HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-12, Page 1I . I .1 !i. . F , Ki, 11 I , I %,. . . _ 1, ­., . '' . ,� , ", � -, , . � . , � � , ,,� , ., , . I.''. " � ; . I .11 . ,,, ,.�,."'r'., " I � I , � . . I I � I , . t� I , t. . I � I . . , I ! 1. , I I �.V. 1-1_, _:",k,- _. ''­,��,,, �1 .06,:­_�oo­�. .. �, , .:.." - � - . !., .� 11. � I " 1, ,0"4.kAk%_­ ."'� _. I --��---:- i�. .t: " I - ,�.! , , � , � , . � ,,;. ��,,_ .� �, �� ,.", .. , I ��.,. 11--." , ��,�,�:­ ot Ilk, � � , " I , , - , -,, . V�111,-�.­ " , , I A'�, .. .... . I . � t ;_ ;�,,;, , T I - �k I X 7' , 'i, : " ,�,� 141. - i., I , I y. ',�4,;, .., %- -I - Z7 ­_­� ___-_11_-,__-1 .- Adomm�.-i , ,.:I 16 ,. .. . * , jpm� 11 . . r"o'-drr ]III16— "Aff. OTM S I . —4k 'Ipl"�" - . � � 301171 46, � :� - .. ,, . I - � - . - � a 1, . I I ,I � 1� 40W I k .1 I .� 1. .�t Jh" fo- . 11 I . . W 01 , a 4 I . �. I . 4 ­ 11 I I I.. .1 I I - 1�.11-171111001!11a."".� I---- .­ I � � �,,� . 7 1, - _� ;. I �`" nn a s-, , V! I I ''y "IRE , , NOBANK��` , . I. . � �": �� '.Of C,W,�A I . . . 1. I __j '. . I I I I 11 � I.. � I'. ", I I _,� I I '' "I I � I %S, % � . . ... ... ,--.,.,.. . S __13 .0 0 . . I I ''Slemissial . I , . . . I � I .�., � , .1�''. . �. I ., � , ;1 , I " I pluess is paved with the "' Tho. ad W uwv '. * . 4t� , I � I . 11�41"Y � 1. additions to your'savings . 10� It �- . - I _11.1 I . I � - I I IoC I ; � � ,­ 1_14� - ., __ I 1� -1 � * )'* I � � 11 11 I i i ­ i .I- I— I � I ,,_- -1 � I I I L. — I . � RL I - 11-1 --,.-------- ----.-., , —.I------- I - I- ­ ------- �­�&��` 1. 11 ... ­­ .1 - I I . . . - I French and British Make _­ I., - _' . RAILWAY TIME TA840 I 0. V. a. Goderich-Deave' 6.40 a.m. 2.00 P.M. ilamilwa-Arrive 11.8,1 a.m. 8.80 V�m. A , , rovicatio- " 11.25,*.m. 7.00 Pan, l Torlifuto-Leave &10 a.m. 5.10 P.m. Ill E[MUWA- 11 8.10 a.m. 4.10 p.m. Goderich-Argive 1.05 p.m. 9.55 P.M. All. tralue arrive andleave Union StUiOA C 0. T. a. C Goderich-Leave 6.50 a.m. 2.80 P.M. p Toronto- Arrive 10,.60 a.m. 7.20 p.m. 8 roronsto-fie : . . Ave 6.50 #.m. 12.45 p.m 11 and 6.35 p.m & Goderich-Arrive 11.40 &an. 7.10 P.M. 11 and 11.46 p.m. b CAUD OF THANKS c . ----------------- t! J­1AAD OF THAN KS -Mr. and Mrs. michael e %J Bou ler sad family deAre to thank the a pa-ule of Goderich atod Aislifteld. atiod, many 8 ­­ .. 4bt-bit-trien4eic-tu,r-ittrv-Uelpful-wmoath7'th-%§'Y- I ­­­­ - ­ 11 I I - qummt����,Jkkl_g I *r ,* I � 1910 I'VAUX41111101:1r, 11 90"10w=004"Wiar,� -.­_­ -,--.,�-�---.t�7�—,.,,�-,�.-----.=�.-.-- — - . 111::,.�;,.' :;: �, �� Jr ­ _. �t_�, . - . , - ___ __ _ I � ___ _;; ;, ;­;; _: -1 .. -1 I 1. I I I I I � � I � I I. � - REFR""W , .. - 777 - I I . 1111 'VI --1-1-11.- ­ ' ' ' . a ft�se� , L , , Minor Gains on Western Front, Bul.19,ap Army is in Danger. Kaiser Sugaring %X, ,�� . �, , 1: I , I - . --_--L' ­I, '01, I � . I � I I ­ -1 � ­ ­ __ y I .L I AW . 1. No i , I, I I 0 or 1 lots. OF THIS TOWN partlessilVs repaired. A new boiler Ji* I* b* ** I I Mr. Ilerrington has had 00 I �� 3 GODERICH. , TOWN TOPICS sts yet beyond the telegram a1111101411608 statted and the bolker roupil U4,40*, , " I � — - 1, raiskid to accomallodato It. , I � . . � RY-L&NV GRANTIAO EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION TO TUE NATIONAL SIIIP' BVILDING COMPANY, LIMITED, FOR A PERIOD OF TEN - YEARS. WIIEREAS The Nallonal Shilibililding ump"m Lnutted purchased fWall the 41. of tif,Q trowrt of Goiderloch these ,3,1113,`,� ng betwessrs Now9fitc, and Brack tr.elf. Y what was formerly known " re Dolly Plant. and has %I, e sequArtialt kid promises unprovetst ana sK ed 10 them tol has ror tile pass ffairea , lyear been cut I the manufacture 0 aarine elligireS And utlets. AND WHEREAS at the U1110 Of the Ill" atise or sald promises It was agreed thit to said premises should be granted xemptioll from municipal taxes. except �hoosl taxes, for a, period of ton Yosit'll. Lib mut to the qroyal of ULQ 119,0 � - I ­4-1i9,-WVV Its -bell"Islu, - 61 ror-diji-&-ti-1w T - . -4,04PUST- - . . -­­­ - � have shown in numerous ways to their recent mitted for that purpose. L berea"matift, . ,_ AND WHEREAS the said Company has 1. . since acquired the remainder of the Mrill —'s I - __ I ­_�__ : - _ � ._L_�-�--_ , f'TA-RD-OF-­TH*.b1`1KK-!oIr. James Garrick 10% plant, being the premises oil 'V,alt- -.-- ------ - atiollikilitily wish to express their sincei; formerly occupied by the - ___ 111.1111ta to, the 160Y friends who ex ended f., �. I d oad Door Company. Lkintlea, and .11 I I A bout durlusir the Paget orain ­ 1. �_­­ , 11 ­ - �­__ -, - - I indoesm and a inpathy to t has added largely to its oQuIP"Wills. I I I I I I ___,____-,,,11i1-- ,,, . I ime of their r%cotit bereavement. . I . . , 1 ­ I 1. I & Vol% � AND WHEREAS the said (loin �l silly pro - "I � . ". . I .,�' � ,� . Fw WANTED __ poses to still further increase s opera- . . tions in the Town or Coderich by sirecting , 11 ­ ­ " I 0-4 Al"olk ANTED. -At once a cook and waltress a boiler shop adjacent in lit; present Want . � . � W for Lodge home Ill Araherstbas, .rT on Maitland Roati andelia4'purchased front : , %.O% ERC - Hi4best wages paid. Address Box the Corlifiration of ill To wit or Goderich "I , . . 