HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-09-06, Page 5I',-
Thorough courses in Music, Art, Qr4tory, High Schoo4 Business
College, Domestic Science and Superior Phy-5ical Training 33
-For terms, address: R.LWq=erK.A.,D.I%,PPd4 /st.Thomas,Out.
"18A, W11. OF'
'I 1 10 1 1,
rto X"Y' 19V $003,
ffhe Iyar. 1),Csvig these' &$0' jl� 01-
courarsips.,but tho A&qmcorl 4r the, 044-
adlans, h4vo l;igf�u attended Py thin uKt-
avologble 11$.t Of casualties, and manisl
an au4jous.hQur fs. spent for the eaMty
of loved onves.
.N.1r. and, gra, .yl
recetvO word lot the wounding on Aug;
Irith of Ple., Otto W"LY1.0buraer. Pte.
Lymburner is suffering tr�oirn gunshot
wounds. to the- right lc$. and ha been
admitted to the i4th oelperal Hospital
at Etaples, France. Pte, Lymburner ep-
listed with the Mot HurOlf Battalion
and crossed to France NvIth a draft to
the t8th Battalion qvkr 1k year ago.
mrs. W. R, Pinder hidword last week
of the death in action, Aug. Stli, of her
brother, Alex. Grahani. Mr. Groharn at
one time lived in (1Qderich, and was len-
giliged with Mr. Plader, some to or It
years ago, but left for the West. His
old home was Arthur, Out, and the
Arthur paper has the following *, Pri-
vate Grobam quilsted In ft Mrd Rat-
tallon of Saskatoon In, the fall of t915 PTE. ARTHUR WHN!PMATR., -
and spent that witattr in Winnipeg,
going overseas In the spring of 191111. Died III hOSPital, Francle, Sept. 8, 1016.
popular with his porurades. He was
burn in Arthur, and Went West when e
young mail. He leaves many old friends
here, who will learn with, sincere re-
gret of his pq��slng, and who will cher-
ish his diemory as, one of the noble
sons of the Doitilinioll to whom they
LJ%%e 60 much.
,Mrs. Fred 8tokes, East street, has had
%\ord of the wounding of tier son, Ptv.
(;vu. \ol Stoltes, who also went over-
st-as in the 161st Huron Battalion. His
father, Fred Stokes, is also in France,
going overseas with the Hurons.
Mr. Robert.). Harmer, of the Bayfleld
road ' has had word'that his brother,
Ptt�. Alfred Roy-Hartmer, was officilift
reported ki-lied Iii acti-tin. Re enlisted
in the West. Another brother was hill-
, -It in action last April.
Mrs. Katharine McNevin, of town, re-
cehed ofilcial word last,week that tier
.-;(in, Lieut. 1). A. McNevin, was In hos ' pl-
tal at Calais, France. suffriping front
sli,tirlit, %volunds received on August 22n4l.
Lititit. McNevin went overseas with the
71st Battalion, afterwards taking out a
cunimission In England with the lin-
Mir.st Be- Mode "Huron' -4 (lot-
0, 0. Martin, writing to t1w But -
den by- united. Effort
falo Express suggests a universdi "at-
ionalanthem-(mtt the sentiment (if tho-
To the business men and citizens of
verses he sugKests is very gomi.
V% 'rites to the editor of The Boffa
At, the present time the Goderich
Express as follows :
Bboard of Trade are concentrating their
Editor Buffalo Express: -As the trend
oi!rlyrts in an endeavor to make C. P. R.
of thought Is having a ;trong li,ndt-ney
Day on September the 12th a grant]
to things universal, such as a tr Ilk (�r ',� I
success, and this can only be done
language, a universal religion Ild it
with the co-operation of every citizen.
universal government, it seem, , Illit
During this seasun the town has
�n order that we should havo, I III
been favored with a large number of
veisal anthein.
