HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-08-02, Page 13-N
!a 1k.
to4w it toe'4' d "-.*. I ,
TwBeevio 349wd
citior AvaUs that the( T
structe4 to return the,
a �eek froig, AU4 vuh
The Uayq� iWaL b
suggestion to over-tho"
Perty beloniging to the 100,spn
for a conty4tieseent hamii Th
bad Ae Hospito %*r4 but, It
had "Irteki u"o action, &44�% Qn
Mayor"S suggestion, the clerk 11
bring it to the 4ttepUga at the Hoiiijil�
tal Board again. Also the, Ho.691401
Board Is to be asked to sm. tign the
cutting of some trees at this property.
The Mayor referred I'to � Ibi dam.r
from passing, trainik at the 1044 of the
steus.le,4L.Tas dow;k the hill at- the
of Vater oo street; aba the clerk Is to
write to the local agent suggesting
TQWu grant IS $500, leaving a shortage the adyinability of pIaeI4 a whistle
i: of $379.28 on town patients.
sign at this poluir
Dunty patients, 56 days, paying at The price of milk In Goderich w4x
the rate of 70 cents or $1 a day, $4730;
e,t brought up by His V0111WO.
74 days for one patient, from whom Early In June. hp sal(L he had asked
was received $15. Total received from the clerk to write to various towns
Ws' t AIR.; 'a' to CUulltY patients, W2.3% Cost (J30
WJ�Kd QU 110 Oven and cities in close proximity to Qode
U.36- a -dal). f3ffi.8a. -Hoefittaii rl�j
6F out on county patients. $244,50. r as IV
W W',',4
various plAtces, In Guelph the price
Patients from outside the c
Ounty w". 11 cents a quar� 1#011don, 10 Mats
W 'eiference th t6
74 -days at 70c. and $1, 860180 received. a quart, Seafor
Cost at'$2.36 a day, $1.74-64. Hospital cent%t btMtford 41
i ot the cent# delivered,
. _ 0 _ cents Wingham 8
Out on outside the county patients, Ctint;n 9 cents. And the Deputy
lust thto. - -bb., -Jfl0A1rC,;TdF *reation
ne it was
-Board Reeve added that In KlucardiaA it wN
'lots running Councillor Davis raised the question 8 cents.
,114ki , cured Aia why the hospital should not be self-
turough - trom,,,otrect -,ft street M.,ith a The Mayor said he had asked the
sustaining and pay taxes. The Clinton dairy meb to meet him and three were
doctors sent up patients to It And It present: He requested. that they re -
at z.;750 .,but, C41300t; exple'ad 'OV91, $501) the hospital needed large ass
Nil ' ou
#6i 0 san6tloidaf the,'town e n- Wanes duce the price of milk for'Dthe summer
� 'It f1f from the town we were paying in part he argu-
cJV',`Vhe"-'14ea '19 to,- make room for for attention to Clinton patients. The anyway. and was met with t
Q,Ais 'OduRi and' �bsaket, bQl &Tounds ments of high cost of delivery, etc.,
he , rql� - and-`�havqrl.provjsiont Air_ baseball Wmeron Property, which the hospital but His Worship sdld the same argu-
afil*,�.ifaotppli, 'gk 'thq ajgricultural board holds. was a white elephant on ments applied to other placeif as here,
4jjt*;l* amount of grounds Its hands. e and he said, "I think we have arrived
-for. -recMtf6n js� -necessary In order to Th I e question was referred to th at the time. When the question of the
spec al committee. establishment of a municipal distri-
sea 0, t an(L
W t ien with- The request of the chief Of Police bution depot for milk should demand
for the usual fortnight's vacation for the attention of the -special committee
on himself and Sergi. Moore was granted,
he UdInk reati
I t �con I redl sU dient. of the council." one dairyman had
a lllat-�091481 the chairman of the special committee
6r. :Smmerioa "ked, the council to to have power to ei.gage a substitut ' told him it cost 4 cen&s a quart to de-
authorike- the expen4iture land said , e- liver milk.
that thelamount,the board had asked bergt. Moore's holidays begin Aug. 17th On the motion of Councillors Walih
to be -ralsied for 0. C. I. purposes in and the chief's Sept. 10th. and Wilson, the price of milk and th(
the levy would be'SuffIcient to cover The Mayor mentioned that the water advisability of establishing a municipal
this expenditure. and light commission wanted to re- depot was referred to the special com-
move some small btanches from the mittee.
