HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-08-02, Page 56&aj
___ 4-t-4
ve1T1"_,W1T*XsP* rue row(jer.
"W t, �-TgoiNw. t, 0,;' In,
teeth 4
otse Alk Compbelig Phrn. 80
4.46doA* i Hurantat Goldiiiin ftts!t
mother, NIrs, Wm. Reed.
An important rn,,,ting of the Gode
Ifatimall 111,9611dultid ftbW 1W Gift)
D. C., London, spent the week -end with
`-IT "1RT-Yw81-GR-T-H_ YEAR -
his parents, Nlr. and Mrs. H. Hayden.
There was no se
l4st $unday i0A 9 �'At
saryl, a er
many e
The annual nooting of the Unite
friends hopi, to soon see. him aroun�
to bear the Rg,.,at
Mr. Anderson,
w omwrs i0lfu4c, Art,
Orap y#1 -h $chwl, D ussness
Farmers are busy badelY.-tki
4101 s�ajir Science and
"Physical Training 44-
week. Mr. 9. H.'Wise, ot.the fittit con
4djjj4g Xt W*=sr,,KjL,D.D.,
Pnd4ent, St. Thomas, Out.
being the first In our neighborhQ%
outtinir a fine flpId of barley on SAt*4
ensuing year. it is desired that a
Mr. anti Mrs. Bert Cunningham and
dAy, July .7th., Binders are. join
daughter, Betty, motored from Toronto
Money received hy seeretary : Count
freely,thip week and all kinds of gral
council grant, fl.57.76 ; Mrs. Yukli.
parents, �Ir. and Mrs. N. Cunningham.
are turning ripe.
DqN.G01401.11, BIG DAY
I Dr. i�A
tickets could have been so d. so,
A number of our farmeraaro'hu's
this -eek fo
Itott, Bayfle.ld roa(l, Friday of ]as
was chairman. This was followed,7by
gathering In raspo4ries N%
over Nisjo Hundred -Dollars Cleared for
� d4ne�_, for which Messrs. Thost �131-
winter use, having found them In.goo
is not kno\\n but the suggestion I
Ilotk Hugh McPhee and Jerry O'Connor
quantities along the banks of the BR)
Red Cross Wednesday
provided the music.
Reld river. This will help the 1pu
was rendert-fl unconsviou-m and canno
The drawing for the pigs was made
question out, as fruit of all
-Weduesday. -at. this week was civic
In the afternoon and\the lucky ticket-
on uhurn and
hblders were John McKenzie, of Kin�
correct, It looks ti�, if the driver of th
th9�l�dbg�'y�'�att=pwasantdheARed Cross
tall, and W. Richardson of Port -Al-
field da; Dungannon, The day was
bert, $H0 was realized from the sale
Pte. James Lindsay, of London, i
Ideal a very large crowd of over
a thousand gathered at the Agrioul-
0 f tickets.
spending a few days' leave at his hoin
tural grounds for the event, large num-
We expect to give further partiou-
lars of the day's proceedings next week.
bers coming from Auburn and a good
--- 0
Mrs. Charles Biggart, of Toront,
number from Goderich. As the result
is visiting her husbaxia's parents, \I
'of the day,1075 Was realized, and
and Mrs. John Biggart.
of thij about $900 vvili he clear. This
Mrs. Irvin, of SauU Ste. Marie, is
Miss Lulu Baker and Miss Lulu Ila\
Is certainly, a splendid emowing and is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Jas. Scott.
son. of London, are visiting at it:
far and away ahead of last year's ef
Miss Jean Young is Ni,iting friends
homes of their parents here,
forts. Too much praise cannot be giv-
In Stratford this Week.
Rev. L. J. R. Naftel and Mrs. \afte
en to j4p committees In charge of the
Miss Alice Clark, nurse in training
of Elora, are visiting his fattivi-, \1
dayp, program.
at Grace Hospital, Detroit, is spending
Alfred Naftel, Godericli Township.
The program opened with a big pro-
her holidays at home..
