HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-19, Page 4le I . I I . , , - � I I ­ . 1, .. , , � �, :�! . I I I - . - ­ .1 . I -1 111 . . .. ..� . % WISH L1060 I RUID WINK ' : * � .-I I I . .. 1 InOC9 wide. heavy double Satin Damask Tabling, genuine I . I I - I I 1, 172 I I old Irish make and In halt a dozen handsome designs, worth &r yard i I . I I � . I 1 . � ,$2.ppp. ju ly sale, per yard $1.95. =:!:. I I I I - ­ -.-.-, I I 11 I �,-��irotp 7 - IM M M! =1- - �.. I ' - ' 1 . �, : L ; � I I 1. - 11 I .1 I . :1! owels A collection of smart ,� 1. �, I . I I - . �1 ,�', 1� . . I I HOW stitch huck Towels, good weight, beautt - New Wash Skins ' L 11 I ... I .. .. � �� . . I fully made vad with fancy white border. Size is X 38 inches. Special ........ $1.50 A They are of white piques, gabardl000, ate., also .1 � . 11 I .. � I ,% ;� I . , ... ...... I ....... 0 ....................... . �-i�; in white ground with fancy stripes a4d figured Very handsome and practMAI W wabb, , (� - I 1, I I lb �- .. . .� . 1. ''I � .. I I Towelling, effects. I . .. ..... beautifully. Sale rices ran e..".. ' .. 0 . 0 S2.0 i 0, .,. ___ . , 1 7 1 .,� I .1 ... .. 11 ­-` - ------ rr-w _10 --inch - Idallp. 421vel 'y - tbresA -3mo-bapp. - cro.La Towellings. 'Plaft and with red 25e $1-50- -5 .50 -, ___ - I - A? _____ _ - I I I �.,;.,r ': - �, , - "I . I I I � .. : . � ! " 1. 11 I I . . I .. .. "..'.1 , - �� .� . tower, At per yard ........................ * I / Von Silk Poplins I � $11�._'­. 1 .1� .11- .`1.__1_._1.. .;:,. I.. I I �. I . .;:,. ­­--- - - _,_1 _�.,�-:,.:*_ 2 --- ------ �� . Ues . . - - D'Ve" Vanes. Never before have we shown so � I dholos or W complete a range Ilk colors 86 Inches wide French Silk and wool Dress Papilus. A beautiful qualItV and of exquisite , .. I . .rl �� � I . , � �, - .�,' yt4l � � . 6 X In dark grounds. 40 35e and 50e Inisli. In %ae.us., blues. bqrgundys. browns. Is k Regular special, , r * I .' , L inch," wide. , At per yard reya and $1,50 �� " L;: : � - - �4' 11 I 1.1, I I .1 , . . 01.7& At per yard ....................... I I 1 L::,* 1.�. . � � � wits Voiles I i ... �;:%­, " �' 1L.. 1. " ��� I,, .�.�,, ,;,,. - I - . . "' . . . � , , , 42 10,1hes wide, real organdy Vanes. Finest - Black Satin.Puchess , ,,,,1:',,_,,,,_,,.� - _ _,�:_;� .- � . li I ... , ,-, ­:­:�,�_ !" , . I n�lity 4 1_4 now stripe effecta. A litte arrival. ;, - al forsomple). ,Rf*ular V ua8ft =4 , 50c � I enu ne . I 1,1 I., . _:�,�_, . _ �:,' I " ­ L. .1, � 'f' . I " �. , " � 7 , I . I �', 1, . .0 ­ . 1. . - At per yard ....................................... 35 to ail inches wide. good weight. French weave and purest quo K -75 I � ., :-_- I , � �4, - I ) �� I ,� ,�, � : I.. : I I . * ,011 0 Oar special $2.00. At per yard- --- a 'Phone 2108 . . . . CLINTON, ONT . � .- ­ 1� .. �,,". � � ' - � " i �: L'! , �,� " : ,�, _,,�11_ , �:,Z,:�., .1; -.-,, ,,; ,�:r��. ­­ ­.. r, '. , , , "';; , , '' . ..-I � ����,����,,.,,-�,,�,�",-�"-"�.��.���--:,�� . . Sheetings . In ___ - _" to* hIftch6dplain 1-11 , I"hoe"us, oft, 45e I Linoleums , ... . , 1. ., 11.1­­.!`� . . . . . "I'll, i I U per yard ..................... I......--.".. Boys, 12 and over -Alex. roley, Har- Tuesday after a six weeks' absence at I in the �­ � " � ''-,. ''. �; - I -1 , _,�, %��.%'��­ �11 , ­ � , , , f, - - - �, , � � " , , .� .. 1, . � �;_�o �%,; , ,, i � I ip- * Shirtings 4 yards wide, heavy, wen-ReRSOned qu buty. At per �, I �v �.�,;,:� .,� _; � � ��'. I � , . , , " � ,� . I ,,,­� � - ,� � . _14:,i,,, � "", '! � � . i � I st quality, Q . 111sak sudwhite, heavy, be Me Tne or floral patterns. ... .. $1.00 square yard ................... .... ..... . I I ":. � �;,� , � I . , , :,--, �',,'� ;,.,, ,,,, � ". , � �-;;­ � '. . for men's working shirts. 400, to r ...... . .1 1. ,,,;� . � . I �­� T-- , � . %": I "' .r":'�' "� . I r,,,,, , - , "I I I 1��', �', "::., .. �. - I r. � I . menes Work Shirts . Knitting Yarns I ... ''. .­_,� ",, -,r..,., r. ,,.,,I,,, " .1 _;'',:�,'_'�.'_, � I , I L�,,, � �,,m�,, - ,, ,, , "�':; � �� :_'­',�..�,*, L� 'F'1111 K., I" ,:.�' " � . , " . :, ',,',:, , �,, .I I_,- 1, _', I. ". I � " l ;�., ! , ,, 1. . . . perfectly made. of best black and white stripe . I tancy shirtin W rranted fast and f"ll I ana %Orth ;I 'fin I Bower Worth No. 1 4 ply super ger as, beat Knitting Yarns-' At per Ili. 2.50 � .� - ,� �: �,,�.�,,'�',P � , "I - ` ,.�, *;, rj:� ,1� , ,r - - !-,�,� , , . ."''o, ., "I , , ;: size, 14 ,%, to I?. 50 At $1,00 - : : ................................................... $ . _� _ '.. " �.; �F , �� , , 11 ­­_,'�'r'­­N, ,,:,, I I '.!.,;".-: .1, : ` "I ! 1 �,.­`�. � ;�'." 1� . .. each ........... L ..................... ... ....... I - __ - ": I , 1�' , � . ',��L 1"__",,�'_', .'I ��'', t' , I " "' "�'� I 1, :_ - � ,Z��,�_� � �` *_-'_�,2_�,, 1 1 � ". - � �� ... � , ,� , , 1� ,- -1 �. -, ".rrrr I . I'll, . . . . . ... "I 11 , .� ", " I � ` �,,� " � �, . , , ,, �� r,�;, � �,, �. , - . ., � ­­, , � I . . '! -,, ��;` ":­. . , 4L�T I I - - � I . � 1 1 ?-1 - � I I I - - We A CHESON & SON I I : , , ��,-�, ! �. " �r" �. � , �� I l_lf�­�,.�,­ ,��,�.