HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-08-23, Page 8/ I , ; I . i i : 41 I � el ; 1' I � � I 1� ; � t � . , , , I . I .. , I � 1: � 14 -1 � � I . . �ti i I ,_,�,� - � 1� I "I � X , . I . . . , - , " ` ,� , I I I ... .� t . � , . . , I .1 I . .� .., , � . . ; : , ,�, I ,i' il, ,.�'�, I, I , :,� � . , � � , . , , , � . , I , :1, V .,; 1�� : 1. :�."..� q, ''I . , , . :., . - � , , t . 1: - �,_ I , , , ­ '. : � , . I � , '� . I ,� , I , �, � � 1�1 � j_ , . i - , : � i .. I � 11 �, lt� I I 11, I 1, �� �, � - �. . . i 11 * I , �Ir I'll - i: �� , 4 .;; � 'v� I I . � .. . . � .1 I ""le � - :,�'.-.a , , _ :4,. - ? , . , , , I . � . I . I I I I . , , � . I i � . I , I � . . I I I I I �, � , �. - I :1 , 11.1 I I 0 � I I I . , . I , , 41. � . . � . � I � � I I I , t I " I I ­ . L. . !�4 1 _ � I , 11 , . � (.1 A, � _­",� .", _W"W A or � . - ""IFF""ttill- " . " . - - .:�lwi-!�­­ � . I , I I ?" I _­_ ,r_e�,� r1,F , �_111 1__.Z� I 1- I ol , I . 4W -le , 11 . I I I I I . � i. I �, I ,�, �11'v­ - -,-"-'' t � . . L; I , ;L L 6 I I . --I- F 111111,� �11 - , � I 1. . - �,.��-- " � I . . I � I*&--- , __ 1% ---------- j ...... soosss, ... poilssippoo" �­ - . I ­­ I I � I— - ... I . _ , - , I .L. . ­.,' I ,( . L I I I ,Lp�joo L�g I '11 �T I , L ,. IL , ;= #!P I 7 4, � 1 " ­ I P, G 1 ,, OR to . .. ­ - _1­__!­1!;i1� -1.1-L.I., rw, I- 11 ,�4 t . I I .., I ­ . ­­­� 1 ­ I .- 1� I . I ft I . I I . � .11 ... ==tZ, 11. - W*V!9�� - I - 0 MWAAM16. iffisillisliffiffill vql­ ­­­ , I �` '' � I _ . I � 1'01� �, ��,;*0",$$,W_**S3�---'$$!% �L F,4 ' OM-ffefa '" - 0. I 'JI[T , , , I , . ... Xt *1 I, ­ RKTI TE 1-1 . " we itroctlif � jq3@lW,S 01F INTEREST � , " , L ' LL I :: , URAL, ". ", - , b*YV t, V U � � I L L 11 L ,, , ,� 4*_�, �, , . � R, "_ , * ,, I - , 14 to It Who ;,*rk W, 110W I&* I I . ' I .- -0 Im . I � It L I #I i I 0 L � ft,_ .6 hum of this 304 J�WL IW I L *-r!v^1r#rQ,PtPoo ortlrv-� � ­ NNO . . t 1.9;19wp.tl Just 4m�ar.ou a little 4*tliti* Tbp call for'W. 1394 1101P.1% 4, � A " . , 9 � �1` ... 1;1�1.. L . ,UNGYA . I I it WAII give YOU Up #149ros I 1 1 i, I y T01,L) By O's a" I . r w4re In the A ( � 4* , , Z-vsla, a little b1RM_ It 'It),pr gira ' I . L ,�� ... I �� � TEIRSEX, now tutu eye 77 , ' t"Oble. N. AW ." . . , , . 13. ]BEELANly Roglectedf nix ,Qf C&,- 1.� A . I'. . I ., I - ' ' , r develop Into AVOTT ,j*4 _4iu6tefl , - " A "I I JOKOf 00, Wt A , alt 11, rg,, V 11 . I 'Mr. i to P"a"'O". " kyo bo�n` I 'i._qPo., ,Q '4,; j "' I - A, ap�i�t at llfivr= ' so th , * " , 49 , , I - , " .,�S, N, ---Q ;W .1, p N " sayor; ' .UL., .. � _ '. , � ;"� ,_� __W =X"Qu.7 tovitt . nth' . . � L � so's ro- ' ow . I r - � . � 1. and then about aVJa­ V 1 burned one of MY 111111pro with Cwm#rW,4Wk41# T&' . � .1. ­ ot = X a 8 in Wingham last vv,,k Lread it bit 110" is cif;arette. I *ppillitid. soM6 *114- L - �� I . . . Tar tillor 111I . ro, pact. Dr. CW %,a Lion. t"01 %po"ds 0 L .0, 4)"I . pro of) b4siness. - me , ro L - , I �, p e Carrill-in St.ftber,,, of Toronto, WhQ if; , at =4 tbw*-At It would We 4111 001. Giiialit . Ist at COMMIsilou Who said wedding bells will soun b ' &*Wn b4ttor It U lmx�w tawR a 1:14'.. I 4 k . ..'' , e%% %%e,gi, %%Ith his wother right, flout 1111010" Qf - , 9 yo OV 09rous, I . Spencting it I 1% pt w009, Until Itbj�'Ilqre Coil"Ife"A lege Course 4uring , later r ' ' . ' ry� dci1retX6,r Of ringilag around here? I. -Id. �Peljt the vote . write now r r f .. eatlk- mtoo . � o LL, . h the village last in Ash, ek-end at the O� hand. I me- months, . � . .- .. I . $. to je 41r4oll more coal arrived in home of Thos. StOthers In the village. tht 01atU044,09 Vt IR I .1 . . ore Is expected. Carillon %% " successful in his repent 11AX04 such 'twin 04 1 OW16 not logue. . - K IF. 11AWRIKKOR" , . � commulateat- w k d -still m - 1490-0114 tried everythingil coiald I '* . " �� In . � I A �blll wilt be " 4un Anderson is visiting tivilth his exams at Toronto. Hearty eongratilla I 0. L I" TOWO ., I Go 4 curoo lt� V= , �;. I - -b,tLt cOult 40 . 'a. - I , brother In God . ]"nally poss"Ir"7" , . ��� . � I I )parliamentary I erich. tions, old pal I think bf a friend recOmmindso I I - � I T ;; - J.L!