HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-12, Page 2I . 11��1111111� -.111V , ,
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. I 49 We Md. r =*halt$ Ito no Mo. , war FLOUR SHORTAGE 11�11 I 1� I I I—' � ... , � -
I. " � , wN TYRANT WEAK AND 491"lk . . I
I . 14 #QU U04 vvith the Votlgt On 11 of =(* Z4 the Togonto, --- STRUCK DOW
r . I . is ti*lba . 0111t Of IhTWOri' Canada Food Raw* 111
,*40414 be Itoted thot the , F.%Plal#S Calm or .
- - - -:..--,-- @0400, I , qly ow � Gen. Count von Mirback Killed I . �,
rartivo %Y'fle the lot them work o r Sub-Altuivs and , 8 I - NO I I
to AlTest t4a Whole bally outfit, Order for Vic AFTIER
1 1011214 ,O their otcam on a '0 i 008,18, . �,
I ..... , IsIs � faciory,' ,I* in'operation. In Q,rder to It they failed thereafter to Method of Use by Russians. I P I � I ' I
. '.'., . �
, , _ ;,r ' , � r — 1*1*�%� *141: isircolivention a little Moro - I I.,
�" , r tTrpepls to be conferred it con c%t CanadW-s new wheat crop will riot tER101S OPERATION. I . ' '
, ,
I � in, Comm lihq�,�b , tarriesi, the company must a4oag the lines of decency *0 decorum. reach the consumiDg public as flour German Ambasmolor Was Regarded I I i: . .
I : *�- I , �,4W '4p t!M- In turn one of the officIpAg of the orgaul- for three months'at least and In the i -' This 'Wook . . It I . 11
t , . ,_ fontjutie to gra lant 'm zstfo.n made the statement that it the as the Real Ruler of Conquered After any serious operation or sick �
I ftowr CVUU57" 10 U10015 to 'to J.he Plant, meantime this country will be very pepo, the nervous system is generall, -M PRO 'f I I I . I
plQyfng at least $Itty permanent hands police dared lay a hand-ou a member. C-untry and Wsperate Act May "-F"""^
1 ,^%v"4*04 , . . . short of wheat flour. NVe have -as we- 3cened condition I . r : r I
-.�WMInX,,,9FS � , in an cxkremely . a .
I I , -4oAWW,-UY i9F ... in, - AQ ulatur lZowsaditious. hia utterances, has,also the United States -shipped as , IludleaW That Russlat Is About to � -, and 3 I . .
1%. "I . �.,� . � -4h,qPw ... W vi Lr --4.0 a4y, -X, �-wqp -I, EAPIRR I _R men S I Piece Ing . I
,� , - v 00po y 0 - v#W&-* wouW.,-g4,-oa , -. .-C a course Of Milburn's Heart and -Nerve . Bath,
, . t tho 00,k, so that the eye and at leasi tw 1i " In tb� ' tber , rgw,Osatilew - .It-"__rPF JVIW��t(I11tI1dAnTCS` t-lDe1y,1T,mt;ouf I q ..,
� I *.", In the Way of a building on it will e0ty . boiler shop atrike " thereatte ' , m
, , r Toronto would go (I'Docrifirtatio-1- --j �-M,wja 4o T6* -,,town ---,� . .
I . , dwbuildilng.4tila., . - - U I -tl-aVyl- " �Jgt-�"$n�_ r ,.,.,..
, _
r . , " I .. 'Ir , '. �. ... , I �,!—
- _ I 0 1 to be erected. Also the exemption Without food supplies. Surely a Rus. givinkl them a considerable share of than anything else. I . I
I , J16 .$Orn down. Tbeie are other eye- PARIS. July 9. -Gen. Count von tous on sligulder, , T , .
. . shall cease it any of the premlse,q are alan Bolshevik haq nittiling to blush our own normal supply to-help-Sau'v' )4 venpo .
1, new harve'V'ri ' Mirbach, German Ambassador to . r. W, E. Grafton, 44 Da .rt lo
� w 6.W * , . my We . I Ir
. .* _bout ,toAVn -w.hich should have for after a sta,tomeot of that character. pient over until the is , Russia, was assassinated on Sa ur- Road, Toronto, Ont., writes: " clear at � I - � r
� I ,00 Ume; treatment. conveyed to or operated by any other pe 0 0 &ouic (in to the market and the corner � t underwent a very serious operation three r 1.
I . . , party than the National Shipbuilding nedy w ' correct when he said sb has been turned, The use of substi- day at Moscow, according to a de- years a �e Toronto I rr , �� �
l r th , the tutes, therefore, becomes an Imperative ,%. After leaving tl k, ner- 69c . - 11 I I
I �� '- IMLe, 00derich Beftitiful idea Go.. Ltd. Read the bylaw. pie did not represent - sPatch received here. General o�pitid she was in a Wes, . .. I 11 I
, � ..
� ' r 18 one —�- — f ore of r tarlo. The real Isruters necessity 4n this country and our peo Obtaining admittance ux)der fik4ia vous; condition. Having tried numerous � "I � ... rrr
. .
I ' tch, ,L� pretences, two unknown men enter, ".mes, from whic Men's i � .