�­:':': '' '' ,. ,',,,,.,,,._.,_�,,,,,";.r,�,,�'" � r �r � Road. i� . Mr. H. J. D. Cooke has received word ' , I 11 � . . . * � I , I I . . � I . T111D VOTE FOk, TurA . I . Dv V .1 -LAW NEXT MONDAY . . ­.."_­"� I !11 i i AN OPEN LETTER FROM THE NATIONAL SHIPBUILDING - I RrP1"REWXND7`PRO5P9CTS­__. - CO. SHOWIN ,� OF THIS CONCERN , , I - I , I The following open letter from the National Shipbuilding Co.. ad- dressed to t.be elect -ora who win have a vote on the bylaw next Mondav, gives Interesting information as to the Couips,uyls operations and pros - poets, and should be carefully read: . The National Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., . Goderlob, Out. � I I I I DEAR SIR OR MADA-0; 11 . 19th July. 1918 Re Bylaw granting exOmPtIOu from taxation I for a period of ten years. We desire to remind you th*A a vote of the electors of the Town of , Goderich will be takerp on Monday next, the 22nd day of July. 1918, to obtain t4eir asselat to above name& bylaw. alty to give a tow particulars which May prove We take this opportu) feel sure will � of tatereab to you, relating to Our business and which we I - --@K- blehIsaboutto-be-791ed ��P_11* I I I a t yo0jinpoort of -the "wwu Uglfiii-wdrks" �� - When we purchasedL the property known as the "Doty I months, so in March, 1917, the plant ho* la,14 Idle for a period of nine that the workp le, tradesmen and others in the Town of GGderlch I dprl ed be 11=116-tsoever during 4its period of idleness. V ,a gon of purchase we inaugurated business, Immliltnely after Complel Ion &=a L for the building of marine engines .a. 70re qxtensive basis than bad hi�heprtcp been carried on at the and entered into contracts I and li�llpara for steam trawlers to be used on patrol work In the North Sea, W have also built a uum�per Of large 1400 h.p. engines for cargo ships I now under construction in Canada for the British Government, under the I direction of the imperial Munitions Board. In adplittiou to the benefit derived from on].- operations by the towns - claimed that we are an# workmen of Goderich, itcau certainly be I SO00:9111worli at vit94 importance and materially assisting. in, this -time -at - � national stress, When ships are Re badly needed to protect our shores 'I I from the enemy, and to carry fa_�d stuffs j6 England and her Allies. _ , present time we are building engines for both trawlers and 'I I Atbtohaets, and have on hand orders for a number of Scoteh marine . I I I � �_ , � % , I . I ­`_;�-,.�,��;­. � .. � sommom� 1. ­� � ;, ',;", ": ']��,,� I � :,;" �� PF � --- �11'W , � , � , ,� ....... l,,�', � , .. � � I - I I , � , , , , . ,;, �_ I I.. I " . J .", I '� -,. , , , , . �� ,, ., I �­,.� , I I - . �� , , ", . . , . - - - � .1 ,� . !� , . , ., so� I I �'. ., .,� T -�, �,l ,;.��- , � NZ . , � , I , . , I �,., �, :�, � ; , "", � . ��V ` ,, . "j .1 ��,. 1 4� � r , I V ;; � � ! , �' , I , I "I ;,11 i4�k ,", I-, -C. _.._', I TOWN TOPICS ,,.:''!. , � �, ; _', �,,�I�-,'. - �11, " 4- IVITIES Trade, and highly approved of by the �,i ,.,� �,� -2,",�­,,,;�.,�""`�, . ,r: " V)" I OF TRADE Aff members present. , , .11, " �11 � �� , "'!� ��,,-.:"",; �!:�V.:, �:", � I I Alayor Wigle also explained the pur- (Concluded from page one) . I,- �� !_,��C %,�.":� " - � . .', ".", - - ; ,* r. ,�,� ... �r�. . "t �', -, , V. pose and possible effect of the estab- �,11 ,:��,�l . " � . gowden, of Ingersoll, Has "I ,It 1,- � il� Secretary Ilshment of the hydro electric st clerks, who tried hard to get the pe- . ' I ��,_ _� '':, I �_ r .;, 1� __'� � �,, - �,, ore in 1'. "',� p�,�'��:.��'.­',,",�%" 'r;,,.- I . ,.IWW Appointed industrial I . 1 , ­T,,,�� , -'�, t", .;J, lk t . Goderich and also its relation to the - . � r., �­,�:..3_�,�,,,.,;�;,; _"_., 11, il­_ tition through, wish to thank the fol ': I .`i , . , �, 1� v - , , "� 'OT,4 d - - lowing merchants .�, I ,.­,,�.�,1i.1;,,_7V,,. 1.", of Trade palecutivc eOm who so willingly �. I .. � _�� '. � .,a Boar work of the Water and Light Commis . `!.­ . , , strial see- sion. signed for the half holiday * , , , , V I " � , 1,� �,� "',­," , ,�%. ,i�wtt,eq ho -14 selected an Indu R,. H. I , ", ".,,-'el,"�'�, �,�;�_ ,1 9 - was appointed I . , � , �, " . , �, .", ,",-,'r, ,�, " 11� in of Mr. W. S. Bow Mr. J. J. McEwan . �:. �,� , ,, _­:,.�, ­ _ . 1, . IL"tiry Ill tile Ore( Cutt, Videan & Go., McLean Bros., Geo. 11 . - 't �",,,'�,�,.-,�'';,.,,.�'',.",.� , . Aeman has vice chairman of this committee and maoVicar, John Spahr, J. H. Pipe, John , I.. ,.. ,`,�­,�;�,� >�,!.�,� , , :,,.,den, of Ingersoll. This geni , �%, I ,;,, � � . , . �:7, � . � ­_ -n----.,� "'t, - - � - . � , , . . ,�`.�;t �� ,� I . id with tile McLatighlin, Go' a resolution was passed approving of Cutt� A, J. Paltridge, J F. Thomson, ; 1, ­ I' --L "�., '1004 tnsafs( -11-1 � ... ,�,� �1!1' 1.,.�,,�",­.;, ,iji"". r:, ':ki'l",pt, Oabgwa. and a very highly appre- holding of monthly meetings of this 'er. ­ - ". 1 � , ".:,"'.." " ��.",�. � ' I Al.. ,Robins, It. J. Fisher, W. Walk , - ,_�, , ", ' .�' -was received from section of the Ooderich Board of Trade. I W. J. Powell, J. T. Poll, J. J. McENVen, , I", I 11 "I . �, . I �J r, , : �' � " . " this '' ." I . "�-,' .