HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-07-05, Page 39
tho school ehlldr-
ID11 Were
splendidly carried ouk:NJr_ Tayror Play -
Ing the agcompaularfilts. Then, Camo
he Mayor's address of welcome. after
02 -which a varied prograta of horse rae- Klsyser D
Ing Highland d;gicing, baseball aild
b2d musict W46 Urrkd out.
al n. The Races
Sms B_ W
races were keenly Con -
*Vogl" 4einstia
The bors%,
a follows
tested aud resulted a
fee -
W. H. Richardson. SIV3 t
ford ........... ... lats
9"01, 1;— , gob N
rw inzoolL Free Bond. 0. Litt, Ml chell .... 2 2 3
N -3 3 2
1W,4 filow whue ptim am bigh. 9id it.. John McIntosh, London SP endid Showing U0 atop
Best time 2:12.
7 Aed a iona- it 00. awwi 2 -30 class -
TO 40 mal, s. 0. Hodgins.
Charlie Patchen . ................
Of W
Claudeboye R. MacLean, Wash
VNION BANK OF CANADA Royal Dundee, .... 2 2 2 Kodak as the Children PECIAL moldooloosunilmer showing Of the newest designs In
VANNOW4 MAN. 217 Goderich ................ Marquettes, Piques, Gaberdines, Bealch Cloth
WAD QF=_ Lady Grattan, Frank fteeder, Materials, In Volles,
Parkhill .................... 6 3 3
BRANCH, Grow and Repps.
CAODERICH. Senator Wilkes. A. Cunningham.
Manager. Clandeboye ............... 1.3 6 6 Let your Kodak keep the auto- patterns and foulard designs, in rose, grey, piukto
F, WOOLLC Brino K., James McManus, Gode- graphic picture record of the Belmar Voiles in plaid
rich ......................... 4 5 childrtin as they grow. The green and navy, 4o inches wide. Special, 6oc per yard.
Bhd Kyle, G. Litt� Mitchell ...... 5 4 dates will make the story cadet
weave, in
Best time 2:18. plain colored Voiles are in great demand, an extra fineeven
Green race Thomas 9
LQUW 11 -i -I .''James- JL - Cabl*01111. Col-OTSofpin-k,bluei-;rosel�gT-een,.bl=k,,Wbit-IC,,4 in.wide., _S�Ieca,
Qrattal. 6oc. per yard. _
-DO-M -DAY I Yearly, CredI1o;d.:..'.T 15 rhm. S.
In IVI Lady Patchen, Burley Hod- 2 2 3
gins Glandeboye I pligas 90 GODERICH, ONT.
DZht, Chas. Flynn 3 3 3 '2 Getilion Cate" The Bathing Season Has Arrived
Crowds From Far and Near Thronged Kineardine ........... 5 1
Little Topsy Adam Be,%,-- We are showing a nice assortiment of popular priced Bathing Suits for
man, GoAerieh ........ 3 2 no 4 A bildren, in one-piece style.
s Golden Gate Maggie McKinney, M. A107 VICTORIA SCHOOL men, women and c
("'Huron Dougal, Porters Hill , ' 6 4 A 5 5
Walter Eddy, A. M. Polly,
Goderich ......... ... dr Result of Promotion Examinations Nipoelty Wool Sweater Coats
A Successful Day and a Fine Program Grey ohost, V. ... Ab.oir.lf.a.r.d.t., Held In Aune
Se&forth As. dr To Senior Fourth Another lot of han . dsome Novelty Wool Sweater Coats to hand this week,
Best time I S) in olen front and pull -over styles, the ideal garment
Boys tra to what had been newest coleri $1o.00.
