HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-26, Page 3_A_
"Jift 46, 19;4
81 AIR
yenra Pit age. in Hallowell Tow -d "it),
Committed 811144do by ubQolilps PV, 1-10 NEWS OF 1NTJB;Rr,448T
le ' orarily Imaue. X BUSY
vity iew WITO 1?bfelera is spreading rapidly ta FRO.N
northern Russla, and. according to
report, the deaths In Petrograd nu. -j -
her at least 500 a day. DUNG TAb.***T-NN0N
DYSENTERY. The Hamilton Railial Electric C
PauY to allowed to increase its TERSEX.Y Toiul UY Ths ftli lot, IfIlI#1
rmnger rates to the vameas H. UELI_A�vy
the ell", befoTall Sit till'o. bloomy
Loa kit
.11W.Y1 - . .
T"utery is in A
ue of the worst forms of temporary embargo has, beeen
bowel complaint. It comes on suddenly. Placed on the passa car, Ir F tile
cal.'s Mrs. Fortner, of Ritligeway. is ViSitlip9l quite a number liteing thembehes *tv
ge of motol
between Nova Scotia or New Bruys- Modem *4*
the Pains in tile bowels become intense, at'A. P. Disher's. the nearbN patches beffilre 51"dilarA 114 Tel.
wick Und Prince Edward Island. but WAAV "lot V* 41!0 to
the dischgMes occur with great, ra " ty Witnesses at the inquest Auto the I Miss Margaret Pentland Is visithigi Nliss EkIlla lieutland has beell engaged PAY Dwrti"Ats csiblu., 10470 0,
and am v�ry often accompani by death by drowning of Mrs. Letitlzf relatives In Lockn9w.
d bY tile trustee board of S. S, Nfu� 6. It YOU pilrpose taking a business col. 8%urs
and the lactiou on the systern so weaken- Leylsad. and daughter teistify that I Ellis Stothers, of Toronto. spent tile Aslifleld. Ath eou.� as teacher for the Acdo
lego coum during Fa
Long Pond at' the Island. Toronto. week -end under the parental roar. conking terni, -vievid , 11 or Winter Pull I r, V,
ing that its termination ela provee to sut Miss Nld.N
It is"Im. death trap.
. -1 mouths. write uow for our free eata, TI
logue. '.1 a. I
o o" 9 04; of HOT
1 Several from here attended a dance
The Chief Constables' Assoclatiou at St. AU94bne on Friday evening. Misses till Brovvn, (itine%teve Hainil-
�Wpemm the bowels get loosened up in dulded to ask the Government to ton, Laverigne Pentland and Laura tile auto up to IL V#MHUN. V. P. LAWRENCE
this way 'and you wish to clieck the unlike it an offence for anyone engag- The Misses Wilkinson, of Toronto, r the auto parado. The
are visiting with Miss Pearl McKenzie. Savage were amung tile successful ean- more the merrier. This parade will Town PA"tox*V'on
unuxturaf discharge without litinging on ed In administration of the law t;� didates at the entrance examination- be headed by the Henderson kiltle "QuIlt
cclustipatiou, there is cimily one remedy to Join a trade union. Miss - Pearl McKenzie, of Toronto, is Congratulations. momlomm
use and that is Dr. r4bwler's'Extract of District agricultural representa- spending her vacation at her home band of London, which has been en-
Tild Strawberry. tives, In conference at the Ontario here. The farmers ha%e been favore.d with gaged to perform both afternoon and
Ili a few evening. on the grounds there will be
farm labor question, had nothing but e 0 st —Lochalsh vis Belfast—at *4,:30.
