HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-12, Page 5r
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Results of little Prollilotioell !xatu*,. at
the Se School
From Form IV. Jr. to 111orm IV Sy,
()eorge McKay. Jack FelI0`s- Philip
From .-r. 111. to Jr. IV_Willard Ura-
veil,e, Ernest 1jubillson, Laura Jeffery.
Harold Dalton, Fred Webb, Niarit'll
Griffin. \N*jIlle Carney.
Jr. 111. to Sl*. -Ill.
s iirr,
cid-11 ,
Ernest Jeffery. Gordon RYall-
L, I III Jun—
"'rTwo M I
on it$ 14th Y4*r
s in Ooderich. -it has'
Min Of busines
UU I trown from very small be&10'
Front Fort,) M to 01.
the raflQ0 and -r. \villie Tobin,
j4$jjj4bdp Is roeqildroed, Honors. Alleit'll Baechle Rita Ptante, nings, until It Is today recOg"'
jjj#* account N"itrillan livall . Passed,
;i4i�t 9" 10* Marto Gra�totiv-: Monica Mara, Filetil LTI 41111144ed as the leading DrY Goods
McKay illard Geroluertle, tieorge the Children I.- we Intend to spare no
UMON BANK OF CANADA Farr, iallkNtoo, ! hilly, It. Honors, Kodak as store In the I own Of (30derich. For the futur,
HZAD O-FX:F V90MCil. bIAN. 218 From Fort][, 1. to Form e still further the reputation of thi&Store,
Delina plante. Teddy Griffin Passed, Grow effort to maintain and improv stomers a
001DWC.H BR"CH, Esther Farr, Mary Lynn, Lorne Buwler, the most careful attention to business give Our Cu
Tobin, Vin0ellt Geroinette, '11JUL10- Let your Kodak keep the auto- and by
Mary Is
F. WOQUICOMO& line Jeffery, Marvin Lannall. graphic picture record of th -will In the days to COMO-
From Primary to Forfti I. -Mary An- childmu as theV grow. The service that will insure their good
droe%vs Dorothy Heffernan, Teresa dates will make the story
Weh�: Bessie Tobin, Clarence Lannan, complete.
Teddy Baechler, Irene Seffel-Y. James A. Campbell,
LADIES' COLLEGE: Gomo and hear a majl't�
A'ar in PhM. 8. July Values in all D partments
fiationa Rosidentw ScItiolli for OLds) who was through the Boer I - T. Special
eluding the siege of LadysmiK In Pkage GODIER.jelfll, ON
Ya-_BIGHTR YEAR tie -istt, tv, '115� A�t"`tys -40ek-ed -up - we I is Go . I& . a Caw"
HMT Friday at aists
and surrounded by enemy. Dainty New White Voile W i
0 . iq SEPTEMBER SIXTEENTH, 8 p. in. in A. Citadel. ....... bite Voile Waists we have ever shown. Made up
lq=TEEN HUNDRED AND EIGHTEEN jZr'- jo dozen of the nicest W approval, and they are all
:-Thorough courses in Musici Art, Oratory, High School, Business in the daintiest st les which are sure to meet your
college, pomesfiC Science and Superior Physical Training 33 marlied at Special C.69 each.
*or t . arms, adtiress: R.Lwamer, M.A., D."D,, President, St. Thomas, Ont. New Shetland Knit Sweater Coats
le most attractiVe, they come In all the leadiag"colors, such
These Coats ar te sailor collar,
terest at 6 per cent. per aftuill frQni ab Nile green, Melon, mauve, copenbaken, trimmed With large7wbi
THE TOWN COUNCIL Nov. st, gig, the,cornpany also agree- cuffs and belt. SpcI�jaj $6.,so each.
ing to loan the town tneir large road -
Recommends Mae McDonald for Recoil- roller at present in their Plant until other styles at $7.5o and $10-00 each.
pition of Heroism sold or otherwise dIsP0sed Of by the
company, tile cornpany also to crush
The regular meeting (if the town whatever rock Is required by the town Monarch Shetland Floss for Knitting Sweaters
council was held on FridaY evening I at cost, ttee recommend i that
last, with three abstntees, Councillors your coinnil efer to knit their cwn Sweater we recommend our Monarch
Wallis Davis and Gooke. Ithe little second hand team wagg6n be For tbose who pr
-ji(irted verY few I purchased from George Beacorn for the Floss as it ccmes done lip in neat balls and saves you all the troubles of winding.