Dr. Macklin and Andrew Porter also trees. fie. thought It was time that His Worship also thought it ad -
were. present with Dr. E-merson on neither the commission nor the Bell
the deputation. Telephone should feel free to butcher visable that the public works com.
The.- matter. was referred to the lip our trees and fie suggested that mittee should announce the route 01
special committee to consult with the the street inspector more vigorously the sprinkling wagon.
solicitor and bring In p,.report at the enforce soine regard for the trees on it was Intimated that the route ha(
next meeting. I not been definitely fixed, and Council.
the streets. The matter was referred lors Robertson and Story moved thal
A letter from the cemetery sexton to the chairmen of the public works the matter of defining the route o
thankeo the council for increase in and parks committees with powep to the watering cart be referred to th4
salary. act.
A letter of thanks from Mrs. Nic- A 1pttpr from the town solicitor Dublio works committee to report a
Donald for recognition of I er services ,,. next meeting.
I as with reference to the National The advisability of having silen
in caring for, the tate Capt. NIcLe0d Shipbuilding Cii. The conveyance to policemen placed at street intersec.
also Was received. it of the. factory property and the tions niore especially on the Square
A request from the Ahmeek Chaptpr, mortgage had been registered, . also 'rec
it) di I. trafflo, which was mentionei
Daughters of the Empire for Pe"ll's- the insuranco polleies. He suggested by the 'Mayor. was received favorabl�
sion to conduct a tag day at the fall that the mortgage clause should pro- by the council and was referred to tll�
fair was referred to trie special coin- perly be inscrted in the insurance Poll- public works committee.
mittee. Sun_ e iv s, and this will be done. The Alayor also suggested that th
A procladation isetting
day, Aug. 4th, the anniversary (if thf, The following committee reports police catch some of the auto speeder
declaration of war, as a dity for re- Nvere adopted around the Square. He thought I'
affirming the belief of tio, poople in The finance committee, recommended miles an hour was fast enough ruuni
the righteousness of our eam�e, was that the town make a six -months' con- the Square.
e\,prr�:�Pd the tra(A for a ilve-indi spate in both local Chief Posiletlixvaite said the m.ax]
opinion thal-as a special Sunday af- papers, and that the matler of com- mum speed for autos was fixed b
ternoon service of sindlar n ure to ploting details he left in the hands of Provincial Statute at 15 miles In town
what was suggested for .� Ith had the. mayor and the chairman of this and cities and 20 miles In the muntrl
recently been held, a resolution by the committee ; and that� as the assess- The subject of speed limitation wa
eounoll-Would -probably sufflee in this ment roll is not yet completed. a referred to the public works commit
case. and the follmNing rotutioll %%as further time be given the committee tee to go into and see what powers th
recorded on the rninwii : to bring in a report on the matter of town would have in establishing
Moved by the Rvne, seconded by striking the tax rate. lower maximum then Provincial regu
the Deputy Reeve, that on this fourth The public works committee report- lations allowed.
anniversary of thf� declaration of a ed having received -,only one tender The chairman of the market com
righteous war, this ineeting of the for cutting of wood, which it con- mittee was empowered to get some
the Town.,,of (iolerich re- sidered too high, and- recommended one to took after the market scale
ed1rds Its' xibl�p, detorntinaticin to that tenders be asked for again by the , during the absence of the market clerl
continue to a v ctorious end the strug- committee ; recommended that 220 feet 'Mr. Swarts had been doing this bu
gle In maintenanec of thosp ideals of of six -Inch tile out or Victoria street,this was his busy season and he di
liberty and justice %,hieh ary the com- sevver be sold to Mr. Bannister at lo'not want to be bothered with th
mon and sacred causp of the Allies.- cents per foot, tile to be paid for on'scales.
