HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-19, Page 5#
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,%L __ � I lawns loole " ft r Ili � - I , -,S-,i%-S
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I ;U;P�ZX;W*-' -Vi)3,4r� 79M Wgmf- -, �tsiiry of the Rtligiol agaro -
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. �, ** - , "a VA'A." if go, couisn't to each Tausucces,$tUt Candidate. # a 1104 1999 .... I
, i, �!=Zr is 40 I , out W801,14 Talk I ,�,
I I 9 "I ! I ch $ubjeCt %Nltl be seat
'i . I 'hil " am high,
. 1 JW4 xqw -�w I I i T
. -4 PrIg obtained In Ca
� , .-
I I 04. do '.,,, 0 .1. T,ilq st4ioidluI5 required to pass W .
-41 40V 7QU Out,
14 , , ,ew - V=11* I ,
� . I , 10**pniow; ,, , 1 subject and a to'Lal till Im
�J � . . I 1. � . per cent In eacl nors a total Of N
, t I � . I -' of 390 markso For hilt I Our system of doing business 'a ar
7, I . UNION -RAW OF CANADA jg7 markt,i W necessary. Bathing Caps to pay Qssih tor every 1911 ot 9004-8
. I I I , . . WINMPF Most of the failures were in grammar so I For proftsent We ,
, - 40� �A MAK 217 9
I , I . . , '14'rAp , K- . ty the latter; IN that onstero our atom, as WQ,k as
� 1, I � . � I �.. � . and geography, e6fieQ1411 in each sub- you have only to glance at dur lm it Is checked and approved OIL I .
. I . 17", , . CA01AWCO ARMCHIP The highest standing large variety to be convinced that W In this Way we secure all 414- We fiave
I , 3ect Was RS f011 -14"V8 - eatly increased our Silk stock-
I;- , . t?. W00JA_C6M0J;, �w 0 - Mkonor- aesolling-AlicEi ,,Mustard, Al marks. your favorite is among them. � I counts &ad sitommissionsis bring* ' ,
. � I -'NU MacKay. A5 marks. N and are' showing tiTse very best values iln Habutait
_�- . . \Vritiug ideline Maude Aralige to see - 9 d
'i9 `7" . �Id . . - - I Z] -St hel Jowett, these new ar Eft Ing the net east Ot the 90048 to a Taffetas, Pailettes , Etuchess Silks, Shautungs an
.11,11'. � I ..", :1� ;--- , Spelling J. Ostethout, rivals, They're exquisite and b, two Is N
. - , * -19 - . . — Howell. �larle McIntosh, there's an ( 10 Ahe lowest ro"Ible Polls'
� Or .__� � . . �, 9 Earl westbrook, Doris ixceptioually striking 91 r of succoos, in N poplius.
111.11.��:�, . John Wallace, creation for every individual. N the chtet fatitti
� . Woollcombe, .&jicc Mustard, Edith Zet- "I moders retailing and Our custPuil. I Habutai Silk at $i.5o a yard.
. , tel, Theodore Wagner, perfect. / 0 0
i . I MA LADIES' COLLEGIO , We are now featuring the very _111 ere can readily We the advent' N N, I I I ?I ,
. .
I ,,
1" 90
— - Z k—Now t
-1*-' J� Arithmetic--Verda Vale, too marks. ' latest styles In Bathing C&PIL till
. . marks. hich they have in dealing 10 Our special finish Habutai Silks, full yard,
. F I ROW"Ut School for Qkh) Grammar -Maude Howell, 97 1111 640 W is
. � (qw,adasls vatked . a
. , --!�eona- Welititer, 86 Don% mt$s this opportunity. 0 wick, will not cut, makes ideal dresses. All colors
I - - a , ltd1k.'store. -
_ __.__._____ - I . 8�-ITS�-TWRTY-U%HTH- YEAR— ZOMPOSWUli- - - --- --- -.--.- _ - --.-... .. 1-1 .... .. __ I ...... 9 _. . � - . 1-1 &_At1hfi_.&0 ........ -.---,---I-- I - __W_ __ - -_ - - - __9 _._9 � , ., � _..___'.._____.__ --.1-1 - _ . - -1
-4 C , ! ,. , � . �. . marks. Stuart Stanbury, 87 Ill in stock. .
. , . 11 ... I. I . . - -TV.MRZR SIXTEENTH, Geography- Ill
i . on , W AND El()Hlk jp4rks- James A. Campbell, d
; . . . -.-- "'___� - NUNDRED .EEN -eU :t 4 wi e. Only $i.95 per yd.
I . I I Werature-Ethet 30 - 90 Ma-rU __ - I __, lull y
. NWA7EUR I totai-Stuart Stailbury, Phm. B. Beautiful Kabe pure Silk Dress Crepe _ _ii� _.,
i� I - - The highes Larks less. 'Plienis 90 GODERICH, 0?rf- . arauce aud vrear.
, 4 sic, Art, Oratory, High SchOO1, Busin"s histiude Howell having two n! by farm SuTnior to the closely woven crepe de chi" e'in appe
!:11 � 210rougkrourte; in Atu Physical Training 33 pupils obtaining certificates it "Hum's Gaidu Gals" 11 the popular shades. $i.95 per yard.
,�, ''DQme r , employment pan not be reported unt - ____ Shown in
I College, ,$tic Science and Superio � when all certitl- � ?A
'111". I .. ,, , about August 23rd, . nted colors. $1.93 to
, Crepes, in all wa
, . - Thomas, Ont. mployers must be .ft of Georgette
" 46_4"." ., Pnsident. St - - - . - 04tps from their e _ Splendid assortment
, " ,79.r.terms, address: R. L Warner, N.A.,D.D ___J in the possession of the Public School - - . .
