HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-05, Page 4—
4 .1
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I 0 ' THE GODE STAR -_ . I
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I 1 ', ,,,,,, , to,Iter Opportunity b En � I . I
1. � It, frisit to The Aled. 'd to Canada to rewrite her his- - �7_ 005"01w, 111me, . . I
I tory In stone BRITISH SCORE AGAIN $be bW It, � ! .
,� Ily, than i� and to rewrite it more d I
... . '4-V0Ws0W"d1F49%TbW III the pure Gothic of the Little Miss Learniii That beautiful Grand Dukv Michael May 1409 1mry C112414 �
. .1 , �
I . . � Canadian Parliament House. The Flowers Orow From Goods and Counter-Revolutton. I I ,W 1
11010040104 0.4 149" W , er-senco of Got4lo Is that martag as- Germans Hurled Baqk North of -German troops I I .P � I � * 0 �
. �
Not From Wealth of Owner. LONDON, July 2 9 , . I
. I piration which strives to reach tufful- the Lys. have occupied Tiflis, the capital of I .: . � � ;
I ., A $00 0 TbW Vo In YOWL
1! , tude. . Two 011dren playe4 In a Pouthem the Caucasus government and the I - � I �
. I � I . . . I . largest city In the Caucasus district, . . , , Z . . . :
I Romething of this'thought is aal- carden. The garden was a marvel of Gen. Haig's TroopS Gained All Their I . 1.,:_:, I 1, . . :
U Is . -
-M_ .m �_Ml, y bes, tli- . . , __ - ays a delayed Exchange Telegraph - � __ . � __.__�
. _�*� _A*___A4"M . _ _Ian, the_- r___A ,tuati,vig the men who are intrusted cia=,.ond�,boou � � _ -V'b:
. 1� !, �,� , �, 0010 witiow, 1; VWcuitautiouir thtw-'Wftlf-ftii�-6t-iil-dii�g-i��d-th'e-x7(o-r'iTii-g-'h --40bjecUr,m-li*-�4jpcut-,Ac-titm-l�*jw 'BesPatctl from Nrdiic6w�.__Of9';i0Za 0 � I % .. I I
. , ttles ome of the bey whose parents were of the Forest of Nieppe, Taking of Austro�Germau war prisoners In . ;
4 . .1 I SO 100AW 011111 Ibe Wants. sick- sculptures. The early years or the I called "very well to do." . - - . 1;
L , vow"iladailmtritso"m border to olitako nation's life are to be recorded In Several V111ageor--Threts Hundred that region has been begun by the . I
. . AW 044, werly *ud here end there wood and stone. In time, too, the ; The, little girl was the only child of Germans Were Slade Prisoner. Germans. , -t - , .." ... ;7 1
� 1� ."4 %sk b"W�" besinto appear. tourists who have been wont to look a mother who found It "cheaper to Grand Duke Michael is reported .. .. . �, I \
I 00,11 to =41attin ,,pan Ibe sturdy walloatoove the C"u, board," . I " " , I-
� I Tk000 *bW -W t1wir . LONDON, July 2. -British troops to have issued a manifesto stating �
� . i .
- -
4 1 : ) *110.911,jh, 1iU(1.,V,JV 1 , ed their line over a front of Russian people, says an Exchange I I . J . . a ,
W. au,d retain their energy there and Rlde�u falls, will see a jar- The dainty feminine creature tilt- in uttaeks against the Germans,have that he considered At his duty to , I
, I wil , . restore order and regenerate the
I , v4red should use Milbian's He&4 passing chr n
. ,pirftle of Canada In peace ted along the walks and across the adva c
. I . I *Wls,fzve Pilla. and war. -0', 'rU89 I 01 blossoms where , I . , I . I I
.1 I . 6 - talk ug toll nearly 3 3/2 miles to an average depth Telegraph despatch from Moscow un -
.1 I I ur. J. Orouson, she listed. There was no verboten.
. ,, . I . I Swift Creek, B.C., Above all else. the precious oppor- of nearly a,fmile, east of the Nteppe der date of June 25. He calls upon � I
�L � *.M' ca,4*ll)o4sLwcakbe:Lrt,audwasad- -tunity has come to Canada. as it bas The boy followed rather stolidly, ac- �14`
. . I I'll , , ""It �y lay nelghbor to try blilbura's come to no ouLer country, ta Inscribe cepting the enre of the flowers whin Forest. wIfIch lies between Bailleul the people to overthrow the pilesent I � � W
, I . , q IlAwtaod xv,rve pole. I got two boxes In trotone the present epoch of hqr and Bethune. according to the Brit- Government. for the " I . � N � I I
- *." ttaok' them re iirly, and felt I was exisT-mce, now that she has prepar-Ad, the bunches grew too large for this ish official communication issued on ppeal I
�, I � , : � 0 , rW4� better,. 1"a wo more the foundations for her future nation- smaller hands. Friday. West of Merris Australian ousting of the Bolshevik Govern- . % I . . 1
40 , I . j*4 n , Ow I tsa, p out and saw wood sWJ hood. Herein surely lies her beat me- At last the little girl seated herself troops also captured enemy positions. ment is based upon the dissolution I . .
