HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-08-02, Page 9"OAS, 41, "ill" W ou"Swilaw,11-1- - 4*4, � Z' 711 101--pq rT, 0 1, Five Vile Front. NIE it -L& ING BANK 0 AN F C � AM, sav e U The money you earn is one of your best St JOHN AMD CMMW M81144W QV.�LLLCk �,rA. K V. F. JONE& Aset Cm% Mal,4w AL PAM 61�� $1-%00.00 RESMEMD. #0.50.090 The'2*ntd of a Safety Depm ,jt Box rePreftnts a very low rate of Insurmca on your valuable You will find our vaults il Vly kilcated and in chwwa of courteous offick1s. GDdench Zrancb, G. WILLIAMS, Manager:_ Life Assupance Go. of Canada' PROSPEROUS AND PROGRESSIVE After forty-seven years The Sun Life of CanoUda has absurances in force exceeding 1312,000,000. Excepting companies issuing industrial policies, the Sun Life Issues anausliv a larger volume of new assurances than anv other company In the British Empire. It has, moreover, the largest annuity business in the world. H. R. LONG9 District Agent. I A CALOAD OF XXXXX SHINGLES ON HAND AT THE GODERICH PLANING NMLS CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Manufacturers of and Dealers in ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL We have always on haDd a stock of 9ANADA PAINT CO.'S READY -MIXED PAINTS (EXTRA GOOD QUALITY) $100 par. gal. NAIES GEASS HANGERS AND TR A I'-flK8 M.N-1 ALL KINDS OF BUILDERS' HARDWARE A SUPPLIES CEMENT LlIME CHOPP-TNG IN CONNECTION, ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. JAMES BUCHANAN, Manager VO^ SERVICEI_ 1918 STUD SEASON 1918 IKE MEDIVNI 51,01 A. T IL 1070 C. N. R. The Standard Bred Show and Trotting Stallion. Full brother of Dustyn 2 141 and Inez M 2.17t. Was shown fifteen times -four- teen times first and once second. IKE MEDIUM -will stand for the Improve inent of stock thiR seas -on as follu ws: TRUP.SDAY-will leave his own at -able and ww,md north to BeIrve for noon; then to 1. the Farmers' Home. Inaham. for night. FWDAY-will proceed to Blu6r&le to H&II-A for noon; thence to Gordon MoDonald's lk-upools. for nlxht. SATURDAY -will proceed to his own stable BlIg, where he will remain until the I fcilo�vjng ursday morning. ELMER DICKSON 515M A. T. R. 2W C. N tt. Race Racom 2.A The Grand Oircult Race filod Show Horue- Vint prize winner at Seaforth and Clinton Shows. The only stable in the VoIn7ritSypr(iinfifHaron that ever oftred the "r� vlom of a stadnou with a record of 2:10 or hot E&K .'.% DICKSON 2XIII, will stand at his OV auto I otal Barns, Birth. ZIT b exciTtion or the followinxrOutti. MOND Y -will leave his ovm stable, Illyth and propead to Auburn for noon: thence, by w& f Niler 0. MoNall a foe might. w1ZSDA --will tifoo"d t* C*lbOrn6 HM%crloh, for noon and remain the - until dduqed^� noon. WJWNESDA -will proceed by -7 Of im-m- rai, 141vtb where be *ill remain 1ph"a In Mrth. Oct- WAWAN0131W FME lNgun W OEM epabe stwoo lbeat to the Proview rl"d woo Santa. IA" WAA taftraill 44 fts *c whether an Me Carlo ar "Ast vftg so WAlto ustatest. The Goal Situation Might Be Better and we would advise anyone who can use Soft Coal to lay in a tou or two Inow as a matter of precaution ftEmon Estate OF GIP-t,S WANTED am I A"LV AT GOT)ERICH KNIMNO Co. 1,1 MAST STANXT I I RAII,WAY T114,14 TADW Q.v. so - Goderich-rmave 6.90 am. 1.30 p.m. iff-litoa-Ardye 11.811 OJX6 8.80 P.M. Toronto� 11 11.94 aLm. 6.80 p.m. Torentoo.