HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-08-02, Page 11Tht Ir nr rptou 13CC ON Irelorsomiled, silsteer. Prot. X N 4 'r 1 over la�t at"'who6o 401nmeir ho or� Trade., x; I, %NASO youn"St soutir I ll X0w. Clooki etauititer of'Mrs. "s"HiAtt 1. 4W, TO] ,* . , 10 � x T14 Ile% NY35 married %A'ednes(#Y` eVellInX, - illy ti "% % 157% 159% 'ISSIA L Is3v IS?% illy 27111. at Los number of the basl�, 4 110 VCU� .# 54 41 143 10 IN%, Vt. a _54 Melbourne Gailer, Huron County L ell cbamber, Clinton, d Oler dis, At*.' 69 67% .63". 447% W,10 1, 67 11 111 cussing the question proeeeOCO r 40*�k *pon. a former U11110111 tile 68 01 4T% �t Mr. Thus. Mawn, has come C Organization Ot a Bankers' Asso, Wrk� Ar Os TA On liation object "will be to deal with It Air lately df� a song writer. que5tl' Sept, 44.65 ..... ..... 44-14 the P4 of Import to the banks aii ZArd- are 01 Writtl34, a Popular number well as IN public, to discuss prob- Sept, 26-70 29.75 26.70 :6. Al, k 1, 0"04 10"t- 10 .504� 10 be going well in the lemS Ribs- M%d _ and last but not least to get Sept. $tavm. .. 1. 34-05 24-55 34.85 24.37 24." 1 "00* acquaialed with one another. Regular Re Ja Armstrong Wo #Zba with a 06u; *"wk stiA �44r, oucepssfully managing the meetings will be held from time to JAcLasoin Stock 134at . Wox* iiiiii, "_4 XI OrMW.19 Poultry Farm for tile pas� time and good results are expected to OATTLE BUAKRM $we 640�� Od 'S XAMLU K IOX Of-OV01) YeU8, Alfred Haeker dis- be the outcome ot t4c$e gatherings. 04 4101100 =,f POW of the oil tilt last week to Waltel- The officiary chosen for 'a s tarf�-!Dff ig CH10AG0 UVE l$Tsaipa. AO.40,'Of Tees%%ater NN -10 gets Posses- as follows Chicago. Aug. S.-VErtilted Stites Bill. Atria Q reau of UarketL)_Hog*_R0CsJp 0 ISt. ts. 33.00000'. 14 President -0. Williams, Goderich. asa�poi L I market. strong on boat light and beat TOWN' MERCHANTS' DAY have got into a rut and It ro _4r4 and rs, James Kerr, Seaforth, -Treak-H. It. Sharp, ( Inton. butchers; others about zoo lower tb" doubtful If they Nvill wiakft -J-. annoill Ex6�eutiv . I rs. Moulton, Sea- em eyr co, See. !I Saturday's averis". Butch Hard 8 0-Y, 'Itr T"omp"01'. ��Ce the engagement of their only $15.10 to 00 4_4 .4411$,11iter, Ethel Gertrude forth ; Blomilleld, Wingbam ; and Mr. $W70. light $19-45 to $19.80. packing, $to take full advantage 61 the opportu$�. Departmental Stores Can No Longer ties that Present themselves todW rth to Mr. James Harrington, 164erich. to rough, $17.50 to $IT.": bulk Of GhLe Real Bargains Partridge, of T�ronto, son of sales' $18"is to ;1S.fSt PIga. go" and The war, which has turned everythp* and Mrs. Arthur Partridge. of Tile Inaugural was a pleasant gath.- choice, $27.7f; to Sl$.6& L 0 1 Mont WArltworth, Ontario, tile marriage ering and future meetings will no . Cattle.-Itecelpt4 " 000- market. beat 'WAlkerton Telescope : In comersa- upside down. has created opportu* ties at every turn. By intell1likent, 4-P. ofto take to doubt be promotive of both pleasure attv" and beat fiutcKe;� at Phace quietly in - + 'dull. and mosti- &K. * aft- 1- - ­­Jhr­-77, ---- - - _7 Andil­_ oss. , denolds r.00 Me ' d i,. Nelgon and,Ot, Am =Tr �Temperam!.' "&JILL Zur,%.,D, jo� 12 it,: lin",_ by, jFji�i i GAL C41RDS 9 GARROW, Barrister. Etc.. CioqVr NortL st0eel and X A' G E; R Q Bstrister Solicitor, Notary Publi and donvoyaliver . OM": Court House. 400derich. C, RAYS 'Phone 88 JW oBi�+Jsitir,IiSoJ1ct1or Notary Public Etc Etc amilion At., sterlinw Bank Blocl Real Goderich ns4rance Estate, Loans, CONVEYANCING AND NOTARY GEORGE E. GREENSLADE, Baylleld, Con veyaricing arid Nowry Public KILLORAN & COOKE 'Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub llcimlllt�'On the Square, 20nd door rrour Hamilton � street Modell. private tunas to too-, sy lowest rate:a. NV.:-PROLTDFOOT K. C., H. J COOKE, L. kILLORAS,- _ D. 