HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-08-30, Page 8R C $ former pitsw 4( ow $ C.) Ailikirelik 01vikikill *W14neit am d Fall Term I'M .011RUltri, DIME, r. Marlep Asquith went to Al tit - q. o J. e beginal Y . $ Sept. 3rd of"Itr 'I, fie 19 %005 up 0 el V, Illc 1 his fattier rented there, 1Qr fill - 11,10 $ Shaw's Business S431100k *1 velimon's work. bills. llibbert. of Fort William Free Cata4" j I I Toronto. #*aj Accork" Pleat has beju visiting tier ParenLb- Mrs. H. H. Hill, (of tile �alage. returo, on request. Write to 1INA, --to tier hoine this N%ef'k Y01111", H. Shaw, Pre Last Sunday afternoon sonle )"llitis Sketlaid yarn. rrolin one of our tu%knis -err j , and Gerrard Sts., Torottito., , * 19 the,' dain here Nelj little tht,.� I Ulm' jww -fierealized Cotton it do not pro%oir tio-niseiNe, %N1111 4 fo� 4W -sweaters, Books of bathing oultm tlle� olight Itild it rdther costly 444 Names Port A)., NILE NOTIONS bell Be.4 \,t, three other', Shp on vok Welcuille %isitor at Nile lw�t Weell hair nets, bar- ousens I( owt-fopq tic% I; c� t, rt r,,r hl� 11-11 "lig I �'. I, ! " � \%, 1, 1, 1. \,.-tor fit' , , 4, 1., frettiff, hair In London olk Tuesday ".17, I'll, Hit/i Plus, sewiling needles serviers at Nfle du imill pins. ring Jul.N and Aug- the latt - C %cry ust haNe bf-I'D rinuch appreciated flev. Nir fijbe�. the 111ILlisler api-Illt- h r ­r 1-1, spent on We T beef Books Strictly 'Cash. i'd by conferener it, Nile eircull. 1, I'\ 111 11, 14 1, - ermj*,0,8.:d0, net ask for Credit pected IfiI8 Nveeh A reception %%111 10" field on the par -nage Ia%%n 4,11 Thol" ,It#' 11-11" MISS S. NOBLE v\ ed All -day vi-liln4fio- The sad 'Dit'llige"Ve 'If tile It' d old, I (It'ath (if Mr jillin Sheppard It) "illit"'ta was it wreat %h"cl, I') thil, collillitillit.% i,re.senteill GODERICA TOWNSHIP tollipath) is felt for fill Taylor's Corner Patriotic Society will eavell fairlilly our 11010 their next sewing meeting Ut the 'i'lie entertairiownt under III" ;111�- Wt if IkQme_ of -Airs. G. u_ Sturdy vn I-Ved- "r the 11,41i'lotil, J."alkip %S- a ""' alrQ �nesidiiy, Sept. Atli. �ticvvss In Spite if th., llen\� loid9t, Iden Gate lilell deloged 111'. \11e Pall) III 111.' 11 lill"'10111 RENNIILLER Gederich,.,11uron's Go qjing kirter the �twller, -4- \11eh Labor Sunday will he observed it, all ill it,,, 1,jis,111,11t (,r file viiiii-O'. -libors, h, the Churches on Berinkiller circuit next 'Sunday. cI(,s, of III,- i,r-. AtIBURN graill \11, of ­ 1, 1 1 r St.- A nJumber of our young people at 'th tended the garden party at Lo�al )it Mr. Mrityrne, of Watford. visitell ,t Ill., aotogralkli ilillt. \11- EVAlit It 1r III, Wednesday evening and report an ey- Ilwl.ull , I set, 'I'll H, part If el b! Ifil ut tin. e'. M, A. Asq"-6, 14- T ­Ho I ..III, it 11alid this week. limue) \�Iil I.. ;,- Mrs. P. S. Races has been spen link! Mrs. Melhene and fajnd�, \010 N%"I'e ,, 11, \ 1, 'Ue- some time in Hamilton with her Ister visiting. returned honne -111 lion to Itillit I ., - I I , " , Ikl- 110.1 1-01' 1111, - Dip, Elizabeth Bagshaw, renevving Olc Watford. dt'T- :."I, d acquaintances. A sister