HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-05, Page 6- _111111� — I- 1-1 - - - , -� - -_ - _-__ I . I
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0 � ! �_ W__ DURICH, KAR - I . I July $101 W6
- I 11 1- __ I-TWI I 111111.�11 11;111111ml, IN . - I 6
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___1_._----._ � .1 - -- SERVICE OF INTE MN 11L -_ , I
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I A publie Service Held to Co .11, House B m"wm"If"Row"" '
''O. , SON & SON our �'I
, "
�� I I'll
1 4 � Govkrpnleatill proclamation ofa � t '� I "I "I
� Park on Sunitsy Afternoon =
, �
" I . I =
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" , - TV. 0 , ,_ ,_ The The COLBORNESTOR �,
am""- , 01 , day of humillatl�p�pd loterofssion, for __ ..
I . �1111 ttW__wa,r,,_,U,Wiqlr,1___ "'If -S.lJl-T4� -,-- I.., I 11
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--�,�-.�-�-t--�--7��I�v,7=;�-?r,g".�,-.-- -- setas e� 004
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� 0 �~ * for this purpose, NVa* obseribd by the M I , i�
M� - L_r holding of a public service In the Court — r,
I , , IIIII&I'lift " " HIS week we are cleaning up a tot 46t odd and broken lines of � , ,�, �
House Park Sunday attgrgoon com I I
, . ' _.' I I
I A A . .
I , 4-All..ummer Barga-i n s mencingat4Q,ellook TherewasagoQ, ,1 , but wel I :1
rr , r ,I, i l ,,�,Tu �,� � .1#01ilo; 9
.. - ' I - . attend&nee and on the platform wCr'em�, . I -3 ,900s. It Is Impossible jo-Alst all the bargains i 1, 0
1 4 1 1 the town council and officials and the = � will qt1ote .:. � � I
C i In I;ing the -clearing sea,ton with i)robably the Biggest .Bargains we can offer , , a few. 'k .i
,= enj — . i
. I 1, . ininisters of various denominations. — 101 � .. t, I'll
apin. for man mill = . . 1,
, _y a day.. Vvery price here quoted is under manuf The service opened with the singing = � 1, ",
I of the National Anthem and "God Save = �
, y our Splendid Men," Captain Fox of the M �
pn�cs t94a,y) future prices will be ver' much higher. . Ladies' Voilile Blouses �
. .
I I n Army leading in the air on =— Two i1ozen ladies' Voi)e Blouses, from $1.25 to $2.50 ea,ch, on sale. There is only one or —
'L JW*Wng yarns� I the cornet, after which His Worship =
-11.1. 1. I . Night Gown Twill or Sheeting "va"o '. � two of each line anathe sizes are broken. These lines must all be cleared quickly and will bv M_ '
I 0000N Worth W Kitchener. best quality 4. 38 inch Twill bleached ootton, stroug, heavy .Mayor Wigle read the proclamation 8 _ . — �
1 . �Ir � ting aside this day as a day of inter- = marke low in price to clear quickly. = - ,
. . ift *� ku�t I
, �*W_ ting yarn Two of the and beautiful quality for all purposes, never cession. Then followed the singing of — _M I
- "" 4 , � " = I
. . — Z "I
I I ' jo;%W clasakultting y#ru� In the world again sold or advertised at this price, - the hymn, "Nearer, my God, to Thee - = 2S �
, -
� . I $a* toe sMiers sox, very scarce and sell- woxth 46c, at per yard ........................ 28e prayer led by Rev. Dr. Rutledge, past�r = Summer Dress Materials = i
L , & -
I 1. _ . - It JJ3 - � I , oes at I&M ,We have about of North Street Methodist church : and =
Z,J 14 .-*bit* or grays for our = -
I � I 1, 71:7 ,
'I , � I
,�, �looai*oclvillesparlb. Canon Hill. = um ��
cli��:"t , $2,50 Coats' Spool Cotton- scripture reading by Rev. Several pieces of 8 ' uner Dress Materials. in 6 yard ends, that must be sold. Each piece is F I
' , � � � _ Rev. Dr. Dickle, of Montreal, who Is = new this season. They are marked at prices that will clear them at once. Fine colored Voiles in —= � i
, , ',,t Belot quality, white or black, every num- = =
� spending his vacation in town, gave a = stripes and figures, 36 in. wide. Regular $1.00 a yard for 75e a yard. =' � �
I �" -
1. 414bulattil blankets her 10 to 200, 6c "ell, or per doz ......... 72c very flue address In which he referred — = r I
� . � . , — 0 � . — . ;'�
" .._1 I . l"----iW1ft---- an-abip-w . . � .. __.. .- . -19-. the &Q:Wl11!__bf a-titangmy -.in- _GanaAa, =_ . _. - __ . . I - � I- � - ".... _. � I I � .- ____�_1___ I , I
_-!*,:".'r, " , .qu yt on 0 botb6iii-Brib and the growth of ardent ohment = — �.