1J I Amberatburg. Out. ____ for that purpose a portion or tilt, lands . i formerly owned by Godorlell Wheel W98, I 1-11, I i -"&let cook andkiwtion I , . V, the Cor lolla- I I W - - a me . Llinited ail(. nONN owl r . F Ii " , I" SIR JOHN ARD. Cmv3%1 maid at the Alexandra MaWie and 'the Town, or undersell, and is about N�,: EOMUNDt W,A= mantsaw Apply to sUPICHINTEN- tit, I or "', ,� `-;� ,-�,.... li, Irl , . �� � H. V. F. JONM Aaet. Gen't. I LA %_ 'i., . �, General HospitaL to proceed forthwith with tile erection and . , i", , ,,.V., "," I ,,T, O� Lp� 0 CL. Nai4mt M&Wel DENT. 2.1; - shop 77 c� , , 'V �'�, . j i' ' � :_ -ation of tile said noiltoi - � , zy;, I L � i;iomk * ____ , , . . � . , . --- Opel , I '. I " " , � t ­ � . 1,�.. - LACHER WA TICD.-For K S. Now 0 . AND WHEREA4 Ille saft, C6%1)al"v In'con- .1 " ­� ­ - � . I 'V Ashtleld'I'p. Dutl � ,�, �k �, , 11 N � �g�� 1, OL PM, UP to commence ,� luent toln- "'ye "'' ,15.000,000-- ESERVE IFUND., - $13,SW,000 "' sideration of the ereetion by It' of Suitt . � M boiler sl 4 ." 9 . A to ,3111IRGE HARRIS, IL It new - "llse" 11 , ,�; ,,, -, ,A�111 ',�',' 'L, - L - . - ployinent 0 ItT tion I nati'l.s. tj.� hereill- ,�­, '�­ �, E. I ganoon. Ont, r a diandaill Ir. ' I �L`,' , -",t'17--- - - __ I tile expansion or Its 11 . I ,�*, , � ., �. I '. __ rter set rorsh. allot _WA , � rrF,ACHER WANTKD.--ror Truloo S. 6. a I I - ��,,�,',I%j ?,� operations In the 1'own tit isoderich. Its$ I . ""'. ,11 ­ 1. "! - JL No. 11, Ashfield. Second class proteo- is ", , I I " . � � � � I . requ ' tell the Municipal Council of it r, ­ �,'; , '"'I I Plonal. Duties to commence Sept. 2r d Apply said "Corporation to sumnit tilts BY -Law - . � ,qr�".L,�, r �, , .1 SAVMGS BANK BUSMSS ._,Isi� i and experience to THOS. ' ror the appro%,al or' 1he rate payers ex� I ,,,,. ', 1, ,, r ,, ' , . r... , _ . I . 1"I"'I'l ' ,,��, I .1 . DOUGH ,R 1, s.. . torlding tile proposed exPunition �� 1, �'­ r 1, T See. Trew R. R No, 3 rrofn !�I,!­ 1 ,. . :u M tiat d , . , '. - , �, ; ,, ' Goderich Out. taxation, to 4, Present plant c (It I , " " ,��; ": �� A Savings account Will assist you in the paftiotic and __ I Ile '", L .. ;. � I ,� I WANTED. -For S. S. No I HO -d and to Ill' said boile�, ,-.;hot) o � .� � TE'Go"derRich town�hip. Secoull.clast, �1.0'o erected, as well its to tile a it lying Ile - I,, b _� . I ' A � . .. , i to. -Iona). Good, comfortable brick school, tween ,Newgute Unit Brock . trpets, �i�, .1 ,,, " ,.� � � , , ... , "; , "; ,"'; I within two miles of Ooderich. Appltca,nti� AND WHEREAS tile said Company orn ' �.""'� L ' personal.. duty of conserving your finances. This Bank ,v, " I " ,, I 11,� � will pleviye state extiorienoe and i4alary requir. pjoys a large number (it workineu atilt !�-,'�� � , �'I.`�,­" ', L' . ed. ApoltoaLlons will 61o.e July 19th. JA5. its operatit)II, lit the ro,%%u Or (ioderlen .. , '.�'.. " �': ,, JOHNSTON, Secretary. R. R. No. 1. Goderillb. are of material ad%untare to tilt- rate pay. - . I allows interest at rrrent rates, and welcomes small ­_ __ ___ I- ___ - - -s a . lii%�-1, � " 1 , � ,,I not citizens tllPreo - � �_�L��i­ , � _�� , EACHER WAINTED-For S. S. No. 8, Col- ' '' ITI, L I . " r *.�M­�',! ,r,-�, , T borne to,wnshtp : second-class pro- ANI) WHEREAS In orcrer to In"n"Me still i,yl' .� ': - ,�:. ould under- �, , , _ . acmunts as well as iarge ones. after sum- aid the Auld VAinipany in its ., ,�'O,� , . e 62 ressional. Duties 10 corifnierice taking, � , ,. � �,: , ,, . � mer holidays. Apply, Stating Itakary and ., it is expptilent; to grant the said .. ��, W,,. It. exelulption irons municipal taxation, ex- " _, , " (,Iod6fleb Braticb, G. WILLIAMS, Manager. experience, to C. A, ROBERT803, R. Ireill- 41. _,:�,, . No. 5, Goderien. R t_r v,ept s(�jlool taxes, upou the ternis lit I 1. � .� �'. '' I �, forth ,�,,e_:,:�.': " ., " '' I , � ,'� ;', � -1 1. _ �, ,� , - - , ,� .I - , ... -, Y�' '... , �� , , I �: - ,;ill , _ , I - , .. �, I '�,;.'., ", ,;, i; '­ ,,, �. , � ; �; ,i; ", . I I ,­'.1�,_j14,11", ,��_.!, ''. . . I'J, , , � .­,�,";`­ ,", 1. X� -.�. � ; .,��­, , ; - . I ,�� - , 11 , I , .-, �!. - . � _ I � ;, . . % I I -�*�, ; " , , 11� I . - "I i - - "'a .� � :_ 7. , 11�9'. 1. � I I. - re-"��,,� . I k,,',,_`, "' T. "'.11 I I . Irm t,,,�:r:,�, I � I . I .A .;, 11 — ----"*, - I . — I . ... I .- I Sun tife Assurance Go. of Canada __=—___�_��­_=�­=�- .--­;. –�-��_ - �_� ��-- ".. . I I OGRESSIVE After forty-seven years Tito ,Sun Life of Canada has absurances - in force exceeding $312,000,600. . i Excepting companies issuing industrial policies, the Sun.Life Issues annually a. larger volume of new assarances than any tither company in the British Empire. -It has, moreover, the largest annuity business in the world, H. R. LONGi I . Distpict Agent. . ��, CHOW, TWACHER WANT9D.-For Un - I I ion 8, S. No. I Aelifield, Colborne and , tWawanos�h.2na class professional. lilt. es ties commenceSeptember 2ud. A ly,�tattllg soll . ary and experience to R. McILWAIN. Nile P 0. M ky 9' GIRIL,S WANTED ... N ffl IN lim A APPLV AT w N M IN GODERICH KNITTING CO. (4i IN I M N , EAST STRE.RT N Bo tE - MR9699 M 9) cc ffl (@ Wanted * M 9 . IN I Rhubarb at the Canning @R 19 M 19 Factory & M -_1 .11. . THPAkEVORE THE MUNICIPAL Cot NCIL () j.