HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-12, Page 4F 4 T1 July cat *00 T N TOPICS OW P AVW%M Continued from page 1. V"NL ON ;sON tion to have the will propoun ded, the children contesting tlie v.III on the The COLBORNE TO X weloweelp"M ground that, as they claimed, their mother "'Is .' mentally In a dition to make a will at the time of its execution, being subject I -Of Stylish New Wash UK% $195 lusions. Win . Proudfoot, K. tf, lzr,m_ New Collaps plaintiffs. W. T. MeAltillen , They came in l4c.e. stock, for defendants. Dr. Rob= We have put into stock a large assortment of the newest Collars. 1hu I Ernmerson, of #Iode,rcn, were called cuffs. These Collars are particularly smart and are of New York's l—at-ns design. They range X4 Skirts In gnoardeens, piques, etc., no two for the plainti(f to give evidence as to price from 60c to $2.75. alike, white ground with fancy colored stripe or figured in beautiful fast the mother's finental condition. Judg-- colors. Skirts are Pearl button or strap trimmed and with all the new ruent reserved. The second case, which %Nas heard New Ginghams styles In pockets, etc. Very smart they are and values are $3 So to on Thursday, Aas that of Butt vs. Wil - We place a very large choice at, for July sale, each $2.95. lis and Morgan, over ttic estate of the Gingliams are particularly good this season. We have been fortunate in securing nearl $4-50- y all late Win. Daymaiin, of Usborne.. our order and have some very pretty checks in this cloth which is 27 in. wide, at 25c and 50c a yeird. A Ghost -Like Car Dress Voiles, 20 Pieces New Rug Bargains The spectacle of a dare -devil auto- Ladies' Undepweap 40 to 42 Inches wide real French Volles in every mobile expert and another gentleman Tapestry Rugs who is heading that way at a good desirable ground cover and dainty designs. pace. the former using the gas tank We still have a complete range of ladies' and children's Underwear, in both long and short Special at per only. 3�4x4 yards in 2 tone green yard ........ a. .. 25c 35e mod 50e and browns. 9-gular $35.00 bolted on a Ford chasis for a seat, his sleeves. These garments are of the beat manufacture and are reasonable in price. They range in feet dangling somewhere in the vicinity price from 15c tg $1.00 a garment. for ............................... ......... $27.00 of the pedals and his hands gripping Showing of Waists Wilton Rugs the steering wheel, and the latter sit - Dozens of now summer Shirt Waists crepes, ting off the rear -end of the light steel Yarn fop Knitting Socks vollea and wash silks, latest New York styles 8,11U yards $50.00 for ....... framework, , holding on 48 best he and vory pleselp $45.00 could, was a sight witnessed Monday Grey fingering Yarn for socks, in four ply and of the best maker is here for your ins otev&oa . ................................... .. pection fige..... WJLX -alsitt-last on the -Huron road-.-Just-b- Special price f6i-Red-Cross SF66ie'ties. Union Rugs fore dusk, and when there was very little traffic on the road. There was Gossard Corsets fixil, SX3X, 8:x4 yards 000 nothing to the machine but the radi- ............................... :$5.00to$9 ator, engine, the lJgnt-iooking frame- Summer Dress Mateplals Even after long wear Gossard Corsets have 19 the same satisfactory sob, as when first filled. work, tank, and the wheels, of course, All the Summer Dress Materials go on sale Friday at greatly reduced urices. The cloths con - They lace in front. Price ................................. Japan Rugs but at a speed Of sgy forty miles an hour, mdre or less. one could not see = slet Qf colored voiles and organdies, beach cloths and mulls, both in plain and mixed colors. They $2.50, $3.50, $5.(*, $6.00 and $7.50 Matting Rugs with heavy cotton warp all even them, simply the spectacle of = wiMbe marked at prices that will clear them quickly. fancy patterns and nest 8x4 yards the swillrevolving tires. Will Craig sale price cash ............................. $5,00 Knitting Yarns had been making a "new" car and was copsets "trying It out" before completing the "Kitchener" and Bonur Worth Ceylon Flannels upper works, and Mike" was helping some. No. 1 -4 ply beat Scoteb 'fingering yarn, one of = - Just P� very few Corsets left but they will be cleared at the lowest possible price. Just odd the beat yarns on the market for Red Cross 87 inches wido'heavy soft Ceylon Flannelb in Sees Hip Opportunity In Salt sizes in each lot, but we are sure to have your size in some design. This Corset sale will save you knitting. Quality Is pure and beautiful in neat pink and blue stripes worth W at per yard ......................... Mr. W.'G. Qo its, of Big Stone Gap, money as the new lines have greatiy advanced in price. greys or white, comes in 611b spindles .............. 27e Va., who was inu town last week, sees Special Sale at per lb ............. ....... :$2 bo big possibilities for development in Military Flannels Goderich along the lines of the manu- HO'S 01413 Py Shetland Floss I facture of salt ana its by-products. Bestiquality 28 Inch genuine grey and white He writes About 5 dozen �oys' hosiery in odd sizes, for Saturday's selling. Regular price 35c, On sale Best quality black only 50 lbs 8 B's Military Flannel worth 75c. at per "Goderich, like many large cen-tres, Saturday, 29c. brand 20o. skeins for .......................... yard .......................................... 