HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-09-06, Page 2%%em streel tovial't 6 If square 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cqrg Syrop gVts he bt,!,t runitt, Tilt, turning oll to file hillidrt, I. the riglit. yCIl1)NVr or golden corn iYrll lould f1d%, twell 'in the right 1;010 t1,114" 9UAR _4J Fin w,htelit injay people art. fdlIltj.aT .14 ip, ed r NI SO the breakfast table. nw) th, r--dd and ,111, 1, 1" it turning One Dollar &*,k4 ViftY Cent er �icar it on . ,,, it,#, 11j, of file road 1%v fill TW- d in prttervilag, but it hat, it dit,tinc I �tizl trtbers to %%i,,t it did viam aill Vnftcd Statcla, fwcP. OCA15 4d;IItl9n,0 flaVor whiCh Ma'Ren it lebs ultable Ifid-Tit 't -A t "old 11. white corn byrup. The fruit jar tih, 'Star fill, 1-,,4 arl-killd fit" 1111114loy line be filled with the prepared rdW fruit I'll drionill till. Square oil Old then covered with �)rup all'i fill, hird,and rooll"ki 'h lkis Spo th, lt,rl �j.l, lim,owr tidl-11 "ho off to the usual wa) %[,Iilflg dill - Local Advertlis:99 Rates flere is tbe %%uv to It"ply contract 41,41lay advertilliIng 30 and nkake a delieloub cake dt the bl, I., lite entirel eeefe pep 40cu each liattertion run of I,. the rulp =r,, six monilbs, rentract, W cents; time - Take 2 cuph of v%hite vorn I) nw. "f niontilS 15 cents . one month 1.0 1%%Illch I, 'Iti-, that all 4c,"Urt,fal.e WIC& 23 CCIIII-S. GUWUULCtd I quarter cup shortening, 2 egl4s. 3 cutis Xlen's r voislitions *5 to Zo per cent. extra. of flour, I,% tablespoons bahing povider, pure Wb dt Paitnona at The F-tal' will PIC1160 note Mat thl, , all cluirips for the Cuprent Issue of The I cup fif milk. I,, tvaitpoon (if P4,11 LI_ i,t,dll .,ur colors,9�0, 3 for 42,70, Atli, must be to tile hands of ittleepriater siii-ILIJI!, nill a ll,itt.-r N%Iore t1wrt- 1, .ream swlil,-Ulfer than Wednesday Been each A the shortening, add the 1�o y 8, W6*. and the eggs and inix well. Add hot 00 to cloor, Legal and other similar e4vertisements lhe s5c, or (or h fit-- lode, ictials pq line for first Insertion and i milk. Sift the bahulg po-der and I idn rea vou Iltr'llne for each subsequent In- r together, add it sio-IN I() It IM l", proci-i"11119 al'ing W as h .4 ry a nonpareil scale, flout it aortlem' Measure r� ,, ­r"I"'I It, (if fill, 1,.,dqt mid seeing 25c. it vili'lloes to an rich, te I, . 7: wactul reti$ cards of sit lines and under, ruixture and beat. Bake. in a modera oven as a loaf for layer-edhe or hinaillan,ith--r vdr appr-li-111119 111111 viti.1se Nf w. year- Vacant, g Auverillsic cuts es r al or to drop cakes. One quarter of'a ru inten-N it, f --P -it 411, L 3 3 c7'yk. stillaaftions tolo, Ilou 0 edlng raisins jidded to the batter tri%es t:o:", r, 'dd, The atill'i't. [I'll Iltent, "kIrtlel" for side, -tc., 0 or u - - r Men's Hool0p.a. Ties, in bla.oh 111111*41 line% Me. each Inser Illat fit, appr-a"tillig DO tilt flavor and sweetens. only, regulo. 2so to 4100r Tlljor Lit tit, in fur r v a r Mustiness Bollices (news type) 5 cents per ...... 01 -he ifttRT volmlle"11116— -io -er-news. m el� Those -stivni; poticemrm at t -'I,, turn I., it., proll"I. sid". At tfle hl�t 131, er line Insertion. r celne Jostrue. se�tion (if East street aDd the SqUIJIT 11111111t., hrukv� wt out fill, v Isexilen S it L IIII a " -led until forbid, and 13 T b in and West street and the Square are the; ow ritult tollAceft M110=1 mftnittl� right idea, but it ib a pity Ule Squall",tr it,,, alier t,,r drn­r Transient is not more brightly lighted at night OVIt W, ME Declatalas lRespectiou NewsPaPers that Mr. Silent policen-an does not I tile right, 1111,11,41 r.,llod �,Il 1111. 1 "I'l and Atlygerson who talces a paper regularly (I In the right ifin-clinn beh,11- Igagat a post office, whether addressed in carry a light, as one is % ery liable to I fact I a ­Bf. sl1r, jjr-t. noil. Own Rate or anomers or whether be has pass him by almost before noticing him stopping. 