HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-26, Page 5�T a 441y _7 Ttft Oot it 1111 tql= =.=1 f. ZI Z111111 :�110;= NOTIR AIN I �ONLI 4. 4.'Xiller. a f4irm r 4*400t Iwcnty yow Q1 age. In 0411%meti Tov=1-40. ND Ews *010, IN T -MR 9ST gonugltto, iiluic�dc` by 151110QUAS U440 A rily tur4n Ity OW WIT, 104,691A FROU Wisy OU919M J* 1MTVA41349, rapidly In Aotirthern, Russia, gtrq, necorolilug to the deallut 14 Petrograd. rlU1,A- report NTNON bor at least 000 it day. DUNG'. F, W The HAMIltou'Ra4lal Electric Con,- DYSENTERY110, TURUXLY TOLD UY mY is allowed to Increase Its pas: L. 0 4eager rates to the same 94 tile luu- Hof 13FALL-X31y don & Port Stanley Railway. P)*uterV is OAV 9f the worpt forturt of A temporary embargo h*# been L a; -igeway, We— q to a number hi;iu;— t,(—;' between Nova Scotia or New Bruns. �oy - tbe pum i I fu Co U r1W v 4q, bQ 0 i wels wick Und Prince Edward bland. at A. P. Dishees. the nearby patches before "reveille." the diacbvi;ea occur with �reltt ra ' Witnesses at 1he Inquest lut Miss Margaret Pentland Is visiting, Miss Holita 11rutland liu been engaged 44 . Q the I dexth by drowning of Mrs. JAOtluit y often accompanied byWood relatives In lootiokaqw. by tile trustee board of S. S. No. 6, and the "tion on the system so weaken. LOVARd and daughter testify that I 1@4111s 60ftrai of Toronto. spent the Astotleld. i till con.) -as teacher for the ing,thas its termination qtcA prnvpe 11 Pond ar the Island, Toronto. week -end under the parental roof. coming terin. to suvered Miss Mal W. 1.194eath trap. Several " Shackleton. The jn here attended a dance Chief Constables, Amaoclatinu at St. Augqitlue on Friday evening. Misses Ila Bro%%n. tionevieve Hamil- Mr)wu the bowels get"lo.oiloned up in doolded to ask the Government to too. Lavergne Pentland and Laura the &UtO UP tQ? the allto parado. Tile Wit Way 044 You wish tv pheck the Altake It an offence for anyone eugaZ I The ItIlsses Wilkinson, of Toronto -04p4ituroU dum a visiting with MI#S pear, � , I Savage were among the successful can- more the merrier. This parade will harp without bi!4g!ng on Od In administration of the �&w ta IcKenzie. didates at the entrance examination- be headed by the Henderson Mille 00artipatidn, there is W:y, one remedy to Join a trade union. Misp * Pearl McKenzie. of Toronto, is Cougratu ilt Dr. IPWlerls Extract of District agricultural reprosseutg- spending her vacation at her home lations. band'of London. which has been ell- r4d"Skdrat!'"ry. Lives. in conference at the Ontario here, The farmers have been favored with gaged to perform both afternoon and Ideal weather for haying, and in a few evening. On the grounds there will be Agricultural College, Guelph. on th We aire glad that,MJss Nettle Sproul days operations will be completed. At haseliall—Lochalsh vs Belfast—at t-30. Mr. W, J. UetCW0 Tofield, Alta., farm labor question, had nothing tolull is Improving w"te3: "I wish t� sUie that nicely from her recent time of writing there Is a great need A red-hot game Is looRed for. And r we have Ild u0ed Dr. FOwler'll Extract of Wi Praise -for the tarmerettes. Hines& ra" Rrawberry with FPJDAY. for a heavy shower of rain. you will have a chance to see business that it can't be, , Questio / Miss Clare Augustine, of Port Arthur, By slipping down a few cellar steps in keen competition as the Dungannon beat. It save4 my i is nalres are to be sent out to is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Alex. hirs. N. J. Treleaven sustained a nasty business me% are qoJUg to pull ill it and little boy lot qurnmer, when the men of the 19 -20 -years Class. Pentland. Injury In one of her limbs above the tug-of-war against tbq Aubqrn bust. in were very low with dysentery. We Percival C. Ward, a 14 -year-old B J. Crawford no --Of -Torcontei - was-trowned- -near- i--i4iF--(!iFeis he will soon be the Injury is, nevertheless a very pain- 0 tit 48 there