10C 60c Is especially adapted to certain lines of Industry and activity by reason of Its rees. The 100 feet of salt and Gloves resou the lilexhaustible limestone are the foundation for one of the most prom- On Friday will be put on sale a number of broken lines of Silk Gloves in bland and colors. Wa ACHIiSON & SON ising industries of our times. Very They will be much below the market nrice and will be real bargains. few people know that there are hun- dreds of different articles made from salt and lime, a few or which are lye, soda, ash, baking soda, washing soda, etc. The fact that eertain Baltimore North Huron, Information on these their home In Port'Colborne on Satur- capital, some 45 years ago, undertook Jm Hn COLBORNE Cbe Oobertcb $tar cards has been extracted by the regi- day, after a ten days' visit to relatives to sink a shaft to this immense salt TW3CPHOMN CALL 71. strar for the (irganization of Resources In town. resource at Goderich, ana did not sue- 0. A A. Corsets THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY Standard Pattepits Committee of Toronto, vvho will make Mrs. Arthur T. Tanner, of LonMon, ceed, does not prove Lriat it is not Ifunledinte Ilse, of them. feasible." Mr. Coutts Deneves that It FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1918 is visiting her relatives, Mr. and Mrs is easily feasible and that there are The total for the different towns and jnO. W. Vanatter, Waterloo Street, this' villagi,s are as follows : Goderich 406, millions in the Idea ana that capital week., REGISTRATION RESULTS Winwharn 326, Brussels 98, Bluevale 25 on a large scale would readily grasp 9 1 Lance-corporaA W. 11. Moss, of AMONG THE CHURCHES family, his only brother preceding P. Kehoe, P. Wahl, M, Gleason and Blyth I](',, Walton .30, Dung on a the opportunity If they knew of it. him some years ago ills brother, Ed - 8, ll� Thorridale, was the guest, for the J. McDermott. Seventy Per Cent. of lien lei Urban Wroxeter 53, Fordwich 4 M fle 72' week -end, at the home of Mrs. John Presentation to Mrs. Bullard Rev. W. H. Gunton, of Toronto, will ward, helped superiMena the building Centres of North Huron Willhip Ethel 31, BelArave 35. to The total number of deputies ap- L. Aitken. On Wednesday evening of last week, preach at both services in the Baptist of St. Joseph's church ana the bell of) Worm Powders will drive Do Farm Work the members of the choir of St. Peter's church next Sunday. edifice tolled the first time for the pointed was 116 and the number of as- We were pleased to see Mr. Prest funeral.of his father. On April 19th, church called at the residence of Mrs, Buckley will give an organ jury to the child, -The powders are These and others whd up town again on "rues(ray, the first Mr. re- 1863, deceased was united in marriage worms from the system without in - The work of compiling the registra- sistants 260. tion 'returns for North Huron has been offered their services the registrar time since his recent operation for W. H. Bullard and agreeably surprisea eital a week from next Sunday even- to Miss, Ellen Byrne, who survives so easy to take that the most delicate r, heartily thanks for the splendid work appendicitis. her with the following address ac- fig in St. George's church. oompleted at the offlee of the Registra companied by a gift of twenty dol- him. They celebrated their golden Stomach can assimilate tnern and wel- 'N. Bellamy, Dungannon, and for the I&rs : Of wedding five years ago. The follow - they did during registration week. As Capt. D. A. McCarten, Mrs. McCarten, Miss Lillie MeArthur, formerly come them as speedy easers of -pain, soon as the'returns are received from and Master Robert, of Winnipeg; are 918. Goderich and *now of Montreal, and Ing daughters and one son sur�ive, because they promptly kill the worms Information -of the public the results Goderich, July 3, 1 .,are. published below. A total of 16,067 Ottawa the regls ' trar nopes to publish guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs- To Mrs. Bullard. Miss Laura Bates addressed the Arthur John L., who recently returned from that cause the pain, and thus the suf- in the local,press a list of the workers W. G. M-acEwan. of Circle at the meeting on Tuesday. ferip - i Istered before and on June 22— Dear Friend,—Having learned Mexico ; Mrs. J. B. Coulon, of Detroit; g of the child is relieved. With 4howing the assigned remuneration to -7440 males and 8627 females. This is Mrs. C. Beek and Miss Ella Beek, of your approaching departure, we, the Services on Sabbath morning in Knox Mrs. R. J. Phelan, of Goderich ; Misses so sterling a remedy at ban(] no child the Red Cross Fund. regarded as very complete, In fact it Toronto, are visiting in town, and are members of St. Peter's choir, wish, to church will be condueted by the Rev. Kathleen, of Chicago, and Margaret, should suffer an hoir from worms, The registrar also thanks the people receiving a warm vvetcoMe fr�om their acknowledge the valuable services you Jas. Hamilton. In the. evening the at home. One son, Lraward, was ac- eneeded the expectation of the Regi atration Board at Ottawa, who made of North Huron for responding so many friends here. d out West six months The Canada Food Board Is circular - 'Y '��allowance for a ofirtain percentage no' readily and willingly to the provisions have rendered as organist and choir pastor's subject will be, "The Royal cidentally kille t Mr. Win. Sharman returned to town directress. Life." - ago. Deceased was a member of St. lzing a film taken on noard a Pacific being able to attend for registration of the Registration Act. last week and Is looking very -well The relationship that has existed The annual Sunday School picnic in Joseph',.; church and a member of the trawler from Prince Rupert shovving obecause of sickness, etc. However, due after his recent operation, though not amongst us as members of the choir connection with Knox church will be C. 