5119mvibled or not, is responsible for pay- - 'o\ 1, 1 In the evening. in the daytime he is gl) \%mild peed to b, r If a person orders his paper discontinued easily seep, but noticing him IN III to r,ad It, �,tl ary Taere has the publisher niore 'helivy no must gay all arrears, or fit,t till Buissy, northeaq.00if Queaut, where coal no to send is until payment is not enough. If lie is going to be of an� hot ah, h =a. and then collect the whole fila0un; large numbers of, priao a ha-ve been tho Vitpor la.uKen-or not. use pe� vvill have to learn to 0beY it)., .411, r f'. captured, and - I . M Ar progress has 77 tve "Ided Wait I1P1r1,1,,5,11,n9tb: big btd(lm9---krrP to till- right and go lroing to dr,." been made-alwUR—we- nortip UXis newspapers or periodicals rrom pos& oince, or remov air ana hayluir luem slow, Some already do this but the of the Queant-Dr6couritline, for adme unctiled for while sunsicri. lion remains majority—well last Saturday. nlg�ht the H distance, Is r1ma tac Itlence of n- rp 1U.'"111111.111. of read. writer happened to be making his way All during the nigl.tt, there was ANOTHER GREAT SMAS very heavy flghting,4ro nd thle Brit. quare oil a wlieel. and, at - I around tile s ish positions' WM04 . w Ooberj& %tar. 1 -though on the right side of the road. . , ere- (illmilost The Drocourt-Queant "Switch" jammed up agallmat the'jre�t German Lbe so Intich so that he would have lii�d defence system. Piles QU dead Gpr- Telertholit Call 71. to run tip (in to the grass of the park Pierced by British. mans was OUQ�of the result$. During to one enemy attack.& sergeant with a FRIDAY, SEPT. 6, 1918 if ne nad gone ano er ya - Hinderburg Line Has Been Outthink- machine gun k,111,4od 66 lGermans who - the right, st crowded over tic was almo, ed and the Roads Leading to the tried to rush him. onto the grass by buggies coming in it was soon after live o'clock in the EDITORIAL COMMENT Allied Rear Are Literally Jammed file other direction. if the drivers of orning that the massed British Can - With Prisoners--Enormotaii Num. in d the these ittiggies hall been oil their o%,vn non broke o was With We . sugar shortage all ber of Get -mans Killed by %4ciors. heard for miles in a crash b , arrage. e been prospect or Canada being put on sugar side of the road they would hav LUADON, Sept. 3. — The British The whole sk,� seemed A blaze as -arest the stores, leaving -i-Queant 6 of Jukiltish Shells poure ratian by request or enactment, of two (in the iAde n( thousand d In have pierced the Drocoui pounds per mouth per individual, the. the pther half of the road for trallie line in a fierce baffle which hus to the, German. wire. and lines, question arises what substitute can be going in the other direction. A little been raging since dawn and which When the: barrage raised the Cana - used. for, if anyone will (10 A little later fill- vilriler %%it, coming 11P 1-:ast will probably prove to be one of tile dians and Engfish swarmed over the figuring. lie will see that two pounds street towards the Square and at the most important of the war. Cana- top. Just behind them were numer. as than and English troops had at ont ous tanks of all sizes. They had been a month Is short rations. ilere are turn Ili the right oll to the Square w point driven In about five kiloruetres, over only a InInute when'the enemy taome sug or a little more than three miles, and . gestions of the Canada Food almost crowded nff the street by a opened with a.elounter-bairrage, w ich Board " to substitutes for sugar for 11111-199Y voining in the other direction were still going. is said to havWbeen,by far the strong - he has put down since the British pos- The fighting was as furious as an) e8t preserving and on flow to make a coke and cutting the corner as close as since the war began and increased in offensive began. NvIthout sugar.