a it IA ve re heavyweights on would not be iaib��u�C it— W-' coo e La Mon. getthit; one. ful one. both sides. There wilt' be numerous 4001an a bottle." The railway shopmen all over Can- O'Dr. Fowler�jll I# not an experiment ada were voting on the question of Work oil the new bridge west of the We have been having- some races for the old and Young ; specia pretty eve�ts for the grown-ups who want but & tried and -proven remedy that has a general strike. village Is to commence this week, it warin weather lately. Sunday especially is expected. being -a swelterer. We don't know he%%. to be young egain. It you don't want kmr used in CFanada for the past 72 A strike of 50 000 laborers In Ar ­ Years. gentina has fur&r complicated Ia- Mrs. Golding and little daughter. of high the mercury soartA but we d to race yourself be an interested spoo- 0 tator Did wo say there would be There are many cheap. imitat* bor troubles in that South American Mount Forest, are visiting at the home know that we all had a most diMcult ions and republic. of Wm. Thompson. task to keep coot. solneilting doing all the Lillie. ()I, yes. ourbatitutes of this sterling remedy On there will be the drawing contests for the market. Bbware of them and accept J. E. Quicir, general baggage agent Bert Wiggins has been engaged as Harry Turner, of New York, brother- the two pigs and the holder of the only the origimil when you ask for it, as ot the G. T. R., retties after forty- Wacher at the Auburn public school in-law of Nat Whyard, and well known two lucky tickets for tile two porkers seven Years' sftvice. and Is succeed- after the holi0ays. to Dungannotiltes, has donned the 111191se cheap no -name. rig -reputation, ao- ed by L. L. Grabill. %%-ill be announced, This takes plac called strawberry com unds may be khaki and is now framing with the at five, 'TwIll be great fun. Don .40480 -mull towour heaIr The gentune A French mission has been a See *the Henderson tultu lads and. Canadian Engineers down east. Good P- lassies perform on field dTy, aftern miss it -for thil-worid. 'Then aff6r you lkliut �ip OnlY by The T. Milbaco'.. Pointed to 'go to Australia to discuss and evening, July 1. 00" bye, Harry ; we wish )-on luck. econotifte Questions with the Co 3 have laughed till your *ides ache you Plited� Torantii, ont. prim monwealth Government. m- J. McDonald and sister and Miss I Dungannon girls are conducting daily will have a kiien aptietite for a good The employes of the Canadian Ex- Caird, of Kintall, spent Sunday at the raids on the homes of this district, suppet, which you will be able to ob- Press Co. have been given a 'Uhatan- home of Samuel Pentland. selling Red Cross tiekeLs for the pig- Lain in the hall. Supper served by the tial Increase in wages and a so 1dravving conics6, field day. Someone Wilitineork ched,tile Sunday is bound to become another Flavelle, 40 cents ; children under 12, 'NEWS TOPICS OF WEK Owing to 'the intense heat I to 7. Prica of better wairking hours. evening the service In the Methodist %N,Ilo Is going to be onti of the lucky Help tile Red Gross by do '10 Brantford Municipal Railway Com- church was held in the basement. :aticng a Important Events Which Have mission. facing a defleltof $12,000 1 ones ? Be sure to buy a ticket and get baliket to the Institute for this supper. Miss Lilian Pentlabd left on Wednes- in line. In tile evening, Collituencing at 8 through increased wages, decided to day for Palmerston, where she will, Fitiding It too vvarm for sleeping lit- otertain- Occurred Dut ing the Week. abolish limited tickets. o'clock a grand concert and spend a few days wita friends. The National Division Sons of Id0Ors two of our business men slept ment will be hold lit tile hall. This The,Busy World's Happenings Care- Temperance re, -elected C. E. L. G. J. R. MeNall's "twin brother" was' out on No Man's Lanti, (or rather Main Promises to be a