HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-21, Page 12WON Nl!� 1 1 '000 ----------- from thi� Government' actuary depart- ment. We expect . word within a Royal Templar rajes have not been increased since 0%. ACHESON & SON e""" From a Capable Obseryer London Free Prm : Bishop Fallon of this city Is more than enthiislastia over his visit to the Cimadlan front In Flanders. A press ddble from England er Bar-galhivs says�T-­ London, June 22—Bishop FalAou of London, Ont.. speaktog to a gathering IC,ommeucing the clearing sea -.on with vrobably the Biggest Bargains we can offer of Can' d.las, said : "I think it a good thing tth the western premiers have �in for many a day. Every price here quoted is under maullfacturers or mill been to France. I hope they fvlll go Two Moty s Only Vnces today, future prices will be very much higher. again and stay longer. I hope Premier Borden will go from one end to the other. He will then see not only what Knitting Yarns Night Gown Twill or Sheeting an effort Canada has inade. but how ]3olkner Worth and Kitchener, best quality 4- 36 inch Twill bleached rotten, strong. bl*vy unreasonable, empty and shameful is some of the criticism neard occasionally fingering knitting yarn. Two of the and beautiful quojlty for all purposes, never in our own country. That Saturday, June 29th, Tuesdav, July 2nd class knitting yarns In the world again sold or advertised at this price, highest sort of criti- 6j a .1 cism has had no effect, on the - soldiers today for soldiers sox. very scarce and sell- woz th 45o, at per yard ........................ AlVe Ing in many places, at 03.50. We have about at the front. ME Nearly everything In the stoie wiWbe on sale and on certain W Ibs. in wbIW or greys for our "I am more enthusiastic than ever at $2,50 Coats' Spool Cotton the splendid co-ordination of Canadian lines reductions will be greatest. It is Impossible to give but a par cpstomerii and local societies per lb. SE effort. I am now visiting the Canadian — Best quality, white or black, every n - camps in England, What I have al- M tial list of the bargains that will be o um ffere�d, but In every department. flannelette Blankets her 10 to 200, 6c each, or per dois ......... 72c ready seen here shows me that ther ef- . . . . . . . . . . . . fort made In France finds its co -or, you will have an opportunity to save money. UW size, beat quality, double ootton Blan. W. 0-1_ W -bl[66 - bdiders. worth ]Price -s 'a- re advanidni-g-a-vier-y _da­y____ailW' -y*-o--u--- -a__r__e____wise to buy all th so White -Organdy- -in -EnflaaV' - e SE Za. -At lier palr� .............. $2.75 42 Inch white Organdy Dress Muslins, In "IQ"t AtOstrollon now stripe and fancy effects, finest quality The total registrations In Goderich goods possible before the rise this fall, for goods --,will then have'ad up to last 'Saturday night were 1630 Sheeting Lod beqt value we ever offiored, regular 50c females and H30 males, a total of vanced about 25 per cent. higher. 79 luch. extra heavy, plain bleached 60c. at per yard ................................. 2760. This was declared to be very Sheeting, worth We, at per yard ......... 45e satisfactory, and a pleasing * feature Two Days Only, Saturday, June 29th, and Tuesday, July 2nd. M was the ready response of almost every Floor Rugs 05. citizen. S RM=9 very large showing of Brussels, Tapestry Registrar H. Bellamy, of Dungannon, You will save on everything you buy, these two days, at ff and bootcli Wool Rugs In every size, at says the returns for North Huron were Blsok and white, next patterns, heaviest, prices marked to clear. and away less than quite complete and very satisfactory. bed for ordinary or work shirts. worth we can buy them for in the future. There were 20, this store. 000 regisiered in this d5c, at per yard ................................. 30C riding, He also Indicated that several evaders of the M. S. A. were discovered liciangs Wash Skirts by the registration.- Prints and Gingliams and Galateas, 1a4its' Silk Gloves on Sale ale at Bargain Ladies' Bilk Gloves, regular 111.50 for $1.3s. But leather Tio.kings, In several select 50 new Sample Wash Skirts, in white and The Federal Government has noti- fhese Cloth@ will all be on S reg. 11.00 for 89c; reg. 85c for 7 5c, either In white, patterns, worth 60o, at per yard ............ fancy colored strip", etc., beautifully made, fled the railway companies that no Prices. good and stylish samples, lot is one-third one will be allowed In future to tra- P r2 or 17c rd. black or colors. vel on street cars or trains where a rtnls� Mr ag under value,at each ranging $1.25 4&9 ittih 11, ult 25. to r 1 7ye. Ladies' black Lisle Gloves at greatly reduced Ceylon' Flannels, ........... Galatea, regular 3ft for 26c. prices. $1.75, $2.0 $2.30 and.... 41POP000 the fare Is more than five cents with FS out showing a registration receipt. 84 Inch, soft, heavy, neat strips Flannel- Persons attempting to travel without White and Gray Cottons Silks on Sale ettes, in pink, blue and gray, worth 40c "Pussy Willow" Dress receipts are tp be treated as tr6jias- at per yard .......................................... 25c sers by the companies. 36 in. White Cotton with no starch, regular 35c Every piece of Bilk in the store will be put on It is offlelally announced that photo,- for 29c a yard. Taffetas sale for these two bargain days. graphs of marriage certificates will 34 in. White Cotton, regular 25c for 20c. ME Flannels ClothL Duchess Bilk, in all colors and black. at reduced itary 36 inches wide, quality for wear guaranteed. not be accepted as proof of marriage 40 in. Underwear regular 35c for 29c. prices. 28 inches wide, beat quality for soldier's a beautiful finish silk and purest stock, lead- by the military authorities unless cer- 86 In. Longeloth, regular 35c for 29c a yard. Habitue Silk, in all colors and black, regular gaments, drenes. suits, etc., worth 60c Ing shades, worth per yard 12.25, $1.75 tilled as correct copies, by a notary 34 in. Unbleached "ton, regular 20o for 17c. $1.25 for S 1. 10. 76c, at per yard ....................... ......... special sale ......................... I ........ public or some prominent civic offi- Cheesecloth, regular 10c for St: a yard. cial. Raw Silk, in all colors ana black, regular 01.50 Table Linen on Sale for st.29. Aiiother announcement from Ottawa 113 that s ecial exemption cards are to� Special values In narrow silk. P Issued to Category B men, who are Unbleached Table Linen, regular $1.00 for 89C. Bleached Table Linen, regular 31.00 for 79c. W. ACHESON & SON exempted temporarily, in order that Bleached Table Linen. regular 85c for 74c a yd. Summer Voiles on Sale they may prove their status when ac- costed by the police. Also other qualities at reduced prices. All Summer Voiles will be on sale and will be Thirteen New Applications at prizes that will clinar them ouickly. Just a dress Cretens on Sale length in each piece. Be sure to see these values. r , The executive of the Patriotic Fund for th is county had a big docket to The Newest Patterns and Colorings In Creton. Did you receive the cards of Durban Congoleum Rugs on Sale 1�, be oobertcb %tar. I sent you. I have written very little TOWN TOPICS dispose of at their last nionthly meet Regular 75c for 65c, regular 50c for 43c. Ing, on Thursday of last week. The Regular 40c for 3Sc, regular 25c for 22c. 20 Congoleum Rugs will be put on sale these Tv.-swwapre CALL 71 since I came down. I was waiting for Continued from page 1. amount of correspoiscrence which had some letters but they don't seem to get two days at reduced prices. Towellings on Sale 0 FRIDAY. JUNE 28, 1918 me any more, I have some small snaps accumulated durJng, tne month was 50 for $12.00. vice will be held in North Street Meth- unusually large, but a couple of hours 9 x 12 Congoleum Rugs, reg. $13. taken so will send you some but they odist church, but n any event there disposed of all matters which were Linen today is at a premium, but we have in 9 x 10 1-2 Congoleurn Rogs, regular $12.00 for are ,cry poor and make me look much will be a very large attendance. As not merely routine in their character. stock a few pieces of part linen towelling. These $10.50. THE BOARD OF TRADE thinner than I am. it will be difficult to make all hear at In cloths will be on sale these two bargain days at re - several cases enquiries from the tit to a concert this even- an open air service, an earnest re- I.Militia Department regarding claims 9 Ix 9 Congoleum Rug, regular 510.50 for $9.00. duced prices., It Is to your advantagq to lay in a !mportant Meeting of the Executive Ing, so I won't be able to write much quest is made that motor car owners for separation allo stock of towelling now. Held Last Week more. I don't know just when I will warice showed a 7 1-2 x 9 Coneoleum Rug, regular $8.75 for will refrain from driving around the complete misunderstanding of the regu- $8.00. get up to that beautiful home of mine S e during the service and the lations, which It may ne well to quote Corsets on Sale qu&r On Thursday evening of last week in East