The tax c()11(,etur it f Nile, rose, copen, maize, paddy, white and
responses to his demands for PaYnient I sun, (it $25. in colors 0
ing- He' The Bell Telephone Company has Extra beavy quality,
ot taxes since the last meet mission to place their .35C for f uII *Ounce skeiXII or 3 fc)r f' -00 -
intended to issue distress ,Narrantls been given Per ia road purple.
the next vvVPk. The report was re- wires and one pole on Britann 11 colors. Special 17c skein.
11nance collinlittpv- efts
ferred to the t of ;Outh Street. cutting wood ill Our well ljuowu Three Bee Sbetland FlosF, iu a
Mr. A. G. Jackson wrot-' "Psigning In the niatter Of from \Ir. Chris -
his position as au(titor tit' the town bush as purchased
accounts and his roowilaJon was ac- topher Johlist0t), wt, recommend that liave you Seel) the new Aluminum KuHtiog Needles, 35c per pair.
your committee. be v I up4jw-pred to all-
I)p in (it, or be -
His Worship 11199"st'"i 11 'IN a vertise for tenders to CHILDREN'S SHELTER FOR HURON COUNTY Exceptional Value inlWomen's
chartered accOUntapt to )o.jk41 tl�!ngtlnat fore July 49th. '0 wish to report n f Mr. P. j. Ilymn, of �;oderich, A Special in Women's Lisle
audit of tile accounts, H'1111 Illat one Your colonatice als The above is a Photograph of the reside cO 0 lased for a Child -
ca, creernent of late has boen It has be -)n purcl Hose
sp rnight tie utlivient that an ag (formerly the A. MeD. Allan pioperty), whic
auditor in tha istopher .10in- The premises should be very s itable for the Vests
lotinth tit olliplete(t vvith Nir. Ghr r Huron County- 1. TLIle price Paid
to audit tile d0cOlInt; I"""' for purchase or !jush as staked ren's Shelter to niently near Victoria ScbO0
mouth. ston purpose, and are located conve ; extra five Women's extra quality Lisle Hose,
Councillors Roberts(.n 101 �to r y, out by your eomillitteP. ; to report Was S-2.400. Women's Lisle VesU,
moved that the oluirs',lon Of th(I ad- YUur Committee also bet peritil NI. 1,, 1-:inharhallo,n It 1� duuble heels and toes, fall fashioned,
of ha%ing a , a , l3orovincial Boaril of Heat loll..'rial r;l 11, corrif y cut, or with SI10rt in black, white and darli brown. Spec-
visabitity t Zlitlllll;`�lte of approval "as ht�pll oh- GO TO FRANCE ary 11-119 "I"A" oil quality,
countant for tliv final alldit to(' ro: lle t ru, ial 50C per pair,
-(1 p0minittee- itained,for tile cOnst""('"on of thp ba'- T. E. Sunbtiry eatid Gen. sinry last \\rfflng G, sleeves. - Ii.
