HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-21, Page 10rw W
7 ..........
V C*W$14t Work For 9 111111100110
4 ralpitp4op of. the heitirt is. one d the
YOUR TIRE TROURE %gst eomm94 of oll lies# �,�oublft *n4,,
4 N 4 " otat.0 '4' vw�*
hTdWrdesth."Win, we$* "M,
=4 puserable, bs;V6, weak di"y
-Can now be brought to an end by spells, their nerves become unstrung a314 This, Week
bringing your blow-out or rim -cut tires to they cannot Sleep.
Wherever there is guy weakness of the
heart, Milburnfs Reart'and Nerve Pills
PUDLIC NOTICE will Strengthen it, &,xkd build up a strong Men's i piece Bathing,
Johnston's dapage
Kingston Street. 'tr'a� Grieves,, Apeley, Out., 5uit, navy blue, but,'
writies; 11X W been run down and doo- tons on shoulder. To
torp told )be I was all2pinio, but did not
We are fully equipped for all tire work'. help me with their medicillon. I could I clear at
Military 5'ervice Act, 1917.
not sleep 11 lits, my heart palpitated so 69c
and I could coupt everY best. I ;.Wd
to have such dixz3r spellol would have to,
I 9ox, to
W: I was not able to do my Mens Khaki
Men 19 and 20 Years of Ages -Goo. Johnsto, 0 gwo9ilko for eigh't months.'- A cousin of
trims bad t. 'a Milburn's Heart and clear at
Harvest Leave. Nerve Pills and told me what they had,
done for her. I took eight 5 of T111"
Leave of Absence on Ground of Extreme Hardship. 'them, and now I am ab everyda� Boys' Balbriggan Under -
work. I am =ful to te
others what they have done for me, so wear, in sizes 26 to 32 -
Procedure to obtain Leave of Absence. ALLIES POSSESS PLAN TEUTONS ARE SMASHED with the
To clear at
try this great and wouderini
fill toyay I hope this may Provo
to some one who is suffering thq,
GrandOffensive-MI4-beLaunch- -Avstrians in Full -Retreat Before -33 C
W891ce, 5 100. a box at all dealers, or mailed
en Nineteen and Twenty Years of Age. ed Later. Italians. direct s working Straw
price by The
T. Men'
It has come to the attention of the Government that there is a widespread No Nation Will Undertake to Attack D4i]bijrno,Co,,,!L,.titz,,Tr,,to, ont. Hats. To clear at
Enemy Losses Are Appalling, Says
--ImpreMiOff that 'young men of nineteen years, and those who became twenty the Foe on Its Own Account and Gen. Diaz and More Than 40.000 20C
since October 13, 1917, as well. as those who may become nineteen from time to for That Reason Gen. Plaz Will Prisoners Have Been Captured Bessarabia Paralyied.
time and who have been or will be called upon to register under the Milhary Hold Elie Victorious Armies Back, and Victorious Arml Boys' striped Overalls,
'June 25.—The railway
Until the Right Moment Arrives. LONDON,
Servic6 Act, are to be immediately called to the colours. Crossed Piave ill rkirses
uit Of t1tv workers, in Bessarabia are on strike sizes 3 to lo years
This impression is -quite incorrect. No date hhs'yet been fixed for calling LONDON, June 25. — Optimistic Enemy. and the entire country is paralyzed.
upon such men to so report for duty, nor has the question been brought before suggestions indulged in by some cor- LONDON, June 25—The defeat of according to a desphteb to the Ex. 25C
reslQondents and military writers the Austrian armies on the change Terlegraph froul Zurich. -Thq,-
the Cabinet for decision. In view of the need of labour on the farm, it is most western despatch adds that many rnundtious�, erich, -Huron's
that, following the failure of the, bank of the Piave river is complete. depotsjoccupied by Roumaniars havel C me to Go.4
unfikelvi that consid4ation will be given to the matter until after the harvest is Austrian offensive and the giving of Admission is made by the Austrian Deen blown tip. .691den Gate," for July Ist.