, *Otjo Whit ---- Or''- 4
� 7 -A*0W
11� , 0 gan y atta _'Si1k_'_Ehds =
11 : , , ,*k ,or blue borders. 'worth $20 1 0 to the,confederacy of nations of which = I �' :
, - - WIC.0 , = % ,
, , , . _1 � . - �W_ lw)r ........................ 42 inch white Organdy Dress Musillus, in ., we formed a part, which had developed M. — _
"I I . I. - � �'. . = We ha,ve put on a table a great number of ends of Silk, from I yard to 3 yards, in narrow &13d — � I I )
�., new stripe and fancy effects, fluest quality during the fifty-one years of our na- IM
� . and be,%t value we ever offered, regular tional existence. For four years of that wide Silk. These ends will be sold by the piece and there will be a reaJ bargain in each piece. Be == t
I � Shations . - We, at per yard ............................. ... 50c period we had been at war. And, con- sure and see them on Friday morning. = I it
� . I .
.:__.�,' , rE M . 1.1�
I "-*O;,, � heavy, plain bleached 45C 1 vinced of the justice of our cause -at = I � �
: 84044901% Wo. at per yard ......... the opening of.the war, we were more = M, �
I � Floor Rutis than ever convinced of it now, with _= Corsets , =_ ..,
I I � lot * 0 1 . 4a — —
1 I , , g. . A, very large showin of Brussels, Tapestry 40.000 Canadians having made the su- qj 5 , , r
I MOW I r, preme sacrifice and 200,000 havirill re- We still have a few broken lines of Corsets that must be cleared. 6ome lines have not 9,11 it
I anil bcotch Wool I uge in every size, at = �
�, q 21140k OiAd white. Beat Vatternli, heaviest, prices marked to clear, and away less than ceived wounds. = — ,
I I � 1. I - the sizes but we will he able to find your size in a style to suit you. They must be cleared at once. —_
I too op or w6rk abirts, worth We were called on for a day of hu- !-= —
_ r millwy we can buy them for in the future.' I
I _. �, 30e - to make room for the new numbers. Corsets on sale from 990 a pair to $3.50 a pair.
� �.`� . ,, 4504, i , IWYAT4� ................................ millation, not before our enemies, but E=- �
,� . �._- . 11 11 . we needed to humble ourselves before = � .
I 11 1111.0ki 9S. A -11,
I '! . God. Convinced of the absolute justice a
�. . i!WI I Wash Skirts = .
I 11 I � , I . - 50 now Sample Wash Skirts, In white and of our cause we might ask why full =_ Lisle and Silk GloVes E5 ..,
7--!k4t�*tber Tickings. in several select and complete victory tarried. The = =
� I . 35c famev coldeed stripes, etc., beautifully made, reason was found in the fact that cius- = Lisle Gloves are scarce but we are fortunate in having a few Lisle Gloves in black and brown. = .
11 . V#"q, worth No, at per yard ............ good and stylish samples, lot Is one-third es could not b — =.
� I M a 0 =
. e separated from their, M The lines aKe broken and must be cle r d. :
I undervalue at each Ing $1.25 ab a champions nor principles from their I
I ,!. r'C r.".1 .......... 400*00 = �
'. Hanni $1.75, $2.0b, $3.30 an ..... advocates. We were the chosen cham- = Ladies' black Lisle Gloves, regular 75c for 59c a pair. . = .%
I � _ jy1j] 11 M *" IS .
�� 11 I 11 I ' I — I —
1 1416 146b,- soft, heavy, nest stripe Flume]- I pions of an absolutely just cause; we = Ladies' Silk Gloves, regulax $1.00 for 79c. In black only. =
� , *$ttot in Oink, blue and gray, worth 40o, "Pussy Willow" Dress should become worthy of the cause we =_ FE
.,-�,,� . Operyaril ........................................... 25c championed and then could expect full = =
I _1� I . I I I victory. / = =
.� �"11119'410 � Taffetas Following Dr. Dickie's address, the = Ladies' White Underipkipts and =
, �, = =
"'I.X41 . Flannels ' 36 Inches wide, quality for wear gharanteed. hymn, "O God, our Help in Ages Past," = .
. I L =
.1- I naelf Nightgowns on Sale =
,� L _' , ",t ' i *16, best quality for soldier's a beautiful ftnigh silk and purest stock. lead- was sung, and Capt. Fox, of the Sal- = � - M�
, �, 1,111 vation Army, and Rev. J. H. Osterhout, =
� ,. I , .� 19411*160p. dirmes, suits, eto*1 worth Ing shades. worth per yard #2.25, el of =
LL 1, _," . ................................ RVJL075 Victoria Street Methodist church, = A number of lines of Ladies' White Wear on sale Friday. These lines will be marked low to
I . 1600 #1 W yard ............... ................. 60e special lisle . = = .
