HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1918-06-14, Page 5- I . I , I . I , � 0 . 11 . I . - -_ - 1, I - : �T­y I I I . I � ,_ � . . .t . . �Q .. �. 4 .- . i J. - . I � � . . I I ­. ­ ­ ,� ,- M I I I I. � �m I I I -��,;�� - � � !! � I I I 11 : : I 1: 1 1 1 ! 1:41 .0 11 � I M � - . M I ; ; - I - � I I " I I . I I I I I - - I I I I I - I .� ; -1 M M . � I I I I � 0 1 . , . i � . M - - - . 71 - I i � I Im . M .. I M I - - I ­_ - �' -_ , � I . M M M , � ! ; i ! . I . i 0 1 1 , - N � I I ,� - I J-410110. '1411910 . -11 - I 1 4� � TUB 10.0011CRIOR $T" ­'�'­­ ""', I - � , I ­ - ___ - M 1� 111, I I . , , . � I * M . I � . I I � , , � . M - "�. 9 . Z . I I I - I � � 1. I I .. I I I � M I I 1. I M _M M M P W, .M" . , I I I M . � r � . I I M , - . -, - - �­ - I � . & � � M I M 0 1 , � M, � 1191199MCDOMMINAMEEN1012mi M AId0NQ THE CHURCHES mope"" M a 0q___'_.--- -i". . I , M I I - ,,, , , d. . , , � ,- M I , , , � , , - , , , , M I , � ___ - , . . . � �, , I , . , . -.11- I . . - I "I , , � . ; , A "I ; I I I , - lj 111 I , , . 11, .S6 � I. . . I , I - - - . -1 . I . - � . .1 . .1 11 , I � � ;­ � , I I � ;e V 1 C I - I I , A � 4� � Tie men in dw Truck" t 11 � . .11, -_ I .,. I'M 4. , , 0 1 --- 144a. ,, I'll, I I �, . . I I . SaGo"00 The Goderigh Baptist churCh has , didII&L. . t "dMaht I I I 11 I .. I 111I.- 11 11 -1 - ­ I & call to Rev. N. R. NoLood. - 10' "'41*4 . . - . - 11 I- - I I I 1 .. 11 : I I , Where Will Tkey Get Ink ? T%& - - . . . � 11 . = Fow'st. , Kayser D �", . LVIAR Ef � . � ,. I . 11 .XONEY IN CAME Prof. N. S. XcKcchute. of Woodstock . 1'._ -, _', ----. F_ �i ­ . . I ". , . college, wux again occupy the Pulpit Ot The Swan Vllitaq Pon Gloves . A., 1;;;::;;;;:01000N 1; . . I � � I . . � - ­ � � ­ __ 141tiOnal-demaridali"o it essential that more the Baptist churcir on Suqday next. I __. - I I - , I .1 . , f I �, I- - I L , . I I Cattle 100"A"'d J112113300410%ely. "Werniagtgoon W . W _ "' �7 aggo undet", Rev. R. 0. McDermid will preach Solves the Firoblem I I .", -the surest way to go under is by from the following themes ou Sunday 0010MEN 11 ,.! "MONOW00101100 - - . ____ I -_ � I 11 .. �� i 11 Qct k,"*g the Allied armies fed. I next- Morning.,"rhe Grace of God;" Dry Ink Tablets contained in the . 1. I . - � ­­ I I M ­ �. --A--- : ".. I 7lic PrLOAt Of Rising 6attle is encirraot, on evening, "A Neutral, - Magazine Ot the Swan Military . " 11 1-1 -1 11 " - t Ot the Prices DOW prevailing au4 pricim I . ' I ' � c*"n Rev. J. H. Gaterhout will have charge Pen and water from 'his bottle I ,� � will Continue bigh 0M &Rev the war. of the servicel next Sunday morning will make auMalent ink for 160 11 . . I RAW Owe cattle'4a & duty to the nation and and evening. 4U the evening qpFvice , four Page �etters. � I I . ypurboakiaccount. utinsiticisilltipiarequired. ilev. R. B. Stevenson of the Lord's D& i�bn#ult our local manager. Alliance will assist the pastor an I I New Wash Good..., I I preach Sunday school and 'Bible WE 1 $3.00 . a�� ,,, I I .. � , I I I UNION BANK OF CANADA -at a o'clock. All welcome.. Complete with Ink Tablets and ­ _____ -.-- "I".." I I . HEAD OFFICE . V904M MAX 218 Next Sunday In North St. U6th. Pocket Clip. � ' 11 "I � 1'� t I I . I . church, Rev. R. B. Stevenson, of the t� Ju -%t opened up this Week a large shipment of new Wash 0 ' ''. . I � 0060i ' . I GODEWCH BRMCH, . Lord's Day Alliance, will assist the - � Including Volles. Repps, Piques, Gaberdines, Pailiam.% and Palm, �, , , pastor at the morning service, The I Mana"r. Pastor will preach in the evbuing, Reach Sultings. 111 11 i �.. � I - . � . subject, " Excess of Blessin , I James A. Campbell I... I . I I I I - - , . -di Rev. J. E-`TU1`r`�1YBJble class meets �t I I 11 � I . . . . . . , , , , , , , I I , I I a p. in. Men's Sunday Club meets In Fhm. 1. Special Vatues In White Volla Special Value In Colored VolleS ,.. I AUBURN Mr. Cole's two sons went overseas with church parlor at 10 a. in. All will bO —CENTRAL DRUG STORE" . lb 11 - I . ­­ ­ - __ ...­­­.. --....1. __ .I--- ­ � ­ ­ - � I ­.. �, - - - - .. _.. . � . � welcome- - - - - *- -- - - 7 - - --.--.---- - - --- - - - - � .. . I I . . .1. I Continued from page 8 the -161st. ' A week ago Sunday evening Miss In*" " - GODERICH. ONT. Btauoful --sbeer- - 'qxuatity-Mbite . - An extra sheei q1tality, fine Vol el, -7 � I I � I Donald McKenzie. of ill 0 of 11 In Colorzi * . e Ath con. Kilts. Lyttle assisted In the music at ..Ilvm. a C Voile. Double width. 