The Goderich Star, 1918-08-23, Page 7wwwapmw it
V*", Ot jbit vxft�j
0 b" 111irroo0d to
�hor t. *at%
la Abe WON.
joia are. llu�104 for lxl�,
41keetlow or the"
itt itie howe'lor
I T. I
V, 4. Sal
at tile
holifle of *. A At
4wo daugh ter$.
UP, visiting Ittife former"i
MA'a'.x0rux'sam Amo
wle�u' thok�,Oltjtk -ftlends.
p - - - �', , � , , t . ,
A 4 Ill—
1 3* Aw*woism
81,0 E
UIDBR4 Vkniq You
einstitwo& ucoraiga plot -
Ing, Em$roi4tai�490 5"Hopilks
and, Coverall 'Buttons
Shetkud Yarn.
The new Mercerized COU01111
for fancy swegiters,'B"ItS Of
instruction ond N"dies
Slip on veils. hair nets. bar-
retts, hair pins, sawing needles
and pins.
li, � A 44 1 P I , ) , M M 0'.
wo ,I
Id" Allak, home in str
1XV-Visi,40t; their grandmother, �Mr miss B.' NO LE
P= KARK A9140140
Ifitiolm has StArted out Vije4i ImIlaotion,411110lit
luaL01rike for
1604 lRoy T4lj)kIatQR being fore moving to dlintork,
fklek�bortingh be
-%XIM _tVj= DialrCiPol and
v, n 0 0 all I jea%p,,, If) his first wife, wfi
-Ighteen years age one son,
d tm -it Sun- Ciie.,tvr, and one daughter, Elva (Mrs.
01111ple 0 ng, Ot of "aginaw, Mich.
dimy: morwl!15-, Mrs. His se -
All it'very interesitill IIE cloud sjlrvive�. Among the floral
unday front Huron
trilmte, wert, offerilig"
holu Mr.
School ISO 0 ull
0 the lioneball Oub for w
plot L, Illiji as referee, anti
BELFAST the Elv%alor ell1plOyces.
Mr. and Mrs.'JaMes Wennan visited
�Ii'��` j0,.th61bui;lg last week.
Is engaged will' WeslbY
of the
dgraork for th
00 e harvest
W call to)
j- hJlis been Ideal weather for Rely.
jarnier$ getting th j. F. (if ulamis.
eir grain in the barns.
Wiltjam TWamleT and daughter, ViO J. H. 0sierhout. Will
visited at Rob,Currie's on Sunday ext S
I haNv chal-t, of the -pr\ let s 11
Miss Jklarlia Shellw6o-&-,Ilnd-ht,�r'-frteTid- I daN III.-I'lliltIg anil evrttiniiii tit Vil-10"
Jiso -'Sundav dam, Johnston's at Lanes. St. \Jvljlm1I't I-Ijurt.h.
ed at A
to Nie.tho-
aylor. front CAMIROik, made Nkll'th St 1,04
James T
a flyintZ visit among the friend-, of Ash- d6t churell 1ANt -111'41HY "'"ritillig Miss
Hold Nir. Ilarold Aith,011
field. going welit
Mrs, Ralph Nixon int-ttids rpudeii :1 dilt't, lia"ll off "t'
it(. eonWaoked - ti�i_ tier- son, I fa_,4414i.,
Zn-Ttru"tim- A
Lilt, hirut'
%Jr. and Mrs. James Gook and MlS. 1917
led in action, August 218t, it) 'Stre"t Mot,
ToPP, of Toronto, mittored to Lochalst, Kit
dist -litirch \\Ill Ill. condurt I
If fit,. 5is
E F 111111"(1fire. N
Ill 4,1111ri'll lWal-1.11,
NJ, S. vyaq well represented -
front all Ille circuit at Mrs. R6y Alton's
last Thursday.
Ount 1%liss Becca Gameron, fir Toronto, Its son, 1`1-111 ill,- 1.1f., Ilf Jorenlifill."
is% Ilkeet at
0 0 *0 , 441 d to visiting with hot- sister, Mrs. W. Twani�
p too
ley at prest,tit.
