HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-19, Page 34qw 1% rpm In - -0 P 11 �D*�ltrl G'c I lings. T um L V-51" I " CA fte WAgglim vow i1sw to.- ots prellmaea w aluente, "turro on %"noxwo MA"lom 1ltAXA"LtV4RP11LJ06, plppwoi W1. mram X, July* OrA.' T04ONT9. i1mly 16. A pretty wedding xvas solem.4i .S 1190per, Taraberry, A zed 0 Ot TMA10 quotation* ter yostorogy godwPiluft is cho, tit 00 A04. 1111*1r or Me tovvv�,hip. h4 paijJda 100 40 and uts, AleT,. bieuve, willro #4 follollos. s le of Mr, ar L 1$hte e. '01% 1* mit"11"k Wheat. (to store. Fort William# Ju L Ig GeOrge T. Crulefuillstit", of Wing- to $333%. Uh, when their,onlx datighter. Mary rancv,-., was )1110,4 tho holy bonds, a. 9 northitra. S1,30%. me.&rii no, *,,�n I I a 13, a Start, Fort William). Mf !4vid Wood, of British Columbia, 'Row ck t, hip� , 1, On Thursday. June 27th. at high a, $0, 'S. Turner. ot, Wilton. 40 PAW ollt tm wn2 in U'v of Mir WW70b 8*40y: 04 -VA*QX*l1X, iAA Will, has Aed. noon a pretty wedding Nvas celebrated No. a CNv,."4?vAc- Extra No. I feed. 87r4c. 4 t t.4,e home at John alid Scan - Mr. T� Cottle has resigaed the post- dretk NQ. VteefX &*%a. Mrs Vh*WM0f.Dky 404="1104*� tjon.)Q Relegravel when their only American Core -onto). 'T iill;Seb or of Clinton 4fter tivelity w3i T U.'e,2, I= 7Z fig'. Irack. Tof z er, ss 13 ay ecanke Na, 2 , a- A , a I - , " i ll,, gr culturaL Society. Car lots, per ton. FS to S&50. blon 31 Thursdays And Saturdays. A platform or grandstand, erected, for Farmers', Market. Vven Rs by appointment. the ovauge 12th of July celebration in Fail wheat -Milling, $A.14 per bushaL A very quiet but pretty %%edding took place at the home of Nip, -and Mrs. am in 1917, collapsed, and Jamem Wingh, Goose wheat. $240. to M12 per buahok J. If. Mills, Auburn, %-%neri their daugbt- Q I - died of his injuNet'. Recent] Oats -88c to 89c per bushei. ush. Stave) y Barley -Malting, Si.3o to $136 per to g L �'Okmow, Barrister, Solicitor, er, Mabel' L., was united in marriage at usgoode Hall, Toronto, a damage Buckwheat, $1.75 Per bushel. to. Cdknpr Nor;!. street and Square, to Norman M. Thompson of Dun lay- action was launched by the daughter Rye-- according to sampie. nominal. p, . . . . . . brook. all() the widow against the orange Hay-Thnothy. $19 to $20 pe r ton., n&IX The death of Mr, Samways Paul for demonstration committeq. Pdividual od and clover, $17 to $18. arrl8tej ftcfl;O�, - Notary� Public forty years a residt-nt of Bluevale and defendan s include T. R. Bennett, A. Oats-m-Chnadian western. No. 2. Jim; and donvoyancer dhArijel, and a son W tI14, -L-16- ljov. lil. -(I. 8ndt t tff­�.CO"­RoUab,, a0derich. ' h, and ElIfloPe Mahood, of ext- No 1 feed. 99c Paul, one of the pioneer Presbyterian Whighain. Flour -:New iltandard grade, $11.05. HAYS 'Phone 88. Rolled oats-Bagoo, go lbs., $6,3o. Bran, $35; shorts. $40; 11- 1111e, $67. er, 0olictior Notary Public Etc. Hay -No. 2. per ton. car lots, $14.50 to ce Hamilton At., sterling ilank Block r, out it is not ulireasonable 416.00. Oflorlen to assume that it had in view I the Cheese -Finest easterus, 22%c to ;3o Real Estate, Loans, insurance AUSTRIANS FALL BACK 5" Butter -Choicest creamery, 434a to 4ic ultimate capture of the rail d It 0 ro Q " Eggs -Selected, 50c; No. I stock, 46c: EYANCING AND NOTARY minning northward from U�kdk, " it No. 2 stock, 41c to 42c. AGE E. GREENSLADE, Bayneld, Con. Italians Continue to Advance in the outflanking of the enemy I es POUttoes-Per bag, car lots, $2.65. northeast of Monastir. Dressed hogs --Abattoir killed, $29. vey�ncing and Notary Public I Saturday's French War Office Lard -Pure wood Pails, 20 lbs., net, 32e ROUDFOOT, KTLLORAN ' A COOKE, Albania.," statement said: to 33c, LAverpool, July IS. -Beef, extra India Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub- The Fighting Nle, "There were. Patrol encounters on mess, 370s. E 1, of flit. Foe Sur - c, to the Struma, where Greek troops dis- Pork prime mesa, western, 330s. from JM -On the Square 0-nd door render at Every Opportunity and I Hams, short cut 11ton street.- Sooderich. persed a Bulgarian detachment, and 14 to 16 lbs_ 137s. Display No Signs -of Go6d 51orafe at the Cernia bend. Artillery a:ctivity Bacon, Cumberliind cut, 26 to 30 fba., Private funds kd loan at lowest rates. )FOOT K C 152S. OOKE. _Operations Agalnht Bulgarians was displayed by both sides in the Clear bellies 14 to 16 lbs.. 160s. P neighborhood of Doiran, east of the Long clear i6iddles. light. 