HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-14, Page 74 I . .1 ­ - '�-_-- -- , -7---%_- 1 �. � , � 'i .. . ". ­ � 11 .1, � � I � - .11 - 11 . I - I ..- I . �� ­ , . 11 I I � ­ �. � - :7 � � . -_ I � I _ � '. , �, ,. i'l,"JIF7 -, , -77 - 7 .1 - � " I I . .- i I I I I I . , id�` I I I Juno tit 1,918, I � I . 11 ITUR-4,40010-H110H. � I , I I � ___ .. I . . ­­ I I'll, � - IN, 7, � . - , - I I- � � . , , ,.;,-. I -1 I .1 I . o-w""W,"Pwwm"mp P".00,11.11.11,111, ­ �; I � -11 I I 1;,;;;, , z4A;", Z; i, � � 11-111.111- .11 - - P ... I" _­ � I . i I .-I., � . � I . � ..... I ­­ ­ ­__ . ;;Ii;;Mil_;�;;,i�'r;�; - ;- - - - - 11 ­ - . ­ I .­­­�_, . I I ­ . - I � 11 I � -1 ­­,­ I I I— I , .1 ­ ­111M"em� ... - � � . 7 7 - , % , , I . I I., . . I i � ­ . I � '_ I I . I - I -. 1, �,- � �__ f, Is I : . . 1� 'lly I ._V1�L_____._ - , 11 . li"t4N ".W " '.0 (A I � '. .. 'SN I polm yukroil .1 I. . 1 , 40,Xlusiou spoke an 04e Tlikluii 02 W1 -1:11 . . � . g I ,,, --: ;7� .. I "It", 'r 9�ry, " "I � I I I , .. . 0 I I 11 I . I bo full lir 11co for every I � aft M_ . � . mort 0 motnotit . r--- . . . : I . AID V .. I . , R ;a4up", "' work " the ca"a"'44 'N"EWS 4 6 w ", , 01.30, Nvttb the object t - i1r, , , , � . PlAtUft"OF I I 1, OF INTEREST I . . t4o ,��, I . � 11 � t , it, -1, - � if- I - I M'" _A ltreit I � I , � � � . I 901cal boards conducting examia- � : - I � - , �,& totfrol the's0tent lye bold , fe&vlm- , , 11'. , , . In bla Rt, . , . 11 I ationg 10 connection W�th thu'Altlitav� Papa lausy � . . . � I �01 � , � � t, I I wlth.4 npvx w liviat-lAiEvet, �_ 11 thea f*wl - - r . . WAS- So 13AD SerVIc* Act will take precautions -to ­ - litto. la�" Offellk ..-4o.$ of ly,** -, (/ . , , I discover men who hat.vq taken drugs . 01.4 the Olae- which co uprises Carle , , . " ke life. I I I � . . I to avoid being drafted. I ­, ­­ . pout and Ouraeamp ferest in an angl,, ' I . I , ;� " Could Scarcely Do Work. The Knights of Columbus of On DUINT,Gr NNON 1� ' x0pia-ilikiiiiiiiAtuti. in the bond of the rher, P. 1. . I a - Q,WZ4 ' P,%RJK , . I . I 1"b% a*4 000.0 6U.00. Fighting In this war probably I Ilk% 1%kOX4 LAKEA! , I � I I , " I . � ; I - . tarlo, In State Council at Windsor I TERSICLY TOX.D BY 4. TVY it ll� never t Ok-0140II&N DAY , �_ . ,,, , . . � I . laft 4,016 1 I -day In tile great Wttict . ,pledged assistance to a movemelitit ft -i . A ists , . - has been tatiorr a�,vere than tba L%Kl- OF HAYS I the foroatloan of 86 6ktholle Leaguie . H, BELI-AMY - . going on to 'I 1M-%(sAMI � I I 0 1 Mrs. 0. Pritchard, Elora, Out writeat to eq,tardinate war activAles. � - � I A 11 r I of French and German anulea be- r , , I . ..... I "About a year ago I was troub](ed very Gaspard de Serrels has been ap- Lgsssssw--,,w---,4�-,-.,�s-.-,�*-,-��-,,%-Wssl,l�SW,W,Il,V-W-',%',VSNs!!�,�,W- �1�i tween Mooldidier and Noyon. and all Ipmeas pllia3grolllloo"*� 2 Iduchifor a whole tiveek with diarrhoea. I pointed by the Lieutcuant-Gqvernor I I .0 , The Germans attal.iiing on a Nitn'ttru bott I" afford city , 1. I I *I . . � I . It was so bad some daA I could scarcely Mro,,. ,rhus. smiiLy bpent a coupie of noon. June 17. A large attendance of . re the Latente Allites lant etaut, poorer to live in I I . .. do my he ework. I took itwo or three in Council of Quebec as City Trea-�- da�ys III Winigharil. I Institute workers front all parts of the I 11.1 .1 ground who c it# 1W - . I . , I I I , different in of medicine, Put urer of Montreal and a member of *1 ,tit. vlo'mitiley v%as tip frum London I district is . expected and these will lit, were ready to rive-elve the sho it bal.- I c.bin. Your choice at reaw " .. -0 . , .. . I LL . . ., Set toottnd themselves thro%%n Icto " I Secure %our Plarloir or Sleepwo, Car . . *Hef. id was just at the poi t Fit no�, the City Administration Commissi U' for the week -end. entertained by the Local Institute, who I 01 in 0 Jonig 0 ... ... . ..", "_..-.....T_ 111,11 1,1 1". ''.... ,. .,.., slaugulor-ilaouse. W.1 tice In &COLtaimetif L, The Oeneral Assembly of the Pres. I __ - r istkiall to advaMCO. ,_ , I . I I 1 40 see the doctor when I exl were making claborate arrang.