HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-05, Page 5I , � -- — - -_ -- -_ I .
I " - . I .
A; K3 XU %XAX4�eJL;#X%MkV"rA-4. 1�, .NP,-I&^,1kA,-
.liply, $,. 1918 " . - - 0 1111 : �.: 1.1 I I I . - __ , �voll ell: i A I : ; I : A , ; .. , - I 1-1
i . . � I 0 = _� I-- I - - I �
9. . 1. � ... 11 . I 1. . I � I . � . 11 I ,I � I -M , , - � __dillll .9 . 1 - -1 . 9 ...
'L .
� I qMX " . W IMS. OF LIM ' * � I - - L- ., � , . I - 110,111111110111, , It- . -1111- lill 0111 till -_
I I "M VWSM ". , District Gleanin S nfflMARnTS1
, , - . - 9 , P Il F A A 1111 OR A I
CONS,9, J.PATIONS Z;7n,jcbuIas curaing and Air- Neil side. Alr. Lev� tea%es It wife, and one CHICAGO GRAIN MARKST-
'T . Ta�tor. . (If Nlorris,, had SiX Sheep killed child. j-. -p. alckell & Co. report the following
. I Prey.
by dogs recentV. Capt. Chartes F. [) I nANNdittit. forraerb. Prices on the Chicago Board of Trade:
I � When the bowels bticome constipated, xyart.-, oil the handb is a dist1,17,ure- Of Clilitou- "as ulart"mi Wedue-sday of . Open. Rtgh. Low. Close. 01040. -
1ha_AQM8,eek.,ptt.._9Mt� ' "
_Rf,�qrdo;*,th; L r --� 4aS "W&_at R,AnVAbaL1eji_L0_ A'lj�,L-�Os �t_ _-_,CArAQ = ��, — �_
__' . _,Ijw that-Aroulik-j--manr 4adies-1101
'__ d4es not w9i3c properly w, �rnmt- tit ' Ilua L. Boyd, of that 147% 147%
uiid t1A i6 place. CaPt. July .... 143 148% 140%
lows the Violent jAOX bps sches, sourulkiiis loway's Gorn Cure %vill remove e Do%NdlW, has resti-nilkid Ills Position as "�tpt- - - - 'h2lill' 152% 150i,4 451% its
of the, stomach, belchila bletuistles Xvithout pain. manager of tile Wintou branch of tile Aug. . - - - 150 151 148-a 1491� 15016 ;
I , g of wind heart- Oats- ,
� N
.jr. Will (;. Hingston, sort of Mrs. ft. . - 7 7.2% 73
bum, water brai biliousness, ei�, N k, and it-, place has been July ... 7214 .136 11%
� Z lobsows Ban
. 1, Itingston, Bruwls. %%as married Sept. . .. 67% 6i,tll 66% 67 . .
I Keep your bowels re ar by UBW une 3rd to N hey taLen it)- Mr. It. H. Stldrt)
;ell J , .jibs Eya Brack0t. T Aug. - ... 68% 68% 67% 63 68%
Milb,toXes Lax* -Liver . T4y wig A very prott) %%VdthnAK".%as soleul- Porli
jlcaj gway all the effete and poisonous vvill reside in Vancou%er. -t,,dke� of last July .... ..... ..... ..... 43.75 43.80
a collected in the system, Mr. W. E. Southgate, sr., aged 6f
.1, nized at high Ilooll "It'll"edult,
I � 4.1atter which Ila weeL at tile rs�sidehcc tit .Nil,. and Mrs. Sept . ... ..... ..... ..... A43.60 43.90
,� �Igtveyouaf e'easillild 1166t1tral Motion one. of the bebt known commercial nien Joseph Coletough, title Concession Lard-
. . .a
9 day, start the slug- ill CULIatta. died at his hutilt In S" - July .... 25,60 25,97 25 60 25.77 23.60
of the bowQ I every Goderich to%NIINhip, %%heu INII's Hattie Sept .. 25-77 25.97 25.77 25.90 25.9T
gish liver working and give tune iii furth. June, ,1,111d. from heart tr,oible v.us iinitl in the borldis of btri.N ulatri- R16s:.L
vit4itar to the wirole intestinal tract. - ,null) I,. Nir
�ljrs. (:IlurIA.. lliNerlilir�, ,,, itirtner re. -i- \lk"Illian, Tharkaberry. July .... 23-35 .93.50 23. 35 23, 40 23.40
Mrs. Joe. Labrec, Louise Apts., Cal- ,lent of (,'Iluloo. has thett at tile tokille Stratf,At as con- Sept- -, - 23-93 24-07 23.92 24.00 24.04
., -d. The 01'relio)ll� "
91� Alta writes- "I have been troubled of hei- daughter, NIr,. W. D. MUnro", ducted bY tA,'\ - W"'. Nioull"n I Tit
r St. I lion. , 0AITLE MARKETS
W�ItK)consjlrpation for the last two years. sulutimold tov%n,hIp, hear ' , a,, .Ili" d 'at
A quiet \\ettAlIItg %\'-,Is Sole[' ze .
I have tried numerous treatments, but A tlui,-t \%I�&hllg \\a,, IvIIItli4l'Ai �lt : tile Blyth Iyetory by lt;e%. W. B. Hawk -
have never been relieved by anything it,, man�e, Brus.,eLs, kill Th ur,da \ - .1110`111j,, Wednrmlay etiellilig, June t0th, UMODrSTOUK YARDS.
until I utsed Milburn's Laxa-Uver Pills, �_Ioth, li� the Re\. Mr. Mann. vNhell Ml,v,IIel1 .\Iis., ektude leerna, eldest daugh- TORONTO, July 2. -With a run
WJ,q.QJii are helping Me wonderfully . " _ Jo_�IAI'It.r -.f Mr. kill'i cattle approximately 3.500 head.