* THE C011PORATION 0�� pik., i,ow-"s ()I GO14141121i ENACTS ANI) 11' IS IIEBE- B %, FNAc,rEl) AS FOLI.OWS - - I . The lands, bulldiARA, Islarhinery and plart and all tile ll­*,.sabl�e llroil('"v or The Nattutull Shipbull(IM9 conallalQN, Lun- Ite(j, cuIuju,i,i,(j Ili its prenuses, .�Ittlate firstil. UP"" lot, .4 " Ill. [M), fiat'[ or oil, 91ti ano "the Woi.AlAlart or lot pit, anti lying , itn betweett Ne%%g&,t, Street and Brock .I, �el lit it , e ,,, own of' Goderlah, and. sceolidl), upon part of Block 12, Concession 'A' tronting oil Maitland fload Ill the TOwn Ill Godellu'll. being forllle�TY tile plant operat ed li�- ']'he Flaget 01-1-11to floor C( u"Pull - s' ' 1.1nilled. ail(], thirdly, Me neW holler 11)(11 to he'evrte(i al,oci upon part ar Ilim1k iq cellive s m 'A'. ,halt h, and Ito- N1111W at" hereby Ite,-lare(I to, he ,.xplopt lr,qu a] municipal taxes. ex"el't �vhoof taxe" I'm a period or tell y-�oir,k ,rom allot inrluoluq the year Will. ill-- la�t year ,it said tern being Ili(, Year IiQ7. t?� it, file ,,�,ent or the total ounibo-1, o hands pe I'll oto ell tly ,Illp;oi�ed 11�- 'Itill Cons party Ill it., llir4ly and sv(*(,)ts�iiy ti"erilwl "relill'i" ralling antl rellia I kg ljelo%% IN � mccoommoaaocF000mwct00000*0000a00000moo*0000000000 I A CARLOAD OF XXXXX SHINGLES I .. V ON TIAND AT THE " , I GODERICH PLANING ]KILL S , r it). and IN N 4 % 19 will start taking Nlonday, June If iffi . * M3rd. - A 0 fila M Bring in What You Have * M ff� I Hupon Canning and Evapopating.'w", fil . * W Co. *t *1 Ra%3Gffi* "' ��___i� for a period or nine ,!Onsevutive Mouth, ,�r ill tile (,,..,,t olr it,,, nurIll)er fomployf. Ill the tioller '11oll to It,, erect,.d ralllo 3110 relliallillix h"I'm I'Aeuly ru r it ltkt pero'd. m' Miould �atd Cofflpally ,-,.Its(, I., 01)(.1,8141 If, '31.1 111"fl) ruld �ecoil;!!y (I," vrine(i wenu­,. (-I, emwr or I ,ul . 11 ille'aid Imilvi"hol, tor it pi-riodol lit; lit I �u so Ili)\ 0. said evorit� t� e,,`t"lu','�;,.l`I" lo�ll.t* inult..'T ,hall terrinnat is, so rat, a, voiii--m into wx- lor it, "ell;' 111 \""'r' '11111 1'eli"It o'r flort"Ilt I ,volliplewd, and tilt, fill axv, ror ,at, .� va - lu",p1�1'ect (,r th., premises ii� t� whif,:h (I Ilult Ila, h0-:1 Made shifli, 1) ipayable 1)\ �am collwalo'. FOR SALE OR TO LET, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS � . I . Manufacturers of and Dealers in . . I - -4Lt KMSAIF - BUILNG IdATIRIAL , 9 OUSF AND LOT FOR SALE -On Carn- 14 eron street. a new red crick one -halt vtory hon,00 witil, all modern conveniences. A good frame garaire on the prerni.eq. al -o a few cho trec,�� Apply to bill. HARRY ice fruit the p LYTTLE, on eml-ex. -_ :3. The exemptioll lieleby t(ralltell "hill . ('ease upott tit,, "avt ptatlt,i, of ails ,,It (it, inore or fill-in, hi-losor rompyeft to o oporatoll h.\ am, (­111pall'N' 111,n] ot III (11\1dual (Aller than Ille 'aiii 'Fit., Nationa Shipbuil0low Coulpally, I'lltilt, -d. unle-i till, N10111"11,41i C"oncil Ill , iti oll-cretio gloe� lt,; applo%al tis tlo- e\emptlon holn exto�ndt,d to) ,ai(l company, 11run or In 61viollai. - OR SAI.E.-About 10 acres of good hard, .F wood buAh. Performs and parLiculard apply at THE STAR office. . . . We have always on hand a stock of 0 RENT-Furiusbed house On West s I T ftreet, 11 ear Harbor Park. All Do(lern conveniences. Apply at Star Office, .t — ____ --- - _ �__ .. The ,ak,i C,,nkpati� ,hall at any ll�,,,, !ip reijo­i .,r hip cierh or t 1, P NIII at t1 ,1­ratlou ruini,n it statutory do r1pal Co claration a, I.. the noniver ,,T hands Pill I CANADA PAINT CUS READY -MIXED PAINTS I (EXTRA GOOD QUALITY) $3.00 per. gal g . NAIESGEASS . HANGERS AND TRACKS 1. ' � ALL KINDS OF BUILDERS' HARDWARE Al SUPPLIES ft o1ALE-Seven-roomed frame cottage. F0 with modpirn cr.wenlence%, on Bruce street ocrupir,d b pt. Angus Mer)onald. LlSo_�o!�� barn, .xp_p_ly Or) tile premises. - .1. - .. .. LCYCLES trOR SALK-t Ma,,sey 19, Broodel. I Massey model 6. also the be- as makes of tires for bicycles and autos, M18 sundrtep Avoly Wsloitlit. B&RBFR SHO p. . 0-rii-Od I'l-11111 11111P 11, tittle In its W1.111111 plaill. "o, tile pulp"'i, or ls�csirtalltln %%heti`)�erltlie couditwit- or tills Its' l,a%% lit' being (­uipliPol %%'till, 5. Tit(- exenilmon hrrcvy granted sha ilh,.�%I,,� rea3� aml $lit- it tilt. ,kal ,-[Ia[ �'hiplilll l!'."log"ut"Oulpoilly. 1.11111 The Natt at ariv tuiw (Turing the sat ell. ,nall . 1) e r t4)(I or tell ' N�o-arq rerii,te to give its (" so -lit In N�rttirix io any proposed Wrivit 1) the co,ij),,tation (or it). -,owl, or hio(teric or an� i),,nui or aw t(i an), similar it flogtry. and tile qaI1I conlimny shall. required by tile Counril of Islo. Corporatlo agree tit %o.iLuuizr on ta, berore the (lit pas, I it K or tilt, I)N, 1;1�%. to g-1ve Its ronse in Wriffnir to the bono,ung by the Co poration ,,r any sluntlar Industry in if 1,()wu ,)r i,(.