,Carried unanimously. delivery; and recommended that anoth- The Mayor brought up the. questio
A statement N\as submitted by the er car of 15Anch sevver pipe.be ordered of trying to Interest the munlelpalit.ft
hospital board for the vear 1917, which at once. to Include a portion of six- from here say to Stratford In a mov
allowed that the institution is far from inch sewer pipe. I to induce. the Hydro Electric Pow(
self-sustaining, also that there are a Councillor Davis brought ' up the I Commissi�n to lower the rate P(
good number of patients treated free. question of complaints of short i horse power for electric energy. Th
The statement was explained by Dr. weights and measures. As protection , consumption in this area had ggeatl
Emmerson. The following 11gures ap- for the merchants as well as for the increased and we might have a stron
ply to the public v%ards: public, he thought it advisable that case for a reduction.
Town patients, .120 days (30 Pat -,the police should have authority to The Deputy Reeve suggested an ei
ients) paying 740c. or $1 a day, $248-80; weigh stuff of all sorts, and he moved fort to get Sir Adam Beek here and ir
live free patients, IM days, costing that the police be instructed and have vite the Reeves of the townships I
*2.86 a day, Total cost of town pa- power to check up weights and meas- come and hear him. In South Easli
tients. at $2.36 a day, si,f28.08. Hospi- ures. ' hope Township there was a move o
tal 'out of town patients, $s79.28. The mayor suggetted that the mat- Ito �et electric power for every larn
Monday an I
Aug. 12 & 13
Two Shows Each Winston Churchill's great story of the Civil War
Night at 7130 has been made Into a gigantic moving picture
and 9:30 sp=tacle. I
The f Ilm Is so stupendous and so realistic as to be
Adrnisslon for a constant source of wonder to the observers who
follow -it closely. Battle scenes with thousands of
this Attraction soldiers engaged, raised Into the realm of the mar-
velous through the reality of their bayonet at -
1% tacki. charges, artillery duels, and the awf ul
Adults smudeur of the battle at Its wildest, together
with the most beautiful love story ever told, fea-
Children - 15c tures the film throughout.
000anic", ONr.
AUGUs r 12th and I Sth
Tvad Euy
=or " to"Y so noto
I% affords Ured, sclift9roor-
Soring tfWA.
most of us do a lot of walklitm
04 Will appgodme this aftouve
roo rowda.
T obw 16 In your show
404 your W, troubles.
Easy to Wld In
Ne"rouse"satac. Get yourti
Aweleaca� caw*
o1w,dour feid��, I i I -
liur uch bomt. no
*W. Ilea, that at I Me 9110M ia We sire fortunate In J&�
town our* was th OHM like sho securing early de'llvery
city W"$. It 4 out coat"Ant
aim to make 0*0r"" tool at of our New Coats.
kwo as som ast 40(or be) 68wo
Outdoors. Nft*W4lw*Ys0*&*-- Early buying t1ds sea -
ad to show goods, &U4 so "a son Is mom necessary
mmd real under any obli"Non to than evee.to sitake the
W buy. 1
I*# U.1ect.10.q W ft
to the great shortage of all woolen materials and
the great difficulty In muring labor,. -there will
be no chance of getting anything like as good
values as " season advance& Although the 40
orkes of Coatq have advanced, we have no heel -
at go oil
Or is by
McKay, cf, 2: W. McLean, 2b, 0; W.
tE�_ �IiU4 ix
we have ever shown.
a **Y,04 t
The matter mentioned by the Mayor
(.eo. Carroll, sq, 0, R. Pinder. c, 0, 0.
and, an motion of the Deputy Reevei
and the Reeve, Sir Adam Beek is to be
invited to here; a
0 all
TWO 3M Specials
McDonald, 3b, 2; N. MeAtflay, cf, 0: J.
