HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-21, Page 9-- , �, P , " - , I I I -", I , I , . �; , , 1� ­� "I , - � 477 - I � ... Tril- 11 TIIIFT­�­ I �01 --W-MW,1WVW-! -111w- -,.,,,- � - I - , ,� � ... , 6 � I I . I, - 11 , I k I * ­­!­ Wr 1, I I I lopp, lw-17`101"" . I �� oitf*": "': . W� . , I 1. I , I. e . , , �­ -1 I 1�­- �, ­­ I—- . - I .,��, - � * - ­�� I ,a- 37 1, I ­-, ��11 7 I � � IL 1, I " ,:1-1 I , a , � ,,� I . � , %� . � I 111-1 III oil I . ,.. I . "t * . . I lti �� . "M . """1011" 1, I , "m9p" � I 1. I . . I � . I .Noso,plA 11 11 "I". 000J. f ­ I io. � . - 1. - ,r', -, ; .. .., : .1 - . ��, I 11 - 4:,�t ;'Qft.':-1,0d I", I T `L-, ." -11, . , " " 1.", � � .� L �E­-- , L " , . t , I R1.4 - _11,]o S;'TE , " � �, , � I "....., �.. ..�":�­ " L* � . I�;, . . , ,-., 1, , 2A& L OF ( A] L-- 11alig Dy � . 084 = I .1. 1�.:­ � . .41'' . . . I , I , 11 - . *1 . � . / ��-- ., L I., I , .1 ,�'T �.- '4ve ,nilj�r"usetsazsz I - S �Blwlllliw" .; , �,-­ ­­........... ­­­­ ----..---.1--- I 1. � . . 11 I I I � I . " The beAt of men judge you not by what -- �­­ - ­ . I I .. I - .� yi�u spend but by what you bave--saved. . I . I . � . ,��, - � . I . 1. I . I ­ -- I � I I 11 �1;1­11­ ­ 11. -1 I � I I �. -1 I.. � I ­.. I -- I - - - 1. . .. - .1. ­ "r, . '. ". .. I I � 11 . 1. . GODERICH. I . . I � P u� *V V AT MW 111-11t . , 'ONTARIO, WADA. FRIIAY, JUNE 28, 1918 wou W vwmw :I A max orar", , . � , : , I � " , , II` , # j �,� ", 1, . I . . - tr 1:"* "" " 1,, NN N , i, li �',* : I I 11 1- . 10.1.16 -.1-1 1. � � I ,..-.,I,. 1. �. . , t Rany Prisonersit luch Ilooty and Awfut Slaughters .. ' 11 Uncle Sam's Men, Doing Orleat Wok. Epidemic In Got -moo Tmoolift I" I I , , . " �� , e I � � t.,t . The Post Office %%ill tie t wit to ,If ill(- pro.-Tpects for a record marker ' the Mitt these events, Tile IN EBRO 00 W SO N S ffl W . :11. I ; I 11 1, ­� I...." .,�. .11 .111 1, 11-1 - I I I � 4 16 tho Imlille front 1.) a in t-1 14) it. it) and In (it pos- I . RAILWAY TIME TAOLD Q.. ra THE TOWN Y -LAW No. to OF t918,"oF �� B GODERICH. � NOTICE � I ItOWN TopICS A GOOD PRONSITION � 1. I i , I : verYlOw rute- Of insurance on your valuable I 1, taxation to Ili; present plant Alit maitiand a. Godedch-40eave 6.40 A.M. 2.00 P.M. -%- COLIC NOTICE I P ,*!,, , i�, I I ' I , , , , � �, � � I . '114 ,milton-Arrive 11.8; ieao.- &U0 p.m. 1" A BY-LAW GRANTING EXEMPTION FROM — TOWN or (10DERICH Appointed Fire Itanger In this Issue of The 13W appears the 'is 11� � :­­ a, our vaults .11 Z . � . T,orouto- " 11.20 &.in. 7.00 pin. TAIXATION TO TILE NATIONAL SHIP- — �;� o\ents its gl%t-n in this issue of Tile � bylaw which so be voted on by the , . %, ee HAST STRHET IE @8 ;, Taretlito-Le*ye 0.10 sian. 6,10 p.m. OVILDINO COMPANY. LIMITED, FOR A Tile municipal council of the Tolli'll of Pto. Thos, Pritcharri has received ratepayers of Goderlah. girsatino ex. , I � `., I PARTIAL, UST OF ARTICLICS FOR SAIX. . Hamilton- " 8,,10 saia. 4'.10 p.m. 00derich-Arrive 1.05 p.m. U5 p.m. PERIOD OF TEN YEARS. - GodePteh hVito In ppvtiarrillon a Roll of , Honor or 1 ose who clalm Oadertch for notice of his appointment as tlrf� rang- or, to report at Cochrane, but at time emptiolk from municipal taX4004 to 4b* 1 " 11 requisite for a gioriouto celebration' of . (.0 44 UVas arrive and, leave Union station � WHEREAS The National Shipbullilliair their Home Town arid n0o were enlisted to BeINO King 4114 CountrY. They desire of writing had riot dowded to accept. National Shipbuilding M for ton years,, the natiottui birtliday is good weather. , - �, . f, I . � Go'derich Br4ticb, G. WILLIAMS, Manager. 60 M IN Wanted 1�9 . T. a, O' Company, Limited ullebased from the Corporation or the 140wil, or Goderich those the names or all such to be enrolled. slid to (In this Woulen's lustituto on their property and pliiiut, proseas gait ,, � I , 1 .1 1 I 0 I Vitt -Leave 5.50 a.m. 2.80 p.m. .!=to -,6,rl,e 10.50 a.m. 7.20 rtions lyinit between Nowirate and Broa 910, reets of wool wes, formerly known as effectualig ask the co-operation of all the citizens notitylti the Town t The regular monthly meeting of tire and to be ereeted, 44 got forth pars - � I# , , . I P this 4onstingly, but he deserves hon- ­ hi ,' niention for it all the saute . 1).M. ftronto-Leave Ii.50 V� Va. 19.45 p.m. the Doty Plant. and has since acquiring . Clerk or- J. A. Fo-,yker it' w 036 hands ,% the Usts %&IH be plftc�A. or 'oil Of Lioderich branch of Iho ,Womon's In- be hold tile honno tiliss graph No. I of the bylaw. Tblo� bylaw I I 't �` I �,� N I . �� - I — .. � and 6 85 p m , * Bald remises Improveiii Itna added to them as for the past year been engage and R 'ed "'.. tiorn they know as SO as M2, that the roll may be co leted at once. Aitute will at of N1. F. *,'Wkeld, Bayfield lAoad, on ,rhurs- 0ould be clarefolly read by*"" 1# VY . 411. I . � I j matter of preci�tf­on 71f, - 0. F. CARMY J REAL. &4TATR Attro, rNavIRANCR A(4F.?QT Goderich-Arrive 11.40 a.m. 7:10 p Ea. In the mauutacture of marine engines and nll!n� . * 9 F. CLA I V I'LL' day. July Atli, at 3 p. in. De nionstra- , son, and The Stv believes It dawy4o a I I , - V, I . I ... ­ ­ and 11.45 p:w. .-- boilers - ­A-"-NVittMgtS­-V -time -prnr� Chairman of Itt , ­­!!!�- Q!!.