�. I WAW, without feeling tire4 and weak. dium of expressing the power anel On ft bench and rested her curly head On both sectors prisoners and ma- of the Constituent Assembly, which . - . -
. -
=r;� I , Ir" , was called to decide upon Russia's S I I
: I � I I ri. , IL.%,wI 7,3 years Old and feel fine. I pleasure of which Ruskin speaks. against a tree. Her blue eyes, resting chine guns were taken. I M
�. I I 1. �'. L **1MIZZ., t recotamiclad your pills to any' Herein, too, Is where the building will upon the beauty before them, glowed Herbert Russell, correspondent for form of government, the Bolshevik I
. I . I I 1 4@00*.o , gs . a weak heart ' for they am have the truest significance as one re- with appreciation. Reuter's Limited, wiring from Brtt. act resulting in the disintegration of - - . ,
I . I _ - - ---,---- - w�A _".. 0-0 .--.,--: __ I -1 -the- -sue- Ruagin the-mianifesto. deDjar_W_ ., _. I I I - ---- �__-- - ___
,',, I I I I � . t -- T-41111 the tompatleou with -Rbelm'- "Oh -b -h I The be-yu-tiful gardenl- Ash hea4"artere deserthing AT -, ,
. . , , I I .. . .. . 11 Ittlikitt and Nerve Pills are Both buildings have been cessful advance of Haig's troops be- Amnesty for past offences will be I -- - ____ - - - - - - - - --- -_ - 'IWO Ka
, . . , , I - I ikoers or mailed Cathedral. she sighed. tween Bailleul and La Basse. Says. granted all who take part in the I
� �� . R
11.11 I'-.,:--- . - - - I I -_.direct THE GODERICH FRENCH DRY GLEANING
� - by 11ite T. Nit a bt- "The captured ground lies at the WEST STREET
I . :, � I , , tif� " - - "Ibuiti, -red-aced to ruin during the war. The Then, turning to the boy. "It' revolution, the Grand Duke promises. �
, . . � " I a � oro ,'Out- one Is to be left a monument and wit- cnuf;e you are rich that you have such, most debatable point on the British The Bolshevik Government has
, I 1 2 11 11 1 4 . uses to all time to the destructive if. VROOMAN, Proprietor,
- :1 I I , , lovely flowers, Isn't It. Billy?" front. just west of the Bois D'Aval, surrendered to Germany a part of I 'Phone 122 J. ,.
I .1 , 11, :_1. .----- - - 11-��."...,..111.1�.�,�........II b1ch reduced It to n. "No," said the boy. stolid as always. which forms the northeast angle of the Russian Black Sea
ol .. . I I 1. I iL . - .__TL_� course w - _ mere - fteet which .
, - . - - -
1_� .11 , I �.. ,..,. " I I I shadow of the history which It en- the Nieppe Forest. fled to Novo Rossysk ,when the Ger-
,. , , "It's because we plant the seeds."
, I I I . I :%**'VM mans captured Sebastopol. says an
I _ , M14AMI "The offensive was at a point
. . . .- � XT ISUILDYNGs. shrined. The other, springing from, .
11 I , I � I I . � . I ;: ,?,; .1, , , official telegram from Me - I
� I , � , � . I -).— - its Ashes, should, If Canada so wllls It. where the enemy thrust was hardest scow. The . As(hina overcome. -The triumph
; .1, � r,., - . A&i". 80.4 #A Symbol of Spirit of the be the world's great monument to the Flanders of Today. in the Flanders battle In an effort to other ahips'of the fleet were blown
I ... I I . �, , I 11 It" , constructive ei,vilization which reared Today the name Flanders Is applied capture the forest, which would have up by their crews. Germany has 3'URRANTS AND GOOSEBERRIES over ,,thma llas assuredly come. Dr.
I ,� . 'k , I Nation. itself upon the temporary ruin of so- to two Belgian provinces of which promised not to use the warshipd j. 1). Kpllug,u'., Asthnia Remedy has
- : - - opened his way to Hazebrouck, the pro%,eti tile ,,lost positive blessing the
� � � , : .. I , ,, 1. � --d "o ZOW Capitol which is rising clal order, Ghent and Bruges are the capital*, capture of which would have entail ft r Noc an 8 th Plants In 't�f asthinatic attacks has ever
I � I ,. I :� t.., I - and to rettkru them to Russia, a Q essary to Tr I o
I .1 1 , , e . , -*44a' the Tolas on Parliament Hill, but the name still represents an un- ed our retirement from Ypres. the conclusion of peace. Foreign Bush Form to Avoid Borers of N ictill,
, � 1.1 ., , i �.�'_ �. . 0%, 1A $1.0,Wly approaching com. Those English Editors. deflued stretch of country which has "The attack was launched at 6 Minister Tchitcherin's announcement Floot and Stalk. knioN%n. Letter, 1-1-veived from thous-
� I � . .. - -ho Its\,, tried it fofm a testi-
I'll, . . � .. � ,, I , �, IOU. It'la obaractorlstip of this ", ' says: antis %\
. I I'll, , I it gatiou of the been the battleground of Europe .
7;, ,��:� �: - 77 I'll !� 04"kn� 86-0 ri "The return of part of the fleet montai which leave- "to "('On] for doubt
I .* ;,��,_ - - � : nor were the ,in a favorite alle for o'clock on a front of ,1�0 0 0 YtV
. I . 1. �: , - . -'----- .:� _�- ,".. V411, -on the 4to of the -ople. In this country that the Eug� centuries. from Vieux Berquin to .at 11 T 0 stol It ease Of cuLtivation were the only that here 6 a 141A r,-fnP-4'y_ Get it to-
� ,,,� � �. , . JuSploned pt e ne a from Novo Rossysk to Seba pot n in pruning currants and
.��, :.��_ % ,, � , . . , lish are Ignorant about Canada. A "At the war In Flanders" wtus just nat, Its objective being th . consideratio IaN rrmn �Our dcaler.
1. � . '' I... "I21411' 0�10rhloh had stood since 1893. the small stream called the Plate was agreed to- on the express condi m.
11'� � . I I I �,� '. '', '#**14X*tt,qket0heA were prepared for rather amusing example of how little as familiar to English ears in the sey- Besque, 1,500 yards away. The ob- tiOn that Germany give a guarantee gooseberries, the tree form would cer- ____
11 ,,�* I , � , - !U 't1inUerstructure, Theen- even an editor may know about Can- enteenth and eighteenth centuries no jectives were completely attained ed tdinly be most convenient and econo- Iltie (:1)nzida Food Board is circular- .
11 I I �, . , =*
I ,'�, '' I.,— I � ��..*b_ � r, , ads Is gl-ven by Mrs. Florence A. that the ships would not be utiliz 'en oli nourd It Pacific
; �', ,'�! ,�,._ .� . - #04 WIlich had animated. tbp It Is today In the twentieth. Every and give us valuable ground for fu- by Germany and her allies in the war mical. Unfortunately the grower has izing tt,111ni tak RuPert Showing
I :. I ' _ Vicars, a Toronto poetess. Mrs. Vicars Inch of the ground in stained with the and that they be returned to Russia trio%ler frmit Prince
7 " �% �. , ", , z: - .. I I I *` 0 . I ture attacks.
