HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-08-30, Page 3",
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I #AK 4AU"a XT . � ��� . TW MARIQ ,� .7 1.11, 11 - ., � . I . I � 'A � I .
; �> Ii. 't u eanings I= � ,
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I . 110 . _ -00 AN"'N141010-1 ,a, �� ''OrI01081 , I. �
I Nytoguam'S 'elvio ltobjuy vill ,be Air&. 4lV,gW* li & sh"094, of Tol,�' � I , Ut n1l - - � I
0MIX-riPATTION,ilit ' � � " � , V"ONTO MARKM% . � QUALM, � TA I L 0
1 � LL &kt. Jim. "' - � out.o. formerly''01,011'Atoo, , , . 11 URI,", � .
-_*� , � , 49"oea TORONTO, Aug, 2-1 .-T40, awa -I i
� , *0 e484.9tWelat Alri, J,Ql, .
' I Mir 1g. JR, 16binsoa ,4 - . 9, Kvtl 49 Trade quoituloaiii ter yeg and I
. - .. oul famtky to , Of her JU
I . - I We. to Mr. L.eoug 6W*,, � � .
Wboa thin bowels, bocamot �Wyplyi ,r4 Qtca ; �
� - � �OltiNjou ,of .
.. 4, p4q;vlwyjili�p vom.eHlyth 10 $Wfirth. I , � - wore, 4.4., tollowil: Mr. I
, , - , , the late Rev. T. .4 6014o 404; Urs. Sa- maint 04 wiri'mr. itto Stqr* Far%, Wl - I
tu 4,toiniach'T, tg 04 of, OrOrt lbi JAytior, � I .
do ", at# warr 1904 -fle, ft, J. 814fter . "-,. � ,. � .: .
. 41/,Q Ta,,,, woiol.#*� . The wearer of clothe
I ,*, 104y 4,444w* .1 sm ot 9M la-4cli- 1 bin�e. of lumiltonoo, t1w viiiairri, W"_ -�t% t3ko Including . o . . y
, I . ftQ9*h0,aaA:Z; ", - er, 'ot, 011PA00" fued, ot 'iwouAds, in! _,�^ , U,Qrto"tri, .1 -3 tikilored b Us always. : �
laws t1litovIoloot , I . No. Wig �
, , , Place Aug. 29tfi.' N $3.24%. . ;, 1
-Ae,AtotWb,:`beIpWngoo1,wx " ' Fralkft�Aug- MIX, I X 2 nortbora. $3.21%. . '. I bears with him the stamR of being well dressed. Ottir '
pj - P... I ; I A quivt marriage .ceremony Nwas N northern, 2.17'*. � � � T , I
' ' J" : The,de'ath occurred 0,t Londont emnized at the ma - � I whe4t. ;2.10%. . OCR .
b4n i S.01, no.
.- 4. Water L ., . Aug.
. .Wit
. �Ah, biRqp.W%.oet0
I I. . b ' Ift. Of Mr. J. A- 1,440gfOrd.. 0.1 040 time .use, B�Juevtile, on , . I Dino work has the fit, and finish and style. I
` =,�M 11
- --welia IV. � � ; .
� xt�ep Yo", W 't , y 410W - I Sunday mornim Aug. 18th, at ten 10itilt.404 Oiats ton oi*tors Fort .. ,
* buk's t& . - - I !X r0§iIRPnt of bUVJMQiV APA'060 Of -ft- I W01141101N. "I .
. va,4ver k L'.' They = t, � O'clock, when Alto.% daughter of Mr. Zia, a Q.w�. 50%o, I I � 00 . -
.. � #w4y till the 0000A, 4M4 PQijQ,4 Jos'll. ' I
. yglp David Durreang of Glearlailiin. Nv43 unit, Araw.wian ".a % rraCk, Taronntn%, 1.
"I I rlo o.).*b�Aco*l,lcct,edi4,t�041Y,OtQM . , , Lieut. Wita.,W116.00, son Ot Mr- QMA ed In m&rrIW to joset Maine. of the NO., 4 Yellow, klim-4ricd. norali" "' I Armstrong's Tailoring Is Quality Tailoring.
I IT x *1rPe,.v,a ' - 0 _r _ I � lkwan of i
. I . oy #A,d,a,4tUW ;Poti Mrs, J. WU�soo. of Hem , a Mem- 48th Highlailde , OntArill'y=.1i, =kiln .rnked' QQmIA4'
'' Q4 , 11, and , ris
� I I 01 � _ ", els, exfio dAk* stiart,04 P114 -g, her of the IqIst. b.4 . as been a to Fro.410"', � I .
,, , ttAll
. I . I. . . w ryin a V 0 alad W e . .on, h -Mr. Walter J. Coats. brother of Mrs. � No. 2 white I. .o .1 11 Imitations .