-Etave 8.10 am. 6.10 P.m ffsmu"­ " 9.10am. 4.10 pm: Godeddh-Axdve, 12-05 P.m. 9.04 p.m. An traibs arrive ard leave Union Station 0. T. It. Goderjoh-Lo&ve 5.50 a.m. 2.30 p.m. Toronto- Arrive 16.00 a.m. 7.*D Owlki- 4.00 16%. 12-45 P-1111. and 111.89p.m. Goderlob-Arvive It.40 a.m. 7.10 P.Uk. and 11.45 P.M. Utford- -Red- -Cross-1 Society Will hold their Annual Garden Party on Wednesday, August 14 at Salfford - Heights AdmiWon 501 miusic SAMAL R. SCOTT Orirtilat Noith!Strear, Methodist Pup , prepared for Conoarvato" otions in VoIct. PIANO 414D thWAN. Apply at Mro. R. Volllaon't6 West St,. optiosito Post Offim C HARLEB BUCKLEY Organist St. George's Anglican Church Piano and Organ Instruction Five -piece Orchestra Terms Moderate Park Hong WANTED WANTED -For S. S. No. 17 T"AA00flEalRd dutie,4 to commence after sum. mar build A I a ting salary d IL 'It'-cWVW1 B ACK_ ft.. experience R. No. 1. Sbappeadt0h. Oat I 3-t WANTED. -Immediately. a woman or lcirl to apsist in housework. by the hour preterred. in family of two adults. Modaro conveniences. Apply THE STAR Mon. dCHOOL TEACHER WANTED. -For Un- i9a S. 19. No. 1, Ashfield. Colborne and et Wawanosh, 2nd clasid professional. Du, commence September 2nd. A ly.11tating E, salary and experience to R. McIL AIN P 0. F., Wanted Duchess Apples 91 A n y'quantity. For shipment about August 15th. Got my price before selling. R. R. ELLIOTT, 'Phone 16 r 7, Goderich Rural, or address Gcoderich P.O. Wanted A Any quantity of Raspberries Garden Beans and Beets -Ell at tlie Canning Factory. IN BRING IN WHAT YOU HAN-E Huron Canning and Evaporating Co. ------ FOR- SALE OR TO LET- INGERSKWIN MACRINE FUR SALE AT ONCE.-Thiq machine I- in firot class condition has drop head and at"chemeriv. Will last a lifetime. A bamaul, Apply STAR OFFICE. IFACROM FOR SALK.-Twenty.five acre�. In lorne township, seven miles from Goderich. An ideal place to live. To be old on easv term., Apply to THOS. O(:NDl(V . auctioneer. Ooderich. HOUSE AND LOT i'toll 8ALX.-On Uameroroft. Anew red brick one and one half story house with cottaxe roof. At modern convenience. 3 bed roorrf� a balh room ft"d hall up staim Parlor dininxroom kitchen and hall dowr mtair4 aloo good base- ment. A wood frame sm rame w h ich could be used for a stable. on premse- also a few choice fruit trees the beat of moil for a orarden. Aoply to MR. HARRY LYTILLE on the oremse.4. EOR SALE OR TO ItENT.-8ix roomed house. good location, all conveniene". n, t moderate, Apply to B. C. M U N N ING8. Tratalitar St. t -f R8A E-Houge anti lot on Wolfe8treet. House contaln� �eveu rooms. good cement on lar also ic lixtited. &roGd opring wall. lot gists a q ter of au acre mostly under fruit, c apple;., mrs and X -p- tior tartan a culti y to W 3 BLA It olle L tf TXOUL41L FOR SA 1,11'. - Red arick. with all IRcon ventance-. Avply to W. A. CHIS - 0 M, Tmfalgar St. tf NOTRI. VOTERS Lls'r. igis. MUNICIPALIT%'OP' THF TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIRLD. OF HURON NOTICE Is herebv iriven. that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in ections 3and 6 of the Voter4 Libt Act� the ropie- required by Raid to be so transmitted or delivered of the IN� made pursuant to �ald Act, of all per-orie ap Ing by Lhe last revi%ed As�eRament Roll to ca.rntitILd to vots in the qaid Municipality at elections for member" of the Lexiqlative Assembly and at MuniciPal elecilons. and that the said hot was fli-4 tr-ted no In my office in Dungannon in a Township of Ashfield.oitthe3rd day of AuffuRt 1918, And remains there for inAeoction. Electors are called upon to examine the said list,und if ft"Y erro" are found therein to t^ko Irnmediate proceedings to hal e the said error. corrected In LV Is w. THO K VA Town,ohip Dated at [in mninnon 1trd 'Jay of A toguAt 1918. V OTER" I IST, 1018. MU1JICjPklIT1 OF 71 -IF, TO%%'N.