production campaign in Canada and
Councillor Robertson mentioned the
4-1,Iq �.1
!a 1k.
to4w it toe'4' d "-.*. I ,
TwBeevio 349wd
citior AvaUs that the( T
structe4 to return the,
a �eek froig, AU4 vuh
The Uayq� iWaL b
suggestion to over-tho"
Perty beloniging to the 100,spn
for a conty4tieseent hamii Th
bad Ae Hospito %*r4 but, It
had "Irteki u"o action, &44�% Qn
Mayor"S suggestion, the clerk 11
bring it to the 4ttepUga at the Hoiiijil�
tal Board again. Also the, Ho.691401
Board Is to be asked to sm. tign the
cutting of some trees at this property.
The Mayor referred I'to � Ibi dam.r
from passing, trainik at the 1044 of the
steus.le,4L.Tas dow;k the hill at- the
of Vater oo street; aba the clerk Is to
write to the local agent suggesting
TQWu grant IS $500, leaving a shortage the adyinability of pIaeI4 a whistle
i: of $379.28 on town patients.
sign at this poluir
Dunty patients, 56 days, paying at The price of milk In Goderich w4x
the rate of 70 cents or $1 a day, $4730;
e,t brought up by His V0111WO.
74 days for one patient, from whom Early In June. hp sal(L he had asked
was received $15. Total received from the clerk to write to various towns
Ws' t AIR.; 'a' to CUulltY patients, W2.3% Cost (J30
WJ�Kd QU 110 Oven and cities in close proximity to Qode
U.36- a -dal). f3ffi.8a. -Hoefittaii rl�j
6F out on county patients. $244,50. r as IV
W W',',4
various plAtces, In Guelph the price
Patients from outside the c
Ounty w". 11 cents a quar� 1#011don, 10 Mats
W 'eiference th t6
74 -days at 70c. and $1, 860180 received. a quart, Seafor
Cost at'$2.36 a day, $1.74-64. Hospital cent%t btMtford 41
i ot the cent# delivered,
. _ 0 _ cents Wingham 8
Out on outside the county patients, Ctint;n 9 cents. And the Deputy
lust thto. - -bb., -Jfl0A1rC,;TdF *reation
ne it was
-Board Reeve added that In KlucardiaA it wN
'lots running Councillor Davis raised the question 8 cents.
,114ki , cured Aia why the hospital should not be self-
turough - trom,,,otrect -,ft street M.,ith a The Mayor said he had asked the
sustaining and pay taxes. The Clinton dairy meb to meet him and three were
doctors sent up patients to It And It present: He requested. that they re -
at z.;750 .,but, C41300t; exple'ad 'OV91, $501) the hospital needed large ass
Nil ' ou
#6i 0 san6tloidaf the,'town e n- Wanes duce the price of milk for'Dthe summer
� 'It f1f from the town we were paying in part he argu-
cJV',`Vhe"-'14ea '19 to,- make room for for attention to Clinton patients. The anyway. and was met with t
Q,Ais 'OduRi and' �bsaket, bQl &Tounds ments of high cost of delivery, etc.,
he , rql� - and-`�havqrl.provjsiont Air_ baseball Wmeron Property, which the hospital but His Worship sdld the same argu-
afil*,�.ifaotppli, 'gk 'thq ajgricultural board holds. was a white elephant on ments applied to other placeif as here,
4jjt*;l* amount of grounds Its hands. e and he said, "I think we have arrived
-for. -recMtf6n js� -necessary In order to Th I e question was referred to th at the time. When the question of the
spec al committee. establishment of a municipal distri-
sea 0, t an(L
W t ien with- The request of the chief Of Police bution depot for milk should demand
for the usual fortnight's vacation for the attention of the -special committee
on himself and Sergi. Moore was granted,
he UdInk reati
I t �con I redl sU dient. of the council." one dairyman had
a lllat-�091481 the chairman of the special committee
6r. :Smmerioa "ked, the council to to have power to ei.gage a substitut ' told him it cost 4 cen&s a quart to de-
authorike- the expen4iture land said , e- liver milk.
that thelamount,the board had asked bergt. Moore's holidays begin Aug. 17th On the motion of Councillors Walih
to be -ralsied for 0. C. I. purposes in and the chief's Sept. 10th. and Wilson, the price of milk and th(
the levy would be'SuffIcient to cover The Mayor mentioned that the water advisability of establishing a municipal
this expenditure. and light commission wanted to re- depot was referred to the special com-
move some small btanches from the mittee.
