HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-12, Page 7VWF
I ,
"I July 1:3, I
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I miiiaiii� din fh,"a *hx_ Ow cu,p. Tii-roatito. . . . . . wuss�,�-sh�,N-Aa �'- , i I
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to 1A.P.T.Rou of the - i'll" , I .
. � . 11 'aid
, Tlho 0ornian clOh of milt-aug. r I
. 01AWN-0 .1 , bi , rpfa NEWS 01P INTEREST I 4: 11
ll the 4ississ; p �
f � �� I : ion4 In, !I;* valtim §%xi'm, has chatip'- ti�l ,� '.
t4o AtIlerIg4fa Unity .al- : -6 � I
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o7 fto t r*gXt,* 1W tup Ontario Gov
" Omm forcay 1po workw DUNG NNON' 5
I Q-rA te . go -4 with its , I Then lasel Zam-Buk. Them
pot, "tion F f .
I I ,""� Asich . ft , thritabing gangs op- TERSRJfoiY TOr-O By IV, I is nothin'-, me soothing for tender, .
. 311 ft roravinge__JJA&L� _�,,--.—H.-Kipfr-� ------- I— -110 ------- A
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!��!,,;%=c �__.� ,��-.'=�' ___ . end 11fiTbureting. draw out the
I 11 � - - it', 0., Nt" ( t writte. Iseasoiss
To. 41 W'Q��4 glorxx ,)4 p � - , ,ivv -, --1
I "About it tou GJ44 Vpky ,The SUMIAe.r School for Teachers aorctr"i4. prevent blixterivag and
t , A y"r no I W& . IL�� — ,v_q8s-,:�__S-"1a;�-,A
. 'Atich for - 41MW , make walking a pletaivitative.
'' *. Whole Week W101 -r ., 's, now In *tvfliou at the Ontario -Agrl-
I it was isp b4diijoutiod Hurrah for Dungannon August Ist. falling The mca at the front an
" , -vis I amd WAn.01Y ,coltuml College has sortie four hun- hamnier. kill right, but it Is
� I-
� lit 40 41Y liquiiwaik .. a - if fortunate the accident did not result -Buk fee
I , ,, I t4ol�,�w4 Q attendance, the largesi num-
� diff . � , t tlh� 4 * red I Mrs. Allison is %,pending a ft aYti badly In need of Zam,
erent Ilinds"of raidkine"but' t , liter on record. fatally, Ili order to uispel doubts on
� 11 go .A.4 . at Port Albert. . I their (amit. Dun's forgtil to keep
. I "-V,JOxt'41b " , - , .' Dr. 4, P. Rankin ex-M.P. for the part of a few we emphatically Stattil your koldier friends supplied-
� 0 'Vplalt�o was fine3 $50 and c:�tfs gergt. Woodley, of London, was up that it \\as the hanimer which hit
, I
V Who I 'A�, "Tay, $04th Verth, for the week -end. All dealca 5k box.
I I'll 0 1 tion foi- Bert above flit- e.%e and not Mr. Baille,
=1 Itut" l', . 'p givi"lag 4 man a preserlp
I . "
Whiskey when In the Opinion of the Ildrs. Win. McClure and family are who was at tile wone of tile accident. -
She f4l & lialf, �botflpof Dr. 0owWa Court it w4s, not needed. visiting in Goderich and other places. I
Rstraq 0 wild'stitawbirry in my band Lord Cecil, Minister of Rev. J. W. lledley and fandly, "Of & it I*
I , find asild; 4Y9.4 , , . Robert Walter Davidson, of the West, Is Nile, left hist wee,t :of- their view a a zm
�, . U6 this and you wQu'-t )alooltade, stated In the House of ,., Isiting his uncles here. eharge tit Westminster. ,.\Ii-. Hedley's I
. need any doctor.', ]Were I W emptied CeilinmQue yesterday that a permit , , Hissoy. i
- "" i'lliass Stella Kirk Is home from her ,Mc,""�"r "' """ I " Itov , ' W, - — ,
I tbis tt"' 1 " c 1144 been granted the Bishop of Ox- I 4
t A of 'States. school at Wiliftechurch. whoin me we)ccauie to these parts.
i �V� ,�r;, ford to visit the United -y to lose Mr,
.78syy iiehti lioungaimunites are sort
I cints I ,*To ey A nalbasagg of personal greeting skatehewart, is
from Presid6far Wilson wil) be deliv- visiting her father, Mr. j&s. Mallough. Headley front their district, an he wao
�, 1, Ivery popular in the village. Here's
..I DriFowler's Extract of Wild StrAw. ered to -day by the Ameticari Red Miss Jennie Cluff, teacher at No. 1, I %vishing film every sue,eess In his new Thos. G. Allen, Dungannon. ,can I
:1 .1, i, � bem iti not a now or untried remao an Cross to every American soldier and Turnberry, is home for her vacation. field of labor. I supply you with a Marriage License,
, sailor in hospital in Great Britain.
1, ,J it bin a record of 72 years of cu"if to its . Get your auto decorated for the I Tho rabliberry season hating nearly ' a Birth Certificate or a Burial For-
� FRIDAY. - dressed auto parade fit Dungannon Aug.
�, Nitofvdii� pad in recognized on all bands as here and the cluse proximity of berry mit. Which do vou want now?
