HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-08-23, Page 501 !1 -Pol III I 'i�ll I III
To' -
9, E
we, Will, Lead You
for Ifloglit hile
eaturillay Even-
yqq�oa.ija, the
quw)-7, *0**p Will Oollilttr your Wome. for a full thirtv dav
% Tocis , I
"wyllitille 1prices am high. trial. it you then decide to
it to. comult �ojy us $5.00 for it-- if
Qw 10*1 ou out. keog,
Zy ncit, return it witilvolit iurthOr
�JNIO.N'SANK OF CANADA obligation.
F. WOOLLCOMBE, MAnager. it to mom tbAuarazor-itnore Razor
then a flafety device. Try This
It is str9pped, it shaves anti is you,&r
cleaned. without taking apart ; e given the opportun-
without even removing the blade. ity of trying this wonderful
And like a perfectly stroppeolt Razor without any kind of risk.
IES, COLLEGE o.rdinarY �aXor, the blade iul- h will
_Lminth your a aVlr19
-prove with nsez
ResidenUal Schilioll for Gifts) A -nit It doesn't cost You a celit cost you not Ing
to prove all this to your own sat- may return the razor if ypu call
OPENS ITS THIRTY-EIGHTIUBAR get aloog without it.
T E X J-3-, �jt SIXTEENTH;
Thorough courses im Music, Art., Oratory, High School, Business GODERICH, ONT.
College, Domestic §cience and Superior Physical Training 33. Phone 90 "HURON'S GOLDEN GATE
For terms, adoi&ss: P_ I. Warner, W.A., D.D., President, St. Thomas Tat.
and killing the caterpillars that fel; and d,,11ing vvith the fuel Problem
Ur- The delay in ttW return tif the ok,k
of water pipe : that iwices on. Q,__1lew catchink more by tying a cloth sat k. "jt4W,*j_XOjj 3,v __=acr dis ,,, I
ated in coal oil around- the tree trku ,. I iss I I and
THE'TOWN COUNCIL -at to the sanic si The Mayor said the town halt gone the Mayor charged that
waterw4ks i I ze as one there \\H� a
The Fuel Question and Control ot nuw lased be obtained includingcost Of as far as looking after its own tre,�., doiberate atteniFit it) 11(ild this thing
installb,tion; that the chairman of this d ll� would P�lsitl\el� re-
Tugsoek Math Discusled at Length committee be vinpuwered to engage two and had bought wile brushes f(ir 11"' ""' and Pal
aud for loaning to citizens to tear do\\11 rfe to sanction any moire b,,rr,o\Ning
nien to lha\ e all loose wodd In the ra- masses -t - 'It,, -
The regular meeting of the town the egg _ Unless a b\Ia\\ t, ..xeept to protelo thi to\\n', d. 11
vine out up and rvoloved; that an or- compel the people to spray ,ocre h-11- ture debt, until the "-dI NNa's "Ptlic"I'd
council was heldton Frday der Xor %2.50 be issued in favor of Mrs truck.
evening ter observed than the weed lf� lav, as and the rate
last week with all he present Alex. Ro Inson, as a refund of fee for'
with the exception of Councillor Wal- opening gra\e last March as the amount to which prominent qjtizvll� pa)d it-, Tire tax collector v,as
lis. atteption to the notification tif the \plain the delay and franklY a-hillit-I
The tax collector's report was re- had already heen paid� police) [�,wlould be ho use, p- he had been 11][1010 to \\(,rl, in it
ferrelik,to the fivance committee. The report \\as aflupled. tato trou e has been here threc \vat,ldnring the hot spell. but \\imlol imst
A lettor from the Canadian Natolonal. The public works comi-nittee, report- it complet,,I rm. a j ... (,fit;
tell and the people vere only wo\\ tal'tn I ti\vh, have
-I ed having receiiied the following to take precautions against it. I niet,ting (if the 4`0110"ll to I"' to..
