HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1899-12-21, Page 10Bzzsii3cs Bei tltness Brine's Success 1 The letter which one person wrote
Winter Tor= otlon6 Pau.3rld. paper, Contains intern
al evidence of
• C` trai
to an editor; when discontinuing his
• A large ad:ertiseneuts;isnot necessary to
tell Yon that wehave the bestcom commercial
school. (xet our c4(teloa;;ue. It 'gives you
fall leaf i..a'ar; I:: cure zanth 34 of our re-
sent students n4ltified us that they had
taken good situations. We have a staff of
nine male teachers.
W. X. 1EEIILott, Principal
Chtlettuae ee ede et 1,3yerte.
Manicipa:l N.al:hinations on Friday.
The :third 11-1 :3 of the. season will be
he=ld in t='i4lleey - Oiaeras Houser tonight.
(Thursday a
rm. Dix Little, Liver Pills and I)ix
1_x;1:1 *r fell '•::::d by C. Lutz.
the truth of its. assertions: " think
foulks ortent to spend their anuney for
paypur nay dident and everyone said
he was the inteiligenist man in the
eoalntr y :and had the sanartest family
of boys that ever" dug taters,"
0ne area
t advantage in using
n Dix
Nervend•Blood Pills
is that they are
easily broken down, are soft:and there-
fore digestible, :Many pills on the war-
ket are less properly manufactured,
are hard, indigestable, and consequent-
ly more or less useless. Test then by
crushing one with the thumb or cut it
with a knife, Dix Nerve and Brood
Pills are sold by C. Lutz. Price 25 and
51) cents a box.
Japanese China and metal goods for
Chrastmas presents at Dyer's -Santa
Claus headquarters.
There are men who never have any
use for a preacher until death occurrs
in the family, The same fellows ridi-
cule the
idi-culethe paper until sorrow enters their
homes. It is also the fact that some
meeting e sin,; he 1lastins"c Lodge people turn up their noses at a doctor
r A Beheld 4' rS' the -y dight, it Keine until they get the stomach ache, and
St. John's 1 V other people spend their: money at the
A Norwia i1 fernier lost 16 turkey.!.
While isiveetigettng he found a purse
in the heti ho.e a ?1'ntaining $50 which
the thieves Il ,' d:tappod.
Messre. gamey Se Co.. of the Exeter
Folrllelt y . ere t l a rata, b'.ru1y engaged
repairing the . ng nee and boilers et
the Satherlar l Banes t'tl.
The G. T. 1e le deataping off a hand
en melt se•e't ion for :he winter months,
lbus making Si a►tee e((•ovel'the ground
usually eared ran is t three,
Thine -der itzeiet: *.;lir latest• day for
paying t:t•, t`,illeetnr t'r+°sell
report., fairly :.turns. there be.
iag onh :deer S ti " eoffe ettetl.
A last lee',:eta sl ed in :Norway,
city departmental stores until they run
oat of cash, and then they try to get
their home dealer to sell them goods
on credit,
The Editor of the Liman Sun, who
was in attendanee at the London Fat
`rods: Show, in his comments, says:-
'•:tln; UI, Smith, of Hay Tp., near Ex-
eter, was the luck} man who won the
highest honors for the best single ani-
mal. This was a two.year-old white
steer, whie•il was quite the sensation of
the show last year. and bad not lost
quality this. This steer", wbieh was
sold by lir. Snaith for 10 eents a lb. be-
fore the show was over (•hanged bands'.
again. the second buyer paying 12
ulakee a „ 1i,;;o'i1 fate matrimony The meeting held in the Town Hall
^nils• ,it. ta• shire' eel tifi4•at4e;: of skill 08 Monday: 4'v4'ning for the pnrpoee of
in oteeenr, ei ':ting end shinning, forming a Poultry Assoeiaston was at-
e.; with splendid snccesa. Quite
'r ve l y ee,t.iy -11.1:"0 t ke' in the Fi:'e - .t m 111151• were in ;attendance ;and
It-4•tl' , ar -e' , 1n Idea ' t 1)1041) interest manifested. After the
The eee tar..: t cue!mem on Saturday a)<t0i:)rion had been formed the fol.
