HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-08-30, Page 3", , I . I . A- - 1. - - R,-' 0 , : Jg - � , 1� ­ ­"" - _­ ift1N_,!_,"7 j 6 7, i r :- 2311r-�� � ) - __ - ---W=_111.111�1 : I � _. � , � a 3 , I I I - .. � I . . , I - - I - I - - ­ �j.--j-j­jj"-j. * 0 t.fl"N, 1# I I .: . � I 11 I .1. � 11. I— ;_ I . I I ms . M i , " . , . i - � - I I- iq.10�111 11 i ,- .1 "ALF T"119JUX Of,"11% � , . lr",%. 11, I I ilil!llllll!ii!�111111111, ".M-11 0% - -, - . .­___ - ­ . . I ,­ I I I ­.- ­­­ ___ 11 I 11 '­­­­�­ � - ."..." 11­,­1T__`i 1 1 NVOWS"M -.11.11,00 - � I - I . . . '" 0 is � , Do I , . . � ­. CA- � I'll I I I #AK 4AU"a XT . � ��� . TW MARIQ ,� .7 1.11, 11 - ., � . I . I � 'A � I . ; �> Ii. 't u eanings I= � , . � ui, , ric I , .. I I I I ' ;; � - I I � , . I I , � . . � , , . I . 110 . ­­_ -00 AN"'N141010-1 ,a, �� ''OrI01081 , I. � I Nytoguam'S 'elvio ltobjuy vill ,be Air&. 4lV,gW* li & sh"094, of Tol,�' � I , Ut n1l - - � I 0MIX-riPATTION,ilit ' � � " � , V"ONTO MARKM% . � QUALM, � TA I L 0 1 � LL &kt. Jim. "' - � out.o. formerly''01,011'Atoo, , , . 11 URI,", � . -_*� , � , 49"oea TORONTO, Aug, 2-1 .-T40, awa -I i � , *0 e484.9tWelat Alri, J,Ql, . ' I Mir 1g. JR, 16binsoa ,4 - . 9, Kvtl 49 Trade quoituloaiii ter yeg and I . - .. oul famtky to , Of her JU I . - I We. to Mr. L.eoug 6W*,, � � . Wboa thin bowels, bocamot �Wyplyi ,r4 Qtca ; � � - � �OltiNjou ,of . .. 4, p4q;vlwyjili�p vom.eHlyth 10 $Wfirth. I , � - wore, 4.4., tollowil: Mr. I , , - , , the late Rev. T. .4 6014o 404; Urs. Sa- maint 04 wiri'mr. itto Stqr* Far%, Wl - I tu 4,toiniach'T, tg 04 of, OrOrt lbi JAytior, � I . do ", at# warr 1904 -fle, ft, J. 814fter . "-,. � ,. � .: . . 41/,Q Ta,,,, woiol.#*� . The wearer of clothe I ,*, 104y 4,444w* .1 sm ot 9M la-4cli- 1 bin�e. of lumiltonoo, t1w viiiairri, W"_ -�t% t3ko Including . o . . y , I . ftQ9*h0,aaA:Z; ", - er, 'ot, 011PA00" fued, ot 'iwouAds, in! _,�^ , U,Qrto"tri, .1 -3 tikilored b Us always. : � laws t1litovIoloot , I . No. Wig � , , , Place Aug. 29tfi.' N $3.24%. . ;, 1 -Ae,AtotWb,:`beIpWngoo1,wx " ' Fralkft�Aug- MIX, I X 2 nortbora. $3.21%. . '. I bears with him the stamR of being well dressed. Ottir ' pj - P... I ; I A quivt marriage .ceremony Nwas N northern, 2.17'*. � � � T , I ' ' J" : The,de'ath occurred 0,t Londont emnized at the ma - � I whe4t. ;2.10%. . OCR . b4n i S.01, no. .- 4. Water L ., . Aug. . .Wit . �Ah, biRqp.W%.oet0 ' I I. . b ' Ift. Of Mr. J. A- 1,440gfOrd.. 0.1 040 time .use, B�Juevtile, on , . I Dino work has the fit, and finish and style. I , ` =,�M 11 , I I � - --welia IV. � � ; . � xt�ep Yo", W 't , y 410W - I Sunday mornim Aug. 18th, at ten 10itilt.404 Oiats ton oi*tors Fort .. , * buk's t& . - - I !X r0§iIRPnt of bUVJMQiV APA'060 Of -ft- I W01141101N. "I . . va,4ver k L'.' They = t, � O'clock, when Alto.% daughter of Mr. Zia, a Q.w�. 50%o, I I � 00 . - .. � #w4y till the 0000A, 4M4 PQijQ,4 Jos'll. ' I . yglp David Durreang of Glearlailiin. Nv43 unit, Araw.wian ".a % rraCk, Taronntn%, 1. _ "I I rlo o.).*b�Aco*l,lcct,edi4,t�041Y,OtQM . , , Lieut. Wita.,W116.00, son Ot Mr- QMA ed In m&rrIW to joset Maine. of the NO., 4 Yellow, klim-4ricd. norali" "' I Armstrong's Tailoring Is Quality Tailoring. I IT x *1rPe,.v,a ' - 0 _r _ I � lkwan of i i . I . oy #A,d,a,4tUW ;Poti Mrs, J. WU�soo. of Hem , a Mem- 48th Highlailde , OntArill'y=.1i, =kiln .rnked' QQmIA4' '' Q4 , 11, and , ris , � I I 01 � _­ ", els, exfio dAk* stiart,04 P114 -g, her of the IqIst. b.4 . as been a to Fro.410"', � I . ,, , ttAll . I . I. . . w ryin a V 0 alad W e . .on, h -Mr. Walter J. Coats. brother of Mrs. � No. 2 white I. .o .1 11 Imitations . - . 0 ilkew crop). "a 14 W - , Vt 9 4 ,k ro I , 11 4 In action - C. B- Middleton, of Clinton, passed �, I I . I ,WWI - � Sold - , is 1=21 4mt, Air. flobt, Creery. a former resident away Aug. 12th, at Port Arthur after No. 3 White (newerov). I" ti$..v Ron J. Armis ' ' - - � . I - . Orotort* Wheat (Oasis in store m91014)), , MaLosian Block trong Urs- XM Wreogj TQW" Apto., Cal. or, USboroe.r flied lately at Victoria only a few day,, Illness. The deceased No. 2 winter. per car let. $2 . South 11111011141 of square- A*=tAltA.lwXttA4:4 TllAV1lb64itrOubI04 .H.,es.pItal, Looffoll.'TUr. Josiah Greery, was - a son of the late Win. Coats and No. 3 winter. Per car lot. sal't- , � on ft I AD, lidt , COM-tAP0100, for thi 10t � two y4frij, of Usborge, Is a brother. was born In Clinton and spent the No. 3 spring. 