Exhibrition offered to include any wom ders for cutting, splitting and piling I
en of Goderich desiring it in the de- The Nlayor suggested the A-Mill"it " I Tiowro\� to strike tit,, ral,
monstratiun of women in war service wood In the bush purchased front Mr. from the Board of Trade meet with th, I,hp Mayor asked if the pr--p,r ail -
at the fair Aug. 28th. Ghristopher John,t(ill. Will. Fuller and cenietery and parks (Ioninlittee if it],- lw,,priatiolls to in-, inkino, I'll"d 11-1
This will be rt-ferred to various 13. McCutlool!zIl. lot *1.4o per cord, Rubt. town-oituncil and formulate I soniv de 1W. -Il Mado last Year .111d Ild- "'d. "ll
women's organizations which might be McAllister anil Jasloo-l' tirindley, at $1.311 finite line of actiton and repill I al lw\t Ihe 1potion of the chill �.r itiv fit, -
per cord: jillil rt-v,ininiended that the meeting, and a motion ailing III., committee, secim-11 II\ 6,1111-
inte�ested. Story, the tri,A,lii r 1, to, 1,1111P
The Department of -\aval Service tender of Nlessr,. R. McAllister and was moved by Councillor Cooke
Jasper Brindivy, being the lowest ten- I d by the Depuly Ree\e and vNil- in it statement of Ill, o-114111-11 ,f fill
wrote in answer to the connell's re- der, be aco-1,11 111-11 thtt exeCuti011 Of corae -iniong fund.
quest, for the installation or a pul- -ed by your tried.
Yn tor at the ilodercli lire saving stat, an agreement too he prepai His Worship mentiont'll that tit-, I, detailed statement -4 tini-0 t;,\,, -
n that such an appliance required
,00 1committee: that the street I uspector chase of a spra� ing jilachill-I load Iwv') I i- valled for frorn th I. .... 1-l' HI 0
skill in handling or it might prove be instruct4-d to, prepare a report on talked of by the comwil and at thilt w- -ling,
dangerous and as the Goderich life, the matter i,r strf,,,t sprinkling revorn- tI Mr. Hanilink \%Hs supl-sed to, h, Mayor sugge,t1
it mending a r,mLv: that the is i reet in- I [me Ifix
savin cre"111 was, a Yoluntary one flaking a sale of his inachin,' and 11 lot IllVRti`%'1` thil to, Ili"'
woll to install it. .s -ctor be atitli(wivied to iavt t\%Ij the purellas.-I, I .1.rvat 11 of tenij-,,ratiir, and
Ig be inadvisable pf it.. was thought hl'i'l at the 0,11I
Mayor thought ifte, matter "silent poll ...... traflic signs flia.4 got to do spraNing fur the t,-\\11, I ------
V1h e The report \Na� all��pted- the purchase had evidently 1-t U-11- -d the ovPrnment i, [I -
should not be dropped and suggested The speei;tj, (,�,lwnittee recommended through. the apparatils nd W.. Illifil.. h.
the appliance migill tw insLalled at the that the re,pwst �,f the I. M D. I,. to charge of the Mat H -n,
hospital if not fit the dock, or that a The deputation as to life fll,-1
man be educat(,d as to its use. , have a tag la� d"ring fall fail' Week tion 'was next heard. t,oincillor Robertsmi m, fit](Owd I"—
be granted, it,,- dav tit he set by the Mr. C. L. NI(iorp said it �\a-4 lin), t,. complaints id I I \
The filliatter was referred to the special Mayor, and r,imi,ted tfiat S. Me- . fit
romr ittee, on ni,ttion ol� th-e Deputy educate the veople to 11", stioll T',il ill town itild \�.I, I . I
IT Math hail I,, n 1191eg('d as st bstitiit,� as the coal dealers cmild s,cur" M, It,, (.1ijer (if poliel, hi'd MITI— it r.1 -
Reeve and Councilior Da\is, obiring holl'(1-1 4 tile police. were becoming ediwated hi it'-- I'— .I iiing Tip in, the p,dw, olirl III-- f, -I
A letter front the Alexandra liolarine The rep?`irt \\it, ail'ilit"(1,
and G.enerat Hnspital Board notified substitutes in emikim- -int- s;tiol tlw� 11\,niw Tuesday niovi,i;w, lill-1111v
the conneil of the appointment of at The dpIpgalli,11, rrom the Board (if vould not use soft v, -dl, I)lIt NIT- 1111L, \\Vre of no avail
committee to arratwo for free CliDiCS Trade were 11wil Ileard, the first being Maimed that there was n, -I k fltrii-w ' 1 .111 1, National Shiphillidifil!