e e, 4:.111: R;1^ w:!.'1r.4 t i by alar}',enum lowing 0114•('r::wet•eelrcted,vizi-Ilon,
her aaf ,e' r e'. ..+' - t, was at its heti: President, V. Feltz, 31.P.- Hon. Vice -
intern nine 4 w.1 a'1. 1' a vt•ry in- Pree., H. Either, M 1'.i President, E.
ter.- ta1 ,: a °.le Howarth Vice -Pres., W. J. (."urlin,,,
(stir iai ;,. t 2pel neigh llattit111" Trees, T. 13. (calling; Seehe, J. 11,
f the n 2 "e ': ''l14l. the regular (iirieve I)in etors. R. N. Rowe. J. S011-
1;lee,e.11:; 44f t haul 3.cp.F., No. 1; 1, has ior, T. Prior. John Moore, Jas. Jewell,
laelen-pi/4.14 hlta1 tor t 114e week, making
is Friday, 11 a rllraler 'math.
Mi-. Wei. ilea:detr,1ot- kindly re.
i,"e'la boreal 1. age' .n dining tile past
week with a howl (.i lar.:otiiul Devon-
shire ere .ten. It v .n'e alrss to stay the
gift was much a.pl ect rated.
"John West. st, who is employed in
,lanes Flyuu 1 bleek*uiith shop, the
other day fitted end nut- on OS horse-
shoes in " h e'1-•eTide i (onsidel•eed
See bills and programs of the Fire Sunday School Entertainment.
mens' Concert on Dec, 23. 1 The mss. entertainment given by
House u
of Relate.* xotes.
Henry Seebrighta of Ilowick, was
admitted to the House of Refuge on
Tuesday; he makes the 34th inmate
now there, the house beim; filled to its
utmost capacity. --Sunday's services
will be taken by Mr. Mcliardy.-The
inmates are looking forward to Ch
Inas with as much anticipation AS a
lot of children,for• they are to enjoy a
specialChristznas dinner:
Public Libraries.
Dr. S. P. May, Superintendent of
Publie Libraries, has issued a car ui
to public libraries. The Minister of
Education has directed that some
changes he made in the management
of all public libraries. The business
year in all public libraries will, in fu-
ture, close on the 31st of December,
instead of the 30th of April, as former-
ly. Annual meetings will henceforth
be held on the second Monday in Janu-
ary of each year, Owing to the fat
that ivany newspapers are read but
seldotn he many reading -rooms, it is
proposed that magazines, to be circa.
late(t the saute ars books, shall be pur-
chased the sante as newspapers.
A Very Miro, Winter.
The goose -bone weather prophet.
predicts the mildest winter on record,
"Sure of it," 11e said, ""never surer of
anything in illy long life. The coin-
ia • winter will be no winter at all,
Tins year, to Make things sure, I used
the breastbones of three geese, The
bones here nil frons geese of last
Spring. T(1 ur1* great surprise, all were
alike in color. I was not so much sur-
Iet iee(1 by that as 1 was to see them
nearly all white. Only the slightest
bit of purple could be sewn on the tail
ends of the bones, This purple
e.`ttes roki weather, away oak in March
probably. All the rest of the bone
was white, lvl1ielt shelve' beyond cluee-
time that there will be no (Tinter at
all. The feet that the three bones in-
dicate exactly the sante thing might
help to convince people who take 110
stock in the goose Voile as a weather
e n
tl for e"
sign; bl al r bone is c a r.
t lil l lr f 1 11
the last fifty year; in whielt I have
made all annual tt'at, the bone has
never failed once. The weather al -
Ways (Attie to past. as illdie.ated try the (nluieil 141st llur;l;[tnt rn aeljt+lirn-
oo a hone So you need not japeet
A. E. Fuke, 'r. H, McCallum, :\, G.
The Janna cis Number of the Delinea-
tor, which i` railed the C'eutnry Nalut-
llez•, begins tlo fifty-fifth volume, and it
exhibits a marked advancement in
many details. There is as usual, a
complete presentation of the season's
fashion;tble modes, a varied selection
of luilliant literary features, and a
generous amount of general household
exeeptionallr • good Tide
1,.-(•Natoli matters. Conspicuous among the lit -
Now mote entry articles is an affair of violets, by
liar•ziet Rt(ldle Davis, a delightful story
The best eonaert of the season will of happy results followingthe tragic
he rind of the Firemen (1.1 the 26th,
To -dray (Thursday) is the shorteet
(lay, al:weigh there will be no pereip-
tibledifeteneef ,ratl(.aten few weeks.
