HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-08-30, Page 5Augmt 3*, IVA,
(C—da's RatlovAll RoddleAW SOMI foc Pokh)
rnvr� TVWVV %Fin AIM
rough courses in Muiic, Art, Oratory, High School, Business
College, Domestic Science and Superior Physical Training a3
For It s, address: P. 1. Warner, M.A., D.D., Wesident, % Thomas, Out.
WATER AND LIGHT A tee with hose connections on each
flat wiluld be a great benefit In case
A Rebate of $468 Allowed the Town elf of fire and would, In all probabilit�,
Cost of Sprinkling reduce the insurance rate.
A copy of this report -was sent to
Air. Bedford.
The regular meeting of the water A letter was received from the secre-
and light commission was held on tary of the Hospital Board asking for
Thursday evening of last week. the Installation of a larger service pipe
A list of arrears of water services t(l the hospital. The matter was re -
,%Vas submitted and it was decided that ferred to the engineer to report, Nvith
accounts for all arrears of water rates Power to install a 1 -inch pipe if the
as on August IHI be rendered, together service is enlarged so as to get the
With a form showing the amendments benefit.
to the bylaw governing times of pay- The new Hydro store is costing s
ment, etc., 2.000 such forms to be print- thing for fixing up. Tenders for paint -
i A 4 iV1 V
T t 19 W) I 1 0, fR- _84 FA_
pickling Season,
fs Hepe I
All kinds Pure Spic�
for Mkles and Qats1l'i),
Parke's Pickle Mixture, 25.0
il Parke's Catsup Flavor, 254
I James A. Campbellli%A
Phm. B.
W. F- 311CCONNELL 4 "Huon's Golden Cate"
In memory of dear father, who died
Ai g.:�
- I! ..?AU4_1_l1i4__aLqo._dear__1ittl . _ - -
v�ho died Aug. 31st, 1914. Joseph Murra�_.KlIlP-t,,I1 St, returned -
to her liville hu'l. \N 'k I
Mr. Arthur Qud_furiiwrt,� in Mebanki
here. and his lit-ther are passengers'
On the StPAIller Mari,k.i �\ljjch wag III'
Port Saturday' 411-1 "111,1d , \, and Mr.
Quit took the oplmrtllnit� to see many
frientizi tivre.
Rev. Mr. ,:i,l MeNtNin,
of Edniontmi, iii, gw,l., it the rest-
donce of Mr. and Mr, .1tunes Yates,
Mrs. Mv\'Jn beitig . niece of Mrs.1
Store Hours: 8 a.m. to 6 pm., Saturday 10 pm,
Preliminary Showing
of the Now
Fall Coats
We are simply de-
lighted with the way
th-e -New--Fall Coats
have opened up and
we are sure you will
be, equally enthusas-
tic when you see
them. The stvies
10jovim �
Yates'. Mr. McNv\ in ior-aviied at North
Street 'Methodist churcli. Sunday even-
ing last.
are so attractive and the prices are - reason-
in Gooderich N\i%h twiti ory
needed blessing Ili tio-il e.
Mr. D. MeMurvhy [,-ft for King, Ter-
rates, amounting to $71, against the that of Mr- A Snazel, was accepted.
-David Brown. property corner Square An offer to cover the floor with line-
I)o not ask us Ir we miss him.
onto� on 'Xei hit- lit), l�� Kitend, the fun-
wide, $1.69 per yard.
special values much under present day
and Montreal street, was referred to Ieum was laid over. Tlien,�&Mr. Jeffrev
the solicitor., was engaged by the enginger for the
eral Of Ili., hnitlio-r, Neil, who died
Tuesdav, afterrion. The funeral took
An Early Inspection, is
in Black, Blue, Burgundy,
place psterdii� 1,11tir,olay) to King
He has gone to brighter regions,
Mrs. Ilyde \\as born ju (loderich and
yaid wide $2..A5 per yard.
cernofter�. Uvvei(,I \\,,, tifty-nine years
solicitor enclosing cheque, on account hits been doing the mleter reading.
of of water rates due. by The commission, however, don't want
Free from every grief and care;
We shall meet him agaiq in heaven,
is the daughter (if (lie late James
of age.