'AU 0 EERING T ROMAS GUNDRY. Zive Stock and General Auctioneer, : I, Hamilton street, Goderich. Sale$ made every -where and all effi)rts Motu to ive you satisfaction. FnnlersFsalo notes discounted. VET"INARV WW. F. CLARK, V. 8., graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College lor- onto. I respectrully call tile attent;on or horse oWners to my approved nienwa or operating, on horses' teem. A fresli .4up ply of veterinary medicine alANa ' %, on hand. Office and stables-Neivgate sueet. Goderich. INSURANCE cKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE IN�t lt.\',CE WCO. Farial and Isolated Town PropertN insured. Value or property insured up t;. ianuaTy, 1910 -43 048 975 M OkJFREWi:;�ames Co --011y, aoderidif;- Jas. Evans, %*i �_ " i - Beechwood; T. E. Hays, Sec. rorth. DIRECTORS -D., F. McGregor, �eafortli J. 0. Grieve, Winthrop ; Nvin. \\ rin. con� stance. George McCartney. Tucker�rnj ni : Jahn Perris, flarlock; John Benne"Ise, Broadliagan - Malcolm WEAan, Bruceflold. -7j ­J�. .10 : Yeo,JMo(S)dei , i sallo val'ortli tic ell orlt t m le ney, Policy Holders can -pay tholi, a�,(­rupnti at R. H. Cutt's Store, Godericli, N J. Nlor- rish's Clothing Store, ClInton, ur J. If. Reid's, Bayfield. FOR GOOD RELI&BLE Shoe Repairing Tp SMITH & RING 06 4X.Str4at . Opposite Knox Church GIVE US A TRIAL Drophul Bros. GODE�ICH The Leadina funeral Dircistors and Embalmer Oraer8 carefully attended to -at all hours -night or day. CLUBBINC RATES WITH THE STAR JU Star and Toronto Daily Gloho ......... .. $5 25 ,4 .1 11 Daily Mail and Em5iro ......... 5 25 is 1. 11 Montreal Family aralif and Weekly Star .................. 2 65 Weekly Sun (Toronto) .......... 2 40 Toronto Daily Star ....... ..... 4 30 Toronto Daily World ........... 5 25 Toronto Daily News ............. 4 30 is 1. Farmer's Advocate .............. 3 00 44 9. The Country Gentleman ......... 3 25 London Daily Advertiser ....... 5 00 London Daily Free Piro" ....... 5 00 Montreal Weekly Witness ...... 2 " W 11 World Wide, Renewal ......... 4 25 Presbyterian and Westminster. 3 30 Catholic Register ............... 2 90 Saturday Night (Toreale) ...... 4 25 0 McLean's Magazine ............. 2 75 - Homs Journal (Tweetai) ........ 2 25 Woman's Home Companivis (Now York) ................... 3 25 The Saturday Evening Post.... 3 25 The Lailies' Rom Journal - .. - 3 50 enchia poatage to Canadian dubscrinem) Tie Camasliam C*ambyms (Weekly) ..................... 2 00 The Youth's Companies ........ 3 75 Scottish Americas ............... 4 00 Scientific Amerwais ............. 4 75 Cossecipplitan Magasise ...... 3 00 MtClars, I Magalies ............ 9 00 American Has" and Gardens (monthly) ..................... 4 50 T,o Anbscriber's In the United Rtitea go cents addition to all above, to pay owtage. Any combination of the above plabil- slationR may be had with The Star, for The Star and Daily Mail and EmPire. 45 25 The Family flershil$2.65 less $1.50) 1.15 Tie Three Papers ...................... $6 46 Remittances by PORNLI Note or Ex. iprew order at our risk. Address VANATTER & NAFTEL, Publishers The Star, Goderich, Ont. r � OIL on w I a weekly newspaperman a 0 newspaper auvertiollis, the 1 0*1 and, profit. Ilariday.