HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-21, Page 6. .__._il� - I ---- -7-, - -, - - --IYF-,��- . W,�9WT?rf"Twif" � , 1, � r 11111111WTAI'm � . . , "' WW,W-7WT" Twww7a , , I #,� - P .1 1111111111111111111111?� � . , . 71 , , ,� 7 , A , �� 11 "Ill, I'll , , I ,( I - , . _____ ­­ - ­­ I I I'll , 11' ____ C 11 . t I = ,- I .. � � ., ilill!m- A-1 VX.; -W." V- 1111111110k,l­ , '111 - - __ ­­­­ __ 11a=', 0 11-.. 0 . - A -, __­ , BMMI - 1. ­� , -_ , "' ____...,_ I I , � ��=( I -1 1, 1), - I I � .� .1 - 4 . ) '. I., I IN -11 �� ­� _r, _­_­, " \ . I I - - -- - ------ _­­ I i 44 . ".. i., 0 I ;;;;;;-;�-, :;��,�- - - . ­ , "I.l-1.19110191@110111 Ill I __ I ­_ �� 11 . I - . , . 1 jls,00,2,10, 1918 - . I . I -_ . � � _­­ 0" 1:� I :� . I I r _��­ -'.-' , - ­­ 11 i It 1-1 - . . - �_ I ---.-1- �,.o � . 404IFilo4il:lll:�iiili::Niiiiiolm . I � � � . Go.. __1 I _­. ­­­ I-,--- - � I -_-11 7==1!_!=1!11fq: 77;7��� 1 11 - I I ��_ ", I .T � . I . L C It - - -_ 1. _-, I 0- � . I 9 _P .------------. I - , . I (Wf 6NO VAAU'�f*W, . 41,il!l' 4*�VtP­1!,_, k"I:"ll.'em. I .11.11 .., . - �� , , . SWO T111100", Z I � -, r4 . I I : I � �. _��.�WPMWRMA�",: , I . ,- �, . � .1 I ... !, 01 R 1, - 0 � "I'll',',, � I I I �, . I , , � " to *� : I ; W ,ft TO= . Allklows. 11110"110, a . - . , 1K '. .. I �r_­"-, I . it 1, . MOTO . I AM '44. 100441. , , - : to - X"Ift" ~" *"" I , XU4 k,r)4401*10041 �, - , , - . - - � 114004 11014100- 101,31flivo, I I I o I " 4 N4,100. I *01 , Pgo.-.$ , It . 1W, W " ; , � I . I I .. � 10 I " , - I � 11 10 I � . 11 ­ I I t*1 . �1. . OTO. tkW*osgggo J"jrk04L **tArft"gg Ngg 8volfo 1%inpire Day" arad "Fronc I . 1 �" � I . - 1 � . I . I I � , I . * I 3rarifto , 11.1 11- '4 I I - ., I XOUX, ;IKRO 1#.­,,UatW,*WOUgg, A- I I � "I", f V491*614 � I . ill I I . .*0 � b—ry a _, ,Oj�w.. � I I I , IOX . � . � - I , Tile, 17;W'I ,%vo%e r"'440 for Alt I , I �. � 11,� 1 I L'so =01� people., -both inea "Id- WO -1, . � I . "0000 I .04 IW*% CU 1, r . .- - � � -1 � I cit _M�w : atligow, I heap, .. 0 mepi, outfer'from gJall troubles�, stgh. � . -wkso. thi oftallot-I .. W, iii 11 , Hon. 041".1w,w4*1110 sAbjec I- � I , I *t . "i 'N. rs, I t of . I I , .% But t1we's 4 day J'xn loololoa adoe. 0 b 3 03 A!WMR,� blQtChcs,.'PMp1eS, and Irfl- . . . . � -A Awlitroa au"Poiltioiatun 't Jr's "Alot1wr's Day." the day of da - I 11 11 im, I - I I W I � 41" ot-1 owtomw gi%tU:,V#6"7­i44 * v. (:auoin TUCker, of St' Paur#L greilt mistake for . 11 , raw � dri " e 0, I .t4 . P fit UM� - 14 , " must be loquent ad, %how molve5o b worol q . dvice IS = ­-­ �Ob*,v� I I I' .by, . _ I I oa, lig" 44, at *be f�ont, . I I I wattl � . �hftul 141, "I'L11114:10111 - I . I .. 1bey'se had 10,06 hours of, sary , LLAQI� "4001 WOO . I , -1 - � thirgdr;J, Load 4t, the.sceond igu,4 suff�r it troubles of this kind to I *1 � � , qp. , : � " A** I I , 2 VistA lot P""ller,0400110%. eoag*� � � out t4ey have borne It bravely i I me.nis su,00.r JU copueetion with) $01ear themselves wItIt ,greasy olatr I .. 1, . I I � I , 4411110*4110,k *#rol *.* (oIJ9W# - I . . , . ; Them's many a brow deep furrio I I aeorgets church, Gooterich, which wents. Oftert they opuld 491 oq,447- ;41W , . � � . 00.1", 1, L "* IWO,# , WhAL Italy's Aolldgtrit$ 0 the � Itat "blifither'r, Day" %�111 mahe I s, held on Thurs.47 evenivir last to Me, for the greo" clogs, Wei 1 , 4-g I T, I I . A , , or so ,,, W 11 "I 11 -1 I f. is, 44111100 of Austria 7 deefarcid. tIle troubim, +kfn S. I , - - - - - - - - - - - I ___ - - , ., 14.40t", ,press . Xatio I . a assembly room Qr the MaSQUIQ lhlag I � I , nd the I . f I � WK WAS 01444W by the 0xwha­Viiirjkk ,t2,7,�! 11- M. 11 N I . , , I . W , - - om that pla, ' ' 'ATV. " .,� oe, 0,.� I . I , NWVW W)"*Uwo b4tiAlOVA 407Z fighting -igloo .- 414d But some there are for %vh we nold muddled When there'are"pignples, or erup- I I " I -Zi-I.- p - "IW Witu the Uslugn 401410ra; also by Their ,clou& Im%e ack bright lining far, he said, Utins, or an Irritating or ltchJns rash -t I ,12 . 1 oun,ilift, Their suns haw, died'on honolrO,th I ugh In the -work of nation b0ild- 9 11 F � � , t9ft " 4" �n 04,11rS00t Appeal of the Jugo-W&VO ad they'll be absent oil that ( with our Anglo-Saxon lack Of. a soothin boracle, solution may help I '. I I .. I . BWOW. I WW% 19 mooi Of ROUAIRMIA to bd allowed to JOJU . A lay , � I I . I . . nation, but It wa.s, time we NOW l IO all3y' t]4e ImJtaQpn, but of course � 1� 1. I XVII. kml f0wo- X*t OY411141 Italy ttki: fthting the common easmy. We ask for mothers such a thou -and Ia that does not cure the trouble. � V � �! I 0 . - 011' - "Silic.ond, that the ellegars order 'Twill help them face their sior Id the foun4tions, on , Idn I at., '40 .. , , 4"M .00' J0 fw 0 sort of system. I IL " 1 001t4 v , - aritogla"had mud- complaints rome from ,an Impure #on. 1� Ww go, 40V94" 1!11-. � ,-, , 49 tAO day to the Austrian oflicers. 