-n-n-i- . them never will matte an ealt" I � caw to a friend.. ml byterian Church at London elected %11&-i Laura Pentland. of Leeburn,loutsidend interested In the work are When the German Inflioutr' began Fu I I I u forniat Inn from any 0 r"d Wall* I . I � . Rev. Colin Fletcher, M.A., D.D.. of spent the vveek-end tinder the parental attend each of tile y Tick" Agent tor 0. E. Homing, jplstdo� "I I I She put a half bottle of Dr, Flawler`* Thames Road Church Huron county. I cordially invited to . coming over In the densest was-beh I , �, "I root. I selo-zlous. Miss Grey, of Moronto, Will ALLIED LINE IS INTACT I an.roger Agent, Toronto* " , I 11 11 . .. . . � � - �11", Rebecca Thompson. of St. Aug be present to deliver un address on a tremely hot fire from both inachine . . Extract of Wild Strawberry in my hmd as Moderator, the firA time in twen - . they encountered Immediately an ex - .1 and said: "Yot. take this and you won't ty-five years that a rural pastor has usitine, Sundayed at the home of Bert popular subject. F 1, LAA RENCE A SON$11k, �,� " I . -I' I zedIstuf Germans Pay Full Price For guns and artillery, which i.io%%,d �. " . I ­ ­ I doctor.' Before I had emptied belen chosen. - Roach. Wtin. Mole, who purchased the Fowl- I them down. Ever since, as firt-bli I ovit at Pose.it oger tiond V14 ket A9401ti, . - �� a I "I'll I a bot, le I was cured, and have never As a temporary misusure, It was of- I I 'Plitatic 8 . I . or Mrs. L. S. Palmer returned to Oode- er house front W. Robb, 6th con.. West waves entered the c�ontlict, they were . I bad any return of the troub ficially announced, Gen. Sir I Evei y Step GainecL I . I . I . I truly 16 1 can William rich on Thursday on her way home to Wativanosh, is having It moved to his subjebted to similar punishment. - __ � - ni", 7 - . �. . , . . iay that 'Dr. Fowler's' is1he beat Robertson, chief of the Eastern,Com- Stratford. . I own farm. When lie nas Joi ed it up Enemy Threw Vast Armies of Their . ,­ � I k�. I .. . I � . . medicine I have ever used for diarrhess.1, mand, and former Chief of the Im- 11 Zeebrugge Is Blocked. I " ' I If ..1z :. ::,'. � Will Fitzgerald and sister were wl.th his present house and made many I � I Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw. pertal Staff, has been appointed to Best Men Into Effort to Break � ... , .. - ­­ - --- � ­ ­ � _. , _ .- -.-- - I L. - �-UrTyie-not*,new,oruniried-remedy,ar "mm"d the- force@ ip, Great Britain., aniting, the Greyhound excursionists to improvements lie will have enhanced i Aefillity 06CONIS Dsnow, �� ,� " ,�, 'IeTtMEL __4 ane I l. -The p I I , I . In succession to Field Marshal Lord bptrolt -this -week.- . . 1. . I the "W ,at h4s proper-ty-,c4insiderably- - T4MftN_a!A4 k t -VA11140-1134- __QNDON, J1 . light.of , �� : ------ -� � � �� , -- I pr"reas.- the Germans It, vian . it u I)- ." , - . , .� , "I it has a record of 72 years of clarets to its French, appointed Lord-Lieutensout Mr. Donald McKenzie, who has spent 'Mr. Riley, of Londesboro, is in charge of War Is Now' In , - '----'- ­ t the bel ' to 'we I-614 GUM' "I � � I 1. .. . . �:,; ,� " credit, iiiind is recognized on all hands; u of Ireland. 11 . some time with his brother here, left of the moving. Foch's Army was Prepooit,red for marine b*Ae of Zoebrugg* in consie. . ' I . , . � � eu asures taken I)y t4e Proallwity atiliIIIIIIII MerChatift � I ____ -.---,---,-. I. ., - QU ce ot thill me ;­ I� - 7 the only reliable remedy ever offered to FRIDAY. on Tuesday for Empress, Alta. Im the operations Saturday Isaac Stroke. V , I 1 .4 �. 1 Cranston was slightly injured in the British navy to blockado the port, tit roammis " Wfling cut I'll .� � 'Ir "i . Statute labor Is now being done In serious than has been be- . I,, 1- � , j, , � , ti the public as a ode and certain cure for Rev. Matthew Kelly, ,of Bmntford, ankle by a sliding timber and has been LONDON, June II. -The Germans even more . '04 k" , I . . I , t'. , dimlicea, dysentery, colic, cramps, chol- was ele both townships, '\VnaL about more laid off work for a few days. Illeved heretofore. Photographs JuAt ,. . .. I 3, - . , ,� � eted chairman of the Congre-. In the eentre of their new attack on � I ..111-- I',, 1. I street lights for Dungannon ? U.11i from airplainqa show that the The grizated 11sibeat producinz, I - - ­ -11 ­_ .1 11".". I era, cholera merbus, cholera infantum, gational Union of Canada. Regarding Registration Day lit Ash- the front between Montdidier and i. 11� .