, �
� ,." .Ae Only, ralisible, vilciiedy tWer dflered. to A second big fire has qccurreo In Ist. patches suggests to Lis that berries He says you should have your Will
. , Kiev, which destroyed buildi gs in an - Mr. Herefiberg, eye specialist, and are One line of "eats" that Mr. High made, and Ve mays lip can write your
__ t . . . _
I I --k"UWIUAAAde-=d�rtrtaiwturelar- �,,e,.�-fi,e--�.,tie�,.�,M,,�,,--� - a - "' - 11h�-ITUM b", -were here -for a -few r,6s -Llylng -uannot touch. -But-t -tiasst- tMlt- & -TemmetW'" w in tv- -
,� I . I or
.� difixibmt dyvaontlery# oolic, olcamps, chol- The Grand River Railway has been days hold on. we forgot about the sugar' lengthen your days "in the laud"
� 0%. cholerso morbilta, cholera 16("tumi, permitted to increase its freight and *
�. :f �_�, swcmner Complaint and an looseness of passenger rates 15 per cent. Miss Hazel Augustine returned Tues- for pret,erving them. The strawberry I and take much of We "sting" awAY
. . day front her visit In Toronto and else- preserving season was of short dura- I ,from Death. assured that the Mein-
*iUl_ wels,'Ate,ther of -children oradfulta. A fresh war- credit of 16,000.000 ' - 'where. tion. And no wonder. Vic. per box, . cry of you will be revered. I
- 000 marks to be covered by loans has , neves ,ugar, %%as a price no He also Says he is very careful in
it is particularly good for teething been introduced in the Reichstag. Jack Glenn In busy wall. the mason plus ssary is
'. bables. work on the foundation of Thos. Wig -'one could reach but lift aviator. I making out Deeds. Mortgages,
. The results of the .man and wo- Leases, Agirvemouts, oto.. and that
man power registration Senator Rob- gins' barn. Mr. and '.%Ir,%. Hayden ond family, of' he canattand to any ofyour Con -
The price of Dr. "Fowler's" is 35c. c7tson declartis highly satisfactory. . Earl Wilson, H. Bellamy and Miss ('are,,, township, were visitors at tho.'
I a bottle, and we would . warcs you against One hundred thousand d011Prs' Lilian Pentland were Clinton visitors home of John ��avago Sunday. Ili the I veyanclug satisfactorily and so thalt
. accepting any substitute. Mifliffayofthese damage was done by a fire at the St. on Monday. party %%its Mr. 111toden, soft Pte. flay- I you will ittill have some of year
We Positively dangerous, and you are Lawrence Starch Co. plant at Port Wes. Treleaven and little daughter den, formerly with G. Co., ,Vitt Bull., I property left after tAying for the
\_� - Credit. of Toronto, are 'visil,ing relatives tier � France, he going o%rr in the first 161 I con,eyarfee. n't enough Insurance
nelan draft along with the writer anti tiarrN- ; It you have
�'Ik - . gyqurlih�wbacxk to take them. The Crawford Vaughan, former Pre- for a few days. Ing on in Itip kno until the Vimy scroll, on your life, be says he Callan Pot YOU
, , onuine in manufactured only- by Ile mier of South Australia, Is to repre- , the it nd of olicy you welat, and
,t��_ Clinton, is when Ile .,%
3, I'!."i T. Milburn. Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. sent the Commonwealth In the Un Miss Mildred Cook, of us \Nounded. Ile is now In I
t �11. !. � , . It- v isiting at tile home or Harry Ryan el\1es Quit weve pietised to greet that it will to the same as you
,� , 11 ed States. " e thought it waR, when you do got it.
�'; "'; - V t The Indian Chiefs' Council of the for a day or so. . al him as line of tile 4d.: pats (if the 58th. He says he can't understand it won
.- �- � Six Nations decided to make a regis- Miss Nettie Sproul has been on the Word was reci-kod iiere last \%eek who earries all the insurance he can
t -tion of their own on the reserve sick list for a few days. We hope to of the fatal accident v0ilch befel Nor- I got on blva�buildink's, to protect him-
:,,, rals-TORCS OF WEK man, Lift- )oullg ,,,It of Nlrs- self and family. and who still carries
. I' near Brantford. see her around again soon. F, Ann-
. I �, - ____ I Norman Lonsway Is dead and GAo. Mr. arid Mrs. Newton Black returned strong, of Muirliclid, Alta., who wits little or no Insurance on his life, to
, 11 Important Events Which Have Xtacdonald dangerously injured as to l(Itcheaver last week after spending killed by failing 4,11' a run-tmay horse, protect himself in old age, and his
��,l the result of an automobile accident a few days with relatives there. his foot heing vauNlit lit tile stirrup family in case of death. He says 110
_�t'l 1 Occurred Dui ing the Week. near Collingwood. J, R_ MeNab is off duty for a few ',Ivs. Armstrong, tile Krief-stricLeli does not think It either fair or Wise
T days this week owing to illness. - wart to ask his
'N . Percy Innis, a former Havelock We mother, is v,ell kII\n to Dungan in these days for a
_� � boy, has been recalled from his post soon, nonites, she heing fornwrly \Iiss Laura wife and family to run the risk of
11 '
11 ,. $The Busy World's Happenings CArvo- in the navy to London to receive a hope to see You around again, Bridges arid if nieve or S. .1. Pentland his death tiny callitute, and after bin
" , Put IWO decoration for sinking a submarine. J. R.
I'll, ,; fully Compiled acid and Niks, Celia tlentland, of flit- Nik deathto"grin and bear" the loss.
5f, I Handy arid Attractive Shape tor A general court-martial was held Pte. Geo. Saunders, of Mateking, who 14119P. 304101 S�111[lalh� is felt for NIT'S- and lament that Dod did not carry
1"I few days' furlough front, the
,"I - . anada, dealing has a - 1111SIlillill. any infitirance.
,�:c � the ReAoaders of Our Paper - .1 for the first time in C ALI'111�stl'11119 and lol
, f -y camp. London, was tit the vil- ' Nli,isi�s Pearl Nlolivnzie Haiti Fthel Allen sp_�,s too that It might be
�-�,,, "'T I with the cases of seven soldiers who militat
I .,�. Solid Hour's Enjoyment.
