HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-08-23, Page 1OW ip, I
. _ - . M F 11 F , . R , lot , � . � 4 -I- Foo4iffi lolet- ! 1. M Ilm ii III I p;� I, si� I; , 'I; _ 1;.�.; -,--,-�,-�----�1--�-11-1�-.�-1--�--l�.,�"-- . . . . . - .I . I r - , I, - I, . , I
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. . ,, I . � . I h . � .� f � JGODARICH, I, FRIDAY. AUGUST 23. 1918 pusuallixtt, L,VXRT FRWAT UQ8V111=S* A N "" WL ARX"c", I � I , ,
. _ OTAW0. CANADA 00 IV its Alliaxilm a � �
. I "I 1110 TAOINI;Ihos - I . 'Ir � . . q $2. .
� . I ,. " 1. 1*4 Ima"i " 4a , I . 11 �r . I . . -_ I I ;.,:;-I-:;;; ;;;.; � I - - - � I lb.
� �� � I - I 1. 1 . _10 I ��, I . , � - ,.. , - I . .1
I 101111111 - .1111.1 � �11 _. . . 11 I P ., .1 :1 I, � 7n.," 'to t;;rj rl"� __ I , - . 1.
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Brit A ' , - t nid' G; ra � Prisoners, Guns and Towns, French Hurl foe Back Five Miles and Capture Thousands of ,Runs
. ; " 4 - on a
- . �'� dvano0r, Thre - 011 .0 Ten Mile fr'
, i r ; ' .. 1. . 1, .�,,rl.,7.,;i,.,,,.;,,,,i,,',�'.- - ___ - _____ b-; ,p__ "" I � I :=_- I r I
._1___1I ' � -r- "... � ,_ ;;;,#. 1-1.. - '. � - � d___-, 11, I � - I IN THE PRINTIAG OFFICE
�, r �r RAILWAY, TIM4 TA L14 � charge tba,L ,91tort -weightz, art gioteu by Tuoile and Jaso. Itianxe. spares: Lorur, :
, r 1� -11 Ali P. a,. .
" i 11 , -.,.-.,;.;. �,, ". - . TOWN TOPICS local merchants. Young, ingr The 6oderich botir, ,Art- I i
, . I � I "I'll . ".. . . " .1. O." &�=. 1,80 P.m. , - trNrjug tit arrange for a ganie here next "I cannot read it. fathel-fixtht
( � .. � � L - ,," I . 1104 .
� ' . , � , . I I r" 11 I I r
, , - I. I . ,; I .... I � , " '.. 11 ,
I I � � � , r 1I.Qu.m. $.1110 p-M,o Autollsts Flued or, see I .
I r � 11 -or _,, . r . . r . I 5 Save tile. Coupons , NVedinesday %Nith Wtchener I 11, a ill it too I It ?
,., I I I ! � r I . � "'A'"D at.m. %14-4 P -Woo A dozen its- more Chargl's nf %dri "Ill's caunk) real. : Spe Ou or me.
I l; . . i Stave the COUPWIS th Nour London offk4ni.ps I thought that sumly I my letters klle%v.
. � I , by motorists %,oerio up before Ilearls of the World
, .� I I I � I I , Torouto-Lea.ve 0.1.0 %.W. 5.10 P.M,
I �� ., I � 11 . goultliton- 11 1910,lit,.va, 4.10 p.m, Free Press each da� fill- I!. Nt. f',11lott. the police But thlis I tind I mail) cannot do."
.. � E , M1 4' " ' 1K
..'' . - I I I . E, it -N6 11 magistrate oil l'uesday Thi, )ear the big moving attraction
. � -Arxive, 12,55i J).4n, 9.55 p.=* For colivetlit'110' the) may bro left at some Were for reekiess 11rh- tit 1"'routo ituring tile exhibition %vill
,� " � � . ''I 00derich morning. . So spaki, a child who, at libs father's
I � il � , I ,� . - . � , � �� 41A itmius arrive a , Book Store Each .coupon Is Ing, sulne for hailing ligh 'rillith's, side,
, I
. � I . : , , pd Ii6s,vel Union StAtiolli Porter's ts olut, twolle he 1), W. it supritome master-
- I 0 , Fj C - .� ,, , -� 0. T. a. good for 25 votes if not held too lone for persons tinder eighteen 'IN III, NN'alked through a printing ruo.m. atild
� , I I I'll � 1� ... I , � - "OnkippRpmxaim I . Ill 1 M-1#1141141311tw4wo, "I'll _.� -11, _... 11 I I QoWerich-Leave 6.50 a.m. 2.80 P.4. . III go piece, "liparts. of the World." in the %aully tried
,1 ,, I � I I - - . Welill,ills and Measures Tle'sted etc. T%000 truses were adjourned, vae Allen Theatre Building, 00%ol after -
i, I . 1, I . Toronto- Arrive 10,50 &.in, 7.20 1p.lutf dismissed and the othem filled. noon and Itio,entug front August 26th Tip read tile type. The printer. smll-
I , I t 11 Yesterday morning NIr. Nlarshatii in-
, , .... i I .
" . . I �. ��-- ,. '.. �* � -I ,.-. I , logrounto-Leave, 6.50 a.m. 12-45 p -m, to Sept. Till. This is described as -the Ing. ,laid
�� I , : -�', � ";,� : � ,� *, , I and 6.85 p.m, Spector of vo,eights and measures, wa* Burn Hourned Io,o I, told " It 1:3 Upon tile press it shos,lit, and kindly said;
, , I e , " , `,. .- �,o
I . ' �llllil , t!,'��, !'' '11aderich-Arrive 11.40 a.m. 7.10 P -mit. , ' "Conie, little une. and try to read once
.11 ,r , �� S 111111111t," . i I uumlich, A chininvot at J. J. meUmeols rest- a romance of the gnotat war anti took
I I'll "o , . � ''. 11, and 11,45, pl.q�,., . deure ,%a.,, strutok by lightning in the eighteen Inollills In the making. In
I .,weelest story ever
: ; Ili town by request and a large
i .. I S, �Nxo C, 1, I.,- 1" V t 1� of 'pakkages of N arlous horts were taken more
�"_ I _., 1� -, ��4 : : , ,�� --..-. __ __ '. i , , ___ - gff-Lh-q.-�Lt,L',��l.N:�--)��4E!-)ti��� AB(I w -ig d. storm.-Weduesduy_ ,"oitiigag- -and--isoinc, Ucktrig " th-e- 111amy Nvar- weines al- IllIg -Thoolist, 4,04441IM,4--folto- th4aVVMM T"04*042- � -_
I � . 11 _-UM ___ This should help to dispose the damage %Nas done, though not had
� I -,, 2 ..� -7---- . I _ "'I"AN
�, ". . I CARD 61V T li serious superb inasterp(eve, Mr. (Iritlith before.
