HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-21, Page 13IPA
__4 _4
. C2_ IT -art ba'se'd oxf3he re-'
ult$ of the I ter. and June
peceipber. Eas
examinallo4s, and as'folt0%V8
Prouleted to sm.9"d NeAr Commercial
NQN'&%r IN CA Form
Or1-400 944Wka, It �,M F.L McLeod ..................... 70.5
"- W. Cqssoy ........................ 69
, U ii*
. ..........
_T Wilsoii .... . .......
B. Davidson ....... .......
COM44 :14 eampmw op Couditlonal promotion Is �grantcd to
new pge"iling =4 pacep, ving down to 6& per cent. but
"en aftir the war. Itierollo), the
ttuse mus� make 60 per cent on
Pa* c*440 oa a duty. to the nittioat and ' S
exams in . eptember and October to
be permitted to remain in the Form.
0" local "Umner. M. Webb .......................... 56.6
PPW- of I -Oft H. Symonds ....................... 56.3
=1 a Ole, =-
UMON 13AM OF CANADA U. Craigie ......................... 55.
tw-4D QFM *WNW Ill In-addititin to these, V. Fisher who
M". - 218 1
I was unable to attend school in June
GODEWCH BRANCH, is granted full promotio4.
Promoted to Perin 11.
F. WooLJLCQMBE, lloaors
V. Latimer ......................... 791
0. Cooper .......................... 75.6
a. Wilson ......................... 75
taxations on it, and their present two Pass
THE TOWN COUNCIL plants, we liave Jnterviewed Mr. W. H. A. Nairn ............. ............. 7At
Hutchinson and the company now Pre- F. Dougherty ...................... KA
�Axto_ Ally- 01]4-�-Nokkon!kl, fee -to- Purchase- 4he- si4e,--N-Our--com- -M. -Huwult ................ I ......... 741
Shipbuilding Co. Bylaw to.Be Voted mittee have had the solicitor draw a D. osterhout ....................... it
on July 22ad by1my. proyid", for gxiqmptio_n from D. Marshall ...... ............... 70.6
-The -regu-lar--m-ee-ting of the town i taxation for a perloks or ten years on _Nt. -tWton ........... .............. 6g.3
council was held on Friday night last,! the two present plants - ind the Pro- C. Johnston ....................... "11
all . the members Present but Council- posed new boiler shop, We herewith F. Raithby ........ ............... 68-1
lors Wallis and Davis. i present the bylaw and recommend that 0. Murray ......................... 167.5
A statement from the tax collecto"I it be passed and submitted to the 0. Allen ............................ 67.3
showed $261 of t917 taxes paid SiDeel ratepayers for their approval. - 1. McDowell ...................... 66.9
last meeting n)ght, and $164.89 of i9t6l The finance committee reoomm�nded
J. Kidd ........................... . 66
taxes. A liq,,of seventeen persons or that we do not remit the taxes on the J. Hunter .......................... 65.9
businesses whose taxes are In arrears hospital prQperty, lotq) 637, 638, 6391 T. McCarth y ....................... 64.6
for $100 or over totalled to $7,408, 610, and that the tax collector be noti- E. �Driver ................ I ...... 64.4
A request-Trom, the Italian Red Cross fled accordingly ; that, owing to the H, Gal( .......... ................. 63.7
was that assistance for this fund be pressing need of funds, the, tax col- D. Andrews ........................ 63.2
provided for in the next Red Cross lector be instructed to insist 01111 IM- j G,,row ................... ... _61.7
appeal made. U. _ ........................
