HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-09-06, Page 6IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ 1116Q� 1� ­ ,� i I I I -T1 - -_ 1 -NJ —, W772�17 I I w-,_ � , I. I -_ - . I I i m 19"'11111"T"'I" it I I , I — - I I . � ; , . _r1r_ - -_ - , , . , . - I I 11! - 1) . � . , 0 - . f , 33" . , . . . I � 'il , I I " I I . .. , . I . 11 , I . . I - __ �. � � " � I I I � i 1, , I I __1 mom�- I � I �, , - "'. '44M off i i - I . 1-1 I I illillippol __ � - -W � " - mioiili 11 I =1111,1� III I I ___ ��_ = I _00 11-41011. I ---! !I -ii— ==== ,, I I I I I I 0 1 ROO p"' , R . - 1. - . I I I p - . - 0,60-l"T­­­� � ­­ - ... 11 ­ . 11 - � � I I =01 III" 11,11 I , � Z�_��_ t, I 4'' , , . "" , - , i otif ­_­­ ­!� IfF166M, ­ . . I $0090111 .. 140, I I tV. �6- ---.1-1116- � , ;!;�,;, THE GODIMM-i . I . 1 16 1 — 1 16, 1 -1 1-6 - —.1 :1� I ''I'M 111 �:1 If I 'I 1: momme-m�ililll:qq:l,o , , I " % 11 ! I _ ''. . . , , , I I — — I ': ��: 1-1111—M-1-1 to -1 1. 1:101 �:1�11�:I::�'. I __­1==1;;;;;�,_�"!"""` .1, A Z".!"..i"�__ =1011111140=,Ivli:,::,��1111 61. i � I I I I � I 1 .111-1-111.1.111, ---- --- — 111 r . .==" I i 0t. m ,.,I it'.1,01".'�11-r�'. _11" I � 1, .6. � Fq���� nio attributes 04 444 1W t* Oipr � � I" ­ . � . I . I history. "TASMA". of , mm"Wil iiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiii T."'.9-17- -",. ,� - . LLLLLLLLLLL ,,,­,,, I -11--- . �k, �­ ­­­ .. I I a L;�U_ I a] The Airmt night afle,� ,itutwir. %%fleu of the People "0111k , wo—A X �AN't, $1it"U -11 � - "I . ''aw 1 ­ .1 ti.,Lrd the rich. % ,,,� . .i 1- I I I " I . .1 , they tplivill Lip the loarlor. it.. hall. : . � - . � � � . . . pris'ell The first ho;plta oppeto tM1.4" � T. "_ � .1 I . . I . - floor if She pla)id che's. All �� dull tbir0i'ttillm , 1081,114 00litt' . AlIVINK.41 I I 11 ,� , v 'I" , J0 , � I � . I , . " 1 .00WRW46 .70 e" - 11 1,1, CoflVeYi1Ig "' . I . � . r� � 'r 'M us . I .1 -rinwif bY "(1011114 til -It bllo' of I I . , ; lit- oppi tile bo.ril 'Jild Llle� I . "It , `/* , " . ' L lit ",,%,.,I kilers to their h0ft J* to :X". � ;;. - " . _� ; r � - P'. III %%lilt -Is ,lie v,d, till' Kingston, tO-Mqxrowl# I . L $19110il 011612,41101L . . � :51(i TREMAINE I bei,erill gall' . -.1 License InSPOPtOr' 11-111bosir IN7- ­­ 49, ,,, !,;, .j,MkAm I 1, � , Jet, Iddtol , s# L I � : ri .JW #. I f I to ictor, eo 4111 Lt - , _ I , I", - I I J� L ' � � and from tit l,k,,%,.,l liet still, in operation 044 kl 'OiOV#. _" ' 44 mitt M, P , _ . . a each eli,1114119 Nr, ... p , kk ft J, I 11 � _� , I I a Graveahlitr4t 11LOWW, to '046 AUM r ' I �.. , I , � ofl the squarf­ 'of 11- I ... ,.r,l Ile , � got 4for aJ "rA , Ope.r 11 t �', a � .1 I . ay MA,R,FE VAN VORST [lie en in I hil'ir , - is L ' , . . I ". , a 1 9f L 40, ` 11 I tilt -III, Al, ­,IjI.I ,,.�k Ili r ­'If ,Jill a quantity ot I I !, I -0140r. � I ow, the mrvous xyttxw - ... 1� . . (COVO.'sm 1914, By ult"e. %07- & Co.) vi o Like kh�Laljt Job" mcKlablI.410i UtUr 11 &A;A� � ok 4 � , ", � .. I , , ,,,,.,,, "w e I I . I %.,flat plNere tilt, adille, "I` (490. I ,# � _ x - ,,, 11" - I 7 � , . places ko,shIch had be"Ll 1. . :. P; I I �� 1W It.?' " J UIP-) I I "r -he Biest-Electirl ��Lam . I . � I . ,` faiiiiii,ir ill jean Blewett 111110'40 An - Wgiot Sk '09 "­ot 4 . -made , . L� - rg IN@ 1)1.,I)I., lidd bl't"' KikkhnI5, died - POO& - - 4 *a dq more 0 . 41L pill 1% I � _41# 1* . , .,. I C y . 90jamm at , M. � I HHOWNFiappi"Offiff Me - [)lilt ? AVIldt hind 'of - WIMIA,'A . oil " 04XI411 olles, . . - 1. �� I4 - . — � JJ , 1111 I I 1,,, I 11"I'Ll 1, 1, 1,w 'weeks of DIA9 low'ot Age. ", , � I I � I .. I ; , I I � , Ile film friends ? '-%Ildl " The I Adm� ra . tiog �,A�, th# PAXenro -0 , I.. _ �_ w,ipvw-vp__ _.",_ � . - , I � I I 1, $VN0"_J$ OF isiftECEDING CIIAPI r the color rise in her cheeks lilt % N%hat %,,vir" 111, ill, � Rt . I )4r. W,,. 0. Grafton, 44 11 -Ifts W%% pieaSuress,'! 'L so t 1, k'ue . , I tilt, ]-,Il�(� .1114'at 111 i'no Rpooltl, Toro My Wife * � I said %kpith efforl : IiTulted states a* paillod -into, Out, writes: 41 . � � L I I I'Mmatill)c, after an absence to, John -, I slid fit,-, MAO") during on, the undom I , - , I - soldou4sratuarantire. k1they!"'Ove I . � John V a Pretty "You are a stranger to an `W ,. rout iavery serious oplexxt,04,tux" . Of 0 ve . atit. 1`1170,14 Red"31,114-9) do 'not follow )our meaning. Your N ears " public eai3l 0 - Qua to 41 , =. law. dstktive, ypo coo return them. ,wn, returns to his fit, lidd spot I'vell .01,d It, using gasoline for.,pas W After le**g the Toronto , . ! - " , � if I, ­ a 1, ­ I _"40F �. toloo- . . . , ' ­ � , , �f- - little virMnia jo wa y (if doing thingts is strange to) like - -r Cycleat god, MCI , aw. At , olpita shet waii in a we*, aal�- — . , . .,L 41 'estral home. tie finds tile e8- She kept back tier tears, that threat- tier e,der bit, %%,I,.,, it,, t�%,, %%, - t),I,,. nlotor L I tor . .t# o1wir 'Cu.. WX I We Have the -Sole Agency � FAL " ' - , 0 1 ,I trieftl owwrov# 0 0 1.