_ -
'� . , . ,1 ,I-, 7 L171". ,_ - 1-1 . - . - led In prayer. = clear quickly. They range in price from $1.00 to $3.00. ' =
1 � , III li ; III Rev. A. L. 0. Clarke, rector of St. = . = -
I- . , , 4 , eo
1� pointing o = =
.. � ; `1 I coming to use a great source of power, =
11 � , I 1, , =
,� _"% rge's church, gave a good address, = =
I I . I " I I . ut that we were only now = =
,�� ---* . -the sinews of war were running =
,� - - —
� �, -.--.1F,V --ACH.ESON &- SON I _= - -_
�� I �, . � . . I �! ". I when =
� '�� 1% .�,�,;_ . I short. Referring to the story of the = J, Ho COLBORNE =
1'� 11 L I -11'. I � . I Children of Israel, Rev. Mr. Clarke em- = =
.��, -", _"_ __ � THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY =
, _`,"_:':� "_ phasized the point that their defeats = = .
... - 11- -11 � - " I 1� were always ascribed to sin among = .
; , - 0, R 1 .. r, the people, making special reference - �.
I I : 18 only when it man discovers and 0. W. S. R. MEETING -.-Illlllllllllllllllillillillillillillilliillillillillillillillillillillilillillillillillillillilliillillillifillillilluiillillillillillillillilillillilillirrr-. I
.!". , - e,00bericb Star. acknowledges his short comings and to the sin of Achan. And if victory for . .
. 1. . , the Allied arms was delayed, it must -
I �. ____ - ..
,. " 1 '_ 0 OAtL "I tries to rectify them that there is any flight of Way Not to Be Sold -Farmers be for the same reason, our slns.
e�'_� =1 % � I ,Mr. Preston Strang, of Toronto, ha�s Master Johnny and Miss Dorothea, of
i.,.�, _ . " � �T=l - hope for him. It is the same with a to Have Use of It After the singing of "Rock of Ages," PEOPLE WE KNOW
I'vWD&J. �ULT 0, 1918 town. Real progress is made by tak- A meet 1 I ce among the holiday visitors to Goderich township, spent the week- "I
I ig of e municipalities In- the preacher In the Baptist church for c P. Mrs. R. H. Reynolds and . ��
41 , 1 Ing action which lifts us above, and 12� - I 1'owu th t week. eild with . 11 .
I I I I : . I beyond our former stotte. Those whom terested in the' Ontario West Shore the day closed the service with the Mr. Bert McCreath was ijp from Tor- I I V,
� , Railway was held In Go'derich on Fri- benediction. onto for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn and son, of Exe- family. . � -1
I ,, 'SPINDRIff we would attract to Huron's Golden -Mr. John Petti- � " I
: - , �� , 1. . i ter, were guests during the Nveek of Mr. John King and .., � ..
� ,, ''� -- day last week at 1:30 p. in. Goderich Rev. Mr. McDermid, chairman of the Miss Pearl Duff, of Woodstock, was, I
�, �, I I Gate will recognize tile amount of life nted by the .Mayor, the Ministerial Asspeiation of town, pre- home for the holiday. the Misses Farrow. grew, who have been engaged the past . .
, Az�x:-$anifalion For GoikPich. in the boost the town is getting by was represe ,
, !", - � Reeve and the heputy Reeve ; Kincar- sided during the service. Traftle on Mr. W. E. Benham, of Galt, spent year with the National Shipbuilding I " I
1, �,. '� what the town intends to do for it- Miss Mary Robertson is home from h I'.,;
_�, G9_-0F_�SL0GAN_.._ , , dine by Mayor Jas.. Maleom, Reeve the Square near where the service was the holiday with his friends, Mrs. R. Company, ave returned to their home i
N I oes . self. If they find it -vigorousty tn- Windsor for the vacation. G. Reynolds and family. in Galt. — "I
,Ibi one our ho are being deavoring to throw off old and worn W. J. Henry, and Messrs. F. E. Coombe, being held was suspended during the Mrs. Brown, formerly Miss Maggie "t -
4. We have ,the good roads out systems and striving for the best J. J. Hunter and P. A. MalcOmsOn ; hour of service, and the. event was a Baxter, is visiting in town. Mrs. Walter Saunders, who-0fd's Mr. Walter Naftel made a brief visit 11 f
�nt� Huron Township by Reeve G. Ruttic very fitting observance of this special a bank position In Hamilton, was in in Perth last week and on his return "I
Aarttd and we believe that to take their places tney will Joel like. _.- ,
,*il'ilhall find a great Improve- and Messrs. B. Irwin and D. W. Brad- day. Mrs. J. H. Johnston is visiting her ...,
lu'�,OiWhfghways. on � account of coming in and helping to build it up. ley ; and Ashfield Township by Reeve old home in Collingwood. town during the week. on Saturday was accompanied by Mrs. .. 11
It on the other hand they find only a . Alvin McNally, of Brantford, was In Naftel, who had spent a Month at her 11,
it, district representative Of tile be,,,, J. P. Dalton and Messrs. T. J. Richard- - ,Mrs. Walter Kelly left on Saturday old home. 1
, no life beyond ine printing press RUSSELL BELL IN BLIGHTY town for over the holiday with big . I
- I I
. r4l,'400,R)rtment of the govern- son, Jos, Hackett and C. Stewart. for London to join her husband. I �',, j
't ... whiZ turns out advertisements of the I cousin, Pte. Scott McNally. Mr. and Mrs. H. Nicholls and M�. and ". .