� - Etta. daugmer or mr. and Mr, .\Irs. Ssalnuel Pollard, of of
_ � ife I ' becatne till- wifte of about one-half of the receipts were
z,:Wbllru's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25c. a t:11artt-l-, 131�th, Iwe:jine Like " -if \11 tl,,il,.t( I..\\o.sI ill,
- 11,13 A mKir-M-1 1
� - I -.,-- __ __ - -druggista-dIdt-1- -Mo,",as LaiA1*,A,__.r .m,orri _ , M _W 14q:4x.tl�,,411, 41�.a kif Lital. tLavil � hutehe . COW e
-1;As & �mailed direct on. receipt of price - \%Ill this class of cattle was steady to 100
.,� ye sa�ajj , r� j_ji . a. _and the rrkAr_ J_ 1gir
A� , "r.. � � Engagement I,,, announcild hotweell ,,,1111.. ,1*11,. Ill.\\[) married Aroupit
be#i�The T. Milburn Co.. Limited, To- Miss Barbara \\*. Nlehelve�, B. A., only inal.e tio-ir I'Lullvfm HUllett. lower. while the medium and com-
, 000. 011it. ,laughter of the late- Dr, A. Rild Nil', .% \er� prett) \\edding \\as Solent- Mon cows were slow ot sale and -
NIcKelvey, and Dr. kCaptaiii F T., H0- ilizt.41 at tile bottle of the bride's par- lower, being only about halt finishod,
. I an�, (1. A. ',\I, t.;., (If Brussel,, nov\ &,"Ag, ,,bL, Nil- anti Mr,,. W. H. Farru%N, West and sold at 25c per cwt. lower. Good F,
. OSTEOPATH " to choice butchers were in strong ye
. kiiit� at Lhe London carrip. \\-.\�-�Illish, at -5 I). lit, ow Thursda�,
y-tn. GEORGE HEILEMANN, O'lleop3th. L. Greene, N\ife of ler C. W.1june 20th, \\hell their Oldest daughter, demand at about steady prices, and In
JL_F specialist in Nvomen's and ck luldArell'i Mar� rid Man
diseases. Acute, chronle and oer�o Ills- Th4anpr4m, inavot- of Clint -1, PasSit-d ,\Iargaret m., became it,,, v,ife of ,\jr. heavyweight steers were wanted a
-osperous held about steady with last week's a b
orders, partial dearness, eye. eLW, 'lose j,v\av at fier home in (.1 1R. Hane� Trelea\vo, a Ili . prices. The milch cows and spring- fore
arid throat. Adenoids removed Without , s farniev or A.,litleid toWDS1111),
the knife. consultation nee, kililee anti d,AV 11101,11ing of last \\e.11,. Site \%a, young
residence, Nelson arid St. AndreWs street, tile el,lest daugliler of tile I�jte Re\. Rev. . Dr. Trel(laNell, of ltdolilton, un- ers were in slow trade. and butcher puss
Ileack of Temperance liall, North ��treet- jo,ia, ('.n-ene, anti was born at I.,Ipsit- cie LAr tile groolil, a.,.sisted hN Re\. Mr. bulls about 25c lower. There was a vest
A 11 P. in. ' fair Inquiry for stockers and feeders wor
Office hours 9 to I'.) a. Ill., I V t ItIrKell, of Auburn, perfni-iiiing tile cere- at lower levels. the
Mondays, Thursdaya an 11 �-atur,ILI3 ,. 'r "It.
Evenings by appointment. A quiPt VNeddilIg t001, place at Lou- lloll� Ill tile tArt-'elice of oNer 6.') Ituolits. Tile hog trade, with 1669 head, V1
:;;--- dee--huro Meth-odiA parsonage ou Wed.- The death took piai-v ,,it Monday, was steady to strong at the advance, thre
� LEGAL CARDS ____ tiesLLt,\, June Iloth. Will') I'l- I:. C June 2ith, of (AlarlOttV ljoick, rell(" selling for the most part at 181/4c to I
HARLES GARROW, Barri,iter, solwlt,w, i�aine tinib-Al it, nuerciage Nlibs �'Iora Air tile late ill'. John II)III111"All, of kxe- fed and watered. larg
I qls The sheep trade, with receipts of Dep
C Etr Corner .Nort_ street and :'nquate.1\1.. ,Iatlglltl�r of Nic. allit Nlr,� H. A.iter, it) tier , 't �ear. Devedsed had
Goderich', Out. ll,-iiro, .if Clinton, and .\It* I)r\al Rap- miffered from ilk) partictoar ailineril, 320 sheep and lambs, was 50c strong- a st
, 4CHAS, SEAGER , . __ -11, ,if IIIIIIi-tt. 1 L Juring till, lust tt,n da)s had be- er, with a good demand for light the
I """, , -eal,er all(l hall spent it "I rtiun sheep, with lambs selling steady at Bur
Barrisl,01', Solicitor. l.\otarY Pabliv 'riw niarri;igi, t. -Ii place Ili 11,ltl*,,lt ill" v` .\I'll
and Conveyancer pach (tay ilk liev bed, till May last week's prices. Calves, with re- me
I- ila� of last week -it Nil'. Jallieslor a
orritt:es : Court nousc, Goderich. ,,D 'I it-'- '.,ho sat tit) ii, ll,ual and all' (Plite It ,,ipt, of nearly 700 head, were eas- It
I — , 'I'llt Ile ". -',,--Ill. I,tilln'tor of (:Iilltoll, and Mrs. beilrt� dinner, ofter \Nhich slit, .,at at ter and sold 25t: lower. C()-
, lit, G. HAYS Asme., (,alopbell, or D(Aroit. The bri(io I tile \% ItIdo\1' for all hour. Suildellh, ,;lit-
' , . _; ;4 41:1outItpl. (if tile late James Fair,l ' ' EAST BUFFALO LIVE STOCK- of
Barrister, Solicitor. .\,olary public Etr. I Illectiow tired and afLor'being helped to attle-Receiptill Dep
Office Rairliltoll St., ,sterling Bank Dl,-Ik ll,Acol,krl� of (:Iintoll, and of Mr.,. Fair, in f, I r�.ast Buffalo, July J. -C
i tier lwd sho Iia, d a\\;0 0 ' " 3000. .Steady arid strong. Prime titeers. She
GoderIch A , heerful, $17 to
Real Estate, Loans, Insurall(lp Ili.%\ or 1:iAlgill.�'. loil)Llte.,� Slo, \\a� bright an I t 317.�O to $17.85; shipping steers, a i
— — — Nir. 1111gh IL NIeKa"plo, \Nh" ,.\'61 ;is \\it,, be,, v%ont, alloo,t t-- till- Net')' $17.25: tchers si2 to si6.75; Nearilngs.