Nits$ Mabel Stinson, of Toronto,
cession to the grounds, headed by the
Henderson Kiltie Lads and Lasses
Melvin Tyndall wears a broad smile.
spending her vacation with 1:,01, [),[,1
Thelprizes for the best decorated auto�
ADother little baby girl arrived at his
ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sti �tlll
were -awarded as follows : First, Rev.
home last Tuesday mi'llt. Congratula-
Stedman, car reprpsenEinic young Can-
tions I
Mrs., Isabella Woods returned to It,
ada, decorated with rnap;e leaves and
During the tjevtj,,,- storm which
home this .veek after spit I lii;g th
red, white and blue bunting, and With
passed oNer here Ii,: Monday after-
past couple of montris visitil�lg ri,q).
young ladies dressed to represent the
noon, Carlow Pre,,I)�I-.Aan church was
at Detroft and other points
various provinces within the car ; sp,-
struek by lightning and very badly
Mr. and Mils. Arley Alt\\ ,d m
cond, Mr. Myers, of tho Godi-rich Rural
damagpd. Servives ri,%v will be hela
in the tovn.,hip Ii.ill till the church
daughter, or Detroit, who h.or 1111-1
Telephone Go., with it car representing
the past two weeks vi-thiw, t1wi
the telephone ; thh-, Fred Ross, a
is repaired.
The Garlow and 1,ilp branch of the
parent,,, Mr. and Mrs. I-Xii,
brid4l COMPaDY, Witt) Mark and Will
of MoVarlane anti Maize, as the bridai
Bible Soe.ipty lo -1.1 i very successful
and Mr. and Nirs. Thos. Kio�, roiorn..
to their horne on SaturdFi\
couple. The judges -vre Major Jos.
meeting in the li:ill ast Tuesday even-
Mr. Ilotherm-lon, of Nile, who
Mr. and Mrs. Edw-arcr R k��h,w m
Beek. of Toronto, and Thos. Riddle, of
for over, fort�- -s has been pr,�sl-
little daughter, Helen, at-nd \[r_ il. K,
Two baseball games Were played,
dent, va, ro-oh,-I.A. All the other
hov, of Detroit, motoreu op n rrida
one bet%Uen Belfast an(] Lochalsh and
officers .vvre rv-.+,.ted also. Rev. Mr.
last to spend the rest or (h.,
With Nlr�. F.. R. Keho,', fatjo-r, NI
�the other between Belfast and Gode-
Meuro, it Japan,,- student, lectured
witit lil)[v light iliustrRtions of Japan
Alfred Naftel, Baylleld r,,ad,
rich. Belfast won both games 17 to
10 and 17 to 12.
which \Nore enjt.�,,d 1)y everybody. '
Township. ,
Adults' and children's races were
The garden party hel-I al Ill., r..' -for
keenly contested, bu.4 ",ne tug of war
port,r ALHERT
lawn on Friday evening la.,t tinder th
,was called off.
Nusis Berry, of -Aratford, is the guest
auspices of TrinitV cliorch (�nild \N,i
'Supper was served in the agricul-
of Mrs. A. E. S\Ivpster.
a decided success. The Ilroot(
tural buildings b -y the Women's Insti-
Mrs. Will Ha\\kins, of Chicago, was
amounted to $170. Nliji-it. %\,,, riii-oi-I
ed by the Clinton �jl%or- hillpf,
tute and the evening concert was given
the guest of Nir. and Mrs. W. 0. Grey
by the Henderson Kiltie Lads and last Week.
Lassies, assisted by the Munroe child-
Master Erncr�tin and Victor FRI ritt,
ren and'Miss 'XIlep Dunbar, all of Lon-
of Goderich, are visiting their uncle,
Taylor's Corner Patriot ie
don. Th(khall was packed and 200 more
Mr. H. H. Ha��kfns.
will hold their nexill sv\\ing nio,:tInK
Miss Nlinnio Dickson spent part of the home of Mrs. N� to. wilson on We(
her summer Nacation with her grand-
nesday, August 7th
mother, NIrs, Wm. Reed.