28 to 34 tbs.. LNUIPLORAN, it. �' D. C Started b) - British fit Slacedonla. Vardar, and in the region of the 160s; do., heavy, 35 to 40 lbs. 159s. AUCTIONEEIRING LONDON, April 16. -The Short clear backs, 16 Lo 20'lbs.. 157s6 Albanian takes- In the course of aerial en GUNDAY. gagements an enemy airplane was Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 the., 1283. campaign continties" to. be the most Lard, Prime western, in tierces, 149s 64; forced by the British to land near American refined. pails, 157s: do.. boxes. Live Stock and Oencral Auctioneer, active theatre of wa�, so far as ex- D,iran. In Albania the enemy has logo. Hamilton street, Goderieh. tensive gains of ground are involved. retreated on an organized line, de- Tallow, Australian in London, 72s. Sales made -every where -and all efforts Turpentine spirits. 125s, mad The advance, inade'niainly by Ital- limited by Pashteni, Sel6hand, Hill Rosin , common. 64s Gd. F4mer&FIve you satisfaction. sale notes discounted. tans, *4th the Vrench-on the right 5500, the confluence of the Tomerica Petroleum, refined, Is G%d. and the Devoli and Wurshova. The Linseed oil, 62s. NETERINARY lank, has reached to ataximum depth number of prisoners taken by our D n. W. r. CLARK, V. s., Fraduate or of 22 miles on a front of 80 miles, troops has increased to 47,0. The ene- CAITLE MARKETS he Ontario Veterinary G011ege, Tor- straightening the illied line as it my suffered very heavy losses during onto, I respectrully call the attention or his retreat." UMON STOCK YARDS. horse owners to my approved inethod or runs from the Adriatic and links up "West of "Perating on horses' teem. A fre-ili sup- Sunday's report read: TORONTO, July 16. -With 2,500 with the Macedonian froat. The to- Doiran British troops carried out a a 8 Oc PL, of veterinary inealcine alway., on L�mb& of prisoners taken by the c ttle on the Union t Ir Market 11 Office arm stables-,Newirate street, tal u successful raid on the Bulgarian yesterday there were not very many Italt4us e.xceeds 1,800. lines. In Albania the French troops really good cattle on sale, and the INSURANCE Iteuter's correspondent on the continued their successful advance; quality generally was very medium. .;A, Macedonian front Lelegrapbe: they drove the enemy from Hill 500 There was a steady demand for cKML61? MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Y-7he Al lied- opera Lions in'Southern and from the village of Narta, at the choice butcher cattle and loads of Co. I Albania are resulting. in one success confluence of the Tomorica and De- steers with weight and quality. There Z_ Farm anti isolated Town Property Jinsured. after another, in spiteof the d , ifficult 4"49ZVal r Pro rty insured up to anuary, volt rivers. On the right bank of the was a fair inquiry for butcher cows, O. . ( aLui7e ol' the c9untry. '11i,re are no Devoll we occupied Gramshi." jares, conolly, President, roads in t . he battle zone and corti- and canners at about steady prices. Evans, ViCO-Piwftldent, The French report for Monday The bull trade was slow, with no -Treas., sea- munications are being kept up over says: "Eastern _Theatre, July 14.- really good to choice bulls on sale. 1wechwood T. E. Hays, See. the rocky' Precipitous mule paths. On the Struma, patrol 6nga&ements The hog market held steady at I)IRECTORS-D. F. mcarelror, Seaforth.; "While the lLallans are pushinP. resulted in favor 6f tbe Greeks. West j. t-,. orieve, Winthrop ; Win. Wrin. Con- along on the western wing and in 181/,Lc fed and watered, 17%c f.o.b. -they, Tuckei,srnith of the Vardar and north of Monastir and 18%c weighed off. :nnrc ; (jeorge Mccat John 1`431`118, Harloc_4 ; John Bennewise, the centre, Where contact is being the enemy displayed great artillery CMCAGO IAVE STOCK. tiroadhagan ; maldolm NICEwan, Brucelleld. tnainta.1ned with 'the French, the, activity. In the region of the lakes, Chicago. July IS.-Hogs--Recelpts. 42,- AGENTS-). W. Yeo, tioderith ; -sandy v'rench are making good prUgr+15S in I �Itrh, Clinton ; Win. cnesney, Seaforth west of Progrodec, we repulsed a 000; itinarket mostly 10c to 15c higher; n fanL Ilinchley, Seaforth. top . light, $18.25; bulk of sales, the Bosnia region by overuo,ijing eil- Bulgarian raid. V Poit�y H(51ders can pay their aqqessments outy rtsi:;tance and capturlug the "in Albania our pursuit column $17.30 to $18.10; butchers, $17.80 to $18,15; al R, H. Cutt's Store; Goderich, A. J. Nlor- riuges of 1,.usnitza and chL packing, $17 to $17.75; Ilght, $17.90 to risivs clothing Store, (;Ilntoti,, or J. H. I'Le slopes. in the Devoli Valley has gone beyond $18.25: rough, $16.40 to $16.90; pigs. $16.76 lieia's, Bayfleld. "The Austrians no longer are as Cramshi and reached the outskirts of to $17.25. Chekini and Cruja, where It is In Cattle-Pecelpts. 