Mrlo. Peter \V�he and \Ii,,s Wylie left
Exceptional Values In Black Bilks
Sepges Fop Fall
Suits ape Correct
Wednesday na, where they
wear very special $:z.So, $3.Oo and
$138, deducting $44.65 from his addition to the staff and. oil the
account, being the amount charged him Mayor's motion, no extra help is to) be
will veiide for thr runivo. Miss Wy-
lie purposes llkilkillK �l Irip West for a
We are slio special
wing some
Serges hold first-�place as the most
shoR titne, h, taking up her
permanent resid.-Ilve In Toronto. I By
values in Black Silks which are great -
oly in demand for Dresses and Skirts.
popular materials
for Fall Suits and
ed. Mw. 1'.j- b I J_
The question of -arrears of water Ing -T�om $45 to $75, anti the $45 tender,
in Gooderich N\i%h twiti ory
needed blessing Ili tio-il e.
Black Taffeta Silk, full
Dresses, We are showing some very
rates, amounting to $71, against the that of Mr- A Snazel, was accepted.
-David Brown. property corner Square An offer to cover the floor with line-
I)o not ask us Ir we miss him.
Mrs. Edward Hyd,, and
Vesta. (if Ilamilt(m, arri\ed In town
wide, $1.69 per yard.
special values much under present day
and Montreal street, was referred to Ieum was laid over. Tlien,�&Mr. Jeffrev
the solicitor., was engaged by the enginger for the
It's such a vacant place ;
Oft in rancy we hear the footsteps,
Or We see his smiling face.
one day last \\oek to, \isit their rela-
tives here and lit 0-1hot-rie township.
Black Taffeta Silk. Super quality,
in Black, Blue, Burgundy,
A letter was received from the to�vn carpenter work at the store and Aso
He has gone to brighter regions,
Mrs. Ilyde \\as born ju (loderich and
yaid wide $2..A5 per yard.
solicitor enclosing cheque, on account hits been doing the mleter reading.
of of water rates due. by The commission, however, don't want
Free from every grief and care;
We shall meet him agaiq in heaven,
is the daughter (if (lie late James
Black Ducliess Silks for dressed
Nigger, Green, Taupe etc., 50 to 54
Mr. Rumball, Mr. Rumball paid him to be looked upon as a permanent
And there will be no parting there,
Angels guide Au, darling boy,
Watson, \\hij earrivil in R bakery for
years on Mmitreal �4t , now the rest -
wear very special $:z.So, $3.Oo and
inches wide, at $1.75, $2.25, $2.75,
$138, deducting $44.65 from his addition to the staff and. oil the
account, being the amount charged him Mayor's motion, no extra help is to) be
May your harp ring loud and clear,
Leaving notes or love nehind you
denee of siono ta iii, large family.
$3.so per yard.
$2.95 and $3.50 per yard.
for that portion of the year prior to engaged without the matter coming up
before the commission
To the ones Who love you deal,.
(Ainton Nvv�s-llvvord : Mr. G. J.
Wallis returned Sunda� from a trip to
The New Silk Waists Have Arrived
the fire, which he asked to be remitted.
Payment of the balance of Ahe ac- A rebate of $468 was allowed the.
dDunt will be Insisted on., town off the cost of.water for street residence of.Dr. and Mrs. Stra�_9_
New Bruns\\ich, v%hillier he went with
a cat' (if hoirse., it \�wok m- so previously,
An appl(cation for water service to sprinkling, on account of the use of
Mrs. W. Horton and Miss Ball have
and lie left again Tnosday for Rose-
Mr. J. H. McClinton's lot on Cambridge tarvia.
The matter of arreArs of water, rates
returned to town after a month's holi-
town, Sask., to as.,isl lit taking off his
harvest. i'lie man i,.rt it% charge of his
We mention two Special
Values at $3.50 and $4.50
street was granted.