- 185 loads of western$ hers: A NEWSPAPER - Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Brown, of Corn- Rev. James W. Hodgins, upitil re- es ran *So to Sk lower thish lost few days ag%, tile representative of a merchant, prov"04 he gives Vk6le 144 ves steady to Itio-lower. Boot lives up to Ills i , dveretsfiiff, can Kreiu* Wall, Ont., announce the engagement cently the lector Ot St. Paul's church. wee c Toronto firm expressed the opinion Inc ',,,tso his business. Under pres�*A 1, of their daught cattle good, choke and prime. $17.60 to Midsummer SWIM that the day of the town merchant normal conditio" snore so than to er, Lillian Ray, to Rev. in Stratford, died about 8:30 Monday ;18,16; common and MOdIUM. $10.60 to Charles Wesley e , had returned if he only realized It, YeaM tile town merchant flag Ills D W it Cosens. M. A.. morning of last week, after an Illness $17.60. Butcher stock cows and heifers. The Goderich Star is in' a position to �f Brvanton, Rev, and extending over many months. He was ",25 to $14.34. Canners and cutters. to Ile pointed out the cost of doing bust - Mrs. T. Wesley Cosells, of Cornwall, In his 64th year. having been born on to $7,25, Stockers and OfTer residents in this section a real stess In the big cities hadqnounted so portunity to grasp wflat logjc4i* ho vind'fincy. S10 -to $13; Infar, Iiargain it% the way should 'lie his `own. Of newsPoPers, high during the Past three years that Ont., formerly Of Clinton, The mar- July Bill, 18M, at Lucan, the son of c mleme n aLnd medium, $7.75 to $10; WZi NVO have concluded an arrangement 0 tile departmental stores could no long- riage will take place the middle of tile late William N. Hudgins and ecoalves. good and choice. $I& to $14.65. With The Family Herald and Weekly 2��) � August, grandson of Jarnes Hodgins, J. P.. one SheaP--R*Q0IPt*, 17.00: native lambs $tar of Montreal by which or afford to give real bargains any 40001111OW- I we can offer Emma M of the first settlers of Middlesex. Ile nerchant, 01 weak, westernt strong to Mo higher: no more, but that the country 10,ke, relief of the la chose; natives here. District range that great Weekli and The Ooderich whose costs have not rise,, In pro - George WheatleY, Passed away at the receiyed his education at the Western lambs. $18.10, feeder. 817.35: sheep and Star to new subscribers until 3afluary portion, Could undersell the big fellow v t - home of her daughter, Mrs. Lobert Unl0rsity, and Huron College. Lon- yearlings strong to higher: -rise t5t. Will, for tile small sum of 05 cents. oll Alinoat an� article. This seems to 0. Rogerson, Ifullett. on Tuesday Norn- don being ordained deacon in 1883, and orethere, $14.50: Idaho breeding year- The Family Herald publishers are I I Ing ()f last week. She was born In priest 'in 188-1. After remainin at lings. 119. $18 Lambs. I choice and pritine, offering one hundred dollars Ili pri;tes be a well founded statement, for A -fd\.v $17 50 to .10: Tried um and good. $15.50 f- i.A fits first charge, that of Bay weeks ago the wife in; a wage-eartler S611unerset, Eng., arid carne to Canada fleld, for to -j17.50: Culls, $12 to $14. Owes. choice for tile best suggestlons to 'mPrOVO In a -nearby tip%Vn, ,visitted to get a suit with her parents when quite young, five years, Mr. Hodgins took charge of and prime. $13.25 to �13.75, medium and that paper and the offer Is open to sill W I LSON'S St. Thomas church, Seaforth. Here lie good, $11 to $13.25: oulls. $4.50 to $�.50. of clothes for her little boy. She first r settling at Whitby and later coming to Ito readers. Orders for the two papers visited tile locki stores that sell that Goderich 'ro,�vnsbjp (near Clinton). remained from 1888 to 19m, and then EMAST SUFFU40 LIVE STOCK- May be left at this office. To sub- class pf Roq4si, ex ,amitled thq quality The deeeased was married 54 years ago removed to Trinity church, Chatham, 'East Buffalo. Aug. 5 -Cattle --ft- scribers already on our list The, Family a n -d ce& Sic Saw all - a, d . of - We to George Wheatl where he remained for four years. cottits, 5000. Good. strong; common. weak: Hei4ld will be sent for the balance of got prft '_ I ­­* - F LY PA DS 911- of Hullett. Mr. He was rural dean of Huron during prime steers. .117.25 to $17.50; shl�olng departmental store making � special 1! k,11 I k4nlll� l 1 4 Tl4 A Wheatle�N died terr-ars ago. steers. $14.66 to 117; butchers. $12 to the year for 40c. his stay in Seaform. It' Was from $116,50; yearlings. 