of Mrs. Iliferror, --r the 91--1-1 'll. " hill -o I AS Mni. Win, 11unt, whu has been \ii(. road. from Tinistw-L. Is \IsItIIIA her, 4 11,1111.0111, 1 iiiis Ing friends in and around Beniniller at pri­;ent. expects to return to l'ortnito oil FrIda) Irk this neighborhood 911'alo I� 111,11 1 .."Id to rejOill 416V husband. Ing out \NvIl, ljjrlp� ­pevl.ill� fl.1, k '11.1 The rains of last Friday and Wed -eciated III thl! not been as good for )Oar!, I I nesday were mut-li appi f ltjca�iity. They %,,III hell) tilt, coln 100 Master Ghtford Pater -11, Ile \1,,. mill, )mmu, ton, after a short NIill III I and later garden produce. I r or the da! returned to hs:, holln- 1,-t ThIM.I.IN Threshing Is the (tell( morning. with the farniersk. it ne%\ ,�ndivat M r. I-. Garter had 'A 11 rea), machine is operating on the Maltialli threAhing 11lactillie last NI(Illda\ Ilwohng tlll� N\ook \%ill I", vonces6lon. X fairly gooll yield IS rt, Il- und \It-, ported. ing. and had to sk�rld to Hamilton for I-1-1 it it', - repairs. ,f "ll Pte. SaIl1ldeeS, R returned siAdivi, 11 Mrs. Ferguson, "fit) has bt­n \i�il lli,\. A \h-Milliall. ,I' Tw"'fiti'. ;I Toronto, and his family ha\e beei ing her mother. III- it ow ri,rwer pa-t,ir ,f .4millt', litil Spending a Neri, pleasant,\aeatiiin i %\,edljesda� r, -r her \\if[ lireaeli III III, 4-hio-ch no\1 S-11, I)"'o' It"Ill h,", \1"1 .1 village, left last Bellmiller'. They think thert. 1, 11 hurno In Detroit. hath alteril .... 11 place lik, thl, for scenery and rest The flev. Mr, Gokli\�aY prent-twit In Thr rilli ralile the \\r-ing 11:4\ fulness. Donnybro(lk last S1111)(114% no'I �V"Ilt tit" WI -1111"111.0 %NaS I COLBORNE.TOWNSHIP hmil ­vIal 1.\ All latter part of last W -Ch In Nil -111119 ltl� 1: E Is. hi. I I The municipal council or Colhorn old congrvikinitlon oil fit,, 'llibil"Al (.it,- \\III li;i\,- I-, froill hor \]-,I \\,Ili 1. Lowlishill, met in the township on Au� q. cult. The IAPN. Alexander MeMillan, (if arr ­rr, III r1'I­rj IltAl MI'S 'Njj.� J.' \\1,% 1,1 I_ ust 131,11. Members all present exvet .]it, sc,.ti happened %\ith rather I kid &A�� III Councillor MCGalln. Minlites or is, ineeting read and adopted (in motion 1 fall ltf�t TkIr,ija\ ]'lit 'it tjI'L tIIIj,1 "I' `nyder and Currey. \%I*Ifltlg \\.I- di'1119 as \\ill .4, cmild Moved by Councillor Currey anti st be exi,eet.-Ii \wto.l at III,- I—A conded by Cokineillor Snyder that a bI .\�Ijijojd, 1.,�l k la,,N be drawn up and passed, Plavitl PORT ALREIrr I'll,. K\eroll Ellmll, lit tile' c6unty 11ale at �5 Er -10. trills as fo I'lie sound of the 11ire.,hing maellilil, a fe\\ da�., la't tows : General county rate, 3 6-11 provincial war tax. J J-10; county higi Is It) he heard in this loealit�, \IIIS . 11. 11 \\.I I II'L. V Capt, W. Y. lia�kifen, (If the C. A, 0. 