I -wh . every man, woman and child were At work and were ucA Prancing off pie should familarize themselves with ,� she received prac- . I I
. . - I . �
, I � WHAT OTHERS SAY tooftwaaiadtbentol Toronto holding methods successfully used in baking -11 , .. I .
r JA the town.can co-operate in. You ed the private office of Count von titaj y no satisfaction, I decided to try clear at 6 . I ,...,
,,,, — ; Indignation, meetings. these substitute flours. Mirbach. yesterday morning. A short Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. I am I �,� i I I
I , ** #Wt need to be a member of the Tito *I[iritisit Word The outstaii4ing note of the entire on the ist of July the Canada Food discussion ensued. Then revolver ver leased to Bay that they proved . � , 1. . ." ., I
1�. 100d of Trade to boost your town Rev. Canon Gould, who spent thir- convention was the gross ignorance dis- Board Order became effective requir- shots were heard. followed by explo my wel I ,'.'.' � 2.5 C . I ; .. I
a .,
A I - sat actory. She slept ah ate ' � t ��
�, J# Vx In Played by delegates as to real conditions Ing all publib bakeries, and private alone of hand grenades. her whole physical condition improved I � : . . .''�
� ,lo way. And the desire for beauty teen years as a medical missionary Boys' Balbriggan U1240r. ' I I I �
� � I ,.r. - r.4,� )�f,eetiollq. Get busy and spread Mesopotamia, in the course of an ad- pqrtainingtotbiswsr. ItIsquite, post. households also, to use 10 Pet- cent. The ambassador died almost in- wonderfu-11y. I have always kept a box r I I � I � L:
- - I
I . � r r , .n dress recently in Toronto, referred to sible that these men have lifut taken the substitute flour. on the t5th r of July wear, in sizes 26 to : I -,� . I f.
r I 0-4 Infection. stantaneously. The assassins escaped in the house, and find them very useful .39;'Ir ," 11 . 11,
I .. . , :.. ., ,, the fact that the Arab eaces have such time W 101=11larize themselves with this percentage is to be increased to and ha4e uo't yet been arrested. in eases of nervousness, sleeplessness and To clear at . , I I I . ; � � . � i ;,
I I that past and present events. They talk of 20 per cent.. in all of Canada cast of Nikolal Lentue, Bolshevik Premier, fatigue." i � .
: . - 11ho First of July committees are to an admiration for British justice n it , I I , I I I
I I � � when they desire to conzirm any state- production on their tarme as the only Port Arthur. The question then will has se t the following to M. Jo e Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are 33C 11 . r . �, .
r I
. 'r I t $0,0(ingratulated on the success of the ment with an oath, they swear by "the Possible necessity of the hour, so far as arise in each housekeeper's mind, what Russian Minister at Berlin, regard- 50c. a box at all dealers or mailed direct IP . I
. I I
I r � . , ter Dominidn Day in the Greater British Word." They have learned they are Concerned. They forgot that are substitutes for wheat flour, whece Ing the assassination Of Count von on receipt of Trice by'The T. Milburn working Straw � 1. I �
. I � 4*04 Men's
� I i man polver Is We plv thing which will can they be had and flow are they to Mirbach. I ; � I 1.
--� , —"-,- --�Ma..xammltleta ,wero .prm:n, that,i� British promise will be carrlei the German Ambassador at �
---;&*" - � � InvvenMer,Germknv-trow-wtuWug-the. ij6- -ffg&T.,Sub,6tIrt'l1Te��r,' Jig denfle-d'-b - , ,-----�-..,--,--.".�.-I-I.-�-.--I ----- ---i CQ�14mitad. qMAW. Qme - . . - . , ---.1. "... -
I I Out to---ih6--leti6i,""-6�6ri-'-th&691i-'tli6 T mos6OW. H ats. To clea-r-at - - ----- ". r .
� 4. ,',bobly the most energetic we have ever war. They apparently do n ' unknown men I i. ". , , 11
� ., heavens fall. This is one of the great- Ot realize the new law, include bran, shorts, "Two entered the s 1 I I
� , � ': , 44' gud the success of their efforts thatwe are now Passing through the corn flour, corn meal, edible corn- German Embassy at 20C . I 'a . ��
� � , I I I b est tributes that can be paid to the greatest crisis since the French turned starch, hominy, corn grits., barley (Saturday) a two o'clock this THE WESTERN FAIR 11. , 11 "' . . �,,
I 141 �ncourage ruture (1alebration sacredness of the British word. It Is fternoon, having docu- 7".
. , A#O z,d back the German hordo at the Marne irt flour, rolled oats, oat meal, �Ice, rice �ments . - I , ---. -- L-
� .1 I . ,� 'L 11 Voini.mittees with the optimistic spirit. realized by thesq people that the Bri- from a special cbminittee. Boys' striped Overallsr -t--�t? �'. . �. , I " � 11
I I � r '*�' tish covenant will be kept regardless 1914. What -matters their farms- it the flour, buckwheat flour, potato flour, They throw a bomb In Count von If spa4;e is required for an Exhibit at sizes 3 to 10 years ' I �
I . - , .UOL SeCroUtry'S Idea of circularizing of the cost. This Is one of the things Germans make peace on their own taploca ,flour, rye flour and rye meal. Mlrbg,cbl,, o, co, wounding him so , London's Exhibition, September 6th to .1; �L,
. . ,
. . I 1, These Ontario farmers persist Potatoes are also ciassea as a sub- severely that he died. � th, it should be applied for at nee, . I 11 -L .
