HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-14, Page 8-X-4qLXO h Pk, RICAllird J11CM01. Of 149,Wou. Is IT $1MAER L V_ NE 1h" 0, ton days' elcii; Rive' �Vw, Val, miallt, of London, wot ORE' tktwoe ",0.04 home here. t Mr. F04k; CAmorou toolt In the ex, We. will be pleased to havo cursloxii 10 Detroit on Tuesday. you call and inspect our special Miss, 1111dAk King went to Detroit on -4� tht _reylk"nd v y y sit her sister, Mrs. A hivdbif. Ist evir Show for a short time. tanpo cv*iefas, Mr. 19. P. blerner was operate4 4n ScIlirts. TOW4. Pay Slits: for rupture on Tuesday. Tito ofierp- 7�4 tion was pertofted by Dr. Wirt, Vdt- carrill Pillows, Rompers, W, I 1W atild V. and Bills. Dra. Cant0bell H1010*y$ "Uigh.-V46 Englifl, a"n'd" 4X'e'1'0 Zy:'o4f Zurich. Ica, Chi 40,*'ft. lik b6ft, Will- Rev. Mr. Stewgrt, of Toronto, who to Use ftwo to summering here, 'took charge of ton 94 VO Our 06"" the services In St. Androw's- church on Blouses White Wear, in ladies' ties. Sunday lot a the absehee of Mv. A. and 004' sizes, Towels, Pil- Mai: i?,444iij.9ho b attending the Gen- low f3lips, bonnets, etc. stefto, 84vot KOV", Forks, oral AMmol at London. lade has been ap- inges and L%oes, Ur. Gee. 0. a Tau I4itou Flit % otrar for Bayfleld P0.14taill deputy- � V, for triiiiining edges of eiiutre4, scarfs and cushions. 04t.or Plate, Old for thal rrxtraton of all men, and worped qkvP r gi#�ein years of age on colony,��40�mvki 4 Saturday, j4Me V2nd. Come to the re - I largo fswok. 4U4 0�86 registration booth early and be p _pUvd_W__augwor - -the....questims- Wlth.. 4ut delay, -otherwise the work can - RE not be completed on the day named. -Evenyone who falle to register Is[ liable to a heavy penalty. Booth open JL. .1 in. from 7 a. in. to 10 p -AUBURN Mr. W. Marsh Is painting his resi- EBENEZER dence. 0 Some from here took In the M0011- %Jr. 0. E. Erratt sprayed his orchard light last Monday night. on Tuesday. Marilian Young, of Colborne, spent %Jr. Donald NicKenzle returne4 West J� Sunday vylth his brother here. on Tuesday. + "10"i'HWWS "M We' Mr. Thomas Reid and Miss Ella were Mrs. E. Matthews and enildren art -ek. Goderich visitors one day last .%t %isiting In Detroit. C 'isited )s N Mr. Debts, of Auburn, v his Mr. and Mrs. Janu Medd were In 7 -CWOW son, William, here one day last weeh. 4;oderich last Tuesday. - - -- ----- 'Vero iCuriningliam, of -GRPI&W, Nip. W. L. Riddell unloaded a car of slier Is busy at the foun- Ivir. I " 11 1 was an Ebenezer visitor last Sunday. B. G. m1iingles last week. 6".: .11".1671118 new house. Mr. Oeo. Rutledge and Master Roy -Mrs. Chester Taylor, of St. Helens, Is \Ivs, A, Culbert, of Crewe, has been spent a few days visiting friends it, visiting under the parental roof. I ling, lter sister, Mrs. W. W. Wal Goderich. Mr, and Mrs. G. 1-14anilton and son ME Sam Johnson takes an occasional motored to Brucefield on Sunday. qhas. McHardy, of Goderich Is or daughter. Mrs. Meji, trip In his new car and seems to en The gasoline famine has been severe joy It. but a supply is expected this week- V*18 Me I or Mr. and Mrs. Win. Doble and family Mr. John Robertson seemed quite at. de was �lsltlhg her L spent last Sunday evening wi 11 Nlr Reed,' of Ebenezer. - home visiting in out- burg fast week. and Mrs. Samuel Young. 4�,foiv days. 'Mr. John Medd shipped a carload of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hutchins visited cattle from The station here last Satur- lww . olin Young, of Prince Albert, with their daughter, Mrs, Cepha Young, day to Toronto. visitin __S, his brothers, of Colborne, one day the past week. W,y6unii, '%Jr. and Mrs, Nictiol, of 'Stre-etsville, X 0 glad to re Mr. Harvey Reid wears one or those visited friends in the village the former V �t that our old I, shisismiles that won't rub off. You "k Y -r,,!:, � " part of this week. rriefi.M"re. Thoo. Hamilton, what for. Why that's easy ; it's a