I wish to state that we have Praise for the farmerettes. illnes& eat need A red-hot game is sooked for. And
We are glad that Miss Nettie Sproul days operations will be coillpi At bw Amil
Mr. W. J. Metcalfe, Tofield, Alta., Agricultural College, Guelph, on thV I ideal weather for haying, and
Is Improving nicely from tier r cent time of writing there is a gir t d'
uwd Dr. Fowler'o Extract of Wild for a heavy shovver (of ralu. you will have a chance to see business
Strawberry with good results. I can Gay FRIDAY. Miss Clare Augustine, of Port Arthur, By slipping down a few cellar stepps it, keell competition as the Dungannon
that it can't be Nat. It savelmy twife Questionalres are to be sent out to is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Alex. Mrs. N. J. Treleaven sustained a nasty business ineci are.1501lig to pull tit a
'wereand little boy last summer, he men of the 19 -20 -years class. PenLiag(l. -uLwar_ agailist- .1hP,- Auburn, _1114334
--very iowi-with--Oysenter -We Pero-1val C'. Ward, a fill --y'" Injury In -one -of 4K -r jljnb_s� aboNe tile Aug_
ear -old B, J. Crawford is now an expert at knee. Although not laid up altogether ness men. This should bo -ad exciting
ways1ave a bottle of it in thelouw, and boy. of Toronto, was drowned near running a eat-, Guess he will soon be the Injury is, neNertheless a very pain- "vent as there art., heavyweights on
would not be without it if it cost five Lambton. getting one. both sides. Tile
dollars a bottle." ful one. re will be numerous
The railway shopmen all over Can -
"Dr. Fowler"i" is not an experiment ads were voting on the question Work on the new bridge w�st of tile We have been haNing some pretty races for the old and young ; special
of MIN e\ents for tile grown-ups who want
but a tried and a general strike. villitilge is to commence this week, it warin weather lately. Sunday espeei
Ili— Used in Canada t U, I A strike of 50 Ann 1 1— A is expected. being a swelUwev Wedon't knew "OwL
proven remedy that ham to be young again. It you don't want
0 :t
ature a
J. W. (
lqh, or
Brantford Municipal Rail
or e PaSE A
I - rers mi iki, -
9 entina has further complicated As-
Mrs. Golding and little daughter, of
high tile mercury soared but we do
to race yourself be an interested speo-
tator. Did we there be
mission, facing a deflelt o
through increased wage
abolish Halite d till
president of the Home Bank of Can-
ada. died following an operation'tor
There are many cheap imitations and
bor troubles in that South American
Mount Forest, are visiting at the home
of Win. Thompson.
kno\\ that we all had a most difficult
task to keep cool.
say would
something doing all tile time. 0h yes,
The,Busy World's Happenings Care-
Temperance re-elected C.
gobatitutes of this sterling remedy on
the InArket. Beware of them and accept
J. E. Quie<teneral baggage agent
Bert Wiggins has been engaged as
Harry Turner. of New York, brother-
there will be tile drawing contests for
the two holder
Handy amid Attractive Shape for
A meeting of Russian
only the original when you ask for it, as
of the G. T. R., retlies after forty-
teacher at the Auburn public school
In-law of Nat Whyard, and well known
pigs and, ,tile of tile
two lucky tickets for tile two porkers
In ovilloy
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
these chomp, po-na
-me. no -reputation, 150-
seven Years' service, and is succeed-
after the holiftys.
to Dungannonites, has donned the
will be announced. This takes p lace
called strawberry cornpounds may be
dangerous to health. The
ed L. L. Grabill.
A F'rench mission has been ap-
See , the Henderson tultu lads and
khaki and Is now training with the
Canadian Engineers
at five. 'TwIll be great fun. Don't
The Arthur Circle of Rnox church
z�j il
your gentians
is Put Up only by The T. Milburn (;a,
Poin I to go to Australia to discuss
lassies perform on field daly, aftern (town cast. Good-
0011 bve, Harry ; we, w-ish )ou luck.
and evening, July 31. -
miss It for tile world, after you
have laughed till
will hold their annual salad tea on the
church gpounds on the evening of Fri-
In a crash yesterday at Leaside Carol) *
14inited. Toriintii, Ont. Price. 35c.
econonite questions with the Com-
monwealth Government
and sister Dungannon girls are tionducting daily
and Miss I
your sides acho y U
will have a kqen appente for a good
day, July 26th.
raids on the. holnes of this dlstrlet.jsupp�
The employes of the Can
Press Co. have been given a
tial increase in
�!Jl, pg. able to ob-
mild, harmless
wages and a
of better wo*rkin- hours
. American forces in France,
body's urinous
New rates of vocational pay are
0 :t
ature a
J. W. (
lqh, or
Brantford Municipal Rail
enc, , its ofen appo n eft
In,, succession to the late
Shehyn, for Lauretittide, Quo.