- . llow''Lux dtflarient wltxs at u.hUlg.X .gg3­ I .R-rm-tLcoly - Imn"AM-04V � ­ -1 --- ­ ^ I -�,- Polling 4uh divi-Ion No 7. at %% PriddIn BY THE 6j01)Ek4CH ORCHESTRA I WANTED o I 1he Tit Itte- chase of said promises It ,aas agreed that 'should I AUCTION SALES Subject, 1111se of Lemon.— ratepayers. Tbiscomplayls Quo 4b" I � '. . - in Court flon,to Palk ,it 1, 4 I 1, it, , fol orie hour. 11 . � ANTED -To rent a garalre for July and W A,ugust. Nust.be, on or near Light- I the sald promises be granted exemption from municipal taxes, except laxes, for ton ��­­­— A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD PRO. Police Court Cases has certainly "made good" In every of its the town. " � 11 ;� � I I 11 � , i. " " . house strOet. Apply at STAR OFFICE. - - school & JlorIo4 or years, .subject to the approval of the rate 47AL PERTY AND FURMTLIRE- - ­ P. M. Reid held two sessions this %vook. the fli-st being a onarge of "loaf- Part engagement with . and Its proposed - ozkl&M- munV -" --pet . � ­ � 'L , . EACHER WANTED -For S. S. No. 8, Cot- T borne township'; second-class being obtained to a Dy -law to b1pal1! mitted. tot, thot purpose. I Thos. Ound1g, Au.0t.10 In ge r D eKtl:s been in- structed by S. S to sell by Ing" under the ne%% act whIell requires "keel) forth should be h&IW with Viossure by 41, " �. pro- fessional, Duties to commence afte SXLM r - AND WI fEREAS the said Corti dill' has Since acquired the file form- auction premis s, Lot 301, U19bil-111 Ave.. G4dis a 11% erybody to busy." The de- fendant that lit, dues a our citizens. The ocincestaton &A ,mid �' A111 mor holidays. Apply. staling salary and 11 ertenoe, to C. A. ROBERTSON, R. " remainder or er "c% plant. being the promises oil Malt. . I formerly by ,!,,th it on SATURDAY, JUNE 29 protested %ulubLy work, but lli� plea vvill he decided at now is a ireasonsibla one. In this oozk- �� . - I , . 11, , 19 5, Goderich. t -f** . and call, Occupied the Paget Grain Door Coln any, Limited, and OONIM NCING & AT TWO O'CLOCK, SHARR The property consists of a comfortable a later date. The second case is a nection wo, have to Cormot the state- I I I ... I Mr, EACHER WANTED -For Union R R TNo. 17 Tp'a, Ashfield arid West Wawa. nosh. gecond CI@y4 Professional. Dories to 1coMmenco has added largely to Itpli equipment. AND WHEREAS the, paid Company pro. rurther frame dwelling In good repair . trhvn water In the holise. ,rllq land Is good charge of fulse pretences, two chnrges, and this too %yIll bt! full), heard later ment made In our council report WO week that the company were working , '. � I � 11� U'%., after aucirtnel holidays.toAtWA to still Increase its opera- =in the Town of Oliderich by garden ground and there are fruit trees berries, on . I !" , litathiff Wary and experience . FINNIGAN, H. IL No. I. Sheppardton. Ont. erecting a boiler shop all acent Alp its present plant arid The sittiation I* convenient to C. P. R. depot arid harbor, Well Done, Gordon a frog Rite, which Is not the case an , t , � I 3-t I on Maitland hold and ties purehajed from . TERNIII-10 per cant, or purchase money (, 'oul,t) (:Iel,k liolluall 1111" r,r#.IN,kI a they have purchased the land for the , � . - .14. ? P-rmt)n 0 1 VWU Or oderich I . r - I.. .. 0 be t1lairt M Id at little of sale ; balance in �s ther-an-. letter, front his �on Ounlon, lilt, )oung- enlarged buildings. � . ,: ffL, ,��,L�,�_­!'.I�",L;�- I. - I . I., - UU00L Try CUP 9,ANTF.-For Un. rot Ma purpose - ,,mo . I I . ..v V ------ �� , ,� �, . -1, AMM —:A i - � -ZLI Ion a. 8. 0. a A# floid, olborne and y ownAd by oderich Wheel Rig At the same time and plaee all the con, est Of (VVO soc$ IT,) Ill rance, ill , L ". , � � Q t , . 10 - and how owned the VArporal.' Tits or tile house will be 1, Sa EDMUM WAMV ,* " ft JOHN AM GemcWmamwr est Wriwarlosh, 2n clam Ll= to sold consisting whIch tit- says fit ,was Offered it three L. , ,,. ­ - "�,,, ­, '­--­­­­ - - - - -- ­ - I � Zd9FV1 , Du. b I I W- Irotessional � ,-',"�,�,, � � -,� ", ,,��:J. .40N.O. LLD-,A4;W ish-1 1W - ties tion of 11 Town tsider,X tip Dllqy,-roQp_i DOMINION DAY IN GODERICH M commence September it, it is about 11194NO141 ind Kitchen m4mths' furlough recent.1), after INNu I - . ­ ­ .. ­2,�3 . , ­ ,,, f 'L C 'L Mes.a. ly st-ang to procee toVII Ith with the qr9cilloll alto P I r(drd, , , ,�j 11511��. K V. F. JONE& An len , N. IT"I"ll , " . . ,: , ,4�'.,�� - - - I .1. ,I I , ��4t, " ... salary and experience to I & Helton Slove. Coal Heater. N rN Ive, 1, ­­ ��: N " . , . 111. I * ,qrl I f tit gaid boiler silo . Curtains, Linoleum, Lawn Mower , E%Pry Prospect of a Diu and Successful �. N � 11 1 4 fie ]p 0. upordti011 Of Carpets, , ears anti eight moliths hard st '; r, �.. � �',. -1, . the 8410 :: " , — Coln I �, jr,��* , ,,. I i - ANTED -A -good maid, or working sideration or the ereellum IT It or said tit- �%as more needed lit France thall " ��, � � L " �'L, �`�J .$ ' " �' A.ND WHEREAS the 8 any In roil- China, Croftery, Glassware, Cutlery. ii but lie declined it, saynig tit, thought ��, .1 , � .;: , ''. UPffALPAID UP. $15.00.00 R. ESMVP. FUND. - $13,5KOW sekeeper. No washing or ironing. y I large quantity or Bedding. Pillows. Feather Celebration � . .� , I W hou. Tick Also a number (if nar- ,'4'�­­4,,-��,:, I 0 Good wa-es to a com -1 . I I � , I 1. I new boiler shop end the e lisequent oln- ,,� 1-o. - The offielals Ili charge of the Don- . � A', AltutreSses. 