�j,�� ! , flaille Stothers, of Toronto, is visit- Bert Treteaven and Frank Jones made L a 414II wo . -_ .1 ;.-rj ` , 1 �L! _t]71. I:-, �, ' ."M r ot . q.1ing with his mother in Ashfleld. yearly canvass for funds to keep "I 1 _� , , � ­ 1--l-1-11. ­ ,*"=" > .. � . , , the coattlAVA0 U00,011 . � L, "I 1i _< : � L. . 1V the , toi X.&T L r . �, '. r ­ . .. 11 �� I Otiofin',troeottLft & LOAdon Miss b I toNanug, of Goderich, spent 0 tile villhgP pealing for another yeit�r. ft com. at Y be" tho "re � " SAO � *", -0 . . I Ise Stothers. we all remember that old poem "Cur- . I , Miss I For � , Olin rash. set"*. ), Riots In J&PAIIL I 11 X1, I few days with I but - ,,,atilmlortr and tiim �. � ,j .0 I . 11411 not ring To -night," . , . - rn I 1 , .r �, 1." -W I ""Ll-oftax. I --I-"- j- - -,%I,g. Samml Pentland 4. vWiltirlig. With few _., - - �_Tiw -Aug---20-.­-An­ Imperial THE I ­. �_:­ _­ L .. I T a _ . r ## L, , Bert are s,i;oeing- to 11II-tiax - ---- --- L� K . - ---& --All - or. SUCCesso" tj�, I I Frank and 74=J9uk Is Y go eat . 11 IL,� ­ I ht visit- her'daughter at Cottham, Essex GO. Ing ton*ht and tomor- eq�&J` - - ardilbance HoutboTizes the Governm _. !181 5 M ,,, �� t-0.9­00131allug litou. is visiting curfew shall r dealorn W box. all sto,eks of rice. The. - : i Z : , I _�'y ;A.*r4r Leslie Hartts, of HAM Of. row morning tot). to requisition � IVI& AGIU� I I , � L 1. the home of his uncle. David Spro 1,4 ,MeKenzie, of the 4th rice will be,put on the market. EXCLUS . � 0 Z , ... ,And, "On. Gegrge S. t [)Ona - . I I T, I , ' r ; 4. ,,�__ , , � . 1�� ,Nlrs. N. J. Treleaven and two daught- 'Nit'S. The newspapers have been PrObib �­-.Iih,elr C&MVRIS'k I con., .%sbfield. received word last week in the pro- � � � I Ing with relatives at Nap lex., one of the first . , u Ited from printing reports 0; LIEN10", . vi M 5i . 0' I . I I ers are visit - that her son, A B ,k - Z 1, � tj',L . L in A _ .... I I rice riots, and there is 1 -4 ,.1 ,, ' ' - L tainted allee. was wounded in ac- r , , 2 �� LLLL "I � gress of the T"'T WI 0 L .. . . 1:40 - ", app contingent men, in the pro- irint coAr, L M , . 11 k�"­*tW" __ hOusing I family. Of %ton in recent fighting. Ficir. two an ablgence Of news fro asterday . - - - �: Z M I , . ff Mrs. Mitter and the , ,4 0 - � Mr. and a driver In the vinces. A statement Alsuqd YO 1� 14 . tirl. . I I were visitor 0 r- - I �... r , 1�, I London, s In this vicinity or three years Alex. was rrr --- LL I .. .. 1. by Minister of the 14terjor Mizuuc We deal iu� jij�4 jiipd W� � �� ce torty-seven artillery anti la. -t winter at his own -_ I � - 11 - -- I , . I . .,L � I Friday. I .. 11 ' says that the governorls hi've assured Cement, vitro Brioi*4�, ri� .. I t thin year, it Miss Annie McDonald. of Kintaii, I request he was transferred to the 43rd I finitely decide the matter. The elec- the mints" that the disdrders AxO� Hard and Soft ,W L, 14, - , 1 ,, Highlanders, an infantry bat () �'. . t I with Miss Cameron ' : I r " , " & , I her atz"Year- spent a day or so last week I ta -. ' trust his Blighty will not tors. of this district of both shades of abating steadily. 1jeful0k; Slitbos'. 0'',, were Edna Pentland. p.!,i,,,,e Not e I supporting Doctor proprietors I "I 11 jito. of Loo Serious. politics purpose The organization Of e . . I � � ; 0, � I Mrs. Will Crawford and family, v -heartedly. His chances of %vin- and editors- of newspapeM haV It& -9 - ;a �:: I " -; I ( I Work on the new bridge west ol the yhole Fresh Cars of f�� -0 r I I L Ill , - . Dr. Be- Hamilton, are vacating at the home wressing nicely. Abute-'Ding Out are very,bright. He declares adopted a resolution declaring that I � , ust t.� I B. J. Crawford. Nillage is Pro I the prohibition against news of th Cement I ��r�jj 0 _� ... ebee Lib raw, I ,o,ut c,)nstruction reached the water's , enthVJiWticbLIIY that he Is In the tight 6 � B. J. Crawford Is having a new ga o stay and will go ,over the top" in riots is an unprecedenta&aud arbi- �j :0.11, . rce when the comes. trary interference with I * - LL e in Por- I his store to house I edge on Njonday and since then has. t time 3The right Of :', 1: . t Prected at the rear of long splendidly. There full fO he eon- OFPICU ftION0, ".'' i I L - L - flit now M,6Laughl.111. I - been coming a Since his nomination he has been the free speech as granted by t .,� __ 1 117 411. L ::: WO -- Bardelit'a , are nov, nine men On the- 40h, -Work _' - - -tOrY I - - tn Ion- -They -- -mitud - -- cancells.