, .11 . - � - . __ . inspector. Hay $2.5o per yard
" ,Afi I 9.. 1 9 . . I Goderich Central School No. 2—Foldle, Ald\Nairfl 13eter (:list,, Taffeta Silks
. . ___ - - JI'l Ttls&'�rogram COnOist- � Oreb. Benson 'rucke�.
11 large wahlend Red Padlette Silks
� 9 P� Isabel Brownlee �hoili Jean Coolie Lucy
" .W. C.- T. U. COUNTY ed of two gola medal contests. one in (hon.) Mabel Edwards (hon -11, Beatrice No. 11-sara i,o�haroir . I the id-eal Silk
.: I �hon-), No. to-.6ytill E\acrpit. t po 'u ar Taffeta Silks are
I GONVENTION elocution. one iri singing and one grand , .%Iary c P
1; � ;, . � I 0 1 -it, four,taking part Hunter (bon.) Maud Howel ( I ;atherine No. 3-, '. Forre,it. I alette Silks are the mos er wear, being so dressy and
- �11 I - - . 9 — - gold medal conte " I..tone acted Madeline Iilae'Kay 01on.). 11 vidler No I i-Myrtie Browiltee. 9 *11. Q^asou We have a I t e for sumiii im_i . i A
F officers Elected, 51edal Contest Held, in eadi. Mr. a. A. OPI, 11,,,na Webster, lire I . OURS 0 � . Is&
� as chairman. The ladies' quartette again Hays, cool for dresses and suits. y
and Other Business Leoll% Hern, Harold Coopqr, Robert Stanley wanted colors in stock, in a beautiful
II I of the W. charmed the audience and a duet by Tape, . Earl Westbrook. . I,. No. 1rheoph�ius Dellou"lle. a. Full wide. X11 popular colors. $2,.A5 per .
1�f The county convention I Mrs - McCleary was . - W1111tsull. rich quality. Wear guarantee
.; � oth6dist, . Brown and Mrs Victorm School Nil. A North-Besie 1 5 yard. 5i
enjoyed. McKinlo per yard.
' C. T. U. was hold In the M llth�'greatly �Nnlle the judges Goderich ' No. Zo-Elinor . .. Nlay Pollock ide. $1.7 1�
,',,- �'--I;J- 1) church, Blyth On July 10th and were deciding as to the deserving me- Morrison Baker (bon.), Percy BH"k- yard w ..
11 t'Mrs, H. Hooper, of Exe- Bt-evel-A. �hon.)
, " The presiden - Mir AL T. Cooper entertained er Worthy ' Black, Julla -Verna Reid. Sweater Coats a ,,
I d stories. G�orge. BoNvral Clyde Cartel'. Helen No, I .
� ter, open, ihe first session at 1:30 dalists
I . by announcing the union song, I the Zdiene*4_� 'w* ith a number of -ence Johnston Isabel No. 13-melvin Clark Kayser and Niagara Silk I
p. in Mrs. 9. w. F. Beavers, of Exeter, Howrie Oat These char Sweater Coats of
1 "Ali Around the World." After this Marguerite �ymhurn- Stephen Min . ;
the Bible was presented with a star of honor Johnston Awn.), Gloves Thge best showing of ,�
" s offered and -hOVIt - No. 1--Buth Rohill-;oll. Silk and Wool. I
, a prayer wa A Psalm, pin for being instrumental in bringing er, Norma MacDonald John 0stel
I 1_ reading chosen was the 23i thirteen new members into th (h on.), Elaine Pr�udfoot, 110heri No -2 -- Lot I i6 f o rd Jullf", %V1111alil I
is 'My Shepherd." ,Mrs. .), Geo. N1. Ros.�,, John King., Full stock of these w n Sweater Coats it has ever been our I I
"The Lord I t together, In all the �
Hooper said this- Psalm had helped The judges favored Miss M( Proudtoot (bon
I i y times when she had a Elroy, of Blyth, in elocution and Miss Wallace, Lillian Wallis, Fred Weston, No. 3 -John V (1111-iltie Gloves, which for pleasure to ge . I
� her so maly n Jackson, also tit Blyth, in siDg- Ethel Whitely, Harold Nleirray. No. 4 --Carl -Nloriovlx holl.'' I'lilu Canadian made Silk
. hard task ahead of her. The minutes Lilla Allen, of Whighani, Goderich 'SePOrglie Sch"l Ntorlook. Ay and finish are unequalled. novelty shades. In brush knit and
.1 �, s, I " of last convention Nvere read and ap- ing. Master James d, Cecil No. 11-INa llanliltoll� Ilda havelle. qual 5c, $1.00 Shetland knit. At $5.00, $6.50, �
.., -11 ofpcerS dIld tell super- N% as the happy receiver of the gran Edwin Baechle", Jean Lynn I.,-ijiu,1, Mariorit, Black, white and colors- 7 . .�
,4, ,,� ", 1,1 -Herman I
I . proved. Four medal. ,I,be c,hurch was beauti- ' No, $7-50, $8.35 to $20.00 each -
p �N"2,, goid Lynn, Niaric Macintosh, Janies Ryan- I �t
,,, ��, , intendents answered fully 4jecorated with lings, llowe Hilda Walbank, Rita Jennis,on. and $1.5o per pair.
". J�, ", tit the roll call. ,Xs and . I
I" ,,,, , . he report from tile ColTeSponding . rl'he � a ollconZ,' Doris NVO011c0olbe, "on-, Ushortie McCall,s Magazines �
. T] bunting proceeds tit the door M ry Ryall
�,�:;,.l . - T. Goop(;'r, was very Wo.