4 I, �,,.' . . . 1�,,. I I - ,C person. PP r to MRS. W. L. RUTLEDGE, . North 8 - ployinen or ditional tiands, as hereh,_ . after set forth, and the expilIlAilin or Its in i. s a numerous otnel artic.104. MRS. MADDOCKS. THOS. OUNDIIN, : , NO 11,11111. ininion Day celebration in Goderlok ,:, I.. - ..,:; 'r�' . "I , , �,,, . Parsonage, Goderich. t -t . (1poratloos lit the Town of Go eriell. has Proprituresq Auctioneer. Chatigo of Pot,t I)tll(", tiours .:o .1,,I, �r next Monday speak in nopetui terms , , '.,�`. � �- ,,,r:,,,,, The'rentat of a Safety Pepo sit 1969 reprOsents requested the Munlelpit- Counell of the said Corporation to subtitit this By -Law � t.,t . The Post Office %%ill tie t wit to ,If ill(- pro.-Tpects for a record marker ' the Mitt these events, Tile IN EBRO 00 W SO N S ffl W -- CTION' SALE OF HOUSEH LD F 7 . '�11 ,�­, t. . a IN for the a or the rate payers ex- A`0 NITURE, ETC. tho Imlille front 1.) a in t-1 14) it. it) and In (it pos- I ` I - , . 'I.` ^ I GIRILS WANTE EN D ,W;roval tending proposed exemption front Iffl @0 fr�,in '21 1) Ili. to :11, Ili To ho\ 11,1111,-r� t"I's anti programs have been Widely : verYlOw rute- Of insurance on your valuable ll� (11 IU taxation to Ili; present plant Alit maitiand MR. W. H. BULLARD Ow (011ot. 1, (1111,11 Al U11,1111 eirculated anti there Will be little in ,�� .. .1. I ,*!,, , i�, I I III APPLV AT ' Road and to the said bollor shop it) he will sell by Public Atiotion, oil 6ALT this counly or district to contliet, with I :1 , ., I�,,,'11 � .. do cuments. You will find A GODERICEL KNITTING CO. is I III rm erected, as well a,; to tile plant lying be- tween Newgato and Brock $Irpets. . SATURDAY. JULY 6T#t. ,101IN . po�tnla,ter. . lilt, ceiebration here. Tho program of ;",� :­­ a, our vaults .11 Z . � . IN ffi AND \VIIEREA�� the said Company em- 0 ornmeticing at 2 o'clock slier p. oil hamilton �;� o\ents its gl%t-n in this issue of Tile � W. H. BULLARD. T. GUNDRY. ��',�, � HAST STRHET IE @8 ploys a large number or 1worknion and street. Goderich : LOKI* Star should provide entertainment for - . - " ,j,�;, 6 conveniently located and in charge 1 - 00 tg EMBOUBRBERBEEEDBEM its operations lit the roun or o,oderich (If material advalityr it, the PARTIAL, UST OF ARTICLICS FOR SAIX. all ages a ed both sexes, and the only — ()IT Saturday, botweell firildroml.4 � 1 I 1, ". . I 1, . . I 11 � R 9 @0 are rate pay- er's and citizens theren . . One solid oak roll -Lop demk. I oak lady's ivrH. Ing devk I small bookcase. I silk -covered. Ton- .,O�l I bial'k-nutil ' d anti SlolIt'St Coal Z'311 . requisite for a gioriouto celebration' of . 111 IR .� I \ .L I' , of courteous officials. 71 to 19 AND WHEREAS In Omer to promote slid hoguny Htii8h parlor mail, three I quar 1�dl,)V it halter. � Intle, 1, easo 1`4111IT'Ll to rAit ol,1110E. the natiottui birtliday is good weather. , - �, . f, I . � Go'derich Br4ticb, G. WILLIAMS, Manager. 60 M IN Wanted 1�9 ald tile said Company tit its said under- takings It Is expeillprit in grant the sald exemption front municipal Taxation ex- tgiooeq; ter-ou; oak hall rack; I lea orette couch. or t oak frame; I onk washatand; smail CmPor,�Cil` r I Pot bed -room crockery; 2 white oil ­ . ­ - - --­­­.-- -- --- ­­ .- - - -- -, - ---- -- -- I avrotis the "ater. lie does not tell - music — ., , % IN ford Depoty Returning onlret William gtothors, Pofl Cl�rk arnel bed,. 1 d T8ARICI, R SCoTx 1. " N I -- -- I Rhubarb at the rannind ffl 1.1pt Achool taxes, uptlu the ternis h;wein- after set forth. mattresse- and Pprings; I old style' Sinster mewing machine; I ONtOlihiOn table Slid this 4onstingly, but he deserves hon- ­ hi ,' niention for it all the saute �i' 1i '11.� % - '�`,Z�1� � '"' -- .4 '"'S. �, I � i - 1 , , , , ,�� , �,� , �' � ,, �! . . , . ,': .."A ;";, 1� .�,., ,� , , i": � ,,�;, 4- �, 11 �',:,��:I',,4.-� SO Life Ast"Upance Go. 'of Canad ", ­4'�%­ ­�,,�,,, - , " , -­ -- - � ­------­ ­,,,��, 1. -----------. ., ,;" ­,!::�,� I ��'.�­`,,:­. I ,�.441-1-'- . �, � - :. �,, �, 4 A San Life of -Ganada policy is the last word in : , !,; i ­j -1 - Z., �, �, �� �­ I liberal and scien4ific life assurance; it affords tile ; 4 1 1. ,...� , 11 ;�1,'-, .­ - ­- - - � - ., ,maximunt ­aLpriateetion at the n3in-imum of co,st. ,­..�r,��, I . � �1�1.�,:; , , 11 9 r� � tZ� �,,� - ,�t Many plans of poliLies front which to choose. �1 . 5. ,`,Itl. ' ' �, ,�,P, ' , � , . " " - . , ., ,1,nc` 1111.,-il, H. R. LONG, , �: .. I I ,� ", " District Agen I -N. I L *`;�: - . ­., ".. . L , , 'I,, ,i� . , — 11) " ' Factory ' , I(E rtil.*iirFonE T MVNICII'Al. COVNGII * - chairs: I kitchen table; I Lhroc-buruer oil stove with oven, 4evoral rocking chalm- I Ortrani4t, N'olth *Street Methodist Churoh O it t . . V,��;,�;,�;",',` , , , 09 rrot it low "it Maitland Iload lit the To\hn or @g I \\.,\,' , ,,IIl,,,' ,,(' . OF TIIE GOIIPO,iA-r1ON ) bicycle; lawn mower, xardent400ld,curtai.n. P tifills prepared for Con.orvaWry Kxaniin- Progrunt for tile Open' Air Concert to I 01 ., ,� , �,(,, �'L' ., , m I'M ed (![,air Company, Pdtl�. W 01, 60DERIGH ENA(­rA ANII 11' Is IIERE- mtretabory etc.. kitchenware, otc. atiolis, In lit- Given by tile Godemr1ph Orchestra . .11 ­ I I I 1 0 We will pay lie per lb. and Iffl @0 BY ENAC.TED AS FOLl'ONN'S ,rhe Term,, ozi, VOICIC PIANO ANT) OROAN. Apply at P. Curry*s Britannia )to -%(I. to Begin 6:45 . a M I � " �, M I. iatids, bUiIdIA9A. 1111141111terY and Everything must be disposed of ow PrQt)rie ,Ntr-. — "'Where or ten years .rmo and Includilig" E0 will start taking Monday, June Vellielices). For terms arid all, teu ars plant and all, the assoc�able vroverty of ter is leaving Goderiob. HARLKS HUCI(LICY March . Do We (to From bolnK the .year ITJ?1. 