HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-08-23, Page 1OW ip, I I � . _ - . ­­­­­­ M F 11 F , . R , lot , � . � 4 -I- Foo4iffi lolet- ! 1. M Ilm ii III I p;� I, si� I; , 'I; _ 1;.�.; -,--,-�,-�----�1--�-11-1�-.�-1--�--l�.,�"-- ­ . . . . . - .I . I r - , I, - I, ­ . , I JW. - . __­___,__;,"',_­. - ;;;;;;;� ;` ;;; I I , . I - ,ff 11 ...., . , e �_!" I � . - ___ . - I 11 � . �� - --- - - - - - - - - - AM", 1 1. 1111111.11.111111polopop - � � I 1 . I Ill .. � 11 . , .1 11 . .1 .. . I I . - _�., 41, . I . I . . � - , : . I 1`1110, , I ,&,, : I - .... � . +1 ,� � . , ��� � � � - 44" to &"" � � � . I � I I I I - % I . T4 W""',ft'r 44 04 I % Of!& &W 66 mm 2, . . . -&& � I � I I . . 10 I .q*A4""i , Oak I 11 . �' �, 0 1 . or G"a **ON W ?07W1W* ot tm I , �, � 11 I I ? I I I ; 10voill,10111Ill!" f1w 11114 Nmo 0 VlM �� . � Im" I I . JWr " ­_ � I ; I ." I : I I � I - 11 - I . � . I I I � � . 1 .. "I , � _ jjl� . I 1 , . . " I . I., , . . I ! � I'll, I . , 11 I . .1 1, 11 I "I'll I I I : Tog" , 1 *QMwW* - odw �a . I ... �� I . I 0 , ft $44 11 - J., �' - tot* P "-I* "Via, saxestiolmi -1 "I'll , .. I 1. .111, - I'll -- I r I I ii I I � oitilit U4W 5 I � ,� . , , 111 � .. 11 . � "I I -.1-1 11 -.1- ­ ! ;. 11 .� iar lim I#, 71 7� . �, , "7 1 . .., . 11, I , " . 1 4, .44 ,il i ys"006 - �� r , A .I =,­,� 17 olaw . . - I,, �­ ; I � - - : ,-, I I 11 I , � 'O � IN I . I I .11, . , , t , ; . . IN i I � � IsO40,00swa*04A � W � J, � I I I . � � VJ 0 a 4 0 0 IN 4i III wo 4 011111 XXX *11111 A Willi 4 MR X A 1.1 I I I . I ;ilijiitI*0 I . . . . . , I$ � W�1*4*4411i , I I , I ERIONHBXS' A I -,- � I � - . ­ I - � - F - ,� - , , li I .1 , , I . . � I � , - , , . " 4 - I , " " 4 - i a la , rt I I .- , , , .- -, 1ADL 06 46 t - %4A r,, ac, " 41ir 4 , - , 7 :: T , � ,, r000m I .1;;;;;;;,;.i1;;;.---;;,. `,:T`7"-!, � .1 � __-7-_- ,'',­", r, ­ " -1 ­ � r I r - - I �.. I 1, " � �, , I � I . ",­,".'' ­-, rr., _5r- � �­ _��T!ri�-7,rl�` .1 ".�"�-,M.T.--�;�,,��l,�.V.lml, I . or I I I _­ , I"— . . . ,, I . � . I h . � .� f � JGODARICH, I, FRIDAY. AUGUST 23. 1918 pusuallixtt, L,VXRT FRWAT UQ8V111=S* A N "" WL ARX"c", I � I , , . _ OTAW0. CANADA 00 IV its Alliaxilm a � � . I "I 1110 TAOINI;Ihos - I . 'Ir � . . q $2. . � . I ,. " 1. 1*4 Ima"i " 4a , I . 11 �r . I . . -_ I I ;.,:;-I-:;;; ;;;­.; � I - - - � I lb. � �� � I - I 1. 1 . _10 I ��, I . ­­­ , � - ,.. , - I . .1 I 101111111 - .1111.1 �­ ­­ �11 _. . ­ . 11 I P ., .1 :1 I, � 7n.," 'to t­;;rj rl"� __ I , - ­.­ 1. I 4 � I � - I , , .h'.1111, . . I 0 1 , � � . . I '� I I , 0, es ,Q 0 1 ,� Brit A ' , - t nid' G; ra � Prisoners, Guns and Towns, French Hurl foe Back Five Miles and Capture Thousands of ,Runs . ; " 4 - on a - . �'� dvano0r, Thre - 011 .0 Ten Mile fr' , i r ; ­' .. 1. . 1, .�,,rl.,7.,;i,.,,,.;,,,,i,,',�'.- - ___ - _____ b-; ­,p__ "" I � I :=_- I r I - ._1___1I ' � -r- "... � ,_ ;;;,#. 1-1.. - '. ­ � - � d___-, 11, I ­ � - I IN THE PRINTIAG OFFICE �, r �r RAILWAY, TIM4 TA L14 � charge tba,L ,91tort -weightz, art gioteu by Tuoile and Jaso. Itianxe. spares: Lorur, : ' , r 1� -11 Ali P. a,. . " i 11 , -.,.-.,;.;. �,­, ". - . TOWN TOPICS local merchants. Young, ingr The 6oderich botir, ,Art- I i , . I � I "I'll . ".. . . ­­­ " .1. O." &�=. 1,80 P.m. , - trNrjug tit arrange for a ganie here next "I cannot read it. fathel-fixtht ' � ( � .. �­ � L - ,," I . 1104 . � ' . , � , . I I r" 11 I I r , , - I. I .­ ,; I .... I � , " '.. 11 , I I � � � , r 1I.Qu.m. $.1110 p-M,o Autollsts Flued or, see I . I r � 11 -or _,, . r . . r . I 5 Save tile. Coupons , NVedinesday %Nith Wtchener I 11, a ill it too I It ? r ,., I I I ! � r I . � "'A'"D at.m. %14-4 P -Woo A dozen its- more Chargl's nf %dri "Ill's caunk) real. : Spe Ou or me. I l; . . i Stave the COUPWIS th Nour London offk4ni.ps I thought that sumly I my letters klle%v. . � I , by motorists %,oerio up before Ilearls of the World , .� I I I � I ­ I , Torouto-Lea.ve 0.1.0 %.W. 5.10 P.M, I �� ., I � 11 . goultliton- 11 19­10,lit,.va, 4.10 p.m, Free Press each da� fill- I!. Nt. f',11lott. the police But thlis I tind I mail) cannot do." .. � E , M1 4' " ' 1K ..'' . - I I I . E, it -N6 11 magistrate oil l'uesday Thi, )ear the big moving attraction . � -Arxive, 12,55i J).4n, 9.55 p.=* For colivetlit'110' the) may bro left at some Were for reekiess 11rh- tit 1"'routo ituring tile exhibition %vill ,� " � � . ''I 00derich morning. . So spaki, a child who, at libs father's I � il � , I ,� . - . � , � �� 41A itmius arrive a , Book Store Each .coupon Is Ing, sulne for hailing ligh 'rillith's, side, , I , . � I . : , , pd Ii6s,vel Union StAtiolli Porter's ts olut, twolle he 1), W. it supritome master- - I 0 , Fj C - .� ,, , -� 0. T. a. good for 25 votes if not held too lone for persons tinder eighteen 'IN III, NN'alked through a printing ruo.m. atild � , I I I'll � 1� ... I , � - "OnkippRpmxaim I . Ill 1 M-1#1141141311tw4wo, "I'll _.