I IIIII'll I'll �i fAclo in 11,1con vount� near last. lltwead was pnlbahl� the Old- $13 to 7: heiler.�, $to to $13.23; cows.
C . "It. llit, of tile $6.50 to $12.2i: bulls. *7.50 to $12,; stock-
. �C"EORGE E. GREENSLADE, Il:IvI10d, I"'ll- \\ill aill, bill roll tile pa"t 30 'y,' 3 rs est t)f tit,, II;ktIN., horn rpsidt,\ 'gost of t,s ,end feeders. $7.50 to $10.DO; fresh .
veyancing and Notary Publi, 11,4,1 beell it re,illent lit Toronto, vv I I I, re district, and NAab b'ArIl Ill u cows and springers. $60 to $145. 7 to qui
. - Iw \\�I, r., tilloo te. I with tile W. .1. Gage , , ,, o I h,r calves-Recelpls, 1151* 111rong, I I
, t"i'd fill"
� riotuwoo-r, KILLORAN &. (!Ili) I, L. fit tile ,,, tile I 3to I�,aac I)Iljj.I\, ab.)ot tNyo $18,25.
A , "' ill' """"'
01iopan�, Ilivil So(Idenl\ Ut
P Barristers, Solicit"s, I\otarle� I'llb- , Ills 11011le ' kiogs-Receipts, 5000. Strong, Itea
Etc. o I kill. ,,,lips s,)uIh ,if E\Pter. After her mar- vy, do
lie it -;4jiitla� morning, the )III I "" - i $17.50 to $17-75; mixed, Yorkers, light
61111ce-on till) Square, 2na cloor froill Cliji-tluctl 1,.,%�, aged 29 yoars, c()nl- riage ill tit, illik' Dr. J01"I ll�lldlllall SlIc yorkerili and pigs. $17.85 to $18; 0119118, YO
Munition .street Goderfell, � luitt,-fi ,uirnlp ill an Part.\, hour al, his vano, to Ev'tor ,""-I till, lj�j, beell tier $15 to $15 25: stags, $10 to $12. .
Private runas to ILA- or III\\"t "I" , %"I, 'ince. Itor hu'loind prede- Sheep ind Larnbs-Recelpts, 1000.
w. PROUD1,00T, K. C., II1II)TP Ili I.,11,win Wedill'sdaY n"W"ing h0no, t� and Steady to .strong. I,umbs, $14 to $18.75; a
J. L. KILLORA.N, H. J. 1), (�o(AliE. ..r I.t-t %\--k, lie Was foond ill it,(, cl-ase(I III,[, ts, Ni -ars. *r\\.) sons 12. tie
. — . Ilugh yearlings, $to to si6: wethers. $ 50 to
�11'. �\itll a bull'.[ little in his fort -head olle daugliter ,ur\j\e, (;I�I,rge, Dr. $13.50: few fane.N. $14.25; Pwes, $6 to *12; de
AUCTIONEERING _1,,,,,l ;I :,,,2-valibre re\oher Huse ill his N. still Miss b:dith, all of Exeter. mixed sheep, $12 to $12.50. lar
IIOMAS GUNDRY. � ___ __ - --.-- — __ . CELICAGO tAVE sTocK.
t T _ ____� -_ _ Chicago, July I.-Ilogs-Recelpts, 4.5.000;
Live Sleek and (;vooral Alwtwtwel. aome early sales 5c to Ille lower; later
flarililtoll street, Godel - "' I I , � I THE DANGER OF ITHIN BLOOD trade fully steady with SRtLirday*s good I
Sale-, 11lad everywhere und all etr..rt,
e- ,,, makie.to givee you satisfaction. . I WHY WASTE GARBAGE ! tme; closed firm: carload of fancy. Ila
. F5.rners' sale notes di,i-calliteii � if Noll Corri-f-ted it, 11, Ekirl� Slitiles Aight. sold at $17.15; bulk of sales, $16.50
. - to $17.10: butchers. si6.63 to $t7.10; pack- to
- ____ - Constilliptioll Mat, Follo%% ing. $16.10 to $16-65: light, $16.80 to Ill;
j7E'rEfl11SARV - I It Can be UdlizeJ for Food for � $17,10� rough. $15.75 to $16.05; pigs, $16-40 11,
I ra tuat � ,1 11 I,,. di,;A-a,,.. I, (I. -lay or lietAilool. to $16.85.
. 1)1k. ,,\,. I-'. CLARK, V, ' '1-,' . "W', it I,\ - Cattle -Receipts, 19,000: unnarket for o"
if ontario veterioar,�C(Allege, the Hoz�. � ''I'llre danger -Ill, (hi", uum 11 steers about $16, stead,%: b Its and beat \\ I
- . lelto. �c ,"sim,etruily call the an -4111011 "� (,I.I) of the 111"od. 11 i� Nory c''ll"ll"" butchersstead); others closed weak and
hIASe ()�Vnvrs to iny apl,noe(l ill �cjufiu airi, mill ill lil-c.- \\11(1 unevenly lower, mostl�* l5c to 25c down; 1'.
