Sollutior. _"�otary Public Etc. his Sil,'L(Ill. It, Ilas 1wen Nvorking with
Office HallillLon m., 'it'I'lluit Baull, Bluck ' , - "clator, v,ho dio' ' Sept. ... 156% 157% 156% 157 1556% tronch po.sil!otis overlooking Gou-
(:,)it('[' .,It ra!'Iller, In T111.111wri.�. Ml. "Itt'ni, S I lit -At�a_ Oct. .... 157 158�g 167 1577/a 1 71/,
t I x V 411119 Nov. .... 1567% 1573j 156% 157% 1 6% zeaucourt, ac
Real Eita P .oallls, Insurance re forth, Aug. 30th, v�as ont! of the I a 5 cording to an official
- - - _ ___ Gate receipts at the Lucknow Fi 11 business liken of the to\%Il and sor\ed Oats- communication from Field Marshal
CONVE�ANUENU A:SL) NOTARI Gunipan�'s Labor ' Daly celebratio for �ears its it uivnibor of lilt, Sept. ... 707% 71 70% 79% 70% Haig last night. The Gouzeaucourt
aulolinted to -�,311I.Ko, tilt, booths brought c " I 0\11 11 Oct. .... 72ki 72% '. 2 Y, 7 2 1�, 72�,
GEORCIE I'. GREEN,1AIIE, Baynpl,i, Con- I ill $200, tI ... ..... May realized $75 and tile outiell still school . board. For I , � � (larh N ov. 73 7/a 74 73% 73% 73% Wood also is lit British hands. Eng-
�eydl ,c, ng alal Notary Poblic lie Nvas it iiiatiager Ili III#- First Ill, sh�- Porl� - lish and New Zealand troops perforni-
.__ dalieo at night, ,�J,')3.70. Tvriall church, frolu 'Nitlell lit- \\Ill Ito Sept. ... 41.50 41-50 41.40 41 40 4e.40 ed the (ask and during the fighting
. PROL'Droo,r. N11,1,011AN & COOKE, Carnian St,illiors, a graduate of Luck- rIji,se(l. It,, is ,ur\kod hy Ills \%ift, anti Oct . .... ..... ... I . ..... B41 4U 41.60 repulsed heavy German counter-
ilurri.�ters. soliciiot,, :\otarie,, Pub -I,,,,\\ ,,.,o_I, .
lic, Etc. �� %\ 11, I i�� still hinie front ,six childr.-Ii, as follo\\s : Mrs. Johl 11 Lard- attacks '
(is revviN,d in the \\ur, has taken Fil1layson, � . K, , , I� I ept . ... ..... .. ..... ..... 27. 7'0 Gouz,
Offlet-On tile Sq;iarv, -2nd door front V, OUll ,.,jjfortlI : .Nir,. 1, [list- o Oct. ,... 26.80 2"G.85 26.80 26.85 26. 5 et,ucourt, Wood is on the high
. Hamilton street. I-odt-rivil it . IIo.,1ii;)Il ,,It Ill" tt,a(.tlil)g StUff of 01113 4,alt ; Mrs. Edpav L;m.1011, of Auloirn : ],-bs- ground northwest of Gouzeaucourt,
Private runds-to loan all lowest rates. or till, , .0rollto ,1,11ools. Mrs. JoLin Statiles, (if llvgina : \\Iu, Sept . ... ..... .. .. ..... A-93.85 23.75
W * IIROI'1)1.'(iO'F. X. C.. which Ilia about 3V2 tuiles north of
J. L. KILLORAN. 11. J. D. COOKE. A quiet, woddinir took pt�ce on Satur- sclater. of Rogilla, and John �Svlaler. or Oct. .... 24 05 24.12 21 4. 00 24.00 23,90 E'pehy, This is a vantage point of
day t,\-,iiin_ .%iig. 31st, at Gredititin, :;Paf0I'tIl, Who 1110"'I'Lis his fi-11.111'r ILI LIVERPOOL MARKETS. suhstantial value to Field Marshal
I AUCTIONEERING - Wwn Mi�., Th,lina Skinner, of Exeter, flit, coal bu,in-,,s. Liverpool, Sept. 9. -Beef, extra India Haig's tren.