� I tab to a dilapidated condition, with cited to colne. and studied tier soil's children, she oilght look" I'"'i "-r Sundays until flArt Or I1110 U0., . Vwo"- eoA U A which a 0 received lvac. _ . = , , . . , � , I - 1.111 b"ll"'t THU , klicluos, trQ4 w -tion I decided top try = 11 9 - I little signs of life. Ile then goes race. in spile (of tier hostility, sto' 6)""Pathet"' 'i"It" th"' "llo.- . P14'"'Y4 - , apally up sstwl . lie (fill aboill I ...... 1".11,1119 I ,� . We have Soine very CHOIC6 designs 12 , � , to.tfo,%%it, %%here lie calls oil W. found bIhn attractioppe and ,hilrnilug. Ing %%list 1, lot y es t e rday wag WQM04'g D#*- Jifit. Wo 14ilbWA,ffWtinLd:Y;erv*l511�, lam, = � .,: .111.1--41 Iwl II. -I Ili I,.: I , 1j, "L ,,, Samuel Leavitt, a la%%yer, ,kok-ho But Ile %%as mistaken. in her Judg- rould lld%v ,All Toronto Exhibiltio#;, �to�d#r U,, ,Mil vor Weined to say that the prov0d, , = .. I - . , , itigis 11 I �, 1...�. her -if ne,,% ifi-.41011101.1 - ,,,, I,,.%% ,11, � 11 I I � . . = . I . � wanderer Day. . q .. . I -ing Lam' _ reAtignizies the returned siaent,, fit holding to a prupert) v%hich astwactory. 8b4s16PtJ1M17at0wq11,= � Read PIS , � 1 expresses surprist) that a advised hpit to relinquish gral-f-h, ,he %`k"'dII tid%e ": k' 11 th'.111 fill' Joseph Deacon, lCot,04,10olloo .,, I d1tion, improved , .= = . .1 Ville, 41!�" .1 I . Magilg* pet whole pbpical r4A and David had 1* . . _ � -b "-s M , I w4pegrace should care to see his Nforeover, Ile stood there successful, granted. 1,1,11 ,,,,_ III, trate of Brock _4� '4071' il4id, woadvdtMly. I hove. always kept a Wx =-2. i 1 �',, � site ronfronted , � 0 'useful Electrit Fixtures �. , old friends. living. Slip did not grudge him his AS , Lit the age of 78 14 08, boupe, and find t4em very . , , . � J, � ., ­ I Treinalne psks, Leavitt to recount life, but fla,,id voas dead ! chesliboard Ale last tip b"I", It 1w."ll"U. en��eet* .will miCis" otnervousuess, ateellileesviess; and Suitable for an.y, V"M I � l I thie atory of his crime of 15 years "Mother, betaid quieti), "forgel that which lit, --lel ha%l' all"'.1.,11 III..;A Stationary I Protest , .Il! . . � , k-"',;,� ,or� hild ..fit. �Iptjkvll Owls) dwiti, to the Government 0,9011"k 10,0*46n Aiptiguo . , �� . molikent - I late �4) . Sgo, w.bich Leavitt does as follows: I an] a stranger. I ha,le faith In the enginesisrg� �.- ,, Nerve " .111'" An ", letricAir Warmer that slip \%uulli ne\,-r 'I-,. pkkkIlat grading � I ;� I Jil Milburn's Heats sad � ,4lk, . "You had been taken Into tile Red- country hereabouts. I haven't much but - lit.. .of Toronto telephilin. SU4 *1 ipw 511110. & box at $In lealers or t I � .."M is * -toad thing beside you on a cold 0m&O _Iulifngs, bAa I Us . i . __ _'_ - !11�_._ __ I&ii,L 41a.rL hillf, %Np!I!Iea 11hil\,,I 11) Lt,, -_ A-— j:,�­ � _NaUoR4l­AUnL. 11101, .sullnueE -, f(Mb- 4n. 41 V to ,the I "I" -031-=Oet ...... -1 . ''11111 ��­ ------------ -lands- - - �l Dopartweut-�Jot_TA. .., - . P, - ____.___ .-.-..- ____ --- -­­�Otv-r - , -tom ratur"J boaster I I � 1. I - - ­ ,- ­ - _­­ ��.�� " &ud were sent by the president, in material thingm. The)- pan out for tier tion If -a (Ju's IM 111:11 " ` 4' v - " - It,. %\O, Board of CoucilliLtiOU- I cu.# 011111C = ). . � L � 11' I � � � 1� , , . I I I 1, F, , I .11 I - - Id I I � EIII 11.1, I LL21 ; I I . . fm a I T 3-M. ­ re [ usom � - I 59 i = I I I =;;;��_ , . I I i M � , L . , , �, - ,n, to Richmond to cash us, they repay the trouble we give for woman thlok% � Mr. Malvel .. jh-St ,or ail Coroner Winuett,,Toronio, $Lt an I . - . 1 IL S to It,- had � I - I An Electric - ­ . is Check for 910,OOD and to fetch tile the.m, and land Itself has made me a married, P"I'llaVi': p" `ll"l- ..I, inquest comaitetattif'A I floggly 11 � 11,� L ,- _�_oj�14ft _. I . - . � - . I I,, . money In notes back to'the bank rich man. Now I want to try my luck children, Noll." like 1111il,elf tit practice of childreh .,V1%7 _'I� ' - ­ - - I - ­ . � 0 . li,.r I I.. %\ . *, on tilie eift�iiouaand dollars worth Ot — I ", �L'' here. You never returned from here. I had an idea, when I was a bo), whose fail',"' hall 64"" it Ll ­ ,. - . vadt-uf sweelpier I , ", __ Richmond. You. ran away fivith tile that therfil was coal In this Part of the could Shot hnovv' ",. i,,I.l 11,1, ll,.Illoig. streets. . . damage wag causid by a fire In the El I I Is an allitticle vou will never be without I I x ! stolen illoney, and you broke -your State. If I prolled right, I Shall make john, facing her ­­ [,--I 4uhtle soot An immense de"It (C-00"Ah, XQ_- ArVade, Tor -onto. � - � I 14411Y WIllona of It you age one ItInce = ­, F - I mother's heart." another fortune here." to follo\% tier- t*lloolktllt� 11'.1. I . , L The Victoria, "Australia, Assembly - . 0 I story lie watched tier paged). lintiSed ,,ivr Iwr I-,,%%",. gl"Ilia ., 1:. tons, has beea discoyeted. p9iiA Ot I ban passed a bill abolishing compoul, Tremalne admits that the is, . )Pefllll�L, ,,,, I , I dium sulphate, of- , I Warming Pads = . I " Was one generally believed by his This was the fIn4t time III Ills life that rentl� ,I Inor" t1\ ­I att"I'll"ll I maple Creek, Sank. I I I . . sory vaccination. I = Ch.,11i"., in Military DistrI.Ct X )11�,"" fellow -townsmen, but tells Leavitt he. [tail laid fits plan" before a v%ontark. I;",ii., glirlift of lir.. .it to, 1, 1, % ,0,3, (ott%Wa A Harbord Collegiate pupil has = E I ,hat , Kingston), 760 ,men toollIr adyAA- been elected president ok the Chfillese Coffee Percolators a � �: I that tie has returned to Redlands Had Mrs. Trenialne realized thim, she lie undPl',b)-i . I,. 