:10 i , Ildy, h '" At '1,1v6rk, and any- ded, N . Al
, - q , Mr. C. A. Reid, chairrTian, presi . Carrie are visiting at , lis. Mrs. W. Wray motorea from London on
. , 49.1111116 - town's advantages, they will suspect Is In Grayllubwoll War Hospital, Chi- Capt. 'add Mrs , Lena Walton had an enjoyable I ��.
", % t Sir; Stothers will that and the trustee, Mr. Stothers, nd 'the
� . . ,�,� . tf, there is somethipg amiss, and a chester,,,,Sqsse . the old home on Cambria Road e, Sunday and spent the holiday with the 11 V
r �, " t In , in' the way of they will make Inquiries. secretary, Mr. L. L. Knox. also were X, Eng. 'ti - ter trip to Walkervill Windsor � ",
The repult � Miss Leona Webster is visi ng herlanod Detroit last wee),- former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. ,:
,',,. � I 'Jill where his will be anything but gratifying. . Let . Rumball, East St. . . ... �!�o
I , � I . a present.
11 , . I ttet0to,bis *ife, written June aunt, ,'*Irs. H. Nicholls, of London.
�, - The trustee reported that $115,013.8t In a le . Mr. Hopetoun Mitchell, of To .
, . � 11 now the Oild- ronto, I 1-1
. .. ,� us face the facts that we need water 5th, from Ora�lingvvcii War Hospital, Miss Marton Frost, of Owen Sound, sp s Miss McKenzie, of Toronto, a*hurse, ,.4
- 41 �r� ' � ten approved by from beyond the breakwater and a had been paid over by the Hydra Elec- ent the week -end with hi father, � �
t' � noll -. a grant has been trio Commission for material delivered. Chichester; Sussex, Eng, �Russell Bell is the guest of Miss Pearl Fraser. Mr. Jas. Mitchell, Arthur Street. niece of Mr. and Mrs. James Mae- .-
_X� 0", I I 11 proper plant to dispose or our sewage. Vicar, of town, was on the Landovery ? ,; , *11
Ill 6 1 h been form- which Included ten bridges, and that says : Mr. Andrew F. Hess, of the Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons 'and Mr. I
", �' ' ipu 4, ,sultable prem- In the meantime somebody should since that time three carloads mole of Just a few Iftkes to let you know I Castle, which was torp�doed by the ,, ,�
11, br ,h, get kicked good and hard for allowing material had been shipped, one r � rom am in Englandin hospital, also in bed. Herald, was in town on Wednesday. and Mrs. Russell, of Walkerville, mOt- German submarines. ,
.. 0. opott that 'the shelter the .sedimentation basin to get into Mrs. Ford, of Toronto, is visiting ored to Goderich the past week. /' .
-1e-114`IJJ i3oilerich, for many Goderich and two from Kineardine, That dirty heathen vrute paid us so Rev. Dr. Rutledge was called to Haqf- .
. such a mess. Thert are men on the many of his unwelcomed visits at the the� Misses Farrow, Waterloo street. Pte. Scott McNally, who has enlisted
ji�reiAolototVhlch are that, .,vater and during the month of June. The qustee lIton on Wednesday by the death "of .
- - I
4, Ale, county ,town. and we light commission who ought was instructed to obtAin the �vOelght hospital's 15ase, eighty miles back of Miss Greeta Martin, of Toronto, is In the Canadian Army Medical. Corps at his mother-in-law, Mrs. Lister. , Mrs. . _....
, i to have seen that this,.Dasin was kept the lines, that they shifted what was visiting her friend. Miss Grace Pinder.' London, spent the vveex-end at his Rutledge had been with her mother .