Nvelfaro'-Filed. that with l,or,,j two. it) the handling of in to�,m but cotild hilrli s-41 I I.,\\, recently carried h� Ill,
on child I s given it, final
The I)rovineidi )lc.,ioier wrote call- tussock moth mill (,ther flests. tilough it wokilid requh�v s,one i,\I,, - wa
ing attentiOrl to III,. ineeting called for Mr. Tom s;lld al the Blow.(] of Trade mental work in firing. It,- \\its Inally passed. And I ll�ilt\\
Aug. 30th at the I,arlianient Buildings, ineeting 4liG pn.\imis e\vning it had in a soft coal district and ,i\\ -I ilw trnetery sexton'� alai- to,
uNincial Fire Pre- been-propq.qed it, ask -the tii\Nn to pur- bushel of anthrifficite ii,ed tintil ill Ih, p, ic, Ad $500 was '411.1 It,- I mll
.Toronto, to form a Pr , raying outtit to light the last few years. Last p!ar he smw, -il Own adjourned.
vention League in alliliation with life chase a SP
Fire Marshall, still the setting asitle of tussock moth, th,� codling moth and of the large egg coal inixed \\fill -01
Oct. 9th as fire pri�xvtition day. the fulfigus which caused plums coal in.his house and rievvr had a I. -I
The'Mayor silggestod the sending of and cherr' s it) fall before maturing. let.- heated house, The tov%ii load BOARD OF TRADE
the chairman of the, llre committee as Last year k"'Ont.. attompt hail been inacle slack �coal 'which the people villild is, -
a: delegate. Chairman Davis intimated to combat th-- tussock nioth. The Her- if they would try. He \Nus satisll"i (woo-ral Illeeting of the Board Helf",
he would find it difficult to leave his ticultural Society took up the matter from the reports he had front the I Iteport of ILondon Allecillill and I)i,,-
business but the counVil, on motion of and the speaker, as school inspector, and Canada that the situation woul usses Matly loliallel,
councillors Wilson and Robertson, de- had asked the puplis in the schools to much more serious this year than I,j-1
troving the egg masses. President Parsons of the Board 41 \ \ory interesting ineeling ,f H
cided he go. an amendment to refer the assist in des . pecially at Trade said the situation Nvas ni--�t
matter to the fire committee with But some tref,-., in town, es of Trade \\as Iii-lol " n,,Thtir,d-i,N
power to act, moved by the Deputy residences where the owners had been acute. He had used soft ctial in III" ,\,,nin& last, with a ill all mhiwo- uf
Reeve and seconded by the Reeve, hav- away, were b;fdly infested. Air. Ham- daytime and hard coal at night last, Itilt, '
ing no other support. link had a spraying outfit, Including. winter with good results. In 11"r I!;'bejrr,.ide.t in his
A letter from the Board of Trade was truck and gasoline engine, which fie Huron he was Aold there vvas not;lillu to the furnishing of Ilic B,la"d
'two committees were paid W for and which he would sell to equal coke and one part. of anthl'a- �,,l Trade offices in the Mas(ini
to the effect that ind the appointment (of an T t"'I"111111;
appointed to wait on the council, for $125. This might be purchased for cite to two parts of soft coal vas said
Messrs. J. E. Tom, J. P. Hume and Win. the town and a fee charged property to make a good mixture for biii-ning. vrt,tary who was nfow aeti\vly at
Lane with reference to the protection owners for its use on their fruit trees. Mr. S. A. olegaw said last year fit,-) \\,.i,k on the job.
of the shade and fruit trees in town, In some places it was made compul- had supplied soft coal to their iii- 'I'll(? matter of advertising at the Tor -
and Messrs. C. L. Moore and others sory that property owners must de- ployees and had made prcAision to di-, Ottawa and London fairs \\as
with reference to the fuel situation. stroy the tussock moth on theirt trees so this year if necessary. In li,cussed and the industrial s,wretary
These delegations were present and under penalty of a line. versation with the ties(] office (If 11"' 1,\\a, authorized to write for infownla-
were heard later in the evening. Mr. Hume referred to the action the Western Canada Flour Mills 0,, in I, i, n to the management (If th,se fairs
The flnance committee recommended town council had already taken in this Toronto, he was told that they had ' IV\. Gallon Hill ga,e a line relmrt (or
the payment of a number of accounts, matter and said he believed where the tried everywhere to get some ear- (.r 111'. meeting In London at vdiieh t1w
ad re- hard coal but had failed, but tie \%- A_,wiation of Western ontario B,)ard,
recommended that payment of arrears egg masses h, been thoroughly
of water and street lighting accounts moved the trees wol-re free from this informed that if the. 01oderil-li c,al I., f Trade was formed, and a Nott- if
be laid oiqr till estimates for the year pest, ?quoting examine,;. In Toronto dealers and the council would gf,t I— 111,111k,, to the delegates it) this rit-ling
many trees, especially the horse chest- gettier and frame tip a staterni,1111 4 1 Ind lo Canon Hill for the rejmrt \%a -
are completed; that the clerk be paid ely stripped of foliage the town's requirements for har, I 4 al
the sum of $75 for assistance and ser- nut, were entir jj�.,-d, to which Vice Presid,tit NI-mr,
vices handling wood last winter; that and we should keep the pest from get- based on previous years' consunipti,o, t, piled.