A. Alton andetwo ellildrpn, of it -k It �Nlvl_
this M rs- Ing the sumnier with \v 11. 1 . :all , Iplit'll,
away Toroniff. are spond fjllllltell� It,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ntullill. �Ijtll loll 'Nitill
.41 z1ol
Tiler.- wll two. a Ill
Thos. of. .4
I. to, t110 Meeting off the littal,
�on tile AUBURN Vict, 1111, "1
It Al art, ill\ltvd,
_qf \011'.
in thi*
Illelit -f Ill-, Stopper
Mr. Prost, of the village, lost ft 'alu- 41
able cbAy last week.
pell.d Ill Golli'li'lit,
been Ill GJ11111111111.111
fit 11) a
their Mr. William McDonald, qf Toronto
Zioll Ill
h i 11 \I(.(. ill
rourn- to called on old acquaintances here Las Ilk
factur- week as absent In Alvin -
Mr. A. 4squith w . .
d,ilylston last ilydek, where he Intends run- NJ
(his season PEOPLE WE KNOW
are nearl-zining aa._e.1K0ora.tor
Tffe 11fir
io� ��i 'W - kl,
Mrs. Chapman. of Tuckersmith, has
this time.1be; vIsIl'Ing in this locality andfre
generally n" king th acquaintances of tier youth- onto I'm -i
ifI If
u I 'days. Moncton Nil-, ;full N if
name of C. N,lr. Murray Paterson, of weeh r -w IIW Not'" r
f( N loll, \Na�
and the list of station, and ormerly of Auburn, spent Its, 1:11iff, 14 clin,
-iialllld-.t� lil't
Cliff I-% the former part of inis week visiting fit (:11a'. -
per -d- 'J"t)
�,Iry and much Mr. Wm. Paterson, of the village: loft .If �4
A arts ill
it widowed moth- of the
oI it f,.rtw&rht
Last week Miss ThomPson, I -ardille, ;lilt
We hope big Clinton teaching stug, and a fortner fir Killi
If I fir
teacher of our villitiffe school, called irLT .-LIEVT. FR4NK. LrOSTEIR is tisitiim 1wr c -o. -Ill. Nil'-,
upon some of her former pupils here. Aug. 23rd, 1917 iel�-
Killed on active service,
M& James Howatt, of the gravel road, W.
tHullett, met with an accident this after Ni�illll_, fro'lid, Ill it:
'"e" *h" he was hauling inj his OBITUARY \\t
1 1 Jl� '�hors�, ',�';\4,rLed and he fell from tile 4, r. off
W till- loii�f k%' -
W, FRASFI1NIr. Nvin. Fraser. all old 8.4 '1 I'mil fill
1106 Itrkord, a \eteran of ilk" v,eek,
ev- id I I .,&
r. William Wallace called on q are
M "' 'en
ra old acquaintances in the village ";!eiall r.,d ',,.it 1) (of Mr. Donald
ti-pel, passed away offlid- M krs. -11- C_ Carrie and S.111" Tell
last week. Mr. Wallace formenly lived Fast .1" out " 111— :11,
Fraser, \i,&itinu r,latl\ts at Pal Ill
here. -He has'been in Montana and the denly ()TI
Rik tda\ last front jileart fornier
failure. 110 -lis Ili his i7th par "' \o,lip (If I'ordntti, i�
34. ticalh all his life I,., Nlis- -.4tioll at tile falllll�
Last Sabbath the servlces of the Sun- had resided fir
followed aricu _ spendiniz Iwr \m,
School and congregation were held Itford, ,vhery lie lliev Street St
erich ToNvn- hontP,
In the morning, owing -to Mr. Ross lure. Ile 'WHS boom 'n ood
19 11jiles out on tile Mrs. and 1wr
L4 taking the work in the Presbyterian ;hip about th"N' ried- llav(, A..00 tit Erie t(. ole,,t Mr. I'ljowilt'
church in BIN-th. Baylield rmad allot vas never mar It
B, TAPP. I n, is his only fill. A iii -i tit#, Lj�0:
yij- Mr. Illon"Id Fraser, 11 f Low N1.4ri,m \1
Last Week Mrs. Riddell, of the -other, all4i NIrs. "irlindy, of London, Mrs, Fri -l'