3.26. 1 �� �� I I - I I I ­ - No. 3 opriag. 2.23. 1 � I . 1. 1iAVo OW numerouit treatmentaii, but Corp. W, E, Jeffrey. tion jol Mr, and greater part of his lite there. I I ". 1. I Marlis of ;�, � . We never bse 4 d b anything � - P"* (oh0co0rding to Freights Q#*)d .,.-.-.- - ____,_____ ��_ � I - , "' b i"Of _ rank Case, of Seat $*-A. nogglidnal I . , 9N I Ift - --- .- _ , . UAW Uqed mi'llioam-T, ; � p4h� Mrs. oeo, 4effrey, of Vsborue, Is suf- Mrs. F Orth, diVd (ACCordling to Froilghtit 01* JUST A NOTE OF WARNING . wW0h*ebjPfpJ#f;,m wFdxe+� foring from gunshot. � Wounds- He Is at her homi on Tuesday night of last !Wu $1.0 - Woo). M I nara's 111cense Is. according to Food BoaK porl ' ully. " as (now crop) 3 to Order No. 44. "Any place whatsoever .. 1. oner of the military medal- week at the age of 71 year* aftibr befog Slookwhonit. tAtcoardjn4 to For*1211*4h� ,where meats to the number of fifteen , 1�" ', r4l L * a wl . I . . I Or, V*r I , - 4" 250. W . - . I , . .A . . � r sale by oil- druggixt4i and, deal- Filer Merl Green, formerly of Hamil- in Poor health for several months 48 alft). . I any boarding-house keepers and or more per day are served or sold to 0 ton, was killed In action Aug. 5th. the result of a paralytic stroke. Tile BudcWhotiat. no others engaged in the restaurant bust- I others than members of the family or , I dimot on Tempt, f * I WoAcwrdlngw%�reiahts 16 In I Iflont " - . V, I.. T.: .ilburni Co., Uliatz, = He was a nephew -of Postmaster Scott, deceased, whose maiden name was . N6. 3. norldnal. Oquiloo .. ness in a small way, particularly In the household of the proprietor or cateir. LLL " ..; of Brussels, and -was 4. flue young- man. Mary Ann Patterson, was born at Rog- 1111aftit"a Flour (Tororlito.% * .__� smaller towns and villages6 have notler." Persons supplying meals to the I , MISS A. Maude larag, . superintendent erville. War quality. 410.$L I . yet t ken out licenses as they are re- number as stated must obtain licenses. I - .1 . Ointarle Fteir in Rags, P.ampt ship. THOUSANDS OF EN REQUIRED FOR quired to do by the Canada Food , - of the Deaconess Home .of Des Moines, &fr. Aley,auder Ste -wart passed away L G -AN -W . �thffMLq&..1ltey_ are. jlahle_to�-_ &m - at- - _-_ ­ : .: -- .. UndayL -- - - ----- ­ ... .. . mant.- , -.-.,. -_ - I I ----.BAR =_ rd. - _.Tholw� F&I'luft. ­Ik".. lft6trefdft Impir I ._­_�.­_ -s ng her VMIWii 7kt--T -W6hC- r " CANADA liable to the penalty required by the I ___Wk ----- I - lowa, has been cow 116 e ff W" Quablity. 110.86 moratir44 �$10.44 Isonmeut, or both. HEILEMANN, Osteopath, at the home of her p4rents, Mr. and morning. Aug. 18th, at the age of 78 Toronto. --- =F-'"MVMUW-Wvi5N6WN-tffa--cUMaTe�- -Afn;-Gea,-K4nG-.Blylb---.---�_-., years. He was born In Blairstole, Scot- Milifeed (Car Lots. Denvertiod .14*n#*.d regulations, It must be borne In mind 410W.es. Acute. cbroolo; and nervous d15, ..--.-- I _W(f _11bV " - FrI12"M.-Mags. included.). Thousands of men are required to that a public eating place subject tol ADVERTISE IN THE STAR fio.rftrs. P&rIil#%,,4e*fAqs8. eye. ear, nose' The marriage of Miss Grace Pyke, a -Uff-i'Lr-to-CnLnuda--Nvtlite-stitt-a per ton. 136. help In the work of harvesting the . -404mi throns;"Aderrolds removed without youngest daughter of Mr. Edward Pyke, boY and settled in Grey Township, at- 813hr4.4 per ton. 44o. - _- __ _____­ ­ ­_", - __ ­­ __ . 0 111he knife. Consultation free. ource 111114 of Gorrie, to Mr. Jewitt, of Sault Ste . terwards moving to Ooderich and later Hey (Track, Toronto). Western crop. The c P. R. has oofn- rpsirleace, Nelson and $1. Andrew's Streets to Seaforth. NO, pleted arrangements to transport to the back of Temperance Hall, North Street. Marie. was quietly solemnized at Tor- ton. jA per too. fin to jig; oaIXq4'yW \ t Q1111to hours - 9 w u� a. m., I. to 6 -pi in. onto. �ou Tuesday. Aug. 44, Mr. Richard -9. Brown, & topmep rest- to Ill. West this great army of workers. I -LOA fm Ii6_ totile �_k 4a . We I I".. Straw (Track, Toronto). For those going from points in on- , . Moods Saturday dent of qie Township of Ashfield, and CALT lots. Per ton, 18 to $&60. 