The Goderich First Of July cele- Something ex in a speed con- H000r..%- EdIna NlaeFarlone, Isabel in all the nng
50 -yards race, I yrs. and under -t advertised was Put Oil Nniburner, Marlon cool evenings. Priced from $7.5o to
ge success, s -ay, Countess Ly for sport wear and weaTing in e
. MoDermid, 3 Clare test by Hal B., Jr., the fa test horse In Muri -wiliall.
bration this year was a hu that ever Donald McKay, 2 R Considering the state of the Dunn, Sarah Bt
one of- the largest crowds Tweedy. Canada. 1 e was not in pasis-Ernest i)k,ak, Laura Murray, ittle Tots
gathered here coming from all over the 50 -yards race, 8 yrs. and under -I BOY track and the fact that h Evelyn Fancy Sox for the L
as such a Walters, 2 Reggie Bell, 3 Carl Shear- contest with other norses his exhi- Gladys Grinr(od, Tom cult,
In a race against Doughert%, Helen .1ohn.-on, Austin Har
country. Never before w hly adver- down. bition was very hne. ris, Woodl-ie Randall, \vilkle Baker, Children's Socks in plain white, also white with fancy colored tops, super
celebration here so thoroug 100 -yards race, 10 years and under 12 Roy Lloyd's auto, he made the half mary Al, -Lean, Harry
nishing as a Russel `101111g' ;f5c per pair.
Used and tile outlay in this Way -as _i Reggie Armstrong, 2 Boy Walters, mile In 1-.06yt, the race 11 Ed\var(l,,. ality lisle thread. All sizes.
fully warranted in the reiturns. Then dpol--Dolla-3 NIcKenzie, qu
good in the 3 Howard Allen. dead heat. Reconimen
there was something really es for the too -yard race, 12 years and under- The baseball match De;ween Clinton Thoillt-i-11. GPOlge '%lathieson, iced
way of attractions, the purs -I Fred Price, 2 Jas. Ryan, 3 Willie and ooderich was a close one., ( resulting Helen Harold Attractive Kimonas Moderately Pr
made sufficiently in a score of 8 to 6 in favor of loderich. Harry Leach,
horse races being Mountain. McKenzie, .
large to attract some or the best horses, Boot race, too yards, 12 yrs. and The line-up was as follows TO Junior Fourth
and all the other features of the pro- Kingsley Harris, 2 Kelso John- I W0.oderi h. Clinton. Attractive Kimonas of flowered cotton Crepe, trimmed satin
under -i Pitcher .......... McNeil Hotiors--jean (Ataplikall, Kingsley
letil I I
gram were quite up to the best. ston, 3 Wilfred Graham. 9. and umby ... catcher ...... Hawkins Harris l)ouglas Nairn, 4, leCreath value at $2.95 each.
Rul jump, 14 yr J. Doyle ......
Tile procession ming broad b 2 Win. COsScYl F. Townsend First base ...... Worm Charle., Hunificr, Violet 110�s, (;eO['gt: ed cotton crepe Kitnonas in pink, sky and rose. Satin faced.
The celebration Started with the big under -i Toynbee Lam B. Tovvnsend Second base ... Steep Flisinger. I Plain color
morning 3 Fred Price, Cooper Pass-Allolaide 1111\s, Florenve '.\Ie -
trades and floral parade in the ..... kgws 'raggart,
and this was one of the best ever held I Running high IMP 11 yrs. and under 1, Wlggln5l,.,,Thlrd ba, _Draper DoTlald, Fred B(I\%I*R Special at $2.25.
�oroudfoot, 3 Colin Babb ... & ...... Shortstop ...... `ilt,ie, Lillian Gar -
Was headed by -1 H. Leach, 2 R. Blayder NN,illle Bell, A111Y large cape collar, colors
here.� Thq procession n ... Left field .....
E. JohnsO ck, (lordon Adeline Nivells, crepe Kinlonas
town council and officials In two Murray. vith pole, 16 yrs. and under P Aitcheson . Right fleld ... Piggott ri Bell, lholitltl 1,8119ridg', "'ta"ley H andsome Embroidered cotton
wn by white Vaulting ..... Cook Reggie
plume -bedecked- cOs dra -I E. McCreath, 2 W. Bell, 3 red Smith- B. rioyle ........ Centre field Il'otigh, Fr -A \Ior- rose, pink and mauve, at $4.5o each.
horses ; followed by ttie I-Ziltles Band ards, 15 Yrs. Umpire, B. Potts. Wilson, uorollo, \lit -kileld. McCall's Patterns
from Clinton, about twenty strong, Three-legged race, 50 y gan, Sidney l)oI1aI&,t,Il, i�m
which made a flne impression through- and under-- Ted Smith and George In the evening there was a good Sandvns. McCofililos Patterns.