,I inediate payment of all arrears of Cinu
JRis Worship suglyested either tha taxes -, that the clerk writ the Go e -
Lee ..........................
this be Included alfAg vvith the B11- Pleh Organ Company that the counell B* Bradford ............ I ... ... 1.
tish Red G ross collection in October or I insist upon a Substantial payment on ' Conditionally Promoted
that the Daughters of the Empire be their loan as promised your cloin- H. Porter ......... ................ 59,2
invikd to make a collection after their inittee some tione ago ; that the Col- D. Bichan ......................... 58.6
First of July acti'vitles are over, legiate Institute be paid- 91,000 on. their E. Shepperd ................ ...... 58.3
The request was referred to the levy that dre clerk's salary be In -
finance committee. creased $100 per annum and the police W. Thompso6 ...................... 55A
The Bell Teipplione Co. asked for $50 each per -annum, and that the by- I,. McCreath .............. I ........ 54.2
permission to erect a pole on Britanma laws be amended acoordingly, -said in- A. Donley 4 ....................... %
�road east of South street. (.re to date from July 113t. The following also, who were pre-
'T�tsp% vented by illnebs or other satisfactory
le �e and parks committee
This was Aferred to the pub1141 wreitcr) reason from writing on the June ex -
works committpe with power to ak-t. reported that the waterworks system amination are grantec promotion on
A party in Tormto wants to erect at the cem-r-tery has beem repaired and their year's work :-
stre�t corner Airectories m pillar form is now im 1�ood operatLng condition F. Durnin, H. Shaw, IT, Gavey, G,
for which he would pay $5 a pilldr and we rpeomm�nd that the request
erected and f0 per cent- of the net pro- of Nir. W. H. Tremblay lo have lot 40, Spahr and M. Hussey, -the lattior con
cee& frum. advertising. He asks 1'�,r, Range C, q,,ction i0, in Maitland ceme- ditional-
thp exclusli've privilege for a term of tem. ex0vinged for lot,o2, see; X, Range Promoted to Form Ill. a,,
years. 13 . be gnant(-O. Walhpr .... 11 . onor - s .............. 76
This wa:s referred to the public %%orks Tht water, light ;und harbor corn -
committee. niittvo reported that ,ve have allowed
The. Pa,evincial Secretary',*, Depart- Mr- F,(KNard Lynn t(� use the office of 1), ................. ...... .67
ment is usiking for suggestion as to th'e fi-rdght hed for a hooth stan�, fie U% Weir ........................... 66.-,
ameadvftents to Vie Assessment Aol to lkay at the. rate. rof .13 per month and B_ Megaw .......................... 66
from mimicipalitles and the Ooderk-li to ltat-e vare of the waiting -room, by Condit4mmlly Promoted
'a 4s and clos- G'Nairn ............. ........... ... 59
counc stoked to-oonsider the matt,,r. kopp�xw it clean and repairing
ftwfiemeel to the Special committeo. hig it at the proper time, the use of E� IePvY .................... ...... 561
Earg-ineer Johnston of Stratford, tho oMee to be at the pleasure of the, Promoted on Farm Work Scheme
toWn engineer stibmitted estimate if coirnoil. A� Saxter, L, Johns -on, E. Sowerby.
<,�ost -of oompleting the Victoria str-,t 'Mesp rpports %verp ali adopted. L. Macklin. lot
Britammia road -sewer as At23.40 ind Gouncillor S;,tory m-,-ocated the re- 11w pronieAkms of the 19 writing
recommended as follows : That �ou T110val of the wire --neing on the Lbe Lower School f�ormal Entrarivto
begin la�lng the 15-hich tile on Nic- square for the Ist (if Jary, and, on his will be determined by the resulw .0
toria street, within itt reet of the c�u aacition, seeonded by the Reeve, this I- th,ki examination.
twe evT BWitamrila road, and then la� lo tx) be done, the Parks Committee to Promahed to Form 111. A.
connerit with the manhole at Elgin lvave power to rpplace trie fencing if it A. Those 1&kIng the 4-une examinaMOM
Avenue. "Having niade. this connecii,in v, Uund necessary to protect the grass U. Gooke .......................... 64-
. 4 , Tape . ........................... 63.�
then tap the present manhole at Byi- Troin being 'worn into fooLpaths G.
tannia and �Victoria streets into this The printing of the 1918 voters' List E. MoRridgi . ....................... 63.1
\f�by a tempiarary 9 -inch elle, and by his was refi,rred to the finance committee M.. Bowler ....... .................. 63
means divert the flow rrom Britannia -i-th lioNver, a motion to that effect C. (I. Pridharn ................... 62,'
road east of Victoria L)y way of k,ligiii, being inade by the Deputy Reeve, se- L FoStex ........ ................. 61.