� -11, _... 11 ­­ I I QoWerich-Leave 6.50 a.m. 2.80 P.4. . III go piece, "liparts. of the World." in the %aully tried ,1 ,, I � I I - - . Welill,ills and Measures Tle'sted etc. T%000 truses were adjourned, vae Allen Theatre Building, 00%ol after - i, I . 1, I . Toronto- Arrive 10,50 &.in, 7.20 1p.lutf dismissed and the othem filled. noon and Itio,entug front August 26th Tip read tile type. The printer. smll- , I , I t 11 Yesterday morning NIr. Nlarshatii in- , , .... i I . " . . I �. ��-- ,. '.. �* � -I ,.-. I , logrounto-Leave, 6.50 a.m. 12-45 p -m, to Sept. Till. This is described as -the Ing. ,laid �� I , : -�', � ";,� : � ,� *, , I and 6.85 p.m, Spector of vo,eights and measures, wa* Burn Hourned Io,o I, told " It 1:3 Upon tile press it shos,lit, and kindly said; , , I e , " , `,. .- �,o * . I . ' �llllil ­, t!,'��, !'­' '11aderich-Arrive 11.40 a.m. 7.10 P -mit. , ' "Conie, little une. and try to read once .11 ,r , �� S 111111111t," . i I uumlich, A chininvot at J. J. meUmeols rest- a romance of the gnotat war anti took I I'll "o , . � ''. 11, and 11,45, pl.q�,., . deure ,%a.,, strutok by lightning in the eighteen Inollills In the making. In I .,weelest story ever : ; Ili town by request and a large i .. ­ I S, �Nxo C, 1, I.,- 1" V t 1� of 'pakkages of N arlous horts were taken more �"­­_ I _., 1� -, ��4 : : , ,�� --..-. __ __ '. i , , ___ - gff-Lh-q.-�Lt,L',��l.N:�--)��4E!-)ti��� AB(I w -ig d. storm.-Weduesduy_ ,"oitiigag- -and--isoinc, Ucktrig " th-e- 111amy ­Nvar- weines al- IllIg -Thoolist, 4,04441IM,4--folto- th4aV­VMM T"04*042- � -_ I � . 11 _-UM ­___ This should help to dispose the damage %Nas done, though not had � I -,, 2 ..� -7---- . I _­ "'I"AN �, ". . I CARD 61V T li serious superb inasterp(eve, Mr. (Iritlith before. ... "I �, ., I � and a ARD OF THANKS--Tne und �__�_: __ _� __�_= - 7-' - -_== -=== matter. Peter Fisher's barn. litaittand -tile bflIelai aid &till co-operation of the* -But 'low Th tk ds i��-! . 1. I Rcononiy maki:4 happy homs ersignedt they're plain." clou �i I I 1. �. 11 C wishes to return sincere thau4s tO AUCTION SALE ­ aanceasion, Colborne t0wilsh-ilt. was British anti li'ronch war offices. 'Mr. from that fair brow , I ... ,,, % I - I ;1111-- I I - � . I .� - , " , - their I truck and burned to the ground with (Irirl , ,.�­ �- - ­ , ,,, . - _... � - . . I - - � ­­­ ___ Many fritends witop manifested �� -7- 1 1 ----�.&iu-&-fi:atian. � - " . - , - Plktily at the time of the death or is fa..Tt.nl�, UCTION SALE or r A R.)l STOCK AND 6 ith, by special direction ,of the Soon Ill'"ed ""Y, f(u tit, call read It I . I . . es clally the Western Cbnad8 Floor btills A tile crops, harvesting hatting ju,41; been n0". 4,-�. . I � �� in%e I INIPLE.NIENTS. .Britilsh RoNtornment, ,ovas etworted close I � theeNgslortal S111pbufloling Co., and takes -_ c.0111ploted. to tho Ilring Ilne In France. iii-sit,ol 80 "N'th our Filithrr's dealifig,.-t; day by i!;�- . ,. - _. - - - - . . - - I ­ atts in an _lur ,-Jall bqVr deeply - .14, i % '! . � such expression alt,preclatect JA�;. It. JoHNSTON Girls are Wanted front line trenches. set ill) Ills ramera flao, 11 - I Will sell by Public Auction, at Lot W, H. 24, I'�,�' � 01 - BOOT. WlUiAINIS. Colo. 3, \\,. \io,olwallo.All, oil During tile past week the inana In manio dangerous positions. v,as ai,tu- Wo (r) to roo,ia unit puzzled turn away. : , . he undersigned WELINEsIpAY, Inept, 4th, ge- Wo do not understand; %%e cannot see ;�, 111111111111111111IMM111111111111111 . %-/ takes $pjs, 1"otilkii of express t I p. ul. nient of the Gentral Business Gollegoo ally under houtbardinent, anti secured Whoo this \\(is done, or that allowed to . _z7:Z:77-- - -, , pg her a - - �. , �­­ �-, --r- . war op all nelgb- t Heavy Droort Team 4 unit 5 ylsar4 old, I Stratford, had appliclatiorls froin 2S niany \%miderful eff"Ls anti -vent-, of I . 0L ,N to I " I I 0 f many eviderices of kindness and He Drart folare. supposed to be [it real, business firms for lady stenographers the great %\tit- which would hiko,v breti � i". � rpopapprelclat Ott to friends avy be. . . ,.- - ipathy in her recent nereavement. and 1 and bouk-keepers; une tirni offering unput,sibloo exeept for the aitt and I 1. �� ,,, I A I 11 . syn Ciii, i3 years old suppolied to calf lit I' ii Hot in the %%orld to conit-, through his ; :1 to I � ,. I C 4. NA . A - - 1. 11 t the Odolfellcows, tile baseball buys and April t Cow 9 years ow supposed to calf - oileration of the government., of I; till vioar light, I � �� 11 I . - I to elevntor eiriployeept for their handsome in iliflity. 5 one-year old Calves, 2' spritig 45 per month for guoil stenographers r t We, tilt), shilli read the nk�ster) aright. " ,,, I . r"01 I "' 'at tribute -Ing Chickens. The C. B. 1: re -opens for tile fall term Britaill and (Of France. i'��,� .. I CQ -. Calves, 75 young Hells. too) slit 1�1, I . I � E vu- S. H. 11. POTTS. I Ideal J'Dearing Binder I I�earing rolower, --floorald and Presbyter. �l I)IR I oil September 3, and %,00e recommend it Statpoleal of 1.21 or oind.,, ol, , ERI .elebratioll _ ! I =__ _­_ - -1 - __ - ItIcCop mick Hayrake nearl,N tie%,.