1 , secretary, Mrs. A. amounted to $30-80. N o. I-Havold Wooll. McCall,s Patterns I
�� ;� It showed all Increase of .
.1 �rl encouraging. Thursday morning Mrs. Dark took (10 Years-) Exeter 11. S. .No. ,Z-4;ertrude Ste\\iu-1. d Mail Order Department
�, `i.
. �i, "N , bership of eleven. Tweive super- - 11 N o. 5 --Amy Fi-liv" Try our Telephone an
"" mom , charge of tile devOtilfflkll exercises, at Brown ihon.), Garoline \\."Joy llv�-
i;, tments read reports .
""'Al golle tolDtivis, Anna NI. Gladmall Mildred Nor I
�,., I for the deal* sisters -,\Ito have n. Veroho Vale, wood. * Week, Aug. 5-10
��, intendents of depar ter which h memorial service Was held Elizabeth - No. (',---Nlilln (-111'111�11,
� e, The superintendent of
?,��, , Sailors' Work Mrs. Alex, NIcLeab, of their heavenly home during the year ry, Stuart Stanbury 'ho '), - I Everybody come to Goderich for Chautauqua
, . � I ced eight well tilled Slater spoke of the strong Grace Creech, Mary Flwarthy, Philippa Nil. ,--rdlia 13�111. .
411 Goderich, had pla vs e re NI rs. arry al"I ,4I,.\,A1Ll.'1, [loss. ,
� comfort bags in the boats that [I ildred Hime, It Seldon, No. 14-- KOV, mommonownwo�ommommmmmmmom_
. . splendid exam le (if Christian living Harness, M Fligar Tholops(Ill,
� I to all those Fern Shortt. .
I Mrs. B. W. F, Beavers re- . �
� " ."�- � ��.,,,f I in harbor. Mrs. Bently had shown III IV. walvallo'll — �
. for Red Gro.,s Jn w Bayfle
, 1',*,,:,., ported money raised Ito knew her. Mrs. Davi&on lot(] of I
�� I s : Blyth, .$9.60 .* Annie 'DeN\al' holo.% Ethel Gemeln- No. 3_11,I),-t,va Thompson 9 I-V
, ,�,I� ounty as fOIIQvv 3iristian faith Mrs. . - (Viii "Phone 56 A
. .1 I the o - the happy life (If (. Harrison. Jean Woods. No, i-Ca"Ohne MO& 11,o). 1- SCOTCH STORE �,
:1 .. Clinton, $125 ; Exeter, $235.85 ; Wing lGibson alwaN'i exhibited. .Mrs. Wal- hardt, Beta Dorothy 'Phone 56 MILLAR �
hiss $39.93 ; Goderich, $isf.jo ; and lace dwelt on the beautifill qualities Frank Erwin, Nlay llowaril, Ethel No. i2--Vornu PhIllills, -_ - i
. the W. C. T. U. of Ontario have be- in tile life of Mrs. Stevenson. All the jowett (hou. . Well"ter. � - - V�
come responsible for the linandrig of conVeDtf011 members felt that they CreditOn Nil. 14 -Margaret IlVallapliall. lillilll"l . I .1
�� , the -pay -book" leaflets, issued weekly iss those who haa gone on. Martha Hanch flion.), Lyla Kuhn, -Nil. 15-sailluel Jeff"I'Soll. - - . ._____� - ---.------- - 'r.
n soldiers who ask for Nvould m ' ' - -41
1� %, to all Canadia The president led ia prayer to,' ti.le (,ladys NN'olfe, Trellis HodKins, Garnet E. Wa%illulosit - C. it Iturrilt, Nlor, T. S llegWration lit South Huron �1
- ' I
, , -
families that they too would follow in 'In I Ms. ,\o. A -Myrtle lient'). OBITUARY I \\ Ill, ll�all, F 1111(toll. W sehar *rilo foHowing is Ili., list of the ree is,7- . . . . . .
them, also to cover as much as pos ":), ::: i, : \\,! r.
sible the free drinkables served in the the narro\v road, the ,way of the cross. Dushwood Robert Park %.tirloor.oll liedalm — F. V 1�411111111.11, \% 1i (".-lo '1114i ,I ti,all1q, of itien an(] womell lit South 1.
lighting area,-;. 'Mrs. A. T, Cooper read the reVom- Verda Fassold, I.ouisa Graupner, Hose ,Nil,,,; Mau(I Ho\\ell has \%On the gold -.\fit"' an Illne. of , I , I " , , 1,llool._11, ,1,11,,.,. rl.,ois .I di,tilm- Horon according to 11111,111161111111ti". kit 11��, �:
I Evangelistic superintendent reported -ou':;
11 � all unions had mendations as follows : that eReh Guenther. me(tal by seettring the highest total at CL A R K. Xparet (:lark "LL's, v\ho \\er'. pre"'Ilt \\"I -o � Mrs. Stewart e o .I.,Ae in 111) caso can It be taken a -A all 11, �
observed the half-hour . 1,
I )'eilt'sl I Miss \18 -velt tit the 'I 'his : is, rogistration of tiny Mkillh-[- '..,
prayer and praise at each 4 letter was read asking . Dungannon Central S'01(101: Miss Isabel - tinston . last N\ .\hIrl,,y ;111,1 ellililron. -,f Philild, I I
'�,:, . _ service for union send money to erect a fountain to a\VHV I n Thursday of , 1,11th I aveora
- I Ilan meeting. ,Thrpe unii?ns Ila Brown, Genevieve Hamilton, La- has ,,,, the Silver Niedal by obtaining rests , ience tit tier brother , NI r. ILaN, id Misses till\--, 10'rilik", 110 lit, plilliN ,Is lwople could register an�-
I, in honor of the late F. Spence. It was I school. , road. Thl, c.lark I)a%i.,, is( tkilgor� : \11, 'J.'\ D.i�1.111. . I (tilt not by any metill-4 stice
. �, Ili , s; Inornin G
��, '' d daily and we kly 9 r of verne Pentland, Laura Savage. tile highest total tit ViCtOrisi lark, Britannia I V,here ,tit(
.... il , , - . -.1, 1- - I moved and seconded that a lette __ __ i- , pre alliong tile early settlers Miss Edith I)a111. \11'.I'� At)" MI. lot Moil. o\\ll municipality : I
�, I prayer services. . be sent to Mrs. iRev.) � liensult family w .rents, tilt' .1 t so, I)tt\ h1soll. \1,r�, Harry and
, ,`� " I.' �% superintendent oi appreciation o(leriell tovviiship, tile P : Male Fomil 1,1 . ..