- -R-ASM110ft-1-1 ", . ­ I r I I tiflable. Miss Laura Pentland left ()It Wed- 'vi" he put I" rough with all possible recipient of inany cdn9r&tU1a Bets sti f . - dt -2 � .' . � I in _: , "W L I ed I 3s, and we taRe great pleasuria tion of the order. The Constitutional , W., w. J�*luiit" . '*'��' A,�r, NNill visit with effloiency and sag' . , o! Rgsic,� UL ' _ . 'I'll �L L 11.1 - h announc 1ph where she S . ­ �'; , j ,�,., �L !.1 1. ul nesday for Gue peed consistent one below. It i� from that the order of the . jL' L I I I ablutements are reproducing party declares ,�! I L t" Z 1 1, 1: 1.100. � L'MRXIM(JM price friends for a fe%v days. When the . troit, a former tful 'because it - - , 11 I � � tfurability. Garlic Robinson, of De Government is I harix , ...'s�­ ", I I A ,,,, 4,,,',r ''. ) , ­ ! I . rj� I 'I i � per fine ounce. I Mr. and Mrs. E. s. Wickens anti little colopleted and the so foot arch is com-, ' social I 1�� ,, � X ... iji� �of � 5 g file, are holidaYiI gangs will be Dungannon boy, well known here as a suppresses news of a national .. 1� .. � . _ __ " Ferdlinand of I ' trong Liberal. He writes as follows: movement vitally affecti I.." ��' I - , ­__ it Betty of Sebrinrev 19 at nienved day and night ng the I . r 'r, �. 1, ;," 1 1 �44# tor Sandy is a hu,t- ! Having noticed only recentl I' 's,v L 6 dy become worse. contrav y of the � ��' L � .. - .:.� the home of T. 0. Allen. I,lp,,,jjtPd. people. I q' r I . .1 t ,��.` )w is considered -1kinday in ,,. anti knows his business well. your'bon- T' LL ,:.� :, r� .:: I O,W* . r Services were resumed on i political buzzing around in 6 � . � � . .. '.; o�� ­ ,� al . ,,! " . . , r 1 ,�. I �,� ,�'! _�� . , � I the rf-turn (if tilt' 'I 'tat, scribe is back on the Job f Backed Docown. I US9 r, ,�,!, I ; '' . . ;ii -1. - Ine church witP I tie � net will say that I don't know o a, � ;., . 'UiW� Ersk OuI,, , I �., irley stated that It ' hOli- a few 11 c... .. L . . ; 11 . . . pastor, Rev. M -r P. Craig, froin his ,ill( into harness again, after ounty I w � ,. M � � t� . I *Uw. gainst the Minialer farm." the office than :1 0 . �14�- _'ij, ­ it, 4 * , r . Ii. Iii,si,ox, .if Lon- tjjj�,s rustivatins., ­,Iov%n on the rather see WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. - A L E . 11 I , ri, ' A, I , . Ltbemls,v Henry, J. J. and J. 'tar kind enough land of any P your- of r ": . ould have . 11� - ; *l'o)"'watel'- 11: Allies and ... I )0' olitical threatened crists in the relations �'6114, 1"tto, " ,*'A � to., , don, ,and Fred, HiscOx, of .k rew � readers were self, and- not being ... �L�. I �, . I i�'100 " - ay I os IjIj*_ they missed the would not Mexico with the Entente .1 1.0 .- 11 Skliroul' I Hack' ' 0,44 � s .%Iond, . to inform faith, were I among you I . �_,,`X�:: " ', � . ber of Russian pris- %Nere visitors at W. parently has ", I �rL '' -'4 ire motw,vd back in last week's Star. Well, only vote for 'you but take the stump, the United States ap� 1:, ­ I A from Ge Will Begley and w -111fing Tilt- ,. . , � � � I ,,.,I,., ,,,,,,,-,,, vain lit if necessary for you, for I think where been averted by a,modification of the t Lai St, rinony in- ber'. \\, a,�! ,I our Observation Mon .,. . 1, after sill it -ty It* n like Dr. Case I I 11--�ct , . t I . -are well to Hamilton Monday liviii, post ree(wiling ill,. Nveek doings of, comes up for new Mexican oil tax decree by P, I 'bas been establish- ,fp*,v holiday,; at tile tallor*s "I'""' commandingla elize . , I . this partivoll," --t(ir, "It" meh an important office it is the duty dent Carranza. W L ,. 