. 1, �� ,,, ,,,, ��,� '%' I 10WV0. TAUJIlt have been Inspired, to vrrote a poem for the Westminster no choice in this matter, for In order
. ..., i blood of patriots and lays to insure his plants against the ravages
.� I !-i % MT Ists. And 110%\ pacilij. lizit-tisli tire caught and
I .1, ., � A, a ,OX 04�, by the words of Sir "Some 300 prisoners and six ma- after the conclusion of a general
I I '. . I I . Gazette, to which she gave the title I litill(lied, under ,the ausPices of tile
. I �, ii . il ��"��2'1 WWr d lAurler, who said: "When we "Gold Stripes," with the sub -title "A the bravery and courage of these The- chino guns were captured." peace, and that the German troops of. borers of the root and stalk It Is ft)r di,tributi,in in the Western
I �:: 11 ,�, "I ,� . r': ; . 9111", TAPOn'tht rules On the hill, while The Associated Press correspon- would not cross the line of demare- Board.
. I ,�,
%. % �, ',� :;!' '' 0*10MI trust Mitt It may be the re- Cockney Mother Spoaks." The poem, dleval troops has been matched by the necessary to train both these plants
� _ I I,- 1. , . aerifIce of the men of the greatest dent at British Headquarters tele- ation, which approximately coincid- pro%inees-, as :1 rea.,onably priced sub-
� ; _1� ,:. � ,. .. of course, was in dialect, but the Eng. s, " - In a push form. When managed In this Aitute
I , �, ,;, �� , � 1. *It ot actittelftt, We are reminded nt gra*hs: ed with their position at the open s flir ilwat.
- - '
I.. _�� , .4 . . Itab editor changed the sub -title to empire the world has ever known. � p - 'way new wood can annually be Induced I
1. , %-�� "� .", , � 4*tR11ft4'0t Louvain and Rheims. If "Field Marshal von Hindenburg's Ing of the negotiations with the Uk -
''I ;Io, . ., I ,,'�,�, , . "A Canadian Mother Speaks," and The bores of Canada's heroes will . at to replace
I � , . � % ". ..., I � , '�, ,,In .,"ythIng whicb,the preseni troops east of the Forest of Nleppe raine. It was only on condition that to spring up f rom the to
: . 1,11 �'', �`% , . �'.. i I , f
I �i 1. ... I � � the words "all Poplar" to Alberta, I mlngl(- with the dust of generations o got a nasty and unexpected knock such an agreement be concluded that any canes which may be destroyed by
I , ".. � y 0,0014 Impross upon us It Is
1-1 I I ,:�,,j , , � 3 ,
4�1 %�, ',�_ _. - and published that way. Here Is the pritrints find the cause for which thf-Y Germany stopped the ad-vance of the y other
"I". '', 11 ;�, , - I �, I alitty-A. T0801qtely going Ott with to -day, when the British suddenly borers or which may for an
. I. , "I . 11.'"', � I " It poem. which would ind,eed be an un- are lighting is not eclipsed In the lofti- drove forward In a surprise attack German troops towaid Novo Ross- cause LESS MEAT IF BACK
;1 I ": I io!w**�Ix' Ths-significance of that become useless to the plant. The
1, " , : I I .
, , - I. I I � '11" � . . *001r. agnitude for a oeople'who heard -of variety of Canadian dialect: ness of lt9 aim by the Holy Crusaders along a front of more than three Ysk." new growth should be stopped when It
lw*il ��,_',__, ':,,��.-'�, : � � ,,, I* hil In
. " � % r'. " �, � r � ,�, -eAU9 , ,.Of t one dreadnought,,And three
� , . , I I � L , I . heir all. even to the My Bert 'as just eome 'ome agin, 'e of medieval times. -Exchange. miles and hurled the startled grey- Only venient height, in order
. I % � - I ... � � '
"I".-. _e,' ", KIDNEYS HURT
'. ,:1 '11�,;.�p_-__ .__._1.01**'*UUY'Xnd the T*Nt man, for the walks a little lame, coated soldiers back to an average destroyers of the Russian Black Sea
� 4, 1 � '�' i� � I , , I . in tw Induce the formation of side M011 .
, 1, 11'k � ,�. �� , I.. �. I ,, 'kift Ot dconnocracy by the borders of But. thank the Lord, 'e'a got Is eyes, Chamois Hunting Is Dangerous. depth of 1,500 yards. fleet were returned to Sebastopol - I �
11�_ . t.` - �
I . � , ,�, , . . , � ;._ � ", , _�, WWU#A�'b �,autl, dark be gathered from 'is face Is Just the same. The chamois in summer go up Into "The operation was an unquali- compliance with the German de branches and thus Increase the area
. .
! '' � ,� �`, "� �,�. 11,� . i fled success from its inception. and mand, the correspondent is reliably of bearing wood. This is much more
'' I 1. J0.W%0t-t1lt&t,tbe new building Is cost- I'm that glad the shrapn,el missed it Take a gim of SaltA to flush RidUSYS
�, "I'll �.;' 11�,�, .1 , . *' we the high mountains to the perpetual I informed. The number of ships
11 ", � , ,, :!,� 4-, .* e- 44 1 the attacking infantry reached at Important than would at first appea r, I
... �%,,�_4'L�_ . -1. " � , I- I _qUeb an the old one. I could not look at 'im all day. ch s if Madder bothers YOU -Drink
� �.", I �-.,;,11 '%W -A sturdiness of resowtiou. In Though I'd love 'im just as dearly If allow -line, and feed only on mountain- their objectives in remarkably short blown up by their crews was Ina because the fruit of these plants
I'� � ""'''' _ ��', ; . , � I late of water.
��,�,,;�.. I'a I ,, ,11" .1 **w ,ol, ep9rullous war expenditures, the 'alf was shot a"way. es with a northern exposure. In time. larger than those given over o the
: ... , , � ,_ aid borne upon fruiting spurs which de-
�'l I _.. , 1-. , I , 'I hOY be regarded. as a con- "By this thrust the British not Germans.