* I Seed hose v%ho Wish a good pliq1tion its Ftinds - - - ____ ___ I - . I , - - _WA-NT_E_D_ Drill, I set Into 111111, ""in'ta NI.L 2 Fleury to t 11 . ,I I - = BEIM" Wilit = JOH� AM Cwmzl V"W - Plow. I stone flood, I C. I in Waggion, t Nvell as it thorough training. Total reeetpl.s .............. $ 1,39LIA7, MANY CASUALTIES . --boy ____ got platform Seale,s 1.4itio) lbs., 1 Holy Rack, 'I'otal ,.\pt­nseo,, .......... ''.. 11.0ill;AX) � - N QV.0. LLD. D,Cftl- � - - K V. F, JMNSS, Ass"L Con'l. Maraw ANTED.- Mechanicto � wooted the I Tot) Buggy, I NVatsoll Cutting Box and Arriloolds or Crain at"I'his Port _. - ­ flarlie), IlleClitiql(ey und Louis Robinson W Ooderich Organ Co.. fini,hers. cabinet carriers I Rool Plillo-r. I Fanning NMI. - arriNals or grant CHI-91WS 81, the - I I , Vit . I makers. action makers, and apprentices. Ray &r Rollie, Fork and Slings, I SaP (�? CAMAL PAID UP, $15,000,000 REsEp,vE FuND. . 113.500,000 - Pan, 75 Sato Palls. 1 sap Trough, I Set heavy Goderitilt EleNator anti 1'ransit Co. tile Balance ill 2%). $8 Make Supreme toolaterillaor " ANTE:f)--By Sept. ist, good general team Harness nearly nv%% a - A itetaii.,il statenient ,or ti," allo\e Tho vamialty listo; are again heavy W 'Pioaorator� 1, ItpaiiinirchStu'll' ')list f'.\\ Ila" 11'"" ll'�"l -1�e "lf.blv""' it, stibinillod 1.1 tile executive oril- I servant, capable Nf lopokinir arter I 51alotte Crown s Rea love \ " . I roon. Apply to NtRS. ALLISON, Dung= and quantity ol' Ilipe,. I -�-ortave Donilm-to " 11 sattlrda�, volth 1,')�'IJXXV hoslols of \ \ tit,- past week anti niourtiling Is brought ­ I .1 � 1111ttet. The sorI)Ius of iot2t)618 \ Its . . I 2-t Organ zo,a�,,%onf-vo. 2 E\iensioti Tables. I %�llvat and uIlts: ill,- Galesinples. lilt - for paill-lott " Into lllan�- hollo's in tile district . I EACHER WANTED -For S. S. No. -17 Nitch ell C I ard. I .Nlu�ic �tatld, I Book Tuesilli\, \\ith i3o"'(XI0 hllslwl� of louts: t lireeted tit he paid oNet - . 140' to Conlin Case Fork.,, 1o,.\"t1o­, (Ailims and othel, tt", '\, tt'.." as rf)llll%\.s : NIr .Lunes McCluskey, of t.i,000n, re - I TAtihfl Id dutle,, ence after sum- � 4111 Laki., too Tllllrsda�. \\ill, I .... T , I mer holidenys. Applivw8tatinir salary and article 4 too 1"Inle"ol, it. mention. Cana.lian Pri,oner:, of War $ -111) (14 I v.-i\,.,I \%.,I.tl that ht% son. lilt,, Ifarvey . ,,, . experience It any to . J. BLA( I K. R. R. TER.N1,4--All iiint, t,r �;w anti under, vash; is-,,(Iolu iio.,Iwi, ,,r \,oheal,, and tilt, .\I.,- sahlitioll Arlll� lint pond , .'.I I to il,ars,on NINAuskey, ibrantr), \%as ont- BANKING SER"WC.AlEd No. I Shoppardtion, Ont 3.1 over that ant,ount S ntooth,' vredu given oil (,osta, Tlinrstja�, \\,till t1k;.00ill I'll't,wis riall% ro,loorted it,; ha\ing (he,I tit No. . - apvrwed Joint little, ,w a discount at rate 6.0orivil Itlarill'. 'o, tiell.11,;il ' �� _� � I I I � . I, ___ _____ __ ___ ­_ ol".6 tile[' 41��)Ill, liwr wonint \,oill be all(med N011 -ill, dild III0 NIM -111W LJLI-' toda) Hospital ..... ....... I . OoOri .� 4 ... nend tl­ipltal, flouen. Aug. 15, " - - ANTED. -Immediately. a woman or girl , . if t *,-I- W to a�Atlt- tit hopuL;ework. by the hour ro *arh it 'redit anwiltit. Everything `o\ ill' ill'"Ito"t) llosil"11 - :000,\\ vini,iot \Nrlunds tit 1tw buttoolk. � I for flie preferr it in family of two. tood,0th. Modern st be ilisipo,ed ,.I .,- llr..proitor is lea\ Italian Red (Xoss . ... I � I., E TWs Bank- provlctes every facility li�lu flirlll� IIor,e Trailing Cam., ,,I � ".., . �l .,nd ,t,,inaeli Thi� makeq the 0 , g ,,,,, � I �411,01.411 It, ,I I I "t . I . � . conveniences. Apply THE STAR Office. JAS, It JMJIN�*H)N, I IfOS. GUNDRN, Tit, ca,- 'd III, 1­I.­­tr.4d,,r, \010 - __ 111tIll't 11"I'l-liolt-11110111, In thil fallIlly, till � "I tio_1CH001, TKACHER WANTED. -For Un- Ill.,;pF. It, I )1. Auctioueer: \N,.,�#, �l , oorthill" 11:1\illg been killed na . VrOWIPt and efficient transaction- of ton S. S. No. 1. Ashfield, Colborne and IT0,1­1 twl', ;I nwlilh au-, it, ro-I e-l!)I;. is I'll" I brinAz o.nu;Ig,.( action about it \var zuro. .. 1Z. . NOTICE '['It,- v.il-1­ I)W',- I,Rtt no\\o; Ill Mrs. . . \ t; NAl'awarourih. 2nd class professional. Du, I in ii,o,rill ,,,,,*,, jo:i I(.,,,,, k1-l0I,-N\I­Iw,,IIwInt� for thv,r Wra n Is ,,, LiesconitnonceSeptember2nd. AWly,stating __ oanw til. ,.it \ilm.l.,\ i,,.r,,t,,. tli,. jl�,11,... ha\o 1"."ll I ....... t,00d fl,''In IIIAll Flelt-I - l A I j%,� P (I. N 46 dE LN E ai 9E A 3P. 3E IE qF 9-P qu N 16 -f ID qu R EM go EM SE'A a I I I it 04 I , I I% I I . - \\Ili, ,,-,,_q I., t\%i, I,r o,t*, in.a,m­r ..I, i-.m.oii.in i-i- ,( , .