,.I ,, . were charged with refusing to sub- Inge Saturday. 1;ase, t\\o lm'pular Dungannon Ifirls well for you to see him about invetit-
"! , � ��>
.- "
� �; , '� , " , I WEDNESDAY. ject themselves to military discipline. Tile farmers are busy with their \vith Ifte 104it-f-11119 1tiAtT, Toronto, ill- Ing that spare cash of yours.
-, ... I It has been decided in Finland to Toronto celebrated Independence hay. Tile. weather fo, it few days this 'lei"] ,of violating Iloolt, to 'Itend ths-ir I I
t,�,��j Day for the first time in its history, \\eek ,was not fallorable for 'baying " .
,I �,; V1. expel all Englishmen. vacation after school closed, are It,-- - .
4", Hon. Dr. Bell,111al expects to be :it and Mr. James C. O'Brien, an old To- operations. Rather chilh'. coininw, real g,iminv farowretles, 1 - 1411.1 Ike J."unds l"tt. likiN it tit.h.'j, bo\
ronto boy, now assistant attorney for ,NI I, , ellpaged \\fill a 111-moillent r I it\ t-
��V Quebec within the next foitinght ss .\IcClintou, who has had charge tug I*" 1\\", Illl� a 1,11,11.1 ,if llo'�lll. Tfw� \%Ill
. :, 1) . made the principal address .,if (,L Elliott's millinery department the grov�vr iwar Grini,liv zo ilwk frollit lit, �.,I,l i,q- 2 for it qoart,r or I,w
The Chasseurs Alpin spent a 1, - Illinois meeting in front of the ClIty 'ill the trai�:Ill. lielp ill(' livil Cros, iuld get
py day in Ilaujilton, and lelf. ,last season, returned home last Nveek and UtIo.r%\Is.. I"Ist rarill fo
Toledo. I Hall. to her liume in 'Streetsville. R rf.\\. %N,-vk,i. ,Nii�, Ethel, fit \\01ing' s
The Civic Employes' Union of To- I in file gallik. for ill.. 11"I'I'l.l." littlo.l.
1� Pic. G. C. Crozier, R.A.F., of .Nlollo ronto decided to gb on strike, seek- Come to Dungannon and have if big hilow, stat- ,I- - hiolng tile till, allractioll" tire liko loronlis." I and Ill
1: 1, ,,, Mills, was instantly killed in. his Ing the original demands presented time On Field Day, August 1, anti Ili, of her lift,. \Iflii-ll�llk -11 -king hl'r,;, (fit. ,-N�.11ltlm it lolay �\Ill be pot "' I I
1. first solo flight at Camp Borden. slit, I, ,-uj,,�io;_- Io-f-srif amidst Aloft- ill,, 111111. koop till, IIIA daN on lifilal;1.
',�: , to the City Council, and the strike sure in the ineantime to buy plenty (if -
.I.... Lt. -Col. R_ W. Patterson, of Parts, w1stat Into effect at eight o'clock Fri- tickets for pig drawing contest. genial and ,tillerb ,Ilrrolllldillg�, ,,I,\\Ill li,� tile tr,kii ,�r ilo, ,J-.I,,..Il
�,� . Ont., hits been promoted brigitdiol itell- beautifIll sc.40.1'�, reff"'shing clullat., \\ato, ror rurtlict, partlouliff".
. k day morning. About half of the em:. A ne-w anti more modern sw .
. z, general, succeeding Brig. -Gen, Seely ployees answered the call. board was ingtalled in tile telephone anti pivii1v t -f do-licions cherriv,. --Iv
.(- ' Mr- \Ia I., i
. -
- 1. ;, . The Saskatchewan crop is reticat'' SATURDAY. exchange this w.eek. Telephone busi- \\"ill su.,11 ,ill �o,lll, sll,,rtage .or loal.. 1111 ill,, m-vaskm of . oI scoti.,11
, I- -onitsing a yield ase hell) Iflest. llrlw�, these girl, and II'lilk." rr,lima t it'll ,If ".11'.
:� ", ed in a condition pi bought 50 ne". is steadily on thr Ificarvi - 'I, N.'. 1-,, ,of Most Wax%all"'It. it g..... I I \
�4 t!qual to or greater than that oi tile Haileybury Council has thi-rs, livil, 011 Ill, bill admiral , -
�* past two years. acres of property for a park. Special Orange services �vill he field to notolwr ,-f pv,olile, rviore,enting tit,,
I , engineer, Rev. Bro. Lawrence J. Breen, for- lit St. Paul's .church next Sunday 114�\. .Nir, Slt,;(�Jlllatl, III,- Ili'\\' IIAlt-11'
,,� ,,,towl ,ecti"ll, assetuhl'-d fit Io r lo,int.
.1 T. F. Warren, GT..R. . -look. Tile local lodge Of 1-111-11IL'aullon circoit, proarlied his if)- - I -
I " was 6-ushed to death near ,Sta ni fo rd river inspector of Separate Schools In morning at it o'( 1.11 :'ItIorday Iasi, \\Iipl Or , Nl,irl
�, iil-iit ,icrowil, hVrV Hod tit Cre\\v sproill prt's"Ilted lior \N101 ;I Ilorl,JItl.�
1 ? I , when his engine. leaving the track, Toronto, died of heart failure. will attend in a body. All welcome. 1111K
last �IIIHIIN t" P.-Ild 01logregationt;. e 11111:1 (.allifwt. The f,,11.,%\111�', 'Iddr.-
.', fell over upon him. The Dominion Railway Board has Nevv potatoes will soon be appearing S't,ao,InIfI1I. \Ntfe, t\".o soil" kind \\., ,,, *tklllv� ItIN'.1" :
4 an .Nlr. ro till 'I'llut-IRY livar T.-ach"r. It I., \\till d- -Il 1'.