Dr. Macklin and Andrew Porter also trees. fie. thought It was time that His Worship also thought it ad -
were. present with Dr. E-merson on neither the commission nor the Bell
the deputation. Telephone should feel free to butcher visable that the public works com.
The.- matter. was referred to the lip our trees and fie suggested that mittee should announce the route 01
special committee to consult with the the street inspector more vigorously the sprinkling wagon.
solicitor and bring In p,.report at the enforce soine regard for the trees on it was Intimated that the route ha(
next meeting. I not been definitely fixed, and Council.
the streets. The matter was referred lors Robertson and Story moved thal
A letter from the cemetery sexton to the chairmen of the public works the matter of defining the route o
thankeo the council for increase in and parks committees with powep to the watering cart be referred to th4
salary. act.
A letter of thanks from Mrs. Nic- A 1pttpr from the town solicitor Dublio works committee to report a
Donald for recognition of I er services ,,. next meeting.
I as with reference to the National The advisability of having silen
in caring for, the tate Capt. NIcLe0d Shipbuilding Cii. The conveyance to policemen placed at street intersec.
also Was received. it of the. factory property and the tions niore especially on the Square
A request from the Ahmeek Chaptpr, mortgage had been registered, . also 'rec
it) di I. trafflo, which was mentionei
Daughters of the Empire for Pe"ll's- the insuranco polleies. He suggested by the 'Mayor. was received favorabl�
sion to conduct a tag day at the fall that the mortgage clause should pro- by the council and was referred to tll�
fair was referred to trie special coin- perly be inscrted in the insurance Poll- public works committee.
mittee. Sun_ e iv s, and this will be done. The Alayor also suggested that th
A procladation isetting
day, Aug. 4th, the anniversary (if thf, The following committee reports police catch some of the auto speeder
declaration of war, as a dity for re- Nvere adopted around the Square. He thought I'
affirming the belief of tio, poople in The finance committee, recommended miles an hour was fast enough ruuni
the righteousness of our eam�e, was that the town make a six -months' con- the Square.
e\,prr�:�Pd the tra(A for a ilve-indi spate in both local Chief Posiletlixvaite said the m.ax]
opinion thal-as a special Sunday af- papers, and that the matler of com- mum speed for autos was fixed b
ternoon service of sindlar n ure to ploting details he left in the hands of Provincial Statute at 15 miles In town
what was suggested for .� Ith had the. mayor and the chairman of this and cities and 20 miles In the muntrl
recently been held, a resolution by the committee ; and that� as the assess- The subject of speed limitation wa
eounoll-Would -probably sufflee in this ment roll is not yet completed. a referred to the public works commit
case. and the follmNing rotutioll %%as further time be given the committee tee to go into and see what powers th
recorded on the rninwii : to bring in a report on the matter of town would have in establishing
Moved by the Rvne, seconded by striking the tax rate. lower maximum then Provincial regu
the Deputy Reeve, that on this fourth The public works committee report- lations allowed.
anniversary of thf� declaration of a ed having received -,only one tender The chairman of the market com
righteous war, this ineeting of the for cutting of wood, which it con- mittee was empowered to get some
the Town.,,of (iolerich re- sidered too high, and- recommended one to took after the market scale
ed1rds Its' xibl�p, detorntinaticin to that tenders be asked for again by the , during the absence of the market clerl
continue to a v ctorious end the strug- committee ; recommended that 220 feet 'Mr. Swarts had been doing this bu
gle In maintenanec of thosp ideals of of six -Inch tile out or Victoria street,this was his busy season and he di
liberty and justice %,hieh ary the com- sevver be sold to Mr. Bannister at lo'not want to be bothered with th
mon and sacred causp of the Allies.- cents per foot, tile to be paid for on'scales.