�r , ,\ - i A kinds of banking business. 36 .salary and experience to It. McIL , , � 'I - I " \I. 111.,bin­on till, \\twk till). annotin 1. ,Z Goderich Branch' G. WILLIAMS, Manager. IN (N tho I"ll-tt"'. Ille P NI 11.4, had vvry \\,I], . , I , "T., -lit'. . \\ illeflar"I" va'lloil. . ('111,1 that 11"t. �,)11, 11"forladi"r Louis 9 & TOWN OF GODERICH M Silt isl'avhw� 1.-.],�.11, and Ili 11trit, 1.;i,.. \I*ttl�. 1,�llld�-Il � 1. .N Nairn. R,-hin-.ju. %\,i-, killod Auic� 10th Ili) PE It M , ��11\,Ill.'Il ,.IJ llsh-d la,l i,innnwr lit tho olith artil- IN EN trial \\it, ;A.1J.,IlI-II,tl ,in,, '11" Ill tho 1r..-;A,llrvI- .If I;...r..I,IcI1 Marini, and 1;1,11 - . - Sun L"Ife Assurance Co. of Canada � I _____ _. _____ ___1 ____ __ ---,------- I A desire to know somethl,ri-I is the beginning of wisdom. A desire to have something Is the beginning of prudence. A desire to have Lite A.asuraneQ is the beginning of foresight. ' Life Assurance tis the silver lining to the cloud that has bung over many a family. I Hot R. LONG9 ­ District Agent. L - I- . 1�!!. - -----------,- I "GIRES N WANTED m % op (O it I ,,;i ­,,4I I I'll] �'r;l " J.'111.1111i"Ill %N,.,.k oril ll."l-Ital : III- �:,j E. IIIII [I'. tre"o, h -r% hilttor�, ,ilol ,,\vIlt -,%-I[' Ili Eng - IN M CE @a Impoptant Public Notice ii, 99 \'\''I' . . ; , 111�1.1..' till, It"lloi Ih, ,;i" (of ,.I, lhilin hvd Crnsq, Wo 111. fill - I ir lilt I .. 1,111d it) No\.-Inhor. 1.,:I\Illg Halifax just W APPLY AT EE W - ' fill' 11111111- ,flld 91J\. Mil. -d ,oII,r:WtIWI N 0-w'�., I;r',\, ,,I' \hh-Ill-li . T-, i"I'laill li*-.i,ltl ."I, I .\ 4: I.: ow ,I,,.\ i)o,r-,r-, tit,. ,.\,,io,,i,,n thfIre. 39 M 111 GODERICH KNITTII�p C 0. M §9 __ - The Town of Goderich is desirous of ffl IN IN [N , It \\ ll ;lJ., Nla�w � \\ . LANK, T I",; I I Ih- %\,,nt .,\..I, 1'. I'T"ill'... Foh l3th. A EN . In (O Sllvllf'­v�. 1..\J,r� Ilight Owl". ;.I." - I ,;I I . rN Soel.t."ful Dallo.t., tAW11111911911116NEVEM 1:11,;:�,111.1roft::r WIII Robinson. lias beell PE i EAST STREET & @0 completing the Honor Roll of those who, 10 ,r1it. raiw,\ .ir,,,­ Ij,ui,-.- ill., li..I,.l Allonlen War Workers. Take ,\()if- 'oo, 1� \\,it* tit iiernian\ for over IN ro EEBERRBRRBLE M IN to claiming Goderich for their home town, enlisted in the Canadian Army and went 41 % .it n'lln.".1 la,l Frl-h\ t1l,grit III .till (of Ilo- , . . Pri ''ll"I" ,,I M it, 111ild o"Itlell III ,,�, 'I It-- ,\Ia� ,w l.r tit., t,�%\ it 1, III I".v"ll't .,r .. .... ommn tot, I ,,,I, rl,,,rll III,. lo�ill;,W­ [\\I, )-'ar, \\Il,kt 1,.irlwiflarl) ��ol , Ilial"., ill,., jr,itildity is t1w roct th.At It M 9 to serve King and Country. R) rM I I . I . Nlr,s. Ilull-hin­n pr,,\vd .A h �11 ...... " "� Ill. -Ill ,,r Ill.- I �111;1,111411 Natit-lial V\Ill Inal'.., ill" tiord de�illl In ill,, NFIlily The Industrial Secretar� wantq tit,, -1 � of wit -of -town Manufacturers, Bw4inese Men, ('apitahqt,. Bolkol. ,a,-ther sue- ceasful businesiz; Artins who won)(] consido,or I ...... lm� t,, (illderich to estabiish business, or who might influence theit , ,,,,tit, ,)r friends to do so. We want more Factories, a larger Population, more Vititers, - an Ine"asa asmsment and lower taxation. We witiont to Make "Huron's Gold Gain P. Plaze inore wartby of its important natured position. We wanti ovary Citizen to join our " Tit ve Wi re Forces." yott ottin help it you try. RV. CAM V. C. HILL. W. S. BOWUN I , 106ift".111if 164" C111111111. lsinstriai soot**. I - . �___J List. of thu�e %vbo lore already noted r4q ."100 \\,i, 1.41"ll In 'Hw , _ , 11111''ll 'd 1"I.,11t., I',. Ille pal'allk. In 'J'or. Ill It\,, lit'llill-l" Ihe '.01"I. twing the N 1 are Ili the Town Hall. with the Clerk. L. L. ICNOK, E,so.. "ho will take'addl. (o fE �111'j '411''Id Illa(,1\,I,.iw Ilm-16,\ iii-oll. ,ir,o pl,,\I,jo�j �.oho -.11 \\--.IIl,­1;A\. \11gli.1 '2',4111. ..r 1,11 flillwl. and At IwpII..\N. k.-lin'.111 ;\I'm - (H & tional naire,. tkl,o J AD ES FOWLER, N ' fill' 11111111- ,flld 91J\. Mil. -d ,oII,r:WtIWI Ill" \\"Ill"ll 'if 1110,1110 (.11gligo'd Ill \\"I. �11-,,11;4 M U pL0Lhela-td&yofAjlru.t.l9I8, M The \\"..Ill­&J� 111glil '1,111'." Mi \ - 1I.t1% IVII Nil— Wiru-,t­1 \fill T,isl,wv, litimi had * DR. W. F. CURK, IN [N .11 t1l.141 1,.\ till' ''rolleslr`l zd­ ,,I',, gl"13t Thl� li'll.-I. has lovon liallit"'I Ill \lr%. --11111"A' %\ ff"I r ill - \% Itinding III` tier M im Chairman of Soevial Uornruittee. 111 Sllvllf'­v�. 1..\J,r� Ilight Owl". ;.I." - I ,;I I . I Ill r1Il1,t-,Ii,'1I1.. pl".'hivill ,If ill,, \V..ln.,n's, Ill �r,oll"Ilw 1"."r'', I t I I ,to it I' -4, I , , r I l f Ror (I rds, tAW11111911911116NEVEM ti,,s fl,''Ill (;­I..rII-11- �,.it',,rlll . I Alilt''ll, " t'�'"" """", "n, I .............. *%I ,,\,,,, r ....... \ii.11. \oxIIl:lI,\ _kIng I,.-,, to. klnjjj� 'ill\ .. .... �""4" I of .... ... ;'"", i'"', 'I ... I ,,,,, ii� r -.ii.,\\. ,;lIIv..r..I\ rt'lir"t 14) ill- 1,, I .... �,o, lo,7,13911 Ille Janw, Taylor, .