Africa again but I hope It is These are values that will never be repeated as cli�ldren from the various Sunday here for those interested Every pair of Corsets In the store vikIl be on sale Congoleum has advanced from $3.00 to $4.00 on each the executive of the Board of Trade not for soine time yet. I am writing Schools are to be requested by their "Patriotic Fund (tllowance is 'granted snet the following members being this in the Y. N1, C. A. not f1fty yards teachers to keep, as quiet order as pos- to a widowed mother if itt greatly reduced prices. These Corsets must be Rug for Fall. she depended cleared to make room fir new lines. prespnt : C. L. Moore, G. L. Parsons, from the bank of the ocean. I can sit sible on the ground. entirely or) the elillsted son for her i4apon Hill, C. L. Jackson and Mayor here and look out over the Indian Ocean Town of Goderich support, not to ejeopla 110 per month, Every pair of Corsets 4e carry are made by the Oilcloth on Sale I? NIVI ' gla� and there Is a fine bathing beach here to D. & A. Company, who are the largest inanufactur- Applications for the positl6b of In- and the water 19 always fine and warm. At request of Mayor Wigle al and aged paret4ts who.are Incapable I traffie era of Corsets in Canada. For the two sale days we will sell Floor Oilcloth Secretary were received from I see boys and girls every morning In will kindly cease in the Square du ng of work, if they .1po,opended entirely in any width for 55c a yard. 'ex�eec($20,1.� Models for stout, medium and slight figures, the t9ilowing : W. S. Bowden, Inger- the surf, plenty of tnem. It is a fine the public prayer service in thq Go rt on the soliv not hK 1, "Separatlou,*.,Q�Xixfe�,Is granted to from 99C a pair to $4.00 a pair. B6 an �-soll * H. W. Byrne, St. Catharines ; T. place here for a rest, well I must House park on Sunday afternoon sure d have Grass Rugs will also be on sale on these two 'Cloc w1ves, to chtldreilIf,bf 441dower if they you days, 0, donnon, Godefich . F. B. Seaman, ring off for now. I nope ,you receive 0 k. R. C. POSTLETHWAI &re In the 'care of a ardian, and to r Corset wants supplied now. flikMilton ; G. J. Chaplin. London. It my photo all right and I hope to be Chief of Police. ku Small Axminster Rugs for floors will be greatly widowed mothers if th son is un- Ladies' Underwear on Sale nee in price. §$,V, , wag decided that Messrs. Bowden and able to send a better one, I was in A 111deous, Charge married and her sole support." red d be isked to visit Goderich at hospital blues when I sat for it but I Thomas V. Mathers, of' Parkhill, a At the meeting of the Branch last = Every Summer UndervVear garment in the store Atli early date 'to confer with the -exe- took my coat off. married man of 60 years, was com- wee 13 now appjications were placed = will he on sale. Ladies' and children's Summer Blankets on Sale cutive regarding the position and the Love to all. I hope I soon get some k Underwear at the following prices. mitted for trial at London, on Tues- on the Patriotic ,fund, aggregating an Regular 65c for 55c; reg. 50c fnr 43c; reg. 40c for Thisiewarm eather to talk Flannelette Blank - Work possible,, more mail from you. Josh has not day last, on a charge made_ by his increase of $167.5Q per month ; notices YV A 10,41,6P from the London Board of written me yet. Bye bye for now. ets but it Ill pay anyone to invest money in Cotton daughter, who is a wara of Elgin Co. of five pensidn claims settled were re- 35c; reg. 25o for 22c. Also many other values In w Trade suggested the formation of a I remain your loving son and brother Children's Aid. and was being oared eVived, totaliffig fif.'66, Afid four no- the same proportion. Blankets. This fall they will be at, least $4.50 a pair. On these two sale days they will be sold ',,.A_Vo.s1P_rn Ontario. Association of Boards CHARLIE McILWAIN. for in this county. It was through the tices of 11nal diso Idlers for $3.00. harges. the so C". of Trade, and enquired as to prospect- oved f o Ive 4ccommodation over night for an work of the' C. A of* Huron that the being rem -,tfte Patriotic Fund. Whitewear on Sale BRIEF MENTION case became known and proceedings The total paid each, month ,anticipated 6xcursion or London manu- Ladies' Gowns, Skirts and Corset Covers on Sale Collais on Sale con - lecturers through. this district, and institu I led. tinues in the,neighbornood of $4,200r. both proposals recelved a favorable "lobabod" to writ large at the corner Citizens' Msss�Meetfnij Masonic Service at North Street Metho- Special