"I �, ., I � and a ARD OF THANKS--Tne und �__�_: __ _� __�_= - 7-' - -_== -=== matter. Peter Fisher's barn. litaittand -tile bflIelai aid &till co-operation of the* -But 'low Th tk ds
i��-! . 1. I Rcononiy maki:4 happy homs ersignedt they're plain." clou
�i I I 1. �. 11 C wishes to return sincere thau4s tO AUCTION SALE aanceasion, Colborne t0wilsh-ilt. was British anti li'ronch war offices. 'Mr. from that fair brow
, I ... ,,, % I - I ;1111-- I I - � . I .� - , " , - their I truck and burned to the ground with (Irirl
,.� �- - , ,,, . - _... � - . . I - - � ___ Many fritends witop manifested
�� -7- 1 1 ----�.&iu-&-fi:atian. � - " . - , - Plktily at the time of the death or is fa..Tt.nl�, UCTION SALE or r A R.)l STOCK AND 6 ith, by special direction ,of the Soon Ill'"ed ""Y, f(u tit, call read It
I . I . . es clally the Western Cbnad8 Floor btills A tile crops, harvesting hatting ju,41; been n0".
4,-�. . I � �� in%e I INIPLE.NIENTS. .Britilsh RoNtornment, ,ovas etworted close
I � theeNgslortal S111pbufloling Co., and takes -_ c.0111ploted. to tho Ilring Ilne In France. iii-sit,ol 80 "N'th our Filithrr's dealifig,.-t; day by
i!;�- . ,. - _. - - - - . . - - I atts in an _lur ,-Jall bqVr deeply -
.14, i % '! . � such expression alt,preclatect JA�;. It. JoHNSTON Girls are Wanted front line trenches. set ill) Ills ramera flao,
11 - I Will sell by Public Auction, at Lot W, H. 24,
I'�,�' � 01 - BOOT. WlUiAINIS. Colo. 3, \\,. \io,olwallo.All, oil During tile past week the inana In manio dangerous positions. v,as ai,tu- Wo (r) to roo,ia unit puzzled turn away.
: , . he undersigned WELINEsIpAY, Inept, 4th, ge- Wo do not understand; %%e cannot see
;�, 111111111111111111IMM111111111111111 . %-/ takes $pjs, 1"otilkii of express t I p. ul. nient of the Gentral Business Gollegoo ally under houtbardinent, anti secured Whoo this \\(is done, or that allowed to
. _z7:Z:77-- - -, , pg her a -
- �. , � �-, --r- . war op all nelgb- t Heavy Droort Team 4 unit 5 ylsar4 old, I Stratford, had appliclatiorls froin 2S niany \%miderful eff"Ls anti -vent-, of
I . 0L ,N to
" I I 0 f many eviderices of kindness and He Drart folare. supposed to be [it real, business firms for lady stenographers the great %\tit- which would hiko,v breti
� i". � rpopapprelclat Ott to friends avy be.
. . ,.- - ipathy in her recent nereavement. and 1 and bouk-keepers; une tirni offering unput,sibloo exeept for the aitt and I
�� ,,, I A I 11 . syn Ciii, i3 years old suppolied to calf lit I' ii Hot in the %%orld to conit-, through his
; :1 to
I �
,. I C 4. NA . A - - 1. 11 t the Odolfellcows, tile baseball buys and April t Cow 9 years ow supposed to calf - oileration of the government., of I; till vioar light,
� �� 11 I . - I to elevntor eiriployeept for their handsome in iliflity. 5 one-year old Calves, 2' spritig 45 per month for guoil stenographers r t We, tilt), shilli read the nk�ster) aright.
,,, I . r"01 I "' 'at tribute -Ing Chickens. The C. B. 1: re -opens for tile fall term Britaill and (Of France.
i'��,� .. I CQ -. Calves, 75 young Hells. too) slit
1�1, I . I � E vu- S. H. 11. POTTS. I Ideal J'Dearing Binder I I�earing rolower, --floorald and Presbyter.
�l I)IR I oil September 3, and %,00e recommend it Statpoleal of 1.21 or oind.,, ol,
, ERI .elebratioll _
! I =__ __ - -1 - __ - ItIcCop mick Hayrake nearl,N tie%,.* I Seed hose v%ho Wish a good pliq1tion its Ftinds
- - - ____ ___ I
. I , - - _WA-NT_E_D_ Drill, I set Into 111111, ""in'ta NI.L 2 Fleury to t
11 .