-,jlIP of Col.licoh-Sh. COtNTY of HLRO.N. NoTjrp� 1,4 tioreby given, that I have transoniii-d tor delivered to the per%ronq mentwn-1 in ectiong # and A Of the %01 ers, i i -t krt, the roplos required by said secti,14 to be so transmitted or delivered of the fj4t. made pursuant to Qdld Art, of Vpor4onq ap aring ny the 1s4t rp%i4pd e4ginent Rorip'to be entitled to vote in e. Uid Municipality at elections for mem- her. nr the Leirlslative Assembly and as Municipal elections ; and that the Said list wjLA nrqt posted up to my ofillce In the Toun4hip of Colborne. on tne IlSth day of July. lots, and remains there for Inspee- tion V,lenir; are called upon 10 examine the Wd list, and if any errors are found there - In to take immediate proesedinp to bars the aid errors co"ectM According to I&,*. A. McILWAINE, Townshlip.06:1k. DOtPd Rt Slie. tblS 23tb flay Of 11111jr, 119111. ADVERTM IN THE STAR R N TOPICS and on the YlAea are uarl OmAtoe* don. ctu.. for imbi, Avas reter- ale. 1'ell to the Awe to I co clock. -%u1lliA8j0n c., rellm HURON, WIDOW, DECEASED. - easily twim ft sise of $4MVIes sho%villf The Star. The Orst ripe to- conunitt.... publielAy I committee nift-11 ag:mi neXt Monday. I THE STAR'S NEW SERM Okiq# for New York niatoes, from Idiese vines v�,*ere plip�ed A'ampeting is toom., h#14. In London Mrs. John rorden, of Kansta% r.ifs, ",Snell. of Clinton, out.. oil Jult ist- today, Aug. 9th, t,, rorM a Western Id 1116TAL111INT OF ­= TR9VA9W* I 10111AW. has gun sed from Mr. Robert Glegi, '44 Read I Read t Hooseoltva Ontario Boarit' of Trade and Mr. Gi L. Alloo - re and Key Gan,?noLi are qttend- 11T.11A1141 TO TOBST T113 WXU *ter sheep for three 40l.in "Glimmer Everyone Is Intmtested J..4; 9W., tto#pi- lug. i Glen FA _M$," New York. The sheep f9i ei�,lthltion 1pl_ It Ukes motley 0 A resolution %%ai, adopted by thel allartift with the on$ CUPWS a am plarposes an4p Nir. Glen's sheflp have won high records at - When doing your prese Ifiq 0 , " ning. put aside at least co.10 tie Ot - council of Goderich acU4 ot I*de en- dorsing the ma)ur-s in the et- I Win week The Star p"blilibes, the lea(tinS exhibitions. * the h - t - . Ah each kind for *the hospi, a4tion fort to reduce the ,Ost of milk. a serially. one of the W044 fulateet, I 14 county constable meek Chapter. 1. 0. a N., will 441e a The aecretarN Is mckmns Information 109 stories of whi4b wo have *Tag , On tht Application of the blayor shower later and all contributions will as to hotel accolumodation In toWn secured the oopyright priTilogg& I murdoch Ncl)onald (who Was appoint' be gratefully received. for use in securing conventions to This is the story of $#ft Trs- ed by the to%,, -n council as a special Fe" Coaser�allcoa come here. m b d Von om, """ y Ka 0 V oflIcer at the harbor to be on duty on to The Dominion Chautauques have An industrial prosiect also is on- attention which to a chazm sale of the W9 Sundays warn canoeists and others at4angm spots- in zough ­'p-atheri has kindly offered the Women's