,,I .. I ,�. ,Nliss Sara Bently, Sharp for the excellent work done by Perris Cantelon (bon.), Ola Cook, int C' jorin clarlo,conling j;11,11.1,_j Ste\\111-1, ,,,, s,,lr.,I,th Nil-,. K 11 V
". ... I ., . it Interest 1. 0. 0. F. INSTALLATION , allot Mrs. � liull"It 17M 71ill "I
11 I lit v Mr. N '� - I I I
, ,.,. ., � 7 medal contest reported grea her in the county as treasurer ; that a Joseph Geromette,o Doreen Murdock, - 11, Ireland 'Mien - lit" F Iv,,\i.,, '1'ilisonhury . \fl 11 lh\i�l(;(.Ileriell 'rp 492 W2 ,,,
I I fro
. I Successful ente tainment Canada T . 11
. ��,:,:!; , . , , ,, shown and " letter of sympathy be sent to Mrs, Gordon McConnell, , Samuel Ramle. sits - Ili o �ears old. \�*illpllaln : N11'. Nt ,1% 1�. God-rivIi : Stanley (A0 OW) ':
14, '�!��, ��:,, � .1
,�,� �' ... "i, department I,, no I only a Violet District DePutY Hall of Clinton %'I ILL - another Nil, \\,. it. liil\i�. lornwo : Nit, alit
i ."i,--,� given. This Gordon Wright and to Mrs. McGuire. LOgle Steacy, William Stone, c, rk was only' -about tw - -
I'll ,;,�,' %,,, , : leans of rs conducted by Mrs. Whiteside, Anna Wood. Ruroll Lodge oil Monday They had also at thRt Unit I it a , 622 I;.,) I
,.�� 11 Th e 6tho .
'_11 r Nir,. John Kill. -I, and \11'.. Hiltelilsoll,
�e�.- ..
;,��.,,,,I.'�:��, i .money raising sefieme ouL a I Election of office
�,�,, I I r. inuat installation of ofll- blid, John, now deceased. steptien 11014 Rr,l
� V; .... �, " education. Dark, resulted as follows : Presi., Mrs. Tile I-Proi-al I .tt I e x, KIt,h,n,.r ; \Ir. .1 -son, \ -, ,
4'. :1 :, as given by Mrs. Kingsbrildge . (I. 0. F., e N ; David Iii .4. palls, . Irs. Frat l'iiekerswith !)M 52s
I 4: 1 11 Flower mission w B. W. F. Beavers ', vice pres., Mrs. rA of Hormi 1,odgi, No. IV, I Children, . lesion -
.1 Clark and Miss '�
............. 1� V � poor, Bert Martin, Atatha (L'Connor, Mon- re 1). 1). G. ;usan ciark, 'if t"n, \Ir \\*Ill I)IINI,Isou, Nit, John Da\id- MeMilop NO )(17,
"!i�, Da of Goderich. MaIlY Mrs. A. T. Cooper ; held on Monday night, y� Tilt' 'I'- .-on all() NI -r. F 11. *11honipmon, Strat-
�.�, 'V� vidson, Dark ; cor. secy ' 1*4ioroo :W111) 4,) .
11 �� 91 I .
1� � have been eheered' A. Monica O'Gonnor (hon.), 'ya' 'linton, coming up his countrN
11 sjok and shut-ins , N1. Bro. Hall, fron Gode- fei-d - Nir .still Nir-4. Nostril, Goderirti ;I
� .. . a bouquet with a ree. secy., Miss S. Allin ; treasurer, ica Martin, I C �,vere born in I resi4lil in . . Exeter 01 -is J s1l 0
!aged by liss Sara Bently ; appointed superin- Victor O'Reilly. for t1w cereinony, acconipaniod by Bro. ceased continued to about t\'O�Ivc Nil, .1nowN DaNidson, Garlingford : \lr
and encom . X to,,vnsh liensall 314 381
6 text of scripture fastened to it or some , of departrnents:-Evangells- Saitford Could (if (,it') on district secretary, rich lip until member (If tile , .\lay, Exeter ; Mrs F 1. tell)
' tendents , 1.1111 Mrs. P. A. st;aylleld . VTJ
I dainty 4qud prepared to tenipt the fall- tic, Mrs. (Rev.) Kestlt,, of Exeter , sys- May Currell, Fred Fritzley, Howard and �y Bro. J..A. Sutter. The cere- years ug(l. "it" �A'a's a I
led article of Morris (hon.) - duty carried out by tile Methodist chol,,ll 1111,1 tilt, funerill on K. Nlatthe\�-, watford Seaforth Kri I 01 W.
