HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-21, Page 1N .", .7- __ �-.71_otlol_ i 1 7 1 .. . - ,qr.­qm"1,7��, � M _;_1 _91 . ., ,e 11 _,"7710", -1 -, I : , . . t . . 71, 1 � I I V I � I I � 41, . I I ,� . . . 7qV ` 11 � I I � ... - I , I 1-., I . Ill. 111101t� 0 . I I If , 4 � . � __ .. ­-, .0- ii. iii1olmov"! wo- ­... .111.1.11 . ., -, in- I _",. o li , ­ I , .!� I�Ti4!�;- .. ," . .- ". , , -,-- -11 ­ I I ­ . ­­­,­ . 1. I I ,- � 1. i - _­ - , - - - ­ 4W -_ " � .: I---- ­. ,.- ­ . 1. - � � � I ­ ­.­­ I., - I 11, � I oflgia* _4__ ___­ I—" - " I I I ­ I . I- , . .1 I i I I , I I � . - - - .---. - � I I , 1� I il I 0J . ­.. . . � - .- I . -00040000"- ­­---­ - I I I . I I ,AL �.11'1 , � " � I . ; - , ­ - -- - 1'�­, I 'W I � I -1 . � " I �� I ,T _7 �` ,. , . . � I V �. . . I 1. . I I I - � .1 Vo %W 3wo4m.".- `­ � � I , I I ,ow NW I I � I , � � " � F. ""' I I Tu i, � I I I . . � I , 11 0W%",%kr 4 A""*wk I" 9 " , b" 4, 46 t 0 a - 11 0� , 0 , - "t"'A"*" I I . 1111111 I '' . . , , I . I 1 4W WW W,ft,* , W, f1w t'" Of 1914 1i � .1 11 I I I . I . 0" , .. - � I - � I I 10 2S 0106 -ii, . � . SAW 11 "Xw� 0 � I I . I I . I I I '4 IV I 1, I I . ; I W To 1141w% , IA .11I.L. - -�t .. Ulp,4 fqf 17$;$,P- - 1. &WE -,, I . , ; I .W . , , ot R , , I , . I . 11 i : 01� I , I 1 1,4 1 1 . a A t I * po* v, "Wow'' . - , - I ic."', r.1'' C. et -11 � TO , . ­­ - -.--. _ I . I., . *.,� t.. 404 414yell 01M 04w, . , I .. , I I IN I - , " - * � � ... .1 - , - I .0 - I . " � -Xwwwwn � - - . . W 4 1 . 00imlsoffiffiamIRWWWWWRIONSE i imam ,�, � , � , I . � I , I * 11 .. . � ...., �;, � �;..:,:., -,-- . I , ,�,�', I 11.1 . , - - . I 1. , I � I . - -..-.= - . .I ­_­_,..__­ -.'- ­,�__­ ,- - - It l� A.Af E' . I it =A XH 1% , -1 % A VA po , IrT IL' I I . . ftlo'lly Mon=I-MM ft I .�, .. . GODERICH. ONTARI PXrWq"01ZJ?P1ZX175XjX11A i , I , UT111 TV I .0. CANADA. FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 1918 1 - , ... � I, �,�.� . � I , w.rZT1910waoltz I . 10 .1 - i - � � � I �l 11, - I . . . I I 1. .1-1 I . I . 1, " -11 " I I $pushing Blow for German 'Grown Prince in Drive on Rheims. Viennese D,eman4 Speqdy Peace. 40,000 Ukrainian PeasantS Revolt. Intense Battle on Lowep Plals 4. . I ,�. � ., __ __1 -1 ;I I 0 . 1. . � - ==94Z -, I I _11=`1,;,;1111::';`;1' - ­ ' I. 11", I I— 1.1-1. I J � � . t I � 11 I , RAILWAY TIME TABLE ftTICE ,qa urdly all day from I a. tit. to to AMONG THE CHURCHES ',� � . , I �, I C. P. a. ---- �� - TOWN TOPICS p. Ia. the various booths at the Public -_ I , '. , ­­ � I I 1. I � I I I � - . 'L ___ __1 1ROUTH PRIVI.LNUES-JULY IsT. - schools, 0. C, 1. and up town will be ... . ; , , , .. - I __ _ � ',I Goderich-Leave 6.40 a.m. 2.00 p.m. I . I I Last Suntia) morning Rev. Mr, (W" r � Ramiltoo-AxrIve 11.85 a.m. 8.80 P.M. -Tenders for rellmlauent booth privileges Iflasons Go to Church Next Sunday 011'eill- torhout gme tits congregation a sut%,�k I � at . , r I I ­ M Voroulto- " 11.25 a.m. 7.00 p.m. the Aart tov'st Par Mr. Bullard Resigns niary of tile %%orli ,if (,onferOncle. ,, I "I l, , ii, be reteetv �� the liffatiltoe sot u I . V k�oll Dominion 4)". will Nfaitlaid Lodge No. 33, A, F & A. NI., � - I oft r;n Teadet, to will attend Divine "rvict in, North � .1 '.1 Toreno-Leave 8. 10 a.ra. 5.10 pau. t ! lig to$ eclock The high rate of Pay obtaining at the o. In. on Up 406 � I [lie% J. It. (IsLerhout "Ill lul%e charlio . __1 pmsent 'Vilt - . l Hallanton- 11 6.10 a.m. 4.10 P -M- be tuarkO. 04 the CIOTO.1100! "T811411111f for Death I)* in,spine lines Is respell 'unday , 1HE STERLING BANK . Street Methodist 'chlffti�ch next "Silmd4 , of the services next 1, in Vlii� I I , � : .,� � . . . . Goderich-Arrive 1.05 It.m. 9.55 p.m. Prlvilwe� * r a oa%h morning, June 113ild. ' sible f0f4ti:10ss dt Wk. W. if.! 0,444rd� t ri 'Rt.' 'litrttliql1list chureh. Murning I . . . I I . , All tralins arrive and leave Union B.tation :t bela=rlea b) by the Water and Light Commission, 0 a . I I I I Ea If i'llif4ust to . "Tilt, 'I . I � OF CANADA 19 d"ZI teellmdearrkWousl) value of A I ring subject, [Ili)" I. -t-%%,- a speeI4 , * * ; . .11. I .___ iswxli�l - G. T. R. which will be returIleill in clivis privilige is Kilted fit Action after a ,period of eleven years dui anni%ers,ary talk to the Pocket Testo; � .1. I I ... . . . . . . 4��� Goderich-Lealve 5.50 a.m. 9.80,p.m. fI4A1dW1f*Qi the whole mtreftm..t bomb pit,. T. A. Cassiday, of Ayr who Which, Ito was conueettld with tile work , I . ":. .1 . . Toronto -Arrive 10.50 a.m. 7.20 p.m. oil on Nlay 28til, was as lineman, ete. Tile commission of- ment League. VNening. ­11ilegistratiolX__ . � � .. , "I'll , � .. ear privilege ar foill ore or more standA will be was killed in apti rot, service." Sunday .SA-hool anti Bihlo� I I � q . . Vorontiti-Leave 6.50 12.45 p.m. I re,elvelL the only grandson of Mrs. NN'. Hur- fered Mr. Bullard a slight Increase in class at 3 o'clock k.jmorth Leagu& �k . � 11 , 1 I- . ' ana 6.85 p.m. No tender necown B ted. ws. Nelson St., and tile only nephew vvages, to $V2.75 a week, but this v%as " . I ., : . ,­ ,; VJ wt MITCBELL� ro luesda� evening at 9 o'clock :"*, ,, - --.------ - - _,. _(_4&da) it I ­ -sufflelent-JudumneAt to luAd-lutui . Godertch-Arrive 11.40- a.m. T.10 p.m. .