�,,�,,: ground entrance to the harbor is rapidly silt. y _" I I I I . � , , . , i . summer complaint and all looseness of The General Assembly severely Wallace Black. Victor Errington and field and West Wawantash, every one Noyon have gained additional Ing up. and that accor0ingly the Brit. se -ed. by Canadia Northem� , I I - -1 ". .?,, 1. � 1. .. I "'; , . �_ 'I', , "", censured the Senateo� for defesiting the sister, and foliss Hatel Alton visited registers in his or her school section, against the French. but on " � . I4, 1;1 "� - the bowels, whether of children or adults. Bluevale friends Sunday and Monday. at the school, and anyone too sick or right and let lob effort to close the channel is be- line& Here the Incoming f artner I r 1, . � . I � . gircatest . . �. � �:;,'j amendment to the criminal code t wings they are being grea . . . . ""; � It is particularly good for teething passed by the Coquions. Quite a numher from around here invalided home on one 22nd should held. Ing reinforced by nature. or merchant looks for the . . ... : � I ", I'� ­�� . The sunken vessel inside th�e development and prosperity. I I ."`;,.� babies. Rev. R. J. Simpson, of Danforth took In the moonlight excursion Mon- communicate with his or her deputy In violent successive attacks Men- breakwater Y;hlcb was at first believ- Low fares, nod a scenic route . 11 I , � Ir" , .. . , , , 4,��,, Avenue Church, Toronto, was elected day evening and report a good time. registrar who will make arrangerneritt, day they captured the -villages ot I I .1 � , 1, 1� I ��,' The price of Dr. "Fowler's" is we. president of the Toronto Methodist The members of St. Paul's church to have the registration taken III his Mery, Belloy and St. Maur and also ad to be an enemy destroyer. now through New Ontario's immense I J . ,� 11 1. "I'll I I ,� I'. * '�1- The � ,�t . ,", �11�' - .. abpestra to be a large dredger. forest reserve and tolonizutian I "I .... .�`-,.,, a bottle, and we would warn you against Conference by a large majority. are arranging to hold their annual or tier own home before that day, pressed forward and gained a tooting lose of tbin ship evidently has r -rip- lands, add interest and enjoyment � : ,; �; r ... � . '. I . ; accepting any substitute. Many of these Montreal District shows 8,795, To- garden party on July Ist. Watch for -`�O One can register for anyone else. in the villages of Marqueglise, the , � I , .1L L I : led the Germans in their atteuilitz �� 1, I., ­­­ I ­ to the Joqrney. � r. � .,. Comfortable ,; 1.0 an P-cisitively dangerous, and you am ronto 8.234, London 5,257,, 'reKistra- bills. Registration for Dungannon school last named place representing the P trains leave Toroutoal:11100p.m. , �, ... , I - � , __ risking your life when to take tiona in the nineleen-year-old class. The members of the Fpworth League section and %Illage will take Place lit deepest point of penetration since the to clear th-e channel. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri. I , - __ - 1 11 ... 11 �� .. 11 . 11 . �� them. The of a total to date of 46,128 through- of the Methodist church intend holdIng the printing office, where a full staff offolonsive began. between five and six - dayg, connecting at Winnipot% � 4 .. I I - genuine is manufactured only by The out the D I toil. their annual lawn social in the near will to, at work from 7 a. lit. to 10 p. tit. miles. f or all points West. I . , � , "I'll., min . I � .. . T. Milburn Co.. Limited, Toronto, ont Toronto?" .y. of health inspec- future. The following is the standing of the The French still are exactiAg a I ., -, -,:, -; 11_� I ­ he best in North We lo. for May: heavy toll In lives from the Germans For Tiekete. Reaervaltionn. Liter- � I . , ,,­ LLLL � I �, tion In schools 'IF don't know their destination but puplis of Orchard Row Soho )I CASTO R 1A ature itild Inroorniation. ap ly to . 1. , �, , . '4� J. � (y 1 4 . America, according to a report of a - Glass \',-Edna Rhers ', Entrance Glass. as they deliver their attacks in waves, V.040ral oder- ! �, .1 ,�, : L I � Hayes, Meyers an(] wife took an ex wrlie, Insuranes, . tensive trip in their runabout on Fri- _ , Class IN,._\,vlma and are giving ground only when too R. U Ftitirbildirn, . special committee of the Brantford t)ral Finigan, 76 . For bfmts and ChUdifen I loh, r 1, , ":�, 1, I NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Board of Education. Finigan 94, Myrtle Sproul 93 ; Glass 111. forced to do so under superiority of G.P.A., 68 Eang St. EL. T,oronto. I . 11 I ,� day, returning on Sunday. I ,. ,., - I A charge of heterodoxy against I -et Rivers 83 : Fred Sproul 73,, In Use ForOver 30 Years "I ­ . 11. '. .r � I - Margai numbers, Nowhere has the enemy .......... 0 � . �. �, I �.,,, 1 ;. �'. , � , -, I Rev. Dr. R. W. Knowle-, of Petrolpa, Driver Geor4e (',at;, I, no,\- lip at Glifford Sproul 61, KJ,AIn Young, ab- been able to pierce .he front, which Alwal,, bears .0.20 a it �, , . ,� -y and reports I � I . . . . . 