4111 . Event y appolatment. and " The home of Mr. and Mrs. David Sher Farmers, market. tarlo to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and 11. .4 ,,Thursdays Iff, Lupknow, was the scene of a prett- a brother of Mr, Samuel Brown, Am- Fall wheat -No. 2, $2.16 Per bushel. Alberta extra trains will be operated . LE y berle) has died at his' home in Win- spring wheat -No. 2, $2.11 per bushok through to Winnipeg kthe distributing . QAL CARDS wedding Wednesday oz last week when nitieg.' tie taught school for many Bsorley-Malting, norninal. I r . . - their only daughter,- Irene 0,, became Point) without change. . - I 0.1111ARLES OARROW, Barrister. ' Q-Iclt6r. Years in Ontario and went West in 19N Oats -Old. 93c to 94c Per bushel. Going trip West, $112 to Winnipeg. 'W. Etc. Corner xurt,. Street and square: the bride of Dr. R.,rvl. McLean. of Wel- May -Timothy. $20 - to $22 per ton; Goderfeb, Ont. land. . Wheve lie completed his fiftieth year wixed and clover, $18 to 119 per ton. Returning trip Ea,st, $18 fl-ollL \\,In - in the Profession. CHAS.SEAGER � Misa McPherson, or Whigham, has LMERPOOL MA RKETS. 111peg. I I I . The death occurred Tuesday of last Liverpool. Aug. 26. -Beef. extra India C011stilt C. P. R. Agents regarding � I -Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public been appolpted to the staff of the \veek at her home in Seaforth of Mary transportation arrangenieulb west . S�aforth Collegiate Institute to till tire $103. of i office : Court- House, Goderich. Patterson, widow of tile late Francis ornePaosr'k. prime short western, -Milis. Winnipeg. . - e -ed by the resignation of Case. in her 71st -year. She had been Hams, short cut, 14 to iG lbep., -is7n. = I vacanc,.% .so-, . Thatte M. Miss L;.fB. McKinley, who goes to Ed- Golull Doles I ; 0 R. ` HAYS a sufferer from heart troub Bacon. Cumberiand cut, 25 to So lbs., August 20th anti August 20th --All I monton. . le for some 152S. 1 Barrister, Solictlor. Notary Public Etc. vears and her death was due to R so(-- Clear bellies. 14 to 16 Jos.. 160s. stations in Ontario, \No�t of Smith's 01111ce Hamilton St. rling Bank Block Tht! engagement 1.4 RT)nounced Of vession of strokes. J. A. and Edwin Long cie*r middles, light. 28 to 14 Ibit.. Palls, Up to and Iticluding Toronto �, Gode;4ew , - ... . Real Est;te, Loans, Insurance Sarah elyn, third daughter of tile Case, of 'Seaforth, are sons, 1.60a; do.. heavy, 35 to 40 tbs.. 1$$IL . on Lake Ontario Shork, 1,ilip, and Ilave- ­ - _­ ­ - _ ­­ _­ ­ late Rthen Spindler and of Mrs. Ann Burke, reliet of the late. Jo. Short clear backs, 16 to 20 tbs.. �678. look-Peterboro line,* also rrull, statiijns I 4CONVEYANCING AND NOTARY _SPhfMr.­0f­bUc`1tnoWT -to'-.'JJr.LL­'ThO1Jooat'_ seph Shoulders. square. 11 to 13 lbs.. 1289. K - Bradxvin -Passed -peacefutil-- aWRT ­at� -- Laird. Prime ---western- in tierloati_U91j. Kingston to Renfrew Junction, iii(qus- . . 0 1 1 Joseph .Marks, son of Nfr. and Mrs. John Ill" home, 'in Wingham in her 14th, dd. A-erican refined, palls. L629; do * lVe, aftil­-nloaf 14tarion,s T)n Ir-owinto-surtz - I ­ . OZOILGE E. GREENSLADE, Bayfleld, Con, Rratford. , -you dirw1rover ar arioss for enterstaininsiont- � VOY11ricing and Nutary Public Marks, of 1, yetir. N,hp had been in fallill�g health boxes, 1609. bury line. From btations ()n ,,,ault With- - I_ - _ - I - Tallow. Australian In London. " 326. . Mr. and Nirs. H#rry West0l), Of tire for thp past two yoars but ' Turpentine spirits, 1255. 'I 1111P I - JL Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub- yfleld Road, Goderich township. an- been compelled to take to her bed Rosin, common. 