THONIAS GUNDRY. becanic it,,, lwi,i, or Nil-. Frank King. . mess. .370s. Tile I-riticipal activity Monday was
son (if Mr. and Mrs'. Eli King, of Gredi- ( All" G ... wge Thoroas, a l"WHII-1, [',"I- Pork, prime nums, western, 330e, in (lie arva around Goozeaucourt.
Live 'lock alid leneral Aut,tioneer, hill. lent, of Exetor, diod at \icloria ll-,,I,I- �Iams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., 137a.
Hanjiltoll st:eet. ijudellich, tat, Londoll. ,,It Fridio, Au--. 30th. III- Bacon, Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 Ilia.. The high ground overlooking Cou-
Sales do esery\Nhere and all efforts .Nil,. and �\lrs. 1twilard G, ��heldon. Ext- v\as Ill 11h, -,.)ill �ozjr. T I I " r 152s zeaucourt and the wood of the same
1. eat, bellies. li to 16 lbs., 160s. anie to the norillwest were captur-
"ll, ...... It""', cl, it,
.1l., to Kt%"e )'Oil t"'atisfactioll. let-, ann6un(,,, tho ongagpinerit of their wvvt, brought b, I'AI-I.-I. an't tl o, fit,, 'al lbs.,
F% rt�djljj �ong cleat- middles. light. 28 to .14
Illen-' sale noes discounted. , datightor, Bolla .It -an, to Mr. Fra nk took jjlak.(� oll �\lojljl�t� arlt�r1looll I 60s; do., heavy, 35 to 40 Itis . 1599. vd. The Brilish guris from this see-
VETERINARV Landit-vt N,,mm.o% Kingston, ont., tile tl,,, residi-two of .Nil'. C� 1'. Brooks. it Short clear backs, 16 to 21) lbs., 157s. t1wi art, able to direct an entillading
Inarriau". to lak., plave, the last ,Aeek in I)I.otllt,r_jII,la\.\. ,,,Ill. (b.c.'asi"t "as botilders. 4(iiiare. 11 it) 13 ,bs 128s. fire oil the enemy positions it) the
. �,,,)t,,11111,1% in Col-Imali, Ell-_,., and caln., .I : I i 1; Lard. prime western, in tierces, 149s 6d: South. Although little strips of
1. CLARK, V. i., graduate or . I I �, I:,:,r,: ,�,
Wth\e'Ontarlo veterinary College, 'For- ' Anerican refined, pails. 152s; American -ot,nd -e and
wito. I respectruny call tile attention or A quict \\vddin, took plaee Saturday at so\elitet-n �oars or ag,, ,,ttlill,U, at ref!1nod. boxes. 150s. gi have been gained hei
horse owners to my approved inetbod or e\vning, Ali , ar, :It,t at tile ,viethodist cohour,_,� iiis ratiter v%as kiir,,i it, iii, Tallow. Australian in London, 72s. itiirt along the battle lines that zig-
lerating oil horses' teeth. A rvesh s u V- Turpentine spirits, 125s. zag their way across Artois and Pi-
p y or vetevl!)ary rundicine alway, n parsollage. (:redlt�,Il' when Rev. G. W. American 0\il War, and lie rviiio\viJ Rosin, commotit, 64s 6d.
o ' -I I* d y, s -ally
Office aid 't,tables-N e%%rga 1, e - - - allout llft� �vars air,,. lit I 90 Petroleum, refined, Is 6%d,
hand. te :it e t, Baket, 11. A., mitiod in marriage Miss to Ex0ei K r� the British troop. genet
Goderich. . '11whim Mand Skumov, daughter of Mrs. he Illarriell Elllil� Taylor, v.ho dwd ill Were stationary Monday. A heavy
" I " Unsperl of[. 629 I I .