- _ . I � --- �_L_, � V7 MM . - ,- mbblomiott�2& - - or ,%wh, it. C.--%,1,ofmftigX.T.,­ -- - -- ­ -,it -hurch, lilt) �__­_`. � 1-.4'., � . . � ,r ; Ii, , --- Save-- Because and 11.45 p.m. G oderich, Juno 12tt . .t and lie goes to Toronto to ffitart %%wek I i,:%angOlit, A I �o rite . Rev. � ,� not , , 11 .. 4 � - ' ,� R . . . . - as %it, c,anipbell, B. A, ti 11, past'.1, Wr ­ :,' " _, _ � I WANTED � Pimi.ed Accountancy Exam oil Nionday. No arrangements ha%e Pastor ­_ - ' - -r __,_.1L 11 �' I L=I[ON, Mr. I � _�� - . - - I � . . - - - - - -_ -_ .- -_ _. . .. A ,SALISS We are pleased to note that yet been umde -for a successor. We arel%it,e� for Sunda), Jone 23rd I " ' . I I '. . just as a nation or a big business builds WANTED -To rent a garage for July allu I - - ' - � ­�'� James Hume, son of Principal flume sorry to lose Nil-,. Bullard as a ritizen. I %% Ill preach educational sermons at A:ol- . � I . .. .:, I " � I I" %� TION SALE Qg BAY. FALL 2) , ", Atiglast. must be on or neall 9 of the (71. C. I., has been succe.ssful in The Loss of Limerick Town i hortit, at tO it. Ill and at Zion ,�oiitli at , t I .11 . . I I "I , , I "I.� for the future, so must each individual. bell* street. Apply at STAR OFFICE'. I"- Au'W'HE.T AND CALVES. final examination for Chartered 13 I, tit Service at C-01bol-110 in_tha� i . ­ 1 4, 1 , .; . � I . I , ­ . - the Tile Goderich, Draniatic 0-111pato' 1, � ,%,nlIlg at 8 o'cluva. Aubject, I'llet ` �_" 1� 1. ,�; I ­ EACHER W4NTED-For S. S. No. 8. Col- MIM (CAPT.)ISAAC IIETHERIN0rQN Accountant Gongratutations. proving a verY popular troupe of On." ,,�n,l Lesson Ili tilt, I'mrNing Pr if , . I I , r,�.if . T borne township : second-cless pro' will sell by Public Auction. at 11-111' (1, 42on, 12. Pupils' Recital tertalners with the produetion tit tit,- -;..k I - - � I '' 1: '' . . 11 r I . I fessional. Duties to cunt-mence arter sum- I vij.lo Three-ful't Tenilltati'm of Je�kls I I , .., � I ,:­ . W. D., Colborne, I mile west of N tie, oil 1, I I I . ,r . mer bolklays. Apply. l3tating salary and Lass tit Litincrick Town. foil Nl�:Iltla� ­ , I . r . liy request Nil,. C. J. W, Ta) lor IN -,thh'Itil �01,l,d at (.,-Ik)"I-II'. al 11 .k fit. � , " I � 1: � :� ,,� �� experience, to C. A. ROBERTSUA, it. R. TU NbDAY. June 25th. vvening they. Rave thol opera tit A burn I , r.,'. . I I I , .- No. 5, Ooderich. t_r aL 6:30 (new time) Tallgitlg f0l' IA recital to gl%etl bN "Ild A /Ion A 1 P, Ill 1;� i 1. . Af I ri I I � ' 1. , � - . , I �, � � �T. ite house anti '-da) . F , 1� ;� , I- ..- - , . - ________ . Ili,, Nocal anti Ili: I Pupils oil find .had a $190 - � I . � � � I !, - - - - �___ _________­__­ -_ -_ --- S. I tsu .1%ores of Bay. to be sold its I and 10 acre 'I'll \ " It,% Or \I"i;iIII\f,1k�, Mle ,of tile fort - I , 1, � ,, " " I WANTED -For Union S. otol, 6 acres of fall wheat. 12 extra flood heifer MondaN evening he),t, June 21111, Ill day) they go to Wingfilllw -- I- ` 1, .1 � . � . I � 'I t! ��. 0. I P�W TEAN0017"'Tit's. Atthileold and West, N% awn- calves. Th(inison's music store at SAZIl for ha\o it nurnbeir of Inquiries fr,-m ,�U,.,. io-t I,r­llsterian nii­i-�niro-,. ii -,%v Ia � �` . � I _� . . . . . " "' ;­ ' � . . . . . . ; I�L THE CANIAD u0sh. Sewlid lass Profmisional. DuLlea to Ilie eIIll+.N ,,f the ,it�ltiozm4twd ASK I , L&N _ Alif TERMS -Six moath,i' will be atvoo oil \ hich imitation prograllis are being points but Possibly Illay JILAL likiiIIA' lilt\ � "I ., � .,. I I � �� , . - - - eminence ter -ummez holidays. A: IN I 'L lr' . �, I c .Aalary and experience to Ift furnishing'atiproved Joint natwi. A d6count \ There \\ill tie a s1her coil I migagenwill, Tt 11, .1IIA.A9V,J Ill till' U-MISIdIIIIII 4 (�l stiall �. I :,. � . 11 ;1 , , ,,, 7"Kakinif 0 AN, R. R. No. I ShappardtAn, L ill the raLe of six per cent, per anctiou allowed Issued. lite- Ilore out of town L or'. In (:1111111. '.\Ili stival, ill Knox I __,� �. 11-111 -11, ", , . , "I : : ­_', 111 - _; ", . � j,­.�- ­ OFIC EIR&C.0 - - 13- on for cash. I will Ile one of the evening attrakltl"Ij� Ill, I"it _�-1-i-,'­ I I - . __ _­_____ t MRS IS %AC HETIMUNUTON, T. O C NDRY, lion for Patriotic purposes, ,h on Duntialon Dto and niaio ,,.::I Ir, tit tne,% t ,'-�l I 11111j). lul"Villug and 'N en - � � I .. 1.11, - ... V� in Goderit I 9 I * ill �.\Ir- \Ivl;IIII\r.tN %\Ill ad I � '. . ___ I CHtOL TICACHER WANTRD.-For Un- ZL ProprioLroa, Auctionoor Proanoted to Coapialn Itir-0 P % Ivinity of (loderioli art- phwotoK ''. ". � - � - ..... I" Ii. I = JOHN AIRD. General Manioneir on S. S. No. 1, Al,lifield, ('Allbtirn. tiolid - ­ -- - - A g I -, the Sabath S01-4 In ill,, ifter ,., ' L ' " 11 , _ '' ' L . . . . . . r . SIR EDMUND WAMV - �.'s,i W, awanosh. 2nd oil%- professional. Uou, A:%L 1, (� I, I (I N SALE Or 1101, SEH01.11 I'll() Livilt, Donald Nlvlia� 1114.4 been pro- IA laic in the pvoduct;on Ili 1 ;--dench -11*1­ \\III.-Ij oi Fi,.%\er �;otldo, fail , � LL . e3ident ! .. I: ,� QV -0. LI -D., D.QL, PrJR V. F. JONES, Am'L Gen'L Manager tie,�commenceSepwwber2nd. Awly.stilling PER r I AND Ft RNITI Ill.'