(IerIch %kittlin tile sald peck . OR SALE OR TO RENT. -Six roonsod Fhouse. good locrttion, all convenlenneo. Rent moderate, Auply to 8. C. MUNN INGS. Trafalgar 8t. t -t - ­ - � - KED POTATOES FOR SALF-(rfsh Cob- blers. A limited .Iuatitit,y for Kale. Fine §.r table use. $2.00 nor bushel. Apply to J. B. COX. R. ft. No. 5, oodetich, or'phone 17t. Hall- Miller. ______ - - ­ - Lf � �' . - - I CEMENT ]UNILE � �, - � I I I i CHOPPING Mi[h ][J : IN CONNECTION. I 09- -VORSALE-Bouseandloton Wolf treat. V Hawke ountalsivi -even rooms, stood cement collar electric lighted, stood Poring well. lot -consista of it quarter of an acre mostly under t. choice apploA. pears end SrrrLpeA. For t- ,,and particulars apply to W. J. 13LAIR "" - -'-- - __ - q It. SL , . . Vf_ I F R 8 LK -Red orlok. with a OW316 0 A conveniences, Apply to "'. A. ('1118. 10ILM. Trafalgar St. if . . -_ or tell yi,ars. ' "() TAKE NOTICE that tile above f" a tri fly or a propoqPd Pvltlw which has boo, taken lut(j, consideration, and Wit sells -1 of I " or it be finally passed by one Col J( lifunfripallty (in the event or the fi%gp of the elprtor,; I)elnw obtained thereto I she 1111111th trwn the nrqt puhneatio after et oi,o If ill Illell,j) stgnal rieNvqpaper, tilt, da or nwhic it publication was the r,th day Ju oo. 1918, i i ,ESTIMATES CEIEERFULLY GIVEN. i . . I It mager 8 I JAME& BUCHANAN, ME INSURANCE — % MEN SUE 9BENS all 91 OR N " 66 * A Man Without Means * IF * fm * AYI) Ft RTIIER TkNE -qOTICE that it looks 1 4 prsjt�lla Ine(I tui(-.er the provislo , "), I ,or The Must , pall Act. "Petion 265, S, 3 are frooruleed if -o ciasoi berore the ol 0'r Voting to tile %%till rne a statutory a ,l of, ssi,ou ,or quallfiration,o ntherwige the namp'; NNIII wit alilwai, on the Voter',k If ror such %olthur. Drowning In Dakota hlanasec llerriustolf. of the stertingi Bank has had bad news, .1its. brother J. 1,14. Herrington. having betut drowned at 114nd 11111 E.-ake at Hannah, N, D, , -1 I AIJC�Tj�,�tffE:�_��_ I t alka&mffl&"NNSINIENMNRN86ingavENEEN (A * AUCTION SALE 1 * N I w OF I Ontahio West Shore 11 MI Railwa 111 -Y Materials _1 %­_____,____ _ _.._____.____ 411. 11, An Auction $We outheOntarlo N M West Shore Railway NaltartWe N 0 constist4ifig Of thooBuildingatTica. III * Tilibbers, WQoden Bridge at Port IN ON cm IAlbert, Scrapers, one Stoam Hoist di and " other loose material wili * III W M be held On the right -01 -way on W It WEDNESDAV and THUR @I FA N 00 N July 17th and 18tho N I W commencing at I o'clock on Wed- * M nesday. July 17, at Kintail,aud 0 M e riglit-Of- % selling all %loDg ith way FA m towards Goderich. @I (a T6rms Cash on ba�j of Sale. I" IF M III (IN W T stee of Ontario West Shore Ry. b" * r1l IN Ill * INMIlliffl . WANTFD TO RENT ___ WANTED TO RFNT­ Hollow -with .... '%'enlence.; In North slid of town or centrally lopotted. WrItA nex to Sitar otflct, � ___._ NOTICE . NOTICE-WIII the party who took tile .prinklor off tho watering call on to promise. recout,lir t,,,kindly return 8s,sull ans solve trouble. M . IACTSON. Elkmt St. it — PRIVATF SALE - -J )OUVATE SALE OF RICD BRICK Hot'SK JL WITH MODERN CONVRNIENCIC8 AND HOUSEHULD FURNITURE, Fieltithroan Piano and bench; iNtrior and dissinx loans Suits; den, tibmrY, and hall W,1: three bedroom suItA; p1ljOwLJ and bcddilloo� three mirrors; varandah chairs. reeking ofiairs and couches; trusts and carpeto,; ranke. oil -tovo, w%.bing tuachine and wrtturer, akiwing nia- chino, cjock��Jrkordvtl 11040, jusin tllooik� ell rtain�, dWills and other Articles too numerous to loan, Link). sale every afternoon and evenitux front "" July I '.1th In 2,1nd. JAMES 3'. 111'11110H, Albert Streoi. music I ___ SAHIC , .1, It ScOTI I — � Organist Notth 'Streol, Methodist, Ch;%rt:h Vospils Prepared for conscro-at,ory E'xaojttj� . I tldon� In i V010%, PJANO AND 0101AN. I Apply at .Mr-. it- UoillSou'.. Wo.t ML.. Opoo.1te � I 10.t Othre. I CHARLES BU1.1-:LKY � � _. r OrgiksnI4 St. Goorire'w Anglican i'llLurvit . Nano unit Of gar) I 1181 ruetioll I Terms V Five.oteco Orehol.tra ) . olderate lInrit Hou -0 . . LOST d� - " __- W it Smurday. betw on Bradford � . "' - " I � ,,, LOSbIacks ... fill -hot) tond S,kuol Illl!: yani. I't ' hiLuer. Finder IlLeaso rolutrit . 111 8FA t r is V F I U K - I 0 1_oO.1*r_ Tuc�tay clell"king. Jul� Hill, At she r I-01L()ftIV1e11Ljs%dY'� .111,tll 1.1(!k 10.411-01 11 pncl,'olt hook. containing a ,tlin Of l"0II,'Y Ill P bill. Itud soine Ptiver. A reward will be pal -i s oil luitoring �tute at the Po�t Office or 'I'll, I Still Oftlet, _.- __ . - ----- ) T At Uodurich dock, v� hile oi,)tninsc of e ­ ,l.j()Sthe,4teittritir(irtb3,kst)titiii.Thui--(I#tyiiii,,tit Jime, 131h. a Litdy'. Beaver Cave. line I browri�atkn. Tbeilmlor will im Ithemilywi,1�1 e wI,I.oAe(j oil lei% v itig sitine jL' TH K STA It Oftil-l- r - I . WARNING 1, ______ - ____ s W A B.N I \ U. - _ is Ir Hie. ONTA11110 WXSIT ellORE RAIIAVAN . Any person or persons havinir arlY Inaterift of ill(, Ontario We.t Short) Itall Wit y in that ,� po.�O­ioli are hereby notified t o forthwit t tolturn Same to the risrht of -ity of the futil - way beforo3uly 17th, 11418 and to notify tit LruAlle. s Ally person or per40114 havuir rstilwni, two i It terial in their po�Hex,,iofl after Lie pobliectf.101 11 of I hi, notice are liable to Vroo,cou t I ell, listed at Dungannon thito 3rd tiny of Jitly, 141 1) ,rHoMAS KIOTHER.S. Trustee. it - = t if - No,rl(:E TO (AVDITORS __ I oTl 'K To cl(F.DITOIL4. 