'g 3 ffi The National Shipbullaing Compaity, Lim W. H. BULLARD. T. GUNDRY. C - tien. ?" WeapICII) ; (;oneert --"Fail- -- W rd. aj ited comprised Ili Its premises, Altuate, (11-413, upon lots iNto, wo, part or vit, 9-jo , Proprietor. Auctioneer. Organist St. Geortre'o Anglican Church tasla," �ihvrl ; Overturo-"Poet and OR [E IE Bring In What You Have R 9 @0 and the ,\Vest part or iot vii, and iying - --. — NOTICE TO CHEDITOUS Pimno,ilnd Otgan Instruatiln Term" Modem e 10 Ht- 'atrick St. Ileasialit." VonSuppv) ; Selection - 111 IR @0 . 11 School Children ill Prorfl,tsi,m. 171liviiing f,.)tri '�I,rtrt� to PILrk at Wil -N N,46,nl', n,-,, \rh , I'! i� , between"Newirate Street ann Brock Street I . 'Fitticiet," Sellars ; Interniezzo-"On W-. I . .. �L­ ,r­­�J­ --- - F , - r v ng niat e, age. .. years, w. it, lilt. event III tile 11tilliber eolph�yld e 0 ,'o- . . X.­'4.�,­ bUK9)'. Putter ana harness. Mare in the Wdlor sh.,p to be pterted rillil[IK Ceased. mould)i!nake good thh-ii h orse oil farin. I arid renuflnloIr below twenty [or it jlk,� DaWd III, (Ioderich, June 24Lh, lill'i. To( Ing to a circuit where ail sill,) vAll per,lo(i, ,,I, shIIIII(I sal(I i:oilipullynevase 'tar — be used inoqt or the year. operate it.� said flr4tl.� ana .,owu dly ,,,.!,. The ,1, to,Jaru. ist. igig, ror 7.) (-is. -A CARLO-AR1. -F XXXXX SHINGLES I I'[- have a number or Rhode ],.;land lied vrilwd prvrnt�vs. or ,vitner or then,, ,,I, I it Moonlight Night," (Ilerbert : Waltz -114-1, I.Itti., Ilighoe-,, jTeKo%en) ,.); N*oI-1tl s,I,, , S,iniewhere Ili France." I .Ntt,,i I�ata Lyttlp , Ifighland lianerng-, .11 �� No'..Il �,,I,I ',h -an of Are,— Miss Hild- red \10:"11 I sa%r Theill Till tile HO)s Come Ilomet I Nt,lwil it,., it'.1,4t Ilor.in Batt. was . . .1 I '' t1r,,k.-it tit, 1-Ner the witit f,,r consoil- , , ,� .,�I , 1-4 ", datool �,\Itll other .I.%Is,h)ns, their . �'', L:"" �, '­ . ,1,1,11.10 I,,wd.in-itrumrn*.-.,, some eitsh i"', � I , diA ot1wr things appertaining It) the . - -1 .11011t \\..I". 111al".411 Ill OlargI, of Will. ,,. I Itr\.1',11, �,r 1.1intim, liewl%trar 0)aLs I , 'ind i,,, 'ri-,.,� Lano. it� trustees, arid I :t thi, \�.-.k th" 1114trollif-lits, liacked in 1� 11 s,-\vr.d li.,\­, \\,ry revelve,l ht-ri- arid � I X.. �, I . * 111n., Ind�\1.11y,111oulh Ih,k., rot, .sale als(ic \ I I I I- twh I h N I lit. emlind Ili.., '44 a . : 'i . RF, _ _ I the said h,,11vil ,hop for a periml or Two, -- ----­­--------- � I.- , " ", �, *LVE-,�, Dungannon. with., -%ents , -11,1 - Ids v,pno- bark I,et usi .� , I , 4 el�p. To then lit an,\, i,r .%aid I the It till III, 1" 41 019­JTAND AT THE . I -- ­ exeniptItio hereby wrantea ,,hall ternilittite --- ----- - -- - -- - - - - -1 All IM111. iii it Ili(, i,Inw,,I f,ir r-�torn of , . Ilk i . . . I I . . OR 'ALE -Seven -roomed frame cottage, in s,, rar as cone,ih mi, taxes I'm, lie � F with modern conveniences, on Bruce year lit which said peirou of dertiolt, 1w.o., \\Ili -.,o itil.,\% ill%- reorgaill �� �, I ... 0 treet occupied by Capt. I Angus McDonald. vurol - ,Ieted, and The itin taxes rl)r .48 Zilti'm .,r th, 1111641 th, title hattubou -,� I0111 -'PLANING MILLS 'A'No k '* IL-11 I'll' 'I' 11)[19 114A VX151,C(A tO tItU GODIER '"' -- _oo(l_barn. Apply 01 theprPrialses. Year it, resi,414-t or tile promises as � J0 - --- - . - ---- _- - - . _ Which d4ault ha, he�n Made shall lie . I - I said Company, 'd COME TO CTODERICH � \1\1111111.,.ti, , '�. - OR (,SALE -Pandora Range, almost as pa,�We by . — it. I . U BUILDERS - F g oil as new. Apply to 4, W, TAYLQ;�. * .1. Tho mommlon lipr,by granted 'khall %nothrr- Godet-101, boy %II,king Clood ' I 11" I Elgin - Ave, _ -tr I cease UlMo tile said Pistils, ()I, any one FOR � � . ICYCLES FOR SALE -1 Massey 10i"i 01 Ili?,,l Iti-lo, Inill; cvlquyed to or I JbV MI'll A10 YllipIrr of Tuesday . Manufac; rs of and Dealers in B model. I Ma4,ey model 6. also the It o �)411' 9 M, %hmmfiany. firm or ft)- .Tm t � "' lahl-I a portralt or a roriner oodr- . I makes of Llres for blcycle,t and Sulam. �. d vi (lu al oib 1. I the mald The National sundrie, Apply West 8L BARBER SHOP. Shlpbull�l�ng 0-flijohny, Limited, unlegs 1,11-11 ho) %%lit, t1lIg lioto explanatory, . -FOR E -- the MIT I v1pal Couriell In Its disrretion ,,%Ilo-I, �Nljl lit, I,vatl Nvith pleasure by .. ,­I�L O� T6 'RENT -Six roomed gi%'eq Its alipro�al to tit(- Ptietwflon bel,��Fr ttjj� 111,joy (iltl time friends of the fam- ALL -KINDS BUILDING MATERIAL trend location all I xt .e,& I I i DOMINION DAY '111 ...... . We have alw ys on hand a atock.of I t ' CANADA -PAINT C01"S READY-MIXE6 PAINTS I I 1i . (EXTRA GOOD QUALITY) $3.00 per. gal. 1. - I . � NAIER GILASS . - IFIANGERK- AND'TRACNS I ' 1 ALL KIN.08 OF BUIL011"I'S' HARDWARE A SUPPLI . IZ" . CEMENT LIME I — C . �, HOPPE- ING —M -111,11 - IN C6#NECTION. I ­ 0 . 01 11 .1 I '. I f " x;, ,,, ESTIMATES CU�ERFULLY GIVEN. , 0, , , , - ,", , 1, 4, �­, V�I I - - , I $-1 *'­ . -1. I ,,,,�,, -JAM89,,1AUCHANANj Manager ;il', �) ��., - I -.I.