'M. B. A. and the Holy Name Soci- how Pacific flat -fish are caught and to the diligence of the capable deputies neld on 'Mon - PEOPLE WE KNOW Ifeeling very strong yet. has always been most pleasant. We held next Wednesday afternoon at the eties. The funeral was handled, under the auspices of the and assistants. most of these were day morning to Avondale cemetery. hir. and Mrs. John G. Leiner and all regret that we are so soon tavlose re4ldence of Mrs, A, P. McLean, Hur6n Board, for distribution In the Western looked after prior to registration day, your help and companionship in the Road. Requiem High Mass was celebrated at provinces, as a reasonably priced sub - With the result that It can be definitely Miss Helen Griffith is visiting In Lon- daughter, Mildred, are visiting Mrs. work of the choir. St. Joseph's church 1,y the Rev. Father stitute for meat. don. Leiner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Evangelical Church, Colborne, Rev Stated there are no more than fifty un- We beg to assure you that we shall - Dunn. The very la,ge attendance at �Veglstered persons In the riding todwy. Nlifs Josie'Saunders is home from A. Wells, on the Bayfleld Road. always have pleasant memories of the W. H. Campbell, B. A., B. D., pastor. the funeral spoke of the high esteem 40 A6 95 `17 C� 3EX X AL Services Sunday, July 14th. At Col In tire townships It Nvrtl be noted the Toronto for a visit. Miss Mary, Nicholson, of New York, time we spent together. We trust borne at JO a. m. Sabbath School at in which deceased was held. Relatives returned 6n Saturday to her parental BeaWthe The Kind You Have Aiways Bought male and female ipoputation Is about Miss Agnes Hamilton is home from r and friends were prosent from Detroit, "'o u that your future and also that of you if a. in. Children's Day service at Zion home on Quebec Street, where she husband and son may continue to b Mitchell, St. Marys, and London. The SIP$ ;-equally, divided but In the towns the her school for the holidays. Min e South at 2-30 P. m. Children's Day bearers were E. 0'1$14nerty, F. Dyer, will spend her summer vacation. r le�nales are in the majority by severfil N one of happiness and prosperit�. ',I s . of 7 1 8 ,,. Do,.%*Ie, or Sault Ste. Marie, service at Colborne at o5 p. in. A s len- hundred, this being due to the fact Ont, is visiting relatives In town. Mr. "d Mrs, Adam Bowman, Of In appreciation of your valuable as- did pr9gram is being prepared p for 7 'that there are many husbands over- town, left , for Toronto this week, sistance and goodness we ask you to Miss C. M. Campbell, of Sarnia, these services to which all are in - Seas. is where Air. Bowman has taken a PO- kindly accept the enclosed amount. The following Is the standing of the visiting at her home, Victoria Street. sition with the J. B. i3mith Lumber Co. We offer this as a small token of our vited to attend. Various townships, towns and villages: Mrs. S. Wyatt and children, of Strat- Miss Harriet Eaton and Miss Thelma esteem- and love towards you. The services in North Street Metho- Male Female Total ford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Ross, of Saginaw, Micri., are spending Signed on behalf of the members Of dist church will be tonducted next 737 741 J478 A. S-itb. Jr. Sunday by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Rut- a couple- of weeks with the latter's St. Peter's choir, ledge. Subject for morning, "Strength W_ wawanosh 397 306 US Miss Edith Murney and Mr. Harold parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ross, Ang- MRS. JAS. B. REYNOLDS. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE X Wawanosh 469 515 984 Murney were home from Toronto for lesea St. After spending a very social even- for Weak Hands." Evening "Running a 6morne 490- 456 946 Dominion Day. Away from God." Men's S�nday Club _0 A fishing party from near Belgrave Ing light refreshments were served by meets In the church parlor at 10 a. in. CLINTON, ONTARIO 7'15 789 IV4 Mrs, Dunlop and daughter, Miss Dun- motored, to town on Wednesday for a the choir, Subject for discussion, "What are the 640 12,37 lop, are visiting at Grimsby, Hamilton day's sport. The party consisted of Benefits of the Class Meeting ?" Sun - 597 With the Knitters 749 733 1482 and Niagara. Bert Bradburn. Fred Cook, Stanley Many thanks are due th day School and Bible Classes meet at "VOr)lberry 642 570 it][2 e following i6o 36,a 625 Mr. and Mrs. Chowen and Miss Betty Cook, Orville Taylor ana C. W. Scott. ladies for contributions of socks : Mrs. 3 p. in. Xlsltors always welcome to The present NATIGNA.L NEED demands that you serve if vtoxeter J33 180 313 of Hamilton, are visiting Mr. and Mrw Reynolds, 18 prs. ; Miss S. Clark, a all services. free to do an. Our SOLDIERS cannot fight "OVER THERE" Oorrio 135 158 293 Bay Rumball. friend, 12 prs. each ; Mrs. W. L. Her- WITHOUT TRAINING—You cannot serve effectively over here 130 158 288 Mr. and Airs. Frank Martin, of De- ton, It prs. -, Mrs. Button, 10 prs. ; Mrs. OBITUARY without training. 221 9.76 j97 troit, arrived in town last Friday for Woods. 7 prs. ; Miss Farrow, Miss E. month's visit, Foster (Port Albert), mrs. D. Ferguson, A course at this school will enable you to render effective 147 169 316 Q _h1m Mrs. McKim, Mrs. Burkholder, 6 prs. SULLIVAN.—The following from The service. �ng 6:18 951. 1569 Mr. H, B. Tiolibourne. of St. Marys, each ; Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. Jno. Sturdy, Stratford Beacon, refers to the father 1100 1630 2760 spent a week's holiday@ with his par- 5 prs. each ; Mrs. Morris, Mrs. R. J. of - Mrs. R. J. Phalen, of town — — — It is the work and the pride of the school to make its students ents in town last week. 7A40 8,627 16.067 Mr. Charles Wallis, of Clinton, who Acheson, Mrs. Sharman, %Ira. C. C. Lee, Patrick J. Sullivan,one of the oldest 100 per cent. efficient, for in every walli Of life the DEMAND is 'Mrs. Anstay, Mrs. W. Young, Mrs. J. pioneers of this section, died at the Vpestlon 13 an the male cards, "Are returned last week from his W for better trained men and women. Qstem McLeod, A. Shitray, CL ShIrray, Mrs. -family residence, 287 Wellington street, tw-do-Ifirm 'work ?" was trip, ivas in town - on- Wednesday. Dancey, Miss A. Andrews, 4 prs. each,' this city, early Saturday morning, Anwored Py 1,3W men In the urban Mr. and Mrs. Wilcott, of Stratford, Mrs. J. MeMath, Miss Matheson, Miss June 22nd, after ari Illness of eighteen We offer the following cou'rses 400tres vyho are not at present engag- motored to Goderloh and spent Sun- Whitely, Miss P. Fraser, Mrs. Bishop, months, at the age or 82 years. He �64 ini thriiiing, but who are willing to BUSINESS b4_'6ut, it necessary. The total male day with '%fr, and Mrs. Abe Smith, Jr. Mlssj�,Ball, Mrs. Holt, Miss M. Clark, was perhaps one of the best known Sergt. Major Dean and Mrs. Dean and ARRIVALS AT HOTEL SUNSET Mrs. 