bov. to�rqund a8idri after her severe Mr. and Mrs. George Yungblut ar- The Ladies' Aid met at the church HAM home 'this wee% rroni visiting "F! oble, also Mes-, st d -Mrs. J. A. Tr Ion Wednesday of last week and Pill friends In Hespeter. In a busy afternoon worhing and talk - 'C.. suit �Iiyttin, motored to, Quite a number of the young people V tford last Sat , rday, returning Sun- of this locality took in the moonlight 1Mr. Cooper, of Clinton, occupied the excursion last Monday evening. pulpit at Ebenezer in the absence or Nti*t of the farmers in this neigh-� NIP. Hedley, who Is attending confer- our teacher, Miss Nlanning, has re - N d4r pod are wondering how they are signed her position here. So far a 'bee. gol i4l to save their hay crop. All our Mr. Wm. McCabe, of Goderich lovs-n- sliecessor tiRs not been secured. flnelloung men are gone. Mr. Donald Mcliprizip, who has been k, t. ship, and Miss Brindley, of Slieppaixt- - i"services in the Carlow church Sunday a weeri ago at Harry spend here, returned ing the suninter ton, spent Sabb Hutchins'. ath will be under tile Ma- to his home in the West last Tuesday. i�onj� order. Rev. Mr. Alvery, of Lon- %Jr. Rnd Mrs. Willarn Paterson, of D has been V iteslioro, will preach, service to corn- Mr. Elwin Rutledge, whi the village, and Mrs. Riddell took in ijj ilce, at 2:30, old time. on the sick list the past two or three weekih returned to nis work at Ben- -L,,%st Sunday evening a little stranger miller a Week ago. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson. She had neither hat Miss Stella Clark, or Goderich, who but Billie has given her the has been visiting friends In this neigh - 0"a' FRAMED in in his house. GOV.# ,;J 'X*tUIQ- borhood for the past two weeks, re turned to tier home wn Saturday last. �.N in this neighborhood-, Ebenezer Sabbath School held its su -prised last Sunday to hear of thel -RES i election of officers and teachers last ath of Mr. John A. McHardy, an old Sunday. The following were ele PICTU �1 iftne resident of Colborne township. ! q ,pted : upt., George Rutledge ; asst. supt., .1le died at the home of Mr. AndrewiThos. Hallam ; see. treas.. Mlss Ina Saltford. Gibson ; organist, Miss [,title PI A Tasty and Artistic lbible.class teacher, Mrs. Jas. Finnigan; Asthma firings 3111sery, but Dr. J. D. girls' clas , Mrs. R. J. Rutledge ; boys' Ex -Pte, Earl Wilson ; young J�ellogg's Asthma Remedy will replace class, In- girls' class, Miss Lottle Gibson. Frame the misery with welcome relief. -lialed as �tnoke or vapp r It reaches the Adds To The Beauty And Valpe j,`�'.�Af�ry.imnost recesses of the bronchial SHEPPAROTON pa)nages ant Of Any Picture I mothes them. Restriction e s 9 returns. If Miss Thelma Bennett, -of Goderich, a X-breathin -su knew &L� vvell how this remedy spent Sunday at her h6file here. A nd a Beautiful Picture adds to %emild help you as do thousands of Miss Kernpton. our teacher, spent the attractiveness of any room in i raLeful users. there would be a pack- Sunday at her home near Laurier. t.gi, In your home to -night. Try It. the home. I%Irs. John Tigert went to Detroit on the Greyhound to Our Framing Department is visit her sisters M grim 24L =.AL. there. p repared to do your f ram ing 1 it a t Im Old ywi Has At BOO The crops are, growing splendidly manner that will please you im- Rnd prospects for a bountiful harvest monsely. d are good. We have mouldings of different Mrs. J. B. Graham is visiting tier pa terns and color#-. from which can sister and family at Sault Ste. Marie, t be made trames to harmonize with fill Mich., at present. any picture. Mrs. (Rev. Capt.) Allison and child- ren, of Dungannon, spent last week Our prices areas reasonable as It '41 vvith friends here. 18 possible 0 produce work that will L 7APE g.1 Some of our citizens took In the PIG&se in eyery way' is Ight excursion on the Greyhound The Singer Sewing Machine