- - - 't- I . �:* , -, , :'L,"'. * Huron Canning and Evapotatin M Ill tile 1;,)",Ii or,,i,;ieIerIVh. slid, secondIN, Conce4slon X! OTICE TO cimmTOR8. N , 1 ��.:,,,�.. 6!, � ., " � W IN u 1). IT I'll I 4I1. "Lk 17, IKE V11LDIUM - .1.. 51M A. T. IL Sit X .,' V,��;,�;,�;",',` , , , ffl Go. 10 rrot it low "it Maitland Iload lit the To\hn or NOTICE Is hereby given to tit perNGIIN , ��,:. -11.";.t, "!" " I'll"; 0 M % ooderich, heing rornie,yy the plant 01)PVat- 'file hat;iag cialinq In4t,.t4e-Jf.4t&to ,of J.iullo. I 01 ., ,� , �,(,, �'L' ., , O SO I SE @9 SO OEM@ I'M ed (![,air Company, Pdtl�. JewelL late of = Town of God"foh, lit the �� nhy th o! IlDoor Lit lied, and. it f-%\ bojlfl�,V 41100 County at Horoo, rarmer. deceasod. to �ond FOR SALE OR TO LET. . .11 ­ I I I to be erected also upmi pai t or )('it IV. 'A', the game, duly verified, to the tioderoillned. I 1. . I ELMEM DlicxtOiN - . Concession shall b,- im(l Elie sarne Ili, " opt or before the mixteenth day of July. 1918. , 'r e house on St. PatrI, F PJMUW'd;�* �., a , I , ': ' , 11 The ChftI6' Atidd 4" OU0 I , ` I - ' � ' I., ' pint W1611W OW4XIAL146k hilreby deelared To bo e�onipt from a it or.which daw the Executors will procood I � " �, . P I reet, [lea the *3quare, eonta�nln 11,11)al taxes� exl.(.Ijt s(,hijol taxes, r�)Il n"porlod to ill tribute the Aald lWato among the per .L. six ro(Inis. pall -y an closet (a I Cl o- or ten years .rmo and Includilig" sons entitled taororo. having retraro only to , 2, . . I I . � , . . Vellielices). For terms arid all, teu ars the year t9lit, the iast 3ear or .said terin the clainis of which they then shall have had t. aviio,_ to J._ C. At If AITE. it' bolnK the .year ITJ?1. 19, I., I notice, and that ill not be liable for the W 00 IN � - �. Ili tile event or the total nuniber or .Y proceeds of the to, do iti-tributed. to any -- 0-1whided wi pig-, J 0 RENI-Furnished house oil West T handi permanently emp;oyett by said Coni- Pol�on, of whose claims noLitso �hall riot thon —.1 F 'treet. near Harbor Park, All niodern conventenees. Apply at 4tar office. I -t -- -.--- On SAI E D . I . Pimy In its [Irstly and secondly deArribi-d premise, falling anti re.,nouning belo%% 1,0 im, a period or nine consevAitive tnooth� . have been received. IL U. HAYS, Goderioli. 801111t, Titer H. V'. Jowell and 0. M. Ballard. torN of tile Will OfJnme. J w -1 I . M2111" W-. I . .. �L­ ,r­­�J­ --- - F , - r v ng niat e, age. .. years, w. it, lilt. event III tile 11tilliber eolph�yld e 0 ,'o- . . X.­'4.�,­ bUK9)'. Putter ana harness. Mare in the Wdlor sh.,p to be pterted rillil[IK Ceased. mould)i!nake good thh-ii h orse oil farin. I arid renuflnloIr below twenty [or it jlk,� DaWd III, (Ioderich, June 24Lh, lill'i. To( Ing to a circuit where ail sill,) vAll per,lo(i, ,,I, shIIIII(I sal(I i:oilipullynevase 'tar — be used inoqt or the year. operate it.� said flr4tl.� ana .,owu dly ,,,.!,. The ,1, to,Jaru. ist. igig, ror 7.) (-is. -A CARLO-AR1. -F XXXXX SHINGLES I I'[- have a number or Rhode ],.;land lied vrilwd prvrnt�vs. or ,vitner or then,, ,,I, I it Moonlight Night," (Ilerbert : Waltz -114-1, I.Itti., Ilighoe-,, jTeKo%en) ,.); N*oI-1tl s,I,, , S,iniewhere Ili France." I .Ntt,,i I�ata Lyttlp , Ifighland lianerng-, .11 �� No'..Il �,,I,I ',h -an of Are,— Miss Hild- red \10:"11 I sa%r Theill Till tile HO)s Come Ilomet I Nt,lwil it,., it'.1,4t Ilor.in Batt. was . . .1 I '' t1r,,k.-it tit, 1-Ner the witit f,,r consoil- , , ,� .,�I , 1-4 ", datool �,\Itll other .I.%Is,h)ns, their . �'', L:"" �, '­ . ,1,1,11.10 I,,wd.in-itrumrn*.-.,, some eitsh i"', � I , diA ot1wr things appertaining It) the . - -1 .11011t \\..I". 111al".411 Ill OlargI, of Will. ,,. I Itr\.1',11, �,r 1.1intim, liewl%trar 0)aLs I , 'ind i,,, 'ri-,.,� Lano. it� trustees, arid I :t thi, \�.-.k th" 1114trollif-lits, liacked in 1� 11 s,-\vr.d li.,\­, \\,ry revelve,l ht-ri- arid � I X.. �, I . * 111n., Ind�\1.11y,111oulh Ih,k., rot, .sale als(ic \ I I I I- twh I h N I lit. emlind Ili.., '44 a . : 'i . RF, _ _ I the said h,,11vil ,hop for a periml or Two, -- ----­­--------- � I.- , " ", �, *LVE-,�, Dungannon. with., -%ents , -11,1 - Ids v,pno- bark I,et usi .� , I , 4 el�p. To then lit an,\, i,r .%aid I the It till III, 1" 41 019­JTAND AT THE . I -- ­ exeniptItio hereby wrantea ,,hall ternilittite --- ----- - -- - -- - - - - -1 All IM111. iii it Ili(, i,Inw,,I f,ir r-�torn of , . Ilk i . . . I I . . OR 'ALE -Seven -roomed frame cottage, in s,, rar as cone,ih mi, taxes I'm, lie � F with modern conveniences, on Bruce year lit which said peirou of dertiolt, 1w.o., \\Ili -.,o itil.,\% ill%- reorgaill �� �, I ... 