� . , 010 owners Ili the county was a good that makes the British Empire great terwe ? 25C I L '.
I . . i In their delusion that there are still ,titute for wheat flour, in proportion "Representatives of the Govern- I .I", several of the buildings are alto I . I �.
� eady �,
I 1. I I I olle. The auto makes a more mobile it is the thing that makes the bes, plenty of men of trillitary age and fit. of four pounds of potatoes to one of ment lni;nediately visited the embas- filied. The Government is se dlug a — , . I , �
. I ` ' r*6 blood tingle. It is the cord ness left in the cities. and the Govern- the other substitutes mentioned, on sy and expressed indignation at the number or exhibits Of 11111182111 inter- Come to Godehelf, "Hurons '11, I
� r Pulation. easily swayed by the big British
I 11 ! , . , Itoliday attraction. that holds the Empire together. For ment Is openly accused of the wholesale
� this reason all sensinic BrItishers are account of the higher percentage of act. which they considered as a poll- est. For tho Art Gallery a loan of ex -
r ., 1,� 1. 0 exemption of city labor. Nothing could water in potatoes. A large number of tical manoeuvre to provoke trouble. cetlent pictures has been received front Golden Gate," for July 15t. . I 11� I
. � � I - I L �:� I � proud of their citizenship. For this be tarther from the truth, as any em. millers are ready with these different The ,Government Is taking every The National Art Gallery, Ottawa, 11::: � .
.. � I I 7be bylaw granting exemption from reason they will be pardoned If they 1.
I I 11 e. � �". ,. . ployer of labor knows full well. What flours, and as soon as the public de- measure to discover the murderers %.,-hich Will -xiake a visit to this build- .. ..: . 1- -rr�, '
., -
I .
� . I U%es to the National Shipbuilding hold the belief that the British Empire the Ontario farmer needs, and needs mand-realls for them May will -be dis- and bring 4hem' beforb a special Ing of greal interest to all lovers of I , I
.r". I - � 1-11 ,,fr,
r, - ��, -- I �1, � t"I .Z.. p � any .. for a period of ton years, haS a divine nifi;sIon to perform In badly, as Indicated by this convention, tributed throughout the tBade, and are revolutionary tribunal. art. The Agricultural Building will M. ROBINS , -- -' I -1. i
blessing the families of the earth. is a little Intelligent reading on his .� .
I 'WhICh Is to be voted on July 22nd, is B�&In exists, fights and bleeds 'part. now procurable by dealers. -'Extra measures have been taken have several Government exhibits reta- 4," ,
. r-- - � I I , , 1--.1- to- -Saturday Night. . There has been some talk about the to protect the.German embassy and tive to agricultural pursuits and - . I -- ;., . -
I -r . I I I- -1 -1 0110 which should have the unanimous day because s4e stands four square - I - .- I
-.,-.-. �
I I I I 1, I , I so - pport - of the ratepayers. The Com- for the principles of liberty and Justice . price of substitutes being high in pro- citizens. The Government requests ,hould be of especial interest to the - ------ I
r "BUY IN YOUR portion to flour, but It is expected that you to express to tite German Gov- farmers Who make Lip Lo suVh a largo- Jal interest. All applications for space I
, I pap , and the sacredness of the plighted I tills condition will remedy itself (is ernment the Russian Government's extent the thousands or visitors at the -
� I I I Y came here and took the town on Word. For a more "scrap of paper" OWN COMMUNITY" the new flours get into general cir- indignation and convey its sympathy Exhibition. Government exhibits and anything pertaining to the Exhi- �
I I VuOt, mot waiting for the Passing Of sbe Is shedding her best blood In every Of biti,n should be addressed to the
11 � . .1 1. , r I . culation throughout the trade. In the to the family of 'the late count." eggs and wool will Ile shown in the Secretary, A. Ni. Hunt, London, Ont. 1.
, I .�r,� ��' � .,1*i.b)rla%v granting this, that and the corner of the earth. If right must pre- - The whole quarter in Moscow Dairy Building, which Will be -%cry, —
, " 61ber concession as a condition of vall, Britain must win. -Toronto Sen- .Registered in accoedance with the case of corn meal, the price has ad -
. r 11. I . tinel. Copyright Act) vanced for corn In Chicago on account wheZ the German Embassy Is 13itu- attractive. All the buildings Will DO'
Y, r r �� Vommencing operations, but accepting of market conditions. Canadian mil- ated was immediately,surrounded by doubt be filled with exhibits -of espec-1 ADVERTISE IN THE STAR
l, ,, , 11 I . the Promise that their premises would No Germans Admitted The Integral part of the nation Is the lers were depending on American corn troops after the assassination of - . — I I
I I ,%� . J .� 1, '.. . be granted exemption rrom municipal ,,The Immediate need is to create the individual community. munities. and advanced the price of corn meal Count von Mirbach, according to a - i -
I 11 I I 1. ternational machinery for carrying A nation is made up of oom to_ accordingly on all new contracts. It Russian Government message receiv- 9K MOM I pi Pi f Pi I 2! .