Vill on Monday evening. , _p Miss Ethel McWhinuey returned a 'S Aft store Agent, has 'taken over the Smith few days ago from a pleasan v Eut NMI, with friends at Seaforth. gency of the._ MNQ Olive Sowerby, of Goderich, township, Is the guest of her cousin, Miss Bets Graham, at present. �.Jntsrnatienal Harvester the Greyhofind excursion to Detroit Mrs. Gen. Carey and children arrived the former part of this week, it's home from the -West last week on a Nip. ind Mrs. Nicklp. of Streptsville. Piny IN visit to her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wil- motored up to Auburn on Monday. Is liam Carey. Among those who took In five Grey - I kmft Omit Miss Violet Bogle and Miss Marguer- hound excursion to Detroit are Mrs. III Ito Johnston were passengers on the ,%, T. Riddell, Mrs. Wm. Marsh and Greyhound to Detroit and Port Huron M�. and Mrs. Win. B. Patterson, and will handle both lines respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson, of Lon - Mr. and Mrs. John Robertson, of don, called on friends in the village FAIN NAGNIVERY aid Goderich. are looking after their br - last Saturday on their way home from or, James Robertsop. who has, bee a visit to friends In West Wavvanosli. SINOER UVIN SWINES Me sick for some time. Robert ..Phillip.% Thomas held and 0 Misses Ethel Graham and Ida Hawk - Ins had a pleasant visit at Kineardlite, ___K A tair shar� of the public. pat- a taurter and Pine ftiver-, with relatives and friends last week. GOD11KH UMV& 71.1� ronage will be appreciated. Is (Outside Market Reports an VW 8) Mrs. James Johnston under%yent an Wheat .............................. 2 00 to 2 05 operation for appendicitis at Alexan- Flour, GoVateut standar&.4 75 to 5 80 JX "I, drai ho8pR&I,L Gode'rJoh. on Tuesday of Inoar, per owt., famny ...... 5 75 to 6 75 Ir", N1 this week. She Is reported as doing Bran, per ton .................. 86 00 to 86 00 ----- well, we an glad to say. ShortA per ton .. ............ 41 00 to 42 00 Ernie Pollook and his sister, Miss Oats ...... .................... __4 75 to 0 80 B&r10Y .............................. 1 20 to 1 23 Annie, and Calvert Finlay. of Kinctir dine motored here and spent a couple Pe", per bushel ............... 1 00 to 2 lo of ays with their relatives. Mr. and Buckwheat ...... ........ 1 75 to 1 85 ........ IT00 to 14 00 ....... .. ........... Mrs. Nelson Graham and family.. lb -Dairy ......... 0 85 to 0 87 Iwo young ladies arrived I V do ............... 0 84 to 0 84 n Shep ow ork". It P.Ay$ to P.ay pqdtou recently, one at the home of media= bnWhers 12 00 to 14 (10 Mir. and Mrs. Illarry Lednbr. They are butchers hoice ...It 00 to 17 '00 going to call her Sarah Margaret. A16o Ive weight ............... q 00 to 17 00 one at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will per lb ..................... 0 86 to 0 88 E. PoSter. lior name will be Mari n USOM long clear ............... 0 to to 0 48 Elizabeth. Polatme. per bag ......... 1 00 to 1 25 The &ar lo'Saft. I.J0J.1119f it . ............... ............ 14 00 to 1100 msh t4ww 13 ell M -7,11 ~1, ! - I I - - - F at reduftd *p fli c ea O"DG H ENS BROS e"rydq 14i ;918 The Hom6 Stretch of the at L "W Go epich S 0" HIS big Money Savin n g Sale is nea ing its end. Next week we will announce the T definite date of its c osing, You can depend on one thing, and that is that the time i*s very shor� for you to profit by its. many savings. - The last few days it will be a case of cleari�g out all the broken lines and ddd lots in, (Act.. make a clep sweep of all stocks, now in the store. You can count on many'a money saving -bargain these last few days of the big sale. e atur y; o__ -Mo da-- 7 'd- k Ur- c"me n y ; come ues ay ; come any ay nex wee these farewell bargains. Remember that quantities are --small and first comers are best lichoosers. Ready with this fist and lots more on Saturday morning, Out- Go.the Suits There are ust i o Suits from our big spring stock left to sell. We will not take them with us to Peterboro. For a big clearance Saturday morniu�'we put 5 or 6 of 9 these Suits in one lot, they are navy, and black serge. Suits that $ v75 are worth up to $23.5o each, and give yom. your choice Saturday 13 �y morning for only . I am 4 other Suits at $17,75 and $24.75 that are just as big bargains. Embroidery, 15c A table of wide Embroideries, suitable for flouncings and trimmings. 