- sible If the driver of this buggy had Intensity as the British battled thei, The instant the British appeared It you lack sugar for preserving.try be(An observing the directions of the way forward, meeting the ever -grow. the Germans In tpfimy cases jumped out of the treueW6s and held theW Glucose prevents fermentation silent policeman at the East street ing resistance of the enemy, who had glucose, put in every available man and was hands high above, their headii, In of fruit and crystalization of the syrup corner he would have been coming Ing. an rushing up reserves at the rear. some cases, however, the adviane In Joins and jellies ivitich sometimes around the nquare (in the side farth - Of Thousands of prisoners have been British met with a hall of machine -st v%ay froin the Mores Instead of -itish notwithsMilidling occurs on the top. Otticose can be ( it captured, for the roads to the Di gun bullets, but. _1�ujaldy�tihg., th -ho-ught in 0--l-grocer'y sifoj�es in the form where he was, and would have 0011- rear are literally jammed with theot. this, they -pushed on. an of syrup, put up in cans under different tinned there until past the.middle of There has been fierce fighting in first line wao-overcome., a re- pr Dury, which has been taken by the 14rom all along the linecam name$, or you tan buy glucose lIve East street, turning round the silent a British, and Mount Dury, which the cords that the Germans In dugouts pounds at a time and make the syrup morillor and passing (town the right Germans held in great streiigt absolutely panic stricken, and Be Ze street. Another case of _' ot them wore found cowering V1 61 home, adding 1,0 pounds of sugar side (if East "' w as many m at,,, stormed. The British went ( bets of the en- in holes and icreaming with fright. ar and 3 quarts of wafer it) each 5 pounds Ignoring the rules of the road was an killing enormous num It ent, to the pains emy. The Germans died lighting hert, By 1.10 o-clook the British had at glucose. After boiling for a few automobile, which ,, t Wood 11.4 tely passed the German front to as elsewhere. Cagnicour wple iminutes the syrup Is t*ady fur pre- of making the long turn around the Gagnicourt have been captured andl and support lines. It was then that serving purposes. durnmy where the short turn was the Bois de Bouae, to the southeast, is the atotor-miachine guns dashed out C, Per home preserving the pure white riKht one. This was a car Corning up reDpr0d 4lao.to have been occuvied. to Lbe zood roads at the German zear. bi w ro 2M br WINNER 39MM MUM m be ei� SAM L th J% as fr p th B m w Ine IOU T Eve od �il J In t U11 tl a 12 h Me G f .7 If W m Its WALKER -0 "THE MAN W1, T�H IrHE TWO STORms'' V We has something to offer of special interest to the keen boi m0l ve have gone through our two stores an rv,. d have prepared so , mheditill Inte, 41 -1 -:11 -ting prices on our full lines. Our two stores are jam". lit est selection of merchandise ever k -W to the very doors with I he 'EM 0 0:: ic -In faCtr. tra -w 01 er* hia vellers and. peo, le who know t p e of M j!C have the I*st stock west A Toronto We want to ake 7 P In these two stores. .111111111111- . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . -t%,A0 iiiii 9 10 is fill of Fisaftoft. W41111mv. Irits, Brass and Woodu bh; N'Sittilamw 'is "y6n. as t6k of is Home Famisilings Claw Flat Waft Novilties. Pianos, Phologrip 2, aim. 6*4"y* rjku%*% Im Wow itufts* itail itstmfive as well ............... ................. 6-06 '�04 Will otertAftly'khoW wifiere tO buy Who! li":61' 06*4 of buy _'R, Diyi: Itowit, �b KER W, 1i 'AL' alLJIIL�& a lh t h* U*tll okokl 'I" 4hV*V*, t and Uodo ho so pvt mb orlot 191ts Ave u1W I W1 ke"4016SP MU-st, h W,'-F'p -.I,, "Mo Soa re' -The, demand for Comfort,—tbe high quility, all-round c�eanser is greater than ever. We have made our bar BIGGER by withdrawlng�hepremjums, a bigS r, bar for the _;Ptolai60vi-thout YQur g'"cor c".iell you I S _BaV_ Jt Ist on oust, I., p has le I eat salli� n Can- aft—quality tA .., ka—the jeople know bl�at. 6 1 Complete in itself, Mother OrdveW tfld assistance of ailt diher medicine ttq