. '111oled Io tilt, 1. ank of A. aptlin and atso Dominion Day night. The). \\Ill g,t 1p_ll, " , , :, r I � I � -'s worth. al", \Ir� \Iri', � �:, -,.!. , '." ,', . :L I ��.� i I i4al(Ary and experience to it. McIL . -_ ilh%ra� \\Ill addr.", the , . - " 00000 Re A IN. heen attached to the staff as assistant their hiorteN 1;i'll_ ..f Ill.. \\L \1 .� "o '1'11.�,dofy .1 . 1, . I . , , . 11 1� 11 . Nile P 0. Tho -s. 11undry Auctiopeer, lia."beell tit dlrVVtoV of ordnance. Calit. MeKaN is , , ". � 'd �, � � � ; ,'�',' CAMAL PAID UP. 415.090.000 RESERVE FUND. - $13,500.000 Ott by lAIA-',. MADDOCKS t ,111 by Cruttenden-Weslou � rl� lio-ii :" r �, 1, . ­ " � '. ." . ANTElf-A Lr000t maid, of- working i�',lit')'I'll. auction, at tile promises, [.All :hAt, it 1,011 of CA0. and Mrs. Dontild McKa\, . ,L' �­ I., I - L I I L.�, 11 - - (it \ , '­,kt',iW - L , I W '11tv inarriage ,of PrIvItol A M (XIII. " , , oll-I II1,tr1I0tI%#. ' L' �� . " � . housekeeper, No washing of, Ironing. Ave., Uoderich .n l4ritantila Road, and has been (An aell%e tile ii;afiadiau Arim \1 ... Ilo%, I \,9*"\\ til", ..Ili It\ th, \wtori-A 14t. _, � I ��,_ L Good wages to a compozan"llerson. Apply SATURVAY, JUNI,'. 29 . fill, o\rr Uirev yvars, enlisting toilden, of �Nliss liarriett ' \il"'t'lo, I It. , I ... 1, . ,- ��L".­ 11, . I'll to .NIRS. W, L. RUTLEDGE, North St. CONIAIENCINO AT TWO O'li'.I.00K, SHARP. "er\ We " . 0 l 11 P.�, alld 14 , � , 1, I .I\;jt4. V I - \ \ - � r I I I I-i'mi. mI 'T'll.".1.1" ,\,�Illng - 0 'L� L' 1� �., I 1 1 Ili the 301h. r "I :.1! Parsonage, Goderich. I -t 'The property ronsist.ii or a v,q ro,tamv ill \an(.,,i,I\vr ii, ,I lot daughter of Nil-. and Mrs. Jo 11 \\v,t,lII, . "I . , . ;� , I I , 1,11, I..lIl,,.kA t.l.ks. h&l ,,t,.Irv.- .,r tilt, , ,�, . - I ..,� _�,': j- - trains awenin g oin gomi repair � t(,%\tl joittlill,ill. ,lilt ,11 lilt- ttllg .il,l gij%" ,Ili "\"Iol�gJ,\\Ith r I .' , � ' ' L ' - 1 � . , .;, y.. , 1�1 .. ��. 1.7� ", ' '' L� � 1: L�. . �", - miEffiffimEN w let, tit the h iiie. The land 14 woml All (he Illarbol. Ra"%%Iv%v Nlethodist t-hurch. Calgllr�, o'"' I � �, , , 4_� SAVMGS BANK BUSEVESS of town, tovk place Julie , '�� round and theie are rrint tret- L, �; � I— I _,)� M garden ir Tento-11 \11�� Iloll,\ \, r\ . It � 't,& "I . . , ,_ , li ""L' . 00 GIRLS WANTED 9§ and b;:rrIes. Tile .4ituallon 1-1 vIlmellivot ,rhe pa,t \Nvew, arri\ttl, ,.r \,'12,4'1.� flow. T. Powell U111clatilig. 'I'll" �Ilottl,16 ' "� ", , . .. , ,�I�t,d \\lilt t1w tir.-gr It \111,wal se , �'� �',,� ', , , �4, 11 ;""� - M K to c. I if. ttepot and harbor. ill the harbur \\as its foll,t%\., : The I)eople \vOre LS \ - L"L " _-�L�:�;,, � , �,,,,,�, , -10 lie" - nill"Py 'upported by a lorother ��.. -,, - L� , N TE1011 vent. of 1111"ChaM I It \11-, till 0 1�*:­' :,- t P, This Bank pays interest at 3% per annum @9 1 lovit"11, \\,r-41-,. gl�.,Ill , I ­ LZ, , r �� IR APPLY AT 91 to be .ala at tulle of sale , balance Ili DUIL111.1 ','Utllftfj�, 2t0,000 hit-sh011, Of ,if the groorn, ,Nlr. A, E. Gruttondon, " . . � . �;11� I I L aq, ., ,ttol �Ir I,, ,\I. ­�L ',L --�,�, t 1'. \I,11,.L,1 ,tll�l \,1,11t, Jenkill. ' I .' 1,'L� '.:,,, .,,rr,"�,",,�. , _ i , L, .1 - . ' IN GODERICH KNITTING CO, ffi 11 ty (lays niereartor. \\heitt : tilt, Mariska N14iday. tt0,t)O0 %%If,) acted as groonisniall, all.i .\11- jJ,lIl,rI­ii ind r,&Iings tlN Nll��,,,; J.,.,- .i 4 �4 , ­ :, 1, � .� ". . , on all deposits of $1 and upwards L*J At tile qatoo little and plave all the ,fon Imsileis tit \\LlIt'at ill) ; it I—. 1. ­ ,�L � ", ' -­­­ I I IN d Ilik." till tilt, K\elyn Gal'WtAL. ifut bridttsilukid, I)IIIN �le "N'll-11, 0"llght Milt, I, .111.1 Jossle , , , -7,'_`7�­,�,!- ' �d.''�' Rg tQlltS ill. tile bUkLi'e �S'lll be Sol(', ConliStAng * .1111tral t- � ";�', - ", I , , _ r.,, . � � , , 19 EAST STRERT . y, Thursda�, lio,O(K) bushels lilt, linniediato friends (if the 4 ; A �1�­ go t�il Parlor, Dining-roolli. Bedroom anti Kitchen Thuntler Bit. �, �, 99 \%.Is ,I liliz, ,III.-nd-Am.e. , , �, 11 in this department. Small Furniture, Kitchen Stoic. Coal lipater, (if wwat : ,tit niv tilt. OIO\LjJIor' an4l tilt, Ing parties wert, present tit \01fle's F�.rd ']*It, n. it � - I '' 1 ": '.�-- �, %�! `� �,, . ��,%. ( i,7�, - mag Carpets, Curtaln�, Ltnoleoni, Lawil ,Nlo\Ner, llillpoolisc Nlonfta�, it"jilli) hustlels of tile cerernolly. Mr. find Mrs. Cruttell Th., llwlnl­r� ,,f tho \\ \1 � I ""I''Lt'. -'_"�� ��L�' � " '" " `:� _�4,11 . China, Crockery, Giff,osivarc. Cutlery. a It, , � �, 1111, . .11 so c ilo\ -d , , 1 I ��, 1,61 - accounts are welcomed. a mseffilm ERE a%, m Hog Ionr 14. quantity of Bedding, 1111low,o Feathpl, \\htlilt fool, tile Illill : lin't tho Fily.gvr,ld. den lert oil tile evolling train foil, a \,""Wll ChtW"Ill" ,'I*` 1 -T. -I'll" ,. I'll I'll , , �' ��� , , , I 1;, �. ,, r' �! '� , , 1, - 1* , �N Tl(,k.i Mattres.,es. Also at liolill) -1: ol' Gar. Wvdne,da�, 2,01)0 tolls o" cmd fill. tit,- short honeymoon In thr, niollntnill� :ttl,i to ,ov.q \\lilt tilt, hn�,\ vh,irch \tix � t �1 .� � _ L ?.". L . MS, Manager. IE Ed deoi,�.+Ml,%bo) and nuni(q,oil,, othercartteloq. . . lio, ; - I 1-1�,� 11" GodeTieb Branch, G. WILLIA W, N Illill. (,it ttleir return will take tit) their r­I- 11lit"N -it til"ll' rt'9tIldr ow"tind qI I '-L . -',Lr, il- . Wanted Nil . N I I DOCKA. 