reduction In Whitewear. Be sure and Every Collar will be put on sale at just half the response. Goderich Board is willing of Waterloo and West streets, on the The Mayor's committee have com- dist Church Last Sunday see these values. marked price. These Collars must be cleared to lold such an,assocMlon, and when grounds. fences and even the building pleted the arrangements for the mug A large gathering of Masons attended quickly. Von will ge6 real bargains in Collars. '*ftalte intQrrn&Uon is received re- of the Curling and Skating Associat;lon. meedlig in connection with the obser. divine service In the North St. Metho- M Ladies'. Girls' and Boys' Stockings on Sale SE A more discouraging flight in A town The 'giMuS the proposed visiting trip will vance of the day set spart for national dist church last Sunday morning. -2 to 10, Waists on Sale that prides Itself on being "pretty and er and humiliation. occasion was the annual church ser- Boys' black ribbed Stockings from 6 1 en&avor to arrange for their over- prosperous" It would be hard to imagine. pray regular 85o for 29c. Every Waist in the store will be on sale. accommodation, The service Is to be from four to five vice of Maitland Lodge A. F. & A. M., E o'clock, and in the event of unfavokable when a goodly number of, the Masoni Ladles' Silk Boot Hose, In whits or black, regular We for 50c. Voile Waists.ranging in price from $1.25 to 64.00t A citizen who does some good think- weather, it will be'held in North Street fraternitY from Clinton and Auburn(5 -2 AT ]DURBAN Ing In the interests of Goderich gug- Methodist church. were also present. The pastor of the Ladlete black Bilk Hose, regular 12.00 for $1,79. on sale at reduced prices. g8litFithatthe revived Board of Trade Following in the order of service: church, Rev. Dr. Rutledge, preached an Girls' white ribbed Stockings In all sizes, reg; Silk Waists in habitue and crepe de ebine on Charles Mallwato Writes Home es He might do good work in sending, through The Laeks Out Over the Indian Ocean the Ministerial Association, a hearty in- National Anthem eand God Save appropriate sermon, basing. his remarks 45c and 50c for 43c and 40c. sale. oir Splendid Men. on Chron. 11:3-1. He spoke of King There will be reductions on all lines of hosiery. Georgette Blouses on sale. vitatibn to the London Conference of Reading the Froclamation—Mayor Wigle Solomon as being remembered chiefly Cm Mrs. Mollwalp, Goderich township, the Methodist Church to hold one of Its l3ymn—"Nearer My God to Tl;�e.li as the builder of a temple, and re- -!Mbi�jved a very interesting letter from annual sessions in Godertch. It Is some EE, Prayer—Rov. Dr. Rutledge. minded those present that to fail in Ifta, son. part of wilich follows years since that body met here, and Scripture Reading—Rev. Canon Hill. the building of a temple with one'� Remembep the Days _0%f �lother, Sister. and Family.— not too soon to look for Its return. Such Addrese—Rev. Dr. Vickie, of Montreal. life, was to fall In life's great business. loit'& line once more, hoping this gatherings are a spleg4ld advertise- Elymn—"O God, Our Help in Ages Past" As King Solomon put the best into his ni. Into I day Onds, you all Ift the beat of health. I ment for a town able to accommodate Prayer—Caliton Fox and Rev. J. H. great work, so we should put our best fair health now for I am picking them. Osteihodt. he work of building life's - templc� - the war af hon W) = Saturday, hoe 20, and Tu July 2nd Ml,, Now Address—Rev. A. L. G. Clarke. not only for the effect of the work = toln$,pretty strong, but I suppose it Half a dozon trees in the Square ME Ilymn—"Rook of Age&." upon ourselves, but because In the a rille, jo come that way before It is Park, principally of the Mountain Ash Doxology. long run all our work Was for God. There will be bargains In every department, and bargains at ftllihoo, but oh so many of our boys variety, which apparently have been Benediction. It was in silence killed by the past winter weather, were the temple rose on ""Vo, to lose their lives. I hope It will this store mean bargains worth while. 