HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-08-30, Page 40 THN U 4, AWN* k dered fielvailil v" Young $410, a rwtoli" J%t," 1111116'ft 0�0;0111 %at We-rO b0ther Of Mr. Arthur Arthig ON [Duch 00"Wyod, IM and Mif �w w4lea '4100KOk per- JjLreet. 'I'vh0vtor many :FC4,rsk about a A .0. & SON SCHOOL C T I usual 9004 AYW )?*ACV of, a cellilury� vv-tks work Qm.d refreAments were sold d his brother In the icat4eir bost- CL INTON, ONTARIO Aess-bero and who 41,40 for 'Y' a evening. -Aad tbo of ft fioderi:�444102141 4!004$ nut fop X -ted.. Vito* witir1k. UCCESS results from two,, th MJ* "# W*W Teo* Thutrsd4y of last "%ieeh, at 6NNIft Cun. Ile Rugs Clearing ices s I)r HUpter. 54, t), fl�, rc rent $ask., which had been his b Pr* if Will, Opportanifvi and Prep, #redFnes-$_,' U_ srom, t4 for the past seven. yew's siJIce he Jett Irles di.1ributlQff milk 14 town -of Qoi1(ryJcb .00(irrich. '-Mr- Smith bad been back Union Scotch Rugs In good patterns and colors, splendid appear- ds -tied, br tbe� 1"Mot , 0 of, public to visit Goderich more than once sjnc�e Today there are b4ndreds ot positim Ia. , ance mind will wear well, we will clear at less than two years' ago prire. 11, d it it Ia P)WOU tobe 'ajp�tt J)r I , btitter rato'4 per. ee4L �Cts� he.left. here, and,tast winter no spent of the country begging for the righ ;,19bastorl Urns,, In 03111`61uia. Ile was a son oof the every part _1 i '_ butt,r (at. 3,90" fer vent late W. 0. S=ith, or oo(lerich. mis m an or woj gQ04 Size 2�j x 3 yards, $7.00 for $5.7,5 '" -Jlas� me- man; positions that command Nidlills, I)Uttp-r, f4t. 3.64, 06 0ent. On Wife died before he went West, aud Size 3 x 3 yards. $8.00 for $6.75 th.- itiorniffir-, �th ile leaves two children, INUss Grace salaries and offer nulimited opp6rtunities foiT b�ttvr -1 - e, o4willes were taken 'r Size 3 x s % yards, $io.00 for $7 Ft %%.I.- lI0®rO$$JbIe­t.Q. Secure 3 sample smitili and lilp. Chaties Smith. The .. -75 fr-qo . L former 4 ""a.; with her father and things Toda the business world is Rekiiig miem' -)()hQJ4e4W0it so, thi6re, 15 no report I'lin Oil accompanied the remains to Goderich, and w en No are prepared-wbo J�no thl� 4&A$100. W -W110 Japanese Matting Rugs, size 3 x 4 yards, reversible and with heavy I'll The previous allti the latter Is at Portland, Oregon, r,i­rt-, on IJ116 dalry sboNye4 it. presence have t' kind of training that is REQUIRED by 4 splendid patterns and colorings. Regular $6.50. (if hutter falk-40416 cotton warp where he is engaged in shipyard work. roly over tile Ile was unable to get here for the big bus Dess. local monfolpa) re� .,at, Alt thie�6 sam-ple,4 Sho,,;ed funpro,t. The 'remalas were, brought Clearing at each $4.95. quir, it all dbwnce or, to Goderich for laternient In Maitland B U iness traiuiug is the " OFFICER OF 157 iiiny cemetery. the funerel taking placo,on K Interesting to 4dd -.1 at 4-:8ample sub - Grey Wopl Blankets Shirting olitled trow a sl4l Tuesday. The services were conducted THE AY " in command of the Battlefield of 0 cONV Owned and by Rev. J. E. Ford and the pall -bearers Business. Md grey, of'olcau pure wool. with slight mix- Best quality, black awl Wh1w stripe Shirting r,d t)y A Prl*i6 OtIgen -�hoved- a prqp� "t OnlY"X-$Q per Cent,�of butter w,ere Messrs. G. A. Nairn, W. H. fltobert� ture of cotton. Size 60x84- Bluebordersand in half a dozen patterns. This goods we will %n analysic ot son, Geo. Stewart and chas. pjacii, all Now is the time to insure your future sucqe§s ai�w Allp 40� never advertise again at thin price, urns. a -a water re _40� n biga tifutl Ip d C!L OPP of _Qf W fi"4psence -any Avorth-4wat-lim -yard-, ........... ......... jn&j�l an s i 8 ]be. at perpal ceased In the work of the Mpsical -to equip yourself with the J.4, Society or orchestra. tb at nut only deserves success, but that will at - Dress Silks - 11ftobly "onored Cotton Bla6kits The Londoo.Vree, p tain it. _pgSs recently had AMONG THE CHURCHES We cannot duplicate for ourselves at present lite following, item r V. # Lute double bed size wtth pink o selling our Dress Poplins and Ducitesge Silks. c-0 stiinding - -t- rd This school of business has contrib�tiecjlm. FQ`nfW­h1i'eaM'or­*Or1d- Rev, I. E. McCaulay will preactit both* blue borders. Special .................. $2.75 38 inch Silk and Wool Poplin all colors advertisinswas In our best quality at ....................... $1.50 weeks ago when �ecogn'ZOd a few morning and evening on Sunday next measurably to the success of hundreds of men and J- E- MOCOnueu, in the Baptist church. or Ni,connell and 0orpson 4dvertis- women in this,community. OF b at r Grey Flannels ing agonts, NVss� e Rev. Mr. Hediey, who is summering Otid, vjqiaent of the Black and Colored AdVerti pr at Point Farm. occupled"the pulpit of .UK Agent's Assooa- Victoria street Methodist oblirch on What we have done for them we will do for Old stock and old val a tion at their arinual.mce.tin$ in Tor6n- ps about 600 yards. 26 Sunday morning last. inches wide tn light And mid Grey Dress Silks to. The standtj�,d_set'by both members you. worth 50o as per yard ........................ 35e of this flrm Ift 4,h1gh 61a' Rev. J. H. Osterhout will have charge 0 slid such as Yard wide Satin Duchasse. Worth to call from Preilident. Darcy, of the Of the services next Sunday. In the $2.25 at per yard ........................... $1.75 A(hertising CIO$ Of the World, during evening a labor day sermon will be Write for particulars to his trip thrOugli CaDA Sunday Towerings the statement preached. School and Bible B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Acets. Principal. 16 to 28 Inch every thread pure linen Toweli 9 Dress Voiles that the adver(ASIAS done by Messrs. Class at 3 O'cloOk. Epworth League h ta \icGunnell aud- Fop�U�On, of London, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. All wel- forrollerti or baud towels. Wort SU Volles and real Frentah Voilea. largest and was the hi9_kQ!dt_t$-M0f adie Using In- come. M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice-Principai.- per yard ........................... . ........... Me handsomest range we have ever shown. Rego- canada.' The services at Knox church will be 'Phone 208 CUNTON, ONT. J. E. McConne Jar 60, 75 and 80c. CILaring at per . 11 Is a Cousin of WS, conducted by the pastor, Rev. R. C. Sheetings yard ...................... ........................... 50c W, H. TremblAy 'pgd Airs. Alex, Col- MoDermid. In observance of Sailors' borne, of tovvn,'�belng,ybungest son of work the morning theme will be "Men 72 inches wide. extra heavy plain the late David McConnell, of Walker- of the Sea," and in the evening in a.. bleachod0becting. Worth65c at peryd. 50C Linoleums ton, Bruce Co., Who was brother of the ticipation of Labor Day. "Labor's St. M r one �ho was greatf . 7 attlieWs church, Toronto. came In to hea late W. E. MC130 Of 'Port Albert, Splendid Service," r 86luch Twill Bleached Sheeting or 4 yards wide In best patterns. "to"' Victoria Sireet MethodIst church ,vas beloved by these people, both fo her' -father of thb a ove ladf6s), J. E. 'muday evening, August eharacwr and work, nightgown cloth. Best 86c at per yard Worth $1.25 at per square yard ...... 10 0 'vie(' Services at St. George's church, Suit- well filled ,it . Mrs. McKlia.tey 28e . onnell was born and educated in day, sept, Ist : If it. in., Holy Com- 18. to livar Nirs. kicKinley. formerly preaclied with old time 'Power 'and Walkerton, but has been a residen . t of munion and sernion. Celebrant, the Miss S. J, NVillianis, evangelist, who ability, taking for hir telt tile words, London since his marriage about 12 Re6tor. Special addrrss I - on the British i labored sip earnestly and successfully In "The Sabbath was made for man," years ago. Navy. Preacher, lAev. Fnsor Sharpe, years gmw by both in Victoria St. and showing the benefits orthe day of rest Th. Wextord Lactated M. D., of I'st. Thoqiat, church, Toronto surrounding vircuits, winning many to man's ph ical, mentaj;arfd spiritual Leamer Marisks, sometime Naval Chaplaft souls f4,r the Master's service. In ad- as are, The S i at Esquimalt t At 1he close of the service she W. ACH ESON & SON Saturday and SuuiJ4, ttnt was in Port B. C. 8 p. m., -Evensong