War Aux gaSing "t- -melp fortune4al John Tremaine with 41 - been appointed a county constable. committee the privilege of addressing According to r,-l4jdj&`A)n returns of a beentiful love %tory InMrwovon. a I Large Tomatoes audiences, on the effect ot recent or- June W. I e -IW,, 21W nien in 0 IbO whO16 "t is & PlictureSquIll hirs '_ W- J. Clark. Cambridge street, ders-in-councH with respect to food the County of lluron who have had : backlog. towp, Showed The Star last week ft sample Of this conservation and this atternQan �Jrs. J. W. Thompson will address the Gode- farm experiene., or are willing to ao- sist in the m%ing of 1he harvest. The a After 013 absence or dttftn years year's home-grown to- matoes which measured 11% Inches In rich Chautauqua. Organization of ResoUrCes ColnMitteo from his anc"tral home in Red - i circumference. Mrs. Clark has In the neighborhood of 250 later"d at Ktog9bridge have had abstnicti; made of the cards migned b), tho above, These cards are lands, a pretty little Virginia town. John Tremalue returns to Ud plants In her gar- den. which she grew herself from seed, Mr. James Murchinson, who formerly here, left last November in our oflIve and lists have been pre- th* estate in a dilapidated coon - "LreetA. Mr. Murray i� learinirOoderich and will sell oheay. A bargain for & quick resided and pared f(jr earli toWn and village In the sale. N - OTKIE for Bolder. Cal., died there 'Wednesday count�'. The lists are In We hands of d -ition. He determine* to P&Y off \%heHl rrop (ht% \,-;it. night of last week. The renialfis were the local Organisation of Resources 4ue mortgage and make the "US* ' * root 941.9 brought here, arriving Tuesday night, Committee, a Psylua property. He sobteves om accompanied by Mrs. Quinn, a sister of the deceased. and were taken to It Iii hoped that In this way those bispurposa, b000tnes a poweria a lodrits %\#,%t irmn Aijgust 20111 f,s 4-1, op 1 Kingsbridge for Interment, the funeral who require help will apply to those In charge of the 1144 and that those the community and Is w&ed to taking place from the residence of Mr. who are asked to assist in harvesting run for cooagren. Of his love a TDACT 14AIL CON41M Con. O'Reilly, a brother-in-law, The John Griffln, Michael will make an effort to comply with the affairs we will "y nothing is pall -bearers were request. A little co-operation between advance, leaving to the r"der QKALED TENDICM, addreasssil to the Post - Howler, Win. McCarthy. Morgan Dal- urban and rural dwellers will aid a the pleasure of following their U12_ VmasiterGeneral, will be received -L Ot- ton, Joe Dineen, John Gortney. i great deal at this time. Wa until a on. on Fridayj the 20th day of September i9is f . or -the con,"anoe of His NaJesty'N Malls, on a proposed Contract for Miss Dickson Itesigns The list for Goderich is In th ale hands of E. Colborne, who will do I in his jill folding In the sucoessive chapters. 