and then relieve those in charge Of t1w vonoled by Councillor Gooke. W. D yf,.r ............ ............. ilt.!
tr(nadhIngfirom the care abd annoy.irwo The Mayor suggested an amendirrini.t. G. dlays; ..................... ...... 6 1,'
4-thatwvator In the trench while dix- to 'tbe weed bylaw to require the cut- E. JOTIes ................ _60.!
ging from Cameron to Victoria .111d Vng of weeds in June instead of July, B. Those doiog Farm Work
Thus llesysen the cost of that porti�m, or that the police, be Instructed to H. liaMb, 1. McKenzie, F. Washing
the construction of which should fol- request that weeds be out at once this ton, 1, baithwaite, J. Marshall, 1). Me
low the;4ibove and then complete frot-iii yaur, no compulsion neing possitite Diarm�d, H. Lev.�., 'N. Ginn, J. Donald
Nev�rgate to Nelson street. As f1w 'el,"'Ider the present by;aw until a lat .. er som. tCommercial Department
will be no outlet for ground water be- date,.
tween Widtbria and Elgin, a pump �vllil c Deputy Reeve pointed out that A. Diplonia vvith honours in Book
be- necessary and I would advise tile IZ2 'was an exceptional vear pnd if keeping, Stenog. and Typwriting
purchase ot a suitable piimp whiChIthe' b,$1;w were changed it MI&I 60 E. Walters ........................ 79..
would lbe useful in many ways te'the -necessary to reiluire a sucund ci.ALLint;- B. Pbiploma "vNift honours in StenoE
corporation. A rmotion by the Deputy Reeve and and Typewriting
The �,satimate does not allow for Councillor Wilson that the police see G. (Gledhill ........................ 74.
pipe cm hand or any credit for pipv to to thp�cuttlng of weeds in public places C. Diplonia without honours
be taken out but allowance was made and request property owners to cut IN1. Paltridge ...................... 62.
for old manhole covers which can be weeds before Jul), Ist, was !carried. L. IWAtson . ....... ............. 62
used. The Mayor brought up the matter G. Down ........ �t * ..... * '' * * , 60
The tbank has been as%ed to finance -of the. enforepniprit of the dog bylaw 11 'To complete enog. and Typ(
the project and as soon as the f11DdS andk(;ouneillors Wilson and Robertson. 'wriliiig for D I iploma
are provided, the public works eom- "no'ed that the pollee enrorm the by-! J. Pindkil � ... .............. 6.8
itnittee \was empowered to proceed with i R. Randersen ..................... :..66
the construction. On the Mayor's suggesfion the, P, Marrison .......... I ........ -61
The special committee recounnetided *neev, and the Deputy Reeve wvere ap- Grace MEtgkdll -was prevented by it
that a moving picture license be is- pointed as a committee to co -opera I DO, -SS from vvriting her final examint
sued to - Mr. Kennedy of the 141oded ,wdtb .it committee from the Bmrd Of lion in thol purely commercial sut
Thealrp,; that the Ahmeek Clinpler, 'TraWe to br Ing Goderi&Vs s;plaoial �B(qtg She -will be given an opportur
..1. 0. D. E., be permitted to have a tag Maim to have the t�mldrpn's Shelter -tty (if wfAing off these subjects E
day am Zoly Ist to raise funds for hoe- located here before. the c�amuiNltse -of soun as, dhe is ready for the exan
vitaft purposes ; that in view of the ilbe county council. ;imaCtion 'therein.