ferred to the finam ('01n- ,, f the sewer On Victoria street Driver-, Fwiin, \\I,,) 1, 1111\\ Ill Special 35c ea,
Chairman Laithwalte (if that t and con Britannia road from victoria Ewalt nrafted for France 11,1\illu l"."ll �01 to
mittee expressed himself �11 111) elreet. The en- iold
In Fall Shipments are comme
j,.harterett Ac- street to Carneron at ncing to arrive
favor of elnP v(,st, ginper, Mr. Johnston, has heOn hOr" f.,jj(o%\iljg letter frow, DriNor W-rpmd. urtvr\\:lrd� booth
countant on account (it Me recoived and joild ont tile work. .1,110ther car SontillrN was received h� thfl odi- 'Milined f''l, N1,11111P
A request fOr a grant was and \%ill all,[ I""ll
'anadian War IiiisPital Pund of ij-1nel) sewer Pipe hRs been or(lpred t(,r or I'lle Star last week '111d
from the G negro and and the ,,;Grk will cornmence tile llrst be (or gi-neral interest : IA\orllool, NlittlCh.-I, Special julY Values. in Cottons, Towels and Linens
for work ill Serbia, jiontv ( Portsmooth, Eng., (join, (on the \N,ly, ;I ilj�ianve tit -11
re I to the Of tile week,
Macedonia. This, was refei Gouncillor lAobertson etsli(d wilp" the June 16th, 1918. t"AK) Illile'. illi 11111, l".1kirn \No 6.1111d
finance collinlittee, 'ill' tarvia, Doar Nartpl,---Just a few lines to R 11"'I '"o' 1-11
A re(Illest fo r an invrease in remun- streets were to be treated w fri�41ig It'-'
jazned that, owing lo,t voll how, ym gpl,tirilf al)ng n1j,j) ei�juj
eration was received frolo lliv venie- anti Ills Worship PXP since �o7 a . rd (iraft, frmn v\hit'h "Phone 56
tery sexton and referred tu tilt, ceine- to the -great demand for apparatus for before leaving for F,ndive. 60 \\vro selveted
tery and pailiq corninite", laying tarvia, tile COMPRily �vas unable riving livre oil Friday last. have spent to Bl.jllllh..jt zind liulford,
i,,nt,,l $I,- to sopply tile machinery just,110w' , slid, an enio�-ahlV till'(' visiting "'a ny relics a (jj�ltall(,, 41f �j(y) 11111ps. Both ilworKe 'Phone 56 MILLAR" SCOTCH STORE
The county clerk rewlisil . nded in the rept rt of tile to be found in a seaPort town Of this \\,ro fortwinah, 1 -1 -Ugh too so'- o"
539.18 for counly pirposes, including as reconime mmittee, tile town Nv a I, size We ari, quarlered at tile Im'- and I Ilie rvinatnd,r 90ting
11 ic works (In cure lorl'ies,
the Provincial war to X iltld thf- Ie\ y for pubi this :itnadiall
,oderiell's hary (if tile going to purchase 1,1,iachinery for trucbs at Bililford, Ili , a -orgp
G '-pocted tile tarvia (it
Good Roads I I, Purpose and it WF's , should mail rect-i-ti a fV\v lky, Ago townsman won
Good Boads',�.evy is $ would be laid the nrxt vVeck. inir persons. lip thought we \ � i a piiro-1 (or 1(,t.al papers, Asit FIGHTINCk MIAINST FAIMNE. Id hie him ba.6k to IM0
This was le occasion (it di, resollotion was carried write the i;o\vrnnients to see, if they r ",,go - � o� , loval Illaplo \%hich KIPPEN land, but he finds the Iteglected &ere*
is dpriv- The following �vojljjl install such an appliance here. al"P1,1111k, and Nlr�� W. II. j"hil-lim an of his youth appreciated In vALIU0
cussion, as Goderich otoo far Humane %, -apldlY disappeared. 'Wo artl lk�l\illg Nlt,. \1.11 V1.011 The World's PopoillittI0111 '"I'll the Food
Ing no direct bencilt, from tile, Good unanimously : ficillursi Story and Rob- Tile might make a i jelive bolt V00 1)1'111 lie fillll'l� while the wheel has turned an4 bm
- It WR,, felt that wel 'r_\,oedt y Gou The pri(�e he, understood a 'c", 1"t"11"i, day arrj\os \%hen we fl,ipjl+; in \�-'Illleltl an't \\,,,,t Supply. has stood still in Rome employment.