, , - , 11 _
I : .11, , . �-; 1, - .�:. ,., '. , Vey , r 9 'E's not so regular 'ionds=6 and 'a's winter they go down to the wooded vel6p from wood two or more years of .
� : , -
": �: � , , , ", , only have greatly improved their
;� ,,, ".:, � - 1,1,� , ": � ..: t '1�, ==ry tPolUto out, as a record of not so ugly, too, lower rouches of the mountain, and It age. On the other hand, the renewal
-1 I al and Rating inset regularly eventuallY pro`-
i,,%� �, 1, , . �
11 � 111, , . �� ' c �f and aspirations of tile But just an average looker, the same Is here that they are hunted. They positions In this important ANOTHER ITALIAN SUCCESS necess
I ", ;, " , , e � sty In duces kidney trouble in some form4or
�, 1"3: � !�,.,,�.�,;,:";�� I . !6� *M much -contested sector, which lies of the bush Is not only
� .1 1, �,��,,� "� " I I � , JaWpeople when engaged In the as me and you; never graze without a st�ntlnel on the I be-
�� "'.. - order to maintain it against Insect other, says a well-known authority,
2"" 11 I ' _,,',,, L,, I . *,Wr Puratiesu, war. They are In- And there's not a prouder woman in lookout. The most successful way to just north of Merville, but they in- Captured Two More Strategic Mount- pests, but to Insure a supply of fruit- isuse the urioacid. in meat excites the �
.4! L'� � .; "_ - i
"iLl "IL � �,� � ,. . A toUllditig better than they had all Poplar, I believe. hunt them is for a number of hunters flicted heavy punishment on two hos- tain Positions. bearing wood to take the place of the kidneys, they beeTwe overworked; get
1. , , ,,�,;,, ifti_
� �,: ! ,, , . 1.1- - tile divisions that were holding the
�., ., - , ��,, �. - i_ , ". 11 1. � *A-40-boVe at the time of the tile- When I go out walkin' with 'Im with to form a closing -In circle around a LONDON, July 2. -Italian troops
_%!, .� . . . ..... ., �.": "L I 'A line here the 32nd division of 'old wood which has become unprotlt- sluggish; clog u and cause all Gorls of
L. 1. J.,�. 1�. � � # '.
'. 1:,��,::_, L . . � iW ,� AVAUltecture. acqording to the gold stripes on 'is sleeve. on the Asiago plateau renewed their I . U and mis-
� 1 . . . . . L' , 44 , feeding ground. Great danger at- Saxons and the 44th reserve division distress, partie arly backache 1
, , J , : I
, , � ��._: . I . $*A %tuskin. "is the art which so � offensive Sunday and carried the able to maintain. '/
�_Ir,l - , �:,�, I 1. ,41014� Ust tends hunting In such high altittides', of Prilissians. important strategic positions of Cot In general a currant bush should be cry in the kidney region - rheumatic twin-
i! ,, I � ,�, �'..: ': 'L. ' � ilo. and adorns the edifices rals- There's one 'e says 'e got by beln' j
,. " . , , % I � I ,,��, _ - . - - __ . .a bloomin' fool, I . but that has given such zest to the "Large numbers of the enemy del Rosso and Cot di Chelo. composed of from five to et-, 'alks I ge?, severe headache$, Zid stomach, O -r(
11". �, � _,�:. .1 I 1. 11. � *,�. _J- _�-, 1� � . tsoever uses, thlit killed in the hurricane on- �t 't , stipation, , torpid liver, - sleeples�se,
. tlll'l . 1. 1, Fair mad le was that day the Boschep sport thaf the chamois Is now Heavy attacks launched against stopped about IS to 20 IncJies in height. I bladder and urinary irritation.'
�,_Z',� "Ill - rare were
71 �., I �. , , �q � - *** ' 4416t of them may contribute to slaught, and some 250 of the more If the Plants are vigorou96 shoots
1� - , '"
�:,4,� `.�". "w. bombed an Infant school.
ill.-,,. I I . I 00) , idalth. power and pleas- where once it was numerous. Monte dt Valbella by the Austrians I The moment your back hurts or kid-
,, , pebtal h
".., ��, " � . `,,. 11 : , , I ,, 11,116640 I -Aik ao otAe-r style of aftbItec- There was cover for the taldn', but '0 fortunate had been collected In the - I neys axen% acting right, or it bladder
",��'.�_: I,— I �, .1 I 11 -.1 I Organized Great Team. prisoner cages before Xtoon. were repulsed by the Italians, "the . stopped at this height will produce sev
",,," �4,1_-�',';'�:�.�.�n:,�,� -..-,7, .-, ;�� couldn't stop to take it. enemy masses being mowed down by I
,", " . ,,, �t,_W__ _� I bothers you, get about four ounces of
, " uential In "The front of the attack was 6,000
- e,� ,�, �%;'. _�� . ", ral lateral branches, thus forming a
I 1. 1�',��111. �.,_ . �1_ I _.,___________. .. - - Through blood and tears 'e saw their The man who was infl yards In length and lay approximate- artillery fire," according to the offk_ e act, broad -headed bush' with a Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; �
�:�,.�L I
-,:�, � ,;:` , ',�, - I.. I - - - comP
" , :1 . organizing one of the greatest la cial statement from headquarters.
,L 4'', `.P �,'.'I. -, I - line, and knew 'e 'ad to break It* ly between Vieux Berquin on the take a tablespoonful in a glass of water
I., , �, ".. , . , " �i .
11 I
1.1'��! I !� lm I:- " - 0 i� I . , The other times 'o says 'twas just .ii;I � 'rosse teams that ever showed the north, and Pont Tournal, which is More than 2,000 prisoners were tak- maximum expanse of beartng wood. before breakfast for a few days and your
� .