413 to $16.60: heifers, sale of boys' suits and she webt to the -laines Francis Turnbull, son of tile Chatham that Mr. Hodgins went 4o $10 to $19 -GO; cows. $6.50 to $11.60; bulls, THOUSANDS OF MEN REQ1.11RED FOR cj ty next day intending to t4ke advan- 'S 's , 'A n , 1-1 0 N late Jarnes Turnbull, for many years Stratford as rector of St. Paul's church. $7.50 to $11: stockers and feeders. $7.50 HARVESTING IN WESFERN tage Of the bargain. In the depart- STI(K principal of the Glinton High School, He preached fits farewell sermon there to 210.50; fresh cows and springers, $65 CANADA mental store she found prices unuch s coming Jail- Calves-Receibta. 1400. Strong; $7 to Thousands, of men are required to As a result site bought her buy a suit (tied suddenly at t4e bonle of Ills sis- on the anniversary of hi to $145, higher for a poorer quality of goods. ILI s ter Mrs Wright, ut (,t) 11011le Bay on nary 27th, 1918. Ile is survive , d bv $19.00. Sni'ldav,­.Jul� 28th. Mr. Turnbull had his widow, two daughters and tlire� Hogs -Receipts, 3400. Easl9r; heavy. help ni the work of harvesting the at the local slore. This ls aii actual Clean 6t. h1W,_.d&. So d by all Drug- abel and Dorothy, at bottle � $20,50 to $20.70; mixed, yorkers, light country merchants gists, Grocers and General Stores. 90110 uP to Go Home on Friday, ac- sons: NI, 'We'stern crop. The G P. 11. has com- happening. Bitt Yorkers and pigs. $20.75 to $20,90; roughs. pleted arrangenleills to transport to the V01"Pdniod b� his little sort, for a Llo�d, of St. Paul's School, Concord: $17.50 to $18: stags, $10 to $15. West this great army of workers. \\,-ek's fishing. lie \\as fit his usual N. H., absent on leave front the Ain- Sheep and lamba-Recelpts. 800. Steady; health hill was taken suddenly ill on erican Ambulance Field Service Sec- I lambs, $14 to $18; Yearlings, $to to $15* For those going froun points In oil- SAM'11:0 and rw\er rallied, Heart tion, No. 5: Cecil, formerly of tliv wethers, $10-50 to $14: ewes. $6 to $13: tario to Manitoba, 'Saskatchewan arid I mixed sheep, $13 to $13,50. Alberta extra trains \vIll be operated trouble wa, thf- cause. The deceased NIOurted Rifles, no\v of the paymaster's through t., Wilinipeg (the (list 1-11) tiling had been bookkeeper with the'Gordon department of Military District No. Spain Is Sf lent. Point) \\ithout vhange� Mael,ax poople for many years. Ile is 2 Toronto, arid Reginald, formerly of bN his wife and two sons. the 69th Field Artillery. T[ remains PARTS, Aug. 5 -Considerable sur- Going trill West, M2 bi Winnipeg. ;'Is') stn'\i%ed bv his mother, one \\ere intern -d in the Stratfloerd ceine- prse is majitfested here over the Betin'lling trii) East, $'18 froin \\'In - brother, Thomas. (if Winnipeg, 'And one tery. apparent silence of the Spanish nil)"g- press In the face of the torpedoing Con.4ull li Agents regarding of so many Spanish ships in the transportati,ai arrangenienis west or past month. Fast on the heels of Wiflnill�'g k6pt-6s-drT-a.6--any-NFr`ucT_ure o -f -wood the news of the sinking of the Ra- Goitill Dotes BIG LOSS IN GRANARIES ever built. The experience of many mon Lariniga and Roberto, flying A119kist 20111 and AuKust 29th All Plan to attend tarme is that grain, mature