"illollel SI,innor, of Exeter, and Nil'. 1411i afto�r vthivh Mr. Flotillas [Ilo\-i t.1 Cottonseed oil. G8s 6d. rain, whipped al,)n,! by a chilly wind
INSURANCE 1.'rank King, of �4t--Iihen Irw,N(riship. 1,011:1oll to resot,-, War keroser,e, No. 2. is 2%d. bas ci,,�ered tilt battlefield with a
I I . ,
MCKILLOP MUTUAL I -IRE IN�L�,RANCE _ - c-ating ot mud, This, in a countr�, I
Farm Co. I Isolated Toun Properly Insalred CAWLE MARKETS badly torn tip by shells, of itself �
V.1110enolt, property in,ured tilt to January I GUARD BABY'S HEALTH would necessarily result in a slower
1910 $3 (148 975 Oo. � SELL COCKERELS NOW IN THE SUMMER I I( vellient, even if it were not neces-
O�Fl&iG-�anies colloliv, President, UNION STOCIE YARDS. sary fox- the advanced troops to con-
. I
Ooderieh : Jas. E� all,, vive-President, TORONTO, Sept. 10. - With re- solidate their positions. In actions of
Beechwood ; T. E. Hays, 6eC.-TI'QaS., Sea- How Fall Fairs Call'be Made a ""' '11"'""�r 111"t"s ar" till' III' I't ceipts of approxiniately 5,000 head of mancleuire, sueli as the British as
forth,A I . daligorou, to ellillivell. The voirlph lilts
DIRECTORS -D. F. ster,regor, sparorth- cattle on the Union Stock Yards well as the French to tile south are.
J. G. Grieve, Winthrop: Win. Wrin, Con-' Oreat Success. of that season, %%litell are vboloni In- to arket yesterday. and with the (jual- engaged in, Valises of this kind are
. stance ; (toorge McCartney, Tuckersmith ; fanturn, coliv, diarrhova and d� `4'1111'1*� ity generally coninion to fair, what inevitable,
I John Ferris, Harlock ; John Bennewi ' ,e ' ennu, on so ilitichly that oftvii a little
Broadhagan ; Malcolm MeEwan, BrUCelleld. Attend Your Local Fair to Improve few good cattle relatively there were. Meanwhile fresh Gernian divisiong
AGENTS -J. W. Yeo. ,ioderich : sandy life is hoyowt aid before the inother
Leitch, Clinton ; Win. cne.,,ney, Seaforth ; Education and to Have a Good realizo,s lie is ill. The inother must he were readily picked %up at strong have niade their appearance in this
� E. Hinchley, Seatorth. . Time. I oil her guard to firt-Ni-rit these troi�llll prices. The demand, as a Matter of region, go it may be expected that the
Policy Holders can pay their assessments fact, for, nearly every class of cattle, resistance will becorne stiffer. As a
at R. H. Cutt's Store, 6oderiell, A. J. Mur- I or if the� do cono- -in suddi"nly to etir,:
rish,s cy)tntng store, ointon, or, J. H. (Contributed by Ontario Department ot them. No other niedwinv is of such was good, and,there was a steady to niatter or fact not a great deal of
" Reid's, Fayfleld. ___ - ----. - - - . Agriculture, Toronto.) aid tip mofliers during 1 I Ili %%I 'a it le'. as I s strong enquiry for broody stockers ground remains to be capttired be-
- _-_-:- �__ - - - -i_-_- - - - - HE marketing of thin chick- Baby's mvii Tablets. J'jo�.N r.-gl I 1; ,j ,� and feeders. fore the Germans will be pushed back
FOR GOOD RELIABLE ens is not conserving opr th(, stomarh and ho\\,,Is anti ar., ;Ili- CHICAGO LIVE STOCK. . completely on the Hindenburg line.