� ,,��,,,: , 14: , - ! "', ",'� � "", % , 11 Ints of our national en by the Italians. The gooseberry should be treated In
I �� � ICI, ,,� , it' " : - ; , �, , I duty that 'e done. public.the fine po 2,000 yards northwest of Merville, kidneys will then act fine. This famous
I - "'-,A��L �;,-� �., , ,,, , , . And once I know the cirficers they game has Just passed away, James on the south. Weit of Merville, the The Austrian War Coffice Yesterday like fashion, but will be found to re- saJfa is made from the acid of grapes
% I �`V, * - � :, !,::, il. ': �-'- - - _ __�,k,, - , ., '
��.!.. �, . " "''. _ I I., 11 thank�ed 'Im one by one. Gow, 'who died in Toronto, went out British and German lines here had admits the complete evacuatiqn by quire less headIng-back, because Its
� . I I— I 11,� I and lemon juice, combined with lithia,
�� `!.. r,�,, , i� � , ,, - , ! "C', 26 the Austrian forces of Cot del Rosso normal habit Is to produce numerous and 'has been -used for generations to
� I , _ ,. I . � �. 0I - And every day I thank the Lord for to the Pacific Coast some years ago, been jammed up almost against the
''" . _4'.;-, . I I i and Monte di Valbella. side shoots rathet than strong, upright flush clogged kidneys and istlinulate tRem
," I "'.''i �, ��,', _1�11,�%-,�.,
�'. , ,�� j1N 4 � � , what we do receive, and while living there be helped put
, :�,�,
, .o,X, ,,�,,, ,; � I edge of the Nlelipe Forest in places,
� ,,, "'; " �,� ;� "., �, ; .. . When I walk with Bert III khaki.- with the New Westminster team on its The ItIlian War office statement olize the
. �` , - I with -the result that the British felt cones. to normal activity; also to neutr
, . y,� , ... ... � , �,'� ,,, - R - �
. 1: '), , ��,n,,,,,-" � :" � the gold stripes on 'is sleeve. feet. His energy and interest In Can a lack of elbow room for operations. said: ids in the urine longer irri 411
, : L:� '), �,:''�:�% ,,,, ', " _ .. I - - _ - ___ - I ada's great game kept th,e team alive It was in order to acquire more lee- .,On the Asiago plateau our troops man 1, Nvantf,d on tilt, f�irin I 8nl.teli, thus ending b'l'�dlntdi" U,
_ 1� 11 1� I., �.� I. �. '! Fvery
., �� ", �,�'�11;,- �, , , , ,, ;ue
1� �, the '80's
J. : �� �.''. �,�',` ' .1 I -Anow me to congratulate you." during the trying years of way that this assault was projected. opened action again. The formidable 1111, �,.,11, \\,It, (.\,..1. 11�,t1,11,,l ,A 11,,,. ( I Jad Salts cani ;
� 1� I '1_11. ,"", �., � L 1. i:� ,. still Cot del Rosso was carried with spirit. ,jr,\, a t,jAIII. fipt ill t,,1Il,11 %N,itil ti- makes a delightfu ithia-
�f �11 :" l, , I - VEly
�, _11. �,,,� �,�I�, ,,, , , .. said the mild stranger . when the organization was "The objectives settled upon lay, �
I �,i ,, ��.. I
, �%, � " � " "., _',�'L% � ', " " , an.. yourlig. He lived to see the team1pro- along' the winding little stream Cot di Chelo was the theatre of 3. tj(�Il. �1.*ind (tilt \\P(l is handling 1 water drink which milliong of x4eu AnA
I �. _-n ,-, � ��, _ i
, t � -`� , , -"4, - ,,;,,�t-�t � _� ' 1,41a 1. -1
�_ I . A!What for?" asked the grumpy m �
'�i - "!"","., �., 'I, ,, ", take now and then to keep the
P '' : �'. ,,, , , - . � , "Oh, anythIng-nothing-the glorl- - it) ymir to" wom .
I � '' I duce men like Spring and Turnbull. bitter struggle throughout the whoW
, "�, �; � known as Plate Becque, which bow- tile elliployment agvnci
, �',',".' . , , a who were famous as lacrosse lriayers ed out toward the east In a semi- day. " il'i kidn:� and urinary organs clean, thus
,,�:"._: , �,� -, .. "'.. �� �, , I ., q, C1, tip for service \,,tp�ry �-ou , -
_`"":,�� �-;�, � ''., . one weather, the green fields, the birds, "In the end the bravery of our - Ign
�,!� �� ; '1;1�"�_�.V ",:" I. " 11 from coast to coast. circle back of the German lines. -vpst. avoiding serious Idduey disease.
_, 11 '. I counI niost. during this hai
'., ;";�,%_� ,-�,,,"-' ��._.. _, ,,'�_ ,:.�, I . 1�' � the fact that you are well and strong. I troops conquered the enemy's stub- I I
,�� , ". . �,, ,,',';, , ,..�,': -
, . . -, ,�� 11 11 , -� I - . - k . % Isn't that somethingr' Flutes Prussians and Saxons were holding the contested
l. I ,
�, I - ��. , "i,-, �;� �, , "O.". I tre liable to suffer from any this zone with a series of strong ma-
', �, I 1� - --1 v : . born resistance, and
.111, : , * ;; , , , -, 41 .. .... 1, � " ,,,, . .. IN"No." positioms remained in our hands. -
": � '!_�',�� . .
� 1, � , ". "`:, � , � ,,� I ;.�, ," ,� .�� . I -1 �, I abrupt changes in the weather. and chine -gun posts linked up with barb- �
, "", I
I I �',%, __, , . "About midday and in the after- 0 %
, , ., , , '! �, � , - �. " . I.." I-,
.1 � ',;, i, �'_, ,
��,,�,` % , I It Drug. wrihon congratulate me for not hav, hould therefore be kept in chamois d wire.
, 11" I � . " , - 4.0etto W harid , � 6 Iloon the enemy launched two heavy - �
I .�, I , , . , , , " I ., a
. " ��,, � ,'';� "_. I ming in-
��,�,,':,,, ;` " �, , _ '. '�I,.i � �L" - .wisto, Grocers Stores Lm a discoaltion like wirtr,0 I ,.:their. .