7"; � " 4 1 Crewe. i. t.., th., ,zlar P(litor, [etting its I s.f t-Nery g.,o(I citizen %vho has the It was learned that on Aug, 14' " - , il�h ships. totalling ap- N\,P. are sorry to learn lhal \11", Will 111114-er, n ellooc%r e,ovi- - . ed tit twi, hvii ipff this tiole Mith ;I reprimand for our Ifare or his coriniunity at heart to Carranza in effect canc I Busses Me ;� ..100,000 tons, now lying Ryan has been coviln ab,��nee. I \L1 1, e decree of July 31, under Passe., . . :� -1 11 iy revo-I-Y is lirt,lollized go to it and elect him regardless of sions of th oil lands might �, � ,� h East Indies, are ex- I through illness. A Spec( yejjr-s liave the farmors I personal priviiege. You have alway. which undeveloped 1, � - , 'eleased to bring sugar, hoped for. N(A flit' 1111M great cause, namely: be seized by the Mexican Govern- Passengers �,�. � . erS for 1),fin fa%iired with stivii ideal It anos t- ' wor Iced for tile of th. '� , , her commodities to the Leave your subscriptit)n ord Tiio, grain I,; going into'Humanity. and I think that you have ment upon failure of their ownere to part t, - I 1� ing weather. trains at a. , I I I rhe Star anti daily and \�01-1,1� 11M)""s tile harns in Splendid shape and if t1wlearned 1h.e.",,losition that you fellow- make declarations and submit to [I � I I -, hut is to be added to , at tht. ljl,,lltillg (1111,.,., , the citizens upon you." s excessive tax- . I 1�1;1 L"' ioct_ _. - . ! and magazines . weather vmltinue� (try until end - thrust what they regarded a ' ......''.. 1, -_ uIpment at 11 n annon ,I- I ne�tin, operations will I I I ilitar critics �?) (names not %tion. . 11 I 111�1_1%. u4 ProMnt 0 0 ­ i rey. I as the present hut - , . rf (if ill(, %\#If III o(a R. 11 — __�_ - , � " , I I - Mr. and Mrs. H. BellaillY I�Ottli'n"l () I 11 Iligh ,o),olilotf-il. Several farm- for pittilication) when asked when they �. j, ,ir \I c a k\f S , 11 .Iliit� art v er, ex- .1 .. Inadequate for the cle h r I ti � "' " " � already d4ine, thought tile war ,,vill be 0 ADVERTISE IN THE STAIR careful A " "I , I it. A new "Y" centre Saturday front lit, sit \%it .\Iar�'s and `,'s f this Im - hk I Iging out with pressed their belief that there will be - " . � . Canadian and friends it, St"atfol'(1, St- tileir barns lit4rall!i �, ­ Dened in'the other places. heNNY (IT'"I's 'of "at" and bariev. Thelat least another year of hostilities. - - , ; , �:., I ill There are'niany \%ho believe the sa i me ; _ t - I Our Livery ,; ljospital at Orpington. if her \vIlistit, i)f flit, tlir,�shing inachine, c, A - I ;� ,Nlrs. S. Dee\vs Ili's disl)'""'"' 4 indicating thl't tilt' tiling but on the other hand there are , will be Ile A t. C. S. Parker is tn house and lot I,) Ifell"y ClofT, 'if thill n()%v ji.� Iwarol - in �_ � . 11 village, possession to) be takvii if) a I[ireshing stIFI-11 is lIU\V 1vith us. Af some who, since the flast fighting in , BROWN OPTICAL ,, ever-,, i "t � Pivary eonimeneed, wel Ab. - 0,Ix ,�, SATURDAY. nionth Or so. tol. all tile talk ;I ft,\v nionths ago von- resulting so 7!i i . COMPANY, LONDON , I 1, I"S, . , - of farm labor and are f I ; I . �, .... I � ton boy was killed by EL it seems it) be the fashion thosr verning a ,b()j,tjjg, I - ifor the Allies, in ocir opinion," I .- Your Patroir 11 I .. I . It I lil I I g Ilie certainly ,.f erUjis 9" log to v%aste I to 0 ,optimistic when they state that I E D 1 . , .. I L , . I ditys to raise Priv('s. Atit"S, i1`11 wit.f. in t1w 11 o I I IS, ,.Nf.rythjjIW bll.4 turned (tilt tile war will be over this fall. It is EY E S__ ,.EXAMI N , I III be taken Fords, have again gone III) it' I I ' ' tilt I .! '. . '' �� T. vaeral strike vote w j ­C,,,,,,1 Ita, guerrl," I,i\vIy ftir the farnier. - , nreasonable to ekpect a decision . NO DRUGS LT'If,l) . I � 1, pho.e I . antlip copoll: in ns have about "shol, . � I . .peg. ear. The (lerim, . . lallollgil, ,if T(ironh All's going \\,'I[ tilt at t w,their wad" and are losing considerable I . . . ,il'illen enemies must registe 11 i, . I '. i Q'. I I IR - . ., 1, r , 'ver, I ,\ j,,IaIi\v., anti fl' � it 1, , is - �.w I 1111"i, Not it ean be saff-l\ said that it � I ,E,.