,!, Mrs. F. H. Wo5d. Toronto, wife of authorized Increase in transcon- oil the tables. line of our citizens, it daughter, arri\(d lit- ad h� S
h ., Lieut. Wood of the 4th C.M.R., who tinental westbound commodity rates. is said, went out to his potato patch "
. .�, is a prisoner of war in Germany, has Geo. McLagan, a prominent for- anti gathered up a few in a cup anti "ruin (:,,urtright, coolilig hy noto. W grct. that %\.. I...11,11 ,if voul. I.-Islialk.11
, , holte thVir rurnitore er:vvIs \\ill slit"' as S - ,,
I died from pleurisy. niture manufacturer at Stratford, wondered when' tic wo . uld be compelled .1.1%, .\ - t4�avlwr ,-f S, S. N,,. to W it,
I . Persia's trilde has been paralyzed dropped dead at the o4ce of his coal- to take a pail. , at - ,�Il that till ' ("Ili become Joel' 'holt-lit, and ,-X-st,l,?,�Tlis, ha\e A-
41 lo,olly ;111.1 e.,oirorta6i.4 doiniviled \\,,, \.s
I by the war. Typhoid and typhus party. A monster union picnic of the thr,, I'll, - Hppr,viat--d ymir r\i�' loi,th
1. Idemic and the num- Lt. -Col. Boggs has resigned as po- if) th,� It, r,., ll;lg... ,Ill bellalf of the \� fil'hin uod ,,ot (if ,(-!,-,,,] aud in 111,
have become ep local Sabbath Schools and the Orange ,ilio%g, illid \o,ollty \\,, exl.,,nd a hearty f,ltlll,,, year, \\,. \NlII I..."all \%Ilh plva,
H. her of deaths has reached ten times lice magistrate of Cobourg, having lodge is being held at Point Farm t,\eIc(,o,.. I., Nir Sio,ohoun and fainillY. uri� arld irratitude the maw ii1vasitut
�� the normal number. been appointed to military duty at i�day (our glorious Twelfth). As a \\,,. nligilt say Iii,it during t9li, before it .
light Lieut- John Sandfield Mae- Kingston. ild u,--rul daNs \\,� sp,nc under )wir
F result the burg will be nvarly evacu- wait, brok,- oul, \Ir. awl .\Irs. ',teadulao instruction. A
donald Browne. son of Mr. W. D. The Virgin Islands, the new pos- ated, life exodus to the Point, vw �N*ere toorilig in i;ornoiny anti other s a tva"her �ollr 'twelal
1. Browne, tiour exporter, is reported sessions of the United States in the are expecting to be �ulte heavy. - Eurolloai) (,�,uiliri ano \Nrre fortunate , lualifleations and charavtorl'tle 41 -
missing, after a flight over the Ger- West Indies, have gone "dry" till af- Notion ha\" attained it 111911 r"Cord
man lines in France. ter the war. The death (if ilugh Polloy, brother in getting out ,if tit.- former country \.,bi,b is ,.\oI..uced toy Ill, �11(,,S, ,ol
Fair and medium crops can be ex- Several more Ontario nurses anti of Mrs. Will Gampbell, of West Wawa- hvfor,� \%ar llr(.I,o olit. 'I'll"N' haNt. y1oll. IIIII)III, at tile vN41filinith-al lioll
pected In Hungary this year says an medicals are Identified am,6ng those nosh, occurred at London Win week. louny julvr..�Imx filings to retail, von- 44 'ehool )"If ba\e JjI\\a)-s ,11,.\\Il 1,
official Hungarian report. Frosts in who perished when the Llandievery The funeral takes place. on Thursday. cerning ill-- lil-1,aratlous that '" "" bright ,ind cliv-,rrill attitode t,,\\ardc
Marqh did great damage to summer 'Castle was torpedoed. The young man vvas well known here, h,ing foado then, . Is hN --nizaging fit t1wir sporb
cereals and garden produce. The Rotary Club of Toronto re- tie and his wife visiting here just re- In th,, death �,f NlIss ,,,Kn,,s Elizalivill 1�1:,1:11 r"Ill:,, 111�lg them filaterfaJIN. )n ',\ilJll1
Canadians in the Royal Air Force commends that an Angelus bell tie cently. The death occurred suddenly. CaldoiN4.11, vOliell ""eurred in Alexandra ,-vor nianjwr liossilil, affix taking it it, -
are to be recorded, in a special Cana- rung in Toronto every day for a min- McFarlane and .\[size will, on and Ilospital, GlIderich, Tuesday inorning ,.i,l,..l ulter,,t In th'.11. Inoral \\.-Irar.-
than section, and given a distinctive ute's prayer for the allied cause. after July 12, close VILeir store vvt�ry of tilis w ,k, ,,a )-(lung and beautiful As a sniall tokou \\v ask Ywt Ili avc--lil
badge, but this will not affect their ' Mr. Geo. Wright, of Toronto, re- Monday, Wednesday and Friday even- life Nvav, brought tit a vlose. Deceased lift), (.1ibinet. The well vi,iodws of ill,
grouping in squadrons of the R.A.F. ceived notice of his appointment to Ing at six o'clock, thereb� failing in \\as lift. -t-11 �oar, ut age and, prior to sell .... I seelion as a whii1v at- \%fill
- Sergt. W. E. Knight, a Toronto the Toronto Hydro -electric Commis- line with the. other ousiness places \%riting (In twi, ,i-lijor graduation ux- ,,,if lit your failure ,ndea,.H" Ill \01at
man, who is a member of the sion., succeeding Mr. R. G. Black, re- here. The public. should take note of aininalions a f -,v w0ei(s ago, she was e\,,r dir,wtioo �mt ota� rlow,--
C.A.M.C.. is reported to have our- signed. this. All the stores are closed In Dun- stricken \%ith appendicitis. An opera- signed (ill behalf,
. ovived the disaster which overtook Dr. Magill. chairman of the Board gannon on the above-mentioned even- tion was perf,wined lit Goderich but V,RNEST Ill'H`
the Canadian hospital ship Lland- of Grain Supervisors, denies that ings. 4T slie llev,r fully reeo\ered and aftvr J\.\IF:s SlIfifil'i,
every Castle, and at least two other Canadian wheat is to be raised to Most Impressive eonfirmation ser- �perioik of fourt, wznffering she passed 111.11EI-I'll RIvl`;W
Toronto people are known to have $2.26, parallel to the new prices In vices were held in ,mt. Paul's churcli, away thi, --k She leaves to mourn Nli's liaill'. Ill'ole 'a sultal-le 1..�Jd)
been on board. the United States. Dungannon, ,\Iouday morning at which her Ios,, her rr,,\,,-,ricken parents Io \%Ilicb ,if,. thanked her fri,nds fill
THURSDAY. Some twenty-five or more teaching there was a large attvrialince front tile and hrotto-r and si,ters arid a [lost (if their hindm- ,ind 1,,�nitN h, Iwo,
Anti-Semitic outbreaks have oc- Sisters from Roman Catholic coll- l,,,Albert congrega- girl friends ilo,l sonnot chums. The Aftomards it %--rN --ijpiN.thl1\1"l-,\.-lllI1I
IV curred in Jaroslau and other Galician 'vents in Western Ontario are taking tionil, Bishop �Alilliarns, of Huron, (tinoral took lot;,(*,- -,if Thursday a'ftpl,- %%as partivipiltvd 11) It.% ,\, '.