I 6-thildr6n. who are bene. clean and there Is a medical health of the 4ars of structural steel Alpiled, home here. I
6k', bilo'k '%,with. affection to officer whose duties might have been from the Rallway Company, and check left of us and sent me here. Of course Mrs. Jack Campbell, of Port Colborne, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Breckenridge, some days before her death. ��
ii ote , uroe, of their suc- expected to include looking after the It up with the weights as allowed by I was glad to gbt.rto Blighty but I shall is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ball, in I Miss Beatrice Wells, of London, made ��
0 ' , 1; to the Hydro Commission. nev . er forget what the poor ,nursing town. of Chicago, are visiting Mr. Brecken- a short but very pleasant visit with `
� 0_"01�,,, W., ridge's parents on the Huron road. I
_ -1, ei. , � , like, to have one water supply of the town a little hot- sisters had to go througn. I certainly Miss Winnifred Crump, of Galt�
.)� tbofu those Of& pure- The trustee was instructed to place her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, A. .
, I ter than to condemn the water after. �j
jr, � 0 't, r TellgloUs nature that It has passed througit suen a sink hole. an advertisement In the Goderich and len sorry for Ihom ana the helpless spent the holiday with Mrs. R. H. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mugford and Wells, Bayfield Road, arriving Friday .i
, I".. cases who could not #get any cover ex- Reynolds. family, of Colborne Tp., were at, Mr. �evening and returning Monday after- .
��. , Uld'. Ud 01, and that woul Our advice is to broil the water In- Oept by the help of tile rest of us who is Andrew Halliday's for Dominion Day. .
,. d Kincardine papers notifying any person
,� � who has 0. W. S. R. material to return Miss Maude Pinder, of Toronto, noon. . 1.
�.� ,.to v op the "lend a hand" tended for drinking at all times, till a were able to walk. - .
11 10 Is., 111 r,goefiary to all of the same forthwith lad that after the spending her vacation at her home Mrs. McLeod and daughters, Annie Mr. C. J. W. Taylor, Miss Taylor
; �', , �, " , I � - I see by this -morning's papers of the here.
�", , , proper deep water connection Is made
�� 11� 0'. , , I , I "� t 104ke any progress expiration of thlrt�pdays the trustee and Margaret, of Auburn, were callers and Mrs. Jaques are moving to Brant- . .
.. A , " I DERMOT NfeEVOY.
,q� take legal steps to procurg any such good work the, Yanks are doing and it Miss violet Cooling, of Guelph, spent at Andrew Halliday's on Dominion Day. ford on Monday, Mr. Taylor having �
IillIiliti iw * ' 6 IldfeWs Aid Society 11 material and prosecute the holder Of it. kind of makes me swell out with pride, the holiday at the home of W. R. Miss Tyna Pettigre%;v, of Galt, has accepted an organist's position in that
_ � " I peration among us for "WHERE LIFE'S WORTH WHILE" empowered I as I have stuck up ior them from the Pinder. .
� ik,', 14" a .1
r . 11 I
� i � bu, t ,%va h 'ven* reallied it The trustee was o sell returned home after spending a month city. They will be much missed in
11 I 11 ..; � e I r . I I
I � :10a- It it had oc-!, The above phrase expresses the con- ties, buildinp, the wooden bridg a fi Bt Mrs. J. R. Bruce has gone to Buf- with her friend, Miss Delaphena Rey- town. I .
, ", . I was to have been operated on yes- falo to spend the summer with her .� �
� bUITI 114'antl had appeared to sonsus of opinion of all those who have Port Albert. old scrapers and all other nolds. Mr. R. Johnston, of Listowel, ivas in
. Ilk � `% , ,it babitation. It will ever visited the Algonquin Provincial loose material in any manner he sees terday In France, but instead I left the sister. Mrs. John Pettigrew has returned town during the week and returned )11
11 . 1 4. . I I hospital at 9 a. m., arrived here about Miss Sadie Bates, of Toronto, is .
� 1. � �, - � a6kntagd to have the (Ontario) Park. Its high attitude fit. I a. in. this morning. Gee. this is a spending heolidays at her home, Elgin to her .home In Galt after a pleasant on Wednesday accompanied by his . ..
. � Ilk. , 'a town as the agent, (nearly 2,000 feet above the sea) its The suit against the Toronto Gen- vveek's visit with tier friend, Mrs. R. brother, Mr. J. H. Johnston, principal I
,, 1, EjulWit" : J ' his home. H46 has unlimited opportunities for camping, cral Trusts Corporatioli, In which Judg- lovely place and I wouldn't mind stay- Ave. H. Reynolds. of Victoria School, making the trip in .
11 . . 'ha#o. tor We Children's -Aid fishing, canoeing and kodaking, and its ment was given last year, was under Ing for duration, 1ou can rest your Mrs. Thos. Nicholson, Palmerston St., Miss Agnes McDonald returned on his auto.