�', �1, ;: 1;)," ­­ �: ? , 4jjj�'4.0' letior 1 � ". ": 'Ili - "".1- ,. .. . . to his abilities. His ap- . j. H. Leach, Robertson & Mair, W. It. ., �� I , , 11, e r. `,;',;'! , ."*', �, ,. , �, , 1000bOrn. us , r ,:'. . .- �, ! ,;­� '. !'' � -'�,, ", ". � I j �jj%�,­�'��I­%' ..";,�, decided On at a meet- , .1 , , . " I � �,,, vdiOtment was The New Secretary Pinder, W. Acheson & Son, Brophey .!,f:'' � _�, ,�.'�� 11�', ��i oved by , �,�. I - ,lk'..", " - "' loiw' t 2th, when it was in �"- � "',,',L"I'L�;1'.�'.�'��j,�,;'- 1 �t' I' K au y 1. I ,Mr. Bowden the newly -appointed Bros., C. G, Newtbn, Chas. J. Harper, ,*� . ,,��, �.,�: � ,�:,!.,V�11 t � i:� I . -�_ameran and seconded by Mr. Ate- . H. Colborne, R. R. Sallows, .: I ,�-� ,r,�',.�,,,,,,. "�. "'�� '� 1;1, secretary of t .1 , v;,' - �i � . Ugo-, �e Boarp; of Trade is at Fred Hunt, J . I., 1�,�,� -It`:"��,­,-., �',� � ,0 '., 1hat I)e . Igaged, at a salary of - li. , , ,�,, " L , . I �., - 1. �.,��i�,�� �,. I", ,W be ei , on as present in Goderich and Intends to W. C. Prldham, Chas. Black, J ,�;"111 I— ,,, � � " �,.,r " A,,-`� ` : ,� � )rear, to COUIMWO as so town -nlo,*,e here as soon as possible, with Vrooman Wrn. Sharman, C. A. Hum, I I 11� ,�,,�� I"! --.1 :�:, *Dbd P� wife. He has two sons, both ma I r- bar, R. 'J, Armstrong, Chas. , , "I I. ­�: "'. 11 I! % 1; �� 0 .. ' �;�, ,;��' " .*,, -1, " , � , ,, C. Lee, , '.., , �,�":;��' - P, �� ­ , . , , b 0. Mr. Bowden arrived in ,�� '�__ __: 11. � ­�� A. J. , I I ,,, , - -, ��', ;4,,,,;.W 'eSday ,of this week and is "Is , and one In , F. J. Pridliam, . , :�� �.,�,�.,��,,;. ;, , � '.. ", , 'a . rield, one living in Oshawa Parsons Fair, " . ""I ',�,��'.-­;.:, . , '._ "I ' ' " I an was brought up 1, Cooper, Miss R. MacVicar. l-, ­ ,1 I' .L _�Ao* "on the job. Toronto. Mr. Howd , ,; ", ."'? ­,'­ , . ,:� ,:,�, ',.�.'_;­��;', �, �,. ,"I.;, : ;,, I. "I ... � ­%;, ,�, 11;��,',,,' " " , , , " .. 1. ". lj,� 0100ting of the finance committee In in his early days was Wandering Horse Traders Coralled ' , I , .. , !'�:�,�,.��,,�.�,�, `11`r � 1, � . I W 1 0$, i4iso held ihe same evening, when Oshawa and I , , , ��,-,I­, !,,.,,� I I I . 1, ,�,� I A, ", � t, engaged with the McLaughlin Carriage I � , �;: 11 , , 1, -.1, r.,f 1_ _­ , _' ' , � .".%.., . ­1�­'�­� 6 d that s, further, canvass Of Three wandering horse dealers, �Yho �', -;,:;I- 1.�,,�'­,'. -1t; 8, �.�. , � -.--1-.";!., � #,a agree or ybars past has been . , ,;?, members would be pro- Company, but f , , . �' t., �'��. �,41' � � . � . ' � , �*o 'Peetive to - , , � ,I!, vly identified with municipal at- at nv�iin�ugipsY style on the river flats � I �,.,: .. �'.. , vv�,,A,�� ".'""'. I possible. larg I gh ., "L I ",. , , "'.., � ;'_'L . , = -'Vit Board of were up In the police court .'I:i� ". - -- , "a . . I ,h as quickly as fairs, being chairman of the ,4 . . :, -)",;`�, ":tL' .,.�,,�,',,7.", "..., 11 ' are to be here on Wednesday morning under the , : ,.��; 11'� '�",,,�-- ;­ .1. _1 � �,'_,,:,� . ... .... j 111:1 I 4,a Education in Oshawa for some. time ,, itl catept of membership '�` ,:': L ; ­'%'.�,!,.�­�.��­ _. I" .�"'' , . I" Ord In Council which requires all : �� �� ,,; �, "'. 1, "IX", - 4. �', . �"060004 and Issued to fully Paid-ul) and corporation engineer for live years. � , . m Luseful OccuPQ- _1�� _',�.o �1. � L' 1. . ,,qr I " ��J, � � 11V1. 11.,_I�,.':_ I r, ., . to be engaged In . :; �,:,��*. "�;,; ,, ,_� b id acoopunth am to be ron- I '111I.- . ;��',�',!�y�;r,,,,,;,,.­ " . In trs at . For seven years Air. Bowden lived In and pleaded guilty to the charge. ; I " ,`�, '�'', . I'm . aid and the , I � I 11­11'�11111 14 1 ��,i . . , " �', atopmembars not yet P I . ", , I 11 I I Port Arthur. where he was street com- tiOnB � on going --from , �� .�: ,;. � , , I %.! � I � ': ,�N'�­ , , place to . " - �1;, 'I'l, ,L thereof provided. for. missioner, superintendent of the water They have be I . I �, I ­! ­ ­�Ilil�� ­ 74,00,40,111on I "191 ying and selling horses and ' " , , 'I', 'L"l ��, " " , ,:.�',�:�:�:;,: ,;� . �' #V�] ,retail merobants committee also ',�;,­ .''', ' ­� �, i - - 't_ , ,,, 4e' - works and chief clerk of the public P w ". �� r� , ',;;''.'­. .. ,aid7isu as the first time they had � ' , � _'�),,� �,�­,�:."�,, '� 1, 1, ;-, -, L � ' j'$ifly 12th. �ind attention was dir works. Since the war broke out he ach of the _.:";,;", " 11-11 ,; -.1, '"' - , ,,,� ". , - .11 ,� ,� . ��,.' � , - � ii,. 4,�. 1 , ::.,�:' 1:1.��-_�4""�".� ", '­ ,�., ,., I t9 the vast amount of purchasing ad In Ingersoll and was an- been brought to court' E . .. . I ��, �r . 1�_",�,­�',. .,-, , I 1. , * Out , In men has a string of horses and one of r ., �, ­­,�'L, . 9.1 t town by residents and the has residi t . L -L t �,'!,, ", ­�. �,­ ..... . � �� ­�,i . .416 0 �agad In commiireial activities. - , �, , ... . I I L �� � I J I , I - . �, _. , I �,T,, 1 ,C',��,�4.... I- A , per . ablauts. were urged to a church affiliation Aft. Bowden is u the men, Geo. Gray, said he had been _�;, " -I- �.. I liti. racing a horse at Teeswater and other . .1 , 1, � I , ''; '' �* C , " i6$,qtfsstting this. It was felt that R lethadist. we welcome him'as a c ,.I I 1�, ; -__ , ',;; - representation of merchants was N' His home is in Mitchqn and � I., '1"� L ',�.I, 11_ � ,;1., , ,, - , . r places. ­ ". I '­­ I there at once. ,, I .