Large icentra petitionts against passing :His Worship also advocated thei-nie 'Fititer Adamson Memorial Scholai
am ear%y closing bylaw, and am up do) granting of privilege to the Maple Leaf Ahips of 45 each.
a6t�fhlblk it would be in the isilerpst f(.%al)tpr, 1.0.1),E., to sell canes, etc., on, 'The. Form IL S00iarship was won b
of the Itown as a whole to ws such Dominion Day and permisskm 'Zir tW01 gtdhy 'Kilpittrick vOlth 73.8 per cent.
he 'Foum '111. Sith(flarship In Mathi
it by1ww,,%we recommend that no artlom to be located to the satisfaction 7
be ta-hein on the petition as orWrialily of the street inspector was -granted, rinatios 'by Liztie 'Adarns with 81 pi
presenled to the council on May 3rd ; Ime. 'for informa- oemt. I
In the tmatter of the communitation 4n answer to a request The irepert for.oavTi individual stu4
from the Toronto city council with lion as to why four men were being, ant are nom ready.ana may be obtaii
reference to abolishing the Senate we k(,pt on the public works staff in place
recommend that no action be taiken -� tif the usual three, Sergt- Moore said
the fourth man was being kept on so arwi report here, and, falling a motic
in tHemmatter of application frorn the as to havp lik servioeS when required mmuming 1tie coAt by the tow
National Shipbuilding Company for a for the sewer work to be gonp on with, a -xicitiob was passed approving havir
free -site off the Wheel Rigs proport-v Cis Worship requesW the &Own tire survey made it me citizens ai
for tbe purpose of erecting a new bniI- c(litinell and town officials to meet at rujoy to pry for It.
ler shop thereon, with exemption from tbo town hall at 330 Runday, June .4tinounts the town Ireaqurer has
30t.h, to ult nd the open air intaroes- PUY for water, light, schools and sa
'j-011 S('cviVp in the Court House park. avlf-s tidal A;AJ26 and he has only $1,5
ARE V411 SUPERSTITIOUS P In answer to an advertisenimt of Me' in Xbe treasilry Hence the move fJ
WkKml Rigs factory which the Mayor ivuinediaLe vollection of tax arrearage
inserted in some Toronto papers dur- also a Inovf. to ha%e the rate struck at
SEE ing 'his,recent visit in th city a number 1-11149, 1148 t4i'Kvs `41"rted early. T1
of iraguiries had been received and de- aisqvssor and anti vouncil being agre
tailed 'inf6rmation hail? npen given.. able. lklonda�, Jol� sth, was fixed as if
His Worship also called on the jate of a special meeting of the V0un(
FOOLS FOR LUCK Bum -au of Municipal Resource while im to strike, the rate for ine year,
Toronto and made vnquiries as to a The waterling of some more street
mT" of conditions In Ooderloh. now that tarviA will do awa!r with t]
This bweau send an accoun�sj Wid meceosity for watering the Square, w
TAYLOR HOLMES an engineer to look over the syq ems in a4vovated by the Deputy -Reeve and a
%ogue and, suggest improvemonts, and proved of. Sorne system of assessli
His %Vor,,,hlp believed there were . the cost will be worked o ul , . o doul
Model Theatre, July 1 2 number of rpatters that could be lm- Bylaw No 9 to grant exemption fro
pro,ted in town In our system. Some taxation to the National Shipbuilding C
open at 9:30 a.m., and ciontinuous all day citizens were ready to put up the cost was read tw1cp and will be vote(]
on the FIRST OF juLY of having this bureau make a survey July 22nd.
r -41111111111
" 0 M ol- ___ It
Try a "Bachelor" cigar today, Its delightful flavor
and 9&ti%f*g qual-ity are the kit evidences of its 3 for 25
intrinsic awit.
tv a --- �') r
Me �r-74-P,,VANDREW Ulm
Xodak as the Children
T,et your Kodak keep the auto-
graphic picture record of the
children as they grow. The
dates will make the story
A. Camph
PhM. 8.
,1`61116_90 - GOOCRICH, 6NT.
"Hum a 6111111110 WS. .1 4
�d al the lionie of tb,: P ncipal an),
Lime before the Ith or Ju Y
pronl6ted to the rank i -f eaptaiin zind
also bron attachod to thro laff a, its-
sistant direetor (it' linhiance. 4,upt.
