HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-21, Page 2%OR TIRE".TROURU All
tlr4ught W an �eud by
Winging ypur blow�out or rim -cut tires 0'
4ohnston's Garsage
We arefully equipped for all tire work.
Goo. Johnston
Ing six months.
and under.... ..................... .....
years and pn er .......... ........ 1,50 1.00 .50
Bicysie race once around Three-legged ram 50 yards, 14
Itegistration fit Goderich %%III take
*-%gy #eOlstration bay 00
place oil Saturday at the following
pitices : Victoria S01001, Gentral
in Use For 0~30Years
i4attni4y" June' 2'2nd
School, Collegiate Institute, Nlc-
Sigriature of
leeiin!,& Btura And Daxies' Sture ; Am-
XVety thin the
. . & is In -readiness 'for
der the general direction of Pte. Prit-
jill Inaleg and -females
chard, who as well as the depulles vill
Over sixteen ly I ojir4 of age on Saturday
gladly explain anything in collneetio)i
of, *Is weeks . t1to registrar for North
with the work.
nowit liiao* "Vorn In all his de-
The Ited Crests workers %%ill have the
0�0060j 06 111'*% Jrk different parts of
two booths on the Square open oil
rj;K91 And dWtrll)UEed supplies anti
Thursday and Friday eNenings for the
A-010464 tho W.ork' of registration
convenlene.e of those too busy to re-
41il-WAighly4o. .0 . it deputies and their
gistev on Saturday.
440stanti. W40 -have, also been sworn
In the townships of colborne, Ash-
Att, Will be lo. a position to do efficient
field and East and West Wawanosh,
W- IiW*Orli. Bbfore registering
each school will be a registration cen-
who will preach In Knox Church on Sunday next both morning and evening
NVII141) WpIl'to get all the in.
tre with the teacher in each case a t-
- from these officials
Ing as Deputy.
wo o hoo 1,7 * astruction
. Or 'tovits Or I]
Go to -your nearest registration cen-
tre and procure your eertificate. Fall
big attack.
German troops attempted dil-'
WA�'IotorMAUojj _,With them.
''400treit -&Uon com_
In IAn,q everyol.le arid let North Huron
the night to cross the Matz
1041300d, 440W days 460, the energetic
respond nobly and well.
Dear the Oise but were halted by L
deputies and their wil-
Allies Look For Attack on the fire of the French, says yesterda
"too ljolpers- jgaWD$ �Cajjj& at the homes
War Office statement. In local a
Flanders Front.
��4 to at-
AV*IIdod a4 unable
tions northeast of the woods of Ge
The Itegistrar
Ills, south of Dammard and this
'vo pltssed�Ylttl the way the
Will Make President Wilson's Mar.
Paris Is Still Safe and German . gion of Vinly (northwest of Chafe
4040rs.sad'otbers appointed are tak-
row "Run Cold."
Losses in Recent offensive Were Thierry), the French took 70 pr
, n .00 thoL Work,,wlth two exceptions
WASHINGTON, June 18. -Boast-
So* Large That They Are Not oners and a number 45f machine gut
Wt4a taitChere volunteering their ser-
Ing and threatening comment of the
Likely to Resume Effort to Take C, French troops have re-occupt
Gernian newspapers on the appear-
euvres-et-Valsery (southwest'
'WjiJt6,* y0t inajority of the people
ance of submarines off the American
Flench Capital for Some Time. Solssons, an important strateg
for registration In -tho
iblilt, f ully realizing the ifti-
coast Is summarized In a al
tuned yesterday by the State Depart-
point, from which the Germans ha
PARIS, June 18. -Paris breathes been endeavoring to debou6b the
3 1,�ft'a0d, -needs of this registra-
[ilia trips over
One paper, not named In the sum-
easier once more. The city has heard
the good tidings that the enemy Is troops. The War Office announ
ment of this adds that Lround h
thit . "01111411 US Mel with a few who
Mary. declared the present raids
being held, that the bars are defi- also been gained -around Montgob
Noyon-Montdidler P
opli 'I 0 they Will not register.