� -will #,�# In holidaying with t1ol,ic,t sl)flt in th, \111agi, these days. ,'pep" but. their fighting strength We,.f_9& - %_ , uw , : 10 ounces. here anti in0identall\ raising flit- dilst Awgvzi��L. .1. : I I . I . � j&'V. L. K. Williams, Toronto. , \\,bilp fillilding c,instruction Ili 11ther not to be 11 title requ mated. The enemy i I �, : - ­ ' .. I 0 TRY DRYlN( Atjo'�t a lin� I -,-,':� .. GiZOLUIlD AT4,D;F.1TTP,D � .to wounded a second time. with"hils fine big ,NIOI, Ilgh ,,,\,os ,Ind ,,i,ti,s I, ajolost Ijil things is still a fornii(kible foe but we believe (" . i ... ,, ,,, -,i, ", - ­ . ,� . , I - I ... ­'$111tary Service Act has pro- d . \\,intlsor still otlivi- 111141 hoonting -arnest here. Work I � V',, , � . f Rehydrated ( wat ' I � . � _ ay trip In I)etroit, in ( that by the fall of 1919 he will be a � �? , " AT, ,�4 CrJ) Ept-ATE COST, .- � I .,&_$57 Men from Quebec Pro- places, Mr. Craig tit tirett Intended ( - whipped cur. . . � I fruits retail) the � , � , T. Arth3jr Gurrie's I , .�. , ", '� , _ , ..., I - , �.,If� �t I going to 1,,Illjad(�Iphia but latf�r diwidell )it (1. Allen's block is now weil un * t,� , , , " . . 1. del. \%a�-, file foundation being complet- When we read Gen. .F" �, 0 ! ducts, you need �.� h of Connaught arriv- to spend t' I nearer hotlW. ell still part ,If tfie middle wall Started. inspiring ,words "The victory,was the � �-:V�-DJMOAS ,Ph ici� 1877 them. Try drying - sk " Art ur is vaca lot ­ . - 1� , 't , will go on to 1P - - most magnificent which the old corps � I- . ., � — -"I*- fruits IbW. summ - Is 11 1. I A7 'Ilthd Mrs. B. J. Crawford left toil Mednes- ,rhe north half (if the block, will. wi` I ---" .. � I 1-1 . . m I * .11 ibec. (lay for Winnipeg, \vIlere she \%ill undorNtand, be (,)ad(' into a fine coill- has yet achl�ved" our hearts thritletl . � V, - Toronto police seized liquor ',Is pride. The repeated achieve- �., , . � 1, , ',.. be spend a few wec�s with her thilight0r. Illotho 41,ivelling bollse while the with . ;., . Jkt $10,000 and made nine ar- She went via Sarnia, Ulking a delight- solithern 'portion will comprise several ni-nts .and tilt, gallantry of our brave ,� 01 " e,. * tied a P , ��-,� ,,, , I I X0 , :I �� . at$ 1"'connection with the seizure. fill steamer trip Ill, the takes. store apartments (ir offices, with a lighters indicate to OR that all Is well T 0111 'I, , 1"g.,-'j'..� ,:.� ;,­,L� '', , I force is taking part in , with it e There is no oe- a it , . " '011 �, , A Bill Bill (or the West, \%to,, (Iwj.IjIjjg b()jIse on III,, rear and a hall mir firs lin . - I YA 1.11 11, i I I , jail, 1-tt, I �', '.I I "i, _'. � of Baku and tire oil dis- Walter DaNidson, j,,jellij, contractor, David f th least apprehension there. - I � . I."; �­'­­', '�'46 d ce wi-th rellitives her,,, above. Jack " - - . ; . �,Ot ­ , I, , r . ' � `0 . � t:#' 'r , 'i � I , western shore o Arniley are engaged in "'a'-sion '(�r , � e f the Cas- has been Yisiting \\ hat a out ,or third line? running ' �j ]E�,��% � 1, 0 et 0 left recently for Halifax to embark for (;Ienn and Thos. � , right past our own j 13" - , �"" I I &n I Ith a veterinary,unit the v,ork. Soloeone said that Charlie through Cana(a GNMICENTOSTEA ��j Vie ... �''r T,htr 'has been a marked improve- overseas service v% sbips-SEE&ND13pm, - -crrY OF ERW`t,- -cl* or bow, , '' . riny with the boys Elliott \%Hs acting as, building inspector door a., it \verc-is it intact? Are we , ,��.� V, � itilsot b ,VV - . I �, " . elitern crops since the mid- with the imperial A . his appointment has helping to keep it intact? Are we - -URTWZ,ZN � " Over there. but T. 6. says AL01 --nDadly; May lot to Nov. 15th .40� I! �; y; an - d the yield of wheat is t. The block helping maintain a spirit of unity, a I B . 0, S. Ceettal ,t� � 4 4's 'T 'i.W,;TitW1t.CLKv=.Wru3.a0P.w $;'k 416 Of'; 41 . of Toronto, is visit- not been gazetted its Ye 004 jlo'w stimated at atly enhance spirit of ,sacrifice and self-denial? Are L."Ve 7007"M. U.S. * 150,000-1000 Carmon Stothers M V. . ertil", 1, " �w - I Ing with his mother in Ashlield for a when completed will gre ad . 