64s Gd. inain line, Beirtirage to Franz, inclusive. ;s Master's Voice" Records I . VROVDFQOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, Ba had not Ste. Marle branch. From stations on 46H& 11: E , 11OUnce the engagement of their young- until a fortnight before 4er death. She Petroleum, refined, Is 6%d. From stations. Belliany Junetion to e on the Square, 2nd door from est daugh4r,. Elva. Elizabeth, (Bes Linseed oil, 62s. 1 XWN pow as b-Owtoac ~ It 4� eet Goderich.' . . . . Si P!, %vas born at Tburies, Ireland, seventy- � . Part MeNicoll. and Burketon-Bobcay- . flt� str . . Private runds to loan av lowest rates. t ,o Mr. Lorraine Vall, of Detroit, the four Years ago. earn,- to Ganada In 18,56 CMCAGO GRAIN MARKET. geon. " C*Dft (Of 10-Iftelk, slotable-oNW, I W. PROUDFOOT K. C, marriage to, take place in Detroit oil anti was married In 1865. Edward Brad- J. P. Bickell & Co. report the .'ot'owi August 22nd and Aiigust 29th -From ; W Every"s Anker CaRine i amm I J. L. KILLORAfoi, H. i. D. COOKE. August 31st, NN'111, Of Wiligham, is a son. I prices on the Chicago Board of lr=! StatI0118 WeSt all,l .�ojltlj of 1110ronto, Cleopatra AaLoor Coalition - . ., __ AUCTIONEERING ___ . . I I L Pirev. tip to and including Hamilton and I ,-1 Ther Wers AA Out of Soop I)w 6 I HOMAS .OUNDRY. TuT)&cnT9sfs'1n Clsttre. I Get Corn Binder In shape. I I Corn- open. High. Low. Clone. Cla" Windsor, Ont., on ON%en Sound, Wal- It miteninir 14fts . - reas ifhy� I I_ Aug. .... 167% 159Y, 157% A914 It . kerton, Teeswater, Wingliani, Elora. � We're All Going Calling no, a6 Koakaor T - fill To 14 Q..t#e caro, vrov�_exped 1% Listowel. Goderich, St. Mary's. Port I � I � I rmem.-shoul godi 5 % One 011, 1A Sept. ... 158 160% 157% J0% IN .�. anor . Live Stock and General Auctioneer., have their cattle tested. for'tiOUBlY, economically, and succesqtul- Oct. .... 160 162% 1591/a 26234 160% Burwell and St. Thornas branches. and . ( Hamilton street, Goderich. ulosis is the financial loss IY some kind of a corn Onto 31kialews )-sk-fou Trot Diwwssiai Jass & I ) Sales made everywhere and all efibirts tubere harvester is stations Toronto and north to Bolton, Tig*ir Rag-43no-%, 6.4) W72 M440 to Five yo I Aug. .... 70% 71% 70% 71% 70% ine'lugive. P Dixieland jam E I , , . FA u satisfaction. . which they suffer by having . an absolute necessity, and it must be Sept.' ... 71% 71% 70% 71% 10% I f . f f giners sale notes discounted. fuh---l-r animals In their herds ; In good working, . orde , Various Purth arfl,­1 A 1131-111- Red se -a n ----a � M . o 1 7344 73% V t. � Milw met. .... 14% 73% 72 1�. 11, - .0111 Jos, J%Jo". As the disease Is at first slow cheap machines hiYb bqo triedand Pork- C. P. R. Ticket Agent, or W. B. Howard, 710 Mask of Your Eyes, . Foataceso A&& WU i - in, "ativoisloploonat-a'a.0- so n9it-litilduce 4P Iwalk .rig. W ­5,,r;n binder Sept. ... 43.56 43.55 43.25 ,42.61 43.72 D19triet Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. :� , "" . . . urkle or -4 r I ' - iack leg . h CO,, . per . I I . tore on a Dec. ... . 43,95 43.95 43.65 43.66 42.76 . ____ - ­ H6w dwm at aw "Ke Moom's Viisi.j- A.b* J)tl. W. 0. CLARK, V. S., -grad atilddept _13 , _ ,,, eao, lik'#j I x,';P� . the,Ontaho Veteriiiiarg 0:110ge Ter- or he'RehoRia, is 8 er , looes not I I& ge P of '' In Ill this pro- S Lard- , � �, � "I coal I respectfully call ,it e lteA49a Of 08 t,,,t',,, re vince. � ept. ... 26.72 26.87 26.67 24.87 26.10 Only tile unifornif-d Pnittire the agony - '. rji%U940�he,1'l s I @8 ezidures by , , k il Oct. .... 26.85 26.95 29.82 26.05 26,52 of vorns. Tile I - Ad .111- -2 Is owners to my splOoved metho of ' ' knoNving ones apply Viftv&s Iftins $% OR ow perams" - Operating on horses' teeim.- A fresh sup- having tubeiculosts In his herd unUl 'there are several kin'48 of Corn Ribs- H011oWay's Corn Gure slid get relief.. W" ow 6ve -T. Cry- of veterinary medicine always OR one or more auirnal binders on the market, and while Sept. 41�65 24.80 24.60 24.80 24.65 so" now -20 k6umal= :1,# velop the dis- Q. Olftoce and stables-Newgirte street, , , i eaeft kind ma Dec. .::: 214.86 25.02 24.82 2542 34.81 - ��- - . Goderleh. ease 191"an advanic, - d(%1,kM_ "d. the Y have its special inerit - I peolk mointi; eveigm ,108 meftes vAge R . .. 0144 � - , f6r0,,,.d, -..wj1�e1,;,i' ,they ikre At,q.kh `tb the arrangement of its esseiatial . I SEPTRIIIIIIIER IN ALGON911.1N PARK � f� , I ]RANCE' L ... 'O'ne ,.; 11 I& i�m 'At� - o. al�p trouble ___ Sept ' , iR T a - , Must arlse. it these ember Is one of the moo � ti ,� , ftb� the 4.13 . � eus '.' � rkh tirnit .