35c, 5oc and of pink, sky, mauve, ra iZ '... .. : . __ - 11�0 improved both its utility and ap- Ashtleld, passed through Clinton on his Wesley Methodist church, Clinton, and I '01" cite.. - COPeD, 60C per yard. a e, ­.. .. ILL 0arance very much. way to report at No. I military calup. her singing -as %,cry highly appreOi- . I 75c per yard. , I . �'­ I .. �� I . I He has two brothers in France, but ated. She took the solo parts In the I I - . Palm Beach Suiting, '. "' 1; ; - .1 Mrs.'John Thompson. of the 7th con- ur bo�s art, still going to defend our anthein, "Tile King of Love my Shep- . I No ek--Viiiii Voiles, in checks, more li6pular­ .... .. �, I - Mr. Symington's In the village in the - herd Is," and also rendered a very church. . : ,,� cession of West Wawanosh, visited at 'ejountry find it seems more are urgent vq than ever this season. Splendid qual- , - %.. _. I former part of the week. ly needed. title solo entitled, "Jerusalem." The Rev. R. C. McDermld. the pastor, stripe-. auYfancy weaves, 35C to 85C ' ity in white, Belgian rose, green and . I . , . Mr. Martin Dyer, of the village, ac- people were more than delighted with preached a fine sermon on Brotherhood, per yard. natural in plain col . - companied by t1is daughter, Miss Zella, GODERICH TOWNSHIP her service of song. I from the text, "Am I My Brother's ors. Stripe and ;� � . 11, left this week for Toronto on a short A special meeting of L. 0. L. No. 145 Rev. Dr. Donald MacGillivray, who Keeper ?" In which he pointed out the White Piques, all widths, 33C to check, �,)c and 60c per yard. � 11 , , I I ; visit to relatives there. will be held in the orange Hall on has been in China for the last thirty growth of the Idea of brotherhood. Every . 1�, �.. , man, almost, was In some Way linked , I !'! 11�,��111 I., IMonday, June 17th. All members are years in the Interests of Presbyterian 6&: per yard. Women's Fibre Silk Boot Hose . . !, up with some Or6tw"tion, Union or t -, . Pte. Ralf. Cox visited his parents, requested to be present. mission work, is now in Canada on I , 0_ r4r. and Mrs. Cox. of the Maitland lodge or Society, which had as its basis i i block the latter" part of last vveek, re- The next ineeting for the members furlough, arriving in time to attend the idea of brotherhood. The brother. White Gaberdines, for Suits and Special value i,i women's Fibre �� '; 11 turning to Toronto on Monday. ,if tile United Patriotic Society will the General Assembly ineeting in Lon- hood idea was back of all self-sacrifice, - silk Boot Hose. Radium qu , I I �­ A very pleasant family picnic. was be held at the home of Mrs. Robt. don. Rev. Dr. MaeGillivray is an old back of the great wareffort. Butthe Skirts, soc t? Uoo per yard. I ality. , �� "�,� �1�1 I , held at the home or mr. Win. Patter- Mellwain, Bayfleld Rd., rich boy who went out from height of i,elf-sacrifice reached under - I Black and white. Special 50C a pair. I I... 111-7 son on Tuesday, four auto loads com- June lt)th. As this vvIll be the Iasi Knox church congregation. He the stimulus,of exceptional circum- ­. � 1-J. L meeting before the "English Fair" -a preaches In Knox church, Goderich, stances. was perhaps easier than the White Repp, for suits, skirts and ;" �':. � fnS from Galt to enjoy ill � pleasures. good attendane,e is requested. on'Sunday, June 23rd. daijy round of sacrifice and service to children's wear, 25: to 65c per yard. , Special Values In Whitewaar � ,�%,, '' ', ' . M�. and ,%irs. Brown, or Molesworth, All finished garments and socks are Last Friday evening the lecture room our fellows. called for, for instance, in I 11 accompanied by several members Of wanted before June l8th. of Knox church was filled with an ap- setting up with a sick brother. . � Women's Nightgown, inade of . P." -�� ' . ' I ' - �11 1, I their family, spent last Monday at the Don't forget the registration oil Sat- preciattve audience on the occasion of The music fqr this service was vM good quality nainsook, neatIV trimmed, 1. , �",-�:.