An important rn,,,ting of the Gode
Sergi. ot\%;iy Hayden, of the C. A.
rich township Farmrr,' Club is vallp
D. C., London, spent the week -end with
for next Wednesd;iy oNening, , ktig. 7tI
his parents, Nlr. and Mrs. H. Hayden.
the Orange HAI, ith eon. A In
Mr. Thomas Gauley, jr., is under the
is urlit-,(J.
doctor's cari at- present. His many
The annual nooting of the Unite
friends hopi, to soon see. him aroun�
Patriotic Society \�ill he held tit th
home of Mrs. Tljo.�. cox on Wednes
Mrs. Furest has returned to her
day, August 7th, at 2:30 p. in, A fin
home In Toronto after spending a few
ancial report of Itie �'Par Will be given
days with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haw-
followed by tho- election of officers to
ensuing year. it is desired that a
Mr. anti Mrs. Bert Cunningham and
members will try and be presen
daughter, Betty, motored from Toronto
Money received hy seeretary : Count
and are visiting with the former's
council grant, fl.57.76 ; Mrs. Yukli.
parents, �Ir. and Mrs. N. Cunningham.
A bad accolt,nt happened ittia sorn
Mr. anti Mrs. Horace Cunningham
mysterious manner to Mr. David El
and children returned to their home
Itott, Bayfle.ld roa(l, Friday of ]as
in Walki!rville, accompanied by Mrs.
week.- He \\as drking on the Cu
C, Crawford and Mrs. M. Cunningham
Line at the timo. Just what occurre
after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs.
is not kno\\n but the suggestion I
N. Cunningham.
made t at an auto collided with th
Mrs. Fred Topp and Master George
buggy oNvirturned it. Mr. Elliot
Topp, f Toronto Mrs. Jas. Cook and,
was rendert-fl unconsviou-m and canno
Mr. an((1) Mrs. Jis. 0 Alton, of Belfast, and
say what IiAppenofl. He arrived hom
i:has. Alton and Mrs. Reed, or
In his buvv), \Nhich was badly damag
Lane -s, were all visitors at the home
ed, and If the auto accident theory I
of Nir and Mrs. Thomas Dickson last
correct, It looks ti�, if the driver of th
auto mu�t Ila- stopped, righted th
buggy, pvk,�tl up Mr. Elliott and pu
A Powerful Medicine. -The healing
him bar], in Itiq buggy, and that th
prop,�rtles In six essential oilsare con-
horse knvw the way imme. From th
centrated In every bottle of Dr. Thom-
condltlwi or tio, buggy It looks as I
as' Eclectric Pil, forming one of the
It had been o\vrturned and dragge
!mosl beneficial itniments ever offered
some distance, Mr. Elliott lijims'.
'to the use of man. Thousands can
sustah,1 it h;ld gas" in hit, hea
testify as to Its power in allaying pain
which required several stitches I
and many thousands more can certif;
close, I)r. P:111111,rson, or Goderich, pu
th,,it they owe their health to It. Its
ting Mem in.
wonderful power Is not expressed by
i t , cheapness.
Motion Pictures a War Necessity OPO 9 8 Gpoce
We are offering a big special in
Wax time economy properly consists of both saving and
spending wisely. 1. we great institutions demand your war- Castile soap
time patronage, both in value to you and in service to your
country. For Sattarday and MandaV only.
They are : The Nowipaper and the �otion Picture. Regular 7c cakes ' for $5.50 ior a
It is your obligation to be well informed, to know the box of 100 bars.
will and purpose of your Government, to share in Its succeisses, Regular 30c bars for 26c each.
&_ iA.,A ud La es to succour the wounded, to keen tha horon
fires burning.
The Motion Picture brings yon the story of the war and
our nation at war, that words cannot tell. The picture, too.
bile a function of entertainment. Oanstas. is not in w4k.cloth
and ashoo,
Your Notion Picture Theatre presents you not extr&vag.
anee, Wit whollsome opportunity to buy of knowledge, experf,
enoe, and ellitertlainment.
Workman cannot work at highest efficiency in our mtmi-
tion shova and shipbuilding plants vilithout relaxation. IMptive
the 'nation of its entertainment, sna it will grow tense 1kna
The picture is om"titial ; It is -worth more, every day,
th" Wh#A it omts. The NWon. Pletore Theatre gives every
patm hill,m6ney'a worth, *Ad thotb,
We have a large quantity of
pure Clovep Honey
Place your orders early as there
Is sure t* be & shortage this
I no Slium niii 4.3
Mail orde"eg
5 0## mail areff doPMwat is
#ftVMhf,r Rf 4rovs impwasce-
ofesits olow tm-s aNd miany oloor
sommor gisitors OdAr
owr woofAliVilism'sess,
to or,*r *toy of osir 4eciallies
from thitir how tox" . ,
oist.of,town esskilwins evillfitid
j A -4 -am
3 . of
SiRg-wAll be t4busmds vis
, . itors, our
Tlilvboutfful town �dulriug Chautauq1XIA week,
'*V*,4t1I, to 106 who will coxxibint, pleasure
and �usinexs, and next in importa,
,uce to the
Chauttmqua, program will be�tha splendid display,
of geW merchandise in all departments of the
Tho Ailk denartmeut presents an Antidanee of,
by "M
Tiliks Ina Williams spent last wee`� 0 __ - -
IV ew
"Vith felends in Dungannon.