't. Girvin. Mrs, Morrish, Mrs. S. persons In this community, and was STENOGRAPHIC k- Vopolation ot the urban centres is jiotW over 1,8K so that the per children, of Toronto, are the guests of The Hotel Sunset opened for the Andrews, Mrs. Goldthorpe, Sr., Mrs, respected and kevered by all who know SECRETARIAL 4 f 0. C. Hill, 3 prs. each ; Mrs. W. Poster him. He was a firm Catholic In faith RVS. PENMANSHIP 064j, It hearly 70. This reflects well Capt. and Mrs. Fox or the %,veek end. season on June 24th and a number of (Port Albert), Miss J. Lynn, Mrs. Mack- and proved his, Christian spirit num- the patriotism of the people of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell returned to visitors are staying there. A large Ito. I CIVIL SERV�CK Miss H. Cooke, Mrs. A. Murray, berless times by the render and kindly number of transients also have regis- Mrs. Ball, Mrs. Hineks, Miss A. Driver, manner in which be dealt with his tered. The following names are taken Miss S. Dark, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. friends and acquaintances. His char- And arrange special courses for special Btudents. ell M from the register : Nrrs. J. 0. Bouch- 'suits, M Ron B. S rs. P. MacEwan, Sr., Mrs. acter was beautiful and his personality er, Mrs. Harold Groove, Mrs. 1 Harley Bullard, Mrs. Ed. Farr, a friend, Mrs. most lovable. Deceased was born In Brown, Miss Margaret Brown. London; W. j. McCreath. Miss O'Rourke, Mrs. Killaloe, County of Tipperary, Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sedgwick, Detroit, Win. Lee, 2 prs. each ; Mrs. Carrie, March 31st, 1836, and came to Strat- School Opens Tuesday, September 3rd Mich. ; S. A. Briggs, W. It. Smith, Mr, Mrs. R. Clark, Miss Sharman, Mrs. J. R. ford In 1853. He followed the rail - and Mrs. F. H. Hodgens, hilss Doris Cra4gle, Miss Tiffln, Miss G. Dark, Mrs. reading business for over (orty-two -Mrs. ft. T. -Web-' 600-su-MMUPIP Ature L. Hodgens, Toronto CANADA NEEDS YOUR WORK—Think it over and write Rhynas, Miss Holt, Mrs. Jos. Griffin, years and was well Rnown on the ster, R. J. Webster, 0. 4 Webster, Miss A Friend, Mrs. S. E. Hick, -Mrs. D. Mar- G. T. R. He had a large number of for particulars to G. Archer. Miss M. H. -Mitchell, Lon- wick, Mrs. Sterling, Miss Sterling, Mrs. friends amongst peop!p Of all oteeds don : Almah Rogerson, Bradford. Pa.; Black. Mrs. Jun. Chisholm, Mrs. H. J. and nationalities, was a' good kind B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Acets., Principal. A. E. Millar, F. F. Iftlar, London ; T. A. MacEwan, Mrs. Frank Elliott, Mrs. neighbor and well esteemed by old 0. Martin, Windsor ; H. H. MacArthur, McCartney Mrs. W. J. MeNevin, Miss and young alike. Until the last mom- Walkerville , Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Red- 'irs. Swaffleld, Mrs. Tan- ent, he retained his faculties find the M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -President Lawrence, IN ding. 0. 1. Ward. London ; J. E. Morris, cott, I pr. each. evening before his demise signed his Theas 208 CLINTON. ONT., Mrs. Morris. Itilsses olive and Ruth Yarn may be had on Saturday at registration card ana spoke at length Morris, Stratford ; Mrs. Mo6re, Miss Hodgens Bros,' store and a notice will of current affairs in general. Mr. Sul - Jocelyn Moore, Toronto ; 1. Van Nor- be st member of his Man. E. lRush, J. Currie, E. Erskine. F. placed In their window telling livan was the la Mr. and Mrs. where to obtain It later. MacDonald, Wingham , I Socks are still the most needed ar- E. 0. Johnston and son. Toronto; Mrs. A H. H. Ellerten and Miss PhylUs Eller- ticle for our soldier bqys. Will those having yarn kindly r6turn the socks ton. Detroit ; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ruby as soon as possible. There Is also a 31�% k�_, and Llewellyn C. Ruby, Kitchener . Dr. Eshleman and wife and Miss quantity of good yarn 9n hand for J Jeanne Eshleman, of Buffalo. N. y. ; willing knitters. I t o Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McConnell and Mis- Ses Margaret and Dorothy and Jim Mo - BRIEF TOWN TOPICS "The National Smoke" Connell, of London ; wra. R. 0. Lam- brecht and children, Miss Marion kock, Don't miss 'hearing Sergt.-Major Detroit . hilss Reta Currey, Toronto - Dean. of Toronto. in & A. Clads Friday 1* WHS0 Mr. and Mrs. A. If. Lofft. Fred Lofft. at 8 1). in. Flight-bleut Loffi, Miss Young. SL The. executive committee In charge Marys, Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Nancett, of the First of July celebration met on Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mussen, Stratford , Monday evening and NMIn last night Nell Stewart, London ; A. B. McNair. to wind up the business. Herbert Gbarlton, Elliott E. S. Shysleyv Denfleld ; Mrs. Robert Herr and family, tri Engineer Castor of the Hydro-Elee- c Commission w&s in town this week �Mlgs A. 0. Hollifirake, Jack Harris. and met with, the water and light Bruee Kerr. Donald Ke", Miss EN-elyn commission last night. 11141 11arrN, Tommy Harris, rqargar�t Harris and family, snss Dora Harris. The regular monihly meeting of the The rips, Mellow flavor and tine aroma of choice Miss Dally Kerr, Brantford , W. G. Abmeek Chapter, 1. 0. D. * E., will be Weichel 6 Mrs. welchel, the Misses held In the jury room of the Cburt Havana leaf, properly cared and matared, have won 3 for 251 Norms. noft ftnd Audrey Welehel A House on Monday, July 15th, at a p. in. for this ci ar its 1"dership in Catilidi. NVAterloo , Dr. 1M. X Itobln�liyn,' Rumors are In circulation that the ig on ; NIrs. Joseph G. Standart, cartUe business of OD. qergt. hiajor rax BLACK 14rA-Mne-s W. Standart, Joseph SW(11ft, Jane has been disposed of. T'his Is Ws§ ffertha O'Rourke, Nlroli, not correct as Mr Marriott is merely ANDREWWIL ADVTai�r, 71N' 71;E STAH Jane's 'rettirn from the front. tookina ftflor th(,*bnsInPsQ itntil Mr. ��_A �,_EMLJI LrML t w July cat *00 T N TOPICS OW P AVW%M Continued from page 1. V"NL ON ;sON tion to have the will propoun ded, the children contesting tlie v.III on the The COLBORNE TO X weloweelp"M ground that, as they claimed, their mother "'Is .' mentally In a dition to make a will at the time of its execution, being subject I -Of Stylish New Wash UK% $195 lusions. Win . Proudfoot, K. tf, lzr,m_ New Collaps plaintiffs. W. T. MeAltillen , They came in l4c.e. stock, for defendants. Dr. Rob= We have put into stock a large assortment of the newest Collars. 