�, ,",_ " . ,,,�,­,_,'. ),,�"" ­ ,.� ._ _A,81;;�Ie, and the meeting Was adjourn- zon of Huron's Golden Gate. he said he was going , r�' . - ", ­4� , ''.1.1 . . I I .1 ':,.,. I ,, r r ... , 1, . . I I . Wednesday, July i7th. One of the others owns a house In , 1- 1�1, ? �, �.. � -,;t,v, , _ . _4, . I , 'to - , � . - � 1, ,� � _ � ,- �� AW- � , � ,,,.,,, ".., ��,�, , BRIEF TOWN TOPICS Brantford but is moving to Hamilton _,_r ", � � . �,;­ , ;_ . 11 _._ � ,�, ". �,,�:, !-,� �,� . . pll - , , �,� , 1, '. ., " �. ,­ " . I �"'­ 1; 1 1, �,,,.;-, 'b.­,,,�� ..., -, If, the rueet1bg on NVednesday Mr. and the third lives In Toronto. All . , I'll 11.1 11,�" ,"' . +,L rlo ing The work of laying tarvia on the promised to go to work , � r, - 1, '.. I �, I "' � �;: � I') I '. I ,� I I . I _".� ,­_­',�.,,.,,�,� �, 1, 0". . -Porter pftsided. The 4-MeOt Square commenced on Alonday. It and were given some days , ., . ;�.­' ""', � � "'L !, ,; . ,,l!, vom called for the Purpose, at eon- ful war , � IL ",", .. 4�, ". '' " '' , " '. � '' orses and get to . I j'- ., , ,,�' %�, ,,:, , 1, �,, , ,,,� , questions relative to meeting -There are a number of guests at tile to dispose of their h �' , ,­�' -,,"_r,,,,1,-` - numbers, I , :" _ �­_-� .., .,.L; ,� , 1,�� 'O � I lion. w1th mail order houses work. Their registration , I " .,��'�.�'Z" ?,�, �: "�'�� I � I . , I I 0*013 � 'L 11 I , 1W. , 6 I Menesetung Park hotel and several of .4,100 , I I .1 �", , �, �, - � ., :-, o i , ,, _. A",:, other M&tters affecting the retail the cottages occupied. names and addresses were noted and , :,-,-1,,-1. I 1.-,:', � I �,� ',.,_'!' �.,. k -,b"�Jlaegs in (loderich generally. It was Pennington returned they will be required to report to the �� �'. r , , , ., r, " , I Pte. Chas. I'll, , ,� .,:.:' ';,� ,;1: '­� I secure the, ap- home on Saturday last and was met at chief Of Police in the places they are I �1� ­�;� � ". �.'_,� "i, � , 4d.Pl(1td to Orange tu .. ­ ,,, _ - I I . . � .. � sA of &II members of this section iday morning and - ,,� ,�i:,�.�, .... .. . - � . 'Prov I J � ;­ � , i�t, ,! � ,":,� � I T ado to purchase the station by the Mayor. Mr. George going to every Mon Goderich at it 1. * . �­' " ­;��, L - �,�.... , � . r Porter and others, and driven home. to report back in :. ; , , , , �R the goad of ".... �; ­ �, , , ;h. being allowed - ..... ..... �7­�11111 I �, .�,�,'�;�!'�,,`._�4'L , ,�k� ­�t - . alt6ments from 10"I march- About forty OraingemOn from town O'clock on August i7t , .,,­'-f:�' � �., :, ; , :4�e, I , I ,� ,' . I'� , hoir, Ireqi tommittee' waA appointed suspended sentence in the , '�_ �'' L ... Z ' �'- , , I '06 eyed to Hansall.. by auto and train to 90 all . � . L '�,� -, , , _1 -1 -,��'­' Wad a "I L .1 " '?'� %L :�,to�'Ii,0 , aj� ou �his %voM j�fid also to 1011ru . � ", i ', % ,, I .. -l, - ­ - t, I for the Twelfth and took part in the meantime. ­ I I I , I rr ,, I 1.1;� I . . ,� . 1 � ,� ­;� , '', . 1 - �11 � L .. I'- ,_,,,,,..r,-1 ' I ,144, ihO qoestion,�Of tile delivery .1 , 'i � I ,:;r �." " � ''�� .­ �1. '.11 i . I P_ the town of Goderleh. celebration there. There were 26 The Goderleb, It6bakahs install Their , , .I! _� I I . .�. � �1 - ,�, , . . 2 1 , L � , " , 1"t � I 0 . 0"t I U ". �, ,,�,:�,- - , , '. ,,',� I �tfon was unanimously lodges in line. � officers � � . 1 .� ";,,�,,�;-`,�, ,� I '. A, , I r6so. Q i showed The Star a Rebekah Lodge No. 88. I. 0. 0. F - � �j': I " .4, 'L �; �,, :�'­ ' ,, _'. � '46ptod to ` . - , .-,: � ! � �, ,� , I, � :., A retluest that the local pap- Mr. Wm. Birnle ' ., , ,�, �%, .', , , ", , , � 2,�,,�*, ., , A� to which be is now of , " . 2 1 �­ ". .. . , � '' , , . tt*-bo In future published on Thurs- fine sample of pota had their soml-4nnuat installation I '. ! It"? , ,� ;: ,�: " ��, , � ,�,,J , Is the Early Per- - . , � , 'I L, 11 .� I . �,­ 4 , morningt go that the public might using, The variety officers Tu6sday night last and wort! .,L,. � �' ,.'': r , ,! :.. �, I" r," - - I I I � �1. . . . � - ,� ,.! .1 , , - I., . ­,_ 1L,=j,#'V0jter. benefit from merchants' feet and he already has potatoes aver visited by Mrs. MoGavin, district do # r � .%i . ,�.,:, , I , "'; "'. , ,f . 1. 0 g halt a pound. There are some 1. 1. r , I I 1, .� j� : ry , '' 'i , *&AttIZeM6ftts respecting their week- agin puty president, and staff, of Seaforth -�,� ,�.. -, ':. :, ��� �"`, - larger than this, but the specimen he the Installing Officers :r 11, . "I." i­,�:, .4%4 lltade. - ,It who were - . . . 1_�- , : 11-1 -1,111''11 I i1tt Nation Apbx;11din Co, by showed The Star weighed an even bi The" wem also a number of visitors I 1 L. - ' ;,. �� ', ",' 1. " , . I I I I " ,; L"!