� have had the , iRs are not properly cleaned, oiled C&TTLE K - ,ful months of the. year In th ol --- 5 ___ ill .h I T- Mfiner Grm-o-phone Co. WfILLOP %UTUAL FIRIC INSI)RANdE disease a long time -without It being I and kept in alignment. � I , lands of Ontario" and Algonquin Park CO. __ UNION STOCK I ' I HONT"AL 1AN"Illow A and Isolated Town Property Insured. suspected and will have been giving. The advancing part of the 00ru YARM offers attractions that the not found in I VAlue or -property Insured up to January, 01 IN-tvir Milk­#RIIftqXnd.oL.,4ror- binder copsista-0f,t." diverging Jaws TORONT6, Aug. 27. � With re. other districts. It is situated at an a[- . 1� 14 . � ' , = Lenoir street h ' 11910, IN 049 075 00 ­ i 1, it # ceipts at nearly 4000 cattle, or to be titude of 2,000 feet above the level of . � . .. . 11 uml(ors 'of tuberculoalill whilph mopoy 1xi'!rifft or lowered by � ,. , . Ot Iffl? i;�ies conolly, Presidept, p 980 41 a 32 Lis * It are . t �", I cAed 385.6 #eond, on, theseas, assuring visitors of - 4 , bactIll. I I tb ,ay the bsdlli are -1 tin Arrangetuen of';#YQrs. Atta absolutely accurate, 0 ' � Ooffilorich Jas. Evans, Vice -President, , Ofesto '4rq � . ,w. � , -.�r three tra� - 4 Pure brac " � 1 ad ; T. E. Heys, Seci.-Tireas.. SW A .,�,, d. tj� foeodf`,'�Jater andt. to esopili -4 re two" the Union Stock Yards =PXX,et yeijo Ing air that rejuvenates body and mind. 1, le, StAL 0 J tin 0bgjI"_'., f ('n----' with a "His Master's Voice" Goderich Dealen () 00 .. ling Qiij _ '' . Ish _ , ,el terday and the absence of &.4y'.9ther A few days here is better than ounces . FIAT!" atitno , '.. * .. I ilpfieri _Iqi tlk' ST' . r "47 . ng I— - "It , , 61 . "k; DIRECTORS�-D.' F. r4caregor, Seafoortli!6. ,taW . , MRIJU . ed with thl J�j A,,,4Jb I-) "' . _0 ment. Their,$#* �, �O nvey the st4 than local buying, the Mtyt s. The . .. - J. g.� Orieve, Winthpop'; Win. Trrinj Coirt- � � _e jX, oi _!t may of tonics and saves doctor's bill, , li ft� George htetarthey, Tu kerSmith ; :WtU46"Herd ept et ihoit.4iseafte I in an upr hit tairly be said to have held..up VW territory is also easy of access % JAS. F. THOMtWN J. H. LAUDER 'I s%a ce ; � i i ,.-.1- 4' . -is the 'I , 41oho Ferris, Harlock - Jolin BennOwl ft1K th - Aal I tfilstid Int"rials. Position fie - " " - ine, &fly& well. For the real - L Obooke Grand Trunk, 2W nilles north of Toron- ; I of I . . "I ; steers the price ran arouqd.), 0 Con -4 . . go9d It* BroAdbagan ; Malolm,iffiEw". gritoeTINS1. ' -will "Indicate I The cho, a -it t be to J14,69 to to and 170 miles west of Ottawa. The Don't FoMet I L ,f . I A ENTS-J. W. Ybo, doidericiii ; Sandy %*fie 96iiiiiialin test� 0 1 1 11 I It Clinton " Win.. Chesney. Searorth ; wh,�t or or not an animal. ji:. tubeir- 1 or tfiey wIJI Tilde th tooth otEh: $15 and $16.50. Medium ibuteAers' "'Highland Inn," a charming caravan- , � i! t symp. , sPorOQk9t...A44. Stip d a the' teoth. sold from $11 to $111,96; 49' to sera affords most comfortable accom- � . Robley, S4alotth. . tul*r tq4r Visfore �m3r - r, , I i , . .11 L Pricy Holders can pay their assessments tol""are v1sible. �#Us..e =.-ng one : Uschines . Ittayiog kern. -to - 'UO.'75 for the common ftoohers; Incitation at reasonable rates, Descrip- . Ibmannewhoost yeofte"Aso I Pon" viiieftim I as. . H. Cutt's Store, Goderich, A. J. blor- � _ tire ,. $9 : 11 I rish's Clothing Store. Clinton, Or J. H. to: deAl Wlth� sueh�1LA_A;aI1qijiI- before 'went earn befi�g lEnoc ed off by J�,na­ to $11 for the best cows, �and tS five literature telling you all about it. tor *M Moonset , & ior sior bass b fteid's, Bayfleld It -ij dankegg . d the needle. to $9 for the medium cown, . from any Grand Trunk Agent, or write . .w = .Qvwm I � . _ . vi iiiiiiiader-of Onto$ h -_ a" - -_ .. _-... . - see - t 0 Atialki, �heri packers 1111116 4 _t:::*_ __ --.,..