SergL.Moore be paid $10 and Chief ting a start. and make a claim on the Canadian ""I � (luest.ion of the pre-(-r\;jIi,.n I,(
Postletboovaite be paid $5 tot extra ser- 'Mr. Lahe"believed th� Collnell wouhl United States coal commissions tTi,,N- i -IT. shade Efees f . rom Me ra\aKei, (4 lhe
Vice, handling wood. be recouped twice over fbr the pur- could compel the AmOlcan dvalf-l', to joi---vii moth and of Ilin pr(-t--rti,-n -f
The report was adopted. chase of a spraying. machine by the supply the necessary quantit�. if,litt trees against vni-Imir. pl- �\as
The cemetery and parks committee fees for spraying private fruit trees. Mr. H. J. A. MacEwen vas and a committee, eimsi,finte
reported having visited the cemetery Mr. Tom explained that their sug- also at the invitation (if th, -r \1srs. J. E. Toni, .1. 1) Hunw ind
and recommended the following- Im- gestions were not so much for present and said his company hall b(-r,n a,llitw %\w Lane, was appointed if, \\itit (,it
provements : That the waterworks operation on the trees as in preparation considerably more anthracile this \,.r tl,I 1,,%%n council the rollo"ing
standpipe be scraped anti painted, also for next season. The best way to fight than last year up to date, bill it did 'I ll;� A full report (if the
that the stone work foundation be re- the tussock moth vas the removal Of appear that there would not h(, -i -lifli pirwillation of the matter lot fit,- t,,,o,%jj
paired with plasl(ii; or cement, that the the egg masses from the trees in Feb- cient supply of hard coal, Th,- -N- -11114-il will be found in .f
th, 1-tioncil proeeedifigs
tool-housie roof be renewed; that the ruary or March. supposed to get the samp quariliIx -I
roadways on both sides of the ravine Councillor Wilson mentioned that In in 1916, and 1917 but last yo,ar 11wr \\ I, 1hl- ]-ie.
be plowed both sides and graded so as his own orchard, although he thought a shortage on the aninuril lift, G--11 I'll-, practice of the \%al,r ovl h0it
to keep the wqter off the road; that he had removed all the eirg masses, lie ment promised and fit lnr&r,, t,mriain, I, t,l , -writis-ion in requiring t 0, 1 ... �it
prices be obtained on cost of Installing was troubled mith the caterpillars On been cut off in the siipply to, ii.-ni (,I-!ctric light consum,rs. if !,if
an -extension of approximately 70 feet Ills trees, but v%as shaking the trees from the States. Statrinents a -i ti, th, ml-. came under diso-ussi-n. t.,11 11'.
coal reqntred in Godvrleh hood ann-, f -i , h-ri -as taken.,
ward many moons ag(i anti �N,ry in Ili- Ill.- file[ question ,\as di -e,-1 �,l
hands (if mir own fuel rointnoll,r and n,id,-rable length, and Ill.'
f the IT. �. fupl eennt�fdlvr if %,iN \\ w-nerally expressed Mat III,' f'(,Tll
one were to lay in R ton (or -0 -1, \\inter would so -e hard�liii
nf which the local dealers had a td-nli -r \%ant of coal than ]a,( N%int-r 'otir-
fill supply, there shotild tw if,, f,j.l 1,rid,rit Moore -Afor-sed 111, 11,11,4
Tread"_ -"Traction Tread shortage, bill every onto wernrd. ilial -ducation to the use (if (,ft -,al
putting off doing this to see if it, d ind siieh sorts of fuel as comlil to,, III) -
not get anthracite. The fiwl lmiwd was,the solution 1, r,,rntnlIt-
between them had about a thwi,hn,l \N.i� appointed, consistiolo. if \141--r,
cords of wood In sight for this �\ int, r'- ooI..,,r,,, Megaw and Wm 4�ami,tll to,
burning. In Chicago no one \%fill -i ,fT(,r the town council co-forwrati(m IT)
Long i n Service furnace was permitted to burn a pwind s.,mniz the fuel difficultN.