1:. The fullel-ni ,r III,. I�ii- NI,- -law- \\ay rate. 1 1-10; township rate, 5 mJU St 11,1011,, 1,1 1.... ,, general school rate 1 I� 1-10 luill Londi'll, \\'As it %Neek-elld Nisitor in thi, Mt-D1,11ald, of I C P R rate 4 10 mills and that tI MODEL THEATRE PROGRAM FRIDAY and SATURDAY Nis WEEK SHIRLEY MASON . IN "The, Awakening of Ruth" The romance of a beautiful young gtri who lived on a far-off island. MON, and TUES., SEPT. 2-3 MAE MARSH Lia a story of romance and mystery "The Face in the Dark By IRVIN S. COBB. WED., THURS.,.SEPT, 4�5 "The Burglar" WITH ,CARLYLE BLACKWELL and MADGE EVANS is & slice of life itself, told in a never- to-be-flogotton manner. FRIDAY. SATUR., SEPT. 6-7 JACK GARDNER IN "Men of the Desert" A romanitic story of the Western philinal, where hearts are big and life throbs with itillvell'tIlm I HOPH . 8 Gr on:atcoount of the war t%x and high price Of package tou our I Bulk T-e-aas are exceptionally go(xl vallues &t W ekin, 85o'snd'$1 per 11). We liave III full stock of pure clover Honey 400 lit -ad. Compared to Wit this year it iis a cheap food and ilikery Via Nor& AWA Bread. FAA 91my Day, W*kHERN 1111,1111611111 43 Village. the Dullgailljoil 11w,da , N . . . I I. I elprii; strike the,different school rat %,Ir.,iWilliani J. Diekson, of tlen%all, and Njr�-, \\ J \Ii,ffalt rvtil:.11,�l a., requested by(,the trustees of tile III 1-4 te with relatives in file 011agv IIli% w-ek III their EdIII., It,, I ferent schoQ1,rxections. Carried. recently. after Vpending a few a. \, livr" dial The following,aelcounts were passi MISS Jean Cunningham, of Toronto, other placo­ and ordered p I I ; C. (VarroW, is OsIting at the hoine of Mr. Franeir- Will Gra-,%ford. -f lialillit-ol. j-11-1 Iwell case, $2&N(; Telephone Systei Cunninxiiam,, at present. his wife and fanid� here Sattird;l� 111-1 s24.70 ; G. AteNall, freight on sic Mr. all(] Mrs. Jacob Cousins left last I-, spending a fe\\ tloiida�- at the rails, $15 1 W. W. Fisher, filling week for the Wesi where they intend hoine (If his father, flenmiller bridge, $480.85 ; work at Be spending a few months. Donn.0rook Mpthodust elitinli inifl- inflier, $22 ; Joshua Moore, inspectij Thomas Gaiklp�. Jr., is IhIA week versar) services vkill be Iteld -it Still- and work at BPnruiIIer.f$T8.60; Thl. teaming -.%heat from Ztiri(,Ii to (Ain- daN, Sept. stil, R(,\. %it,. a f(winer pastor, %\,III prenell. Stothers. cement tile o like Shu ItAlway. $108.45!; if. J. MacEwan, stc toil for John schoenhals. Ile%. Mr. Williallis, mfe and failill" rails, $IV2.85 ; Jas. Adams, care of cem Mrs. ti, Rchoenhals and children Ila\,*, Of lilk'Noming. art, hollda�ina -II, ter). ilind cuttitAg grass, $25 ; Ii. B returnod home after a pleasant %\,,k, frien(Is tit Dungannon and 11 --rt A111,1,1 iarny, printing pathilmister lists, $2.. visit with relatives in (Aintom. Mr. Willkaln� \%a,. a forillor rect.q. D.)mInion Road, Machine Go., $2 : Mrs. Geo. Stewart an(( little d.'"1911ter here. grading, $3; Jos. Thompsc left for their horne in Detroit after a cladiug.,$3; G.,MeNall. cement cow pleasant %isit \\]fit her mother, Mrs. Mr. John Loutitt and siAer, Nlar�. Ing and railing on Benmiller bridi Brown. also Mr. anti Mr... klenrav iiarr and $100.25; filling at biridge, W We are Sorry to report fill, wel, 1, farilih., of Wilighall), no.t'.Iled it) 111., forilit:r', var 11 n it silt. Ill slllllh.