towns. the special 'dourse in agriculture at Diocese, Nvali present and confirmed live. 000,, rl,oln Ili-, residence of tier par- -_ -
The number of motor cars report- Guelph, for the first time. candidates. Ito was aosrsted by ReN. ents, (-11. a. \\'.,,[ WaNvanosh, at 3 SOLD IFIIS-OF- TH F -SO It. %T WO111i
ed stolen in Toronto during the first A virtual reciprocity in conscrip- .Niessrs. Clark, of Goderich, Ecclostone, Wcl,wk to liongannon cemetery. The
tion between the United States and Nearly t%\,,I%e tholls,ind -�,ddwrs ,,
. -six months of 1.91.9 is,365. - of Lue4now, and Abbot, (if Riplev, .,�Illpatl)� ,,f Ilw entire community s III#- S,dl ho�% Ilia, hard tit \\.,rk on ill -
One hundred eadets'of the.Royal C"ada'will come into force shortly : s comin exI.,od,,,1 it, 1hp sorm-wi-riF family: fiii-in alr,�;oly, h-1ping fit Ilo- varopaigi
whereby Americans in Canada elig- Bert TreleaNen's "Blighty" I 9
Air Force are being sent to England ible for service will be secured, and along nicely. It was it riasty bill\,,' Bert I'll., to,\% NNar hr-,a,I---rtt pre,4ent the fill. oirr,ate-ir war-liow produrthm. it
for their flying training. I -i -r ,nt ktod .14 eauming a good addilion to tto~ %%it,, arr�ing, r.,,, it,, ,I
Joseph Allen Baker, a member of vice v#rsa. recell-ed at Gibson's raising from a ten '
, deal of di,cus-l"ll ,and %arlout; are flit' fp,%o ,,ulI-Io\fo,.Ilt 110,11cli'lent ,if Ill-
, the Britis � h Parliament, and a native MONDAY. colillovill, op, . ,if it, (.our local baker, Soldj,rrs ,if 'ill,- �,4-ol ,-iw.tniza1wri 'I'll,
of Trenton, Ont., died In England. Gen. Dietrichs is in command of . ,4') I I '. dol'I'd .4� r"I
Despite shortage of tonnage, Cana- the Czecho-Slovak troops now in con- N .1. Trt-11-a-ii, Is (filing hi,i best to sol,lwt, "t fit,- . .11.
dian factories have Increased their trol of Vladivostok. MOR 0* f -,Ir Infantry Units in th'(3 nleo-t the rli-w condition arid is to Ile 1,,\\s �
oods to South Africa. Nineteen hundred members of the Toronto Military District have been g1%, -n orpilit, fit wir opinfim. for turn- III-Iti'll ,,..I,Iil,1)1;4 Gr.:!, 1,11-I'l'i 4,j,�
warned to get really for overseas. irot out it g,,,,,l prwho-t. Next .\fni-fdaY �',;kMl,at0o.\\an I "107., \ ',I to I I - d.,l 1.10 0
Arthur Leavoy, 16 years old, of Orange Order attended divine service The Ontario Railway and Munici- tl,i-4 pvrv--ratagi� 1. to be Increased to fln(ari-- i,621, 1�,I.+. t"'o, Nv\� llrllfl�
Valleyfield, Que., was drowned off a in St, Paul's Church, Toronto. -
wharf at Kingston while chasing a Col. Arthur Lynch has invited Col. pal Board Is coaducting an Inquiry *.,,) ll.�r rent. -to \ will soolat be sanip- �\Ick 617, \,,,;, --� .... to,, 1.,KA, Ill Ill, ,. K'l
rat. Roosevelt to'go to Ireland and assist into the natural gas situation at linar an,ilhor kind. it wtll require a \,.,,ir,l 1,hatd .',am)
Finance Commissioner Bradshaw, in �ecuring recruits for the front. Chatham. i...rt,iin aniwint ,if (-\pprimenting witit It"p'.11% indo ,ih- 0''It III,, 1�- N , ..t
in his annual report for 1917, made W. Gerald, for thirty-six years In- The business Rection cof the town Ill, sol,,itltut.. [I.,urs bef,ire bec,.lning Ill-'r"Ilahk ..111..�Illu T.irlo %%-I,
IL plea for no further civic undertak- land Revenue Officer at Waterloo, of Gvilatiam., Ont., was wiped out by ,iurressful art l-r-hicing ;a satisfavtor) - .