However. it ie iixateti*a11 to know
that the day- will mew (olixln0al('(e t()
The foot -ball :u:,;,o b between the
scholars of the Eden school and the
'Exeter pablie saline nu the latter s
ending of a young woman s efforts in
;c business venture. In this number
also i-. presented the first of a series of
}vertical papers on Children and their
ill-. by Dr. Graee Peckham Murray,
etc., tee. Subscription *1 a year, sin-
gle copies Ie' volts. - Address, The
Delineator Publishing Co'., Toronto,
Story Books and Toys from le. u
grounds. resulted in , ti(, 0:1(11 tutor- W $1.75 at Dyet's--:Santa Claus Head-
ing two goals.. The gaup was exciting quarters,
and very interesting. ,Kid Glove Lost
Holiday rates on l}I n;ailtlraty. have (hi Thursday right last, a Incl Clove.
seen announced. Single fare tickets Finder will kindly leave same at this
will be Netted, good going on 1)00 '3;, office.
24 and 25 and returning 20th. Fan•*' valise Last.
and third. going Dec. 2:3, Vii, 24 and 20 .On or about Nov. 25th, between Sea -
end returning the 27th. forth and ('rediton, a black leather
The sale ()f Turkish Scalp Food ie valise', containing clothing and other
rapidly inereas" ing. For restoring the articles. Finder will be suitably re-
natnral color of the hair and as an in- warded by leaving same at this office.
vigorating hair dressing, it is the. best - Ep,:orth League Entertainment.
the Tri itt Memorial Si S., in the school
hell, on Monday . veuing last, was
something new in the way of Sunday
school entertainments in Exeter. In,
stead of the children receiving presents
as they are accustomed to do on such
occasions, they brought presents wllieh.
weresent he children of
t e to Indiatr
Mangey., ,otwitlssteLnditrg the fact
that the weather was very 1tnfavot:able
for either Children or ;adults to turn
out, there was a large attendance,
every seat being occupied and the ale
fair was in. every way a•. splendid Sn0-
cess. The gifts were n et only nnrnet.-
oils, but both beautiful and useful, and
't which a were
h.cheerfulness thwh h r
t ew t
presente, howed that the children
were actuated by the spirit of Hila
who said, ""It is more blessed to give
than to receive," The children were
evidently pervaded by a missionary
spirit. and thoroughly etp,,reeiated the"
opportunity of doing what {ay in their*
power to make (illristnias time a seals
son. of real joy and gladness to the
poor Indian children itt Muncey,whom
we trust natty* learn with tis to praise
God that Jesus Christ with born a babe
in Bethlehem's clanger. After the
opening exercises of prayer and the
singing of Some beautiful missionary
ehorahsesbythechildre ,Mr.Mt hityre,
the assistant of the .Menioriatl church,
London, gave a very cuter sting 1001
inti netive address, illustrated by lata
tern 1. lows, on mission work in South
America. Mr Melntyre spoke chiefly
of the work in the Paraguayan ehaeo,
where the Ret T. 11.11. Westgate, of
Huron Diocese, is carrying in) at anal
work among elle Indians, When, Mr.
\\ estgate'S letnre was thrown lrpon
the canvas the audience cheered hear-
tily, souse of them, having had the
pleasure of Ileac 101g him shortly Before
rte left' for South America. After Mr.
Meitaty're brad finished his aeltlress,.
which was:lliteh applauded, the rec-
tol, Rev. J. W. Tet Eyck, 1111811' a fee.-
supplementaary remark's ("oncerning
11x. Westgate and his work as he is in
Constant 0o111n10meatieln with him.
very liber-
"'K 4 fr 1C
t tl WAS a 1. Ii r
Tile. c(111r(tie1I1,1',i_I 1 y
al Ane, WAS given to Mr. Weet, ,',attes
council Proceedings.
on the nsirket. Give it a trial. Sold
by C. Lutz. ;lei.. a bottle; 6 for $2.50.