20,000; wood to choice detei-mined irs Lhey rot-111elly wel,e contact with the position organized beef steers, steady to strong; others and FOR GOOD RELIABLE and surrenders by them are more butchers, uneven, slow to 25c lower; by the Austrians. The number of our calves mostly 25c lower; stockers and frequent, especially among the Slays, prisoners has been increased by about feeders, steady; beef Cattle. good and Shoe Repairing who are dead tired of campaigning fifty. Out- left has joined with the choice, $16.75 to $18.10; common and me - Tey in the mountains and throw up their Italian right, which occupies the dium. $11.60 to $16-75; butcher stock SMITH & RING hands at the first opportlihity. The heights of Cafa Darsa." cows and heifers. $8.25 to $14.15, can - Austrians are burning depots and vil- The Austrian ners and cutters. $7 25 to $8.25: atock- On East Street Oppoatte Knox Church War Offive admits era and feeders, good to choice and fancy, lages which they abandoh. further advance by the Allies in Al- $16.60 to $13; common and medium $8.25 -GIVE, US A TRIAL "All information obtainable is to bania. Its report says: to $10.50; veal calves, good and &Lice, the effect that the enemy's position "In Albania the enemy Is gradu- $16 to $16 -50 - in Southern Albania is seriously coin- ally pressihg forward against on, E"T BUFFAL4C) LIVE STOCK. promised and that there probably new line of resistaqee. In the Devoli East Buffalo, July 15. -Cattle -Re - will be a further retreat in the Valley a F rench squadron has been celpt". 4600. Good firm. common easier; north,�thus freeing our com union- repulsed." pri steers, $17.25 to ;17.50; shipping 5rophou Bros. tions- between Western Mameedonia liteemron, $18.50 to $17; butchers, $12 to $17; fearlings, $13 to $17; heifers, $10 to and the Adriatic coast."' IFAR31 EMPLOVIIIENT AGENCIES 13.26; cows. $0.50 to $12; bulls $7.60 to GODERICH " The British troops in Macedonia $12; stockers and feeders, $7.50*to $10.50. seemingly have . started. an operation NEEDED Fresix cows and springers, $66 to $145. against the-reutonic allies which may Everynne NN110 Is willin'K to go on Calves -Receipts, 2500, Steady; $7 to The Leadino develop westward along 6e battle- the farins for the harvest has been $18.60. funeral Dfrwtors front and eventually conform with regh4pred. It rPIT1ah18 DOW to organ- Hogs -Receipts, 6100, Pigs strong; Ize the v,iltinjteers. Those who are not others easier; heavy, $18.26, to $18.50; and Lmbalmers the successful drive which is,'being mixed, $18.50 to yorkers, $18.60 canvassed by local committees should carried out by the French and Ital- to $1&65; light yorkers and pigs, $1876 conle forward and get in touch %%ith to $19; roughs, $15,75 to $16; i3tajoi, iii -of the town fans in Albarda. West uttended to of Doolian, which !I -here Order barefully local organl7altrins. At pointq %% W V2. es on the railroad organ lzationg are lackinx, volont,,rs at all hol4irs-night or dar. north of Salonica, the British haTe should start 'farm employment agen- China to Assist by Building Ships. oJes oil their own Initiative so as to delivered a blow against the Bulgar- tans which was productive of good WASHINGTON, JulY IT. China bring farnwrs and war-vorker,; to- has results. Details erA One _qf tho -Qp_- o _tt_Vt_g_Xer gether. been added to the list of nati ... building merchant ships too help do - feat Germany. The Shipping Board -CLUBBING RATES has awarded to the Chinese Govern - 0 AV ment yard at Shanghai contracts for WITH THE STAR Olt WEEK J4 BUDGE I four cargo vessels of 10,000 tons each. and took options for the,bufld- ing of 80,000 more tons. 4 16 Slat &oil Toronto Daily Gloloe ......... .. $5 25 The entire program will involve 12 R FWAILY OF FIVE Dally Mail and. Eat ire ........ 5 25 the expenditure of perhaps $30,000,- 11solreal Family Veraid and 000. Approximately 36,000 tons of Weekly Star .................. 2 65, ittisel . w -M be sh_IP ped- froom. thli- Vinkly Suw(ToraswY .......... 2 40 country, but the engines and other Toronto Daily Star ....... ..... 4 30 equipment will be built In Chinq. ;.Y, Toronto. Daily World ........... 5 2.5 Deliveries are to begin six months Tomato Daily News ............. 4 30 U Fournmir's Advocate .............. 3 00 1#4 NIZ*4 '0 q//,/4. Of after the steel is received. u T6 Coustry Goodentan ......... 3 25 Palaces Stripped of 0opper. Los" Daily Atfirertiser ....... 5 40 1 b5. AMSTERDAM, July 16. -After ex. Losilea Daily Fres Press ....... 5 Potatoex. propriating door handles, window Mostraill Woolily Witmom ...... 2 90. 14hrother Frerh Vegetables. latches, pots and pans and copper Weo�JkWhk kenewal ... i ..... 4 25 Uvve and brass utensils for munition pur- PirsAytorlaft-aw Wostatinstoor. 3 30 VegetabJez freely) Ca"it1agisler ............... 2 90 Poses, the German military authori- Sdurhy Niglit (Toonosta) ...... 4-25 ties have turned their attention to .............. 2 75 public buildings with copper roofs. 44 Aihong the scores of places being 41 101b.1 stripped are the famous Brandenburg ispanion Z ow ................... 3 25 (Ast, " 11trhJAWMAMR. gate. Prince Albrecht's palace, a doz- tar yE g Pont .... 