1. , It o,rl(*Jt i. hereby given to ill vel',an I having clalrn4 alralll,t the K-otatAl Of -11tink' if 3ewell, law of the Town of tioduritih, fit Ui 11 ('0111ILV of Huron, Farmer, dectm,ed. to -oln 31 Lite same, oIuIY verified, to tile noide"Altue, nt on or before the sixteenth day of J n1jr. 191 r after whiell date the foxecuturo will procco if, to df4ribuce the �kt X,,tat,o, antotle tile Per ,(I sells entidoll viereto. havinic reirarn On I EA the "let a of which they then .11.11 have �. 1, not Ice. and that they will not ho, liable for th n pro,3eedo of tile I�st.atol, He di-tribuLed. to at, 11 res'lln" of wilose cl000lln. notice -hall not tile ie ", , been received. IC I . HAYS, (lederloh. nt Solicitor for It. V. Jewell atid Is. M. Ballar, ) , Executors of tile Will of James Jewell, d n cea-ed. to' Dowd st Ooderleh, Jone Alit 11119. or __ NOTICE ___ 11 ns A0fi**,`1B9E9flW%9hA9*%**% **M%**Am** S, RA sly * TOWN OF 001)FRICH e * Ir 11 st 94 * Notice to Iffaler Takers 0 even I I I Royal Dundee Takes Fl -I Ityatis Property fur ChI14"W's 94-4* - .1 . it, mel,keaxes Royal Dundee won first The special committee of the COMO)p . I money In thtW Straigill he3tS 10 the COU1101 tO Wilt0b waas referrO *41 . 11 s � pZ0 class at tile Niltijitoll racei on PurChaSto Of ft Stiltable PTOPeLft' Or W, N)oednesday. A numbor front tiodrorich Ujilldren's Shelter for Huron COQU.,ty", I I � ��. ook in tht,, races including jas. Wig- tonVther %N,Ilh the War�den, W4�s #A . . gills, W. I)rtow. Govo. Seabrook, Harry town on Tuesday and Instiecteti a, "Wil.ts . -% . -auk ber ,es .%.vhlch were QfrtrW' I Wells, Jos, Mutch. J. Doyle and Ft of plac . , Townsend.- 4everal premises oovere offered (it a Staris of Last Week Wanted higher 11glisire than the 00131101 h4 authorized the committee to PaY, 0,M We require a few copies of I and this cut them out of coutiftler4t0A. week,*9 issup,of Tilt- Star Ality 5111'��,," 1*ht- conimitteo was tinaininous In It*, - the Supply of tilts ialsitle boink,9 quickly I selection (if mr, P. J. llyan'st propertr' eNhausted. If a few of our stibscribers ittle oil[ A. Mel). Allan property). who nuly have no furititor use four %'%Ili4.tl N't-as offered, at f2 i__*4-_.__.________-___ jqilj� , it ea 'rJ434im- V%�U- r4turn- Iftiot- 10 -71+0- dltl.n -to-Tr1.;,Fi Imso)- U. -i -e -re arr two lot& ,,jar oillec, *vNe will kasteein it a favor- The salt, has been effected and palI,. We %%Ill pay 5 eents it colly for ally sok.s,�Ioll %%ill be given October ist. The lt,ft tit the office, loda� N"nitattee coaskisted of Coulleffloft Disirict Depu(y Will He Here 1.otiki, Li,olngstointo and Ilarborne. The somi-annual Installation oof Oil)- A %lass,q Meeting top Children oors of Ituron, I.mige ,No. 62, 1. 0� 0. F.. Nii,s Niargar-4 Nfelittoish. who Is In %%ill take jdae., ton \Iolida\ eN.-nIIIg,;,II.lrge (it tile jurstor 0vatitatiqua work . nr\t Iii-trict Peput\ liall, of (Allston. ierc. aust ki,ttu is spendIng 110" 11011d0d \%Ili Ito, Isere to k,ojI.ju(1j Ih,, 1'erClullille-A, 1.41 Itotol Sunset, "Ill rielate it number ,1,11.� ,q,q,tooj tollivers ikie N 6. 1, L. .,f Iwr Inimitable storles to a mass 1�11,)\ : \ G., Geo '4\1114,11ol., : It "', 1: . uleetina ,or the children or the town .\ Iteid , F S, N\ F Clark : tl','%, , an,j %winit) on the Vieturiat Reftool J. S lIkAtt. \\ 1141figoug"I 1, 1, 11 to gr,.unil� Nionday afternoon, July Mill. Goderielt 5, Clinton 2 rrmn :t tit ,I Welock, ,\Iiss Nivintosh N 6mierich blisebalt teitil Ilt,1\111 In ""I tw renwinbered Ily funny of tile t.11III'm WeAhle,oin) ts-norllool� .ig-jill, \\hot]) Shto 5t)0h0 ill Lit thO .t ehildren ' t4) 2 ,ellooi,, \01ell In town iseooeral %olvelcsi t1le "i"i"n 1--a"I sts"'i %-VOU otit. � Ttw iw.lerlk,ll to'kin eomst,teil "t J, Llj4o, and lito childreut %vill not be d18- Ilo\te. (.. \\� Limit)) jo, Frant, T, � \% 11. aj.joolllje�l lit io,,king ronvard to a treat. sell(I 11" lt,�rl To\\Ilselld 211, W liatkil \11 %\11., (.,Ili find t1file to) accolliparly l,N, .1 1111111t, 3h, 11. Altell""m rr. \\- the ehiltirvit arto cordially Insited to be ilo)l' cf. T, John"toll If Th, Ltaille pr' -lit All opportlllfl�y to) secure \\u, is riist kine, bossing played In an llcket,& for tile (i , oderleh Chatli � 1, ":: 1`114" \%Ill also he hour anki It quittAvi, (�i .1ki ViNell. The num- A Linen Shower for the Hospital ,1wr ,i\ tilablo at the reduced price is IIIIIIIV,I� lietlit uhullt tile Chautauqua A linell shl.wi.f. r(.1. [Ito Movindra \Niirk ,oil pase I; of Tile Star tills wook. Misrillf. and tioneral 11,�sllllal, linder Cotinly Cositirt (*,uses ttl,� 'AuqVicos ,,t tit(- .\hrueek Chapter,, 1. i I 1) j,: . \% iii be held at Mr. Thoni- jjro\NII N,, wulsil \-,as Lilt action tried ,ols,., Nftl�ll. ��tore ,,it 1W1Ir'ja\, '1111\ it, Illo count) court ors �;atvirday be- J�itlt, 1l'..\\e1,, all kind,, sh,�ets ,'I'll f"I" lit' Ilowir Judgr Dickson. The [Illb'%\ �Ilps \\011 to. r'J'al"flill� r,,e,.i,. plaintiff ,.N,t, \if, Harry Brown and the od ,111.1 a go'llOr"ll, rV.,j),111", 1, 11�,j .... I ictnot, \\,I, nor damages for violl-&- . for, :I- Ilp, ho'llit'll Is ill ,III,.. [W.