do its Work. Worm Exterminator does not require I make it effective. It does not fail to ADVERTISE IN THE STAR inks -71�o, managed to get tiiruu,�, PR d they are working far in advance 1he infantry. All along the Arras-Cambrai road QRR. Day in Goderich, e British..had made g-ood, prip.r.gresp, d Vill ers-I ez-Cagnicourt, which was otected by special belts orwire and Thursday, Sept. 12 EvepybodyCome powerful trench system, was the ken. nearby were sibviiiral battilillon ene of desperate fighting. Both Cagnicourt llers-lez-Cagnicourt and e in British hands, and the British ive carried the battle considerably itiathanders. Mount Duty- was 'it School Sh oes the east of this. t6rmod so6n afterwards. but Wits At the cross-roads northeast of too gnicourt, where the Arras-Cambral - I a AUilatedam twice dially Fun P'I='$= he fighting here said that from: the ghway crosses the Vfllers-lez-Cag- road, as well as court-Saudemont Your boys and girls wili need the very best Footwear you I through this district, the Germans ere In great strength. The cross - G �Foold Show In Pitocess RuMnif 1111,66t ­ of vswle� Imilltv U41,1111,11i can btiv, to stand the severe test they will put them to. ds are only 9 % miles from Cam- a al and their defence Is of the ut- Tliis season the selection is greater than ever of the most �hoes ost importance to the enemy. Vint. t was" the Canadlittis *'hb took reliable that can be procured from the best manufacturers, Reports from Dury show that the at the lowest possible prices ghting was of a desperatis nature fore the Germans, who were mass there and were about to deliver a Shoes fot working men opr stock is larger, and better quality was never put on bhe market, at more reasonable. prices. liwerful assault against the British CANADA" R E PA I R 'I N G itions, were overcome. As the British progressed all along e line rocket after rocket flamingly cended through the battle smoke am German positions as the hard- realied. enemy first here find then, GE01111 MacVICAR ere called for assistance from those 1� . 1� I the rear. The Varriage had com-. -1;r ­rved the Germailas The North Side- tot Squa 14 101 - ritish then fought their wvy rough line� after line, fighting In any cases hand-to-hand. Bayonets re used freely. The wood n6rth of Queant wa�s llund to be full of Germans with achine-guns. The fighting there as of the very hardest nature until is British cleared the wood. TapkA. gain did heroic service. Where hells had failed to break throu h e wire. Aanks rolled it out flat nd charged down into the masses Of ermans. Those who did not fall, be - )re the guns were crushed, together' - Plan to attend ith their machlaiti-guns. The streets of Dury were carj)eted Itfi*.Germain dead. Westey�m Ontario s Here the British captured the town layer, And" among other pfisonerB 0 6 Popular ExlAbition ken. nearby were sibviiiral battilillon itiathanders. Mount Duty- was 'it $3 0- 0 IN t6rmod so6n afterwards. but Wits too ly taken: afteru terrific struggle. ; %B . ritish, wounded returning from - I a AUilatedam twice dially Fun P'I='$= he fighting here said that from: the Evesilift dially Fkaiwalilk, Wight ap, of tile mount -they could see .7. erntiChff- eonfinie uj) in thd'dwit lir G �Foold Show In Pitocess RuMnif 1111,66t ­ of vswle� Imilltv U41,1111,11i 11,11515 Also from the mount there '. ea. i. ould Ue defthah urtilltri re� I '! Vint. t was" the Canadlittis *'hb took Ilury and the�Mftnt The Dominion Government Is can- CANADA" derIng Wilig, the prices of oats. bar- ey.auil, rycland'of wheat Aour sub Slot; 6,�,,to 146 titutilis "aw om 'theillb *11of 0. Spas ftf",* thelAIV& our stomach and.,biliousnew 9" wd W #1 Alft6* liverp k0t `1�4e0kt,7 ZI 1,� I meboob. Admis- of car. ka A, K &Welft, viver, nait �i uemwyy oT :�)ucc e�ss i; A 4141 TROU Can now be brougbt to an end by bribging y6ut blow-out or rim -cut tires to Johnston's Gstrage k1hgatOn St"btle We are fikillV, equipped for all tire work. A Mal