,I I - = BEIM" Wilit = JOH� AM Cwmzl V"W - Plow. I stone flood, I C. I in Waggion, t Nvell as it thorough training. Total reeetpl.s .............. $ 1,39LIA7, MANY CASUALTIES
. --boy ____ got platform Seale,s 1.4itio) lbs., 1 Holy Rack, 'I'otal ,.\ptnseo,, .......... ''.. 11.0ill;AX)
� - N QV.0. LLD. D,Cftl- � - - K V. F, JMNSS, Ass"L Con'l. Maraw ANTED.- Mechanicto � wooted the I Tot) Buggy, I NVatsoll Cutting Box and Arriloolds or Crain at"I'his Port _. - flarlie), IlleClitiql(ey und Louis Robinson
W Ooderich Organ Co.. fini,hers. cabinet carriers I Rool Plillo-r. I Fanning NMI. - arriNals or grant CHI-91WS 81, the
- I I , Vit
. I makers. action makers, and apprentices. Ray &r Rollie, Fork and Slings, I SaP
(�? CAMAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 REsEp,vE FuND. . 113.500,000 - Pan, 75 Sato Palls. 1 sap Trough, I Set heavy Goderitilt EleNator anti 1'ransit Co. tile Balance ill 2%). $8 Make Supreme toolaterillaor
" ANTE:f)--By Sept. ist, good general team Harness nearly nv%% a - A itetaii.,il statenient ,or ti," allo\e Tho vamialty listo; are again heavy
W 'Pioaorator� 1, ItpaiiinirchStu'll' ')list f'.\\ Ila" 11'"" ll'�"l -1�e "lf.blv""' it, stibinillod 1.1 tile executive oril-
I servant, capable Nf lopokinir arter I 51alotte Crown s Rea love \ "
. I roon. Apply to NtRS. ALLISON, Dung= and quantity ol' Ilipe,. I -�-ortave Donilm-to " 11 sattlrda�, volth 1,')�'IJXXV hoslols of \ \ tit,- past week anti niourtiling Is brought I
.1 � 1111ttet. The sorI)Ius of iot2t)618 \ Its
. . I 2-t Organ zo,a�,,%onf-vo. 2 E\iensioti Tables. I %�llvat and uIlts: ill,- Galesinples. lilt - for paill-lott " Into lllan�- hollo's in tile district
. I EACHER WANTED -For S. S. No. -17 Nitch ell C I ard. I .Nlu�ic �tatld, I Book Tuesilli\, \\ith i3o"'(XI0 hllslwl� of louts: t lireeted tit he paid oNet -
. 140' to Conlin Case Fork.,, 1o,.\"t1o, (Ailims and othel, tt", '\, tt'.." as rf)llll%\.s : NIr .Lunes McCluskey, of t.i,000n, re -
I TAtihfl Id dutle,, ence after sum- � 4111 Laki., too Tllllrsda�. \\ill, I .... T
, I mer holidenys. Applivw8tatinir salary and article 4 too 1"Inle"ol, it. mention. Cana.lian Pri,oner:, of War $ -111) (14 I v.-i\,.,I \%.,I.tl that ht% son. lilt,, Ifarvey
. ,,, . experience It any to . J. BLA( I K. R. R. TER.N1,4--All iiint, t,r �;w anti under, vash; is-,,(Iolu iio.,Iwi, ,,r \,oheal,, and tilt, .\I.,- sahlitioll Arlll� lint pond , .'.I I to il,ars,on NINAuskey, ibrantr), \%as ont-
BANKING SER"WC.AlEd No. I Shoppardtion, Ont 3.1 over that ant,ount S ntooth,' vredu given oil (,osta, Tlinrstja�, \\,till t1k;.00ill I'll't,wis riall% ro,loorted it,; ha\ing (he,I tit No.
. - apvrwed Joint little, ,w a discount at rate 6.0orivil Itlarill'. 'o, tiell.11,;il '
�� _� � I I I � . I, ___ _____ __ ___ _ ol".6 tile[' 41��)Ill, liwr wonint \,oill be all(med N011 -ill, dild III0 NIM -111W LJLI-' toda) Hospital ..... ....... I . OoOri .� 4 ... nend tlipltal, flouen. Aug. 15,
" - - ANTED. -Immediately. a woman or girl , . if t
*,-I- W to a�Atlt- tit hopuL;ework. by the hour ro *arh it 'redit anwiltit. Everything `o\ ill' ill'"Ito"t) llosil"11 - :000,\\ vini,iot \Nrlunds tit 1tw buttoolk.
� I for flie preferr it in family of two. tood,0th. Modern st be ilisipo,ed ,.I .,- llr..proitor is lea\ Italian Red (Xoss . ... I � I.,
E TWs Bank- provlctes every facility li�lu flirlll� IIor,e Trailing Cam., ,,I � ".., . �l .,nd ,t,,inaeli Thi� makeq the
0 , g ,,,,, � I �411,01.411 It, ,I I I
"t . I . � . conveniences. Apply THE STAR Office. JAS, It JMJIN�*H)N, I IfOS. GUNDRN, Tit, ca,- 'd III, 1I.tr.4d,,r, \010 - __ 111tIll't 11"I'l-liolt-11110111, In thil fallIlly, till
� "I tio_1CH001, TKACHER WANTED. -For Un- Ill.,;pF. It, I )1. Auctioueer: \N,.,�#, �l , oorthill" 11:1\illg been killed na
. VrOWIPt and efficient transaction- of ton S. S. No. 1. Ashfield, Colborne and IT0,11 twl', ;I nwlilh au-, it, ro-I e-l!)I;. is I'll" I
brinAz o.nu;Ig,.( action about it \var zuro.
.. 1Z. . NOTICE '['It,- v.il-1 I)W',- I,Rtt no\\o; Ill Mrs.
. . \ t; NAl'awarourih. 2nd class professional. Du, I in ii,o,rill ,,,,,*,, jo:i I(.,,,,, k1-l0I,-N\IIw,,IIwInt� for thv,r Wra n Is
,,, LiesconitnonceSeptember2nd. AWly,stating __ oanw til. ,.it \ilm.l.,\ i,,.r,,t,,. tli,. jl�,11,... ha\o 1"."ll I ....... t,00d fl,''In IIIAll Flelt-I -
l A I j%,� P (I. N 46 dE LN E ai 9E A 3P. 3E IE qF 9-P qu N 16 -f ID qu R EM go EM SE'A a I I I it 04 I , I I% I I . - \\Ili, ,,-,,_q I., t\%i, I,r o,t*, in.a,mr ..I, i-.m.oii.in i-i- ,( , .�r , ,\ -
i A kinds of banking business. 36 .salary and experience to It. McIL , , � 'I - I " \I. 111.,binon till, \\twk till). annotin
1. ,Z
Goderich Branch' G. WILLIAMS, Manager. IN (N tho I"ll-tt"'. Ille P NI 11.4, had vvry \\,I], . , I , "T., -lit'. . \\ illeflar"I" va'lloil. . ('111,1 that 11"t. �,)11, 11"forladi"r Louis
9 & TOWN OF GODERICH M Silt isl'avhw� 1.-.],�.11, and Ili 11trit, 1.;i,.. \I*ttl�. 1,�llld�-Il � 1. .N Nairn. R,-hin-.ju. %\,i-, killod Auic� 10th Ili)
PE It M , ��11\,Ill.'Il ,.IJ llsh-d la,l i,innnwr lit tho olith artil-
IN EN trial \\it, ;A.1J.,IlI-II,tl ,in,, '11" Ill tho 1r..-;A,llrvI- .If I;...r..I,IcI1 Marini, and 1;1,11
Sun L"Ife Assurance Co. of Canada
� I _____ _. _____ ___1 ____
A desire to know somethl,ri-I is the beginning of wisdom. A
desire to have something Is the beginning of prudence. A desire
to have Lite A.asuraneQ is the beginning of foresight.
Life Assurance tis the silver lining to the cloud that has bung
over many a family.
Hot R. LONG9
District Agent.
L - I- .
1�!!. - -----------,- I
it I ,,;i ,,4I I I'll] �'r;l
" J.'111.1111i"Ill %N,.,.k
oril ll."l-Ital : III- �:,j E. IIIII [I'. tre"o,
h -r% hilttor�, ,ilol
,,\vIlt -,%-I[' Ili Eng -
Impoptant Public Notice
\'\''I' . .