- . 0 ilkew crop). "a 14 W -
, Vt 9 4 ,k ro I , 11 4 In action - C. B- Middleton, of Clinton, passed �, I I
,WWI - � Sold
- , is 1=21 4mt, Air. flobt, Creery. a former resident away Aug. 12th, at Port Arthur after No. 3 White (newerov). I" ti$..v Ron J. Armis ' ' -
- � . I - . Orotort* Wheat (Oasis in store m91014)), , MaLosian Block trong
Urs- XM Wreogj TQW" Apto., Cal. or, USboroe.r flied lately at Victoria only a few day,, Illness. The deceased No. 2 winter. per car let. $2 . South 11111011141 of square-
A*=tAltA.lwXttA4:4 TllAV1lb64itrOubI04 .H.,es.pItal, Looffoll.'TUr. Josiah Greery, was - a son of the late Win. Coats and No. 3 winter. Per car lot. sal't- , � on ft I AD,
lidt , COM-tAP0100, for thi 10t � two y4frij, of Usborge, Is a brother. was born In Clinton and spent the No. 3 spring. 3.26. 1 �� �� I I - I I I -
No. 3 opriag. 2.23. 1 � I .
1. 1iAVo OW numerouit treatmentaii, but Corp. W, E, Jeffrey. tion jol Mr, and greater part of his lite there. I I ". 1. I Marlis of ;�, � .
We never bse 4 d b anything � - P"* (oh0co0rding to Freights Q#*)d .,.-.-.- - ____,_____ ��_
� I - , "' b i"Of _ rank Case, of Seat $*-A. nogglidnal I . , 9N I Ift - --- .- _ ,
. UAW Uqed mi'llioam-T, ; � p4h� Mrs. oeo, 4effrey, of Vsborue, Is suf- Mrs. F Orth, diVd (ACCordling to Froilghtit 01* JUST A NOTE OF WARNING .
wW0h*ebjPfpJ#f;,m wFdxe+� foring from gunshot. � Wounds- He Is at her homi on Tuesday night of last !Wu $1.0 - Woo). M I nara's 111cense Is. according to Food BoaK
porl ' ully. " as (now crop) 3 to Order No. 44. "Any place whatsoever
.. 1. oner of the military medal- week at the age of 71 year* aftibr befog Slookwhonit. tAtcoardjn4 to For*1211*4h� ,where meats to the number of fifteen
1�" ', r4l L * a wl . I
. . I Or, V*r I , - 4" 250. W . -
. I , . .A
. . � r sale by oil- druggixt4i and, deal- Filer Merl Green, formerly of Hamil- in Poor health for several months 48 alft). . I any boarding-house keepers and or more per day are served or sold to
0 ton, was killed In action Aug. 5th. the result of a paralytic stroke. Tile BudcWhotiat. no others engaged in the restaurant bust- I others than members of the family or
, I dimot on Tempt, f * I WoAcwrdlngw%�reiahts 16 In I Iflont "
- . V, I.. T.: .ilburni Co., Uliatz, = He was a nephew -of Postmaster Scott, deceased, whose maiden name was . N6. 3. norldnal. Oquiloo .. ness in a small way, particularly In the household of the proprietor or cateir.
LLL " ..; of Brussels, and -was 4. flue young- man. Mary Ann Patterson, was born at Rog- 1111aftit"a Flour (Tororlito.% * .__� smaller towns and villages6 have notler." Persons supplying meals to the
I , MISS A. Maude larag, . superintendent erville. War quality. 410.$L I . yet t ken out licenses as they are re- number as stated must obtain licenses. I
- .1 . Ointarle Fteir in Rags, P.ampt ship. THOUSANDS OF EN REQUIRED FOR quired to do by the Canada Food
, - of the Deaconess Home .of Des Moines, &fr. Aley,auder Ste -wart passed away L G -AN -W . �thffMLq&..1ltey_ are. jlahle_to�-_ &m - at- - _-_
: .: -- .. UndayL -- - - ----- ... .. . mant.- , -.-.,. -_ - I I ----.BAR =_ rd. - _.Tholw� F&I'luft. Ik".. lft6trefdft Impir
I .__�._ -s ng her VMIWii 7kt--T -W6hC- r " CANADA liable to the penalty required by the I
___Wk ----- I - lowa, has been cow 116 e ff W" Quablity. 110.86 moratir44 �$10.44 Isonmeut, or both.
HEILEMANN, Osteopath, at the home of her p4rents, Mr. and morning. Aug. 18th, at the age of 78 Toronto.
--- =F-'"MVMUW-Wvi5N6WN-tffa--cUMaTe�- -Afn;-Gea,-K4nG-.Blylb---.---�_-., years. He was born In Blairstole, Scot- Milifeed (Car Lots. Denvertiod .14*n#*.d regulations, It must be borne In mind
410W.es. Acute. cbroolo; and nervous d15, ..--.-- I _W(f _11bV " - FrI12"M.-Mags. included.). Thousands of men are required to that a public eating place subject tol ADVERTISE IN THE STAR
fio.rftrs. P&rIil#%,,4e*fAqs8. eye. ear, nose' The marriage of Miss Grace Pyke, a -Uff-i'Lr-to-CnLnuda--Nvtlite-stitt-a per ton. 136. help In the work of harvesting the
. -404mi throns;"Aderrolds removed without youngest daughter of Mr. Edward Pyke, boY and settled in Grey Township, at- 813hr4.4 per ton. 44o. - _- __ _____ _", - __ __ . 0
111he knife. Consultation free. ource 111114 of Gorrie, to Mr. Jewitt, of Sault Ste . terwards moving to Ooderich and later Hey (Track, Toronto). Western crop. The c P. R. has oofn-
rpsirleace, Nelson and $1. Andrew's Streets to Seaforth. NO, pleted arrangements to transport to the
back of Temperance Hall, North Street. Marie. was quietly solemnized at Tor- ton. jA per too. fin to jig; oaIXq4'yW \
t Q1111to hours - 9 w u� a. m., I. to 6 -pi in. onto. �ou Tuesday. Aug. 44, Mr. Richard -9. Brown, & topmep rest- to Ill. West this great army of workers. I -LOA fm Ii6_ totile �_k 4a . We I I"..