0 tour year�, six times per week over Godej. iob No. d Rural Route. from ilie list day Of At the monthly meeting of the G. G. 1. Board on Tuesday of last week power Io assist you. J71ri&nreya In9al9tices containing furtlier Informa- Miss Dickson tendered her resignation , - It STOTHERS, Department of Agriculture, JUST A NOTE OF WARNING tion io� to conditions of proposed Contract as teacher of commercial and art, In Clinton. be seen and blank forms of Tender obtained at the Past Offteeto of G=.h. Holuiesville and Shopfardtion. and the order to accept a position as com- merclat specialist In the Niagara Falls BRIEF TOWN TOPICS Many boarding-house keepers and others engaged in the restaurant busi- office of the Post office noopeotor,Lmodc'ut. CollrKiate. Her resignation was ac- newi in a stuall way, particularly In the Post office Inspector'o Offloe. London, 9th August, 1918. cepted and the secretary was instruct- smaller to%%n-i and villages, have not CH". R H. FISHER. ed to advertise for a new teacher. The The ('madian Pacific 1% ad%erttsing yet taken oul licenses as they are re - 3t Post office I nepect-or property committee recommended tile $1? rate to Winnipeg for farin laborert-, quired to do by the Canada Food FNDEM FOR CUTTING WOOD T purchase of the Bell lots lust east of the Golleglate as recreation grounds. fird i:ross garden party next Wed- ikesdio at Sattford Heights. Supper Board. Thei-e parties are thereftore liable to the penalty required by the TOWN OF GODERICH Morris Township Former Killed Z)o vent, regulations. It must be borne in mind that a publk. eating place subject to Tenders v(ddresAed to the undersigned. will be received by the Town of Goderiah u to and Including Wedue-day, Aus. 14th. 19tr to, Knockbd down and dragged about 40 rods under a binder, Nir, John Nlc- Nou need Pent%lar Tread -Easy ' it's Jtjgl f,,r tired, aching fp4,1. In Sifter license i�. according to Food Board Order No 4f� "Any place whatsoever the telling, cutting. splitting and piling of the Elroy, a farmer living in the township van- 2-') cents. Campbell's Drug store "here meals it) the nurnber of fifteen nine acres. more or les -a. of bush on lot ii, Con. one, Goderioh Township. as purchased by the of Morris, about three mlles friom Blyth, was killed Monday \i(,[,.ria Street Methodist church and the llaptlst chtirch Sunday Schools oir more per day are served or sold to Town from Mr. Christopper Johnston all wood. large anestuall. tobecUt tntoon;root. morning. Ili,, Was alone at the tirne but as far it, pie- 111i'k-I at Mellesetung Park Oil \\'P(I- others than members of the family or hut.oseholil of the proprietor or cater - I'M ths-all blockii from 4t inches up to be 200 be b Nov. can be learned tie" -was leading a tewn er." Pers -Nn -4 supplying meak to the sioltit. oordo to cut audgiled lst� 1918, Find the balance of t a wor to be rj of horses attached to the binder oul of The Alexandra Marine and Generril number as stated must obtain lieenses, com on or before Dec. Slat. 1913. his barn ,vhen the horses touk fright 11-,�pitaj wish to ackno%ledge-\%ith othrr\\i%e they are liable to flue or AVated wo rk to be done under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Town Council or their and became unmanageable. IJP \%&' knocked lfjL4jjk',4 the receipt or twi, eleetric fans Imprisonment, or both. 3'rents, down and dragged aeross a ri-m the Ahmeek Chapter, 1 11, 1). E. Dances at Hayfield and Hotel Sunset The successful tender will be required to field. When found life %%as e\Jillet understand that "Dirk- Mark is enter Into au agreement satisfactair to the Town Council. Death is supposed to lla" b"t' "'- hiiking the rural motil carriers In a Dance at Dayfleld every Wednesday No to der neees�& rily accepted. Mantaneous, as his neck was brok-,n pr --posed Wl game with the (loderich 8 to it. Jitney ser%ooe. Reservations T. R. NVALLIS. L. L KNOX. .