and sermon, dition to the regular congregation vvas gteeted by many old time -friends. d Capt. Foote Special address dealing with Labor Day, there \\rro inany present from Nile, brougfit. what is considered the first preacher. Rev. Allan Seager, D, D., of Auburn and Benmiller Circuits, who ADVERTISE IN TlIE STAR authentic Information of the where- abouts of the steamer Wexford, lost In the great November storin Of 194r WESTERN CROP DAMAGE REPORTS whose face remains in shadow at their (in his course frOM Chicago to Gods - SAILORS' FAMILIES GREATLY MAGNIFIED -WANT conferences. A glaring light Is the rich Saturday mqrning he sighted anti CALL FOR HELP 10,000 HARVESTERS AT ONCE screen behind vvhich lie hides. He is passed within It ;kqlilty feet of two 4pars, the face in the dark. both at apprd,�Oniately the distanno Report.,; previously published regard- Jane Ridgeway, visiting a school apart the spaginF. of the Wedord's Hundreds of Unfortunate Mothers and Ing the damage by frost to the crops In chum whose father is president of a spars would Jp4qate. Both if th6tize, Children suffer [Prom Submarine 1;askatchewan were unduly pessimis- country bank, falls in love with Rich- were seen dlstffi�tjY in the fill of the Warfare tie. Frequent showers and favorable ard Grant, the young paying teller of water between seas. one shorter than weather have changed the outlook and the Institution. Her father stops by the, other, with i4e after spar slightly During the first week In September it is apparent that the great Province to see her, taking the opportunity to brat. His familiarity with tile Nessel a Domifidon-wide eampatIgn will be 6f Saskatchewan will have a normal look over the -bank. Jane notices a when trading on the uppet, ltjl�es hold throughout Canada to raise funds crop. This Is evidenced by Western loose thread on his 6Yove. which later strengthens his, conclusion that this Ao- -4kid the dependents of the fallen demands for farm laborers- as not iess turns out to be damning evidence can be none - othitir - than th-a We\ rot d. heroes -of our Merchant Istarime. It than 10,000 are required Immediately against him. After he has gone the The location Is 16 vitilqu' northwea by will be held under the auspices of the for harvesting. bank is robbed and the man she loves north of Pold ofark, �n� 16%, rniles Nivy League of Canada and all money& Every young man and those more Is accused and jailed. Jane's powers northwest of Mh9ardine. 2Ilected will be spent In relieving the mature, Ia every community in On- of deduction are brought Into play The last seeq 9f thlo vessel wa,t on 81tress of the sailor and his depen- tario, including our own, should get find her first clue Is a gray thread the fateful Sun W11en the Xaminis- dents. It must be remembered that away and can make this a great oppQr- startlingly like the one on her father's t1quia, whJch' li�ad Wt 06derich t4at safe passage of every pound of food. tunity to serve the country In's prac- glove. Other evidence points to him rfiorning, had Met the Wexford abdit of every ton of munitions, and Of tical way, and at the same time be of and she accuses the parent she re- the middle of the difternoon, then on -every man that is carried "over there" Invaluab'ie beneflt to himself. It means veres rather then see her sweetheart her course for Goderfeb. All that had Is due alone to the efforts of our an interesting, long-distance journey unjustly accused. Ridgeway confesses previously been found was a lifeboat, Marchantmen, Protected, of course. at low fares, and a chance to see and and Jane demands that Richard Grant and several bodies which came ashore by the Navy. Yet the Merchant Ser- study the Immense new country served be freed. Her father then goes to his near Grand Bend, thirty miles below vice itself is an unofficial one, and by Canadian Northern on the peoplb's pals. vvho offer him every chance to here. From, the. alleged location of the as such the sailors and their families road. escape. The mysterious master mind vessel it is apparent that she headed olitin depend on no pension In