The Gealeria•'h Star cotnes to hand
this week in the shape of a Xmas. an-
niversary number. It is made up of
sixteen pag:'s. containing much inter-
esting reading matter and nicely illus-
trated. The Star is a good paper and
thornnghly np-to-date.
All kinds of novelties in the beauti-
ful opal g,mde at Dyer's.
If von wsh to send a Christmas gift
to -a far -away friend, the most appreci-
ated one would be a subscription to
the AvetocaTE. The paper will be
sent once a week to any address in
Canada or the United States from the
present date to Jan. 1901 for $1.
A. J. Rollins spent last week in Pe-
trolea, where he was engaged in dis-
posing of valuable oil property in that
vicinity. A farm of 100 acres, owned
by a syndicate, mostly Exeter people,
with A. J. as manager, was sold for a
good price. being about $20,000.
Instead of the odorous. smoky, oil
lamps the G. P. R. will have electric
light in their passenger coaches. Each
ear has a dynamo underneath, ingen-
iously connected with a belt to the car
axles, and it is said that the light thus
furnished is steady and brilliant.
snow or ire or and we•athel'until, meat at the town hall, Dec. 1e'. :111
next March. Thr' winter will late tl11 preeeentt. Minutes ofprevious meeting :
read and confirmed. Muir -Armstrong'
that true following, mammas be pat.•.sail
and orders drawn on Treasurer for
tune: -F. Whit, tile, i s1.:i0; W. 11.
Lovett, coal, $7. 1; W . II. 1?ausons, ac-
count, ;F1:3,90; Wm. Snell, livery, a
James Dignan, arccoa118, 2.50: W. G.
llt+ti(ett, street. watering.watering.$&25;
Wright, repairing engine, $2,50; iii-.
Tri"eveethiek, account, 30e.; J. N. How-
ard. lumber, $;47,:,:311). Brame, rent,
$:3.40; Dr. Amos, salary M,1I () ..$. i.
Ii, Bissett. salary, 4..; Seexetaary I3. of
II., $5; E. Follivk, salary T.O., $10: J.
W. Creech, labor, $:1' T. Welsh, do..
$1.83; '\'t . estcott, 410., $3.13; Jamees
Parsons, tin., $4.37; ta, Handford.
SIM; Geo. Atkinson, do., 75e.; W. Col-
linglvood, (do.; $1.2.1; Municipal World,
alr(oallt, $1.21; S. Sanders, salary $40:
Eleetrie Light Co., accounts, $29.65;
Geo. Kelup, ringing dell, $40; rebate
011 scales, ,tie; Jan105 C'reeeeh, use of
horse at different times, $IO: JamesCreec), emir in dog tax, $,; James
Creech, 00101111 of taxes ill's. Mc112tosh,
$3.71; J. (`rtee(:11, $5.73 refund of taxes
Mrs. Sutton; -A, (4, Dyer. refund of
ior, 1u books be closed for (, taxes Agricultural Society, '$10.110;
urant to library loam, .$2e'>, grant t•()
year on t. Wednesday, Dec. 20th, ati Baud, $00. -Carried. Taylor -Evans,
noon: that 811 silicate ed eith 8)5 Ile that lay -Law, No,.13,15""13, to provide
paid on the certificate of thr(`llair and Tull}ng piaa0ue and app(i.int Deputy-
the usual 1lllnlb00 of ihmucial Returning Oflirers, having been read a
statements be printed for distribution
at the annual sleeting of the ratepay-
ers. Per W. J. Carling and J. lienor;
that au inspectoral visit of the Board
be made to the school on Tuesday, Dee.
20th,. at 0 a.ni. Per W. J. Carling and
R. N. Rowe, that the scrubbing requite
ed be clone at the instance of the
Grounds and Sanitary committee. Per
W. J. Carling adjournment.
J. Game, Secy.
"George tile Hatter" Dead.