vory,speclai and high UP to SN Vni this week and they had'street� Sunday night, class talent will take part. The enin- Robenthal of South Manchester - stildier-stYle, but fully -00mitiolled and Put Into Conn., Most Wdrthy Patriarch. N their--picturps taken Tuesday morning. their repose \\as not very restful ow- mittet was fortunate in securing the Handy and Attractive Shape for services of tile Henderson lilltv A meeting of Russians In St. _Master Jack Stothers returned On Ing to tile conling and going In the. wee Lad. -i e Readers of Our Paper — A Catharines asked the Dominion Gov- Mond" to Toronto after spending , sloa' Of blin-st'll vvouproi who were woo- and Lasses of London, who have been Solld Hour's Enjoymenit. ernment to secure speedy recognition few weeks \\4th his grandparents here. ing and cooing In place% round about. playing In many large ventres this WEDNESDAY. of the Russian Socialist Soviet Re- public. Mr. and Mrs. Boy Harris spent the The new- switchboard has been In- summer. \\'ill' tile company art, \It.%, week -end at th4 home stalled in Vie teleptione Altos Dunbar, lady comedian, \\ho Is Four 'hundred girls are leaving The District Agricultural Repre- of T-. G. Allen. exchange and Mrs. Harrhr Is' remaining here- for a Is now working splendidly. The making them all laugh, sain Nluorqbe, 'llarry Tjkronto to work In the flax fields- sontatives at Guelph heard of nura- feW days. �-v change over from the told 4witeliboardsL juvenile Lauder and the we4. Two airmen were burned to death crone successful co-operative under- takings by Furmers' Miss Ella Ryan has been eontlned to was mail(, last \%eek with very little Mintrue children. Highland dancing In a crash yesterday at Leaside Camv. Clubs and singing, etc. PosiLAvly the Ireat h4 bed through illness. Her Inconvenience too tile public. Hayes A total of 3,054 troops are report- ed safely arrived in the United King- Associations. Gen ' Pershing. In cow=and of the 'and many Meyers, local lineman. and Mr. Balsh, if ths- season. llenerzi,. admissi,oll 5o friends wish for a speedy and cents. Reserved seats. co vents. Plim com- of the Northern Electric. dom. A merican forces In rrance, has been plete recovery. ob. (lid the J of hall at Post ifillce, "ho-ro. it kets fire The Goderich Rural Tel. Go. i now In 14 Mr. and*Mrs. Geo. Anderson, New rates of vocational pay are awarded the Grand Cross of the Or- fill S ale. A dance \%Ill be tit." of Luck- a better p"itiou than ever to render 10 tit the ,made public by the Invalided SQ- der of the Bath by the British Gov- now, Mr. and hirs. B. J. Crawford and the best 4 -service too fin ever-inereasing conclusion of file, concert. Ile stirp diers' Commission. ernment. Gen. Bliss has been award- Mrs. Alex. Pentland, were Goderich list of patrons. You coine and SPend an enjoyable tigl� A new Salvation Army Hostel be- ed the Grand Cross of the Order of visitors Monday. with tile cr4)v\fj at r)fingiinlloll. fill Th0s. Atothers, the 14 J; a remodeled hotel, has iieen St. Michael and 4 George. trustee of the Goill-PILIS proceeds are (o go to tlie Red Mr. Robinson and sister, Miss Laura, West RailroRd, oRlened at London W. D. Taylor died of heart failure SATURDAY. Negotiations -Shore slid T. G. Allen, of near Belgrave, and Milton Hopper, of the village, and J. .1. Hunter of Kin- Cross. of Morris, spent Sunday the guests of While waiting at the London C -P -R. regarding interven- Linn In Siberia are still in progrew cardine, were blify Wednesday, Thur 411sa Lilian Pentland. da - THE STORY OF THE STAIRS - y and Friday (if last in station foor a train. icapt. Reinhard, between the Allied powers. week con- The berty-picking season is now nection with the auetion sale of tile. :. a German, with 117 aerial victories to his Sir Robert Falconer, president of here and berr-y-pickers are numerous, remaining material belonging to the Every timo, yoo pil fill