out the day with their flighland cos- Res,; 2 Fort Westbrook and Willie crowd on the Square -0 listen to the Ruth S
'Mar- Beei" 3 Hal -old Murray and Douglas open-air concert. Nuss Kata Lyttle and necommend-4--i'k,rPlace �111011, Wil- You will be pleased.
tumes and fine music. Prof. Dan I Nliss Hildred McColl sang and the Gode- frid oonaldson, J,a1I N\illtrr, Rachel Try Us with your 'Phone and Mail Orders.
tin was the ' in all the bravery of Nairn. of Stewart.
re once rich orchestra rendered a number "color Third
kilts and sword and piper Roy Mc- Bicycle rtlee, �14 yrs. and under, e ro THE STORE WITH THE BIG STOCKS.
Lochalsh, stirred up the around tile Square -i %Xillie Cesbey, 2 selections,' and there Nvas also sOm
Kenzie, of one by his skirliDg. They Fred Price, 3 S. McLean- Highland dancing. The program was Honurs--Enimer-11
Sojotch in dolme Sh;nv%, Edna tiont, IAI-900 \rin-
were followed by about a score of Girls much enjoyed. P Lass of Lim- strong, Viola S""ley,
young Highland dancers in uniform. 50 yard race, 6 yrs. and under -I The comic opera, "Th III
f uniformed boys from the erick Town" had a crov,,ded flail at the Reggie Nilint \
era House In the evening, in fact pos.-jean Pinder, -%IzLiida Bannister, Thoine 56
A corps o op tit NIvNiath,
Separate School made a hne showing. Nfargarpt Black, 2 Grace Murray, 3 about 200 had to be turned away. Margoprite OlIkIll"i'll, I'll 'Phone 56 MILLAR" SCOTCH STORE
under ]till, I'Volling
oil number of Olive Young yards, 6 Yr� and The day was a success in every vvay Thomas FrNine, Hay.1 ingtoll
The fire brigade and a go Boot race, 50 , El- won
l, es and some 3 Mar- Ellilliersoll Arn trong,
drcorated autos and bicycl . Edna Horney, 2 with the exception of U -ie vveathci, Donald,,", III, relle
caliAliumpians Vilowed, interspersed -1,et Robertson. which was cold and damp, in fact at wood Tlionipl), KL-' \11`9� 1 - - . - . . . - .
with the trades i1rocession, Mr. Clover gar 0 yrs. and unde a 11ttle James, Viol" hl�id, \"�iia Bro\\9nleoc,
50 yawds race, 1, rW- one time during tile utternoon
of East Street and the Dominion Road ura Jeffrey, 2 Ella MrCabe_ 3 A e snow was seen to fall, but the, crowd at ,,label Garriek, Berg,,rS0o -zlikith, 1.)on- Tho messrs. bcri� prepared and a cordial In -
Machinery Company, havif* good dis- La Agivicultural -grounds were good old Murray, J0tIU.0rIiIla"I- y, (io"Irge tnint, Rnbt. Me- .t_.,foo cl�teudetl to everyone to be
laide Nivens. It the j,,opp, -OBITUARY, .1"fol fit.
plays. potato race, 50 yards. 10 yrs. ant'll sports an(L a large numner remained in Reconiniended-WiMe liazel f v0d olid \VIII 111irl'. \It's. (in rrIc s
2 Mamie Rpggit, Bridle, �r,
The Prizes for the procession were under -I. Augusta flunfalvy, ent weather till the garet Grahail', s to 'Idrin it. osterhout. B. A., D. D
awarded as follows ap"eho' 'he lnc'('- ence Grindrod, mary For- \lavIVER.-ThP following re \" 'Its 1,1,11 at 1111tilill, lint , tier Ili next
. late
last at was far, . -gurct have Charge of the service
I G. J. Reln- Smith, 3 Beulah -Jardine. run. Had it been a flne Hawkins, Floi grandson (it \fr. Angus N 1)0.111A Niat.) N1111 ay
12 years and under- Id "d in Victoria St. Methodist
Decorated autorrobiles- ur
Rule, Britannia" ; 2 Mrs. T. loo -yard race, adecdebsu of Goderich, and of Mr. IllIgh colder, \\its marriod �sl \11101011 Sit( "This 'One
in eerps of the day would have den, Roy L4
hart as 3olden Gate," I Violet Ross, 2 Dela McAllister, 3 Laura �henomenal. To Junior Third late (if Kinvardlue, and the friends of viNe(I fly tv%o brottivrs awl two sisters, church. Morning subject.