I taxeis, subject to the approval of the out the resolutions of the Paris Con. Communities hold the nation
' ves that is not expected that tn;s market con- ed here by wireless. Severe control 'm 0
. 11� , , . ,iatepayers, and It Is only Implementing torence specifically, 0 do so without gether-furnish the adhesil d1tion will continue, however, as there has been established over all persons
I � I �, -04 . 1; Promise to pass the bylaw. At waste, amd to see also that the tribu. make it a concrete substance. has been plenty of corn In the United arriving and leaving the city. � M I
.� 11. , I " , ; , -1 . nals and the boards set up are not too The stronger these Individual com- States since last harvest, although dif- An envoy extraordinary will.be de- N '
I l-. , 4 -time when ooderich ,has' organized clogged with ruies and restrictions to inuuIties become the,,greater the nation ticulty of distribution arose through spatched to Berlin to express to the M ,
� , 1-7,-- J1or-Aile. -promotion of business- enter- give prompt decisions. When the become& lack df sufficient %ransportatlon fa- German -Government the indignation Naest Shoe FashiOUS r il' � - �
`,' r, � I . � p0se here it would ind4d be giving boards are ' set up and their functions National patriotism has its rise in icilitles and similar causes. With the of Russia over the criminal act. -
I I . I ,. I defted by agreement amongst the the community, and Just howpowerful 11918 crop In prospect, it Is expected The identity of the assassions has -a . .1
I , �- 1� , A knock -out blow to the MOVOIneDt for Alliesthey can be legalized by Actof national patriotism becomes depends that there will he a otill more plenti- not been established nor have they 'a go
� r '
, :i ," r . 1. Oxparislon to be,niggardly In our deal- Parliament. upon the extent of the local patriotism ful supply for the coming season., .been arrested, the message states. - - From everywhere come report3 that the demand for Oxfords
, 1. I I I . . -Aftig with such a progressive business Let the solid phalanx of British busl- evidenced In the communities. I It may be necessat y to experiment It appears, according to these ad- M and Pumps amounts almost to a craze. Have a care the kind 3 I
. ' "No Germams Some communities are more pro- 8 few vices, that with Count von Mirbach 'a -
, ' - Com ne8a men begin at once.
,., ,� I , , -, ag �the National Shipbuilding _ with these substitute flour a you buy, for the well -fitting ones are few.
I rr ,. . r , .7� )illiny has proved to be. The town Admitted" to the watchword. Let it gressive and more prosperous than times before succeeding in producing when he was attacked were Herr
I , .11 11 I be affixed everywhere. Lei all that it others because they are more patriotic a satisfactory loaf, and opportunity Ritzier, the counsellor of the embaig- -0 The latest creations are here in white, blach� mahogany kid
, � I , I'. 1� I � .. tude to 'Mr. Doty means be aimed at. The aggregate to their home interests. 'a and patent leathers. They are made by the best Footwear
I should be taken to sjuay the effect of sy, and a German officer. Neither
I I , I -, . toll getting In touch %-vrtn Mr. Hutohe- power of the Allies places the ultimate "Buy In your own community" is these substitutes and the different was injdred. r
I Ir � , Adn in the first case, and to defeat the issae of the war beyond question or the most patriotic and in the long run methods of mixing, handlin& ferment- Alex. F. Kerensky, former Premier . 01 manufacturers and will give a clinging, comfortable fit to all
I �, ,� I I � cavil. Germany may continue the by far the most profitable watchword Ing and "proofing" or the doughs. As of Russia, when informed by the 'a who wear them. . At a moderate price. N r
I I . 4 1� , , '�ylaw ,now before the ratepayers military Ptruggle and put off fora time the people of any comiW-u-nity can set
: " , tile most of the wheat flour substitutes Associated Press of the assassination
. ��6uld be* to 'discourage any such of- the day of decision. But tille Is beaten before mselves. Unthinking, heed- of Gen. Count -von Mirbach declared 'S
; �, , � IL , !� accelerate the fermentation, it will be. 'S Ttnnis and Outing Shoes for the boys and girls a -re now
- .� L .� . fort In the future. -rho Company has in the economic field before she enters less people, if present in sufficient better not to work the dough as long that While he could not "feel elated 'r In stock. I �
r , . It. And tbelonger she resists, the numbers, can wreck any community - at the death of a human being," he
, lived up to Its undertakings � With the as usual. About four hours for ter
I � ' ' , ' more determined will her enemies be to in a short space of time by practicing mentation wilt be sufficient in a room could not help saying, "it is a good Is I . i
�L A1M-&fO the letter. The monthly pay- apply the tremeudons, power they have a sys on thing for Russia."
� � , -, " ,,� " , .,tem of false ec Omy. of moderate temperature divided as R .EZEPAIRING �,
11.1, �L��ntsoa the ..purchase... prica. of., the- ,I reserve, and to insist tupAorably on .r .
. -, "'' , ,
11 ' . I . I The , to - 11 --- isfis , faiiff6n.6j their .demiiidi.' .1 What. a - Livz...Conurtunity ..Means- .,r61I6,,VC'2%-'hO)0r9 for' the first punM,� I., .M- Kerensky�,seemed,�reluctant,.to:-"� L9 I—. r. . r. 1. - I., -
� '� ., Original plant were never a (lay late A live, growing, aggressive com- believe the news, asking repeatedly,
. '' ' The question of raw material at any munitv is one that takes patriotic 45 minutes for the second punch, 30 ,, rmed that I
, I .,r , Are you sure?" When info a rr?]