1 � - W , . d we we doing the right thing by our na- Arrive c%xv=AxD 7iOO KM. u.S. emitted Time ArrinauPPALo7330 I " e Pte the appearance of Main street an ConneLumno, at Cleveland for Cedw Polint, Put -in -Bay. Detroit and 0 "r, ,�4 b congratulat Ask Y" f � _ UShe , we too much engrossed - '., - r' ,. I .."to. ne r the registration of week or so. We wish Thomas every success in his con- tion 9 Or are reading between Buffalo and ciorreland are sued for transportation . . . W,.. 5 M, mt orAimerican 'ek via 0. a B. L � .7� , J�q (10 00 additional men, estimated Stothers for Successfully passing his =j .60 _"san fee U�Mltk, for ecars mot . A. 0 P�-*7,. A;,00 ecently. Tres bon, struction work. in making the Almighty Dollar and too . Round Tri, ,Pig 2 disilt =.- ' ' tn. . . ., .. � Faculty exams r ,;elflsh to think of the part we should Bea -Ioricidg� ,1=1,1h,p'�sEWE=11l ". *Ato* C'uhtler the provisions of the iow taking a ? Canada's first line - eltoolo�%V, AII., reor .t�oo . W00, " ,. -_ ,' 40wer bill, has been -set In Carmon, old pal I Pte. Benson, Case is I a . ___ kv ' new A ' a ,the,UnIted States. With the arrival of Eaton's catalogue six weeks' signalling course back at t ke in this war . motto , T�- Cilaveland & 8 , 1 ..� , , . � lato" mllo . � , and in his letters home he I, o. k., so is her second line but what 0, 1111111 -le, - I -, I � "j, V ". 0,V0 authorities in Ire, last week interest in the war waned the base ork fine. The about our third line? If we keep our Tralusit Cc � ", .� . 11 - litrilt � , , , , �,.� , I Home any households for ,x states he likes the w . Cle,raland. 0 to , lfi IX "'. 0 roduce here a ranks closed up and all keep Ime Gre" shill ,, I FAIM + .��03 . '1114" mmendod the considerably in in - �1 .. 1AAc-1­i, .. I a permit to enable Mrs. is inuch- writfr is pleased to rep we will 1.11IIERANDIIII E- - �, few days while the pages of th . dksi I WhWto I were eagerly portion of his last letter referring to with a steadfastness of Purpose I 1. . 11 bo "Skeffirlilft0la to return to Ireland, iae- sought-after Publication the splendid work the Y. NJ. C. A. is surely win and ' secure a lasting peace. _41m Islorgest and most .-,.% ll . We must 'not relax one effort in a pammagerstesmouromoin Wt.cordl $ tO the Manchester Guardian. scanned and perused. Ong the troops ' waterseft".ta"sleteildsig I � , _L . I '' I "I.- � Toronto, doing am -confidence. That would I , City, Councilmen tn Chicago Miss Alma Robinson, ()r spirit of over I imi.selity. 1500 psomagem 006 `P � I , ,,you %%ere asking about the Y. NJ. , � . 4L, � , ilubpoetillpil to appear be- who was sPendiDg a fpw (lays with C .-it. you flon't hear any of th6 fel- be dangerous. Many of us are asking - � W I - * "bedia left last week fo , Ow 7 _4 .' n s of it, .,'When will the war be over" but h A0. t,;�' 'the Grand Jury In a. 'Itivest'gis- firletlids here, o -,N - i4lt ber; making any ,criticism ng "What am I ' __ tbery charges resulting Beadill, where she will spend a =kjJ lit to be a pretty many of us are aski -jon-Into br .", et it over?" t c , go9d test. I Lr F ­ � fr6in,'t1joe passage of a traction ordt- or so ramping with Rev, J. E. H 'o I uld doing to help - 9 - — I or giv ng -stuff away, they wo - I I ' � in tialaost orbirldlug for municipal oper- of Charing Gross. I .,"' " X. .'it of bit Iness f they pre-' I - . attitiono. but not control. of surface and and family, Soo n 1; I 1. Mail is being delivered between Tor- sented their canteen supplies to the Each province tn Canada has its or- t railways. , onto and Ottawa by aeroplanc. Bob is of dol- ganization to enroll those who are " l 41 The total German los m h I troops, for they sell thousand ; to help on the farms. Make � . I Armstrong doesn't think there will be lar%' worth a day� We. don't,pay much wiliffif ' ,,, 04 , boagliapliag Of the war to the end of aerial route for more for Ganitdian goods than you do enquiries, and get to touch with your ` to be hurt to . I ;�0 . I I a Dungannon-Godertch $jjy, 1918, are understood months bolt it wouldn't In Canada and there is no comparison local officers. a In CA09,90 according to Parts news- a few in quality with the ,stuff in the Old HELP SAVE 0 patirs. 0,he figures include 1,00.