Hnlehinson, as "Huron's I_ Jeffrey. The AhTAeek Chapter of the Daught- k cistelluout, olive White- the family hore will learn with oinocre hn tit rollhifn : "mr. Will. Thing I DO.- VventrifIr. "A Man"S'Villoluo
8 of Honors -Jae, Armstrong, Nir. .10 - to Society- lool and Bible
3 Charles Black, 'TaWA � 4 Miss E IW -yards race; 14 yrr, axId under- er the EnlWo 001101.1c4ed a tag day ly, Isabel McKenzie, Lottle t of tile oe.currence (of stritittord � \Irs. 110bt. !oofillt Stinday 15c,
Aush Wingham, ir"fied C,�oss Nurses." Agiles McDonald. 7 Emll_v Hunfalvy the hospital funds. with most Bert Lashbrook, Pauline regre Moore, Kate, Bar- Class at 3 o'clock. Epworth League
bicW.Aes -1 Miss �ern i ' in aid of Hunfalvy Friends of the Nittelvel' fliolily of ton, (of Nfitchvit": and \Irs�
y, 3 Roland 3 Annie Newell. r', once successful results, and the %Iaple Leaf McKenzie, James Gibson, Norino� eveland. who for two years were nett, of Dilblill ; kil)(1, betildes herhus- Tuesday evening at 8 a -clock. A cor-
kHumber, Bicycle race Chapter ran a booth on the Square also were pained to hand, lo-mes it rjjlllll� o)f tilree. Joseph, dial welcome 11
2 Gertloe Lumb 14 yrs. aM. unde Jean 'to\\P Cl to a
Parsons, 2 around Square --1 Gladys Warner, 2 with very successful result& Dunlop, Jessie S Isabel Bi-sitett, residents of Verminon, rownInK if tile C. p. it. rreight idllve Tile members of North Street Metho-
pass-Jean Bloonifleld,
Calitiltumpians-LI G. L. learn of the sudden death by d
Will. Lumby, 3 James Smith. Lorena Doak. Currie, Alice I'll" at (list church were delighted a% Sunday
Boot race, too yaroa, 12 yrs. and Irene John -ton, Leila of the second son, Hugh, aged seventeen, Alice, of tll\\Il, Rod ciet-rge,
Trade" A. m. Glover, 2 and 3 Do- Under -1 Emily Hunitalvy. 2 Dorothy A Standard Medicine,-Parmelet"s Oram ,,-am \Iingo, Florence Murray. Thursday, June l3th. The Young man's \\,itl,y (,,ololl, Englalld. 1rhe broth -,11" evening's semice with the singing of
y Company. vegetable vitts, compounded of entirely Vero'Copp, Harry ioan,;ton, Thomas ambition had alw-a-ss been to go sailing anti oiotvi* %\vre all neiv ro)r. file fun- "Not a Spa"ow Fa#eth" by r*tr*. D, J.
miniolti Ro Macb1per to*have a and three weeks ago he secured vves and
e processim the- Iaby show McLeod, 3 Violet Reag. I, yrs egelable substances known Gray, Russel Bloomfield, Meldrum Cutt, a erid and also the f-11111\%ing III Roberts, a forme� vuember of North
After th 50 yards, n�lv In -d Allen. Lorraine -phevvs : )4r, and Mrs. Leshe -Nitit- Street Methodist church choir. but now
took place on the courthouse park. Three-legged raze ifyi.g position on ill(% Stmr.