� Ch. of Public Works Town Cloak. and body badly mangled. h-, -bail teani. "llick" t ias picked out at Filackstone's. III for round trip. Hotel Sunset, Ooderle-h e e y Friday. Cow., Godenob. Godench, Public Rehooll Board Ni ­,,re and stpelp r,)r his batterN at 9 o'clock to 12, kstone-Buck- The regular monthly meeting (jr iiii. The annual pienle of the Colborne Is), Ori,hestra, 5 pieces. CAHD OF THANKS public school board was llel(I t)tj I'-,wnship Farmer's' Club was field CA,RD OF THANKS, -To the m,�.ny friends I �,bcra Who". @Yg.'.y was a. day evening. The secretary's report showed payments during tho past Thursday cveniDg 'If 1881 %yeek at 'Lakeside.- the residence of Mr. E. �,'. Mom -TE.NOGRAPHIMIS W.ANTED . kimllysh.wn n the repent ilinwa of our dear month of $M.13; previously paitl $j l.awiton, and wns much enjoyed. A GIN -11 qerviee stenographers receive mister, Mrs. D. C. Bogt& We wish to assure olie and all that their fflitfulness was 9529.77 ; total for the Year to date: $5:- good progruni of mu!iie and, addresses frocit $900 to $1,200 per annum. yet thel fully appreciated. MOTM.. MOTHERS. 831.50. The school management was given. demand exceeds Ahe supply. W& re - and 818TH:1111, mittee reported the water pipes at the This (Frida.%� arternoon a patrinhe Commend the Central Business Colle" NOTICE T& ClltEDI`Fiii�S� Central S-chool In good order, olil� a few salad tea. urider the auspices or thelof 1-trafford ho those who want the 0 PIP training This well-Imowp up- washers.being needed. F% er� - Oeneral Brough Chapter, I (1. 0. F.. to-wite school 14 obliged $a turn " OTICE TO CREDITORS thing Was In sanitary condition. Tho, will 1w. held on the groundN of "Illair- %corets secretary was instrueted to aflverhs-- gowrie," the hoine of Mr. Alex .�alln_ of applicationii fop lVililned ofnoe I'N' THE NIATTER OF THE ESTATE OF .Any mn-ry I -V A. rrup VA_. - for a kindergarten teaciier. Thp 11-oard fl.. A 1,9 t� I ders, Nelson Strt,t%t. tea served fron, 51help. I . 60DERIC11, IN THE COUNTY OF ".t- rs. arr son, sio,r )i Miss Durnin, as teacher in plav-, 4 to I co clock. -%u1lliA8j0n c., rellm HURON, WIDOW, DECEASED. - Mlss Nairn, resigned, OBITUARY N r 'OTICE Is hereby, iriven that all porstsng Goderich Ilo� Killed village of Dungannon for sale or rent. Would exchange for farm property. having claims or demandi, alrainst the late Mary Nott, who. died on or about the 31st Mrs. John rorden, of Kansta% r.ifs, 1`1061E. - A day or Ala), A. D.. 1918, at the said Town Kansa-%, formerly of G(o(ji-rit-11, I,,,- to- Colborne to%%l1%hlP, in the joerhon of of Goder h, are required to send by post. Ir ceived the following : -iloe"joIN r--groj foldbello flogh-, bl-lo%ed %%if,- -4 Da%td Prepaid, deliver to John W. Vananer and blattliew Bates, the executors or the to inform yoii cablegniln frmn thr-ad E. Bogle. lum-4 a%%av if) her hea%eifly Wl?l of the %aid late Mary Nott, their States that Pie. Roy .1. F( -r+-;, "as h0lile MI Tueada% of last %%t-ek at the names and addresses and full particulars killed in action betN%,-eji Jurle 1,1 ,ad ajee of iS %par.4. Tlie riinerHl totik Iflailp In writing, or their claims and statements in detail or their accounts, and the nature 118(h. Remains %%ili I)e jilt -q -r-1 Arnad on Thnrwiay to Oilbrorne ct-invlpr�, t1w or securitleq, If any, held by them. until the end of the %%ar my service being emulticte(I b� Re% Mr AND TAKE NOTICE that after the 12th da or August, 1018, the said Executor,; heartfelt sytnpath� in y--ur VT',,0 hif4g, -our Gousins, 4 Nile. Sho, is tini%4.11 ll� wly, proceed to distribute the assets or I son noblY Kalk" 111.1 iir,- ii, -!