- - . Country. They supply all kinds of I, � goti*, 00"Itled up to the beginning of the , Flight Lieut. Hill of Stratford Is sporting goods free, organize sports, ',,,oll oatman offensive last March. From concerts, cinemas have reading and I March 27 to June 17 the Germans reported missing. writing room give away books and A* , 0 killed An Increas4 In wages for all post- 'material, lOok after the W-_ ESTERN CROP, :Y6tO At#�silld to have lost 120.00 eed. � give writing 15 . eA . � ; at'itine men 19 announ I . on leave etc so there isn't much I ItliThu . MONDAY. H. S. Scott. a Canadian customs ol- 'o)", I .1 _. - l 'to reo , ficer, is dead tn Chicago. room for argument on that qiiestion." - - 20,000 Farm Laborers Wante � Capt. John Douglass of Tara Is Walter Alford, architect and butld- ."'rne weeks ago many returned sol- �� t " , dlpr,A piib1lc4 eritietzod the work of I.,taitifil- ,.Aoid. er, of Belleville, is dead. Vinnipe I �---4odward C� Hayes. of Tbamesville- alleged draft evader near Sud- the Y. M, C. A. and -,.;aid Rome nasty . $12 . to _4 ��, ��e"" 1, An thingq Abollt it, ,,vit�jj tile result that it . ;r': I, ,,�i W** rowned. ek. of South- bury wits shot by the Dominion got "in wrong" with the public. Since 100%, Plus half a cent per mile beyond. /� ) f I " . ght Lieut. John Me Returning. half a cant per mille to Winnipeg. plus,;$12 00 fr ,,,�,, ." police. * A � . 114. � I old. w killed. /left dectded to, then, hm%ewr, tile ,,y.,, has, very pro- ,�, 14111, , ­ , . rd Atholaton Of the Montital York Township Co secure ppri�, explained matters thoroughly, On-fortable, whrough 17ralins, Lunch Service at mod;;;; , , All Is on is first trip to the west. take 'Lit steps necessarY to published audited statements or the r�- Special Accominandattlota for Women and a Scenic Routa by if, � .1 � IS— coal for the people of York. , � "�', I sand troops from &tL- Braville, turned men, thereby dispelling all ex- ' o�l I ' �tteelft thou Babcock, of Rednit misgivings on the Excursion Da"a from GODERICH, AUGUST 2 ail,�'. ' , ' f ads have,arrived In Brt- C. E. istink doubQ; and IP I_ I Ais,sois*' I * Om injuries re- Ily regelists to consesd ,4,11 Hit yllt_ , ,7 11�16 ­ .... . 0410 near Belleville, died fr part of the public ond the soldiers I "me a . � I � . I 11 muels. Belleville. Is ceived in a bicycle accident. themseNes, who are now only too ready Special Train Serylest: Tortists 10:00 P. NL . � ' " ' I � , Mrs. Bettie sa C to commit Two motor cycitsill collided with W do what they can in supporting this ft . E,I I L. �. ,��Swith attemptin a Toronto street car, and was $truck wonderflil institution which it; worthy I - W. I W ror Inforinsuotin see- it. W. CRAIGI 4own Tlak4bt A94 ! 1 elving serious Injuries. St. le., Toronto, 40rot . by another, rec of the support of oevery Canadian. or write General PLSGT4*r Dept.. so M49 , I 0,000 filtration plant Is to Dr. G. 0. Creelpian. Commissioner A& #* "OUV@d*W Wiliti aid W&W- Lossillat . bob, voted r6ra of Writs will soon be Issued for the , 0 --- . 6, ­ , 'I � I ­.. __ on bY the mittPW Iculture for Ontario. and Preal- 11111111111;� ii�fq 11111110= M . .11 L of Agr ex- _14 . I . . i. If the O.A.C.. left Yesterday for North Huron bye -election. It Is " 1� I '11, a b , It lZ 1111 : , 1 � I NO , I I . The first mail from Qttfliwa by the dent 0 Pected that the nomination meeting rcm = .I " I h , " 11 � �� � i1.rotjt6,,,lwk9 recosived'at the Toron- hie trip Overseas. rleson has vo.111 be held some timQn September -_ IN - - � ,r - �, . i I .1 , politatmaster-General But I . .1 I t. Increase in with the election -it there is one- iik L. L' �.31 !!k al"""� � I',, ,, 1 %6 to. approved the le -per coon 8111113111110111 k I --- � � �� Ob JL jtgdn, threte-yea"Id I the Western months later. The political -_ . .11,1111, -_ - -_ _ I ." 1� .. 11.1 7siftiou, a Wfidian wages Of 611UP111131011 0 his not changed as far as we can 1-1- ­_ s, - '. of pit. H. A. V . - -.1 - L - - I ,._­ � ­ - - L -_ I " 1. A In an effort I . . 