� ,, � :1 , ,, was, 16XV, ed llp,,4� MR 6r Wigle pound and is a fair avera.ge. making an'autO r " , !!inS ; from Seatorth Lodge, ", ­,� � �4, _� I ", I ,� . luw. rourteen members from � . :. " Aaft referred to b� Mr. 0. " � party of some I , , pipe 1; ,; 1, , .11-1 1'�� �� ;'"'!,���,, ERTISE IN THE STAR I .1 "; �... r � ,,, , 1. � . "r ,!' t ,the Board of I ADV Seaforth Lodge. ��Jiar the business a , �, 11 11 , ,__ ; 1-1 I I I , , 11 `,-�.�, ,� ,-,, Jerolu$p, , president a I - ___ I __ I �� al 1: ", ,' ,­ . !�, 11 11 - -_ oning had been transaoted � 11 I r . I " I �' ,,, !", ­,�: � ", - I . ____ the ev .. =� , .. . , . , ..� ,, �:. I I � � .1. L�:, , I r, ,,.. I � I �. L 1. 1. ____ 6 . adjournment was made to Edwards I " , �- ; " �­ I - i - um __ ­1-1111� - - ­_­­ .restaurant -whora- refresh. . � ..­.'� - - . � Ham- , __ __ ments w6ro ,�­71 ,� , � ... � 11 1. ;, .1 1". I ,,,, , , � C �,­ � I � �,: r, ­ . I speeches made, and a goo I I �., I". I . I . served. time ,generally was had, Following , t, .11", 1 � ". I � ", ate jl�e oftloors of too zVeliekah Lodg � 'IL I I �, L" - 1� - , . A . � '? -,,:, -,�L�� � `�",'.'�� .-,., - �­ - ­_ � for the ensuing year : P. N. G., Nits 111. 11 - � , I ,�, ''I 11 , �.., � ., I . . - �. . , . " ;. "I I ' 18UMMOF W ro � ­ ,� 1, � ,r r , " ' A A 0 1 �t , � ".. �, � -� � - ; ; I , �' , , ��,� ,,, , , - , r : L ". � . .,f _ � r, , , , . or _, ,� , I , GOO A P. H. Wood. N. G -p, Mrs. Win. Abel I ' I 11 I ��� I I I . V. (.)., AIM. j. j. meEwen, Ree. Seel. l L . 1,(�' �' '' , 1, . � I I 11 I . . . 1 '4�, , . � *,I L . � Is Miss Edith Gimpliell; Fin. SQcV., N119 ., ;,.'''. � .. I � , , " � , � ,., , I ElIz6eth Gib . . I t . , �,.,� . . .. Nina Tait ; treas,, Allss 4 � �, 1, �J , :1�, , � , . 11 I . I son ; warden, Miss L, Cox ; conductor -.1. " I � � ,, . , . . I � � ,;V . �� I ''" I-,;- , o: 1. .�, I . - Mrs, Win' Patton , A. S N. O., Mrs. C 1. , I ", : . , :1 , I I I I - I .. .1 . A. Reid ; L. s. N. 6. Mrs. it. Edwards ` �, , L , , . I L, . � � , ... . �,�.. . I I , . . : , I L . �1'1 . . - " I I :� I I . . I I � chaplain,, Airs. � J. A. Robertson . R. , . 11 � I , . , I Inder ' L. S. V. G . I , " - I 1 I I V. a., Mrs. W. P . C. I I � ;, � , ? , , , . Mrs. Win. Babb ; altar supporters, Mrf 1. I � I 1 � � I I I '' �� � � I Mrs. Jag, Strachan " I I . � I I . �. I , ,�, . I .. 1, I � I I I I . I I . . Adam ThOMP804 . � , , ,. . 11 .. I IF 11 I ''; 1. " , , I I I 1, G., Mrs. Fred Toote ; 0. G., All . � I 1�1 I , . I , I I . � � ., � I I I .:, .� L' - T, .' � Emma Campbell. ". , " ') I I I I I . I � .. '' 11 - I I . " pleterson-Johnstan . - I .;e � , , 1, �t, I . A * � . C, .1 I L 1. I .. I .1 1, A very pretty N"ddI4 took Plot ,,,, . ,11 11 I I r ­ I at "Gowric," the home of hit. and Mr, ���� ­ , . � i " � ., !.. I ... , , . 1. I , Andrdw Johnston, of Colborne TP., a , 1k I I . "I 11 I L I I I " , . I'll, . I 1:11 11; . �, , , I I .. � - �- �- 1. �� ,,I'. I __ .. 11 11 � high noon on Saturday. July 1311 , I � " � i � I I 1 ,4� � I t I ­ i I o 1, .,%vhe*a their second da%4Mter, Chr[Atpan .I.. I . . % ; Mr. Getrgia V 1�,.. ,.-o ., 4 ,11 0 I I . . . , I � 11 May, was married to "� " I . "I , - - . � Pateraon, of Toronto. The'Lohengri I . . , ", I . , , , "I � I ; , ,&eddjug march was played by 1*111 :,�,­- �, . 1�1 I I I I I - � , * r I Doris Wood. or m Maryt. Iftleopo of ft t", , ­_ 1. � . 1'�, � I'll . I I . - was drm( I - 1, , "I." I I � i : _� 11 groom. The bride, willp 71th hl . I . � I t carl gray Satin, M I . , 1""' T P I I I � I - I I "' " ; -, I . I I . to nlatch anti arried a beauut) . . who et i, . . , ., " .. . .11, .L � I ... ",", 11 I lbouquet Ot Sun.Ot rose,% Alva$ 19IV4 , , . I I I I * b r father. Ella. (Mristil � , 1, �, ,, ' ' 11 ? A, 1. , ,,, tip'toyirtseu ,and Josephine Weir, nice ­1'1� I � I I I 4 " , ,� ! of the br de, dre9W, In SIMPle \Vh1 . I , I . " 110� I, I I L � ldtetses and pink Poke hpunot% ai I i �,�, I * , " .. . . � ,tartying dainty baskets of SWetl Pq � , 11 I I � I � I And, roses, ,made pretty little flow ;, I . .1 810s. The eeromoby %vas Perf0m I . . on the I,kNvn Ift the pretence of abo I . . I � p'tty guedt, bl, Rev. R. J. Apsgo *', I � I 101, ' . " 41.0 AubjArn, amitted by MV. John VOW I - , I . , . I 1, I . BIX . , D. 1)., Pftblfth, V. $. A., U00M Of t � X 41�* bride. Attor tho eproMonj?, tile fW ' I I �,,4, , " . I L , - ;� pony rtpaIrtd o the ditilliq-t(io 41.1 . I- � CH "%11 ? 6 R , I It wag iii�ed L ,� .. whero & 440V IMI)MA I . ­­_­­�_11111 11 I � I . ... ...... 1 I r its WA014tally de,corli,ted With 011 .11" I . 1111 .1 I 'L ,­­, �,­,. 1 1 � %* � A�4 im =11�19� I M�mv, w. yougg aelln I ,-,-- ­­­ , . _ , 11 I . " I I . I I . ��_����� . , I I � I . . 4 1 . I I I . �, . . . � I . . . . I . 11 �L. , I : . 4 . � I I . 11 . I . , 1, I I . 1 ,4 �, � ! . � . . . � , I � I I .� I . I . . � I �, I I � I � . . I , � . I . I 1. . . - ,,, " , I I , � , , 1. ­ '. I I ,,, , I " I " ." - I 1, ,-- , I - __t I ­ ,��. - , " , __ ­ -1 - - _ I , it �.-ow- ,J . ,, _ - . Loa., T.9W__...,_ . , _ I - r .0, , - I 71 7W"W.%T""W__W___ "mr---- - - --mmm"71 1W1_,W llip�,�" I � - . I �'. I I . . - I I 1, ". I., I " ;,' '' 7 . . . . -_ I . onoomp ___... . I , - ­""""Momeen'" . I ;;;�� i ! � ��w - ---""--R- F-1- .1.1 - I - � - - . i . - pq 0."