A letter from Mr. Killoran of Proud- against the North American Chvnfi(�Rl
Go. was brought up and the 0impany
Miss Lizzie salkeld is visiting her
cousin, Mr. John Hunter, Col . borne
farni reported th- -,ats and wheat as
fairly good but the tlax in the woest is
Style 403. Extra quality Habutai
Style 82o. Rich quality Silk
foot, Killoran & Cooke, claimed $4125
for Mr. W. H. Bullard, late of the sj�ff is to be asked to pay cash for the
reported it,-, ahno,,t it complete failure
the excessko,�. heat ha\ing ruined it.
Silk, large hernstitched sailor collar
Crepe de Chiue. Hemstitched sailor
here and now of Seaforth, this being water at present consumed, the
matter of arrears being left to be set-
Miss Emma Blair, of Pickford, Mich.,
. Brussels Post : This week Allan.
collar, also bemstitchiug on front
proportion of his increase of salary
from March 3rd to June 13th, the form- tied by the liquidator,
is visiting her brother, W. J. Blair,
Wolf St.
second son or fiarrisl--r (.. F. and Mrs.
and bemstitched in front and cuffs.
and sl -eves and neatly embroidered
er date being the date when the other
town increase PEOPLE WE KNOW
Mrs. H. P. Glarihue and children, of
Blair, Ileginii, f,winvily of Brussels,
v%as a visitor in I..N%vl for a short time..
Colors wbite, maize and pink. Very
front. Colors white, maize, pink, flesh.
employees were given an
and Mr. Bullard claimed the increase
Calgary, AII)erta, are spending a month
in Toronto..
H"e bad hven atten,ling a Boys' Confer-
special value $3-50.
All sizes only $4.50 each -
3S to 44,
given him In June was to be retro- Miss Mary Tait left this week for a
Mrs, Roy Francis, of �Munro, spent
ence at orillia, in connection with
Y. M. C. A. Nvork, It is 14 years since
H!o!ryAkses" Celebrated English
Hoppockses' English Flannelette
ar,tive from that dase. visit in Toronto. the week-ei)d with Miss Isabel Mathe,-
No action was taken by the com- Mrs. A. J. Paltridge left this week son, of town.
Allan left BrusseL, eq)e-nding 7 years in
Ooderich before goirig West. His el-
mission on this matter. for a visit in Toronto.
F,,ngineer Kelly submitted a repor on
kd- Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnstmi are
Miss Adah Gobsell has returned to
Preston otter spending her holidays
der brother, Wilfred, both boys being
born in Brosel,. is doing duty in
Cotton at Old Prices
the poor water pressure in the
spending a few days in Coliingwood.
her home htere.,
France as H soldier of the King, A
Horrockses' English Flaunelettes
ford Hotel. in which he said that the
$-4 inch service pipe was no% oonnected Miss Norma Johnston left *%Ionday
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Reid and daught-
brief visit was a],,(, inade to Goderich.
Horrockses English Cotton, free
in'. extra good pyjama and nightshirt
and the 2 -inch pipe was connected to morning to visit relatives in er, Elva, left thdis week for their home
3-4 inch to the Miss M. R. MaeVicar is in Briaoklyn., N. Y.
Mr. Camphells whole family
of nitiv have bi,-n in town the past
from dressing, full yard wide, vin light,
patterns. Full inches wide, 35C
a pipe serve all parts of attending the
hotel. The flrst floor should be eon- millinery openings in Toronto thil�
Mr. and Mrs. Baxter Runciman of
w"k. Mr, and Mrs. Fred,Eag%., and
three rif Kamilton, tived
medium and heavy weigbts, at 3oc
nected to the 3-4 inch service and a week.
2 -inch run from the present 2- 'Symonds
Stratford, are visiting at the resid;nce
on Thoi%wlar� nwht of last week. Mr.
and 35C per yard.
pipe Mrs and son, Master Billy,
inch service up through the building, and Nir�. Symond's mother. Mrs. Doug-
of Robert Andrews.