s iliti-ly .S,ifo. Sold b� all 111ollo-Ill" Chicago. `,ept. 9.-Hogs-Beceipts. 2 " Generally speaking, the British ar-
meat supply nor is it the '" lit, a I)oX 000; narliet closed fairly active, mostly Yn+�,s art, no,A abolil five miles away
Shoe Repairing - T dval(�rs III- It.) lilail at'�., vf'j. '
25c above SaturdaN's average Some front Ili(- c,,nii,- or III., ok,rniarvs
11 I . 7
. . I 1. ""�"7�115RF)�k--X
The weamr of clothes tailored by us always
bears with him the stamp of beiug well dri�sscd. Our
work has the fit, aud finisli. and style.
Armstrong's Tailoring is Quality Tailoring.
R, Jo 'Armstrong
McLean 111110611t I . 4outh 4111do of 11quare I
� Wl I I � 11 . mow#
.- �._-_ ------- �-'"'-,---�-.---�--�.---"--------. __
.01. Officei-Did you give the mare Ilia is Now.-Disorden of the digestive
powder, Williams? apparatus should be dealt with at Once
rivate Wtillams-.-Yass, zur. but 'er before complications arise that may
tilt hwallow It. nor. be diMeutb to cope with. The suresL
remedy to this end and one that Is
let. ottleer-How's tha.0 I told you within reach of all. is Parmolec'S Wife -
put the powder to the glass tube table pills. the best laxittive and BMW -
I blo%% .it down her throat. Didn't tive on the Market. Do not delay. klut
u? try them now. One trial will conAMS,
111%ato Williams -Oh, yass, sur. anyone that ttVy aro the best stomactil
t 'er blo%%ed fust I regulator thatlean be got.
. . . I - I . 11 I - - � - � . -_ -_ - a . . -
I - - _ - --.--- __ _ � - - _. - _ __ � - - -- - __ - ... I ___ �
- _VI "L.c,ok for the tirade lin;i c106 0111k I - I
"His Ma9ter's Voice" Records
same pilice as before the war
90 eel' is for to -inch, double-olided
One lot All siad ALI taiN)ilve I fallen CJ&rk low
Good BM Mother machree, macclonough �
Them'@ a Lump of Sugar Down in Dwe
Marion Harris 18462
� ,
St.ry Book Bell Billy Murray
Uh "dy I "dy I-Med6y on e
Waldorf Aaknia Do= 61"Cheafta 18477
Sm6ad - M"ey Fox Trot
W&Worf AAtoria D
$1." for 12 -inch, double -aided
Gems frotu "The Rscrt6ow GIorl"
Victor Light Qpera Company )5677
Getne from "Rack -a-6 Baby"
,4e,tor Opera Company
Notable Red Seal Selections
Dear Old Pal of Mine Jo6n Ma_;arrniack 64785
B.Itrber .I Seville --Una voce poco is
Amolits Galli-Curcii 74541
Hear them at any "His Ma9ter's Voice" dealer
Vierolas from $34 up. on easy payments If desired.
Atl for fr" copy of our &W -Page Mug" EncyJ-
peclin listing ovvr 9000 -His Master's Vote,*'* Reewds.
j I
Berliner Grm-o-phone Co.