of hard coal and the United States N\,4- 1 \Ir Saunders enquired if lirnything
really using Canada better than it- --%n \xa� being done to secure a flat ralf, r,or
people. If everyone would take it t,,n IiNdr,, power, and Chairman Huni- Ir
or two of soft coal it would refle\,- tho 'ti)p Ilydro committee of the R4iard said
More People buy situation but it had to be donp riwIlt the) %*.-re active In getting trift)rmalwn
away quickly or the first cold nap itc-orotipr and expiected shnrtly to ha\e
-there would he all sortq of Lrophlo ja r,,pqrt to make,
DUNLOP TIRES The Mayor expressed his deright at' Pre,41dent Parsons linciltionpol ha--ina
hearing this deputation and Mr. Mae- I in,t Mr McFarland (the gentleman \Ah(j
Ewan. The town council's fuel t,(,rll_ lvas In charge of the Board of Tradp
mittee had not been asteep at th, mn%prnpnt in Ooderich) who Pxltrps�ed
because they have to switch and were looking after tho his great satisfaction with the tuce-
situation to the beat of their abilit� lot the movement In Goderich and wish -
7,730 tons was the town's require MoTt! led to be remembered to tl�lp people of
- io,,(I�rich he met while here
buy them lea often. for hard coal based on the previouq
two years' figures. The Board of Trade I' The question of buying otit (of town
and town council might co-operate in I'll" raised and Chairman Porter of the
educating the people to use soft coal rMall merchants' committee rpp,)rted
and If the 0overnment lived up to a pledge was being circulated
promises we would be all right for a ": .,ng the members by which they
hard coal. ID, -misold to do their buying at blimp
The matter was disposed of In the ,4 touch as Possible.
1 in the request of mr. Moorp. Mr
Grieratest Greatest following resolution qt,
Moved by Councillors Robertson and ry of the DOMinion Road Machirwry
Nvis that this council desirts to place t;,, gave a talk on buying at horno.
ecord its spotecialtion of the in- li,,1419 11110WO WhWacturpst instead or
mileage tier Irnrrted goods. etc.. which was mlirb
Safety at evinced by the Board of Trade I the pojnL
In sending a committee to assure us of I to' The CIVIC 06Mmittels of thr Rmird
the Board's nalous r4lo-operation in Pro ma. reporW ail the only committee
deavoring to educate our citiwns alooTing
the line of utilizing vqhatever foil 1which had so fjjr not proved very
be available to the town for the com- active.
Ing winter, and of the board's pro- AlbVXKTft IX T= STAR
ferried assistance is a solution of or 4
The Now Fall Coats
A most extensive range of Fall and
Winter Coats now await your inspection.
You will be delighted with the new styles and
the moderation in -price is particularly noti.
ceable when all materials are so scare. We
bought early in the season when prices were
much more reasonable. The leading ma-
terials are Velours, Ch6viots, Chinchillas,
Tweeds, Salts' Plushes and Fur fabrics.
Prices range from $15.00 to $75.00.
With the reopening of the schools there is always
a lot of extra shopping to be done. We are recognized
as the leading Children's Outfitters of HUTon County.
We carry the largest stocks of children's wear for girls
and boys for school and college wear.
Spocial Tweed fop School Weap Chillpen's Snateps-fop School Weap
('wed sewceable Tweed for school vvear, The Swealtvi- is the i(lo.tl garment for Kchok) I
ami ,latate skirts, in light and dark shades of `W(Iftil. Wit, Ilmo all style., for girlsi and bovA, IT)
gi-ey pjltl fa\Nn, 36 inches to 40 inclielo; wide the nOWIL-St %\Pfli atild CO)OI-Ing, ill SVVII)AtOt�
:V)c, 39c and .50c it ,ttld. Coats and llidlo\vrs. Front $160
Children's Scbcol StockiDgs, in all makes, at keenest prices.