111.1g_1 Imi, and , I . !. . a rich nian, and wishes to find tits might ha\p appreciated tit(- niontent 'and rollf 11.1 oll,.., 1,111, :111il I,, 1,111,,, I,,,, tage of the opportunity given to do. St,deate, Association. F_ = %, faulters and absentiJ !tQ. report for -race has been found of the = �, family. I more keenl�. lit. bent forkif,ard in hl -lir tie h,ia t-iiii ist-, t1lat , i,1-1-111 11 it, _ No t = Toasters, Etc. �, , The family fortunciii are at a low chair and continued : Ishellel.,41 ,,His 11%, lisp. I,I..r\:II �i,,- \\,mld service. � I body of former Czar Nicholas, mur- = = __ ,� — J., ebb. His brotilier David had died, "ll don't do this for ni)self. 1'\e more not baits, beell �11rl-ri"Id: I'v-11 I,.1d a-11" The C.P R. commercial telegraph- dered by the Bolsheviki. = . I a _ 11, 11to Ipri�,oll fl,l lc�,vr ,-,III%.,- 11"'ll I— ers at rviont real decided to �Oefer the to = I ! his mother was living on the heirlopot than I need, more than I can us, Jas. Crampton, customs offictal a;( a . — _____ - - I'd I., proposed strike for'the pregent-and = . . estatr,t which was stKm 40 be sold, don't d, It f,,, 6"A4tt--"r cveu ful thL I Aiid lie w IW! IMA' " lil"I ' " - - %, Windsor for more than thirty years, = = . - ."11.1 present their ,ease-40--t-h dera -U-Aemd; -at the -age- or -Tg; -_ __= - - - - -4. - a . — the off] home, ppvhere lie is lovingly - �, . — VU L - tat = I 11 at auction, Trematne goes out to pleahure ,if Ili" gaille I valise backl\%oillit '111oll.-o' ii. -I itil'. \\hal %, to � ,,I,, ,1*1,,,. -I,, h-l 1 --ii GoVernIlLt'Llt � T Y, from Afriva to, i-deeki this proPorIN''ar-i-i hit" ­­ by Another Spanish ship, theAlexan- =M ' — t-, recellied by flit, 0141 "\i1ammY," and for you. I vot-ant It to, lie � lit"' 11 O'lie." dvrn..,� he kiw\N . It-- 1:-I., ­- 11 hit " I-"]- Ben Boovinan wars nominated drine, has been torpedoed, according = Electrician West Street = 11 united Farmerw of Ontario to to a Madrid despatch to the Paris = . = VI meot� Ills niother, vkho greets .him fits \olvo allot 111441I. -I. \%..re 4.1ollipol- dor it, 'illit'l-': I'.. ll�qd ,--I) I".1. I- ill .11 the tile Consiorvatt-ve — � = �,,,,, ,, withoot liffectioll. She, howe%er, ling, If-, %\it, Illagnt-lizIIIIA her ill spitt, 111,., hJ-(,IIt.'J , .,Jol. 1'. 1,,�l ­ H Ill, oppose � , candidate, Journal. � . - I it,, I t" 13. H. Turner. In the Proviltiplal.-splec- ll.rinil,) Bergeori, from Montrea.t. - , Ili,,, tip stay Ili his paternal or hel-twir. mit tit hl.� Ia,I sentence slip br,diter ki,, Iwr. -i, h- %\1111111 11-i" I""'ll , -.1111111111111111111ililillillillillillillillifillillillilillillllUlluillinliilligillillillililirrI �71 - i . I honie rather thall An Io 0 hotel. It k4artod, pul till hef slender-hattil I n I plait to. 41,,. 11-� li-od ­ - 11 11 It. I "It .. tioll tot Niarittoulin Island otaiDet. 24. wa,:- 8--od $�(ffl v, lNarth Bay foi I I . - I _ . . . I It"I -1 � victorian (Atustrallarill Go4- 0 11 . I I A 4, V iti a great f -1141119P fro'll Ills at Moo' life Ill South it) tile quiet defellse nrld exciatilled In a Io%\ tont, "I 1, ! I slecept ! " tilt, light Mitt ;I 't'll Ilk - it. I, W 11 H.. tip ... it, I, i ­r it oid ,\��Iilo l Is, ernmew lias purchased 33,000 acres, ' 1111,7`0.2, I I � .. , ... .�g a i ci tirne sn.- dier's tiall-I I , ,\rrick, Virginia home. viobere everything lips, It,) cannot %lailliko, Ili- 1111111, her \\osrds LAS Illiall, . -I,, 1-i" .1 t o:11" is i-.11' Ill- .\:",-,''t�. co siirig nearly $2,000,000, for a soi- Clicilera" n*- n broki­ cout In Bel . ,� ,1. i 1�1 - film (If hilla Curnel-0113, tile rionlind. - sliglitly rkli�ed hl� eyebrokiv,ii, and then lit.r.o.1r. , I- it I­,,ihI-- IliA I'.,- 1, Ill,' i diers' Settlement. The Federal GOV- has a direetorate gtuni.,and I' ,a �-k:' ,rtcC .'iat thiro 'd I'� girt tit v\tIon, lit, \%-its lingaged, hilt Sit Id ; Ilikikol .if it tho.r.". I ,;I Ili I I -.t I " . I 1, - I, - ­ -. ertinient established young l),-?rk::l,, h;1ve died In one vlll*agf , : _i;,� - IN, ­ whn lat.er married fits brother -I shall purrhase the property for \\110-11 If.. \\ " 11-d I.,okilig. I_ .II,,.,,\, I it, of ficilivational war propaganda. . near Louvain. . 1�1' "r - Dat. ill. "I yseir thow ­ lit. got tip slid .-Aanding III,. I . , ­i�_n, -1 \\­iI,il-­, ]­Wll It'" Tile British Board. of Agriculture Df,sp,i,tch,_­; I -) , retrck�,rad are tf 4"". . �,l Trenialne announces to L (on V I lit III -Side hrr 'Itid ellrlw'tl� . tits hand Ili, ­ I. 1.;+11. . states ilim the arable area in Eng- the Pffect. lhzq-� Nlk lai L--ii-It" th( ') 11 ., I I , .1 ' llj�� that lo. intends to pit �' off flit- oul,tit-OvIl'-d : ­Sla) In \Irginift : I �! A k,..,Il. i(I'llf!"ll"1111 ­mll,-IiAll'.... i land and Wales amounts to 12,400,- Bolshevik! Preri:,r, tiv:�s ,kol twic � - �,ti'p� ­ , ' ! mot�tgagps on tollivitir6ikip, lit- tionle ollike )olIr 1111111v hope ! " , in thl.'