� I home of Mrs. William Paterson at urday, June '22nd. Everyone over t6 the annual entertainment of the Mae- ,good. It Included the two anthems, Women's Silk Taffeta SkIptl Special at $1.00, $1.25, ,_,:', � I Walkerburn. inust register. Registration booths Gillivrav Missioilk Band. A long, varied "Grant Us Thv Peace" and "I Am Alpha I - � . $1.50 and .k �,�,. I I . I ­ - $2.00 each.- . � . � � -11 �� I �, Mr. Roy Roberston, who spent tile -,vill be open from 7 a. m. to 10 p. in. and interesting program was given by and Omega," In the former of which ...- � ­ .�L I 1, . !, i .. ,. past two years visiting his parents on at Taylor.;' Corner schoolhouse, in the youthful members of the Band, solo parts were taken byMiss McColl Two specials in women's rich Women's White ULiderskirts, neat. I , the Base Line, returned to Winnipeg charge of Thos. Johnston, I)eputy which reflected great credit not onty on and Miss Lyttle, the two voices blend. Taffeta Skirts. . . . �� I !'' � , this week, having to report there for Registrar : S. S, No. I, H. L. Salkel,l. themselves but also on their Inde- Ing beautifully too in a duet part. Mr. ly trimmed with embroidery and lace, ;, ,",", , , 11!� - � military duty. F)Ppuly Registrar, an.s Union School, fatigable president, Miss Wiggins, and Thomson also had solo parts in both at $i.ou, U -So. $2.00 to $A-75 each. � The Rev. Mr. Deacon anti .%lrP,, Dea- .Miss MacEwan, Deputy llegistrar, her able as%istants. Mra. Dunlop and anthems, which Were well taken. A No. I. Colored stripes in browu ,:�. �,� con were guests of ETte Misses Blairs Miss Nairu. The proceeds amounted male quartette (unaccompanied) by Women's Corset Covers, all sizes, 1-4.1, Will Fdwartis is a bit,;,,, nian this and taupe. Very .stylish. Patch ,.",-. , ,.y I - In addition to the new barn forward with pleasure to a visit in the Thomson, was very much appreciated. vockets. Gathered waistband. Spec- I - the latter part of last week. Mr. suninipr. to about 040. The Band are looking Messrs. Taylor, Saunderia, Sexamith and lace and embroidered trittimed. Spec- r I Deacon offlelated tit t,,ie servicols in the he is building for Jarnes NicMillan, of near future from Rey. Donald Mao- The closing hymn was "Blest Be the ial value 25c to $i.35 each. . Methodist church last Sunday evening. the Mh enneession, he is building a j,_-; i., f Qv. v..i 111111 IF 1. ml .2- � 1. ial 18 ac �11'1, I � I IV I I �, , � I I I 11 . � .1 I 0 I � I I . I . I 11 . � I . I I I . . . I I I I I � . . . I ; . : I � � __ -- I I I . I , i , I . � . . . . . I I - � , - ,r . 1, . , I , . I I , I . I , I � I I . . . � I - . __ �� I I . . . . I 1. I ; � I I I . I I - I � I � I. , . i ': e'. -- � . . I I . , � I I . � I I . r " , � �: , :�. I . 11 . . , , ' : � r ,. I I I I I I I I I I : '. I , . I - -, -;­�Itll�;_­,_ , I * I , . I . I , . " �1' 1, -1 I 1. :11 , I - I , , , ;4 . . .., rp'.r."'., �. :% , � . 1.11--_- - �'. � 1 I i . . i � - I ,,� , , , , . : , � I . , . I , , , , �, �, . I , , � , � .1 . , I I I I I . , I , . . � , , � . , . . , . , , 1� 1� . I 2 �.,! , , ,. , , . �­ . . . ,� , � . , , I I r . I , I � I - � , I � , I I -1 , , . ;, ., - , � . , " '. -, �i � - , ". ,, -,.,;: � , , 1, ", , �, , I", , I., �. - , 1, , , � %� ,�, , , �� !� ., , - , - .., , , - , , , .1 , . ,��7 1 - � , �,, %�­, I " � . ,,, �T :,": . : , ,� , ., , � ­. I � �, �� � , , . I � Next Sabbath and for the next two months serxice will be held at 8 barn for Mi-. Jos. Jervis, on Maitland concession back of Holmesville, build- vray, o _g ; na. or w om they are named. . e aw wus. On Sunday Rev. Prof. McNeill, prin- . . - I I ,� 1, I I 1. � �.'i i ��,�, -, Special Value in WOMOR'S SUMMep I � � .1" Stind o'clock in the eveuing� ay School inF a new drh -ing stipti and remodelling St. George's church. Third Sunday ciPal of W3odstook college, occupied thepulpitat the Baptist I 1_ I No. 2. ' Women's super quality, I I'll. �­' . will be held at 7 o'clock. The Rev. tit(- Aabling (in Mr, Curzon's farin, afterTrinity, 16 Julle-11 a. ni., Holy church, and delivered two fine For ,,��­� . !, , d 1. .1 Lisle Vests `.., �Iilr. Ross has charge (if flit, services tearing down iind rebuiding it builti- Communion and sermon; 8 p. in.. sermons, his black Taffeta Skirts, made in season's "",�,��,�!,.� in the Pt -esbyterian church,' Blyth, in .L Ing for Bvrt hindsay, 0%tting a gRl- shortened Evensong and sermon. Be. ginning with this Sunday the Sunday evening Subject, Prof. McNeill spoke of the well rounded character, taking "ext, '!