Marlon M4DDougall ,.,,nd salutary effect uPO James Ansta�, Howai Vega and Made no
Six -months- di �O organs, hLive through Forden, 'kiargaret Sproule, jean mathie- the trip to Ashland, Wisconsin. As the to,, or kiactimi ; \Il,s. It-ollo-y. of Dllb- of Stratford. Miss Aft McClinton also
were 'and Violet FritzleY and Jean I th of 1 "Jesuft Lover of My
The prize -winners prdund1,er!ilng, y e a Ala. Randiiii, Clarence 'Welsh ' -boat docked jumped front trile deck tin ', Mr. anti John Nlooro I1.1j1r,,ndTvd
Mrs. Robert Rutledge, ea se attained so eminent son. It( he S( I ,
old baby -1 I Morris, 3 Norma McDonald and Worthy "ll u I k as a stindard Joseph La"gridgp. Ethel Nfallough, - Jos. Nloore, "u her usual !tpiendid style.
2 Mrs. Matthew SPMul. Blac position th they ran oor the boat and slipped. breaking cliell ; Mr. and \Irs
F. Thompson, k ould remember Stewart \Ic(,Iachert:l, Beatrice Welsho to m ulder, which caused film to fall \Iitcheil *, \fr. and Nlrio;. Stairip, of Strat- services In Knox church next Sun -
One -year -old -1 W& J- The Afternoon medicine. Thp, ailing sh Jardine, Marle his Aho ral services were ford, and \1r. and \Irs. WIt
2 Mrs. Charles Cook. The afternm3h program opened with this. Simple in their composition, they Isabel Raines, Beulah Into the water. Fune Iday will be cobducted by the minister,
chilifiren's "Wes a school children's procession to the can be assimilated by the weakest Bell, Cecil Howard. o;ivens Allan held Tuesday at the home of his par- Hackett, 011t. Rev. n. c. MeDunild. The Sacrament
In the meantime the children's games rounds, headed by the stomach and are certain to have a Recommended-ElwO03 I Emiiy Hal- entq, Capt. and Mrs. Alex. Niacl\er in of the Lord'% Supper will be observed
had commenced. As usual these were Agricultural g healthful and agreeable effect on the McLean, Evelyn N(ciponald, Gl"eland. e AMONG THE CHURCHES at the morning service. The theme
keenly contested and the Winners were band. chorusies and some fancy itluggish digestive organs. stead, Arie, tta. Jardine. BOWLER. -A ,ery vad event of th for evening service will be, "An Ac -
as follows A: COUPIC Of 'To Senior Feeond past vveek was the death by drowning credited Sovoreigilty " Preparatory
last of Michael ",ervIrro; In the Baptist chi, rch will service on Friday e%ening will be con -
Honors -Willie Gairicii. on Sunday afternooti I. ducted by the Rev. R. J. Rogs, of
pass--Dellght \Iut*eh. Lester Taggart, J. Bowler, second son of Nir, and Mrs. be held next Sunday tit itil. It, and I
I N1. i. Bowler. The young man was only p. ni. Auburn.
Billie Black Geraldine M�pEvvan. Nor-
man NicDa" mid, %Ialoolm Campbell, fourteen years of age and was a bright Special lllilo�lc of vllorutws, etc , will Next Sunday. July 7, will be Flower
Two DRYS Only pupil at the 0. C. I. f Sunday In the North Street Methodist
- L.tl, E,an,4, Ros;s Mathieson, Jack He and a com- be giN(.rl to), tile r1wir and children 0
Two Daya Only Allen, Mary AlacKaY, Verna Armstrong, panion, Theodore Bullard, were out tile , ly 'treet
,und., ;
Pauline sicEwan, Nierrill Baker, John canoeing and were out between the ,hilol (,. N*orth S church. The church will be appropri-
.\I,ttlodist church next Sunday morn;:J1 ately deqFated and the -Sunday School
north pier and river breakwater, coming ir1g.
MODEL THEATRE' o &11 Sproule, Kathleen Elliott, Elsie Win sch olarsr will occupy the centre seats
UIY 1 ters, Gerald Hogglirth. to enter the harbol when tile vanw Rev. P K I)nvfoor, of Toronto, gen- in ill(- c I urch. Re%. E. F. Armstrong.