00 befall over. I am still in hospital cut down this week. A Pleasing Iteeltal Mount Zion, so silently character grows -A6 into beauty, or falls Into decay. The but''I have met tome very nice people. The second musical recital given last " ., X, W, - Ideal of the temple was to unite beauty 0 up country the other day on Don't refuse to buya tAkg 01, . July Monday evening In Thomson's Music and strength. Both were needed In ES Two Days Only Two Days Only FEW %46.1riain and 'had a good outing. I store, by the vocal and Instrumental 1, to help the kospital funds of the pupils of Mr.C. J. W. Taylor was again human life. The tragic times In which ..10k6tild like to spend two weeks or$ very we were living demanded strength, but NO GOODS CHARGED AT BARGAIN PRICES. but I may get a chance yet. Aknmk Chapter, I.O.D.E. enjoiable to the large audience they also called for the beautiful quali- who attended. Although the work by the pupils was much heavier than at ties- of gracious kindness, sympathy the first recital, the pupils showed and fine consideration for others. It Is such qualities that will in ke us - their fine trainffig and decided ability to great advantage reflecting credit on workmen approved of 'God, not need - their teacher. The pro Ing to be ashamed. The music of the Js Ho C gram was d! choir was well rendered and very a v1ded as follows : Vj)cal numbers-- propriate. and the w p- THE HOUSE OF-RELIA13ILlTV Misses G. Bedford, X. Lyttle, M War- hole service was 8H M MOP AttIF6 rener. H. McColl and E. Hume ; instru- full of heartiness and apparently much mental—Misses G. Wright Young elated, especially by those im- appre Knox, Woolcombe and Jackson. mediately adilftsse& Town C6unell Matten BRIEF TOWN TOPICS Be sure you carry your Registration Hang out your flags for Dominion and the boys across the seas th A special meeting of the town coun- at Can - 1 was held last 'Wednesday Ovening, Certificate with you. It will save you Day. Decorate in some way and show dda is still ours, and no bloody Hun the Mayor, Reeve and Councillors Story Additional Brief Town Topics on page 8. trouble to have It ready in your pock- your appreciation of this great land has been able to touch It with his cruel and Cooke being present. Under date Good bye, J usual glorious et. of ours. Don't forget to thank God �ands. June 5 the clerk had wiltten the Mili- une, your days have been "rare" indeed this tary service authorities at London that year, but thanks for those we have the council had been unable to got a competent had. man to replaeb George Beac om, the local man of allwork who had The Maple Leaf Chapter, 1. 0. D. E., MODEE THE T1# been given exemption unlit July I,and will give a patriotic dance In the Odd - a request was made for three months fellow's Hall after the performance of More exemption. No answer has been the "Lass of Limerick Town" on Do - received to thI% and so the local police minion Day. Admission 25 cents. instructed to make another try Cainty Clerk Holman has received TWO DAYS ON Y, -TWO DAYSO'NIT out NvIth some man who they think quite a Few offers of property, In on replace Mr. Beacom. A number of answer to the ildvertisCIDent regarding 4 R' d 1 41 local matters were discussed, most of a children's * shelter. There a" 3 JULY 3 and Lv M JULY 3 an' which are in a transition state. from Goderich and two from Seafork Royal Templar Rates to Advance with several others In proavot. A Hamilton dispatch of Wednesday The finance committee of The County Said : Rumors of the alleged Insol- council, with the �Vlirden &nd the rbad Vency of the Insuranqdepartment of superintendent, met in Goderfelt oh 0 the Royal Tomplars orCanada elicited Wednesday, and considered a number the following statement today froto of matters. Some road jobs were among or, Q VAn Norman Emory, the Do- them but no contracts were let, as talblon secretary : "Only one or two the papers were not sufficlently com- ftternit 96cleties In CAnada are ac. plete., tUally solvent. The fact that this go- The fled Crosq Oollectors are request- blety Is not one gives no cause for ed to hand in their money at the rol)t,144 alum. Insuranee matters of this 80- on Monday. July 81h, &S the 111%t Mon- tiety are not In as good shape as we d&Y ill July is Dominiou Day. lllllllllll11IL� 1111111111INF; — �3 Old T B 0 ri u at T OLBORNE a *ould like, but they are not In bad The donations ot elQthing sent in to he I 1*ttle A I e"ri-can Mite, As te4ultM we have prep&rL-d the M01118 on the Sq(tare a ed an 6,610itl stAtemebt NvhiCh has been by the workers of the 1. 0. D. E., for r61AVArC*d to 'hb GOVOM01"t, I MuSt the Work of French relief overseas. has WEDNESO" and THUR90" `HA BLACK ithnit it does not Allow its to he itetu&N been very generous, and the ladlo4 a request tit, We havin Pr&Ctic-411Y de- speak- gratefully of the fespon"_ The -afts muAt bo substantially "touch of naturo th&t makes the whole AdVALUONA, WO arO waiting to hear world 1xin." tf&d our r Juir 'Ar 3 �"X RD' AND 4Tn. e,