'And In return we'll find our JQ Uirough, because God%- hand was dition of Ahe blood and will,coutlutle �� . I , _ 4 OW I _='I � � 064, to go " � , I Was *" Wttcb 111*011 fallen. Into the banda of On "Mother's [lay." that glorious until the blood is thoroughly purified. a,L I a oft"01 ** 0 IIAliSV command, says: 'All of clared. n bar, but because of unprepared- It Is well known that Dr. -Williams' . I . I N .. . �1 W6_b"qs-W�VAft0r**,U*,* 'Ati"tok - 9 the greatest disasters bad been 1. . - fdogi4*644 sw - the forcea *no resources of the Ann- Pink PIIIB. have effected the best re, . � - ,I , , - tb,#Y. $it" Blwd I hope It may come so, I I , ... �­ 1*40M , _. L.�.I" tKA; rs I h t erted only by.hairsbroadths. plans . k 1119A.Alr0h are now for the 0 , ,,,,,, that, it"' suits In many forms or $kin disorders - � � ww#s , Of �0!ollli* t Wile Ina th n the working out of his and blemishes. This Is due to the fact I � . �W " ow 0, '#*� 0440 being employed entirely against .1 Haig will make I � I . . I , I 0 t in, r lions Nvere God's great Instruments. that these pills make new, rich blood, 14*0 - 'In 'I; t 4,� I :: . .. . ., . Ill, ; th . 40 otteiv, the entire Italian front � *7 - . " � ,� I , I I fared, lviduals were used but not in theland this -now blood attacks the impart- I , esa"M U P4 �4 attacked. In France the war J way that nations were. God gave, , th � I 0 , I L . ,'vi.ft � rr I I And I'Mother's Da, 11 J,4 coming wt � I �,"",= 0 4-ovigiloped into IL movement y I li . lit I tlongL Aheir qppqrtunities and God ics that give rise to skin trqubles and I_ - - - , I ­V,;W., ­ ­� - - - . 1-=M.,�44e4ll,-4)r,---Nml4aillfv. - .pill],- _______ __ __.____________ - - - � ___ I- __ , .r I I , --- -_ -- -Wb.46b-Wil-l-iosid-to-tbv-o=Vattvn -of --- - his! - . - I ,.'' . 1, MW JKV V,T ­'_�jffb�n-j_ItFb g_pTr1rT6'_'g@M-1Jii6 r1pill, cur, ,kin disorders from within ____ - AT , I'll � . I . M, � ., , - I I 11 4= 1% Country tiqh In food and resources. . - not KS � ,, , : . ��t . I e . I . portunitips. If Britain had �,,the system -,the only sure way. 'Mrs. THEIGODERICH FRENCH DRY GLEANINGAWOR i 11 I _ � . � , , r Viol! Our 04". therefore, let us ad- �. zed her oDpxtpqJty f August, 11914,1W WECST STRUIXT ' i , __ —4-��-'--�,�---------WMNFRF;Xpm.,-�!!�.�-_--_-I- -TARON 110--V4WO0&.1 It . T ____ -,-,---------- ---,---,-- -,--- � . ­_ -E —_ � . Ritchie. PArkbeg, Sask.. says :- , I , In the course of his statement. _�,�`Ywo years ago I wils-attacked with #Phanet _122 - I - N. PrQpFiel or. I it, I '81N,11E "1111119VOrlaudo referred to the sa- 1__^� . �1. � I- 7ema on my hands. I tried almost - i . J_ IL VROOKA w . , � .1'. , _� 444, 11.11 ---- ---------- dverything that was oom000c"ooaooaoonoa0000maooa*0000"DWW"Ooci0000 J � " MARY ", � . #, 0 400=04t Which was made by him . . FQ ,h .. , �k .1 . . � . ad,ylsed, but as I - I � � I I . 0 ObOUt A fortnight ago that the Can- . That Is. Mrs. Ce-er ate it. Jane the trouble was growing worse, I con- - �: .. ,. , 0'�-*ie I . gulled a doctor and took his treatment - ' ' ip I I I W Powsp had made overtures to # '010. did not. She toyed with a roll and - , ' '0" . '. oftb'�ftjlp.ill 10 crumbled It with her nervous. flu' for Some time with no better results. Wibe mothers who know the virtues I . -- - , . . I r ' And she did not even 'k.... er Graves' Worin Exterminator , _ " out Re* Italy for a separate peace. The Pre- 0 *, gers. -A .X-..,# 1_11, _'k."6C D'S"Osal. I �1 th '* , D, , . 1*' � , , . ,.q , . . I . , 'I ` , , 1 $14",O",� - wOn' of sores and I began to despair of find- o � �4.1 iod. to Ater's comment that this proposal " o taste the BY tills time my hands were a mass -d !."-'I- ­­ ­.U_1'4y �, of 11 11 I 4 is, boo boon promptly rejected by the 0 00 derful stew. Ing a cure. A friend strongly advised - ­­­­-" 1-.-W, ­L­V1U-1L ,Sways ha%e it at hand, because It (!, _.�." `_�_ Val 1. � . ig Where Did 11 "", ,�, - -, e' 'VIN 11 I , " IWI&U Government was greeted by 0 _� 0 "Jane, you're the silliest girl I ever Me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and ­ - -,t­*Pvu ­­ i.- ­­, uvcf- proves its value. . I , . I �CLUJJS, fl�m � 1FA'.,, AU enthusiastic demonstration. � saw," commented Mrs. Carter, as she I decided to do so. After using two I " � Li I, , .A -1-11111 I A, ': ,� ,- I RMERS Ad"Oegi do not indicate the nature 00 ­­ ­ ­ I , - - -- - —_ , . : 11to the good things provided- by their boxes I could see an Improvement, and ,-.,--" - Q�V,,..,g La�: LL, ki Ur ta� �:,, � , , , I You Lunch? 0o Nleet me In Goderich, Huron's Oolden � 0001"*,�" - , , i`.-1___: � , Of the temptations held out to Italy, ti ') d Lk�j - I , 0 1 1 0 Italian host with,a relish. "I really� I got a further supply. I used alto- ,-%,: - d 3, -, �8-3 k, - -1 Ii.al L L- Me, Jul ' � .­ I I I 009,KV1, ftow*ggo X At repo 0 time A .,.1,U- .4 U04, C.LA,ed LA,u -'-p . 