enough the flag of the Spanish Ministry, stations In lintario, \\o�t of Smith's to be Vaced in storage, will not spoil and conveying the ambassador from Falls, up to and includii it Toronto, Western Ontatrio's Bad Weather and Mice Destroy on contact with concretie, nor will Athens, comes the report of the lat. on Lak,- 4ontario Shore [Ant , I and Have - corn mold, provided there is good est outrage. The steamer Eguspuxa. lock-Pvtorhoro line, also fri, stitiOns Popular ExImibifion Much Grain. ventilation and the root is tight. TO returning from Alexandria with a Kingston lo Renfrew Junct,""ti, i ; I chis - get rid of rats and mice destroy their cargo of cotton, was torpedoed in i%e, and frow stations (,it Toronto-Stld- $Mft added Concrete Structures Best How to nesting place and to this end con- the Mediterranean. Part of the crew bin'\, lhw. Frimi stations on Sailit $30f,000 IN PMES th" year Make Old Granary .71111clent- crete is pre-eminently the best ma- were lost. Stv. Marle branch. Front stations on terial and is recommended for all Apart from a brief announce- Main 111w, Beativagr to Franz, 111VInSiV0. FoU Progrisaimaxis of Attiractioiss twicos daft Plush Ewes to Increase 1919 farm structures, ment in Madrid that the Spanish Prom slations, nell,1111% iur1ctj()t1 to Two Speed Events dady Fireworlice each night Lamb Crop - Great 8�orfage or Under average present day con- press considers the sinking of the Port Memooll lind 11u'r'ktA(in-llobva ditions a reinforced concrete granary N - s[sressit Pure Food Show In Ptocess Buillclins; Fall Wheat Seed. Ramon Larintga "the gravest Inci- gemi. Plenty of Music. Education. IF-fertainmerat and Midway lifferriment may represent an additional Outlay dent produced between Spain and AuKust 22nd and August 29th -From (Contributed by Ontario Department of of about 25% over that required to Germany since the beginning of stations \%o.,t and smith or Toronk), Agriculture. Toronto.) construct of timber, but the high effi- the war," nothing further has been Ill) to anti including Hamilton and N 0 hard and fast rules can be ciency distinctive of concrete quick- said or done. Diplomatic circles ex- Windsor, iint., on ()�\en Solind, \\,al- ,a,d do ly offsets this Increased initial cost. hibit a keen interest in knowing kertoll, T­­\%ator, Winghain, Elora, %am a win for the erection of Concrete construction has many in what the Spanish Government will do St, Nlary'r, llm,t convenient and efficient short, important advantages. The In view of the circumstances. A pe- lim-well and sl. 1,11oulas branvhv,�, and granary. Each problem re- contexrts are safe from the depreda- rusal of the Spanish papers arriving slalitilis rf)r(q1t,j alld [I(Irtli 11) iltilt,1, LONDON CANAM quires a knowlefte of local condi- tions of rodents, is damp-proof, re- here Indicates that the press appears juellisi\e. Sept."' to 14"' 1918 tions and quires neither paint nor repairs, Is to have been prevented,from. saying Further partivulars friun .1k).A. I�itld. ,requirements. OmnarleB, fireproof, the grain Is perfectly 'pre- much about the sinking. It Beents p, it. Ticket Agent, or W. B. 11o\%ard, N. IL -New antom .0 c -or. D --d- aa- EfOrten Sta., Adads- in the maJority of cases, fire built served under all conditions of clima- the Government Is trying to rise the 1­ii.,trict flaswngor Agent, rorfint,j, t1ill. alon $1, coven auto mid drivero including pesirkilast Ot c&,. In eneJosures on the barn floor, and tie, and temperature, and the result- new espionage laws to prohibit Prize List. F -try Fo s. Application for Spa &ad &U constructed with too little regard . for Ing structure is practically everlast- comment. information from the S*cr*tary Ing. - Prof. John 19vana Ontario vm "...m. LACoL W. hL Gartshorsi-Pirasislant .. ............ ... . . strength, durability and convenience. Agricultural College, Guelp'll. A. K Haut. Ssaissfwg These structures should be located Soldiers Raid B. C. Labor Temple. immediately over the feed room, each Care of Ewe! After M VANCOUVER, Aug. 6 -More than 1 200 returned soldiers, officers and bin having a chute with a control - In' order to avoid udder trouble men, paid an unannounced visit to ling slide, or a canvas distributor to it is necessary to keep a close watch the Labor Temple late Friday after - convey the grain to the hopper of of the ewes for a few days after they noon, broke down some inside doors. are separated from the lambs. Not secured entrance to the offices, and the grinder; or if the grain is In- a few cases of defective udders can threw books and records Into the tended for market, to a Back placed be traced to the want of a little care street. V. R. Midgley, a prominent on the scales below the chute ready in this respect. Milk out just Labor man, was taken into the to receive It. To facilitate emptyinr enough to keep the udder soft the street and secured his freedom after V00% day after the lambs have been wean- he had kissed the Union Jack RADT the grain, the floor of the bins should be sloping. ed. After two days' time they are Becausq Albert Goodwin, alleged The important consideration in the again milked out. Some ewes do draft evader, and once prominent in not need any more attention after Labor union circles, was shot by a construction of grunarles and bins the second milking. Such ewes may Dominion policeman, who is now for loose grain is to be sure that the be marked to indicate that they are charged with manslaughter, about structure is designed with sufficient dry. Three more days should elapse 4,000 union workers of Vancouver strength to prevent bulging of the before the next milking is done and laid down their tools at noon and sides and springing of the floor, for grain, owing to its enormous out this method followed until it is cer- say they will remain Idle 24 hours its Misr AT so some - ward thrust, corresponding tain the endre flock is safe. In con- a protest. what to that of water, has a ten junction with the method outlined ....... .. . dency to burst the sides unless well above the ewes should be separated Crack Flyer Believed K-11". 1 .,4, . ! V_ ome distance from the lambs, and or Edward 4 be on scant past tires'iintil all are per- Mannork, one of England's most 7: braced or supported, Timber con LONDON, Aug. 6. -Maj . ..... 1 11 . struction requires frequent repairs to .... . . prevent decay and general deprecia- fectly dry. This Is a good time to I successful flying men, who had fig 0 ov- oh� fl� 1, A 1. .1 tion from use. It is always liable to ' c an c,,u on, a un- German machines to his credit up to climate conditions. The boards will desirable, members. Non -producers a month ago, In missing, according crack and shrink in the summer when arid those with broken mouths and to the Evening Standard. the bins may be empty, and when the poor udders should not be retained. Major Mannock was last seen new grain is dumped Into the bins an 1L good deal of the success Of tile fighting over the German lines July enormous quantity iubsequent lamb crop will depend 20, when his machine was observed promptly tile- upon the trealment the ewes receive I to fall in flames. appears Into the cracks and crevice.4 front Thile of weaning until after they and through mice holes, entailing are 'bred. They should have good Naval Chief Is Out. considerable loss to the farmer, to pastures and be given an