-.11 of ll\er� or -11i., J11111i, the vlatill being #,\--I,Nlllill.A ,of' thal -I; for 44'41M 'Imignient \%ns ght'll for . It', oil file 0111, *s,,l:I, \\IIwfi 111,, lionor Assured was � t1w I)aWle., or 1wemint title the plain. Th'. �1.41- lw� rvt,vt\e,I rro�lu litt.''I'l tirl 'I'll.. ,i,,f,,ndant Is a junk doalor Tigerl. "r Slwjoj.;ordt�'n. 'k tollull'.t. (or at \\ Ingham 11. Wiliness lifill G. (lar- ,),kt Iv.)\,", \%fill tho 1vtter -V pl'i"0 r.,\\ for pl-111)[Iff 1, �� Dmwe� for do- mark ­1 l"I'M11 1111111Y 1,0111t� or thf, r.-fid.kill ol'untrN v. -Io" 'lluilar storl." and it tIs \,,,oll..r ,.,,,, x%lis till Isetion brought sai'l th.it lilt, to,. -it plivni-inewin %0tich I,\ It,,, v,lat,, -4 an iniostilsent, nhe Wit- ' It's, not. lw�,Wlrre,i 'Ifice tilt- la,( �e.tr ro ro 1, in \\ inghtlin. ailuxtruit I I arry 4 Ow Boer \\at" Whether Ilkl� I� Ili' Itro\\n l`,,r tho priot, of an lilt to slimbilet ,,,,,,,,, ,,r un)tlmlsi �%,- \\it I 11"t MO-nipt joirelia­.t. ,.i, allefirpil to have been lo ,.I\ No, ollo till( \\oklI,t 1". it , .�(, "I 1,11r, Ii.i.."I 1.) We . lirforillarit at am . it it -Ii,oild jorosaw- 1',o, " I ­­ :.; I;` aucli.,11 "k. .11111gfilorit fior tilt, plain - pi ...... lit \\lit' fill, \Var im r,., ,iii., i,riev i,f tit,- avito I:. Oar- . Lo , %alt) In 0111' ()%%it Vollillillulit) ?'.�\\ r,w I-1.1111tilT it. vanslome for do-- "Ifw -Ill. Il'o, III&I.- it I rallgell it'll t., to, r.-II-i.mt 1-111111,li .1 .�1.1,1­ ol ill'twit'N "It Ilw N using plits-lot'i .. I � .. . � � .1 I 410,11,11 (if ("011111111filf) 1,,)�Afl), W., it ... sairl, an.1 I , io)q i . ) . f otir town are ,Ilr�f of' \01wh \%Ili bo 1*��Illld on 1'.kmv ,II,-%%IIIu :in example of paLrioth! ser- ., ,�r ilo� i%�tw 1.-.�,All\ I., ,�fl,-', .,\\It \1,-., Ith.11, I- WOO) ('11flinwrillablo. C.11111111111it� I, ..it, or i1w auin, ,-r ill,- oiji,� .\i,irN I,ars,ais, .1augliter of the 4;f14-;II0,, 1�odrrtcll rI­\--I?wIIt Ili raol W -.111.d j,i,.-,,I,1..ut ,or wir Board tit Trade, dl,l,��itll� I,- Ilw 1,.\\Il ill \%Iil,IJ \\,' ll.itld.- , i 01 ill.. Ile,] --oss %yard trt,af+- , 11\� I� ,IIw[.hl Ixt ll� (11 I Ilir,-r -.11 \h-11-hy f�lxt�-Six cents. the I ..... ,I i.r,,at,,r i.At-rit-li, Those artl- pi- --d, i -f is c"I", ,.rt gi\eu by hor . b � it I, I... 1, \ I , 1�111.-,j ;111-1 \�Ill 11I.ik'. 'i 'in.1 -o". o"r, rriew!4. Theme young ,j ... (.,,if r_ljtlr�, ,.r ii,,- -;f..,, ri,,it, o.%,,,,k li­­ -r I;oderivh Isrollo.w. to continue . t'' �\­-I\, 'Ild %\Ili lo. "ollid ,,It I'W'. '? III—-- .-olic'.1,14 during till' surunier and o... -h %\­ 1, "irll 1100,11 lullrlo%, '01, patriotle pur , j-- , \\,-11 d -ow, Mary : o,ole �,%itdi . litill(I Polle) DO -1141 %.,,, ,u...;- Sol,,,, or Ili,. Imys also 11 \\,I� \\1111 ,lirpri". ;1� \�, 11 I- "it � . ti- 1.0,1111114 Mid ha%,119 fnolke� . for the t 1�..I­ I" ul'.1 Ill .1 twlll� (I I. od, tit (,,,(I,- it ,.,I 'I ri,iiiooh, Fund. Mr. Elliott has re . , I -I'll I ,,I 11p. 'Ild'i"n d".111 . I �.r ,_ i,,.,l --iltht flo)lars front (It-orge. . .NlI. ll�.It 111,11 "` 11 111�dh.\ A 1,-,Iid,�It ,,it I's— I \i.mi­.n wo it,ret. 4jo::ars, from 0or. - . .1.1 , N f1-111 1111011 , 'll_--` N11 """" hm md K,,uneth Ford. 110ther boys %\ 1, \I-Illlig In . " '.1'.1i'.111 .I�,I lioliam , I., ,A\iri.r ill) but ltit\v not )el made . 11"ll �,111' quil, r� ­ I I' �\ Il'tD �%11, 'i ., 1, \ I,A�Illont MI their b0f)(114. It 100k.'4 1-IoNrl. \,.Illlg 111,11) aild f"r \­ir, \\,i, if ii .... row \%oWd be ftst tit Ret his; I . o"c'.1111hatil f ­r \It, rroildr,­l , I gal , , t '11.1 Ilurr\ ill'. lm�s, It )oU want I 111,11) 11"I", III. -I. 111,�Nllla t" 1, , [.,:[,I I," I, ., U. -I III ;Llwail r �\Iwi,, I— I .... j, i ,11iiii-ol 1--l-11 it, I Nj 1, j),.,m.ir­,r, '1,,row-� offl­ I'll-.' Surroijule Court Ciii e 1`11flol-A 1-0, 1-1.11, A 1-1111111) �­Ivr T\% � i i­itt,,�ts ,�\er N%rlts; have lito.en fl IN Thill"daN ,I 1, ) ,-k _j­�j, \o;:- ,. tri. d lit Ili,- ,;urr,,Kute Court tfils week nt'.u'll-T, ,.r if,,. %1�4_1,� ,.,,,I iow,,i I,\ His Honor Judge Dickson The I lo\%, ,,,,,I Ill,, ro11,.%\IlIw vi,ill j,,�Nlj .it- nor -t. \\hwh �\.4-� heard On Tuesday h i--n,i,,,i ii)-� nio-rat .1 _lr.jil��,I. if ,i tiol ook­hw­1,4�, wfus oNer the wiLL of \I,.vIf\\. H VAN\ard'. \ i,1!\,I.11 .,11,1 \Ir, loirtt,-4 000\(,rtle�. late of Reaforth, F Wirtill %%it,, 1, -ft all e,ktate (It about $1,400, Whal %%Ili lilt- Tll\ litalt. 114. ? 111�41,lllsr [A,-% Dr. Larkin, Or Seaforth. \ ,p..,.,.,I uo.-titioz �-r ii,- t,,� . I. ... is, ,I,,- be,whemr) and paissing over tier .... �., .,%\it 011I.Ir'.11 The plaintiffs %vere the, N (.11 \\j, hold .,[I \1,q,hN .\. , , I. � 'Irlit. Ilw I.I\ 1,0,� r,.f, 11'.. %-Jr. I' r. , `\­titor, ,,f tho will, iwv. Dr. Larkin 0 ,.lit Ih- MaNw" !Iw li''.\... .11). I I ,'"Ill Ind \%Ili ,4,.m(,r\il1v, ,.%no brought ac ,I , - - - -- - - - - 1. '111'.r., '41or\, \N1I­rI Ind 1-1'k.- I 6allinue(t (,I) psti 4� M. Th, fli..11.111"11 -'r 1)1,� IIII.ill." ,­Iu --- d ,,,Il1,­ �Ilhlllilled ..-tilliab., r"ll Ow SPE11,34,11AST COMING , . I \` , 11' I \NIIT,*Il \\vc., ,oj,[;I,(,%41.1, off Inotion Ili F,,rooter, of Rtraffnrtf-.�Pyp, Par, 1, or i:,,wo.I1lor (; .... k-� ind Ito- 11--\,. ',,,-,- and Thriont Specialist, will be tit e ilpl It— II,iktt,.r ,,r ,iriking tit,- rat,- t1w it-Aroril Illitel from. 7 P. nl� Well FYI \%h, l'-f'rr"d I,- Ilw lu,�il .... .... (1111111fl,". � lo­hN, ill#- l7th. till I p. in., Thurs, , t,, ,,.,,,.r,l .41 ll,\t ,*,�g,li,ir ,ov.