� AV.$jA
W078 the beginning, and added; '
nitely up on t4e Checked in their plunge again
S0Mjy1,jhW,d(r1Q0t realize- the puroose
"There will be scenes jin the Unit-
-front. French positions from Montdidl r
ents of this man and
wonrim �p6wiir consul,. 'It Is' not a ser-
ed States that will make the mar.
This announcement to made with the Oice, the GerMaDs brive no(t, r
great assurance by the best qualified their
jo,ot, "40''i , 04p to fegistel-It Is all act
row in Wilson's bones run cold."
Another said: "The Americans are
sumPd offen siv on the weste
spokesmen on military matters. front. There have ebeen patrol e
'of,.0atrto# sfii, It Is what every loyal
14d should do. It Is, however,
already trembling In fear of German
Maurice Barres, who gleans Inform- �ounters at varfoiig p9ints. with
atton from the best sources, declares Improving
a *.rjo not to register. This
air attacks, and the time may not
be far distant when American ports
allies their pos'tions, no
conce rning the Ge rmah drive on ably in the Villers--Cotterets regio
L,�W' 110d out after the 212nd for
be rigidly enforced.
will be bombarded."
Paris: soutbwest of Sojasons.
"It in finished. They will recom-Tbe Inactivity of the Infant
miyo, 0 aware of tho serious penal-
Me liable to result from non-
Referring to the ob-
struction to transportation of Amer-
mence it in six weeks, perhaps In two however. has given rloee. to bell
months. Meanwhile they
, -
21001004t][Oii. allould consult his Dearest
Ican troops to France," the German
will look bombardments along the front.
*oUt'y "W show, him certain
,io will
6ns#L6f Registration Act ' Itegi
eititors failed to mention the char-
acter of vessels attacked by the
It Is believed In Paris and Lend
Regarding the latter affirmation not many days will elapse before t
there Is also a unanimity of opinion:
, law ; it must be compiled
raiders or the fact that the move-
.0erninns beg'n a nev; assault again
The enemy Is out of breath and
. eglAtraliN are requeSted to post
Went of troop convoys has not been
Interfered with In the slightest de-
the ,11lics.
somewhat weakened by blood-letting. it is krown Crov,-n Prtnce Ru
beforelland regarding file
gree by the U -boat -s.
His latest rush was, perhaps, the ir,,ht of'Bavaria hns largeor"ery
most furious, but also the briefest, whlc�i are somewhere al ng t
dwottop hat will be asked. Read
ind--other- literature in U140
Mercantile Cruis
-er Patin Sunk.
lasting only five days, whereas the Somme 0 and Flanders front..
404 weekly press and consult
LONDON, June 18. -The British
average of the previous offensives
was double that time. Undoubtedly Attacking Dutch Sillp-4.
J.. a at Deputy.
armed mercantile cruiser Patia
tons) torpedoed k
he gained some ground, but the price
LONDON, June 18. The Briti
Ongineh registered under the Mill-
(6,103 was and u
he paid Is suicidal.
Urly',, Act are advised to take
by a German submarine on June 13.
Admiralty annouec(s that the ar
For the allies the only facts mat-
thilt 'tertificates with them to the
according to an announcement made
within five mlle� of where the Dut
tering are the Germans' double fall-
booth L So" ati they will not mallie any
by,the British Admiralty last night.
hospital sh'p Koulngen Itegentes w
1#1 ivin th. .hM ...4.1
A.. -fn- &.A fifteen -lure
to rush Compiegne and to lure un� has been searebed and no min
W. the French strategic � reserves within a
sumed to have been drowned. have been foubri. But between Ju
PAq Will be ask -ed the number of reach. 2 and 7, Din w ed Germ
� tttk e ne ly-mooi
7 iheY have under 16. They Alm. Cavelil Dead. The enormity of'the Germ& losses mines were swi�pt up in the track 'A
4h'4W4' Make sure that these children LONDON, June 18.-Mrii. Cavell, Is guaranteed I:Iy official documents ed only by Dutch ships en",aged
recorded twice -once by mother of Nurse Edith Cavell, who In the hands of the French command. repatt�latlig British and 'Germ
Of what nature the - disclosures are
00 was shot by the Gernftna, died yea- can be Infqre ollowing: prisoners.