1hu I Ernmerson, of #Iode,rcn, were called cuffs. These Collars are particularly smart and are of New York's l—at-ns design. They range X4 Skirts In gnoardeens, piques, etc., no two for the plainti(f to give evidence as to price from 60c to $2.75. alike, white ground with fancy colored stripe or figured in beautiful fast the mother's finental condition. Judg-- colors. Skirts are Pearl button or strap trimmed and with all the new ruent reserved. The second case, which %Nas heard New Ginghams styles In pockets, etc. Very smart they are and values are $3 So to on Thursday, Aas that of Butt vs. Wil - We place a very large choice at, for July sale, each $2.95. lis and Morgan, over ttic estate of the Gingliams are particularly good this season. We have been fortunate in securing nearl $4-50- y all late Win. Daymaiin, of Usborne.. our order and have some very pretty checks in this cloth which is 27 in. wide, at 25c and 50c a yeird. A Ghost -Like Car Dress Voiles, 20 Pieces New Rug Bargains The spectacle of a dare -devil auto- Ladies' Undepweap 40 to 42 Inches wide real French Volles in every mobile expert and another gentleman Tapestry Rugs who is heading that way at a good desirable ground cover and dainty designs. pace. the former using the gas tank We still have a complete range of ladies' and children's Underwear, in both long and short Special at per only. 3�4x4 yards in 2 tone green yard ........ a. .. 25c 35e mod 50e and browns. 9-gular $35.00 bolted on a Ford chasis for a seat, his sleeves. These garments are of the beat manufacture and are reasonable in price. They range in feet dangling somewhere in the vicinity price from 15c tg $1.00 a garment. for ............................... ......... $27.00 of the pedals and his hands gripping Showing of Waists Wilton Rugs the steering wheel, and the latter sit - Dozens of now summer Shirt Waists crepes, ting off the rear -end of the light steel Yarn fop Knitting Socks vollea and wash silks, latest New York styles 8,11U yards $50.00 for ....... framework, , holding on 48 best he and vory pleselp $45.00 could, was a sight witnessed Monday Grey fingering Yarn for socks, in four ply and of the best maker is here for your ins otev&oa . ................................... .. pection fige..... WJLX -alsitt-last on the -Huron road-.-Just-b- Special price f6i-Red-Cross SF66ie'ties. Union Rugs fore dusk, and when there was very little traffic on the road. There was Gossard Corsets fixil, SX3X, 8:x4 yards 000 nothing to the machine but the radi- ............................... :$5.00to$9 ator, engine, the lJgnt-iooking frame- Summer Dress Mateplals Even after long wear Gossard Corsets have 19 the same satisfactory sob, as when first filled. work, tank, and the wheels, of course, All the Summer Dress Materials go on sale Friday at greatly reduced urices. The cloths con - They lace in front. Price ................................. Japan Rugs but at a speed Of sgy forty miles an hour, mdre or less. one could not see = slet Qf colored voiles and organdies, beach cloths and mulls, both in plain and mixed colors. They $2.50, $3.50, $5.(*, $6.00 and $7.50 Matting Rugs with heavy cotton warp all even them, simply the spectacle of = wiMbe marked at prices that will clear them quickly. fancy patterns and nest 8x4 yards the swillrevolving tires. Will Craig sale price cash ............................. $5,00 Knitting Yarns had been making a "new" car and was copsets "trying It out" before completing the "Kitchener" and Bonur Worth Ceylon Flannels upper works, and Mike" was helping some. No. 1 -4 ply beat Scoteb 'fingering yarn, one of = - Just P� very few Corsets left but they will be cleared at the lowest possible price. Just odd the beat yarns on the market for Red Cross 87 inches wido'heavy soft Ceylon Flannelb in Sees Hip Opportunity In Salt sizes in each lot, but we are sure to have your size in some design. This Corset sale will save you knitting. Quality Is pure and beautiful in neat pink and blue stripes worth W at per yard ......................... Mr. W.'G. Qo its, of Big Stone Gap, money as the new lines have greatiy advanced in price. greys or white, comes in 611b spindles .............. 27e Va., who was inu town last week, sees Special Sale at per lb ............. ....... :$2 bo big possibilities for development in Military Flannels Goderich along the lines of the manu- HO'S 01413 Py Shetland Floss I facture of salt ana its by-products. Bestiquality 28 Inch genuine grey and white He writes About 5 dozen �oys' hosiery in odd sizes, for Saturday's selling. Regular price 35c, On sale Best quality black only 50 lbs 8 B's Military Flannel worth 75c. at per "Goderich, like many large cen-tres, Saturday, 29c. brand 20o. skeins for .......................... yard .......................................... 