Misses DGnna and Norma Stevens, of
Eagle retumed horoe this week but
Today's price is 45c and 5oc per
Only 6 pieces in the lot. Today's
using long bends Instead of 41bows. las, of, Tdvollto, are visiting at the
Clinton, svmt the past week with their
%Irs� p,,1.1p aod children will remain
jb� Sint . c little longer. Miss Minnie
price is Soc per yard.
cousin. Mies Lilian Wallis. -
Oampbell is horne from Kingston,
Mrs. Ernest Colborne left Wednes-
day afternoon to visit at the home of
�wherp stio, was taking a special course,
and leaves (in Monday for her school
'Phone and Mail
Orders a Specialty.
her parents in Toronto.
in Sarnia. And Nliss Annie Campbell
Mr. Robert Johnston, Bayfleld Road,
Is honie from Toronto, where she has
is In Toronto this wc
hek on business
a position in the Parliament buildings.
and is also taking InIte fair,
Rev. aBd Mrs. Ferguson and family,
'Phone 56 MILLAR'S SCOTCH STORE 'Phone56
of London, are guests at the residence
The Ladies' Aid Socle�ty or Victoria
of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Girvin.
Street Methodist church 'picnicked at
Mrs. Taylor (formerly Miss Nellie
Harbor Park on Thursday evening of
Salkeld) -is visiting her mother. Mm
John Sadkeld and otner relatives Ui the
last week.
Come to t1w S� 0. S. Rally next
Intense, we need to increase our efforts
Thursday w,--iong in the Temperance
Rev, Dr. Rutledge, Mrs. Rutledge, their
HOA GOdOrivh, and see the boys and
to provide supplies for the qick, tilt,
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Shillington, and
little son left Tuesday for South Bendl,
girl- get their badges.
As the. lirst Monday in September Is
wounded and the prisoners of v%ar.
We must not slacken lit our
when the nPed is so great. Tito, priee
Wear -Our Good Sh-01esf.
Dunlop Tires--a"Tractionf,"
His Worship Mayor Wigle was in To-
Labor Day, the tied Cross collectors
are reqw-stool to bring In their money
of yarn and of other material u ---d hits
ronto this week. Mr. L, L. Knor, town
W the roone, on September 9th.
increase(] Pnorniously. s4i that ninre
"Special "—reprewnt doing
clerk, also Is spending a few days In
the city.
Oil TmLo wtening the Epworth
Leaguo 4,r N(irth Street Methodist
ey is needed to Purchase tilt! sallic
amount Of sUPPlies.
Inerpas-, subscription -A flit-; N r
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Fitzgerald, Of
chureh ho -lit it coorn roast on the beach
if possible. Many vould do a litlb� Irt-
land satisfied that
Peterboro, are spending a couple of
beyond f1w north. breakwater and had
ter than they ha\v dmw arld 4--r) 1lItl--
Y'ou -are well dressed
best what other tires MAy
weeks at the home of Mrs. Fitzgerald'-;
parents. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Blair, Wolf
a 90011
The ii,,iwral Brough ttil-room will
A .%iird h, Ih \\I,,, ir- 11,-t
a nod comfortable.
re-fipen (.it -�atiirday, Sept. 7tb, after
tribuling If ymi Ila- n --I h-- -II ... I
have been to do"wel.l.
NIJs Beatrice Wells returned Mon-
day to London after spending her va-
ha%iii* 1)ij for the month of
t1loon t" olb4cribe. l"I if, ktl"\\ 11141 .1
colli-cl(w \\ill vall llm)'l Ilo h-1
We have Instock a
the home her
Croo�� iw the r -w reyivrt.
very complete line of
cation at, of parents,
Mr. and Ars. Chas, A. Wells. Bayfleld
Kvvp \�-or (in young people
frf)jij mj'r t,,%Nri %�ho attend the Clinton
Mani-, �wirs, 1r: it 1� �11' \\ of' - \\' 11
the latest In High Cut
Schwd --f 4 ',-000l-rce this fall. They're
R14 our, If N101 fl, It- 11'.
th, �\ h \
Thoe Mao'
Footwear at Popular The Mae
Masters of the Road" �Ghas.