Straw (Track, Toronto). For those going from points in on- , .
Moods Saturday dent of qie Township of Ashfield, and CALT lots. Per ton, 18 to $&60. 4111 .
Event y appolatment. and " The home of Mr. and Mrs. David Sher Farmers, market. tarlo to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and
11. .4 ,,Thursdays Iff, Lupknow, was the scene of a prett- a brother of Mr, Samuel Brown, Am- Fall wheat -No. 2, $2.16 Per bushel. Alberta extra trains will be operated .
LE y berle) has died at his' home in Win- spring wheat -No. 2, $2.11 per bushok through to Winnipeg kthe distributing .
QAL CARDS wedding Wednesday oz last week when nitieg.' tie taught school for many Bsorley-Malting, norninal. I r
. - their only daughter,- Irene 0,, became Point) without change. . - I
0.1111ARLES OARROW, Barrister. ' Q-Iclt6r. Years in Ontario and went West in 19N Oats -Old. 93c to 94c Per bushel. Going trip West, $112 to Winnipeg.
'W. Etc. Corner xurt,. Street and square: the bride of Dr. R.,rvl. McLean. of Wel- May -Timothy. $20 - to $22 per ton;
Goderfeb, Ont. land. . Wheve lie completed his fiftieth year wixed and clover, $18 to 119 per ton. Returning trip Ea,st, $18 fl-ollL \\,In -
in the Profession.
CHAS.SEAGER � Misa McPherson, or Whigham, has LMERPOOL MA RKETS. 111peg. I I I .
The death occurred Tuesday of last Liverpool. Aug. 26. -Beef. extra India C011stilt C. P. R. Agents regarding � I
-Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public been appolpted to the staff of the \veek at her home in Seaforth of Mary transportation arrangenieulb west .
S�aforth Collegiate Institute to till tire $103. of
i office : Court- House, Goderich. Patterson, widow of tile late Francis ornePaosr'k. prime short western, -Milis. Winnipeg.
. - e -ed by the resignation of Case. in her 71st -year. She had been Hams, short cut, 14 to iG lbep., -is7n. =
I vacanc,.% .so-,
. Thatte M. Miss L;.fB. McKinley, who goes to Ed- Golull Doles I ; 0
R. ` HAYS a sufferer from heart troub Bacon. Cumberiand cut, 25 to So lbs., August 20th anti August 20th --All I
monton. . le for some 152S. 1
Barrister, Solictlor. Notary Public Etc. vears and her death was due to R so(-- Clear bellies. 14 to 16 Jos.. 160s. stations in Ontario, \No�t of Smith's
01111ce Hamilton St. rling Bank Block Tht! engagement 1.4 RT)nounced Of vession of strokes. J. A. and Edwin Long cie*r middles, light. 28 to 14 Ibit.. Palls, Up to and Iticluding Toronto �,
Gode;4ew , - ... .
Real Est;te, Loans, Insurance Sarah elyn, third daughter of tile Case, of 'Seaforth, are sons, 1.60a; do.. heavy, 35 to 40 tbs.. 1$$IL . on Lake Ontario Shork, 1,ilip, and Ilave-
- _ - _ _ late Rthen Spindler and of Mrs. Ann Burke, reliet of the late. Jo. Short clear backs, 16 to 20 tbs.. �678. look-Peterboro line,* also rrull, statiijns I
4CONVEYANCING AND NOTARY _SPhfMr.0fbUc`1tnoWT -to'-.'JJr.LL'ThO1Jooat'_ seph Shoulders. square. 11 to 13 lbs.. 1289.
K - Bradxvin -Passed -peacefutil-- aWRT at� -- Laird. Prime ---western- in tierloati_U91j. Kingston to Renfrew Junction, iii(qus- . . 0 1 1
Joseph .Marks, son of Nfr. and Mrs. John Ill" home, 'in Wingham in her 14th, dd. A-erican refined, palls. L629; do * lVe, aftil-nloaf 14tarion,s T)n Ir-owinto-surtz - I .
OZOILGE E. GREENSLADE, Bayfleld, Con, Rratford. , -you dirw1rover ar arioss for enterstaininsiont-
� VOY11ricing and Nutary Public Marks, of 1, yetir. N,hp had been in fallill�g health boxes, 1609. bury line. From btations ()n ,,,ault With- - I_ - _ - I
- Tallow. Australian In London. " 326. .