visitors, including many prominent
As the days of kingdoms and (,III -
Persons from various parts of tl�e
pires are waning and our pe
country, and while a goodly number
sufficiently enlightened to
have expressed themselvps as delight-
right to rule, I suggest the follo\�illg
ed with Goderich as a summer resort,
for an anthem :
nitirmurings have been hl�ard from
erat Hospital, BoUlogne, Aug. 27th, Kim-
'many quar�ers in reference to the lack
God bless our thinking men'!
v%ill (I,, tio, and the rich.
of care snovyn by those who neglect
May they never war again,
transferred to tho� 18th Battalion anti
their vacant lots, back yards and boule-
But happy and contented bo
i�. tire health are
vards, Such neglect is a mattqr of
And ever praise and trust in Tlwo.
following article with refercrice to the
vital Importdnee to Goderich. It mars
Our noble women also bl"s
is Ill.. suffer from
the beauty of the town. It discourages
Who love and cherish and var--,,:
J your neighbor who takes an interest
In the home or business plavr,
in these things and tries to improve
the appearance of the town.
They've proven our equal In till, race
Neglecting to cut and destroy bur-
Let our children come to Thvo,
docks and other noxious vveeds is nM
And accept Thy guaranty,
only a gross violation of the law but
When we all can shout with gleo:
is a calamity, and a direct injury to
"This is our Victory's Victory!"
the community. It increases labor for
to 0. G. MARTIN.
the gardener and farmer, and lessens
Buffalo, Aug. 19tb.
Now why not let us endeavor to
--mike-amends for our past neglect by
If space is-required-Jor an,Exhibit at
arousing ourselves to action before
London's Exhibition, September C-th to
September the 12th. Let all the bur-
i4th, it should be applied for at once,
docks and other unsightly rubbish be
as several of the buildings are already
gathered and destroyed.' Cut your
filled. The Government is sending a
grass, clean up your boulevards and
number of exhibits of unusual inter -
join in a decided effort to improve
e,,rt. For the Art Gallery a loan (if ex -
every part of the town. Such work isi
cellent pictures has been received front
eqntagious. Your neighbor will, be
The National Art Gallery, I)ttawa,
dbfng the sanfe before you get
which will make,a visit to this build -
Ing of great interest to all IoNvrs of
Let every business maniarr�fngeohisl
art. The Agricultural Building will
windows with goods tha ""', I I c )m_
have several Government exhibits rela-
mand attention and be a credit to 'the
I tive to agricultural pursult.� and
ishould be of especial. interest to the
If you have a vacant q , lore clean it
farmers who make up to such a large
up and make it presentable ; it may
extent the thousands or visitor-, at the
prevent a serious fire.
Exhibition. Government exhibits of
Canada's loss by it re annually
eggs and wool will De shown in the
amounts to about three dollars per
Dairy Building, which will be very
head of the entire population -what
attractive. All the buildings will no
an amazing loss I Clean it ijp, you
doubt be Billed with exhibits of espec-
will lease it more readily and at a
iril interest. All applications for space
better rental. I
and anything pertaining to the Exhi-
A united effort along these lines will
bition should be addressed to the
do good and help the town, and Thurs-
Secretary, A. M. Hunt, London, Ont.
day, September 12th will long be re-
membered, not only for the success of
Children Cry
the day in welcomfing Sir Bury
and celebrating the coming of the.
C. P, R. but in helping to raise Goode -
rich a notch higher in the scale of
It will elevate the ideal of every
citizen and prepare -you for the effofts
that must be made to meet the con-
ditions when the war Is over and the
boys return. What a joy it will be to
find we have made ready in time.
It all means business,' and Goderich
must be made "Huron's Golden Gate."
Yours for a united effort,
Chairman Civic Committee,
Goderich Board of Trade.
Mothers who keep a box 6f Baby's
Own Tablets In the house may feel
that the lives of their little ones are
reasonably safe during the hot wea-
ther. Stomach troubles. cholera in-
fantum and diarrhoea carry off thous-
ands of little ones every summer. In
most cases because the mother does
not have a safe medicine at hand to
give promptly. Baby's Own Tablets
cure these troubles, or if given ocoaa-
atonally to 4he well child will prevent
their coming on, The tablets are
guaranteed by a government analyst
to lip absolutely harmless even to the
newborn babe. They are especially
good in summer because I hey regulate
the bowpk and keep hp stomach
perial Army, and has been on active
PTE. Jitcli %%'IIITE
service in,10rairice for two years.