1�� 01 - g.:14VJ0 - I . . PW god the time the # y lst. � - _., _t,ig,li�ie_ gether eight boxes by which . I mro .;W,--- Qw­ 0 think that, with as ' , L ", ' ,,, ­ '320" .Was given of this attempt to 0, � good a husband sit , ,�. _� - , � _�_� , . olt � 0 every trace of the eczema had disap- .,I-,- Ued", col-st'lig Uf 8�volai lj�r- _, � ___ _ � � � -1 I -1. . ,A -limk-fte solidarity . of the Entente .00 0 � you have, Jane, you ought to show a . � ­ W I" - , ,ii;,4�., -, 1, - .1 -1, I .1 � ,. peared and there has been not -a single -_1 VOWS of 3 ul' 4 in. la -u Uie 1"'d '' I - 04 rJOWIM 119sil Alliance - Indicated that Emperor # sh I -little self-control and confidence. You symptom of tile trouble�. since that -,--I UP -4 .14L__�,_ 41-4", -Itz"i 0 , ."�io.i,041�� I 11 I I t year'o I 0 U-4 ffl* - I ffd �1� I 0001", 0 � ,of the ObVIlm was the prime mover in the 0 0 are jealous now. aren't you?" time. I gladly recommend Dr. Wil- �LI­Ow, anu t,kuucLiLn6 od Lr.-, ;, % & 0 . Iv,tkok4 , � �,�', I - , to .. I . . _,�'_ , 1. I I .. . Attempt at peace negotiations and 0 "I am not jealous,',, flared Jane. Ilarns' Pink Pills for trouble of this - ,I line of su-r 1).pe wi-ica eoL) IN 11 'i ,4 1, ." I L, ,,, I , , � It 4�Jt1*#t$4,lgi* 1 " that his bad hold out a promise of 00 0 N -44, � i0outrio ogto,10t 't'll of 0 By Ambd Wa 0 "Only ,why on earth did Bob tell me kind.'- 0 1 j4 ­s It LO Lbe ta"K. r'Or t"e oral " �.4. . At" eXtellgillou of the Italian border north- " L, B. TAPE " - , 4114 I tp�4* T 0 ,he was coming here when he didn't It should be added that Dr. Wit- A-li-61zed L-1 --L1 LaLk saouta !­ N � 10 % �'� ­�`­ .' ­­ _ , oroxiito.) ward In recognition of Italy's pre- ,&%%%% .00 Ilarns' Pink Pills have a beneficial ef- tu_i. J It. bq�are aaj a ft. aeup, aa.j IN . , ­­ 1, - " 1. - -I I . . .. ffl I ",_A, X - "a'%`a`a'%%`a%`a'%%"�'%`a.w �17�A, . �i 000 �11006Y PtIoductioll dominsittog, Infi'llonce over the east- - . Intend to at all. He knew I wouldn't . . . . . . . . 11 'TUA ' . . I " The Singer Sewina Machine il A- , yrt come here -I never would have, if It feet upon the general health. The), ,,,, to 20U lf�di, Ul IUA.(l tile %Ut.1d �d 19 � � 10�4� 44� xhi,�*4ggt�,Lgia ght. 1917. by the McClure Newspa. I �­!,, I _tIggf ' OXU Share of the Adriatic, besides ( IN , � ijf,� � ...*. , , I - " acto,rr fe) Increase the appetite and energy and ,e,.a.red foi L"L ao-i-pL.un bed. ,rr,t ffl ., I' � �., Wine m1nor concessions relating to Per Syndicate.) . hadn't been for you. All the time he -r the No , i ..... . _ On , 441ft','�w'lltb cure all disease,i that arFse, from Im- vio,ned sewer tile is best our ELL�j 10 Agent, has taken ove . IN' 10101*4 � ..a . 11, til"" the status of Italian subjects in Intended Jo have lunch some place pure blood. You can get these pills .,i.&;.i and tile nuuitiur of I.Lie�a Wit. M I ,. � A14 � - . I ", �: �� � , "Hello, Bob." Rd . . , � - An I , , , _1 , *"40 ,�*404194t equip .1trh6 olse." I through any medicine dealer or by it_.ou upua the diS�al]Ce OT We 41, N agency ot the IN 1'�' ti'004 jklill'4014`1144kk the' bees pay 'no Italian troops a "Oil, hello, Jane." M � t� I �' , ­ I � ­' Ad their "OVeourse, what you're thinking, mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes twi,tion tyed from the tana. M I ffl , y strong- (O #04r,L *#Y#,.. 00 '':'I ' - Aules'agre holding the enegn "Bob. mother just telephoned from for 1,42.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi- it this system be property triuLLIleo' ffl � . 'L I I 0 �00 00y"0908 Act Vvis .Jane. Is that he is having lunch some ffl 7 . I , Iya tenaciously resisting him In the the country that she's coming to town IF I vppot tin tj�,�(o I where else with somebody else, isn't clue Go., Brockville, Ont. Inteignational Hauester Iffi ,, �I�,*_',b,0004�*�.,` "" ' t " I* rijbi it will dispose of seuage In a vei) iffi . I 04ti 44040i'*:"Of , 44W Offensive and making repeated for the day, and rm going to meet It?" - . I without eD. N IN i,.; , " ko*-::,-o, �:�,,-, sat.stactury ulanner and M I ,&I, I i � - - ,�" '�,!�,�# ,,)Aaa tlilt"Iy- -OOUl1tGr-&ttaek&-1-­saId -Premier Or- her. Can't you have lunch with us?" * 01 dangering the water supply. Con. M 19 ' F M 1 . i 614 __­_:,- �� I g 0, ol oy IsAdo piem plans in blue-priat form for Ili. IE M . o$4ggj.'J* "Well, I'd like to know how I can Company , ft* �,,401' , _ It in a Stai8gaeut In the COam- "Why, yes. I guess so. Where?" help thinking that ill CROPS ARE INCRF do' 0 , �,_ *4#jp1y .to the bar of Mputles. 44At the Ivey Lane tea sw;j,ug it may be secured for the EIR IN .11 - ,o4,!;*VdWj , , ,. I " room -you . W �11 . I "I 11 .11 I ", ' L . � . _. . ASED , I 64_4*.�,�:"-_�z`,.'