3 25 ZZ= ;d0Q=6r_ A.: A:A IAI& en churches and synagogues and sev- The 3 so 10 lb-f-CaEs"RALtin other 14 1 bj,. eral museums. Some of the bost- romls ER--UJT known hotels, res(itorants, dopart- to" Ian Subecribers.1 Av ACCOR&N,; rosEAsolv 41 a ment stores and private mansions are being forced to give up their c6pper ....... i ............ 200 Oleom TIARI SA's(lompasies ........ 3 75 F roots. ........... 4 00 okiri.9 ............. 4 75 Fut Germany Is reported to be elaim vagatf ...... 3 00 Ing seven billion roubles indemnity isiem . 3 01% FPINC from Russia. .. ...... 4 50 M1 Will subiwifibers in, the I )I or �QnitOd States tri to deints 10MOU to all AboVe, to pay mer 80,(0) retail quartr 31hrJ"VGF%R about whole I N. cornfyorvp nurnbpr of rMalf­r- a�#- Inow) AA:� ombliatiott Of the abore publl_ UUMA 1110 be hilld *IW %310 Star, for MILK M o I o rf e f a r _K0_ n. IrrioeRrs, iri,w) 1),itt-1wrs. 4,fmoij 1.11iflir -6utd& .. Z ey eating T)laees. !0W fl -11 16 Star 01 bogy VAR a" &OM .... $523 MEAT& JUMTUTU dealerst. 4.tifi(i friot an,l M erq and 4,000 prnduee rieal#,r4. &_kEA T2 bs, FRESH FISH ....... .. FISH. %4WU*A6ft by rft* som or ZX- Pa. pw 00*! " otit ". AAatm E 4lbs. LeAm Me^ -r ftb' WOO zind f&TZ- ;tre Pr A A^ ixhw�ft# KCDW TH IN EVERY POMOU T114" orlolul � and 001V A NIAM --------------- *6 ftw movo, service. L I bride of Cecil Wheeler, a prubpero s _: r e , Aotuu� No. 4 yellow, k4la, driti, nomialill 0-olliq '4pa c d Ift. and AIrs. Alex. NIeGuire, Clinton. )roung Alorits farqter. Ontario Cats (According to Freights Out. "Ps , "'at 'd .aildtv.14e,bu1;pL0 I _ 0 A -U Were Called to Monroe, Mich., recently by the sudden death of their eldest daughter, Nip. Daniel Plunistvel, uuttle of Mr. Harry Plurnfteel, C.11titon, V as side), No. I wit. Ite, $to to 86cl nomilasit. No. 3 white. 63c to $to. nominal. J-. a r using fov.r I 44. . #= Mrs. Savage (Ada Wi]44). Victor Pro se"ted with a large bouquet of tlo%,. -ers Ontario Who at (Basis, in Store Montrilial), NO. 2 winter, lot- u"41 J would 11,03!WX 10WIA- V, Sanders, nephew of Mr, 0. H. by Rov. R. D. Hamilton on behalf per car 4LU Poss ccordin to Freights 6quldo). Mend' t to oll sufferers irco that , - Salider.5, of Exeter, who waii dispenser friends In -the nomina No. t It dwU thoM o4 band 4 the on the Carladi4n Hospital Ship, Wall- dovery Castle, Was amolhg those lost. oi congregation of Welland avenue Methodist church. St. lCotharines . a a (According to Freightit Outs lde)6 ;L30 to ;1.32. Will, %� Xoaxa-4Ver PIIJA vai 250- druS 44;; I Mr. Thos. Yellow, of,tho Thaines one recent Sunda)L morn- ing. Though tot) )iart, or age lie bill[ nominal. halt (According to Freights Out. aide). b�An tis A44 Road near Exeter, died on Sunday attuud4 churcL rt gularl). Buckwheat, 11.80, nominef. 0 recelpt of poee''by ailed dixect Morning, July 7th, after an illness of RYO (According to FrolghU Outsidel. The T, W W,�A 1411ift0d, TOTQ-AW,_ abouS seven months from heart t % Mr. -and Mrs. W. J. Howson, Wing- No. 2 nominal. 114toa -ble n, -are 4he- pniu*l- tAvneft of. a hand- - it Pinup JT-oftntil-), The death occurreq at the home of So, some silver medal which their son iCurp. George Iftivi-sub. received for' War quality. 41Q,95. Ontario Flour (in Sage. Promp;i Ship. OSTEOPATit his Parents in Seaforth on Sund;i� 4uly Will of Louis Nigh, eldest son of braNerN on the, battlefield in August George Mont). War Quality. 410-65. Montreal, stom Toronto. (IAQR0IE HEILEN4NlY, osteopath, Mr. Joseph Nigh at the age of 22 years of 1917. enlisted with the 126th but %%ab transferred"to the 116th Milifeed (Car Lots. Delivered. Montreal -in -Wpm", 81 41se4'$s% Atutek-'MIlrool0i and nervous dis- arta amn months, and served seven months In the front Freight&. Bags included.) Br". per ton, ;so. V orders. partial dearnes*; eye, ear, nose The Blyth Dominion Day celebration Iftie. He 15 now with the Dental Corps Shorts, per ton. $40. and � threat. Adeaolda removed without *Consultation resulted in ar-surplus of $490.82 The in France. About a year ago his Hay (Track, Toronto). ;4o x alre., free. Oincis alld residence, Nelson and r3t. Anilrew's Streets 'bae4 celebration was hold under the aus- brother. Lieut. Richard Howson was No. 1, per ton. $13 to M. gized. per ton, Sit to $12. or TOmperan%q lien, North street. to I a in I to 6 in Piccs Of the Girls' War Auxiliary and D1 4 A killed in action. Straw (Track Toronto) I - , " i ll,, gr culturaL Society. Car lots, per ton. FS to S&50. blon 31 Thursdays And Saturdays. A platform or grandstand, erected, for Farmers', Market. Vven Rs by appointment. the ovauge 12th of July celebration in Fail wheat -Milling, $A.14 per bushaL A very quiet but pretty %%edding took place at the home of Nip, -and Mrs. am in 1917, collapsed, and Jamem Wingh, Goose wheat. $240. to M12 per buahok J. If. Mills, Auburn, %-%neri their daugbt- Q I - died of his injuNet'. Recent] Oats -88c to 89c per bushei. ush. Stave) y Barley -Malting, Si.3o to $136 per to g L �'Okmow, Barrister, Solicitor, er, Mabel' L., was united in marriage at usgoode Hall, Toronto, a damage Buckwheat, $1.75 Per bushel. to. Cdknpr Nor;!. street and Square, to Norman M. Thompson of Dun lay- action was launched by the daughter Rye-- according to sampie. nominal. p, . . . . . . brook. all() the widow against the orange Hay-Thnothy. $19 to $20 pe r ton., n&IX The death of Mr, Samways Paul for demonstration committeq. Pdividual od and clover, $17 to $18. arrl8tej ftcfl;O�, - Notary� Public forty years a residt-nt of Bluevale and defendan s include T. R. Bennett, A. Oats-m-Chnadian western. No. 2. Jim; and donvoyancer dhArijel, and a son W tI14, -L-16- ljov. lil. -(I. 8ndt t tff­�.CO"­RoUab,, a0derich. ' h, and ElIfloPe Mahood, of ext- No 1 feed. 99c Paul, one of the pioneer Presbyterian Whighain. Flour -:New iltandard grade, $11.05. HAYS 'Phone 88. Rolled oats-Bagoo, go lbs., $6,3o. Bran, $35; shorts. $40; 11- 1111e, $67. er, 0olictior Notary Public Etc. Hay -No. 2. per ton. car lots, $14.50 to ce Hamilton At., sterling ilank Block r, out it is not ulireasonable 416.00. Oflorlen to assume that it had in view I the Cheese -Finest easterus, 22%c to ;3o Real Estate, Loans, insurance AUSTRIANS FALL BACK 5" Butter -Choicest creamery, 434a to 4ic ultimate capture of the rail d It 0 ro Q " Eggs -Selected, 50c; No. I stock, 46c: EYANCING AND NOTARY minning northward from U�kdk, " it No. 2 stock, 41c to 42c. AGE E. GREENSLADE, Bayneld, Con. Italians Continue to Advance in the outflanking of the enemy I es POUttoes-Per bag, car lots, $2.65. northeast of Monastir. Dressed hogs --Abattoir killed, $29. vey�ncing and Notary Public I Saturday's French War Office Lard -Pure wood Pails, 20 lbs., net, 32e ROUDFOOT, KTLLORAN ' A COOKE, Albania.," statement said: to 33c, LAverpool, July IS. -Beef, extra India Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Pub- The Fighting Nle, "There were. Patrol encounters on mess, 370s. E 1, of flit. Foe Sur - c, to the Struma, where Greek troops dis- Pork prime mesa, western, 330s. from JM -On the Square 0-nd door render at Every Opportunity and I Hams, short cut 11ton street.- Sooderich. persed a Bulgarian detachment, and 14 to 16 lbs_ 137s. Display No Signs -of Go6d 51orafe at the Cernia bend. Artillery a:ctivity Bacon, Cumberliind cut, 26 to 30 fba., Private funds kd loan at lowest rates. )FOOT K C 152S. OOKE. _Operations Agalnht Bulgarians was displayed by both sides in the Clear bellies 14 to 16 lbs.. 160s. P neighborhood of Doiran, east of the Long clear i6iddles. light. 28 to 34 tbs.. LNUIPLORAN, it. �' D. C Started b) - British fit Slacedonla. Vardar, and in the region of the 160s; do., heavy, 35 to 40 lbs. 159s. AUCTIONEEIRING LONDON, April 16. -The Short clear backs, 16 Lo 20'lbs.. 157s6 Albanian takes- In the course of aerial en GUNDAY. gagements an enemy airplane was Shoulders, square, 11 to 13 the., 1283. campaign continties" to. be the most Lard, Prime western, in tierces, 149s 64; forced by the British to land near American refined. pails, 157s: do.. boxes. Live Stock and Oencral Auctioneer, active theatre of wa�, so far as ex- D,iran. In Albania the enemy has logo. Hamilton street, Goderieh. tensive gains of ground are involved. retreated on an organized line, de- Tallow, Australian in London, 72s. Sales made -every where -and all efforts Turpentine spirits. 125s, mad The advance, inade'niainly by Ital- limited by Pashteni, Sel6hand, Hill Rosin , common. 64s Gd. F4mer&FIve you satisfaction. sale notes discounted. tans, *4th the Vrench-on the right 5500, the confluence of the Tomerica Petroleum, refined, Is G%d. and the Devoli and Wurshova. The Linseed oil, 62s. NETERINARY lank, has reached to ataximum depth number of prisoners taken by our D n. W. r. CLARK, V. s., Fraduate or of 22 miles on a front of 80 miles, troops has increased to 47,0. The ene- CAITLE MARKETS he Ontario Veterinary G011ege, Tor- straightening the illied line as it my suffered very heavy losses during onto, I respectrully call the attention or his retreat." UMON STOCK YARDS. horse owners to my approved inethod or runs from the Adriatic and links up "West of "Perating on horses' teem. A fre-ili sup- Sunday's report read: TORONTO, July 16. -With 2,500 with the Macedonian froat. The to- Doiran British troops carried out a a 8 Oc PL, of veterinary inealcine alway., on L�mb& of prisoners taken by the c ttle on the Union t Ir Market 11 Office arm stables-,Newirate street, tal u successful raid on the Bulgarian yesterday there were not very many Italt4us e.xceeds 1,800. lines. In Albania the French troops really good cattle on sale, and the INSURANCE Iteuter's correspondent on the continued their successful advance; quality generally was very medium. .;A, Macedonian front Lelegrapbe: they drove the enemy from Hill 500 There was a steady demand for cKML61? MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE Y-7he Al lied- opera Lions in'Southern and from the village of Narta, at the choice butcher cattle and loads of Co. I Albania are resulting. in one success confluence of the Tomorica and De- steers with weight and quality. There Z_ Farm anti isolated Town Property Jinsured. after another, in spiteof the d , ifficult 4"49ZVal r Pro rty insured up to anuary, volt rivers. On the right bank of the was a fair inquiry for butcher cows, O. . ( aLui7e ol' the c9untry. '11i,re are no Devoll we occupied Gramshi." jares, conolly, President, roads in t . he battle zone and corti- and canners at about steady prices. Evans, ViCO-Piwftldent, The French report for Monday The bull trade was slow, with no -Treas., sea- munications are being kept up over says: "Eastern _Theatre, July 14.- really good to choice bulls on sale. 1wechwood T. E. Hays, See. the rocky' Precipitous mule paths. On the Struma, patrol 6nga&ements The hog market held steady at I)IRECTORS-D. F. mcarelror, Seaforth.; "While the lLallans are pushinP. resulted in favor 6f tbe Greeks. West j. t-,. orieve, Winthrop ; Win. Wrin. Con- along on the western wing and in 181/,Lc fed and watered, 17%c f.o.b. -they, Tuckei,srnith of the Vardar and north of Monastir and 18%c weighed off. :nnrc ; (jeorge Mccat John 1`431`118, Harloc_4 ; John Bennewise, the centre, Where contact is being the enemy displayed great artillery CMCAGO IAVE STOCK. tiroadhagan ; maldolm NICEwan, Brucelleld. tnainta.1ned with 'the French, the, activity. In the region of the lakes, Chicago. July IS.-Hogs--Recelpts. 42,- AGENTS-). W. Yeo, tioderith ; -sandy v'rench are making good prUgr+15S in I �Itrh, Clinton ; Win. cnesney, Seaforth west of Progrodec, we repulsed a 000; itinarket mostly 10c to 15c higher; n fanL Ilinchley, Seaforth. top . light, $18.25; bulk of sales, the Bosnia region by overuo,ijing eil- Bulgarian raid. V Poit�y H(51ders can pay their aqqessments outy rtsi:;tance and capturlug the "in Albania our pursuit column $17.30 to $18.10; butchers, $17.80 to $18,15; al R, H. Cutt's Store; Goderich, A. J. Nlor- riuges of 1,.usnitza and chL packing, $17 to $17.75; Ilght, $17.90 to risivs clothing Store, (;Ilntoti,, or J. H. I'Le slopes. in the Devoli Valley has gone beyond $18.25: rough, $16.40 to $16.90; pigs. $16.76 lieia's, Bayfleld. "The Austrians no longer are as Cramshi and reached the outskirts of to $17.25. Chekini and Cruja, where It is In Cattle-Pecelpts. 20,000; wood to choice detei-mined irs Lhey rot-111elly wel,e contact with the position organized beef steers, steady to strong; others and FOR GOOD RELIABLE and surrenders by them are more butchers, uneven, slow to 25c lower; by the Austrians. The number of our calves mostly 25c lower; stockers and frequent, especially among the Slays, prisoners has been increased by about feeders, steady; beef Cattle. good and Shoe Repairing who are dead tired of campaigning fifty. Out- left has joined with the choice, $16.75 to $18.10; common and me - Tey in the mountains and throw up their Italian right, which occupies the dium. $11.60 to $16-75; butcher stock SMITH & RING hands at the first opportlihity. The heights of Cafa Darsa." cows and heifers. $8.25 to $14.15, can - Austrians are burning depots and vil- The Austrian ners and cutters. $7 25 to $8.25: atock- On East Street Oppoatte Knox Church War Offive admits era and feeders, good to choice and fancy, lages which they abandoh. further advance by the Allies in Al- $16.60 to $13; common and medium $8.25 -GIVE, US A TRIAL "All information obtainable is to bania. Its report says: to $10.50; veal calves, good and &Lice, the effect that the enemy's position "In Albania the enemy Is gradu- $16 to $16 -50 - in Southern Albania is seriously coin- ally pressihg forward against on, E"T BUFFAL4C) LIVE STOCK. promised and that there probably new line of resistaqee. In the Devoli East Buffalo, July 15. -Cattle -Re - will be a further retreat in the Valley a F rench squadron has been celpt". 4600. Good firm. common easier; north,�thus freeing our com union- repulsed." pri steers, $17.25 to ;17.50; shipping 5rophou Bros. tions- between Western Mameedonia liteemron, $18.50 to $17; butchers, $12 to $17; fearlings, $13 to $17; heifers, $10 to and the Adriatic coast."' IFAR31 EMPLOVIIIENT AGENCIES 13.26; cows. $0.50 to $12; bulls $7.60 to GODERICH " The British troops in Macedonia $12; stockers and feeders, $7.50*to $10.50. seemingly have . started. an operation NEEDED Fresix cows and springers, $66 to $145. against the-reutonic allies which may Everynne NN110 Is willin'K to go on Calves -Receipts, 2500, Steady; $7 to The Leadino develop westward along 6e battle- the farins for the harvest has been $18.60. funeral Dfrwtors front and eventually conform with regh4pred. It rPIT1ah18 DOW to organ- Hogs -Receipts, 6100, Pigs strong; Ize the v,iltinjteers. Those