McKay is, a �(in �.f and Mr,
I)onald �IvKa�, Brit;mma Riqid and
has hc�,u on acii\ .. .... Kv
thi-f4l VPUr.1, I-IdWing 0 \'1k11V0UiA'1kr US
a private in the 3001 Rn�talioin
New -Styles in Middies
At $i.5o. The Flsie Violet white Nor- At Si.5o. White jean Middy, trim -
folk Middy, ruade of White. jean, med collar, belt and pockets, in
large sailor collar, all sizes. 'Spec- novelty checks. Very stylish. All
ial $e.5o each. sizes, $1.50 each.
Children's Middies at Si.00. Child -
At $2.00. The Paul Jones Middy, cut ren's white jean Middies, sailor
in the regulation style. Sailor collar. just the thing for child.
collar in plain white or trimmed renis wear during 'the holidays
callur - and sleeves -at $x.ea eaeh. Size -4 -to, 12 -years, at.$ji.00 each'
Silk Gloves, Kqvser and Niagara Make
We are showing a full assortment of these well-known Silk Gloves. All
have double finger Lips and perfect in fit and finish, and we are,tnighty g)ad to
say they are made in Canada. In black, white, grey, pongee, at per pair, 75c,
U00 and $i.So.
Silks of Exceptional Values
Habutia -Silk Special $1.50. Extra Rich quality Pailette Silk. In all
beavY quality Habutia Silk, spec-
ial fibish, will not cutor crush, in wanted shades. Full 36 inches
all wanted colors, 36 inches wide.
Special $i.So per yard. wide. Special $1.93 per yard.
Special sb I owing of Fancy Stripe Silks, the newest designs for separate.
skirts. Special $2.95 per yard.
Every arrangement is being made to make Dominion"Day
the biggest day In Goderich history. Come one, come all,
to this beautiful town for Dominion Day.
Flags of all the Allies for aiminion Day decorations. Fvery home sho,101
be decorated. Buy your Flags at Xlill Ar's.
McCall's Patterns. McCall's Pattern&
The 'Phone and Mail 6rder Store.
'Phone 56 MILLAWd"S111 SCOTCH STORE lNone 56
t1iroughout avl vie pictures were ex- ymr wky-drn Virogrr-ing ithi, stuffs.
? 10 Ili, I'll -r -11 oall 1w1f) wll it �--u can't bo a man with a gunr.
eellent, having betin Oiken hY 4a lk- till, \%W, h% 11,111,1.1'. 1'' 1 ...... 1114". fol"I. tie 11 111,111 with a hoe.
pert and in most
were hand-f'oli,rod Therf. \\as 14 raftd�
TW. gervives In Nnox (!hur(* h next itY, th" blood 'Pill or' tile r1N)"c"
Sun&� will 1hr taken Dy the minister, the 4-mv-nina avt )r io\ .., mi % lei, ri, oi, Ing
Rev. R. G. Mrpermid. At the morning "\'er %in The rs-ro-ssi,awl to"Tivi. M
Service the ;ix new elders will be or- Love thal \\Ill not 1-1 i1w wo, %,-rN
dalizod. Ln tho -evening the Honor Roll ikppropriat�,ly brought -,ot it,,- -r
%ictoriou,4 -aerifirl- in ;�w hn,', -1 1,4\
%%IIJ tw unNeil#id The �;ubj,,ct �%ill be NEW
"TheSacrament (if Liberty.';*_ in (hist glor) rr,,ri, tli,. =
grcomd tio-r-, bloss-mi, -d, 111',- IIIA
EvsAoelical oburch, Colborne, Rev.