1111311"A I � � have beft 114t6d 61111 missing drowne an the beach P09e Dr. Case the Conservative stin- '.. , I AASA t L� I I :, Ill . burned to 41"th. .1 Yjnlou TeliftfttvU CO. ing. of Bluleville, the Lib - I L ;, ,� , Olen leading Charles Austlion, of Bright0n. was learn, James K1 I 'L of Gotmaitty!X to save an &Jr. eml candidate sill intending to OP- . I . : , * *v1sitarst pla" 'which landed derd,bearer. There is Some talk of a Many , , .. I '. � I I I toj,Akubb since July 1.� bw�Osltjnto the litake. I I . .�. � 11. I I OlAr Talloolatill, offitillitt at* reported nad bl Commissioner Chlabifillm throse-cornered contest, but the next . I .. � � , I kiftled allid several ow I itiolgindoO 1114 the PrOv"ity, or three Weeks WIll likely de- �.2� _Jr. � 49k,9411, I 1` of Toronto stated. that he wul tion. two I C0� I "" , - . W,efikxelid Uits VOM tA* bilt drivel- 0,114tiona jImIt - 11 1�-- 71 , I I I " . W. W. lesdatis 6h.LtrIaj itA01111- tollorft 140 x0l I ,,�, ­ I , I I I - " I i I It I � . . too 0140tity tot h6uteboldoilkit. I" the L -111 I . ,1� 1, I _* 1. - �U,_� - I rs W . 4"0 bays botion found : aq. *W01 are - " . ... I I I L � ­ ��' ,,, - ��, , , - .. � r 'ia " - 911, I , =,knd jio.- ftbilla his bilien A6*6telly ,visited ��, I I I .., � , 1, .: - I . I 1K." *1 , "I I , ALft � IWAs to Kyself- -- I t)y the Inikuensat epideml,f*111th be,- - I � I - ".. - ,!, " ,41� , , I I lowltilob. L' r - ,�. -_ � I I I &M I dee;t" f0j the llait lkt l3elf"t. There h&V* Waft near , I ,,,_ ift -_ R%X." I neoftanwatoll at I'll . � .. � 'r � �"& . vw"­ � tern ' ' ' 11 %V,01sibered ly & thctliasi*nd eases, but few -dft*c timst,mas— - I- U0 114. wolill-0 - terlod sks, *MA is � A. , -:7�_�-1 , � . '06t it"llit'. of the .gon. Dr, Coo, Minister of 941dait- $....7$jft' L of � Jim I . 404". 4W *U I I 1, -,,.,, 1 tiolk, ,Was elected tn Northeast TO- I ,, 0% r L , tr*� "t, it I — I � __ lon, - - I 5 totat "fislAU40. - - � �� �r 'I' ij4tto la Mae- tolitco. slid 11011. Geo , i Y i . & it"", min � ,_ � " I � , I Of 11,460 ,6*ftti�" , " � joliftilui# at toun- tiliter of - Ag"Oultutob. was rel -elected o *t1Kft*k*"V I � I , bowli, Fele to *,A isig"Wit tofelie, " La&* 00aw Aio* " , I ,"* Isackewma, I I I . 40" "'04 - Wu"*4A,W V ­ *'�t"!W1004ty whilea0tall, 136 112 tot York. tn the PfOVIftclill by' ' - i'l . Lq" ", I . Z , 1. 4111*t1cohifi. , L Avxu�k 2% 1 ,w 1114""i *Okkb. 1101111111111111INC I I %*v* 'luift suliatiastilst sh6v . CA* liet M, Histaft 136vilson, fteuch VbIlOso. , I I " oiao 46 . I . -L r I XvIf flottiat (milimany III, tendered tile 000111. tilt . "L I k"Ad .. tgr_ I .. .. - L" . . L , , I � .. . 11116, . I 1. 11-1 - ,�, j , 0 it - � . "' L ' - 'N at ClitrUtlan, re�- *her, has b" "ap"'21L � I �La*%,Xwwpw_�. I 100 , it Itho I* head of the Prellith V61161h1c &OWAI I I !11 I wgft� , U&C N" noti, X IN. WhItto.o.110"k- I IfIIIIIIII, � _. �, 1".. 11'.., t", LL L . 1! 1whiteiii, ion . 0 Inss .1 1, ,ft wot rrulkst* I 6, %* sil !j:;:!fjsW'*L0Wvesa Ell 1 1,4 =� i 1*1 L , , " -" " , -* � I 'Wt to Australia. to succeed M. , --tZ I i , , - , tulk, b6tt Ueton. deeftiled. I ";t �, = 41j." r, Of 0 e=Mwolls , . , �� is -L *01, ", . I I I I , . , I - I , I � tokoi 1,0"tWo, � find It sold Thom" !��,, � , . . . �1 jilosit L . a rolosse ­11--trP. 1. . . � ,� .. tke 'C thousand, persona in China . Ill to 110~ 4 "I (0tamilt atA #At. riots I � . I .1 I -r, ill 141 11 11,11 ' I , koloo ­� , ,.i-1. ill , , ­ ,I," ­ .... �, - — _-, J1 , I � I I 44tijal. r. *ux ',ire UOIntleft and 250J696 'rosl *Ith- ' AUNN" to. LE A ­ .. 1. I -,--. — - ­- , . .. . . —, 't rrrr LL . 'tibilith ebfitea:Us I �____ _ 1 141"4* T" " 'Out #4116"t t6od "Al, rbiltit, of 41,1100111 I 1, . . � foialtliIti,iiiiii TV 11,� LL t . ," ;Ili, the, TU*Jf�jtjang rJovolf. The,ilttneft­ ' � %.& , ,& it � #""Ot 11 � , 1116=1 . ,,, I, rim folst*%k" loo C1111111111 - stwo: =ASftZ" � " "' L- � 11 I -_ " _ -, , , . , � I I 1 ftlifit* list Uoitit koloVerotl JL Providing t0XV0- � -, - -1 ll,iii,illiekillillmoilill'o.im�lw _,�_ 1, I �1 � . I 14. � 1. likitilf.lt*lt 160'06. ­ " , , � "n Red crose is I . I I . I'll � . .. al I—. ,� -1 I ]Cf,., riellef. , , :L � I . �. 4 - L I , , " � . � I Is L ; . . . . � I � I � I . I � 1� '. 0 ') 1 � 4"Aen , I . '. 1. � I I � I � . I . 11 I � ­ � ,� �1� I . . . . . � I � "... ---1--b " I.. __ ", .: ,