�, Ing appetite, or some ace( 'fematio giving, Mrs. (Rev.) McCormick, Fowler (hon.), Mary mony was , of tile ,- od t)y Bev. Nir. —_ f.111114,11 6A I lr� I
lr.�� I mr. Blyth ; flower mission, ,Mrs. Davidson, Bruceikeld D. D. G. N1. with the assistance ,,aturday was. Conduct' .
clothing to We Mustard brothers from Clinton and members Ford, th Jeturia stiteet _ - -
T�, Mrs. McGuire, of Brussels, not being Goderich : moral education and moth- Janet Alkenhead Alice church, Rev, \Jr. ilsterhout, GUARD BABY'S HEALTH I Totill 15110 H-liti
- � able to be present on account of her . McGuire, Brussels ; (bon.), Edna McCoZn, Ada Reid, Dud- of Huron Lodge. Methodist Ille solluner IN THE SUMMER
scientific temperance, N ,officers in -tat the en- being absent from Io\%n at
�� great sorrow, the news of her 'son's erg, meeting, Mrs Irs. Young. of ley Rogers. The led for Thomas. The PHII-twar- (I\ or 100 cards kNerp inside -list f,)r
death at the front, sent tier report on Zurich I . t Ithe i)rlwanlzation of 11-ourcel4 ''-ool
meet Blyth -, medical temperance, Mrs. Tay- suing six months wel'l� as f011(iws : school to "t " 'IlArk, Win. ,1*1,,. �ollulk.�r Ill,oithA aro tho, nio-i I I
edu and mothers' - n 8,,;rs David I,
7 caton Mrs. Dark, lor, of Blyth. A vote of thanks was Dorothy Campbell, Iva Kalbineish, 1. P. G,, W. Bengoug-1; N. I-, L- I'- er, were M, . - irk tit to\%Il ; hingorous to children. The ('41111- Illittee Irroin thiow %\ho had refuster
moral tendered'Mrs. Cooper for her faithful V. (,,.. (,.eo. Symonds ; R. S., Brownlee and \yilliam ('.Is , I ire I t,tl lift ha\kng hall %,.tile e\perienvo in
ings, which was read by I Ivan Kalbtleish, Bruce Klopp (hon.), Knox -, nil Robt. \"'Ish, plaints (if tll:tt s"J"(111, "Ili"' ' farm \%ork. lit North Ituron the eard,
.' She said mothers' meet- C. ,\. Reid : F. S. Dr. W. F. Glirk : .
Weseloh, .. All-',, WPIsll Is'
of Brussels ned and the work done during the year. Theodore Wagner, Lillian treas., J. W. PIRtt ; warden, H. It. of ('.1inton, and Mr. Nixon Welsh, of ,.tl()Iel,a illfalltolu, volle, diarrhoea i it kill 1'etioll nuinher'A
ings had been well plan It was decided to send tile new elect- Edna Zettel. Young : 0. G., Toronto. Mrs. Lawre nee front Michi- Iii (Iysetitery eoillo ,oil so quit-kiN, that I "(11lie'l I th" 4' F '
mothers that were ilpvited came, which ed president to the provincial conven- Varna Potts ; condurtor, I- 0. ' e for the: funeral. oft's,11 'a littli. 111". is lw�ollll alit before 1 1 ,:)(). - -, .- --- — �
made them a great success. tIOn; Mrs. Hooper and Mrs. Davidson Ifoxie Goiciough, Margaret McCon- Jno. Nevve-onibe : T. O., Wm- (1, Patton: gan was also her
sang in such bon- . I . .1 . It -ale last I lisp mother r,-ahlvi; .o. i.4 '11. T"Iee_ it I,& all %ery \%,,It ill be ,4uro that \. ,I
The ladies' quartette will be placed on our books as - R q N ("' F """ole ; R' "�' V. G.' NN'. .--The Mitch011 AlLU,reove lol-loollitr toli%t he oll lwr iciiiii to pr
harmony ,as\ to delight their heare,rs. nell, William Ortwein, Esther Pilgrim T. Moore � L. S N' ' 0. ' (:rask Murray; DAVIS following rerl if the). ,Io lary right. hilt 1144 -o \%ell tit be �or..
A report on ip, prepared orary presidents. Mount Carmel ell * all tilt, troulil-, ,,r
Citizens',) Parlor Meeting NIrs. Field, Wingliam; . R. S. S., Robt. 13 . L. S. s., Geo. Car- week 11 Say of Mrs Fred DR\ls, `"t 111'�"' 'lln, Nil 1that #,\er)on#, else is wrong.
s. (Rev.) Powell, of London, Dietrich, 'Marie Fischer ,haplain, T. R. Wallis. the pa�tiillg aV it in 'rhe *,tar it ell .,I) 4tJdll(1IIl\ It, I thpill .
Law Enforcement, Mr. A. T. Cooper, hich walo IlWutl(ll"� I It 1:111,
. by Mx by ,Mrs. Dark, of Brussels. Gertrude , roll : ( addresses v� t -r Illeffivio'. 1. ('r slit'll still Io
was read ome. capable Clinton., FranchIse, Mrs. Leatberdale; Evelyn Ryan. AflPr the jll�tallation short s; fortnight 1190 ' olotli,-r4 durfrow is., t \\eollher its is I J,
It was decided to have 8 Medal Contest, Miss Sara Bently ; Pris- No. I Tuckerssinith were sriven by ill.! visiting brother, i NiRrgar-t J.' Doi h`l""ll \"if" 'I'ahl-4,, 'I*hey rewilate . ��,
- I women on Reform, Mrs. F. Elliott, Goderich ; io"I � avis, N1. 1, ,,.� (if i:oilKarv. Blih)'s ,,, I'll, n ��
� � . visit all the unions in order Stanley Mitchell, Nettie - Pepper, both ths, D, f). (,,, NL and Bro. C d are -it)- I �
� to educate the new. franchised voter, press Work Miss R. S. AlliD, Goderich; saying they rvc,-i\ed soMP Of their de- of Fred 1) and Mrs. \\ tit., ,1, ach an-[ b -"'ll I'll -ine h
� . I K:,IIIVIN.