Unoir Street
I "His Masltr's Voice" Goderich Dealers
Don't Forget
Th,re are no otheral You cann h W V,wrMtse
or _iioti Niairter*§ Vowel- R=' jr IT,," ,rc,
6 u,
, P
our au thorued Cie. lore,
ISM -230
P.einnember--rhere er � no otherstl
� 1i
most prolitable methou to front Tlo, Dr. Wiliialll�, Mollil-111'. G)" . I
TV mixed loads Advanced more; good clear- Illuell-boasled di-twoe s��tvlll. 1 - I - - - - -_ -- -.-.- . - - - - - ------.------.-
the producers. Present prices of Brockville, I Int. ances. Butchers. $19.40 to $20.20* light. - __ I
SMITH & 1119G market poultry admits of the liberal $19.50 to $20,30: packers, $18.65 to'$19.30: The Germans art, having It Illost
On Ust Street Opposite Knox Churcb vo gh. $17.75 to $18.50; pigs, good and Uncomrortahit- tiniv. foi Ili*- Drittih
GIVE US A TRUL use of feeds anti the marketing of Importance of Attending Exhibition. choice. $18.50 to $19. gons, in addition to htying their
well -fleshed bird.�. Fall exhibitions are a. permanent Cattie-Receipts. 28.000; market. good -holl,; on the G,,rntans between file "
------- feature in the life of Ontario, and to prime native steers. strong; others lltitish itifnnlry Im-itions and (Ile
The best birds to flesh or fatt(ji slow; mostly ziteady; top native, $19.20. 1%
are of particular interest and import new record: butcher stock, steady to 15c ttind,-ribiji-t; lin. af,� % I --,,I oust , y haru-
are those of the heavier breeds, such to the farruer and 'his family. True. lower; calves weak; stockers and feed- iiii,ring fill- vii,ni% , I ,,t I Ih " DrIt-
as Wyandottes, Reds, and Rocks. many of the suialler shows inigh he ers, steady to lower: beef cattle. good. ish altillely, filing Ull Iho torward 11
, c hoice and prime. $17 to $19.20; common IMIGLO 14M
The light breeds. sitch as Leghorns, :greatly improved by the introduction a e,
rBrophcu Bros. ,nd m dium, $10.25 to $17; butcher stock. enviny it I eas. has crea I I,(] great
seldom pay to iaiten unless they are of more new educative features, and Owe and heifers. $7.65 to $14.25; can- havoc.
GOIDERICH / I I / very thin in flesh, sorne of the larger exhibitions have ners an,l outters. $6.65 to $7.65; stockerx ttk'hery the llrm4h Iroops have art -
and feeders. rrood. choice and fancy. $11 'thnes
The birds Intended for fattenin. been criticized in the past for,tardi- to $14; inferior, common and mediurn,$8 vanced flip.% ha.o ill many
The Leadina should be contined to a stuall pen o'l ness in placing agriculture in its due to $It- veak calves, good and choice, $18 come upon palOws of ground whero Six It's a
. slatted coop. The process is not diffi- place, bVt at the present time, with to $18.7.5. torn bodies of nion. broken inachine-
funeral Directoll CUR If You 'A'ill bill Pay attention to things agricultural to the fore -front EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOM guns, dented heltnet-4, equipluent, good
and Embalmers a few points that are essential. as they are, exhibition managements East BLdfalo. Sept. 9 -Cattle -Re- cartridge rases and clips are all WHY friend:
Do not feed the birds for the Oi- realize the value of a strong agricul- celpts, 4800. Strong; prime steers, ;17 to mixed tip togoilier as though they .
l Isul tural and live -stock department and $17.50; shipping steers, $16.60 to $16,75; had passed through some gigantic �
Orders carefully attended to day they are shol lip. You shou 1, are making this a leading fea butchers, $12 to $16.50; yearlings. $13 to mangle.
at all hours -night or day. give thein somelhing to drink, bi, their work. In fact, no fall fair, $10.50; heifers, $10.50 to $14; cows, $5 to This Is the loll the British artil-
it is best to give. no feed. After ill(, $12.50; bulls, $6.50 to $11.50; stockers and
11 . , - ___ - I first day feed very lightly for two ol large or small, could exist let alone feeders. 37 to $10.50. lory takes when tile foe leaves his . .