5 in. to 7 in. wide and worth this Saturday price twice over. Choice per yard .............. ..... 15c Very Wide Embroidery 23c This is very wide Embroidery, averaging from'10 In. to 13 in. in width This is a strong ser- viceable weight. fine weave and pattern specially suitable for trimming underskirts. At- tbou,dli the value of these poods IF, 30c to 35c per vard, we puta on Ba ' eomur, Z;je day morning at per yd, Wash Skirt Bargain Black Underski4s, $1.50 25 wash Skirts, bought for thi Underskirts made from good season's trade. Repps, P. K. quality black sateen with wide drIlls, etc. Every skirt good. frill. A well made serviceable Raincapes, $2-45 style and every Skirt a Satur- garment. Satur- day Bargain day special ......... Half dozen Raincapes to sell, 1 $1.40 Lawn, red or blue, silk lined hoods. Clen Ing at ...................... $2.45 Waiilts, $1.15 White Underskirts $1.59 Finj Hosiery, 47c These Waists are good quality These Skirts are made from whitecotton voile, handsome- handsome embroidery, com- Ladies' French Silk, Lisle and ly embroidered.' All sizes. plete with dust frill. Away Italian Silk Liale. in black Saturday morning 4t under actual value 4k,1 only. Seamless with spliced each ................... 41V1*15 Saturday morning QFJKLO heels and toes. A real bargain, per Pat ......... 47e, -M A WONDERFUL BARGAIN IN RAINCOATS We would'like to empty the Raincoat racks by the end of next week if we possibly catL As a big clearing attraction we put on sale 12 Raincoats, about half of them good quality $ a75 parametta, the others attractive tweeds. Regular values away above ibis clearing price. Sat- urday morning, choice of the lot Skirting Repp, 31c Fine (justify Whttle Repp, inst the proper weight for Wash Skirts. Neat striped effect. ghturday morn- ing special per yard ... 31c Waists, $1.33 Thesefare better quality and liner volts with- more elaborate oulbroidery. Cut it] Several of the season's best styles. Saturday morning 10.33 each .................... W New Middies, $1.89 31iddy waists. newest style with sash. Made from good quality cotton drill, plain white or trimmed with some bright contrasting color. Aell real hargain at ...... W.M*89 Ladies' Hose, 25c TheseHoge cannot be bought to -day wholesale for this price. Black or white, spliced heels and tOeL Clearing sale 25c fides ... . ........... " Gloves, 89c Ladies, Heavy Silk Glovess double finger tips- Standitril high grade qualities. 'White or black. Also high grade Chamotsette Gloves. Satur- day morning per pah......................... 89C Best Quality, Large Size, American Cotton Batts, 2 for 55 ,Best quality American Cotton Batts, extra large size. soft and fluffy. Regular 40c. Saturday morning 100.,55c to sell at 2 for.. Nets And Laces, 39c 18 in. Cotton and Silk Nets, plain a#d fancy, also fine quality k.Allover' Lace. We want to malm a clesn'sweep of the stock and Saturday offer this clearing lot at per yard. .......... ............... 39e -- Skirtings and Coatings, $1.45 Plain and fancy wool Skirting tnateHaIR. also 4ouie specially suitable for Coats. Most of them 2 and 2!