Pte. S. H. Moore, son -In -lav% tit Mrs.
kin if \Ir. It i. \\iiito, iioderich Town -
Ada Fraser, was killed in action Aug.
sbil., kill,,il I,, Sept. Atli, t9t6.
10th. * He was wounded on the 23rd (if
.July and was sent back to his battalion.
If-, enlisted in the 161st battalion and
vNall, transferred too tire 47th battalion.
I I is worthy of mention that Mrs. Fras-
People \\ith thin hlood are much
I,r has three sons serving overseas, line
Illort, I.. it,,olneties than full -
in France, and two in England. Her
li�o(le(l nd ilie form of atil
fourth son returned last October, hav-
It I ia Illat a1110, �r,,wtng girls is at-
ing been wounded at Ypres.
nost al\\a\, w-nipanled by head -
Mrs. Beatrice (,oddard, R. R. No. 51
Riches, togoill"I. \i.mi 4listurbances or
(;oderich, has received the following
message from the Director of Records,
constant or, re-
curring mid pallor Of "I"
,,incerely regret to inform you No.
fari', ttll.� -11"\% 111LIt III0 blood s thin
6.5,1725, Pte. Arthur Goddard, infantry,
and y(olir vrf.111, he directed to-
idlleially reported admitted to 55 Gen-
N\ard buildill- "I, \wir blood. A fail-
erat Hospital, BoUlogne, Aug. 27th, Kim-
treafnient \%Ith Or \%illianig' Pink Pills
shot wounds in back. Pte Goddard on-
v%ill (I,, tio, and the rich.
listed in the Ittist, Battalion and was
re,j h\ those pills will re -
transferred to tho� 18th Battalion anti
lll.)\e file lwadolrlw
has been in Frantic since May, J918.
i�. tire health are
The Perth Courier last week had the
t,allsf,(l lt� t1wir hi- --1 Illan most pe0-
following article with refercrice to the
plo h-' HIO [d -'I �l When Your bI00(I
death in action of Lieut. Lin(Nay §ill-
is Ill.. suffer from
Clair brother of Nlrs. Walter Naftel, of
la(.k (if owin,hiii. iii .,nd you may he
troul)14-41 \\illi iiimroa, neuritis, neu-
rnigia (ir svi.dwa 'olli-les SUNCcl, too
------ I ------
strain ;it,(. ii(milsbed and you
IIIaN Imi-eiii.ir rheumatism or
Illolliag.,. if is thin an(]
Nou twgin I" 'Nillptouls of any of
I,, lojilding tip the
to, 10 1 \\io, iir� \\ iiiianis' Pink Pills,
and az� Ilit, h1h.-I I- r hived to Its nor-
nial ' vniptom' of the
trouble \\Ili , There are
no)rp the Lir present
.state if h-1,11 ti, Dr, Williams'
Pink pill, ilian 1,� w� other medicine,
anil illo.st .I' Ilwm �i,j riot hesitate to
Sri y So).
you can pet 111, \\Illiams Pink Pills
through wo III medicine or by
mail at 50 vent, t 1,.,x or six boxes for
$2.50 frmo 'I'll, 11" williams Medicine
1`he August Bag.
LONDON, Sept. 3. - Sir Douglas
,Haig's report from Headquarters on
Sunday night said:
"In the moth of August, 67,328
German prisoners, Including 2,283
Mr. and Mrs. 11. M. Sinclair and the
family have been eailed upon to mourn
for the loss of their youngest son and
brother, Liput. Lindsay McNabb/Sin-
vlair, Nvho N\a4 ofliolally reported killed
in action oil August 18. Attending
:Ierth Public Siehool and Collegiate in
ds boyhodd (lays, lie went to Toronto
T'niNersity, where he graduated as civil
engineer. ra-Iiing a position after gra-
duation Nidth the C. 11. R. at Montreiil,
It,, \Nas v%ith this company for a yvar.