­' ",.,� - � . Mrs. Carter lifted the thick little 09 . .,I - , I ­%", IE . I I I'll I Itnow, In ThLrty-alnth street. We've , cup of black coffee to her lips and en.ys.,cs, Ou,tario Agricultural Collegq M on Hamilton Stpeet 09 2 . I 1. � ,,­ " ,"'Pil,­ ,.,.., - ArIL ug frota the 4pepartment ul i ffl , 11.1 I "r,"A-vo 0 1*4'411' I 0041RON 1, 0 , �ft 1 6 , iftralle MET TERRIBLE DEATH. been there." Quicklime for Heavy Soils,Ground ffi "�' ­ I then ate her last morsel of cheese. Uu,lfib. Ont. -R. R. draham, B.S.A M M 'AtU'l � : " (�� -�I"L�"jj4jl' blva'. Tu" "Oh, yes; one of those ind will h,a'ndle both lines to �� 0"i `�`4109,1*1 'k frothy. "When your father and I were Limestone for Light Soils. Uwario AgricalLural College, Quelpt, 9 � t.l I 14*�_ . , �. q11 , " , 11 " , bii*­ ­ , I"MIrtUff Story of "to of German & to I ,-14",; whipped-grearn places -1 know I" young. Jane-" � UllLarit). li:_tl.�111­.i .11, I .1 I 104 llka,� givion.,the , , I to �11 - (F 09 �� 40#t""Uo"lk�0004�"'I�i�60t$�i� - All boe-_ U-BoAt Pitirates. "Well, It's all right, Bob -and -moth. "Ob. please don't go and pr SEPTIC TANK FOR THE FARM Vour Asthma, [E FARM MACHINERY and Ill ,­_ 'I : 777_._t,.__ each - ­ . -� i LONDON, June 18. - Harrowing or IoNleb -their chicken pies " about you and father. Of course, you EN I 6 "_"­-;�"" olx�--, '0004, ,,,Arly f. � 1� .� 44, ''I �.,_% th I details of the destruction of one of "I'm awfully . Dr. J. Too. -The effleacy of im . " J, - . , � 1: I'll 1 1404,:': 4' ,,,�**U.',.�Ii tiltAir sory. Jane, but rvo never got jealous., But father prob- .. D. Kellogg's Astlima Remedy is M M SINGER SEWING MACHINES 00 , '. F uXA: ­ w t0gular the largest and more recently con- th not s merely to b' M � #-' 1�4� %. �v, Uy.,)FOl I 11" , , ought of something. I'm afraid 17- hbly never. did a thing like this." Plitatoes Should Be Treated Till, . something that r e 50 M I At I - ., . ..� 11 ," "1_A,t,,4irat mvfix from ii structed German submarines are giv- hoped for; it is to be expected. it (@ . I ' ot; - " . I can't make It. I've just thought of Year to Control Seub, as the SUI.. w .."'. OV LJUAtA0*' " ? � Lt. in very ud. an fit a despatch I rilm. a neutral cor- Jane pulled her fur collar about her , never falls to bring relief, and in yolir @19 I _ I 01_01-1- t - ic . , . :, �` \,: il� i, " �:i i , � �;�­Il ­­J�,.all ` I . 'Xb aukur- respondent. Tibia submarine was one soinething-an engagement, you know. neck. "I suppose -that hateful, its- IcOss of This Crop Is of the Utmcs4 own Individual case .; Will do t ie IR A tair share of the public pat E0 , - -1 -411�- �i��;;��,­,,;­. ­a�:.____ __ 40K LBO last to lealve Zeebrugge before A business engagement, dear, that I gratiating little man knows rm mud," 111UPOrtance In same. So universal has *well the suc Ic Tonage will be appreciated. I :q� � �� ' ____ h IN ' ­ , J*0, , I i'� I - . � to 0 ay be useo . the Greater Pro im �", _. , ­ ", 1 I r the entrance to the harbor was can't Very well break." she thought. But the proprietor duction CampalgIl. cess of this far-famea cure that every!§g 09 , _� I � , �_ �. .. . one afflicted with this disease 6wes it 130 . , I I ���, I I aai4. uut- blocked by British forces. "Why, Bob, bow funnyt First you bowed with an-inscrutible smile a (C tributed by Ontario Department- ­��,, � 4A�., �,:: , . . , . � 1-. . M 0.'...- 6, ... , S on E � I I :� �, , 4.� 41,4 � r� t , ,' %0CILLuktuackip The U-boat struck a mine, , and a , i . , h", I—- 11 . aid y ,ol to himself to try it. I , I � _�Z, � I as and then ..you said no. You._'� - they left the -restaurant- . I Agriculture. Toronto.) I �, - �­- '_ -_ - . � I .1 I - ­ -1 I— 11 . ­ -, - *X . . . . . ., A �,�, 4, jlt� CU . . - ;; i, I'll .11, - _eW Of 40 only twO iur- have to have.some lunch, don't you?" %"an Jane got home she first de. HE soils in many parts of the 11 � �; �.� ,, A , l, I 1. - . .. __ - -1 Out Of the er '4�� . ... ­ - 11 , -,. , -: "- b v1T6d OIL reaching the surface after ' "Yes, but I'll just run In my usual cided tO make some Randwiches and province'are so deplete4 of �, ---- = " . 1. " F 4'�'W� �: ", 4 V - twat - '41 . I I .. 174 ,., ., 11 - ", L I . � ,4.. , - , ", V , ,:'_4 , - . 11- ." I:,- .1 1.- , 'k *;. " �; W 1, � death for an " - ,2 . �, _11, a " i(4�.-. & terrible strijggle with I � � I , 7 . 0 . : I,_ " ;­`,� t�,*.� tO .;41 ­ . place. It's right in this block, you leave them, with a pitcher of milk, on , , ,, - .-t- . " ke � " - 4 t 11 �,,�, - N �, � " �,, - "i N wo . "' 4'�ii ,4i wi . - - I , t'' , hour and a half 20 fathoms below lm,W.11 their' lime that they are be. , , I" �' ' 4 Ai� fi) ita Self spacing the surface. T .�. " , � ,x "O � ��,.* , � , , , , , Some of the crew COM- the dining-rooin table, and then go to A comprehensive chronicle of alit. important bap- - MM'10'. il� '. *,,, - ­,�O� " " � ` achq. But id.. Taft pelaings in Canada and abroad- � . , . �, - `0 -,4'r, , , , , 4�6w ­i�. mitted suicide, having lost all hope ::But, Bob, please come V, bed with a pretended head , �- ­�:,�-_ ­­, I ,1­_�,��, 1,�' I-L' .,, '­ ,'�N':_. .1,-7 11 I The,only chance of escaping was "I think you're perfectly horrid, to a little she went to work to prepare a , ,�4R,v"­_ ., J, ' can't." I ,:� �1 'n ; .:�'.