over'although of course the Government's action must be determined primarily the Initiative to the Italians, Gen. War Office that the troops of Eni- The Frankfurter Zeitung ascribeal
peror Charles have been torced to
the trouble to political causes.
by the �iilitary situation. Diaz was likely to launch an offen- evacuate the Montello plateau, ovei
There, .19 no further obligation incumbent upon young men of the ages sive in his turn. were deprr��jed by which they- had hoped to ess theii DV.stroy U -Boats Faster Than Bull -ROBINS
way and gain 'the Venetian
above mentioned who have registered or who do so hereafter, until they receive an Italian military 'autkority. De- plains PARIS, June 25. —Two-thirds of
I and "some sectors" of the positions the uerui�n submarines lauhched
notice from the Registrars. scribing the situation, he said: "Re- they Attained last week on the bank a I re already at the bottom of the sea,
j. cent statements m4o with regard to of the ri-ver between the plateau and according to a statement made to the
the comparative ease with which the, the point where the streatu enipties Remember tlie dauce in the Oddfel-
Harvest Leave. into the Adriatic. Deputies by the Under-Secretary of
lows' Hall 1)owA(,u DaY
Italians have been able to withstand Bad weather and the rising of the the Navy. night after
Some enquiries have been received as to the possibility of granting harvest the Austrian attack and exaggerating pi " Ap d, " continued the Under -See- the enteitaiuruerit iti the Opera House.
leave o such troops as may be in the country at that time. No definite assur- ave under the heavy rainfall* are Admission 2a ceilt,, Linder auspices a
t the expectations are unwise and assigned as the reasons foi- the with- retary, "we are destroying them
can be given on this point as advantage must be taken of ships as they show Inability to grasp the full mean- drawal of the Austrians, but the twice as fast as Wey are LiLlil(iillg tile Nlaple f,vaf Chaj)ter. 1. 0. D. E.
ance Ituation and the enqr- Rome War Office asserts
Ing of the a that it was them."
become available. On the other hand, harvest leave will be given if at all mous struggle. Austria had Six the impetuous attaxks of the Italians
months' absolute rest to prepare and that brought about the failure of an Three tads Lost In Lake.
train lipr armies for a supreme effort. oj)eration which was started with t TORONTO, June 25. --Three Mi- CASTGR [A
he mico boys, the 'eldest 12 and the
Leave of Absence on Grounds of Extreme Hardship. Practically all her troops were on the intention of crushing the axmi,, of youngest seven years, drifted out in For Infants and Children
Italian front, as since Russia's Col- Gen. Diaz and forcing the Italians,
lapse and the end of the Roumanian like the Russians, to accept a Teu- the lake from Mimico Beach Satur-
It is desiredAhat the Regulations respecting leave of absence in cases of hard- n U
I seForOveil*31DYears
campaign She has not been engaged tonic -allied pe�tce. day afternoon about 2 o'clock in a
ship should be widely known and f ully understood. Such leave will be granted elsewhere. Therefore, all her re- All along the river the ere pick- Afw
Italians rowboat. Two of the boys w ays bears
sources, Including the fresh levies of have' pressed back the invaders of ed up in the boat near Niagara' the �thle Of
in two cases:— (a) lyhere extreme hardship arises by reason of the fact that the , h , Sign..
young men of .- Austria. -Hungary, their teZl' -Y until only snial n t t e, has not yet been recovered.
qtor u I s
man concerned is either the only son capable of earning a livelihood, of a father. which edunts a population of 56,- lemaia on the western bank, and
---kUled or disabled on. service or presently in service overseas, or in training for 000,000, were arrayed against those ..�the stream King Victor Eni-
-Italy, '-*ith of ma Are keeping *well on
such service, or under treatment after returning from overseas; or 'the only of a population
36,000,000. This disproportion of the heels of the retreating enemy,
remainingof two or more brothers capable of eaniing a livelihood (the other man -power against Italy has been who is fleeing in confusion. Again
brother or brothers having been killed or disabled on service, or being presently accumulating for two years. Field the cavalry has been thrown into t he I
Marshal Conrad was correct in his fighting and Is sorely harassing the IV
In service overseas, or in training for overseas or under treatment after his or proclamation on the eve of the offen- enemy, while machine guns from the
sive that the army of the Dual Mon- groung and from arcraft are 'Work -
their return from overseas) ; brothers married before 4th August, 1914, living in ing havoc among the fleeing Austrian
archy never had such an apparent
�eparabe establishments and having a child or children not to be counted, colunins. The losses to
easy chance of victory, based upon the eneruy
4- _dqtermining. the fact that the man is the "only" remaininoi son or brotherl numbers, superiority of men amd ma- are cicscribed as enormous, both in
terial and dangerous nature of the men killed, wounded or- made pris�
ason ptiorial circumstances such as oner. An official statement from Gen.