And later with the Dominion StQel
liridgi, 0i. an(] the Webb 4;o. in the
�arne rjt� for, four years. In January
iif 1915 tiv.enlisted with the artillery
,il Montreal, later tranferring tit the
4,;Iriadinn Knginovrs. While at Valear-
tif-r Its, wa-; injured when aceldentally
falling front [its horse, vi;hich detained
IIIIII froin going overseas for about four
np,rith-. in NoNember, 19M, he went
fit Krigland, anti after training there un -
III April, IN7, went to France with the
Engineers, and had been engaged in the
onxineerinK work near the front lines
up to this time. In the last letter
collIcers, were captured by the British
troops in France. In the same period
we have taken 657 guns, including
over 150 heavies.
"Over 5.750 machine guns and
over 1,000 trench mortars have been
counted. Among the other captures
were three trains, nine locomotives,
numerous complete ammunition and
engineer dumps, marroy hundreds of
thousands of pounds of gbn and
trench mortar ammunition, as well as
small arms ammunition and immense
quantities of war material of every
description." IT
Belgians Take Prisoners.
PARIS, Sept 3 -- The Belgian
communication reads:
"Our detachments attacked on
Thursday night on a front of three
kilometres north and south of the
Langemarek railway and penetrated
the enemy positions. All our oWec
tives were reached And maintained.
We inflicted very heavy losses on the
enemy and brought back 90 un-
wounded prisoners belonging to six
regiments, machine guntil. bom I) -
throwers and war Ithaterial.11
sweet and pure. They "ry �;nld by frmn hiiii. dated Jilly lith, he stated
medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents Ilint in thf, 30 th or June he was sent
a box from The Dr. Williaolf" Medicine too Boulogne f(ir an infantry course for The total registration In Canada
Co., Brock%ille, lint. enginver i,flivers and that at the mmo, showed 2,572.764 men and 2,471,280
1 1 in ' v hr %%it, giving lecturps to 150 women, or 6,044,034 In all, not
7h, "illrer, (in thr lisp of explosives and counting some 115,000 cards since
"Wonder why bee v%as selected dornidilions In the line. lie mentiwied received or expected through the
as a model of industry." I
k 1.1 suppose because business with that hi� if -ave %%as (file again in Aug- Post coffiCefl.
t o-1, hill said lip preferred not to take It reanadian and American Govern -
be bee is always humming =��Za
lj� thi, need was 8o groat now. lie ment representatives will me* at
M 0 D E h THEATI-1110E
GF,ORGE. K. SPOOR Presents
Jack Gardner
"Men of the Desert
A romantic story of the Western Plains, where
hearts are big and life throbs with adventure.
SEPT. ULh and 7th
-ald they v% -Pre expecting word from up
thp ]trip of the breaking loose of anoth-
or areal offensive and "rest assuiled
v%p art, mot tinly waiting bill rparly."
and It was In this offensive that he
niatle the supreme. sacrifice. lie leaves
.in only %14tor, Mrs. Naftel, of Gode.r1rh,
and (one hrothpir, Harry, al ConlAton,
and Another brother, MIRrit, (fled eight
) --a rs Ago � Lieu t. SI nelal r was .30
\.,ar,; elf aap and had a bright future In
iilq rho -en ,ailing But It was derreed
Mitt his life qhrould he given In the
,,;Jlj�e (if liberty and lustlep fit,; name
:- added to the list that will lip cher
q1ted in )(,aru tn come.
(;hlldrpn i;liffprina from w(orms soon
,sliow the Q)Tnptomq, and any mother
can detect the, presence of these para-
41teg bN- the writhing and fretting of
the chi M. Until expelled and the Bys-
teffi clearpol of thrin, thp child cannot,
regnin its health Miller's Worm Pow-
,9�rq n- T'"fIrrill"It And 011TI011PI[IL not only
r"r Ib" f-riollralitin .,f N1v-irm,. but Als-1
,, I hirier it() f,,r rhilfirpti 1hat orp
run down in consequence
Lake Champlain on Sept. a tor a ftr-
ther conference on drafflng uniform
fishing laws for the two countries. in
traternalUonal waters.