11 f, ,1: Have sent : Glass II. -Mary ,S�proul 60 Cal- has been bent back In perfect order 2 of : ��.:�: � �, Important Events Which was dealt with by the Ministerial Sea- Pe(awawa with Ili-, hattet Ithe � , I,-.' A, , � - -ft,i 1,11 'I- I�illl. C_ILL ;., 11; of "I Occurred Durin�tha Weal c. sion of the ii�onuon metuouist con- e (IN no, K Ilg V,t , I I . \in McIntyre 56 ; Sr. Pt. 11, -Liewel- whenever the necessity arose. Sign ture of . I ference at Walkerville. . . eourse, being hard ana strenuous. hvyn Culbert 86, Merecith Young ab- The battle is described by corre- I . German Socialists are complaining We understand that tne Nile and sent, ; Jr. Pt. I]. --()live sprout 52, spondents as one of the most furious I - The Busy World's Happenings Care. In the Reichstag that the censorship port .itlbort poSt0tlI(L,s al*kl tO close Margaret Pettinan 39, Ho\\aril Kirke that has been fought since the war - fully Compiled and Put tuto fs unduly strict and directed with july , Ist. Th(, small country post- :19 : pt. 1.__p:Ila Sproul, \\,ortlly y . toting. began, with the enemy unusually especial vigor against them. otllee ,xill soon be It thing of the i-st \b,st perrevts lit s1wiling-Edna H i \ ers. reckless in wastint, life to gain his Bandy and Attractive Shape for "Downtown Problems" were under Toin Elliott brightened ill, tile in- Most perfects In arithmetle-Velina objectives. , the Readers of Our Paper - A discussion at the convention of the terior of the bank with a liberal coal, Fililgall. MAHFI, A. BMIAE, TPHcher. "Throughout the night and morn. Solid )Hour's Enjoyment. Baptist churchts of Toronto, and (�f paint last \\vek. our banker being The Organization of Resources (:out- ing the battle raged along the new 11 . Principal John Wallace was elected R cheerfid ehap himself like., choerful inittee for tile Prmince of iintal-lo loss front of attack with unabated fury " WEDNESDAY. Moderator for the coming year, says the Reuter correspondent it � I surroundings. appointed tit,, NNrlter to underlahe tile Within We month of May 43'186 A new British riveting record of It's a ertif-I \N-,tr this. There Ila, \\ork of abstracting cerlikin inforina- French headquarters, whose de- ll , men of nineteen years of age ir�gis_ 12,209 %-inch rivets in nine hours 1 -own it gw.ohne ranoriv ror a fe\\ dios tion front llo, registration vards arter spatch was filed tit two o'clock In the 1. . � . tered. h Orair at the ovving 14, lavk Of tralISPONMiUn favili- they hiot, renehei . I him rron, tite \ar- afternoon. -On the wings the enemy �.. " The AuglicaD Synod of the Diocese yards of Workman 8; Clark in Bel- ", sitilation ions doplities throughout tilt, rifling. was still held on practicaily the same l .of Toronto met In annual session yes- fast. Omir used about two and a balf livs. No doubt tilt, "itlict %vill be relieNed this, vt,vek. ,rhe (,ami4ja Iii-gistra:Ion Board has line in spite of his persistent and * terday. tons of metal. I reckless attempts to advance. - .The Knights of Columbus Ontario 1he need for larger stipends for Earl Wilsori,,ex-soldier, now has a instructed him to 1�vrp 11tv vards !it "On the extreme left the -village of States Convention, are' in so�isslon at the missionary clergy was emphasiz- Challot"Ir's license and his services 11'ave his rustolly during tilt, pi-rio(I Ito is It) Courcelles changed hands six times. 14 . Windsor. ed in the debate at the Anglican Sy- ht -vii inuch in demand the pa,t fe, ' ,v the "Illphly of tile I'let.okirees 4"ollinlit . - I On the extreme right Plemobt, al - 1 A bumper crop of apples is prom- nod of the Toronto Diocese, and an tlays in connection %%!ill the regWra- te` sorting "tit 1111. vards and �Illlol_ 1 . izing 1,110 Vol"NiII9 of them. RI.V41rds though almost in the first line, was I ised in Brantford district, also of increased scale was approved to take tion %Nork in all pnrts of the riding. 1* . still holding out, the little French strawberries. I affect next year. Wilh vopious shmNors and plenty of 111� f Htt,lose "llo 114"fe 11:1(1 f�lrlllll'K ex- garrison having -,beaten off a wave of I The Commissioners to the Presby- P6rth County Council urges that 11114, \\vatlicf, th., crops ;in([ garden are e e "' 11)(I 'III,)". \\'oil 'lri� r"t're(l I German Infantry. Mont Renaud Is . . terian-General Assembly are gather- supplies of seed wheat be conserved, corning along nivolN. 