1110S. lit'NIORY. ' ��'�_ ��'��L I : _; 7 % N Ve Countr Fair .&� QO .4 A- ILIL, C"I ar ,Ijj�� �kftvl'fllhlo lil'Xt .At 3 :I0 to Lho Ioc I �, I L��,�, � . , ' "' �­ ., , t,�.�, �.. , , I , V I . . I � , �- ,�,,, - � :� . 11 J1, . L I . i, I � '� 7 I -1 I , I �, -1 ,�, , � � I . T , �.o 4-1, , �` I'— `11. I., I, "_�. 4,,,i� ,4 .. �: .", ,_ i�l i) "r a. � �,�, ; - . IN' IN Rhubarb at the Canning I & Factory I'voill-letress A U41 t I onver. I Ill" A lilt ... A Patrilitit. sovivt� .,r (',,I().- rivh 1.1\\Ilsllili \%isll to alln,milve that, (Wrice tit . .., . � .1 Wolunded at Poschendifielf. ui\..n Norman NlePtlail, will) eillist"d hin. r-tol, \Nllt.11 lilt ad'ir.- \\Ill be It\ mi� maci,illiNrit-\ ,.;Iljng , r\_rk .. n�% ,� ,'. '111" ­.�, -,- :'.., � .,�__ 0 , '' , ,", ,� - - 1 � " " � , t , ; , ,. 1_11 ,_ , .11 � I � , f, tl': : - , COURT OP REVISION IE & - ()\\ Ing tit vortaln vIrcIIIIISttiIIt,.1� 'AP Pto ' hal, 4:11111.1 or NI.o-t;lI1%l,lN , or 1. I : , . ._ I r� ",.� I@ ' I . I I , a ffid NNE 0,iintry Fail-" \%ill fit- livid ill Nl�,., Ill t1'e Imst Battalion. arri\vol Ii'loo, trmi'l'iting llt.�rlltllr, lilt-, t". 4 .1 In "� _L .",.... � _ _L, __. _ I—' ­ , " , & We �,vill pay Ife per lb. and @0 '27, "N't. ,,,, N, londay evening. tie was exi:111t,t"I Ialozlla�­ ,:�sv 1, IlIt"I"I"1101111110 1-01 All lift 1. , 'ill. , . � ,", I A will start taking Monday, June " NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION 'ff4o M "r"ell' S, .1tille insto-ad ,of I Ili l,:hglj,Il pi,i,.,11 rl,l,,, ('11 tilt, morning train and [Its W, -slitil .\Ir, Nla"4,1111NI,11� \\lilh., d-tht have ,i�­ -�,.�­ r, ,;., "I , I � .1 ' �' . 5.,,.. go % ,)ri,i,,, ,I r..,tt ....... - mayow Wigle, 1NIr, George Piwler, soo fililch it) t�, I :.it ti� .,r mt,,r­t !, no,s n 1. r: 1 1. ,,r . I@ N - 3 rd. q w TOWN OF GODERICH a* ,or the fair will he carri"'I'tut with retllr� of the Soldiers' Aid Goinnii,simi. an \\,�rk, i, � , . Y; M 10 Bring In Whaft You Hnive N M lw M - _. le t,xceoimi or -)rt, .1,,I,,, I . . 11 ill lilt) , � In .of \Vtli('Il will Ito, it I'llit-11 cminter all(I I'Meral coulicillopH and (bitter (.It[- . Tlw ill, till -I, ''r Nllltl�l,l Lodge, �.'t I � I I I �� I'll �, 09 M FE Tahe notice that tho Court of Re. # * Illave s.,r,.iI1W tt�.,J, (.'.ffl_ illkil ,,,, ,:,\\ i�`,',Os. zt1lis v\ere at the station \\lilt Iltig. Fr..,. \1,.,.,Il,. \\011 t1wir fri, 1�d, \\Ili at ;� I Huron Canning and Evapopatin 9 * vision of the Town of Goderich. 144 imisie \% I I I Ili, ide,l 1. I ,it If � -k- ," 1 ) I kvill calls to nipet and -ovllilt"'t � I I , I VA., L,,nd 41t� 11w %1-l',111P a \,,I ! , . 'L ' t , .. , .. I" �, I � � IE IF Go. IN fE Ill hold its lirst sitting in the M pro\ � �4tono-lltivkley (Irell"Sti.;J. t, 0 ret rued t-oldlor 14(mit, bi-it tit- ,�, "I"th-li'l o hol'o'll [I..\I .411fid'o ­-rning. , . . . � ., � � . ­ � 11 � J�' to ON Ri ( uncil Chamber, Town Hall, * vaine not. Ili, v\as detained till IA lab -r \\I1,LlI 11". 1'.J,t­J'. III'\ 111' It' " , , MEN NNANNSEN *T Goderich, for the purpoF;e of hear- IV 1* Open Air �,'eriiev tritill anti Ito missed tile Intelifivil vmc \\Ill th.. .411111111 ...I .1 :� " - -- ------ -....- . % iDg appes, eRs. Is against the Asg * Ili r,pimecto-ii \%till fit,, ,J-­r\,mv,- \\-drmne. III- received a butlot \\,)it I pr.,1,11 11.1.1, I, 1111d.. litilldillu " 1�;::�";�""'_,,!�9-,".,A I zll IIJ � "' FOR SALE OR TO LET- W went Itoll for tt,.o Town for the W @0 @9 �11` .Sllflda�, .11111, :foil,. j" " .1"IN 6Q. I it tit., left elh(j,.v tit Pascliendavii, :1;::i ,\..lIlll,z �ili.,,..t \\ill I... A, Ilri­ii tra 11, :.. SALE --A -(ILiare piano fit excellent year 191H, on (N M . nati(intil ljrfi�vr, Nln�m� \\igh- I, makinp. `t� Ili hospital Ili EnglAnd fill, som-, F -k , \I'll, '1111.1.,\ (3111) 1114--t, al. I . . . FOtt midiLloll Willbe8olaotion.p. ('.J.W. c W Thutisday, June 27th, 1918, 1* .orralml-Illorits rill, lilt (tpeliall, ,,, rN Wl. Iiiii, and stIvaks \cry highly, (of the If) ;j ill Io ti, clmn it 1-.irlor -�tdtjeet i 1�j I I � "', TAY1,01t, 8OL'TH ,street. - � IN A 41 * , fit tilt- 0ptirt Ihm,v �;,Itiaro, ill ,�'::hwl A --, i1m, -� Thimith I I -fit tit- reeelved flipri , f -.1, '11-.11--1-11, \\ 11 it 1'..I,t 1)..#,, Ill'tir.il .1 I ­ __ - __ Fill 11 IIE.NT-I�Tallje house till M. Pati -irk 144 at 8,o'clock in the evening. W 11. ni., \\Ili(,Il lilt ill,, viliz,11, a . ill' - he It'll, filet (Ili, full Ilse of tho. 111,111rell 1-1111,1".11t Plo in I til, , IA'o lt� V. , :; I , '. I �, � ?, . , treet, lival, tho Sqtlapp, (�,)otainlyig & All parties interested are re. �01 \it.,(j ill iiitt-yi,i. .\ ,,,,,k,,,,tt-., .or iio- .11,111 ,,A )et Ito. iLove,.4 to hiak, nirm,t, I �n It. \ .1 I.. I o.l'� ltjl,l.� I I- ill' 4 at ­ .11 '.,, r,,-,,,, - 1� 11 1, So x I'c"jilis, pantry and vlo,vt -kill coll- @H (luested to attend. i W rIH7 "si,tilig ill,- NIa\,.r, And Ow a 1 ""Ir- O.VIII-IlLt. \ .1 Ho i!,kt: 'Ir 1� ,41\t -11 ") VNIler)(10" . I -Ill, V,rm-1 and particolars *1 f T V?C11V*'r-W Clerk . !4 . .1 I. it, . .11,11 :, .. I I . " , I I - oc0000mocicwo*130"60000012"0000000001m"oocHalm0000Dou apply to J. C. LAIT11W.MTE, . It W 1. 