Roads system - tstin, � tile derk communicate grant. it 1�hl!n often in all ages food pro His chanee in the couA" has largeJY
should either get a stone road con h.t Every so
connecting with the Humane 10clPtY or the Gar- about $400. It tile sligge.stion (�jjri retin-li to) g,jjijj (,I.] (;wlerich i'llid Wish 11 St and humanity complete a
structed through the town "'gic Fond state that In avem-da"Vp wit Led once more take oil) our dollies i- b(-- it, 1". Novil-on, duction gone, it he h" the Infunct Of his
the Goderich and Colborne Township rrustees and 1 1-1 lots 1,111 cycle, Humanity outgrows the food forebears he MAY Yost WtZk haCk, blirt
e I he levy recommends that some tilt. 600vernment will be coin"'Unlea ttle Varna `"'li
or should haN if, by any chance, Pro- for": ith all g;)od wishes, pits for ill" tirst little lo,t A"'I supply. They must break ont Into by fullY as t01150MO & road &a they
.Good Roads Toeogc.�0jtlioci'b made or the heroic act vvith to �
rebated. T�e Beeve and Ileputy Reeve lcDonald in going to the vision is made for installing PulmOtOrs \N resilon new fields or famine and pestilence traveilpd, altbough the d1flIcUlties al-
iat we were at the mercy oderich, free (if cost- ymjr�; sincerely, Illade a good inij, thpm. Even in India, orl0knix- fInancial and not 11.11011116 Of the m9ged
council. TtJv bylaw of to r)RIVER THEO. E. SUNBt'lili' 1). A. carner(m bouirl't "ll"" "'lls'pl" reduce
of the cotlinty rescue of T. Bullard, whose canoe at ports such :is ('
explained th . r. ' - The ,ta,-O� also called atteD0011 ed with relief works, the heroic fain- wildn that &PP6&1 to Young manhood.
they MAY inake a rebate had capslze� in Lake Huron on sun 'f %A,est Shore Railway ina- klows kit the big -AlV [tilt NN'"'k lot 11 an U UnS
stated that [ and in bringing him the sale 0 and dt'll'Arli. All istit worker is bowed down with the The townsm 18 1110 10 9er yo
to towns an d %,illages,not having roads day June 30th, d might he a "ost (of Over 41 thoos lives carried go
;Ilggp time is no lonM on his al4e.
KnadS Sys- also for his efforts terial at) sted till, NOTHING IN IT e\v "I.nturt'. knowledge that many
nder the Iloilo.] sX.ly to shAre, and - good opportunity to SOCUre wood at wish him well in from one famine must be the
improved u lie the other Ile 4,00per prPai-I'Vit in tht, over virile may establish his fam.Uy, but that is
was left jo iheir discretion. in endeavoring to IOU 1p Pri I, e. lie had had the To) it,,, F,(iitj�r (if The Star. Mr. A. T, a s I son(lii\ 81111 victims of the next. The more about all without C&DIU111.
tern, but it No
The DePlitv Reeve agreed to look UP cupant of the canoe who unfortunately a reasonall the Port Albert bridge Rnd notieed in a report if Presbyterian chilro
le inatter. was drowned. -Carried unanimously. chief go to s as to the Dear Sir, -port northern people constantly burst thetr But the wheel Is still turuing
further iniormation oil it tson brought up the make some calculation tile pl.o(�e,(jings of tilt, \vator and Light Presented a very hondm and overflowed into lands of one can foretell when the I"t cycle
The following c..minlittee reports Councillor Rober ted Commission of (Wdprich, publi,hed in if the, year's \%ork along Id shall elaPse, that me"s that Popula-
question of the condition of tile gravel amount of wood in it and sugges I plenty: or oftener where genius COU
were adopted hich the council should have someone at- a recent issno, of The �ztar, a pr0posill lines. 113, - tion must CeALbe to ineres" or stial"
produce plenty and virility be mAIR
pit at the end of Wolfe street, w to lease premises for lho Purpow of Njj4 11, tained, &part from his on-vIronment in the hard old way; but everY C709
Finance- nave been inade lie said was almost a disgrace to the tend the sale to bid on this. orks , s Greeta so ('ino- fill- I