,Carried unanimously. delivery; and recommended that anoth- The Mayor brought up the. questio
A statement N\as submitted by the er car of 15Anch sevver pipe.be ordered of trying to Interest the munlelpalit.ft
hospital board for the vear 1917, which at once. to Include a portion of six- from here say to Stratford In a mov
allowed that the institution is far from inch sewer pipe. I to induce. the Hydro Electric Pow(
self-sustaining, also that there are a Councillor Davis brought ' up the I Commissi�n to lower the rate P(
good number of patients treated free. question of complaints of short i horse power for electric energy. Th
The statement was explained by Dr. weights and measures. As protection , consumption in this area had ggeatl
Emmerson. The following 11gures ap- for the merchants as well as for the increased and we might have a stron
ply to the public v%ards: public, he thought it advisable that case for a reduction.
Town patients, .120 days (30 Pat -,the police should have authority to The Deputy Reeve suggested an ei
ients) paying 740c. or $1 a day, $248-80; weigh stuff of all sorts, and he moved fort to get Sir Adam Beek here and ir
live free patients, IM days, costing that the police be instructed and have vite the Reeves of the townships I
*2.86 a day, Total cost of town pa- power to check up weights and meas- come and hear him. In South Easli
tients. at $2.36 a day, si,f28.08. Hospi- ures. ' hope Township there was a move o
tal 'out of town patients, $s79.28. The mayor suggetted that the mat- Ito �et electric power for every larn
Monday an I
Aug. 12 & 13
Two Shows Each Winston Churchill's great story of the Civil War
Night at 7130 has been made Into a gigantic moving picture
and 9:30 sp=tacle. I
The f Ilm Is so stupendous and so realistic as to be
Adrnisslon for a constant source of wonder to the observers who
follow -it closely. Battle scenes with thousands of
this Attraction soldiers engaged, raised Into the realm of the mar-
velous through the reality of their bayonet at -
1% tacki. charges, artillery duels, and the awf ul
Adults smudeur of the battle at Its wildest, together
with the most beautiful love story ever told, fea-
Children - 15c tures the film throughout.
000anic", ONr.
AUGUs r 12th and I Sth
Tvad Euy
=or " to"Y so noto
I% affords Ured, sclift9roor-
Soring tfWA.
most of us do a lot of walklitm
04 Will appgodme this aftouve
roo rowda.
T obw 16 In your show
404 your W, troubles.
Easy to Wld In
Ne"rouse"satac. Get yourti
Aweleaca� caw*
o1w,dour feid��, I i I -
liur uch bomt. no
*W. Ilea, that at I Me 9110M ia We sire fortunate In J&�
town our* was th OHM like sho securing early de'llvery
city W"$. It 4 out coat"Ant
aim to make 0*0r"" tool at of our New Coats.
kwo as som ast 40(or be) 68wo
Outdoors. Nft*W4lw*Ys0*&*-- Early buying t1ds sea -
ad to show goods, &U4 so "a son Is mom necessary
mmd real under any obli"Non to than evee.to sitake the
W buy. 1
I*# U.1ect.10.q W ft
to the great shortage of all woolen materials and
the great difficulty In muring labor,. -there will
be no chance of getting anything like as good
values as " season advance& Although the 40
orkes of Coatq have advanced, we have no heel -
.1. iggins, p, 2. vv. Qlazler, 1b. 2. A.
tidlon In saying that out igig selection Is the but
McKay, cf, 2: W. McLean, 2b, 0; W.
and some of the townships in this
district wanted Hydro power.
we have ever shown.