. I � � �, * r "'d the management has never sho�vn price is now uppermost in the German pride 'I, its own local enterprises and minutes is allowed before the dough .
r 1� I ., I the news seemed perfectly reliable
I 11 . � 111 I a 1tadency to see how much can be mind. The Central Enivires, with the patronizes them to the fullest possible Is finally ,taken out, kneaded and cut as it originated in Berlin, he said: M GEO. MacVICAR t
,�:, , 1. I into loaves. After being set in the ,,
L , I , , � " ,got out of the town. It has gone vision of Allied economic strength be. extent, Pan, 45 minutes is enough for "proof- This may be the beginning of the North Side est Square GOIDERIGH ,4,
1 1 . . fore them, are covertly and strenuous- Here the local merchants, with renaissance of Russia." .
I 1'il I I 1A.4d and expanded Its Wasiness Since ly seeking for Dew fields and pastnres Ing," when it is ready for the oven. I - ),
1. � 11. I.. 400ming. here, acquiring the remainder of products. It is our duty to cost the cheerful confIdence, stock up with an t meal or other "But now the Germans will sure-
� 11 � 11:1 �,, 1. I ' Uthe former Dotepiant. the p abundance of every requisite for use meal is used the moisture retaining ly go to Moscow," he added, sadly. II 00% R
. 11 '' ,� 0 remises Iluns in every market ; It is One Of the in the community -because they can qualities of the loaf may be improved It -tyas only a few days ago that I 'r I
, � " r , formerly occupied by the Paget Grain ramount concerns of the Oversea depend upon the.people of that com- Kerenhky, in a talk with the corre-
_ � I � 1�1.,. , � , Trade and Development department to by scalding these Ingredients at a tem -
I I . 1, . r " 4 I I D.O,0r Company, and transforming this be On the alert, and to see to it that munity to do their buying from the Perature of 150 degrees Fahrenheit and spondent expressed his opinion that I 1�111111111 4
1 ,, r - r �� " �' Into a busy- factory. And all tills they do not set firm foot in any land home merchants. This makes for allowing two hours for cooling. Most the only reason German troops had . J - .
I r. L r . � " r I thout waiting to stipulate for con- Which will thwart Great Britain and mutually helpful, congenial relations, of the wheat flour substitutes retain not yet appeared in Moscow was be-
, , WI �
: " " than their pr6sence there. �
11 I �'� I ,c�oilons. The preamble of this bylaw her Allies In reaping the commercial moderate prices and healthy trading the moisture in the voaf longe� cause von Mirbach had not required �
� _
I I r I L I 11 and trading rewards which should just- conditions. will the wheat flour and yield an in- YOUR TIRE TROUBLE
� ,, "''L_ L Albakes pleasant reading. as it gives, ly morde to them as some mitigation tor In such a community you will find creased amount of bread on accoudt "Should circumstances demand I .
I D active interest in all public affairs. the appearance of German troops,"
:. �' - r '00t � 4 prospective program of op(Ta- the world disaster the Germa, 9 have of their Pigher absorption of water, n this I
� � . ., 11 � , ,hat has wrought. -Kelly's Monthly Trade Re- There are good schools and churches, thus reddeing the ount of yeast said the former Premier o Oc-
� , . I(Ons so much as a xecord of v� social advantages, sport and entertain- "m casion, "von Mirbach, the real ruler Can now be brought to an end by -
� ,.,, 1 r , �. I I'l I Already been done. And even as - to Yiew. ment for young and old. and shortening necessary. The follow- of Russia, will surely call upon
� , I 11. I Much Nonsense Talked Advancement Is the order of the Ing are a few of the recipes recom- them. His apility to govern with- bringing your blow-out or rim -cut tires to
' , "
: , �' � "I , part ot its operations wkich arV mended to bakers. They will be use- out the help of German bayonets
,, ''. � : I The Ontario farmers are at it ag�in. day; progress is the wacchword, and ful also In private households when has alone prevented the appegrance .
, future, the company is not waiting Twentv-five hundred of them Met in achievement is the realization that,
, I �. . I I I lot.' the passing of this bylaw as a Toronto recently to protest against their carries the spirit of the substitutes are to be mixed with wheat of German spiked helmets In the an- I
�'.-, I r I ooliid#1 be greater and grander goals. People to flour for bread : Johnston's Gapage
,� . , ,on of, going ahead, but has &I- I sons, being conscripted under t CORN FLOUR BREAD. -2% pounds cient capital of the Muscovite Em- Kingston Street.