'vnvro will he an rariners \\ill be little olit find sent to still ours. . � Toronto as ,00n as pos�ihlv ,o that I Ing in London for its opening to -day. and so distributed by the Federal and abundance id hio- this �oar : ill fitet lite inforinatitin may lot, plot Ili tilt- "In the centre of the hattlefleld by . The shipworkers' strike in British Provincial Governments as to secure there art- indications of an all-rotind rill,diato lise next JI0. oind \11glist, pouring in fresh battalions the enemy - Columbia is happily settled, and the a good supply for the 1919 season; burnper harvost. ,tifter this -ijrk is comp-,owd tht, eards succeeded in pushing deep into our I eight thousand men)pre back at work and that $2.60 per bushel be the . , \\ line and are pressing southward be- . A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, general N\ilj be for),\iirded to tittima. I The Toronto Association of Baptist maximum selling price. I liold secretary of Huron County Teni- - _ ____ tween Cuvilly and Tblescourt. The Churches commenced its annual ses- SATURDAY. poralwo Alliance, and \11'. Pollo"v, of . fighting was of the bloodiest char - I .. - sion In Boon Avenue Church, with The meetings of the Imperial War (;odi!rivh, wvry Nisitors hi,re ,.,aturdity. CONSTIPATED! CHILDREN acter, hand-to-hand. over the ruins of 1. women's work as the major topic Cabinet in London will begin in the Mr, (-()()Ili"' Con' I"Ot"d tit" "i"'Nie"s :it _.___ every village, hamlet and farm. The I . under discussion. . course of a few days. .Nii, on stimia., I,, the ab.,,-nvf� or tile :ilu_ittit�n., if �otir iiat,, on,,s are ron- enemy's losses were extraordinarily . . . I The Uruguayan Government has Prof. Thomas Trotter,,D.D., LL.D., I)asl"r- stiliated : if their litti., -lointich an.1 heavy, there having been this time I . decided to buy the British -owned of McMaster University, Toronto, Ili lho ab.,onve of tilt, pa.,tor, Mi,+ bowels are out (or orilvi, : if itivy vr� it no surprise in tbe attack. Central Uruguay Railway. Payment died yesterday after a year's illness. Mahel Mollie, (if Nile, i;,-ii\ervd ;I \--ly great deal and tire ,;imss and lool,\ish, "The enemy has from 19 to 20 dl- . . . will be made with the proceeds of an Business leaders 3f Toronto are able address at tilt- Sunday inorning give thein it (lost, of r�any's 11\\n Tab- visions in his attacking lines. Behind Internal bond issue. . .... s- . unanimous in favor of retaining the. ,er\i(­ in Illo Methoilis', elitl;.,b, (.,I . lo,ts-the ideal medicine ro r hillo this line his reserves are ready to The arbitration treaty between the a ines. 'I'll-, Tablets ,irc a go-tille Imt. replace shattered divisions. We must . head offices of the C.N.R. in that city. in- its hvr sul0ect, '11V, -l' , " If, Ille ' . United States and Great Britain, orig- Rev. Alex, Hamilton, D.D., died at v\vning lie\. M. 11, 0,aig', (it' Kr,killf- thorough laxati\e and no\er raii tol reckon on a prolonged and desperate inally made in 1908 -for a period of Keewatin, Ont., a few hours after rhiln'll, cl, Ili tilt' tell tho svr\ic­. right the illinor disorders it( childh000l.'struggle, and may have to meet the, . I five years and once renewed, has been conducting a serrice In the Union In' his rogular lotter from France Guncerniag thein Mrs, Noble A. Pyr, shocks of von Iiindenburg's dispos- extended another five years. Church. Plv. lloN,Nard Cnsv roports e\ erything Eemn Section, .N. S., writtes :- "My baby able reserves before the enemy . At the seventh annual meeting of The Duke and Duchess of Devon- "tres bon" an(] going v,ell, \\Ith Ihe "'as terribly o-onstiplitt-d bill Bab�'s breaks off. .. the Canadian National Association of shire and party spent a busy day at usual heavy shelling by his and to(her ll\\n Tablets soon rvirv-,ed tier and I "Further losses, of ground need . Trained Nurses In Toronto, attended Windsor and adjacent towns, and batteries, stating that the Canadians rl()'A' t1li"k til`u) R sl)'eudid inedivine not discourage us. The enemy, in - by 350 nurses, problems relating to then went up to Sarnia. have been betwi-en th.p. two recent of- for little ,aws." ,1,11, ,pablets are ,(,Ili stead of sweeping on victoriously as . . . public health'were under discuiksion. Galt firemen have returned to r,,osi\o,s. lit, referred to Pte. (,lin, by mediville dealers or bY illail lit 2:1 in the first diva of the Aisne batLip- Woollen manufacturers conferred In duty, the mayor and'chairman of the oz , The Ill'. Williallis' I MeArIlmr, a foriner Dion annon h, Y, cents n box from . Ottawa with the War Trade Board committee having explained that no being \\ounded Ili the shoulder dtiri;ig MediejuV (;it., Bruck\illv, ()III. _____ — , - and War Purchasing Commission re- funds are available to raise their pay his second trip in. -_ --- - specting extensive manufacture Of this year. Ukraine Has Ambitions. cloth for United StAtes army needs. Jasper Walkout an(] \We niutor,-d lip . At a meeting held in Dresden the front St. Nlilr�s, FriolaN and spent tile PARIS, June 1I.