event of Final excursions. by Canitdian, North- gives him letters to distant friends into the northerly -storm,,�but -had not 41164lefaiint, or in case of death. But ern trains leaving Torov�o 10 p. M., who will receive and protect him, In made many miles before foundering. fthstanding this, they sail the August 28th, 30th. September 4th and a flash Ridgeway whirls around the The vessel's spara f3ow. Indicate that em In deflance of the submarine and 311th. harvesters from outside points to light and gazds Into the fa" of the she was final lytilipatiling down the lake. floatlog mine. AlreattLy more than use connecting trains to Toronto. counterfeiter. His work is done.. De- AtWilt thousand have died, Many -tectives,gurround the house and Ridge- Goderich Doubldd the Scope on Clinton have left their families deprived of "FACE IN THE DARK" STAIRS MAE way reveals th t he has never ceased,- f1tderteir-doubled the score on Clin- their sole support. Must they be a MARSH to be an empl�llee of the Government. ton in a baseball game at the Agri - charge ItApon charity? The breadwin- cultural grounds Wednesday night, nor died in the Empkre's cause.. His Goldwyn's determination to present and that circumstance was responsible dependents have no eflkto look to but Mae Marsh In the most powerful plays TOWN TO?ICS for the treat that the'boys had at It& f J18'nAtJOn_tO !rOU. available Is responsible for the choice OnVArlir, is pledged wards' restaurant after the game, to rittlea 111:1.01)(IM Ontario lits never of Irvin S.. Cobble compelling story, (Continued from page I) Bert Townsend, entertaining the boys glitiled yet In a patriotlo campaign. "The Face In thd Dark," which comes to Huron's Own. and the lo'ca:l manager Give generously, for It Is in a worthy to ther Model Theatre. Monday and closely Identified with the work of Vfc- of the Bell Telephone 'Company tooting "Use. Tuesday, Sept. 2 and 3. tarts, street Methodist church. For fif- the bill. Thte game wqs good and The young star grasps every oppor- ty-one years be has been a member of Goderich had an Innings to spare. The STORES CLOSE AT I P. U. tunity devised by the brilliant story- the Quarterly Board and from a photo- score was 12 to 6or 18 to 6, Bill Ludility teller to sound the deepest emotions graph -of the choir taken tn 1872 it is Portage Ia Prairie, Manitoba, under- tie Jane Ridgeway. daughter of a cele- seen that h,?`�as leader of the choir claiming he made a'ridn in the 7th innings which Is not revealed on the st*Ads the importanoe of saving the brated secret service man. Her father, from before that date. We wish 1'%fr. score card. Lumby pitched four - in- whftt crop. Last year stores clotied 'who she adores, hab supposedly re- and Mrs. SwaMeld many more happy at 4 V. tn., during August and men left tired from the service, giving all big anniversaries. nings and then chaliged places with Wiggins who pitched the remainder of for the harvest golds by 5 o'clock. Al- time to his new post of bank exam- Mr. Merner's garns,And Crops Destroyed the game. The players, positions and IoWlng halt an hour for the trip 8 Iner. She does not know that he Is runs were as follows hour$ of daylight still remained. Prom In league with a bank of counterfeit- Seaforth News of last week : A fire Goderich : W. Doyle, a, 3; W. Lum- 250 to SKmen went out from Portage era whose method of -work is as prig- which occurred at Mr. J. J. Merner's every evening, farmers paying at the Inal as It Is daring. The outer doors farm on Tuesday evening destroyed his by, p, 2 ; J. Doyle, 1b, 2; J. Wiggins. nte of 30 cents an hour. Applications of vaults are forced while the Inner fine barns find most of the season's 3b, 1;�J. Hume, of, 0; B. Townsend, for, belp -were made to the Municipal doors remain closed. Act ly- the In. crop, valued at $%000 beside 2b, 0; B. Babb, ss, 1; H. Altoliteson, If, U.AI a the build Total 131. ner doors are opened. the, money re- ings. Mr. Merner has no Idea. what 2 ; T, Johnston, rf, 2. Clinton : Carrick, McNeil. moved and tn Its place a similar ac- caus6d the fire. It was discovered in If. 0 count of counterfeit currency Is left. the evening when the teams were 3b. 1: Murphy, ss, 1; Hawkins, c, 0 This money Is supplied by a mys- 'brought In. The -threshing had been Elliott. 