. 1.�,..,, p-�Illr.it ;1, th. \ \N -r,'. (-is 0oo acres, an increase of 1,152,0-00, on rrl�ay fast: lit, will recover. 'COILL � ie", estate, and furtherillort, that he Ill- lit. Sa\N hi -l- shrilik its she rw%v; thilt gra\v inwith. ,1,,, ,.I\\ -1h '­­, compared Nvilh 1917. -The wheat acre- CUStOrlIS C' � )7,o I -i Ca.kada & � % k�nd,, to make it a pa.N -ing prupert). %Ile %Nalltod tit P�vape from tit.,; be- ,)r tio.sti ,Imiliti,-, ;4io --im wi--ht age has Increased by 638,000 acres. -it creased $6.083 3"p? I-, Iho fl, fI v _11 . �,`.I . No, I lit#-rilell I. anil it., sl I fi Started - ill- i(,\e. site \\,I, ,,- u)t­ill ill hrr -1,1,1\ .4 A twil"IN'Lil woodland lot Of forty moutlis of the c-li-if nit flq�,aI ,e:�r a! \,,ere avemul)[ii,lied -0 ,Illlckl� toil Ilw Tremaine plant,diw,, ",I.,iw� \\,O, [it, � \\;it.tl it,,, iloor, her control nearl)- 111,11 tI,it ,sit,. r..rg,.I I,. w..\,, fi. I, ]­ I', acres io the confluence of tpe Grand compared Avith Cie I% tit-, pei`od I 111'-.krzr -, kl�I1.\I-1Tl,*IA IV -CONTINUED. gotills, shot 111111*111tirell: anti John, :�litill-ing ,w, r,"ill 11-1t.'' '"' Rad coriostogo rivers,'was handed 1917. , V. , ' "Leavitt has licen here. mother. ­ I'll) g -ling to . Allia- I'm sit'jilig to - Ind 1111,1wil, a, It.- iiwl lit 1, ­1­tll1l/'II-- o\,,,, t)t, Mr. Walter J. Snider to Hon. '. Jitlien B,st I :i (it;,(' to! 1 ) -, I 1� 1z a. 1'. �-'� 'hasn't tie ?" I InN Ill'- \\If,. and fits childrow" F\,., . Finlav Mavoliarmid, representing the attpek kip�n him by .!,)'I:- (7�irnlor 1 � I He. understood that slip find been hold 1,11., pass,�d John. lit- shrugged hi.� \\ h-ql Tr '111a 11w 1, ,.I ,.Iw. .-1W, -I\ -1 , I 011(al:io (;o�errkment, to further the Whose vetion I " sliiki,,,, P vzomin i� .. I I , 4 . of tits purpose tit pa) off tilt. Illort- I ,houl.1cry, and hi� faev ilarkf�itv,i. plall, Ili- \\,I, 11'.1 ,11 I't'l 1111111 lot 11,11, policy ot.couservation and reforestra- :1 pawn u!:;)p in '.Ioutro�al during r: __ , __ — . . � 1";� 1111 the table Ily her Side Lea- ­.Ik� Noss liko," : he -ilsened Ito- dm," I put it Into ov,vilti"Il. Illifil.-ollih-l\ ,,I] t iuin . .­ , argpsiiient lie cotnni-nted upion.. I , I . gaige" I'll , b�, ,kitt's roses find been arriinged in a R if- v,ont ont, lit, fix- flit' 11"r, "I'll s s' 'Aoll I arri,king he -4-1 ill tI­ IWi'r;,­ I ... .... tild FRIDAY. ' , TUE.4DAY. - 4 to, �l, , silver hiltiting clip. and thrologholit off lit sliltv of hinisel Z Speak 01allo , �, " hirt, 1,; \\.,rl, Ili ill,- ll-dd, ;-Ild ,tl-lllll;4 Ow 111"t Tlie it rinual conference of . the Rev. R. B. Nevitt died Ili E-ngland . K� , , "'i - If, tlo%%ers J4,1 C. - I the comersation he Ail%,,- if �' . I a background for ther Wind withk lt,i think of Indebtedness! I shol if )IIII, " oil " pro -for tip Ili' lit hollie ill yoor I till, loastlirc'. "Ild 11N. t1w , 11.1 .if \\owk hv had it) 1111911ol", ;C \\.Wk .,If Ili, 11:11111� had 11--igh A M H i, in session. . \'an,-ouver has been made a basic C.,)tinty Court jup...ges inet at th, Qucetils Hotel, TDronto. $15,000 in Prizes Free IT ,�.�!� . slightly sikered little. 14lie was liale, hokise, rather thiiin dependent Oil (IN""' _,rJ_,a\\,­ , ...... ,,,,,aS,,,,,r Ilr,,Iwrt�, \\fill" told ,,,,,,, hill'. sm"It Ili tho grain, bugliness. The exP')?t of easein front Canad; I �, , '11� . ", , ' - and her fact, seemed Set Against his" 1 . lit, founit it iniself alone in. the Ih ing- ,i,,,,,,,sl;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,''Ir,, It-, vi.-I.6od hi, (.11allp.., r;ipldl� and About 7u,000 people attended the has biJ pi -ohibited. .r - . 1 _H4.4- a marbliv L-JJco___Jie__vv,unl&red_b,tl1,, ft.- I . . , ,,ld bc Eko wrillianly ntid 4., " a """,(Ali , . roo ,it, '.Nlt)T pverk ,bit lite South Arri-can \vIll, a niastpr hAnd. It hild ,ql-,A.:,,, t ....... ,Naiional F,xhibitiow-on, -AtIleg' Day, Ci,k,pttal and Labor Jolinklid hvnils il:. day's . T 'HE'LONDON FRE,E PRES.S I t,'�,l.-, lovely to look all. Alta so hard agailiqll. I Plait's I'lid lie folt more hompless kind it tradition that II -1011119 \\­ ;W("ll, 'll,tip-­ b ess it- Heastie, 16 years of age, Guelph to Intake the celebration � . �. , ! t,:,�t' �' her own Tie waited for tier to sptiah, ft�nlval than tonight. N\,Ilat a fool lie plisherl qtliewN� Ill th" �;,. till,. was drowned while bathil�� CO- I a big success. lialifax resign-, offers a pleasant and profitable diversion � ", �`, .. ;1�1 11�� : 1, and tit length site said slowly : "S"Ilk I., Site traction of hwlie "'If' 'let"' to) let tile at . . hook"ll his"! \,,ere avemul)[ii,lied -0 ,Illlckl� toil Ilw Tremaine plant,diw,, ",I.,iw� \\,O, [it, botirg, Thomas Tressan, a Toronto must- Tweiv, aldermen on Saturday, and 'five Luore are SR.o. . Western Ontario ­ has told lne"---and then paused. I 11 I ��i.' I ' had dreaniod it would be so diffl- � ,kopli-y shoold If., stai, an hour under ,)bjt,q,t tip him. ao-I hot 111-,olf ,iiporin (,tail, dropped dead- when leaving the to Vcvp quit. since. to the residents of � -,,� �, not i f4ir 'tier to speak to John. lie 8 roof "llere tie was unwelconi( I anti tended etierythitwr. it'xiiihilion i�rounds. Sir Robert Borden made an inipor- I I . I �. �� 1, cult , I;: I . -inge to tier t -it n - I ,,, ��-,-,' was mon. Litt hall a ,sit llost)'�Ied ? Sitting mere before Ills lie tralliptill dllll� mor tilt, lll..,Iwrl�, familiar -,Nvo 'Fell thousand people heard Hon. Dr. Boland',; open-air address at the ',ant aftno'uncenlent rcspecting cont in. rrilway Irgisir.tion. . � . AUTOMOBILES. PIANOS, BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE ,,��, I . �.,'' I . ��`:��,.' ger. 1101'. Illoillpr, he had hoped for a moment that, despite fill obstacles, he might five making Jiiiii4eir \\Jill acre. proill her ,,\hido\\. Mrs, Tri,maiii4i Extobition at Toronto. . A battali-)n of United Strtes troor SETS. FURS. GRAPHOPHONES. CABINETS OF SILVER, I � ,; ;. . _Blit. tier son helped quletly " '11 f", . I to "Ile do\,kll his reputation in Virginia and at \\atched him rros.,ing ill,, Ileld, too the Vladimir Bourt7off, the Russian --re at the Exhibltio.� grolltlal,ls to 1 . SCHOLARSHIPS. KITCHEN CABINETS, CASH COM ISSION - �� I .1 . to.old Noll that ant going pa) I F . last ereate for himseir st home harn Ili the earlN -ning, killd thrl-11911- - mot revolutionist; says he has received ad - a Wit Thursday. .n in is � PRIZES, ETC.. TO BE GIVEN AWAY ABSOJL.UTeLY FREE , - - . off debt,q and moVignges. and relleite :1 I , . . Mitinmy came In. (lot lite dat, slip, emild sve tit, ligilrf- vices frow Russia that Gen. Kornfloff Lab:,. 1) :, 7vt­i,#;lnce at 1, o r . TO ENERGETIC AND AMBITIOUS MEN, WOMEN AND . le : . , � Leavitt of tits burden!" 11 -0 P, she exclaimed, "I did not think arse ,John, bonf ­Scuse sile. N ,�, you . I rnm Ing hither atid thither --\,,I' ill,, is living. aibldl) I. '�, hi,�l - ; .4 1,00, b.,,-, CHILDREN'OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE. 1 . . i; � . .-, ­ I.. . . he. felt it a burden." � , , at ;i't v r � I n'? " meadows, anti noted 111� lit, Ili-gil- The Sol,ith African Government Is 0 ill Ili-. .; Ill!- � , - , Lor . Oil I 1 , . ., �, . .; � ,. I 11 'I'm surp he dill not," KAill !)#if' 11-1) I ' head anti smiled at He "I'led tip 'I'S energN. Mhlllskl�' told ho"' : "Ile til,ggers ll.'I\f' Io ,loll op, drafting regulations to prevent the use tile German language in pub- ArtLlar PUrktS, ilo�IILI140-1 ViLt` 'drowned In the bay at Burlingto \ FIRST PRIZE Value,$2,345.00 ­ i 11 quickly. "but lie Is not a rich trinn. I wit h0r. .Nil,' 'I'T'Aid 'llat . � of his - .1 I I I � "' . I I our parLs we should find it it hisirpien "Not plialte crying. Manimy," ' "toll) ; 41ey'se terrible -,I' .�, 'em like lie places. 'York Beach while teaching wife to I I 1. ! . , . " ; I to be indebted to 61111,," . dev 1ows 'Ili, boys am hyar, all joho. Ile (-Ill., out at a sar There is a rush on In New float. � . I , " � : � . I I ­�­ I it ��:.,". . She had not yet fulkY Illet litt" sort, do!"'s 9"vitic 10 serenade yo'. " pint." Anti Slip- isitighvil visit, delight. si J the Jewish Th e fls,Mng schooners Elsie Portri; - . . I . !. . ­ � ,� !i I? .. q 4,., , 1E, . .. - I 11 - I , .IJ IJ shp did So 110\N. Her lips trem- "Not tonight, Mallinp.: send thein "Reckin dti\',, g\\ine to hot ­iiiiv , Tal', battalion of the British army serving 8 a e e Ol if Lunenburg, N. .. nd Vot ntat . I -_ - - . .r 11 "I - bled in spitA a tier control. ` , y. " next year. II­nlI -tiltinl� \%ill tJ-;ir tilt it." in Pil'-sline, %Ilave, N.S., have been sut.ik by :; ka'imau I I , I It ,.: � I "There are worse thing.4." sh� .I., . 'Ile) "It be dreffle dissapointed, 11101111`v. (if' I­rr� ol,11111 III)' gvl IJ mll ,,I) The vNef cities and towns of the stibuiarine. W I �, �;� � � � 1� .1 . with an effort. "than being Indebted I-) lit,\ � mus C - sure do Sling prett , .I , Mal..,e �- Ithino disorict have formed a perma- . Anaclet Girard and Mrsie. Gregoirk. I I I .. . , ,� , I till old fortstind." ' J nil n. " I To lot! colltino.-Il nor,( conimittee to deal with the in- notor car ran xere drowned when a i. � ! . z . I 1. I I , , He -11nottlinestl tits head, nottepplinir tier Tromalne ptit his hand on her . .- creasing nienace of Allied air raids. -if- off a ferry as it was leaving tilt- wh, I . � �­� �. . , t ,� � I .1 reproatill with extraordinary - � � ,�, , gentle shoulder and pushed tier gently to- I Tilt, Dominion Government is op- atThree P,ivers. Que. .1 I . I �.. I � � �,,� .1 . 11 in es s. . ", . � I � I.Vorse, "You be NVa rds tile door -I vouldn*1 beat, It tonight, Mantruy. NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK posing before the International Joint Walerways Commission at Montreal Two hundred and ivienly-nine his bies were eaterall,in the,liatly 31,,),. I ,. 60 H. P. �? I ;�� - mean to say it lkso-ould . , , - to be, Irldebteil,k tQ .