1. a . ov N 11 orial It".."I'111'.11 \\Ill :.ITMIU.. Ill.. [)fell fit Denver t'. ,411 "l\t­ .1 .. � .­ , � - -rch, June l2th, 191S. �* ,\ wo, I ,:, " _ _____ --.-- .- I W Gotlet - ''I'di.f. ,,f s"I . A larg'. alillp'I'llol' "r \if,- Jimies Wilson, North ��t , I- -'r\l­ .it -1 ,­.1-6� - "hw-1, for `­ � " OR SAI,E- OUP arld a flair store 99 a t .,t Ift'll"oy "" gp,*"NvOBREEBBIEgEw,N*4[w.*:,ffi*lo"tiwv*lpqo90 -Ht' (Illiz.-lis is I.mk.-d roll, Ott thi-1 ,)(, ,.,.,\,,,I tile A�ol Inielligol)cp of II,r 11111,11 1 � I F firl, , k,,hu li,;p "if Vv *e' � voll - '111"t. ll,)Il,. ,III; -I.., .hd I h � lll� \\- - � .11111, I ttlhl� .,e�O I "m ,,.,, at) ."i,ii'll, (.1, \\111411 fill .. \N111 Ill, lwl.,\­I W. -111d" ifl-'r I'll(II!, Holy I I I � d hatil-romi). good - . --- si.,ter. .\It's. Ilays, kl,enit .Nl.!l ., t', I . �, : I gl\vn lator. I 0 Cellal'. FleCtrif- light.,; and but water driiin do;ith tin Tuesday, Jime ISth, ""Ill, 111.1 Ill 01 't � Ili , 11. ­hhattl , 11 - I- A CARLOAD OF XXXXX SHINGLES ' heating. Apply to ,NIIJS. \\'. 11, III LLARD. - -_ . , I � . a a 4-t Harried ill 1% iod,or ' In li"m"r. N11-- Ilays had lott he'.11 ". I ..... I r. I' 111r,111- �l 11, . ,,, 1. ., it i ng . a , . ON HAND AT THE __ ,_ - . ___ - _. ______ 141 414 - \N o- \\,-If iltirititz tilt- \\inter anti \%it., w -I Id'.,\.A ,old ­ t'l -1, ,I 11 . 1, - .1,h till � 0 RE.NT-Vlirillshed house oil AV"*t i .% I I .1''1111 MILIt"Ill, p--lig'.1. 4111'. 11, Ile \\ilh her moll -l -Lir, .'.[I-,. (i it) - "4-h-11 ttll* 1r:11D -'I '" " t I to I . - :11, 11 I . f T ., 're't' near Harbor Park, All Inodern * 14 tIll" SIOR1141-F 4irf'��Illltlftl*i` tn't V\r-k ,,�l 1. thrwigh her last Illness. Ill Mot \ �,J, , " I , ,,, ,I :, \ , ,_J_ , I ,, 1. ,, I'llv I l� .... n,nvenollwo4. Apply at :;tar orlive. I -t (Q W 11 W . . . . . . � I S 1 ;'� t hall 1111'ro. m] Ill.- I'l,"91-.4111 thall \I'r alill \If, lli�s I .ft for 41;olorado Ill "I.."'O -11 itillf,' �, t. 'i'll .� ''. Ht,qr 7, ------ --- - --- - - - - R4 W mer,,I% till exotir,ii,in 11,11', and I I I , � 11 9 GODERICH PLANING MILLS i )If S.�I.K-Dvlving inare, aged I,.' years, M 11 f# A"', " Ilw Impl. (-If- ilm if g4 it v tithange bon., 111_1 ,,,,I,,,, 1_11 ..11 11 1\ , ,,,,. -, "n - F W ,(,I,,,. .,,r iiis rrwn,i­,,ni,ii,,r,g,,r,, sit,. I , I b"99,1'. ClIttel, ana harnle�s. 1.%Iare 9 have taken the local a,geucy of llvi.d. It \\ti�. tim%ever, found nervs� ,,,, -,,,,,I.,, 1110,1 ,,I " L. , i ,, 1, \1 11,110, C, 1 . i. I 'A'(:uld inako Iroold thli-a horse on laryn. I 10 M prim. \\11"11 h, r'.1111,11 -A I., h.\NI r� f,w Mr-. lla�s ill undergo till oporn Natl\ll, -r -� I-.1,:, �f . 1�::,it,,r li,,I, I 11 I UILDERS a] Moving to a r1remt \%'here wraim, can 1*1 ASSUP * 110111)11� li.'41'1101�. 'I'lil' ljol� ,If Ill, IT"'o.", --o I I .. I I * ble used inost of tile year. _ W Inin and front t1ils stle tooppjjrohtl� 1:''11,11111111,01 �t It , , I . . I : Th'e Mutual Life flil i� Miss Edith 'I'ming, ilatight,r ,)f \It. , I �� 11 0 1 have a inimber or Rhode Island fled W . 't'llilig, 1,1glItIl rallied grolitly to) tilt' Ratisfaetiol I It 'If to ill, ljl..ILn� ,.( th. 1-1- ,��',,.;I'n�, � I . ' Manufficturets of and Dealers in hens atilt Illyinotith rhivics rot ,sale also. 9J .\Its. , .]ohn ....... 1wr stirXv,oh,,. Ili it letter revf*ivell I\ S1111.1;1% -�'+­,I I .... 11, . if , I- 11, M- 1*1e . ,. IAKV. L A. McKELVEY, Dungannon. % W , . . ,,fill tho A ... r,,Ill,.tI\ i. -I, Ithave Ill .... : �N " `;','-', - � I 1'. e... - I,, I- 1, rt , , ., , ance Company N , \Ir, Wikim anti \Nriltell by Mrs. 11a),, Ing ,.r th, �� \ 1. � . I --- _ ---,----- - - -_ -_ it M \\1rillsill, oll \VotlIIv'.I;I\, .hI 11" I'll"' I"r- �lw �aid, "I shall be well enmigh to , I 1 1 � I ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL F Oli,,\.SALE-Seveli-roonied rrarne cottage, & of Waterloo m r,)riiw,i iq iwN It \1 Patilin 1,mi tt,,,,r .1, 1.,W.11, - I., 1''. " I;!- !, 1- !t I � . Ith modern convenienreq, oil Bruce IN W 1--ok\ll Ilie hip,Apital on .Nionday, Jullo it, K Ill I-Ild-l' � street, coupled by Capt. Angus Nforlonaid. -attilation, , ,, � gi . , (;. C. 1. Reviciii, fill. r-lile All Thr 640ir hoped later on Ili Ile abit, to conic it) 1, r,. � � I L M C 'anada's popular and only Mutual W I-,." iind added how w011 she felt and I,,.i,.I-, ,.r it. 1, � Also frood harn. Apply on the premises. @0 * 'N. � .11d ,I .1 . " ) I --- " -- - W Life Company. A f . � . Off SALE flaidora Range, alllimL all * N 01111ce limlerich. Mrs, Wilson Is waiting rot. \1 " 1114\.. A ti. ,I it, , I _!. � � - J i) .-x L , We have always on hand a stock of F gr�()(] it, Ill, Ml Apply to .1. W. TA) 1,011, It W ftirther ii,,\\s tit the very unexpested 'r,,,-.44i�,i - \, rml�: it I �i , . � I * I The 1918 4-dithm -of Ill,- (;­i.-I,wIl ,,\ I \� Il. 11,N I, I a . Elirin Ave, 2-1 W % (i,atit tit her sister. Nirs. Hays w,, H. A, "r \)I", "I" "I'll"- N.'rIll .4 �,� .. I * A. )X. IWBERTSON, % 0MI-91111'. Inslitilt., RvNI..