. o1wratillir ('11 IIj)r,(.,' lee(o. A ;'!�.""�!��,A::� I V ILK IN TH L- W ARAI WEATIIER jjct. o\,,c\\,,cI\,.,I ,it- t-onlineil \\illtin grassy cows still helfers suffered most:
f vel,eri�iary likedo'llif. 11%\wO, -111 I , -kers and feeders about ill
. ply 0 ill I " I, I I -�. It ni:ik--� il�; al,l)"itio'll ill calves steady: stok od Ili
. InnId. o ce a d stabIv--A,-to A:, I (Iiiiii 1, rt�l) steady; demand poor. Beef cattle -Go ,
11 (ioderich. I - Proper Care of Dair.s Products ft) the ,,t,.�,Itb� a iimiowr thol it A, t. . 11 choice and prime, $l§.G5 to $18; common ILI A
INSIL'BANCE Surniner TI-nit-Thresbina Gazlg�j\\ojj (le,\vI4,I,...I hvrovn il� prl�.,,,111'1' Is and medium, $11.8.A to $16.65. Butcher .11
— I � ; r,.I,,)_-,IIiZd, AL stock -Cows and heifers. $8 to $IA_&'0;
I IIIE [Nsl 11AN"J 1*1111 Help to lielieli;e Farm Lal)t canners and cuttprs. $6,75 to $9; stockern 11,
MCKILL01, All L 1"L A 1, . " tI(,I,iut lak,,u ill till),' ti -TY I� :' �114'('i- "rid feeders, good. choice and fancy. $10..r;O I;]
C0.4 , -_ .tv 111%ured Shortagi-Work Is to Be lll!IiAt� I :1 t"Jill, oll.,bi.,11'. \%IIj(jIl lll,.ce,ls.,�, to $13; Inferior. common and medium. $8 All
. I'llirm "" I isolated I,o%\Il 11ropeT ed This Yoar. I ill,. Ilkilobel. Air red Illood i-ri-lisvir, to Sio.5o; vent CalICR, good and choice, ill
I Value ill' property jll.Stffed LAI' t:, ialvial�. . 111""d 1-1 :'111TY 111'. $16.25 to $16.76.
1110, $3,049.977)-00. 1,1 Iiii-nt. (Contributed by Ontntrin Dopl,rtnolnt olk Illus ell'Iblill.u. tho il Sheep arid lambs -RecPIPU9, 17.000; "I
J . OFF I CER S -J allies r"n"ILN'. iIIr,.__i%ilI_ i.\�,_n I-- ;III I- tllle' mostly 2�c higher: I(Iftho lambs, $1965 to \\
,C,odecicill - Ja-. Evan,, % 1I'I'cII1I""k`- Agriculture. T(,tnIAA.I 11 6 to
�,- A ,.I, t1w ll h. lit. W1111.1111-, till, Ith seleonds to killers at $1 \\
eochwood ; 'r. E. kld)'�, ��OC111'a- - ' 1, it, i�,,,, I ssilz� - top native,��. $19.6,): shorn Itimlim
b " I. 40:
rorlh. HE �)en Is mightier ttatl the ! 1,,,\,, bait uliimulplf�d �,Ilv, I - "I
I)mECTORS-1). r. vr1rP%r-)l�, _111) , I ch I d prime. $19 60 to $19 ditint
1�� \\ :�Il�l - - especially Wilt'D it ' Ic"Otill"Ill 'It' ill" "llbb"'.11 4 1�1.;I'(� anc, ce tin - � 'Ile 1,
- . sw,)I,d -fill good. $17.75 to $IS.G.,; 11.111A. $12.50 to
I wtothrol. ; WIll. l'ill. .11 , *1,
J, 41. ("[,level h � i bot-an't. I)r till, \\i,lI,i,-I $1 �; ewes. choi" slid $11.7. to
.. has a pig I-, it, Thon niul- 1, oprime,
. .. . st-loce ; 4ivor9c NIVCiIctllc% - 'I "`l'-;�,,,l�,',,\1i- � I'll., corrorli,,n of ana,,1111v $13; medillill and go d, ,)
),,no Yerris, IIII'll"ck � J"Illi IO,! 11 T 1-!��'111'11:tl'ili'lfil', $to to $11.75;
"ll" j;,idliagan � .N13i"10111 NIVE\kIll. III'l,;1"1,l I :Q);y illi.t p:,-, by 40 , 01 0. jl)� Ili,, \\'iIIii4Iu,' Iliol, Ilill, 1, a4 c,T- ckilis, $4.50 to $8.75. 11
N.-. 1;111J.1111: ll,," . , .
thA-,�,'.N'I*�--J. W. "', � Hill .as anxtilin., Ill Inedivni 'oti-114"".
t� "It. Clinton ; \VI " . (77A41,11"�. ,l�u!'' . M;�.i -1): � T.,.. ,�.�.,.11;) �,) _'16" 1�1�.. ,I . - Atrocities NVere -Faked. I
'L � Ills, -;s -s.,i,- Mcl,,all. Tr"Ol'All, N" !-z..