— - of t
trains st
to urban and rural municip
Important Events Which Have
Occurred Dut ing the Week.
mission, facing a deflelt o
through increased wage
abolish Halite d till
president of the Home Bank of Can-
ada. died following an operation'tor
The Natioi ,I:,.d
..I Di
Canada's revenue from
July_10 totalled $74,000,0
The,Busy World's Happenings Care-
Temperance re-elected C.
fully Compiled and put Into
Hobenthal of South M
Conn., Most Wdrthy Patria
Handy amid Attractive Shape for
A meeting of Russian
-of watell,
the Readers of Our Paper — A
Catharines asked the Domt
In ovilloy
Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
ernment to secure speedy r
FANDBEE" -CITY OF pluelo, ..� stft-,
away by the underlow.
connection with a preparedness day
of the Russian Socialists
'oily. May lot to Nov. 150h
'Mv.,s- i-- r...v L,.,, CL.VX A
V � I -,,,I L4110
r— AM- npv#
rt and lour back
Four hundrqd girls are leaving
Toronto to Work In the flax fields,
The District Agricultur
sOntatives at Guelph heard
red and pro-"
% a lot of drulm
Two airmen were burned to death
erous successful co-operat
and irritate tfbe
In a crash yesterday at Leaside Carol) *
takings by Farmers' Cl
lep your kidneys
A total of 3,054 troops are report.
ir bowels clean,
ed safely arrived in the United King-
Gen. Pershing. in com-ma
mild, harmless
. American forces in France,
body's urinous
New rates of vocational pay are
awarded the Grand Cross o
am to their nor -
made public by the Invalided Sc,)-
der of the Rath by the Bri
tien of the kid.
diers' Commission.
fernment. Gen. Bliss has be
XL In 24 hours
N A new Salvation Army Hostel be-
ed the Grand Cross of the
11.0rains of acid
Ing a remodeled hotel, has ileeii
St. Michael and St- Georg
uIlly understand
opened at London.
keeping the kid -
W. D. Taylor died of heart failure
Negotiations regarding
While waiting at the London C.P.R.
tion In Siberia are still in
-you can't drink
station for a train.
between the Allied pov -erg.
any pharmae'
Capt.- Reinhard. a German, with
Sir Robert Falconer, pr
Jad Us. ts; take
1-17 aerial victories to his credit, was
the University of Toronto,
gla�sa of water
killed' in a trial flight.
si to the Khaki Universi
)rning for & few
-Military police held up a Toronto
King Alfonso of Spain
1 will eat fine.
crowd returning from the baseball
vened to save eight Beig
made from the
game for military papers,
All is reported in
dennned to deat4 by the Ge
t Juice. combined
used for 4
quiet now Vau-
R. Cowling, first mate 0
dreuil, and the Ser'z'vice Act
saving crew, Toronto, is dis
late clogged kid. X
being successfully carried out.
a result of friction with lit
* the said& in I
Six conscientious objectors were
brought , before the first general
A remarka.41,3 case of a
reported froWl Thorold in
a source of irri.
lair weakness.
c6firt-martial at Niagara Camp.
Peary, who was wounded
cannot ill-
The Navy League has obtained 22,-
ful effervescent
250 members in the Province of Que-
�,bec, 18,784 of th4m in Montreal.
A large cargo of relief s
to be despatched
everyone should
keep their kid. y
�'Ilon. C. J. Doherty, Acting Post-
from th
States to Russia at the 'ear
Try this, also 7v
inking and
r4aster-General, says the bonus for
mail carriers will be given in a few
sible mome t.
what 6"
di L ys.
Win. Mitchell, Toronto,
'The late John W. Stirling of New
Yiirk bequeathed $20,000,000 to
lowing eleefric shock recei
working a steam shovel a
of Bathurst street.