ings by Toronto City Council under died suddenly of heart trouble. fire, doing damage estimated at 1,.,,r, and ,mr ,�iopitthy is %vith it 1 -her ial,lfalNol .IN I' %iiii
present financial conditions. Marine plumbers and pipelayers $700.000. %Nho has 0- pilblik. to svr%e th,�
Ninety per cent. of the disabled at two Toronto shipbuilding plants The Food Board has arranged for flrne�, NN',, und,r,tawl thal N, .1 %%Ill Tll grial 2.000,1101) PIT,. r.,r�,. tt,�
a supply of farina for feeding young ,orillm, hini- If chlefIN. ill the file of Ili's b""o ,,t a,id,- tit finlaro, it, ,a �an,
soldiers returning to Canada are have gone on strike for higher children during the hot summer the oatulpal ,utIItui;,, Its thiq seom,t toar) for fish ,ind oa;#ow, 11, %%,If ,,,
making good, some of them in new wages. months. to be tit(- uoi-t I ... puhr with his cus- p1,i%.afr,,und r,,r .ill k0o' dv,ilry I" vllp�
trades, according to an address at One hundred motorials were held Toronto Board of Control voted a tom,r,i. The oN.- or atubstitutes it(, t1w I'lle".11r., or wit .1'"'I lit". I
tip OP the Toronto -Hamilton highway $2 war bonus to first-class firemen comes an IrnperAi\e necessity in (�a n nov� becoming th, ,,I,fv4-tI%,- 4'r loarl
4101, — and made to show their military receiving $1.260, and the grade in- ad, and wf- �hnulcl -qnullarlze our \Nh,) take Ilwir ... iting, at flit, I I fit'.
Report; reaching London. from crease to others. mplvf,,4 with nwthodq quel-essfully used The Ilightarld 11111. �lfllalp,l ,.If l"p-1,
Duloeh sources are to the effect that J. G. Foloy, Clerk of the Crown In in baking the -o substitute flourq 'rhe Lak,% \%lo-ri- at-, j� ,,iloat"Il th, twad
GRANDMA NEVER Lff - Chancery for ten years, and in the writer heard one Indhialtual rerourk on tiont-ti,r,; of tit,- sti1wrint,-11.1-1,1 ,.r it!
th6 late Sultan of Turkey was assaB- civil service for thirty-five years, has the Ptre,-t if)#, rither day that tie dIdn*l. ['lark, is now ,,I -ii r,w Ilo- r--plo'll ,
sinated. been superannuated. Intend to pa) any attention to tile no,%% gutg, and ill,, o.,oor,I.lI?''li 1, I'l 11
The body of F. H. Kitchen, a An epidemic of Spanish grippe ham regulation- Tit-, profiteer Js niory quirlik tak,,n ill, f, -r, ?h- -11111111 P'l
HER HAIR GET GRAI Townsend township farmer, who dis-
-.4 go, was found invaded Switzerland. and In spread- Interested it, gf-iting his bite than giv- hotel 1,; o%%rod and viwtal-.1 I,% Ii
appeared five weeks a Ing rapidly, attacking particularly Ing hi� bit I;r:)n-I Trunk hail%%a% �4%ht,ro, .o,I
she K t not LOM Mli 1Ma in a fence corner near his home. persons under 40 years of age. i,po- f,-atury tho4 %,-or �Nlll I.- ,11 11,
OD U. S. Congress settled the lonK- Thursda%, itlip,j,t 1. IF' the date ,I'- 'or' '
The employes of the transporta- d(parlto,tit- 4 it- ,-I,,ritl,.o �\Ill I,
Gfosay, W#h 0998 Tea standing controversy over the Gokr- tion, motive power, car and passen- finitely decol-I up -in by the local field I
emd Sulphur. ernment guaranteed proe of wheat day eorrarnitite for Ittildiniar their big linll,-r ill,- sulwi-Nisi,-n 4 % ... ing 1;.,l -
by approving a price of � 12.40. 94br departments of the Grand Trunk of vports for patriotic purposes. "I'll' ar.- .111allfl-I to !ill Ih, p-111-11
have been given Increases of wages. dat y
The Jesuit College at Guelph was H. Th I a will b,- a 9,11.1 day for Dungannon which, in min% vaAes \%,-r-- lo --%i ... J�l
mided on direct orders from Gen. Rev. A. C, Eddy and Rev. T. and district, a4 Plaborate arratior,,inen0i ocropo,l b) yoong ur-tv n-%-, ,-rir,,Il,
Whew you darken your hair with Sage I Illbott, lately of the Hamilton Metho.-
Tea and Sulphur, iro one can tell, be- -;.�OoJvburn. Minister Of Militia says , dist Conference, have been ordained are under �--a% r,.f, makinx it (Jay full ___________ ,
cause IV@ done so naturally, so evenly. Reov.-K. H. Palmer. of Gue]P�, who as deacons In the Anglican Church , or enjo%,inprid. ;anti recreation for every -
Preparing this mixture, thou la, at home preached in Toronto. Changes In the school curricula body It �,,.Ill to,, worth while for you.