'. illictiley, scaloith. i an I.upA.)81lI,Z AL)L11I Ut 8,ol)u_t)L) . I .Nil. J,
I policy 1101dol, , "all pay tholl, a-- '"'i':.",.- - -more pounds of pork, tn- �,jl\, "I \Nil, as v\val, as it \N;A� Im"i- WASHINGTON, July 2. -Further
, -t ,
at 11. H. Cutts -Ye. 1.0111�rwh. ,\. J. is reaetiod ill". for atIN ''Ile I A It,,, ,qllll yvI III, , Able revelations by Dr. Muehion, director
ri,Ah's C.Inthing SLA110, Citnt-111, "' J I'- deed, tL,an were exporLed by Canada 1 ,4, 11 I. My bi'md of the Krupp
field',, Baylleld. , i I I to ,,I ab s..ellwd 1-1 - Company, who is in
� � 'hortly I)erore the v,ar. Yet Ontario \ tilt -W. -I alloo�t ill v showing that Germany
._.: ___- - __ - ___ S �;Itl"' I V`As Switzerland,
uantity by I ,,ill I." \"I'll(i I""`! falsified stories of Russian atroci-
FOR GOOD RELIXBLE could produce that huge q � " Ill-, 1,�a.,t v\orlioll
I I � hri-4thle�,. ;lull \NI -11 I \\"It "T"' ties during the early days o '
,ItAiZing a v6ilu_�,ble food commodity , ' ill*'
1'�t:,it I' \\Iolld Ila\e lit Stop and ro�t war, are surninarized in a despatch
Shoe Re * * ibat -?!y , � ,tell -
pairing at preseut. is almost entir �Ill Ill.. \\.,\. I ort,�n hwil ,� - from Berne. According to Dr. Mio
Til X wa.�ted - tho _ari,,L-,,- of our Lowrie, '.11,11.,_� ,111,1' .it
I ' � , tilo.., lll� I,.-ar-i \\.:kll,l ,on, tile corlimission of Cabinet 01-
� � SMITH & RING Ind vities. i I"lil-11A.- ahrlllilorl�. .\ ,_,.-d . fri Illd i cers sent to Fast Prussia to investi-
Opposite K00% Church � 1111;1(11, Pllll� ' gate returned without evidence of
On Ell3t Street T,;m i6 �!,-, vv�;. :1-- giVen bY I llt*;A'*" 111" I" it' ""' \\* a report that the
. GIVE US A TRIAL . - ". [,,[I- im-I I ha\e r,,:i1jI to ill' 9"A"I"ll atrocities and with
------------ = __ Oolu",I:.St9l,.All __)Jii;: d by the A..; tilit I t ,i, t1w ad%wv. 1-;-m arl,,r population spoke in terms of praise
___ *W. ,-u;L�i.;ai Secilon Ilk tile Ontario )" b.,.,o!,,o,, III, o,.. ,if t1o, Ilill, I 1,,-g�in (:) f the conduct of the Russian
MENNOW51 , 1,liources CouliniCk-o 1,. ,-,,,I ,1r,,rk,,.r. ;lull h\ ill,, tol- I 11,111 soldiers.
. � � ;a!)Z:,�,OL Of 1, . \, ', n also is quoted as say -
lo i ,�,,.,I.gati, iia, I,.. ,; .._4 of garba,, !�Al,l I -en I- I I t'I'll t"t I "t"I Dr. Muelilo
- to s"A . it �. 'I ,1.! co.11 A. lz1011 clfflsl,,_� -*.till enj.,�in_., goml hwiiitll I 111111k Ing that in August. 1914, high Ger-
rBrophoU BFOS. 01 J. 1%. Li-A-i,iou i;urlord; F. )iV. I,,,- \\Illlj,lo,' i,ink Pill- ar A 1-1- -mL: iiia.n officials boasted that Germany
- 1- \1v;ik, cirl�. mld I �11,ill ;it\%.i�., possessed the inearks of destroying
'J0.1.17.)II, a, A"t % ill, , and Just.jr I
T '); " 11 "). i.,t,.,o g,ntIiiLw:- , \`(`"Il� 1 q a e Ger-
GODERICH Y1111IIIIIII-tid ill. lit " Russia without a single battle, by in
.tt.�il, ,1,11,.so. pill, ;.),,. 1�1 I,\ .ill io...1irowl citing revol lion, nd that tb
aj� ,.1�1'1, It"uIll-A l'oln a 10 -dr 01 \\ill I ... ... lit I,\ maii .,I �.ov inan plan also Included the "libera-
1 ,,L,�,,,,,,..� vitit..,, %,.,,,,l !��rba.6, is foi L 11" 41- ` "" �1\ , 'I'lw " of Finland and the Baltic coun-
The Leading tu ,I:).g, and are ,,I i,! - opinion ILLI .1 ;1 I—\ .q. III,\,,, f..l ,,,,.,)I), I.\ tion d reinstatement of
Funeral Direlcitors � I 11 I L , A 1) 0 A, GILA t ii, o L ,,) ,iv ia) liku Lig e r_ . it I),. \\ tlII.jlIl,, \I,.,bA-m,. I,, . lirm 1, , tries, the pretende the ttirriln
.. � .. .11 - , � . � IlIaLt"'.1 L.. ,vrtt,. 'till I A I Poland as a kingdona; 11
I I L to __ � over of Bessarabia to Roumanla an
and Embalmers 1'iw .,ailent points of the report I he giving of the Caucasian territor-
I � I ully attended to wlii;-�l bas beep prel)Iared -egaruill, tu-Dib--gi7.2fi=-1cUe (16111olis treatmedt, � I's and PerBia to Turkey.
I .1 Orders caref td'eii� findings' are brielly: (1) That subject to -very reasonable conditions. .
. at all bours-night or Jay. I garnage ti,ks a food valkle of between Detailed inlurtuaLion, inay be secur- Count Lafayette Killed.
���� o3 a;iu $J a too; (2) Lbat It should ed by consulting the office of tha
ue led entirely unneated, I.e., Lbat I PARIS, July 2. -Count Gilbert de
It Suould EVIL be heated, washed or Commissioner of Agriculture, Parlia- Lafayette, wb'o was serving as a set*-
(�) that residents of LowG8 merit Buildings, Toronto. 'an' In Ihe French artillery. was
ge I
sorted; killed dur ng the fighting in Cham -
rid cities where garbage is'to be fed,
must separate their garbage, placing Supplying MJlk for City Trade. pagne June 12. He Is the third tie -
CLUBBING RATES a � scendant of Lafayette who has met
table reluse only in a separate con. "Safety first" is a good slogan In
WITH THE STAR tairier; (4) that lor every 100,000 the milk business. To make milk death In the war.