Mrs. J. Rapson spent the week -end
(ilwith Mr. and NIr&_WI1L_GjQL_. *ta n th ir popularity as the leading Dress mAtedaL_
still m-aw i e
A young daughter has came to stay
4 -at the home of Mr. Alex. Horton. Beautiful rich quality Pailette _-Silk, satin finish, all colorsti- full yard wide,"
0 Mrs. Bannister, of Altsa Craig, visited special $1.9s per yard.
tier brothers, Geo. and Harry Freemark,
9 last week. Rich Dress Satins in dark sbades, full yard wide, $1.93 per yari,
11 Mike Foley returtked to Chicago last
Wednesday after three weekie holl- Our special heavy quality, uncrushable Silk Poplin for Dresses and Suits, all
y days with his mothert -wanted colois, full yard widej $1.95 yard.
Miss Jessie Linklater returned to
her home In Goderich last week after Crepe de.cbines for dTeSSy wear, in all colors, beautiful rich quality, splendid
two weeks with her brother, Roy.
it Mr. James Chisholm raised his barn weanng, full yard wide, $1.95 yard.
is last Friday. The day was very Warm
and hard for the men workJn& Every- Gleorgette Creptes, rich quality., all colors, $1-75 and $a.5o yard.
thing passed off fine without a single White Habutai Sil s for waists end dresses, full yard wide, $1.35 and $g.5o yd.
s Mr. Henry Horton is out again after Fuji Silk, natural color, 34 to 38 inch, $1 to $1.50 per yard.
e the hard fall he had last Saturday
%,,title working in the hay, getting his Satin Chameiisi-e, the coming mateiial for 611, in beautiful rich shade of midnight
arm broken above the wrist, besides blue and Burgundy, 40 inch wide, $3.3o per yard,
being badly shaken up.
Nliss jaura Sates, of Goderich, ad-
dressed the C. E. Society here last Navy and Black Seroes
sunday evening on mission work.
Miss Bates is a young missionary. her Excep(ional Values in
(.1losell tiel,i being China. We predict
foi- her it useful life in the work she We are sbowlug some exceptionally good values in navy and black all wool
hit, undertaken. Serges for fall suits at last year's prices. Special at $1,75, $2.25, 04�, $3.
AUBURN $3.50 to $4.50 per yard.
Nir, it. F. Erratt had rather a novPI
e\.perienee this wee),. He left his
team tanding Michell to the b ",der, I he Leading 'Phone and Mail Order Store.
pleking is tile order of the
dik.� \61h the- young,,tors. The herries
11". pretty plentiful and prices good.
it whon they ran away. They came to
o " loldvil �tllp by voijAng in contact "Phone 56 MILLAR:v�o SCOTCH STORE 'Phone 56
r �Nitll a Post in the Ivilev, resulting in
�,�\eritt brvaks. woungsw�
Iliknostina, has started in thi., neigh-
bortlood. Barley is a guodf crol) till-,
\var. There is \ery little fall wheat
;Woun.1 livro this year, SKEPPARPTON State., N\ollld
Pt.�. Rohert Phillips, Or London, �;pt�nt The deaLh took plav-- it '41,- 1 1 -Aton. tT*o"1l` Ilt" l .... 1.
im(ipi, the oor here. op __Thursila� of lal \\, - 1, . Ml.s. "I Ill. 4jol. 11.4111 \%III giNi, 111A
it., oaniv Saturda) evening and return- Davit . I Puttock, in 1wr 7:lrd after 'it Ille 4-olierl"ll (11"111
.,it it) London oil Mon(lay. all illness (.0,11(ling -In,- Tho
Nir. and Mrs. .]allies Carter, after deceased was.born in 111, '1-- -Ilip of The 111,111 \%ho _-rat,js� at tit oppor- 0
,It. Tnonth with their 1; W061wich, ill W atorloo honitil's to 1101110\ ollie 1.1 0
.1141ing a oil, -N I
married if] llalio\or illid I there I),,. s d(,, r I :t for tio. i)rmi,ge or ietting
a family, in Port Elgin, re- for a year. ror tN\cn:� Ar. and go.