10C 60c Is especially adapted to certain lines of Industry and activity by reason of Its rees. The 100 feet of salt and Gloves resou the lilexhaustible limestone are the foundation for one of the most prom- On Friday will be put on sale a number of broken lines of Silk Gloves in bland and colors. Wa ACHIiSON & SON ising industries of our times. Very They will be much below the market nrice and will be real bargains. few people know that there are hun- dreds of different articles made from salt and lime, a few or which are lye, soda, ash, baking soda, washing soda, etc. The fact that eertain Baltimore North Huron, Information on these their home In Port'Colborne on Satur- capital, some 45 years ago, undertook Jm Hn COLBORNE Cbe Oobertcb $tar cards has been extracted by the regi- day, after a ten days' visit to relatives to sink a shaft to this immense salt TW3CPHOMN CALL 71. strar for the (irganization of Resources In town. resource at Goderich, ana did not sue- 0. A A. Corsets THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY Standard Pattepits Committee of Toronto, vvho will make Mrs. Arthur T. Tanner, of LonMon, ceed, does not prove Lriat it is not Ifunledinte Ilse, of them. feasible." Mr. Coutts Deneves that It FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1918 is visiting her relatives, Mr. and Mrs is easily feasible and that there are The total for the different towns and jnO. W. Vanatter, Waterloo Street, this' villagi,s are as follows : Goderich 406, millions in the Idea ana that capital week., REGISTRATION RESULTS Winwharn 326, Brussels 98, Bluevale 25 on a large scale would readily grasp 9 1 Lance-corporaA W. 11. Moss, of AMONG THE CHURCHES family, his only brother preceding P. Kehoe, P. Wahl, M, Gleason and Blyth I](',, Walton .30, Dung on a the opportunity If they knew of it. him some years ago ills brother, Ed - 8, ll� Thorridale, was the guest, for the J. McDermott. Seventy Per Cent. of lien lei Urban Wroxeter 53, Fordwich 4 M fle 72' week -end, at the home of Mrs. John Presentation to Mrs. Bullard Rev. W. H. Gunton, of Toronto, will ward, helped superiMena the building Centres of North Huron Willhip Ethel 31, BelArave 35. to The total number of deputies ap- L. Aitken. On Wednesday evening of last week, preach at both services in the Baptist of St. Joseph's church ana the bell of) Worm Powders will drive Do Farm Work the members of the choir of St. Peter's church next Sunday. edifice tolled the first time for the pointed was 116 and the number of as- We were pleased to see Mr. Prest funeral.of his father. On April 19th, church called at the residence of Mrs, Buckley will give an organ jury to the child, -The powders are These and others whd up town again on "rues(ray, the first Mr. re- 1863, deceased was united in marriage worms from the system without in - The work of compiling the registra- sistants 260. tion 'returns for North Huron has been offered their services the registrar time since his recent operation for W. H. Bullard and agreeably surprisea eital a week from next Sunday even- to Miss, Ellen Byrne, who survives so easy to take that the most delicate r, heartily thanks for the splendid work appendicitis. her with the following address ac- fig in St. George's church. oompleted at the offlee of the Registra companied by a gift of twenty dol- him. They celebrated their golden Stomach can assimilate tnern and wel- 'N. Bellamy, Dungannon, and for the I&rs : Of wedding five years ago. The follow - they did during registration week. As Capt. D. A. McCarten, Mrs. McCarten, Miss Lillie MeArthur, formerly come them as speedy easers of -pain, soon as the'returns are received from and Master Robert, of Winnipeg; are 918. Goderich and *now of Montreal, and Ing daughters and one son sur�ive, because they promptly kill the worms Information -of the public the results Goderich, July 3, 1 .,are. published below. A total of 16,067 Ottawa the regls ' trar nopes to publish guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs- To Mrs. Bullard. Miss Laura Bates addressed the Arthur John L., who recently returned from that cause the pain, and thus the suf- in the local,press a list of the workers W. G. M-acEwan. of Circle at the meeting on Tuesday. ferip - i Istered before and on June 22— Dear Friend,—Having learned Mexico ; Mrs. J. B. Coulon, of Detroit; g of the child is relieved. With 4howing the assigned remuneration to -7440 males and 8627 females. This is Mrs. C. Beek and Miss Ella Beek, of your approaching departure, we, the Services on Sabbath morning in Knox Mrs. R. J. Phelan, of Goderich ; Misses so sterling a remedy at ban(] no child the Red Cross Fund. regarded as very complete, In fact it Toronto, are visiting in town, and are members of St. Peter's choir, wish, to church will be condueted by the Rev. Kathleen, of Chicago, and Margaret, should suffer an hoir from worms, The registrar also thanks the people receiving a warm vvetcoMe fr�om their acknowledge the valuable services you Jas. Hamilton. In the. evening the at home. One son, Lraward, was ac- eneeded the expectation of the Regi atration Board at Ottawa, who made of North Huron for responding so many friends here. d out West six months The Canada Food Board Is circular - 'Y '��allowance for a ofirtain percentage no' readily and willingly to the provisions have rendered as organist and choir pastor's subject will be, "The Royal cidentally kille t Mr. Win. Sharman returned to town directress. Life." - ago. Deceased was a member of St. lzing a film taken on noard a Pacific being able to attend for registration of the Registration Act. last week and Is looking very -well The relationship that has existed The annual Sunday School picnic in Joseph',.; church and a member of the trawler from Prince Rupert shovving obecause of sickness, etc. However, due after his recent operation, though not amongst us as members of the choir connection with Knox church will be C. 