is thusay and troublesome. Tor 50 cents The Amalgamated Society of En- will be deterred until the Ontario no matter Ili,%% rar you live from lion -
Mcan buy at any drug store the read gineers sent an ultimatum demand- Educational Asnociation can consider gannon . to join flit- crowd here on tc,
use preparation, improved bJ the ad7i: Ing a settlement of the strike at the the revisions, according to Hon. Dr. FIr4t ,;,,� itie ,ollithumplan parade ; I
tIon of other ingredients, calle "WYeth"s Russell Motor Car Co., threatening a Cod y. join in it if Y-1 Call J1rl7e% %vill lip
Sage and Sulphur Compound." You just general strike in refusal. a Layland. wife of a gi%en Then th,re will be prize-; tit,
dam sponge -or soft brush with it A number of members of the City Mrs. Lerfli e Island f . for the best doet-rated auto Come out I
pen a soldier, was drowned at Centr .
and dr.. this through your hair, taking Council favor conciliation on the civic while attempting to rescue her four- wilb %.,ljr .jot,, doeorate It tip and
one somall strand at a. time. By morning istrike Issue, but object to having It was al,;o Join lift, I�rion fail thl� title of
!8, and, year-old daughter, who 'ab
all gritty hair distappesi aft�r 111,11* under the provisions of the Indus- drowned. Rport-4 ther-, %%fll hP a c-,opl- 4 brise ,
other application or twill, your hair trial Disputes Act. Henry Johnson and Robert Robin- hall mati-lo-. 'ale ll--N�-n Lochahih
comes beautifully darkened, glossy an I G. N. W. tel.grapher. have .,r,ed son, colored soldiers from New York. and lielfa�t pr,,hahl), lind tile It loser, 4
luxuriant. I I sit ultimatum, demanding the rein- have been cited for bravery while in tht� nrit,h c- I-, [,T,iv I'lifut.11111-111
Gray, faded hair, though no*dls '"- statetivent of the two men who wer- , figbllng with ,I,Plr un4la In a sector "I'll", �11' ,,11,,,,l 1,,,r " o " "" , " - , r
Is a sign of old age, and As 'ke aK, de- , dismissed by the company some tirnP , �enph front. Ill,ql N�.,l 1,.i%,. a rharo- t,. h, anoth, .
sire a youthful and attractive app f the F. . � . ��
car- I go. With a strike on Wednesday 3-51 o premier I.Inyd George, In moving ri,k%,11., I-rk boron. a- tiok,1#4 %%dl to- 0 I �
ance,iget busy 96 onee, with Wyetb's Sage . e alternative. n yo.,olution in the House of Cam- f -Id, and il,p It. I tio,r , r tit(' lucky norl . S
. I V
and uIpbur Compound and look years TUESDAY. mons (ongraltillialling th- King anti 1h,r %�i, - , i -Ir ,,f plif� I'll " : I "
This ready -to -use �; gain of 11,772 in ,..4 .. , 'I''ro fI-'\t4.1:,l,oQ Tl,,* oil,
I btful toilet requist 'tr: ' There was a ti'� 011-ra ou th.-Ir Ailver wedding. prild 1r1l1aT,,,,, ,,. -t, r ,,I ky nwrt),-r- %vill .3
f"IT'lerlig tep=r10 ' the Canadian Expeditionary Fore-, I to � , ,it, it, Ill.. wann(t in whi, h - - ' o - HEP.,
tivedlclice.. It Is not Intendied-for the mire , ',I' ,,r,, I, I -W - ' ' ' " - " I W -11"'I" l"Itt"r,
I 321t, 094 91 prva-Alan 04itu". all disrinz .1tine. �, I ng I.uej fit c -d t he % at an i till per Is. ; . .
1. " 40�f
I .
; . . , �
WI , , �'� - 1. ./
-'.., , I I . Akawi,"..": I
I It
: ______
fill, Tom NO i � I3rd 11111111111111- �
11, I
. I. . I litit
. - I � R
0 . . 1xvirRygolass"04*01 .19
. I I r I ot I"* ** I "I
11 1. . ON""I" 1. I . 1. 04
VATI'll,kTIFORD. 0H 9 t .SKOK&'L Xfl& , ,taills' L'
Tho call for tralucd hdp to$ mvatcr I . ORO . . I I . I r,-- I
ssaw-tIcan evat . . . . . . . . I Ili" , ; .-1 - , .. .. " *'�;�,--_ �_._X_ 1-.-]
of Canada. Our raduattse are ac Or- I 11 A I I
tug splendid peal1q,ons. . sind oil 0" #I* 1.
We have ' Uoder's bol*l$ Affolgi 41ty � oelP.f0Qtts2,r##
COMMMI&I. ShorthaNd ifad T811- but to � lativ prefer to live to teut at, W.
Cabin. Your ChOICO 110 1`11111111,30110111ii COO
draphy Departmints Secure your Poirlor or 81ceping Cas:
It you purpose taking a business col- vitecommodation In x4vance. ,
lege couri,�e during Fall or Winter Full istioramigtion, toor
o quy Grand Truntu
woutba. write now for our free cata- Ticket Agessli or 0. & 110411111119, DistIfict
logue, Pilimager Agcuh. Toronto.
0. it. munuilt, F. P. LAWRIQNCH & SONS,
fristipall. Town passivager sled Tkket Agents,
1pbove 8 ,
11 T,11,41 , I
== __ - _____ — - I
71 0111111111111111,1011, go"
_ - mmmak-ftfl. -
_. _. __ - .
4 E Iseg" = A 4 "
0=--- -.--- .101111,
RaA, pesniftalLnup
to Pai%* aidbican 40din,
'air flit, defence if( our King anti count'Y, I
rhe allitude of Algonquin Park Is nea
MW feet above the level or tile sea an" 1,
affors the purest of air and unlimited
attractions for the vacatlonlat, the
i-amper, the vanoe cruiser and flit- ang-
ler. It is "the place where life's worth
while" and it, onapproachablo as a rt -
sort for rest and recuperation.
In eonneellon %\fill the Ulahland Inn
are operate,] two IoK cabin camps, each
accommodating 75 people. one of these
ciiinflis Is situated on Smoke Lake, seven ,
miles south, and the other on Island .'