George W. Young, better known as
"George the Hatter" a most familiar
character in almost every town in On-
tario, died the other day at the Strat-
ford Hospital, where he had been. un-
der treatment for some time. The re-
mains were taken to Listowel for bur-
ial. The Listowel Banner, speaking
of him. says: -George W. Young,
known fair and wide over the contin-
ent as ;. Geordie the Hatter," has at
last finished his wanderings and been
laid away to his long rest. His was a
genuine spirit of vagaboudage, he was
happy only when on the tramp and he
kept up his wandering till the bast of
a long life of nearly seveuty years.
He served in the American civil war
and was entitled to a pension but so
careless of the morrow was he that he
never bothered himself about claiming
it and it was only the last year of his
life, by the help of a friend, that he
got his back pay and pension. True
to his nature he at once set about get-
ting rid of it as fast as possible and it
was not his fault if there was enough •
of it left to give his remains a decent
buriaL He died in Stratford hospital
on Wednesdaylast week, and gr. 11.
B. Murphy, who was instrumental in
securing the pension, and who held •1
small part of the funds hi trust; had
the body brought here for burial and
will erecta suitable stone to ?nark. his
grave in Fairview eeinetery. Geordie
was tender-hearted, loyal to his chums,
of keen intelligence and well-informed.
Had lie-had•an element of stability in
his make up. lie might have been •t
bright mnember.of society. Poor old
Geordie, he seemed happy enough • in
his own way and may perhaps be re-
membered' as .long and as kindly as
many a more fortunate Haan. •
mildest on record,'
School Hoard Minutes.
Meeting held in the Town Hall, Nov.
2711), ata. p.m. Absent R. N. Rowe.
The following is the order of business
duly submitted and approved. Per
ehatirnlan, minutes of previous sheet-
ing. Per J. Senior and 1:V. J. Carling.
that the following accounts be declared
approved for payment:-J.P. (?lark,
brooms; etc., $1.21; T. Martnoli, tile
;and lather, $1.0a ; E. Folliek, labor and
material. $L26. Per W. J, ('aat]ing axed
W. Trevethick, that the action of 11.
Huston in submitting a sample of the
well water to A. R. P}ear, 1.I., Do-
nlinh)fl0anallyst, be most heartily ap.
proved and that the expense incurred.
be aid on submission of accounts.
Adjournment carried per W. J. Car-
ling. Meeting Dee.1tith. Per ehair-
anan minutes 41f previous meeting.
Per R. N. Rowe and J. Senior that the
following accounts be paid: ---G. Heit-
man. lepers, $1; T. Fitton, repauts 1(1
clock, $1.75. Per W. J. Carling, that
the Inspectors report be accepted and
fyled. Per. W. J. Carling and J. Sen-
tl t the1 k} l i f th
A. musical and literary entertain-
ment, under the auspices of the Senior
Epworth League ofJaines street Meth-
odist church, will be held on Tuesday
evening, Dec. 24th. Rev. C. T. Scott,
of Aylmer, will deliver it lecture on
"Davy Crockett's .\aorto.." Admission
10 and 15 cents.
Cough Medicine.
Honey 2 oz., glycerine 2 oz., rum 3
oz., paregoric 0 des. An editor of an
exchange says that the above is one of
the first remedies for a cough that he
has ever tried. The same editor says
it has done good in many cases. It is
so simple a remedy that everybody
should know it.
Firemen' Concert.
On Thursday evening, December 28
the Firemen of Exeter will hold their
annual concert in Gidley's Opera Hall,
They have secured the services of the
Exeter Garrick Club to put on the
boards for this occasion the famous
drama entitled "A Noble Outcast" or
"Robert Graham, the False Father."
interspersing between acts, sok s and
quartettes. The merits of the club are
too well known for comment hence
the success of the entertainment is as-
sured. Let everybody patronize the
concert of the season. Popular prices.
Farmers' Institute Meetings.
Farmers' Institute meetings in this
county will be held in the places and
on the dates named below:-Brucefield
January 6th; Varna, Jan. 30112; Zurich,
Jan. 31st; Hensall, Feb. lst. In addi-
tion -to Iocal speakers, Mr. J. S. Wood-
ward, of Lockport, N. Y., will -be at
the -Brucefield and Exeter meetings;
and Major James Sheppard, of Queen -
stem, and G.. A. Broddie, B.S.A., -of
Bethesda, at Varna, Zurich and Hen-
Unique Scale.