The chairman of the public w teaching In " 11 n Iss of change and otorm. the nortbeM of the wheel brings the inevitable
That arrangement, I for an ex- to,,vn, and residents of the locality and the Reeve, were ap- transacting the busines.4 (it tile 4:(lrn acation. She is accollipa man deteriorates, becomes dependent
with the Bank of Niontrea committee nlission and al�() tho, stooking fit 'Ape consummatlOift nearer, It millst COW&
tension of credit for local improve- complained. trical apPIWTW`�4- generally :11e,ravish. ...ho is pending a on labor of low effilciency and with- 2,t last, oven although aclognice aid to
.9 referred to the. pub- pointed as sll(-Il comailtt"P. is IL not
ment sewer work to $1,500, also a ere The matter wa His M`orship next mentioned the 11 ridorstowi in town and also by tt"? In new fertiW the uttermogt beesuge &II the re--
dit of $3,750 to pay interest on the On- lie. works committee. ard in cemetery and said tile chair"Illn of It"s heads of it)" Moll` sy,;tpnl it f (Intar o visit here. .rewor, Elliot linil out renewal pprtshes. - sources of tbo'glabe arie finite, the in -
as due July pector %vas' he \Jisses NIRY NI,1 lands. no m4tter how cold and inele
The, street iris livel cornmittvp mnst (to rfmipthing in (;o4jerich ha'; not handled its af- teachers Ili ll,iir I be liett, himself to provide. He I&tion wlth food is Ill-
tario West Shore bonds reason tile gr I 1,1ght enhead, I Mont, cre"a of POPu
lst� 1918. explanation of the is. It was intended Nvay of i'llprovenlent. The matter had igh tile wator an(� lip 'bit( IK thel'r sch-&- h" the Instincts Of the squirrel to
Dominion Road '.\laellillery pit was left as it ade rneet- fairs thr(Si it by sch, As, art, ro-signif to, r(- I of his A nI it.
That the ight through it, but come tip at the Boaril of Tr .1lic Njo.reoror age; it Is part and pareo a man wM renew him-
Gonlinission as VVOW)mieAlly a4 (of W'.11--sley stor ge. So is his falth in The nortbolr
Company, Ltd,, have paid the sum Of to make a road ri good gravel where ing that afternoon. awi \Nill 11(it tilt self and adapt himself the 10111968t�
, was lots Of isclission be- c0illd have dolll�l rvive stow a-. pritiripal northern herita
t bonds as there 1)sy overproduce. but EFen climatic cold would orl1Y carrY
$3,146.82, Rniount in full 0 Ithe road -would run and this was being This precipitated some d rying -It of I le ah(' Public A'chool, demand. tie I I
-n last FpbruarY, I " r III,, chairman of tile cerneterN, , idprably t fur 1�j_t Aoeh him gonth whence be e4n]10. The malm
taken up by tile tow a equired. At the present tN\ ve n - tijillf,l a(lil ci.ill, Ili ell he f"ds the product of the IAZd 60
together with interest to June 24th, taken (in ridge left, but tilt,; committee and the NIR ' Vow itle chAir urd, ' ns(Int, ? Intend i;, t4tronw. that it "els to market on Its Own oil the land will tat last and longest,
19J8, date of payment tittle there was a ut an soon as gravel inan resf-riting tile Board �f Trade in- small,r all,l Mr. \\
- a ined the uld be liv tholight is thero, a "r 4`4"' It"' in their ry legs. Tramitiorlaiinn will conte; he but big stock mupt eat other lit,
Your committee has ex m wo - taken o Id be used, and the terro-ring in thi.,; mattvr, , cjt[,.,, a ' 4aiefof- has been fire ren9ligpit tul t"o*ll f-ir TI,At has abiding faltb Impantime his %Wek human food.
tax collector's report of June 21st and of this quality cou tile of Trpdtl stl()tjl,l bl'Qy itspif triell Rn(I pr(,�etl a snece,4s am ,pectiNe lkCh-11-i at $100 eats of thosA rich stores, the golden
recommend that, owing to the still roladwav levelled off.
His �Vorship reported a request In securing in,111,;tries, ilistead t)f Koing told that SIralford trif"I it, and di
urgent need of funds, tile tax collector its provin" to interfere. in '111 not tho iMratlOn nil corn, even tile human %taple wheat. A iiH)ood Job.