& To Middle mcond capsized, resulting In I rie drowning of ral superintendent (if llaptist SundaY B, A.. B. D, of Winghan), a former
k Bowra, young Mr. Bowler. The funeral %%its ;,(,Ilools for iiiltarlo and VOPI"We. Will scholar In North Street S. S. :,will
Myrtle Bell, Bob Blact, Fran rviee being held
Edith v.-ard, Lillian Taylor, Viola Gib- held on Wednesday, Iie [)reach morning and mning next Stm- preach morning and eNening. Old and
er's church, and I Ill, bimly lay in ill#- Baptil't (.1111relt nvw scholars and fripfids of the school
son, Roy waltprfa, Lester McPherson, at 'It. Pet Ingsbridgr fttr Ifit1_r'_ ' Ili. (,oducted allot chiirch, are invited to join In the
Tom Huffman, John GauleY. being taken to K Special %vr\ivvs v%III
mellt, this being tile hW I'llm" 'if ttl'� ti,it, \rllly (Madel next celebration. %Ien'o; Smiday club mpets
3ro Junior See, a y ",ill, in the church parlor at 10 a. in. Sub-
Dnd f mily, Rev. Father MoiCCormaek coil. Ill the saha
Clayton NiNenk, Emmerson Bishop, ducted tile serdees a iit It �' fit Jert roll" tl%lii-oilon, "Ahouid Taxes be
George Tavl(,r, Nelhe Rance, Doris Hill, graNeside in Kingshridg 11
EXTRA t the rhorch and SUndfly, -1111
n4l ill,. pall- iorthur 1weafl. )f 'ror, . it I I r,oll,,\%ing paid on Church ropertN
Herbert llilr�y. John and 7 1) 11) : [1144) oil, N
jean NJeLean, ,pencer Irvine bearers mpre, Messrs f,.,. rtirther tin.
Long, Nvalter Dalton a not Bla7e \Iart In It -till,,, I.. to(- gisen 'rho W, G T 1'. will meet in ill --
Graham, Carl Clark. of the inrge.t congrr,_ if , I..j
To Senior First There v%as one. n the church rj.r )n Friday 'rertiperance flail \[outlay. July 8th, at
-n I me and bring on-,
N perston'% it I noral, 'I'll" t,f ohor.-Ii, 1) In Please co 'upt
felNill Boql. Kenneth Bell. Leslie gations e\pr se#
Taylor, Sarah (.aulpy, Angelina Jardine, a young N%iti, you. m. v Da\Idss)n. Press S
Lydia Mingo, clair Twei-die Donald fAriugs, floral and 4piraijai, \�,r-- \er%, oitp fo-N \V 11 S, It 1), IF; may not have as lam,�
-nt4 jin,i a past4,r al r,,,lh,,rne at A RiwiNtrar Coll
Maxine (.Aallenger, nurnerous. Tb� parf 1%v. Jill .4 w1l 1- lot a lot of remes this year its usual, owing
McKay, Jack W00(1, F
oak. va of 11%o children 111-\
Goldle Coridleld, Mabel 1) \\erp here f(ir if,,. nino-rid (In I) the, past metere %%Inter, but lit,
Orindrod, Hel,n Drorman, Christenp Nic- are \fr-. koliney, if I)o-trwl i:?iildrfn� It-,) ",r\1t#- of peonips Is worth a long walk
%A'pl-h, Loia Church, Willie re n to see (tile rould hardly imagine brt
Kenzie, AllcP L(irf-nii and (if 1)-�tnot Zi,,n ,;moh it 2 .111 1, no arl(I lit (;,;I- I
I F�r-rnr at K I- fl, pr-olzrariv; ter itarnpli-4 of thl4 royal fluvver
Armstrong, Frne�t Brakenbridge, Jack
I lk ld B t Lelieti, Rnssiel Drehnan, Irene and 1,,)rti,- at horile w,, ur
-h fripimm
Per Armstrong, Fred Bridle Joseph l)\vI,;. -4;m1pri,
�� I, I ,\. 4;i1hert, John Little, priqed and sh4ockell to ""'or 111"
'Bow''non, . " r, , at \Ir� Fri -d I'll\
rnest Barker. Jea
Lorn, Jev% o 1. 1`1 n And- yesterday morning it the night
s, Jessie Barker, Albert Baker� Vic- I, had passed avav diring
do .4h� \\,IQ liable I
'W larriet uexitmith. Hit ot lvfltc�lell 1.