\i(- her lm%hansl, ,jw owt], �:rlwht, [\�Ij the said dereated among the persons an. of his vmintr�-.­ (laughters, \lar� wid 1;rwe. thrve ti tied thereto, havinir relrard only to the claims or which they shall Man have had Pie. Forden was t\\t.nt� -r,i I r ­ r� tif lorothers, WIlli"Fii, Th-,InA� arld JaIllet.. notice and that the said expruttors will not age and %,.as briought ul, it, i .... i.-riell. awl t\\,i sWer�. N,r� Frmlk N](,rrL%. be liable for the said ssqets or any part He left [HSI fall f,pr Deir-0 n.1 , idisleil Dahota, mid \Ir- .1a, %\right, -'r 1:1v\v- thereor to any person or whose claim they In tile Nlarhle% and \\ont m, i -­- hoilt lulid shall not then have rtwenea notice. Chrisfrims. Ile I-, a br,-th. 1 -11 M r - - __ Dated at Goderich the 43rd day A. D., 1018. or July Alex, Fordem, (of 11ji- Planing R %'FS'I* HANDS IN URGENT DV - R. C. H A V Mills, and fia, tN\,. br.,11wr, in t' - unt- %1%ND TO WtLSTE111\ %%IIV%T f, Solieltor for the said Executors. forni, liolierl, ril tho nl WIII it CROPS INSURANCE Niagara trminmg \Ir It 1. Fairbilirn, (it-IjorA ['a% - slippnrl� the \%-w' f the griti- it i� seriaor \Avtit, Canadian Nortlwrro Kid- a . %, Torontf,. late" thut ;j, N 0. F. CAREY Tile \%'. 1-;-I regtilar or a vonfor,-Yive between 111"It, l*,-I,r,- l.ftvea1TflFRTAROFI?WlC. Meeting ill the .11 �iantati\#-% ariol re-pro,�entati\­ l -f thl, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AOENT da�, Aug. 12th, at .1 p m. rs made 10oiliffli,pi and Pro,Nitivial Ftarne dwelling at pro-ent occupied by W. H ... Murray. 7 room-. modern conveniences. w0comp. In 1ho trjuk,t -,,+algn the lit Wh"Illwil It 11a4 1werl devided lhat 2 lots, -ItuAted near corner South atid Keys Union haq sfnt 1,, Nfr� (,..I r, North niariN thow4and har%e-tprs \%ill ho ro- "LreetA. Mr. Murray i� learinirOoderich and will sell oheay. A bargain for & quick Bay. prmincial .44-retar,, t! Sjjjlj ()f iltilred 4)vvr Rnil ahis%.- the joral -iippl\ sale. *206.31. The I imin :il­ $1 per Of f"1111 Mall"h1v t-, warner 11w \\­t,-rn Two btick houges near 0. T. station for member P30 rj,,jkjrjAi .. I .I of $t3lj.- \%heHl rrop (ht% \,-;it. qale or rent ('an be bouaht \ cry cheac. 31 for our tm - \* !il it... Irsont. The An appeal rim -41 be ina,lo- 1,. itp. ' * root 941.9 Union im iob-a-vil I.. ,.i% it- 0 the \,,f)rTl- "'0 thi% hell) -1muld he tini-I 1,i r,,aeh For Sale - Frame d wellinx on St 0 a 1 6 en ha%e mails, t1lo. filli ;�tj, �;rt pronllse,j WImill-ow fi,r oh0ribtitiori t,, C I remeent. In g I ocalrepair. Agoodira on Intst year to h. -II, Ito. ) V, C. A. in lodrits %\#,%t irmn Aijgust 20111 f,s 4-1, op 1 pan . urn ture. Ko" - Louse. their %%,(,rk to gi\,- fr­- !, I drink% it) -I'l-4 IM I it t� iind--rmlood that Dwelling and I'llaekAnalth Shop In the the hoys Th,- stim pr. -ii -d %%a%4 $2.').- Ifils \--ar �%jll h., DIED village of Dungannon for sale or rent. Would exchange for farm property. 000.31 and llwry i� iw,f, to folio\% fnom KI -70 t-, *iloll 1,--r oln� %%dh h,.ird. W-G118001t. In Oolerich. on Tuapitay. A.ut. 4th. Robert MoOrecor, Nir ,dualrial uvcrptnr� rif 'rije \%ar I- io,t ..