Mr. J' --A. Stewart has just added to
his already well equipped store one of
the most, unique, useful and up-to-
date weigh -scales we have ever seen.
The base of the scale is fastened sta-
tionary to the counter while the scale
proper can be revolved to any position
for the convenience of placing parcels
on it from either the inside, outside 'or
end of the counter. Being supplied
throughout with agate hearings it will
weigh almost any -article-no matter
how .small -from a fraction of an ounce
up to a hundred pounds: On either
side of the balancing bars are figures
The editor of a Kingston paper is
is supposed to be hiding under the
barn since he published the following
item last week: " The fall hat for
ladies is a sort of alcoholic creation.
1t looks like a plug hat that some rude.
and boisterous person bad sat upon.".
A new lantern has been placed in
front of the entrance leading to the
Masonic Hall, Post -office block. It is
nicely designed, being made principally -
of colored glass and bears , on either.
Bide an appropriate emblem -the
compasses and square, -and will be lit
on nights of meeting.
A beautiful opal plate FREE to dol-
lar purchasers: at Dyer's.
Mr. Wm. Snell lost one of his most
'valuable livery horses by death on Sat-
nsrday. The animal had been driven
to Centralia and was taken so sick of
inflammation of the kidneys; while
there that it was hardly possible for it
to reach home. 1: t died shortly after.
netting here.
Ths two young man, David Smith
and Wesley Perry, who were arrested
by Detective Westcett.a short time
ager tor stealing two watches frons Mr.
Carrick, of Sodom, appeared before to indicate the weight and price,' so
Jllnctaste nn Fridaylast and were that the customeras well as the clerk
can see at glance exactly what the
sentenced to tine month each. in the Y
County gaol, with head labor.
" A Noble Outcast"' or "Robert
Grehanethe Felse Earner," is the title
of the play • to; be presented at the
Firemen's Concert on ib e. 28. To
miss it will be to miss a, treat. '
article weighs and also the price. It
is indeed a wonder of utility and me
chanical perfection.
Fresh bread fromParnell-Dean Bak-
ing Co., -London, to -night. D. Dyer
that, and, 80000 time, be now read ;t
third time and finally passecl.-Cau'ricd.
Muir --Armstrong. that this Council
accept the transfer of the franchise •
granted to the Exeter Electric Light.
and Power Co., Limited, to Messrs.
Tremaine and Snell and the Reeve is
authorized to sign ward transfer. -Car-
ried. Taylor -Muir, that the Library
Board be ;ranted the sum of $275 as a
loam -Carried. Evans -Armstrong,
1 the sum of
that the Band t e granted
$60. --Carried. Taylor -Armstrong,
that the clerk instruct the Treasurer
to set aside the sum of $504.93, (being
one hill in the dollar on the assessment
for 1801)) as a sinking ftmd for town
hall debenture indebtedness.-Cer'rie(1.
Taylor-3anir, that the time for return
of Collector's roll be extended to Dec.
30. -Cil ried. Taylor-Armstrong,that
council adjourn to meet at call of
Reeve. -Carried.
GEo. H. BISSnTT, Clerk.
Death of Mr. George Bawden.
The sad intelligence of the death of
a former well known resident of
Exeter, in the person of Mr. George
Bawden, stone -cutter, was received
here on. Tuesday last. The deceased
had been in very poor healthfor sev-
eral months, suffermgfrom pulmonary
trouble. He was one of the first mem-
bers of the Exeter Band and was high-
ly respected as a friend and citizen.
His remains will be. brought
( Thursday)
here to-
day Thursdat arid the funeral will
take place from the residence of his
brother, Mr. Wm. Bawden, at 1.30
o'clock to the Exeter cemetery. The
family have the sympathy of a large
number of friends here.
Lieury: Mr. Gilbert Bice, of the 8th
con. has been engaged to teach in S. S.
No. 9. con. 10. for the coming year.