-- __� the diselse. . - tia yJkId Choice lambs sold proclically a Miss Jean 41-Indsay, Manager. Highland 1,� _�Ll FOR GOOD RELIABLE V&eiii- iiiii animal is It i to be slightly while ,th I Rom*Mbw-Theft am so ovotheitin 0 6 Own �q ,0 nodle to 4 -Ag dollar lower, or at from gi%e to lot), Algonatrin Park, fintario. . - - tubercular it shoo-jid not be allowed tied. Too juaO ,4utdlea crowding Igo, light sheep 14c to ISO and . -I,--- � - __ , . � . ___ _. _. � __ - � - - , Le-, � I � I I I to " with � the te4t,'of the herd. the carrier will -interfere with �the heavy, tat sheep and lairubw 10c to' I , Shoe R,pairing Wheid ciatt e'are porchased to add to binding attachment-, p1roperly Xree,Wg ­ . Ill I TV _ 12c. - - ___­­­._ -11 I I herd if should We'Oialy when sub- Itself. Thi knotter and the neei,410 Choice calves sold at from 16%01 . .1 1 - I -11 --- - I 11 -----.-.. ­_ . SMIT11 A RINd 12A to, the tuberculih'iest, aiii cattle cannot do their w'ork,okilciently wken -_ - - ..... v w1th I -ves - � .rivered with to 1 7 I/L c medium cal 13%O to . __# an 481"Strad Opposite Knox Clutrob may have every violble Indication of rust. P0,11sh thein . 0 1 . ,-- . GIVE US A TRIAL good loilth -and yet be tubercular fine emery cloth. If the knife of the 16a grassers and common calves - . - I . I . ni develope� knotter is dull sharp§n It or It v 7 %e to 10c per I b. The run of calves a . I , I I I the disease not yet, h4vt . 1,411 0 0 L' I 1. to an.-advanecid ddgrde. cause trouble by palling the twfte was.light, 211 all told. IV . , 1. I I I I .., ; - I It Is therefore strongly recom- from the hook betbo the knot, Is With 1464 hogs on the market so- I � ended that farmers . made. As it requires consideraele the price held steady with fast vreek's V , .. i ist. Have -their 'befda' teated for power to cut The �6&00y stubble, and close, 19%c fed and watered, 10%o ... I 'e-utherculashi with the tuberculin test. not teart it up by the Iroots, the knife weighed off cars and 180%o f.o.b. . ; .9 .. , hou ,B, 0 ga il I rop ro& , 2nd. That they slaughter the ant- should be thoroughly keen, citherwilse EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. , . % GOOERICH Ilials that have* the disease in an ad- It will clog with grass and weeds. Es,st Buffalo. Aug. 26.---ftttIe--R*- - . I ,� vanced degree. s rho stubble -cutter shouLd also be celpts. 700. .141ow; 2�o to 50C lower; prime 01 I . 3rd. That they separatiii the cattle kept in good conditJon. It Is a use. steers, $17 to III7, 50; shippine !teers. I ,- I I I I . The Leadina that react to the test- from those lot device, and when rightly sharp- $16,76 to $17; but. -hers, '$11.76 to $26.hO; a , ' yearling's. $13 to $16.50; heifers. $10 to . KeeP WRIGLEYS In Virlitch do not react. ened and adjusted Orien not add very 314; cows, $5 to) $11 50; bulls, $6 60 0 . , 411. That they remove'the calves much to the draft. 1 $11.50; stockers antl feeders, $7 to $10 9b. I ; ; and Lmbalmns Irom tubercular mothers as soon as Do not depend on. a superfidial fresh cows and 4pringers. $66 to $136. mind as the longest. I . Calves --Receipts, 1600. Easier; $7 to I � dropped, and feed tboul'on milk from examination of the machine to Jac- $19.50, Clean to handle. Sold by all Drug. lasting confection You )rders carefully attbnded to healthy -cows or on their mother's quaint yourself If it needs repairing, Hog -Receipts 7200. Stew -IV to I.Sc Rists, Grocers and Gcncral Stores. I I all hours-nightl- or &y. milk after it has been properly pas- because if you do, you will surely iower;sheavy, $19 75 to $20.76; molitod avid can buy. Send It to P , teurized, i.e., after it has been heated miss some small, but vital part need- yorkers, $20 75 to $21; light York" 420 26 - I fho h # h I - . I , � . �, . I � - to 146 deg. F. for half,an, hour. 6th. That th6y fLpoi* the tuber- Ing attention, it not replacing. , these break during the b it usy on to f4u.­, pliz... - E0 #...an; roufflid. $17,25 to 1117.51); stags, $12 to $16. I :, I . 11 - : , - culin tea t to every new purchase of cattle 'that are to be placed In the' dean herd. �., they will .cause greater br - IIV.ge is and serioug loss. � Clean the machine thoroughly with Sheep and lambs- Receipts, 4,410...�aai ter; lambs, $10 to) $17.75; yea rl lohr $1; to $15; vrethers. $13.25 to $13.75;';wes. $6 tO $ 1 3: mixed sheep. $13 to $12.76.' __ 1 . CLUBBING RATES - 1. 11 -, ­ - � 111111111illgialawaliw 1111, That the herd he tested with benzine, gasoline or kerosene. Go WINNIPE(A LIVE STOCK. WITHIHE STAR tuberculin annuall,v. i � Obtaining 1rubercon Dver every part of the machine, and doing Winnipeg, Aug 26.