, saf.,. ,,,il,l
I!! in Grace Pepper, John Pepper, of t;he Goderioll di"d at it"' lions'. "r Nll� ,, by all medit _. 111- �
.1 each Union to bear equal exPense Temp. in gunday School, MU's Baird, Ashficid gl�Pe4 At thr, hands ' his tie- B. DaviQ, \Ilt(,hpII. (,ri 'rhiir,.�AnY, Jul� , ]-;&�r-4 or ll� fil,111 A .) venis a hox� a .
with It. rress, Miss S. Al- (,,,)III(] received .
i connection . Exeter , Red Crdqs, Mrs. Dingman ; lodge. Br,). I' IiIII.- Nit,
I �� Port- % ago on Atli, strips- only a fl�\% thly� I rl.,,Ili 'rlie Ill, Nil, I I ';it I il,' 'ol".114, I lie, , 6 0
4 lin of Goderich. Lumberman's Work, Miss Bessie No. I-Minnle Dickson, Hazel Green, greps sonle h, OutY-fl\e years Mrs. Dtii all,l their �IIIWV� iint
� . , F, �Irs. Whiteman gave iand words of f� r Clinton : Sailors' Work, Mrs. Alex- Viola Iloy. tile o,,,,,sjoo t,f .1 %isit of the Goderich and ,,,,,,, _,ll_; ,,.,I ... Itly, \%rr�, on it I,,), Brof-1,01", - -
�. ,� N ,Irlllgl 'r.. �,Il -HE S -TAR I .
, Irs. A. - --liarold Collinson. "Nits .,0111" 11, 'I
" Employ IN o. 3 degrep tell,,, fjo,l ,aid though lie had
�1.q I welcome to the delegates and .
.� , ,� M�Lean, Goderich ; Railway .,,p work since tie never 0 -it ,ast an -I it ADVERTISE IN -
t' ", our, Wingham ; Anti- No. 4- Jean Finlayson bon.) hadelphla that it[,,
r !,� T. Cooper, of Clinton, iiiialle very fitting ees, Mrs. Arm f4eon inuch (If�gl —
Z� tile work tlieir rotorn fro"I Pill
,,� reply. Lumberman's Work, prepared Narcotics, Nirs. Geo. Lavis, Clinton. No� 10 --Harold Ferguson. rem(-mborw; Io have seen I it thall It Iate Nlr� lllw�, %\!is selzed %%tilt an iot-
, 'linton, was mor iinvI�,I\4'lY earriod o ill,tri(.l taf,k of heart t"I'llhl", frorn whith ,III 11111111111111111111M
__ by Miss Bessie Porter, of c — No. IT -Mary 1. Ross, MullilillillillillillillillillillillillilliillillilillillillillinilliilillilI
. linton. Law Every careful and observant mother N,� 15--BesSie 6rani. I was (in that ,,orasion. Tit-- y had -liftered f,,I, Ilo, - =
read by Mrs. Wallace, of G ' N, niont tllv list =
I Enforcement \vas given by Nfr. A. T. . . I his fivsorpes rf-centi. I -;'it'. =
1. knows when her child suffers from Colborne deputy r--vei-, About a \%,,vlt twforo -1, - -
Cooper,- of Clinton. The ,enii-insitial r4Tort it) Gran(I y e a rs. ,,,, ,holilomr, 1411. %\ = . =
Mr. G. 'NI. Elliott Was asked � to say worms. She also knows that If some N41. I NPIlil? M. MILIFf"I'(1. l'oflo, .11f.w.4 ib,qt there are In Huron \0010 (1111fig "-I � 1.
Ip(I the con- remedy be not speedily applied much roe �.\Illl (,I],. of 111"4.- atiael, = . = :
a few words. tie Inforn tarm will result 'to 6e infant. The No. 5- Agnes Morri�. Lodge Al past grands ,,jild 29i mosither" ()\ erco io�oll 1.1 III,- how'. = I . I = I
vention that a shelter for children had I . No. F -Viola Allin. duritig tile pjI,;t six and wAs Rl onre ri,ii I IlWllil�vd = I . =
1% best application that can be got III �'. No. I -Am,lla Hptherington. $29t 13 V-, p4s'l in \01101 She pa""d I\%;Iv =
. been purcha,icol in ('.oderich. - in -irk 1-11viltS. N\ "is to tilt, 1,f�t. ,,,,,I tlirr,- \% = . =
� , -1 = 1.�
I Godericii Tp. �, = 1; I =
. . lr�mperancel Mrs. Ingles Millpr's Worm Powders. T ey drive mosilli Hiperful ,, F-nd �" Is' . ,V . =
I 1, Soten(iflc Mrs. w orms from t..- -.--- --- 1%, set up wit a sign that Ill . .