Jay hi -t had
Or F, ... ot" trouble, and Fri,
James, Dor-thy Clark, Mario Thomas,
-1 4�ecll torth extract -I N01101 s'
hei Campbell.
Robert OrRm
colelough, Velma Brownlee, Evelyn (in an attack, hilt 1101ttlill" -14
,,ti(,Ipate,l and It \%,If' ot'"
1 imidnom
BER IN rimaries and kin- \%,,old r,,rolp t,, (;od,�rieh
E Prornotionq frf,m P -Ine Ii N olatit Mr Ila- %N1*ot
s As Pupils show Day %V
dergartAn at 1411ch IMP tlouw� in %litctivil t.)
tltnpsq and ti,ese arp not 0iiblishIM in to ills brflther'% and f,r) r!,turmou-
spend [lit' lilght
ike Mad this list aher'-
11) 1!,,.
hat Made Now Yopk Stand Up and Cheer L hiQ IT,
7, yhe Picture T fift'NGANNON folind
Ili" otbait filh, ",I
Additionit) Donaarmon news on P%90 7 Ing
i,ld for jt_llt
1,4n\- fr,-to
West Wawanosh, held in (;rd,,r I,, rp
*Alt a battle pictueel but it will make you madder than acees Jas. Gibson. (if Ing on Fri- (lelphla t,, Mr- 11,01�
a most .
sjlec�%srul barn-rals umber of fortn,-rly Ntl%m M.trwf.rs
is a vile libel day of lalid week, a large n 'I
willing helperi; - Scaf,,rth, In, rri-I
uFP undertaking. Among tier llr�q hlishand At-
ro-Gormans claim this Picture Risting in the to frnm far and,near as
of , 'laughter. P
ov)n eyes how Niorray.
See with your Pre. In attendance donght,-rsl,
on the K 4-iser. h it thp Nillagers who w leaven, and Philadelphia, :ind \IlxQ toll"'
were R. Ballf,� and Bert Tre
ules his own domain. His autocratic, ever- while Prigaiwing In the work on the Calgarv. and hv h,,,r re,,nd ho,hand
the ster r the lattor sustained a painful also
and nagty gash-.qn hin forehead above ottly mj%5t
m"Oludaclouss brutal fiendishness.
hearing, the right eye, caused by a heavy ham- her parf-Itta (in
boll \1 I.q Bern iry r, Ill i n- 1 4
mer failing from one of the, plates SOM40 1,-nd-I 11, \Ir 3"'1
-Tl It,
distance ahnvp him lind the tool fal An,l it load to
--&I r-+wn
his head the accident %I, � 1ta%t.1 ind J)or,,Ih�
ADULTS, 35c. len fairly on .4 %%eek
%vollld ha%e rpaulted fatally A few tit iii-ir \%eqtern home thi
0 ZHILDREN, 20C. 4litchpo; %%Pro rpquired lind with care
F R ThIS ATTRA6110 ,\will K \x., ar , 111-1 ,n 11�1'
Alf if 7:30 and 9 o'cloCk fill attPritifin and numing his "hlightY"
Two ShOW16 Q* d
n)pn anti Iiprt will be aq MV of -ir A--med
vvill soon
well as mpr hgain in (,rdor to dispel ,r
to r, q' f,,r ttorh -�ilr-.
any drolihts (on tho part of some at' ah, twi-n iiollou f-tr
above Me eye was to . . ..... rr.age
how tile injury " '"' I rn(.nthA pild and v- --l 10k,ly
ATRE really cauked -0 " mphaticallY state ,,kqt at th� family regidence,
Y_ MODEE THE that the. ah -,P iq an nMt, I I in ilA 11:1"In
va, ':n dmiun- t
IcIlip direct rr,,rn headqoar r
jouly loth omd 1 it wn;4 tho hit"IM"r. nnt Battle, that hit :n,t,,r )f c;t j�,rve. etiurch and
Thwsaay, Bert %PrNfee- ,n 411nday werc.
Ad (impral
Wednesd&Y 9 1 1 t,�r
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