­ I �'_',; , ,, most popular style. Special value, ShOtt .sleeves or sleeveless. Fiue �� the forenoon during triat tinie. vaniz,A ro.if im all Robert Thonipson's B,,bool will meet in two sections -the for his t -nil now abide a h "A til f it , ��'!,� � 1�1 I $7.95 each. qtiality lisle, each. �� 1. �., I :_�q The counly fathers are in -sossion a hllil(li"�!`, "t"" 1'"all, Putting 9-a I - CouncilliV- primary depaxtment (children under 9 hiom love, these three. but the great- .35C . * `4iV' "�, , � , this week. It is time for it to take I 1, e, ,steps to prevent furious , 1, iNing over laniz,,l roof (in Vander- hurg's barn at Porter's Hill, building for Del. 6ardiner years, of age) at 10 a. in., the main school (children 9 years an(fover) at est Of these is love." We were in the babit of looking to "'V � I ,. i ; Varandah Mats and Matting in Great Variety. 4 � the bridge here. On me 2ith a partN- a ne"N' granary (11) . 3 His Lordship the Bishop will ' P* m' the Greek for beauty in art and �; oil the bridge, who knew. the long6 the Gul line, vvhich is to 1w lixivil with (D. V.) administer the Apostolic rite of architecture and literature and wh en ,� � � ! � of it, found that it was crossed at a '*feel, and shingling�. Win. S(,\\orh�', Confirmation in St. George's church on the source of this beauty was. sought 1� . . mmm� t o . rate over thirty miles an h ur. barn (in the 3rd i -miev,,sion. Tuesday, June 18th, at 8 p. in. Im_ it was discovered to be in the sym. i . Rather a serious accident tic.curred .. In the village last Monday. Mr. Al- . -_ - , - , 1. Dennitiller Red Cross .Society inediately befQre the Confirmation service the Bishop will dedicate the metry, the proportion, the well-rounded lines that were features of Grecian 'Phone "i SCOTCH STORE - -_ �_,� 5i MILLAR14111- Thone 56 bert Campbell hail been down to the The Benmillor Rt -(j Cross Society window erected by Mr. and Mrs. W. L, sculpture and buildlug. So in charso. ci ::� choppIng mill. When he came to Mr. held its nionthly meeting in the ,I,tqn- Eliot in memory of their son Lieut. terit was the well rounded liff" I th. i dnwnnw� . �t` DenstedVs shop be left his team stand- peranre Hall May 8th. Leo. Eliot. . must be considered really beautiful, ly piirrh,i­,i rr,-w \fr \rthur Town Ing 16ose.' They startol. Mr. Canip- Work handed in : -',ocks, W pairs : A very pleasing service . was the each part of the individual equally I I .- . . - __..____ . - - , � --- - _. --- - - _ ... , -_ bell got into ttie wagoin I t as un " , 1�11.11t,11�'s I" pyjania suit,� J3 ; trench shirts, 1). children's flower service 14st Sunday developed. In defining the characterestics of an able to get the lines. Nit*. two - 3�i4l`them. Value, 15150. afternoon in St. George's church, cvenl y- developed character the Grecian tile Ni.,Itors fruni 1wiroil this week. 1 20,000 lbs. of wool wtintoil, 111P . ........ h'k. T,d,.,. ilk li­krl� I, Do.� I � ": " , , girls wgre in the buggy ahead The folli)%ving latlies are 14i, be thank- The children all brought bouquets to philosophers, down wisdom, .NJJss ('.race Rhynas is home frou , prices p I aid. A. .3. i; iiiPER, 11j,1111,1,;,", ... .,, 11.1i t-11 h"ll't 1111" 01. - \;.It ­ The team came up to thern before e4i for knitting : the church to be sent to the ,sick and put courage, tempera lace, justice, all very Toronto, \Nlivro she has heon flngagell !.St. I Ilwill they could get out or me way. Both Nirs. E, Gowl, Q pairs socks -. Mrs, shut-ins In the congregation, and at the ex,cellent .M.teristics,but when St. Ili munition works, f(ir twi, \acti.tion. � . .­ ­_ - . - i . hii4d wheels of the buggy were so F. Ecklin, 8 liairs ; Mrs. Win. \'an- appropriate time in the service marclied Paul came to name the Christian ' Mr. anti Nir,;. lienilerson and two Don't nift'Neeing All" iqll-ning linp. 1 li­f lmr,r T11 -i ill \\­(,rll -.11t.irl'i badly damaged that the hind axlp stone, C. Irdirs : Nir,, T. Clarh, 5 pairs : up to the chanciel steps while the hymn, "All graces, bediscarded these and picked daughters, Cambria Road, liwk in the cession (tralles proce.,4.sion, 11(fral ant", lit th" I'T.."11,1' (.