-.----- .1 I . `k&?&1 \\ ingliall). if mo .f Iho %M'1011, ­I,Iotiv� vllwagf�lj ill \\Ill. \\.wk up (;oderich anti \wIllity ltlf,illtr*.\, ,.tll,.J;iIi\ r,-l­I,tI-d Ii'llnitted \�) 'I C-111adl-in (6ilivral llo4pltal, re - I I North 'Sireel Mello. S. s. Pienle int"Ild I.. IlAke part in till, Illivall". potirl \tlg PIli, INS. Wilnsho( o.i.ourids L, i'lit, annij,it suinniet. pwow ,r \�)rti, .X_ Ill.. Itno. 1% so 111111ted tills notil.t. left arin. rrio-ti,re III,. 'raviot, ,.Iniist- :,4trevt Nff,111­11�1 ('11111,01 ' .41111.1.1\ -�Cll­d ill Ow ltwol loajwr� *vollls to he Iho (IIII!, oil Ill tilt, , ll,t,t an't \%Its dra,fted to tile MAIL COWRACT \%as oil tilt' iWoArRIJI fill, 'i't ... ho -s-bil \ �%a\ ,of r"aching tilt- voorker� Ili to.vvn ,"*Ill 110 111ol bo, -n In Kogland oil leave afternomn. tit,- inlrnthoi lwina I.. gt\',- and cwnnmnit�. burNing 10.4 inother lind had Jki%t re- - . the 1pl-�, mld Airl-, im atit-) driov rmind \\.ouhl myont, \%lilt purposes hoing al turlo-ol tot tilt. frillit toll dliN�4 ago. , T-US"T .-_-JRnb1mLJ0:M31-V`­H11D ,,, pqmEwaa EALED TE\I)En�, a4dlesit!d tO the Post- -PolloC., Farm" Hild Ift"I'\�'it"l, jel Ill,- ,-\1111,11lon and intends twilli; ill tilt- Nlr�. Kvil, lintallfun rond, al,o" half I M go S no ii,iter 1;,�iivra'l. \xill be received at i @a I Rq o'il until Ilool , "n Friday, the 13th th"Ill 'I"'Ild it "llil., ill galn­� ill 1hrl),.r. parlid... I.I.-ase stilill in lit'l. natille Unit %\41t,11 flolat her smi. lot,,. Thomas Kell, La" a I A-rX fX33:311 (E , lig day Or Septenihei, 1�)IA, pil, the conveyance Park, o,%livro ,upper \\on1d to,- ­r\oil. Ili.. 11i4ol, �.f tit,. ,,ocfeto, tit Nlr�l 4;:irriv, Infantry, \\;is iolinitted ill Quevir Mary's � I Wanted M or His lo,lajesty'R' %tall,. ,)it a proposed Con- The allto rid'i vallo, '11T bIII Hw I.Alll Ilw ­"Ivlar� (of t1w IIN"Villen's. \\,,I, Nllltt;ir� li­pltal. Whalley, Laiwaster, . Ill I gj tra�t for roul, yetir-, ,i\ tunes per Week I)I-0\011te'l ill,, 1'-,,;t of thfo Intond­1 III*,)- AtjvlI,jr\ not late, than Mt-nda\, ollig- Cont .\Iljw Mill, �offerintz rr,oul gunshot GODERICH PLANING MILLS " iiiii over Aubnrnr�,)., Roiai noute, from tile I 100 Any quantitv of J 11 grain, but ;I gmod tiniv \\.a, -1,,-nt Ili Ilie ust ,161h, �-1 tillit her folliv. "all Ill- ,4.ttt o,\ollfols Ill Able [-twill low. E 1E ist or anlia y, Is. I � @9 Printed noth-es ronraming further, In- ha�,enwllt ,-I Ill, i'liorch, �Nhwr, 'fli-joer 1.0 T --r,onh, in How. John Melhotald, Park street, also re - (El Raspberries for ation as ill v.,ndition,; Of pro OSed' was .-or\"It. Adim--i-m lickel- ind seals Ion, ill,, vvi,,ed It cablo tit the errev.1, that Ills IN M Colimtraet niaN' be ,e,ii and blank '( �, ,­' I �h 111 Forms ur Brus_ platr,.1-in \\ill ho lirmide,l 1.) ttlt�'J,ol-_ .*,,no Tiote, Aitwrt Mel),inaild, infantry, (11 of Tender may be ,obtained at the Post Thirt� -Eiji lot lear, Ili Charile I 1, & Garden Beans and Beets M Offices (if Auburn, 111�til anti (lopoloorich. d , ,111., IIIA11,19"llo'All. Illid been \�,)und ... I and admitl0k,od to C @9 ffl at the onlre (if it'-' P0,t Offlee Inspectan"r, �Cls Po't No, 3 General lio!.pital. Hepoloan,,. oil 10 9 at the Canning Factory. ffl London. Mr. ooV H K,-rr' eflit"l, i,f lit-- llrm,� � 10 go post ()M(,e 111-periot-4 ,0111ce, London, s(�I., 1-4,,I. cmllploled 38 �var, ,,, pr- itut; Mill, \%lit) a Killi'lli-t \%milill ill I N BRING IN WHAT YOU HAVE MR BRIEF TOWN TOPICS tilt, right butt -.(-k iind ,id,- . 9 jili 2nd Augu-,t. 1018. ( lf`,� E Fl FISHEP. prietm. .,f that puller A111411 -t t�t just. Glirf K \\',,III), 6,0--rit-li, I, al�o re - it ONE CAR N B-9 C. SHINGLES a I Rupen Canning and Evaporating I : P-t O'Mve* Inspe.tor. anq lit till Alir,krirsar� artwh,, %a�b, K. -op �-,Ill, #-\I-- loo tilt- �ollng pI­pIt. Ported voultinde, 11 �tl­l �,-rwl Ifer-b . 111 I - _, _ � _ _ _ t", ­Ilb,irl,,,.(I if) journallsill tiozo a rr,ini ,,,I,, I,,\\,, \\III, ati(�n(i lite ciiiiton .;tit,(,, Pit, mar.0 MrOorativil'itind Me. �11 ' 00 Co. N riplinor Ili 1��N and hopNi, ur-,\\n K",')' si,ii,o.,j ,or (�,jnt,n,,r(,,, litils full. They're Allan Jasp--r Brindl..\ , I -, "' @R . Is , In tho, _,,,.t -\i,..,. 1)ut uur abiLqiio,,n has gi)ina to, inake guod. 1� "I . been anti ,till I, tit it,) nur dul� to) (lie 24 .N11.14. Uvilijid ,o,jt-Kf.lI7.I, lqllaoranljon,� M. ' : ONE CAR 54 B-. C.'SHINGLES " Tho 6oderldi �Irgan (;O, liari secured had %,,ord last o,%eek jJl6t tie- SQrJ, Pte ' I I _ FOR SALE OR TO LET. utrylo"I (or mw 1011111\ in ailling the . HIP svr\iv,­ of ilin,. 