The matter mentioned by the Mayor
(.eo. Carroll, sq, 0, R. Pinder. c, 0, 0.
was referred to the special committee,,l
C. Chapman, ss, 1; J. Islutch, p, I , W,
and, an motion of the Deputy Reevei
and the Reeve, Sir Adam Beek is to be
invited to here; a
0 all
TWO 3M Specials
McDonald, 3b, 2; N. MeAtflay, cf, 0: J.
production campaign in Canada and
Councillor Robertson mentioned the
Brophey, ib, 1; J. Carrie, If. 1; Fred
the United Stat.Vs, an(] conservation er-
la0 of a st6mer calling at Goderich
and,asked If an effort had been made I
rralgie, ss, 0; F. Seabrooke, e, I ; G.
Alexandra Silk Poplins, in all new, rich colorings,
Inented. TlW QuAkVr flats 011"PallY
to get a boat.
tile Worship stated that a resolutlonl
soft in weave and appeqLrance. Does not crush easily.
Poplins are correct and stylish for the fall season. Spec -
of 114-terboro have Installed a mill it)
had been passed that the council work
In conjunction with the president of
Board has " oved th reArtetions-ap-
ial, 36 inches wide, $1.95 per yard.
the Board of Trade in this matter but
the C. P. ft. had no boat they could
plying to PIT'lle eating' places on Pork
One piece heavy quality black Pailette Silk,,beauti-
divert to call qt Goderich, and the
prospect of getting either the Northern
of all kinds which may now bf. servedirels
ful ricb finish, full yard wide. $1.95 per yard.
Navigation Company or the C. P. R.
to go off their routts were almost nil.
If Goderich owned stock In a boat line
at any time by such places operatingJ
Two Splendid
around the large circle of picnickers
tinder a Canada Pood Board License *
Skirt Values
it might have more power to induce
Net exports of pork from the Dominion I
Penetang, respectively.
getic waiters.
have been Inereased by 125,000,000
a boat to call here.
The council then adjourned.
pounds per 4nnum. or 571 per cent
At $4-95. Womeni's Poplin Skirt, black only. Splendid quality, shirred waist,
put on, the prize -winners being as fol-
over the live -year pre-war average.
bound with elastic, making a very smart skirt. At $4-95.
1. 0. 0. F4 PICNIC
At $7-95. Black Silk Poplin Skirt, made in the full straight hanging style,
Huron Lodge's Annital (tuting was
yoke effect. Button trimmed. Special $7,95.
Most Enjoyable
The annual picnic of I-Inron Lodge,
No. 62. 1. o. o. F., which was held on
The Great August Carpet and Housefurnishing Sale
Wednesday afternoon and oNe.ning at
Menesetung Park was a very enjoyable
is in full swing and many special values are being offered, and if you contemplate
outing. The afternoon was uncomfort-
ably hot in the early part but the park
doing any house furnishing this fall you will do well to make your selections now.
is an Ideal spot for a hot its), as you
get what air there Is off the lake, and
about halt way through the afternoon
I he Leading 'Phone and Mail Order Store.
a delightful breeze sprang up.
In the afternoon K ball game was
piayco, with Dan 'Wiggins as unipire
and the foilovving teams, file Ilgilres
after their naines Indicating the rims
credited it) thein on the official score:
'Phone 56
.1. iggins, p, 2. vv. Qlazler, 1b. 2. A.
McKay, cf, 2: W. McLean, 2b, 0; W.
Symonds, rf, 2: W. R. Pinder, If. 1:
(.eo. Carroll, sq, 0, R. Pinder. c, 0, 0.
Bowman, 0, Total 9. Score I)y in-
nings. 3, 1, 4, 0, 1.
C. Chapman, ss, 1; J. Islutch, p, I , W,
Owing to *the success of tt . le flog
McDonald, 3b, 2; N. MeAtflay, cf, 0: J.
production campaign in Canada and
A supply of substitutes for wheat
Brophey, ib, 1; J. Carrie, If. 1; Fred
the United Stat.Vs, an(] conservation er-
114)llr In Canada IS. hvrng rapidly allg-
rralgie, ss, 0; F. Seabrooke, e, I ; G.
forts of both countries in the von-
Inented. TlW QuAkVr flats 011"PallY
Hunt, 2b, 0. Total 7. Score by in-
%umptinn of pork. the Canada Food
of 114-terboro have Installed a mill it)
nings, 3. 0, 0, 1, 3.