� , 1'� t, Young, of Blyth. Anti -Narcotics, effects, so N, s. I Dolores LaIthwaite. vACATION TINIF TS HERE is. hel. .1"llth I t I,. - , I =
vw I Stinjulating and soothing 1, I 1,� e%4qIlIoz pr,,\it, = I
____ I I avia, of Clinton. I r is N(l. .,) .Frland Bellies. Schools h,,%(, (+.wd for tile sliLrimer. 11 --lit Spirits and \\..Tit = .. - " =
I 1 Oeo. 1. 9 progress thereafte I -0. jo . =
,� �, Wednesday evening at S:30 & that, othe child .\ --Viola Hutrnibgs, - pttr'Att4-, .\% = . 11 - � ,
, - On ,m I ;,o! , -'s "I't ex(",
, listened to by a painless and satisfying. anti now the 1,111:111 bOy r I ) ,,,�,.p \� h the h�lwf that In a I'
s� splendid concert was ., \\.,It �oxoslll I Is. %�, = � . '. . M
I I . - vylthout reptraint. hlA iloel,t for ples's ,14)-4 File \%ool't he = =
.... :�� - I I tie alone who has , Is, night Mrs [)"%is l"" - . = I
� i? __ ure.. But it I- "" v\ Pr, doring It .
J . — nd it, � - I -
, 11 I �, onprorly ,,I\\alting the surniner �4,11 a,,%Ilv v,-ith,.ot ,l'o,ilking A �. llrl:,,., = . = I
,� I . been ' g-ro%% n -i ' �,� i�lt = � - I
season, f(,r are also ,,rls;f, The bed (.11;irliber \% __ . .
.1, TnE .- ,,,I in(z flon . �, , , � .
XrODEE TILIEA . '"' ip"olir m,�r\ ,it 1,,Ipr%.,I% throoltholit I I N I a
planning oll 1\ 11", ,.,;\.t""!�,o",i =
- , — day labor, hol no app,arviot 1111toins ;��Il I � � ,�7 6 %,.. 1\ " � . . %. . . =
. - r % tenn"n oloold al'ol 111.11cati. Illkit Ill., ;kill\ \\ it 11 / , =
. %',oplmommmm,.--,.....mmm-. I I - - - ____ Thf- 5-111ill-11" I to 1,ill, : jwr aIl,n,l�o;11'1,. = - I
�� . __ - . FA proNide -I (tl,411p. froin ill,- 4 -ver\ (,al� 11%log Ill .-i. "p, = Ill/ I ', - = I
� 'It 01" \� s- -1111.1 - 1 V , _V+� , ,
, ,
- ,lv limugands (if , .'\IIIsr ill. I , r " = al
seenes, and als-11:1 - so Ili - I 1,,.r Nir- Is,'"' J = - / ,�/ I ,' �� - / . - = ".
N and after Satur. cationist- ha\` \N`11'i" th,,ir \%;,N -.�-r, "'ath I,- ,11�11111, ol i,,. r--1, I = �� "_ =
::- the (;rvat I,;II,, ,, �lrl,l particolar , �. I " �r, '� 'N"I'll"N �111 'Tia - / i - laa ,/ X I
'11' are to li(� ff"11311 It" . �N I,, yl lif.. I .,I, it- 'Ilwht, hol . '11" , = . =
, =
I , Laloo Fri-, 111, Iving 0- = . `�_ = .1 �
I . � 0 day, July 20, there flnef,t and 1,11-g. -t o,teaniors 1, ,11,1 tii, ,-nd , -111" It''t "' " " 11-'f. i = '�* 3onsomuz" = ".
. I at+,r, " r ihe \\�-rld I \ Ir'.. It. it I ; I I "., I , .; i i I - , I " &�., - =
I I intand \%, fl,Ilt ,.f I'\ .110 '11". W., \11 � I a .Q "I I
I 11 I Sho The larix-I and nio,t riiawyol,,, . '4,_ . Illo gr, 0 I,, \ .If \1 1, I = ,--*- �7 = ,I ,
, . , _ IF ... will be Ttwo CWS these, -tearnf-i�. 111"' (',r(,at '4h Ili\,. \\ )� I 'hoirld"r, - . =
I I - p-, is..\% riniong (WIN h"I"""I I lia%ld".11. 4 .41if''Ill". and \"I � - =
d . andbpe' I, Nil of irl\ � a aS
I � I 4 ;..%;-;:. .. ,., i;,;": C: 'ey land and It-Ifffilo. and tl,-r ill) o "rrwd I., \i, Fr 1 D"\" = .
P � �... "I " � �. go Th- N. N -0- 'I Ill 1 =
�. .. - e, ;.... night during the(- " ril, 1-4 att"'If I" t" % it\., \. ir =
. "I I -1 .. -;-. _1f0 -1!7i; -f ` every mense I-folla I i =
.1 . .- � .1 . l.si.tiwvr traffir ra r '\';'111�1 11 ',.r ., rlotowr ,.r Nir- :lod It =
:� �: ., ,�i:� arize %i,lom , f i \11 .. I ;.- -
- �w . . \tl,,Ilt 1%%,, \,ar- - Summer footwear Reductions
;-.;/-1,-1`- . I _", I t,. o i I --r-- 1, =
',��"/,,c�" - /, ..,
, _;�� 1.�.", rioll I ',,r ri, —
I R,�,;"%, . . -X . I" I I" I'alwirN, Mho
. ,;"�,��,;., , 5: .. 11 Thig trip 411-1 to -
� � ." . I , . I .1� I : to -1, 1� =
I , 75,:� 411 . r\ r,ou i� .o,N,\.,l hV -
1 '$ �41 remainder of the Day I r".1 f-Tll\ ftppval�
�, aul'' llw� " __ ___ ___ =_
".. '' ", ; -
I'll ... I,,. .. i�,ii, �i, ,(,n,,L t,,If �1,o ,,, t,)p NNorl I I ,,,, ,r,,,,,, � 9 - - ____ ____________
* - 1�i: ... I".. I �
'.� iWi , '. Rea I = 11
I .., .,T., 1 , , 11,�, ttv h4r,hn;r I 0", ` \lr4 Wl' '
.: � P,�� , '-', merrial tra-11r.r. \N 111,1 f,,or dioafltl�y - I =
, _ ! io',`,:o.'.-'."! = See our windows for Cut Prices on White Canvas,
" '_., .