; , 111�1.1..' till, It"lloi Ih, ,;i" (of
,.I, lhilin hvd Crnsq, Wo
111. fill - I ir
lilt I ..
1,111d it) No\.-Inhor.
1.,:I\Illg Halifax just
fill' 11111111- ,flld 91J\. Mil. -d ,oII,r:WtIWI
0-w'�., I;r',\, ,,I' \hh-Ill-li
T-, i"I'laill li*-.i,ltl ."I, I .\ 4: I.:
ow ,I,,.\ i)o,r-,r-, tit,.
,.\,,io,,i,,n thfIre.
__ -
The Town of Goderich is desirous of
It \\ ll ;lJ., Nla�w � \\ . LANK, T I",; I I
Ih- %\,,nt .,\..I, 1'.
I'T"ill'... Foh l3th. A
. In
Sllvllf'v�. 1..\J,r� Ilight Owl". ;.I." -
I ,;I I .
Soel.t."ful Dallo.t.,
1:11,;:�,111.1roft::r WIII
Robinson. lias beell
completing the Honor Roll of those who,
,r1it. raiw,\ .ir,,, Ij,ui,-.- ill., li..I,.l
Allonlen War Workers. Take ,\()if-
'oo, 1� \\,it*
tit iiernian\ for over
IN ro
claiming Goderich for their home town,
enlisted in the Canadian Army and went
n'lln.".1 la,l Frl-h\ t1l,grit III .till (of Ilo-
, . .
Pri ''ll"I" ,,I M it, 111ild o"Itlell III ,,�,
'I It-- ,\Ia� ,w l.r tit., t,�%\ it 1, III I".v"ll't
.,r .. .... ommn tot, I ,,,I, rl,,,rll III,. lo�ill;,W
[\\I, )-'ar, \\Il,kt
1,.irlwiflarl) ��ol
Ilial"., ill,., jr,itildity
is t1w roct th.At It
to serve King and Country.
I I . I .
Nlr,s. Ilull-hinn pr,,\vd .A h �11 ...... "
Ill. -Ill ,,r Ill.- I �111;1,111411 Natit-lial V\Ill
Inal'.., ill" tiord de�illl In ill,, NFIlily
The Industrial Secretar� wantq tit,, -1 � of wit -of -town
Manufacturers, Bw4inese Men, ('apitahqt,. Bolkol. ,a,-ther sue-
ceasful businesiz; Artins who won)(] consido,or I ...... lm� t,, (illderich to
estabiish business, or who might influence theit , ,,,,tit, ,)r friends
to do so.
We want more Factories, a larger Population, more Vititers,
an Ine"asa asmsment and lower taxation.
We witiont to Make "Huron's Gold Gain P. Plaze inore
wartby of its important natured position.
We wanti ovary Citizen to join our " Tit ve Wi re Forces." yott
ottin help it you try.
106ift".111if 164" C111111111. lsinstriai soot**. I
- . �___J
List. of thu�e %vbo lore already noted
."100 \\,i, 1.41"ll In 'Hw
, _ ,
11111''ll 'd 1"I.,11t., I',. Ille pal'allk. In 'J'or.
Ill It\,, lit'llill-l" Ihe '.01"I. twing the
are Ili the Town Hall. with the Clerk.
L. L. ICNOK, E,so.. "ho will take'addl.
�111'j '411''Id
Illa(,1\,I,.iw Ilm-16,\ iii-oll. ,ir,o pl,,\I,jo�j
�.oho -.11 \\--.IIl,1;A\. \11gli.1 '2',4111. ..r 1,11
flillwl. and At IwpII..\N. k.-lin'.111 ;\I'm -
tional naire,. tkl,o J AD ES FOWLER,
fill' 11111111- ,flld 91J\. Mil. -d ,oII,r:WtIWI
Ill" \\"Ill"ll 'if 1110,1110 (.11gligo'd Ill \\"I.
U pL0Lhela-td&yofAjlru.t.l9I8,
The \\"..Ill&J� 111glil '1,111'." Mi \ -
1I.t1% IVII
Nil— Wiru-,t1 \fill T,isl,wv, litimi had
t1l.141 1,.\ till' ''rolleslr`l zd ,,I',, gl"13t
Thl� li'll.-I. has lovon liallit"'I Ill \lr%.
--11111"A' %\ ff"I r ill - \% Itinding III` tier
Chairman of Soevial Uornruittee.
Sllvllf'v�. 1..\J,r� Ilight Owl". ;.I." -
I ,;I I .
I Ill r1Il1,t-,Ii,'1I1.. pl".'hivill ,If ill,, \V..ln.,n's,
Ill �r,oll"Ilw 1"."r'',
I t I I ,to it I' -4, I , , r I l f Ror (I rds,
ti,,s fl,''Ill (;I..rII-11- �,.it',,rlll . I Alilt''ll,
" t'�'"" """", "n, I .............. *%I ,,\,,,, r .......
\ii.11. \oxIIl:lI,\ _kIng I,.-,, to. klnjjj�
'ill\ .. .... �""4" I of .... ... ;'"", i'"', 'I ... I ,,,,,
ii� r -.ii.,\\. ,;lIIv..r..I\ rt'lir"t 14) ill-
1,, I .... �,o, lo,7,13911 Ille Janw, Taylor,
.-.----- .1
I .
\\ ingliall).
if mo .f Iho %M'1011, I,Iotiv� vllwagf�lj
ill \\Ill. \\.wk up (;oderich anti \wIllity
ltlf,illtr*.\, ,.tll,.J;iIi\ r,-lI,tI-d Ii'llnitted
\�) 'I C-111adl-in (6ilivral llo4pltal, re -
I North 'Sireel Mello. S. s. Pienle
int"Ild I.. IlAke part in till, Illivall".
potirl \tlg PIli, INS. Wilnsho( o.i.ourids
i'lit, annij,it suinniet. pwow ,r \�)rti,
.X_ Ill.. Itno. 1% so 111111ted tills notil.t.
left arin. rrio-ti,re III,. 'raviot, ,.Iniist-
:,4trevt Nff,11111�1 ('11111,01 ' .41111.1.1\ -�Clld
ill Ow ltwol loajwr� *vollls to he Iho (IIII!,
oil Ill tilt, ,
ll,t,t an't \%Its dra,fted to tile
\%as oil tilt' iWoArRIJI fill, 'i't ... ho -s-bil \
�%a\ ,of r"aching tilt- voorker� Ili to.vvn
,"*Ill 110 111ol bo, -n In Kogland oil leave
afternomn. tit,- inlrnthoi lwina I.. gt\',-
and cwnnmnit�.
burNing 10.4 inother lind had Jki%t re-
- . the 1pl-�, mld Airl-, im atit-) driov rmind \\.ouhl myont, \%lilt purposes hoing al turlo-ol tot tilt. frillit toll dliN�4 ago.