� . 11�,I: . � The losses among the stor attacks against Monte di Valbella,
;J.,.. : �-, %�., �: "", �, : .. .... , 1, � �, .1 �. ', � fantry for the entire engagements
11 �,` , �� �4 �,� , , I I I � es, mown down,
,;, 1� , � ;,- '' � � . �., , �, " - . � — were e was due but .the enemy mass
I �, %�, � �.�, � . . �4 - xtremely light, which by our artillery fire, were complete-
_�� -1 �%� ��;;"! I-, . I !� , I hat the show was QUALITY TAILORING -
,,LL .,:,_;�il I,-. I ., - ,� I Lk , over before the enemy was able to ,
. � ;.�,� . � ,.- _. . .,, IRS large y to the fact t
5 . -
,�, ,, 1, - L L11 4 ly arrested by our infantry and fore-
_ . _ : �'�",( 'r'� '' ," � " ,,".., ,,, .� � ,, t 1. -
, �. .�"�-'�--�l',���'��:r�.-,�--�",��--."-,�Ir"-' - 1-4. T E: 1Z 17-
. , . %, . O%V]E: ed to retire. - —_ — - - ____
I ,,�, ;�..��111 L", �� NADIANA/V 'I" organize serious resistaned. "Our airplanes daringly participat- I
.11 � - , "'�'.% " jr:. '�,_ �,�, I, �.. � � k . ' " As a special feature of the pro-
," ! . 1.� : F;��': '' ;,' 1,
,, r,_,, �: ' ,',,�, ,,,, , , -, ific Railway. 4,4 gram, British trooRs on the left of ed in all phases of the fighting.
I I �1 ;1; 1. I
. '' "L, , . I 'R, ' Pae
I ,.�,r., � �',,� '. �, BY . IL P. TIMINIE AIAN, Industrial C'onlluis.5ixiner, Canadi&n - - _1muF - —'The losses suff ered by the enemy
I � 11,�.' ,� I , ,, , � " ,' , e � ,;t '�L� r . �1111�. I .4 I . the coluni�hs carried out a a ated The wearer of clotties tailored by us always.
r . . ,� �', , �_ -, , � "". �,,, -oo"v- . " 1---l'�,U1 li" ..
%i�, ;�, ,,,� , I , r :, �, % ,� _ "a, ,, on Saturday and Sunday are ascer-
, ,
, ,..]-: ". ", ,
,!�,:,_'%. �, , �i,,, �, , " 1�� .1
. , !,; : 1. �. r ,� ,� attack of their own which had an
'' Lr: , I � ,�: _,,r �
I 1.�� �' r , � � , " 1_,�� �,
,e:'t' i. � , r ,,, � I following estimate is I exceptionally bears with him the stamp of being well dressed. Otir
� � - r . " ." p � r I '1� �� 0 _ - ;,-. amazing resistance, adding near ' ly tafned to have been
. �, ... , " . L, heavy. Eighty-fl-ve officers and 1,935
,;,",,,�;�4� �x�111,-. . - I . . r I
,11� . e��_,.�.,..x�-�Z�.F! , . I half a hundred prisoners to the bag. men were made pri
. " Ll'.' ,:, z �� I ,�. ; �r,, r . � , , 'I I. "The morale of th& prisoners tak- soner. Our losses, work has the fit, and finish and style,
�':''� " ", "% . :'r�" � ,� , . by the Dominion Water men and thanks to the decisiveness of the at-
. " ,. � . , I � . ". %�'% -r I �", I � � .� ... I ��.� I � an was not high. Tbqse
..., : � .: r r: :� �r � ' ,�`Ir I I., �.... I . - -',-V' others captured recently In this see- tack and excellent co-operation of the
, ,�r ", r � r , . �,
. I' �r-�_� "' I .r . � ,% .Djaneh of the water dis. artillery, wem very slight. . Armstrong's Tailoring is Quality Taitoring.
1. _r ,� ,E- 'On
'' - -, r _ Ar ter have appeared to be much
. �t,�, ", �. �;:" '- ' - , the remained of the front ,the
, 'r. r, " 4 - 1 � artened b their failure to get big-
, , �. , ' I � �, ��. r,r� , _ : %, � '115 - -- .1"* . he
. 1�,% ,:, ,,-_.1,1,. 'r-,,. ,, r, I . �. � I . " 'Y - off er Ugriting activity was normal. In the
I r ..
, , , -- ."� .. "I ger results in theii isiVe. They
I I ,:, , ,: ; �, .". I 1� 11 '
rr��, . , :;� % ,r 'r, , " . available in each pro- _ �Vt . had expected to get ahead much fas- Daone Valley and in thb -region of
, I
_ I 1 .1 . ----
- I .1 1. . - , "� 1.7-- .____-1_-___ - _ _ .. - I � . Iml-, . ter th r an they have. . -smull "euemy ` J Armstpong -
I . - . Gtudlcarla we surprtnd7
lr, I ', ' �'.. I 1�'. rs and
1. I .' . . I'i 4, 11 posts, securing a few prisoners and
r . . , � �$ * ,
,r r �!,. , ,. . "Ou,itelt showin - ,
�, , I --r �r 1,__ � g to what ex "These men have professed to be- ,
, , I ,r �� � .. , :1 I
I '. �� I ;" ' 1, , r . �L , �, , :k machine guns. In the Meugna re- McLean Block ,*;outh Side of Square
�. r': " '% � ,", r', - - . ... � - , � lieve that the United States was not I . I .
, I ek was r#pulsed."