S to te village last week� Mrs. P . uttocli IIN-f-d at 111, , i I Prest- 11". vreftin ma\ lit, otihAth�l t.otl 6
Is Mrs, Jackson, of Walkerburn, Uc- ton and then nl,,�vd I- , ., Part It0t). LhV V01111A 1111111 Vho tNes It, I)t'kl%" It
vmiipanied by lier daughter, Miss Nlar Besides her hushaild n", . I eevasvil
gan I, t,r the Toronto teaching staff, jea\-es one sister, Njl� of'
golie for ,t inonth's visit in At- (�aledonla, Mich.. it (tatio:hl- r. Ars. ,(it-'
uittion �Jeajielte Elizah-111 shel)-
M r. King, of thp chopping mill, Is pardton : and three soo,, N\. i, of Spit -
still busy repairing. fie finished the kane, Wash. ; Nelson and Ox., awa). the Present NatIOM&I Crisis RU41 your aiihty,
I t ('jam iast' Saturday ; now he is busy Mrs. Puttock's inaidon ri,ln, was Vero- in what capacity can you serve best ?
putting in a new bulk -head. He ex-, iilca Gress. The funeral I- � place on I
pects to have all completed the cut] Saturday morning fr�,m 'lie faillity DON'T SAY IINSKILLED LABOR-C&NADA NEEDS SKILL -
of next week. residence near Shvill,irdh-o I(, Gode- ED LA-BOR-11.7utralued workers are as great a HINDRANCE as
A number from this locality at- rich, leaving on t1w - v G. 1'. At. untrained soldiers.
tondod the funeral of the late Ep tra-in for Frev parL,_AV_LU.. affl, C.Quit-ty.
Snell at Lucknow the latter part of for Interment.
A course at this school will enable you to answer this questiou
last week. The sympathy of the com- with SATISFACTION TO YOURSELF and to CANADA.
munity here is extenflea to the rela- SOME GOOD FROM WAR
e tivps in their sad and sudden bereave- I The BUSINESS WOULD needs your SERVICES and its
ment. Col. G. W. Rain liamiltort Atid- DOORS ARE WIDE OPEN TO YOU.
Wednesday, the 31st of July, was the fence It Is Not I nittixed Evil
civie holiday in the village, which
r w ying the A Hamilton itispatch ader date. or
as spent In Dungannon enjo July 29 says :
sports and entertainments provided by Col. neorge Nv, 11ajo, an eloquent COMMUD
that village, as it was their civic bell- Kentuckian, N%as th-, -peaker at the
y day also. The farming community I SCHOOL OF EIRCE
I a Dominion ctiatitaii,imi this evening,
5. rather busy at this time of the year and his subjeet %\a* if I had my life
e for holidaying.' to live over again " -peaking of the CLINTON, ONTARIO
t The term "up-to-date;" what does it War he said it %vi- )ot an unmixed
mean ? We are reminded of it by itin evil: since it �%as to-, king do%Nn elass Offers the following courses
t old gentleman In Goderich a few years distinctions. Iiritmm knd the I'llitell
(I ago who used the jexpression in the States were learmov that they were. BVSINK-SS
s following anecdote, which he related. allied by mit0i ol, - than that by STENOGRAPHIC
e "When I got married all the people of which they NNn- 1;vI(%d, andthe SECRETARIAL
t Goderich were at the wedding, The United States \\,i- iolitting aside. dis-
t building was .12 feet long by 10 feet t6ried prejudic,% oll-I \Vas now beping BVS. PICKMANSHIP
w1de and room to spare. The roof that from t1w oi,.Oer country Itafile
was covered with scoops, a covering - and laws. The United CIVIL SERVICE
a few of your readers ever saw. Per- her languag,
e haps on some future occasion I will and arranges SPECIAL COV11.4,8 for BPECIAL STUDIiNTS.
e describe them."
t GODERICH MARKETS. For further particulars write to
e ST. AUGUSTINE (Outside Market Reports on page 3)
e Wheat ........... .... ............ 2 00 to 2 05 F. WARD, B.A , M. Accts., Principal.
f O'Keefe -Cummins Flour, Gov'ment Rtandard ... 5 78 to 5 80
d A marriage of much Interest to St. Flour, per cwt., fluidly ...... 5 75 to 5 75
If Augustine people took place at St. Bran, per ton . ............ 36 00 to 36 00 N. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -Principal.