-Recelpto today at For the Teat. The manufacture and supply of while this you will locate loose bolts a&d worn or broken parts. Oil- the Union Stuck I ards were 1000 cattle, 113 calves. 4.52 h�,Km ! 15 sheep. and liambs. Tka Star amid Toronto Daily Glob* ......... $5 25 tuberculin Is kept under the Dom- holes and wells should be cleaned $ � Butcher steers 50 to 1119; heifers, $7 i t 41 50; u ')%s $4 50 to $9,25; bulls. $5 .. .. 1. 1. Dany M 'I and E i r*- ...... a' I. .. 5 25 InIon Government control. it is re- quired that a vditerinartan be eni- o,ut, and new waste, If required, put Into the wells. RefIll th o $7. x to I' , 0 ..n. S" ".1 to $10; si�ickers and feeders. $6 t,- $I-' .-,',. 'ealers. $5.5o to 1. .1 Faraily ,aid and " " Mantra e grease ,,,, 1.rt11..q $950) to $14. Weekly Star .................. 2 65 $# 11 " ploved by the farmer to make th, - test. 'Prof. Dan. M' Jones, Ontario cups; In short, renew and repair any- thing and everything that requires sheep and - Hogro- ,14�1, 1 - $I I heavies. #is to $17; Weekly Sun (Toronto) ...... 2 40 1. ­ kgricultural College, ' Ittention. - Prof. John Evans, sows $15 to) p.; -�tags. $8 to 410; lights. . 11 Toronto Daily Star ....... .. .... 4 30 Guelph. I I I '-1-ff-"*4-.1t&rIo On- $14.5il. 11 .4 " Toronto Daily World ........... 525 -_-.�-`_- --------- - - 6�­ -------- --- gricultura , �_# I College, Guelph. - I _____ - . .1 " Toronto Daily News ............. 4 30 � I . � . I Guns Taken by Canadians. . .4 " Firmer's Advocate .............. 3 00 I . With rho Canadian Forces, Aug. 1. to ' The Country -Gentleman ......... 3 25 , 11 .. " London Daily Advertiser ....... 5 00 . hp Must imptessive eight to be 4_97-7 __�, I seen now in th,­ vicinity of the battle- 1. 1. " Loodon,I)Aily Pros Ptess ....... 5 00 , 11 " Montreal Weekly Witness 2 90 . ;I- 1rN1P11`;M , field to tho, ,,aftf of Amtens Is the park ...... :' " " World Wide. Renewtit ...... _. 4 25 1. 11 " 7r I .1 . - ­. . :147FIRN I ,. k�.W.. 17771,�29ZV- , 1 � i - 1 of artilivry captured by the fQnrth army with whieh the Canadians are Pre3byterian and Westminster. 3 30 . ,� .. .... . . ��­ 1. ". 11 �. - �, ... � 4." . incorporated. when seen the total 1. 1. " Catholic Register ....... I ....... 2 90 I f� . . 1. 1. 11 Saturday Night (Toronto) ...... 4 25 . .. I I -. '.I �,, � . 7,;P,, . .1.1 number of guns of all sorts and sizes 1. " " McLean'� Magazine ............. 2 75' . I I ,4 " Home Journal (Toronto) 2 25 . ... I.; " 11 . F- :,,I � ;. I �,�. 'P, I X� 1; �% . I .; ��, .. , from rho Gorman field gun up num- bered two h1instred and nineteen. ........ . " 1, Woman'S Home Companion �� ..; I . .. I � I I I . Tbose tIg,jrP% I)y no means Include (Now York) ................... 3 25 7. I.' . 1. ..:. � � I .".. the entir-, winowr Of guns ciptured . 9. " The Saturday Evening Post .... 3 25 - I .1.. .� .. . . ,:: � � as thor- m., ,)iIi-t-ft 110t Yobt 73rought 0 It " The Ladies' Roma journal .... 3 50 . � . .. ! In. 1? ncluding postage to Canadian Suboocribem) �. �� $1 Pprh;if-, tho r1lost interesting pieces .1 " The Canailian Countryman . .11 . "�1111 :: . . .. . " :.: of tho ('arradian trophy airs, the high (Weekly) ..................... 2 00 .. 4, . .. . velol it) 'i -I point nitle-inch guns. :' " " Tk# Yd'ifli's C66pirallon ........ 3 75 1, , .. � , , ...., , ; Tbeflo ar,- rra%al glins of about forty- . .. " Scoltish Astericas .............. 4 00 11":,, ,,..-.. -� . . -& �� . - . five ralthr,`4 with a range of twenty 1. 1. 1. Sciewtific Astartmi . ...... _.: 4 15 I �, � ... �, - :�;.,.. ,; '. .:�� , mIIP% an,l iiave been employed In , " 1. 11 casnopelitas magaithsto .....-&00 ?-,��4.z . �. . I ,. shelling wir hark area, including pot U 1. 1. mcclarti, 8 majazine ............ Soo .,�._ . 1.,.1; ,i � shots at AmIens Cathedral. . - " Ameoiicliii 11sam a*& Garilm ,. ; � f - - - (litaistlioly) ..................... 4 50 ;: � J%%l -411401111T%(�K IN BRITAIN To Ruligeribera In the United States , I ', Ill, "'. '! "1W ouncia of jam ppr 60 cents addition to all abbve, to pay ., , , %-,"i, ­ r .�'ihl­ to the eivi; popula- Postage. . 