0 treet occupied by Capt. I Angus McDonald. vurol - ,Ieted, and The itin taxes rl)r .48 Zilti'm .,r th, 1111641 th, title hattubou -,� I0111 -'PLANING MILLS 'A'No k '* IL-11 I'll' 'I' 11)[19 114A VX151,C(A tO tItU GODIER '"' -- _oo(l_barn. Apply 01 theprPrialses. Year it, resi,414-t or tile promises as � J0 - --- - . - ---- _- - - . _ Which d4ault ha, he�n Made shall lie . I - I said Company, 'd COME TO CTODERICH � \1\1111111.,.ti, , '�. - OR (,SALE -Pandora Range, almost as pa,�We by . — it. I . U BUILDERS - F g oil as new. Apply to 4, W, TAYLQ;�. * .1. Tho mommlon lipr,by granted 'khall %nothrr- Godet-101, boy %II,king Clood ' I 11" I Elgin - Ave, _ -tr I cease UlMo tile said Pistils, ()I, any one FOR � � . ICYCLES FOR SALE -1 Massey 10i"i 01 Ili?,,l Iti-lo, Inill; cvlquyed to or I JbV MI'll A10 YllipIrr of Tuesday . Manufac; rs of and Dealers in B model. I Ma4,ey model 6. also the It o �)411' 9 M, %hmmfiany. firm or ft)- .Tm t � "' lahl-I a portralt or a roriner oodr- . I makes of Llres for blcycle,t and Sulam. �. d vi (lu al oib 1. I the mald The National sundrie, Apply West 8L BARBER SHOP. Shlpbull�l�ng 0-flijohny, Limited, unlegs 1,11-11 ho) %%lit, t1lIg lioto explanatory, . -FOR E -- the MIT I v1pal Couriell In Its disrretion ,,%Ilo-I, �Nljl lit, I,vatl Nvith pleasure by .. ,­I�L O� T6 'RENT -Six roomed gi%'eq Its alipro�al to tit(- Ptietwflon bel,��Fr ttjj� 111,joy (iltl time friends of the fam- ALL -KINDS BUILDING MATERIAL trend location all I xt .e,& I I i DOMINION DAY '111 ...... . We have alw ys on hand a atock.of I t ' CANADA -PAINT C01"S READY-MIXE6 PAINTS I I 1i . (EXTRA GOOD QUALITY) $3.00 per. gal. 1. - I . � NAIER GILASS . - IFIANGERK- AND'TRACNS I ' 1 ALL KIN.08 OF BUIL011"I'S' HARDWARE A SUPPLI . IZ" . CEMENT LIME I — C . �, HOPPE- ING —M -111,11 - IN C6#NECTION. I ­ 0 . 01 11 .1 I '. I f " x;, ,,, ESTIMATES CU�ERFULLY GIVEN. , 0, , , , - ,", , 1, 4, �­, V�I I - - , I $-1 *'­ . -1. I ,,,,�,, -JAM89,,1AUCHANANj Manager ;il', �) ��., - I -.I.- - - 't- I . �:* , -, , :'L,"'. 00MIX11 0401111111itid 111111111111"* � V1. .., � �, 1. "t.";': I ------- FOR SERVICe , � , 1 ��.:,,,�.. 6!, � ., " � 1919 STUD SE&86W I `�21$ , : 1. , , '' �' I , I,' 1". , " 1 1 .. IKE V11LDIUM - .1.. 51M A. T. IL Sit X .,' V,��;,�;,�;",',` , , , 1.1070I.P. The Standamil Bred - SILO* Abd Tt ­ t*111im. Full brother of Dusty . ptull 3, 'W'n 'I',", A, �r ­�,� �i,'�, .L` . I,?, Inez M 2.17t. Was shown Offebti, t laft Zrolieo time" n"t and onowitixiondl ­­­�­­, , ��,:. -11.";.t, "!" " I'll"; 0 MEMEDIUM-willetAii fakthislapt,610, went of dftk WTI season aSIOUIPWO; I , � �,, .�,�, , I. - . THURSDAY -will lestris 'fits own ot�1610 10A I 01 ., ,� , �,(,, �'L' ., , proceed north to Bel*"' for'nom. theii, to the Farmers! flame, Ingham, tot' liwV i . I ; ,,�'. '.I I 1�� VPJDAY-will pritilied r for noon; th6noo 0 �� Brussels. tot- filitht, I I ,� , ) ", � -s I J!"."', I ,"­ ��­' " " .- SAT'UnDAY-win pt6044"to w-,, 14 IM -1. bl h 01j=h4oro hO Will remain N, . 10ti ad* tit - -- . .11 ­ I I I '! 1-diNflit. ", , � . I- I � 1. "I. f 1� - -­ I 1. . I ELMEM DlicxtOiN - . , , �$ ,�, ''. C41M A. TjL, ,$.X341, 1L.' ""a . I I I I � - ) �­ I �' , - , PJMUW'd;�* �., a , I , ': ' , 11 The ChftI6' Atidd 4" OU0 I , ` I - ' � ' I., ' pint W1611W OW4XIAL146k i , J",� ` ` , " : . , ze at , PWA . I Lit - I* 8 *& I= Ila W 64 a 14 It" C air of a th" ever 4 .. 'l -W qw- I � " �, vi'"s bf a *I* 6 � . : , rablia ot'2;1*,i0e V ' .L : �,� �, . � , !'. ' battato 1 , I - '. I . . Will . " I W I k" I lop"MMON it"d, i 4 *VA.' "�I*Vfttlt .L. to Of ft* mow *J��. W , ,., , , '. I � I . I : I.. , I I 14 I � 1 *-­ ,, ... 11"'. ­ -11 '110NDAY-ViBleavat W*d%*AtAV6*0I** I Lt etA to abd ft* amwilott br i ­ *" ­ 0e, NV an (be , 2, . . I I . � , . . I. way W to 0 . , " " , " - *06"d . . "n-6 1!t�� , ,:: ,, � �itiiMZILA!'4�'.*­016.0'14.1. te, Apply to B . . C. conven prices. e eni: o 4a,( comparij, - or ''I I".",.A. .... - I I 11 ­11en IWO- . MUNNINGS. dividual. I., ..-.----- . .­... -W . . -­------­­-. t -f 4. Tile said Company 14hall at any thine 11111119, 9-111 of NIr H. 14. Willianig, 010 , RED POTATOES FOR SALE -Irish Cob- at the request or the C, e rk 'If the lifthil- MONDAY, JULY t ST ha,, been pr,nioted to tile command of I S bler,,. Ali tufted quantity fdj gale, Fine r pal Corporation rurnisn a statutory do- . -- I # I for table use. $2.00 per bel. Apply tn J. B. ia atlon as to the null,ner of hand,; em- ,I patr,d homt Nvittl (Ili, ,*Vlotor Patrol bu8 ;, r on.,; 4 1 COX. R. R. No. 5, Godeii.h. or'phone 171, Son. I ('Yed from time to time In its varl I I lit England. Lieut NII'llflaulti who %%0,4 1 miller. _ bf plants for the purpose of as"I'taftiffig I for(Iterly %NIUI the Canadfian Bank of . - - - � - - --- whether the ronditions 0- this By-l.aw Tirc 0)rnnierco, and Inter ruanager ,ir it,.. UORSALE-Hollseandloton WolfeStreet. being cornplipill with, I lit floo-ie conMins %eventrooms.good cement 4. Tile exenil)tion hrrerly grantOd 0-1roirliml H,ald Company, enli9tvil %vith I 1 r eloctric lighted, good ppring well. lot shall 0 iff-Ai- Ai -i, -DAY PROGRA'N I I consistm of a quarter of an store mostly under ,1!kewise , eea4ehand ,determine If the Raid the Nl-,twl lJoat Patrol anti left Toronto fruit. choice applo,�. pears and graPeR. For lie Nat! I mill S Ipbu I Wing Compan Limit- little of 1916. tit- (rulned at (hi- , . J, BLAIR p Feld -, �� toorms and particular4 apply to W ed, shail at any Ime during %t MORNING EVENTS ... ON THE SQUARF --- FREE to...;I[Mich Naval Sehool then started L Wolfe 4t.--- - -- tr perlod of ten years reru%c to give Its con- , ;,� - --- ,4ent lit writtrig to any proposed grant by ... as a sub- lieu tenant," I ,, � OU&j,. FOR SALL-Red ortok. with all tile Corporation (it Ili. ,-Own of Ooderien Starting hom, sharp ill, 9:30 !�. I . I F1 conveniences. Apply to W. A. CHIS. or any bunus or aid to any similar In- Curtain Rings Down oil lork Loan ,� HOLM, Trafalgar 4t. � tr dustry. and the 4aid GOm It shall, it 'NIOR KILT)' C 1, ('I 1, The lii%t t-hapter in Elio! checkered ­ - --410— C;( or t�a y , I Oft SALF.