T-US"T .-_-JRnb1mLJ0:M31-V`H11D ,,, pqmEwaa EALED TE\I)En�, a4dlesit!d tO the Post- -PolloC., Farm" Hild Ift"I'\�'it"l, jel Ill,- ,-\1111,11lon and intends twilli; ill tilt- Nlr�. Kvil, lintallfun rond, al,o" half I
M go S no ii,iter 1;,�iivra'l. \xill be received at
i @a I Rq o'il until Ilool , "n Friday, the 13th th"Ill 'I"'Ild it "llil., ill galn� ill 1hrl),.r. parlid... I.I.-ase stilill in lit'l. natille Unit %\41t,11 flolat her smi. lot,,. Thomas Kell,
La" a
I A-rX fX33:311 (E , lig day Or Septenihei, 1�)IA, pil, the conveyance Park, o,%livro ,upper \\on1d to,- r\oil. Ili.. 11i4ol, �.f tit,. ,,ocfeto, tit Nlr�l 4;:irriv, Infantry, \\;is iolinitted ill Quevir Mary's
� I Wanted M or His lo,lajesty'R' %tall,. ,)it a proposed Con- The allto rid'i vallo, '11T bIII Hw I.Alll Ilw "Ivlar� (of t1w IIN"Villen's. \\,,I, Nllltt;ir� lipltal. Whalley, Laiwaster,
. Ill I gj tra�t for roul, yetir-, ,i\ tunes per Week I)I-0\011te'l ill,, 1'-,,;t of thfo Intond1 III*,)- AtjvlI,jr\ not late, than Mt-nda\, ollig- Cont .\Iljw Mill, �offerintz rr,oul gunshot
GODERICH PLANING MILLS " iiiii over Aubnrnr�,)., Roiai noute, from tile I
100 Any quantitv of J 11 grain, but ;I gmod tiniv \\.a, -1,,-nt Ili Ilie ust ,161h, �-1 tillit her folliv. "all Ill- ,4.ttt o,\ollfols Ill Able [-twill low.
E 1E ist or anlia y, Is. I
� @9 Printed noth-es ronraming further, In- ha�,enwllt ,-I Ill, i'liorch, �Nhwr, 'fli-joer 1.0 T --r,onh, in How. John Melhotald, Park street, also re -
(El Raspberries for ation as ill v.,ndition,; Of pro OSed' was .-or\"It. Adim--i-m lickel- ind seals Ion, ill,, vvi,,ed It cablo tit the errev.1, that Ills
IN M Colimtraet niaN' be ,e,ii and blank '(
�, ,' I �h 111 Forms ur Brus_ platr,.1-in \\ill ho lirmide,l 1.) ttlt�'J,ol-_ .*,,no Tiote, Aitwrt Mel),inaild, infantry,
(11 of Tender may be ,obtained at the Post Thirt� -Eiji lot lear, Ili Charile
I 1, & Garden Beans and Beets M Offices (if Auburn, 111�til anti (lopoloorich. d , ,111., IIIA11,19"llo'All. Illid been \�,)und ... I and admitl0k,od to
C @9 ffl at the onlre (if it'-' P0,t Offlee Inspectan"r, �Cls Po't No, 3 General lio!.pital. Hepoloan,,. oil
10 9 at the Canning Factory. ffl London. Mr. ooV H K,-rr' eflit"l, i,f lit-- llrm,�
� 10 go post ()M(,e 111-periot-4 ,0111ce, London, s(�I., 1-4,,I. cmllploled 38 �var, ,,, pr- itut; Mill, \%lit) a Killi'lli-t \%milill ill
I N BRING IN WHAT YOU HAVE MR BRIEF TOWN TOPICS tilt, right butt -.(-k iind ,id,-
. 9 jili 2nd Augu-,t. 1018. ( lf`,� E Fl FISHEP. prietm. .,f that puller A111411 -t t�t just. Glirf K \\',,III), 6,0--rit-li, I, al�o re -
ONE CAR N B-9 C. SHINGLES a I Rupen Canning and Evaporating I : P-t O'Mve* Inspe.tor. anq lit till Alir,krirsar� artwh,, %a�b, K. -op �-,Ill, #-\I-- loo tilt- �ollng pIpIt. Ported voultinde, 11 �tll �,-rwl Ifer-b
111 I - _, _ � _ _ _ t", Ilb,irl,,,.(I if) journallsill tiozo a rr,ini ,,,I,, I,,\\,, \\III, ati(�n(i lite ciiiiton .;tit,(,, Pit, mar.0 MrOorativil'itind Me.
�11 ' 00 Co. N riplinor Ili 1��N and hopNi, ur-,\\n K",')' si,ii,o.,j ,or (�,jnt,n,,r(,,, litils full. They're Allan Jasp--r Brindl..\
, I -, "' @R . Is , In tho, _,,,.t -\i,..,. 1)ut uur abiLqiio,,n has gi)ina to, inake guod.
1� "I . been anti ,till I, tit it,) nur dul� to) (lie 24 .N11.14. Uvilijid ,o,jt-Kf.lI7.I, lqllaoranljon,�
M. ' : ONE CAR 54 B-. C.'SHINGLES " Tho 6oderldi �Irgan (;O, liari secured had %,,ord last o,%eek jJl6t tie- SQrJ, Pte
I _ FOR SALE OR TO LET. utrylo"I (or mw 1011111\ in ailling the .
HIP svr\iv, of ilin,. 6ulberl, v%hu Mck, nzie, inf; r . I. . a
------------------- 1� a. ad%ancvnwnI ,or o,\,-r� g -I ,."Il". "We fiat, AleXAnder � till o, %as 41
OR SAIE-Fall vi,beat for seed, Arnerl- ":W. lllldlll�l :Ililil- hr--[) NNIlh Ilw ciornpany for v(,nryk, Its 111111tted 110 ho'spital otim N'th, -Ilrrl�rillg
. F can Wunder variety, good clean grain, \visl \It" 1. ko.rr Illam. f,wenrin .or Ito.. Ilhip,I)oIng deplirtinent, rrom it ow\ere gmish,,t \%vulld In tile
I GODERICH PLANING MILLS $2.50 a bushel. Also young pigs for sale. MAIL CONTRACT Vvrsari .