��P, - .1 ! . - ,. , , I , July 19t 1 . - I I . _ � � - � 1� . wpppliiw�_=_005114 . i �= orge's and N. Street Mettle- Knox St C;e tiss Grace Strang has arrived home ' X i dist Primary Picnic Wednesday to thle va- =:!:. I I I I - ­ -.-.-, I I 11 I �,-��irotp 7 - IM M M! =1- - �.. I ' - ' I I I I. -1 �'ffl .. - I I . '_ - I I . i - ' i � " ���� � I I - I "I'll, ......... I I - rf�s " ya" *UlUty' idles the Present National - Crisis and your 011ity, - 'tlarpal C A COA04 . I o 7 I '' � 1, I I � I . .in .What jpapggiq Cals, you serve best ? � in . , . I 1 A 1DS SXII�tp . - 1) NNI LABOR -CANADA. NEEDS SXITX- C *� � L ,,. ,,4` 1 . . L , , DOX,T e&j UNSKILLED , It ROVAS Ore as great a WNDRAN09'"; ED WOR�_'Uxjtraippad worker$ are 1� ., '. 1, � It, . I . I - untp . ,4ned soUpom � �. . I I I . . I . , ,�, , . , _ ___, __ d , , . 1 to answer this ques. 04 , ;A�__Qowfsllept�� cbooI,Ad"u&bl6_19 I— � - I __ LF rWr' ­ . - - I . �� . I, .1 TO, YOURSE 11 ., ;, . � "' � I I I I . - -, - �-_­ � �� Vl_ __ - ­ , ,� with.1SATISrAQTIOX I . A, " ' a your SERVICES and its � The BUSINESS WORLD need ..i DOQR,5 ARE- WIDE OPEN TO YOU. I L , ,� � ,� I . � . : ') rt., " th, _ irs. j. G. Stevva .1 , transported by Illotor. The races were , gtie�t of . �, , � falgar Street. . . I �� �� . I All COMMERCE","' . . , ; SCHOOL Ur .1, I . . :,� � 1. ' � . � I � I , . � I , � I , I I , , �.. � . I I ".1 . 'I I CLINTON, ONTARIO .. . �, I I . .� �, 1;p_ I Often the following courses: 11 I . . I I I . � , I BUSINESS � � I .11 "A �Vl , �,� 1111, �. � . 9 STENOGRAPHIC 11 � I I N ,­� I � SECRETARIAL ! I I I., . i I i BUS. PENMANSHIP I � , . I . . IL SERVICE I V .. I - - 4-- .- . ­ ­­ --.-Cly. ....____.. . . � 1. .____­__­_­.___ and arrangos SPECIAL COURSES for SPECIAL STUDBNTS.. . , - _l I 7 I . � I For further particulars write to . � I I � ­ ­ I I ; I I----- - - I 1. B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Acets., Prificipal. 4 I I ,� , �11 I � 1, , M. A. STONE. COM. Specialist, Vice -Principal. ! � I 11 . , A ` a 'Phone 2108 . . . . CLINTON, ONT . � .- I �, 11' ,A-6 � , ­. ­ - - Sch- Af-0-Rni" Tuesday, Septembera-r-d . ,pli . ___ -#-,O iia&rs and trawlers. - It has come to our knowledge that criticism has been made during �wkwom� ___ __ ___ - - �, )$pact to our laying an. a number of hands in the the pa.st few days In rf let of ShOrtELge, of - been stated that this Is on accou � is - - I Miss Alhamle Down, of Toronto, S. S. PICNICS ding ol days at ner home, Huron I boiler shop, and it has laut is getting into & similar Position as at previous work, and that the P I I - . - spevi ,­ '. ... road. )r.., � - .X. ' times in its history. foandation whatsoever for such ptatempauts. We h%vO orge's and N. Street Mettle- Knox St C;e tiss Grace Strang has arrived home ' X i dist Primary Picnic Wednesday to thle va- 1. I There is no had orders for boilers I n our hands for three months sufficient to keep the numerous invitations to take I from 0�atlgeville spend The annual picnic in connection with cation. . I plant fully occupied for nine months and Knox church Sunday school was held Air. H. S. Kemp motored to London . ;. on more work. . It Ili, Perhaps, not generally 'known that all steel entering Into the train tb�e United States, not one O"ce on Wednesday afternoon at the resi- Sunday morning returning Monday I dence of Mrs. A. P. McLean Huron road, morning. I construction at ships! boilers comes a is we are entirely dependent Up(Ju is rolled In Canada. ThO cOu"quenc lies. That country supp, I The Nyeather was tdeul, the grounds miss Jean Hawkins, of Lon don, is , suitable for such an event and her home� ; the goodwill at the Vnitt:d States in procuring our I is a vast shipbuilding programme of its Own* and naturaJ ly are very just about the right distance from sPending her vacation at Bayfleld road. I engaged upon looks after. Its own interests first. A permit has to be obtained from the a tel)l can be exported, and delay t n to give the children a nice ride onto, is I - I Owl They are I ,,,,,,,, Eleanor ,_,,Ill -joy, of Tor lithout it being too far. Tra, ' lip ' Unl"Mtea Shipping Board before any , � in this permit has caused a temporary cessation at our work,.& rt., " th, _ irs. j. G. Stevva .1 , transported by Illotor. The races were , gtie�t of . �, , � falgar Street. ,,� ,� 4 �, �� & ll `!'��!,�,!� securing f war conditions, and pause entirely beyond our control. &rising out 0 thq recent laving off of & few of our men. ) good appetites for the supper. The -Mr. Patterson and Miss Patte 12""" a feature of the afternoon and made rson, of , � 1, �,;,;, ;,,'�,J , I I *hich necessitated - We kept them an the pay rolls to r a considerable period at great ex i winners were as follows : Hamilton, are guests at the residence 'M. il�l .1, ", �;�- 'r but the time arrived when. seeing no immediate prospect of secur. them . I Primary boy -Henry Smith, Nelson of Mrs. J. Roberts. , �,� 1111, �. ponse, , a, retain ing the steel, we could not/in Justice to ourselve , 'r. , Ir. B. C. Mun Mr. Thos. %N'allis and N .