\\ \0lieh : %Ni1l kti,,\\n Ili lioderich and I, 1-111 , I- , I tit- 1, I I 0 RFN'T- 1,4even-roomed house. on Light. * 1. tier nurn- El"N''I'll' 1--1:11" "I' �. . AV . INTS I * imto-d fit la -I ,,\vok', i -ii,- lot 111�1' 11 J CANADA PAINT GO."S.PEADY-MIXED PA Thou e l,treet.. ono and a halt Rtorey fraine, N cornor Victoria and 1-U. David Sts. W "ta I" 1�111�lf 1111,k I 1, I., 1-jr, ,. lift " . I'll, I ., \\Its imsord I.t,t N\,.,.I, 11. ;: ,,,I,[,,[,,. ,-rmi� frivnd,, \\ill hear with regret of ;,llast,' ,4 � I ,. I . a &I�o would sell the garden. For terms oind W W 1wr death. antorn -101- Ill Ill. ,I.%, �\Ioll 1, it . I I �,; I 0 (EXTRA GOOD QUALITY) $3.00 tier. gal pattletilars apply after floolock ,it the ho Icso * Im GEORGE WOODS, � M in f, -r smiw \t,r.\ kit)d i\,,t,, f.. ]I (". I,r­J,I,tl.,il 111.1 ­ifmw prl,­ .,01,4' I ­ I , � , Ili .1 M". PETER WYLI 09, OM those \Nil,, taaNe soeri it 'I'll,- Ro\ 1,,\\ --- - - -----,..-.-..- --- go Bruce St., opposite Victoria Park. W, �Ia%onle 4er, fee at the Bill t.l gl%,, ill, ...Ir 11,11_11 , , ,tl.,lj. take . ,�'. I I ; Al this year is Ill" 131 -A -t b -Al, �"t Its I I ., Ott S.I.LE-A grey wicker baby carriage, (III I \ Fir,irt- -,I- so) of the till it Till, 1, H � ,j+ rt�mtty I L � I members of -4 .11) I'll," 11 ­ I F It, good con011joit. A b#rgain, Applylbt M Fire. Life, Accident and Auto Insurance. VA KOtt,-n out. Illaking a -,o lIg \1111111J." \11"llarld L-11CP NO. 33, A., F. & A. W, ljall�%ii� for, 1� ,11%#-[ I "J!'' I .4, if I I THESTAROV'Fl('K. - N (MM and in fl'.114-rid go-[ If(), 1\1,..Mf..Il.11l..Il 1111. !, NAIIES GLASS --- - III , imirrill.\,d to) �zrfllth'A 11111 on Sunday yi)m Irj\-- dr--idy t4k,ll P'. ro-1 trip. I WYOLF.S FOR SALE -1 MR�Aey 191.7 VENEERER VS NEBO NNESSMERE 90 NN ERB appl-Aralwo" etc. is tilt- hv.�t \..I, ill III,- aft,-I'limm la�t ill attend the annual come il-,\I 'I'll-diiN , A"d 1',,',,Il I.­i�'Int I r � ­_ -..--- - - ,1,11. 11 13 otodel. I Maq­,ey odel 6. nl.,o the best - __ - . - --- �erdivt or all - Ij.,\I,.\\ I� t,,Ilo, (111111'.11i .-Onivo of .\1011ning Star Lodge. dieniorit- , if \-oil h-0-- 11, '. V11 it � -Mil. l AND TIRACK,S ma k o. of tires for himeycl& and autm. alRo I -;olfl tit 25 ccrits it c,i'loy :Itl,l .ilj�, I sundrice Apoly West SL BARBER SHOP. 0. F. CARRY %\islllllg it volo.N ('1111 11,1\.� '.11'. .1 I . I'ho dll% \%as thie and tile 00derich dele- ,,,,(I s,.,. �Njl,j 1� it, .t.q. r -r )-.tj in 4 - i f; ��' ozatioll had it good trip bY auto. Among tilt, hitim- Itrisch! fli-i-, W11 Ild to) () T. -Six roomod I Star -iflire for that �riinU �ifm , 1 ALL KINDS OF BUILDERS' HARDWARE A SUPPLIES -R SALE OR TO REN REAL V.STATR AND INSURANCE AOENT � F hou-e. good location, all convenieneem. , House for gale or to rent -Ai otorey frame IlloSe 9"Ing Wit frorn town were 0. L. tile 11"1111119 I pl.� 1�111, to. I,,. o0wr I I . fient moderate, Auply Lo H. (,'. ML!NNI,NOS. dwelling. cor. Britanniiii. Road and Keay" St Don't Forget it) Regkirr llar%iat�. .1 .1. McFwen. Jas. YateF4. 'I'Il#�%,Ia\, Jmw 4"th, K I " 'r I N,ltl � ,..11 CEMENT ILTME Trafalirar 6L .. ___ t_1__ I Two brick hoti-e,t near 0. T. titat.ion for I N fill ('aft regi,olor ato tillp. [I,,%% 1,11, (worw-- MarVividr, Mex. Chrygial, J. W. art- iroit-,d I . KED POTATIW4 Volt SALE-Iri.h Call- gale or rent ('till be bought % ery cheap. -ri IT lj,.� I,,,,,,, %%Ill itarilitter, E Se\sIllith. Chas. Doty, liar- - .1. ... , r I I-Porge Ilortor and Sho "., , .1 - I ; �. S blo, -. A liniftedwinialty for ,laJo. Fine I 'Hird%, If .1 I). Cooke, A, N1. 016ver. �, , � . , , 0 . ) , � regimter )mi ;ill\ Unit- dur-Ing Iiii,int- n S ,. , � ,, ; � Al ][ h for 1,11, ,,,, 11,11 o"r luoilel. IpplY to J. R. FOR SALE , . . I I , . '; 11 0 II0IIrq. Al�.l Thursil.i% and FrAft) I .,� 11 1 , - COX. It. It. No. 5, Uodel ich, or'phons 17i. Son- I For Sale - F mine dwelling on SL . � - Ili, llorih,r, James Connolly, WyvIiIe ��]L;"�' I 11 , ,'� I , A - to 1 1 - � 11 __ iller. . tr CrescenL In good repair. 01, girc. n gh to, rroti) ', ill 10 ill,- 1,111rl­,� I-- \Iillar, Frank CoiPmaP, A, G. Jackson, ­' 0 ; , - - .., � .1 -1 CHOPPING T-1 11--i OR SALE -11ouse and lot on WolfeStrect. planted. Furniture goev with!r...e. I tauraht and f1rk\oy'4 J,\Nell,-i� ,,I,lf.,, 11 '111(- 1,"9, 41ms, Saunders, Charles NI)SR N14-1.4 )­Ifliz�­fl. ,r P, , 0�/ ! : , � . , 'r L kl ( Flioulle containti,ieven roornii.good cement Forarre dwelling at proR to upl%ibyW. tic 0IWh to) r#.41"I rptli-traid,", \it, �%4 I to visiting rrwtid, i� 1, d- '� ' �'. I 0 imt) Itio,k9.,\, Conductor Cowsey and W. J. Miss Ethul KI I . m(:�err�w , " 11,,%�,-il The sernion was preached by e . I �� IN CO.NNECTION. oellar olent.ric lighted, frood spring well, lot ; H. Murray 7 roolinti. oonv nee- i ,r ,1,.t- 141 II�,jr­'- - P , .: I � , e , , consists of EL quarter of an acre mcmtly under 2 lota, situmt,ed near corner South " Koir-i I Niel,vall and Mrs F J,odaii giNing I ­ i ii�l � \ . 1� -\ '. .. Ing to spentil lwr \ w-0-11 it \\ - ­ " (I L � I i)l - -1 fruit. and �rjaroo.L For streets. Mr. Mn"aly id leaving 00derich � these 0(ires for that puri ...... '11 -it ,,it it Nil Ation. pillit (IlAtrlct deputy. , I - B ' I *1� tertnoo acndiceartle'uplaeor." pe&pr1Fyl to W AIR i and will Roll cheap. I \ I'r I4I1rkI,-y lind charge of the organ, ,%I rs .1 "i \'i icl.111'1. ­( I ]� I '" ' . L.' 11 � . I, I I I , ��:olle dt- tf I .