. . Apply to JORN ,�OWERBY. 'phone 13 on TII Follow 'tudonts front tills tow 11 arin �w
.... CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 2.55 or (;oderjeh P. 0. 2-t SEALEr) IENT4.11-, addre�&qed to the Post- G. 'll. Ellioll In lite I onle't �%h, ar,- pl-inning tip ntlend tile Srhool 01,1wr G,untv ilf IIJIPorl (,l000naltipq
n1w4pl, ltl�["j 1), pre"Wed .1 � -M, "ll ,or I.motiwrvo. Clinton, j)IIt_ till, Rre : If I: \\ ilkvn. I.Ilhtfal. v'-pollided;
.. T -Good. comfort- Ottawa urilli'';�!!11�;1;11 '." Ity, the l3th day I; III I i I -11. III-, Hot 1-111)1% .4 fa I 1. , .
T III briek houses with modern econ. or, se -1, "nq, fti? [Ili. ronveyance 6r svrrotar� 4it III,, 0tiltir-n', \lot -i.wi,-l\:. \\111 Ili. Ilb.a..'d tot lo'lro that tile (;. T. R, -1 l'; "imillic, (Allit"ll. \%.,InA.A olit, 1'.
es e,,
.e , s ��.tplllbt
JAMES BUCHANAN, Mwag,pr ventlene . Th are . -roorned houses, In Hi ooje,t�', \Inil- .ill i proposed Con- IINS lit-oll rl"Illinalod "Ind .1 ...... I'l ... I 1,� I- awai'll ,-xl,-II,I1ng the pri,ollewo to tilp Nlunrjinw�, li'lliTlesNillo. %\''Ilnd:�,J; W.
good condition and conveniently located tit tract fol, I,)o, �,,;j, _1� (Illips per Week , Jefft�r%, K\,0,,r, \%-,nn,I#.,j: ,\I, I,.
- __ 000000CHCIODDOODOOODO00000m0000000v000n000mo*000m 9t. Ahdrew'A walid. Beg.00nal3le rental to over Aliblit'li V, *�' Itur-31 Route, fr6m 0 Plot, 1win't"ll I -Ir'..- III—— n- �# ,-,mttnnf sttob�i4t.s or ttij.s -sci,uoi ,or riding on the '1: ,
__ � desirable parties. Apply to J. B . IJNI(;FIT, tit or jantiiu%. v -i, it) ill,- hig '411h, I'm/ .. .... nh.,I. .ill.l �%Iil \\.'\ 1`11-1011. le,lo,1119 (;mforict I eavh I'mils, lla�lleld. \N4IorI(J--d, \\ It (:ase -
LOST . music Wellington Rtreet. 1,1,lnt(,(l I,.t,- ;ii,oning further In. HIPPI'o-clat, tit,- �iiplm-rt ,-f 111� rrl.-11,1� Ill"I'loilk at 8 .111, at'riNing in 4:111,14pri "'fire, Liwkn-o%, r,oin,i ii.,,oi. I. .\I.
- __ __ _. - - - - _ - -_1_____ -
Q INGICH SEWING MACHINE FUR �SA LE formation 000� I,, mllilmnq of proposed 11, (;o,j,.,�i,.1,. dild ItIlf.1101,11f III, pUll. .11)''Ilt 9 Ion, .2 _t Clark. 1,ockil.,\%, \%.,IIl1.j.,j. ('.... Let).
I - -F OST -On Thursday, August 15th. be- J�AJBFL R. SCOTI 0 ATONCE.-Thi- machine is it) firmt 0111.48 Contract nia\ I ... ..... it in,f blank forms of too. It" Is Alf"'.Ilh .0011111141-11 1-1 1'04'-�I\-' - Jo\ tit, Jil� P . dInlind \1rj.',j. L000-viq
Oodpr1rh and Carlow a lady's Orsianflir North !street Mothodig r condidon has drop head and attachemenv. Tender rnaN Iw -,I,I;i ...... I lit the Post Offlees Is - . -ii'll Ilairiek Athinq), i.,st-1,11 1, \11-b-I'Soll
JU tween Church oborlt, jil%til a-1 Aerlch, and at the kill�vrtjoll.,tl \ -W, �,Ii I -011 St. 111IMER MILLI'llER'lo
I knitting bag, containing a Rartli, lot it sock' Ppplls prepared for Conderve-g-t-o Examin. Will I"t a lifetime. A bolorgain. Apply (or A
I offire ,or it),- P-t ''Ill, " III-pector, London. top tilt. p.,,_,, ll,,..111� :t,2.nnlj \4q.., !`�-r lilt[) , "nil F NII'(:IIIIl,-\. ,-;I ,of -�-�afortli.
I .Finder please return to 51 S. T. OEORGE opotions in . 6TAR OFFICE. P,I.,,t lfllnl,,� J"_J'r., ,J, .I'll],! -.it" "r "4111111wr N11111ro.l.) "%oundod; 1J.-Ilt. \\ . all..[. 11 11111'Wo!ss.
PRICE. - . VOICCE PIANO AND ORGAN. � -VARM FUR SALK.-Twority-tive joicrot in %?[ol Nllgll,l ,ts Office. London, ,�a%,. III,. .11111�, p,,\ .oIll ,.,,-, \..I-, 11 41, .1 ,4'2 (oll '...111 I ) " (), 1111W\.11-1, ),111-1 Ili irti,in;
Apply at .Mr*. k CoIllson'to. West St.. OPDOSItO JL� Colborne town"hiP. Fileven milet; froni anti Irl. -I"..1'.. It I - , 11,411 - ''r " , Ill Ing \ I I ,-�,� \ I I I N 1. I I - \ I ( '. to I I . I I t 4, ,, V I g I I I 11. 'I . I " 1,
OST -On Tuesday oil Bayfleld road or on Post offim. L Goderich. An Ideal j)lace to live. To be wild I Ilk- I 11 FISHER. mw ,,r Ill.. 'jd,ndld '111J." "llet, ,I 'l, I ' all'i "".it loolent.
I I V to McEowati',3 gloocory vI& South St. Apply to TROS. GUNDRY. 1,-1 0nlrP Inspector. I - f Bru,sel %\,.It 'I,
,�� � plea J; HARLE8..VUuJCL1CY Oil eapor teraig. ------- I I 11 I Z. - " *;! - :., It" I , M, "an,
Mav olive or fawn rain co&L Finder a _ 11 IIIIIII, ll.�- I Efts I It(;rN-j- - , I 1.