�,I,r ' - "" " g N ,­� I necessary auy longer. Happily the difficulty in this respect is .in course of being date to increase the number of GirK 6 and 7 -Beatrice Forden, Har- nings returned from Toronto last week lie in town for a fortnight. � 1, I !, i� I I . , "I", removed, and we hope, at a very early our employees, ges the we have paid in wal I riet Sexsmith. d. and will orman McDiarmi Boys, 7 to 10-N Mrs. Leckie and Monteith and Mr. %1�1 . . I 1�1 . . . � � During the Short time we have operated of $132,209.00, a large percentage of which., no doubt, benefits the ,Billy Webster. and Mrs. Sexsmith and Harriet and . Girls, 7 to 9-irene Johnston, Vera I Lon- .. Jack motored to St, Th6mas and 11 . I aura tradesmen, of the Town and brings in revenue to the Cannon. We have paid direct to the Tradesmen for sundry local supplies, the ,McGregor. I 10--Theirna' McAllister, Jean don yesterday. I Girls, 'Mr. R. J. ,%legaw-was in Toronto this .I 1� I 1. ��, . 1 � � , , -,, .1 aum of 56,600-00 and for Electric Power, 54500 00. with the Town to be taken is to confirm an agreement made Moore. I I tended the annual Boys, to to 12-lionald Martin, Doug- week and also at A. "I . 41.1 . I I The vo Connell at the time we purchased the property, whereby we were to be for a period of ten years (except las Nairn. . meeting of Grand Lodg�, A. F., and. Murray, Annie M., at Windsor. I.. exempted from Municipal Taxation School Taxes) subject, however, to the consent of the ratepayers. I Girls, 10 to 12 -Isabel Newell. ,'%Ir. Hugh Hill returned to town We are not asking, as has been the custom On sevekal past occasions, but,simPlY Boys, 12 and over -Alex. roley, Har- Tuesday after a six weeks' absence at I in the for any money bonus or the guarantee of our bonds, .for . old Murray. his saw mill and timber limits I 1, ',\iurray, %V freedom from taxation. With this information before You we bave every confidence that you Girls, 12 and over -Isobel Haliburton district. Annie Newell. and Mrs: Howard C. Elder and will give year hearty support to the bylaw an d so confirm the provisional ,Mr. . Boot race, boys-M,errill Baker, El- two children, of Norwich, spent the , 4 . arrangemen� entered into by the Council with Us. l woo T 0 ,n. I week -end with the former', mother, . , " . We are, PrIim,hy,m8P'i',rls and Z)oys-Bill Saun- I I ,Mrs. Robt. Elder. � "", '^ Yours very truly, - THE NATIONAL SHIPBUILDING CO., LTD , ders, Dolena MoCreath. Blindfolded race, girls -Jean Chap- daughter, 1'%�t::; � , �":, � Mrs. Arthur S. Fuerst and ittle .t'­,"�:: ,, Edith, of Toronto, k � � �, . .1 I ­ � W. H. BUTCHIIJBON, Pri aside, t. L man, Violet Thompson, Obstacle race, boys -Harold Murray ing Fuerst's , . a few weeks with Air . \ %. sister, ,Mrs.- Lewis Elliott, Britannia li, * ,�' 1) . , .. I 1�� , I., liouglas Nairn. . - Nivens, Ed-' I Boot race, girls-Adellne I � Road. i� . Mr. H. J. D. Cooke has received word ' , , "I p`:, 1 , I �, , ". � � , I ..­� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !I! ... "I na Hunt. IStratford, St, Marys, Thamesford, Wat- and Mrs. and reading a lettergram from _ _ Married ladies -Mrs. Leckie The numerous 'tie. ' of the appointment of his brothee Mr. � ' 11� Herbert 0. Cooke, known to the rest- . ,:, ";­, �?'i .v �; 1 .,� �;,�: I ill��,Y�7,4,�; master nd Lucknow. Vancouver containing congratulations Sexsmilth, a Present from Pittsburgh: I fe,00rsdt,ly agifts; testify to the esteem In Girls, three-legged race -Mary Mc- dents bf his own town as "Herbil' 1. the viriving city of 1111;�11.) ,,'�:,,'�:fll., ,4,,�,,�i Guests were U. S. A., Saskatoon, Toronto, Hamilton, which the bride and groom are held. Lean and Violet Thompson, Lucy Me- . The happy couple left on a motor trip Gregor and Lillie McGregor. as treasurer of Living stone, Montana. . . ��h!�;, � i?,,�",:I,-� , llj­� I to St. Marys, and later to Ottawa. On Broad Jump, boys --n. Nairn, E. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Allward and K 11 �, -A& �bejr return they will reside in Tor- Thompson. . 1l; family, from' Toronto, accompanied by 1, " uwzi= out onto. Hop, step and jump, boys --D. Nairn, Mrs. Marskell and son, from Edmonton, 0 . . . 1, - Water and Light Commission Rent G. Matheson. , ? I St. George a church school had its I motored to Goderich and will be the .. � guests of their sister, Nirs. Johnson I . Store The regular meeting of the Water annual picnic at Harbor Park on Wed- fiesday afternoon and had a good time, Mcilwaln, Bayfield Road. . Mrs. Drinkwater -(formerly miss Tons. ,�V.f �, , and Light Commission was held on Thursday evening of ,,&at week. the day being delightful. During the afternoon a number of races were hold Young, daughter of the late Colonel y n ) f Cochrane, Ontario, and � � - The engineer reported' that the Wolfe be relaid for the boys and girls, the winners I 0- %r1oviliting the former's grand- child, , street water main should deeper, and he was Instructed to have being as follows : Boys :-9 and 10 R. Longinire, W. Garrick ; It' ar ntsp,,Al.r. and Mrs, A. Sterling and a Sterling and Mrs. Black. the necessary work done. This Is to prevent the main freezing In winter. years, and 12, Benson Felker, Ross Kneeshaw ; 0 and 14, George Bowra, Wm. Long- no