Mr. and Nirs. H#rry West0l), Of tire for thp past two yoars but ' Turpentine spirits, 1255. 'I 1111P I -
JL Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub- yfleld Road, Goderich township. an- been compelled to take to her bed Rosin, common. 64s Gd. inain line, Beirtirage to Franz, inclusive. ;s Master's Voice" Records
I . VROVDFQOT, KILLORAN & COOKE, Ba had not Ste. Marle branch. From stations on 46H&
11: E , 11OUnce the engagement of their young- until a fortnight before 4er death. She Petroleum, refined, Is 6%d. From stations. Belliany Junetion to
e on the Square, 2nd door from est daugh4r,. Elva. Elizabeth, (Bes Linseed oil, 62s. 1 XWN pow as b-Owtoac ~
It 4� eet Goderich.' . . . . Si P!, %vas born at Tburies, Ireland, seventy- � . Part MeNicoll. and Burketon-Bobcay- .
flt� str .
. Private runds to loan av lowest rates. t ,o Mr. Lorraine Vall, of Detroit, the four Years ago. earn,- to Ganada In 18,56 CMCAGO GRAIN MARKET. geon. " C*Dft (Of 10-Iftelk, slotable-oNW, I
W. PROUDFOOT K. C, marriage to, take place in Detroit oil anti was married In 1865. Edward Brad- J. P. Bickell & Co. report the .'ot'owi August 22nd and Aiigust 29th -From ; W Every"s Anker CaRine i amm I
J. L. KILLORAfoi, H. i. D. COOKE. August 31st, NN'111, Of Wiligham, is a son. I prices on the Chicago Board of lr=! StatI0118 WeSt all,l .�ojltlj of 1110ronto, Cleopatra AaLoor Coalition -
__ AUCTIONEERING ___ . . I I L Pirev. tip to and including Hamilton and I ,-1 Ther Wers AA Out of Soop I)w 6 I
HOMAS .OUNDRY. TuT)&cnT9sfs'1n Clsttre. I Get Corn Binder In shape. I I Corn- open. High. Low. Clone. Cla" Windsor, Ont., on ON%en Sound, Wal- It miteninir 14fts .
- reas ifhy� I I_ Aug. .... 167% 159Y, 157% A914 It . kerton, Teeswater, Wingliani, Elora. � We're All Going Calling no, a6 Koakaor
T - fill To 14 Q..t#e caro, vrov�_exped 1% Listowel. Goderich, St. Mary's. Port I � I �
I rmem.-shoul godi 5 %
One 011, 1A Sept. ... 158 160% 157% J0% IN .�. anor .
Live Stock and General Auctioneer., have their cattle tested. for'tiOUBlY, economically, and succesqtul- Oct. .... 160 162% 1591/a 26234 160% Burwell and St. Thornas branches. and . (
Hamilton street, Goderich. ulosis is the financial loss IY some kind of a corn Onto 31kialews )-sk-fou Trot Diwwssiai Jass & I )
Sales made everywhere and all efibirts tubere harvester is stations Toronto and north to Bolton, Tig*ir Rag-43no-%, 6.4) W72
M440 to Five yo I Aug. .... 70% 71% 70% 71% 70% ine'lugive. P Dixieland jam E I , ,
FA u satisfaction. . which they suffer by having . an absolute necessity, and it must be Sept.' ... 71% 71% 70% 71% 10% I f . f f
giners sale notes discounted. fuh---l-r animals In their herds ; In good working, . orde , Various Purth arfl,1 A 1131-111- Red se -a n ----a �
. o 1 7344 73% V
t. � Milw met. .... 14% 73% 72 1�. 11, - .0111 Jos, J%Jo".
As the disease Is at first slow cheap machines hiYb bqo triedand Pork- C. P. R. Ticket Agent, or W. B. Howard, 710 Mask of Your Eyes, . Foataceso A&& WU
- in, "ativoisloploonat-a'a.0- so n9it-litilduce 4P Iwalk .rig. W 5,,r;n binder Sept. ... 43.56 43.55 43.25 ,42.61 43.72 D19triet Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. :�
. . urkle or -4 r I ' - iack leg . h CO,, . per . I I . tore on a Dec. ... . 43,95 43.95 43.65 43.66 42.76 . ____ - H6w dwm at aw "Ke Moom's Viisi.j- A.b*
J)tl. W. 0. CLARK, V. S., -grad atilddept _13 , _
,,, eao, lik'#j I x,';P�
. the,Ontaho Veteriiiiarg 0:110ge Ter- or he'RehoRia, is 8 er , looes not I I& ge P of '' In Ill this pro- S Lard-
, � �, � "I
coal I respectfully call ,it e lteA49a Of 08 t,,,t',,, re vince. � ept. ... 26.72 26.87 26.67 24.87 26.10 Only tile unifornif-d Pnittire the agony
- '.
rji%U940�he,1'l s I @8 ezidures by , , k il Oct. .... 26.85 26.95 29.82 26.05 26,52 of vorns. Tile I - Ad .111- -2
Is owners to my splOoved metho of ' ' knoNving ones apply Viftv&s Iftins $% OR ow perams" -
Operating on horses' teeim.- A fresh sup- having tubeiculosts In his herd unUl 'there are several kin'48 of Corn Ribs- H011oWay's Corn Gure slid get relief.. W" ow 6ve -T.