&,,1900 Vvilihs A stain -, ) Seud them a Vill, . " -oval the the appi of plans to� dam In connection Nvith the Lubor Da: First prize in The Free Press 4utomoble Contest is a 7 -Passen- ,,�_,� , . , � : on his name?" Then tie said more ,� 'h e appointed, hilt fit th-p S N%eut, tflsz Long Satilt near Massena. N.Y. celebration at Hamillon. -Ith a cash value of $2.845. The Cer 60 III. p. McLaughlin "BEx ,Six." vi I � , '. I � � r i" - I'�, , I I I qulc�ly ., "in this t4tw )au nlaY 110) 'ned 11 %Nhl I call) .: J,1001' 1`111 tip ask fill u s' ImOortant. Events Which Hava Reginald A. Fowler, a, Conserva,t- By proclantation Issued yQaterifn McLaughlin "laig Six" holds some of the most coveted automobile I I I I , ., quite sileure. I am well ko0wil In ­­ . ., � I 11 "NN'har's dv hal; of Kole, Iloney ? '113" -(ill back Occurred Dui ing the Week. ttve farmer, ot Amherst Island, was President Wilsoll set $2.20 a bus;i. records of the day. Its 60 horsepower develops the utmost in power I ,� : !", I I j ", Johannesburg. South Africa knON"i's, , N`o I I all"I"' vou* (I bitting lilt- - elected by acelama,tion to the Legis- as; the minimuni price guaranteod b) . . and speed. Purchased from and on exhbition at the McLaughlin . :`, � ��. I --the-, .211 gi%e nip I, clean, hill no P " NA -4 a If, n hat, ,)r golp. wil n .,oil \ - lilt the Govern ment for the, 1919 whdat Carriage Company, Richmond street. London. Ont. , r"". ,. , I 11 I reller fill lit,,t if) conto find ,;ay: I lattire as member for Lennox, in sue- . . I I :, , I there. I fusion It doubl, it \\ -1 le it colil- ,;: South I , - flart for -yon to know (flat In I I ,(1,1111me a cookN. Niammy, an' I'll foltell -xue nus3 worlds Happeninall (�kkirp- cession to The late T. G. 0 rsciallen. a cl op. I Tank Hilt Lang. Chinese Ministc, �_11�� . r ,,, o. - � Africa I bear a stainless rrputl�tion. I . . , r ', )-oll haek a bag 'It g0le from treasttire Ifully Compiled anti Pull Into Blindly and Attractive Shape for St. Thouias business menwill pro- test to the Dominion -Power Control - of Education, was assar,sinated, it I. ,:! � " ,'� YOU may f I �;. , . lrc�ly . . . . k 11, . Sho made a proud gesture as If to Illsi ­I'Ne kept my Nvord." the Readers of Our Paper - A ter, Sit- Henry Drayton, against the -oni at believed, ft Political moliv(s. Victoria, B.C., by Haw Cliew, a"bar- �,,�?',��,t :, :4 r r �. stop hftns� lie could see- that every k , - -;-- - . When she had gone, lie took from Solid 1:11lostur's Enjoyment- recent Ittirther 10 per cent. cut in the bor, who afterwards, when pursuloo. , I .-,, , I 1�1 � ,, I word lie said made tier suffew. tile table it portfolio, which lip had city's stipply of Hydro -electric power. committed suicide. .r , -1.11 � ". I ''. . I .,Dplti told me that Riftersdaile was a noticed the day before, anti wondered WEDNESDAY. I Nicaragua and Honduras have Twenty-two mernberii; of the Nival 1:,� � ", �­ i , . , . sink, a ruin. f,',ver-, penli� spent upon , , . it Ills mother had left it there purpose- Yesterday was Children's Day at averted their threatened clash of Armed Guard of the American steafti- . i!,, " , .1 , , it was as good as lost in tilt, Sea." lti% It contained a collection of Pilot('- the Toronto Exhibition. nrins by agreeing to withdraw all ircinki er Joseph Cudahy. reported mlssla� , - 11\Vasn"t thfkt rather hard oil ,��- ", r Lea- "I. , I I graphs of Dn\ld Tcernalne. - York Township tax rate was troops their bordeS and sub- to the United when news of the loss of their ship . I � , , , I I , .'%,�,:,� vitt?' asked tier younger son. The last one showed tile Young Jtltlg'P struck, and Is the lowest in the nilt their controversy I was - reported, have been brought , ; , . . �.,�., i�,� I . , . She brushed tier hand across tier , 11 , NNrig lit 11 stressed fit an English 11 gown. ­ , county. States. safely into Atlantic ports by British � ,,,r,r ,,r ,,..�', , - had never thought of the � eyes. She John lifted it aud mused upon it In ill(, Fire Chiefs for Canada opened SATURDAY. steamers. , . �, ,�Y� , "I , , : � , , ...': . lafter's sacrifice exise fPt It' tile light or famillaT room, where the brothers hall I convention at the Ex- their anuua' Will Selater, 41-Arominent business .'', %, ­ I I . r., I , kA natilliftl, K%t%-Aq0 front all old friend. , ". . : � ' strict, met as enemies. and where novk hibi on grounds. ill "Sail in an of Seaforth, A dead. SpSnI*1I Stiesimer Is Sunk. . I , . " � . � -0 '1119 Off the mori- " �; , , john's m6th In Pa) they never cotild meet ogain. Sir John Eaton started tile - I involving 200,400 Seriotis strikes, PARIS, SePL 3. - The Spanish ,'� r .,, �, 1, , � . gages had been discussed by the two ors' Week" campaign with a sub- workers, have broken out in West- Crusial has been sunk by a . r J � ­ during LeAvitt's visit. Slip now a"ketL ,� ,- r ," ��'.. I'' I ,,Vou vi -ant to protect Skim?" , r " o . � 1. . . ('AlAPTb.R V. scription for $50.000. A double drowning Is feared to phalia. q Ptess Day at the Torolito Exhibi - steamer (;Orm&n submarine. It Is reported I , I , r r , . .; I He said shortly, atter it ir.prond : ."