0 :t
ature a
J. W. (
lqh, or
Succellaors to McDonagh og4
We deal in Hard and Soilt 10oal
Cement. Fire Brick.
Hard and Soft Wooldi. U601
Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh Cars of U,
Cement Just
B - 1. SA 17 I.Ts' R
W. W. SAUt.T31
To SW. Al lye
A, M
Hack 916'111. has
Monts4MI'Dent of
just ON t*, iiiWl all
vis Ir.
104*4s. you,
'Bussesk4t. 11for, 410 -
Psis much
Vale University, of which he was a
Senator James Mason,
The Ontario Governme
.Priates two million dollars
enc, , its ofen appo n eft
In,, succession to the late
Shehyn, for Lauretittide, Quo.
— - of t
trains st
to urban and rural municip
General Change
president of the Home Bank of Can-
ada. died following an operation'tor
Succellaors to McDonagh og4
We deal in Hard and Soilt 10oal
Cement. Fire Brick.
Hard and Soft Wooldi. U601
Hemlock Slabs.
Fresh Cars of U,
Cement Just
B - 1. SA 17 I.Ts' R
W. W. SAUt.T31
To SW. Al lye
A, M
Hack 916'111. has
Monts4MI'Dent of
just ON t*, iiiWl all
vis Ir.
104*4s. you,
'Bussesk4t. 11for, 410 -
Psis much
Vale University, of which he was a
Senator James Mason,
The Ontario Governme
.Priates two million dollars
enc, , its ofen appo n eft
In,, succession to the late
Shehyn, for Lauretittide, Quo.
— - of t
trains st
to urban and rural municip
General Change
president of the Home Bank of Can-
ada. died following an operation'tor
workmen's houses.
P to
ro P
Canada's revenue from
July_10 totalled $74,000,0
New York's mayor has suggested
pared with $69,000,000 in MINED
to the Board of Aldermen that a
principal street or avenue of the city
responding period last yea
be named after Marshal Joffre.
An agreement has been
for the extension of the C.
Our Livery awclmaw�
will be, f0M04_.
Thomas J. Mooney, who was con-
Victoria northward for JASSES
In ovilloy
victed at -San Francisco of murder in 'along
the Vancouver Island
FANDBEE" -CITY OF pluelo, ..� stft-,
away by the underlow.
connection with a preparedness day
Carriers, porters and gra
'oily. May lot to Nov. 150h
bomb explosion, will undergo exiefett-
the Toronto branch of th
'Mv.,s- i-- r...v L,.,, CL.VX A
V � I -,,,I L4110
r— AM- npv#
Your Pe t"oo"�Soft'k"'
tion of Associated Letter E
will not report for work M
Basset Blewett, husband of Jean
less their pay is increased. Phone
phomme 14 4
Blewett, the writer Is dead
The Supreme Court of C
Kansas' great wheat crop has been
a majority judgmen two
enc, , its ofen appo n eft
In,, succession to the late
Shehyn, for Lauretittide, Quo.
harvested with unusual success.
dissenting, upholds t
General Change
Lieut. 0. 1- Calverley, Oakville,
the orders-in-Coun 11 . bo 1 11
Davlo Roberts, of Detroit, 30 years
;*0 6
was killed while flying in England.
emptions from military se
The Quebec (Ipvernment is open-
The Chamber of Deputi
Ing farm labor bureaus at several
mania has de�ided that th
ment headed by J. J. C. B
The Masonic Grand Lodge of On-
offic4 at the time of Roum
tario is In annual communication
at Windsor.
try into the war, shall be p
In 204 of the 230 constit
FANDBEE" -CITY OF pluelo, ..� stft-,
away by the underlow.