-About, 60 oedar poles, 20 fe t Pit tire y the )un 11 e on TUADTIS AND FLORAI, PARADE. J I 0 n r 0 Cor I agrep. In writin ,gorati F Ionic, ouitable for telephone use or other 9 n r before P final 1�.,lllili' sli(AV, 10,30 N-\1. warver of the York Loan anti Savings codar 1 s.,Ong of the purposes. &NO a limited no her of 1=. I)a ITY-111W. to g-tve Its consent ;oropany, %%hich went, Into liquidation ES ..it Tamarac posts, 8 ft. a'ad 9 ft. M(, n writing to the bonuping by the Cor- CHILDREN'S'GAS11,�,S lW\tl`,D1ATE1,Y AFTI-Ilt PARADE. 'In Def-vinhi-r, M, is about written EWAN FSTATE poration or any similar Inaustry In the , Lf ,rown or Goderich within the said period I this "I-flk, %vt)Pfl the courts tit Toron Saw Rim SOONE 90 or ten years. I I OB AFTERNOON PROGRAM AT to ratifl,-(I the report of the referp,- I 110 IN TAKE NOTICE that in(, above 11, a true lernent of the arcount.it At tit -- FIREWOOD FOR SALE 01 ,.,I,y or 0 proposed Itirlaw Which has been I te ,if the failure there %%vre q�set-j I I go III t.'k consideration, and which will THE AGRICULFURAL PkRK I',', """ @0 � — be (11trialilityo passtpil by the Council of the I of *2,:fll,(KjO, or whict, $690,4io lia,; V (O Tenders wanted for a quantit MunicipalAy (in the event or the a nt \11 been dispons-d In exPenmes and *IJAA), @0 So or th reto) TIC DE JONSTRATION W Firewood. Apply to y e electors below obtained thes 0 GRAND PATRIO - I i37 paid oiA it) tile shar0holders and IN G. W. MAHON, Goder E after on month from tile first publication tell. ffi ilepomltor%, the ninre fortunate of 11 so In tile Ooderich 519 -nal newspaper, the date BY SG11001, C1111,I)REN, under Direction of %Nhofn rer,iNe4l abont r)o pet, et,lit of "I SOffi of which publication was The 27th day or I I . - June. 1919. N1 it C .J W TAN'110H t1wir cl.iiins The surn of 811,61,11 re p, , INSURANCE AND FCRTHER TAKE -IOTICH that all inains In unrlainied dividend etwvkq. .', lease holders qualified unrer the prnvislons and thl% k%ill be placed in tho iialik " or The ftlllnl(�Ipal Art, -ection 265, ,q. S, . I . . ffiffiRES NESNO SEE 3. are required ten daym before the day TPACA 17--v r- N -I -S I of 0anoien- to awalt claimant.4 I I IN 0 of voung to file with rne a statutory de. I � I � , , I . �­ � laratton of qualifirstInTiq otberv"Re VTPIr 2-10 TROT 0H PA(A .......... ... - I ..P( RRE, $360.00 1� ]'lit' National IntIlls,low Seir, ice � go s i eal, on the Voter's list p .! -- 10 ADBERTSON &10000S 10 " 1 2:30 TROT Olt PA'(14',, .. ­ .... 1.11111isi-11, $3(x).00 'I'll" Nlinisterial AS141-41111,1011 nod Lily ;r F, 3000 @R 89 for such votinir. �fwli's N,kl-,,ry vmnirritt e fif-ld q ineet 11 ` . I I fig @@ AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the I GREEN RACE,. - .. -. ..., .. 1) ('U 14 E, $100.00 1 P �sss&t w ha,ve taken the local agency of §0 vote or tile electors of me said, -: IN PJi0S1'1,G'T. I Ing I'll NI,ntlay last an(I arrang"d tile 9 uIll tie taken fin the, .4 Town 01 I THRI-A", GltE\T R.Wl',S \ 10 11 -roo(rilm W �#,rviry for nill--ri.il pra),r M Ooderfell I'd v1. I .1,@0 I@ pol4ed Bylaw of the Cououlnir timi,14 and . I ­ L . , I I and Inter-%sipin, "Ili,ll im t-, h, - irri-I , `rf%yroy0n1e'nc'1r- � The Goal Situotion R4 IIU MULUdl LIIU AUBUP- 1, ' Imm @N aY th(I 22nd day(0i Jual 191'9). - ng at the hour (or 9 o*cIU, In the rorenf-ri and rontinuing I I 1) I BASEBAL1.---Ci.iN,voN v-,- GODERICH : WIt On -4111idily aft,,r ...... I, O,xt, at i I- Ill --h ill-- -41tiarr 'I it-, I— il iKt,,r ance Company PENH until " ""lock in the drternoon or the I ; J) -Ill ha\, ol'iI.Irp Or it". I 09 R IN .%arne day hv I , ro,I()%% "ng Deputy lie turninsr 6ffleerstr HIGHLAND DANCING AND PIP INC, �11"%V­-and flw� %\Ill likely 1W I lte� I 98 of Waterloo III � I 4-111111 -N I might Be Better IN * Canada's popular and only Mutual 80 111 M F'011111 mob divoinn -%t,. 1. fit Thompson WlIod tiLor ria mr-eet, by John H. � ,�,)Vlrto Edwar lily lPttowng ,Pin( I . I 'e.r. DQ,Id I I T H 1) , 1. AUTOM" ,E RAC' I fir lilrkw, ,,( Motilr--ill. %%Ij, 1, %1,It1o,( I 11--r-1, "lift Ili'\ 0i'lloo Hill Ili-, g.-riti. . IF Life Company. * M 9proul. P,,Il ('Iprk. ' r ' o N, HE ULINT , KILTIE PRAss BAND it tlO a,1,1r,-%s,s <ii,ill:-I It',"' 11 Ile I -r .. IN M 1,611inpr -nb divi-ion N,, 2. at Sharman',; I 10 \,d::1I,%,f:rtrI9 :I ur,r;,%-,rit,l. 11- - I 1. 00 IN FR ?A Repair Sh(Ip, Eaqt ,,I Ili, Charips.1liste,t. DeF,u% Returning OMrvr Beg ShRrmaid Wii,i, FURNISH ,\1l`-;1(' lil 10\(, 'rill: \FTI-AtNOON -- 0-1whided wi pig-, J I � I and we would advise 1, IN A. M. ROBERTSON, @0 il corner Victoria and St. David StR, 01 M Ell . Po I .lPrk, Pnilinir .obaivioun N,, .1. at T,,,, Hail I - ('1111,1;orl Ioder 12, 25c A l I to,i and r , \dn)iq,u()lI to 1)ftrk, ,')O( - 111tilill PICkFORD Il"IN %I 110DI, 1. . I OR M by E 4' Bel, her, Dopul.1 1`11411MIrl, OffIr"r Carrintgog, 50C -1,,1,11m, Ili Imil )f?1, 11111111,tod froo THIE It 110. � I anyone who can use IN GEORGE WOODS, III 111 IR 1�rn. Krinit. Poll rlprk Polling quit divistfrIn if,) 4. at Stnthprg . 