6ulberl, v%hu Mck, nzie, inf; r . I. . a ------------------- 1� a. ad%ancvnwnI ,or o,\,-r� g -I ,."Il". "We fiat, AleXAnder � till o, %as 41 OR SAIE-Fall vi,beat for seed, Arnerl- ":W. lllldlll�l :Ililil- hr--[) NNIlh Ilw ciornpany for v(,nryk, Its 111111tted 110 ho'spital otim N'th, -Ilrrl�rillg . F can Wunder variety, good clean grain, \visl \It" 1. ko.rr Illam. f,wenrin .or Ito.. Ilhip,I)oIng deplirtinent, rrom it ow\ere gmish,,t \%vulld In tile I GODERICH PLANING MILLS $2.50 a bushel. Also young pigs for sale. MAIL CONTRACT Vvrsari­ . . . Apply to JORN ,�OWERBY. 'phone 13 on TII­ Follow 'tudonts front tills tow 11 arin �w .... CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS 2.55 or (;oderjeh P. 0. 2-t SEALEr) IENT4.11-, addre�&qed to the Post- G. 'll. Ellioll In lite I onle't �%h, ar,- pl-inning tip ntlend tile Srhool 01,1wr G,untv ilf IIJIPorl (,l000naltipq n1w4pl, ltl�["j 1), pre"Wed .1 � -M, "ll ,or I.motiwrvo. Clinton, j)IIt_ till, Rre : If I: \\ ilkvn. I.Ilhtfal. v'-pollided; .. T -Good. comfort- Ottawa urilli'';�!!11�;1;11 '." Ity, the l3th day I; III I i I -11. III-, Hot 1-111)1% .4 fa I 1. , . T III briek houses with modern econ. or, se -1, "nq, fti? [Ili. ronveyance 6r svrrotar� 4it III,, 0tiltir-n', \lot -i.wi,-l\:. \\111 Ili. Ilb.a..'d tot lo'lro that tile (;. T. R, -1 l'; "imillic, (Allit"ll. \%.,InA.A olit, 1'. es e,, .e , s ��.tplllbt JAMES BUCHANAN, Mwag,pr ventlene . Th are . -roorned houses, In Hi ooje,t�', \Inil- .ill i proposed Con- IINS lit-oll rl"Illinalod "Ind .1 ...... I'l ... I 1,� I- awai'll ,-xl,-II,I1ng the pri,ollewo to tilp Nlunrjinw�, li'lliTlesNillo. %\''Ilnd:�,J; W. good condition and conveniently located tit tract fol, I,)o, �,,;j­, _1� (Illips per Week , Jefft�r%, K\,0,,r, \%-,nn,I#.,j: ,\I, I,. - __ 000000CHCIODDOODOOODO00000m0000000v000n000mo*000m 9t. Ahdrew'A walid. Beg.00nal3le rental to over Aliblit'li V, *�' Itur-31 Route, fr6m 0 Plot, 1win't"ll I -Ir'..- III—— n- �# ,-,mt­tnnf sttob�i4t.s or ttij.s -sci,uoi ,or riding on the '1: , __ � desirable parties. Apply to J. B . IJNI(;FIT, tit or jantiiu%. v -i, it) ill,- hig '411h, I'm/ .. .... nh.,I. .ill.l �%Iil \\.'\ 1`11-1011. le,lo,1119 (;mforict I eavh I'mils, lla�lleld. \N4IorI(J--d, \\ It (:ase - LOST . music Wellington Rtreet. 1,1,lnt(,(l I,.t,­- ­;ii,oning further In. HIPPI'o-clat, tit,- �iiplm-rt ,-f 111� rrl.-11,1� Ill"I'loilk at 8 .111, at'riNing in 4:111,14pri "'fire, Liwkn-o%, r,oin,i ii.,,oi. I. .\I. - __ __ _. - - - - _ - ­ -_1_____ - Q INGICH SEWING MACHINE FUR �SA LE formation 000� I,, ­mllilmnq of proposed 11, (;o,j,.,�i,.1,. dild ItIlf.1101,11f III, ­pUll. .11)''Ilt 9 Ion, .2 _t Clark. 1,ockil.,\%, \%.,IIl1.j.,j. ('.... Let). I - -F OST -On Thursday, August 15th. be- J�AJBFL R. SCOTI 0 ATONCE.-Thi- machine is it) firmt 0111.48 Contract nia\ I ... ..... it in,f blank forms of too. It" Is Alf"'.Ilh .0011111141-11 1-1 1'04'-�I\-' - Jo\ tit, Jil� P . dInlind \1rj.',­j. L000-viq ' Oodpr1rh and Carlow a lady's Orsianflir North !street Mothodig r condidon has drop head and attachemenv. Tender rnaN Iw -,I,I;i ...... I lit the Post Offlees Is - . -ii'll Ilairiek Athin­q), i.,st-1,11 1, \11-b-I'Soll JU tween Church oborlt, jil%til a-1 ­Aerlch, and at the kill�vrtjoll.,tl \ -W, �,Ii­ I -011 St. 111IMER MILLI'llER'lo I knitting bag, containing a Rartli, lot it sock' Ppplls prepared for Conderve-g-t-o Examin. Will I"t a lifetime. A bolorgain. Apply (or A I offire ,or it),- P-t ''Ill, " III-pector, London. top tilt. p.,,_,, ll,,..111� :t,2.nnlj \4q.., !`�-r lilt[) , "nil F NII'(:IIIIl,-\. ,-;I ,of -�-�afortli. I .Finder please return to 51 S. T. OEORGE opotions in . 6TAR OFFICE. P,I.,,t lfllnl,,� J"_J'­r­., ,J, .I'll],! -.it" "r "4111111wr N11111ro.l.) "%oundod; 1J.-Ilt. \\ . all..[. 11 11111'Wo!ss. PRICE. - . VOICCE PIANO AND ORGAN. � -VARM FUR SALK.-Twority-tive joicrot in %?[ol Nllgll,l ,ts Office. London, ,�a%,. III,. .­111­11�, p,,\ .­oIll ,.,,-, \..I-, 11 41, .1 ,4'2 (oll '...111 I ) " (), 1111W\.11-1, ),111-1 Ili irti,in; Apply at .Mr*. k CoIllson'to. West St.. OPDOSItO JL� Colborne town"hiP. Fileven milet; froni anti Irl. -I"..1'.. It I - , 11,411 - ''r " , Ill Ing \ I I ,-�,� \ I I I N 1. I I - \ I ( '. to I I . I I t 4, ,, V I g I I I 11. 'I . I " 1, OST -On Tuesday oil Bayfleld road or on Post offim. L Goderich. An Ideal j)lace to live. To be wild I Ilk- I 11 FISHER. mw ,,r Ill.. 'jd,ndld '111J." "llet, ,I 'l, I ' all'i "".it loolent. I I V to McEowati',3 gloocory vI& South St. Apply to TROS. GUNDRY. 1,-1 0nlrP Inspector. I - f Bru,sel %\,.It 'I, ,�� � plea J; HARLE8..VUuJCL1CY Oil eapor teraig. ------- I I 11 I Z. - " *;! - :., It" I , M, "an, Mav olive or fawn rain co&L Finder a _ 11 IIIIIII, ll­.�- I Efts I It(;rN-j- - , I 1. . ,, I C 01 - uctioneer. Uoderich. 1. 11 NEEDED \\ inglialli, k o;,"I i,tt, If lortini ,� .1 iettivenotTITESTA OFFICE. - Organ I -t St Goorge's Anglican Church OUSK AND LOT FOR SALE. -On Ilit _:_ *6 Vol. -44-�%ivf. In ��Ihvria I\ 161,ESTERN CAN11,011, ill.oll'i All.1 It Ith)-ol'tI, I'l, 'ti, loill'ill). J. Piano and Organ trostruotion i ,$ - . "/ � , H Carneron St.. A new red brick one and 'i ol 0.1111111z:, I . I., 1-1.1 \% to, it Ir.o-11ijoi I-, \V,-st,-rn It I I-\ ,4t \�,llflob-d I . ra to Hou'p one halt Ntory house with cottage roof. At , i , , __ - lt�� - Terms Made FI op-vleee Orchestra Park modern convenience. 