� at the I I frimmer, cement, $21.55 ', 4 fle� that Mrs. Janies (:ra%\rord is under file home of Will. Ii. (:art, S.,cietles, $15 eikoh, $60. R. MoILWArN, doctor's care and that her manN friends hope it) hear of tier reemerN The Ep%N orth League sen It- III \\oil- Clerk ne,%iia) vNening \,kas (if a 'penall) III- soon. teresting nature, therp Ili'llig ­\"ril Auction Sale Notice A large miniber (if friendi- and neigh- I interesling milliliters -if nill,tv. h, - I— \\odnesday. Sept. Atli—Auction Sf bors gathered tit the lionle of 'Mr. and sides file 11�11A t"I.14, �dl farm stock and Implements RI I Nirs. i,tionkas i)ickson 'riiesda� e\t-n- Driver tleo. Case, --f tho m I \\ it. 24. con. 3, West WiLwanosh. Ing it) present lllo� IlIvIks-ki \0111 lli� training vaint), is Ilikille it' it f-\ 11%,' 1 11 M * JAS. it, JOHNSTON, proprieb ivrist-watch. Ilte Dickson \er� feel- ingh telling Ins rrienlis leaNe this week 141141 loil" 'l, ! llt)S. GUNDRY, auctloneer. that when he vrm-;��*ol fill, pon d Ill. the tralolfig \,\as a.Kreefiw \\tIh Iiiii, Nvolkill man� tittles took at his ,\,atell lie 1, .1kite entliusia�fic -,\or III, \\­rl, GODERICH MARKETS. where%er he nitalit Ike and hold r.-tid \vIliel, it., sevin,; t,, like wr� %\-�Il \\ - werte till eweot4itlgl� P)70aSed t" 'e, lillit (jIntside L%arket Reports on page 31 Webb, of near 131til,ot I% Wheat ............................... 2 10 to 2 ffi \Isitll)Ar willi her sl�ter, \11 shackleton, of Cre\%v Nir, \%,bb GovIment standard ... 5 75 to 5 I'llyar per a , family ...... 5 75 to. 5 Le B. TAPE husband. \\1141 ha� bo�ell set*\ III It the tki-tilter) in Frallet. \\,I, \\. Brark. per tci`n�--­ ............. 36 00 to 86 Shorts, tier ton ............... 41 00 to 42 Lf IN it re\\ da\ -i airli al't-tirding I.- -,r I 0114,11 Mrs. WMI il t1w I oat ........ ........................... 0 75 to 0 I Barley 1 05 to I N The Singer Sewing MaChine m 1404-ei%Pli da.�. .............................. Pell.14. per bushel ............... 2 00 to 2 1 "5 to I NJ ffi ffim N Mrs. S F. Trel#,ioon reveiNed Ili, Biiekwheat ...... ........ RA) ......... 10 00 to 12 Agent, has taken ovet the nv\Nq fill if fill- death if It,[ .. ................... Botter per lb—Dalry ......... 0 37 to 0 IM f6lbrother, N agency ot the J,Ain If 1111114ill, tilborta, killed Eegs, per dozen ............... 0 43 to 0 who \%nsi aecitfenlall� traged\ tok\e Cattle, medium butchers 10 00 to 11 (9 lietalls .r file will I _t ('attle, butchers choice ... 11 00 to 12 Of 18 International Harvestep it revehod tit little or ;I, fit lenrii. Mr Rog", IiN.e weight ............... 18 75 to IS 0 [laws, per Ib ........... ...... 0 42 to Company I as fie "as horn and rai it at Ni I Bacon long clear ... ::: ...... 0-85 to o Potatoes. new, j;�sb ... 