-�-41'400.0.10 �allqgtal roof Of leaving the beat alive. I tell you ,, utter she had thought the matter over �,,�, I 1� 5 U , is an important fact as f ew, if any, . 'L�� �� '�'_."'­L,16"L i4o 4��,"�;'Ii '. ,.I I i. � of our tarm crops can make their � 1 ; , A , Iti�, 10�jk, �41 ,,... Watter aboutil to force open the cQnnlng tower and st)oll my day like that I"' dinner of unusual excellence. best growth on a soil carrying all @he " mo 60re. � - -0 01o�'Ik,0­­ - � queen ust to the I ,� - ',�v I . � -� , ��, V , , 'as "Oh. for goodness anke, don't begin "I'll just let him know I'm not j I- Insullicledt supply of linie SPeClal features every day, including , "For and , � "fid � X, " , " ,4j, '0110 the forward hatches ania tr , ., I - . This (a . LL I . 'U s com About Women," "On Dit," and the famous . " 414( _ft'Aw �-*i V06�0048 compression of air in one -part of thjjt� as 1"" J 'it'* il; I don't see what difference lunch 011%. anYwaY," thoilight Jane. "And I It "Fourth Column," a full -column magazine article � I , " a � k especially true of leguai,lious plauti, " - ��,_Tltot ,.�"WI4,1:i:iiit*'A'-,Ujlrl-.,".�'-$�Atd T gas. ot the vessel to force each man like a . ' �., - . � and It -is probable' Luat. the frequent 'F �.,,'�-; i (itk!"�;�,*664��, i hich torpedo to the surface. The . air pres-� Makes. If you;re crazy to fiave we never tell him I went to his horrid old � 1� � , ::'.44.0, ", " "10000110a, W dealing wlth some topic suggested by the news of - , ,*,:. I , , � 1-1, ,,, killing out" of clover auring the 11 � '. � i 7 , 1 `4 4004'40. 10141f. � 104, to fill thp 46 11 the day. Many other extra features every Saturday . �': , i4,4 sure In the stlibmarine hold becont lunch with you, why don't .you come lunch place, either. if dint proprietor first winter Is due to lack of sufficient . , - 11, 1!,444 ,;r*4tk,.l down to my place?" . I , , WA '4, " , u4nolation or 1 ;4.00 A YEAR BY MAIL. $5.00 DELIVEIRED 0141 ,� .Ii�,,,; k:�i�i d so high that the great majority don't tell him -but, then, of course, he lime. 1. t � �, - ,,, ,111��J�'; i44C01i114t4t*-,c , 40''lio ' I , �., . the Germans could mot keep their "I wouldn't have lunch with you for won't.,, . . Lime acts In several ways. it neu- , I I - ", j'..'� "; " - 4 ' ' ' ­ I anything, Bob Lane. Crazy to lunch ," - i _ _�,­ -The Mail -and Empire , ". ,itii, A44 VU*4JX*;tO" I a mouths closed. :, . .� I . I -001* '44ce with Jane bustled about planning and 'tralizes the acids. tormea in the sot) ' .1, � I " 11 - � �;Wts-fv Wltil* 'io't i ligi r � ltf QUe"; a The compressed aIr shot them to wttivou! I should say not I Not In cooking dinner. Then she dressed in tbrough the decay of organic matter; - Circulation Depaftment, Toronto. "I ' 'Jj,� , :,,:" �.;j4 ,V­*�.,Uili -7', - I :�` the ,surface, and -1. . , �6, �, `0'40'1414� )WIlis Uauger hardly had they that greasy little Italian table d'hote a frock that Bob especially it overcomes tile te)kacity of clay I . _. -, ­ it�j "' � ' ,�,�:� � � � 401i'44"', . 4,4ttLe4'W'­.,tjU' -buying Oj reA464--tike.ses, leval W a air . . liked, and I I �'.1, � � ". , , soils, binds sallas tOgeLlier and thus 10111111 . li'io�kklo#L��,"t,$*'O".'�ho'bUyltig, of pressure burst their lungs ignd. about , , ,, 'i ,U U the plate, anyway4" � when he came In was ready to grret _-1 � - ____ 1�1. tL�!,,,�, �� J�,4404; , " , L �'.' _ � '�Now, Jane, don't go and get'aU him with more Improves the paysicai condition of . . ­ . , , :I- 1 �_. " , . -i 7*:,4i6IQ, �;,; il 'und _ It" than her usual enthus- . t �'11 E4,* 0, � ,'4 pitek,,gus, 20 of theta sank like 4Jq , ., The bcth types Of Bull. Lime -is not only 1; . . A ,,W r. 1ki ' L I ' , �j,�,,":�,jllv4ry a e exelted--P . . I - . .�, " " , 040*44JOI _ (rum survivors described the yell of th . lasm. So Intent was she on her effort an essential coiis�ituent of the food � �� "! ., � ��,' � !, ��Vj, to," j- ' '��L I W " r, ... �* �., I !". ­;,�"Jj�;ULU '"' rj�4j%ly Pacii- men. when the and came, as the But Jane had snapped back the re- not to seem peeved that at first she ot plants, but It also telIdS EO IiD- � I _U . � . ; �. ;141 � `�­ ­ .1 AF I - I - L ­ I- .- 1 I ;'�;_',L 4 10 , ) 4 ` had ever Clever on the hook and she heard no did not notice Bob's grouchiness. But eraLe Plant foou, especially potasl-. � . I � "I ia 10 I" ;4,44�# cirelully most horrible notes they , , ..,:� 1 I f . � * forl ;,,,�','44 1 1 .1 I ��u4tito��'A)g.�"t)kW'jVloylhc,,AA heard. more. With wrathful thoughts she when he sat down opposite her at din- � �.. 