- _ -_ - - -_ , r'.1 .'I - ; . ,�.. ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN. - - - - _ __ .411d a \Ia. nle rtodr led In the singing. took ad\aiil,iir­ ,of "t, - -­_ I , Al [CST WAWANUSH FIRE !NHUR c.olntiif (fr T11%\kS \1 . , ,�_ . . 1�11, - - �, k. with all _____ _ ,____ - %-Il - - r -1- I \1 - - - ! I - 3 . OUSIL FOR SALIL ,Red orio C �� % . 11. A. ('HIS- AN I K (10. ­ --, I - - __ r Ill 94%t a 9010 whirtl was ctirsion 1,, %i -jt It . 11 convenienoeo. Apply to W . E Wl,,511 70 EX1111F.91 ... i, �ii.­,,- rittif I, .iI.I.r,,Iate,J Rev. Mr. Abery A. Wolls. Mi0wid 1`1 i I I . V, . � � JAMES BUCHANAN, Manager Hol, M. Trafalgar St. tf W I flank- to, tti,� rrwn(l� a:11 . I � L .� I .. t _. --- - _.___ - - .. .- One of the best in the Province. Fixed rabe i "I, . I ,1-1 - good t1tio-hIng of Masonry Mrs (da -1\4 Iol.,id. \I,,- � �i It ". -About 00 cedar poles, 20 feet Of 4`90�4mOnt". 111"'O KtOck ingured at their for thpir folodili- I,j it, doll it ir''."', ":,!".,:,I ", ,;, � ,,' 1110011,11 fil good character ford. Ith- il,-rni \1 N, i , I � " I - I 1� I acicioo*000aaoo"00000000000gooco"000000m SALX. full value, whether on the farmornot. No beri-av#-mo-itt sl!:�, 1. \ 'I. , I 000300 Folona. ,,uftable ,for telephone u -e or other "I r� � , __ - . I lien I ell number of largle cedar r0uf?!1D 2ift Ta�I!P!'AtulltTen� � . _ .. Mn all'i \tnq J4) -Ill \ it I 1" 1111111111)a I'll' �P-,Illtl 00 thnt M"onry Pearl Nk \.I I I \ \N, * - - .. , - . o� �, ,­ - i? �, . , 11 � : . , :, I , I , , I , , "I ; , I � � I I ,� I I , � I I d I 1� I I I � I- I il � - -- =- -= --:--=- � --- - =---: =- - assa%wwwm,smi*�-� I 1, �.. r NOTICE W i , - ,, I If :, I I 01, -.--.- AL III. Jane's Cartage Business 11 I I � r" " 1. - A transfer of the dray bovildeas 0 of Berg. -Major A. 11. Jane has (, 1'�, � b&" made, Mr. Yeogivingitup ." P , � ', �­ - ,� 6ving to 111-hesitN and it will flow ... I I I I" . be in obgge of Mr. Sohn Marriott. I I . I I D The pub to is reque" to take I note at the change and to give Mr. I I I . �� . , . WArriott the patronage which they bI , �, � " would wish to acoord to Mr. Jane ana Lam;;r .- ..., - ­ ...- ­­­ .--"- "I. I ­­­ " � I .... -11 . . t EWAN JqAy;�., r3 it. aria v rr. long. mc- . 1.044 -It ,,, o, ,, -1-titme for re- last \% Pl-k -M .�I.- o 1, - , I ., I � I I I tr N913669119BEENE913 ------ --- ----- ___ _ - � �111 -11 Nlr4 It 11 \- It. , I : � , . I @1 %t ('­I,-tl,I. d ­k 111''I., I 01.1 -If 1%ock, %%ere %ppref-Intord i " �! � : . , FOR SERVICE it" visited Itvr p to, Ili- %I' , , '' . I . M W ff 10,arn- 1;! 1-\ 1� ,111�11 Ih '' - \IT- I ,iu- , 11 initlf,,n Itas find it'(- A Welk, it I.'), . I l - , I .1 * 1""" - IN ,Ia% o�lvjll It - - �!, I � rr ,,`� I I - 1@ fit. I (III 3 I i'h ti. o, - ' ''' - v� ]. It- ! ,,f thanks froin SappOr . 1 , , I \"U, "",%%I, -11, 11" 11� I I . : . I�filt 6TUD SVASON 1919 00 Motopists Attention 1. to �;eo­n 1, r,;�,,,,,,�,i .,,, i,,.,, ,,v ­! - I It \1, IA '. , N". o'.."i:X1, :11) \%', or S. r,�ttirrflntz ,,it It � ­ .1 r ; IKF_ MIE-DIUM *. ,"� at 1; " to '! I ol� , I I . "I. .51&22 A. T, It. 1070 C. N. It. a IN 4 . fit, kit 4 I I 11 P . Al - I \tip- 1--tf,fliev, H E. F , , Mrs. l.hAT'l­ I ,' I � . I . . W RA . � nd sktpr. Mr- \\ ii . � � ,4d - I '. , 1,,,, , r -, k� ­nt b) the Wo In - vl% . . . . - ,,, I I he Standa-d Bred 8how and Trottinj FM firing your Tiros, and (!aRingg. * 4�111%111F:lll %\11.11 III - . F, - \,i \ �-i to - ll�ed N% ,it, I! , , ,_ , , ­ . -31 - )p I Pu-tyn 2 III an --- ­ ' - -­ - . � __ .. # Stallion. Full brothor nf IN . InezM2.17J. W"Ahown flfteen time� rour W too, also Ve6trldal Work, to tile * ifi\NVA, I \NIP. ON 11, NIN pt"n".­ 1, A I \Ir� I .1", , 11 .,I, 11­rl N\vv'k. wwiw ii ' l wen timem fir4 and onae �Ainonll. * W S " , "Ill 0- , ., . ". I' ' 11, , i \1 Ad o, I r ... i%vd ill-, pareol hound , IKF MRDIUM-will otand for the Improve. .., it,!.,( \N ': I-- 411.1 I I ,,, ri_ ,, 11, 1,1111W% War Auxil Mrs 1) V I, - . , , " a f 11 \ I ,-�r,,,%% I I % ' ' a" -1 ri 1, - I �� � ment, of stock thip mop�on as follows: Z Squape Deal 0 * " ,, , ,A I- a, .)�,,-oI,, ,,.,,,I (V-", I A � I A apage * i,t,,,,fol-' i 41 44 ,11 I I THUMDAY-will leave hio own stable and W I I .1 1"4 ,,, , � 0 , X' I .r P - P - - , 1, \ , rill I IT) If fit say I Walkerton, ati-I NJ, I - � I W .III':.":.!' I'r;-V�;fo` i't:r'1r"\`1f`fN""I ........ if, , proceed north to) Be for noon- then t,o ip VARNA W 1"�I. NI, )N VI ,,.,.,t I %.�.�l , ­ w- ­I ,'� \%"I[ ,I,q a pleasp,J Mr. arid \Jr. \\ to III . �� � the Farmers' Home,igianv.aham. (or nighL 0. III __ , I - � . . . .,;:, r , , -ni - away spent Stind.,N .1 It,, , I .O- FRI DAY --will proctiod toHluovaleto 11 -fall,, * for acientific repairing. VA = - I I I U I Ill, I gav( ert Eider, !,t I)j\,.I - thenr,s to Gordon Mol)on.td'. 4) 4EV64#**%*#*f ' ;111 I I ,,), , i'l 1,111 a couple of pair . for noon; ,,'. It— \ ., - \ - r\ I'l-.1%.