000h_ *, ., bit V , tk houl had good -re- comfortable and well run hotels give discussion at some length. Appeal was mind easy now for a while, as It will is not as well as her friends would Monday t6 London. after spending a � Pte Thos. Pritchard has decided not I
:=I;I 00% 4 �' tif _0 livehlence should be it a diAtifiction that, Is not found in entered' and at the meeting last Friday be some time, I guess, before I go to like. ten days' yacation at her home, Bri- to accept the -offer of -a position -,as fim - . - I— __ .
" ' , France again. I - Miss Bessie Waite, Huron Road, left tannia. Road. ranger, having made up his mind to
� 'M",�r-.0re- -gla4 Abut -mttters other sections of the country. The the action of the solicitors in appealing This afternoon Is visiting day and on Wednesday to visit friends in Sea -
b*** mow Wu,ot a stage that It Is hundreds of patrons from the United this decision was confirmed and the as there Is a Canadian nurse ,;jornes forth. Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Miss Me- take up a course in .art. He leaves �
%#-Jfij*.�*0,6ssary 0 reiterate the States who annually visit this region appeal Is to be proceeded with at once. Gregor motored from Ilensall and spent next week for Battle Greek, Mich, to I
"I, , I f around to visit all Canuck patients and Mr. and Mrs. Gibbings, and son War-
� , , 01" I Ill. 4 home for neglected alone testifies to its popularity. Situ- This was on motion of J. J. Hunter, 0 . the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Web- enter on his course.
. All' Ifurph C�ounty." Hitherto ated 2W miles north of Toronto. and Kineardine, and Mayor Malcolm. of Kin- bring them comforts, I want to get ren, of Clinton, were visitors on Do-
� ,, , Iii have � eeb of county wide 170 miles west of -Ot%NN,a the Park Is caolne. Ashfield Township dissents. her to mail this for me. I expect to minion Day at Andrew Halliday's, Bay- ster, East St. Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Thompson and .
11 � � rise of the tide easy of access by the Grand Trunk One of tile main contentions of the be a couple of -weeks here and then to field Road. Mr. Ford (son of Rev. J. E. Ford) daughter, Miss Margaret, of Hamilton,
I �but ,: I convalescent camp and some sick leave, Miss LynA, of Toronto, is visiting and family, of Ottawa, have rent�d and Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Rundle,, of St.
. .� � , 'llik a rich we look for RallwhLy. A concise descriptive pub- municipalities Is that they should have about ten days, and then I go to ma- at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. G. the Gundry cottage on Picton street Catharines, motored to Goderich and
W, 1�1 4 ,� tot, the town. Some lication handsomely illustrated has some $18,000 of Interest on the bonds
, � 1111 lit not wise to call been Issued and can be had for the from the time they were sold until the chino gun depot, Seaford. You can ad- K. Saunders. for the summer. spent Dominion Day as guests of Mr.
I � ,, , I . an at the present a9king on application to C. E. HORN- proceeds were made use of for the dress this hospital and they can for- Miss Isobelle Manson,, of Zurich, has Miss Isobelle Doolittle left on Wed- and Mrs. J. W. Fraser. . .
,b % :1 k, on) on the roty side ING. Toronto. OnL work of construction. ward on to me. entered 'the Alexandra Hospital as nesday for Toronto to join tier parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark announce
� � 1.i � � 09t e� town. We beg A motion by Mr. Henry, of Kinear- One of the nurses here is from Pet- nurse -in -training. Miss Doolittle has offered herself for the marriage of their second daughter.
. I 11 I , �� , ,, good 'people. Itl ADVERTISE IN THE STAR dine, seconded by Mayor Vialcolm, of erboro, Ont., but came to England be- Mrs. (Rev.) Jos. Edge, of Toronto. the flying corps. Pearl Allena, to Dr. Harold L. Hickey,
1. --:1 111',t�' I — Kineardine, to sell the right of way. -fore the war and Is an English nurse Is the guest of Miss Margaret Robert- Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Rogerson and assistant surgeon U. s. N. R. F., the I
__' " _,;s�.:,: �-�_ � 1. I I r �, was lost. now. - son, Victoria street. Miss Elma Rogerson motored over from I only son of Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Hickey, .
I == Moved by J. J. Hunter, of Kineardine, In a. page of The Daily Sketch which Bradford, Pa., and are visiting Mr. and 'of Denver, Colorado. The marriage
1-1.�-.;,.,.�.�-�-"7�--�-------�-,--,-;-,-p-;-;pp-,;*A _�� 1. Russell sent home Is the following
� , seconded by Alayor Wigle. of Goderich, note, marked. which snows the uncivi- home on Saturday, after two years, Mrs. Walter Moore. took place at Chicago June 20th, Rev. _. - ".