11�.17 .14"0�0*1 , ., ;,� . irwil the inkioluu,e lojLLus in the soil, ' . I , .. , ' . . I r . .. �'4'-'�� :� � - L,0111.1�140�113W'Yftt .10cluity The attention of a British trawler hurried Into her coat and'lurs and left ner she saw bla frown, an unusual bringing UleLa LIILU ulk available st4te. �, I , � I 4f," 400101 O ,as attractad, and It hastened to the as alto �', � , 11,� .1. =got, 4.yft*,*i"r*;ia r coi- 19 - the little apartment, where. thing with Bob. Ilie inieru-orgauisw.s that. 11-ve on this QUALITY TAILORING l � :�,,!i �.._ �,- �!�`�,, _,�'; �,' !,'� , , 1, Tho conditlop. of the sur- thought sadly. Roll and she had so of tile nit-rogen-gathering 11; " I . 11 .� .1. � I � rescue. , �, �, � I... ", oii� .11 � ,,, ''. I jr, I I . I I "Where did you lunch today?" ' Ella rents , . _ . :�� �, L �. r I , I � ' ,;" � '.. I , ivors sho*bd that their experiene" lately had a delightful breakfuSL She first words were (USturbingly direct. __ _____ , " , %%*' *00ty-,�141iliothent for tLa T plauLs cannot work in an acid soil� . I .. �,:; , J i , , , , , �'" I !gt1_O(_W1_!__ in the submarine had been of a hurried downtown to meet her mother. "Why--�Rt­tlto Ivy Lane," lied Jane nor can so"ic otlier f(irms of orgin- - �. I ' .1,11 - " , WWI "001; - 1W I I , I : 11" ` ,f ,,,4, I I ", *,"Al: � dreadful chitacter. . ismE %hose luncElur it is to gawei ' . li� Jk % _ 0,k4o�*, tot ' ton tulle. I 11 . .-L: , �', .4,"4tJ ,4Vt4l.,�*:A1#Xacker. .- It wits a preoccupied Jane wh,) quickly. nitrogen. The wearer of clotbes tailored by us al*ays '­' .1, - �., �1 Lo , . , L kA, I , I 1, I �. " " �- ,,� 3 4,' 111*14:10011"'', �,­� r 1. . About Wire Its,ptaing. shopped thiat morning, and usually Bob looked at her keenly. Sudden- It requires about two tons of __ I - - ,� ,'� !_ �:!: 4) , " '' Jane liked shopplu . That was wlij ly the tables were turned and Jane gr and iilikiistone rock to be equal r A- 0jjJ,`*,U*' , r Th . : ��', � . rj.'�, It, '' , ,,. ,W,ttis, ombed,de . a beat kind of wire fenclug. to 9 9 bears with bim the stamp of beiug well dressed. OUr ,��­',,,�J$),�Alii, ' _'14r, ,',,.' ", �, I ,;O., , I I � , ," r 10#44*44tfo. -b Mrs. Carter, her mother, had tele- appeared to be on the defensive. Bob . I I., "I '. i , , 1 , -00 , r 11 �. !, erect depeAds on the purpose for will( tO One tOu Of quick lime, and Lao I " , �',, r," i',;';',J,4 , " � �0poti"_X"' > Woik bas the -fit, and . ,)r-4" 0 - , the fenfe ft Q$ed. On it farm %%,here ,phoned that she wanted to buy new e question that prices chargea for tnew are In about finish and StNle. '�­ ­,­. r I f�,,;',� . ) � �*' i6w 'Ot 40f,"'00 ' . � ., 4100� - WtInglat , mixed type&,Of ... live -stock ave kel.1 ,I .fqt�p)shlngs for the living room . . I I I �1� , , ilt I 9n her she lon the, same proportl0a. k urthermore . 1, , .. �11 "I 1, 6ftltilto'. � joulk4ii-2,141", 233 and country house and wanted Un . e to "At the Ivy Lane, did you? What- �&O tons of Lae forwer LO 011e ton I , . O., *4, i� eto*, . If �, 1, r 0 ,�. general purpose woven %vire-fabric is Armstrong's Tailoring Is Quality Tailoring. " "" 1. �."r, ,,-45, , " 111101111ft$ boot. needed. It only cilittle and horses ii re - help in selecting them. Ume?" � of the latter are auuuL the right . - ��_.­ r r ' I , ,-r, r�. ,,., � r J*U , . ;� )',& ,,,i,* , '7&jAgg r . , r , �,' 11 ". Akolg wof 94% he plIslurcil a ctigriAot , . r,� ifttrigictor. 'IV �"_ 04b' 14". S. 7 and _11ad less q -T "Whafs the, matter. Jane?" asked "Oo-at one; yes, at one." Quantities ko apply. I �', �, r'. ; - ­ , , Tile groutia i-cstone rock is aafo v r g' "'�'to glkL",QIft the gagg_ * 1§. �,_.,_. "So. 4 ! =*41141 , ;� , .1. At pensive woven fence, SAO be u,t.d Mrs. .Carter, ns they made tllelr way "That's mighty strange," said ]lilob. , ;� , �%_-r I . �. ., � A ., , Ply , , m at , . .- - -on any Land In ILLLUOik &Lad qUix114ILY, , " , � 'Aig When' ten needed to Inelose ex front one of the shops to the Ivy Lane. and,a quick look of distrust came into ,._�.,_�.,L, , * 'o �� and may be applied at anj ElLue or tolil * . . ­', tt �,­ 5W *40 - cing is Ill I Re J. Apmstpong " . , I., . - - Oigg� be tenslye pastures where only cattle ot "You haven't taken a bit of Interest a face. I ", �:,:, , I r "`: *�40,*.',�,bex , * . year. yll heavy clay soil- Quick lialu, ' McLean 1131lock . � , I it, attiat , 4" I 110600,11141! homes are to be kept the excessive In anything we've dome." "Oh. Bob, don't look at me. like . � - r" r. ' .'. I ,�� .1 I 0 � _ 1.UW ,-, slaked before alipjying, may givq � South Side oj�Squalrme �( ,-�'L :'to �' . � I I . I �,, - , � ,���� I'll r I.- . I I Oust of a woven wire feam would not ,,rm just upset about Bob. He,& that I I didn't have lunch there at all. quicker reSUILS; I,ut It s"oulck-nol. 04i % I I I ­ I . ,� ... *(j L r , Uft of I I - 1. - - -_ IF L r =W*ZI: "Oth* � make its use desirable. foi�.Iogses to acting so strange, -mother. He would 1—" " applied to sigut uanay 8O&U . I . "', r, ''I" �;:*Axii 'Afil u4tswge of itovl. by Injury on blifted wire woiild not have lunch with us today." "Well, then, why did you say you m"terials or Lertiurtsi can .... .. . � I ., I :1 I , . 1*0iA W ad- .