-I willl them. ,\1r. Firne-t 11, it ,, . BruspeN. for night. IN lis I ,I M im 0 14 ATU RDAY -will proceed L,o hi. own ,---. __ * FIREWOOD FOR SALE * ; , 1, � 1, I k I � - � I-\1 I,, ,\I,ross rity thank, in:,?VN1lI ,.It �rl,11\ o - - ... �table 113111M, whore he wit remain UDLII the - * I Ili, 1,.h. � f-t Ill, parvel, btit if they old frleml,A It,, It 1.1 .1, It following b rW&y morning. ip - : ' - .' ' I .1 ,',-I Rolio, (,fit- nent a the P%eviitl%o, .,f ill. I I ,, I 11 � - *Tendern wantorld for a ,pilintity ,-f * ' "' " ' � � M W I - - ; f.. to ,�,,,. ­pecially when not connection \%III, 1,,� If ; A KLMER DICKSON * Firewood. Apply to * p. - I'l- :1 Ih., \­'­ likely under- prepw n t H -. I r, I , r I r . I., . . , f � AIN28 A. T. R. 2M ( . N it if G. W. MA110N (;oolerit 11 * I \ C Rare hwor4 2.0% * * .1 ,- ,I 11 . 1.1'.1-11. it tr�%­ to) if-; here. the day4 of tit-, ,.id , ,I�t I ! -, a_t NVqF49*11I04,0411 \\, ,,, I i no, %, \ \% irrn weather In Ooderivil, ��,til 10 I 11 I 1 Tne Grand 1I.Arcult R.aw and Hhow Horap ___ - . I First prize winner at Beaforth sod (linton ThNDERS FOR COAL ---- - -- ,�l . I md , or %%int. -r %%aq nilIld Wets Identitleill %%I,3,. . . � I . I 1 1917 Spring 18howlt. The only stable in the music I'- X. � , gr- it ­nlr,itit rrl)rn tile - County of Huron that ever offered the Ater FALED TENDFUL9 addre-M to the tin --­------­-­-- -1 � I - Mr. &IIII Drai-r. I I- , vloeo; of a Ktaillon wiLh a record of 2�1() or S derAlitned and endor-ol "Tender for Cent S AIII I� 1. It SA. OT I _ , , , " I , , .11 1,1,1 Ill I..'11.1.1a town tho p"t %ve-A. - ,, - . . I .1 heifer. flArthe Dominion Buildinf-. willberooloolveA I Orsrant-t Nafth .F;trft'T MM1104i-t I tll.rlh \U , , I I, 'iAlfiv \",I [411. I am tits brother. Wn, 1. i� 1, I I I I ( � KLMER Dl('Kg Lhe -upDlv of cloall for the I�npuA prepared for Con�r,rktory F%- ­n onto on W,-(Inpq,J,4, I''J; T _ ".. A ; I 9N 2.1"Ilit. will at,and sit Not at thin offloll until 12 o'r ock noon. on Thor- N �.Jr" r-1,eetriAlIv. . . I own O^ble. Oomnkj��Ial Hotel Harnq. Blyth, June V. 191A. for I I I . "_ - -1.1-11 . dat., I I with azoeption of the following route. 11. Ic Rill Id Infor- tn rousition t t,he Domin Ion. ation.1 In .1 11 %ICKAY tlftorr an IllnoQ4, r.r , 'I (-on1bIneA ape,-iflovition and form oftender VOWK, PTANI) A.4rt 4)"1,4Vt_ ) ..'' \1 . 1111i 11.414 " I MONDAY -will leave hip own atable. Myth e,vp he obtAtned at thIA oinne and from tile I Appiv af Mr,, P ( tarry � l4rhAtinkot I I tuberculosis. I'llo, !ilt­ ; t , - �"4 L - I i and proceed to Auburn for noon; thencle by emrotatLo" of the d1frefront Dominion Build I at, POIrt Albert Mr to, ,, . 11 . � I I Ivray of N tie to 0. MoNall'a for nfirlit. I I f-oi J W TAYDOR ('01111111anlPfl by hi,l ,, f. ,- I - ; �, TU XSD AV - will porb(mod to Colborne nF'OLmona tAndmInsir arp not I flicort that tender- %_ Al I -, - . .1 ( ho h BRIEF TOWN TOPICS Another brother -,. , . _ 4: I , of I . 1. were he in Goderien utistead at Ill - ­ � Rouge Goderich for noon and remain there vrill not bp nonwidere,11 urilo­q made on the A trq��I-,t and � hoirmfli-ter 0 pool re - I .. � Frafice. - � _�_=­ until %ledowidar' noon. fornip .opplied. and otitned with their ,,,,,,,. or In Piano, Vocid and Theory � ". I - I " gurviviiR � I � 1" , . - I = prevalrooll (or Toronto (onxervat-,ry to ' Ig. )- I ,,ovntrs Fair at � I I Prof Tnylor is training a nionqtc-rl WRONESDAY-will proceed bir way of origna(urea - I 1, 1� Mr. Jane wishes to thank all his Rointniller for Dlvtb whore he will remain .Each toneer rootat be arv,00llt,Anied h7 an no I Exam.. (Annist Road and t4ollth \ I . I - 1, . ?,ilw .2. BORP d . I 1� . Old friends for tne patron"e given school children's chortis for Illp Coot P vtod opliqyque on a chartered banit. wable Studio �orner Ilrl ,�� ."'. iwl 1-,k for thr, Blind Pig" . -9 following MondAv inornine. ,, At"At 'Phono ea . C I At A.1exandre If ­i, I,' I I to the order of the M inivtor of Public orko. ,' day� A I untill IA - ' 4 ,ritr% I Air Sline 27th 3= 16th. to Mr Qn,l \1 � 1kn, , I . � I I 'I to tits buslate" durf ag his absence, rich Doininion Day co-1pbration T P The Property, Of equrj to 14) p.gyof the amount of the tender - - . , . I 11 ." 11 I and would ask a wntinuanceof patriotic choruses and drilIQ by t 0 T11110% COULTER. I rder I&A1111,98 Ill'41. It LK v onn't reftiw to biiy a fail on July. ill. , a 9011. I , I I fibifte &Voft until 'Phon.� i12 mirth. Ont. it ( - 1) - - COOK ­4111111 Frifty, Juno Ih I -1 1, � .1 I be retalims afad children wift be a tPature of tho, aft r- _____.__ ___-- P4cretarv. orgAnt-t St. Georoxe*. Anglican ('bureh to help the ho%l)ilnl rund-it of the 4h- iii 1 , ,� 'I I Is able to rMume charp himselt noon*i; program at tn4p .- __ 0 1 - Piano and Olgan Inatruction " . re. %". Cook, 18roc), q�reo, o " � le-4111WHERA, , Do,�_enly.l Publllo,work,s, I -L , hant-C 1) r � I . I I'll 11 , ... - -grounds. I The Star to Jan. 1Qt, 11919. for 75 pt& I ontt'fl..� Do C1. 9 A Terean Moderate ID 24t Patrick st 11 . _ Doris Evelyn. . . I . ,)� I I . C� , ,. o" e , I .,� " , I � , I I 0 1 � ­ ­ 9 I � I � - . J "�, N , 1�.� - Ii , �, ­ I �­._­ 'W',� Affilip I , I I � I I I � ,,,,, " , -A '' � . � , � I � -.----,- " - -L-Aiw& �i I , I 1� � ­­­;­ I " � -, I 11 ­' .. _ "I 17 . ­ ­6�� .... ­_,_ --A =a;j;jj'�L - I - . :,:'4J. ` , _112- I � 11 .. - --- . 11 � I I I , . I I I I , 11 , 1) AI 'i, I � ...... , . I . 11, � I 11 I ". ., - i 7 I