ge Inster in tile West bt
e fulit-ral too plaep on
Singer Sewing M for a visit to her mother, who 1.,; 8"(
Machine Is , left for Lloydm "I, Frb,�.er. for J,urknmv. ft)r their
anti Nliss h k flat
'7 But slight hope of het4 re- ar eSdfk� liftlToll I ill Nlaitland cetile-
Nil., for
has taken oveil the 10 lousily Ill- Miolilton, and
covery is en 1.f NI 1,
:,I tit.. r--sidence
tilt, Ilf,ing c()jjdjl(,tpd b,,
terN tile
h III Mr Ralph Munroe was vulcanizing .., all(, pall f
�;J;�,'�,jjcy of t e IN one and had occasion Rev . .)Still vIrLvi)d, and Nil'- Not Ill
of his auto tires
19 hearers heirig NIt N
Is to leave It. The building caught lire, and jjs�
I lips Bu0iiinmi, It , to; Sfratfitro
1,1111?w rr \\fill hvr llarelll�
linational Harvestee @MR but the blaze was seun in time, and but Syrritin(6. ()ill out of t wil th v pit till Nir- it. slilizvil
slight damage. was done. Who) wer,. firt-sf,lit nor the funeral \\pre� town, \Ir I
Fra -l'. h And \If-., Millow
9 Last Thursday evenIng, after a lonir Nir, MoN (i(ollall, jull \.Iiss Eat( Nfr,, I. \
Company illness, Mrs. Robert As- 6lekjj(j\\ : \Jr. W. Fraser, of St. 1111\4. lilt-lo'd afif
mill 11,111111t
and painful
191 t. ser, of Niagara
og qufth' -of the -4vitlage-o- -paid Nature's 1,(juis : NIr. lipoir F it VWn4 I- Ill
allilf-i'll and Ali
debt. Deceased, the greater part of 11wr Illp E\vl�ll, K NJ
Hamilton Street . . I "I'll lilr�.
III this neighborhood. She "till \Jr. NImire,
life, lived in Fraser. if T -11-4,11t
10 4 of a quiet and retiring dikillt0sitt". Ltickno\%. Nlr�, okI Iri,
I I handl e both I I nes wa, ..f
She was a member of tile Baptist
P(iTTS. Ali tepilled resident of Nir. "I'l
church and as long as her strength If ;111.1 fill ,.ti\4. liternber (of s
1111 mitted, a regular attendant at the week- (loderich I F., of 1,1.1141-syl a.
fARM MACHINERY and liumn I.-itig" Nir find \If' -
10 ived by her \v t1jeh ho \v;js \\Hrilni foir till
ty serviee,4 She Is sury - current
okjr�,,. 11 .1-1.1
��jjq[R SEWINS MACHINES @I partner -in -life and (one daughter Verna - tern, ,%;is I,, his reolvard on Fri- I' \Ir and
21 who has entered the teaching profes- Ill his reside ce on ;fr,- fold f-Willighl A hi\ -
I sion - A large number of friends and Glilhon, -frf-,-t I -to, flinviral li� place
IiC zh3re of the public pat- A aellilatritancos follomed her mortal ri of n Tfivsdll� Aleriloon Lot Nifiltillind
M mains ill their last resting plave ill ti-Ing.-Indoileted Nil,,
Ile \o, I I I be appreciated. Ball's cemetery. Hullett. by He\ Iffillf.. Ilarflilt.,11, ill
of I<Tlll\
churc 'ati-ol
500,000,000 SHORT OF FOOD v% if !rh Ow dj-f.f.;j' jjjt4-Il4J,.d ThPrl'
f;jil, -fr liwinifers
Europe today 400,000,000 people wAs H I
In f, III, 1jr-ithers %\lilt
0 are short of food. One-third of ths, litiron :If
j;o,j -4vIItIvn&, dallghtf \1, -
lot t il'.
world's population is novv on sl , pof�j I I I\i; I r, I,,
rations. lilt 1 4 .1 111,- Llf,;i%v ill,. \\ till 1111 it
NFIller's Won,,
or ....... it ..If (If fit.. Nil- I� '101
11-1 o.linlwi , Ih
Lite sloniach and Inti,stin, A111,1111 -mt \%fill Ill
it\ ;loll 1114ill iato, Ilion.