- _­ . - . - I , 11 .1 4 , , I, ,110. *0to not be ii-ligs said abou " ­ — , , ��,��-, � 4 t* .4g''t large enqbgh to counterbalance "Maybe he bad an engagement. You were going torl niany goo(L t t them r. � I �1� I I 11040 .064 to 1. I - guiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillillilliillillillillillillilliillillillilliilillilloillililliliLLI - , �� f, * , , r t J. *&,W"'"*,�­,1Il!o,p ....... W the difference in tile cost of mainwin W right you ' r 'W.gio . joilitae., ,;��� Cowie. , Ilia the t ; , W .0 �*C* '� 4rk­4 , 'L long the Ivy Lane Is a mile or so "I'd like to know what as lime aaa Ilotle of thew coat so Llt. — r . I I I - wo different kinds of fenves , bays to get cross about wh tie aloney. 'Iry out a little yolmrsev- _= = I I " ._ fWM his onles... ere I had I . I .,� I . it I �r this year.—erdf. U. Harcourt. un, = % = I .1 11 ,� 11 .., �. :__, .,..,. ,­ ,, 11 - I 1rhis allplies to Ilia exteustre farming "But first he said he would and than lunch. Where did yop have lunch?" = .1 I � I ". � . I . � I I I , I 1� , areas of the West. "Why, at the Ivy Lane. I hate those tarto AgViCUILUXal U0116ge. . = = 11 " , The Famous , = . 1, i `.� X he said he w,puldn't, and he never act- — = ,, , . I 1�ftiolldlotl4l, **ftogs, 10111b. — - , I I 11 � e I r. I I 11 L , I 1, d I I , 1. ed that waylliefore." tea rooms.. But you'seemed so cut The Star to — = � I � � Abfkj�11,4g ;gloug0't*ftWAi` I Jan. Ist, 1919, for 75 ets. — f = t 11� , � , ":. I" , , "_ Big automobile raeo'in Ooderich Do. "Probably the poor boy Is rushed to up about It .when .1 said I couldn't = I 01110 I 11 40 WOU b1dof r . I . ' * - death slid just cala,t take thns, Do come 21) that I bustled up there, and = = = . , .� , �� 1104404", A . r million Day, Don't miss the excite _____r . I'll I I I %U# '440d *1*, " �tolgi$' . r b,,ti ft have filent. e = I at,iiipg*'t"�', . r be sensible. lane." then you weren't there." ffilhI)r a - , ­j*4,bA**,*ggdA,_ - .1 = "Mazda" Lam = " .11__,�'_ � -*_14 . . 11 I .':�­­­ , r 1; -O- - __ __ _ .1 -Sa, mofter.- expIggicied- jinggi, -%g '�Bobil" Jane was out of her-�balr = - . r, , , � , 1. I'� WU WAY 04 -Y--_- " -, , Corns and warts disappear when Canso the Ivy Lane & horrid, old, and around at his side In a moirent- ORNK MURL WATER " -_ . P = �.. ,� �� "*.. I I . *tOry Wi = - . . 11 I . 4 treated, wUh Holldway*s Corn oure Ea : ., 11 It" I I 04100if'. '"aratti" without leaving a mar. frothy, frivolous place. or somethiot "Boh. ;I,%Ivt% to tile. I had hinelt down = The Best Electric Larnp Made a . � "1*"#' r . I ,,, � = I h , .. like that I think that Was hatatut.1, at your gvii!)hy little Itrilian place. 0 16i � 'Allm '' r �.., *L ***t "pM F ORS BOTHER = a- ME 0-0-M " N—MP I . .r - I = 1�"* L #W . ��tw_ to a ter laughed, "Men never hlwh��r an.1 I thon-zlit we'd ,-.mse dovvii = � I . " 1101 I." ' - r , . Mrs. Car = I I .r I rr Ir I � � - — I — r ! '. , I . r:, I � of orgigifil"Wign. then we, ill X still surpivim- you-­,nd Ilwit you wov r I I n -U a like tea roogW all* add. "Wbw* = . = 1. 0040011t ,,, -1 . 11 ." A" , r .1 ,� `A'�' I position to do some work." does he unddly go?" . not there --and I 016ught— Sold under a guarantee. if theV prove = li:�, ,---I?- , r ,,, I I It go I" ~ am uke &ft tw Book. a - detective you can return them. a iww , 11 I I iii .. I ,4 , , � � - . , -As That ailplallas the first cause of 1`01g. to a grubby little Italian table "What did you think, Janel" 1110M W Bk&W troubl&- a - " " C . "t, 'to I ., . � ... I !, 1116111, failures. Artilletal 011,111gillation d'hote down In Ifthtmth street." "i0h, I don't know what I thought I — � = � 1�' r "W*` "" . - t ... . I NOUtMIftu adi& - We t1lave the Sole lAgency = � ,,, . � 11 . 0" I I r serves to carry all IUVAIM througa a "Well. I*Vs go down there and nr- But I think you're the most wonder- M , — � I ", .. � = �; ,� 40 dangerous We. but as'& steady (flet prive blin. go probably jug couldn't f0l In Ig allTO I" ' — I a ; � �`­ . Aw � I � r -N CM1111 _" . '.0"'U" 106 tam- (or a healthy body It Is foredoomed 0 I = ,, iguoilt, - 4 " . stand the thought of lunchlag In a . . ,. � — We have some very choic ES .1 .; �.,� r 110111. **", AC Tho 1014ablift to fallure. A tagragerig' association Uru add In Z"t excites, tho kl&wn = e designs In = � '. � � . OtOM - ------ k1iot be an invalid, when ad' tea mom, M*ded with a lot of shop. ph r= a , , Wo* 44010Y 0010114"*4 " , " must OFESSOR IN A QUANDARY theylisoonle overmiked; pt at I � k.. - r I r gem There aren't tdany men usually selle, *44 fed Hko hi — = ; �, . t *4*4t tOk"AI0, 040litt"46t JA side stimulatiolk has to be given it a" of lftd.vo — Reading Lamps . I I 1101111 - - I = ., **," "Z - " at the Ivy Lase. you kuow�* urine becatnes cloudy; tho bladda is irri. = I *W -0411111f, I I � Ldw*tar, AodissW by Wife With Not tilted, and you MIX : " .t AiVll..