\-r !� i the Vnion , S wor j.,i mot lt,i- 'und Is open still III A- brin., s4ifts it) \Ir f, -r ahmil tfire,- im-nth-* \%,,r -k Wommiloo mioiiii,ir ov FOOD Infant son of mr. M ro. J A. MoUreffor. ^Xed it) day*. HARRISON. [it Ooderich township on Tueoday.Aua.6th.19111. James Aylmer liar ROME my man Emil ON WE 8FA NNEM99110ffi gffig "A Man Without Means lfern'- hwi­. \%I he tht, rii� todiall. Nlit, jw rionyvo adt ,on of Mr. Albert Harrison. aged =v I months. re ()tiethird ,r tho WILLIAMS to Goderich. on Wadmisday. IR snipt Impuhtiun ji Auxu.t 7th. 1918. Robert Williams. In hi. deth 10 @0 must abandon the hope of making * I1,11ent r ji om� vear. The funeral will take place from the real the future of his family luxurious- @I PsE!mft Bolx" In dunce of hl- man, Robert Williams. Jr. Now. ly comfortable. M r I't for t,,\%n. i� ljjj%bjfj,l gate "treat, on Pritlar, A ugu.t loth. at &"i6 0 m.. IN ill P patt�nte-, .r v, 1f it he. to Maitland Cemetery 8errice at the houde a t 2 o'rlock All a Man Can Do wfould be :1 -1-. i article. hi-mir - f I ' all,t. f,, r, -f -,i 1,� '*Wn-- --t1wr %%,mim BORN 19 Fk rnn , rjer:i,, ­11tf K Rnd rmplmrt th it llonst Mt A LIASTER -In Dr4rolt, Aug. 2nd to 1W ing farni and ,tfwr a ilI.r.1%nd Mr, W N. McAllister (nea Blanche 00 under existing circumstances to Consists of a x0o­l be Qttachpil to d ry, a on. M safeguard his family is to in thp jf�\%,,r tiat .r 1! ite. rtop \%hvel WILLIANS, At Dayton. Oblo.__pn 4th Inst. to W Mr& 0. Montague FN runm al-ing th,� orr I and in thi� ONT On Tunoday on R.y old rowi nr on ILA Mrl�.wan Mouth Nt and Wijjjam� a -on. IN is Got H18 Life Insuped" N slippnrl� the \%-w' f the griti- it i� a jdiwsy to w goonory via 0", olivv or fawn min ennot. rinder plea t*e* M LHO - I n Goderteb. on Sunday. A ug. 4tb. OR attacheel nom, ?:I. 'fid (of thf. g;jt� l.ftvea1TflFRTAROFI?WlC. to Mr and Me, Albert Moro. a son. -W. H- Tsft IR furthest fr(-m 11�, I -EeFi. blit do" lo -t IN A policy In the Mutual Life IN makes this provision at lowest EF Ell rates. C(IMP ho�,,nd ft,. ­�­� of th.. gnt.. In addition if, -lipp- 11; 19 the %%eiitht ,f the gato it,.- alRo iorn-,ides for &kNKQFM0N A TREA R M fAsteninit Ih,- it 0., any poltot %,) that * ROBERTSON & WOODS M it will n,,t hl-- i -en or is pro%ol,,l r,.r 1- - powl which shpi A" TRANS 6W @p AGENTS. Into (,rle,,,f f or 6i-ovpa In the %lile of thr N%he ... I nd 11 -is locks It When - SECURITY not in ii�e it,,, I., I falls back againat the fritiv- ,f if - 9fitP We wish Mr. Priddlo ifowh - i, P99 with hlq patent Deeds, Insurame Policies, The if,,ord of Trade Securities and other valu- Nir ,dualrial uvcrptnr� rif the 6-1--rit?. it ird of Triidp, lin% re ables should be kept wde. turned t,. t s%, . acrompanipil by Stria Bowden, ari�l ' oi taken up re%idpner from fire mid tWL on Kesys �tr­, I%e offlee rind board roam of the li 4rd of Tmde In the M.a- PsE!mft Bolx" In !anniv Ternpl,% are undergoing decora- .-SmO40 tion and film.-hing operations. &a vlo.nift of " Bank may A mpeting , f the council was held on %frmrla� rvening. The publicity be renwi at a asood-w committee it it work on a booklet or folder ab -11t the town for publicity charge. purpoQP., an -i a suggpxtion from Mr. (',. 1, %Ir)nr- fr)r the use of bill board2i & W. RMWULAND, Kinever. Goderich 8ftath. In tho %ir,roily of Detroit. Teoronto. 06 1 -11