� '' pire." I I
r I , � . 'purchased the land for the new amended B1111tary Service Act. This Such Is the community that is hark- standard flour, % pound corn flour, ;
� , '"Lly body of Ontario farmers were quite con- ened to with attention and respect When asked about the prospects
r� I . r � ' b r oil e0i , shop and the machinery re- tent to take what the good gods sent when it has something to lay before I tablespoon brown sugar, 2 table- of a revolution breaking out in Mos- � We arefully equipped for all tire work. � I ,
. I - iiul4d, and Is going ahead with the In the way of fancy prices for their the legislative bodies or the directors spoons salt, V2 oz. yeast, i tablespoon cow, the former Premier was non- �
. I I I .� ". . I - of commercial corporations fat, 3 cups of water. This should pro- committal. 1�1
,, � I ,,v . � The company Is not asking for Produce d all the rest of the accum duce 4% pounds of bread. - One never knows what the Rus- . I
I r . I . - 1� ,Ork ulated Candial benefits which war It Is a "live -wire" community in " I i,
I I 11 - it..11!xonus, or a loan. It Is not asking brings In its trit1l. But' -when its comes the real sense of that oft -abused term, BARLEY FLOUR BREAD 5 2-3'eups elan mind will conceive or what the 0 . �
� I I .�, I "'Oke' town to finance the Industry. It to taking 9onle of their sons, wheat flour, 1 i-3 cups barley flour, Russian will execute," he said. I
my, my, and it turns out boys and girls reared Geon Johnston i'�
� , *j'��howa its ' 2 cups milk and water, I cake of corn- "But, from Moscow will come the I
, I ,#1 ,elf to lie backed with what a fuss I In an environment whose atmosphere
I ,", of yeast, 2 tablespoons sugar, 2 initiative for a movement against I ;
,�- **'Ple capital and nrst-class 136iness Them was more nonsense talked ILI breathed inspiration and whose pre- presse �� I - �
, I ,, less time by this Farmers Convention tablespoons fat, 2 teaspoons salt. This Germany.— I
�:, 1 1 4i6dU(IV0 ability. The bylaw should cePts spelled success, should make two leaves. 'L — � �
I - I thauby any bodly in my experience, That Is what it means to have a J ,,� -
. I r. " �
I 'r 1. RICE YEAST BREAD. -8 cups stan- Says U -Boats A" increasing. - r �
I bot''46 looked upon so much as being bar the 1. W. W. and the Bolshevik community with character. I I
'L I I., k , I f0rVWd' by- --tho --Company --as-1WItion. treason. and threats we' Keep the Home Dollars Earning dard flour, 7 cups boiled rice, % cup AAIISTERDAM, July 9. - German I - -- - Im -
V4 re �
I I . , to'rward.by the town to show it, 'On The community lacking this spirit, milk and water, 14 cup warm water submarines are increasing both In -
� s quite in order, together with a petit
� :� " .. r . . �, '04t demanding the release of one, Isaw (for yeast), % cake compressed yeast, number and quality, according to a 6 .
I I I I r 1 0064 will and Its desird to keep faith Bainbridge, who to now doing a term this character, will dwindle and die of ,4 teaspoons Sugar, 4 teaspoons fat, 1% doclatration made by Vice -Admiral .
' .�., `* , stagnation. I
� 1, ," " 'ItIr"'tili� -'VF -- .teaspoons salt. When ready for the r Capelle, -
, f6#r1%sJ`Vd 'bI1tefPf[Ae."-%VT for Be( tiolillUtte 'L--- ' 11
I I �". L ;', L� b rancesi- Eive�ydolla� -sent away to enrich von Minister of the Nary,
, t, "' r�r,tj,j�j.J.I'no expectation of anything but One delegate suggested that they go some great metropolitan centre at the pans will look Like a stiff drop batter- in the Reichstag. He asserted that .
. I .1, �,,r,,,,,,* t* Ottawa in a body and demand that The quantities mentioned make am
I I ,lt4 , , , r, , e 'Alajority for the bylaw. Don't - expense of local enturprises assists loaves. two reports of U-boat losses have been \ .
. ' , the Governor-General dissolve Parits, Just that much In the work of devasta- exaggerated by the Entente - allies. The Less Waste \ �
" j'-,'j`ornaJ0tIty� lack one of the pos- ment, and that it he did not fall In w -
4 , ith tion. - He denied that the numbers sunk ex- I .
. r- I ;W.by Indifference or neglect to poll their wishes, they would do it them- Community buying is the running- THE FARMERS GO TO OTTAWA ceeded new construction, but added:
, . i vote On the 22nd. Read the by- selves. Another delegate was of the mate of development. (� - "The reqult of the submarine war
, I " "Y", In: this iisuc,ot "The Star and opinion that. AMC all, Bourasas, was rt preceeds and Is synonym To Ottawa the �1rm`ers went must one day naturally decrease The Befter The Service
r I I r U�V� , vote their real leaddr. While still another oils with
� % 1. 11 . I I thc-blossoming out of every ul To interview the Government ; when the sea traffic also decreases, I
� I I I I r 11-11ii I'll 11 . I They wished their sons at home to but this can as little alter the final
I I r �,11'd�W,- 1;A- '' , . '._,�_-!T�_� I -- commercial cen4o in America. it keep, . result as the circumstances that un -
I , '� . ., .,.--�.---;;�-�.;�--;- 0, . ;; a a a a - , meansr moi,() vivealth to'a country than
� I I I I V 1. .; the discovery of gold : its rays are Their fertile fields to help to reap. der specially fa"rable conditions a
. . i
I 1 S 8� %varmor than radium ; it outshines the Sir Robert Borden met tnent there greater loss of submarines can tem-
� , -1 H I S I , ' "SLOW" telephone accounts —'the
I 11 A!' nd and flows smoother, than oil. And listened to their earnest prayer ; porarily occur than normally." accounts on which repeated efforts
I I �' 0 cw, W I . diamo
'IV 11 , :;, : C0101 , -i Every dollar spent - tit home -and They told him of his promise fair, .