. - �Z 1'r;, . . r - I 9 . . 4AX I Ing to be able to render much as- Stan an enemy atta
, � , r, , . I" toot tills been do- ,., go 11rol -
�. � ,;; r ,' " � ' I t�iNl�,�. 11;�, ':%% already has Ilies. The helpless- % . �, if
, , � " �,�', � . r � � 11, I r� .r I r sistance to the A
� ,: " � 1.1-,'', 11 1 � ...�4� 1 1 1 - - If The Itol! at Gmnd FaUs, N.B. � I . � ness of the Uffited States is being Two Austrian Generals Wiled. ____ — ___ -, - - - __ - _ _____ — __ —_
,r , �j .' ' �'r�' � 3'',! ` �. 014. -I . P Povnm DEvmoprm . . preached assiduously to the troops AMSTERDAM, July 2. -In a de- He
l 1.11 : .., ' �� r, , � .. ,:,i '" 1P I I '' . . , , . by the German high command. and scription of the recent fighting along go M
� . I �
,,,, .r. , . . �.. . - I Power Electrical Paper and Other " 11 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliilillillilillillillilillillillI
,� - ? ': '' � � � � ': r,!, . � ,. ,rd�� Provinces
I � � ,.,: " . �, , , 'r, , 146 9�1 JAvailable Energy Pulp Industries TotO this propaganda undoubtedly has the Piave during the Austrian offen- = I . =
., � '' ". .r. ,", ! I.. 'r. I _ I I been having its effect among the men solve in Italy. Lieut,Gen. -von Ar- =
�t 1: I I I I �,� ,� �` , . ; :%L �'. rr .1 I ...... I . 6,800,000 6112.083 83.375 74,0-0a 789.469 = =
, � ,r , "' 1 6 .................... In the trenches. denne, writing in the Berlin Tage- = =
I 11 I 1.,,� �r',�: ,, . , � � ....... 6,000.000 370,000 100,000 60,000 620.000 -With the German officers natur- blatt. says that the desperate Aus- = � The Famous 'a
. . -1 ....................
. : t I �, �� , � � . . I ... '906flis .................. 100,00,0 3,062 12.650 6,700 21,412 =
� . A,� ,�� 11" ...... ally it is different, for they ha-ve no trian attack on the Moutello, where . =
,� ,., . . =
- :, delusions on the subject." the line bends to the west, was
. ;� 13,399
'' � ' " ].' I , ': *o%-* Or,alaswIck ..................... 300.000 6,890 B.Oryo 4,450 =
�� r � � '. . I '). " �. ''i � I ......... ... 3.000 50 4GO 600 =
4 ,, r'�. % I � % - "' 0two.nawardi M 6�6 =
Island ... � undertaken with the object of draw- =
, ,� ., �.4a.z�,,,:.�,,i4.,X,.,�,�"��,-. . "I .1 76."a , Austria Approsichililig tile Attim Ing off the Itallan troops. from the = M -P =
- _� , ___ .. � ... : - "" - - A, 6,0
�4 . . I .., ..... . 6 ... , .
, I I.. " - 11 , . 11, I 3 r,00.000 I - - . 100 too a -
, � . '� .,::.. ............ .. ... Mazda"La '
I , � . , I 4111,111:14 LONDON, July 2. -It is learned river further down. I
. ,
I . ;
.,� I r t, ": � I � , . r I.. 10'..... .... 1 82,860 32.860 = . ME
_ , : . ; , , , % --.., I from a good source that the Ajustro- The writer reports that the Ann- , .
I "k �r � :, _r� r, . , � .................. 269,620 = I =
,, ,,,r , � , . % I � .his .................... 3,000,000 216,345 49.000 4,276 h - -
� . ., ]; . p � - 1. J i '41i f�olum 100,000 12.000 14,000 Hungarian Government, through an trian generals, Bolzano and Sc inner =
�, " �' . �� .......... I ..... = The Best, Ele tric Lam Made =
, � I - �, �: L � " : , . I � 1 1.0,4 ....... I ....... unofficial representative in Switzer- er, were killed during this fighting. = 1000011101im . C, - P I'l =
' r . . =
"I I ... �� �, `,:� I ' �' r ' ' , empt, in the = I -
I I.". � , - land, has made an att
, ,�r* ' L `� �: � r�, I � 14W ... ........ 18,803,000 C 1,348,490 249.OT5 139,033 1..35,599 last few days. to discover the Allied Despondency In Hun Capita.. = . - . , � -
! � J. , � I . r =
I . I ,, I r r, : I . I at York. with a population of five mil -'now to some extent imported. In standpoint upon certain important AMSTERDAM, July 2. -In a de- =
� r I r. I . I =
! "A r �� 1:` ,;'�_, . r"I" ,., I.r, I , 111 Ir . *Iil b6 Asen from the above th questions. The Dual Monarchy emis- ,pendent article on the present food = Sold under a guarantee. If thev prove
I � . tdlb�6fkhtoela uItIllott harge_D6wer lions, and to have got all lit UP On fact, some of the larger users of hea* = =
I I �, I 11 I . . I . I I � �, i'l � 4tro- sary represented himself as being situation In Germany the Socialist I defective you can return them. =
. . . , ,h furtb,sr explora. ol3e-Bfth or
I I , ,44, 0441I *bIc less, providing also for and power, such as the elet = a
I , L. 1�. I .1 1- � I I � *111 . 010". I"* than ten per- traction purposes, indicates that the chemical and metallurgical plants, very close to Emperor Charles. Con- newspaper Vorwaerth of Berlin =
I I , I � : , � .." , veloped. Manufacturing enterprises of that already have divined the coming tact with the Allies was not estab- frankly points out that the general = We have the Sole Agency 0
1 � . � �� , 11 �bios- - -to tat lwon do
I . I -1 I . = =
. I , � :`K1. � I " i lished, and he returned to Vienna. shortage is undermining t4e morale -
I I :� , *Atli but f6W ftcePtiOus great city must have pas somewhat situation and are Backing to the =
'': w0thelfto. atch from Madrid received im, It de- =
. I . ., 11. 1*4,V,.#r1u6Jp4 t1tIft "d by far the shy on power. ex"DtIng such as may vicinity of potential sources Capable A desp of the people. Among the = We have some very choice designs in a-
� ; � � � . , '1� I I r *Lutu)1#r Of but towns and vil- have been produced from coals that of providing adequately for not o4ly in Geneva states that Austria has clares, the question of "an early end = I
I I W� , , = _N , ME .-
I � � . . , " � I I. - 011,sd With hydroo,slec- watild otherwise haire been available their present needs'but for all pox- asked Spain to open negotiations to the tragic world war has 4ain - I 1� . �
. , � oft AUA future development. In this with the Allies with a view to gen- become Of urgent Importanqe." = =
� "I I I 11 *4 * -_,#'jJA the Surplus produe- for h4to.ting. I stble = Reading Lamps 1. =
I 1 W, - i6o rtation of A AlMilar comparison doubtless they are not"forestalled nor Incon- eral peace. Stwiss papers state that = I =
I , , Wit the 6100 - -
I I 1604 :,w , * 44 , beP- Submarine captured. = I =
� .