of populatiou a minimum of 6,U')U safe JL must be drawn fi\-im healtay I count tie LafRyPtte was a non of
tons of garbage is produced each cows -preferably those wbdch have the Marquis tie Lafayette and a de-
scendant of Lafayette of American '
� � The Star anti Toronto Daily Globe ......... .. $5 25 year, which will feed 3,000 hogs; passed the tuberculin test; tile stable, �
� . . 1. 11 11 Daily Mail and Empire ........ 5 25 (5) that the double treatment (tie- pasture and all surroundings must Be revolutionary fame. w�as do-
s. 1, 1. Montreal Family Herald and rum and virus) for hog cholera must� clean; the utensils which come in i Last month Count Gilbert
Weekly Star .................. 2 65 be given to make the plan feasible. contact with tile milk must be clean; corated with the French Wai- Cross
l, 1. 1. 1. Weekly Sun (Toronto) .......... 2 40 A small ptircentage of our garbage the persons handling the milk should for d IRI i n guished service I n the
1. It " Toronto Daily Star ....... ..... 4 301 has been fed to hogs already but tne be ,a living advertisement of exempli- operations oil March 14. The citation
At It 11 Toronto Daily World . ......... 5 25 regulations of the Federal Veterinary tied cleanliness; the delivery wag- said he had remained for six hours
Toronto Daily News ........ ..... 4 30 Director -General compelled feeders gorks cans, measures, etc., should be in the open in an advanced obliterva-
. � " :: :: IF....'. Ad,.te .............. 3 00 to sterW.e garbage by the boiling or I lion post in order to discover and
. 1. I. . 3 25 clean. in order ,liat a8surante of � Pport on ininnenwerfiers, whiCh were,
Tbe Country Gentleman. ........ steaming process and prohibited the safety may be doubly sure, it is ad_ r g
11 .4 11 London Daily Adverfis" ....... 5 00 immunizing of hogs by Like double visable to. pasteurize the milk, -that being used by the Germans a ainst
� 1. 1. 11 London Daily Free Press . ..... 5 00 treatment against cholera. Since re- 1,8, beat 1, to 111, degree,, 10 160 de- ,h. French,
. I. A. " Montreal Weekly Witness - - - - - 2 90 turning to Canada the Investigating grees F., bold at tots temperature
1. .. 4, World Wide, Renewal ......... 4 25 committee has taken the matter up for twenty to thirty minutes, then Provincial Righta Again. nt
" 1. .1 pro terianalked estninester. with Dr. Torrance, however, and *has cool to So degrees k'. or below and CAI,GARY, inly 2. --An Importa
-,-' .. 1. .1 Catholic Register ... . ....... 2 90 secured his permission to allow an- I bold at this temperature until deliv- decision regarding the granting of
� I 1. It 1. Sketurelay Night (Toronto) ...... 4 25 treated -garbiage to be fed and hogs I ered to the consumer. Pasteurized divorce in this province was handed
n .. ,, Met,"n, g Mike killikeek, ............. 2 75
It milk is the safest kind of milk for I down from ,he Appellate DIvIslon of
. I I. 1. gotne Jet (Toronto) ........ 2 25 tho supreme Court of Alberta four
I - —___ �__ , humaras to drink, jodgPH being of the opinion th�t the
.. .. A. W,,-"" fl -me 'omP--'42 LEMONS WHITEN AN[ The person buying milk has certain have the power to grant
. (NGw York) ................... 3 25 duties in order to ensure a sill pro- � courtn hero
I. Is It T6 Sjlinr&y Evening Post .... 3 25 BEAUTIFY I HE SKIN I divorce, with Lord Chief Juntire liar -
A. $4 1. The Ladies' Rome Journal - ... 3 50 duct, especially for children. Among I v ip dissenting The judges who con-
(Inel,ndingpoptAFratoCp.nadian.,;ubacribem) , these may be LuetlLicltled: Placing tho were: JIWIPAI
I - I curred In this rullfig
'I 9. 11 118 cilikeltiliati Countryman 11111211ce this beauty lotion cheaply for milk at once on dell,very Ja a refrig Stuart. Juritice Beek, Justice llynd-
I III lit (Wilawy) ............. ....... 2 00 your face, neck, arms and handle. i erator or cool cellar protected from inan and Justice Simmons.
" The yokiiiiii, I Companion ........ 3 75 dust and odora, and by keeping it irk
I. 6. " Scottish American ............... 4 00 a tighLly-closed vessel -prelerably in for
4. . At the cost of a 9=11 jar of ordinary ' Thp Salvation Army Hogtill
11 Scientific American . ............ 4 75 o - the tallk bottle covered with an In- Soldiers at Kingston was opened.
,. A. I. clififfallikeelilan Magazine ...... 3 00 e Id cream one can prepare a full qlIAT � --- - -
a " mcchilre! A magaitifte ............ 3 00 ter pint (d the most wonderful lemon verted glass tumbler, or special cov. Toronto lilln,ilolia -title -e
ci e -,cap should be Whort Ti %rri it
I kin Roftener and compleAlion beautifier, r; the top of the milk
- Ile a to Aner"s am" ReAl Garilliles " wiped to remove dust before taking May 2.1rd, and �.It " r
by squeezing the juice of two fresh lem- on Thijr,aday, I
(11"itilly) ..................... 4 50 it from the milk bottle; no more ralls &,IyA, Nray 27kiti. .)line imt )fill PI It ,'.,I
. ons into a bottle containing three ounces - d Thurtillkv,A and -�ahirda,�
To subscriblerS In the United Statei; of orchard white. Care should be taken should be taken from the supply hot �riip% avu,
an Is required for a meal; any theri,aftor the Grand Trunk \\ill , 1.,-r
I 50 cAmts additioll to &II above, to PILY to strain the juice through a fine cloth tie tb .1 wonto \
. postage. so no lemon pull) gets in, then this 10- **1eft over" milk, should not Ile put , te a tratti frorn Ti I,, .1,14k,A3
vessel after the meal. v%harf I"Nintr Tor,-nto at ill .1 ft,
above publi- tion eirill keep fresh for months. Every Into the supply Returfilfrig train %%Ill I -i- M1141 -k-1
Any combination of the as this will likely spoil the whole Of at t2 I:, p in. f.)r 1',,r,,nt(- (in
. � extio-As may be had with The Star, for woman knows that lemon Jul" is uNd the mil nd; milk Laken to a %vharf % May 27th, June 3rd, loll, and
, Nionda . it, N
, exiii6raple : to bleach and rentiove such blemiF111106 99 m should not be used for any i7th. The%A, trains vvill e-nonect %%Ill'
. M& OsIly Mail maj topire...35 25 freckles, sallowness and tan and is sick -rock a a
. lu Sw I and other purpose, except it be boiled and the Nllo�likokn Lalleq N 119 tl,,n 1�o
, lu Family illdilw($2.65 Ifts S 1.50)_ 1. 1 5 the ideal skin 6ofterier, whitener then only for cai)klng; milk bottle* idoarner to awl from point -4 ,All till
— beautifier. thrpp Ounces of should be washed as s-oon as empty Muqkolka Lakoq� Volk inf"r-mitlorl
-1. � Z , I T6 TW,gJkqM ...................... $6 40 - Just try itt (14 be promptly returned ,,to this from Gran4l Tnink ticket agent-
. Itblinittaincies by Postal Note or Ex. archArd white ,It kkkny drug storp and and e should milig _ .