�M �_ 141 to a sai Ot its days are nuague,'ad. ,,, r I -W*P I . 11 .� "So YOU 410"O" that WIN lit?"SURIVII Kissing Not as He CAft - Wbe 611 ad to seg& r* — . . 4 is V%W' '4I But nit" others haVe succeeded. M . � . A , I House, lief two or tht", W dar C the A Electric Fixtures , I tot jg� "Wt I - . I .. Work — doing ttkings — is Ufa "crot fee* cleared a Uttle. "I thavot b* Witioltie sot With short M*Maty. When Uw kldnq ' , khk \ - = 11� i � I .16 , r - . , it. , 't Of thelt AUCCess. They make every jea oloolt `*aut to lunch WitIA via. ; I " SUI&b1a: v* to "6* . I 0AW Arw tuft 11 gg; hk* you *ggggi` Y'ap _ 'r , too , - member conigetods of the *1*1 1" ON 1% s Urldo". *Akfe I i ., .. , I ... us Of Or- 94t maybe tiiigt it IS. OU& n*Mr, Spegglith st oir � 041 4 '0 , . , Ag.git 0 diustot, Senator 10 VI F0 b2l, " � ­ )�<., , I - lautts -the�vetggagunity, � "� "" **&MAL 'UtIld'So-tift d6will" g � � Y04 I I � � 1 14ca- IX 1, be *.2 An Eloctric Air Warmer' If. Smith of litilrylod gi*fs"jA to 00' At fia 6 dull U270%71i . � -1 I � I I I I r fixecuu,144 gitrig eathusiggaut, UAY fave to xtgigt�mftth ittriee . . )# older ftoii � 1*.JS,rtggggW-,tbIgggV!hJggg1,a� YM *0 �gg C , I , - UIZ jj%jg� ffnh� baeksalk% � . 40*4160d progressive "Utles a A � *01W of abftuvmilodednesi� gigitil I* it L two-% P _ stoiaggA te cold , I ,. 1.1 . IsiAgg was bftyont. n0l� blineelt 104 ' Ili* ftftUod a NN4 ibibAt 6 , I 1111191111ir AS a te=PMtUre botlitter , I � I r. I.. I- .. ­ - ­ I ility work to 01tA6 them *it I _�. ge . "­' 11 . ftittalml that they nloett htta at tk* W jtM "d Itipliegg-tIong that somr, tft,06 w*Ud and you iftl thea. i -'J" ,� � I nsk h6poskly undortakolk ad tt t"'Ito twilose *ft the waigMer Is bad. � I "�ly diftetea will alwios uis 1 table 4r,k4t% MW reiggembtroo. Vot W 'VIq An, Ell", tric . I ,L4 1. I .r . �!r, - , rgg bat less gn" &I* lotio of W&W., I I 1, . tlab at astotwOok olleceigisful A a Uttle *1110 the hO 04imt blit Jw,. Quil", k'"A to 4*w O" abor I ." .,r : has ttifil rigbit Itinil of titit"tal t4 6U Of ftfli. .T*�*,l of t" V ft* igivIgggifft, ill* Drafts"# low, gllfrolg� *V pharumist tmr 01mm Vacuum Sw , r I . " was ft$*& ' 1. r ' door by Ids Wits, Wlia'J" Ugg lit6 *6 S. I Is an gidile . . i . work with. . .660" 'AA ' **At ad, Itt the Of M 'Salu Aike a tibutpoonial , % a 140- of Water Wore, bfakf" � MWU It"er be WittkaSt - - lgotoe to inake hoit Waus bofttsis b*** WIth,gg r*pravj*tW. ,or a " � 41101 "a 3,00 10% I - , I Ilk the '140grigel, tht elub 06ght not , W*s Ill J 1 4,11140 iia It Y" do "O. to" r I I � I � � - _ .., . t4o be alloved to loito lts gr(114 g4 jladtet *ggsgtoo to Itach *itlk iw,r? "Do Yft k"*. 14%," Wt tko god .them &4, flne, We faikoos wulis *We . I .OtUt I" IVim tli* SQ ., r r I � I . ;84 , .,aigla, Fm�l . I ba" &boU* & b" tes"At MAtme`_ 4 tW 011i'"M I&tft. 'k JrSO ViA *00*11. SL Uttlik P&WAIlY S,t t"*pa Wa 1"'119 Pads �, � as .Your club Ukou ftt'upi yw 19MU ro***t to *#tr d" 40ftlul . - � I , _ , conAlit" *1th . � , . I I , WgiAt &W r 0. We, ftoftft Withi"t khw 4 W U* = = I ! porbave tho". Asabst* Ikettilglit . ; tot t1ougg to C . k14k" I I 4ftba" O" UVO Sartoglill Made of 10110i '"*". *Vi* - tu, t"o ot *t4i It* 0 &""Yto I", 410004 Coffft Percolatois - � : I I *togi 'oat 1*6 fftk tkk Ad4*A* WIA % "d StWWAte *ft tor *erjW_ lao"% ,, dielt WOO ofifthig" ill* C64ow'. ' I 4% Zwt mar ,am* it. Us*r alft to *01triuse tu tddii ft UtInp, ft ' � tligs, "tul* 4 OUtlibli ditubtr *,go 1164W to.** tallItig *Ut* **" " r 01 If .... r 0 � 40fts" *4 *46~, *1tat *" us ft no ton -*� -or t"Itwoft, Toasters, Etc. .- "r I 11114t "a 00*6116 "90000 *ft ~ 11116, 'hug �Aab� I b% 110"iOW 0MV13091 itinds t�4 *AW, ,Y*" ho bt* aisro gem! is a war "16 I I I I 4 -4 bwder Woome" - -_ I I 00 pift or the cost. End. 4" #0 06 - , , *A* Q'" *10"w � Jad %it i 161111*1 "Aubt Ilk. . I ten of"Cat themoolitts to rigatio #W, #A,*", 06 iew tA, ,*6, IWA "Ift 6* X ** 1141W 4110"" UUV# Ar'bi ftalt*s' a Aelff : eN,ftV46ft*t I & , , 11 ; Ill tv itmoclation * "Ill towi A#k*.*qft**4 *A W iiiikido 11111114 With gmt *44*"11141111i, '%'A - .­U� thia,ftter Atli& *1410h *t0ftftis shftld . rr .1 'in eivety tatinth. AbOv* 411A 4on't tot. ""OAV orkw 'A44 00—Wft '" *" . 6&6 1M* Alad OWA "to k - the kildig" Robert Tait . . g6t the f0ftleth* blerkl&-A [Itt% tub - I I I I : 4, kw 04 Isti xit* me to , JWra r *W*"A"#A* ikt 4t U" 41i Ilietift =011. MY I -U , 1111111101011" ts 6f 1ad'sAlls to &I)ts *V6 14, � .alkAlAb 11M w6i 1601-6 oMelebto-4 %-, u that,"r, t6jeh" 0* _ 91ftittkil" I h,*,AdWhJdJjW A. . � , , , '111*-*- ON . - .� . .. A11111forl. .uhtus Allibir,, 016tiarto Dagwirtla6h% of 10' 04 *U& --- - - VW W" 01"Oft '11W " Orftft"ift klidgio trolIJ& ­­ - — ______, _L. % W"t stife" I . Ctcltir'-. ft -04 � ____., 1�___1­­­­­__1_- I I *, -V* i Atu A *U . .0 4­0*4 � . 1 , , Istleaffiltiet. . - #w-* *04 *,.*"-"* 16 at:� - I 11hae 1. is "lly tmtA& _­ ------- m ­- ,_­ . � - )