. ,, I C 01 - uctioneer. Uoderich. 1. 11 NEEDED \\ inglialli, k o;,"I i,tt, If lortini
,� .1 iettivenotTITESTA OFFICE. - Organ I -t St Goorge's Anglican Church OUSK AND LOT FOR SALE. -On Ilit _:_ *6 Vol. -44-�%ivf. In ��Ihvria I\ 161,ESTERN CAN11,011, ill.oll'i All.1 It Ith)-ol'tI, I'l, 'ti, loill'ill).
J. Piano and Organ trostruotion i ,$ - .
"/ � , H Carneron St.. A new red brick one and 'i ol 0.1111111z:, I . I., 1-1.1 \% to, it Ir.o-11ijoi I-, \V,-st,-rn It I I-\ ,4t \�,llflob-d
I . ra to Hou'p one halt Ntory house with cottage roof. At , i , , __ -
lt�� - Terms Made FI op-vleee Orchestra Park modern convenience. 3 bed room, a ba -h - 'V ! "A lizI. f� I- , : 1\1; , 1. -� �'l I I - I ,",, I , I I I � I I , 1, 11-.hl�' k- h\ [h, I'allildilill N.,1111,111
, � �, .
i- ,- � -_ -R. 11 I
, :�:-= - - - - - r0ain and ,up Rialto Parlor diningroporn i- ti.111, 11 I\, I., . ,, ,,, ..1%. ,I It,.,,, ioi .,, . li-ik\ ., ort -I Ih,r,,I,N Iii\o. lo�:ij �npp,l I 111111"N
ll,, , H. S. KEMP - INSURANCE kitchrin and"hal I down gtoolhr� attic good batie- I.r".c. -1 1A 111, I't, ! tl-lm� f , t"l- I., Ih, 1", I.b., 1.111'. 14'NTO \1 --I,-[) I ',IT-, I ,Itig, ,, .1 --rich,
I - ment. A good frame gatraire - hich could be
�, SEMBENEES& @11EER uoed for a stable. on premses alqo a few choice MAIL CONTRACT ,'It' 111: 1111111,1\ klor-l�f IA(h I'l, I. \11 11"i
I EXPERT WATCHMAKER 51 lit I'll. I''111,11 -d 1-11 ,I, '. I -l"...1 j -,r,, ,,t, -.,I -r\ illi, 1,, h.orN1 hand� oll. It'llilt \1 Ito.",% ;I ,,
k � 11 ffl fruit trees the be.t rof moil tot- a Warden. Avilly FALP,jo I'l-.\1)�l!-, wp�lr,-A-ed to the Popit. for ill" 111r.11111% 11.,11. %111,1.,I� 111�11;, I �, a,\, 1, ill I 1, .11, I .-Iltill".1 flat\,is.
to MR. HARRY LYTTLE oil the Premee., 4TIo9P It, (iwlerwh, ,),i T,w*iky, Aug.
so - - __ - - __ - S mFLmI4-r(;J'LI'.I -;J e received fit Ot- N. I. I I I, 1 ,, I I , , , I 1, I , - I � 1-1 , .it, Ill I - ", \\ ,1\ .11.1 \\.Iw--, 1. I-- 1, ,.I rr"Ill 20th. 1918. to Mr and Mr� (;t-,) .ol 4te"p, m
Watches, blocks, etc, Cleaned and il Think, but Act! 01 -_ - -_ tAwrl. unril ri ,,, ,) t rillItY the 20th day of ' ,
I . 41 ffl Oil 9ALE OR To RENT. --$Ix roornod Seuttember. r4l-, fl, 'h, ro;IveYanceof Hi. 'Irld ,11-r, � ,, '! � I I .� 111, I, , . " , \ to \6Z. Ill '00L
M F holumoi, good location. till oonvointenc Mrljelnty� ,Niaij- ,, , , I'l"I"'.41d Contract for Iliv \IiiiL,i , -- , . I,, t, ' . h, .,\, 1. - WHITELN k 0,,tl,-rt,-I ' --I AA
4 ATIKII.t I -it it, 11019 I to I to. , " I \1 , . J
. 41 .1% ., -L oer ,ek, over Godet. I,,,, ,,,.,,,.I I ,,, �, I - .1. I - : 1, J)"o, -, .,Iin.iet Whiloly. " dallight.-or
Repaired satisfactorily. 11 Ma.roy. people, When asked to IN Rent iterate, Aroply to R. C. MUNNINUS foor year.. Ti.
I Insure, say: -"I Want to think it PME Tir. 'no I-( , I I lit list % fleld wid Illit(orl
qgar-8t _ I leb No. I om,i 1! .... .. froin the loot day of .
enolowilth me to over. " A writee promi5tily re- @9 OR SA LE- Hoilime and lot oil Wolfe Street. Jani ary. 19114 i.,� "It 11-1111� , , I - , - I I � 1. , ,. ,I It . ,, 11"I'l ,.\,.t.% \\Jtw�ooiay I 111\11�1`1 I'' "Itr IVR 1) - '' I I \.1ir
.�9,111111211i!ih or Cloolli too good to Place ffl plies:- 91 F Hon,ie containot -even rooms. good cernroit Printed rlorlj ,,,, , , ir�iic fiirther Inforritia- fil'.111,11 11 'r, I . , � , , I , I it, ,, " . '. I
.1 . Charilreso moderate 00 something elae to W cellar eleottic lighted. crond opring well. Int tIon a, Ill condi-, , ;,,l'l:.1 �1-i Contritict Tnay \[.I'll, 'I'l, , , , - . . , I I I . -11111- lir% I f i.,n 4 lj�t 1--il, i-i� k\,,I.1oi I I . I I -,'Ili
M "I'll give you M copnalsiti4 of a quarter of an ficre moNtly tinder he Apen a old I -I - - � � .if 'render may be " I . L it'. �-1 , Ill, - "I f -i r,,mid trip \" 1,
, Itbiloolo: over. If the tall man With A fruit. choice apoleg. pears and grapow For Oholo.ined,,m 1,�i�, P,;,-"(.[ ':fill,,,' of Goderich, '/---I ',-,,I,, , \ I I I , , 11 - I If I - , t. ,. ,+ ''. I'' , %, I N I., r i, 1.1 Y, I I'- I I I - I , , ,, 1. '' � I . I 'I�F
the biR scythe and the long beard J. 11"LA it Hot nie.v I'- I _ . 1 , I" and t the It'll I \ I , - ,, i, � , I ,, ! , I , I I.. 1'. I -I- li, , if. I I I I ,
I, MCLEAIIJ BLOCK, MONTREAL STREET 1ffi happens to tg.p on your window M t,erM4 and particular4i apply to ItV I "I;.. L,)n o&d. I . - Ill )i I, '1,1'.. lut, - ; % ` 11 - 1. I I ,
Just off the Square 00 Wolfe St. L( offive ,)f t he P, , ,,fit ,. I . . ..... I 4 k
. �� 00 M --- - - Prw I Ion. .. I ; ", . ., , tlli�. London, 9th V, I ,.It I .1 . ..... I , . 'I � , . I . I . - t r I 1\ 1411. %ifliftl to 11
� , GODER�CH. ONT. ..j A pane some night Soon will yon (g HOUSK FOR 4AIAr.- Rod twick, with all Auirti�t. PA!, I if \-, �. If FIS \1 .1, ,. , - I - - i 1-11''i 'I i- ' '.I I '' L ' . I
L * Flit up in bed and BAY to blim, M con von let) cc-. ADPlY to W. A. I HIS. n KIR. , �. Ill
�. k. PE . I want to think this Over. I've M HOLNI, Trafalgar St. If I .It I , w I ) ill Cc I to I- pecwr 1" \\ h. I! , , � . � . I , I 1 1 � , I ! I I ,11 , . .I� 14 .11,11 I - It I , ,4 ,, l, I I I I , . I
- IN M _______________,___.__ . " � 1 -f -I. I .11 .. \L I .,I V� \ , I ., , .".I..