11 School Children ill Prorfl,tsi,m. 171liviiing f,.)tri '�I,rtrt� to PILrk at Wil -N N,46,nl', n,-,, \rh , I'! i� , I ; .1 . IN Bruce St., OppOsiW Victoria Park. W W00d Shot), Victoria St, by Huron A. Tot I I 30 I) vl�wk ,A , �i ho t,lipA tn,l f r F -O lit'011,11. "'I h-, I.ItIl,- Nm,rw.ii,. ,L.49",I � 1. "r " Soft Coal to I ay in a & IN Fim Life, Accident Auto lipatrancii. m is ford Depoty Returning onlret William gtothors, Pofl Cl�rk , . I I iind­r Ill.. p,-r,on,i ,firvelom ,.r t,e, i . f L i I and 11 Fm Ile N1111--, Vd,litain-4 inanN It r 1,iri. 4 ton or two !Inow as a '" I I 6" E-Ensmm-@-B�OB-on-m-m-mm-mm-mm-mamBoRgenS Polling Pub division JTn 5, P. Wal tools Wore. Wpm St. ov Omwl .tit Sturdy Depoty Returninir 0(r,cpr. "mrold Blarfi, I I I , 1 7--V 1`11IN(I III Inrid,,ot.�. ,.Fo- (If wf,1,1, 1� it,.. I,, pellmoff -,f ttw ar,�,,kt tranqati,, rift, o - �` I �,� N I . �� - I — - -ton� Poll Clerk , Polling -i,- I I the �--rilawa Noille a b.ili i- in pr- ,,L' r I " �r I j matter of preci�tf­on 71f, - 0. F. CARMY J REAL. &4TATR Attro, rNavIRANCR A(4F.?QT ! oub dtvi4i,,n A. at Rio Rro4. 4toro. WP -I %I bv neto ,if F11,A7. Deputy Returnittir llifflv�l Wro Tait. Poli FREE OPE N' -A 'i R 0 ) N C E HT gre- I'll-- spectator qepm it,,. he"It Pnly qiIhtO,-rv­1 4-1 I . f , I � .j I I rlerk. 1.1 the thronkr ,If beautihilly ir,.%%II.-,I Ito . I IJ I 1- I . - - 1, I Rouge for Rate or to re t-- toret, frame , = 4 dwellina.cor. Britannia and I onV. Bt I Polling 4uh divi-Ion No 7. at %% PriddIn BY THE 6j01)Ek4CH ORCHESTRA er% thrf,%%n into) the wat,f It% , f 1.11 1�- V, �.� ,� Two brick himfles near 0. T. station for � qrile or rent Van be bought, i cry cheap. r,,41dence, rx)r NVIIIIarn and rayley Rig, ht, 0onsild McKay Dept (try Returning Out. r�r Rcjbprt Tait. Poll Aerk. . - in Court flon,to Palk ,it 1, 4 I 1, it, , fol orie hour. ,,trantri , ,involence, tll,,,. h,, " "I" . -Pre taken -in th-- 40cond ,nmN.f­,j­ Of the ginkIng-- ,f th, L�1.1t.41,,a , : 11 I I . ; . 1�i 1� I �,.� I r � . ! - Oodwin Estate �� I 2 POR RAI.* I . For Sale- Frame dwelling on St 0 *or CresocriL In goW repair A )it ;%' .,' , i -- On Salorday the 20tri day f)r ;nly 19fil. the ,%Iay.r of the ,aid -rown ,1[1 attend at Pit "THE LAS'S Oil HAIFTICK TOWN Thl� Littio Ilrinerivan - %xill ho 01 ,k%lt tit it),- Molel Th--atr,, \\,,,I in.1 Ttl,lr�, ' I 11 � , i. " " . ..--,:- '-"-'-L r�;� I - ant4 wedallitiur Soon., I , - 4, " V planted. Furnituire COOP with howe. trip Connell arriberg or tile itaid Town I J it% J int i I �, - *Ill I _,",%­ �.. I at 10 o'clock in the rorAnoon, to spilgart . I , , ,, 4 tj �k tail __ -rtir - - . I ­s9bNt80A r , vii� 4 kg"J Vaire dwallinir at premn m - coorim it 01WPA WNPANY . . amw 11W ir li^ I 1 38M t occupied b7 W. I ppirso It o . on a 4i var it;; Polling � 11 1 , . . I t I I ­ I I I , Murray, I roorlio. inad. cotil,nitin,, I III .P.q artiressid, and liv Ton (In I summm& H I-) �, " � .1 . . 11 -- �= -- ­ - ,=---:-: --- �- -ts, 3 INED ��. . �IAV'u thill WG* : I.. � � , in Victoria 0pom ffotvio, . I 1,x,k Ti( III -7)e and 50C 11P.), NETr lit kloxandra Mai i- and ,� I ." I � I'll i, ,� � LT 1^ stl4nated near corner Soqtb and Kov. u � I � , . Vir. Murray is lea7fnir Godertnti tX of the votes by the Clerk. behalf I ',-npral :1 I L. T" *' I � treem e per ns Int-irpated in and protooling ---,%-.-., ------- � Iloq J," tJJ)It4I%Ii.;1)od0ricn. ,In W-nday. " il Y. Taylor J!; training a monster titild will sell ohisap. I June ,tth ,,, A lqabpila Ft Apyopil, I I or o A" :, , I L Taft VOUL*111L 11 ­ . -- -- - ,Xpolunr the passtn'T, or the sald proI­ - , !� , 1''.. I 1, I ' OW11,. Is chorus for the Gode- - pose By .aw. reqppct vely. I -11ir"lliff- ­ I 0111 *iW A**1 children . 1111, t T I N UFMORIAM �,, - I WAWANOSH V'RF INSUII The Clerk of the (younctl of the said I I J DOPF11 DR11 In loving memory or -ioule � �, . .11 �, .1 .1 I million Day celebration. The W"&E CO. %-"Vu ICH : 11(1110N"1­('0LDFN (ATF , I * 1� Town of noftrich will artfmd M his office dearly belovAd wife of L"r. L#on DePondry. '­. '" t "ho fA Wy it A � .1�i" I J* (k Cholmilgea and drills by the O..o, ,,,,. _ in the Town Hall. at "m olclofk in are IS OPEN TO FWERYBODY (IN 1A)MINION DAY Who 110495ted swiLy June fou). 1017. 1 1 � I I . hiliic ­ - betit In the Protrime. Film rate forenoon of Tuesday the 23rd day of 011ie year hss primed. our hearts still oore: � . � 44 will be a � , , W I , , ooL No July lot , to sum tip trip numbpr of votes ,, , I .4" .1 11, f* , 1 a - if I .It '04 Iftfure of the after- of asitit"awrim Uva 14toW insured at their i I As SIMO goes on we miss her more I , AIL­�tkv�k­ 0 n ,,,# r -- I , wo, � I is� 111`6041111 it tne Agricultural fall vW86- whettillf 00 ths film Or I I Not proceeds of the day to J)o ugeirl for Patriotic purposes. Will I, It, -SLUI­­16..Ald.� - tot and against the said proposed By -Low. Ond took her home. is wag fits � - - --I nut forr(It her. no. tre nevrr will . � It MoILWAIN. NtK Asent for Collicirtie I I KNOX. Clerk - - -- - .., - - ­ -- -9 - 11 LL � . . . I "� I � � 11 ", :, 1 I , � � , � 1, ,�, , 1, - I I I I . . * If I r, I I ,,, , - .. 'k , -, � "J, I- �,-",L% � ­. � I I -1 -.iwe.��­ t, "I'll ------ - �- , , I � . ,� , , * 15, , - ), , . "I 1, I �- - I ­ ­ '. - '1� �--, � � �. I ­ - ".. L - , , . .1 . ... -11 16,11.1''.., - - � I I ,�,Jr­ li­ , � 1­1� 111 I . _ . kll­ .11, " - .. I I'm ­,2gW,'­,',",,, ,,,, r - I / I , L� k."Amififtbo I". Ao� ' ,,!', -111, �, �12!,:,��=--"­­. �, �,��""-.:.,�,",rl�,11—MLI�l.-I I'� ­.Jl­t"..i�­ "i , — ­.­ ­d"t, i