�,%10*, 4";Ia registrant should have terday at Henley, aged 81. Her hue- d from the f "it seems clear," says the stat
41�4,flo .6. 12'explained to him "A Prussian regimeat engaged at ment of the Admiralty, "that t
by band died a few years ago. Ressons-sur-Matz counted in the
atid question No. 8 for the
mines were laid to catch repatriatt
*000h"Ohilold also be explained and Premier Clemence4u, spent Sunday evening of the fight scarcely 70 vessels on their passage west, a
ldotiii*io. �66forehand. at the front. Tits Petit Journal says, Imen." that the submarine which laid. the
refuse to an The ever -Increasing Importance of
8- the French Premier refused to Wk. remained In the route to sink t
v 40y.; 0 tanks and air squadrons is eloquent-
0stion, clause 40 of the Act but smiled an he did refuse. ships on the eastern Journey, if n
ly demonstrated, by the recent com-
tiny person upon
already sunk with British repatriat
No better protection against wornis bats. Thanks to the tanks, th prisoners. It is remarkable th
Itfuse to anAver any - � P..
French were able to drive wedges ii%-
qdi%%�wv-b4hmltted by his iegistration call be got than Miller's Worill Pow- there were no German prisoners
e�*hilll be guilty of ati offence (Iprs. They consume worms and rer, to their opponents' flanks, obtaining the Koningen Regentes on this tr:p
fine not exceeding one der the stomach and Intestines un- the 'aall, gains.
tenable to them. 'Iney heal the sur- Thanks to the concerted action of A Terrible Explosion.
If any person upon faces the French Infantry and
C.*Oso, it 4siys that have become Inflamed by, the air AMSTERDAM. June 18. - Mu
11111i " ftl""9004 wilfully give Q false tile attacks of tile parasites and serve squadrons, the toe's numerical super�. ,
jlWar,14� AOV�,queatliins submitted by to restore the strength of the child fority of bayonets Is counterbalanced. damage was caused In Kiev, the V
�te$j -4 , tion. ftrd. he shall be guilty that rainian, capital. by an explosion
has been unaermined by the Alstriking example of this Socurred the',,mimition. works there on June
Zho��Jlftd liable to a fine not draughts that the worms nave made on Julie 2 when it squadron of Ave- says the Lokal Anzeiger, -of, BerIt
x6bodlo,'11,06'lithdred dollars and to upon It. and that their operation is ScOrO airplanes. carrying 4000
a term not exceed- altogether health -giving. bombm6 crushed troops massing i�r a There were 12 big explosions a
several smaller ones, lasting fro
ten o'clock In the morning until Is.
In the afternoon.
The SvJerinetz cathedral COMP84
like a6 pack of cards, houses w
hioorn over. and the streets turn
iii1o. amoulderAn
-g Inpisses oif debr
Is Til]D DA
r%N J 220, Saturdliky, every man and
resident in�.Canada, who is 16
yi�&* and over., must attend at one of the
places Provided forr6gistIfIlition, between the hours of 7 axi. and
10,�an�. sod there truthfully answer all the cluestions, set ford, upon the registration card.
V004 Illf"ing the Wd, vouching for the accuracy of the answers, the malli or woman
I' Certificate, as shown bOow, which must be carried upon, the
Why ffie CArfficate 1*3 so lmvod=t
toit t4kifi t9 "aw" a ant-imlim fine of $100 04 barW h-00 ba"Illing , tali,610-0samboate, *ft
*6#*WA*'A llr�lsnt is provid*d. also an ad&d SwIftbr dwy ssay be ikaW board and 6diiing at
41 $tO lot each asy the peo*n rewalloo
G ,.006,1064� a(W June 22n4
rovOlill; uW6cW"*d canam lawMky In a w6rd-All pormins rosaak** awagistW44 and
be an per6aw lla"" 4"900 with watelips"Ma
cau"t &&W wages for waiii dow
J"* *" Fin*"n h. keop w"Clsiter" "ft"S' h"wing thess to Ile, mck Anctir 6avy
""Mes "doi ")a..
0*WW*t'&61k**&y wW be liable for Go" **W
110� 061160" C WWII lawfully "Mu"
sy find &WAN610"
M Ce"cate is
TEPUM otftfion.