- -Under (,errrian I Freddie Nelson, eight years old, in Secretary of the war Food Depart- "vok-end \\-tilt (tilt friends here, ".1al)" inspiration the Ukraine is develop. Windsor, gave his life to save his lit- ment In Berlin said there would not ,,ond his good wife are ah\aYs -1vohle Ing Asiati,' ambitions, according to I I tle brother by pushing aside a wire be enough potatoes to last to the \It,itor, to Dungannon, their old ttj\%,n, the Swiss newspapers, which attacli fallen across the sidewalk which the next harvest. , -e pbw,vil top see thern look- some significance to the arrival at ind \\e Ai I - . four-year-old was attempting to A Government committee, headed ing ,n well. The fornior is still -,it- Kiev of a delegation representing the I . grasp. by Sir John Willison, will investigate graged in the Insurance business xt,ith Rada of Russian Manchuria, = , Toronto City Council reaffirmed the housing conditions in the province, the Sun lXv an(I reports business fair- The delegation demands annexa- : Board of Health estimates, but pro- according to an announcement by Sir ly brisk. : ; � vided for the transfer of moneys be- William Hearst. tion to the Ukraine of the territories , .. tween departments to meet reAuirei- Two thousand five hundred farm- WIP or tilt' di�trivt suninier meetings si'tuated beyond Lake Baikal, includ- " itisents in the Interests of the city's- era, at meetings in Massey Hall, de- of if,(, West Horon Wornen's Institute ing valuable oil lands In the pro - 1 health. ill be [let(] here next ,Nlon(iay arter- vinces of Amur and Russian Man- I ; nounced the enforcement of the Mill- w churia. The Germans are circulating �h - An award of $10,000 in favor of tary Service Act, and attacked the . .`:1 in statements that the population of :14�� . Miss Lowery was given by a jury Toronto newspapers. 0 t� . the Assize Court before Chief Juartice The Great War Veterans of Brock working In Guelph, a lieTter from him these rich provinces is composed of iii.." - 80 per jo - Meredith against F. B. Robins for ville unanimously passed a resolu having never reached her. Ukrainians to the extent of r �.,;" - , �4' breach of promise, and the defendant tion strongly endorsing, from their TUES 1) A V. cent. . . kk --- --- - , ,� has entered notice of appeal. own experience, the military work of 3 THEP ,�!,� Mr. Frank Hillock, lumber mer- -rhe stair to Jan. Ist, 1919, for 75 cis. I THURSDAY. Tl,.�� the Y.M.C.A., and deprecating the chant, died yesterday at Toronto, at - �;� � and De- criticisms at the Hamilton CODve'3 the age of 77 years. " �.'Ilil The Department of Militia tion. I I I. fence has issued a statement setting Ontario County Council decided to Interesting addresses were delivei- ", , 1� fortb the valuable work of the chap- graD ar, ed at the Christian Missionary Alli- 901111111111111111111illillillillilillimillIll[Dilili'llilliillillilillillinliillillilillillilliLL-L ! � lain services. t one-half mill on the doll ance Convention, Toronto. = - ) = = rl�� A campaign has been started In equal to about $13,000, to the W. H. Farr, customs officer In Port = I London:' Ont., to raise a, Women'si Y.M.C.A., and Lambton Council will Stanley for some years and a promi- a = A� The Famous 1. ": Battalion for overseas setvice, like give half of the $22,000 asked now, nent Mason, was found dead in his = = , � = = , 'I and the rest In December if satisfied home. � the British W.A.A.C. = = L�t at Union with the work done. Hon, Dr. Cody was nominated by = Ilk . Before the Congregation 11 ' p'j df Canada, Capt. (Rev.) Clarenna MONDAY. the Conservatives of Northeast To- = 6 6 = �, 1� - , I `4 - A "at of wind was responsible for ronto to contest Seat A at the coming = = = i . . = Mazda" Lam I` ,4,�� - _____ the death of a baby In Toronto on bye-electiou. - P = , �., I ___ ___ ---. __ __ — Saturday. Twenty-til,e of the fifty chaplains = - I., . I I Northern District L.O.L. held its to be appointed have been named to - i10 = The Best Electric Lamp Made M N annual church parade to St. Mary the administer to the needs of the Bol- = - t' �t = �lllllllllllllllllillllllllllllliii = ­ . Virgin Church, Toronto. = = I � OARKEN GRAY HAIR diers in training. - __� --- - -_ - ��t, I " * I 0* J. Ryan, Gananoque's Chief of The prohibition of export of met.al = - = ,,I b� = , machinery of every kind, except ,X[i Police for more than thirty years, - = � 1). was found dead at his home. Individual license from the War, = Sold -under a ituarialitirtee. If thev prove = I = = �'A LOOK YOUNG, PREM Ordination services marked Con- Trade Board, is announced. = detective you can return them. = . 