-titig or , ' h" 19th I . I ti., , .,unci I 'r[ I, - i outil % ri I -, Vol, . - ___�_ __ . I 0- � 1'.4 r I� al),101 'i 111111 Illull, I, t1l'in 1,1,41 Dooirrs tit Itaylleld and Hoollorl Sunset \,-ar, ,,ii accotint -1 ill#- 1hutoNa , %� ral.. ll.itwo sit flaylleld evrry Wednesday T"r 4 ...... I h.'ad, , 'Ind oth.-I. .-M-11111-4 K 1,, I *1 illney soromice. Regorvation, ' - or it),. to\%i). ;,. izi�­n fit Hi, -11111,0-, uI jjj,,,44tono-'-, $1 for round trip 0 ,.I-- hiall"I. 111,111 h�t N..,Al, ­ Ih;At ;ih llob-1 Sunset, (loderich, every Friday, I W ltI1r.,i-' Ill t1w tax rat4 1­,h� lil,O) -if 1) ,C(loek to 12. Illackstono, lJuc4 * lit lite Iforloor 1,.� 411-rhestra, 5 pleee.g. 144 * I 1. 111,11,61"J.''ll 11111"ad'-d In p,-rds ,in land and perils on Y-3. * I.:,'". �.�:`o:�.;. '.I f4roundrel on earth expo�ed, * 2 oxx � \%tw.it an't ­it� A lli,X,.,t *, Ili, i,­I,�ril li � 1, \ it-' ,11 Nlou,h , n, P %1- inaroo f1loutill ctla'. .A k� ,he Sil 1*1 Lih I 0 r I DOOCHMQO"0000"0*0"000*0"00000"0000*00000000cioeoo @H must abandon the hape of making ANI) Ft RTHEII; 'TAKE NOTICE that the * Water ratcos aro hereafter pay * 'Ili,- .1,0111 ll�N- it, ,10,,oled ilo.Ofy) 1)11%11 I) -,\%,,r ,if God : conin and Ilear all � - (E the future of his family luxurious- * %.Ole of the electors or into sald Town or i* aisle quarterly Ili advance on the * , 1, ,,f \% It, ,it ,,it Iiw­i�. di-- ill thr Tj,,,Fl, of Toronto), Ili Sk A� Citsploi Fri FOR SERVICE ,�_�ass&3�!��S&n 19 (lodprich will he taken on the %oud pro * * . 03 ly comfortable. Im IN).4f.(j Bylaw at tile rollowing times and gif firstdays of January, April, July * .� 1-.\.iI-,r . .1;4% .1 A P m. M W "Id % jquep,, that is to say. on lilonday the * an(I October of vach year. fit 'I ),., w , , .1,11, \ ,. � I -III,. �,i froin j)" L - � 1918 STUD SEASON 191%&, I @I (lay or(.jniy, ION. rominenruitor at the it,,) I i r w , w ,,n and routinu fig [* A digeount ()f (15,%,) fifteen per ,H t'L.o I I , � t .. � I I it j­il f r ­�- r,ij .j.,N4 HARRIED IKT_ MEDIUM I All a Man Can Do W or 9 o' fork in the forefio n fir tit(, W, V(,nt� will be allowed off rati-4 T* U I it ) A 11 A %V4 - MvT.IGA,N - At Bolivillo. 4 I,,, - 5i522 A. T. R. 1070 C. N. R. N � a until r, o'clock In too aflprnoo If— \\ - - k , 1, I ,Ih - - Ii .... f- lit it saturilar Jane Vold 19110, M%rspkror kil­ Trottl ng The Goal Situati 0 n (F ig -inim, (lay b� the ro,f0\%TI%g 01-IJuty top * when paid on or hf-fore Oil, tlr-4t '* f,., 1,,p ,,,, 'ofMmJaP_Mct,ean Gadori,.h (PnL The Standard Bred Show and If undereristtlig circumstaisceR to ffi turning Officers W * 'Intiaht,tor Stallion. Fail brother of DuqtYn 2141 and of each (juarter. Milt. :if , to Mr. J. t', Adam". ot HaDaville. oot, Inez M 2.17kr(,Waa shown fifteen times -(Our- I safeguard him family is to 59 i1olling qub flivisi-1 No I, at Thornim,ri M W ) ),, \\ - ,I. r,. o. ,f, .0.i F1 --ir teen dinem t and once Raeond. .1 M W(K)d Shoji. NA"to-TI-1 Itf­'t, 1).V J01111 Il. W (!)­,,� Five por ror,nt. will In, at.ld * i; ­I. I, 1, ,,, 'I I'l."ot ,I,,- .1 ,1.,\%Tl DIED I 9 fist i,,fj%%ardq. lo-jouty lim.i.ning iorricer jolvid * pil to all watAor ratog thut are :to " , o ", ,�,o - f t ,\�nu ur,aiii-I ill, Ilwir VLARIt, -Tn (Ioderich, oil I'llor-4%ir J,jlv IKE MEDIt'g-will stand for the lrnprove� * went of stoglo: thiA ittaftPon all f011o,w": 114 * �j,rouj. Poll 1.1erk da,N-si In arruarg front the end * r'll.-In, A ''r ur.1ri Th,-� \%ill open lith, 1918, Slarsturet (1tiork, daii Might Be Better " Get His Life Insurod 'If I , rh'." "t th,o IF M Ft JUh (JIVI'loll Nn 2 lit QhftFLTnan' * 1, -to John Clark. The funeral wil t,tk,, plw- TH URSDAY- will leave his own titable and * ffi W H. Tart Mi Poilln I I � " * each quarter. # 'Ip 411 . It l', .11.111 10i tit-, I o,% grafts Iq' I ruin there.fdoncloof bar brother M, lla�jrj I I � to Belga, ilt, 111-111tir sholl. La -t �l fly 4011311o,4 Brit'., PR The 15 '_ difteniint. oil July 1�t. * I , " . :�- proceed cart. love for noon; then to 9? lippilly Returning Mn,or. lo -K Sharman, * * I :1 .1 " , lit " , " t lark. Britsifinla road. on Saturdov. J,ily 1111h ��, k � InstibiLm, for Might. A policy in the Mritual Life M � lits will be sfollowod Ilp '. , ,.% 1­\,,�," 11:11\1:r,l , �:,. I I - 's':',,It 1 1 P. in. to Maitland cemeter) �,[ V", - . ; - the FarmOrOl` HOMO, * 1918, pa.N file 0 - t � . I - lilt at''.4-00, , , t * flo,ll ('1ork. * at the 6ouge (it 2-56. '. ., , . FRIDAY -Will proceed to Blueorale to HAIV4 @9 makeR tI)isj provision at loweH onn Flail I w to an i IncludinR JuIV 15th, 19114, * � ". � - -on MoDonald's A . 1A A ,* M RA PoIllng qohdI11W,n No 1. tit T §­ - -1 ­ ­ __ ­­_ -, ­­ ------- ­___________ - - I ��,: r, - for noon, A once , 11�1 Brussels. for night i CLU W, "Mu M V 3� IN rates. W by F. f,. IIP)f*hPr, iiArmt,il, hetutuing Officer, 1 94 ))ut on)y three (iaN,A of Rrftcf� P i , -�,� - !,: � , .1 -1 � .1, SATURDAY -will proceed u) hi- own I ;table BIQ where he will remain until the anyone who can use 41 '! 