Fresh cows and springers, $65 to $150. in 'pockets for
three days and then gradually in- prosper, wlt,hout the products of the C Ives --Receipts. 800. Strong; $7 to machine -gunners I I -Steadies neives
- 1. - _ - . - - . � h ion, being very careful farm well represent6d. 220.10, rear -guard action,;.
not to overfeed. We usually start Bearing this in mind, it Is impor- Hogs -Receipts. 8800, Steady to shade The enemy has by no means even 2 -Allays thirst
CLUBBINC RATES chickens on very finely ground gminp tant that all attend their local fall easier: heavy, $20.80 to $20.90; mixed and started to recover from the shocks
at the rate of three -Quarters of an fair and their nearest lar ,e exhibi- yorkers. $21; light Yorkers land Pim he has received day after day since
$20.75 to $21; roughs. $17.60 to $18; stags,
tion. A well-managed fairg I;in tn 11IS. 3 - Aids appetite
ounce of grain per feed to each bird is an edu- the British offensive began, and it is
WITH THE STAR feeding twice daily. This can be In cation. The best live, stock of the Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 3zoo. considered more than likely that new I I
. various types and breeds, the highest Steady: lambs. $8 to $17.75; yearlings. $7 divisions have been thrown in 4 -Helps digation
- ! creased gradually to two or tbre( to $11; w,1hers, '11.11 to 111,71; ewea, through the desire to stiffen the Ger- I
lybe Seat and 1610 ......... .. $5 25 times this amount. Generally th( quality grain, roots and vegetables, $6 to $12.50; mixed sheep. 112.TS to $13.25.
11 1. a" . the newest devices to aid the firmer man morale, quite as much aa stiffen 5 -Keeps teeth clean
T --'A. Emir 0 ... ..... 5 25 most the [Lae for a time.
. 111.11V I ZdG profitable gains are made dur-
. .. .. Montreal Family herald sod Ing the first fourteen lo sixteen day. and his wife in their work. and the Child Scalded to Death.
Weekly Star .................. 2 65 feeding. Such birds will not be ex- most up-to-date special attractions GALT,Sept. 10-WhIle the mother ords show that the enemy 6 -It's economical
" .. " W"Itly San (Toronto) .......... 2 40 cessively fat, but should be fa, are all t . here and each has its value was transferring clothes from will not get out except when he is
" S. to those who attend with the pur- It pushed out, Thus, he taken every
. " Toronto Daily Star ....... ..... 4 30 enough to cook and eat well. Sonat oving their knowledge. boiler to a tub on the floor, Lealle opportunity available to destroy what
. 1. 1. Tomato Daily World ........... 5 25 markets demand a falter bird. pose of Impir Alexander McIntosh. a year and seven he haIi not time to save, ? . I .
1. 14 " Toroole Daily News ............. 4 30 The moat profitable gatirs are madt It Is worth while to watch the Judt- months old, son of Pte. J. In Flanders the British have gain-
. . 11 Farmer I s AAvicsts ............ 3 00 .on birds weighing front three one Ing being done to get an Idea of overseas. throw a potato he
. 1. ' The Country Gentleman ....... :, 3 25 one-half to four- anti one-half pounde approved type and to haive one's in- W" ed another 1,600 yards to the west
. . 1. I terest stimulated that he may go Pla]riDg With into the tub, and In try- of Wytacharete and from reliable 1
Loubs Dally Advertiser ....... 5 00 when put up to fatten. Ing to recover It had his arm badly sources it Is learned that the Ger- �
I. " " grains red should be fine]) home and do
, . Union Daily Free Press ....... 5 00 The better work in breed- scalded. Death followed from the mans have removed virtually all their -,
I. 6. " Montreal Weekly Wital ...... 2 90 ground and, if at all possible, shoulc Ing live stock or in the production of shock. .,
. 1. 11 World Wme, Reoetwal ......... 4 25 be ruixed with goill- njilk. Mix th( farm crops. Study the work of the . L artillery to the east of the River Lys
. .. " PretAyterlas sell Westminster. 3 30 feed to a consisipriev of a pancakf Judses. It helps to fix In the mind to cover the lineF; they held prior to ilk" *11O , ,
. 11 " Catballic Register ............... 2 90 - the proper type of live stock of the Jew;sh New Year, 5679, waS cele- their April offenj;ive, sallm supplisdi '!�J.