(b) where extreme hardship arises by re of exec' front was such that, while attacking, REC RDS
!in the northern and middle sections Diaz to the Italian Embassy in Wash -
the fact that the man concerned is the sole support of a widowed mother, an 1119tor, asserts that the Austrian!,
invalid father or other helpless dependents. with a proportionately small number iave lost 40,000 men* in prisoners
of troops the enemy could concen- N
It is to be noted that in all tbe�,e eases the o'Overning factor is not hardship, trate an enormous preponderance alone.
against the Duke D'Aosta's Third I of the ew bridges that haJ
loss or'suffering to the individual concerned, but to others, -that is. members of t been carrie� away b� t�,e freshet
Italian army in an uttempt to force
his family or those depending upon him. had been shot to pieccs, but accord -
the Pi*ye. If be could throw the ing to Rome advAces, the r1jer had
Italians back from the Piave Venice
subsided and could be C-asily fordel,
Procedure to. obtain leave of absence. would be forced to take ref uge in otherwise not one cf the invaders
Brindisi. The abandonment of the w
A.simple system for dealing with these cases has been adopted. Forms of ould hbve been able to return to
Pjaye and the uncovering of Veniet Ille east bank. So hurried was ill( -
application have been supplied to every Depot Battalion and an officer of each would have meant a retreat of four
hundred miles on the sea retrograde movement of the Aus-
*r Ave
battalion has been detailed whose duty it is to give them immediate attention. - trians at some PrAnts that they did
front. No undue or outlandish ex
The man concerned should on reporting to his tUA state that he desires to apply pec"tions ought to be held out from [lot take'time even to attempt to save
their guns and storcs, great quanti-
ties of
t1be great success of the Italian army which are now in Italian
for leave of absence on one oz more of the grounds mentioned and his application
in holdIng doggedly to the Piave In -
form will then be filled out and forwarded to Alilitia Headquarters, Ottawa. In stead of obIWI19 thip enemy by re- As yet there hat been no sign that
p treating to the line of the Po. TUO the enemy
the meantime, if,the case appears meritorious, the 'Man will be given rovisional purposes again to renew
Italians have done Something more at an early date another offensive in
itave of ikbsenc'6 for thirty days so that he may return home and continue his
than a'mere display of their metUe the -mountain region, notwitbstand- 17
civil occupation while his case is being finally disposed of. and wiping imt the stain of Capor- Ing the fact that reports 4�manating
etts. They have inflicted a heavy from Switzerland have, said that he
issum By DEPARTuENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE, defeat on a greatly superior army. was bri,riging up large reinforce- ��Ian '0 _n and pieserve all the
7%ey have struck a inaral blow for ments and great quantities of sup-
_.DiF&RTj&F.NT OF JusTicic. all the Allies. They have inspired -plies along the front behind the lines .6!,e. yo A can this year.
—issued Aw the Canada Food,21"
general confidence at the moment from the Swiss border to the tipper
when it was needed. Rpt until the reaches of the Piave.
times comes for all the Allies, Ital- Atter recapturing the Montello
I as British, French, from the Austrians. according to
ians as wel
Americans, and wh6 knows but Jap- news received in London yesterday
ir"need daily broad ration can oely anese and Russians, also to under- aft6riloon. the Italians began making
be'l alvUlned it Gerintily helps. In take a general offensive, It would be bridgehe4ds at Falze and Nervesa. Patriotic Selections
*0allhe Is Spre&dIng and Revoluitloh %;,in and Vienna the opinion is un- It Met Spbutarine When Returning a fundamental mistake to expect the The Italians met with little- resist-
Vitreatens Nation. &siknoiss tUt the bread confilet has From Europe. itaiians to launch blindly into an ance.