btiall 0j"dif-
W. H. Campbell, B. A.. B. D. pastor- The norrien',
Remkoc Sunday, June 80th -Children's
on South. " f tit(, ltmn \\,-r#- wo�ll r-io, nh I
Day Semice at 8:00 O'clock Zi, ". - = UP TO DATE GARAGE
A splendild progsaim is being prepared th(, larsw amf
for thu; occasion. Hervice at Colborne that assonitiled In t1w
at to a. &a. Sunday school at 11 g. in. Kn,)x church on Tile�d.,N
in rpspons, to thp jn\11,Jt1,.o 11-14-11
Maitilamid Lodge A. F., & A. M. by Ihe \uitidiar� .f fli.iy V, 11
attended divine twice in North street
MethodiFit; oburIXIaet Sunday morning, hers and \isit,,r% alikv w-, idid h,
welcome bark the 1)r1,idl11t-
the choir rendering special music for Now Open for Business
the oecasion Including the anthem Mrs Illime, -,01- 11- t-11" -h-lot f-111
"Gatiosof Pearl" by Wakefield Smith. the nwvting� f,,r --ril
with Mt46 Ada MCCUInton taking the o"ing tn U441-11111 We have the
solo parts �wd a tenor Ftolo by Mr. Nfler a tirwr
HarrV Fl&rker entitled "0 Worlihip the "11"'fing "US g1\'.o
King. reattirp of thi-, (Jay, an a,mr, by %it- 4f
%int-61111\ray of Chevrolet Agency
T e F;er\ir4Pq in North �;Irp,,t Methn-
pr--ntinw an,
::U. t ( Or 11 TA"XI i,%tn,ia\ �\jll t ... .... n
11rt4?4 b'\' Ili- pa,hw. IV\ fir But- Six new Cars just unloaded.
1�dixp '41111,) 0 .., L \ .11 llrjl�er " 1),.k,. rr,.rn a ii -c- r, -r
\ion'm �;vinoln% i.1oh v in Me oh"ir0i 1' 1. t,�Iljow
1'� Our new Bowser �Gasoline outfit gives only
I., r I0, I I
parlor at lU d it, ;ubject for discus -
%ion, "What Work Is Now to be Dme' stro 'Alyi 9 -pd -ft In oiA,.w,,
hv the Tf-inperanco F.sr,-P4 9" Nil men her hearors the IiNe% of Itw-
sl'der�, And \\a.
will ho niade
the six m- Intpri-st. She adinliled 'l -t 1h, f", F" Free Air from our new I-Aaroflater.
Sunday morning (I Isco, i ragernpit tit in till "I I � It
apnily-elp,r1l,ed olderi; of Knox churr.b rhoile to dwell rillwr o) tl,. 11r.9 A complete line of Tires land acc"sorles. N
will be ordained At the eveninst Qer- Ing Rldp of it. citing TnAri, in -ti -ii,
Ore tile Honnr Ri.11 of men and %%,o-n, -n [)r,.%,- Ilw r,,markit-1- iri- %0', - f
from the rongr�sratjfjn %,rio heard the 1111niiN In 4,11111a -In
rall of their oountrY in the great war 11 c
%sill ho iimelled Tho gaerarn,.1, (.f mm. We are fuilly equipped
Vi 1,-arn that 11w 0ir,0, m
tho L(Pril'i; Rupper will bp ribizerved a v,,,,,�,,.n are actiNO In ned (:r(,qs work
%%--k from neitt Snnday �jnd -pnd lara- n�lirnfw ol�
Tiipqday P%oning the F.pN%,,rth 1,,agu, age.. �,.ekk. me fir for' all Pepalip work
,if North St MethodiRt church had an tier \11iPQ In --w' 1,,o \I,-
iinii�ually interpfitina program. rnn- -xf,roiQf,I lo�r f.i0fi
.lAting (if vocal anti Instrurn,,rital a is I I- a r,,.,i 1,, 1
rwj�iv, takon part in by Fzevpral of the Autos forS HiPe
ind imp (I
ymina isi(lw% and genfl-nwn 4 the fol _f the , i -.t ir
L�Raiw. aluo n qeri,-o rif lantorn Mitten heh.- r�
and leettirp by RvN .1 W Hodley. of
\d,-, on Fr,mi T,,rontr- lo thp Pacific To M, DAVIS
Children Cry
1\, -.1, nay k,.k, - ind A- Lalir.,i i M South Stpeet GODERICH
.,!';o� C A -r 0 R I A
11 61-1111.1
m Vlctvata Strpot Molhodist chlamh
)n nundiY The third
ell. The paMoc, Rev. J. If.