11 satto batter. The mort, milk the chicker brated yesterday. Went of the Lys the Germans had , I 1,;
. 1. *y Night, (Tortisto) ...... 4 25 will take the bellor bird you wll� various breeds and the requirements
1. 11 " McLes * M I ........ 2 75 have in the end Milk appears t( of all farm cropp. The boys and girls Mothers of soldiers who have fal- left only old or captured guns which .11. I TX
l. a , aeN,WZ;;.i.. should be taken to the exhib
. " flow.j.. ...... 2 25 Ition and len In the war were presented with they had planned to destroy or
1. 1. 1. have no good suh-iniote for fatteninp
�11 witican's Ham empasilso annot get mil encouraged to study and learn as medals by the Associated Kin. abandon When the time came. . I I
'; ", (New York) ............. 3 25 chickens. If �011 r 1, well as to enjoy themselves. Two thousand postal and Govern- ___ ___ -.-- - - Sealed . 0 Ill
*** ...
. .. 11 The Saturday Evening Alost .... 3 7-5 hon add ten to fifiven per cent. oi Exhibitions also have their place ment telegraph employes at Buenog Bols4heviki Makefti 'War on Chinat. . I
1. 1. " The Ladies' Home journal.... 3 50 meat meal to the imoin and mix with In the social welfare of the pleople. Ayres, Argentina. went on strike on VLADIV014TOK, Sept. 10 - Tbp tight - , I
( water. The addition of a little gtee,, Thursday, aRking higher wageft.
pelading pociuMe ta Canadian tiubReri bars.) is to get away from work Rosslan Bolshevik Council at Illago- I
1. 11 The Canailian Countryman food daily will hodp watiorR. Man) It is proiltatill - Kept
(Weekly) . .................... 2 80 people get better i�,wills by feeding days and mingle with oth- The Dominion Government is on vieshlebenak, capital of the Arnur
11 .. or ers, there to diacuss matters of In- dertaking varloun means to keep the Province of Asiatic Rusifla. has do-
. The Youth's Cititispinien ........ 3 75 a 11(tte Halt. Ab(oll le half pount- Canadian people more fully Inform- right
,. 1. 1. terest to all, and to see what progress riared War on China becatise Ill-, Chi t
Scottish American ............... 4 00 to one hundred ponnds of dry grall ed about the war, the Canadian forem noRp GoveTntnent ill AendInP: froopt; 11) ! 0
1. .. " Scientific Amencan ............. 4 75 is suffIcient. This ioixoet best by be Is being made In Industry other than I achievements, and the Government's Ihe northern Man(hotian ftont Tt ,- 'i 'I a 0
. 11 1. Cosmopolitan magaitifle ....... 3 00 Ing dtssolvpd if, wai,�i and adding a that froni which the fair -goer gets . " I
. 11 1. McClare's Magazine ............ 3 001, little at each r. -d No itireful no, his or her living. It makes for big- Own DrOgratu. Siberian frontier has been (lolied,allli . . .. - - -
. 1. 11 American Homes and Garilas t,o use too niu(h ger nien and women with a wider - -_ -_ the Tioll;h,,viki ale confis(ating 'hi -
I . (Monthly) ..................... 4 50 The best 9:alrl� :0111Ahle DOW are Viewpoint. A little clean whole- NvIien a mollor ,1,�II- f!,.f,i tl n,,, properly - ______ ___ I . I
, - I
some amusement is necessary in or- ",ritlon�� 4nd fr-Ilmu -f - -1,11.1 th it I MADE iN
To Rubsorlberg In the United Statea a mixture of g;oIjl 4alleY. Corn- I re \%-,rni,, ;,I,-, Ir-ildow ,I ,h. -,-it pr -, SUG %R CONSE11% %I ION I 111114 N I .. . .. W
5() cents addition to all above, to pay rneal, finvly gro ,nd Im, k%heat , and der to get the most out of I I CANACIA
Go to the exhibition wIth tho irl,,-I. ,,,r,, I- 1-11, r r,,tn. .1% ,,1,1t in Mil I" r , Ni�xt h, �:ikow th'. hl, l It - I .. I �
Postage. shorts (hos al.. go -i it part of the 11 \%,,rm Po\Nd. r-, Worh ITI it III I " , .,I fly, I
A.ny combination of the above publi- hull is sifted o0. it ; Ile al,o grouri(I of improving your education and - rt'� ?Io. - w,,W V d -, r\ I,,- a I I 1, I,, ,I i, ,, I 11 .