- �,,�, ,,6,,,t, _,-, M .1 . . I - I , .,I, "'. � f
nr ,,,� W got a life insurance deal on that W"'li'l "i'l, I � � ,,,I) ." I ,� , I. 1'. ,
" -o�.ki:%_KNI�11;-&6� � a,N - '----- . I I I . I I ! , ., 1, ,I ,,,,Ill: . I to, J,�:"- ". I , ,, I I � - . �, I I ".
I , - �� , ffi I want to pnt through. Go &WItio, W - _____ - - - -_ - - - --- - - , I I I I I I - ,11, , I " I 'I., I .
11 I . . ON until I malre up my mind. n Bu W F flll� f ,� � . ' ;I L , ' I I I - .1 r r1m, it I k , . . I I ,,,
I �, E. I 44 t M I ''r;,1lW ,,�, " , _. , - , � , . I . . I H I I',. I I ., !, (I,.. I : �, . � I ", I "� ;, , , ... -1 I . � . I
!. " I not go away. Now yoll W f ' I It , *It PL �
L �, I* think that over. - IN I I r..1 I .\% jl�a , I I I I I I . I . I ) , , , I.". , , I to I .11 Not.? Illol, ,I- 11 f
�", I " N m I I '11 I 1�.I, , I ,'' , � I toolopoppoppoppopploll - - - -1 - I - I I I .1 � � I F It
t " The Coal Situation I 11 4" w" oard of Trade I ` I - 1. -_
. I 4 ' From The Bulletin. M I � w� -
�" : " � to 41 1, .\ .f , , , __
�, - , @I 1��.l
... I ffi @9 I I.-I'l. it h, I I
� . �, ROPEATSON & 10001S 1519
�, - I � 1. -
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N, . V9 i hi fla godinr i '901 The NutuallLife Assuraniiii CC, Of dilloisda This Fipace haq been' retained h� tit,- � BANK OFMONTREAT,
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imind by the lltiblicrt� Committee in tilt,, w,-- I (-�,-iN- citizen
in the Town.
\1of.,-J\ lor"11 i� .L i. ... I
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.11, I and we would advise
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I , Soft Coal to lay in a
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. ton or two [now as a
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. matter of precaution
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Rr,AL MTAtZ Afr6 10411ftJok"S kirANT
Fmme dooprelliffig W
t. ttftjd,tboft0ie4,b7 W
ILMUrmy.7roo . allo,11166fivistilificot
2 lots, f4tuated near corrief Flouth avid KAYR
stroppetip. Mr. Hurrilly I
sadvioMmillchisoob. A lon'tinaGodaricti,
sale. tollAWIlldi W a ol u I o k I
Two briek III nftr 6. sk. otiottlit, for I
sale or rent C&U.Nit blipoolithf, `1 liff &Aftv,
rl UtS - i
tedoirillittloolittillaft I
rotsiople-Fraul a ;= !
Ct*WnL lDt6WftP&tt A
plantolopill, poriattilrolirmw?wItoloo, 0=660;
D air in �
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The Industrial Secretar� wantq tit,, -1 � of wit -of -town
Manufacturers, Bw4inese Men, ('apitahqt,. Bolkol. ,a,-ther sue-
ceasful businesiz; Artins who won)(] consido,or I ...... lm� t,, (illderich to
estabiish business, or who might influence theit , ,,,,tit, ,)r friends
to do so.
We want more Factories, a larger Population, more Vititers,
an Ine"asa asmsment and lower taxation.
We witiont to Make "Huron's Gold Gain P. Plaze inore
wartby of its important natured position.
We wanti ovary Citizen to join our " Tit ve Wi re Forces." yott
ottin help it you try.
106ift".111if 164" C111111111. lsinstriai soot**. I
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Ilh:.,:.-f, 11, It"., -1 . I . . _ I
11, \ \ 1. . �' i - ! ,, I I L
atir'll) It.\[ .I It,, I
Goderith 2. -%Irliir.,rd i i
I m, I., rii 1, to. � , I.. I,- I - -, - r . ; �
a real 1,!ili i..- l t It - I .1, . 11 .
an ,,%pr1hr.�% I- h,,t i- I -11 Of !,I
score It% ,jnl� ilin it, I alo I , I ".
Agricultnral ar,mnd- ,,it NNi--IIl,1,:N I
evening, ontlopnNI." It,,- 1. 'It
vi-iltors vi,rould li;INP Iwon -11 "It','io'. to P 11'
tirely. Aq It N%as the -w.,r- Nka- *1 to I I
no faAor of Goderich and th, ffanlo %Vq� r
ono of the beqt evor played in Gr)dp- 1
rich. Chas. Black gave %ati0artlon aq
umpire, and the porsonniii of the win-
ning team is A4 followl) Will Doyle.
c ; Earl Cooper, p ; Jas Wiggins, 3b ;
"Bunt" Babb, go ; Bert Townsend, 2b;
Jas. Doyle, tb ; Alticholoson, rf ; Edgar
IlSwarts, of - Ted Johnston. 11 ; P.
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