1 50 to I W Lpsllp Pvntl.lTld. qnn of Mir S. .1 Vent. per Hides il.1­10 00 to..12 is na 1111firitillfirift Rit"Aaf N land, of Dungannon. V, It,, ha, RAI nortiestenoing v%lin Ills oroinpir III III,. ind will handle both lines 1"Pacp Ilker district for seNeral \ea-,. nt)\*, in fill, arno, tumina ji'llioll at was to litroceed ,\ersea, FARM MACHINERY and last vkepk. it \%:is I.esile's iles,re t,k Lim leniltit h\o )var, ago bill his agneol SINGER SEWING MACHINES lural purskits pirmetited furn fir-iin friends here ljolng %I) Ifis \%ish hIn) k;od spred, good jock and a fare rettirn M A tair share of the public pat- w I 111 40 All. 0 W C20 3M X.XL ronage will be appreciated. two Re Kind You Have Alwar 8011,1! d T1111111 MEN vrho likettempsAV V . on on your vaottionor that business trip way not live to we another summer. Why not comile to us and have sk GROUP PHOTOGRAPH of yotarlifelf and the Mends with WhOM so many pleasant memories are aftoctilliva ? W6 have as ull-w4ake studio with every possible aid for promptly tiarximi onit h*h din work tak c, PORTRAITWRIC 16Y PHOTOGRAPHY I T. FELL 9 Eugh0 tsh rnnts Hand Colored of Old Country Rural Scenes of Siti9ex Lanes and Thatched Got- tages . old Village Churches and C4)lItltrN* Inns, Raphael Tuck & Sons prints of the fanious Cosahing Pictures from Dickens. Rh6ims Catheaml, beautifully colored interlitir of the Rose Win' dow itind WestFminit. You can lielaillit; your own aubjeat and have it framed suitably at small post. By doing this YOU have a Pictur6 bf aijitinctiob. Come in ifick(I we will be Ples;sOd to show you this line. Smith's � Art stem Q 'Ph -on '00 qrso Tho"o, OWl' iff 001BORNE STORE" ww"AIA, .0oods vv fatoadllyC0M("$;, jlntQ` 11t0gkii, Nevvr haVe We r &rlonced such trowplie 10 tetting, deliveries, but with Patlen atto on shipped and. -others comt0f*) ilition many linics have be daily. We are well praparod to look After. your needs for Fall. Fal I i au Se C' Another shipment of the new Fall BliI are here. Smart models will have no trouble in passing the censors4,ipiof--womett are these new Blous��-�,,., of Georgette. They are artistically adorned -with dainty ruffles, beads and em -'11, broi4ered effects, with different styles of collars, including the new pullover with. no collar. Be sure ana see taese newest. of models. 38 in --StIlks-Per F-att -WOav-- --wide at $1.50 a.yd. Poplins ano duchess Bilks are very strong All wool serges at $1.75, $2.00, $2.35 for fall wear. They come in all the newest $2.50, $2.75, $3.25, up to $4.90 it yd. A large shades of blue, green, brown, besides the lighter range to choose from. colm and Are affift, wide to sell at $2.00 a, yd. Satins of all color-, for trimming in the 113,liaods on Sale narrow widths in stock We spocialize in black Silks and like showing wonderful values frona Just a few ends of cotton dress materials $1.50 a yd. to $4.50 a yd. including poplins, still to be sold. Thoy must be cleared quickly �31 ductless, mousseline, and peall-de-soie. so are marked very low. Rog. 50c for 3 0. a yd. IDPeSs G_00dS_, --Cotton foulards regulax 65c for 45c, Serges in all wool materials for suitsin Several styles of collars in broken lines -2 Bvery col,lar in good -30 grey,. .,,61ue, brown, Mack and other colors in a marked very low to clear. :�NO large range of prices. lie mire, to bny early its shape and of good material. $1.00 for 61).o, 73c -10 the quantities of all wool goods ar a not large. for 60c and 60c for 39c. I Js H. COLBORNE t D. and A. Corsets THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY itandard Patterns ­rtioy say that Perkins I-, a con- corne tu Llip S. 1). S. Rally next SUGAR CONSERVATION IMPERATIVE 111-med bibliophille. Thursday evenjuK in the T(�niperance "Weli he way have been, but, lie Hall, Oode.rieti, and see the boys and 4 f"k,": I 'anaila F,,od Board has :1,ked loesn't 'drink a drop no%,%," gir[6 get their badges. private tiotiselioliler., of (,anada Iill rurttier to restrivt thpir ronstill, I- it- -11 iir sugar fill. peronal Ilse Lt. 1% pi till I per month per person and to, greater proptirtion of ti,row'n stwar ,rhe Board also warnis against lioardiov, as unfair, unnevessary anti contrarN to:= REDUCTION SALE the law The (;UI)Rn crop of sugar has fallon'= stjort by 300,(X)O toils of the Previollsl- —OF— estimates, the Atnerlean sikirar beet I 0-011 has also proved disappointing a" has the Luikiislana oaii.0 crop.. The Ile cent German drive was a further calls Bred - to Lay Barred Rocks I of stigar shortage as a large beet ae- reage was overrun and many siIiI factories destroyed. Thousands of tons; Vearling Hens f sugar have. been sunk by kubmar-' ines, including a 13,000 ton cargo re-,= cpntly lost off the Atlantic Coast. Con- We have sold over two-thirds of this 4 seri'ation of sugar is imperative. There I,-, sugar in Canada for everybody in= excellent breeding stock. moder ation but none for extravagant use, for wasteful use or for illegal hoarding. This is positively the last call a Za. CASTO R IlAr For Lifimits and Chfidren In Use For Over 3OYears M Hill, Keith Revell Always bears RIDGGREST FARM the ftnature of 50 Nnat Will You Do 7 , For Help. FARM help is scarce, but this condition can be reliev4. to a marked degree by using machines that accompfish more work in a given time with less man power. Why should the farmer cling to horms—a slow, expensivA means of power—when every other businessis adopting the truck and thereby reducing the cost of hauling, speeding up deliveries, and saving for human needs the food that die horses would otherwise consume? The motor driven truck can work cormt-intly at rnam.mum load under the burning summer sun, or in the coldest weathet. Uttlike the horse it needs no rests while worlzing, it eats only while in actual use, and when the day's work is done it Ile atthnition, and leaves you free for other very lit. TIC%" about the place. Then, it can be housed in one- quarter the space of the horses, wagon and batness it replaces. It is a mistaken idea that a truck id usefto 6tily for driving upon paved roads. The -Ford can be driven all-over the farni, and used for hauling grain, potatoes, fruit, roots, fertilizer, wood stock, milk or any other Troduct. The speed' it ttravch, the time it saves, and its ow upkeep, cost appW Very strongly to 0 usen of the Ford Tritick. If. you need help, order your Ford One Ton Truck today. AN P im 00dem I* avil' I- "'I'drfillilk kilik"Ill 4 C 72, �6_ il5�� THE UNIVERSAL CAR OnVil-Ton Truck $750 Runabout Illso Touring - 06 C411111jile . . . 97S Sedan . . . 1.015 chasalkii - . . on) F. OL A For4 Oist. Pia Js MeMOSWAN Dealerg Goderich I