LONDON, June 25—The military sarlounly endangered the prospects WASHINGTON, June 25. — G offensive of their own. The retreating Austrians crossed
off4he strengthened (1eirmAin-Austrian man submarines operating on thl. the Piave by the only bridge remain -
becoming of
,*tuj%tjon In Austria is
*Kondary Importance, acgording W alliswe. Germany manot allow them side of the Atlantic Ocean have sunk Prices In Turlkey.k Ing to them north of Zenson. Other
UtLot information reaching the Swtss�z f6eHan to dominate her governing their first troopship. The Navy De- ne 25. —News f rpm Con- enemy troops were forced to wade
i alawas an it In & matter of lite &ad PARIS, Ju across the stream. Dom -inion Day
being overshadowed by the
paxtment announced yesterday that stantinople just to hand reveals the
thttirbal-Alicifirders, -strikesixnd _dmthL for Germany that _.Autda a British transport, under Charter by -Between... Mentello. and Zensom the
abould not be allowed to throw up ' fact -thiii the Turks, t.,�rr�pd -If *sr, Itallabs are on the river for the en-
001111letA betivtft civilians and nilli- the American Government and b9und t
AAr�t� Vile Daily Express Gel)eva cor- tM sponge at the present stag* of show very little ii bnr-fo take tire distxnce� They are sending over cents for 10 -inch, dbuble-sided
th* war. German authorities are d4i- to this country. had been destroyed Germany's a4vice to watch events cawalry between the Conegliadip and
46svdndent says these reports state tWMined to prevent an Austrian June 18. some 700 miles east of the in Mesopotamia. The same letters 0 Canad a, Our Home and -
has begun to Spread Delaware Capes, and that 67 mem- givi� exampWs of the extremely high Oderzo railroad to clear the comMiry.
j&�Pldjy , Not only have the big towns rievolution by any weam at the4r bers of the crew are missing. There Italian troops have crow*d the Native Land. ' Alan Turner
isuddeniy reduced their bread allow- Command beesuse they are &frald of were no troops aboard. cost of living there. Butter sells old channel of the PlavA river, west Have You Newsof My Boy 17452
lution In Vienna. 71lay would at $7 a pound, soap $6 a pound, the
"to JropA, 14%,, The troopship apparently was not 'the main stream, and reeLptilred Jack? Elizabeth Spencerli
_kq 90 orammes, but 4L reV* of
We r4divrai triW06A -hit reached a weeh prefer serious trouble In Ger- under, convoy. Tke subViarine wo cheapest hat for a woman costs $100. several of their old positions there.
drI611 -ftemblifig the situation in MW Wbere they Can cope with It not seen until a torpedo had atruck and a pair of boots fetchQs $60. The &CCordIng to a semi-OMCMI sn- We're from Canada Alan T mer I
I Ili, -the ship. AfterwiLrds the,submarine 4, much u
XU01A. Jus tore the outbre4k of -by the usW Iran methods. t wous OrIkent Club at Pera Is nouneei�nent In Rome. Ftom Capo
Jh6 t6VOlUtiod. A commercial trav- rose to the surface and fired 19 WZuented. There German counts Sile other dotachments &�re advaote- Strike for the Grand Old Flag 17565
tljor,vho arrived direct from Vienna, shells into the sinking -vessel. When and kustilan barons are contlll�lihlly Ing toward the main stream ot tke Alan Turnerf
$*14 fhAt the Austrian Em!plre was the steamer settled the crew took -to playing cards with one-time dishon- river.'