Children's Vnderwear in Vests, Drawers and Combinations, in all weights,
and at keenest prices.
I he Leading School and College Outfitters.
'Phone and Mail Orders a Specialty.
I 'Phone 56 MILLAR'S.*-DISCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56
E\111111110\ l-I\\ n tht. lililunwrabb. I,kk(,s (.\,r I,lol, that
aet'; it tl ! 1, -1, -.1' I'l, '' .1 t,,�i
�d Ill, \\. -(.,t-n \\III too. I \, it tintil th, I.i,t min-
l"I" d (11.1 .4 OATIVO ;111,1 f-I'lifig I le\ 14,- 1, y -11- t.. mak, �,Iur reservation at tIM
\\III Ow I'llblic I , h", ;I,] \\fit,. it) Miss Jean Lindsey.
Ill, 0111,01,I]i \\III he jo,I \\,It I,, i iirco- ,I' (,in -,lid mm- I \1 n l, \� Park -i,h .11, %it,
1111, -Al, ,0i 111"Ilt (,,I- all o'. III, -.011-Itli-n I I. -I , I. " - 1, ,1 h. or" lif.ttid
nit;\ \\fill $ioono if \\ttti ,ilialoi, \\oll, I- I'll, w k \k., it
Ilr, Ail 111� 1�\.' I-xi,ep- sti"Ill'I III, III,, l','t 11 oo. 1
mfl- \ lhl� Iw"ll ill I"old'.11 I I..., kl. llif!g \-1 'A�l
f niaknw every heat it race and divid- \it mr-wn,iii(m rro,ni Ill.. i.ii
it,.. Thrs, �\ oiI I lilt,
bring -.111 t),.,t 11"I'Al's
Ill., hl"t that 1� In t114,111 There SEPTEMBER IN A1oIA;0\0VI\ P %Rk
III*,, \\ '.rk� �4 III, \ "1.\ lw-t I-ach S"ptendlor Ill'Algol)(11ill) Ilark, oil CASTORIA
110it art.,* th, pl;jtr.q,j,, tgrw, is wle of III,- 11-st Al-lightri
"Z"Intit, or the 3ear. A b-fivIlcial For Infants and Children
if littisiv \\ill it.- fitriiishi'd toy I y van be enjoyed \�ith all Ill,, V.-ly
III- h."t band, (,ht�l I nill, to, \vral Iwing ti)rts, for home at ... I'he Highland Inn," In Use F.or.Ovar30 Years
tteallanvo-i varl) dii� The plat.f4iroi intuated in the midst i)f a charloing Always beara
\\ill to,. or it \,.I,y high order \,vil6rness on Cache Lake,
it. I, the
in(I \Nill h.i varricd thr-oligh ea0l after -1 a good month for the vallilper and Signature of
imin and e�ening wilh dispatch so that I canoeist. Splendid fishing Is fmind fit I
ki'W" e4
N"at Will'You Do
F o r fle I P 07
FARM help is scarce, but this condition can be relieved
to a marked degree bv using machines that accomplish
more work in a given- time with less man power.
Whv should the farmer cling to horses -a slow, expemive
mean,; of power when every other butriness is adopting
the truck and thereby redu(Ing the cost of hauling, speeding
up doehvvnP-;, and saving for human needs the food tha
the horses would otherwise coffistime?
The motor driven truck can work comtantly at maximum
load under t he burning summersurt, orin the coldest weather.
ljnh�e life horse it needs no rests while worldnig, it eats only
while in act" use, and when the day's work is doillie it
�,e . little attention, and leaves you free for other
(�uires very
, iores" about the lace. Then, it can be housed in one -
q uarter the space of 4*rslles, wagon and haroem it replaces.
It if; a nustaken idea that a tr4ek is nsiefu I.-nittly -for- driving
upon paved road&. The Ford can be driven all over the (am,
and used for hauling grain, potatoes, fruit, roots. fw6li:fer,
wood swk, milk or any other product. The speed it
tm�e_iz, the time it saves, and its low upkeep cost appeW
very strongly to all limm of the Ford Truck. It you neW
belp, order your Ford One Ton Truck today.
AU Prolow m4lilloot" f- war ME &h&Vs% d""N &%do O"d ch"i"N"
Ontio-Too Truck $760
Roolmabowit - - 675
Touring - - - SOS
cow" 770
Se&s 970
Cho" SM
P. OL A F" 0"
Dealer, Goderich