(I Augustine Parish Church, Wednesday, Shorts, per ton . ............ 41 00 to 42 00 T" 208 (1,14TON, ONT.
0 July 17th, when Bridget Helen, second Oats ...... ......... .............. 0 76 to 0 80
t- (laughter of Mrs. Ellen Cummins, be- Barley ........ . .............. 1 20 to 1 215
rame the bride of John Francis ()'- Peas, per hush4l ............... 2 00 to 2 10
Keefe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Buckwheat ... .......... 1 75 te I Sh
O'Keefe, of Norwood. The ceremony Bay ........ . - .............. 12 00 to 14 00 001, Opens Tuesday, September 3rd
- was performed by the Rev. Father Butterperlb Pairy ......... 0 S& W 0,37
Dean. The bride was given SWay by Eggs, per doz -I) .... I ........... 0 43 to 0 4
her brother, Mr. Michael Cummins, and Cattle, meditir butchers 10 00 b
she looked Very sweet and girlish Cattle, butrher,4 Gboice ... 11 00 to 12 00
dressed in an embroidered and tucked- Hogs live weligli t ............... 18 26 to IS 25 5
whitte silk crepe -de -chine gown with Rams, per lb � . .................. 0 42 to 0 45
embroidered bridal veil and Juliet cap Bacon long ell Ar ........ ...... 0 86 to 9 38
trimnied with orange Diossoms and potstoeq. ne-. per bush...
site carried a large bouquet of white Hides ... I ..... ... ........... 10 00 to 12 00
bridal roses. Her sister, Miss Annie t-- - Further Reductions on
Cummins, made a charming brides-
maid, dressed In pink silk crepe -de -
chine, with white mallne nat and she
carried a bouquet of pink sweet peam.
Mr. Leo O*Keere, of Norwood, ably as- SINGER STORE
sisted his brothpr. After the ceremony
the bridal party drove by auto to thel "Whlte' Footwear
home of the bride'R mutrier, when a ojo)ARS TAKEN FOR
five -course dinner wait iserved to the,
Immediate friends of the bride and Heinstilt"g, Accordion Pleat -
groom, the table being beautiful with
Ks lwiwf� ";T;bdWed6IA6 iiril OWE lulw- Mg, Emhreiitring, Snl!oping 3.ee out, w;-fiulowb fov- a iine Lit' Whiie Lace
er's knots and streamers and the ceD- and Covered Buttons Boots, made with rubber soles and heels, just the
tre decorations "re kIllarney roses
and maiden hair 6rn. Later Mr. and Shdland Yarn. is thing for your vacation. All sizes, $1.20 to clear.
Mrs. O'Keefe left for I& short honey- I I
moon trip to London and Toronto, the The atw Mercerized Cotton P s in Pat. and Kid, sold regular up to
bride travelling in a navy blue cos-
eor- for faftCy sweaters, Books of limp,
tume with champioe colored 9 $5-00- TO clear at $2.35-
gette blouse and hat to match. The lastiniction and Needles
many beautiful presents from friends
and the bride's former puplis showed We have a few White Pumps and Oxfords,
the high esteem In which she walk NOTIONS in old styles, to clear at $1'.10.
held, she having taught for several Slip, on *400111, hair netii, bar -
years at Ayton. Hullett and Mildmay
Mr. uW Mrs. O'Keefe will carry with i retts. hair pinii, SeWing seeditt SEE OUR WINDOWS.
4h. 1h. -A M-11, - r libeir man, I I I
- ft� I I piss.
friends to their now home.-Winghan,
Times. i SHARMAN, THE S1110E MAN,
No Man or Woman should hobhl,� 'Phone 160
painfully about because of corns wtjpn I MISS S. NOBLE
Plot certain a relief lb at hand as Hill 11
iovitity's Corn Cure. in