qq two lemma from the grocer &rid mAke u milkman -in no At"
19re,M Order at our risk. Addre. quarter pint of this 9weectly If= bottles be used lot any other purpose children Cry
I 1, 'l . VANATTER & N&FTEts. U7,t Won Itind ffittintip. it "ily into in the house than for nolding rplik , FOR FLETCHER'S -'
� ftbllsbers The Star, the face, lieek, arms and handilk. It in Prof. H. H. Dean, Ontario Agricul-
. (Werich, Ont. WMIMUm to snociflIten rough, re&hand& turai C,oLlege, Guelph, Ont. CASTORIA
I I � "
, ,
L �
I'll.- grvat 2,IW,W) (ler" c—Pr\V III:"
. I
I '.
-11 .
- , ,
. ��il,ll..,,,,�, .:
_.,�_ - I .
Tho -
- Beware ol
. .1 1. I on the
� MOM% 01
150, - miflard 5
.1 — -
___ -_ -
rhirAcalling Gangs for Ontario-
rmere are shorter of labor thia
than they have ever been before.
aany cases there May be but 0110
on a larm, assisted. perhaps. by
oy. It will be larecessary. there-
, to economize labor In every way
ible in order that this year's bar -
may be taken off and the fall
It. completed in preparation tox
1919 crop.
bile there are objections to tile
shing gang in Ontario It is hoped
ultiate the work on a reasonatily
a scale this your. The Ontario
artment of Agriculture is making
udy of the proposition US It afflectO
farmer, while the Ontario Labor
eau has agreed to provide 5,000
a for threshing gangs If there 14
emand for these. With suitable
operation betweem the farm publio
the province and the Provincial
artment of Agriculture there
old be no difficulty Ili organiring
arge number of gangs this falL
- -
Blding His Thna.
,lRow much is a chiken wufr' lu-
red Mr. Erastus Pinkley.
'What do you care?" InquIred the
aler. "You are raising chickens of
ur own. ... . '. .
'Yes. An' every night or so, I misses
chicken. I's gineter let It go on till
prIcke rises a few mot notches an'
n I's gineter make It a case of grand
.. . . 111, i
. Newest Shoe � Fashions 1
1-1 !!= *-�
____ -, _- 471��. 1
1 .
From 0V0rVWhCX6 400MO KCP�941 thAll, Ok 401404 roir oXrord$
you buy. tor the W44*41kitwo OW" *M to'litle
Tile latest M1111,1140" &VO 40re�i.4,i�blot,bl*4%,Vooibggauyktd
and patent leathers. T40Y IIIAVQ, U1440 bY 440 befit Footwear
manufacturers and Will ove * OiligIns, coulitclollible at to all
who we*r thetut, At * JA001111111kitlD 1)t1W,
. I q
Tennis and outing Shoes for tUO WY6 44d Orls al" now
I In stock,,
I - - -
_� ,
North Side of Squoilive . aQUIRRICIA
solikentionlette I
. q,
be you
Who Is, Speaking? I
WHEN You answer the telephone by
saying "Hello," a whole serie$'of
time -wasting questions must ensuet - I
q ,,Hello?" Hellol" AA*Is that you Jack?"
. . -
Yes,.who is that speaking?" "Thi3 ig Pill I"
,,Oh hello Bill"—and so it goes.
I'll.- grvat 2,IW,W) (ler" c—Pr\V III:"
q Why not answer at once by se�yint
I b."Ill -t asidt, in iplitart., as it saill,
. "Mr. Watson speaking," or
llr� f"r 11,11 and galll.% it, v\oll a, .I
1'. 1.11.1"\
"Mr. Wat3on of Smith & Co. speaking."I.,
INgnoold fit. all v%ho 4111*0.
'. lllvlk.�oros of out it .... r lit,,. I-
\\ hoc.olling Ow obJ,,AA1\A, of o1all)
. .
q Save time by answering at once with your
I I I I :1 1, I � ( I I f - i I. I A I I I I I Ig , a I I I I I � I I I I I I .
Tho ll:ghlanfl [till, �,Iltlill,�d mt ( a( It--
name. Don't say I . I
it".. vNIlere lkl�o I, '1111ilt"d Ow lwad
- - I I—
_� -
ia,te,-, ,,r it,,. soi-,-i,oi--o�tA-llt Air I,,,-
I �
� �
il'l,, 1, o�,\\ (Ilil'o fill' tIL-' c"I'l-l-I 11111 `1
w�l,. and theave-,1111111:1�0,11 I, 1-1116:
The Bell Te'llephone - Co. '
IIVI,I� takell up h.r Ill., ;ts"ll T111-
del j, ovNtlod and ('IA,.rA,.d h\ lh�
I � ,
A -
Canada ) .