Mrs, S. Atkinson, of Hagersville, is
oil a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
g0j][19 I" Maki, g(iod. 2-t
Grmw t,, Ih-- S. 0. S. Rally next
1711011�0� rov-,n�lijf,r
sh'itild N-ol vo rr"'. �Nhllv "tlwr� b"ll,
th'. hilrd.'n I Ili) a, �..il f.
Wkf D001
Prices. W bo. 099"t I
West St. On her re-
Thwirsda� .,ning In the Tempera
Own -iho will be accompanied by her
flail, 64.P-rwh, and see the boys
badges. and
v, twl) tl,,, 1-.N. rmiw li�.rnv (:fill, in.
Be Convinced
Mrs. A. Co. Galloway; of Baltimore,
girk R-1 Owir
Thp F11T11I 4,Iiih, a children's club of
41.1 \ir bit,ji,i Iwil, oialiv nii�a wio.r
Md., returns to her home this week
whirh Tom, (,olt is president and Edna
i()Il, �, it' ,f \10t,W), arld that \\'-
By having us show )ou.
after spf,.nding a month at the home of
Hunt lr(-.i,iirer has donated $2.70, the
ha,,, t;rwit,-r G(mbrwh
1", Ili,- o"ll.whir. oil, ;.11,1 W.,
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A.
we" s� Bayfleld Road.
prorvf,d- ��i i oiinoert given on Wednps-
(Jay Ilight. t,, f1w lied Gross.
tit 11 f''r IlwIll'.1. I.- t it r
in wir lifib- t;, -k, hls ;,Iill I
Miss Marie Cash, of Peterboro, who
mv hik,r- ;ir,, Joining the list of
ar-- �Iill li.mitm-ring Ili-- Ilm 1,
'Phone -1158
spent her holidays with her grand-
thwsv \\J�-. h- tousiness for cash, and
1011il-JI `�,
nother. Mrs. Cash, and aunt, Mrs.
annolino Ifi.il on and after Sept. i6th
next, all bakvry goods. will be sold only
Tp -a, �'r
Be loyal, spend your money at home.
foro,,i�h. Il- IllyVe "Ing made necel-
%ary to\ Ili,, fart that flour, yeast, salt,
fat, nialf , \Irirt and sugar now have
t() tp, ii,moo for cash.
Nfr, Nlwilizmnpry, Keays St., who has
been r,,roirwd to her bed for twelve
yearq an,l -11- has not eaten any solid
food' Ili. t hroead� for seven'years,
has, hh\\, r. twen able to do her "bit"
o I,,, war problem, for she
hag knitt.,d �inrp the war began one
hundr1 and w,venty-alx pairs of socks
for th'r ,.I,Iif,r boys. Day by day she
pati,qw.� \x,,rk.4 away, and no doubt
with it is w -rig up the constant prayer
The Dark
that it,(, I., -rd -111 not only bless the
%Ni,ar, r .f the socke she to knitting,
bill di,n for Iho just cause for whieh
tip.., t)(,N4 are so nobly fighting for.
Maintains its reputation for dependable quality. Par.
ticular men demand it. Reliable dealers everywhere 3 for 25
sell Bachelor cigars.
-Face the
A fast moving drama of thrills and anspense. The story of the girl who knew things
detectives couldn't even guess at.—By IUVIN S. COBB.
Monday and Tuesday, September 2nd and 3rd
AdMISI11110h 200; Childreng 15c
1111 111 '1 '1 "",
T,. itizens of Goderich.-We
h a%.. , 10 c(;mpleted our third year (of
ward e-Il-'rLions slid Wish to thank
br)i f, - �rifriniitors )ad collection for
h P,, nerosity and loyalty. the. tolftl
%%ard :.-ilectjoniii for this year ammint-
',,I t jr?.STI f3. 01 WhICh nearly onp-
tjljj,� qrnp from R, Patriek's ward
Th Is - -flirhtly below Wat year's toial
.41"1 j"olbly Je6if than thin amnitnt
r 1 11 r -t year,
��_ �Ip
t - ' ;lmr In Franot, rrroroxv,, rp
"The Natiosud Smoke"
Maintains its reputation for dependable quality. Par.
ticular men demand it. Reliable dealers everywhere 3 for 25
sell Bachelor cigars.
x R