'M. B. A. and the Holy Name Soci- how Pacific flat -fish are caught and to the diligence of the capable deputies neld on 'Mon - PEOPLE WE KNOW Ifeeling very strong yet. has always been most pleasant. We held next Wednesday afternoon at the eties. The funeral was handled, under the auspices of the and assistants. most of these were day morning to Avondale cemetery. hir. and Mrs. John G. Leiner and all regret that we are so soon tavlose re4ldence of Mrs, A, P. McLean, Hur6n Board, for distribution In the Western looked after prior to registration day, your help and companionship in the Road. Requiem High Mass was celebrated at provinces, as a reasonably priced sub - With the result that It can be definitely Miss Helen Griffith is visiting In Lon- daughter, Mildred, are visiting Mrs. work of the choir. St. Joseph's church 1,y the Rev. Father stitute for meat. don. Leiner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Evangelical Church, Colborne, Rev Stated there are no more than fifty un- We beg to assure you that we shall - Dunn. The very la,ge attendance at �Veglstered persons In the riding todwy. Nlifs Josie'Saunders is home from A. Wells, on the Bayfleld Road. always have pleasant memories of the W. H. Campbell, B. A., B. D., pastor. the funeral spoke of the high esteem 40 A6 95 `17 C� 3EX X AL Services Sunday, July 14th. At Col In tire townships It Nvrtl be noted the Toronto for a visit. Miss Mary, Nicholson, of New York, time we spent together. We trust borne at JO a. m. Sabbath School at in which deceased was held. Relatives returned 6n Saturday to her parental BeaWthe The Kind You Have Aiways Bought male and female ipoputation Is about Miss Agnes Hamilton is home from r and friends were prosent from Detroit, "'o u that your future and also that of you if a. in. Children's Day service at Zion home on Quebec Street, where she husband and son may continue to b Mitchell, St. Marys, and London. The SIP$ ;-equally, divided but In the towns the her school for the holidays. Min e South at 2-30 P. m. Children's Day bearers were E. 0'1$14nerty, F. Dyer, will spend her summer vacation. r le�nales are in the majority by severfil N one of happiness and prosperit�. ',I s . of 7 1 8 ,,. Do,.%*Ie, or Sault Ste. Marie, service at Colborne at o5 p. in. A s len- hundred, this being due to the fact Ont, is visiting relatives In town. Mr. "d Mrs, Adam Bowman, Of In appreciation of your valuable as- did pr9gram is being prepared p for 7 'that there are many husbands over- town, left , for Toronto this week, sistance and goodness we ask you to Miss C. M. Campbell, of Sarnia, these services to which all are in - Seas. is where Air. Bowman has taken a PO- kindly accept the enclosed amount. The following Is the standing of the visiting at her home, Victoria Street. sition with the J. B. i3mith Lumber Co. We offer this as a small token of our vited to attend. Various townships, towns and villages: Mrs. S. Wyatt and children, of Strat- Miss Harriet Eaton and Miss Thelma esteem- and love towards you. The services in North Street Metho- Male Female Total ford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Ross, of Saginaw, Micri., are spending Signed on behalf of the members Of dist church will be tonducted next 737 741 J478 A. S-itb. Jr. Sunday by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Rut- a couple- of weeks with the latter's St. Peter's choir, ledge. Subject for morning, "Strength W_ wawanosh 397 306 US Miss Edith Murney and Mr. Harold parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Ross, Ang- MRS. JAS. B. REYNOLDS. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE X Wawanosh 469 515 984 Murney were home from Toronto for lesea St. After spending a very social even- for Weak Hands." Evening "Running a 6morne 490- 456 946 Dominion Day. Away from God." Men's S�nday Club _0 A fishing party from near Belgrave Ing light refreshments were served by meets In the church parlor at 10 a. in. CLINTON, ONTARIO 7'15 789 IV4 Mrs, Dunlop and daughter, Miss Dun- motored, to town on Wednesday for a the choir, Subject for discussion, "What are the 640 12,37 lop, are visiting at Grimsby, Hamilton day's sport. The party consisted of Benefits of the Class Meeting ?" Sun - 597 With the Knitters 749 733 1482 and Niagara. Bert Bradburn. Fred Cook, Stanley Many thanks are due th day School and Bible Classes meet at "VOr)lberry 642 570 it][2 e following i6o 36,a 625 Mr. and Mrs. Chowen and Miss Betty Cook, Orville Taylor ana C. W. Scott. ladies for contributions of socks : Mrs. 3 p. in. Xlsltors always welcome to The present NATIGNA.L NEED demands that you serve if vtoxeter J33 180 313 of Hamilton, are visiting Mr. and Mrw Reynolds, 18 prs. ; Miss S. Clark, a all services. free to do an. Our SOLDIERS cannot fight "OVER THERE" Oorrio 135 158 293 Bay Rumball. friend, 12 prs. each ; Mrs. W. L. Her- WITHOUT TRAINING—You cannot serve effectively over here 130 158 288 Mr. and Airs. Frank Martin, of De- ton, It prs. -, Mrs. Button, 10 prs. ; Mrs. OBITUARY without training. 221 9.76 j97 troit, arrived in town last Friday for Woods. 7 prs. ; Miss Farrow, Miss E. month's visit, Foster (Port Albert), mrs. D. Ferguson, A course at this school will enable you to render effective 147 169 316 Q _h1m Mrs. McKim, Mrs. Burkholder, 6 prs. SULLIVAN.—The following from The service. �ng 6:18 951. 1569 Mr. H, B. Tiolibourne. of St. Marys, each ; Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. Jno. Sturdy, Stratford Beacon, refers to the father 1100 1630 2760 spent a week's holiday@ with his par- 5 prs. each ; Mrs. Morris, Mrs. R. J. of - Mrs. R. J. Phalen, of town — — — It is the work and the pride of the school to make its students ents in town last week. 7A40 8,627 16.067 Mr. Charles Wallis, of Clinton, who Acheson, Mrs. Sharman, %Ira. C. C. Lee, Patrick J. Sullivan,one of the oldest 100 per cent. efficient, for in every walli Of life the DEMAND is 'Mrs. Anstay, Mrs. W. Young, Mrs. J. pioneers of this section, died at the Vpestlon 13 an the male cards, "Are returned last week from his W for better trained men and women. Qstem McLeod, A. Shitray, CL ShIrray, Mrs. -family residence, 287 Wellington street, tw-do-Ifirm 'work ?" was trip, ivas in town - on- Wednesday. Dancey, Miss A. Andrews, 4 prs. each,' this city, early Saturday morning, Anwored Py 1,3W men In the urban Mr. and Mrs. Wilcott, of Stratford, Mrs. J. MeMath, Miss Matheson, Miss June 22nd, after ari Illness of eighteen We offer the following cou'rses 400tres vyho are not at present engag- motored to Goderloh and spent Sun- Whitely, Miss P. Fraser, Mrs. Bishop, months, at the age or 82 years. He �64 ini thriiiing, but who are willing to BUSINESS b4_'6ut, it necessary. The total male day with '%fr, and Mrs. Abe Smith, Jr. Mlssj�,Ball, Mrs. Holt, Miss M. Clark, was perhaps one of the best known Sergt. Major Dean and Mrs. Dean and ARRIVALS AT HOTEL SUNSET Mrs. 