opportunity COPENHAGEN, Aug. 6 -Admiral the consumer and to the nation. of putting on flesh. This is what is von Holtzondorf, chief of the Ger- Thousands of bushels of grain are, In uninionly called "flushing." Nothing man Admiralty Staff, has been re - this way, annually lost to the pro- ducers through sheer Indifference to �is better for this Purpose than rape tired for reaBons of health, accord - pas t it re. It Is usually from six weeks Ing to an announcement by the seml- the condition of the granary. Yet (,) txvo nionths from date of sowing official Wolff this preventable waste may be Bureau. of Berlin. easily that rape is re�vdy for pasture, It Admiral Reinhardt Scheer commau- remedied and made Ai6cure by lining rape pasture Is not available new the bins with sheet metal. 3eeding or second crop of clover wfli der of the battle fleet', hiaii been de - The watchword is -Conservation.-, ,signaled to succeed Admiral von Every grain is needed ;erve f1jrly well. Stock should not Holtzondorf. to feed ill e be turned on rape or fresh clover for Empire and its Allies. It Is, there- the first time when the leaves are fore, highly desirable at this time �t from rain or even dew, In order Clemenceau Is Sustained. to bead evety effort to eliminate all to avel d trouble from bloating.- PARIS, Aug. 6-Premler Clemen- Possible leakages and conserve our ! J. P SIT cliville, B.S.A., Ontario Agri- ceau's Government was given a vote of confidence in the Chamber of De - grain for the need of the Allied na College. Guelph. tions. While there Is an annual d c�: Duties, the ballot standing 312 to preciation on a timber structure 164. The vote of confidence was ask - varying from 4 to 8%, concrete con- Drive,; A�cilhrna Before It. -Thr sinoke od on the question of rejecting in struction grows better as It grows or vapor from Dr. J. 1). KPIlogg's As- amendment providing for the calling Ad; hence concrete properly re- thma llempdy gives asthrnR no chance up of the 1920 class of recruits. inforced, in the Ideal material for to linger. It eradicates the cause gristlitrift, bectuse Iffs both damp- lour expp.rience with tile relief-gi-ona Traitor to Seirve Life Sentence. proof and rat -proof, two very essen- rrmedy shovok flow actual and poslh�e I i LONDON, Aug. 6. - Lance-Corpl. tial factors in th6 construction of is the succf,r it gives It is the rpSull Joseph Dowling. of the Connaught or Inng stud% and exVorinient and was p ngers, . ta who was landed on the Concrete properly made to sjult 'not, submitted to the public until its coast of Ireland from a German sub - misting conditions, Is absolutely Im- maki,rs kn(�w it %%tmld do s W rk marine three months ago, was pro- oftTiOug _L0 -Moisture. and can in- we 11. nounced guilty and sentenced to "row death. The sentence, however, was commuted to lienal servitude for life. CAUUV RANK AS A ROG PROWER DENMAW dw nsogpip"eft up, ea,." goes, Farm Fmployment Orilandiation E,4rh Pro%incv In 4�innda has; 1tK or- WLLANIX minization lo -nr,)Il \%h,� are %,,ilfirur t,- IwIp )n t1w farm. Mrike GtRMANY. 4*." do qv do eat W ON J4 nqutrtp�. and rz,t in foucli \Nitt, ywir UNITED im.;Il - STATE& 9 00IMPARED WITH OTHER NATIONS ON THE BASIS io,.n t r,-riz, t t,� 1,mirl, Nwir THEM D OF THE NUMBER OF ho-- lolls a sl,,r\ mWi \%hi3Oter� m it FRANCF_ ANIMALS TO THE HUNDRED ACRFS OF GRF-AT gwdft'ft�ftoas S LAND IN FARMS, BRITAIN. ITALY dallsiodillsdas 4 CANADA. 111011,404V 3 0Q a 4 0 The univeroal military Z Memo i v i c e gum - A Soldier's offering to Us sweetheart Is naturally the sweetmeat that gave him most refreshment and great- est enJoyment when on duty. The Flayour Lasts .v I F D01j­k,__ F ty Ito.: -q iv U C, , y A.& 1_ � -- ' �1