Britain and Peru have signed a
Canada a total of 4,800,0
'oily. May lot to Nov. 150h
convention establishing a peace and
arbitration commission.
tered, and at least 200,000
be received from Quebec po
'Mv.,s- i-- r...v L,.,, CL.VX A
V � I -,,,I L4110
r— AM- npv#
The Soya may be Introduced
In Ontario 101,000 person
I fi� C"lw F,. t, hjt.in4lay Deuvit,
Into Canada as a substittite for ce-
to do farm work,
and a -,d fi,i, i;Zo
A 11, o. B4
reams and other foodstuffs. 10 11lUe losses OL Germs, — . -ft ( .11 1 1 1 1
More than 12,000,000 feet of air- from the German public -J If.11 Tb. G t Stdp.
plane spruce has been cut on Queen crews of submarines the Hi — - W111,11-1 ..d d-�M,,
Charlotte Island since April. Command has forbidden t
British trade figures show an In- ment In death notices that
crease In Imports of 215,538,000 for was & member of a submar SAW", ,
June compared with those of June MONDAY.
last year, The maximum temperatu llind
The National Division, Sons of ronto Sunday was 92.
Temperance of Canada and the Toronto postmen are on s
United- States, Is In convention at a settlement is in sight.
drowned while swimming at Hanlan's
Sergi. Fred Webster, Toronto, was
Point. _v
The police are asked to find
yeaf-old Mattie Wain, Toronto, who k'.
has disappeared. VTW:
John C, West, of Simecle, Inventor _Z
of the alligator boat, died at the age
44, of nearly 74 years.
Rev. W. J. Southam, rector of All
CA N A D I�A N4.�
Try G=dMoilier"001d' Favorite Saints' church, is going to Holy Trin-
Ity Church, Winnipeg
P."*e of gap Tea &nd The Bolshi havc"'I' d to a
Sulphur. - non -uniformed force of ans o
t A
guard the German Embassy In Mos -
everyone knows that Sage Tea cow.
d Sulphur, properly compounded, Major Theo. Roosevelt, Jr., son of 01j,
tviduga bitek the, naturAl color andlluxOre the former U. S.. Pt,"Ident, has been Resorts in
slightly wounded and is in hospital
to the )lair wben faded, streaked or
In Parts.
gray. Years ago the only wa to get this
News of the death of the former -�K
zoixture was to make it at I.me, wbich A;4
ii mrimismy and troublesome. Russian Emperor Is accepted as more BALA MUskoka Lakes)
�Towadatys we simply ask at in drug than probable In Paris. It its believed
in Germany. FRENCH RIVER (Freath'W"
store for "W'y0th1s Sage and Fulphr Zf
wCompomid." You will get a la�rfe bottle A German submarine has made an
;f this old time recipe improv by the attack on fishing boats off Cape Cod, BOBCAYGEON (Kawamo
addition of other ingredients for aboull Mass. Warships are on the lookout
60 cents. Everybody uses this prepift- for the U -Iii SMITH'S FALLS (RW#o
tion now, beftuse no one can possibly tell The Provincial Machinists' Conven- Severn Rtver , Glistic
thAt you darkened your bair, as it do" tion resents Hon. Mr. Crotherg' I=fl I
ax, Wi
At, so natUrally and evenly. You dampen threat to arrest labor men in Wind- BON ECHO Lake A
'19 sponge or soft brush with it and draw sor calling for a general strike. ARE CONVENIENTLY REilIQ
Ahis thiatigli y Hon. P. E. Blondin, Postn!a,,,,,,r
bur hair, taking one small
4 4 Summer TOU011"
ratid ail a ime; by morni the g�Ay
lair dimppeirs, tend after &llAher &oil-
cation or two, hair becomea beauti.
enc, , its ofen appo n eft
In,, succession to the late
Shehyn, for Lauretittide, Quo.
General Change
Davlo Roberts, of Detroit, 30 years
jully dark, thick and gloomy and you
look years younger. i Wycitbla,, Sage and
fialphur CoidpoUnd is a delightful toilet
I Of age, took a long dive into the
Detroit river at Windsor an(� failed
rkWoUite., It, I& not intended for the cure,
to come up. boing probably carried
Crii-ket gro,linds and all waste land& to be cultivated. Afembi Of a SP0rt13 Club working on the,,
W. B HOWARD. Dist"
p0g4tion- or prpyention of diseat;4
away by the underlow.
(;1n1lr,dP t w jr,lur