­1,'r'1�L11 li,,1111111',11 [Jay ,drapped to the ground, the girls re- Mrs. G. Grigg, Mrs. ,Wni. oke, i pair, things bright amd beautiful" was on, tb 0 three fundamental virtures, (,reylinund trip to Detroit thito: week. and bicycles and calithumplanto in : i'l. I'lall"ti, .1,11N i'l. ..\If r,.i-i� 1 --ad - celUng but�-sllght injury- _ n.- �,avh,!"\Irs. G. van,tiine, Mrs. Jas. Nlit- ., being �ung, and presented their flowers, in large faith, hope, love. - Geo. Luxton daughter, of � t'. Goderlch ,July IsI, 11 \,Ill be ,,, July - ,( ........ � "' " ....... *""" "'"'"n,q 'i""'" ", , . ___ - rhell, Mrs M.*.Mugfor(l, Mrs. Jas. Long, Mrs. J. McGlure, N4_ Gwoil, 3 pairs which were placed a cross of wire and trk a large basket appropriate- Faith, a firm belief, was like the Mrs. and Detroitt, cano- tip per Sir. Greyhound I � spectacle. Come' tit (i6dorich to spen�l I ,t. i TIPPER"Y .Nfls� Pach : Nlr-,. 6. A_ Bean, Mrs. A. Allon, IY covered for the purpose. The foujadatton of the mod&n sky -scraper Monday to) \isit their rviativi-s in town. the whole (lay. I - - --- -_ I A. J. -and .Miss Linda Gantelon spent . Mrs. Wni. 1.',trau&,ha-n, Mrs. Banes, Mrs. children advancing to the chancel steps lovely which went down to bed -rock, and gave solidity and depth -to the character, Mrs. Bartellp, fiornierly Miss Aystoin - - -.- IF' [hirn, and Scaldii-lo- ii­,,,,js- n it mik I l..'.1111, Miller's Worin Pov\,I.,rA \\Ill , ­-ftw I'll \kill take th,, Ili.* ,,,it ,,r the week-erid with friends in HulletL C. Fisher, Nfrs. E. Walters, Mrs. A. ' and presenting the' bouquets Rev. like the roots of the Oak which kept Docherty, of lietroit, is vi,ilting fit the e a XVel wornis from tht- sysLorn, but wfil t,11111 ,.[, 'edid inorp r.i1wily ii, tit anY atriotic Society Kirkpatrick, Mi -s. .1. J. .Xloorc, 2 pair, Mad,e a very pretty sigbt. Mr. it from Ing th 0 be 0 sport f the winds, residence of Mr. anti Mi-, W. T. Mur - ,,,(Iuee hellithrul conditions t)f till, sv. -,tll, I 1-1­J,,,iati-,n. it ,11"111d at ' be I I is intending to hold a big garden party each , .Mrs. J. R. Long, Mrs. S. Allin, Clarke spoke to the children from a and &ucho-1 4#- If- � A _A ney. . , fern, under wu- - ltlin�l tit ,-%, . , � , i, . I soon. Mrs. J. W. C.Ieolhill, '\,Iiss Irene L,ing text from the segond chapter of the . . amid I he --.TTrs ran no ,on f,r I v i r on �o in,it it inay P earb' songof Solomon, "The winteris past; present conditions on the world Mr. Mrs. fiert Ilariand anti daughter, thrive. Wornis k6p a child In a con- - 11., '�.itlabh. 'it 14ily tull" 'I'll. ,. i, no Mrs. Win. Cole, wife (if the late Rev. Miss Elliott, Mrs. G. oke, I pair . McNeill did not ,,f I)etrult, are guests at ill I The foliovvinK ladies -are to be thank- the flowers appear on the earth; the see how anyone with. Betty, c tinual state of rrstiessness anti pain 10-1,1' lh,,ri r-Itim-if. Jubt ajqdy the Wm. Cole, is visiting her brothers and outfaith could see anything to come residence or Mr. anti Mrs. J. A. Robert- an(] there can be no comfort fol- the I ,ill h, Ill , 1'.1r,J) . l. ---all] an,i I,-. pain sister on the seventh. ed for sewing : time of the siliging of birds is come", out of this war. , , Mrs. Ed. Walters, 3 stilts pyjania., - and drew many lestions from the . son. little one until the sause Of suffering %%Ill 0,A, ,111�1 lit i �h,,rt tin, ,.,.,,, Mr. Jesse Gray is at pr^ent visiting Mrs. Wm. Oke., 31/2 suits : Mrs. Stra'n' flowers. Afterthe service the flowers Hope was the source of inspiration Mrs. Goo, Sharman, of Clinton, forni- be renio%ed, which (!an be easily done altooz,,t1,,,r ' his mother, Mrs. W. A. Gray, and other ghan, 3 suits , _Xlrs__Banvs .Mr_s. and enthusiasm that led men to erly (if Yorkton, Sask,, is Nisiting tit IJY the use 4 these powders, than I - ---- .- I � , _j�Lln were carried to the various ones in the -relatives'at Currie's Cro,-,,ij'ng. _ __ I—— ___ hievement. Without hope, a man -8 the re%idence of .Nlr an,l -Mrs. \N,. (;. which there Is nothing more efTpctl% e. � The Star lo Jan. W. 1919, for 7'. cl'. Feagan. % suit each : Mrs. .1. W. dongregittio w-Wii-r6 AMIC obri-Abut-Ifi- Messrs. Bell and Johnston, hay press Gledhill. Mrs. Mugford, 3 treneh shirt, and a large basket of flowers was sent 'har"Wr might be compared to the PXidha,"1. ____­_____ ­__ __ -----. -_ ___ _ - _ _ men, and G. A, Coopor anti son ex- each : Miss"lil. 600d, 2 trench , prairie, without a mountain. Some Itev. .1. it. Osterhout