19 I
- I I. I Trutilk Mill\\,o' '" ,tl-io. ;III -I -1
of 0 #
It,, f,�illlro thl, \o,c \\Ill Ili. Ill thi
I'l . , � I
lial-lowill, ..r it, ..Iwratool \\ill I- .
I'll-[- Ilw ,olwt-Ni�i,,rl ,�r \,.Itllg 1,011- I —
11'. ar. .1,1AIII.-.1 III [ill Ill., Ii."Ill-ol-, 11 "I" I!tlll!�lllfllllltllil�lilllllllltillllllll)llilliflilludittlilliHIllnlitillillillillilltililllilliliilillillifillillilmunlnflllhmmlilitiiiiiiuhiiiuwim
hit -11, Ill loio� (,.I,..!. %\11- I.cl,\l.1II1I\
.E11110"'I [IN \.,Iltlg ilwo n.,\N '.111"'ll-d . ___ I
,I. tioi,-ri, . nvirmir iNmAxond --olil- -11 - �. ___ _____
tl. AIIIIII'l.. I.f \1&!..Tl.11tltl 11 -Irk !, 11'..11.1V .. I I �,o I[,.I , r ,I. th" \acationist, the tile hotel. A handsomely Illustrated
lip fv--I allm., III,- I,.\. I ,.T Ilp, �..;i and 4"'oll.. 1. It— I ,III,,,- criliser and the Ong- deseriDtiv,ilt booklet telling )011 all about
IT --r-, ill,, ptir,�,t A -f �lir and lilliollit1 1. 1. it I- , Ili. pi.tre where lire's wort � li till,; wonderful playground can be had
___ - .. I \� 1,11.� , ,o�l 1, IIlI.ipI.coarIIIII)It, its a re -1 freo on application to h
,i,?.t ji,-, t-i _koll Feoporatiwti. tGrand Trunk Railway System, or to
Ill . .-[�11- I ti. I N� till the Ilighland ]nil C. E HURNIN0. 1). P. N., TOPOU10, Out
\N,, lour cabin canerls, ench
jIt,,,,.l ,,,,,.,.I;, I, ,I- -..', people, one of these
N&inq 604r is made :" i-1-1 Al -1 t 4=1 .dL, IS W C30 WL X dL .
4 1,,joll., I., ,,(Amt l ,)it Smo4ei Lake., sellen I OpTbe Kind You Hava Always 6090t
I �__ ... ll,,., �,.,,tb. ,Ili,l the other on Island, Bears the
. - L lj� 0211-W
. lr� . - , .., north of till, hotel , The I eignatil"
6 a !--F TMO, �, 71; 7,T_ �Fk LA- 11111111 o If 4 ZA 0 I.; 4 �A74- ,
__ ,
F Will 1 2� ___M_1FW0 A - ,lol_ .,I". I- ,('11"Aj ;I iially stage frorn I - - . _
__ ____ - I — _
. � -
I (0 Wx
% ]G -_J �1.
, , a.
Lyl P. ; 6
r ? __"�'�
ORT SOAP 0 " Ui�
dthing btl bc�,r
ft e r c.a..n �,ja&
L" - I
— ___ - ____ __ - _.- _ -
. -
I-- __ __ I I
51' �
I McEwen s 'I
I �
Specials i
.— i
I I Fine Line of Drinks fop !
Ithe, Warim Weathep 'I
I LEMONADE I'(0% [)Ell
� A1,1'. V1 N I J; � I t I
1. I I 1711 E .1 U I ( 1. I
I ('. RA lit , .1 I'l (L 1, ;
%VINV.S. FT( i
I. 1
1 ,00( ft-gortment of. 1
1 Pickles and Causup i
i something ill mharlwn tit(- apoctite, I
I11, niry I;LrR(, tin tit
� Apple Butter I
I f,,r 11. rent%.
Pure Maple Syrup'
I !I-Onl like P:a.tern toWlI,IhIp,4
guaranteed porri.
I IVe hav'e a tIviantity of F4,ap tin
I hand. hoottlit before tit(- lai4e.
I special in lwe and 51 Ilo kl�
lirrittionla atold PfIre. ',c w,,rth
I, lot.. Ili(, tin(. Worth I'll-
Somethint, to rnahe NI'lir floor
%,binv. lionnit I'loor �% N 0.
I goodA. In 15c, 33c anti III)(, %I/,(,
NV,. havp on hand wmle Red Remo
and Lipton Tea. hwight before
tile advance anti duty. for 10-547 0 '
lit . tin%% Worth -,0r. ItAa%e yoke
I 1( a III I
I J. J. MOEN !
1litione 48 S*uth side 9quarl
I anwin Pond Board Llmn-e NO, 9 "'llt,
. -------- ---.-- - - - _ _
mind as the lon964-
lastint confection You -
can buy. Send it to
the boys at the front. A
I ��
� I
, ., I 1,
I , , . L I It 1. -
11 , I I � . , . I I - 'I - I - I 1", "
, 11 � � _. I I . - ,,�, I I
1. ,11 I ! VA . . . . . . . I ....... t, ,�
. ... Z .
I --.1.1 I I I I
, , I L . . wlk� I ill'i - ' 4- ' .,'.III '_ ��1111__R'1,01 , I _'111� )i .� �
I il) ,- , " ..., . i - A.' " ;,__ __'.,� .1 � L _.A�_ __ " ... , . * V .
.1_.1-1-Z- 11.11�111111!!��' 111L11.ieaQ,J,g�
�� '.,
� " ,��,�,. -A "It, . - ,
I... - - L"' �� L -'-'- - - '" - � "I'll L . 11--.1- ..... �� 1-11 --11 . . . . . . � .... I I.. . - . *L _�li,'__� .-
.1 0