u is, " I Mrs. Win. Evanb of Howtek, who ' Mr. and Mrs. The contract for 125h.p. of electrical the Western Canada Flour Wre ; 3 -legged, Tom Rreeman, Benson spent a month visiting Chas. Girvin, Anglesea Street, left for . energy to mills Co. was changed to Class "G" Felker ; boot and shoe Tom Freeman, George Atlas Craig last week-, accompanied by power, that is 10 hour restricted, ser- George Bowra ; wheei6rrow, Bowra, Win. Longmire ; consolation, Mr. and Mrs. Girvin, where a visit was . made with another sister of the above vice. Mr. Hamlink's account for electric 'Park Johnny Kneesha-w, Fred Bowra. Girls: -9 and tO years, P. HunfaIvY, M. Wil- ladies. . . light for 1917 at Menesetung was son ; it and 12, Margaret Seager, Elsie Mr, a nd Mrs. Robbins, of Rochester, adjusted at $76,32 for the hotel and ' Cookfield ; 13 and 14, Augusta Hunfalvy, motored to town last week to visit �'L $12,50 for cottage. Grace Videan ; 3 -legged, Grace Videan, Mrs. Robbins' father, Air. Alex. Straft- .11 .1 � �, Dr. Dickle Is to be charged the ser- Augusta Hunfalvy ; needle and thread, on, and motored to Egmondville, so- L vice charge- for 491A, 426,-50, . - I,; (I - - VIdeah,' AU9115ta, 111111falvY -, "'ace campanied -by Mr. Stratton,- to spend - .� A proposal by the Hydra people throv%ing the ball, Miss Alma Sturdy. the week -end with another daughter � that the townships ta-e over the prim- within 'Before going to the park the children . of Mr. Straiton's. Mrq. Chesney. I ;1� ary lines of the Hydro-Electrfe were taken for a motor trip. , Registered at Hotel Sun.%e t : 0. G. , .� �, their boundaries and that the town pay the townships the Interest on the sink- The Primary Department of North Street Metthodist churr!i also picnicked Hensley Toronto ; F. Y. Delbridge, Exeter ;'H. Wall, 0, Smith, Kitchener ; �', , . i), �� , ing fund. I The engineer reported that tile hy­ at Harbor Park and had a good time. ___ Mrs. Andrew Lorimer, Masters Stuart, I and Andrew Lorimer, DetVolt ; Mr. Fol- �� 1� . drants had been cleaned and oiled and had I PEOPLE WE KNOW man, London ; Mr. Alitcholl,'T" ... 0'roifiib -;' - __ - . . flushed out ; that the stand pipe Mr. Fleming, London ; J. A. McConry, heen cleaned but ,<cry rittle dift was Miss Macara is spending a week in London -, F. R. Hodgens, Toronto ; Mrs. found In it ; and that the sedimen- since Toronto. 1. ..� 11 Grummett, Goderich ; Miss Campbell, , tEltion basin had been cleaned 1. ,1,. (voldthorpe was In town for a Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs. John White, f last meeting. It was decided to rent the Harrison few days tills week. Woodstock ; Miss Helen R. Koch, Do - troit ; W. W. Caftla, wife and chlid, jewellery store from J. Wiggins is In Londoh'on a visit Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs. Al. A. Ross. office and hydro store to r 8150 a to Mrs. Walter Kell -y. Miss Eva Baskett, Ed. Holland, London; ' F I -an year for the first tvvu years and ,$200 Mrs. Jas. Caldwelli of Toronto. Is Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Hatchelderi- New— - ---- a year for the next three the visiting friends in town. York ; Mr. and Mrs. Heddlop and family, e . ,years, owner to pay taxes and ,,Nater. rates, and the commission to have the 'Option Dr I . Arthur Jukes Johnston was tip from Toronto over Sunday. I Parts ; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Nobbs. Lon- , don ; Mrs. Goo. Brown and daughter ' # . I � I of giving up the store at the end of Mr. and M". H. J. D. Cooke and - ". London . Miss mdud Orchard, Stranth-, ," E 11 11 1, I . any year. The banks have declined to collect family are visiting in Toronto. roy ; A. Margaret Wooftrd, Str&throy*. Mr. and ',%Its. R. Ea§tkk%" Burns, Wing- I r - the commission's accounts. hirs. J. H. Johnston has returned ham '. Mr. an d ,Mrs, 13, It. Batchelder, 1, . _� from her visit to Collingwood. New York ; J. Gartow, .Montreal.; . � I . I . . . Childreii UFT Mr. Hopetoun Mitenell is spending holidays at his Arthur street. Bruce Smith, Toronto ; Miss'Chamber- lain, Toronto ; Herbert Welebel El - . 1. DONALD L CORP. CHESTMA S. M, FOR FLETCHER'S' .home. Mrs. Hort�pn'hffd Miss Ball are spend- mira ; Miss Cauhaim , Toronto ; ,miss ., Died In H061111W In Boulogne' July CAS-rOR 1A , ing a period at a Georgian Day resort. Orde, Toronto. � . I ­ * s�­­ . I . I I . .11, _- I - .1 I " - I I I I I 1 - -- 1. . ­­­ I'll, I 1-1 I".. � I - ­ '� ­ I � I .1 N � - . . . I 1,11 1111, I __ , -_ - , � I ffll� i ��_vw�,i ____�� 'N F75 F 7�- - Fi�,�� _ �� I 1, t I 1. : a r, L a 8 � ft %. 4­�,, a I Ll I I I I A 14 , I �t I , t6 id ks �r 4 ut . of �K, 6 z i . n, ­ -a' I 4 , I 1! 11 . , , M. � "It, 130"N H, I$ATICS DU 'bit let Ajl�k� tto#*ItAl* rtauc*� ,su , thh, � . Lqt " � I im% ... - I wm� � � - ---A , _.- ­­_._.__.__ � - inpi . J I as -m. w.&:.,,l _%nake", - . & 0 1 1 1 � offie falftnt IL"101111 of, clear Hanna W - tho eldf tl,go* q*11ity tilt colft" lof "refal WeCuou- 3 (Or,A,. 0 tw . as &O Sul . aw r �eA., liority of the Ritchelar d9a. - � I I - - �.� A 1.�., - � ! I I _____ PW"WPW1WJWW%`WFM9rWW #,* 0 . . I I i I I L