1 .. . . . . . � ! � . tion ,r ,,, ,I Britain 'sit the present Any combination of the above pubtf. till], , oi,lim houwwIv" should h The Star, for =Pie . mak- I : It. lint th"Y P09811tioly can to : farililal-- , to --nation butter, which Tits Star and l6fly Kai] and Fmpirs .... $5 25 1. ,Of %%Ill I)- 11 Tit,pro, nP164110A OVersea be- 1UPassilyfleraid($2.651sits $130) 1.15 call4p ,,f I!.- I'mi qh!tif# there. 0 7 "s - ; I "t- , , , " , TL� vii. -L iaa��.&, A 1, 416 t � , 60'" ­.­ " __ __­"Z;W;F�� I . ...... *­....,," PAwIttanctes by Postal Note or Ex- pvtWoOrder ourvisk *Ad4rl"­- " _� , 0.1114, 110 �". �_ , .� �Aj.�.". . I , UbliftMA* $ 4" Publf "" W�l I ,�, rlo ,.A� aiiiakloio, oa& % I . 1% , - , I I . � . ­ � I . I I . � . . . . . I . I , . I �_,­­, ­­. .., - - _ __ ,1 ---. I � . i le"4'd X,z,�_qZL�-"Zq 'LORD SHAVIGHN "'I'"'' "" I . � WhO OkUllt opened the Toronto Eithibittob Monday, I I I � . . I I , � . I I I :, I . 11 - � I I , I I � I - I ­­­ - , , ., - . I . 9�__ ...­_,__.­��,�� - 1. 11 -, ­ - � 111111111illgialawaliw I 01, , : :___­�­­ - __A:� -."-..,- -1 1-1- - L P - 1. . .11" ­­ POW *I I j�, ! � I 7 - "Rjwp_�_ L �0� i . =,�%� , I ...... -11.. ! .. 11 -- � - ., ,- , -� - I'll �� 11 I I �',*" . - _,clilL. � - I ­Jl , - 1, - - ", �� ­.­ �,��,. - .1� I 4161 6 0 ili--- --- _____ -_ , l y � I � I Mdwen s I Specials 7 I " I I .. ­ 1. ____ I Fine Line of Drinks for � the Warm Weathep ! i I,PNIONADE I't)WDER : ()ItAN(*,E ADE LFMONAPE, RASP. VINI:(,.\I', I LIME .11'1( E fl,IIAPE 'WIVE WINES. P;.I.0 Good aagortment of . Pickles and Catsup i something M sharpen the apis tite. A nice la,rgp t4n trf i Apple Butter I for 25 cents. . Pure Maple Syrup frorn the Eastern townOmp,i (guaranteed pitrel. y of Soap, -n hand. hoiiRlit before the rai4e. f4pecial in soc and $1,00 Iot'4, Ammonia at old price. 5c worth 10c; Ift line worth fie Something to make your firwor ' Rhine. Ronuk Floor Wax N(. I goorlm. In Mr. 35c and 50c nize. Wp havA on hand Prime Red RoRe and upton rea. bonght beforp the advance and doty. for 55c a lb., now worth 70c. lHave Tor) 15c a I b -) I J. MCEWEN i 'Phus a "nith old# Ilituars I Canada Food Board 1.1, swe No. A - TP43 ___ - - � VJ�Q a I 10 [I'V9110 . I I - I I I I � ;r 1. I � � 0 ill I I !g 1011= g"""`g 111111111111111 11111111111111 Warlime Economy = UNION 1111111111111 111111111111111 - In Sweetmeats -INN0111 - 1111110111 "q= L A = 111110111 a 5 -cent Package of WRIGLIEWS wil( 01111111111 � 11111111111111, 1111111111111111 111111111111111 give You several days' enJoyment: 111111111111111 111111111111111111 IM1110 Itos an Investment in benefit as we(� � I � "M 11�11111 10111100 11=111 aS Pleasure. for It helPs-feeth. breatio., 11111111110, 11111111111111 111111111110 IiiiiiiiiiiiIiil apPetite. digestion. 11111111111111 11011111111 I 1011110 11� � 1111111111111 CHEW IT AFTER EVERY MEAL M �1111 -1 ,� �,, i 11111111111111111 ' 11111111101 �,, , 1� � � The Havour Lasts ""* i �1111 " � a) ­ � -, � 1'. "� . I,( . . i Seated tlitht-Keot rUht , , -#. ��J 4j) t�, ­ 1�4 � d . I , . . . . . I I I � I � � I I , � . . �j�__­�­--- ­�..­ t_�.Jds__ I - � I I � 11 . - .�,�­ . � '-_,a,, .'. ��_.�-z-,, I �� - � .� - I .. ,,,a. ) . -1 - V_� ��_�­'_ '', I- ' - 1. .. I. 111. ­___ - - 441Q_ - " . I . ", , iiio ­ Z I I . I I . _w -�,.,,,,�L I I - I., . '. I , ­11r7W,, � lo!"!moo, . -, C " I 1- _� .�z�_ 't " I . ".. . .. -Z _ _ ., j" , " , , , -.11" 'A -1, . I �-­ -`--.%­­7"W"7-'T1 , , , . I :,. --'�,tk � . k _1W I � .,� _� , . . J ! , ell', I :1 '-, ., -, . �1-.. , . , , "' " � � � 1 4 1 . k I . I . *k - ?� 1 I I � .. � "I �, 1�, . , , . I , k4olo- I 11 . " . .. . . f I I - , "-,If* I . ..... . I ! I "' . t-_- ­.". . .. 1. I � . ". . I .. I I . "r- - �. , ,��'4��_'Lf_.Niiii­- i � 1�,_ __._ - - 1. �4- � "A. - I i �1�1 ­­4�0 ,;r , i i, �, . -, 4 . , - I 'I, .,! , , ­ 11 .. � '�, - i � __ i_:,, ,I _t � - * - ., � _� !�!'M!4 il� I - , - -1 , , ,� , ,,. ,�, : , - . , -..*4 I - I . ...... 11, 11 1. - - ,�, I I -,� 7 , I & ., , , - ... � . ,J *'-.,- ,,, . iit� . __ . . - -, , * ­.--�­ax�m�,,­._ I 1_- -1 . �. .. ­�.' � 1 - - , ` ... I ­ . - ­- , �, , 11 I 'I - - , ,,, i, , , I., ,, ", .,=- ,,S - "r -l-., ­­ x�-,­ - li Afik- �� I sl!#�, -1 �j I i�,� I I ,. 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