The Goderich Star, 1918-08-02, Page 8:1 IMF lip I 11 o, 11 1 l 1 A" 1, cloiiF 0 g8l owl —A, � _�Q q , -. ft Days Ift., mcm J'-I'Au �,._ �i;. .� , - - h, 041111 Eve'lo 50 TE 1%0T,&VQtTAS somowito new is Qnttd*, ib* *e Dentin* C"uiuxs with n w C1 SSM, H. CON doze" 9 0 ty, will bay* -A T*W T'SC", KOWSKY AR Ti, 04 *9 Log �494SC40M� *ntici"On 614 year. consists ef Onte.ritaInment The P464.". 't pea W, C PtA 6 given in 4 ligge tent on the Hotel SU"d whkh w on IV 1111 1 i � - . ca The one for GoApric Wlwk Att�!600w 1��� Ac"of Diam6,0 g Utlilis' ill seat 2.5-M people. 41 BUY SEASON TICKETS NOW Apd Support Your First Patriotic Chauiaultit the Greatest Yew in History A Part of the Program WELSH GLEE QUARTET. DR. T. Wit DAVIDSON. M'ajI;r#ORRY ROYAL DRAGOONS. COL. GEORGE W. BAIN. rSCHAIKOWSKY: QUARTET. V BEN GREET PLAYERS 6. Be a Booster r ADULTS $2.00 Got Season Tickets CHILD REK $1.00 qu C 4" KY , "M of the gi 00"t TIM "-RV Four diggip 4W es I -of Taclialkitrivaky (My-koff-ski). Matta 1184 co-Donotirsolotrho ever lived. toriA this organi 4, Two,-kolins, "CeIld corroblustio piano make up the instrume n for elie presentation of great music. artist, a real interpreter of -usle, and the leader a master musician who makes every program noteworthy, a ua Mr. Leon Wellman, the director of the Tschalkow5ky Qu rtet, d­ ,TheJunior Ch, uta!!.q a gra uatea with, highest honors from the great musical conservatory of Moscow, Russia, and later completed a special course on composition and conducting at Petrograd. He won tame in England as a conductor and player. Every child in Goderich and neighborhood should attend the Junior Chautauqua, which will take place 4jj"� directing in both London ailid Manchester. Mor Frederick Blair, the feellist, is one of the leading American 'cellists. in the'llig tent every morning at 9 o'clock. Miss Ruth Alger, an experienced Junior leader, will he here to DR. RUSSIML H. CONWELL. He was born in Hartford, Conn., and for some years has been Master of tenth the ockildren now, healthful games, conduct Story Hour, organize a Chililren's Town with the various Chamber Music and Instructor In Violincello playing at Smith College. Greatest lecture in the world; delivered more than 6,000 lion A Mr. Henry Levine is one of th He Is officers, and put on the e most eminent Boston pianists. Dr. CODWell ja Prettiolent of Temple University, Philadelphia, with Cilto a native of that city. students. a great lecturer and a great p."A In day, Mr. Edward Kowinski was born of Russian ancestry, and studied at 'j,. Cher, who will ake the last the Conservatory of Warsaw. He played in the Warsaw PhIlharmonio Pt ChAWAIlloquX Week memorable. Fine Pageant.: "OUR ALLIES" Orchestra. under -Hollmiesbarger, and was later bandmaster of the Fout", teenth Donnish Regimental Band at Bendip, Poland. Since 1905, he ban been one of the first violins of the Boston Opera House Orchestra, of BENGREET PLAYERS in, which all of the children will take part. Children's tickets (ages 6 to 14 years), only $ 1, W�Ich also seventY-five players. admit the little folk to the afternoon and evening Chautauquas. FATHER P. J. MACCORRY. The Most' Celebrated Shakespearean Players Two Great Lectures Chauta'6qua Week. In the afternoon of the in Existence. second day of Chautauqua, 6, THERE'S, -A REASON Why Representative People of Goderich and this Community are Boosting