2b, 0: Hill, 1b, I ; Wiggins, terious man, the head of the gang, do e the day before and the grain was cf. 2 ; Hall, rf, I ; Cooper, p, 0. Total 6. Score by Innings: Goderich-2. 2, R all In the barn. The loss will be very heavy as the buildings were among 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 5. the best In the township. Not only is Clinton ---O, 2, 2, 0 the loss heavy for Mr. Merner but also The Goderich pl yers go to Strat- o the country which has need for every ford for a game on Mobday and, It AL AL t they can make arrangements with the pound of grain and Mr. Merner has r0rG001 SUM' 'FA "I worked hard all, summer to increase Goderich industrial Exhibition Board the supply. He lias the sympathy of will have Stratford buk for one of the M6 H FIG 01 In his loss, fair days. 1111troceeds of Wtillord Garden Part At the garden par y EVERY WOMAWS RIGHT ty held at Saittord on Aug. IlAth. the workers realized for :�A (if To every woman belongs the right to their labor an approximate sum $375. Oviiing to the fact that no candy enjoy a healthy, active, happy life. Yet and a very small amount of fancy nine Out of every ton suffer years of work were sold the proceeds realized agony, usually from some form Of are slightly less than last year. bloodlessness. That Is why one sees The Society wishes to thank all on every side pale thin cheeks, doll those who so gIdnerously. helped to eyes and drooping fligures--sure signs e the affair a success, particularly of headaches, weak- bAcks, aching mak Mr. Pinder, the ladies of Knox church, limbs and uncertalft All weak, # health Mrii. Saunders. Miss Colborne, Miss suffering women should win the right Ijume. lift. 11cGregor and Bert Cult. to be well by refreshing their Weary bodies with the new, rich, red blood Thosb who have Plates belonging to the society will kindly leave them at that Promptly tritiftilrorms them Into healthy attractive Wonjen. This new. the store In SaItford. The following 19 a statement of pro- rich, red blood Is supplied In abund, Ceeds and expenses : Gate receipts, ance by Dr. Williams, Pink Pills Which $3f8 . contribution. $15.95 1, sale of reaches every organ and every nervf In quilt MIS: jitney service, $19315 , the body. ale of uusfige, etc, $19.60. sale of Through the use of theae pills thou - lea C"Xim. etc.. MA -55 ; total receipts, sands Of women have, found a Prompt WetIM-2 Pig% IM -96 ; print. cure When suffering ftobi anitemitic, In - butter. 84.73., digestion, heart, lijitipitfiLtAon. rheum& - Ing. $4.00 ; orchestra, $10 , A. J. Walter, M-55 ; efibbip, $2 . sort tigm. general weaknottis, mind those Idl- drinks, $11 : total $152.54. menta from which miomen alone suff&- GN460 Partly at Loyal There is no Pat of this broad DOMIU ton In which you %vill not find Some The RN Cross workers In the 'neigh- former sufferer who has regained borhood of Loyal held a very sucem- health and strebgth throl*h the use Of ful sardeb IArty 'on %fr. Youns's Dr. Willharns- Pink pills. and thIA Is groutift at the Loyal store on Wed- the reuon why these 1pills have beell ne9fty nlght,, The Min Of the fore. a favorite household renJWY for moM tIt ot tha dow Aeared oft In time and than a generaijon. It you are Itillfts ell bOt 4"M to have Interfered with and will give %he 01118'.* fillir trl&l you k oft#"" to till JAI b"11will tot %he attIlAdoe#* which wag very good. will find renewed 11ftlVit *nd hallpf'6014 k* A* A 1twitifix) supper was served and the In their use. iWaltrelleft Were kept busy to a late YOU Can get Dr. Willi"61 Pink Pills 1160. - Afiff the litipper was verved, s through any med(olm* dftlero or Py 'ftb 006*111 *AS givM for which M&II at 50 e4nits a bot 4* itit boXell dt CHklll&� PA . Mit. ROSS of Atmutti tkbd Smith's WO fVoin The Dr,, W1100" Ited"61116 011111*11ift %tttd AN thAdMAn. The CO., BroAville. ont. Ofthftlft.1106 6 UUMber of 7�7, 04 Ift Milk PAunderg, STAR Ant U Willi I It" h601