sit PtTpcflAf.l) anti So) Pri,
V. (I -
IfISSIV thlit the 1110.1t fif�llral, ll\irlg Nil, I
feel nil)- lopom--nwii, I'll Wil
their action. , They - revoinnielill F.,
... I
�,,I,t 'If tile war bax and spiveg to mothers as a firpriaratifin fit d !,if,,). r,lah-
will r0store Atrength anti %L igor to) Ilwir I*r, d
package tewit our I children anti protert then, fifn I!,"
Ph9no 00
tho. w
It a point.,
We' W1
Aearance [Pblooll W,
mer qr"j,
Ladileilt Sam
[n no sleeve. short st Vool ,Jor 1"4Jilit &"
k4j"' *ad coom �t4
3hildron. Ladies' 0 '0400
misses' Drawelike We Ilkilloy' Ipwom"It 60
be cioutred, and have
quick selling.
irk Voll
Ladies' Vests 260 10V 2,041; -800 _�10.r my
350 for 30 ; 40Q (or $00 Wo.f
Ladies' Combinati
for 55o.
Children's Vests, rke��l ' i� 00 Iq 00,4 gor- ile, Bilk, GoOrget
merit. ne Blous" in
for ialt, wea
Our ordeiriii ear
-Of prilaos-lWom
Many lines of FlosierY . W1111 -0 orgetto 01�pe 1p
r and tile styles
Boys' heavy ribbe& Skiko�jnp, regular ditfore"t t%flje,
made digereu
for 4.5o.
let theWiti-over
Girls' Princess ribbed .8tQo1;1t1gs, regu range O�Lt
500 for 45c. Ofievigr
Ladies' black and white plaill Rose, regul,,
le Off
35c, for 30o. 1 6 trl
Other lines that are not comPletso will Ill. d sleeves
is takin
marked down LO IIIII,ke-quick sellillig.
Let us work together to. build up our. to
Thone orders prott laded toiloo,
J- 14" . '--- LE
g ,,I the paro- III,#,
Is I ralses off tilt, roads -11 if
vostilch art, vellirnt
r mule tarvia. ill,.
.......... ,,,Illg tilt- hest. Mr. Fra-
Ila\.1 "uf� 1'. - -Pl' oil 11)
s olll� 1.41 tra\
;111.1 NIr- It rdent adNovat,
1,011111-1 1., If,[ Ill an
%in. . CurflUt CALLS FOR
\%ill, their anot allot \11'. %*EliTclts
Zillil TN% I
mrs. h.till \Iwlrra�, IAT I i,undreti thousand mr,
I tilo'll. Ilrevions farming experience It.,
ra N nifilld on thi-Ir registration cor-I
11. and !.011. \\illifignto,fts ill holp to Save tile I
kv, allot \11', oll till, fitruis of Eastern Gitia't,
\ NVidloll" Itu- It statement Issued by Hion. T. -\ &.
d in t.-Wll 11A Frliln� Alt t" Ili- ' minister of Agrivultdre,'Ilt, it
tit.. 13410", 1)31'. Nir full \It" IllooI tile" to carry out their pi,,i
]. ill. expressed on Llie tregistrilifloll
1-11'. hit, 1w. -Il W till, 11Z I'rw harvest of garA�rn "
tit-, %ow[o, prouilseli,weli ond 1 )1, \vi
lie llr \Ir- Iwi,ded in fact 14. needed now. To
I(Ir. tit \\Ilf, are- We to help should Conle t
r.-Ittift i-oo-lo \,w -if I -i, I make their willingness IiIrko,,
I) that farmers who ited till
\\Ill linow where to find thei . Ever,
Jr. F. iolowning alid hillirlitl.r, Nil,-. postoffIce and general store siould he
till 11;1\,- gflt� or fill, tfils purposte a voluritary qjuilloy-
WSJ Illp"t Ug"llay, where na ORA,
S. -lair, Britan'llit rl"li, tit" I a, I
%\tio needed men on their A
or F:\,-tvr. tilgelaust I
1101. of da\� �\Itjl he listed. In this way R ,
I tervoited could mee 04� at,
rmitv ill th"I" r1flingements.
ainington, Ifni.