the Father MakCorry, with won - derful Irish eloquence will "The assemble In a single e4ening the hot things that art, music and literature have produced on the Life and Labors of our Saviour. lecture on Kingship of 6 Joy Win - the - War Chautau'qua Man. In the evening he will give his famous Art-Musleal- -Recital (in "The Story Beau� The higgest aggregation of 11101- IT IS PATRIOTIC. tiful.11 7 An Art - Musical - Lecture THE. ROYAL DRAGOONS IT IS SURELY CLEAN. Recital on the Life and Lai Has., lintertainers and lecturers to unins in this Issue. bors of the meek and lowly IT, IS WORTH WHILE. Nazarene. IT IS EDUCATIONAL. A big story told In a big, broad way, illuminated by A --linron's Golden Gate" has P%pr IT IS ENTERTAINING. reproduction In fac-simtle colors of the world's great - IT IS PURPOSEFUL, eat modern paintings. The IT IS INSPIRATIONAL. paintings Illuminating this lecture — more than one, tendent of,the Dominion Chautauqua, 1 Be'a Booster hundred In number — are nearly all copyrighted and, for the most part unknown In this country, and were POPular. In thegreatent, play hou and abroad, with a r.ecord of 0 nvd ik portals will be here next colored expressly for `The on the platform. 4)n(, of Arnerica's ADULTS $2.00 Got Season Tickets Story BeautifuV' , by Mr. 01 C14ILDREN $1.06 Joseph Hawkes of the Metropolitan Museum Of ;ill aggregation which it would vonwleti;�ir arrangements for next veph's big event., and Mr. �.. It, White Art, New York. The pi;tures , __ are copied In replica airect- illonorooll by appearances on the White Muse'lawn before American FA TEIER P. J. MACCORRY. ly from the original Canvas as -they hang to -day in the "ill be ill charge next vveek. Id The 81, Educational and Entertaining A66P ation Here All Next Week, U5 great art galleries of America and Europe. They are unquestionably among the finest and most artistic specimens of'coloring ever attempted bb on this side of the water. Accompanied by anplaborate classical setting Oil. - ftskidepts and international celebrities. The musivians, lecturers, entertainers, of vocal and instrumental music. The ensemble—an earnest effort to BEN GRMT ft4iV100, GODERICH CHAUTAUQUA assemble In a single e4ening the hot things that art, music and literature have produced on the Life and Labors of our Saviour. Wmibody loves a Shakespearean iltint,"The Comedy of Errors" U doWvedly among the most popular. The Sen Greet Players will present The higgest aggregation of 11101- Nitriolis performers in the other (-ill- I.ecture. "I I Could 1,ive Life Over," THE. ROYAL DRAGOONS WA 1*1!�h-creatlig play Cho fifth eventni of Chthtauqua Week.- Has., lintertainers and lecturers to unins in this Issue. by Colonel Geo. W. Baln, the clo- -Known throughout Americaas one of the great4at Chautauqua attrac- --linron's Golden Gate" has P%pr Nlr. 1'. 0, Huckle, advance superin- quent Kentuckian wito flas had more Volks Oillable. tendent of,the Dominion Chautauqua, than forty years of active experience POPular. In thegreatent, play hou and abroad, with a r.ecord of 0 nvd ik portals will be here next (if ,,I. Clair, Mich., is pere this weph on the platform. 4)n(, of Arnerica's 01 -here nots!Ae performances excelled by few theatrical organizations In' this world. ;ill aggregation which it would vonwleti;�ir arrangements for next veph's big event., and Mr. �.. It, White inost beloved citizens. IIAN" illonorooll by appearances on the White Muse'lawn before American he [ill jill.