Cry- of veterinary medicine always OR one or more auirnal binders on the market, and while Sept. 41�65 24.80 24.60 24.80 24.65 so" now -20 k6umal=
:1,# velop the dis-
Q. Olftoce and stables-Newgirte street, , , i eaeft kind ma Dec. .::: 214.86 25.02 24.82 2542 34.81 - ��- - .
Goderleh. ease 191"an advanic, - d(%1,kM_ "d. the Y have its special inerit - I peolk mointi; eveigm ,108 meftes vAge R
. .. 0144 � - , f6r0,,,.d, -..wj1�e1,;,i' ,they ikre At,q.kh `tb the arrangement of its esseiatial . I SEPTRIIIIIIIER IN ALGON911.1N PARK � f�
I ]RANCE' L ... 'O'ne ,.; 11 I& i�m 'At� - o. al�p trouble ___ Sept '
, iR
T a - , Must arlse. it these ember Is one of the moo
� ti ,� , ftb� the 4.13
. � eus '.' � rkh tirnit .� have had the , iRs are not properly cleaned, oiled C&TTLE K - ,ful months of the. year In th ol
--- 5 ___ ill .h I T- Mfiner Grm-o-phone Co.
WfILLOP %UTUAL FIRIC INSI)RANdE disease a long time -without It being I and kept in alignment. � I , lands of Ontario" and Algonquin Park
and Isolated Town Property Insured. suspected and will have been giving. The advancing part of the 00ru YARM offers attractions that the not found in I
VAlue or -property Insured up to January, 01 IN-tvir Milk#RIIftqXnd.oL.,4ror- binder copsista-0f,t." diverging Jaws TORONT6, Aug. 27. � With re. other districts. It is situated at an a[- . 1�
14 . � ' , = Lenoir street h
11910, IN 049 075 00 i 1, it # ceipts at nearly 4000 cattle, or to be titude of 2,000 feet above the level of . � . .. .
11 uml(ors 'of tuberculoalill whilph mopoy 1xi'!rifft or lowered by �
,. ,
. Ot Iffl? i;�ies conolly, Presidept, p 980 41 a 32 Lis * It are . t �", I cAed 385.6 #eond, on, theseas, assuring visitors of - 4
, bactIll. I I tb ,ay the bsdlli are -1 tin Arrangetuen of';#YQrs. Atta absolutely accurate, 0
� Ooffilorich Jas. Evans, Vice -President, , Ofesto '4rq � . ,w. � , -.�r three tra� - 4 Pure brac " � 1
ad ; T. E. Heys, Seci.-Tireas.. SW A .,�,, d. tj� foeodf`,'�Jater andt. to esopili -4 re two" the Union Stock Yards =PXX,et yeijo Ing air that rejuvenates body and mind. 1,
le, StAL 0 J tin 0bgjI"_'., f ('n----' with a "His Master's Voice" Goderich Dealen ()
00 .. ling Qiij _ '' . Ish _ , ,el terday and the absence of &.4y'.9ther A few days here is better than ounces
. FIAT!" atitno , '.. * .. I
ilpfieri _Iqi tlk' ST' . r "47 . ng
- "It , , 61 . "k;
DIRECTORS�-D.' F. r4caregor, Seafoortli!6. ,taW . , MRIJU
. ed with thl J�j
A,,,4Jb I-)
"' . _0 ment. Their,$#* �, �O nvey the st4 than local buying, the Mtyt s. The
. .. -
J. g.� Orieve, Winthpop'; Win. Trrinj Coirt- � � _e jX, oi _!t may of tonics and saves doctor's bill,
, li ft�
George htetarthey, Tu kerSmith ; :WtU46"Herd ept et ihoit.4iseafte I in an upr hit tairly be said to have held..up VW territory is also easy of access % JAS. F. THOMtWN J. H. LAUDER 'I
s%a ce ; � i i ,.-.1- 4' . -is the 'I ,
41oho Ferris, Harlock - Jolin BennOwl ft1K th - Aal I tfilstid Int"rials. Position fie - " " - ine, &fly& well. For the real - L Obooke Grand Trunk, 2W nilles north of Toron- ; I of
I . . "I ; steers the price ran arouqd.),
0 Con -4 . . go9d It*
BroAdbagan ; Malolm,iffiEw". gritoeTINS1. ' -will "Indicate I The cho, a -it t be to J14,69 to to and 170 miles west of Ottawa. The Don't FoMet I L ,f
I A ENTS-J. W. Ybo, doidericiii ; Sandy %*fie 96iiiiiialin test� 0 1 1 11
I It Clinton " Win.. Chesney. Searorth ; wh,�t or or not an animal. ji:. tubeir- 1 or tfiey wIJI Tilde th tooth otEh: $15 and $16.50. Medium ibuteAers' "'Highland Inn," a charming caravan-
� i! t symp. , sPorOQk9t...A44. Stip d a the' teoth. sold from $11 to $111,96; 49' to sera affords most comfortable accom- �
. Robley, S4alotth. . tul*r tq4r Visfore �m3r - r, , I i ,
. .11
Pricy Holders can pay their assessments tol""are v1sible. �#Us..e =.-ng one : Uschines . Ittayiog kern. -to - 'UO.'75 for the common ftoohers; Incitation at reasonable rates, Descrip- . Ibmannewhoost yeofte"Aso I Pon" viiieftim I
as. . H. Cutt's Store, Goderich, A. J. blor- � _ tire ,. $9 : 11 I
rish's Clothing Store. Clinton, Or J. H. to: deAl Wlth� sueh�1LA_A;aI1qijiI- before 'went earn befi�g lEnoc ed off by J�,na to $11 for the best cows, �and tS five literature telling you all about it. tor *M Moonset , & ior sior bass b
fteid's, Bayfleld It -ij dankegg . d the needle. to $9 for the medium cown, . from any Grand Trunk Agent, or write . .w = .Qvwm I
� . _ . vi iiiiiiiader-of Onto$ h -_ a" - -_
.. _-... . - see - t 0 Atialki, �heri packers 1111116 4
_t:::*_ __ --.,..-- __� the diselse. . - tia yJkId Choice lambs sold proclically a Miss Jean 41-Indsay, Manager. Highland 1,� _�Ll
FOR GOOD RELIABLE V&eiii- iiiii animal is It i to be slightly while ,th I Rom*Mbw-Theft am so ovotheitin 0
6 Own �q ,0 nodle to 4 -Ag dollar lower, or at from gi%e to lot), Algonatrin Park, fintario. . - -
tubercular it shoo-jid not be allowed tied. Too juaO ,4utdlea crowding Igo, light sheep 14c to ISO and . -I,--- � - __ , . � .