/ , � yards lenghts. Sanirday morning ' special per yard ... $1.45 Trimmed Hats, $2.95 15 Trimmed Hats. black, white. andcolora, Every.oue-worth double the �price or more. Sat- urday moti iing choice of the lot... $2.95 I Sewing Machine Bargains 3 Sewing Machines, guaranteed In first class condition. With reasonable care will last an ordinary family a life time. It yott want a Sewing Machine, see these. They will be sold cheap. Wash Goods, 23c 200 yards wash Dress Goods, muglins and voiles. Plain aud fancy designs suitable for waists, kimonos or dresses. Saturday morning Pei. 99C yard ................ L.11-* A141111 Corded Velveteen, 49c Special clearance of Corded V61veteens. Heavy cord, splendid quality for sport Coats, child- ren's wear, etc. Regular goe. Saturday morning special per yard 49c q Brussels Rugs, Bxgx,,' vards small luttternA, mostl % bro Sim Saturda� no-iiiin $15.25, $18.25, -6.25, Z, Cleatingin,icesou all Neranda, Rugs left In stoell. One Wly Brussels Rug Will (10 V, long narrow room. 6 ft 9 In.,x., 10 it. 6 in. 'Green rnt\ture. * Regular $25.00 qual- Ity. Sagurday inorning you call bily it for ............. ...... 814.75 Cidaping the Last of the Cappet's We would like to make a clean sweep of the Carpet Depgrtment before the end of next week. There a just a few Rugs left to sell, and we are offering the biggest kind of bargains io'clear them out. These 5 Specials give you an idea of the way they are going. One handsome A-xmin%ter Bug, aigm ix3h yards. Two tone green, small design. A Rug One only Rag Rug, size Rft.x One Brumels Rug, 6rt. gin. that will wear for yews and 19 9ft. Blue shade with bord- 9ft. OUP of the Popular liniall worth double this pti er Saturday morn - ' designs. Spocial Saturday morn- ce. . ing ...................... Sp 7. 2 5 Saturday morn. $1, 1045 ing special ....... $24050 k" at reduftd *p fli c ea O"DG H ENS BROS e"rydq WRECT IMPORTEhS 16" X19 titi i4d Aldem the Wt Witmer VOLYS a -shut of the 00. lostes stikkined'hy- the,, Vow Robby ? Waltor Wagner Went to London this J. J. Washington's barn which was by the' blut. The Rev. Mr. Rose tied the n Up- tial knot They to are covering Mr. J. Flufter's new home merchants tbrough bsA debti. Wh06ver ft It, 0, 406.yft COW W dde It o6castonally rind Way A IN Week to virrt un#er the Military Set- hom Reid arrived home vite Act. 11 %`Irlough. damaged same storm. Mrs. Nvebster and her daughter. Mrs went Goderloh, where they took the tralit for Nissm PlIft They an expected back Ahe with metallic siding. A young son of the @011 &PPIved at W-6, 444 Orove by our it, .4, yoar". otitt is 4 vi,142,62 u"110A on ik . thirty -day 11obt. PhIllim Elmer Robertson, ft,- ".1A ,, ­­ is bh- --4- Galbraith. of Gltnei^ visited at the home of Mr. Williath Doble in Me vilh-le last week, Triev returned home lat. ter, put of this week. ( lhtended for I t week I the home of Mr. Harvey field Iss, w0ek. (1013gratulattons. IAI 01RUL 104 lf.�#Nw Uur plica. I 1 0 V mm, Ortl*W48% fr6m near London, 6d for milltart a&vlee at London On ImL irdegday. They we" ace Rev. bb- O'Kell and Mrs- O'Kell are V18116d'hi6v ditighttr, Urm fto�k of thd ailt $YAM pokys. "a *0 a* 01111116V "k VO& OAA 11111111166 *6 00 t6aftasi pvtctleol Wo believe bilorAy. The Jut two returOdhowe on theft return by Mrs. Robertson. visiting relatives at $60U411W, Out. abyterlin manse beM lad Wj& . .. ... To"ft,,. this f~ being " Mr. D. W. Haffilltob, of Clinton, It pre mk=it ungted & Who Is ftturnitis to her home In Arden. *hft My niiiiiii W &I b6 ftW Afty. wl�oiith* 10tre W AM latter �n I fall, Manitoba. purehased the firm of Mr. sitines joh" MISS Miq Pateftla, of W#Jk"6Ut.14 h- Who his b66n vIJJth_* *000M#U 10 1"" "b y6ur nk"' durW Mr. toft6 9M**ftt1 ed The predietiont of Our V111W pro- ston. 16 HKOHN Totftfto fttutwd lkoibb U4 wook. V"� FID& 4e Poll" Aft ''a r"'( Otk 049 6"" t" last Tdt§dililf *11en Mr. abetk 'N11tholson it. putting 0. IX 4 f'61`1 W. 'IWO blaft W. John I MW � barn acreas thi to" ftJjdk1% it 'Me hk'tiiIi &*W tfis b* J.J.0 . I vil histo -14t". .. * - , w0ekk hill %oil* 40*u the hM t6 the tfvti Wolf b Q 'dfitili hitio" a oftw_ Ito oomtk of "is lift"" 'Yang, Mt. L utuft"t ad naitift tim Of it L