3 bed room, a ba -h - 'V ! "A lizI. f� I- , : 1\1; , 1. -� �'l I I - I ,",, I , I I I � I I , 1, 11-.hl�' k- h\ [h, I'allildilill N.,1111,111 , � �, . i- ,- � -_ -R. 11 I , :�:-­=­ - - - - - r0ain and ,up Rialto Parlor diningroporn i- ti.111, 11 I\, I., . ,, ,,, ..1%. ,I It,.,,, ioi .,, . li-ik\ ., ort -I Ih,r,,I,N Iii\o. lo�:ij �npp,l I 111111"N ll,, , H. S. KEMP - INSURANCE kitchrin and"hal I down gtoolhr� attic good batie- I.r".c. -1 1A 111, I't, ! tl-lm� f , t"l- I., Ih, 1", I.b., 1.111'. 14'NTO \1 --I,-[) I ',IT-, I ,Itig, ,, .1 --rich, I - ment. A good frame gatraire - hich could be �, SEMBENEES& @11EER uoed for a stable. on premses alqo a few choice MAIL CONTRACT ,'It' 111: 1111111,1\ klor-l�f IA(h I'l, I. \11 11"i I EXPERT WATCHMAKER 51 lit I'll. I''111,11 -d 1-11 ,I, '. I -l"...1 j -,r,, ­,,t, -.,I -r\ illi, 1,, h.orN­1 hand� oll. It'llilt \1 Ito.",% ;I ­,, k � 11 ffl fruit trees the be.t rof moil tot- a Warden. Avilly FALP,jo I'l-.\1)�l!-, wp�lr,-A-ed to the Popit. for ill" 111r.11111% 11.,11. %111,1.,I� 111�11;, I �, a,\, 1, ill I 1, .11, I .-Iltill".1 flat\,is. to MR. HARRY LYTTLE oil the Premee., 4TIo9P It, (iwlerwh, ,),i T,w*iky, Aug. so ­ - - __ - - __ - S mFLmI4-r(;­J'LI'.I -;J e received fit Ot- N. I. I I I, 1 ,, I I , , , I ­ 1, I , - I � 1-1 ,­ .it, Ill I - ", \\ ,1\ .11.1 \\.Iw--, 1. I-- 1, ,.I rr"Ill 20th. 1918. to Mr and Mr� (;t-,) .ol 4te"p, m Watches, blocks, etc, Cleaned and il Think, but Act! 01 -_ - -_ tAwrl. unril ri ,,, ,) t rillItY the 20th day of ' , I . 41 ffl Oil 9ALE OR To RENT. --$Ix roornod Seuttember. r4l-, fl, 'h, ro;IveYanceof Hi. 'Irld ,11-r, � ,, '! ­ � I I .�­ 111, I, , . " , \ to \6Z. Ill '00L M F holumoi, good location. till oonvointenc­ Mrljelnty� ,Niaij- ,, , , I'l"I"'.41d Contract for Iliv \IiiiL,i , -- , ­ . I,, t, ' . h, .,\, 1. - WHITELN k 0,,tl,-rt,-I ­' --I AA 4 ATIKII.t I -it it, 11019 I to I to. , " I \1 , . J . 41 .1% ., -L oer ­,ek, over Godet. I,,,, ,,,.,,,.I I ,,, �, I - .1. I - : 1, ­ J)"o, -, .,Iin.iet Whiloly. " dallight.-or Repaired satisfactorily. 11 Ma.roy. people, When asked to IN Rent iterate, Aroply to R. C. MUNNINUS foor year.. Ti. I Insure, say: -"I Want to think it PME Tir. 'no I-( , I I lit list % fleld wid Illit(orl qgar-8t _ I leb No. I om,i 1! .... .. froin the loot day of . enolowilth me to over. " A writee promi5tily re- @9 OR SA LE- Hoilime and lot oil Wolfe Street. Jani ary. 19114 i.,� "It 11-1111� , , I - , - I I � 1. , ,. ,I It . ,, 11"I'l ,.\,.t.% \\­Jtw�ooiay I 111\11�1`1 I'' "Itr IVR 1) - '' I I \.1ir .�9,111111211i!ih or Cloolli too good to Place ffl plies:- 91 F Hon,ie containot -even rooms. good cernroit Printed rlorlj­ ,,,, , , ir�iic fiirther Inforritia- fil'.111,11 11 'r, I . , � , , I , I it, ,, " . '. I .1 . Charilreso moderate 00 something elae to W cellar eleottic lighted. crond opring well. Int tIon a, Ill condi-, , ;,,l'l:.1 �1­-­i Contritict Tnay \[.I'll, 'I'l, , , , - . . , I I I . -11111- li­­r% I f i.,n 4 lj�t 1--il, i-i� k\,,I.1oi I I . I I -,'Ili M "I'll give you M copnalsiti4 of a quarter of an ficre moNtly tinder he Apen a old I -I - - � � .if 'render may be " I . L it'. �-1 , Ill, - "I f -i r,,mid trip \" 1, , Itbiloolo: over. If the tall man With A fruit. choice apoleg. pears and grapow For Oholo.ined,,m 1,�i�, P,;,-"(.[ ':fill,,,' of Goderich, '/---I ',-,,I,, , \ ­ I I I , , 11 - I If I - , ­ t. ,. ,+ ''. I'' , %, I N I., r i, 1.1 Y, I I'- I I I - I , , ,, 1. '' � I . I 'I�F the biR scythe and the long beard J. 11"LA it Hot nie.v I'- I _ . 1 , I" and t the It'll I \­ I , - ,, i, � , I ,, ! , I , I I.. 1'. I -I- li, , if. I I I I , I, MCLEAIIJ BLOCK, MONTREAL STREET 1ffi happens to tg.p on your window M t,erM4 and particular4i apply to ItV I "I;.. L,)n o&d. I . - Ill )i I, '1,1'.. lut, - ; % ` 11 - 1. I I , Just off the Square 00 Wolfe St. L( offive ,)f t he P, , ,,fit ,. I . . ..... I 4 k . �� 00 M --- - - Prw I Ion. .. I ; ", . ., , tlli­�. London, 9th V, I ,.It I ­ .1 . ..... I , . 'I � , . I . I . - t r I 1\ 1411. %ifliftl to 11 � , GODER�CH. ONT. ..j A pane some night Soon will yon (g HOUSK FOR 4AIAr.- Rod twick, with all Auirti�t. PA!, I if \-, �. If FIS \1 .1, ,. , - I - - i 1-11''i 'I i- ' '.I I '' L ' . I L * Flit up in bed and BAY to blim, M con von let) cc-. ADPlY to W. A. I HIS. n KIR. , �. Ill �. k. PE . I want to think this Over. I've M HOLNI, Trafalgar St. If I .It I , w I ) ill Cc I to I- pecwr 1" \\ h. I! , , � . � . I , I 1 1 � , I ! I I ,11 , . .I� 14 .11,11 I - It I , ,4 ,, l, I I I I , . I - IN M _______________,___.