Lake, tO miles north of the hotel. The
camps are reuche(I toy a (fail), stage fron,
the hotel. A handsomely Illustrate'd
drseriptive ho4lllklet telling you all about
this wonderful playground cau he had
free oil application to airelit's of tile
i;rand Trunk Ridl\\ay Sy,tem, (or tol
C. E 111)[ININ11, 1). 1), A, Toronto, out.
.t bit( Polent P.11,111"Ice" \"aae-
litill" 11111s.111", �1111111. flot Ill"'N tire ef-
rl,(.(I\.. tit aell"ll, Thell, tillv .1114111hos
.1, it ,---rreehir ,if sh-oijo It timitils-, are
I,tl"\\Tl It. th''ll'all.1, and Ill,\ :art, In
noi,ittint d,ronnd l-\,-i,N\Io-rf, by th-e
\010 hit..\%' \%Ill I A sar., ,Iti�l -kilople
rvill'ON flit.\ ;41.,:, '11I. -N 11'....1 If.. ifill"I.
'111"ti"ll lot tho-A.. lo"ItIalitted \\fill thel a' -
loll tit Itto- \\hll fil'o 1141i hllle�\ Owl.
ill,..\ are pr-olit'-d .a, 11w he't pre
parill,,ii ,.n ill., warl,.l r,w dist,rders
,-I' Iho st-ollaoll.
— — ''..
Fourteen delif royet 9 will ti��
inum-hed front Aulellrall shipyards
on July 4. Themo, with a number I
navy's share of (onringe to I
I . I � . �
1, . ., L". 1, - . I
. ,
-1 , .� cbmPANY, LONDON',
I I ' '
I �
,;, N () DR116-1; JU`�Fl) �
� . (1,1(oWND AND lil'rr�l) " .
- ,
, :,,
J.."', . I � .
I I -s,r: Phone ,
,,. �3,DJUNDAS ,J877,
. I . I , 1. ,
I . . -
__ 0 I
_ -, .. _ . I
GINIRS Twist S141plog
cars men comfe"
to the Tfaveller ,
For Tickets. nealiorvicitions. Llte.r: I
to " rad
' rfitij
Zh-r%r' w
a G.P.A.. 68 - I aa I
Successors to McDonagh & Glidlillf
We deal in Hard and Scaft Coal,Lime
Cement, Fire Brick, Fire Clay. also
Hard and Soft Wood, Maple and,
Hemlock Slobs.
Fresh can of Lime and
. Cement just received
B. J. SAVI.TS' RKS11111INCH . 275
W. W. SAIII.Ts' Rlt'.%IDICNCEt 202
- _ - � _n!!�!!TT
� T.* SWAR7rs-0 . ..
, Bus, Liveryand
Hack Stables
I Montreal Street
just off the Square
'Busses Meet all Trains and
Passerixer Boats .
Passengers called for In an?
part of the town for a I
trains at 0. T. R. or C. P. R.
Prompt Service and
Careful Attendance.
Our Livery and "altack bervIcas
will be found up-to-date
In every respect.
,"b Visict,
Your Patronage Solicited
Phone 107 Montreal Street
1-1�10 I . I
lrh. (i ... t ,cbi:, "SFY.ANDI1W' - "CrrY OF ESUE- - "CM OF BUFFAW'
" 0 T I K Wo
]BUFFALO - � Daily. May I of to v. 15th - CXEVE"ND
Lo.sve 811PTALO 9100 Plilfij,s. Fast— Time or Leon Ct#vuLAxD soliff Pm. U,3. cefflat Time
ArrCj.jtvr.�xv)7iG0A.3,f.-U.5 CmtMl-Tlti ArrivillitIFFAL07130A.M. U.S. EAMeM. Time
Cc;tvri�tlmv at Ct"claild ftn Cod" Point, Fxit-ln-va.y. le.hoil am] olatharvaintim. flaitilmd tithou
Jlriail biot-� Dtiff.t. ..it Cl-.I..d ... 9-1 I- = U r la Ask your
tkI-1, ionat in AmViettltz Hoot,r— Au.nt f., "Il.. 47 "If. W! Vew =041ON411111"M*11,11111
"t.— Round rito, with 2 dooloot rooitiOlol limit. lf� � n0t'Q7xQ;i1;X IM In. Whavelboititio. ,
11—tif h." ., - [be . 'hato "'HEAN&BEE" "at an rocitive tot
V - v— ,-�f .=.i.ti.. h—hr.1 -
0,.—,. .,=—,.1,—..:l r"', ,
Th. C]"ittand & Bulffs,la
I ,_ . ("�t., .
'Irle. G t Shi
" 8 E 9 A N D 01� F . FARE +49-3
, i
- oh. Urst-1 st,td --t is-ity
t.m o:pftha �itrl& 91-pliols .
e.ratelty. 1300 F.ioiltitiatagotaiii. — . V -
� I
___ - — I __ I � -
. -
I .1 6 � rAPIA01AN 11
I . . L FA * VIF I lo�
PACI Flo&-)
. 61--A
I Resorts in Ontario
. Including :
BALA (Muskoka Lakes) .
FRENCH RIVER (French and Pickerel Rivers)
POINT AU BARIL (Georgian Bay Resorts)
BOBCAYGEON (Kawit'sotha Lakes)
Severn River (Gloucester Pool)
RON ECHO (Lake Mazinaw), Etc.
summer Tourolist Fares in street
r * I 11L r IV
I I enerii allige 0 ime, July I 14, I V I 6 I I � 1.
_ -
Particularq from Canadian Pacific! Tio+ef, \ :�- , ,
i I .11
I W. B. HOWARD, District Passenger Agent, Tor,) -if) ____ ,� � � ,