___ _. _. � __ - � - -
Le-, �
I �
to " with � the te4t,'of the herd. the carrier will -interfere with �the heavy, tat sheep and lairubw 10c to' I
Shoe R,pairing Wheid ciatt e'are porchased to add to binding attachment-, p1roperly Xree,Wg . Ill I
TV _ 12c. - - ___._ -11 I I
herd if should We'Oialy when sub- Itself. Thi knotter and the neei,410 Choice calves sold at from 16%01 . .1 1 - I -11 --- - I 11 -----.-.. _ .
SMIT11 A RINd 12A to, the tuberculih'iest, aiii cattle cannot do their w'ork,okilciently wken -_ - - .....
v w1th I -ves -
� .rivered with to 1 7 I/L c medium cal 13%O to . __#
an 481"Strad Opposite Knox Clutrob may have every violble Indication of rust. P0,11sh thein . 0 1 . ,-- .
GIVE US A TRIAL good loilth -and yet be tubercular fine emery cloth. If the knife of the 16a grassers and common calves - .
- I
. I . ni develope� knotter is dull sharp§n It or It v 7 %e to 10c per I b. The run of calves a . I , I I I
the disease not yet, h4vt . 1,411 0 0 L'
I 1. to an.-advanecid ddgrde. cause trouble by palling the twfte was.light, 211 all told. IV . , 1. I I
I I .., ; - I It Is therefore strongly recom- from the hook betbo the knot, Is With 1464 hogs on the market so- I
� ended that farmers . made. As it requires consideraele the price held steady with fast vreek's V , .. i
ist. Have -their 'befda' teated for power to cut The �6&00y stubble, and close, 19%c fed and watered, 10%o ...
I 'e-utherculashi with the tuberculin test. not teart it up by the Iroots, the knife weighed off cars and 180%o f.o.b. . ; .9 ..
, hou ,B, 0 ga il I
rop ro& , 2nd. That they slaughter the ant- should be thoroughly keen, citherwilse EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK. , . %
GOOERICH Ilials that have* the disease in an ad- It will clog with grass and weeds. Es,st Buffalo. Aug. 26.---ftttIe--R*- - . I
,� vanced degree. s rho stubble -cutter shouLd also be celpts. 700. .141ow; 2�o to 50C lower; prime 01 I
. 3rd. That they separatiii the cattle kept in good conditJon. It Is a use. steers, $17 to III7, 50; shippine !teers. I ,- I I I I
. The Leadina that react to the test- from those lot device, and when rightly sharp- $16,76 to $17; but. -hers, '$11.76 to $26.hO; a
, ' yearling's. $13 to $16.50; heifers. $10 to . KeeP WRIGLEYS In
Virlitch do not react. ened and adjusted Orien not add very 314; cows, $5 to) $11 50; bulls, $6 60 0
. , 411. That they remove'the calves much to the draft. 1 $11.50; stockers antl feeders, $7 to $10 9b. I
; and Lmbalmns Irom tubercular mothers as soon as Do not depend on. a superfidial fresh cows and 4pringers. $66 to $136. mind as the longest.
I . Calves --Receipts, 1600. Easier; $7 to
I � dropped, and feed tboul'on milk from examination of the machine to Jac- $19.50, Clean to handle. Sold by all Drug. lasting confection You
)rders carefully attbnded to healthy -cows or on their mother's quaint yourself If it needs repairing, Hog -Receipts 7200. Stew -IV to I.Sc Rists, Grocers and Gcncral Stores. I
I all hours-nightl- or &y. milk after it has been properly pas- because if you do, you will surely iower;sheavy, $19 75 to $20.76; molitod avid can buy. Send It to
P , teurized, i.e., after it has been heated miss some small, but vital part need- yorkers, $20 75 to $21; light York" 420 26 -
I fho h # h I
. I , � .