__ ­ . " � 1 -f -I. I .11 .. \L I .,I V� \ , I ., , .".I.. - �,,�, ,,6,,,t, _,-, M .1 . . I - I , .,I, "'. � f nr ,,,� W got a life insurance deal on that W"'li'l "i'l, I � � ,,,I) ." I ,­� , I. 1'. , " -o�.ki:%_KNI�11;-&6� � a,N - '----- . I I I . I I ! , ., 1, ,I ,,,,Ill: . I to, J,�:"- ". I , ,­, I I � - . �, I I ". . I , - �� , ffi I want to pnt through. Go &WItio, W - _____ - - - -_ - - - --- - - , I I I I I I - ,11, , I " I 'I., I . 11 I . . ON until I malre up my mind. n Bu W F flll� f ,� ­ � . ' ;I L , ' I I I - .1 r r1m, it I k , . . I I ,,, I �, E. I 44 t M I ''r;,1lW ,,�, " , _. , - , � , . I . . I H I I',. ­ I I ., !, (I,.. I : �, . � I ", I "� ;, , , ... -1 I . � . I !. " I not go away. Now yoll W f ' I It , *It PL � L �, I* think that over. - IN I I r..1 I .\% jl�a , I I I I I I . I . I ) , , , I.". , , I to I .11 Not.? Illol, ,I- 11 f � �", I " N m I I '11 I 1�.I, , I ,'' , � I toolopoppoppoppopploll - - - -1 ­ - I - I I I .1 � � I F It t " The Coal Situation I 11 4" w" oard of Trade I ` I - 1. ­ ­ ­ -_ . I 4 ' From The Bulletin. M I � w� - �" : " � to 41 1, .\ ­ .f , , , __ �, - , @I 1��.l ... I ffi @9 I I.-I'l. it h, I I � . �, ROPEATSON & 10001S 1519 �, - I � 1. - � I , � @8 I � , t F, tdo to be In,. to 1'. 1. � ?''! ` . f N, . V9 i hi fla godinr i '901 The NutuallLife Assuraniiii CC, Of dilloisda This Fipace haq been' retained h� tit,- � BANK OFMONTREAT, , P)TO1111 ,,,, I 1, t 1� � I'll ..�11, 1 14 � '' �� '( M @R tmalloll I __ imind by the lltiblicrt� Committee in tilt,, w,-- I (-�,-iN- citizen , in the Town. \1of.,-J\ lor"1­1 i� .L i. ... I I 1. . � 11:J\. ,,I, ­ ,,it f - I - ,. ! I ' * .11, I and we would advise I :111 I , �, � � - who cdn 11se ", ,,r, I - ,,ol �11 .1 I. I I , Soft Coal to lay in a I ll I . . ton or two [now as a .11 I - � , - I, """" . matter of precaution ,1� I ) I , I �. I � I 10, , .­ . I I r- .- - .. . .�, I , , , J � , I'll , , 11 I I 1, I , I � - - , 7 11< . OGEW& E0414 : , � ; " I I I , ... I �� I - �­ - � � ­­ 2�1 - I. I I . -0 0. P. CAnlg'r , I Rr,AL MTAtZ Afr6 10411ftJok"S kirANT Fmme dooprelliffig W t. ttftjd,tboft0ie4,b7 W ILMUrmy.7roo . allo,11166fivistilificot 2 lots, f4tuated near corrief Flouth avid KAYR stroppetip. Mr. Hurrilly I sadvioMmillchisoob. A lon'tinaGodaricti, sale. tollAWIlldi W a ol u I o k I Two briek III nftr 6. sk. otiottlit, for I sale or rent C&U.Nit blipoolithf, `1 liff &Aftv, rl UtS - i I , tedoirillittloolittillaft I rotsiople-Fraul a ;= ! Ct*WnL lDt6WftP&tt A plantolopill, poriattilrolirmw?wItoloo, 0=660; D air in � I witib ad , , A` lit the " 10 vilum 0 , sod I* VOUL Wftld eld"O 4% I A *tt X""WM* * .11 II._-.__- ­1... �. .1 - ­___ _1_4____J I % 11 WAX("�' '01414 ASSUR VV wric � . IL -11 . . . ; "*Wik* � I I 11111116111116k . L .. - ", - I I I I ., I li. I I I , . , " Oft 11 I I No - 0 I N ft The Industrial Secretar� wantq tit,, -1 � of wit -of -town Manufacturers, Bw4inese Men, ('apitahqt,. Bolkol. ,a,-ther sue- ceasful businesiz; Artins who won)(] consido,or I ...... lm� t,, (illderich to estabiish business, or who might influence theit , ,,,,tit, ,)r friends to do so. We want more Factories, a larger Population, more Vititers, - an Ine"asa asmsment and lower taxation. We witiont to Make "Huron's Gold Gain P. Plaze inore wartby of its important natured position. We wanti ovary Citizen to join our " Tit ve Wi re Forces." yott ottin help it you try. RV. CAM V. C. HILL. W. S. BOWUN I , 106ift".111if 164" C111111111. lsinstriai soot**. I - . �___J Ilh:.,:.-f, 11, It"., -1 . I . . _ I 11, \ \ 1. ­. �' i - ! ,, I I L atir'll) It.\[ .I It,, I Goderith 2. -%Irliir.,rd i i I I m, I., rii 1, to. � , I.. I,- I - -, - r . ; � a real 1,!ili i..- l ­t It - I .1, . 11 . an ,,%pr1hr.�% I- h,,t­ i- I -11 Of !,I score It% ,jnl� ilin it, I alo­ I , I ". Agricultnral ar,mnd- ,,it NNi--IIl,­1,:N I evening, ontlopnNI." It,,- 1. 'It top vi-iltors vi,rould li;INP Iwon -11 "It','io'. to P 11' tirely. Aq It N%as the -w.,r- Nka- *1 to I I no faAor of Goderich and th, ffanlo %Vq� r ono of the beqt evor played in Gr)dp- 1 rich. Chas. Black gave %ati0artlon aq umpire, and the porsonniii of the win- ning team is A4 followl) Will Doyle. c ; Earl Cooper, p ; Jas Wiggins, 3b ; "Bunt" Babb, go ; Bert Townsend, 2b; Jas. Doyle, tb ; Alticholoson, rf ; Edgar IlSwarts, of - Ted Johnston. 11 ; P. I - --- ­_ I....".1 1, -_-1 if . - � J , ,., r , , 1, ", � I , � I I � I I � , I I I . . I . � I I ., . I L L I I I , I I I I , I I � I I I . . p I �, I �. 11 . I I � . . . . 11 � � � I I I I I . �. .1, . - �. i . 11, , I - , � I . ,,, � 4) , � , 'AW'. it, J�, , _L . I Q 11 I � � 1, . .- I . I . I . il , " I . 'Ji . I . . r I . ' , , . "I'll I., I I I I 1) I .1 , I - . , ; , , ill& , " . I I I I , I . I , , , . L . - ,,,-­.�, " � ­,,�­. 1 I—. I 11.1_1__.­­l1_.1­1­� "I'l WI I 11 11 I , 1­.�l ­­­ .. t ­_ - - � r _�14� �__.�_ `. -1-L. 'A _�, , , , - . ---,--.--.k&-�-� I I ;1.1 I.., 1-1-.1.1-1 -1 ... ­­. "--.-,�b--,..�.",.�".�-""--..-, .. ,_ ... . .... - . __ 1-11 I , ­.k� X