r , � INS 11
- 'r - I -- . �. 11.1", I - I . '; � I i1i I - kePt within the community as long as Their stalwart sons -at home to spare. Former N. Y. Mayor R[Hed. to collect must be made — restit m' waste
I - ,
- e pussible--ener0tes the 0uriWy two- T.AKU CffARLES. r.A., July 9.- 1
, ,� T B WEErl, 4) They urged they should supply the
I ,� � fold. In the first place, your homp- Major JobW Purroy Mitchel, former of time and labor,
. :, ! W need
� ri , - . . . *�. "SO . . a . W . N a a 0 a a = M a N . spent dollar performs, an essential Of Allied countries now who Ibleed, Mayor of New York City, and an offl-
.. -� - —I - I � -- � I . . ---- - . . Aj!t
.� r . ., . I � I r� I -"W1111114, . . i -1 patriotic duty to the primitive source And told their willingness to work, cer in the Army Aviation Service, was q M'
I 11 .1 I ost telephone users pay their bills protriptly
I , I . . . . P 'r ,P ig-Ur pipe of its birth-produetion-and the com- Nor did their home production shirlL inatantly killed at Gernstner Avia- I
.� ,4 . with,T N 13--tich, I munity reaps its just measure of ben- tion Field hera-while flying in -a -
, I � . .. - I .
I � I . 4 a "r) cflt. In the second place, when your Sir Robert, honest, just and plain, scout machine. and the labor ancVt6e of collecting them are
I r . .. I ,�**, �1�4 outi-vipened Virgiinia. , home -spent dollar Is finally called Told how we haO to face the strain Mitchel became a flyer for the reasonable.
. 1, ,,, L , r , , " . " .1 L . . . � upon, in the exigencies of greater The Germans forced our arms to meet, army after having been defeated last , , I
., � I , : .r I - ' , When tbward the sees they did retreat. fall for re-election as Mayor of New
�L,� I � I . .. � l * r Thi ' " ulme Southem-gwwn leaf commerce, to roam elsewhere, Its mis- 'ermans reached the sea York. Me had served one term as
, -. . .., ;,�.� t . , .. _ __$ g= I Sion is one of necessity and it per- And if the G q gut soix subacnbers overlook their bills .
-�. 1,111 .. . If US&J6V0rtLn(16r0M&ftl1 itill IDWD. 4W- forms its second duty -the duty of What use would then their products the chief executive of New YQrk, the
I �:�.� r. . .� .'! I �, I .. -q. �ft .90 wise economy toward the nation, and � be ? youngest mayor ever electe4 nnvlect to pay them promptly. and the work I
. � I to that I 5 -
I ':.r I � . i .0,�. � to office. On July 19 next he would i
.1 � . � T 'r . I I . , IFull boledo yet wod-ingo Mothet it sends home interest on its invest- licnce we must send more roys have I collecting such accounts is laborkm and fime, . I
�, � , .. 1*4. .1 I OF - - ment abroad. France been 39 years old. . I
" I I � . ;. I I , Nituds - And farmers' sons must couch the Wasting -
I � , . be,** While the Interesig oj the commun I
I I ,
, M Gerzaan RaUon To Cut.
� � : " I � I � r � t� - I . k� . . ;5- - Ity slid the nation are mutual, your lance. Je AMSTERDAM. July 9. -Owing to I q The elbaination of waste in the WephonA
I I f* first duty Is to your awn community. The farni,�rj; limrol tho words so tri ,
� . �. . . r I � . % vipi iivaker s6uU go duough the laterien of the new potato crop. I
; . I . I - 0.1.11 The more the community is enriched, "What is there for its all to do. the Berlin authdrities, according to liusinen mem better Wephone savim When '
, I ' ' 1� , I the more the nation is enriched; be- But send our sons so strong (Ind brave
, , � ,,� fo'r " ' 4 -
I � T &L WW lwi"Ut a packne-
. ..... I r * f., . 11 cause, as has been pointed out, the And try ourselves the cr6fig to save?" the Tageblatt, announce the reduq
I .. I I 1 o ration next week we C" & awaY with MY Waste fime or, labor
. I �,; ",
I, I ,; ",
,; ", tion of the potat
,; ", I #J.*, , -necessary nation Is an unknown quantity with- While some returned with pouting UP, from three to one pound, and the .
� 4-01 taoiaT&H 0, % out the community.
I'll, "., : ., �, � I . .., � A ,"A *104 it , , The others said they liked dat may be involved in fumiiiiris savim we
. . ; . 11 I . �t' tho trip ; distribution of an extm goo grammes
� � I I r..� � , . 4 �. : , SP, ' Townships and elub,A expenses paid
� . -4
# �� . ! , t!� of beanis and Vesta per head. mn put an c*W mmmit of thm atid laba I`— I
L I 4�*� They smokei it alwoLyI6 , 4 I 11P ,
Y., , I., I � Z2 , / Nothing is more Interesting than the And,ev'ry one enjoyed the raid, ="
I r r . I., I ,� 11 I 1. 1, .c�� I I Do yow--if you have rAver tried i 4 40xiierienees of a man who has tr&vel- They homeward. came, their sons are Toronto_Muskoka Wharf Train Seri -lee I 1; ftrV6 ibell' to the &MAt of an W, I
I r I � I 1, 1� I I I - RD f led much. Sergil.-major Dean has gone ephow.