who are not others easier; heavy, $18.26, to $18.50; and Lmbalmers the successful drive which is,'being mixed, $18.50 to yorkers, $18.60 canvassed by local committees should carried out by the French and Ital- to $1&65; light yorkers and pigs, $1876 conle forward and get in touch %%ith to $19; roughs, $15,75 to $16; i3tajoi, iii -of the town fans in Albarda. West uttended to of Doolian, which !I -here Order barefully local organl7altrins. At pointq %% W V2. es on the railroad organ lzationg are lackinx, volont,,rs at all hol4irs-night or dar. north of Salonica, the British haTe should start 'farm employment agen- China to Assist by Building Ships. oJes oil their own Initiative so as to delivered a blow against the Bulgar- tans which was productive of good WASHINGTON, JulY IT. China bring farnwrs and war-vorker,; to- has results. Details erA One _qf tho -Qp_- o _tt_Vt_g_Xer gether. been added to the list of nati ... building merchant ships too help do - feat Germany. The Shipping Board -CLUBBING RATES has awarded to the Chinese Govern - 0 AV ment yard at Shanghai contracts for WITH THE STAR Olt WEEK J4 BUDGE I four cargo vessels of 10,000 tons each. and took options for the,bufld- ing of 80,000 more tons. 4 16 Slat &oil Toronto Daily Gloloe ......... .. $5 25 The entire program will involve 12 R FWAILY OF FIVE Dally Mail and. Eat ire ........ 5 25 the expenditure of perhaps $30,000,- 11solreal Family Veraid and 000. Approximately 36,000 tons of Weekly Star .................. 2 65, ittisel . w -M be sh_IP ped- froom. thli- Vinkly Suw(ToraswY .......... 2 40 country, but the engines and other Toronto Daily Star ....... ..... 4 30 equipment will be built In Chinq. ;.Y, Toronto. Daily World ........... 5 2.5 Deliveries are to begin six months Tomato Daily News ............. 4 30 U Fournmir's Advocate .............. 3 00 1#4 NIZ*4 '0 q//,/4. Of after the steel is received. u T6 Coustry Goodentan ......... 3 25 Palaces Stripped of 0opper. Los" Daily Atfirertiser ....... 5 40 1 b5. AMSTERDAM, July 16. -After ex. Losilea Daily Fres Press ....... 5 Potatoex. propriating door handles, window Mostraill Woolily Witmom ...... 2 90. 14hrother Frerh Vegetables. latches, pots and pans and copper Weo�JkWhk kenewal ... i ..... 4 25 Uvve and brass utensils for munition pur- PirsAytorlaft-aw Wostatinstoor. 3 30 VegetabJez freely) Ca"it1agisler ............... 2 90 Poses, the German military authori- Sdurhy Niglit (Toonosta) ...... 4-25 ties have turned their attention to .............. 2 75 public buildings with copper roofs. 44 Aihong the scores of places being 41 101b.1 stripped are the famous Brandenburg ispanion Z ow ................... 3 25 (Ast, " 11trhJAWMAMR. gate. Prince Albrecht's palace, a doz- tar yE g Pont .... 3 25 ZZ= ;d0Q=6r_ A.: A:A IAI& en churches and synagogues and sev- The 3 so 10 lb-f-CaEs"RALtin other 14 1 bj,. eral museums. Some of the bost- romls ER--UJT known hotels, res(itorants, dopart- to" Ian Subecribers.1 Av ACCOR&N,; rosEAsolv 41 a ment stores and private mansions are being forced to give up their c6pper ....... i ............ 200 Oleom TIARI SA's(lompasies ........ 3 75 F roots. ........... 4 00 okiri.9 ............. 4 75 Fut Germany Is reported to be elaim vagatf ...... 3 00 Ing seven billion roubles indemnity isiem . 3 01% FPINC from Russia. .. ...... 4 50 M1 Will subiwifibers in, the I )I or �QnitOd States tri to deints 10MOU to all AboVe, to pay mer 80,(0) retail quartr 31hrJ"VGF%R about whole I N. cornfyorvp nurnbpr of rMalf­r- a�#- Inow) AA:� ombliatiott Of the abore publl_ UUMA 1110 be hilld *IW %310 Star, for MILK M o I o rf e f a r _K0_ n. IrrioeRrs, iri,w) 1),itt-1wrs. 4,fmoij 1.11iflir -6utd& .. Z ey eating T)laees. !0W fl -11 16 Star 01 bogy VAR a" &OM .... $523 MEAT& JUMTUTU dealerst. 4.tifi(i friot an,l M erq and 4,000 prnduee rieal#,r4. &_kEA T2 bs, FRESH FISH ....... .. FISH. %4WU*A6ft by rft* som or ZX- Pa. pw 00*! " otit ". AAatm E 4lbs. LeAm Me^ -r ftb' WOO zind f&TZ- ;tre Pr A A^ ixhw�ft# KCDW TH IN EVERY POMOU T114" orlolul � and 001V A NIAM --------------- *6 ftw McEweds Specials Fine Line of Driakslar the Warm Weather, LEMONADE POWDER ()RANGE ADE LEMONADP HASP. VINFOAH LIME .11,10E, GRAPE 3110E WINFS, ETC (,00d a-sortment of Pickles and Catsup something to Rharpen the appetite. A nice large tin of Apple Butter lot, 21 centg. Pure Maple Syrup Frow the Ea9tern towniihilm (goaranteed purel. We havo a quantity of Soap on hano, bonght before the rai". Special In We and 51.00 lotq. Ammonia at old price. 