Board has " oved th reArtetions-ap-
pi-ndure corn flour. vorn-ineal, otti flour
Ice cream was sold on the grounds
plying to PIT'lle eating' places on Pork
and oatineal, at thr rate of 7,(XX) bar -
during the afternoon for patriotic pur-
of all kinds which may now bf. servedirels
a day. Two nffll�, to product! 2001
poses, and the "eats" were distributed
at any time by such places operatingJ
barrels of substitute flour per day
around the large circle of picnickers
tinder a Canada Pood Board License *
are being installed fit London itlid
seated on the grass by a corps of ener-
Net exports of pork from the Dominion I
Penetang, respectively.
getic waiters.
have been Inereased by 125,000,000
After supper a spri�s of races was
pounds per 4nnum. or 571 per cent
To most men's mincig (in ideal wife
put on, the prize -winners being as fol-
over the live -year pre-war average.
is that of an acquaintance N%ho is said
lows: I
to spoil her husband.
Boys tinder 14. 'Wellington Donald-
son..Mahlon Moore. NEEDED
Girls under 14, Thelma. McAllister, Everyone vho is willing to go on
Madeline McKay. the farms for the harvest has been
Ladies' thread -needle race, Jean registered. It remains now to organ -
Chapman, Mrs. F. Seabrooke. ize the volunteers. Those who are not
Married ladies' race, Mrs. Seabrooke, canvassed by local committees should
Mrs. W. Abell. come forward and get in Much with
Married men's race, Wes. 'McLean, local organizations. At points where
Frank Saunders. organizations are lacking, volunteers
A wuple of tugs -of -war also were on should start farm employment agen-
the program, one for the ladies and one cies on their own initiative so as to
for the men, but the rain came on be- bring farmers and war -workers to -
fore these Pvents were reached and gether.
they were cancelled.
In the. evening R dance was held In GREAT OPPORTUN[Ti' FOR FARMERS
the hotel. the Goderich Orchestra sup-
plying tho music. Allied Europe depends on America
The capable commfttpe In charge of for'50 per cent. of its food supply. Af-
the pirnie arrangements consisted of ter the war a large proportion of this
W. T. Moore, chairman: Cipo, Symonds, demand will continup. The whole
L. L. Knox, C. A. Held, Thos. Wallis A orld is short of food-stuffii. The
and Jno. Newcomb,. live stock population has been 114'4,rea".
e(l. liussia has been socially dis or-
ganized, ond Is not producing enough
Don't internipt a miser at his de -Ito feed herself. Farmers (if Canada
votion. lie might have to count his will ha -.P an export ruarket for years,
money all over again. 1.1lich as for \Nhieh thv� tia%,- rw\,-r
Corns cannot exist when Hollowalh dreamed.
Corn Cnre Is applied to them, because
it goes to the root andkills the growth. ADN'FRTISE IN THE KIFAR
The "Traction" or -S
mark is on every p�yen�ent
and roacl in 'every
of Canacla. 41 Dther mark
is the sure sign that all if;
well aheacl.
Your G!ngernan Stoc6
Dunlop was.
TN%o pound -4 - r iowr per vmieek is
to be tio. sugar ".41o'n tile 1111",
If that \%ero I., Inelit-11, vandy, iir,-
\%ould hardly t,,, \\orth 11%ing for,
inany a girl- Ilao.11toll Herald.,
For Infants sind Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature o
RM1391175 A I05TE
a 17 5111PLOA05 IN
Oliff A W 5Y 0000000 PEOM
04 CA14ADA - DY U410WIM AwAv
Twit CRUSTS - "E LIST 011125 , Thl
INIs wA.5Te Anps -NRzr ar zwt AfosrNoorRw
5z1,9,4fA.Q1,Y_rs ro rAe CERMA N NA V Y