­ihie to secure boil through ill-, organization of tile Chautauqua "ill be ill charge next vveek. FOURTII Morning: Junior Chatitauqua actiN ftskidepts and international celebrities. The musivians, lecturers, entertainers, FIRST DAY ties. 4, Au- otgatkintion, of outstanding tperit—bilt 14 numbers—bigger In etr.. \\Ilk. \\ill take part are, many of Afternoon: Coneort by the Tsehal- ardstvir—wiih iT4pfifcle which has stood' the telit of time--& comedy with theryi. thii-NVorld over, and the Morning , (Irgaal7ation of Junior koW-Sky (tiyartettp-ut BoMnn, one, a pluirkoh, i3halkespeare's Immortal. Gha III au- pla presents an unique oppor- C.11alltauqua. Afternoon Popular concert and en- the highest class musictil organiza- Dan Greet's players are thoroughly capable histrionic artists who have tinity t,. ill., people of Ooderich and surromiding eountry to hear talenk of tertainnient b� the Welsh Glee Quar- Lions of the East. Evening- Song recital bv Mme. speelalftod upon Shakespeanean productions. The record of success won stielt nwril, as does not, under ordin Y let, featuring Joseph E. Batchelo. r. Rertha. Farrier, of the San (:arlo Gmnd by Vie leading _organizAtIon, not only on the Chautauqua platform. but IA n any but t e rjrvuoi�tanve�, appear I %tr monologist, and Gpingp F, Jones, in Msturned presentation of songs of th I' Opera Company and entertAiner In the th,*tr4a or America. In the beat possible assuran6o of their ability to please. largest cities The Chautauqu con- Londion costernionger. hospitals of France during the. first sJtits of ele%en high-class conce s, lec- turol,, an com- Evening: Goneevt and entertainment year of the war. Assisted and support- by the Tschalkowsky Quartette C,O_LON­.,EL,GEOs Woo BAIN recitals, pageariii, etc., bines recreation and ainusemen with by ill ie We)lsh Glce,ouartet. "The ed of Boston. edlivatkin. 1,peture Camouflagt- of Kai%- One of the finest mul4cai prolgrains, The chalitilliqlI& wit I be field on th eris-on by Dr. T. Mr. ri,avidson. who ever presented fit the. Dominit.n. teriniq grounds (if Ilotel Sunset, where was born in Belfast and resides in FIFTH DAY'k J. a large thr-e-1),ile tent wilt be erected Montreal. Ali up-toAlie-minute ones- %Nith a vealing eapacity of from 2.000 laglojelrowded with gems of wit and Morning: Jimlor Chautwiqoil Activi- to 3,000 ppolil". tips. Begides ill(, afternoon and evening SEC i),Nlj DAY Afternoon: Best afternoon Evpry- programs ill( is a special one for the Morning: Junior Chautauqua Activi- bodN rest tip for the big prwhaction at night. - - - - - - - - - - boys and girls rach morning (As fol- kla . Civening-, Presentation, %,,illi peclal IAYAL _baGlb;�*iK lows. 9 to to ,,cloex, Story-teliffig: 10 ill 11, Junior Tnwn'tIe&,;Ons in nioni- Afternoon: Muselal concert tiv the Chautauqua artists, ;Vaturing* the scpn ery and scenic effects, (,f the Chautauqua Week' will bring many deU&4tftil entertalnen bul: aone -it aoNrl-nnioni : $I to I't, garneS Of elp, Canadian baritone. Mr. flartwell lip- greatest of Shakespearean ri-mody. a Royal Dgagoons—a singing band, rich in instrument& like th ;[on, strohg till kind%. Ilt thj� Ilrict of the Week Mille, and the Amerrvan %iolinlst, Miss The Comedy of rrrors," by th­ fam- I, gong, dOnstalit sidtlirlse and joy. there wIll be a hintor Pageant, "Our Allies," in boys hold- Nfartha Alexander. "The ous Berl Greet players, qlXTll IiAY DR., T. W. jDAVEE)SON. which and girls Ing tickets will talip part. l,ecture : Hingship of Man," rather P. J. Nfac(lorrv. 