sfalls Non can credit, was killed in a trial flight. the University of Toronto, goes over- 1. Hunivr, of Kineardine, test your state of livalth--' pid road. J. the condi- -#�Wlitary police held up a Toronto sem to the Khaki Univer#ity,- 'King Alfonso of' Spain has'intfor- TUERDAY. a Void auctioneer. as. well as. a good timi uf yolir hiolid. Do You arrive the arowd returning from the baseball gaine for military papers, vened to save eight Belgians con- neM'spaper man, received the bids of at top of tile The maximum temperature in To- I those who took ad'vantage of the low -stairs breathless and distressed ? I)oes -All is reported quiet novK, In Vau- denined to dent? by the Germans. ronto on 14ond Y"was 88 degrees. prit-es prevailing for your heart Palpitate Niolently ? Doi the ties, bridge, Oeuil, and the 'Military Sehice Act R. Cowling, first mate of the life- saving crew, Toronto, is dismissed as Count Delia Somaglia, president 3f tres!le work, etc. A little over $2,000 y"u ha%e a pain in your side ? Per - the Italian Red Cross, died on Sun- vvas realized from haps )-(fit even have to sitip half being successfully carried out. Six conscientious objectors were a result of friction with his ca ptain. A remarks, L -a case of amnesia is, file sale. All that x\.R\. day. Is left now as a monument to Moyes, tip, M.Ab litubs trerowing all(] tiesil A Toronto coal shed was destroy- dizzy, too exhausted to btdught , before the first general c6firt -martial at Niagara Camp. , - reporte, n Charles r� Thorold I mas rascality is the grading and the heavy go) further ed by fire, the without resting. These are unfailing loss amounting to tax Nils every year The Navy League has obtained Peary, who wounded at pestu- $12.000. signs (if allitemia, As soon as vonr These are dark dsys for ,2 260 members in the Province of Que- Vise, 18,784 bert. A large cargo of relief suppfles is poor Old blood becomes Juipoverisliv Mrs. Ann Be#ttle. London's oldest Fritz. In France the Allied counter - resident, died at the age %f a hurt- Pure tile stair -case rvec4qnes till In- is of them in Montreal. C. J. Doherty, Acting t- 1!013 to be despatched from the United attack dred and nine- still vigorously proceeding strnment of torture. When this is so) I and at* time of writing, is .�>Zen. mistelp-General, says the bonus for States to Russia at the earliest pos- sible extending you are unfit for work ; your hillod Is The Burns Literary Society decor- in scope and has gained, important Robert carricys will be given in a'few moment. Win. Mitchell. Toronto, died fol- ated Burns' monument In watery anti your 'nerves exhausted, Allan Gardens, Toronto. new successes. The battle Is raging ),Oil are losing the e late John W. Stirling of New lowing eleefric shock ifaceived while joy of an active fiercely, pretty much all round a hair- life and 'pavIn the %vs.- for it further Twq Americans captured by Mexi- K N circip from the StAssons to Marne bequeathed $20,000,000 to working a steam shovel at the foot of Bathurst street. can bandits are being held for ran- and lYreak down and decilriv. In thl thence to Rheims, a front of sixty to; dition som in the Sierra"Mountains. Tale University, of which he was a The Ontario Government appro- . only one thing can saves you. Gen. von Francis, commander of seventy miles. Though the dawn or You must Put new, rich, red blood In - graduate. Senator James Mason. ho . n0rarY I -Priltell two 11111H4111 dollars 16 lend success may be breaking for the Allies to your veins without further delay the Seventh Germany Army Corps on In France, tbere Is much hard president of the Home Bank of Can- to urban and rural,�municipallties for workmen's houses. the Western front. has resigned. Yet work and so build lip your health anew. To Leo Foote, an Indian boy of Pres- to be doneg by the united armies and this ada, died. following an operation'tor appendicitis. Canada's