5e worth 10C. We line worth 15C. Homething to malto VUr floor F41tine. lionult Fluor ax. No I 900dR. in 25c. 34c and 40c size. We have on hand rrwrnp Rod Rm4e and Lipton Tom. bought twfore tho advance and duty, fors5c a ".. now worth 70c. (Have you .5r a I b , I J. J. McEWEN 'Phose 41 South side Square Canada Food Bo"d License %a- 9 ' 81a There are no others I You cannt pwchaes Vidirolas or -His Master's Voice" Records at any but nur authorized dealers. Remomber-Theie are no others 18165. M Six reasons I -Steadies nerves 2 -Allays thirst 3 - Aids appetite 4 -Helps digestion 5 - Keeps teeth clean 6-It"'s economical 11WA31111C im,13,11,110111pp, 96 Chew It after every meal The Flavour Lastst WSW* IMItatiou 'sold on tm Merits oil M I nard 8 Liniment AT THE 60MIGH FMCH DAY WWN&VftKt - TOURIST TRAFFIC WFST ST11,191tt 'Phone 122 J. H. VROOMAX, Proprietor. The volume of tourist traffic from 0OCtC"WGODGCCIOOCH20000ooc"cioaacloca000aoogiMipHcwimaoa---I the United t5tates this year has been t,onsiderably lessened 'by misleadinS press dispatcbes appearing in Amer- 14�au and Cumidian papers regarding the Cauadlan Registration Act. It was unvtarrantably stated that vistlurs to Canada from the United A States hould be compelled to re- gister at a post o:jce before they could secure accommodation at a hotel, that passports were absolutely net,essary. and more recently the ab- surd rumor %Nas widely circulated that women front the United States. would not bo allowed to return honke. This latter ridiculous report Is spect- So, ficilly dealed by 51r. W. D. Soott, S000-rintendent of tm�uigratwn. who offiolully des!gnated It as "uhao!utely vkithout auy foundation In fact." SeLlator Gideon Robertson, a member L"Look for the tirade tnark of the Dominion Cabinet, and Chair - n -au of the Registration Board, is equally positive in tits denials of the "His Mafter's Voice" other mischievous reporls. The actuul faets are, according to the Records officlal statement of the Registration Board. that the Registration Act same prke as Ware the tear applies only to people permaneaLly it,bident in Caniotla and does not Will add to t6 pleasure of your alyk,et even r�nlotely anyo" living In out door life thit illimmer. the United Status; that no registra- tion, tit a post office is ueoessary, and cents for 10 -inch. double -aided thni, no passports are required. The Helle Centiall Give Me No Man*s Land I­-sr'sslou of papers showing the Henry Buff 216034 I I.Aders to be American citizens Is God Send You Back to Me Henry Burt all that is necessary to cross into N" Everything Arthur Collins Canada. At the International boun- Cleopatra , Arthur Collins I 216035 dary line the holders of these papers CiLlicoco Fox Trot Miro's Dance Orcheitra 1 ar, given an tolentification eard by Cleopatra One-step Miro's Dencei Omhedtra I 16036 tnt, Canadian Imuilt.,ation Officials, enables the visitors to travel 13 -inch, Purple Seal Record fri, 'v where they wish without say From the North. South. East and West In!,-Corence on the part of Caiiadlan Harry LAuder 70120 c M c ij! s, S enuLor Robertson, Chairman of Hear them at any "His Maiter's Voice" the lie;�Istration Mard, has an- dealer no uu,ed that "nel,lher* in th, In. btructioLs issuel, ncr the regulations Write for free copy of our 620 -page Musical Encyclo- I ,:,!, Cantirtinn rog! ;tration is tliere pedia listing over 9000 "His Master's Voice— Records. Lk-othi.;g that ovoiflil Indivate deiAre ur int,aliun to Impos, restiittwLs u,,on Amer!,.,ans or alleLs, euter!ng, Berliner Gram -o -phone Co. In, or 1Laving Caatida." B40N-rELEAL LIMITED Too PXI)tti-cce of thosfo Aineri,an NJ-,;�(ws Atio� have ,.Ir(!ady (orne to LenoirStreet :ij,:a �­ril).i. R,,beitiion's till- VW'It, 1, 't milor i!raiely therL r� naily avress th<, border who have , r, �i,! thl.i aild may "His Master's Voice" Goderich Dealers .;L'd bt� infli:enred t,y the falsoi re, i,(,I*ts to . stay at 110 lip, 31 ;"oil th eir JAS, F. THOMPSON J. H. L,AUDER �aiatlon, and cauge a M.1 tual 11Jss to �Lernsvlves and to Canada. Don't Forget McEweds Specials Fine Line of Driakslar the Warm Weather, LEMONADE POWDER ()RANGE ADE LEMONADP HASP. VINFOAH LIME .11,10E, GRAPE 3110E WINFS, ETC (,00d a-sortment of Pickles and Catsup something to Rharpen the appetite. A nice large tin of Apple Butter lot, 21 centg. Pure Maple Syrup Frow the Ea9tern towniihilm (goaranteed purel. We havo a quantity of Soap on hano, bonght before the rai". Special In We and 51.00 lotq. Ammonia at old price. 5e worth 10C. We line worth 15C. Homething to malto VUr floor F41tine. lionult Fluor ax. No I 900dR. in 25c. 34c and 40c size. We have on hand rrwrnp Rod Rm4e and Lipton Tom. bought twfore tho advance and duty, fors5c a ".. now worth 70c. (Have you .5r a I b , I J. J. McEWEN 'Phose 41 South side Square Canada Food Bo"d License %a- 9 ' 81a There are no others I You cannt pwchaes Vidirolas or -His Master's Voice" Records at any but nur authorized dealers. Remomber-Theie are no others 18165. M Six reasons I -Steadies nerves 2 -Allays thirst 3 - Aids appetite 4 -Helps digestion 5 - Keeps teeth clean 6-It"'s economical 11WA31111C im,13,11,110111pp, 96 Chew It after every meal The Flavour Lastst WSW*