,ry effort to from Dr, Emmerson of tile (3oderich outsidt" continued it. \N 10r. and Nlr- until gradually- -often go gradually A duallf](19 ll(-Utenant-colollel, el -
be instructed to us(' ey'? , it outstand Collegiate Institute Board for the use town c,illneil btisines,;. of tllf� ()(jl,, ntall ajj,j,-tj .\pvn�, of f Peterlit'r,olgh
of taxes stl -rshil) assiired Mr NvIlson the livr \Ij.. that he does not reallite it the "Cle was ap-
collect balance of portion of the fair grounds, where His NV4 . niamigeynent anol clerival -irk its \N`11 till viQit Nirs, 1�'alker's Moot . and arain romps round member of the General Staff.
11 froilli tilt, Iloikr6 of Trfole 111110h a' I \Nillhim lVison. 11141 01hur frhll�l- revolves proa,hied byla recently drafted man.
ing. n,s share of the county the Board \\anted to flx up tile ball suggo-til" Pit in a friendlY spirit slid as ' -ill i,(,(, where a deficiency of burnan food ta -What might your name be? Da
The, tow se �,Nils Off`r mild like lot ev a \nritnt stor,
purposes, amount- ditkintond and tennis coorts for the ul R(It:,pt it in tile w fal't ot-flipled Ili-, I I y, The last t\%,i til i-tir"t rprordpoi, you belong to this bunch?"
grant for Red Cross paid to till' (if the stildents. Tills w,nuld be done asked tht� chairman ill f them in tills %ji,inity lir,, Mojiltime a cheaply fed people hftz the colonel in charte."
ing to $7it.30 has been satne spirit He -1191'ro' will th'. pillilit, Ills.tz, Ili., t1r,ot rldrill-11 h,lN1,T1g I'm
ste(I stinit, plan 1) kq,(l to town, thp soil larks )&bor, I
and we r8cOrnmend at the eNpense of the Board. "Illp tory sholil'i :\r) ire ar4i -I'll) I 'iml I,,. l,itl,.r a f! or ro. -wo at, I see the balance of 'em busy
town treasurer, a a smik to the least 1)
amount be distributed in I This was referred to the public of inijor-,\omplit lit OW ("Kii(Tt* (If Ill" if % secured (,Ili.\ rt,lvt is,griculture ba
the be undvi-takrn Find so Tnurh (Intip ear i fi,ro thl� jo,pio- ,vorythilig loot tho wheel he around here, and I don,t see you doln'
that ( tile same ratio as the Janii- \Norhs committee. plijeiniz b, -11ort. fitablp pursuit anything. tjow does a follow go about
practicall� I The Mayor referred to the, recent yell' that is npi\ knot or jltjljt�, ;ind ;I rom- I; r `y -'"d 'her man
nt, which will be as follows: His nivrithajod the nweting rhi� ll,.v lir ind \Ir� turned Juat the sRmo whot
ary pavnie owning accident, And �uggvsted the III, y,111, pariii,m of left (in 11i,fillf)"I" llay f''r heeds ita revolution or I Sittin yotir job?"