31ornipp: Junior Olittutatiqua -irt.10- Ono Of the to Boys and girls who earn their Own monrN to buy thort-tiekets Will be Evening : Musical preigram by the tfcs­-111gal. relloarsal for the pageant. Aftertioon: hyAladarne Flor- most timely lectures of Chautauqua Week will be that of Dr. awarded points, and through the course points will be iswarded In the Chrontatiqua 81,11st.0'. Gr'eat Illuminatpd.1pectire, "The Story Beautiful.- by the noted priest orator, comprt Price :t6dinoft, Vanish Prinift nolina ; Willialin Osborne, American violintl4t, Davidson, a native of Ireland, a- graduate of Belfast University. a th morning garnes, and thib town in the rather p. j, MAcOnrry. and Iterbert 91well, pianist and vi-im- resident of Montreal, and a pastor of to Chautauqua circuit that has the great- be a The most beniAlful and Impressive poser. One of thl" hest Programs of a church that ham one hundred and est number of points will given banner. The adull. entirse lloket Is $2. 0104's vourse ticket 81 14 lecture known to the Chautauquas. Musical setting rendcred by the chron- latioiiia artists, TIJIRD DAY the weet. Patriotic PagW(, "Otit AlItAs," Ity the �dnior Chautauquans, bnd6r thp d(N-ellon of the jt1nior loder. Your fifty-tWO Intfinbets. at the front. while his only son Is lighting In the trenches,. M Would be In N'trance st lo dichnorei.��&,�,to yearlo). A lin Ite number of course 1 tickets may �be had at -these prices. No courSti 1116kela, price Morning: Junior Chautauqua activi-, ties, 6WO b4li aholl Wls In an' Interesting object Imon of phirldtigfit',", EvoAlojil, podl . Concert by Mad h*0W 1) t* for tfib, fact'. thit 'his, church 'all that 6ey 1�qeded his after I August W.' Afternoon: Patriotic concert and en- nofr aho ,hor StAstaining 00ftPany. weekly me"Agaiii - to , carry them aflilrolliohl% wll�l zek, tertainment by the IIOYQI I)r&900n$.' WW6 "AlOtts tofl)14�nouds." by Or. thftligh the "ut -,tkket A wonderful singibg band. 11,04901 Ii dwitjl. , Mft6gfilted as the flit6kid and strew or the tho, d#Wled 'oe Evening. Concert and entertainment d Wy tie gfj�4jtiSt je6ttote In tno, tj t wil�lrp slid r6full0d to toliltilli0il; him for A"t by the Royal Dr#goons. g0atot ledum in t6 World.' service overseas. W , ;:,I tboti s0j*4t1.- "It I Could Llto Ufollbvor." f *It and wisdo 11t; Elf. Davidsola has a woude#ul sub. 11111 .14 491 00WIditt%; the outgrow& bt 40 1#400' Of loutA16 life by on* 44 j6ct! rho Camoutiare of Raisoiip. -Atka W (U0tA11j" 111111110KIW 10 Woo cau 11w W T SO* at tho Drug Stores, G. 0. Leis Har4ware atarlp ftin,­ the 6v"I" SO .0t, Ch1LutAu4V& W-ebk he Is bound to hit, H 14140*1"jo 7�F;; sv#tt& V my of the world 4#7)oo4t iii*, **000 k t* sioif thil �'�Vko N'twS.Dookstorwand at Hotel SUOUL I sguitirs. ly U01YA So boliall—With mUft the 46tiftU ol� YA# arpi a thounitid atirl"s, ft thidt w*W h or 106*4111" shOWil *6111 *� i*i6kflft tO istIll. I OtAll that 'ticket by stilins suee"s-as the tftditloud it". 1�" liti '0*ft h"d In altht VI& ft�* iiiI�,a i1sr,494,* *ettarda iftIghtg Augs :3 bb 111iffltulm y ry I' 50 r You M ISIS th' Goder' h h'AftL UtaU 14'U a Nex t, '�b'f ..............