. � � 4 . I .�, � 'S spent ever eleven Team In fOl!clgn These 'honest men look kindly on : On Thursday, May 23rd, and Satur- U"" I I
. 1, . � 0606, T At -B this we& and Vea-16&- I eountrje% been 11ve times across the days May 25-th, June Ist and 8th and ,
I � � . I ,it I . Their faithful he�!ts with pride do Tuesdays, Thursdays and SaturdAS4
11 , .� I t , ,�, ,,X��,', I ,40 u9stowon of using a ocearl and knows what It Is to go be- swell ; I 1 a4us� hr thopwV4"Mentof �
. L * , �, , 11 . r I 9mulm thereafter the Grand Trunk will oper- .
I I I , '��"" neallf the suft"Wee in a submarine.
,!, , , 11 A.',�,:, - ',�, . 1* 4 You will miss a treat it, Their boys have gone the war to quell. ate a train from Toronto to Muskoka a0mollth
.11 I 1, It V-",!,� ., � V00,146 "411"O. � I . TM miss this Wharf leaving Toronto at tO a. in. I 00 MW weds finm OW labor and to MU6069
� . I , ,T " L on Fridiv oil 8 P, m. in the IS. A. Cita_ A few poor follow,q still tire lcft� Returning train will leave Nifuskoka 1 -
. -v ... , -, .!.�� . I , I . " *Vrl-w del. Who think they are of all bereft. whart at 12.43 P. M. for Tcirontq.�,on i &Aft *,*Me emmous mwu* of
�, " , . 'k , 11: , 216 , ^ `�tj TWI and ,
9 �11 I �. " 7111r;vlr� to, OF your PIPO W" "'T & B. � I ----1b46-- Of them the rest are quite ashamed. I , r�
11 " Mondays, Itlay 427th, June §r KWJb 084 *W-tfte mgdftns
- r I � . .� I � 111.,� I It Ea"s Palo.-ZAst, tiny dealer or Their selfishness is justly blamed. 17th. IfIleso trains will connect with , ,,� 11 . I . .." ,
� 1� I * . � r . dealer Ili medidne what is the most Same day we'll bless tile farmerg ttue; the Muskoka Lakes Navigation Co. � . )
J�' r " , I � popular of the mMidnal oils for pains We bless them now, of course we. do. steamer to and from points on the I . �
I I , ; -oka Lakes� Full information 'IF A"
I 111 I in (lie 3010U. In the musch,s or nerves, our faithful sons stand side by sole, Ntu,,I, runk ticket agents. T Ila " T&OW CA of Cwlmk " I
� I I * - or tor neurilgil And Phounlatign). Lind And all our heirts are 611led with firlde. from Grand- T �: r -". " I .
, —
I " I lie %vill t(,Il yott that Dr. Thomas' Et� RIGIIARD KINDER SPRISON I .
I '6 7 ft .1 r . � Iteltic 011 Ig In Aroater demand than ..ft-- -- I Children Cry i I �� , I
I W Wier. Tho reason tott_jlils Is that "Tho profiteer Is a man who In more i 14 � .
... N � - I— I it N5svrs-qo-A gre,liter hoaling ofualitic�s Intererstol In giAting tits bite than in , FOR FLETCHER'S I � I... . # 11 1
.4 1 I—— ...- I—— I ", -1 "I . .1-1. 1. . � I'll 11.eftl
I . �
, ,
3 Y11 '� 04�il I I " .4
I � ) I 0
IK6 "�
� *
r,4mii I
C/ I � th'(1) afty other oil, giving, his bft.11 0 A %ESP T 0 OR 1 1 A - 14W
�� a, a P, I 1-�, I lw . 1, "R� � . I - "' - I - - I r Jw')" 0
�, I . I I I I., . . . I . � I- - "; � .�a .. - r ... .,
11, . 1 I I ;
� . . � r I . .1,� "I
r I 41 . I 11 . ."'. . � � 'It., I � I A " - . 1, I I . I
I I I 110 � 4 11
. . .
I I I I . . `
1� � -? � " . . � I . . . � . r . � I , I �"- '� �, .
I 0
� .. I
. . I o. � � 1.
I r �-171 � I � � " � I �
, ,r , �. ' L � , , - � I I I I � I 111 I � . .1 I I .. " r. �, ". , r, " � � . . '� ' , � ' " , '� . . . . . . .. . . . . � � 'I , L , ,� � , ' " " , , � " , . � , � . , " , . . . . . . � , ., , � -, 11 � . I - � I— .1 � . � - , - � k : , . .., . � . - - ,� : 16" -1- Ab� - I..... --a—- .,. .- 1. '- , I , (.�'�-
I . � " 0 1 11 """ 7; , . mv�- --
---- ;� =- - - I' -
- - .i