R,\. 1. \%,. Kilpatriek, Nil' -
11 daughter. NIfirgit"el. if
it., are tpending their \:14'Atioll \NIIh
%IVinil\. Tht..\ ar,, ill
lalive, Ill thir.
p limul, (If Nlrf, KlIpAtrivil,*, Il.ireill.,
r. and Nlr%� John KII-)\, RIDGIC,
I-eet, this week. ESOT
Mr. anti Mrs. Dr
rincipal of tile central
r. Nlr% .1
, . Ba
off, off C.441931'�, Alta. jl� Nil' Sale 4f U66
irr and NII ..\I
or laIl
Ye'irliing Ho
Nils, Blanch" r.1111-11,41
T,,r--liho last �Oiery -11-1 = I
Iti'liv'I Ill#- I'Al IT]
N'lill'i till alad tit
.1 E
of it. pill,1I. Jr, r
flllll�11'1141 35,000 Eggs,laid In
eill.,1111101, and \\ill h., 3111I.-Illived
, 1, 1, . 0 17,000 Eggs la'4 in 3 i
11,)-- iliti,en, off tIl -I-iff , I I'll
WIll 1,
�Mlllg lad� \%plot 1,�
find This Is the 51�4
we at
0 \%fill 11,11' Ilk Ili., 111milliod- .f Ili I -
\111- j. Not Fra r 111d Nil-- 44
a If we had the aci;
T,Wda '111- l�`, .�*�,`,-,`, =
r-irimait, -I
lot \,,,carit F.ill�
.1 4;v,
ear Our Goo
dphilitating elleilts which rldl limil ;,I, -
tile depredatlons of wornis 11%ed A 1, -,Il and feelmatisfied
B I k _� I
1.011 Teas, I Mo.- I you are,w&I'll d
11, -Mily good valuest
I.. If, I I I I AT and co�ii
Tt,,, -)c and $ 1 Per 1b.
X We, h0e a
? 1Air fill-, fit
Sir .f 11r, .11"-j t Picture Frculaes
04all stock of very co ote
I),,\t W"'k the' latftt' W'
I tit rvturn of
Are Right if We Make Them
over y Nirl ... its. 'Ir I e
'Hon \Iil4s Man Footftolpt ik
ti. r - I 110tildinkliK
ll guest %\,Ili ter choice of N
J, �l 41 has Just T. we have a het Wbe Doest Pride$'
P ('.otnoared to "fruit Arm* % Ji I to 1.4)1. than J()t,4 or the city f1toro'A. and we
ii,med rrotl,.... g,jarantce our work.
a alleap Food and' THE MEN dtin.
e 1,111 our kv
Vour viackationor that busineoR titt,) Tray not T Mrs. Fri'll It j1p,iditt and children. The only dilyerence betw,
who you on %I.itinst the former' -
to me jottother summer. Why not come to us and bave a who have t),,,f jmp44 %jap%lear, Framing and the city framing. In ot'r
I pariput, prices. which are much chear"er- By havAuj us' U
d for several ,pok.. returned to Brant- I,
Xs Akfa Bro& a9ant memories are Birtaft YOUT Pictures here to he Fram
of yourself sitid the friends with whom so many pie ford on Fri -W half bet -n 11011 ed. and be COUT1111ced
h ETffY Div - Rev. Mr. (o.tprti-If
0 AWWAS"d 9 ry posodble aid for promptly I )r,) orarlid Rend &nil SHARMAK�.�'.'.
Wet, balre an up-"Jiitel studio with eve daying at 11,,ndo-b- - 0 back to take It
-. ill b
***g OtIf hj& ollim work In Tbedford bill It
-0flia St
RAPHY chargP of thp VrAlcps at V
jIl6jttKA1TVRr. BY PROTOG church on Sunday Smith's krt stem Be loyal*
Nir, and Sir- D
rj Port Elglin. 'r.
T. FELL little daust and Mrs
visiting &t the tio-Alfle of Mr