�11 that the farmers adjoining the right of Wtlldl'd H. Robinson; pastor of E410 -
I way be allowed to fen& in and use lized method of warfare of ill() foo and teaching In our school. .'%Iiss McKen- Mrs. A. B. Vale. and daughters, Mar- wood Presbyterian chutch, Chicago,
,� ,the portion of right of way opposite is no doubt what Russell refers to In zie will be missed by the young people garet and Elizabeth, and .Miss Bruce, offlelating. 1�
their respective f , arms upon entering the opening of his letter : On Whit of- the section. On Friday ,tiftetiloon of Washington, ate the guests of Mr.
., I t �6 01,.�,8m1fiM6FAtt1F6 into an agreement in writing with the Sunday --- another sacred festival -Goth- she entertained her pupils to an out- and Mrs. J. H. Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Johnston. of
I '. ,-,� k , - . . I . trustee to deliver up possession there- as killed or wounded 223 people In the Ing at the lake shore, Mrs. J. Houson returned to her home Nevadah, are visiting Mr. Johnston's
,; 1 I "I I .. �.. . London raid and killea or wounded _. _� in Toronto after a two weeks' brother, Robert, Waterloo street. Mr.
, I I
� �: I , . of on demand, and that the trustee be visit
, � . . - Johnston Is a former Goderich rest-
I ..
I.: , - . "; . I I - I : . Instructed to have fences removed cov- again over 300 wounded men lying in ASHFIELD with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
I . I I : . I -2 dent who left here rorty years ago
I 1". , I I .1 ering right of way where such agree- our base hospitals at Etaples. Tile regular monthly meeting of the Knox, Waterloo Street.
' " ., .'' .. .1 � I expecting to remain In Nevadah only.
� , & I , I I I .. .. ment Is not exoouted.--Carried. -.-- Ashileld Soldiers' Aid Circle will be Mrs. Adam KoPnig, who hag been a few years, but allowed four decades, .
4 I �, �7 t . 1.� � - Moved by Mayor Wigle. secon&d by URN . field at the home of Mrs. Robert Hen- visiting her daughter, Mrg. J. C. Car- to slip by before he made the grade. I
"� %_ ," F. E. Coombe, that at Q meeting of the ". 10th con.. Ashfield, on Tuesday rie, for tile past few weeks. returned Naturally he notes many changes and
.1, I �. . I.. .. municipalities Interested in the West Henry Horton and sister, Miss Lizzie, afternoon. July 9th. A cordial invi- to her home In Parts, Monday after- Improvements In town since he left. I
1. �, I I h'. Shore Eleqtric Railway hold at Gode- spent the week -end in Exeter. tation Is extended to all who can pos- noon. We understand there Is a possibility %..""�'__"
.I, �, . 1i 4 � . .- rich on tile 28th day of June, 1918, it Mlaq Jean Glutton ts home from Tier sibly come to do so. Mr. and Mrs. h od, of his remaining In town. L'
.4 , I was resolved that the secretary write school at Bluevale for the holiday. I
I ,� the Ontario Municipal and Railway hit and Mrs. John Potter- of Kinnen' .
, I
� , '.
. I . . � .
1� I Board, protesting against tile Inveitt- called on Mr. and Mrs. J. Cook on - m� ___1 I
I � inent of the funds being reallied from Domilijoii my. � __ '��_ � Ll I �
. � I � .
the sale of material, deposited with Mrs. Truedell and daughter, of Lon- 60S . I . . . � I
� the ' oronto Genml Trusts Corpom 'don. are ;visttiri* at the home of hie. ffl111/21A W ., I L - .. � It _ . I , �
I . .i .. 11-1 lion, and ask that these funds be in- and Mm Percy Stewart. . 1411 11 J T. �, �
. .1; I.. vested in Provincial or Domialon of - .
. � " I
7 1 �. � mrs. win. Rome and Mr. abd Mrs. t, , --- - � ,
:1 ; Canada bonds.--Carrled. 4 11 4 .. ,I �
. ,
.. I ,. 1 :� , , fj�� . �111 The meeting then adjourned. Winson. of Toronto. are visiting at 44 � � 11 I I
.. the home of Mrs. Capt. Bogle. The Nalimlid Smoke' -
"', :11. . �, . - . � I . . . . . . . . .
1. . � I I I .
I � . � The flrst thousand Pordson tractors Parrish, of New York. "s .
Mm J. D, Parrish and sister-in-law. I I
... ::: �� � I i purchased from Ilenry Ford & Son by Miss Barbara . .