0i * * * A06EATSON & 100008 \N In. Knox. Poll Clefk Pol Ing -kill dlvt4lon [T� 4 Rks woo,11 4nop, \ i-toria *it. fly Huron Stother,; A. Tut. I 1541 W * _ will lie allowed on ail fnturf, -�imr I terly pa)rnentst. � I , 1, i owing ure"Y mOrnink. , — III rord. jwputy netoutoog ortirer. Willukrill ; fly oriler of the i 1. .1 . I I �1% I , " K I IE � DI SUM A. -4 2M C. N If- T. I I Soft Coal to lay in gr @I @I go * , A(IFNTs. M So ,itothorq, Poll Clerk Polling qub (livi4lon z10 ri. At 0,0XIII(i P Will W I W W. & L. 0910missioR � . L �, IL Recori 2:001 " 969B*,3E@BNgEMMgB tfm'it Store. Wp%% o -t oY OrrWer. Harold !�turlls. Bla,fi * * TO%%'J OF 1,0t)FRI(IT : I F �- .,�,,,� IP The Grand Circuit Race and Show Horeft 111111111 ton or two Inow as a __ � 1)eputy Returning Stone. Poll Clerk I * I I sTRAITON. Collector. I , I ­Kj,�, ., , I , Fint prize tier aMeaforth and C"lintoan 1917 Sprinir 6WA. a drily stable in the V. t County of Raton ttat ever offered the Qer 0 +-I"- ooifth a record of 2*10 or . N? , . . ­Nailiodm- P, I'. matter of precantion � I I 0. P. CA R le. Y RKAJ. RsTATX AKD lloln'1114"('R A0214T u-n.e for Palo Or to rent I i -tore f mine I PnIlIng suilb d1i'l0nn 'No A. at Rroph,y %1eqt St. by rwo Ill Elliott Pros. Store, . loppelty Returning 0111ver. Wm. i:ait. 1`611 Ilk A. W I **9PqF**;ANl ** . = :--L - 7- .,_- - _. __ - , - = =_ :: . 1. . VIMS 13 a- A I Clerk. better, dwelling. Cot, Britotoinia Road and Relloy- St I I I , i.r6 at his �', Polling %uh divl,;Inn NO. 7, at W PrIddlo ,­ �' B16MERDICKSON ,, Lwill stand I'll ::I - &At Barns, Blyth, �1' Two briek honreA near 0. T. st 11 lion for I nfolu(jenrp. cor. William and Caylpy gt%L " I own stable. ColinitillseQ a ' � �aje or rent ('all be bought i ery .heotp. � b NicKay, Deputy Returning 0111L with expe , y Donald g1tion of the following ronte. � � � MOND Y -will leave hill Own 14018, BlYth FOR 9 A LIE cer. Robert Tall, Poll Clerk. . .1 olond proceed to Auburn f0V 11100M. thence by . - - . .�, W!F Of Vile W 9. McNifill . a for night I I For Side - Fmine d ovellintir on St. G r a the Moll day of IctiF 1019 I ( rotweent. Flun epossir,ii, A 'OZ.,", I on satumay lo � UEHDA,Y,-V.H,l proceed W Colborne - V - . ibe Njayor or the staid -rown will attend ai I" c noon slid itmain there jan Estoto " plantod. go. th ff.Wa tho said Town . lion" Goddric Jor Mooh I I the Council Chambers of tuatil Wed" 12001% way of 11 Frarre d wellins at prift"lit occupied by W. at if) o'clock In the rorention, to appoint " :, WSONMID"A 4 i pro6w by : I t , iillry Vham he i'rdl ramodn I H. Murray. 7 roonsta. modern conventatacea. polootons 14 attend at the vartoollig polling Peliffill I I — ear corner mouth and Key,l ' faces aforesaid and ail me final umml I until the following XO Y waft no I . � The # W . I . I I TUM CIOULI . I "no" 11A 91 � �', . . I � �A worms be ftoall0d ?� - -g"k � I . nfij no ebild tft ,be . M#th0,0f%VW W -Orta ftteto Jh* VAIr tjjj#rd1,e'jn0 thit I.Vil I" �Votl%*,: 11 . I I I 1� I I ;, � . - . , . I I—, � . � � � � �# ­ I , � I ,, � I I I I , I , I . I � I . , , 1� - 11 'I, I r.' --k " � � . I I L. .1 ''.. . '' � I . � -1 . � . ­ — ft � I -.-I----- - . :-_ __ . - - - - - ,- -- _-_-_ - - - qtsrsetiR. Mr. liturrity io learfla. Godeirich � up of tile votes by the Clerk, on 6ehalf 'R It Is eq.t that 4M,OM,000 people I and vrill mu cheap. tile persons Interested in and promoting 38 yowl liniotsticild OIP@rW4* P. . - .__� posing the pasitin of the said pro- *a Watch er Oil" tse friff," u, fifface wim mis b, unt. In Europe are short of food, In Pol- _ __ - - -- - (P -6a BY -Law, regpectIlvely. 11111hri" nvo*W*tb t- and , Finland, Servia, Armenia and WESI& WAWANOSH FIRE INSUR The Clerk of the Uouncil of the Raid frft the Russia, miltions 016 nettially dying of . CE CO. . Town of Goderich will attend at his Office healthy. starvation and otbdr millions are suf- One of the best (a the ProTtsam Fft@d In the Town pit, at *n o'clocit In the MCLEAN ft"It II1l4*Y1t1[AL BTRI's? � forenoon, of luesday the 23rd day of a*" ;W the aqueni, InA46t Is fering from 'under nutrition. vvhflp V, woosawAnsints. lAya Stock balmited at tr.1,01 july tots, to Rum up Me number of votail � on value. on the tars) of it& No for and Against the said prltlipoii� By -L w. 001111111111111CH. ONT. milmebt. __ -----.d I destray still others are living 4fift the bareqt rouble szevilil off �6 Possible margim R. MITWMAIN. Nilts, Affront tar Coatimme L. L ICNOX, Cler.. I . I � . ,� �, . . . I I . . I I 1. I , I � , I I - I " V � -11'c ,- _ _ " _­­': 1. '. I I � I I I 1",,f""�L-,-�l-.'..'�I'll��11.1-1"' ­­­­:', _­­-- � .. -1 ­ ­­ . ..... ­,, ­__­_, ---I'- _­­ I ------ 1-11 r_- ­­ _ . - I � - ., . I . ' I . . I V � � I I , 1, .1 � , 7 I I . I r -I.A.AWLL- __ _-.__.1L___ �A� A� - , ­­ - 'L� 'll" �,A�,��sloli_­_,�­J"­­, Vtohdmfidbaoftt.lnll �1&.*Affilffi . Lios�- �,'�,� ­��, 1�. �.� i" IftNKOF-MONTREAL ESTABLISMIED OVER ff" VILPARS . *,I ' Branch Bank . At Petawawa Camp. . I - For the greaw convenienc* _. i of officers and men, a branch of the Bank of Montreal is now el established at Petawawa CAmp. I �,�_- Witary Pay Cheques ca" . � r,� ��� without charge. Money Orden i issued on all points in Canada. I I I I Savings Accounts (*we4 jind I I . -1t . a general banking busine" __ -a - � transacted. _____. "Cololb 0V11,1119.�sIONTantous. - III. W. STRICKLAK0, Manager, Go6rieb Branch.