�, . I � -
to 146 deg. F. for half,an, hour.
6th. That th6y fLpoi* the tuber-
Ing attention, it not replacing. ,
these break during the b it
usy on
to f4u., pliz... - E0 #...an; roufflid.
$17,25 to 1117.51); stags, $12 to $16.
:, I . 11
: , -
culin tea t to every new purchase of
cattle 'that are to be placed In the'
dean herd. �.,
they will .cause greater br -
IIV.ge is
and serioug loss. �
Clean the machine thoroughly with
Sheep and lambs- Receipts, 4,410...�aai
ter; lambs, $10 to) $17.75; yea rl
lohr $1;
to $15; vrethers. $13.25 to $13.75;';wes.
$6 tO $ 1 3: mixed sheep. $13 to $12.76.'
1 .
- 1. 11 -, -
� 111111111illgialawaliw
1111, That the herd he tested with
benzine, gasoline or kerosene. Go
tuberculin annuall,v. i
Obtaining 1rubercon
Dver every part of the machine, and
Winnipeg, Aug 26.-Recelpto today at
For the Teat.
The manufacture and supply of
while this you will locate loose
bolts a&d worn or broken parts. Oil-
the Union Stuck I ards were 1000 cattle,
113 calves. 4.52 h�,Km ! 15 sheep. and liambs.
Tka Star amid Toronto Daily Glob* ......... $5 25
tuberculin Is kept under the Dom-
holes and wells should be cleaned
$ �
Butcher steers 50 to 1119; heifers, $7
t 41 50; u ')%s $4 50 to $9,25; bulls. $5
.. 1. 1. Dany M 'I and E i r*- ......
a' I. .. 5 25
InIon Government control. it is re-
quired that a vditerinartan be eni-
o,ut, and new waste, If required, put
Into the wells. RefIll th
o $7. x
to I' , 0 ..n. S" ".1 to $10; si�ickers and
feeders. $6 t,- $I-' .-,',. 'ealers. $5.5o to
1. .1 Faraily ,aid and
" " Mantra
e grease
1.rt11..q $950) to $14.
Weekly Star .................. 2 65
$# 11 "
ploved by the farmer to make th,
test. 'Prof. Dan. M' Jones, Ontario
cups; In short, renew and repair any-
thing and everything that requires
sheep and -
Hogro- ,14�1, 1 - $I I heavies. #is to $17;
Weekly Sun (Toronto) ...... 2 40
kgricultural College,
' Ittention. - Prof. John Evans,
sows $15 to) p.; -�tags. $8 to 410; lights.
. 11 Toronto Daily Star ....... ..
.... 4 30
I I I '-1-ff-"*4-.1t&rIo
11 .4 " Toronto Daily World ........... 525
-_-.�-`_- --------- - - 6� -------- ---
, �_# I College, Guelph.
I _____ -
. .1 " Toronto Daily News ............. 4 30
I . �
. I
Guns Taken by Canadians.
. .4 " Firmer's Advocate .............. 3 00
I .
With rho Canadian Forces, Aug.
1. to ' The Country -Gentleman ......... 3 25
11 .. " London Daily Advertiser ....... 5 00
. hp Must imptessive eight to be
4_97-7 __�,
seen now in th, vicinity of the battle-
1. 1. " Loodon,I)Aily Pros Ptess ....... 5 00
, 11 " Montreal Weekly Witness 2 90
field to tho, ,,aftf of Amtens Is the park
:' " " World Wide. Renewtit ...... _. 4 25
1. 11 "
I .1 . - .
. :147FIRN
,. k�.W.. 17771,�29ZV-
, 1 �
i -
of artilivry captured by the fQnrth
army with whieh the Canadians are
Pre3byterian and Westminster. 3 30
. ,� .. .... .
. ��
1. ".
11 �. - �, ...
� 4." .
incorporated. when seen the total
1. 1. " Catholic Register ....... I ....... 2 90
I f�
. .
1. 1. 11 Saturday Night (Toronto) ...... 4 25
.. I
I -. '.I �,,
7,;P,, . .1.1
number of guns of all sorts and sizes
1. " " McLean'� Magazine ............. 2 75'
. I I ,4
" Home Journal (Toronto) 2 25
. ...
I.; " 11 .
:,,I � ;. I
�,�. 'P, I
X� 1; �% .
I .; ��,
.. ,
from rho Gorman field gun up num-
bered two h1instred and nineteen.
. " 1, Woman'S Home Companion
�� ..;
I . ..
I � I
Tbose tIg,jrP% I)y no means Include
(Now York) ................... 3 25
7. I.' . 1. ..:.
� �
I ."..
the entir-, winowr Of guns ciptured
. 9. " The Saturday Evening Post .... 3 25
- I
.1.. .� .. .
,:: �
as thor- m., ,)iIi-t-ft 110t Yobt 73rought
0 It " The Ladies' Roma journal .... 3 50
. � . .. !
1? ncluding postage to Canadian Suboocribem)
Pprh;if-, tho r1lost interesting pieces
.1 " The Canailian Countryman
. .11
. "�1111 ::
. .