I � I 'I, I , 1 , " ,.4 � L 7 j0AWAjaft)1W, � b6*0r Nom Now Bruns- might be made between Torotkto and ventenced by the enormous expansion a similar propaganda has been Electric Fixtures
I . 0, �� - . . ". I ,fpkte, 6t Ustuo. from chlo:ago, or any other Canadian and of the pulp and paper industry, whichl gun at Berne by Germany through PORTSMOUTH, Va., July 2. ---Cap- = . =
- ,� io* -1 W n city of relative position, S 'finds Its reStulatte timberlands them,4 Austrian channels. It Is also repoilt- ture of the German submarine which = Suitable 19r A'tfy robru, -
*�'ta, " *� totV,; fivin Oatarlo to America
I . I fffolwww�l i 1;UlUrilfbotsi. and from comparison sure to become mere selves.to bi the means of the conser-� ed. on ,%that appears reliable author- = =
. I . 1 $0W yofk #AA � . sank the American transport Presi- = N
I . 0*%U1t � ,,<*or - vatloa of Immotieste supplies 6f water.' Ity, that the King of Spain has been = =
. talli, to Woohington. striking as time pass" and the up dent Lincoln was announced In .a An Electric Air Warmer =
11 I "I � ,. I I I 1&1�,,(#Iji #t"rtation .w&rd tendency in the Ott of coal is affording adequate floatage as we I =
1. .1 .1 I 1 , , %U�vAolu * I as recently in Parts, wh telegram received bore yesterday a Is '60d tbing beside YOU Ott a c6ld =
. I � . � , J%ports- of contrasted With the lo*bring cost of Stich m4l�chouleal force as It necessary Incognito with the Duke of Mont from Lieut. Edouard Victor Isaacs, a 10
.. I " ,07woiv "s '010oix 'tte -po*ft t6 tWr doWelopmeat as other favor- Penaler. - ulthf. as a temperature boo,ater =
. . . I . 4lIMLe"00WO 140 tho p"vittet of hyAro U.S.N.. who *as taken prisoner by = 0", =
I _
I I . . I IW'. Oliiis�"Io, ttie soburit4 of The reT01vt cost at steam ould able e6nditious sorise. wooden steamer "War Quo. the Germans when the transport was = � =
. . 0111110,ja,10 t being subject to the cuts . Tke salins current of water havi The phed that = . An Electric : =
"I . . I I Wtjolfit, j# to %,V*11010 ear"Ut. hydro-pow4s b"', was successfully launched -on sent down. Isaaes telev% = a
4 1 . " W **, #*t*1604, 'Shkoe thb *0 rt- of toal to labor. tMUlil"rialtioU and tatted the wkeels of oue Industry, as safe in England. = =
. I I �, I 11 � ow , jil:"relty 0( *#*Will for other variable expeiss# Is it preselilt, In ftany Cot" 1�10&68 Along to drive the St. Charles river on FYIday lasL he w - Vacuum Sweeper � —
�, .. I I �fiiliiiillaiibili , 11161 1 4f X I oft $OAA& coal ftlIbIlot 111100ult to _t*11103111111- but 04- still alliethet- &Ad On Its furtka __�__ � = =
� . iiiiiiWoon"Ook 4 wittedly the SLEEPING CAR SERVICES TO IIlGH_ = Is in i0trildit YOU Will AeVer be witbout 'M
I&, ij� t,A*ft%A* AlVoo to the Is advan4*0 to econew:P cerom to the met bears the burAtka. Its, Canada's new system "of license eon- a
.� , I __ .0#00 ibt V4J%tt#*1*tb*v6 bayt, heft is ,with the tatter gotrea at enter", 6*11 rfttlm esergy his helpea ,-to LANDS OF ONTARIO - It you use,ode 6nica 0
I � I trot of dealera in foodstuffs; in%olves I -
, ____ I �
I . 4i**4" too, *0 V" 64, 010WICA1 I en. while in 14W casse tat tke mere Iftillute. No satutia resoum usdial 2ist Grand N .-
, 1 14 1. ,� �i� I ov,er M000 retail ematiolishments and Commencing Friday, June = Warmin'goVads =
I . . , - 4 Slity, iiii to" �t%A% "a eW of fthilitIA141 6*4 tagr4ol. *6 W the future or td Sty Other Puri '
I e I . Wh tut VW' Kealia electric entreat to ooftt"Iy, Matile 06M is outiteod slid 146 veretl6iii or about 2-3,500 wholesalers. Of the total Trunk Railway System Will 4,Araie = =
I , .. 11 . 1"41 'thy %itIvAtb , 0,(W sleeping car from Toronto to Hunts- = :
'.� I , . . -1 firat 040ofateil lity ttewn butias toll doatts"d. I number of retailers Vlore art, a
I � . *- #004*4 160 6t ouut U46 at. Will grocM,.% KOW butche.M MOOD public ville daily except ,%turday on their Coffee Percolators .
11 - y 0#00*4 .%*tW"**r., 0ftduL*d from 0*1. 1f*Jt**o*tr bt- Cased& is gifted by provideoce is eating places, 5,ODD bakem 2,000 itsh train No, 41 leaving Toronto it V. In. I . I
11 , l" 01� I 0"moo touftodity allia"t t"ry ts"All. 61 t%os bUte o%, -'9, this stepping car will be .1 r .
I I 40011% skie, Aww'"lilt a Ing tke osise 111111 to ot Inatutatture iolaa t1ke, 0A.i dealers, 4.50 fruit and veptable deal. Returntis Toasters, Etc, ". . .
, � I � 1whieh paraibxlftlly*� to cast elil ers and 4,01k produete dealers. ready for occupancy at Huntsville at U .
I I I "Wi. - A u"It6iol, ,It wy in lavorse raw to tU6 #Ojiiaotil tar 14 taloal 96WIlifis . by wkith these a" I'll .! p. in. 0ally except Sunday. leaving that — .. � - -.1
, � , - 46*616011, Wtat at t1w ft* is
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