't. Girvin. Mrs, Morrish, Mrs. S. persons In this community, and was STENOGRAPHIC k- Vopolation ot the urban centres is jiotW over 1,8K so that the per children, of Toronto, are the guests of The Hotel Sunset opened for the Andrews, Mrs. Goldthorpe, Sr., Mrs, respected and kevered by all who know SECRETARIAL 4 f 0. C. Hill, 3 prs. each ; Mrs. W. Poster him. He was a firm Catholic In faith RVS. PENMANSHIP 064j, It hearly 70. This reflects well Capt. and Mrs. Fox or the %,veek end. season on June 24th and a number of (Port Albert), Miss J. Lynn, Mrs. Mack- and proved his, Christian spirit num- the patriotism of the people of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell returned to visitors are staying there. A large Ito. I CIVIL SERV�CK Miss H. Cooke, Mrs. A. Murray, berless times by the render and kindly number of transients also have regis- Mrs. Ball, Mrs. Hineks, Miss A. Driver, manner in which be dealt with his tered. The following names are taken Miss S. Dark, Mrs. A. Davidson, Mrs. friends and acquaintances. His char- And arrange special courses for special Btudents. ell M from the register : Nrrs. J. 0. Bouch- 'suits, M Ron B. S rs. P. MacEwan, Sr., Mrs. acter was beautiful and his personality er, Mrs. Harold Groove, Mrs. 1 Harley Bullard, Mrs. Ed. Farr, a friend, Mrs. most lovable. Deceased was born In Brown, Miss Margaret Brown. London; W. j. McCreath. Miss O'Rourke, Mrs. Killaloe, County of Tipperary, Ireland, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sedgwick, Detroit, Win. Lee, 2 prs. each ; Mrs. Carrie, March 31st, 1836, and came to Strat- School Opens Tuesday, September 3rd Mich. ; S. A. Briggs, W. It. Smith, Mr, Mrs. R. Clark, Miss Sharman, Mrs. J. R. ford In 1853. He followed the rail - and Mrs. F. H. Hodgens, hilss Doris Cra4gle, Miss Tiffln, Miss G. Dark, Mrs. reading business for over (orty-two -Mrs. ft. T. -Web-' 600-su-MMUPIP Ature L. Hodgens, Toronto CANADA NEEDS YOUR WORK—Think it over and write Rhynas, Miss Holt, Mrs. Jos. Griffin, years and was well Rnown on the ster, R. J. Webster, 0. 4 Webster, Miss A Friend, Mrs. S. E. Hick, -Mrs. D. Mar- G. T. R. He had a large number of for particulars to G. Archer. Miss M. H. -Mitchell, Lon- wick, Mrs. Sterling, Miss Sterling, Mrs. friends amongst peop!p Of all oteeds don : Almah Rogerson, Bradford. Pa.; Black. Mrs. Jun. Chisholm, Mrs. H. J. and nationalities, was a' good kind B. F. WARD, B.A., M. Acets., Principal. A. E. Millar, F. F. Iftlar, London ; T. A. MacEwan, Mrs. Frank Elliott, Mrs. neighbor and well esteemed by old 0. Martin, Windsor ; H. H. MacArthur, McCartney Mrs. W. J. MeNevin, Miss and young alike. Until the last mom- Walkerville , Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Red- 'irs. Swaffleld, Mrs. Tan- ent, he retained his faculties find the M. A. STONE, Com. Specialist, Vice -President Lawrence, IN ding. 0. 1. Ward. London ; J. E. Morris, cott, I pr. each. evening before his demise signed his Theas 208 CLINTON. ONT., Mrs. Morris. Itilsses olive and Ruth Yarn may be had on Saturday at registration card ana spoke at length Morris, Stratford ; Mrs. Mo6re, Miss Hodgens Bros,' store and a notice will of current affairs in general. Mr. Sul - Jocelyn Moore, Toronto ; 1. Van Nor- be st member of his Man. E. lRush, J. Currie, E. Erskine. F. placed In their window telling livan was the la Mr. and Mrs. where to obtain It later. MacDonald, Wingham , I Socks are still the most needed ar- E. 0. Johnston and son. Toronto; Mrs. A H. H. Ellerten and Miss PhylUs Eller- ticle for our soldier bqys. Will those having yarn kindly r6turn the socks ton. Detroit ; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ruby as soon as possible. There Is also a 31�% k�_, and Llewellyn C. Ruby, Kitchener . Dr. Eshleman and wife and Miss quantity of good yarn 9n hand for J Jeanne Eshleman, of Buffalo. N. y. ; willing knitters. I t o Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McConnell and Mis- Ses Margaret and Dorothy and Jim Mo - BRIEF TOWN TOPICS "The National Smoke" Connell, of London ; wra. R. 0. Lam- brecht and children, Miss Marion kock, Don't miss 'hearing Sergt.-Major Detroit . hilss Reta Currey, Toronto - Dean. of Toronto. in & A. Clads Friday 1* WHS0 Mr. and Mrs. A. If. Lofft. Fred Lofft. at 8 1). in. Flight-bleut Loffi, Miss Young. SL The. executive committee In charge Marys, Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Nancett, of the First of July celebration met on Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Mussen, Stratford , Monday evening and NMIn last night Nell Stewart, London ; A. B. McNair. to wind up the business. Herbert Gbarlton, Elliott E. S. Shysleyv Denfleld ; Mrs. Robert Herr and family, tri Engineer Castor of the Hydro-Elee- c Commission w&s in town this week �Mlgs A. 0. Hollifirake, Jack Harris. and met with, the water and light Bruee Kerr. Donald Ke", Miss EN-elyn commission last night. 11141 11arrN, Tommy Harris, rqargar�t Harris and family, snss Dora Harris. The regular monihly meeting of the The rips, Mellow flavor and tine aroma of choice Miss Dally Kerr, Brantford , W. G. Abmeek Chapter, 1. 0. D. * E., will be Weichel 6 Mrs. welchel, the Misses held In the jury room of the Cburt Havana leaf, properly cared and matared, have won 3 for 251 Norms. noft ftnd Audrey Welehel A House on Monday, July 15th, at a p. in. for this ci ar its 1"dership in Catilidi. NVAterloo , Dr. 1M. X Itobln�liyn,' Rumors are In circulation that the ig on ; NIrs. Joseph G. Standart, cartUe business of OD. qergt. hiajor rax BLACK 14rA-Mne-s W. Standart, Joseph SW(11ft, Jane has been disposed of. T'his Is Ws§ ffertha O'Rourke, Nlroli, not correct as Mr Marriott is merely ANDREWWIL ADVTai�r, 71N' 71;E STAH Jane's 'rettirn from the front. tookina ftflor th(,*bnsInPsQ itntil Mr. ��_A �,_EMLJI LrML t