1�., 1, . ference Sunday where Methodist An- Mgr. Pietro di Maria. 131shop (if = = , . We Have the Sole Agency = 10i". . nual Conferences are being held. Catanzara, Caiabria, Italy. has bee.i -� - � , I Sage To& and Sulphur Dw*4" Three hundred Gre-it War Vet- nominated by the Vatican an Apo� - = J So N&tUr&Uy that Ito- erans decorated soldiers graves In toile Delegate to Canada and Neu � a = , ,; = We hove some very choice designs in = .. "4. body fian UIL Prospect Cemetery, Toronto. yeater- foundland. = = ". Wage increases totalling mor I = = ,� day. - = I 0 A six -million -dollar shipbuilding than $300,000 have been granteil to = Rending Lamps = :�,, Hair that loses Its color and lustre or concern of Montr6al, called Hallfait the lower -paid ixorkm(-n of Ow Dom- = - = I , .� *,hen it fades, turns grey, dull and 6fe- Shipyards, Limited. has been incor- Inion sieel Corporation al :,�on,,�, = = 'i two is caused by a lack of sulphur In = Electric Fixtures — iterated. Nova Recitia. = = 11.1 the hair, , Our grandmother made up a Brockville Fair Board has can- No more recyUltR RI e net di"d At = Suitable for any room = ' nixture of gage Tea and Sulphur to celled Its exhibition for this year, aq present foi the Royal Air Forrp, but = - I = = I keep her locks dark and beautiful, and hundreds of troops are quartered at youths of bettio,een ib "ll lLf may Ue At! Electric Air Warmer :� = I 11� tb,opusandip of women and men who value the grounds. taken on the reserve, to b,P called up M in a toed thint beside you on a cold = � � � I I �� SUt even color, that beautiful tiark The Cansidlan National Association next fall or winter. = night. as a temperature booster = alkade of hair which in go attractive, upe of Trained Nurses made plans for a Application t)Rs bepin made to the = . = eatly this old-time recipe. National Service Nursing Corps at Deparinwnt. of Justil"' fOl' 111" I00 I - . = Nowadays we get this famous mixture 1, the irlosing session (f their corven- tion of Venus ' COtP from the pc ,.',- 11 An Electric a improved by the addition of other Ingreffl- tion. tenilary, and Flon. Hugh Guthrie, = eats by asking at any drug store for a 50- Mike Podolebuk, a 14 -year-old soli(itor General, is to investigate. a Vacuum Sweeper cest bottle of "WYeib's 91P 'Ind Sul- I lumberjack. Is said to have klll,-d A plan is to be subiriffled to Presi. = A an article you will ne I ver he without . : hair Cc und" which diarkileas tkis Julius Marcie at a camp in Greater dent Wilqon for pooling all the re,- E :f you use one once I (/�_ 1� tair so tk=&Ilj, so evenly, that nobody Winnittiag Water District because hP sourriPlIl of tb�P United qtatps and the - = ( eAn possibly tell It has been applied. You .1 = I I did not like hits looks. othor Rilipa into one economic war = Ea I � ux* digin Ontario farmers before closing mat hinp - Warming.Pads' 9 _� - I pen a sponge or saft bmh With = = � , lr� 1-1 It and 4r&w this throtigh your hair, tak- I their meettitig on Saturday night d-- Their FzrPllPn(iPA the Duke and = I a = �L " ing One small strand at 9L time. By morfi- , cided to renew their demand for lon F)o ( h # s;% of Dtpvonshire, with Ladil's a Coffee Percolators M in tb sly hair dimppeara; but wlist y respecting this drafting of thpir Blan, I— and Dorothy, spont the day M ' = f ' fr I ,dieg with Wyeth's gage &ad I "ric = _ - I de, j xbts is I pound is thA besides beau- I "no under the Military Service Act in i,ondo,, at varlons flinetionn, the 0 Toasters, Etc. W Sul - 0=1 Edward Becker. nine years old. Go�vrnor(;AnPral Visiting the (;Pn- I tifuly darkenin 1h bair after & fowl E a I It", ,I 6i.Pb.cktb.gI0M1 was drowned in the Detroit rivpr. Pral Aois�,-IbIY - - I Itappollcostions, it a sin br , Inear Windsor, his calls for help hp- .