onitht brink of a revolution. 4esent- PARIS, Jaue 25.—After a meet, the boats, the occupants of four of "t Turks; who now are showing all The Italians have thrown numer- I.And of the Maple
r Charles of Austria their wealth, most of which Is gold. ous bombing detAchments across the
finont, and hatred against the Ger- Ing with XmW" whidh, numbering 81,men, have been Grenadier Guardsof Cnnacfit� 216006
The Turkk openly admit they are tir- main gtr m, wbere the artillon sj6d
tdtirigi is spreading. e9peciallY In Hun- on jVId&y. m" a despatch fromi Zqw- landed. Three boats are missing, and ea Laurentian MarA
The revOlutlonary movement kb; Switzerland, Premier' Seydier a searcil, Is biting made for them. od of war, now that their one great aircraft are hammering the enEw. a of Canada
X*vy� Q,6nhdier Guard
the Hapsburgs, !Pmtnted th* reelPmt1on *f tb* en- Th, fact that. the British vessel enemy. Rusafix, Is out. The few rich
",.but the regime they represent. Ure Austrian 01binet. The Emporor was sunk tar off the coast led oM- are contented tor live dn their spoils, Dropped 15 Wow on Gersoam*wks. The Maple Leaf F 0
Stonto Will bappen shorUy whldh uld be would decide on Sunday who- elate to believe that she either had while the less fortunate grumble'at LONDON, June 26. —The offieW V.&OFOAltar, B.nd 17999
Aon: encountered a homebound submarine th6 eVects of a war that has ruined report on aerial operations last night
too turathe fitce of the war In favor tbor to aeftit'the resignat Victor h1litary B.
or, -ibli Allj6#. In spite of every Pre- that had been operating In American them. sa"; "The weather hisidefed rAr 0 Canada
ttUtioij of the intiltaty authorities Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bovlft "a waters, or else one that was bound work Saturday. There wak no W
penetrated the army. ker two llmt&lkt sout have b"n here for further raids on abipping. German Crime Wave. fighting, but at night flying machines
�'What 40winKted the whole situation awarded $12,000 dawarA a"lut The fact that the sea-wolvea which "His Magter's,,Voice"
r jo'bil4or. There in no sign of awe]- tb* CItY Of Winnipeg fOr ths killing AMSTERDAM, June 25. The were more active. During the twen-
first appeared off the coast ImC' -four hours fif een tons of boullm
joj�Uon, :In %Vito of Germany's pro- st bw husb&nd and their tather,by., month had not been heard from mounting crime wave In Germany. ty t Records
-jeVtral thousand tong ths, Wkt,ambulsnes In OIL since June 14 caused most officers to continues a live subject at discus- were dropped. the Bapaume, dump.
*140 to Stpicl
hold to the first theory. Rion. The I&test reported crime in a railway stations at Armentieres, same price as before the war
....... wkm_ hand -grenade attack on -i%n express Steenwerek and Bac ht. Maur and
The l"t sinkings reported off the train from Berlin to Htmburg, the the Bruges docks being heavily &t.
0, cout
6 urred some SO miles mat of train-wreekers escaping. In the tacked by our machines." Ask to hear the. at any "His Ma6ter's
the Virgints, 0wes. and it was ar- course of a debate, In the Prussian
gued tb*t in the four days elapsing House National Liberal Reprftenta- BABY'S BATTLES FOR HEALTH V 'ce" dealer
before the Briush tmusport wu sen "The utilver-
down the submarine would halve had uve Fuerbirtuger said:
ample time to resell the Position "I Insecurity Is now 40 CreAt that Nlothers you can %vin the battle for Write for fr" copy 6f our 620vaire Musical Encycla-
*horo the troopship rsa sunk. qvercoats of representatives dis- the health of your little ones if you pedivi lisdng ov4r 90M "His Maaer'a Voice" Records.
WHEAT SEED The vessel dest yed was wdd to &DDftr even from the CO&t-rO*M Of will flght it with Baby's Own TableU�—
FALL ro House. In hotels. too. the Meal childhood inedicine. The
former Ru"I&D the Prumlan
h%,Fo b"n tie Once MY Oboes were Tablets are it mild but thorough laxa-
ANN CEMENT Oftmer DwInsk. one is robbed.