returne(I front . shirts : to the hospital. men v6ent on in the even tenor of changed teams while in this neighbor- Miss 1). Grigg, I trench shirt. i On Sunday morning last over fifty their way. You could always de- Walherville (tit Wedntwlay i-NeninK, An Engfish Poet on Canada and War hood. mbers of Court Goiderich, No. 32, C. Pend on them. You knew exactly where he ,Aas atti,ndi-ig the. London Mr. and Mrs.' Lorne Cantelon and Meet me in Go(Jerieli, Ifur,,n's I iolden I 0-.eF., were in attendance at the annual where they stood, and they were very Conferenve. , z, ��p�,'� I � ­ . I - " " , �� �11 I family motored up front Toronto on Gate, July Ist. . . church service of the Order, at Knox excellent people. But the prairie some- Mrq. Harry Macdonald and children. I" I # � *41 ,,, . , I Monda.y to visit the fornier's father, times grew monotonous, an4 it took of hetroit, were visitors tit Ow hoind - r.,�4�.*" ,.; � , - ­ , ��, U �� ... Mr. Albert Cantelon. I 4r hoPe and enthusiasm to lift a man of Nir, E. T. Watson, Waterloo Str,-et, I" .;�, vr� " . . I I Mr. Jesse Gray was a Goderich hos- above the commonj9vel. It was nothing the past week. .... I "I � pital visitor this week, having gone Dramafic Ocean Greeting but their great hope tb&t made the Dr. Nicholson anti [11-i (laughter, Miss I 1up to visit his old friend an(] neighbor, - . SeellaillglY impossible, possible torour Nirliols(in, or Clevelanit, 1-111" up "n , dl�,, 14p. Robert Higgins, of Ashflpld, who soldiers; hope was the source of achlevb. the Steamer Greyhoun(l and ha%r hoen underwent an operation there for ap- � ment. T1144 -ting 0141 friends ill timn pendicitis. He found Mr. Higgins ini- HOUGH a me" And last was the greatest virtue, the Nfrt�. 13worge Nla(-Vivar '11111 littil. ,mu, proving nicely. land lubber the virtue of love. This was the source of . Teall of the we all Our hospitals, our Red Cross, our .kJ4L(-k., have roturned hijow after a i%Nii ( Intended for Iasi week ) was too strong for M asYlu-s. etc., amd the source of all Nve.-I,�' ,61sit with the bi,,IY's 1parvnts, � Mr. IL H. Cantelon met vvith a slight W. H. Boswell, of the ,.:... � � ".W. Movements for the betterment of man. Nir anti Mrs. Dit�trwh, 4 Floratlal--. accident which might have proved Paawnger Dept, C. '04 -i -I . . . . . 1: kind. And when the apostle was trying .\It-- Carrie has r0tinwil froin 'r,,r- seriovs. P. R., Charing Cross. Q 11, "I'm to describe God, all he could may was onto, \\Iiore she has bevn atten,linm I - � , __.�'1W..__,­1- �� "God is- love. - National Comvillifin or th'. I 41 il F, I Mr. Robert Johnston is in our nelFh_ L o n d o n, England. :'�- .0 3--, 0 "I I in 1 065'.1i.� as (leloga and when he joined IM .... R__ to frorn tho, .Vinivek i , ,t,,r. �F I.. 7 borhood with his hay press, pressing � r I up the odd lots (if hay antl shipping up he decided to fol- 11 �i�. PEOPLE WE KNOW His Worship Nfa�,,r Wigl,, wa % in it away. low the footsteps of � J, -_ 11'r.rfaito last �%-­k in v-,nrwvti,-u w0l, 11 his viking ancestors. ��.:, 0 I W I � ris 1,1111,1. t i ,,. � I,r­,,i,.w .,r itw rminvii , A lot of our fRrniers art, busy stming Followed a period of , V. Mr. an(l Mr, 4; lineki--v ,irs, visiting 11111it'll'i G.1i,we .,r I'llarripary, , i, -Prli. a training at one of , "I - . I ,, �,,% -iot, . beans this -.N Tlivrf� v,ill be � 111: in 1wh , Z M, Mr an(I Mr� 'Jiarl­ hlaek-tww anil . small arreago sown this yoar after I�Ht B,itain's great naval I 'V�, Mrsi. H, C. lionleq. - G4king uf tile lit If, Sort, ,,f im'.11 �,4,1111,1, owtorvol t(I . . I— Df -tri -it excursion. t,mn Sunda� awl %pon* itit- \N­-� end year's 'failure. bases, after which he ; " I I Mrs. John Halsiva4l i, at present was posted to a .\fr,i. It. \fr(;r.-g(.r fi,i, r,-hjrn,-(I rrom �.-,ifti ow rm-rno-r's pitr.-nt., \\ "' t ,4 L. � visiting friends In anti aniund Kitc.hen- patrol boat a'n d ,_ 4�, �� her Nigif t,) Bo,,t'.n. , or. 11pr friends here hope sh(l will found his sea legs. 411 I Mr,4. Wio Nfaeffel, ,-f Hetrwt. 1� \ -it * enjoy herself and have R safe return. That patrol Miss Tena Murray, bf Detroit, is ing friewN ,ind rviali,,-, al "Ild A ... Lit I ... -- 11 L' . -- Our minister, Sp\L, \\*ill. Darling, goes proved a fit'd h"in N isiting rvlaf1\,-s in t(,\\ti 1,,\%,ri \fr and Mrs. Fr, --1 \I;i,-,I,,l an -I t - I 101.1.11, - to Walkervilli, to ati,vu,i flip Lond011 need for many of the I � Mrs. A. Snazel. ,on anif ilaoxtitor, %on. Rolwri, (it .