proached 41 special sernion to tile bo.ls
This clasis, of about :10 ho)s, is a bNe
organixitiun. 1111der illo loadvr4ldp Of
\Ir. 6. Q, C11110tt. 11W b(O's hPAd an
-r- ot on Th" rsdil-N 01,011t
annhv �ary,banqu
of last weeik, (it whieh Ri,\. J. E. F(wd,
41,. M. h=1 i4itt -jind the pa4tor ga%(' '411011
The PaStfe% Ho\. J . I I , I is t " r? lout %kl 1.1
ha\e ehiarge of tho 4, rViCf- 11fAt '�Un-
day in 'Vidioria St. Methodisl 4',hq1V(%tL
The divy of nalional humiliation und
p ra yer \will be observed. Spoovi&l
pra�er ineo.ting at 10 o'vlook- Morn-
iDK Rib.ifilit, "Ganada's StruxAiv and
Pie. William G. De Long. of Gods-
Monam." Evening, "The God of Ratt-
les." An session of the Sonday
rich, who Awve his life for freedom's
Se h oeA vvill be held at :1 0"4-'k A
mcse, -J use 281h 1917.
cordW \woicome to all.
The congregation of St.
churiti had the pleasure (If lift,1111ing
to their former rector, Re%. J. B. Foth
Tbe ohoiir of Knox church will Ki\e
eringlatim, now of Orace i,hurc1h, Brwit-f
a sp�ncial ipakriotic inusleal-ervive next
ford, on Sunday morning last. I,o\�
Qkmda,y evening at (he unveiling
anti sacrifice as the most po%%w-rful and
the Monor AlIll.
Victorious of Inotives, ns oppe.s".1 to
Last Sunduy Rev. Mr titevenson,
hato, Nvas the theine of his ��,rloon
rirWresen tail ive of the Lord's Day Al-
Ills tricts-wpre "Tit,, %(114- of MY bri'lli-
preadlip(i in the evening at
er crwth unto rne from the tcr,luod.-
1.f*r0e1g clitirilli, presenting tho Maims
and "The blood of sprinklixw fhat
of The
spealoeth better thing% than 11hat ,r
T%e -choir -of North St. Methodist
Abel.- Tfie'biood of our soldlier, frve-
chavela wilil render the aiathem, "To
1� orfored in sacrifice ror lo%,- 4 oson
TU" Our God We Fly", 11fiy Maunder,
try %v.L-s Ut the blood of prinklIng and
at aneraing sovivice next Sundav and
P owe r or achievement : r;ktl),'J' 01311
the -evening tilike anthem " Isand of Hope
thp cry for %engeanee for blo,ol �liilt
andlGilory " hylElgar.
In hate Thf- rentral ra"t of 1�hrlstllm
TW. gervives In Nnox (!hur(* h next itY, th" blood 'Pill or' tile r1N)"c"
Sun&� will 1hr taken Dy the minister, the 4-mv-nina avt )r io\ .., mi % lei, ri, oi, Ing
Rev. R. G. Mrpermid. At the morning "\'er %in The rs-ro-ssi,awl to"Tivi. M
Service the ;ix new elders will be or- Love thal \\Ill not 1-1 i1w wo, %,-rN
dalizod. Ln tho -evening the Honor Roll ikppropriat�,ly brought -,ot it,,- -r
%ictoriou,4 -aerifirl- in ;�w hn,', -1 1,4\
%%IIJ tw unNeil#id The �;ubj,,ct �%ill be NEW
"TheSacrament (if Liberty.';*_ in (hist glor) rr,,ri, tli,. =
grcomd tio-r-, bloss-mi, -d, 111',- IIIA
EvsAoelical oburch, Colborne, Rev.