G?A/ , Caet9e i 4Ah"1 t 4neenee'
YES, good old SANTA C I, A US is here With
the most complete stock of Xmas. presents
to be found in the tow i ---Presents suitable
for old or young.
ilex otT`T•uts, Candy, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins,
Dates and s, Eton
A merry Xmas,and a happyani.
prosperous New Year our wish to
......... .
flab Mr. Spackman while in Montreal last week got caught in the
Winter Snaps of Great Big Bargains and purchased at Big reductions
from Tooke Bros., the largest: Manufacturers in Canada of Ladies Blouses..
A slumber of Ladies' Silk Shirt Waists that were worth $7.00, we can
sell you for $4.00.
a doz, Velvet Cord Waists that were $100, we do to yon for $2,00.
I4 dos. 'Metallic Saatin ettte "Wai: is in new shades that are Nona for $2.00,
taw price $1.00. give ti doz. Wool Plaid waists, worth at any store $1,50, wegii a you for
rat.*. Wool doz, Men's Saxony Top Shirts , in an sizes, and guaranteed
shrunken at $1.00, the retail rice would lie $1.75 if they had not been
purchased at as clearing price.
12 tl(1z. ;genie Nary Blue,all Wool, i btnnken Skirts north ,I.ii0,our job
price $1,00
These are purse savers, and it will n(11 be procurabie again after once
spiel, as these are cleared us by Tookes Bros., Montreal.
Headquarters for W. E. Sandford's Clothing.
that vtell should eel 88(1 inspect
the lilies of
Henry Chesney, of Seaforth, spent`
Sunday in town.
31r. McCloy, ofLendon, shook hands
with old friends in town Tuesday.
Miss Louise Sweet spent the begin-
ning of the weekin London with rela-
Harry Browning, has returned home
from Markham to spend the Xmas.
vacation. -
Mrs. James Willis and two children
of Stephen, are confined to their beds
through illness. •
Mr. Frank Ruse, of Hatpton, is
shaking' hands with. his many old
friends in town. •
iltiss Nina Kinsman left a few days
ago for Toronto where she will attend
the Conservatory of music. -
Arthur Ramsay,, who has been at-
tending the Veterinary College, Toron,
to, returned home Saturday to spend
Xrnas. holidays.
Miss Pearl' Dearing, of Silverwood,'
Mich., arrived here on Thursday last
and will spend the Xrnas. holidays
with friends.
31r. Bender, who has been head clerk.
for Messrs. H. Bishop & Son, left on•.
Tuesday for his home in St. Thomas.
Mrs. Wm. _Mitchell leaves this' morn-
ing (Thursday) for Marlette, Mich.,
dayeres. olishe will visit during the h -
Harry 'Sanders, who bas been en-
gaged in a -Large dry goods store in
Detroit, incl)., for some time, arrived
home on Saturday incl hits accepted a
similar position With Messrs. H. Bis-
hop & Son,.
lir. Aquillati Snell, who has been
visiting his parents here., left Wednes-
day for Winnipeg, Man., where he will
continue on the road as traveller,
taking the prairie province as his
that we have placed in our erose:
You will find in this new stork
Quality and Price....
to snit you.
This is what we always accomplish
when we make a suit for you.
Prices that Please.
Bert. Knight.
Misty Vision
Comes with advancing years,
but can be cleared
bfitted glasses.
Spectacles are our specialty.
When we fit them,
they 'give satisfaction..
es'examined free.
S., Fitton,
T. Fitto n s JeweEry Store
Winghane will Sullivan has , lost
one finger from the first joint, from a
Clandeboye: ' James Barrie killed a
six and a half months old pig, that
weighed when dressed 410 pounds.
Manufacturers and Installers
One door South Central Hotel,
First-class Rigs and Horses
Orders left atHawkshaw's ,
Hotel, - or at the Livery
Stable, Christie's old Stand
will receive prompt at-
rr eraneReasonableelephone,
a connection
Wewishto impress on the minds of
everybody that we don't sellsolo
leather, neither do we sell meat as
tough as sole loather.
Are of the very best quality. Try our
big brown Sirloin Itoast.. It o as
toothsome and appetizing a, the
famous neacook's roast ot, I(Ingly
times. We know Trow to fix it up all
nice for the oven.
Try us once,
You'll try us twice;
You'll find our meats
Are choice and nice.
. „ John Manning.