--wntPn(­s of h(P Imprisonment . . "d lustre and gives it an APPftr&lwe tng thought by his father only a Joke, wprp irliw­d by a ,touri-niartial at E = I i � loll isbukdatVae. i be haid gone down for the third san Antonio. Tpx-i- iorion 4', tor, = a I � ,IkWy6th,s Sap land Sulphur Compound, ill' Robert Tait - 11 19 is aeligbiliful toilet requisite to Imparb time. Qrl,.nlinos oh)et lorn. W " had r, t'l.."I a = : DrlvP.r Goirrge Pollington, reforlit- to %(.a, oniform If,r. ­nipn, --A %--p = Plectiriclain West Street = i � "]or lina a youthful a rance to the ed last Aug-ust as missing, and b- rPdlj­d to 2fi i,ar,t -aO, I,, I,, = = 1, ligir. It Is nal. intenrXI&T, the cure, lievpd by his wife to hip dead. vralli- O'Neil. v0io r�% vw-d tt,e o- ,,r-,� I M = 11 I 331itightion, or. prevention of disease. -O -d Into the place wherp abe was .-19111111[llulllmlnluliniulmimumilHifloulliilillilluilluumfluiluivMilliiiwr-r,1 , � �.. � , . I 1 4 1 1 1 � �. � %1, . I I- . ­', 1� 'y . - I .'I I : f "016.1 1 sailial".�__ ... . . .... __L_�­­­­­­.1111­ I ,��_­,,- � . . I .1.0 �, I I'll: --,� 1 r Ill, hi _-.000 I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!6, � , 1. 9 V,V I - . . . Spring Tepm From April 2 . I 'I X& a STRATFORD. ONT. Comn3eivial life ofitts tile grea , . oppoltunlill" Recent 66 prPtli-Nte-of liflFas0ioo, lite thlDil'W h.� IIINI) fit, lio(­ !),-r tonotim. The less applic.tion we I— ceived from to-� i ffice loom with soute experience cffrted initial sularY (if $iSoo i)er antittin. StudeTitoi niov etiterotirclosbe%t,tiitivtitoic. Gimiti- strs placed In po�ittoiin , . Couirrot7rcial. Shorth"nd find Tirle- 9THpby depliftWeLfti. Gott cur lite Catalogue. � � - W. J. ELLIOTT, D. A. MoLACHLAN, President, Friacipal. - - W I - - I 0 _ . _. r D. W. HAMILTON Agent for Goderich and Clinton. De Laval Cream � Separators Ideal Greanfeedl silos Alpha Do Laval 0 Engines Newcombe 1, Pianos Edison Amberola Gramophones Larze stock of lFilliton Pecort., on hand. Separstorit, 1,rubbers and Oil con be had at FwED "ILNT'S flardware. Prompt dellvery of all Separators on shnrt notice. ALWAYS "ONIF SAII)UDAVS FOR WFPAIRIN(J. — D: W. HAMILTON Phone 207 . Horon Street, CLINTON 1 "4�-�*"` 1 1 71 — _. __ __ - . EMWFE 12 himimw Raft" ill-- Pbsth I LSD up Cloth -� 1111111111111'ailasitiolow., loolm. ---------- - - == . _ - - ----.–,— — THE SAULTS COAL C.O. �,llt ce"'q. to .*VI, Douapt. & Gledhill FN0.1'�-IVE. AGFNTS FOR LF HIC3M VALLEY I I i I k ()A 1, THAT ��ATISFIMS NVr ,,, , ,I 11�.?,l l'I'd �,�Il 1,:old, I.Iry I Cew,iii, Fitr Itril.k. Fire Clay, also li,,t,t n ... I Soft Wood, Maple and Ilrill i" U Slolh'. Fresh Cars of Lime and ' Cement just received ni,,A(-,. ri,w4it . - . 75 Ii I ' A t-1.1",' R KSI[)"CH 275 W. k V. � A VIJ S' R IFFS I D It N C X 202 9 - ____ . ­- __ *___1 * MWM 4 I I 0 T. SWARTS , V, ? 1, 'Bus' Liveryand y 7 y s' Hack Stables �� . X Montreal Eteletiat ;1 X jii,t .IT lite Squart ;, ? 'Wol%. I 7 7 'Busses Meet all Trains and X0. . Passenger Boats ?W. ? Passengers called for Is any �t purl of the town for all ? � frains at (1. T. R. or C. P. R. Y, Depots. 91, W � Prompt Servillce and , yk Careful Attendance. I,%.*,%M I 0, � our Livety and HaCk bervice � ,&ihl be found up-to-date iK. in every respect. e. I .1 '"it 0,W y�, Vnur Patronage Solicited rip, 9 V T. SWARTS �e Pbose 107 Montreal Stre�t ", 1MGA:�1___1W6_1­`14 S��i ��IQIQA — - � 3 MAGN1F10EI*4T,STEAME1ftS3 Th. C.r,.t Ship "SEEANDBEL"' — "ClITY 01P FJUE- — "CITY Op INUFFALO" 0 to T w it & lit ' FFALO - - Dafl�-. 14ay I 40;7 7-7 it at to . It 51th - CEIFV E LA N 1) I,— I-1-1,,'?- ?,%IAI - I.,1­T­ 1�,irCI,xVtt­"A,(( p.p&jlj� (,,,, I - A----- - I- ANI I .1 C,.tmlTl— A"I,tCtwvAw7,J01LNf.v.q.F­­ r., ( --t- iot (1-1-1 I— ('�Jotr 1'. ,3.t, P.t-tia-Mq. loeltiPollk and oth� potato, Riii),." t,,k.t. ­, ,il I -t--- R,A.I. .nd (1­1it. arc awd for trunspertaltim on t., Line pa tot�­ A.k ­­ ,�t ,r­tz Ath-i—ri 1,,xmv Airent (vi.el,ttoM iris C. a B. Touritit A.1-01 - it., bO � ..nd Trip, � 2,,.Y. ,.t— . ttor ftIM Solk ��noil 177 h,. wh-lb­ __ i= 1�11 —&on -P1 "i It"­1.f.UJ _k­dk­11 _" P * " .' - __"-� . ft., ­,.. At- .. I`- ­ I ;:',.",,�'1'.,*.'.o .�n,11E'.,1%'.' I Th. 0­11.rod & Stalf.lo Tr- * C 11 "" 0 1 — , ,,- I .1 - . .114071 - , US I.. L,�., %hip -R� I r FMR +4 _�� E. A ) 13 . E . I — ith,i 1 -*..t ..d mim.1 ­tly L � 1:-_�___ — I P.—.8., stem -or .. 161-4 � �__ _� _..'_.rth,_n,I4. Al—plag -P_07, 1500 P.—tto.— I___ - - -_ _­ ____ — . __ ___ ., � 0 1 Are youlprepared for the Sprind rains ? � —amI i � Is your roof and eavetrough in good I condition ? I . � ( Our work in that line is always satisfactory. � . W. R. PINDER, I W, I Phone ill.q . 11illiftlilitan Street �' � '' . . _ __ - .- I - 4