\nn Morf­r, I Conference this wrek, so ther� will be passengers and crews t(iok In flip (;rvylioiind trip. piinio,l lif-r I -_ no service in Sharon votirch noxt Sun- sent adrift on the W. H. B09WELIU Al Mr. S. E. Hiek is hi-nie front King- Mrs I R Th,,nip-ii an -1 twr .1,11. I R. E. VERNED110 AT MENOR RJVFR. ONT day. ocean's wide expanse st(in for a fijrtnight%4 h(.1i(JRy. Lieut Nluir Thanip*(.n, iri,l -1;mArbt,-r, IX years ago an English writer, R. E. Vernbole by lianie, epemL a sum -r-1 Mr. Finlay Gook, 'of tit#, ith con. of bi, the horrible Run, and when the "Calgartan" was sunk she plektd up me I)r. Humber, of Detroit, 14 \19iting .NitiritarO, ,if ..­,arf)r1h, h,s\,- I—, n \ i-il , S in uanada slid Wrote under the title of ... 1,he t,&,r L111U1 .V8 00k " ", Ashfleld, was an over Sunday visibir of her boats with ffur*lverl� One of the first to come abowd was Commander h1A brother, C if HunibPrr I Ing thi, la,ly's tnoth--y-, \lr- I \11.1 balipleOL description of Vils country, from the Old CooDiry voirt I fn this nerighb(irtion(f. Thi,; original Y XMindAll, the MATICLUIlk officer, and a hearty greeting book place between the re\\-, N --\%gat,- �,t i I .Mrs. Mae(lonvll ,ind %fr-. Fraser tirp I view, that has Yet 'Peen the light. Vorwit'de Mid marrie.1 a Canadian girt ­ I 9 was his hounp. Finlay al-io .. xp,,,�I, t,, gallant C. P. 0. S. captain and the erstwhile C. P. R_ "rouu4 the world rate \1.%itina In F)Ptriot thi� wi-ek. Rnht Niatheman, a \%0] knw,kn ,;ill,,r . had a sympathy for tbings Canadian. w,bleb fell tuto Iii apvre,ria,� -ttn­ � - - be called to military sor\fve. exper%7 which resulted in the latter loaning the former a clean collar, on .Mrs Clearitine t�4 ,4niong th" ex- %%h,i%p honw ugeil ft. I— ,:;-1,-r1, It. .irpl I criticize the New World which he found stretching bvtwoen Ati.it.:i, ard I ,% I Mr. Tfios. Colp, of tile 10th con., the understandift that It wonl4 be returimil to him, so that when in the days vor,uonists to Detroit this week \\ fp, i, no�% \%eirk1wr vi 11 ..,1l,.o,,,t,11,. � cific Although by no means Of fightilIg ItOMPerampot. he ealiste-1 r Itiv Pl,',o' move(i fnto Clinton Wit Nvpok. Mr. 'to 1*10,0 his C4114M Oak "Father what dill you do in the Great War." ke will \%,,rk- in I)e1not, \%,i� atio-iiii ft,, School Battalion of the Royal leusifilirs on the outbrrak of iliv - i r K&I-In X Cole Is a long time rosi(lonf lwro anti point with pride to the glans encaned collar an4 say, "Son. tk*t WEB my Collar. Mr. JAn Bptlf,w,l i� taking In flip \1�0,,r� frf,iu lwt'�,,it tlii- %%,, k a cortimission In the Rifle Brigade early in 191,,, A noirnber of P -m- ' , I intends to help all fie ean oil th, rarm 10101111 by 01lipt Ren"l, of Dr. 0rippian and 'Empress of Imiand' fare*. llreyhoun(l excur-vm f,, Detroit %fr arpl Nfr� .1,.hn If Milk. \k...t hi e altractod much attention In the columns of The -IAindov Ttv)es- ii� I His son-in-law has hail the farrn since' ' I , I bellied save frovial a viategy gmv* w1aft tM VWXuUz- Went down. Ilk Mis., NorIna J,,hnsbin j� \iqitlng hor I ol8hepr 'I'mt4leation ne of whiell. entitled "'To Canada.- %aii �N,ly Ql­�ol , ,K&V* Mlii., - r uncle, S .\, J,lhri�l,)n, af '-�arnla \VA%% anf)-h. ann,,ijnr,- 11w - riviox. nwill I on thiR side* . - - _ ____ - -.- "f 0ii-ir ofaiwhi(q% \hhi-1 1,01i.m. Is, I '-Canada, nada. is not illy facie Mott (Sir? - The \Jt-- \11il,jr, 11"I \11- "n Artn'-ur ,_t'111,411 \1 '11111101-1-M ,It Ji"IrTINI-�1,1,1, I . . I . - - \. . 11 .. .. 11111111111111=� .9 L"I"I !;:," F --� ��1!11 1111� he,un,f �, r I V ,O� L --i ,M�__-,, I Where Isi he I 11 halt 90 v1stl Wbere blows a 1,iveller alr' I `,." "rfle Nafiond Smoke" . A- 1. I I . - I The ,,Bachelor" cigar enjoys the largest sale ever 0. I for *tained by a high class cigar in Canada 3 2.5 i go runs the first of stx bf-autiful rprses Woqlft a" lo I n , q N @. w Pe I ", I 0 1,�,.,) J(,yinio h1-4 three \%vek. \,w.i,t1,.?1 frotai Tmowl x ill 3 � -- , ,_P�,, 4 1, I . 11, . .No , -1 , ., i, - 13 ENI -1-0 - ------,----.----------- '' , :::::::::::::::::: IV '. � -!-,-- � h !n�����������:: ANDREW WILSCR41.0 Plomott. Y��- , L4 Ml,;seq Finreneo an -1 Ilazvl Mrfl,�nalo , � . _ I . 1. - I __ - - M Wood In April. 