An ollilicial German cr*V report elf-
tilarates the yield this yeat at from
10 to 16 per cent, above that of 1917.
The are& planted it, early Potatoes
was IL fifth greater It. Ian in -1617. and
that to late potatoes XW AboVied an
Capt. Nell Campbell, COMAMMUS
the freighter W. Grant Morden, of
the Canada Steamship UJAss, and
previously for manT yeaft JIS the am-
jiloy of the Pittsburg Ste=sktp Co�,
died of a paralytic stroke atil ble re& -
W near Soult Ste. Marie.
The Ameriesin steamshto Oneiga.
bas been torpedoed. The *aWl foun-
dered Mday night. TWOUlly-141se
persons were saved. TweUtyqft 0%
missing. Many bodies hATO been
wished taMore. The captain *1 the
Onega wu drowned. EM boo lam
been landed.
019ves 4111leves
Store Hours: 8 am. to 6 p.m., Satur4y 10 p.m.
C.P.R. Day in Godedth, Bultabuo &pt 12th
Women's and
N 11 -o S
ew a C at
Special showing of New York model Coats
for women's and misses' fall wear in Velours
and Broadicloths in the cleverest designs,
which are most attractive, yet not extreme,
in colors of Taupe, Burgandy, purple, bot-
tle green, nigger and navy, no two alike.
Reasonably priced from $37150 to $65.00
Splendid showing of Coats ranging from
$15.00 upwards
Special Sweater Coat at $10' Kayser Chamoisette Gloves
We call titig attractive Swoeter Coat tire
"Kenilworth" made, from selected pure wool These well known Co,nadian made Gloves
has large sailor collar and trinimed with faticy are ideal for fall wear perfect fitting and splen -
buttons in colors of Black and While, Nile and did washing in Mastic Grey, white, Natuial and
Melon, Niolon Mid Rose, Purple and Tirold
Special $10.00. Black. All sizes SpeciaJ per pair $1.25.
Fall Showimg of the New Household Funishing's
Thi . s is the time of the year that everybody wants something new to
brigliteli up the boine. Perhaps it may be a new Rug for the-- parlor or new
Linoleum for the dining room or perhaps Just a new square for under the beater
or perhaps it may be new Curtaitis for tbe bedroom ; no matter what it may be
you are sure of getting just what you are lookiug for in our cnlarlzed house-
furrillsbing department. New Goods arriviag daily in eVery departmeut.
C. P R. Day iu Goderich Thursday Sept. 1201.
'Phone and Mail Orders a Specialty.
'Phone 56 MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE -phone 56
k sperial ini-eting ,( Nhin-k 4,11all-
1, 1. it. It. E., will lip beld In th+
ind jury rown tor tliv Cmirt 11-i- --n
ondaN `�Ilt,
9th. III i I- In.
large atlendanit, i� i't,11111441 I- IlUsi-
,;s of InILI(ortane., niuA Iw
For Wants and'Cbdldren
n Use For Over 30 Years
Jways besurs
,he r
Ignature of 4&,00. �&Zic
Local Agent Wanted
Fonthill Nurseries
louNands of Orchard tret,4 nued rf
ar (;arflenll call for qniall fruils, voli-IN
aricv, fruit ti-ces, Amparagiio,i, Ithubarli
plants etc.
lie dviviand for ()rnarno-utal Io(k III
t,,,vum and village- 14 larke
entre a fraving, Agenry witit Ith-RI
tilimim.-Fl. Expvtlen(4- not III 0(AIs
W.tabilmhed 18-47,
dd-M- %of_&!_ --1 rL,.VP
the demand f a qu, M
L"e Ilist import tob��,
Satisfies the Jemand for a "quality" cigar. ade
fyom the finest imported tobacco, in light, airy work- for
3 25
r "M
_AKtiii 60- *
Jr- Vt