1,;Ivo used with the Ramp time lo have a 1-M z ..... I : "' "'1:111\ '.\I"' '"" rn-nt i- to ,i\,, Aiiu;or -nd Ih. I , it, 1 . � I ..
eations may be had with The Star, for brewers' graws X\ , ll %%.I V I, Fi. 'I I� II, IN , Io- \ '11,1111oz loll ; , 1, I . .
example: good requIts it mixfol, Of two parts time. It Is profitabl� In 9- thi. ro1 rw ri.- it,\i- IN 1, ;�111 j( H,ard api-al- I., - %�ry I- ,1 1 if I I, I ,
h,,Tl�\. I\\ , i).lits Corn- from work occasionally ani Ill, ,-x . to 11,l ,-vor%thitot I,, ,twoww, -, I , - :
. 1, 1,,It . ,,,.ill, r -i., I,,.;, ..r ti -,r I ..1. juh I
Of ground , . .
, -r\att.qo It\ ol,lvr� It- - .', ,
The Star and Daily Mail and Empire .... $5 25 d hibition offers not only , , o It -, .1 96
T6 Family Hcrali($2.65 less $1.50) 1.15 meal, anti 1%4o ilatf� .111-011. mfxe 11 Opp"' tllr' ' ,,,rk N., %%.,r!o- , Ili 1,oi� I \-1 %\I�, ,,, _
__ with 1,�?j(,., ,he Aillotill, (it sour mlil(, for pleasure but also for Plot', th-, jNN,I,r� ,�. ,I -",J Ilitok n ...... q ,a!% n ,,r,I--r 11 0 I I .
- shom; and then \%lia-vey finall ;�_H"* -- . - .1 ne\% ,-r,.r,% to -t -,-o- I, ., ,,,
general one-third WV oole, 0 A Co'h-g-,� i\:,ilawr liiippiv �tr vowir h- ,1.,. I � r. I
I The Three Papers .......... I ........... 1K 48 In food it h"d t (,,,rof. W .1 el - \i; .
11 y IDb. 1).,t, I f-ru. t th " ""'". 1, �jnlil the
RIsmittances by Postal Note or Ex rav( r, I�Rfllmw f'. lo.it, Ill" %\ ,111 4 f,o.;� a nd that It he e,ItW,iI,I% di-Irit. .,-,I Chew It after every mem
press order st our risk. AAldress .ground grainq yoo ii�.t, - about =1L X AL . a � . . --- - -_ -
',V,.�*, I the farra 4= .A. A3 or 4=D X derent arid deo-, r ,It, i -I -A I ' 1"�"",:,- Motto for di6tamnll,d \%.-ik,r I—
. . VANATTER & NAYTEL, it at all po_ih,p t,,ii the ground, zilitnti, He Kind You llava Almrs Rouglit a, \% ,rld� IT,-, fit,- 1wirmin- ,ir, flat a , \% It
. Pnbliabers The Star, grains with scoir 1.1111, I'lof. J�t, It. signum e , re el"t-I III,- \\h'il'. Hoto.oy,Iij,-rn and oil F , ripland ,-It t,.- -h'k,
11 I .1 ! Goderich, On&. ';� et Roc I I ,, It lilt (110 Hun " - Ilk'afahtnal-m il-t 0
11, L. ' Graham, U. A. Cut-, 9", 6 Ilellt'll- Of 1Z.6"I.; �,=,. I I (� he�ter Express The Flayour Lastst
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