450 it 0, "d Carry it
Qt t40 ra
,�'ticin& pl;int W3* a *eA of #ro. Tho
2 TAosia tonlyliAt was, dwrclygd.
1# rb -#rlbs-fos Lartiely to Formatict) 4f low 1rUE USE OF
Auxtrian Rillis Not WARD". Humus, Nccesilary for Continu- I
AM TERDAM, June JR.-Vienria ous Crops. MILBURN'S
I c was weak agala Saturday
it to re- the straw back
on ttle'Ain�erdam Bourse. se sure and get all I LAXA-LIVER PILLS.
ported that Important financial On the farol-ifther In the form of Ina-
4ciusea both In Amsterdam aud Swit- nure or spread out over the fields with t1pation is One Of the moat pre-
zerland are getting rid of their bold-- It straw spreader. it makes buwus I vaClen'tItroubles the human race is sublep.1;
Inge of Austrian. bills. and that Is what the farmer is after if to and is the greatest cause Of 1liank 161
1 ' iments. If the bowels cease to
The freighter Australia, coal- lie is to continue harvesting crops. our a ' the other organs
laden, was sunk by the freighter work properly, A
13. F. Jones, with a cargo of iron ore. become deranged. ills work on the
in a collision in St. Clair river, and Pleasant Prospect. I Milburn's Laxa- Liver P
the wbeelsman of the latter was Inca- "Yo' Isn't stopped at de Palace hotel j bowels gently and naturally. and will
ed in his room by the captaln'B or- befo', is yo', boz4-e' inquired the coli- cure the worst cases Of constipation.
ders. being accused of guilty knowl- ored man who was piloting a Just ar- Mrs. WinAOW NICKay Jordan Branch,
edge of the cause, as all atleVd at- N S. writeo: have been sick for a
i tempt to block the channel. rived traveler from the railway stati"a -
nua&r of years with sick headache and
to the hostelry. constipation. I tried all kinds of doc-
For Frost Bites and Chilillains.-Chil- ..,No. But whaL makesl�you sure 41if tor'sinedicille - but none did ule any good
blains come from undue exposure to until I tried N10burn's Laxa-Liver Pius,
slush and cold and frusL-blte from the it?" four vials I am cOm-
Icy winds of winter. In the treatment "Uhliase yu' gwiDe dar now. sah-` and after usin gi Id heartily recom-
of either, there is no better prepara- "ek- pleLely Cured- won
niend to 311 ufferers from 1hal
tion than Dr. Thomas' Eclectric oil, disease. I keep them on hand au the
as It counteracts the inflammation and tune."
relieves the pain. The action of the Don't miss seeing the opening pr- e 25c.
oil Is instantaneous and its application cession (trades procession floral autos� Milburn's L"a-Liver Pills ar
, vial, Sold by all drugg�ists and dealers
-is. extrorn -Simplp- and ealilhlunpap jill
-and.. hicyc-Les. N
Goderich July Ist. It %vill he or loailed direct on -receipt of price -by
T ilburn co., Limited, Toronto.
See the baby show Donkinion Day in spectacle. Come Lu Goderich tu :,perld lb - M
Goderich. the w4ole day. out.
, 0- M
11 e
c- -IN-
all 0 R
ed IDE Ic
ir M MONDAY, JULY' 1si, 1918
.I The anniversary of Confederation wfll be observed by a Grand Demonstration in
Goderich, with a program including
13 -
he IM$750 $750%
Y. IN PATRIOTIC DEMONSTRATION by School Children with ch6rus
Oil of 350 voices.
e --� Starting front Victoria Park, 9.30 a.m. Prizes are offered a.� follows:
an For Trades Procession: Ist, $7; 2nd, 85; 3rd, $3.
i,- For Decorated Automobiles: .1st, $10; 2nd, 88; 3rd, $5; 4th, 0.00.