�L 1 The deptis of Riverside were finally have taken place in the St. Lawrence tion had increased attendance hill Newspapers consider that this � , � , :' � - '. . , � -No -for tilt% sake of the 1`11111111Y hot)- signe(I 4md the property ,made over to river, near Brockville. an I eVent will bring to a crisis the rela- '': r�r r. , . 1, I ,.el-thp w6rds were out before lie -r,t . em -hie ,.vilo became a landowner in First Assistant Secretary of War �,V(1! 1917, ,,....f tfons between Spain and Germany. I � � . ­ 7: 11" , , . . - they v-0111ft sound Virginia. I HiA mothor hat] Insisted that Crowell has been made United States Ray Kesler - aged 11`011r� Was -_ , &11`�� T�l .1-1_---._- _... _ .-re,ali-ted ho%V OddlIt by a niotor car near hiS a0ine Ill t .... I.:,.,. '' p 11�.� PRIZES FOR ALL. -THERE WILL BE NO LOSERS. I * , , , . : � 1: L . on � do . r . the, cliouiVstinclops atid tie Lidded ipt; sliduld Jaklit title to the. property. Director of Munitions. 'roronto. I . . � — - I �. - I __ I one of the unique features of Everyone who makes an ear- .1 I l, 1� � � : L I . .4 --pill shall make the. property pity." and it was bitter to find her unwilling The safe arrival in the Untled No extension to to be made of the N1. The Free Press Coritest 113 that nest effort In the contest will re - I ., -.11 ,� . . She repelAed the Nvords much as tit aecept anything front him. Ile hall Kingdom of a large number of Cana- airnploty to defaulters under thic I . � ,, ) I , Le.0tvitt find done '. ecime home car]);. In Julne,*and spent Litt, than troops Is announced. .- subscribers who assist candidates calve something for his or her ef- 1. I Ntliltary Service Act. ,16 nr SALTS IF . . � "I tw .. # , �. � I. -%pakty?, You want to use the pro- first days riding about the country. PN- Three arrests were made in con- YOUR WD RS HU In the co.t.1 will pidso bavel an forl.. C.h commission pr,2es 11 - �:, , '. fiJ ,� - Jas D Cameron. for, 33 Years V. 8- 09portunity to vrin an automobile. are provided for non-wInners.. .. I'� .110. I , - , . 'PertY then as an finVit"stroptlit-'ok lilimll- arnining tits Inkild and piano I Ing Ini-, neetion with the attempted robbery Senator. and atone titan Secretarr Of � � I � - ­ '. I � btlon?", prot, ements. of the Spadina Cafe, Toronto. I 11 " I �" '.'L � : �' - I War. IF; dead at Harrisburg, Pa. - R1 ENTRY COUPON � � ife -,vag aware Ito%% hard It would 11" lit, halt nivs-ays believes] that the d6t- Lt. -Col. John White, of Woodstock, IV" I , :� ­ - . to establish a ItIft"Its b.piwilien Ills mother triet contained eon�l. and after secill"111119 a prominent merchant and former The registration 'Of man and wo- . 0000 FOR 5,000 VOTES. 1: .1 � . % � I., I und lifilos-011t. A "10111CY-Inniking selistonle, the option on a large tract adJ011111119 mayor, died on his way down town. nian Power in the Yukon 18 to be . (ithisto your otopikoh n2me or that of a friend.) I I . �t ,., ,. I made on the 30th of September- J" Im nest if yot 661 naakmhv ot * . I I . . I., 4 Old tal0liblifilin (in HW Part of 'ill nlythre IsIounlinin. lie sent for experts Immigration to the United States d oats - - '. 111 "� 1, I I #,dvellitum.r. wootild rip imsympalhetic tit examine'ttie Itind and to make bor- during the past year was less than Saskatchewan's Wheat all IIIAT41111, Udder iNiIiio�_� Prixe Contest. Dept. of The London Free 1'res3, 1, ," I , crops have improved by Pit least fifty ftilk for XWney& . I— I . . I to. ,fillir, ,proud Southern mother. lit, in"p,. lie had come back like a pioneer during hny year since the Civil Was. per cent. during, the past Wontilk. Gelatlitimpin.-4 hereby nominate as 2 candidate in your I I I 'I., I , : 1. I 11 1. to conquer a new country. anti lie wn.-a Ron. Dr. Boland was given a grew - I Automobile Prl*e Contellit: I . I "I . , . , . �,L I =�_ backed by strillinlited resources and an welcome at Sherbrooke. where tie Tilt- Ontario Alatfi'llfilly Board U93 Ire I . , . I I - JI111110,1100 JOAJAJ� �� �� 0 "Ill 1111111 I , . , . I .0, I-0 - . laxpol the regulations regarding the I . - Indomitable wIll. ove three addresses at the Exhitti. a cdul2ty meat rmm ufle $ad IWWA ftelt" NA1111119 ................. ...................... .................. 1'.4 � I . �� : . . .6 , `�_­ I I I , " . nip of natural gin from Kent amd ovouttwotits the kidneys in t6b efforts , � ­ I . , , � 4 tie was maNitir of lite plastio, afidsltlo.,e: tioll. � ls� I . , I . I .1 . .1, I , . 'I fields, .. " tile Alght when 1118 f0thell' had Point A conference wks held at Hallfnx �uk. H. So Belian&R4. to d1w. it frowthe oystenit, tp� est- ; . � , . I I .1 L , 11 , , ot WO&I Tfy it Doctor, tile 114 1 ADDRESS ................. ................ ..................... : ? ") . . blank rehised to croltite a 11101'Ale for by the 11reinler and membe ,�, I I .. o, : I -'. 7 i I, �., ra of I h,e dressed the b&n%al#,n Club- and visit -Jo kiltio of meat IAUA filmh the ki oow I � 10" . I " l ,,,, , �_ , k.� � I ..1. I . I ­ itial, he never if-00VItitti'lot the subJect. Governments at the Maritime Pro)- 8101kally. 