191", Like Rupert Bronkp slid Alta 8"*er -1 the Tr, If - - ;, i i i , , i i ! � f r - , i i , I 1, I , � ' , ! , ' I - , �tr I , r - % . r , i i At , , I I , 1.4 k' [rl, I I I 11 1. f I 1 t I lq the a land folio know tairipp tban,theo? he,un,f 6) ,4 : t,!:� ,,,,,,,I- I ,r ii,op I Where Isi he I 11 halt 90 v1stl Wbere blows a 1,iveller alr' Mr� kti- , I -Iiitiui�!. r. \h- I � %'riat arf. to pool doing here oer Ule Sea? .1 ,r� 111.4111111, ,fr" 11k1,1L ,11 1!11 fwti,,11 Inp \fr F- li.irl,.,\ 11--itrip- �­ in t.%%m tl,.. 1._! ,�..), I(, �- .1 i -r --tit it) i go runs the first of stx bf-autiful rprses Woqlft a" lo I n , q N @. w Pe I ", I this wpok J(,yinio h1-4 three \%vek. \,w.i,t1,.?1 frotai to the trenches only to fall mortaliv wounij&d sa, aa Stas, k avrhme(-It ,,n � Ml,;seq Finreneo an -1 Ilazvl Mrfl,�nalo , hiN (Intie. in the poiAt Wn,­ i Uor,,nl " - Wood In April. 191", Like Rupert Bronkp slid Alta 8"*er -1 the Tr, If 44 10,�fr,�il. \%, r. \ i -it, r, 1,, -, .,I,rich anti lit tal,ina irl tho (,,- , ti­ind t -,i � Canadian Post Bernard Freeman Trotter, ft. F1 Voriabdo rearhe�l hb Mm"eAl this week rur,00n to Detroit pow1pre of expression onder the 19tonqe Mellen of -rbe Orent Advexivre ' Mrs Maedel t(o(,k the opportunity 4 \fr- Walter C Fl,h. ,,f H., lw-trr, i and his verses were Pagerly.rtla4 hy lo%er* of do* ~ry Rtimead Om-% the Oreyhound oxcitrs4ion to v1q1t her N-% li4irk. awl Mrs (biN \\,,,1?moot,-n I the grmat Rnallsh crifir. v0hlotPore I it, 0 collection of the- "ile I ' rrien(i- firro Ellf. anti Pwr ,faitahtrr � ,. f lo-tr#,it. \hO,iAt.in, r,., ih, tpn � Pom'"." a Canadian edition of which has teen 1101011044 AL Tamto, -rh I contain some -truly In-ppired lines, .\fr anil �Ir­ h­� ,harnian "Pre or-, ww.tm rwit notal)ly tile Opening Ramestion W I pagsena,,r- on tli� 1;r,-%1mun,l thip 'I'll' "t \Ii -4 11to,11 w-1 Mr I in I'-" � wife;- wo,,k frorn belr(of . klitch-11. ,,f i,rllmr ,-;tr,-t "What 4hall 1 bring to voil, WMe at a" Mrs #;,,IP anil \fr- (. \% Nwing and \1r- li(,ht MeL,-sA and 1�%­ - ho -Irl I Whon I eorrip back from the "W1 0 A rihl)on Mir dPar brown hilir hab,. of A'alkorNIlle, art, %igltina Mrq \fr- ';,­ lir, ptw% .infl ,1.m.l� " , H-,"- fr,-rii �,in.h, to te,106f A nhawl from a Porlin sto"? wtn Ynuna, Park 14t. " reA Is,fr­f 1.i-1 I,. vimil f1wir r,-hti\,.., th.. Nl,-,Y- \\it, and Say ;-hall I chriomo votl Souls piti,filslan lia 4� \Irq Fdw1n Briown, (if (1ilrag". 'ii Joe flr,ipfi,,s,. 1,.%,n Ti, i0l.r h%,, W!lan 'he [ThIang we O'Orwhow I ,." a %i,zit In her rnothor, Mr; ( :apt ws�nt ,,n t,, kiri,�ir,firt, ihi� %%,--,k to � Shall I bring yon,.K.Potsdam KabW Raxter, LighthouKt, SI \ W I r,,14U%­ M,t, I And the crest m a Prince$ to . \tr4 Walter �zharman an(I q,)n an,l daujrhl,�r haio, b�vn anmniz our Ji, \\., -r, v1vl t-, \�ol,-olu, I,, 1,.wri Mr . ) I lJttle ynvi'd ear* wbat I laid at your ftet. ft -,.if \imit(ir,4 in I -own thiq w-4 awl %fr- V,-,1. fr.,gn -1qr1i lh- pirprit- , . Ribbon or er6st or shawl - \1 r 9 ,4 rn i i o I ( . i i rr a n n f I I , , \% o I I %I i r I i . ,,f \fr .1 t F,11. ­ir 1, lmhr phott, w r # I - ? i , r %% ti - It i \ - it, , - , - , I i n I , , I h r i r Iftat ft I bring you nolkin I I 8. 0 *Ott, . . fp%,. -vu lijici hl" , Nor maybe 4nmo haino at fill? _ . %1,,-nt a (in "epk %%ilii Owr. \lr- '%;,"gati- 141 fmry,#� t,rr 1h.- 4- .rn� r ,if Trifalgar St k I . ill I Ah, but you'll know, Brave ffv3pf. yontil kbov *.IN ill" Webst.-r. tan,l I irnbt i i B­a,l. ,%ht, It they reepe I TWO things I'll have kept to studg, , I \fr aril klr� 1) .1 Np%ill,, and hi� ly piirrh,i­,i rr,-w \fr \rthur Town �. I Utse ballour tnr wbfeh you bado *i6 -#p rw0wr an,l t%\,, ,i4tur, ,.%,-re inmnu -twild V,�__ .,--. ,_ A,g 4 W I c \ c - ,_ y ! � , OL J,ji tr. Q t4,V, J � . , I . I I . I � ( � � I . -1 - I I L I , . I . I t I , , . . I I 1.) � 1, I , I � . . I . f , � _�� ��� i . �, . I . - I � _ � I I . I - --' - . - - 1. "' I . " Aw"Jau- I- �­ - , "'-1 -­­.­.., .,,i.",�"".]�r-,�.,-,."","�",,,,.:�.'r�,.""-�,,.�,�--�l�--'f,�L,,,,,-,,�,,Ld.�116"1"�l,,-,'�,�,�,,�,...I�L..'�4�,� . � ...... �­,­­,,l ­', I it � Z1. �:­ I 11.1- -1' r""�'ll"�'llI.I..�.1.141-1��, . . - .1 . - I �.� . . . . . . . . . . . . '­ ' - - L �' - - I ,� . , � J d&"h&., _'� - t�;� � " __-� , , �),L�_"�.,'il� . '� '. maw, I � La -.1 �, . 'L - lil