Women's NVar Auxiliary,, Gode-ldr Njl%�ii.lvir% '.,, I I
Lodge, $100 - Goderieh I apl-intment of a Specla I constable at (of To,,IIt,,-nwn i t1l, toy
rich Rebekah ild be On hand on I_jtIl 'ttill 1�4tll 'if"' It N".41old 11,, (Irl, lit ,If. IhAt \\-I)itby to att"1141
Women's Institute, $100 ; 1;�dcrich Red the Oork who will It,j To st�nd h0t.h. (of to" jj,)tImig in It" %rth "till' vt-rition Th0'
I "thvr, i, Nil,
lety, $3,31.30 Punda)s, Ptc., to warn young poo0e lie it K R s . ses j klarl,,an, ,ind
Cross So( tr)N%" 11"llce to) 1111" "llet'" 4prnat Th,v exp"'t"ll too pit ji. fa r
The auditors' report fr,r the YParj0f the danfrerg at the river filnuth on tile rij;itters (in which stimi-thing A.'r r Quiffity Is Economy In
and printed)days when the water was at all rough, many (I were t(L) rip djqCjjs5e
1917 has been examined conitt li, lvariiP nn n, IN %I r Ar sCHFDt*LF Aurora
and we reentrimpild th,, He suggested that the man who looked Iin,,(� there walk the qtipst ix, lot shipping lod L\trq, Aitken Inter"I to,
it the ailditors _100d I,o r i n �,p if tli, qhoria " \iIkf-n'- MWI` Ill
pay sheet, alnountirig 1., $100, be is after the fog horn would be a k how to c(irnbat \(,nrrpal dilwAs" t I alrendy fallen b, ,veks \%lit'
sued. an. it tj 'ilson (.r wpirarp, \01101 C' real Bri ain -it"dol" (If 'W"I i,,,rt P,,rry SPRING AND SUMMER
A number of On it, mo on of Councillors M tho i'll, Ills (in account 2510N) tf,nq In her s( 1-\1 'lot 1g.
-as referred prv,onjo-d I,.\v lirf,111, it) so, Tnally ShIpinrnis wilal,ini,p(i is, FrAn(*,-, r\ -I,
�d tj,:,,nj).T
and Robertson this matter 'frl (,tl,. ;.,.
mended f(ir (if tilt, arorlro frorn home pared to, it]" ffItAl tjr jo,(W tion, , 1. ,1,,
or to]" IPIS vot-Ito special committee. SHOES
Mayor said tile least that the casos of th4' r-kth"r ge ill Ill,, 1917. I;IArn
made for tilt, printiniz Tibe 0114 9q\,- tho inror- 11 terian, ehurvh Erl-lit'll' I
ers' list Ili he to send five F1
public, NViorl,� town could do ,%oil ill 4 con- The rl,inrd Trnd-, n, -t wrl,irk a sid,'11,11-1 "ll'I"
We ro,comrolt ga,llnns of jzaj�olillnp apiprp it) tilt' two mlil�' ;v)d Illat it,, wA4 t,joir,-1 1,, Ili-' 11 The war has created a short
-not thd( o" lit err, lary oil
distributor I), dt I to b(ats that haa gone to the resene at N(,jljj,,jj if age of
i.r tania nivillber Or Ili(' ood leather as WC! I
f gl%lng
Do- the time of drowning, and this will be, .,�r if
the one-horse sprinjiler by Lh -nst of done. Nila�'.f ;#1-I ll,.r In fli,,� ithre i'll'! :in 'App"Intri, Tit \\111 nil 'll'. Kopp il as skilled shoe m a k- c r,;.
Ills Worship - ,-noting i,nIV it,,, tii�r if booth "("I"" 11111(jo uljixij� Ilphl"d Only by our close relat"
minion Boad Machine Co. at a ( \,or or
$100 on also Auggested a pill
sm, to be paid as foUO-,vq ' titualile appliance r,oild ri--1 not In fa \\jjnj,.d on it,, farm (p,iris-tt,
Nr.N 1,411, 1919 motor might be a T Aery r1larl
NoN. list - endinir itiwr ilf eour-, tile chief F �,.r Itan,iletl oj how or ilm0wr t,f lit", t with leading manufactilt
, $joo on to have for the resuscitaling of drown if he tills )ear NNI1,
and $I�Z on Nnv. Ist, 111'20 "ith In- clillid w,� .)t t,i� i\\n ollpon'"' I in tiolvii With 1,11" �.1114 ,n.j
\\ayilrd lot droNo a t"All, \NIDn 1� ji,imiling N%(Lll n, r,. j,tj, ers are we able to conitililt),1,
gh on till million I'Llol , lit rn,1% ... .... rtmll
'If, matter the ejrlplo)tllpnt y in N -Ir 1:,, h- th,
Th, -I-, , I,! "" ag4.tic hil.1"fl for our customers stl
I,) jif,11 \,ith th 111) f,.r r\lre V, \riivl I'Lmi st quality at
Tl,,, 11,tarav,fol r(oldilion Of tile IA- Sign t l,fjijj4 this har%e-t Tho Ill", Mr higbe
t,-ry at ti),, to%%n hnll ,,not it,#, Pn- -1111 -all 11, 1-1 ;1 prices.