'roulliwilittelievethm%; I . I - ,, � , I t I I food Parp.nt�t.Qf,,.skoldiq . .p I I - . . ". , � .L,�'l _ "� 4#1ft '#I" Lt# litift" a ." lip tOpk tip the "h104 o( mlitnalpineii vincet. . Xf.i.,11111I rlsc�ned In Vdim 1"qr-j"Olc "J Q!i-th*- - - - IN0J0VA7'L`Uk- 8`1 -. ;t ....... 0.1'.-.. o.'T,-..­­.'.`.'1.. 4­111.�i.....,... , . _ I I 1, I � I '��". I I . ­., � I.- 1`111111111 , I .1 Germany. r � - =." I I ! . I i0litill so 1i If , 3nd liet lits facto lowitird MN task -1 statement 14suied In To) 04do, *iA% Aad liwilsont, 4"'Sou ftd a � L" I . I .1 y ,., � ""* ft )IM in 'al 11141"Issilri* his An Offi^l_ Gerald McGowerist 12 ,yorsk pold, dull ja�f, in t - d NOTE -Only the first entry coupon r,pft,6Ive4 for each tandi. I , i � 4*�**,*:,p- U, ; -- I I out Without pair. Ifol, realixed' It . k1i ,Lt wo- "t abap ! ,'� � �1� IL', , ".. , is it trIM to Ill* 11tothpir: lit) - - -" ­ - ,"-­,­ � � f �., .� ­__ Wask elect rocuted­bY Coming Ilk Con- *ho- In tb,e b#4k ot sl* = dii- date *ill entitle the candidate to the 6.000 votes. I 7, � .1 - - . I . � �"', 'it. JJII i pre'sobtle Wtk%" -,, ) � it light wire. in the � i � I , 11. ­ *�. i 1-,"i ";I' I - i . ' . L.. I "Wit'"'o 4 114" lo+�,Ji .. 0- I though tip as flit, nearest hohig In _�':� L " ` __�' � 11act with a ta efli idnitill YoUr ,itbMiskith IlIOUrIlls, tOM111111111. 10 I - � : 'L 4- , ' L -_ It, I I . I I . . I otter in thisk world, tie pLovas II4 well tho, .` - - _,1`1,1 - __ , ,q town Park at Path, . , "W ittl wh". the wtither Is biA you �", I I , . tilft JoisfifILdIff 11111611111111Y StIld dirliptit , gr,,,t,,,t ,.F1 . Ili, It Australls, I I I . . '06"' The Federal fteeUtIve I U," th6oustit twh4sils, nt orlopli Is 1?, .�, . . L I �l I 11, ­ 1. stratigor. With 41 '(1pileavi, lit i '41.1 1 1 . OBENS THAT IMPULSE L� . ,I 0" "to" 011111, W 14W. ft"IN 'plop. hvell L �', ""4111 has (ImPowered AUY C611111110t0t. Will-; C� �-- 0 ffa 6f 4440F*illitti jU &Aftillg e . I Uffs, t",# whicla 43, woln"11.1 Y111plit fin. " , � Send In your rhittry OouV6r, 'tO-VAY. Iteclilpt books are rells illit I , lifeefiry 46f ,* 10jiliti �jr% , 1�1 1, I bor prl�4 IL i, ,is l, - Y" thilk Contebt DApartmotilt of Tat Ill'or" Press. . Undon. and there I@ , I �, I I I I flip"Oft#0 protild. ilp frieliff 1(t ullif. , tallsit �i` Ill � �SING'�� I lary authority to prohibit 11,110,11, * stitten k6t ItAilitwollbliglilg tA . t � � I .1 � ''40itt Amu *W41 U *44 so :106" *, A1141 Ito ll�, -41 thil'.0 ' "I ticipating in ra"tings,or vrovaV= up, two or 0*6 timob dinil* tt* vilt �,, � I A. V$t**IfJft1ft44t*"t$4$*&% Judlest" litietally A,�illdl , � � I I I I # pkVlJleh'LMJ8btpklikTl�JJd )let,. I I I '* sah nothing to prevant you froorn gettinit a runaway 8&irt while others are , 11 I I *= ii I I to ii, 4"00 subjeoLi . : W I LSON'S I work. sualtl" to AftkitifilitilliI the" itrajiu trilik,kinir up%thalr minds AS to whether they will enter or not. . I I I . �'Iliiliil�JOIoi I "r 0"" I Intlilersonill, likIlSlic"psif of %vide (,X,t' I f a, Sharvo CA atict 40A,001' tU bWs urlitkootlis 11 I . .1*1111,04 Major W. J, , *#A16 ".. I I � . . JW bot 11 hmflf*��t ,is= perif4jet) and --A% tia3l by da, 81 8110 Ail,-, � Officer of M. 0;i 1�6. 3. Who my"Jar' tte &b(�Ifl lopitift Cp"`J Of L 4A %tito An so6n U "U hallob sent kin your'nntry coupon som all yout It I , % J*Lk lsfs�"" to " * r I � � I 'L I .100WA, IN4 of I *VW "ta it 6at 66ft 4W thawledglikill-AIIII(plit �%JIO,diktklli, lie b(19.111 I F" L "Y'r PADS I iOuslY disafflDftred Oil Auto, 2, n ladd C22 . 4% .�hfttvuwy; ,U&e 0 * Uble. fdonds. Tell'thentis You are tolsiss to enter the competition and tb&t , � I 11 . . has bee to' "JI4 L & $0 yosst Wpuld aiIII)reelitte their Uppoirl., Phone or write all of tista" I I tiu" 11 to hitemst tier, to absorb hcr In 'aii1to ,� was thought tirbisfillottired. _ a _" 6f WS*r 'ro bolisk- 1. ' IUAO *Ili . - to bip. 1 ca I'M in a" #AL #" and bUd&Ir d1glUdkiff. aill . I L 41111154* a S "t a 111low III ft the of hiqrself. She found It hard L � R` A�� n -PEC -IONS , I the 'Unii0d '8t1%t#A- "Airlil"d it wlkdm tau- earshot VOI*610&IIY 111101,111. '. AIZ . llpvp that sho woo the mother- of thig, ,� NOT LUCKII NOT CHANCIRI F,FFORT ALONR WILL WIN THIlt I I . I �� �_ (� L 11 i .0'"'NT. A0111111616241 V111,11111 ti*O" Mdti It 0^4 from Rtzest �� il � J011111011111111110 *v 06ft "4 42""U'r w; titsr�-, fortlign-lookilig man %V116 bad 't AP�FUL � AN3 � � W , 10 I � 11111i IN = 111111". 11111101,10114 0,1111i ooft I � I Toronto I . 11 U illf 04' 1 4k" it Uft 0111111. *It%. heii,11 part tit other lk0l). d eltiWili, Of i ,�,;�'t%- 6 Cli.LC'spit, THEM ' ' It was lAbOr Sunday Ilk tki *61A ,of , 111im 100". i" OUR. . I 11 tit" , - I r1h.rehes, I I - I � I eontinkint whose vory narne lay like a I M"a *1114 A= A I I t U, & ''UtIA0111 E'X A(- TLY ve,os wilta tft4ril ' 0d.)1" =" 6,�. 1 1 'A A hoinic, tot ffig6d It6b , � 4 tot Aomeas At.L c4-mmuNicA-riot,its -ra . I tuht- 61 X 2,111,10 pspslt-�,do%v aeroqq hor world. I 11 �, \ %� � J 01'oroftta. _ _ _ *0 4% oisa WA , , itA At* � L . john`� 0Xpre'.4J,-,Jen at tIMPS `w,19 $0 OIL, F . 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