!it 1�or Decorated Bicycles: Ist, $3; 2nd, 82; 3rd, $1.
an For Calithumpians: Ist, 83; 2nd, $2; 3rd, $1.
e- The Committee reserves the right to withhold any prize if exhibit is not considered worthy of the same.
lie %
n d M. Not over 6 niontlis of age ..... .. .. Ist, 82; 2nd, 81
In Baby Show 10-30 a.
he From 6 months to I year. ....... ... �lst, $2; n
at Childien"Is Games immediately after the procession I%
04 Ist 2nd 3rd Ist 2nd 3rd
ch So y4rds race, 7 years and under 6 .75 $,150 S .25 50 yards race, 6 years and under $ .75
k- 50 yards race, 8 years and under $ .50 S .25
in 10 . ........................... .75 .50 .25 Boot race 50 ya7ds, 6 years and
8. 100 yards race, 10 years and unaer ...... ................ ... 1 11 .75 .50 .25
D. under 12 ........................... ... .75 .50 .25 50 yards race. 10 Years and under .75 .50 .25
nd 100 yards race. 12 years and Potato race, 50 yards, 10 years
ED under 14 ........ ............ ......... .75 .50 .25 and under
te Boot race, 100 yards, 12 years .75 .50 - .25.
and under (laced shoes)... .75 .50 .25 100 yards race, 12 Years and
d Running bTpad jump, 14 years under .. ....... ................ ........... .75 .50 .25
re and i3nder... ...... . .. ...... ...... .75 .50 .25 100 vards race, 14 years and
ed Ift Running high jump. 14 years under, .......... ... . . . ...... .75 .50 .25
In, WAR and under ............ ........ - .75 .50 25 Bicycle race, once around #
Vaulting with pole, 16 years and, Square, 14 years and under .50 .25
under ................................... . .75 .50 .25 Boot race, 100 yards, 12 years .75
Three-le-pri race 50 vard- 15
and under.... ..................... .....
years and pn er .......... ........ 1,50 1.00 .50
Bicysie race once around Three-legged ram 50 yards, 14
.75 .50 .25
For Infants and ChMen
Square, 14 years and under Years and under ............ ....
(3 entries or no race) .......... 1.00 .75 .50
1.50 1.00. 50
in Use For 0~30Years
No Boy or Girl Allowed to Tak,- More Than Three Prizes.
Sigriature of
Grounds 14 -
At 1.110 o'clock a pr6cession will form at t�e.Square and maich to tke AgriculturAl Park.
All school chil bb
Special$ for
This 'wook
-Men's I piece Batbing
Suit, navy blue, but-
tons on sboulder. To
clear at
Men's Khaki Sox, to
clear at
Boys' Balbriggan- Under.
wqir, in sizes 26 to 32.
To clear at
1 33C
.Men's working . Straw
Hats. To clear at
Boys' striped Overalls,
sizes 3 to io years
Cisline to "Rtl. 'Muru's
W&% We," fir I* lot.
dren in procession (including pupils fronn'the township schools) will be admitt4A free to the grounds.
04 kh
HORSE RACES Pa obe Choruses and HIS
'2. TO Trot or Pace Pur . se $35o by 350 children on the grandstand
Mile heabs Highland Dancing
Skilled dancers, with a first-class piper , have
2.3o Trot or Pace Purse $300 engaged. been
14 Green Racemile hents Purse $ioici" Automobile Race
A big prize is offered for this race and an exciting
04 Half -mile heatiq speed content is Promised.
Entries close 2 o'clock day of race. Canadian
Nation"all rules (bobbles allowed).. Five horses to Clinton Kiltie Band'
enter and four to start, No entrance fmq. Ten
per cont. of purse deducted from winners. Money The Clinton Kiltie Brass Band 11118 been engag4d
divided 50, 25, 15 and 10 per cent. No horse en- and there will be A good musical program
titled to rnoro than one money. Committee re- during the afternooln.
serves right to change order of races.
Best half-inile track in Western 0slario Baseball Match
Cftntdn vs. Godeirich
ADMINION CMWes under 12, 2k 1 50C
Ckilldren in Processima, Free
SeNiws It n- wAoru ainitted Irte Autos �nd CArrialles W
Grand Frft Open air COlicett by the 00derich or -
Mile chestra in Court House Park. 7 to 8 O'clock. The
EVENING Popular opera, 'IT6 List 0,f limmick Town,- at vie.
tOrift Opera House." 8 15 0,ejock.
Cpmo and spend the day at "OURONS GOLDEN (;A rp,
. Surplus - Proceeds to b6 used for Patriotic Purposes
E, R, WIGLE, Mayor, CU rnin of Committee W 1ANE, Treat.' - T..H. MITCHELL, Stc'y.