MODEL THEATRE I bvfqw Nxere j'j1r \111.L" has b,-, Tio il, jj,jrji-t,-r in If-) - "I
fl,rf-mcill of the 01 :in extent a). I" 11.4'rin frool t,,I,l , r tji�
ntlwr yoialtrr� munlinner? by Ill- Wor- crvn-olil to, -11 f.% Ill ;Ili eni,rtaililli(z lji,jnri� r
SPECIAL ATTRACTION ll)j,Ij,oTj NNjs lo,,1Aod in j-, , jwr -10 .r b,,nir in lot rienr See our snappy
],ip ;tn,t a I -r. (,.r tti,. IjfTs,r I kit, r all elojo p,wi Il- "I"
Irwhila Ill"' to jilie, to, enf,,rcp the 1111-0 Kloz 1. .1 flt, (if Ill(r, %\�jq I. rt r,,r th. high and',low cut
Charles Richman and I- nt tinlri- rinAto o,
\%".,I h0lv� 1?71 ll-,[Arllltn� W2 0 - F r ii n o-. 1,1,iieg art- tit tW f,ow r i I
Tli, wavor al-, —int"I g,,rno an --r la n, 1, Oprnian). rjIt- or oo. --1-1 in the Most poplij ar
rr,mi tile 111'sPit-11 B""`1 a; L" tile 0 lo,
In white, the pre, v
Mary Fufler 1"%%n. ljilrv(,�ti(in 'jIe'Tl$r tile lin,_ (It jo.,,rI 1� poll f"t-th to,
fr,,,, rkrllV`1 at it,,, j,,,.pjtal, and tho I'l,r in utaj,l,, jor, sum
joetina an an,,w,,r front r, o(I., lao ypnr ,Nor I lit mer. color, we ll;",c
I �!iipinen OUT
cl,rh 1, tit ,Nrilp r, Im to( Ih, thr- e range of st�*!,:'-
11ohort-tin mentioned the 3\'*r" 1xv arlrvi�i ry POTATOVAR 11F-1 larg
.f tile i�tiuttq property ilt ttw A,,ir ftr,� %, ri lot lift
tie flOw-ribird it- an %triting Iferf, 1, Ili,- '14 ul\fl) Ahly cooked 1917 selling prlo,T�
11 , 111111TI-1-n if Fr r �),() ( a 14).
The Public Be Damned 1", L 0ormllillon 11,111 ,,, n .... t ,v 11 ir , rct"I Ihr,olgh
I Ihil Ili,. pr,.tftN \'.;IF; nbnut I,) he -Id ill, I a rl ph F BoArd tj,!,jjlgjj a r4cer.
I _, lit incr-ii,te 1,1901 ;j strainer c1lill too 11god In plart,
W. i.,\%. , .A) to, pay the nwiirloin I-ont parl of the 11"wir liat"T""r SHARMAN9 THE SHOE MAN
Its, A I Ofh it f, " 0 th, W-t Shoro bond -4 file (iog) b,itt, r. I? (Xin,0011 , f l"), ilt"ofA t
't 10.) 000 1 col(l jeft �iovr 'Phone I Oft
ednesday and I oupsun duty I It [,,I hNi.ivq irtinflrming tilt, pwimk jr)orv:j., rheP-', . . i , It it, I
113oll� '. J".101.006 dw- May he "Sed, but ftrp not qo r%sllv ------
the. clo rk iind poiwl� ill, r,,t- potil"o"Z
aq till, fT,\.,, hot
Adminion 20c 171von tilpop, re9o,Ijfjg41,,n,, jn,roa-p wti. at 10-1 11hor, Kit (W. r \()r qmto" "I Wood.
Show Starts 830 1 4 to I
. . . . . . . . . ....