.. . "
of tho ('arradian trophy airs, the high
(Weekly) ..................... 2 00
.. 4,
. .. .
velol it) 'i -I point nitle-inch guns.
:' " " Tk# Yd'ifli's C66pirallon ........ 3 75
, .. �
, , ....,
, ;
Tbeflo ar,- rra%al glins of about forty-
. .. " Scoltish Astericas .............. 4 00
11":,, ,,..-..
-� . .
-& ��
- .
five ralthr,`4 with a range of twenty
1. 1. 1. Sciewtific Astartmi . ...... _.: 4 15
I �,
� ... �, - :�;.,..
'. .:��
mIIP% an,l iiave been employed In
" 1. 11 casnopelitas magaithsto .....-&00
. �.
. I
shelling wir hark area, including pot
U 1. 1. mcclarti, 8 majazine ............ Soo
1.,.1; ,i
shots at AmIens Cathedral.
. - " Ameoiicliii 11sam a*& Garilm
,. ; �
- - -
(litaistlioly) ..................... 4 50
J%%l -411401111T%(�K IN BRITAIN
To Ruligeribera In the United States
, I
Ill, "'. '! "1W ouncia of jam ppr
60 cents addition to all abbve, to pay
, ,
%-,"i, r .�'ihl to the eivi; popula-
Postage. .
.. . . . . .
� !
� .
tion ,r ,,, ,I Britain 'sit the present
Any combination of the above pubtf.
till], , oi,lim houwwIv" should
h The Star, for
mak- I : It. lint th"Y P09811tioly can to
farililal-- , to --nation butter, which
Tits Star and l6fly Kai] and Fmpirs .... $5 25
%%Ill I)- 11 Tit,pro, nP164110A OVersea be-
1UPassilyfleraid($2.651sits $130) 1.15
call4p ,,f I!.- I'mi qh!tif# there.
0 7 "s - ; I "t-
, , , " ,
TL� vii. -L iaa��.&, A 1, 416 t
. "
__ __"Z;W;F��
. ...... *....,,"
PAwIttanctes by Postal Note or Ex-
pvtWoOrder ourvisk *Ad4rl"-
" _�
0.1114, 110 �". �_ , .� �Aj.�.".
. I , UbliftMA* $ 4"
Publf "" W�l
I ,�, rlo ,.A�
aiiiakloio, oa&
% I . 1%
. �
I .
I . �
. . .
. I
. I ,
. I
�_,, . .., - - _ __ ,1 ---.
� .
i le"4'd X,z,�_qZL�-"Zq 'LORD SHAVIGHN "'I'"'' ""
WhO OkUllt opened the Toronto Eithibittob Monday,
I � .
. I
I ,
:, I . 11
� I I
, I I �
I - I
, .,
I .
- 1. 11 -, -
� 111111111illgialawaliw
I 01,
: :___�
- __A:�
-."-..,- -1 1-1-
L P - 1. . .11" POW
*I I j�, ! � I 7 - "Rjwp_�_
L �0� i .
=,�%� , I ...... -11.. ! .. 11 --
� - ., ,- , -� - I'll �� 11 I I �',*"
. - _,clilL. � - I Jl , - 1, - -
", �� . �,��,. - .1� I
6 0
ili--- --- _____ -_ ,
l y �
� I Mdwen s I
Specials 7 I
" I
.. 1. ____
Fine Line of Drinks for �
the Warm Weathep !
()ItAN(*,E ADE
RASP. VINI:(,.\I',
I LIME .11'1( E
Good aagortment of .
Pickles and Catsup i
something M sharpen the apis tite.
A nice la,rgp t4n trf i
Apple Butter
for 25 cents. .
Pure Maple Syrup
frorn the Eastern townOmp,i
(guaranteed pitrel.
y of Soap, -n
hand. hoiiRlit before the rai4e.
f4pecial in soc and $1,00 Iot'4,
Ammonia at old price. 5c worth
10c; Ift line worth fie
Something to make your firwor
Rhine. Ronuk Floor Wax N(.
I goorlm. In Mr. 35c and 50c nize.
Wp havA on hand Prime Red RoRe
and upton rea. bonght beforp
the advance and doty. for 55c a
lb., now worth 70c. lHave Tor)
15c a I b -)
'Phus a "nith old# Ilituars
I Canada Food Board 1.1, swe No. A - TP43
___ - - �
VJ�Q a I 10 [I'V9110
- I
� ;r
� 0 ill I I !g
1011= g"""`g
11111111111111 Warlime Economy =
111111111111111 - In Sweetmeats
-INN0111 - 1111110111
L A =
111110111 a 5 -cent Package of WRIGLIEWS wil( 01111111111
� 11111111111111,
111111111111111 give You several days' enJoyment: 111111111111111
IM1110 Itos an Investment in benefit as we(� �
I � "M
11�11111 10111100
11=111 aS Pleasure. for It helPs-feeth. breatio., 11111111110,
11111111111111 111111111110
IiiiiiiiiiiiIiil apPetite. digestion. 11111111111111
11011111111 I 1011110
11� �
�1111 -1 ,� �,, i
11111111111111111 ' 11111111101 �,, , 1� �
The Havour Lasts ""* i �1111 " �
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t�, 1�4 � d
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