I . I, . �� - ., the Canada Food Board have beo-n sold visited friends In Kintall last week. I I I . I �
, � � � I ." C;anadlari farmers. Partners who I � I . I
. I �� % ." I ,to Miss Lillie Lautenslayer came up . __ I "
11 _!.. � , , . wish to mcure guch tractors In future Saturdai from Toronto to sp4md her I I �1.
should place their ordetS with the De- holiday at the home of Archie Horton. , 11 i %
pattment of Agriculture in their 6w1a � I � . : 11
. . The many friends of Hume Clutton 110 11 .. , � .
province, #,nd until fiarther notico such I
� ""A." ,vill hA h."AI.A i� thn me Are glad to helir he is so much im- �
I I � � .
proved ag to be able to come down , �
�. . [way as the first thottsand. � §tAIrs. ( . ,, -Am A I I . . . I
I Worms, however generated. are - - . �. I
. I Ifound In tho digostive tracts. where Airs. A. A. Williarn and daughter. V- . � . -
. A, I ; .
,,, A L ..... tho'y 90 up disturbancoA doArli'flental In*, camo up from London, last week I . ,� t .. .1
I . � . I �
. 11 - . � � f`
.... I ,� � L . I
I Q �� I to tho health of, the nild. There can to spend the suminer months on their I Value, flavar and uniform qaafity. CareNly wide 6W -'r I , I , . I % I
. . � .
. I . I . . I
I 1�� I I I I fatin here. L": F41 I , ��
11 1, L:' I . I . I I . I I I be," no oomfort for the %ittI6 ones until L I I I � ,
5 I 'S � - I . . . , , I . for Aom w6 appreciate t6 W ill cigars. , . . 4' . I ��
, I
, . . 11
1. I ; 1� % - . . I I I
I . � I I , , , Worm don on Son6y list attl -1.11.11 �.. ."'.' " I _4 .. I � -1
, �! ,! ! i . flelled. No bettor tirtilaftilon for thf4 � I
.,., 1 � 11 L Avill, " W" , . 'A' tho hurtful intruders havo betn ex- Mr. lJobert DoAxe and rft. and Mrs. 1 3 for 20 � ��_"�,
I ,I Jag, Chisholm inotomd doNVn to Lon- . .. )�
,� i : I spent the day . I, �
. i . qe can ho hAd thilu 'Stiller's ... I I . . � -11 . . . 11110N. I I . 1.110. 1-11- I ,
�� �', � . I urpom I 1. i 1 - . I
I � *.V:" 0 , � ., . .1 . i "ly k1k with t1lieIr son*, Aiidtt)w Bogle mad 11, I --,.,"""."""",Ill""I'll"lw, ,
I . t , , - ,
..1. I 11 I I I CK r6�vdors. Tho will linnitilitt. Hugh Chigholn), \vho ara at mililar , I 11 _� I
I I . I I I I ola- y L * I 0A � , I . I I , 4 ,
, I , 4 , I I I "I . 1. . . : 11� I . I , 11
1-11 ,-.,.-,�'ll.-I-�-,,.,i,,i,,.,,.�L-,,�— !,"'. "I'll .--- .1 I training ,11!00�. ��VA_ , A 11'..'.."I'll toft" =' _� , I'M :, 11 L I
I ditiong thekt wore ftvorablt� to ft ! wu V ANDREWWIO�ft — .
leir ..4 y?, 111111"-__ INV *i*41._ 71 rt2 I I '.,
� Oleo, I . ttligs AbTI,'1.61tCR101Aie toil for hor . I . -
I I. . . - _____ I I . I ''I 7 . . I - _. - -_ I , , 1, 'I .
1. . . . . I . � . I . I I . 1: I - . ;�, �
, .1� , 11 11 I 1. � . -1 . .. ,�
, I I I . I I 1, . I � . . I � . I I . I . � .1 I - 11 � I I �� ., - I �,, I . I :1
1; ''; � - I I I . I I , I : 4", 1 1 . . � I . A . I I 1, ,", � , . I , , 11
� Q . - � . I I '. 0 .. � . e. � . . I I . I q, I � .1 , '. .- ": , I . , I 11 . I
.11 �, .. I , . . ... 1, � I . . � I I 11 I . I '. 1. " I
1-01 11 , � I 4� . . I � . I � 1. I I � . I 0_". 'r I
, . It , " , .1, I ,� . 1. �. . � I I � I I I ; I � I . I I � .1 i 1� � . ;; I L. I .1 .
, . " , - I .,I's �� - 1� " '.1 � � !, .1 . I 1. 011 - . ., 1. -
— . �!N_i .It 1, , . . 1. � I " I I ,� . . - 11 I , � I . . L I . I I I
AM- � - � 1) . I " .,�_J' �,
__ , A, I - - - 1. I �� . 11 � - . . - I - 1� 11
1wr U."k, ,AA . -, A — I I . I � , - .ms9iL!A.s�__t, i ..
- — A- __ _,� __-.W6__ - , _.--A:J Asft�"!.
___ �A � -
��*00* j� A!U* ftna - ___ -1 - - ___ MOON. -
� _ ____ I ___ .11 11 I "I'll, I -.1 .1011111iIIIIIIIIIiII . �- -.1 _
I 11