btiall 0j"dif-
W. H. Campbell, B. A.. B. D. pastor- The norrien',
Remkoc Sunday, June 80th -Children's
on South. " f tit(, ltmn \\,-r#- wo�ll r-io, nh I
Day Semice at 8:00 O'clock Zi, ". - = UP TO DATE GARAGE
A splendild progsaim is being prepared th(, larsw amf
for thu; occasion. Hervice at Colborne that assonitiled In t1w
at to a. &a. Sunday school at 11 g. in. Kn,)x church on Tile�d.,N
in rpspons, to thp jn\11,Jt1,.o 11-14-11
Maitilamid Lodge A. F., & A. M. by Ihe \uitidiar� .f fli.iy V, 11
attended divine twice in North street
MethodiFit; oburIXIaet Sunday morning, hers and \isit,,r% alikv w-, idid h,
welcome bark the 1)r1,idl11t-
the choir rendering special music for Now Open for Business
the oecasion Including the anthem Mrs Illime, -,01- 11- t-11" -h-lot f-111
"Gatiosof Pearl" by Wakefield Smith. the nwvting� f,,r --ril
with Mt46 Ada MCCUInton taking the o"ing tn U441-11111 We have the
solo parts �wd a tenor Ftolo by Mr. Nfler a tirwr
HarrV Fl&rker entitled "0 Worlihip the "11"'fing "US g1\'.o
King. reattirp of thi-, (Jay, an a,mr, by %it- 4f
%int-61111\ray of Chevrolet Agency
T e F;er\ir4Pq in North �;Irp,,t Methn-
pr--ntinw an,
::U. t ( Or 11 TA"XI i,%tn,ia\ �\jll t ... .... n
11rt4?4 b'\' Ili- pa,hw. IV\ fir But- Six new Cars just unloaded.
1�dixp '41111,) 0 .., L \ .11 llrjl�er " 1),.k,. rr,.rn a ii -c- r, -r
\ion'm �;vinoln% i.1oh v in Me oh"ir0i 1' 1. t,�Iljow
1'� Our new Bowser �Gasoline outfit gives only
I., r I0, I I
parlor at lU d it, ;ubject for discus -
%ion, "What Work Is Now to be Dme' stro 'Alyi 9 -pd -ft In oiA,.w,,
hv the Tf-inperanco F.sr,-P4 9" Nil men her hearors the IiNe% of Itw-
sl'der�, And \\a.
will ho niade
the six m- Intpri-st. She adinliled 'l -t 1h, f", F" Free Air from our new I-Aaroflater.
Sunday morning (I Isco, i ragernpit tit in till "I I � It
apnily-elp,r1l,ed olderi; of Knox churr.b rhoile to dwell rillwr o) tl,. 11r.9 A complete line of Tires land acc"sorles. N
will be ordained At the eveninst Qer- Ing Rldp of it. citing TnAri, in -ti -ii,
Ore tile Honnr Ri.11 of men and %%,o-n, -n [)r,.%,- Ilw r,,markit-1- iri- %0', - f
from the rongr�sratjfjn %,rio heard the 1111niiN In 4,11111a -In
rall of their oountrY in the great war 11 c
%sill ho iimelled Tho gaerarn,.1, (.f mm. We are fuilly equipped
Vi 1,-arn that 11w 0ir,0, m
tho L(Pril'i; Rupper will bp ribizerved a v,,,,,�,,.n are actiNO In ned (:r(,qs work
%%--k from neitt Snnday �jnd -pnd lara- n�lirnfw ol�
Tiipqday P%oning the F.pN%,,rth 1,,agu, age.. �,.ekk. me fir for' all Pepalip work
,if North St MethodiRt church had an tier \11iPQ In --w' 1,,o \I,-
iinii�ually interpfitina program. rnn- -xf,roiQf,I lo�r f.i0fi
.lAting (if vocal anti Instrurn,,rital a is I I- a r,,.,i 1,, 1
rwj�iv, takon part in by Fzevpral of the Autos forS HiPe
ind imp (I
ymina isi(lw% and genfl-nwn 4 the fol _f the , i -.t ir
L�Raiw. aluo n qeri,-o rif lantorn Mitten heh.- r�
and leettirp by RvN .1 W Hodley. of
\d,-, on Fr,mi T,,rontr- lo thp Pacific To M, DAVIS
Children Cry
1\, -.1, nay k,.k, - ind A- Lalir.,i i M South Stpeet GODERICH
.,!';o� C A -r 0 R I A
11 61-1111.1