revenue from April I to get new, rich blood give Dr. Wil- we have our part to play in the com- liants Pink Pills a fair trial. and they Cott, fell out of bed in his sleep, and ing New York's mayor has suggested JUIY-10 totalled $74,000,000, com- pared with $69,000,000 In the struggle. No one may say that all fracturing his neck died instantly. will give You new vitality, sound Canada can raise and send in men will Honduras, which broke diplomatic to the Board 'of Aldermen that a PoncipAl street or avenue of the cor- responding period last year. health, and the power to resist and not be needed to aid In making the last relations with Germany on May 18, throw off disease, For more than a big drive It city be , named after Marshal Joffre. An agreement has been reached for the extension of the C.N.R. from lias now declared war against whenever comes off 80 generation this favorite medicine has Central Empire. the for that reason we are glad that the been Thomas J. Mooney, who was con- Victoria northward for 70 miles in lisp throughout the world and I Supreme Court of Canada by a ma- halt The Postmen's str:ke is not settled victed at -San Mrancisco, of murder'in connection with a preparedness day along the Vancovver Island coast. . roade many thousands of weak Victoria, Vancouver, New Westmin: Jority of Its members decided that the despondent men and wornen bright. ac-' Order -In -Council of April 20, bomb explosion, will undergo execu- Carriers, porters and grademen of the Toronto branch of the Federa- ster and WInniP(-9 Postmen have 1916, can- Live and strong. Joined the strikers. ceiling exemptionq granted and the tion. tion of Associatdd Letter Carriers You can get Dr. Williams Pink Pills Joe Zalenskey, an Austrian, arrest- Military Service Act, was within the throtigh any dealer in THURSDAY. will not report for work Monday un- medicine, or by od at Point Edward, is alleged to power of the Cabinet and is effective. mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes Basset Blewett, husband of Jean leas their pay is Increased. have received gunpowder through We have all got to be united In win- for *2..1)0 from The Dr. 'Williams Medi- Blewett. the writer, is dead. The Supreme Court of Canada by the mail from Brantford. ning the war. None of us can afford cine Go., Brockville, Ont. Kansas' great wheit crop has been a majority Judgment, two justices Richard Lynch, Jr., 23 years of to stand back and "knock" and retard harvested with unusual success. dissenting, upholds the validity of age, was fatally burned at the Im- the progress of any war undertaking. GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR FAIIIIERg IJeut. 0. L, Calverley, Oakville, the orders -in -Council abolishing ex- perial Oil Co.'s plant at Sarnia, it Is Here's hoping that the Present "push" was killed while flying in England. emptions from military service. Allied Furope depends on America believed by a blowback from the will finally result In making Fritz *fo The Quebec *vernment is open- The Chamber of Deputies of Ron- furnace. yell, "Mercy camarad r 50 per cent. of its food supply. Af- Ing firm labor bureaus at several mania has decided ithat the Govern- t er the war a large proportion of this A thousand metal workers in Win- Dungannon's Big Field Day. Wednes- demand cities. ment beaded by J. 1. C. Brattano, In olpeg struck, de�tdfng unanimously will etintiffue, The whole The Masonic Grand Lodge of On- offlc45- at the time of Roumania's en- to wait no longer for the finding of day, July 31 world Is short of food -stuffs. The tario Is in annual communication try into the war, shall be prosecuted. the royal commission on their de- Everything is in readiness for Dun- live stock Population has been decreas- at Windsor. In 204 of the 230 constituencies Ila mand for higher wages. gannon's big field day on Wednesday erl ' fitissia has been socially dig -or - Britain and Peru have signed a Canada a total of 4,800,000 regis- Unknown persons slashed all the of next week and all that Is needed ganizod, and Is not producing enough convention establishing a peace and tered, and at least 200,000 cards will tires and otherwise rulned the - no%v, Is )od weather to make the event to feed herself. Farmers of Canada arbitration commiqsion. be received from Quebec post offices. all VO a hugegf( will have an export rnarket for years, mobile of Rev. Father Dogorsky t mccess, The program, as ar- The Soya bean may be Introduced In Ontario 101,000 persons offered Brantford, and every window in the ranged, makes a full afternoon of such as for %%Iifcll they have never Into Canada as a substitute for co- to do farm work, Polish Church was broken. sports and events. Something doing dreamed. reals and other foodstuffs. To hide losses of German U-boats Celebration of Belgian Indepen- all the time. It vvIll start off with the More than 12,000,000 feet of air- from the German Public and the dence. Day was held yesterday in calith—Pian and decorated auto par- 400,000,000 SHORT OF FOOD plane spruce has been cut on Queen crews of submarines the High Naval French cities. in Paris the Peremon ade As many entries As Possible are In Fiiriip� today 4flo,000, so' " WTI Charlotte Island since April. Command has forbidden the state- - 0 P I e lea began with a To Detim at the Be] vanted for this attraction. If you are are shijrt nt fnOd. one-third British trade figures show an In- ment in death notices that deceased Of the glan Cburch, at which many Govern- car -owner and don't want to appear wnrld's poptilation Is now on crease in imports of C15,538,000 for waA a member of a submarine crew. short ment officials were present. in the ­11thumPlarl bunch decor(ite rations. June compared with those of June MONDAY. last year. The maximum temperature in To - The National Division, Sons of ronto Sunday was 92. gi Temperanc,6 of Canada and the Toronto postmen are on strike, but em UnItod- States, Is in convention at a settlement Is In eight. :OV- -V,,:6 Sergt. Fred Webster, Toronto, was W. drowned while swimming at Hardan's Point. GRAY HAIR BECOMES The police are asked to find 12- Z j, year-old Mattle Wain, Toronto, who X has DARK AND BEAUTIFUL of disappeared. John C. West, of Simcoe, Inventor the alligator boat, died at the age 4; of nearly 74 years. T�J`Y Gr=drfl0ther',910td73?avorite Saints' Rev. W. J. Southam, rector of All church, Is going to Holy Trin- Reeip of ftpT*a and Ity Church, Winnipeg. V*w staphur. The Bolsheviki have agreed to a non -uniformed force of Germans to guard the German Embansy in Mos - :Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea COW. amd Sulphur, properlyo compounded, Major Tbeo. Roosevelt, Jr., son of loyinvAback the natural color andlustre the former U. S. President, has been o t slightly t 'We hair when faded, streaked or wounded and In in hospital gray. Years ago the only way to get this In Mixture W118 to imake it at home, which Parts. Ne*rs of the death of the former is mussy and troublesome. Russian Emperor Is accepted as more Nowadays we simply ask at Ally drug than probableAn Parts. It is believed store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur In Germany. Z -Componnil." You will ITI; . I1.,r bottle A German submarine has made an ef this old, Lime recil pro, 71by the attack an fishing hosts off Cape Cod, addition of other ingredients for about Mass. Warships are on the lookout .60 cents. Everybody uses this prepift- for the U-boat. tion now, because no one can possibly tell The Provincial Machinists' Convert - that you darkenod your hair, as It does tion resents Bon. Mr.' Crothers' Jt so naturally and evftl7,. Vou dampen threat to arrest labor men in Wind - is spoW or soft brush with it and draw sor calling for a general strike. this through your hair, taking one small Hon. P. E. Blondin, Postmaster- ,fittraad..At a time; by morning tbeKrJ.Lt Gen4dml ' has been appointed to (fie ,bair disappears, and after another spolil - Senate, IW' succession to the late cation or two, your hair becomes beauti- Senator Shehyn, for Laurerittdc, Que. fully dark, thick and glossy and you Davla Roberts, of Detroit, 3. look years younger. 