OUN stolen, so I fta nearly forced to tive which never fail to banish con- finer Grm-6-phoae CO.
come barefoot to the session." stipation . Indigestion , worms, eolds
It *jj* of the paxtial h4lum of the Ptll Wheat crop in this Pro- or simple fevers or any other of the
Vj*00,*b`ig yftt# Willbe zifte-swiry for farmers to make e&rly avrange- "is Popular Fxhibition will be held AntjjeVdsh outbreaks In Galicia. minor Ills of little ones. Concerning
e SUPOty Of Seed which they will neM for fah Sowing, W4 year from Sseptember 6th to t4lh. THE IIAGVt:, Junt� 26.—A Frank- them Nirs. J. P. Hypell, Causapscal, Lenoir Street
:t* th Queen's Park, %vber# thr Fxhibitiot lq turt telegram from Leriburg s"s Que., writes -�"Baby's Own Tablets
farrilen who have on hand qilantltl6s of hold. has be ce pied S a, y r t SLuti. are a great medicino for children.
er 0 11 'nck' 1 ';t PA tha disturbances having a
W,44�'*WtWOi VW (All 0WIng are urged to catigerV46 them r6r.this by the Nfilitary autboritles, They have Semitic character have occurred The)- quickly eurW my baby of con- "His WOWS Vgk*" Go4rich Deahirs
th6ra Is vo demand locally, the informatibb shoald b6 *iap. regently vacated tho buildings and during the last few days stipation and I can highly recommend
&t s
y grounds, going up to Carling j1piglits, Lemburg and other small towns in them to other moth&s." The Tablets
*W�40 suit bopotmait Or to the local o0ce Of this depatmeat to your This 10,avea a lot of work to do to prt- East Galicigi Thoy have led to great Rre sold by medicine dealers or by JA V. THOUM J. H. UUDU
00 4W, *V60 tftrt inky be MPAO it"tTo ilk'n eiinitabit *A4 Wig- p3te the place for the Exhibition, Largrt, 0& Jewish organizations in Mail at 25 conts a box ftom The Dr.
The nood for foodstillis justifies it large orow gangs of men am a0morit and rnolv will excess n to put Williams* hiedletne C6, Brockville, Ont.
self-defenco IlAve taken Retio
r*4WhA%t Isi thift Provincio again this yesx, and thek �O-bperatloll of be secured ag the work j%,ors on. An ad- " end to these disturbances. Mh*t Fotget,
d1ilon will be built to Ole, sheep pon<% in
*X10*04 4he 0iobillrAtion anti distribiltion of the 06,11AW 666tl HICED 'POTATOVS HEP OUT T" dift fib 0&ftl YOU fthn6t PUrCh&*e
WLj**j*4' lop, er to aeponiniodate thp large pntry Don't niiqc; ,�Pring the opening pro- FL("
4o)L; octed. The large ttattle btjrn %vIll 0,, trades p?oepss4lon, floral autos Freshly cooked potatoes, put W*,V6k6" Records at arky hut dur
�,,j,n or ma
11AVe a ni,W root put ot), making It corn- and alithumplans) in through a ricer, ov'torce4j t1irou h
Vnt^vlo Dept. of A1901cultuve t0rtlblo and &V W tho nitle P%hiblt and bleyeleii e, g
04Dderleh Aily 1,Lqt. It xvill bo a tine strainer, can be uted ih plotee 4k Are no othaft
11II, **r0*rH0t"* It Is o*a4ed there will be a largo entry 'kpf-'etaelf" Como to Godpriell to qppn(l of part of the flour in -batters or
A91401141tUftl A4b#06"nt6,t1V& of live Stock of all kindc� thiq yearro the t1jr, %v40jp doughs. Cold, loft-niver ootatops
P1,12A) 114 Ills ly,111 slich a 8091,1plial hl-
CIW614 O"t" may be used. but ar(3 'not 90 easily
etrase AM Itt4ination supplied by tile RNI AhA I)aby rholw Dafllin�4vn Day in blenflod ag the ft("n hbt potatoes,
'6ry. A. hl. 41ant, Lowfoll, 4)nt. ()O(lerleb.
M nor is the flavor quite "', good.",
_Lowlk,_..k� Wkjr.A&&.� At 0