I I V I tilt%.
I ,�;,,`
I al - 1. 11,
,V 11,'�' I I I I 1. � .d. I 1, h I'l. I , =
. I * ,�: , .,� �.'. light Saving period* the �1('91111'r ;It I 1.-\,�imfl or floffalo ;11 4 \11- . it. r ,,oli- r , = I
a A $,.�. 11 , - " g 1, In , rlo.� I,reak Ih-- T111,11ol(.11" , = Patent Leather Punips, Inclil(ling High M ,
.. 11� .. .., � � , - - I , ,,,.I ii,.roth�, ,11 l.A!9;1rN Kid and
. . -.7-;,,n -�!�..�� ,111.,% n r,,fro-%hlIIa . forth i-,1\,. -i�l,r, -o-I I-- =
�-%� .
I . �,�., hiq all r,ill l,,orn-. I—- 11 -,. and White ()uting Boots all"I = t'
g.j �51,,_ t a Cut White Boots
,;. , le 1��.7 , Mr- 10 ,- i,'" 1! ' = �
,� T� ..
34. ,.��. -0i:.. V_ �,ght*� .,,.,.,, ilt),l r,�,..ti &�Rtininon so i,,n,,-r, .11.,. �or\i\ I -
7' 9, . �
1, P.
�;.`.;�.'11.1�4�r._-: - 11 -it 't
A .7`�� _ .1 - Doors open at 7:40 ; 1,'M 4itl 1411�-,, — Oxfold at froul $2.(710 -_
T, ins K ': . ,tip foll,,%%irim ni,,rninsz. in pir I\ 1 I Mr- I ll�rr%, = s. 1,ines that sold regularly
. Ask 1"I 11 , I . .1. v, �nd I'll, It,,, isirlination t, \I,. lir.-i-If:lot. of "T ....... I , \ \If. ! - $1-45- == t -Z
. �, ".... I . " 1, I is i � to .Is� oi). now on stale -at $1.10, $1-35, .
tt & 23 ..4, . , , V1, —
:�,�,. �.., . I �
:: .", , 11 10 9 start jljf� ,IjN-Q �Iruszsrl ,.irl� . I I lol\,4, of Tillkwitmi-v , \1 -- � -111 � ;.- I I,00k thenl li\'Cr Wilile %VC ==
1. . �V_,.. ,� K-. V'01 I st Show at 8 o'clock - of " " — Is'.1.14on. or 1;Parni-tri \I, - - " I = $1.7!; and $2-35- 1 1
�, - . I
,��, .
- - - —0- .."_ "'To t., I,lviz� - "" i = =
, , "
, "
, "
. . I ,:�� 41 0/1 \lay)- niothrr- Ila- 1`1 4 , y '. I is". 1111\14"nn. -4 \11101"ll I t. - 11olve your SiZC =
I.., 11; 11- r'."'I'll" "I'l
I 1.1-- � P', or Exl-,rrronat�-r. ,I ,I took pl;o-p from
I � ___ � - . .,,.� ._�, I I 0 othe, (lra%(,P* N%oml � = I
� I . .,! ..��-;:� _.''. . - I
_ 11
. I � :.� I nd Show at 9:20. \1 ti, IOU,, "n,.1NI. jo,l Mr- \% 11 li"N" ' - I ..)IV, = = 11
,7..'�� 15 I)pc.qllqo it hagi, rpliftNed I , I I., I � =
, �t I . I I '
I WisidneadisLy and Thursday ".., .:� � .. �t. I f I ff,-rinsir and ry'lld" iti-ITTI hPql1hy I
�11. . I of, rn-o-ti. 4(,r\ ir- - I, I'll, I - 11-1 .
,:,�... I , , = =
. , - "' ��. . I. 11 O -1 .1111 -
� � � I r .� �.`;:�,'' I � . To"'t -.Tl I blind sidina , I� - \% If 11,,bqrt�. "r il" \l_r1l. I = SHARMAN, THE SHOE MAN =
r . Of. _11111 =; ., ..... I- , �, T\%,. t 1`114 \1 ., R I- I Nf\ =
I - . , 11 ........ I ,�; . . . . . . , \� 11. t,jr, had � ,,I,. in,l 11- [-�, o - "Phiono, I all
I ', , , 06"Sta nee Tair"890 k "I I. - � '111 I 11 ,-,,.I I = =
. , � � " " .1, '11,11 rt,o rulliol. ".L. , — -
I . MARtL NORMAN 1'.'!;'',, � I .,,.,, ,,,, , ,,, t.. f,�ur 1, so ' 1 , ov 1, r I . "
. I i\% . , " rr
I I'm Model Theatre - , -I,,- , n, ,jl,ir I slq�4, 'Itly morl(�'y I t., it,. Pr,4I,)t,rll I it ,rioi� , ' - liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliHillillilillir -
11 , �1. . In .0 T$, , . '' I I jj.� t k "I'll, � I :.IllolllllllllllllliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiI I
I I , THIP, PLOOM Pr - , -- M - I I " t I
I . .,� . GOLL)WVAI f'IC ,-� .
I— st C-12 , "",V ! I , L�
. As Sew. . n 'I
I I ') I I % "
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_jil . - I � __ 12,11-I!=111 - Z I , .� I I' � �
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