4 Wyethlet, Sage and 0 Of fulphur Comrund Is a delightful toilet ' Detroit Ago. took a long dive into the river at Windsor and, failed 01 -,ATE kl? 'R PRODUCTION IN BRITAIN. A"Isite. It u not Intended for theturi, Ito come up, being probably carried by Cri(,kct grounds and all tvasto, lands to be cultivated. 3lembers of a 80orts Club working ft 1a#1pt!op gr prgvention of illsonse. away the undertow. (;rnnnilf, vnw irtoler en1t;ratien. 4P 110AV19`MW4* Vqr9MUWWV0WQr* � I e#414 pfisj;ktiti�. - comme"Jilif SWIAIIA Aw TOO. trA01 DwRath. It you purpose taking a buiduess Col. le;,.o course during F*11: or winter, months, write now for U'Avf logue. . ree cittqo� IL L Umull. In I @ — no" aM.N.J. 611114 Minor 22, 'WI-PIsp ARTMM cMCLE SALAD TicA The Arthur Circle Of kDox church vvfll hold their, annual salad te4l ou the church grounds on the evening of Fri- day. July 26th. gut DUOS RK40110 UR KIDNE1139, Iff SALTS U Yar Buk Is aching or Mmuw bodka% Mnk lob of wittw NA "t low me" Whin your kidneys hurt and ym back feels sore, don't get amrsd and to load your stomach with IL to- proo"d t of dra" that suite the kidneys and irritate– is; entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys Clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild. harmless salts which removes the body's urinous waste and Itimulates them to their nor. mal activitE 116 function of the kid. INYS, isto tier the blood. In 24 hours the strain from 0 60:0dflraiun's of acid v an w"te, so we am r ly understand the vital Importarl" Of keOping the k1d. a" active. Drink lots of —ter—you can't'drink too much; also got from any pharmaciat about four ounces of Jail Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakf4t each morning for a few days and your kidn" will act fina. This famus saits is made from th acid of grapes and Italian julcso corabinz with lithis, ARd has been used for gone tifts to Clean and stimulate clogged krll' R=; Alm to neutralize the acids 'in oarl a so it no longer is a source of irri- tation, thus ending bladder weaknossa, Jad Salts Is inexpensive; cannot in. fure; makes a de!ightful efferveaccal ithill-witter drink which everyone should "k's 3l0w 46111d then to keep their kid. UsYs almn and active. Try this, &Igo =UP the 'Water drinking and so t you Will wonder WbAt 6" of 701119 0411111Z 112011ble and back&" W.; A FLEL. �' "Popp—A 4W For Tlckftlltosoftlrvatl� 4LtUr* a. ,"formation. Lw., emirle. Statistic I dy..,�r wr to it 1� t . 03 lung at R. THE SAULT-9— 01 Successors to McDonagl EXCLUSIVIR AGEN LEHj IGH VA TH H COAL TliAT HA We (lea] in Hard and ft Cement, Fire Brick. -ft Hard and Soft Wood, Hemlock Slabs. Fresh Cars of to, Cement just t* OFFICH PHONX B. J. SA t7l.rs, R1131110".0 , W- W. SAXII.Ts, Pilim o ..tot&l 1 Toto u k TUS Hack', ':"dm. has Morintv*&IMOnt of , , :,;Will all ON "*A Ism you 'Busse pas~f much part of ii, ilbit at 61h to g A WMAGNIFICENT-81 TLO G,1*041 Ship "SEEANDBEE" – "Crry OF ERIL" 11TWX11" )BUFFALO Doi y. M ay" I art to Now. It Lxtive BUTFALO 9,Q, PftAoTJ � :­­ I— T 6"- C"J`V11oL4J14 A1`f11"CL9W"Nf)7­AhJ I q (­1m,f1me Ar7f"ftvv#A t:t off, R-d T,,�. T ow"U. —1pthilve bim d Ile aeveland & Buffalo Tr4m.11 ce- ny Th. G—.t Mop 8 E E A N 0 D E F. --th. 1-1..t "d on–a-4, "t­fth" WWI 'it' "P�lky. 1500 p=n'6�rf--. ��� CANADIAN 4 Resorts in n 111clud'ag BALA Muskoka Lakes) FRFNCH RIVER �French 14" 04 POINT AU BARIL BORCAYGEON (Kaw SMITH'S FALLS (Ri Severn River Glou BON ECHO Lake Maxi"V) 4 ARE CoNu-NiBTLY REACH1,07'. Summer Tourlot of! General Change A ofil Caull W B HOWARD. Mario,: V